- f LvffllT Iffi! TO ATTIB THE FMI'S '- nrffl TOimAnnw n cniiirarairan " J1-21- flTTrlVTV PSepteml.er 12-13. : j J r "It' .7 , . W ' ! t - j - w . ' m.mi V-r 1 " V 2 Iff Pffl MODS. ' f .r...t.- i.t .Sprine: Goods r l,.v..--eo" t-xhaust-s .urn o t!it.it is impossi-JU-rsto get what they ...i.Iftll- IP.II Willi clll r- i oVk of Goods, i s-?rii!iMT ana ran 1 TV .11 f-t' 1 .. art' in tun uuuac ytegosf'Ofess Goods, m f Trihtatifit' to match. iii' CK DEPARTMENT L-.tUT M:pplK't tluin ever before i .i ,!i Lin.ls :uul trices of UllSlJ trM. silk warp Henrietta Cloths, (Moths, i Flannels. Black ilks, ;.nl a full-line ot S'riiiimitis t( match. the latest s ( Th Clothing I)tiartmentis bet Miji'iil titan ever before, as I ' la-e ioM-d out ujoHt of my old Nuk. The. trade! compelled mo to til in.al.i'iul if the Reason, so I 'Lift! now in st -elv the largest and N'lrctt'tl assoitmeut of Cloth- irj: I hao over offered, and at pri lower than ever before. All I I isk ii a trial lu'foie you purchase. . - Tin? 8 hoe Iiepartment ih now 'Wt i-omplete; ami all 1 have to f-y is just rail in and you will be :tel in stli and price. HALTS "It- vmi want a Straw Hat to out the kr- ison, come in and very reasonable. laJ!l nt savat M .Wifve 'itj ami iivt tv saix-eethnl cost, for you would as that is an old tuany merchants n Bellincr on such CF 1 stifl' Hats to suit "r. Wool an in a few da vs. as fall stock is now will be filled in a ".ills" anA Vr,ai,l !jUMy the demand with 0!r. V u!Fe li:,c of Carpets, -vius; unts and Curtains. call an.l I L ! La fur rnnroal rati T tcir, i 1 ,oilfS hnsiness too loup V r- lronot ulock Hot-'Cost- ,ov1 eVl?ry one else," but ,.1' 1411,1 '"wy "thcr Buch straws; ,?M."4 and business-like. u- iILL AltM FIELD. c f"'ii4 all 'f mytiiulo :fZ ,!!.!:. -j:'- -"ly with the ,'iVk.-i stv;4 t' tnact af- ,!:: -iii f !!.1 I c mm SHOES ' i 1 -1 KEC-ARpH DEPARTMENT DAILY PATRIOT. GREENSBORO, C: THURSDAY, SEPT. C, 1888. LATEST NEWS. BY TttLEGKAlMI. A II et on PeinisjHanU'B MaJurUy.g Lancaster, Sept. 5. Jacob Hart man, of this city, who is reputed as being worth $10,000, made a wager involving $700 with the president ot the Common Council of that city that General Harrison would not have 40,000 majority in X'ennayl. vania. Hartman says he is will ing to bet his entire fortune that Cleveland wilfbe elected. Me. Blaine's "If." Mr. Blaine evidently regards trusts as what a local Democratic leader was wont to describe as a "hypothecated case." "If there bo evils connected with these trusts," ho says, "these evils cannot bo cured by Congress." Vell? that depends entirely on the way in which Uongress goes at the work. If it takes it up in the spir it of Mr. Blaine himself, it can, of course, do nothing toward restrain ing or abolishing the trusts, or to ward remedying the gross evils to which they have given rise, for tho very good reason that the will would be wanting. But if there were a will there would be a way, and a thorough and effective way, to put a strong check on Jhc worst features of the trusts, name ly those that spring from the mo nopoly giving provisions j of the tariff. This is so plain that even a confirmed protectionist and Re publican partisan like Sena tor Sherman a' man who has much more of the statesman in his composition than Mr. Blaine has concedes it, and states it with the emphasis of simplicity.' New York Times, lna. tiep. " Mnst Ieave the Brotherhwl Chicago, III , September 5. A local paper says: 'lelegrapn operntors along the line of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern rail road are in a state of anxiety over the recent order from the company to sever their connection with the order ot the Railway Telegraphers or vacate their positions. - It is re ported that the company has been making preparations to accomplish this for the past three moitns, ana has secured men to fill every vac aucy likely to occur unde the order. A member of the Brotherhood of Telegraphers said if it was true that such an order was issued the order of the railway telegraphers would have to break down, tor it was not strong, and its constitution prevented any strike. Men: would quit the uniou or leave the railway service. - i South Carolina Politics. Columbia, S. C., September 5. The Democratic State Conven tion to nominate candidates for Congress and State officers will meet in this city to-morrow. The body is composed of 3 18 delegates, divided into two factions, one be ing pledged to the nomination of the present administration, while the other branch of the . party, known as the "farmers movement" is determined, if possible, to have a new deal. The farmers, who are led by B. R. Tillman, a brother of Congressman Tillman, charge the Administration with extravagance in public expenditures, and are holding a caucus to-night to de cide upor? a candidate to oppose Governor Richardson. In the ranks of the Tillmanites are all the dissatisfied elements of the State, ex-Greenbackers and Republicans. While they do not now affiliate with the negroes, they have their cordial sympathy. Ta riff Texts. James A. Garfield, July 13, 1SG8. Unless the tariff men take heed, unless they consent to -a ra tional and considerate adjustment of the tariff such as only cau be made by the tall light that a care ful statistical study of the subject will bring, I fear from them, more than any other source, a reaction which will bring us by-and by into free trade and all its consequences of evil to the manufacturing inter esta of the country. - I desire to say that, in my judg m en t, it is not the best mode of de fending a tariff to denounce every rcan who does not pronounce the shibboleth after our fashion as an enemy of the tariff. James G. Blaine, Secretary of State, 188L The hours ot labor in the Lancashire mills are fifty six, in - -mm- m trie Massachusetts mills, sixty . per week. The hours -of labor in the mills in the other. New England k . ""foV rfe "II ally less than in Massachusetts, are usually sixty six to sixty-nine per week. Undoubtedly the inequalities in the wages of English and American operatives are more than equalized by the greater efficiency of the lat ter and their longer hours of labor. Will Vote for Cleveland. Waterloo, Ia.. September 5. -A bijfsensation in local politic al c rcles has been created by the 4. 1.x. 4. announcement that several pro- T?Uuir. ur a11 mined to vote for Cleveland.- A .1 1 1 t..j t -ti nu D:ja-.Arua r 1 n t"T prominent attorneys in Iowa and x-opeaKer 01 inc xvcpuuiitan House of Representatives. Judgre. Piatt says he cannot longer support the Republican party because of its position on air-minded expression he can little to criticize in Cleveland's administration, rle nas been a Republican since the campaign of i860, when he supported Douglas, but wheeled into line with the war i- I 1 -4- J ,:"Z?rZlTJrjr Lincoln, Grant and Garfield. He has been with the Republican par y, u uug nut - 5a.11, uuring anu since uic war. nc i - believes that the Democratic par- tr ronrPCPntpH Kv rifvlind a? ty, represented by Cleveland as the candidate, is following in the A - a ' f I Democratic committee, who es Arthur in demanding a just reduc- j?;fi.L a tinn nf the f-anrt. while the Reoub- I lican party, is on record as oppos- r . . . 1 .1 . 1 -. --" .ww r 1 I r r F -rt r Ul Ldl 111 ItlUI llli 111V. JUUgV. 1V.I.I J to follow principles rather than party, and believes the best inter ests of the country and the good of the laboring man will be best served by the election of Cleve land and Thurman, Mr. Alford differs with his party 1 I on tne tanrt ano II CC WI11SK.V I planks, and will vote for Cleve- land. The Fever Record. Jacksonville, Fia., September 5. Yesterday's list of new cases contains names of people residing in every quarter of the city. A number of cases are reported from fhaenhnrho and nl flion rrVi flirt f'i. f miiri tmn in thft por m.inrif.vnf eases, it seems to be nfnmnn0 vn nacofl nr wu ported as yet from the south side of the St. John's river, though there have been a number of cases carried from the city by refugees. The board of health will, in all w,iKiHfrr annn iflH V.oii fnr medical aid. .Many excellent phy- sicians have a read v tendered thair onrrie.o crrfttnifnnsl v. Rkill- ed nurses are very scarce, and are greatly needed. There have been very few cases thus far among the negroes, but the fever is getting a good start in the suburbs where they mostly reside. -The conference between Sur geon General Hamilton and Dr. Neal Mitchell, representing the rJoard of Health, actiug Mayor Grow, ex-Mayor McQuade and sevj eral citizens, representing the city Sanitary! Association, hich was held at Camp Ferry yesterday, resulted iu a somewhat indefinite, promise of aid from the Surgeon GeneraL . ' The government will probably furnish funds for sanitary work, and for the relief of refugees. It is probable that a refugee camp will be established in the mountains of North Carolina, if the officials of that State will assist. 1 Washington, D. C, September 5. Dr. Murray has telegraphed the marine hospital service that there is one isolated case of yellow fever at Manatee and an other at Palmetto. He adds that the river valleys are healthy.! ur. Wall -reports from Tampa inac seven cases nave developed in the last two days, four of which are positive. The disease is mostly oi a mua type ana no aeatns nave occurred. Thurman's Movements. YS?'-' SeP,e?1be- 5-f- Thurman aboard, arrived here at itw &woutiw ,AU Willi lUUL'C 2. r. wi uiunuug cu ruucw New York. The early hour of Judge 1 hurman s passage through the city prevented the making of any demonstration. Harrisburg, Pal. September Two thousand people met Judge inurman at the depot this morn ing. He spoke for five minutes and was warmly received. . ' if p- iu i5 7 Jfc.i": ?f 2f MnJ V"" t xt r T F their way to New York, reached f.. . T0.-rt tu;e u. this city at 12:30 this morning,! it J?" ?toP?ite? ,n"esA W lui v.i u v u nau CLS 0.11 1 LJ 1.1 kU greet him. The Young Mens tneold Roman. Judge Thurman w . . , . iu assemblv bvMr. W.U. Hensel.bf Lancaster, who asked them to please refrain from shaking the Judge's hand, because he had been so severelv criDoed on the wav I fipf o onrl foo vaA n ronoitnl rf if fects and feared a renewal of it. ludere Thurmandelivered a short talk, during which he eulogized Mr. Cleveland s administration. New York, September 5. benator 1 hurman arrived at the Pennsylvania railroad depot, Ter- sey City, at 4 o clock this after noon, lie was met by a deiega- tion of the National committeeJ 'f fT rfcl "- J'V . the mayor, and the chairman mem of the National . . . . . ... !.-.' J fk. iirhir. nrrtrrniiari him 9C bill. v,vUlV. v 11 1 VVWC UlilU llllll he was driven through the streets Judge Fowle Spends Sunday at Home. Judge Fowle arrived in the city Sunday morning and spent the day resting at home. The sprain he received at Wadesboro rnnAnHni? mnn mnnh mnivi iCUPinn fit " , r than was at first expected, and has given the Judge considerable trou ble. He found it very diiliculti to walk or to stand on the sprained leg therst day or two, but says he is now almost entirely lecovered QUU UWO HUD OU 'iCUOUU UUY imuuvi .A Vlrn nnr fnrf lioi I a. ui - :J rr-K- t..i : I irouuio iroul it. xuouuug w cy i much pleased with the progress of the joint canvass so far. At Troy, Asheboro and Slier City there were tremendous crowds and great j en thusiasm. He says he never saw the people so thoroughly exercised Tey turn out in crowds every where and listen to the discussions 1 Judge Fowle has been much ; im- preseu w" which he finds the Democrats organ ized everywhere. He says that the. progress 01 iuojuiui.uiouuoo.uia far has been most encouraging him. He has been told I at every point that votes were made for the Democracy and he had ample de monstration that this was true, j Judge Fowle said he was agree ably surprised at the day's work at Troy. He expected a strong rally of the; Re publicans there! but in stead there was a tremendous out pouring of Democrats and' enthusi asm was on tip toe. He found the Democrats of Montgomery in ;fine spirits as to the outlook and very confident of carrying the county. At Asheboro Judge Fowle was given a grand demonstration. He was met by a long cavalcade of horsemen and: received with; the most boundless enthusiasm. Judge Fowle left yesterday morning for Graham, wh re the speaking j was resumed yesterday. He is in ex cellent condition for the canvass. His voice is in fine trim and be has recovered from the effects of the sprain. He expects to put in a more effective week's work ! this week even than last. Raleigh News & Observer. Notice To Builders. n U Cix5f OP GREENSBORO WILL RE- J- ceive SEtLED BIDS for th KUKl;- TION OF A FIRE ENGINE HOUSE nnfil THURSDAY, the 6th day of SeDtember. 1888.. Specifications and plans may be seen and inspected after Friday, the 10th day 01 Augun, at the law office of John A. Barringer, mayor of the city. Bidder must give bond for the Performance of his contract. City reserres the right to accept any oia or reject au, u aeemeu n gjg aug21-tse6 Chm'n Building Committee. ALL ABOARD FOR DANBURY I 1 -a. z3 ..n sn, cnnntie of stoke, sum- I hereby rive notice to the trayeling public that I keep on hand at my Livery and sale b tables at walnut vove. Horses and Buggies to Hire. Parties coin through the country from Walnut to Danbnrr: leave Walnut Cove at 5 p- m., amve C;ove should see me. Aiy nacs maRes aaiiy trips I fTW- atDanbury 7Kp.m- Fare S1.25. Baggage carried A A RAsnAftlfnliv. A. J. FAIR, aug3-tf Wamnt Cove, N. C. Dr. J. W. Griffith, GREENSBORO, N.'O. Tkkth Extracted without pais by tho use ol Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas.) . Office opposite Bkxbow House, over Sayings Japei-Diy iDXXjXj-A-Jri-O&JkS-XJSrCH-j ATTORNEYS AT LAW, greewsboro. - - - nortii Carolina I tV 30ffice opposite Court House. May23-ly. YOU CAN GET A BnAVTlFUL IuEGIsTEB (illnstra. ted) OF OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE AND BUSINESS COLLEGE, Itelling all about that celebrated school,; IE1 IE?, IE E I ! You should do this if you contemplate patroni nnr onv whnnl nnit vmr. PreDares for I Teachins for XSnsinces, or ior fJOlieire. 319 Ntndents last year, xms scnoci vs nniy low. Ithas splendid bu and elegantly furnishod Ma Societar Halls, beautiful letely equipped. One of the eh Schools in the South Address J. A. & M. H. HOLT, tf Oak Ridge. N. C. FeOT Olid PeOple'S STE A TyXTTiIR P. HURT A. Leases "Wd gtOXL 1 T " I ' , n, rr H M flIOITC I UChlid.V3 dllU A liuavoi j ; Leaves asrette-rille MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS of each week. For information and Freights, apply to ; Agents at Wilmington. W. S. COOK, Agent at Fayetteville. N.C IU UK JLglUJLUUOlUPi r- 'NG -TIN-WARE, aCget the same at Richmond prices, -by calling on- ar. soptl6-ly Greensboro, N. C Notice. HAVING qualified as administrator on the es tate office G. Tate deoeasM. before A. A Holton. Superior Court clerk for Guilford County. N- C., all persons indebted to the estate are hereby notified to come forward and make immodiate pay ment; and all persons having claims against said eftate are hereby notified to present their claims on or before the 1st day of August. M This 12th -- 'Alite. D. H. HALL, Plain and Ornamental Plasterer I GREENSBORO. N.-C. With many years experience warrant their work to rive satisfaction. Can furnish designs for centre pieces and mouldings at prices that will aery com- tifun H vr ineni a irioi. TAPE WORMS .imm t pn tisvn witVi VmA ni i!Wa. Hi No Cur No lay. LiTe Agent wanted to sell the medicine Are eptl6 ly Uck Box 64. Winston N- C. located in the Piedmont region of Worth Carolina, (near Greensboro,) where good board can be had llrilnsH. fine etuav nans. 5TEAMBT GO, i 1 1 uunuiu C. S.MXDL1T J. C. Lindley & Bro.f NURSERYMEN, Groons'bpro, 1 . O. We can offer at wholesale a Urge lot of WILD GOOSE and other PLUMf39 large1ot ?f " t ENGLISH MULBERRIES, 15(,000 STRAWBERRY PLANTS leading sorts. Ives, Concord & Clinton GRAPES. Can supply to dealers a few thousand , Late Apple and Early Peach Trees. 3-Special inducements to Dealers, rfursery- men and planters.; Hundreds and Thousands of Trees, Vinos and PlnntH for rile all during the year. Nu-serios four irilos iwestof hhe city. Main office on South Elm street, Greer s oro. , Aai 10-lf . P"0 II fi IT! FULL LIFE-SIZE OIL, Bust, 25x3o, $50 00. Full Life-Size Crayon, Bust, 2630, $20.00 ,z PORTRAITS MADE FRQW LIFE. DAGUERREOTYPES. TINTYPES. PAINTINGS. DRAWINGS. i - i or other copy. GROUP PICTURES Made at corresponding rates. A Perfect .Likk hiss of the Original guaranteed. ' ; Correspondence solicited for work-in any part of the State. 49-References sent upon application, . PINK CrENNIS. Raleigh, N-C. Studio in the Andrews Building, Fayetteville Street. May 18-ly A GOOD SCHOOL for BOYS and GIRLS - J. C. WILSON. Principal. mw . Mrs. J. S. HUNTER. Teacher of Music. Tahornaele ia situated in Guilford county. N. C. nine miles south of Greensboro and five miles oat . of Pleasant Garden, a station on C. F. & Y. V.riiil- ; road, in a neigbborhood 01 hign moral euinomg. No saloons in tho community. Preaching at Tab ernacle church twice a month. A good SAbatir SchooL Mail twice a week. Fall term begins Aumut7. 1888. Special attention gnron to thoMe expecting to teach in toe public scnoois. TUITION : . EnelLsh branches from Si to S2 per month, i Other languages 50cts. each per month extra. lioaru Iroin ?j to &i per inontn. For further information call on or a-Mross the principal. Tabernacle. N.C 'julylm , . LIust be Sold, j I HAVE FOR SALE A AlIMBER ONE TO RAfJC'O iM,AIXTATIOnf, with TWO TOBAi'CO DA11NS and paokmg houso, neiir Trinity tL'ee. AU), good DVit n.WNl with tire rooms un the place. The land is adapted to the growth of corn, wheat and clover aLo. and is only quarter mile Iroin tne vo'iege, in a gooa and sober neighborhood. Terms easy to one who wishe3 to purchatio . For further info -mation call on or addrosn Z. W. WHITEHEAD; ! Proierty Agent. jy27-dAwtf Grconsboroj N. C. 1 WILLIAM E, SPRINGER 6 CO Importers and Jobbers in . - I American and Foreip Hardware, entlerj, Gnus. i Also Direct Importers of Crockery I Glass Ware. THEY III For Handling Same, j No. 14 North Front Street. I --! N.C. WILMINGTON, marl 6-1 y To Capitalists, Desiring to purchase; good pa.y. ing city property, in a pfospiirout and rapidly growing tovn in Pied mout North Carolina,1 wilh fine railroad facilities; also baJMsomf and well arrangel dwelling, nhoulf call on or address Z. W. WHITEHEAD, Real Estate Agent, . jau27 Greensboro, N. C. THOMAS BROTHERS, JOB PRINTERS, ; . 1 ' ti R E B N 8 B O It oj N. C. i QOODWOSK. LOW PBICE8. SATISFACTION OUAHANTEED. ' C7 fm 01 n T.firiro IxlVO V ruin ci sxpellea aht ittle child in Stokes ouuatr. i- C. BT TWO TWSH or ' HowHrd'N Worm Urmedj, i. C. l TABERNACLHCADESIK. THE MO FACILITIES

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