7 i P0U-LV r a VOLUME 2 UKKKNSBORO, N O WEHNKSDAY. SIABCH 28, 1SJ-3. NKW SKKIKS NO. 245 Umly 1 3Btriot.: 4 o o s1 F ' N ., v. "- -. V - ---' ARCHITECTURAL a ID) ft w iw mi ASA SNYDER & Wrought, Cast ZMdDJV0. JFticlimontl, Heason of Wilmington, KT. C. K. R. BKIDGEKS, Prea't. C. L. GRAFLIN, Sup't. DOXALl) 3fAClt AEV Treas. W L. DeUOSSET, Gen. Act. V. H PHILLIPS, Ph. B. Chemist, lato of C. Ag. Dep't. . Eigh feal If avassa Siai AND ACID PHOSPHATE For Tobacco, Wheat. Cotton. Wo bc to call tlio attention of Planters to the above WELL KNOWN FERTILIZERS, Which have sto-d in the Fmnt Rank for the past 12 years. Wcmuvit.ictuie the HIGHEST GRADES OF FERTILIZERS, and their Relia bility and Uniformity have been tested in the soil, in the States of North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, to the satisfaction of a:l who hive used them. We append analysis made by Prof. White, of Georgia, and Prof. Shepard, of South Carolina: GUaHO: Prcf TrTfcita, cf Georgia, Ztxio Ghezust. Phosphoric Acid Soluble 2 00 " R vertrd 9 00 . Available 1 1 16 44 Undccomposed I 56 Ammonia 3 3 Potash 1 78 Cotntnercial value $45 19 Prices as low as any sUndard goods. For March 2-w-jm.) S3 i r Q 8 t u n n w ml im CO , Proprietors. and Gnlvonized WdPIEIKo Virginia,. 1883. mm co. AGID PH03PHATE : PrcL SLepard, cf a 0., Suta desist. Phosphoric Acid Soli ble 44 44 Reverted 44 Available 44 "Undccomposed Potash Cxrunercial value 5 3 7 72 13 06 307 89 $33 71 sale by . S. D. MCLEAN & CO. Greensboro, N. C. Ik pailii. pnfriot. CREENSUORO, MARCH 2i. 1883. teople's choice for governor ALFRED. M. SCALES, OF GUILFORD. Baiitrec' IihiI lint one fail- tire reported in North Carolina last week. Virginia rejMrtetl foarfail- nrM TeimeKRce hx, Texai four Georgia tliree, Kentucky frur, Ma ivlaml five. So North Carolina is regainiti ler old place "j A farmer at Giidley, Cal., Inmt ti wihl jiccse with 3-year old heifer, lie hu tjainnl the animal to walk out where a thn-.k of geecKe have wttlctl down, brow8iiig all the way long, he walking along n the oft tride fro 111 thegeehe. and, when near enough, the cow lies down, and lie shoots into the flock,; and captures thirty or forty. 1., nap I, . ,. ., , j Aaron Lowr, of Hawkins ville, Georgia, has some educated chickens.' Among their numerous iutcomplishmeiits is the sagacity displayed in catching jack worms. The fowls have been taught to take pine straws in their bills, rtiu them iu the holes where the worms live, and then keep very quiet until the jacks move the straws. When this is done, the chickens with great dexterity snatch the straw from the holts mid, tiinetimes out of ten, they catch the jacks, j The Treasurj' department gives notice, that on Wednesday April 4th, llth;iiud 18th tive ;niil dollars of bonds embraced in the one hundred and twentieth jcall will be redeemed on presentation at the Treasury with interest to date of payment. Mousignor Gastaldie, Arch bishop of Turin is dead. The commissioner of internal revenue denies the published state ment that the President has deter mined to abolish, by consolidation, about twenty offices of collectors of internal revenue. "Aud what, in the name of goodness is thisf" asked Mrs. David Davis, as the Senator lug ged something into the room and dropped it at her feet. This is my shirt, darling, and I will lie greatly obliged if you will sew on a button for me." 'David Davis, 19 said the lady, sternly, "when you bring me your shirt I will sew on a button for you, with pleasure, as becomes a fond aud dutiful wife; but just now, sir, 1 mast insist upon your removing this circus can vas from nvy apartment. -The grand jury, Tuesday, found indictments against Thorn as J. Brady for corrupt official ac tion in connection with two of Price's mail routes and one against ex-Senator Win. Pitt Kellogg for unlawfully receiving money from Price in consideration of corrupt ly influencing the action of Brady in regard to his mail ronte3, and two against Thomas J. Bialy and Wm.Pitt Kellogg for conspiracy in connection with these same routes. The price of whiskey was lowered two cents Monday by or der of the manager of the whiskey pool. The Ten lessee Legislature tried, yesterday, to be honest.. A bill to pay in full Tennessee bonds amounting to $300,000, held by the Pcabody Institute of Baltimore failed to pass for want of a consti tutional majority. At Lj'iiehbnrg one thousand roll ma kera have tmck for higher wages ami nearly all the tobacco manufacturers have suspended work. The 'manufacturers are de termined to resist the demands of the - operatives. A party of 300 strikers went to Ford's factory and threatened the roll makers with violence if they continued work, but the menace was disregarded. Trouble is apprehended. The Charlotte Observer seems to have got the best of the consol idation. We noticeUhat the hy- penated paper adopts the metro palitan plan in not printing the names of its editors. The palatial house of Wm. K. Vuuderbilt iu New York, Mon day evening, was the scene of a fancy dress ball, which . for it.- splendid- effects, lavish costliness and brilliaiitcompany is said never to have been equaled iu thit, if in any country, and whose combined attractiveness might have cxcitei the envy of the age of Louis Qiiiuze or cf the courtier in the palmiest days of the Alhamhra. "This ev ening," says one correspondent, "when the rooms were, as bright as day, when the strains of Lauder's orchestra and the perfume of banks and boqnets of roses filled the air, when millions of dollars in jewelry glittered, and New York's proud est and handsomest families, in -9 powder-and wigs, mingled in the minuet and the quadrille, the scene was more than the writer of the "Arabian Nights ever dreamed of. The cost of the eiitertainment-ha f been wildly u ndergncsetl and ex aggerated. The costumes probably cost, on an avarage, for the 800 guests present, about $100 .apiece, though some i them fan into the thousands; the wine and the re freshments, the latter being pre pared hy the combined army of Vanderbilt chJs, perhaps $15,000. The flower 'would probably cost $5,000, and the music, favors, ex tra service, waiters, etc., etc., prob $10,000 more. Many of the guests went earlier than usual to avoid the crowd and to see the company arrive. By 11:30 the rooms were Xull almost to discomfort. The halls and passages had been turned into a garden scene by dense masses of palms and ferns, while the beds of roses set round the rooms in every available space were the costliestever seen in New York ROUTn CAROLINA HTATI8TICH. North Carolina has 8 colleges. In the Preparatory department there are 10 teachers and 328 pu pils; in the Collegiate department there are 70 teachers and 894 pu pils. The income from productive funds is $10,000. The income in 1879, from' tuition was $27,500. The number of volumes in college libiaries is 29,543. Value ot grounds, buildings and apparatus $539,000. These are the figures for 1879. There has been some iu crease ail arouuu since, we sun- pose. Number of miles of Railroad in North Carolina 1,498. In 1880, there wire expended for Pnblic Schools $352,882. Of this sum teachers received. $318,453. The school jMipulation is 459,324. Nnmlier enrolled, 225,C0G. Aver age attendance 147,802. Average duration 54 days. North Carolina is the fifteenth in size, its population in June 1880, being 1,399,750. Its" population is now probably one million and a half. There are 50,704 square miles and 326,450,500 acres. aster Cards HAVE COME And arc Soiling Fast. Call and make your stlectior s bt foe the stock is broken. They ait s.io to I c the 1 I : Most Handsome gooes in that lint tvei stt n in Gttcns- buio. Also, a new stock f'tht most eh gant PLUSH, VliLVJiT Picture Fmmcs V DD A S . D . Y A T Di S, ay. AND ART STORE " F ' Is called tn tbrlkct mat 1 am fun ishli? subscrjptioni,tf-.-ah Nt w-pajers, ' Maga zinrs and Peiiodkals at the j sn.c pri es you psjy-t'-e pobasheis. When yc ur ut scription is opt, call at my stire and leave' your subscription with me I THE ULKNN HOUSE, Cor. EaM Market & Davie St., J. F. LOOKABUL, Proprietress. Ti iisd: STT OF OADlID. A O mmon-Sense Remedy. more Tlheumatitm, Gout or JVeuratffta. (mmedfate Relief 'Ja ranted Permanent Cure Gua'antfed. Jir years extahluihed and never kTioicn to fail n a single case, acutr vr chronic, h cfer to all prominent phy sician ond diuggists for the standing of A'aticylica. - biECUBT: THE ONLY DI8SOLVER OP THIS POISONOUS URIC ACID WHICH EX ISTS IN THE BLOOD OF RHEUMATIC AND GOUTY PATIENTS. SALICYI ICA s known as a common i enbv mtdyj becau e i st ikes directly at the cause of Hhei'i aiisin. G wt and Neuralgia while u mai.y o-calle p cific and sup ojed panaceas only treat locally the tfiVcts. It has be n conceded by tninent scienti&i' that outward fpplica ions such as rubl ing whl.' oils, ointmen s. liniments, and soothing lotiuoa 1 will not eradicate thse diseases which are the i resu't of thepoisoiing ot the blcod with Uric i Aid. I' woks with marvelous ef5ct on j this acid ana so removes th disorder. It is new f exclusively usrd by all celebrated physicians of America and Europe. 1 ighest V edical A dc- 4. my of I aris reports 95 per cent, cures in 3 days REMEMBER that S 4 LIC Y ICA is a certain cure for Rktumv tisnt. Gout and Neuralgia. The most intense p trs are subdued almost instantly. Give it trial. Relief guar-ntaed ormone7 refunded. 1 hoands of testimonials sent on application $1 ft Box. 6 Boxes for $5. Sent free by mail on receipt of money. . -AK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. But do not be d hided into Uk nj? imitation or . subs'itute. or something r commenct-da tt as good !' Insist on the genuine witn th iw-mc ' f.WA HRUhNE & CO.. on each box, which ' is guaranteed chen.icallv pure under our signa ture, an indixpensible re qui.-ire to insure tuccrs. in the treatment. Take no other or send to vs. F. rsale by CALLUM BROS & CO..and . all leading druggists. Washburn e & Co. Ptoprietotsi 287 Broadwar, cot keadeSt.j . New Y rk. r For sale" hy PORTER & DALTON, ' And all leading druggists. Dec sx '8a dwxy lose I ft .- 4

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