J. r " fi.A I SS ml 1 my . 4h - 1 i . GREENSBORO, JST.; C, OCTOBER 11, 1888. NO. 122. JEW FALL GOODS. i I , ; ,t(.i L,t Spring Goods J . 'i. ivH iuTmP exhaust- '"'A-j.i i.t it ' lmpoasi--:;t.'.:nJt. set what they ! hiv r.-;i!'"iHl with an . i V,:..- x'iniX- nf l!nnfta -) THURSDAY, OUT. 11, 1888. SistntntT ami Fall : 1V ...hUs a:v in the house V 1 !. :.,n f mv fi:itl i - i .:. rt. fi. imIIv with the V stjlt-s the market af- Jf thf : - ijiiiis of 'Dress Goods, .,,' TriMMi'i'J to match. 1 , m :isure all that iny aa GOODS DEPARTMENT .yurMJi l'li'-fl t1,a0 evcr before rV'!! lii ' aiil' prices of Cash .. ..r.i Ifi.iirii'ttil Clothfl. ; , I (!hs. Flannels, Black J ;i full line ot the latest tT'i-;:$io match. in I rii.in cvir Iwfore. as I ori-vtl otit most of my old Thr iraile compelled me to t - I a:..Mtl l the season, so I nl assortmont of Cloth vi r iVoiitl, ami at pfi- i ft w H'irr than I'Vtr leiere. All l " tri.i! U lore oil nurchase. j SHOES. ! Liy IVpirlment Is now .:iomp!l.!,f anl all I have to Vl 5 j :st, call irii ami you will be ! ;a style and price. i j - i- HATS i . - 1 - I ; i . iwaiit a JStraw Hat to 'Vi.nt tl,.. ... t .1 mr MMnii, come ui auu . P t ono -viTv reasonable. ' V.. i .- .. . . r 1 J a that is an old t 1,1,11 ,n 11,1 vlVl TuI:,J 't many merchants trcnlnl ii4 selling on such 'l . I 1 I i . ' t. RPDT'D EPART M EN T .... V ! h vrM!'1 11 tlavs, as H1 ' fall toek is now t-w vMl iu in niieci in a ,e. "J - supply the ilemand with u'-. in the line of Carpets, VH;. Unhand Curtains. a:: ail S0C .for Vimrcoli-a T .,':,iI,,"g-business too long v ....r,"M Mig of. "Hoek Hot- "v" -'.ry one. else" C.4" I!!,W "thersuch straws; Kw?'h Hv HIul vou will be : i.'lM ;Tviy air,j business like, ,f-Ml:-V; Ull'I. A KM FIELD. SPECIAL. PARAGRAPHS. Kah, for Cleveland for President! Rah, for Thurman for vice-Presi dent ! Hah, for Fowle for Governor ! Kah, fur liolt for Lieutenant Governor ! Kah, for Morehead for Congress! Kah, for Dobson for Cleveland elector ! Kah, for Caldwell for the Senate! Kah, for McLean for the Goose ! Kah, for Kennett for the Iloueo ! Kah, for McNairy for the Sheriff! J Kah, for Sapp for Register of Deeds 1 Rah, for.Kirkman for Treasurer ! I Rah, for Tate for Coroner ! - Rah, for Gambol for Surveyor ! Yes. Rah, for everything that pertains to North Carolina Dem ocracy, which was ever true to the country, and steadfast in its main teuance of the rights of all tne peo ple : strong and uuwaivering in the delence of a blood-bought liberty.; a refuge in the hour of danger, and heaven of rest in peace; a guaran antee of good government, and a bond for the preservation of the liberties of all our citizens; apledge ot justice and the preservation ot order, appeals again to its .sons the descendants of its illustrious defenders to staud by it as their fathers stood by it, and believed in it as the corner-stone of Ameri can liberty! The Patriot's advice : work now and rest when the victory, is won A Republican victory in North Carolina means ten thousand bank- runted homes and negro officers in every county throughout the State The horrors that would iuevita- blv follow a Republican victory in this State at the November election are almost beyond description. A vote for Cleveland l is vote for a reduction of taxes; while a vote for Harrison is a vote for higher taxes and lower wages for the workingmen. . Fellow democrats, leave no stones unturned for the next thirty days. Lay on McDuff, and damn ed be he who first cries, hold, enough!" shall bo our motto hence fourth. On behalf of the helpless mothers and wives, and hundreds of thous ands of little blue eyed children all over tholamlfwo appeal to the white men of the uO!d North State" to sjiow their colors on the Gth of Nov ember by voting the straight Demo cratic ticket from Cleveland down to constable. ! A vote for Fowle is a vote for a continuation of the white man's government in North Carolina; a vote Dockery is a vote for the day to come when Dockery 'cnu placs his right hand ou the head of a little white child, andjhis left hand on the head of a little colored child and march them into Sunday School together." - BY TELEGRAPH. Cro Swears 'Oat a. Warrant against Stamps and Primrose. Raleigh, N, C, Oct. 10. A gen- sauon was caused here yesterday by a report on the streets thatChas. B. Cross had sworn out a warrant against Messrs. E. K. Stamps and vv. a. irimrose, former president ana airector.ot the State National Bank respectively. Inquiry revealed the fact that such a step had actually been taken by Mr. Cross. Mr. Cross was in terviewed and stated that he had taken the step not with a view to bringing Messrs. Stamps and Prim rose into trouble, but to getting the wnoie matter of the affairs of the State National Bank before the public and into the courts in order mac justice mignt be clone. A CARD. In connection with the proceed ing Mr. Cross publishes the follow ing card: After mature thought, I con cluded to pursue the above course not for the purpose of getting Messrs. btainps and Primrose into trouble, but simply to prove to the good people of this city and the state ot JNortli Carolina, bevond even a question of a doubt, that wmcn l nave said as to the condi tion of the State National Bank at the time I took the presidency of the same, also the mamer in which I was induced to take char ere of said bank, is true. This is the only way 1 can conceive of to get at the facts. I sincerely hope the offenses charged against Messrs. Stamps and Primrose are barred by the 8 tat u to of limitation I merely want everybody to appreciate the position I was in. C. .E. Cross. Activity it Headquarters. Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 10. A large force is engaged in the offices of both the Democratic and Republic an headquarters sending out docu ments and conducting correspond ence. Both sides are working hard, and as the election approaches political interest is warming up. In Durham on Thursday night last there was one of the most imposing Democratic demonstrations that has yet taken place, and the enthu siasm was intense. It was demon strated beyond doubt, that, large numbers of the factory operatives who voted for Nichols two years ago under his false colors of being the "workingman's candidate,77 will now cast their votes squarely for Bnnn and the Democratic ticket generally. Durham's Exposition a Magnificent Success Durham, N. C, Oct. 10. The Exposition is the biggest success' . i"i - - mi 1 . l ever in me J?iauc. xne display is beyond all expectations. The in dustrial parade is by far the largest and grandest ever witnessed any where. Bunn and Ransom are now speaking to an immense crowd in front ot the Hotel Claiborn. Vance and Wade Hampton speak at the soldiers' reunion tomorrow. Dur ham has outdone herself. r Later : Durham, N C Oct., 11th .Rain causes nostnonement of to day's programme for Exposition till tomorrow, i'rogramme oi iuurs- ay and Friday carried out Friday J. S. Lockhart, Presr. "TWO SOULS WITH BUT A SINGLE THOUGHT." A CARD. will and Having other business-ihat larfelv nrrnnv mir attntlnn' O J TJ "V 1 probably call me awayirrdm the city at intervals during the jiext year, I have arranged with Mr. A. B. Frey, of Millersburg, Ohio, to take charge of my jewelry I store. Although recently from Ohio1, Mr. Frey is a Virginian and a gentle man whom I am proud to intro duce to tfty customer. ;He has a thorough . knowledge of the jewel ry trade. If you want a new watch, or the time piece you liave needs repairing, call and make his acquaintance. ! The ladies -especially will) find him courteous and attentive. He will sell them new goods or repair their broken jewelry at the lowest prices possible" for fine quality and superior workmanship The science of optics is one of Mr. FreyV ..specialties. A careful study and long experience I have made him one of the best practical opticians in the country. If you require an expert to fit you with a pair of spectacles or eye-glasses, don't fail to call and see hini, and no matter what the defect of vis ion may be, if it is possible jto re ceive assistance som the use of classes; he ttQ cTolv vou with Just what is teSf iSitedjto eyes. Engraicng la another ialty, and in fact for anything you ordinarily require at aajewelry store you cannot go wrong if you call. Very Hfctfully, jHQ'sfi 1 HORNTON. GreerteboToy Sent, it, 1888. RersrCriber i Joseph TokeBs Restaurant when you want lything to eat. He keeps the finest oysters in the city, served in any style desired. Promptand polite attention; meals at all hours, day or night. , Give him a call. Restaurant over John Barker s store, West Market St. oct6-d-tf your spec- Pains in Your Back IJ Powdera will care you. Price, per box, 50c, i Soxes for $1.00. Sent to any address on receipt oi price, by mail. Dr. J . i tits, xiu w ai u. seriP-ly Winston. i. v.. BRANSON HOUSE, s . i t i NEAR CAPITAL SQARE, RALEIQII, N, C, Board by the Bay, Week or Month TERMS RE SON ABLE. rl CSino. Clement 6i Wright, ATTORNEY - AT -LA W rjPracticea in Stote and Federal Courts, yffice orposite court kouse. Edwards Broughton; Printers, Binders u I want to see the day come when placing my right hand on 'the head of a little white child, and my left hand on the head of a little colored child, I can pass 'them into Sunday School togeth er. Oliver 11. Dockery, Republic an candidate for Governor of S. C, 'Down with the White Man's "party.r "That the right of suf frage rt-sU on no mero circumst- auce of raw, color, sex or nation "ality." 1th plank of the National Prohibition platform and slogan of the organ of the Prohibition party in North Carolina. White: or black it matters not where do you stand! BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, RALEIGH N. C, School and Commercial W rk .Legal and Alliance Work. Ginners Rcord Books, Church Records, Leeal, Blanks. Ac. i.e. mayll-tf ' ; THOEIAS BROTHERS, JOB PRINTERS, GUE.EN8 35 OHO. W. C. I OOD WORK OW PRICE8 USATISFACTIO N GABANTEED. CLAWS 1.00 QUEER PEOPtEp'C" OOBLUra t rimi wi ill ifflff IVnfr "' theXoust.) POIM HILL NURSERIES POMONA, N. O., Ttco and a half miles West of Greensboro, N, C. The main line of the Richmond and Danyille Railroad passes through the grounds and within 100 feet of the office. Salem trains make regular stops twice daily each way. Those interested in fruit and fruit growing ire cordially invited to inspect this, the largest nursery in the State and one of the largest in the South. Stock consists of Apples, Peaches, Pears, Cherries Plums, Japanese Persimmons, Apricots, Nectarines, Figs, Mulberries, Quinces, Grapes, Pecans, Strawberries, Raspberries, Currants, Gooseberries, Pie Plant, Eng- lish Walnuts, Chest nuts, Roses, Ever greens, Shade Trees, &c, &c, &c. All the uew and rare varieties, as well as the old ones, which my new catalogue for 1888 will show. Give your order to my authorized agent or order direct from- the nursery. I Correspondence solicited. Descriptive catalogue free to ap plicants. Address J. VAN LINDLEY, Pomona, jy2G tf Guilford Co., N. C. iill III Havinff qualified as the administrator of B. M. Idol, dee'd, before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Guilford county, I here by give notice to all persons holding claims against the said deceased to pre sent them as required by law, on or be fore August 1, 1889, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. Those indebted to the said deceased wilt please come forward and make payment? of the same. Jul v 31. 1888. WML IDOL. aug 3-4w - Adm'r. ALII ABOARD FOR DANBURY I Piedmont Sprlnira, i and all point in the Counties of Stokes. Surry It v i. ' '. ' tJxL. Rkinham. ; V Hereby civ notice to the traTelin publie that wITnutnCoJS. l mT e,T Md Wal0 SubIe Jhorses and Buggies to Hire Parties roing through the country from Walnut Core should see me. My hack makes daily trips to Danbary; leave Walnut Core at 5 1-a., arrive .anbury 7 p. Fare L. Bacarriel 0. JJAUC, j ang3 tf Walnut Cove, N. C. j Dr. J. W. Griffith, SURQ-KOIT D1STETIST -i i GREENSBORO, jN. C. Sl"Hn?.x.TBCTICJ? "hoct txis by the use o June 16-oLr wurous UxUe (laughing cas ) umce opposite Bxxbow IIorsE.lever SaTinw Cape Fear and People's STEAMBOAT GO. ':! DR. R.W. TATE, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, j GREENSBORO. l NORTH CAROLINA Offers his Professional Services to tLo citixens of Greensboro and surrounding country. 43"0ffice at Porter A Dalton's druar store. When nt there can be found at bis residence on Asheboro street, opposite Col Tk B. KeoRh's. iunli-tfi Tax Notice I will attend at the following times aud places to collect taxes for ) THE YBAE 1888 J. A. Hodsin's Store, rieasant Garden, Moody's Mill, Pavid Coble's, l.P.Foust's, McLeans ville. Widow Sun: mere'. Merry Oaks, Jirovrn Summit. HUlsdale. .wummerneld's, -Friendship, John King's, 11. R. Barrow's Store. High Point. Jamestown, Monday, Tuesday. Wednesdaj , Thursday, Friday Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, . Tuesday, Wedsesday. rr i i October 15th j 16th.! 17th. ISth. 19th. 20th. 22nd. 23rd. 24th. 25th. 26th, 27th. 2ith. 30th. 31st. Thursday. November 1st. OFFICE BBS AT MY From Nov. 2 to Nov. 30. RATE OF TAXES FOR m : On every 100 valuation, G5 cents, ojf . hich 20 cents is for State, 15 cents is -U-hool and 30 cents is for County pur poses. Poll tax,, $ 1J5, exclusively for School purposes. j THE TAXES ARE DUE THE First of September. ! The laws of '1887 say, whenever the axes shall be due, and unpaid, the&heriff -mil immediately proceel to collect them, y.c. Now my advice to all is, to meet me t the above times and places and pay : :oir taxes promptly, as the law requires, ..r I shall be compelled to collect them by : istraint. j I ! A. P. II URT I Leavoa "Wilraington Tuesdays and Fridays. Loaves urayotto-u- llio . MONDAYS AND T II Ui USD AYS of each week- For information and FroiahN. npir h i v MM. I I V V U 1 VV VUlLltlXJ Agenb at Wilmington. V S. COOK, Arent at Fayctterillo. N.O - E. A. POE, ; i - c MANUFACTURER OF BRICK, FAYETTE VILLE, N. C. I have the larprest and most com plete Bz?cZte. Wor3cg in North Carolina and make the host brick South of Philadelphia. Orders by mail solicited and will have prompt and careful attention. Address, D3. IrPOIE. Aag28 3m j ' 1 Desirable Farm Fol Sale, Only Two and a Half HUes-ftom Town. I hare for sale on eav term a mnt Iw?r&hl farm only two and halfL miles from the city, with good dwellings and out bourses, ioultry yard Ac, including a une straw berry bod and 20 acres in fruit trees of the most ?e!oct kind. The farm con tain about 150 acrex wore or loed and in a healthy neighborhood, rroiucos fine ojrn. whoat and to bacco. Also one pmall farm aiioining the above contain ing about 100 acre- more or le. one half under cultivation and the balance well timbered. The land is especially adapted to the growth of corn, to bacco, wheat, -and corn with splendid bttom : lands for the growth of bay Call on or a-iln ; Z. W.Whitihcad, Ue-1 rtate Agent. Junc27dAwtf (jreoasboro. N. C. i The Candidates for the Legislature and unty Offices'-will address the jieople ich day about 1 o'clock, 1'M. O. C. W DEEPER, i t,'2S t. e. The Central Hotel, mt. airy, n. p., HAS been remodelled and newly furnuhefirt is now the leading hotel in ton. iare m el is?, polite servants at a moment a call. ALw a finrt-cUss wunj le royn for drummers. sert2-tf J(7V. ITC11LLL. Prop To Gapifalists, Desiring to purchase good pay ing city property, in a prosperom! and rapidly crowinir town in Pied mont orth Carolina, with fine railroad facilities r also handsonif and well arranged dwelling, shoull call on or address I Z. ,V. WHITEHEAD, Real Estate Agent, jau27 Greensboro, X. C. St. CHARLES HO RICHMOND, VA. Acco mmod aliens for 303 Guesfsi $5 $1-50 to rioO rr day. Table lioard. per wt-k. $.50 Permanent liuwts. ir wetk. SIjO to.. Rooms without lioard, ir day, UJc, 75o to 5 1 air27 IM5. CALIlGnAN, Mnagr i ; - f