I it . . - , - , 1 ! - :f f ' . V ; !''-' - . - : ; : ' ' .... - I ' ' . t . ... .; ' " ., s j- i i . . : 1 : 1 1 ! . . "I ! i ' if U MODS I I ' offks ot Spring Goods h.ive hfcoino oxhaast- fl,l so tliiU it" is lmpossi- V ish J n'pleiiisbed with an I - 4 i i New Stock of Goods, i;l!v Lai v v J Ti l ?fol' ar in tne honse ; a J,, f.iiarnish all of my trade - f tTei styles tne marKec ai a!2fr tlie i "iVof Grass Goods, I trimmings to match. assure that my GODS DEPARTHEKT ' .pliVd than ever before is ami prices of Casli- f Lr IS. J'i M r i i. : L, Mlkfvarp Henrietta Cloths, !:,V f'liths. Flannels, -Black t .;!!; Ii lull line Ui tuu mitoii is3.i:tt match. IX.'Iojj.i:!: Department is bet fcpilie than ever before, as I ifr'.'M.j out most of my old Ti t ratio compelled me to : : i i.l of the season, so I :rrs!'u :i stock the larcrest and 'M!,,ffi nssortment of Cloth .! i i'.Ji r i.UVred, and at pri- r!.. r tlcin ever before. All I tilil before you purchase. SlftOES. lit iio Department Is now "vmi:i:ii:.te, and all 1 nave to J j!J call in ami you will be ' ' in tle and price. to was want a Straw Ilaf to ' " 'u:l;1u' season, come in and '. z , ,: J t mm very reasonable. 4,I r?kiiat cost. hr vou would I'" mm. t A.TS vote. ,i," tt.yas that is an old mt manv merchants Tvi!i in selling ojsuch the The 4 r. ami still Ilats to suit iCfEI DEPARTMENT jni'Iete iu a few days, as eel'r f"i my fall tock is now H and will be filletl in a ... pply the demand with 's " the lino of Carpets, and Curtains. (V: i 1 see for yourselves. I f . . 1 I - . - - 'viti soii nf "Hock Isot- u 1 ., - - - , many other such straws; Si-i' uml mil mill t . .1 i -Wll w i '. Him uuaiuccii&c WILL ARM FIELD. nan $nUwt I GREENSBORO, N. O. MON DAY, OCT. 29, 1888. SPECIAL. PARAGRAPHS. Cleveland stock is booming! " Harrison is weakest where he is best known. 7 Republicons have thrown up the sponge in Indiana. Republicans themselves admit that Harrison stock is on the waue. Now is the accepted time to bury the old defunct Republican party forever. The homestead law in North Car olina was the creation of the Demo cratic party. The Democratic party was the father of the mechanics' lion law in North Carolina. The Democraticjparty gave the State her first free schools, away back before the war. Remember what the Democratic party has done for you wheu you cast youryote on the Cth of Novem ber. FelIowcitizen8, take Vance's ad vice: Say your prayers, kiss your wives and vote the Democratic ticket. We can hardly think that any considerable portion of- the white working people ot North Carolina are in rebellion against the Demo cracy, r . The Democratic or the Republic an ticket will bo ejected in Guil fordand the prohibition Democrats have the power to say which one shall be. 'Would you liko to have your homo sold to help pay Levi P. Mor ton $30,000,000 that he claims from North Carolina! If so, vote for Dockery. A vote against the Democratic party is a vote against the laboring man. Now let the laboring man make a note of who votes against him and his party. The right ot the colored people testify in the courts of this State conferred by the Democrats in 18GG, long before the 'Republicans thought of giviug them the right to The lines have been drawn, and issue is labor against monopoly. Democratic party represents the laboring mair in his cries for relief, while the Republican party demands higher taxes. Which side are you onf Will the honest white men of North Caroliua, by their apathy by their staying away from the polls on election day consent to surrender their best interests, the best interests of the State, to the Republicans! Do your duty and your whole duty. See that your own vote is polled and counted, and 6ee that the lame and sick and weak kneed and indifTerent and forgetful among your Democratic neighbors are left with no excuse for a neglected duty. If Dockeiy is elected, and with him a Republican legislature, an attempt will be made to pay the $30,000,000 of special tax bonds which were stolen from the State. In that case, every man, woman nnd child in the State will be taxed to meet this fraudulent indebted GREENSBORO, N. C, LATEST NEWS. From all Parts of the WOLRD. BY TELEGRAPH. The Secret Died With Her. Richmond, Oct. 27. A report from Powhatan county, says that Miss Nannie Gordon committed suicide by drowning in the Appom attox River Wednesday. She was to have been married on that day to Henry Flippon, of Cumberland county. Her body was recovered. No reason is given for the suicide. Col. J. F. lloke Dead. Lincolnton, N. C, Oct. 27th. Special. Col. John F. Hoke, a leading citizen and prominent law yer, died here suddenly this morn ing, standing on the front porch of his residence, viewing a passing Democratic parade. He was well and jolly up to the moment that he reeled and fell to the floor dead. - Vance at Oxford. Oxford, N. C, Oct. 27. Vance made a big speech hero today to a large and enthusiastic crowd. Morehead and Browcr also spoke. The former made some telling points. The Republican convention to nominate candidates here today was captured by the negroes, and many white Republicans are dis gusted. A Wreck. Charleston, W. Va.? Oct. 27th. An early morning train on the C. & O. Railroad! going west was thrown from the track just above this city this morning by a mis placed switch. Thj engine tender, baggage car, two coaches and the steeper were thrown over an em bankment and destroyed by' fire, which broke out in the baggage car. Fireman John Eldins and Conductor W. I A. Netherland, of the Chesapeake & Ohio, were burn ed to death. The misplaced switch is a mystery. The Anarchists Again. Chicago, Oct. 27. The police are active and excited, over today's de velopments, which they construe to mean renewed activity in an archist circles. 1 It was well known that the auarcbists would com memorate November 11, the anni versary of the hanging of their leaders, but it was understood that everything; was open and above board. Today a copy of a circular dated October. 22, inviting mem bers of the "451 clups77 (wliicn tne noli co believe to be the successor of the Lehr Und Wehr Verein). to meet Thursday evening, October 25tb, was seut to Inspector Bon- field. The tact that this meeting was held, and such an "order77 exists without the knowledge of the poli3e, evidently worries tnem. After a consultation this afternoou, several detectives in plain clotlivs were dispatched to tne JNorth and west sides. OVER THE WIROS. News Flashed by Telegraph from Placea rar ana near. The Richmond Terminal talks ot absorbing the South Carolina Rail way and the Georgia Pacific. The decree forbidding the sale of Dr. Mackenize's book in Germany has been rescinded. M. de Giers. the Prime Minister of Russia, has been fifty years in the diplomatic service of his coun try. ' Montgomery Gibson, sou of Sena tor Gibson, who disappeared from Yale College two weeks ago, has turned up in Chicago. General S. L. Glasgow, a very promineut lawyer and life long Re publican of Burlington, Iowa, has has come out for Cleveland. An organization to be known as the Union Palace Car Company has been formed by parties holding a controlling interest in the Mann Budoir and Woodruff Sleeping Car Companies.' The Boston baseball managers have completed the deal by which they secure from Detroit the play ers Bronthers. Richardson. White, Ganzel and Bennett, and from New York John Ward. Ward is to be come captain of the Boston team. Five Maryland monuments were OCTOBER 29, 1888. tysburg battlefield. They were those of the First Eastern Shore Regiment, First Potomac Home Brigade, Third Volunteer Infantry, First Regiment Cavalry and Rig by's Battery A. An ingenious inventor has devis ed a new screw half nail and half screw; two blows of the hammer, two turns of the screw driver, and it is in. Its holding power in white pine is said to be 432 pounds against 298 pounds, the holding. power of the present screw. Chas. Keefe, a Jersey City long-, shoreman, aecuses Gen. John A. Ramsay and John Beckam, both Republicans, of offering him a bribe to register for a man who is sick. The accused have been arrested. 4,000 Hearers. Sam. Jones preached to four thousand men and boj s in Parrish's Warehouse, Dur ham, yesterday. Synod Adjourned. Synod, which has been in session at Golds boro jfor the past few days, ad journed Saturday to n.eet next year at Charlotte. ; Stop. If you would consider for a moment that a registration con stituted one of: the essential qual ifications for voting you would stop everything and go and register. Presbyterian Orphanage. The Presbyterian Synod in session at uoiusooro, oaturuay, rwuivcu to take steps looking to the estab lishment of an Orphan's Home within its bounds. A member of Synod tendered to the body a dona tion of one thousand acres of land and buildings as a nucleus for this enterprise. A commission of fifteen was appointed to take this matter under consideration, with authority to conclude the business and select a site for the proposed Orphanage. REMOVED. The oublic will please take no tice that I have removed my gro cery and confectionery store to the Benbow corner, boutn r.im street, opposite Brockmann's. Kespectluliy, R. E. Waggoman. i oct26-d-tf Tour Attention a Few Moments. Tusrreceived a large lot of fan cy baskets. Prices very low. 500 pieces sheet music, Sets a sneet. ORIGINAL KACKET STORE. Next door to Express Office. oct25-d-iw - ! 1 w NOTICE, j Tht "Rnnrd nf CountV CommiS- sioners of Guilford" county having decided to build two vaults in the county court-house, notice is hereby given- that said board will receive bids ior tne same on or ufnrf tht iit Mondav in next kwivri v j month (Nov.). For sizes, plans, &c, call at the Register of Deeds office in Greensboro, N. C. j. vv. causey, R. of D. and Clerk toB oard. Oct. 12th, '88. 23t E. A. POE, MANUFACTURER OF BRICK, . i FAYETTE VILLE, N. C. paving Brlok Sjeolaity. I have the largest and most com plete DBztc33Z Wors in North Carolina and make the best brick South of Philadelphia. Orders by mail solicited and win have prompt and careful attention. Address, E.A.POE. Aug2S3m ' : " Dr. J. W. Griffith i STTIa-:E03Sr DENTIST GREENSBORO, N. C. Tikth Kxtbacted irrrHOCT -jus by tbuo Nitrous Oxide (lurhkt r-L c.' ;icoriiTnBow "OTS08 Baolu ' 1 i ... , - - . i BY Woodward. Sk Lotlirop The fall trade may be said to be fairly underway. The store is brim full of the season's best prod no tions, both foreign and domestic Our preparations for the coming season's business have been on a greater scale than ever before, and we are in a position to cater to your wants to better advantage than was ever otherwise possible. Great Milk Bargain. A fortunate purchase of Guiuet's - 1 1 ' 1 1 tL 1 Dest DiacK imported suks enaoiesr MM A. f us to oner our customers ine greai est values in these world renowned fabrics ever placed on sale. The! forced stagnation of the trade in the far South is being felt in that commercial heart-center, New York: and importers are compelled to find a sale for the goods that would otherwise have gone into that sec tion. ; I We are always on the alert, and have just secured, among other goods, five lots of Guinet's black silks, which we propose to unload at a small advance, thus retailing this most reliable brand at the low est prices it has been known to reach. - ! Lot 1, Qual. E, only 87 Jc. pr yd. Lot 2, Qual. D, only 94c. per yd. Lot 3, Qual. C, only $1 per yard. Lot 4, Qual. B, only 81.121c. yd. Lot 5, Qual. A, only $1.20 yard. We refrain from quoting the usu al selling price of these five quali ties, confident that your discerning judgment will instantly recognize their intrinsic value. (First floor; annex.) j "Opening" of Bendy-mad Garments, The entire, third flcor has on its best dress this week. Every line is full of the best of the season's styles aud qualities. Ladies' suits, jackets, wraps, both long and short; New markets, Raglans, Modjeskas, &c. Children'sandMisses'buitsJackets, cloaks, ne wmarkets, j&c. . Ladies' fl innel wraps and; waappers, tea gowns. &c, of other materials. The entire floor is in "dress parade," and we beg you will ive it.an in spection. As we purchased only oue, two, and a few of some ct the extreme styles, we suggest to those of our customers who wish some thing "exclusive' to call early in the week. Bargains will be offered, and especially in the lower grades. (Third floor.) J Kew Cnrtain UlatciiaU; This will be goodj news to the ladies who have been waiting. Wo beg your indulgence lor the un avoidable delay, aud believe those wbo have not yet bought will le glad they waited. We can only tell of a few lots to day, as more are yet coming. j 3,000 yards of Imitation Pongee Curtain Drapery, io a handsome variety of attractive! colorings aud 1 ffects. Only 15c. per yard. - 2,500 yards 40-inch Printed, Lace striped Scrims, in light, medium 5ind dark effects. Ofily 12c. yard. 1,500 yards of Curtaiu Madras Cloths, in Cream and Lemon, warm ii or n?H. auu mnhu t riy auiau i ive window drapery -- w i w Only 25c. per yard. . . (Fourth floor.) Excellent styles and colorings in m) inch Raw Silks at 42Jc.4)er yd. Other prices C5, 7i3c-., $1, S1.10, 81.25. 81.35, to82.j Dndoubtedly she best line yet. (Fourth floor.) TJ.ur.ilux Braid. New line of "Novelties" 111 Dress Trimming'' Braids to match the new -hading in Silks and Woolen Dress lioods. Jet Trimmings in profu ion Galloons, Fringes, Passemen ;eries, Pendants, &c, iu great var ety. Beautiful Persian Trimming 15 raids in oriental irridescent effects. Superior Line of Cream, Gold, .nd Silver Braidings for trimming -veniug costumes. Siecial attention is called to the Silk and Satin Cordedi Braids, in .11 the new shades, at 42c. per yd. Silk and Steel Braids, crotchet ,lge with steel center; colors, black villi silver, fllue with drab, brown xith gold, green with bronze, terra cotta with gold; 2 inches ide, very handsome, and only uc. per yard. (First floor.) 1 The Wash Goods department has been moved to the fourth floor, where it has more space, more 1 goods, and a chance to do more business. New CoSorinW in Best LiSark Prints, warranted j to wash perfectly. Unly.GJc. per. yard. Per cales, 12c. Indigo blue prints, 8c, (Fourth floor.) r ' x Ribbon. I , r No need to advertise; Ribbons except to give you a hint now and then as to thefashion. Yon can count on finding the latest here, as soon as it is but. Satin and Gross grain, with plain edge; Gross Gram with Statin edge; Moire with Sating and crown edges, &cl, in och new shades as Pepita, Marabella, ; llo seda, jCoxuelicot, Rose. Gobelin, Don, Quixote, Chasseur. Cresson. Bovealf Suez. Amandian. RamierJ Porcelain, Caspian; Tabac, -Turquoise, Moutard, Golden Idrown, and the ordinary shades of Blues, Cardinals, Garnet, Ecru, Beige, White, Cream and Black. Moire Silk Ribbons, with crown edge, for Decorativo Art Work; widths 1 to 2 inches; price 10 to 22c. per yard. - 'I Full lino of Art Shades in 5 inch Satin and Gros Grain' Ribbons. Fancy. Ribbon in Gros Grain Satv in Stripe and wide? Satin Border on one side; 3J inches wide; Colors: Cream, Black, Cardinal, Gold, Brown, Rainier, Suez, Amandian, Navy and Mahogany. AM the newest shades and fanc ies in Satin and Velvet Ribbons, Superb line of "Novelties? in tho most fashionable shadings and1 edges for millinery trimmings. (First floor, front of main en- . trance.) i; 1 Every prepara very preparation has oeen made for doing a larfeo Fall business in Bjack Dress GjBods. Black is being wprn considerably by Ladies not In mourning Wo have the; gcots inbre than ever before, and what's better yet, they are all Reliable fab rics, products of the best Foreign and Domestic manufacturersj As good illustrative bargains we quoto the following-three: - 39 inch (called 40) Black All wool Foulo Serge . Perfect Black and a very desirable f brie, only 50c. per yard. i - 40-inch Black All wool Bison Twilled Serge, heavy. weight and a very dressy weave, on'y 50c. vard.. 1 Case 39 inch (called 40) Black All-wool Croise cloth or India Twill a new weave and destined to ) be much worn. this season, ouly 53c. per yard. . V ' Nearly ah all of Ii. Priestly & Uo.7s Elegant Black fabrics are here. We have selected the most . desirable weaves, the most appro priate weigh ts for this climate.! Couitlaud's Best Black lEnglish Crapes at a wide range5 of prices. (First floor, auuex.) Flannel. . Largest stock, greatest vanetv. and best values wo have fever shown, be it in whi:e,f colors, or fanc3'. We could fill a colnmn of the Star and then not tell half. Wo quote these few special lots. and leave the colorings to ''your imagination. j 1 French Wrapper Flannels at 37, 42, 55, and 75c. Cashmere flannels at uOc. French Printed Flannels at C5c. German Figured -Flannels at 75c Best Jersey Flannels at G'JXc. Shrunken Homespun Flannels at 50c. ! - Woven Bordered Skirting Flan- nels at C5c. ! X - Best Eiderdown Flannels at 75c. Homespuu Flannel Skirt Pat terns at 81, 81 35. 8 i.50: 81.75. and 82 each. (Second floor.) V Fr3Ianurartaring C;narorl. Mauy ladies make their own bed comforts We call their attention to our large supply of Cottori Bats and Coverings, kucu as Prints, Cheese-cloths, Batiste Chccce cloths, Sateens, Chintzes, &c Pound Cotton Bat, 12J, 15, 18; and 20c. each. Cheese cloths, 5 and 10c. per yd. ; Prints, C. S, and lOts. per yard. Sateens, 12c. per yard. Batiste Cheese cioths, 12cyd. (Second and fourth floors.) r ItofO CUlbinz. Never before wlto we Letter pre pared to dress-your boys from 2j to 14 years. The bulkof the stock was late arriviug now all in, even to the heavy d pad of winter Over coats. Close buying at the very source of the supply enables us o give unrivalled values. 1 W00DVARD & LOTHRO? " Cir Uth r-l VrU. to. w , WAIIINiiTOX, D.C. 0-:t S W m d lyr. 1 dedicated onlThursday on tue uei ness. 1