: 111 1 " ' - 7 ; ; 77: 7n I- 7 -; ri : !': . - 7 i ' . : V' : --r;-- 1 yOUr" ; : - ; ' " GREENSBORO, N. C, JUtTSTE 20, 1888. ' T'Z?2. ;i g !fhe Opening of ilr Campaign. '. j f jCl campaign is now aboucopen-' mK Politics are running high. 'Notwlthstainliiig this, prices arc t he reverse. They are now lower jit-G.jWill. Arm field's than usnal. In. order to enable! candidates-of all parties to make a good canvass, be has reduced the prices of his irholq line of Clothing' lower than ever before; and also to enable the "people to 'go nicely dressed j up ami feel as well as any of the can didates before the election and a giyattoca! better than about two tljlnlofftliein will j feel after the rj-siill of the count j becomes fully tnowii lie how proclaims to ev erv -"lVol3J- candidates, voters, Ja iliis iml (children that they can lujv morn Shoes, Dres8 Goods, or ai(y thing he keeps - for a little rea t4 ica'sb, than , ever before. So do not fail to call in and let him prove tfjVsei facts to you before you buy. -i llclhas? reduced the prices of all his Summer Goods, Straw Hats, Clothing,1 &c, &'c, not to cost, but aiiy thing hecan get for most of tin-in- in order to clean up to make riNunlfoi a Fall stock. So remcm- lii-r I lis i'hen you want to lnv. i i ' " .1 .. , 1' I - -k- I f- l.i j I h' v ho c-onf ts ami fun away, ! Sf.ivf !ivvto court uliotlier day: I '.ii I who ourts foul will not wed. May1 iiiI linnsi'U in iurt insroau. Someisurethingsandsomein doubt It I is a sure thing that G rover ilevelajal has been nominated for President outiie Uemocratic ticket, aiul InmSther' pretty sure thing is that! lilaine has' positively refused tiiciiomination on the Republican tieket J ; j , ' j Utjis not averysure thing who Will belthe Kepublican nominee, and another uucertain tiling is, af teral the bustle bver nominations, who wijl be; elected; and another deplorable uncertainty is whether the candidate elected will, in ma ny respects, please the party that places him in power. Ihitf a: sure, certain and fixed fact is, that G. Will. Armfield has ore ofitlio largest stocks of Cloth iur.! Shoes. Hats'. Dry Goods, Car pots, iVid., -in- the State, and not 1 w4thstanding this is campaign year aijdjpeoplo have no great surplus of; money, he intends to do his usn al: amount of business if prices are any inducement to buyers. You wiil sco by a list of prices of goods in this column, - that he means bu siness; -so call and see him before buy. Tho hiffhost nvonlod hatloon ascent ..! whs hy (ilaislicr and Coxwell from Wol- : vif h;uniton, England, on Soptcinl)er 5, Thoy .rose to the height of seven . hhK-s, ' : 1 ; ; If yon want to buy goods cheap, -for, less than value, now is your time. Just go to G. Will. Arm field's and you will liud the follow ng goods so low that you will be . almost 'compelled to buy them. Hero are some of the goods to be sold so low, which wo think below racket store prices: . UK) prs. Holland Shades, inouut ei oh rollers, at 2oc; former price SO; to GOc; 200 prs. Ladies', Men's, Hoys and Children's low quarter Shoes for any thing near cost. These goods will be closed out at some price, r A large lot of straw Hats cheap ex than ever before. j A large lot of Seersucker Coats andyests, just fight for hot wea- Jlier, at cost and less. h'JAlarce line of Ladies' Summer 0 loves, to be closed at less than j cost; ' - , Ajbig line of Ladies Silk Mits, t fit 2o per cent! less than cost. ! Ariaigo Jiue of Men's Hats, in wading two or three lines of drum .'raerV samplesj that will bo closed for 2.) per cent. Jess than N. York j cost. ' ; r,x "Don't foVcrnt the elothinf. You CHEAP GOODS j can buy a suit for less than cost- Ie closed foT 15. iln .ind see for yourselves; you will be convinced. 'l 'hVe-'Have vou ever. met the pris !:""'t at the bar?" r V1 Vitnoss "()h I yes, your honor; that J ywir I most always met him I uuj u suit, ior less Liiaii cost- i siruiigcau .w.... -:- ! A lot of $20 black Diagonals willAriamphrei, of Goldsboro, one of DAILY PATRIOT. QUEENSBORO, X. O.: WEDNESDAV, JfJNE 20, 1S8S. TllE event of this -'week i 1 iN IJI til Carolina will bb the Davidson Col lege Commencements Major L. C. LathamJ of the first district, declines a rcnomina lion for his present seat gress. in Con-: There are now nearly three hun dred indictments asainst parties in Dnrham county for Tailnre-to! lisf poll taxes as required by iaw." . j ' V ' 1 " J PEACE.Commeree and honest friendship with all nations entang ling alliance wjth none, aije afew of the principle of Democracy. - TllE pcoplugeherally recoguize the fact that the light this' year is bo tween j;he Democrats unil publicans and iunone oth apply." th o Uo ers i;eel A recent ollicial HtaT'etiui lit sbowsi that there are nianv vouthful -of fenders in our statu priso al of whom are under yeais of age. ' ' i i, sever fourteen It is expected that thq line of 1 i extention ofr the Wilmington j ' and Weldon road, or rather the . t - i Coast Line from Fayettovillc to Plainview will be let to! contract iu the next thirty days. "The waving of red a:ulauiia has angered ;Foraker, the little red bloody' shirt steer, ' of Ghio." Of course, it will infuriate 'nd enrage almost any kind of an am mal. J "TnE Repnblicansin frankly say- that the this Stact dacinrr of Tliurnian on the national ticket has in North added to its strength Carolina." An honest is good for the soul. eonftiKsir.n The young rams'. Democratio club of -New Derne, i eceiitly or ganized, gave Judge Fowle a grand reception as 'ho reached that city yosterday on his way to the Teach ers Assembh'.- It is a mistaken idea to suppose for a moment that Dockcry is waiting to see how tho ''cat jumps77 at Chicago to 'determine, his action in regard t6 tho uomiuation for Governor on the Republican ticket. Hois waitinsr for the nominee to tap that bar'l. . There are fictitious for the com mutitions o( the death 'sentence of William A.: Potts, of Beaufort county, the murderer. The peb pie of the Aurora sectiou, where ho killed Paul Linckej have filled counter petitions against any com mutation. AH hope ;for Execu tions cleraeucy in Potts favor seems to be languishing. Mr. JohnS. Wise iisj reported by tho Washington correspondent of the Alexandria Gazette as . saying that Mahone is 4ailead cock in the pit and that unless the Repnbli cans at Chicago shall recognize that fact and disencumber the par ty of Mahone's dead weight, ho (Wise) wiil make common cause with. the democrats against him.7 There i victory ahead for the Democrats-this yearjif they will organize and work tor it. Tho Re publicans qre losing jsomo of their ; Colonel Lot V. the brainiest Repuuncans m me State," will this year, it is stated, without attempt at concralmeut, support and work 'fur the Demo cratic naftv. r ; LATEST -NEWS... V TELEGRAPH. LATEST from; the CGLEDH ATION. 1- ! ISpccial to tha Patriot, ' f J Mt. Airy, N. C, June 20, 3 p. m Tho Railroad celebration here to- 4 day is now at high tide, and the crowd is variously estimated at from S to 10,000 strong. People are hero from, every section of the State, rejoicing over the comple tion of the Railroad to this place as a grand triumph of Koith Caroli na money andNorthCafolina brains. All hail to the name of Jnlids. A. Grav! and his co workers. ; ' The procession was formed iar 1 oTcl ock ,cou si s ti n g of tradu d i s play s, mounted men, &c. The cavalry is simply 1 immense, and tho wildest enthusiasm prevails. The grand stand is the centre of attraction, having JUeeu jhandsomely decoi ated for tho occasion, upon which is Heated 'several jot tho State .8 most prominent citizens. Revl B.j R. LI a 11 opened the exercises with prayer,j while the speakersjire be ing intpodnced byfr. Frank Car ter, a rfising ivonug lawyer of this place . Gov.f Scales, J. ;H. Currie, of Wiliuiugtbn, Judge Gilmer, and Joyce,) of tokes, have spoteen. Gol. U addell and Hon. L. F.Uald Well will follow. I'lKlsT DAY AT C-I1IC4CO. .1 MalioiiLf and Wise furnish the Circus. pi , nuiiston Temporary Chtirmaii. Mi r- ? " -. - Chicago, Juno 19. Tho conven tion has met with tho usual for-nialitiijs-j The hall is a picture to delight the artistic eye. The crowd is immense, the confusion. not. more than necessary but the prelimi'na- t nes very uninteresting, except lor the adjuncts and surroundings md for the cnthusiasur; ' which makes the most stupendous lot of people I-havd ever seen. The sunrise ibis momingjhas not cleared away the mists hat svrrennded the question of cau liidacv last nisrht. The Blaine feeling has intensified itself or been intensified, Ibut ;.iobody shows the authority to use the name of tho x:ie m have ' him it asset tin; who. could beyond doubt ithe nomination fixed upon he would give even forced o the use of his name. Tlg assum ntion manacrars. of the con- - t , c - . veution have organized a system of delaying in the hope of weasing out the enthusiasm for Blaine. It is said that the first ballot on can did,acy cannot be taken before Thursday night, if then.- ' false! poligy and real . j SENTIMENT. " v The question is whether a false policywill conquer a real sentiment. It is significant just now that eve ry allusion to Blaine by tho chap lain, secretary and temporary chair man of the convention ,'wa receiv ed with the only spontaneous ap plaus that marked the proceed ings. ," ! !' : - : - I ;: opinions. 1 Everybody has-an opiuiou this mormucr. I cau only give you mine. New York; will be for Depew but itoranorarily, yet if the suggestion (should live, Harrison will be the Lnoniinec fo: Vice President. In the empire State IPlatt and Miller are not entirely agreed, therefore the New York influence will be less potent than formerly. ' jj ; ; SHERMAN. Further- investigation has con firmed iny conviction that Sherman, while a factor in the situation.need not be .'considered as even a proba Ible uominee. It is even said this morning that General Mahone's friends here are declaring their wil linguess te give their support to so'meother candidate But a move of that nature at this lato hour would simply lose to Mahone Suer man j friendship without pleasing anybody else. AJKsouiis growing this morning, bat his caucus has no brass bauds, and (lis success is contingent on combinations springing from the real or assumed friendship of the Bai iu element. Very shrewd peo plo say here this morning that.ei-, ther Blaine or Allison will be the nominee.! If a Western man is ta ken for tho place Ilawley or Wal ter Phelps will have the secqnd place J i & J M, Thurstorf. of Nebraska, has been made temporary chairman A Warning to Railroad Authorities. St. Paul, Minn., Jnue lO -Iu the supreme court yesterday a decision was filed in tho cascbf red Ilar- deuburg against the Sti Paul, Miu. neapolis and j Manitoba railroad company. Hardenburg sometime ago boarded a train at Minneapolis to go to WayzataJ All tho seats on the train wefo I occupied and Hardenburg refused to pay his fare unless provided With !a; seat. y The conductor stopped' the train land forcibly ejected Hardenburg at a point five miles from' the nearest regular station. The supremo court holds that plaintifT. liad a right to refuse to pay bis j fare land fhat he did not thereby Decoirio a trespas er on thotrain for a passenger is entitled to a seat j also that even when a railroad company has the ricrht to eiect a rjasseiisrGrfrom liia train it must be done at a regular siaiiou. Arrested for Insultlnjr Indies. New York, Juno 19i j Fred May, the well known man about town. was arrested last night ing ladies on the street. for insnlt- Statesville's Public Iluilding-J . Washington, jJu no 19. The House has just passed Mr. Henderson's bill annroDriatiuff S75.000 for a nn 111 ir ln!llinrr -it-' .QotootrillA "W ;n -. 4 in'-.- 1-H : I : President Cleveland to be Notified. ! Wabhingtou, June 19 Chair- mau Patrick Collins has cal ed a meetinc of the committeee to noti fiy Presideet Cleveland of his nomi naion for Tuesday thel2Gth instant, Thir'y Llres I.ostL 1 Bradford, Pa., June iflij-lt Ported. that thirty lives were s re. lost in the fire at Duboisej ; Pa., yester day atternoou. 4d opted by the Oeiuocratic Slate Convention at Ra leigh, May 30, 1SS8. We again congratulate nl of North (3arolinn ion the peo con the tinued eniovmerit of peace; I good government and geueral prosperity under the Democraticl adbiiuistra tion ot the- affairs! of tlie State, wnicu uas now ueeu uno so many 3 ears; upoi the impartial enforcement, of oku for jus and the law; unon the increasing !efneienevr (t our common school system, and the nrosrress made in popular educa tion; upon tho improvement I., , - I T -i-. I ! . I and enterprise manilested 111 jail j of th State.! We affahi chal rarts enge a comparison between jthis state ot things and the outrages, crimes ami scandals which attended RejUibli can ascendancy in bur ji borders. nr 1 ' i LI. .... Lv.. A..- we pieogo ourseivt tu -Aff"l " the future as in the past our best efl'orts to promote; the best inter ests of the people! of all sections of tlu) State. Atlirming our adhe rence to Democratic! principles as heretofore enunciated in the plat forms of tho party, it is hereby Resolved, i That no gbyernment has the right to burden 'Its people with taxes beyond the amount fl5 quired to pay its necessjiry exnen ses and gradually extjiiiguish ! (its public debt; I and that wheuever the revenues, however derived, exceed this amount, they should lie re ducedr so as to avoid ja surplus in the treasury. Thatauyj system of taxation which necessitates the pay ment of a premium bf $270 by the government on feich $1,000 of its bonds, taken up with the, millions that would otherwise lie idle; in its vaults and paid to bondholders who purchase, in rnauy instances, at less than par,ls undemocratio, oppres sive and iniquitous, anil! should bo resisted. The course of our; Dem ocratic representatives in Congress, iu their efforts to give jfelief to the people from burdensonOjO internal revenue and tariff taxation, meets with the approval :of the Demo era tie party of this State, and we respect fully recommend that if they finer it impnssiblO to give to our people all therelut demancica, iney support-any just ni:i.nri nrOKiMiled i and practical 1 Congress that wilt aflbrd iiraef in d Jelief from such exisung" burdenv !" . (- ; p 1 ltesolvedThat while the derails of the methods bfwiiico the con stitutional revenue tariff shall be crraduallv reached1 are subjects which the representatives of our peopleitf the national capital must uo irusiea to, aitjust,qwe think the customs duties"shouhI be leiedfor the production of public revenue, and the discriminations in their ad justment should bo such as will place the highest rates on luxuries and the lowest on tho necessaries of life, distribute as equally as pos 8ible tho unavoidable burdens of taxation, and confer the greatest good on tho greatest number. Eesolved, That we, as "heretofore, favor, and will never cease to de mand, the unconditional abolTtion of tho whole internal revenue sys tem, as a war tax, not to bo justi fied in times of peace; as a griev ous burden to our people and a source of annoyance in its practi cal operations. We call tho atten tion of the people of the State to the hypocritical pretensions of the Republican party in their plat forms, that they are in favor of tho repeal of this onerous, system of taxation, enacted by their party, white the Republicans in Congress are - faxing their energies to ob struct all legislation inaugurated by jhe representatives of tho Dem ocratic party to relieve the people of, all or a part of this odious sys tem. ; Resolved, That the course of the Democratic party, in furtherance of popular education, is a sufficient guaranty that we favor the educa tion of the people, and wo will pro mote and improve the present edu cational advantage's so far as it can be done without burdening the people by excessive taxation. Resolved, That to meet an exist ing evil,; we-will accept, for educa tional purposes, from tho Federal government, our pro ratii share of the surplus iiMts treasury; Provi ded, that it be 'disbursed through State agents and the bill for the distribution be free from objVctioir able features, j Resolved, Thdt the United States being one government and ours a national! party;, wo denounce the ejfortsjor the Republicans to fojee sectioinitj issues in. Congress iinjj ersewuere, aud to promote dissen siou and ill will betueen the neo pie of the different sections of our common couutrv. Resolved. That it is due to the people of our eastern .-.comities, who have so cheerfully borne tliHr share o(onr common bnnlens, that the present or some equal l.v effect ive system of county governaieiit shall be maintained. Itesoled, That the Democratic party is opposed to auy further ex tension of the 'No fene,; law, un- less such extension shall have firstr been authorized by a majority of the territory to be affected thereby. Resolved, That the Democratic party has ever been tiie party ot tho workirigmau, aud has never fostered monopolies, nor .have "trusts" or "combinations" or "pools" ever grown up under laws enacted -by it. The contest in this country being between aggregated capital, seeking to crush out all competition, and the individual la borer, the Democratio part3r is, aa it has evr been, against the mo nopolists and in favor of a-just dis tributiou ot capital, and demands the enactment of laws that will bear equally upon all. Resolved, That as all taxation bears most heavily upon the labor er, it is tho duty of the legislator as a direct benefit to the working man, to keep the expenses of our public institutions at the lowest limit consistent with wise and ef ficient management. The Demo cratic party1 opposes any competi tion between free and convict labor, but it insists that convicts shall not remain idle at the expense ot honest labor. f Resolved, That ours being, a a agricultural State, it is our duty as well as our pleasure to promote any and all legislation that is best calculated to advance the inter sts of agriculture; and that in so-doing we will most effectually advauco the interests of mechanics, m ma facturers and laborers. Resolved, That the Democracy of North Carolina cordially a p prove the administration of the Hon. Alfred M. Scales as honest, patriotic and conservative. ResloAed. That the ability, wis dom, honesty, patriotic independ ence, faithfulness to duty and man ly courage of President Cleveland have won the administrtion of all good men, and the interests of the country demand his renomination and his re election. ; TATE BROTHERS, "Hani M Our Banners on the Outward Walls; Thii Cry.fs,1 Still The? Come: Our Castfe's StaStOTfll Laugh a Sipre to Scorn." Guaran 1 1 - - r 1 eed Excellence, Sterling lgtlijr' Standard Purity, J Stre run Weight. Fresh stock justTecoivel iiUi roW Lots for sale at bed rock prices To Tile Trade: Mhaker Kxtract of.RoiH. Mvx. iean MhstangJLfuiiuetit. Hon Hit- ters, liorslonrs Acid INiosphate, - Piercers ! Golden Medieal tisrbv ery, Pierce's'! Favorite PrlWi ip- ' tion, Pierce's Pin garivo IVIh'tn, Indian ltoot Pills A.vms Hair Vigor Ayeik j Sjtrsaparillii, Avei's i Pills.! Lirir)!: Klixir. (livrgi i v andj stnall size), (Sim j ! v. 11 otis LJver Regulator, ' j (Clock given to ewry purchaser of - "4. . . . ' 1 doi. packafres.! ItadwavV. Read fug'1 ltelif, Frey's tTtni. I1gJ Syrup. IJotattif Uldod Batm, Swift's S. S.,! Til sand all other stand ard Pills. T- 100 (J ases iJromine ArstMiio, Wa ter, at aG.OO per case to consumers. Gen nin j Buffalo Lithia Water Apolliimris 1 j ' I I'ltlnvr 11 , it (White Sulphur -Carlsbad Sprudel u ti Jlanvsiili .1 ;n 1 o.s always on ice in refrigerat or for imnu'di e use. SI'EC'IAIi QUOTATION TO rUKCUASIXO . VUTIKS 1 oz or inont Unttles Iii Ltmitn, T I Mft IWf tft.l Tincture lrn. . AftWft -,) f 'i K. L'inn.i j or). l.KL. Vanill.i. ' .Swoa iS Vmv Oilf . 'i Kyrupof Squill ro 11 1 1 ) m I. ", Syrup of Iiicnir. . A hoi i- pr'p;u:iri.nis in.ide ly um a mI gu iranttvi! f'till strength. riOO OZ f . QUI N I N IC,! o() OZ. MORPiliyR l)r nibb.4, Park Davis 1 Go'h , and oil 1 -isliK'liv .Htaudard prep.i- rations used j in ooji poti tiding pro ns :itid nrcoarioir. oilirr scriptid oflicmi medicine.". 12 Q ross Tooth Brushes (For 1 Domestic, at astonishing- eign an ly low jrices. ) .I St cilest of Sticltf Fly Paper. 500 Insect Gun f fr .sh..Mng oar hrAt oarre.l Pe.rsi.iii I nsf.:r Ip.vo:er. A li Viv PilloA if i wo awav With cv ery cakB dsatn Fir Soip. Import ul Cifstie Sipt Pure ():tv: Soap, So.ip Boxes (in Silver, I ! luloid . aml Zlouitv) P.cki t Drinking Cups (in cur. (Has Hid Silver.; kinds.) SI I iVIIIg ISriinliiM, all) 7- Tne New Pdrfiime, Kugen Ri:iian'rICCir.i:f lleiKM, Irs .Visd and ill K.!nr Til't fTefjnb 1 In Soda and 1 i um- mm mm as well as every thiug iHso a Drug I taiuiugroa strictly FirAtt'lan-s Store (WIJOLHSALK i:i I TAIL.1 we aro the Leaders Act:iof.vl:dgol Fount lin Ilea ud I. TATS BUOTfifiaS. iu uross uuewing muw Most careful attention git Pvhsujians' prescriptions. 01 i Gross Chewingium. . given id harges very reasonable. June8-tfr 1: r t . 1 1 4 i i i i ? 1 t ; i ! t i T t.' V I: n ( i - 1 i