A HIT IMjUIDI 1 M n ilii Se-berrobeir 26.-27. Septem "ber 26-27., GREENSBORO,' K"."G;v! SEPTEMBER 28, 1888. NO. 109.' v ;: 'X-' 1 I I : : MB III ;- ' ; ; - I ' I - i'i & 3 1 r " ! -32 J. . - ' " : k. I - r : G. lj ' I- 1 - - ' ' " 11 ' ' ' ' " ' '" ' 1 1 11 -- i i i i i i i i a. i ii i i i.. . . .. ' i...iMmih . - i i iii I i i ' n i ... ...ii mm 11 " - "fc i i w -ii , . - . ., . - ..-aTTt i t , i ii. i i , . ! i " l ! - .Mil . ' J . i . ! f fS .MS. :.s i Spring lools MO lj!EH -M-w oiuiiv "I i ... : . . . I. Alton V...' ''(,: tJM J!! lui: UivuHU alt of myit.ajlft -! -;,;,.;..r Mvlt'S the market 1 1 tii ! " t Dress GoodSi ,t - ; i all that my bcK .goods', depastsest 1 ' " . - i r vm'lhxv ovurbrure r-H fciuli uihI prices ot Cash f,ri. iik warp Henrietta Cloths, J-'rc Cloths, Flannels.. Black ft'A'aU afullliiiooi the latest Irjsaiii;'s to' match. j . '! Clothing Department-is liet trr.jiplitil than ever betore, as I Liverlostti (iiit niost of my old fM-t- V.o traslp rompellcil me to f ! ti al e.itl ct" the season, so I ku-iiMv in stock the 'arrest and t.kcrf!l assortment of Cloth ::,:r!iavv ovrr oiVciod. and at pri liwer than ever before. All I t w a tri;;l lie fore you purchase. SHOES.- it i Tli? ho..' Department 1 now a'1 ;H M):nj)!eie. and all I have to just nil in and you will be atf 4 i. tie and priee. - t IX rjfu vant-i Straw Hat to V'A out t!i' Mi;on," come in and Joy : r;i, ,,ti0 Vc.rN. tollable. xiu i nt say at roKt, At you '.vould t ,ii.:v. i:J as that "is an old 'r,i .aid i.ot ii;anv merchants -"snctvnlnt j selling on such i':-r- ; ! i ' IW.w.) ,Uii sat III Hats to suit i. ' . V ' i: - fTDEPARTMENT T I i r I I r . u ;;Compli'ie ii a few days, as ::',f'r'",r for my f ill stock is now M 1 J .. i i ... . .... . - 4 , J :-nt win be tilled 4ii : 77 1 "wc . f 'm'1? Iy the liemaud with li.i?..1"'1 l the line of Carpets, ,, J,,S- Ihis mui Curtains. U j,l:i,i 8t'e h yourselves. I n ,loinK business too Ion? u M ion- 0l "Kock liot- " lov' f'v olie 3,vJ a:niy ot Iut such straws;. 'Vh "V' voifwill be e , V'U'W ami business liice. i U- AHMFIKLD. At M n f l I I Vv'EDNKSDAY, SEPT. .20, 1SS3. t i, n a p n i c s :.: a i . I.aees-t Xt ws i?row tbe t'iajue-Ntrlckcii ' District. - i J iL'ksoiiVilIe, Sept. 25. -The weii tlier hiia cleared oU'and is cool and pleasant. The declaratioif of a yel low fever epidenuo in Fernandiua opens the quarantine of that place, and it is espee&'d that more than two thousand Adored people will flock here .seeking frco- Xood, and prompt steps will oo taken to guard this city against an influx of new material for fever, by increasing the sanitary police '.guardian the outskirts. About thirty new cases have been repoi ted this morning. Tiiero am no official reports of death?, but among them is known to bo John L. Barch, one cf the board of public works,- Tueexeei tive committee of tho sanitary as sociaTion this morning took steps to more stringently guard against frauds and imposition. Jackson, Miss.,, Sept. -5 There vre no deaths or new cases of el lo.v fever here sinco TDinulav morn Tiie health .authorities are endeaY;ring to eytaidish a rcfugo camp near the city am the Ilmvard AssociaToa will furnish supplies only to such as go there. Washington, D. C, Sept, 25. Surgeon General llamilton has re eeived the following additional din patches : 4Jr.cks(?3tMi$H, Sept. 25.-Yotai number of cases to date li'f deaths 5.1 Xo; new oases reported for the twenty-four hours ending at'Gp. in. yesterday. We have the city sur rounded by a cordon and have done all wc can to prevent the spread of the disease. Tentr have arrived today and .refugee camps will be establislied as scon as possible. .(Signed) W i iit J o iin s o i. ""Ferandina, Sept. 25. V7H1 you permit refugees from this city at Camp Perry? If so, how. many? What kind of ce: tihcate.i will be required - (Signed (" II. Iv i)OTTKHEH, President Beard of Health, T h e fo 1 1 o w i n g i s fro in G o v. P 4 cr y : Tallahassee, Fh:., Sept. 23.--Kindly include Fefnandiua among the lever-stricken towns whicsj veil are aiding. (Signed) ' . E. A. J'escy.. A Itailv;iy Wreck. l'ittsburr. Pa , Sept. 25. About 9:30 last evening a northbound engine on the-Southeast branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad, run ning at the rate of about thirty miles an hour, struck a cow be tween. Fair Chance arid Union town, throwing the engine off the track and completely overturning it. instantly killing one man nam ed Lcander Miller, residing at Fair Chance. -It is supposed he was stealing his way to Union town. Engineer Thompson, of Uniontown, Brakeman Rush, of Uniontown and Conductor Dinges of Pittsburg, .were also severely injured, but will recover. The wreck caused several hours delay to trains. L'ieciui; ir SnlVty. Memphis, TennX Sept. 25. The I'aub'V.t 1. C. Bron, Irom JNev Orl-ai?:-i, lauuui CiiteiuDuti, pass, ed ihih place at uiiilniht. She had 250 pa.si-ners, priucijailly from Vieksl'iir..- 't om dtted to di ' l ire reported wes:. The pai.ichy fueling of t L 1- past four "diiys h:is ;:iven wny to a more rational yk-uv :f tl;? situation, and many c.f those who wcr niuet al arnicd are now eoniident that there will be no farther spread of iVyer from either 'Decatur or Jackson, Miss. The exodus from this city has ceased. J ' A CJatlhry 5Iaa SlurcerCil. Grconvillo, is. C, Sept. 2o. Ite port leiitiud ihon; iroic Galiucy's to-dy that P. G. Petty, a.druim:tT for a Baltimore ' hardware house, whoso home i s a t G a flu ey 'a a ii id who is tvell- kcorcu ail over this St:to. hu hUen found dead in 15il timcr'i'. J His bod; was !?iu!:d up fiotu thcr water vrlicre he had becu thrown, after bei: robbed and murdered. . fearnierg' 3IocSIng. ! A special meeting of the Farm ers' Association of Guilford coun ty will be held in Benbow Hall, Greensboro, on the second Satur day in October, at 2 o'clock, p. ffii Tnos. E. Cook, ' I Ch'm'n Ex. Com. i OFFICE OF I Tiik North State Impiov MENT CO., Greensboro, N. C, Sept. 22SS. The anpual meeting of tl)e Stockholders of the North State Improvement Company, for the election of Directors, and the transaction of such other business as may come before it, will be held at their office in Greensboro cm Wednesday.the 3rd day of uctober next R. Percy GravJ Sec. scpt24-d-M&T For aunt. iiie store room occupied by Mr. Bingham as- a "millinery store," "Central Hotel bliilding," suitable for 'a "Restaurant" or store of any kind.- Also a few7 desirable rooms on 2nd- and .3rd Tate. floors. Apply to H. H. sept24-tf ,1 r-O"" FRESH OYSTERS al ways on hand at TiiofexLOW & Gorrell's. , splS-IW 'aiiiice to JiiC C'lJilzbiiw. -All the citizens of Greensboro are hereby notified that the Board of Comtnfssioners of the city of Greensboro have appointed a Sanitary Committee, and that the citizens are invited to communi cate to R. M. ivees, Chibf-of Po lice, all nuisances, noxious smells or other causes which are likely to injure, the health of the citizens. Notice.is further given that the city authorities have determined io enforce the sanitary ordinances of the city vigorously. R. M..REES, Chief-of-Police. aug20-tF Greensboro, N. C. ?m. mmmm. RALEIGp,.C. For Girls and Young Ladies. Fall session opens firt WoIncs.lny ir. Sef tembor 5th dav), anl closes first WcJncstlay in Jun Thorough instruction by a x-otnplishiid and ex perienced teacher i in all branches usually taught in first class Seminaries for young kvlies. ! Building one ortho largest andJot equipped in the South iSt?im heat. ins anu eleqtric liht. Terms as" low as any Institution offejin equal sdvaiities. Deduction for tvo or more from sn:no fa;nily' - Corruindeneo s'lIititO'J. For circular ani cata logue arUress REV. R. UU d WKLL SON, - in 15 2;a Raleigh, iN. C. rather!! 1 our pror Teariod wife logins: s!eei iniirht after nixht nursiiK tho little one suffering fioni that tiirht fiend to children and horror to'rarents, croup, should have a bottle of Taylor's Cherokee Remedy ol fcweet Ciiim and mullein, an undoubted cr preventive and cure for coughs eoldi:anl eonsu ?ion- C!aient CL riglit, , : T 6 R N EY- AT - L A v a x. .l 4 rf dnESNSBOItO. b c. Practice irJ Stato and Federal Court?. C-iSec o; jKxito ciurt houo. NOTICE. X5TAVIXG qnaliSed a. administrator on tho f s iiL tateot Uavid C'obb, decease it before A. U, Iloitf n. 0. S. 0. for GuiiforJ county, all rersons in dcbte'l to the estate aro hereby -notified to come forward and make immediato payment, and all pcr sous bavins claims against said estate aro hereby not ified to present their claims on or before the 24th day .f July lSSO. ThL? July i'.'.lSSS. II. A. J. WAGONER. i Adm'r of David Cobb. Dec'd. ju'y lUi.TTM-isfi.. April 20, rr over twenty year? I hj yd been troubled with ulceratci boitois Llee-lh pii!.'- xvd grew very YCuk and ;thin from co' .t.tMt -b :f b!Kd. I have u-ck1 four battles of li U li ur:d have caiutsl 15 pounds i in weight, and feel IvU.-r in Kcncral health th m l have for ten j ye;rs. 1 reemmend your 13 IS ii as the oest .med icine I have ever u?ed. and owe Tnyriiiiprovcuieut to the use of Botanic Blood Bahn,- i hlGEXICS A. fcMISH Victor St. An Old 4Ian restored. rir . 1 -AVewill ray the above reward for oaTCeo. Mwni.,;nf Ht enor-sin.: sick headache. lDdirW 11 I VI fcXJk-f' - :- J we cannot cure lis, when the direc- 1. They are purely jgatL.tacton. Large ntprftitj and imita- tion, constipaiion or co5iivei.e--s with Wen's -Vegetable Liver P1II5 tione stri.-tiv comnliod with. vegetable, and never tail to give satirfsct A-ininirf 3) RKsnr coated rills. Z by all drc?sifc?. Lewara of counterfeit? and imita- tions. Tho genuine manufactuf od only by J oha K . i i , -,v (1 4 . .Tuna 30. Beifts f.nn old man-1 ti-n of Vx-fh ".v.t of ;tho shoulders, d tcund aitu- ; ... it ' . ....-v .-i 1" i cuUtJ in "ttuidinff to mr business, that! of 'a 1- All the and rarO yinlh-b, , ver until I boa.cht and used fir Attics; of B B fhe 0U one, which lay Botano Blood Balm, of Mr. TC Joncg. r.f J R to -eiib lt wu ",!. uiin Xtson. trd m.v cneml health U improved new eataloUC id IbO Will SUQ W. ! and the rhenmatm loft pie. I belve itto U a Gj r order t0 my authori?ed : 4 -H agent or order; direet from the j TWO SOXJI.S XVI 111 BUT A SI TUIIjU THOUGHT." : j 'I want to seo fthe day come i i :.-1 - 1 ''when placing my right hand on tJthe head of a littlo white child, "and my left hand on the head of a little colored child, I can pas3 "them into Sandav: School tog( ''nr.' Oliver U. Docker Etptihlic an candidate for Governor of 7vr. (7J "Down with thii AYhite Man's "party." That the right of suf "frage rests on no mere ; eircumst "anco of race, color, sex or nation "ality." lih plank of tlic National Prohibition platform and slogan of 1 - the organ of tlic Erohibiiion party in North Carolina. j j White or black it martersnot where do you stand? j j Mrs. J. W. Kernodle can accom modate a: few m'o're? boarders at her boarding house on Davie street. . seplo-iw , ."' 4 f P ry Having other business that will largely occupy my attention and probably call nre away from trje city at intervals during the next year, I have arranged with Mr, A. B. Frey, of Millersburg, Ohio, to take charge of my jewelry store. Although recently from Ohio, Mr. Frey is a Virginian and a gentle man whom I am proud to intro duce to my customers: He; has a thorough, knowledge of the jewel ry trade. If you want a new watch, or the time piece you have needs repairing, call and make his acquaintance. : The ladies especially will find him courteous and attentive. He will sell them new goods or repair their broken jewelry at the lowes prices possible for fine quality and superior workmanship. The science of optics is one of Mr. Frey's specialties. ' A j careful study and long experience have made him one of the best practical opticians in the country.; If you require an expert to fit you witlj a pair of spectacles or eye-glasses, don't fail to call and see him, and no matter what the defect of vis ion may be, if it is possible to re- .cetver assistance from the use ot glasses, he will supply-you with just what is best suited to your eves. Engraving is another spec -j Jalty, and in fact for anything yoU ordinarily require at a jewelry store vou cannot go wrong 11 you call. . Verv Respectfully. -'Jno. J. Thornton. Greensboro, Sept. 11, 1 888. - j POil iiiLL 13i POMONA, N. C, . i I 7'?ri and a half lillks Wv Greensboro y 2s. C. The main line of. tho Kiehiaohc. and Danville Kaihoatl passefe through the grounds and withti? aOO feet ot the ollice. ; Salem trains make regular sto twice daily each .waj . " . fruit grow injrcire eoniiaiiy-invH lo inspect this, tb-luwstnuirt in the State and cnof the largM in the South. Struck consists cr ; Anples, reachesj Pca-rs, Ckcrrie. ' 'Plums, Japandse Persimmon?, j Apricois.Kcctarincs.Figs, j Mulberries, Quinces, j - Gropes Ptcaw, Gooseberries, Pie Plant, Bag- , Ush Walnuts, nuts, Poses, Peer greens, Hhade 1 f ; nursery. ; j GorreSlK!ndent Wiliuith VVUV t' . . I Decviptive e.it.d ue If to m j . f . - 1 J I' -- . , , r Tv Add ft a. J. . hUnddVl , , J . " , jy2G-tf Guilford tN.t U. K. 9 HA VIII v5 Quaied-45 jminlilrater on the es tfie of Claudius I . Ilorny. deceased," befoi i A. II. Itolton. C. S. C. for Guilford county, all pcr eons indebted to the estate are hereby notiSed to come-forward and make iiatnediate payment; and ail person? having c'airas asinft Faii ejtatoare hereby notified to present their claims on cr before the 1st day of Sjtember. This the I5th day of Aura-t. 0. C. Wjii-ELEU. Adm'r.. &u?21-v7 I of Claudiuj U, Home. - SANFOEB MOTEL, SANFOllD, K. C. r SITUATED on main street, near the depot. iarge sample rooms roservc-1 for commercial raeii. Special arrangements for moro than two days. Livery stables in connection. Trains stop 0 minutes for dinner gia? each way : satisfaction uaracteed, fire froa clAJ to zl per day. iiicri . J M MONGER, Propriety The Slerchants Hotel. MADISOX, K C, Tl ocated in the business part of town, is now E J opoafor the public ; is the leading house in the town with first clas faro, Rooms well furn ished a. id good sample rooms for drummers Don't fail to stop at the Merchants. r N.M-SIcGEIIEE. "y. r Proprietor Li ABIES ! : 1 ' " Do your ov.-n DYEING, at Home, with I They will dye everything. They nre mil evprj where. Priee lot a package 40 colors, Thoynav no equal for strength, brightness, omoantin pack aeoR or f;r fastness 'of color, or non-fadice qualities They do not crack or emut For sa o Ly POP. TLB & TATE. Druggist, Greensboro.. N. C. V. V Landrelh, Near Greensboro ; h. A. .Souther and Dorset 'it Simpon. :Stokda.$e, N. C; Kurs, general m'dse. Debtor, N. 0. fjil22-ly Ilavinff qualified as the ndmiiiistrator. of B. M. Idol, dee'd, before the Clerk of the Superior Cour of Guilford county, I here by give notice to . all persons holding claims against the said deceased to pre sent them us required by law, 0:1 or be fore August l,i!889, or this notice will be pleaded in bar:of any recovery thertfon. Those indebted to the said deceased 3)leaso come forward and make payment of the same. i I Julvai, 1888. W: ir. idol. ; iuig .Adm'n u Broughton BLANK BOOK MANUFACTUREHSi itALEIGII rT, C, . : . t ho A and Commercial Wc :k. Legal and Alliance Work. . Ginners' Ticord lluoks, Church Record?, Legal Blank?, Ac, I.e. inayll-tf . DS. B.W. T ATE j iltEENSBORO,- - NORTH CAROLINA. Offers his Professional Seniecs to U:o citUens of Greensboro and surrouadins country. 40P-ice at Porter Sc D.i-1 ton's drup etoro. When n-;t there can be found at his rejenco on A?heboro sireet. 01 iosite Col- X. B. Ke:-h's. lunll-tf KOTIGS. County Commissioners' rt their meetiDfr. Grsfcilon- l.ty in Oct. next, if no p!au-ibie objections aro pre F -utL ?aid dividing line To start at A. . Clapp a 1. 1 the Alamance county line, including Joe Vhit-M-tr.J. N. Wood-yard nrd John Irley, and thence Vj Jcifereon Township line, nen r Tlio. 1 1 pit J. W. CALbh x . Kept. 1st, 1 3S i. L Clerk Board Co. Cwm. sept7-tf - - jy -! I l ilLLIJn AC-IE SHIRTS. 2-IILLER'S ACME DRAWERS. IJKBEIlWEAIl HOUSE 1 UMl MLBSliUl ,w m m r9 mm. S f. 1 r,:cn:roND tiuginia. .Manufacturers' and Dealers in-f 1 iitii Lbltrt 5 Mac z Shirts a:;d Dhazks to OHDEII A SPECIALTY. NO J: 1 i iO Ciitiii j Lkr.nt for "TONY," be-w'd be after yon the i -.rstthtojryoa kaovr. and. if b-.e; gt J:.r, YOUR if. T. MILLER'S BRO'SV P. O. bos 280, Kiehmor.d, Va. B PRINCESS, n it zr. iz iS'ii o xi o. r. c. on n WORK. low myw O 4. - C 4 Edward ! x "sTOTICfi is hereby given to the voter.? of Rook SS Creek Township, thi rounty, that nntiicr -Stinpr prec:net (as prp?f-k:on) wiil be estuWishoi . iiiKar.niriilfl in i.vrn-! ir.. hv the R'fcjnl of ALL ABOARD FOR DANBORYJ Piedmont Sprlntrs, and all points ia the ConnUe of Stokes, 'Sorry and Rockingham. I hereby pire noUce to the trTeIin pnbUe that I keep on hand at mj Lirery &od ale btablo at alnut Cove, : Horses and Buggies to Hire. J Parties jroing through' the country from Walnat Cove should fee me. .My hack makes daily trip -to Danbury; leave Walnut Core at 5 p- m., arrive at Danbury; IX p. m- Fare $15. Baxsace carried free. h ltospoctfully. ; A. J. FAIHV augS tf Walnut Covo, N. O, Dr. J. W. Griffith, : f STTXtOEOTST DITETIST GREENSBORO, N. C. Tekth Extracted without pais by tho use 0! Citrous Oxide tlaujrhinjj bus ) Office opposite llsx bow jUocsK, over Sartngt' Bank. Junel6-nly Gape Fear and People's STKAMBOAT CO. j A. IP. Leaves "Wd Tuesdays and Friaays. Loaves Fayettovilll MONO AYS AND THURSDAYS of each week. y For information and Freights, apply to .11 Agents at Wilmington. W. S. COOK, Axenf at Fayettevilla. N.C i ft. 1 POE, c MANUF.VCTURKR - OF BRICK, FAYETTEVILLE, N. O 3PiXA7-ljrx 23rlolc -A- SjOOlOlt3T I have tho largest nnd-most com plete J3joc1zl W03?3S in North Carolina and make tho best brick South of Philadelphia. Orders by mail solicited and will have prompt and careful attention. Address, 23. -A-. POE. Aug23 3m Desirable farm For Sale, Only Two and a Half Miles From Town. I hare for sale on car terms a most deslrabla farm only two and half miles from th city, with good dwelling and out houses, poultry yard Ae including a line straw berry bed and 2 acre in fruit trees of the inost select kind. The farm eon tain' about loO acres more or leu and in a healthy neighborhood, producer fine corn, wheat and to- Also one small farm adjoining tho above contain ing about lw acres more or lo. one naif nivyr cultivation and the balance well timbered. Tbe land is especially adapted to tho growth of corn, to btcco. wheat, and corn with fplendid bottom lands for tho growth of hay Call on or addreu '.. W. Whitehead. RoaJ Rstate Agont. Junc27iiwtf i (ireensboro. X. To Capitalists, Desiring to purchase good pay ing city, property, in a prospcroui and rapidly growing town in Pied xnont North Carolina, with fine railroad ;ftdcilitics ; also handsoraf and well arranged dwelling. shon!4 vcall on cr address i Real Estate Agent, -jan27 j Greensboro, N. O. The Central Hotel, mt. airy, n.c, HAS been remole!!e.l and newly furnwhe fidi is now the leading' hotel in tnwn. Fare H j cUw; i-olite iervanta at a moment a call. Also ; a first-clas sample ro-m f r .drummers. wpt2-U J, V. I f CULLL, Prop j I -I I I STE A TVTFi HURT fflnnv ,1 in IUUU1 vv VUltlVlU 1 1 1 1 - 1 U ? ; i !' i i it 4 i - I. 1 1 i ; 1 11 1 I t t 4 West 4S--VO. 06- . iiaoison cireet, 44ioii, . r V