J GBEENSBOEO. tf. C. MONDAY, OCT. 20, 1888. . n :n W mMiidied very day except Sunday, and will U perred to our 1 week. in I month. 11 25 Z - 5 00 Cash. . T Remittance, murtbemadj &gere .no PATRIOT U devoted to the great and grewlonal District and the Old HorUi btate ior em. ' No attention rlven'to annonymons cornsppon deneL Sd rejected eommnnication. notreterned byMilunleM portage is sent for that purpose. ComnwnicaUons on local topic oUdUd fromrery postoffioe. in the Fifth District- The editor is In no wWresponsibld for view ex pressed by correspondents. -DNoticw of marriagoa and deaths inserted free ot to the Tictor belongs the spoils. Advertisement aisoontlnued before the time' contracted Tor h ex- ion at this office. , , -If . B.-All "nounwmex and rewinndatio rf candidates for oflce. will be charged for .a advertisements. - ' DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. The Election take place on Tues day, November 6.J Rational TlcUet. Vor "president: GROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. Vor"vice president: ALLEN G. TUUBMAN, of Ohio. tate TlcUct. FOR "GOVERNOR. DANIEL G. FOWLE, of Wake. ' FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. THOMAS M. HOL1, of Alamance. FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF SUPREME C OURT to fill the vacancy caused by the deatn of Hon. Thomas S. Ashe: JOSEPH J. DAVIS, of Franklin. FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICES OF SUPREME COURT Sunder amendment to the Constitution: JAMES E. SHEPHERD, of Beaufort. ALPHONSO C. AVERY, of Burke. FOR SECRETARY OF STATIC! WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Orange, for treasurer: DONALD W. BAIN, , of Wake. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC IN STRUCTION: SIDNEY M. FINGER, of Catawba.. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL: THEODORE F. DAVIDSON, of Buncombe. for auditor: T G. W. SANDERLIN, of Wayne. Selectors for the state at large: A. M. WADDELL, of New Hanover. P.. N. STRUD WICK, of Oramje. : " FOR FIFTH DISTRICT: JOHN n. DOBSON, of Surry. H)R congress 5th district: JAMES T. MOREHEAD, of Guilford. WEEK FOR WORK. Wo are well advised of the truth of what we say when we warn the Democrats- that the Republican party are hopeful at this moment of carrying North Carolina for Harri son a.nd for Dockery, besides elect ing a sufficient number ot members of the legislature to control the choice of United States Senator. Three weeks ago they were dispos ed to doi ote all their efforts to hard rights in different counties on the legislative ticket; but we have authoritative warrant for the state ment that an abundance of means is now being furnished the Repub lican managers in this State, and if money, misrepresentation, distor tion of facts and all the other desperate expedients appertaining hereto, may avail anything, they intend victory by one of the most stubborn battles ever fought! This is a plain statement of fact-it , re mains to be seen what effect the imminent danger will have upon North Carolina Democracy. If 30, 000 or 40,000 white men remain away from the polls, all will be ac complished for which 110,000 groea and 20,000 whites are striv ing; il Democratic indifference per mits the election to go by default, Dockery with an administration "Z. W. WHITEHEAD," ED. AND V Kur j. H. MYROVER. ASSOCIATE EDITOR which shall reproduce the misujaii sgement and corruption of restruo tion days will be inducted into the Gubernatorial chair; if the Democracy of the white people of this State is not vigorous and prac tical enough to lead them to the registration books and the ballot box, we may-expect , the natural sequence of a change of county government, with negro supremacy in 30 per cent ! of the counties of North Carolina, attended by finan cial bankruptcy and ruin; if added to the largo number of mistaken men honest as they doubtless are, who , will so blindly cast their votes with the Third Party, and thereby extend just so much assist ance to the Republican cause we are to see repeated Tuesday of next week the unbroken column of Radi calism on its way to the polls, con trasted with disaffection and vacil lation in our own ranks, we must prepare to bear the consequences of our defeat. A burnt child dreads the fire;" and in 1876, smarting with the wounds which we had received by misgovern mont and mismanage material, intellec ment in all our tual and moral interests, we rallied about Vance when he made that wonderful campaign against Settle the gladiatorial combat of .two Titans in politics and the great wave of revolutionized feeling swept the last vestige of Radicalism from every department of the State government. It begins to look now as if the dread of the fire had pass ed away, and the cauterized wounds had ceased to feel. Beware, tellow- citizens, lest they bleed afresh and mark our words: it the autumn of 1883 is to witness the restora tion to power in this commonwealth of the Radical party, its leaders are prepared to carry out ruthlessly and pitilessly all the extreme meas ures which they have boldly an nounced as issues in their cam paign, r No ignorance of the situation can console us then ; we will have brought . our fate upon ourselves with ryes open, and as we make our bed so must we lie therein. Brower's Discourtesy. Dal ton, N.1 J3., Oct. 9. I will give you my experience m staying all night with the Hon. John M. Brower.: I was driving a Winston livery team at the time Mr. Brower was elected to the State Senate from Surry connty. I took him home from Winston, and the following snows now ne treated me: I arrived at his home about 7 o'clock, and put my team up and went to the house to get my supper. I knock ed at the door and Mr. Brower wanted to know who was there. I told him I was the man that brought him, and wanted my supper. Mr. Brower says, "We don't have sup per this time of night." I then asked him where I should sleep. He told me to go down to the negro cabin and they (the negroes) wonld show me where to sleep. When I went down to the negro cabin they told me that Brower said for me to sleep with them, but the negro said he hal more respect for a white man than to tell him any such. The negro told me to go back to the house and -may be Brower would let me stay in the house. But he would not do it, and I had to stay with the negroes and sleep on some old wagon sheets and 'plant bed cloths. I write you this to show you what respect such meu as the Hon. John M. Brower have for the poor white man, and I hope that he will never have the chance of being elected to any office. W. M. Heath, in Winston Sentinel. PeidbHas a-Fall. A fashion able church wedding among some summer sojourners was a June oc currence in a little New England village. The high hand with which things were carried on aroused the jealousy and sharpened the tongues of the native element, whose high est idea of a marriage ceremony had always apparently been to run over the border and have the knot uea uuKnown to one's friends. ; A Some seven hundred invitations were sent through the postoffice and ere long the acknowledgments began to arrive. ''Waal, IswanP the country post master was heard to chuckle to his young and green assistant. I reckou this'll takedown the Bs a peg. If here ain't all theirinvites a com in' back!" Harper's Bazar. The Farmers' Alliance in the State numbers over 59,000. The "sovereigns" seem to be coming. hSUSIU S CAB IX LOG S c. Brawn and Brain!" : -;m ThA nnwprfnl eucine. with its 'wonderful propell ins; power, coup- led to the long tram run ireigmeu with the richest fabric of the intel lectual looms of the centuries what obstacles can stay the pro gress of this mighty force, when once under full t team along life's highway! l The American with brawu and brain does not see the necessity for titles of nobility, does not care for elevation by descent; he can reach ont and pluck the stars. " 1 But with brawn or brain impair ed, a man is badly handicapped iuj the mad race for success which, is the marked characteristic of. the present age. The physical system if a most in tricate piece of 7 machinery. It ought. to be kept well regulated, so that it will work harmoniously in all its parts; then it is capable of an immense amount of work. . It is said that a watch, if expect ed to keep perfect time, j must be wound daily. It will not keep good time unless it "runs regular.'7- More men breakdown because they don't "run regular" than- tor any other reason. , ! It is claimed by pliysieians that few men are killed by hard work. It is to the irregularities of modern social life that the high death rate is due. Men burn their candle at both ends, then wonder why it burns out so quickly-. ' The main thing in keeping the human machine in good working order is. to keep the regulator all right. ""The blood is the life," and sound health is assured so long as the blood flows through the veins a limpid stream of purity. Regulate the regulator t with Warner's Log Cabin sarsaparilla, the old fashioned lilood purifer, prepared after the best formula in use by our ancestors in good old Log Cabin days, and with the vigor of brawn and brpiu which must en sue, in your life's lexicon you will find no such word ad faili Lcg Gab iks were fit dwelling places for the hardy pioneers who cleared the forests and advanced tlio outposts of the grandest civili zation the world has known. They lived wholesome lives, when ailing took simple remedies of roots and herbs. The formulas of the best of them are used in the preparation of Warner's Log .Cabbi Remedies. Clement B. WrigiiV ATTORNEY - AT - L A W GKEENSIiORO,:N C. Practices in Stato and Ferleral fouits. yffico opposite court houee. ! J?. T. BALDAViX," ATTOBJftY AT iJ.W, HIGH P O I N T, N. Practices in the Sta.te and Federal Courts. Special attention given to the collection of .claims an6 DR. R.'W. TATE, l'RACTICINO 1IIYSICIAN, GRBENSBOO, - NORTH CAROLINA. Ofifers his Professional Services to the citizens of Greensboro and surrounding country. 0ffice at Porter & Dalton's drug 3tore. When not there can be found at his residence on Asheb.ro street, opposite Col- T. B. K eoghs. iunli-tf The Merchants Hotel. MADISON, N. O., Iocated in the business part of town, is now J open for the public ; is the leading house in the town with first class fare. Rooms well furn ished and good sample rooms fur drummers Don't fail to fiton at the Merchant?. N. M- McGEIIEE, ly. Proprietor. Edwards Broughton, Printers, Binders 4xr- BLANK BOOK MAHUFACTUREVfS, RALEIGH N, C., School and Commercial Wc .k. Legal and Alliance Work, Ginncrs' Record Books, Church Record. - Legal , B lan ks, ic,- tc, mayll-tf ! PEACE INSTITUTE. RALEIGH, N. C. For Girls and Young Ladies. Fall session opens first Wednesday in September 5th dav). and closes first Wednesday in June Hb9 Thorough instruction by accotnplishtd and ex perienced teachers in all branches usually taught in first class Seminaries for young ladies. Buildirg one of the largest and be?t equipped in the South. Steam heat. Gas and electric light. Terms as low as any Institution offering equal advantages. Deduction for two or more from same family - Correspondence solicited . For circular and cata logue address RE-V. R. BURWELL A SON. ul5-2ua .- . . Raleigh. N -C. tig G baa given univer sal satisfaction In the cure of Gonorrhoea and Gleet. I prescribe it and feel safe in recommend ing it to all sufferers. a. J. STOXER, H.D, Deeatar, III. PRICE, 81.00. Sold by Druggists. 3ay4.tf. i f TO 5 DATSA :xralybyth VlX7usC&galsil09L V f3nrtTtat.rT.il. J IV tin i -nr 1 linotes -FOR iMMTJIIMS II SIPF1 Yemen's R. R. EatinglEosse, Greensboro, H. C. "Everything fresh, nice and clean. Table sup plied with the best the market affords. Servants polite and attentive. Passengers arriving on the train from Winstou going North, Eat, iouth or W est ie over here plen ty long to get a FIRST CLASS HOT MEAL. Parties from all points South passing East or West and down the C. f. & Y. V. lie over here one and a half hours; Therefore r. member that when you waat a good meal, come from where you may, Vernon's R. H Eating Douse, ZZ just opposite the R. fcD.Depotia the place. july3d&wtf Proprietor. Richmond Locomotive Machine Works, RICHMOND, Va., - ' BUILDERS OF LOCOMOTIYES, Standard on Naeeow Gauge, adapted to every service. ENGINES AND BOILERS 15 to 200 n. p. FOR ALL PURPOSES. COMPLETE STEAM PLANTS FOR FACTORIES AND MILLS, 15 II 1 capable of cutting 5,000 to 30,000 feet of lumber per day, with patent ed, devices for accurate and rapid work. A LARGE LOT OF Small Engines & Boilers from 4 to 10 H. p., "Tanner & De laney,,? for sale low to close tbein out. .Write for catalogue and esti mates on your wauts. W. R. BURGESS, Salesmau for North Carolina. D&w Greensboro, K. C. For Sale. A FINE FARM. Consisting of S50 a res, on the waters of North Buffalo. A good two story white house, 7 rooms, dining room and kitchen attached, with all neces sary out buildings, well of good water, spring and spring-bouse near dwelling, stables. wgou sheds, crib, grainery, carriage bouse, blacksmith shop, 2 tenant houses, 3tobacco barns. This farm is located rails east of ? reorisboro, orth of McLeans ville, Z from R&D R R. in a good neighborhood healthy, and convenient to ch rches and good schools. Soil adapted to wheat, corn and tohacco. 150 acres fine timber convenient to railroad, good meadow. 50 acres bottoms, 50 acres fresh tobaooo land. Will either sell in one body or divide in two parts. Can be bought at a bargain. m Abo 2 young nrnrlr mnlns 1 vniin? mare, eood inilcb cows and sheep, wagons, brggies, plows, and all kinds of farming utensils, useful out too numerous u men ion. For prices and terms apply at on ck to TlluS. RANKIN, sept8 McLeansville, Guilford Co., N. C OF THE STAUNTON LIFE ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA. ORGANIZED March 3d, 1883. COMMENCED BUSINESS April 10ft, 1883. UPWARDS OF $5,000,000 insurance NOW IN FORCE. PAID OUT IN DEATH LOSSES $100,000. AXD NOT A SINGLE CLAIM CONTESTED. "Liberal comuiissioii to agents. For f further particulars address or call on F. IRVIN HILL, State Agent, Greensboro, NG. COflice Koora No. 2, ovfcg Porter's Drug Store. r ang21 LADIES ! Do your own DYEING, at DTome. with They will dye everything. They are sold every where. Price 1 Oc a package 40 colors. 1 bey ha no ciual for strength, brightness, amount in pak ages or lor fastness of color, or non-fadicg Pf They do not crack or smut- Frr sa e by POL i Jyl & TATE, Druggi-t. Oreenshom. N. C. . ft -Landreth. Neir Ortensboro ; L. A. vmther and Dorset Jc Pimpn. Stokdie. X. C; T.T Rugs, general m'de, 00090 N. C- i ii22-ly REV. T, P.CHILDS: Will effectually and permanently CUKE any eae of tatarrh or iironcnuif. no matter how desperate The treatment is locals a well a well an constitutional. Can only be rot at Trov Ohio. We deire to treat th --S9 who have TRIED other rem- T, P. Childla, Tary, Oh.. Twenty PROVED 1111 Li Li U NORTH CAROLINA DEPART nininnn I flnflnKH uniiniiiiii Sep 21 w9t Pilot Momitain Hotel, X PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. 0., IS open for the traveling public, and especially pWafure seekers, being near the famous Pilot Aiountauj. Good fare, and first class rooms. Con veyances to and from the mountain at any and all bo"- HAM1EL AlARlANrprop'r. - dec2-tf - . , r- i r WENTW0RTII, N- C. IS a first-class hotel. Rooms furnished in the very best of style. The Uble is always supplied with the best the county affords. Servants polite and attentive. Is located near and convenient to the court house. W.P.1IAOK, novll Proprietor. Mans, Texas and ' California Via the Memphis A Little Rock Railroad, middle and central route. Th Double Ctlly connections from Memphis to r kancats Texas and the Great Northwest. DoubU Daily Through Coaches from Atlanta to Texas, without change, via the Memphis and Little Rock Short Liiib. ' , , miki Hoars ail Fortj Minutes Quicker - i ! i ' ' i To Dallas, Fort Worth, and the Texis Pacific Points than the New Orleans Long Line. . 173 mile's shorter to Dallas and 2U0 miles shorter to Fort Worth. The shortest and beet route for the Tourist or invalid to the famous EUREKA AND HOT SPRINGS Of Arkansas. Buffet Sleepers from Washington D. C and Jattanooga to Little Rock. Pullman and Woodruff Buffet Sleepers from Cincinnati and Louisville ) Little Rock, connecting with through sleepers in Union Depot for points in : TEXAS and CALIFORNIA. Connections at Argenta with Little Rock and For Smith Railway, for Fort Smith and the Indiau Territory, This route has a Through Coach from Atlanta and-Chattanooga to Fort Smith, Ark., and from Atlauuv and Chattanooga-to Dallas, Texas. 12 hours in advance of any route. 150 pounds of baggage allowed to each wholo ticket and 75 pound; to each half ticket. ' r " If you are going to any point in the Great West and wish to s tve from one to two dollars in time and inneyon your ticket, write or call on me. I will meet you and famish you with tickets and through checkB at your starting point, if you will either write or wire me, Books and mans of Ar kansas. Texas and California mailed free. For any 'formation concerning the West, write for "New Western. Railway Guide." mailed free, to R. A. WILLIAMS. GehT Soutbetern Trav. Pass. Agent. ' P- O. Box 230, Atlanta, Ga. S. W.TUCKER, Gen'l Pass'r and Ticket Agent, sei30 Little Rock. Ark. DZLIjAKD SsTCTTTGr-, ATTORNEYS AT LAVV j GREENSBORO. - - - NORTH CROLIXA ILL practice in State and Federal Courts. 5-03ice opposite Court House. May23 ly. i SALEM FEMALE ACABEMY. SALEM, N- C- HEALTHFUL LOCATION: BEAUTIFUL grounds ; ample buildings, with oouifortaMe study and parlors; slceping.alcove': bathing-room; well graded and advanced courso of study; special schools in Music, Art, Languages an I Commercial studios?- refined homo lite, with good Christian training ;-special care of thel' individual pupil: eighty-four years of continuous e.tiwrioncel and more than 6,000 Alutnn . Send for catalogue ai d circulars iul25dltw5t - : : .YOU' CAN-. GET ; . ;. A BKAVTlFUr. 3TIKISTKIt (Uliiotra tod) OF OAK RlUfjiC INKTITITK AND 15IJSIIiKH OOlil.CfiiU. telling all about that celebrated school, T1 IR 0E3 jEj I You should do this if you contemplate patroni sing any school next year. Prepares for Teaching, for JIainc. or for College 31!) Ntudrnt last year. This school is finely located in the Piedmont region of North Carolina, (near Greensboro.) where arood board can be had low. lrhas splendid building.?, fine studyhalli. and elegantly furnishod Society Halls, beautiful Chapel, and is completely equipped. ! One of the few flnl-elo Ilixh Mcfaools in the South Address J. A. & M. U. IIOLT, tf Oak Ridge. N. C. TAPE WORMS EXPELLED in one hour, with head and alive. No Cure So Pay. Live Agents wanted to sell the medicine. Addrcw Dr. J. MENTER HOWARD. septl6 ly ; Lock Bu 64. Winston N C si h or m is 400 IIhd. Choice Sew Crop Molnscs to Arrive From! V illatanzas. v ICO B bis. Fresli F Jour. lOO Koxcs p. S. Sides. 250 Wales Hay. J 300 Rox.es Tobacco & SmifTm. 20 Tons Hoop Iron. -300 Ic? IVallM. , IOO llbls. CoIIec. T5 Bag Sugar. V . Lye, Potash, Soap,(lanlleM, Candy, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Iiair, Etc., Etc., Etc. WORTH & WOETLV 3-16-3m Wilmington, N.C. For Rent, The store rpom on West Mar ket streetnow occupied by S. Sr Mitchell, will he for rent Sept. 1st, 1 888. Apply to aug22-I m W.F. TljOGDON. Utterly SurprlKsed. ; MgaiDtiN, Ml. July 12, 18S8 For a number of ye:irs 1 have sulferea untold pgony from the efift-cM; Of tbl ioisoa. I had my case treated by several pruminent-piiyeicaans, bat received but littlo. if any; relief. I retrted t all sorts of patient tnedicinea pending a Urge amount of money, but yet getting no better. My attention was attracted by the cured said to have Ut-cu -affected by ii D D and 1 cotnacefcerd tkinr it merely as aa experimont. having hut Mule taitli in the result. To my ntter surprise I sooti -nn-uenced to improve, and deem myself tu-day a well ind hearty peD all owingt o the excellent qualiti of B B 11 I cannot commend it too high ly to those suffering from blood poison: J. O. Gib soy, Vn Trainman MAOEK To the Merchants, - 'ng ' i-' TIN-jWAUE, jp ?et the same et Richmond prices, by calling on i Hotel 9 !Qreensboro. N C. DEALER IM FINS.ACCICTS S1MERFS;AND FURSHINQ GOCDS may B. G. CRISP A-ttomey at a SILKU CITY-, N ( I ' WILL rractico in W, J CoIection of claims a 6tv Lmt ' I x23-ly. "i. ! SPLENDID (IH-ANCK-viL. m-EST.MKN i : ' , YahableJ Property iatte " Heart t a . Litoiid WMe-Awate Citv.H ron-rin-Koi: kxui two-story Coach Sh. . Ail tnis proporty i in ci - cut marxci. Terma: One-thii c.i-i, .mvih'.ii io lie. id one-third in 2 yci ; ... , J , a " -J Call on otjddret ,yV. 'b V-4lnV,' and . sepl-d2w E 6 11 T Is ' i ffV .1 FOKI. LDE-SIZE'OIL, Bdsi 25i3aJ 50 H " Fall Lire-Size Crayon, E-sOfjijffi PORTRAITS MA DC FRo.M LI IT: ! " DAOU ERKKOTY i KS, 1 1 N T Vl .PAIXTINtS5.MiAWIXti.jj- or other copy. M GROUP I' I CT 1 11 KS Made nt corre't'ndiri rato". A J'' it;L ii kkss of the Original gn.T.i:iixi. ' CorrcPndctK-e sulu itcl lr v rk t" it j i the StJito. . ''!, 9ir Keforvncw fent ui.n nj i ii-nt'i. s - , liNK cm:vn:v ' y J'.-'i.-vj1'. N Studio in the Aisdn-w . Iii;! Vive ti'i-t,. Stroot. , ( - i May lH-ly ! J. C. Liiidley & Bro., O x- o o xa, m io o rr o IM C. We enn fl"cr at wholwale a l irvj I t "? vniM;oosi:aiMioihiTr!.i'M.s t 1htj:o ot f : " ! KMILLSII MUMSKKKIU 15,00() STRAW YsVX PLANTS leading . Itcm, Concord & Clinton lilLU'K?.. Can supr ly P dealer a few t!i u-o I Late Apple and Ivti ly IVaj-li Trrt t-5iocial in luciin rit I' -uJ-jf, men aod largo planlen. - . llundrc iu a l Tl. -u-i'A f( ' " Trceh.lVlnvH ami IMsiiil" f f all during the.yenr. Nutk. f : .f- it ( he city. Min oEico ;u .--'jth him -tr - '. boro. v ' . TAYLOR i Will be open on the l.t;H t for tbo accoimwHl Uion .f , to Piedmont Spring. (( i f j These Springs an- sl-ti -i ri!;! from Danbiiry, find airM' most popular water j" water, eat anytliin- , without inconvenieii'-e. ,V;,;,C1 of scrofula have heen liil '. use and it is a ft title U j diseases. . j or PLtASUKlv SKF.KLKo t: . -v , fcan Hiirpass it. v. My table will; l. i be best the umtV iniii? room is hit- :.VMjt : , th d rooms well ve.nf)'- W'L; ,;;'! and . the long d. :uup ! make the IIo:- ;oih- vWf-; . .4.4.. . i ! ' 1 1 1 ! ''I aesiraulo in - r State to'spend tr,e 1 -The yard is boaMM ;:i y im. l ly shaded with ArV ' A Place I-on A . -M1 r. , beeu set apart, and I' H-K-provided. -, f ,,r weeks 81C; per vu k, T 'u! ,;r aij children of W f halt charges. Servaiit'; ,if on their euplye -' charges. ,'.vP'l1 Thankfnlf(r past l-) a coutiuuaiie' o(J ili- (SrAiUlr? n; ' (t Stokes County, 5d tf uy - Junelotl v.4.'n:i'- A PHYSICIAN Brown's Summh. -V;,1 best openingin the '-'hl, . r , -..1 mj 1 O IIOmt; ami i.ot ; -L O two Py buil.nnc. with :r n-tI,r? t: 1 rooms in a house.) mII t.uilt wuh ,i years, and a!l now tu4 ts ,n j r,;r,' water-works and He-tM ,t 'it,. 1L "r pays 16?i per ront. on H...'. , tWy ,illT' 'vr.j HOJJS flirthcr inrm(jr J. H.UK.HAUIV, i,tf .;. at Wrijfr For further mioniH- y aug2

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