I mm . WLLMDSGTON, N. 0. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1 1891- PKICE FIVK AlUiSUEi) 1807. : i i I t f Sad and CEqomy Weak nnd Dyspeptic j i Hood's Ssirsn pa villa Gate StmiQiH l'crfr t;.j Cured. 4 ij :CS- e" wi-J L' - V ' A Vr. .7. Ji WhUe 1 " : r: : i r ; . nr., A 1 a!. iina. "I Lav rot w r !i ' to fxpre s tny -thanks f.r 11. - grc.it ! re-Ms r'f"Ivo.I from a Xrw Lotti" -f-f il--oI- s.riajcnll'i. I was frrak, itr.J it i.i.vi i uk.- stru-j; I was a dyspep tic, and it cure In.?; I wa s.:u an I gloomy, and It mid-' rr.o r'v r;i:l an I boxful. And last, though tot icast, it ji.auo n:e aa urtleut and OOd's :'3rca-p-iri'Ia ures working democrat. Ail who have taken Hood's Sarapari!la v. it a my advice, report pood re sults. I pladly reoir:ncini It to till siulerers J. 1L W'niTV., M. I., l;innlnliam, A!.i. N. It. If you decid.' to t ike Hood's Sar Raparilla do not lv induced to buy any otber Instead. In-i3t lijMin Ii) )i)"S. Hood's Pills :;re tin l est faraily cathartic, gentie and effective. Try a tax. 25 cents. j .. .a MORlvREVfiNUE OFFICERS. Cillr-tor imi moiis lakrs Additional IN'4'oiiinifi.d 1 1 ion-. I jvidence llo IVii'lf' llnilway Coiimiision Marrijic at Vak I''or"st j I at a I .(-idint. K'ai r.iuM. J:tTi. '., K t IIft, r Siiiution.s r' o:nm iils as v,. , .;.tvjM.s ;, n,j auj;ers Jerry V. Newxiin of Halifax, James I Mirli.im f Jnlin-t ?i. James . Soincr of Warn n and J. II. button of Lfn o i rr - - - - --- ', j Tii U;ii' ;iy ( 'nmrnis-ion to-ilny lieanl t In- idTi'-" !' St.iiion A'-nt l Virmer, d" tin Wilrniut ami Wtllon raihvax , at Wilso.ii. in t h:"'s:it of Vanl.iii'llev. of i t !ror.slor.. ":;:; i;it th it ro.nl lor the m!i-l''4iv --y of tr-. s. At V;ikt- For .-t o!If-r to-day lv. John W. Wray. of Kuowilli. Tonn., was inuri i .! to Mi Lu- y. daughter of rrftf.-M.r l.uth.r II. Mills! Hrnry Olivr. a wliit" youth, aitd 1 yars. was thrown ly a bucking jonyon tin strtt to-d:iy. His head was injuritl and hi will di. Tlu dim'tors of tlt North ( 'arolina liailway .company me t at (invnsboro to-morrow to dee fa re a temt-annual ilivi- h-nd of p-r rent. To prow old Krueefully. one must live tein .HTatelj. talml'. methodically; be inter ested in all that is poing on in the world; be i heerful. happy, ami contended, and above all. keep the blood pure and vigorous by the nse of Ayer'.s iaraparilla. He sure and get A yer. . Ilrtllotin lor Senator. Jackson. Miss. Jan. SO. The Missis sippi Le.dature to-day took one ballot tor United States Senator to succeed Gen. K. C. Walthall, but without result. The following is the vote: Judge J. A. I, ratnpbell. A. .r. McLaurin, 38; R. H. Taylor. 29; ex (loveanor Robert Low rev. 24; (Jot. .1. M. Stone. The Uenio- iati cam-US ,m.t at 1:30 p. in. Kucklcn Armua Salv.. Hi., tst s;lvi. in the world for Cuts, Bruie, Sore-, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, rVver Sr-s TetUr, ChaoptHi IlantLi Chilblains. Conv. and all Skin Erup tion, and positively cure Piles, or no pay reuirt-a. It is guaranteed to pive Perfect satisfaction r money refutidexl rie 25 cent per Vx. For sale bv l uiform Hate Schedule. WAsniNtjTON, Jan. SO. The Inter-State Commerce Commission has invited rep resentatives of the dilTerent railroads to meet them in conference in "Washington on Monday. February 12th, to determine upon some uniform plan of prescribing the forms of sv !u,lules of rates which the law requires, to be kept open for pub lic inspection. They wish to ailopt some geiwral form, which fully complying with the genera! law. will not Is-unneee sarily burdeJi-oiae or oxjx-nsive to the railroad companies. A '' i ma ! DEBILITY, " fr..f.;rl:. h:v,:.(c l.t;-.-I'Xti ys. Iuk- r-vjLt cl worry. -tt- Fua-tr : j. jv, n i'Jf -(irf r6i-.a.;j i-otlio:i rf n.i 1m.iv. Mrri.itMi iti.nai. k lmiis.'i:.' ln.;.r,,-t fr.t Ri-n. Ki-i i ' ! rf t rr Hiv "', ' S-" r-f. n-:s-i " i s l . ' M lao.-tu... ;rls E?.!E KECICAL CO. EUFFfi LO- i. Y. . t.. ' . ) -f. K Mi hi k rfi ') kv ,jKr!CT!!r' PROMPT SETTLEMENT. THE ASSIGNEE OF B. Lv DUKE SETTLING HIS DEBTS. Tli" Henderson Ilailroad Accident An i:.-capMl Lunatic Captured The Convict .ohnion in a Cern 1'ortalile IJerih Another IShM kadi Si HI Seized A l'enitentiary Om- vict Ilecapt tired. MESSENGER IIUKE-VU. ) lixLVMiii. Jan. :'). s Next hrida' and Saturday the Su preme court will examine applicants for license as attorneys. The clerk of the court says that up to date twenty-three applicants are registered. , Capt. V. S. Harris, formerly clerk of the Uurcau of Labor Statistics, has bail a slight .stroke of paralysis. Three sheriirs made State tax settle ments to-day: V. It. MeGaha of -Transylvania, L9"0.0:J; D. F. IJaird of Wa Uiuga. $3,4 10.01, and R. R. McKinne- of Mitchell, i,UD2. It is claimed in defense of Conductor Coley. who. was found guilty of negli gence by the coroner's jury in the Hen derson disaster, that as soon as his sec tion topj'd he at once sent back his ilagman with signals to the other section in n ar. conductor ioiey was nere yes terday. He has not as yet been arrested. George K. Wilson, the voting white man who was put in jail her for larceny. and who became insane and was placed in the asylum and who escaped from the latter, was recaptured yesterday. He was at home and had made a contract for a v ear's work with a farmer. He was to-day brought back to the asylum. He does not appear to lx at all unsound in mind and probablv will soon be dis charged. John Allen Johnson, the notorious counterfciter'who shot and almost killed Deputy Marshal John Upehureh here last summer, is now in tne penitentiary at Brooklvn, N. V., and is at the head of the collar and cull" department there. The revenue collector has advices of i the capture near Pisgah, Randolph county, of a l"i gallon illicit whiskey dis tillery by Deputy Collector L A. Moftitt. The three seizures made yesterday were all by Deputy Collector Kirkputtick. At Oxford to day the annual election of superintendent was held. Rev. W. S. Black-was re-elected; ; -GerrTCotten. Grand' Master of Masons, was present. Fire at Hillsboro yesterday burned Rosemond's livery stables, Smith & New man's stores, and part of some other buildings. The property in the postolfice had to be removed. Day after tomorrow the creditors of Prodie L. Duke, of Durham, will be paid in full in the first, second and third classes, those of the fourth class receiv ing 15 per cent. This is a very prompt settlement by the trustees. Without any warning a cold snap made itself felt last night. The weather bureau has not been accurate in its pre dictions lor the past sixty days at this point. The news of the fatal illness of Col. J. M. Ileck caused great surprise. A letter from him. received last Saturday, said he was walking about and was im proving daily. His family left Sunday and expected him to meet them at the station It is the belief here that the cancer had eaten its way to or near an artery. Charley Hufstickler, white, who es c:Kd from the penitentiary January lbOl, after serving seven months, was caught and returned to the penitentiary to-day. He was undergoing a two years' sentence for larceny from Moore county. A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostra tion, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation. I have been cured by Dr. Mozley's I Amou Klixir and am now a well man. Rev. C. C. Davis, Fid. M. E Church. South, No. 2S Tutnall St.. Atlanta. Ga. From a Prominent Iady. I have not been able in two years to walk or stand without great pain. Since taking Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir I can walk half a mile without .suffering lh least inconvenience. Mrs. R. H. liLoomvoRTH. Griflin, Ga. ."iOc. and $1.00, at druggists. Kioting at the Krussell Ciiiversity. Bri sseus, Jan. 30. The lTniversitv of Brussels was to-day the scene of riotous demonstrations, growing out of the re fusal of the university authorities to al low Jacques Elisee Recluse, the well known French geographer and Anar chist, to lecture within the walls of the university. It was found necessary to close the university and call upon the police to guard it against the enraged students. Some of the students threat ened to strike the pro-rector. All the lectures have been suspended. How's This: We oiler One Hundred DoIJars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co.; Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen vears, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West Truax, Wholesale Drucr-ists Toledo, O. 00 ' Walding. Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. 'Tes timonials free. GOVERNMENT FINANCES SENATOR SHERMAN ADVO CATES THE BOND ISSUE. His Spepcli s,nM airline 1 Position j Secretary Carlisle-Senator Cliand- IerV Amendment-i tl Klec j tion Law lteMa! Hill The j Income Tax M ea.su rc Ar- iii-l in il.c Itou j at Great Length. t SKXATi:. ! I Wasijin.i x, Jap. Numerous ; petitions and remonstrances against the i various features of the Wilson TarilT bill ' were presented in the Senate to-day Among them was one from the re pre sentatives of fjOO w oollen goods manu I factories in twectv six Slates and on Territor. presented by Senator Aldrich represei:ting that the passage of the bil would le greatly detrimental to the in4 terests of the country at large and disas4 tmus to their particular industry. The resolution cir-red yesterday byi Senator Stewart declaring that the pro4 posed issue of bonds is w ithout authority of law, was laid befc re the Senate and; Senator Stewart spoke on it. lie argued; that there was no necessity for the pro posed issue of bonds, and if the necessity did exist, there was no authority in law for applying the proceeds of a bond issue to general expense of the Govern ment. Senator Sh nnan regretted very much that, pending a call for a loan, anybody should be found to question the author it' for it, unless the grounds for such question. were cl-ar and undoubted. It seemed to him that it was neither right, expedient, proper nor justifiable to make any assault on the credit of the Govern ment and on the power sought to be ex ercised by the Government. He would say that it wts almost unpatriotic to do so at a time when the revenues of the Government were plainly insufficient to cover its expenditures uuder appropria tions made by la-v. Without regard to party feeling, lie felt like standing up lor the honor of the country and for the power proposed to bo exercised by the Secretary of the Tre:iury. The resolu tion asserted that the Secretary! had no power to sell bonds for t!: ? maintenanceof specie payment. That was a simple legal proposition which could be decided, yea or nay, very qmckly. JIejd'ouIdshQK inat, ny me law as it now siooa, mat powt.r was given in the clearest, strong est and most direct language that could be used by man language that had been used after a three years debate in the Senate and IIous tiiar: had been framed by the ablest men in bom bodies. It had stood unchallenged and uncontradicted from that day until a few days ago, when the Senator from Nebraska (Allen) offered a resolution denying the power of the Secretarj to execute it. "And now," said Senator Sherman, passionately, "at the very lime that the bidders are preparing their bids for the purchase of these bonds, we are met by this allegation and this resolution on the lloor of the Senate, and no one has risen to defend the power of the Government to maintain its credit intact. It seems to me, therefore, that I only, do my duty to the public at large, by giving the exact condition of the law on the subject, so that no one can question it or gainsay it. The question is: lias the Secretary of the Treasury any power to sell bonds for redemption purposes? That is the only question." Senator Sherman proceeded, there upon, to quote from the resumption act of January 14, 1875, a provision that on and after the'tirst of January 1879,theSec retary of the Treasury shall redeem in coin United States legal tender notes then outstanding, on their presentation at the office of the assistant treasurer of the United States in New York in sums not less than $50. He repeated, and laid much stress upon the words: "On and after," and defined them as mean ing "while time lasts," unles Congi-ess should change or modify that law. The plain declaration wasr he said, that it was a continuous law. And it had neves been denied at questioned that it was a continuous law, and that it was now in full force. Under it it was the plain and palpable duty of the Sec retary of the Treasury to redeem every United States note presented. How? Not out of his own pocket. Not by is suing some other promise to pay. But the law went on and provided that: "To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to prepare and provide for the redemption in this act authorized and required, he is authorized to use any surplus revenue from time to time in the Treasury" showing, said Senator Sherman, that the increased Appelite "s one of the first good effects felt by users of Scott s Emulsion of cod-liver oil with Hypophos- phites. Good appetite begets good health. mulsion is a fat-food that provides its own tonic. Instead ot a tax up on appetite and digestion it is a wonderful help to both. Scol's Emulsion ar rests the progress of Consumption, Bron chitis Scrofula, and other wasting diseases by raising a barrier of healthy Hesht strength and nerve. Prepared by Scott & Bowoe, N. Y. All drnggut. Scots E th-nU continuous ' not otherwise ap- propriated, ana to issue, sen ana depose of. at not less than par in coin, either oi uif aesenpuon or Donus aescritM-i m the act." (The refunding act.) Then h begap to sp ak of the reserve fund am! to trace its history. "Here," h said, "was a fund create I by thebaic of! cmJU. Tlie proceds of that sale were to be field for no other purpose. Here : is another f declaration made fix years afterwards that if the reserve j.hall fall belo- lf. X.,(KX, then the Government shili Ls-ue no more gold certificates, U-ca'Xs, Uie isue of gold certificates would be an in ducement U the holders of them to c in vert them into gold. So that this fund, from the beginning, and from the passage of the law to thu iiour. has been in the nature of a reserve fund: not to Ik taken for nnv nthr ittirim' rr what the. law provide. 'Hi: fun ! re mained intact until the 4th of March iUo and for sometime atterwards. 1 uo npt wish to go into the question as to whether the Secretary of the Treasury had the right to use any portion of the money for the purpose of meeting a !etl ciency in the treasury. That is a ques tion (which fchould be taken up hereafter and discussed fairly and without tem per.! But that the fund is to be kept in tact) for the purp;se of redemption, I haive sulliciently wiown. The jx v r of the Secretary, of the Ireasurv, and ibis duty are just the same to-day as they were fifteen years ago. Ihe same law jis in operation and he is bound to exercise this power whenever in his judgment the necessity for it exi-sts. No sensible man who looks at the matter hi th3 light of reason and as a mere busi ness question would insist that the maintenance of this res rve is not of value to the Government of the United States." Senator Sherman went on to say that he did not believe that it was within the power or in the general line of duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to take the money received from these bonds and to apply it to current expenses. He did not see any authority of lawr for that. fTherefore, he said to gentlemen on the other side that they must provide for Ij-t '.3 - r- - . . .1. : .1 me uenciency in some oiner way man bj- tampering with the money got from jthe bonds, for one purpose only. They must provide other itinds, if necessary, 'to make good any deficiency in thecui- rent revenue. Tiiat was perfectly clear. "But on this pending question,' he said, "I feel that we ought, not only to vote down this resolution, but to vote affirmatively for a resolution that the Secretary of the Treasury has the un questionable power to issue any of the inds of bonds provided for in the re funding act, in order to maintain that Holid reserve in the treasury on which all onr money rests.- Senator Quay, offered an amendment to ! the resolution providing that the money received from bonds fdiall be ap plied only to the redemption" of the legal tender notes of the United ! States pre sented at the sub-treasury in the city of New York. Senator DuBois moved, as a substitute foil the resolution, the one reported in the House from the Committee on Bank ing and Currency. Senator Sherman remarked that he approved of that resolution because it recognized the full authority of the Sec retary of the Treasury to sell bonds' for redemption purposes and declared that the money received from bonds should not be used for other purposes. At 4:15 o'clock the Senate adjourned. j HOUSE OF RKPRESENTATIVES. ,The House very promptly went into Cbmmitteeof the Whole- to consider the Tariff bill this morning. The considera tion of the Income Tax bill was resumed and Mr. Covert took up the thread of his irgument against it, at the point where he dropped it yesterday when the House took a recess." He declared that the bill was sectional in its provisions and would bear with particular severity on the North and East. Mr. Bartlett. Democrat, of New ork, in denouncing it said it was proposed by a branch of the Democratic party which affiliated with the Populist party and de manded the free coinage of both gold and silver at its present ratio. Mr. Pence, the Populist member from Colorado, delivered a stirring and ring ing speech in favor of an income tax. Mr. Johnson, Democrat, of Ohio, de voted himself to an elaboration of his free trade and single tax theories, the latter presenting', he said, the only solu tion to the labor question. Mr. Simpson, Populist, of Kansas, said that the income tax had been sneered at as a Populist measure: but while the members of that party on the floor were few, and were despised on the Demo cratic side and despised on the Republi can side, he predicted that, sooner or later, the time would come when the doctrine of the Populists would te advo cated because they are right. Mr. Cockran's objections to an income tax were many and varied. It would be class taxation and, as ! such, a blow at the f undamental principle on which the Government was founded. It would be mniiKitAriii nd hpnrft inionitous. Mr. Brvan, Democrat, of' Nebraska., rose to reply. He complimented the j train, ine xeeung was running nign ai eloquence of Sir. Cockran. but said the Radford and it was feared that a lynch objections urged against the income tax ng would take place if the m-n wriv are more numerous than weighty. Some - have denied the constitutionality of the income tax, but the 'Supreme court eet- tied the question lievond controversy in the Snrintrer case. A verv few havv aJk r,t ..n inm'mP t.ir. The denied the iustice of an income, tax. The principle Ls endorsed by nearly all writers j on rolitical economv.and commend itself i to every unprejudiced mind. A New York paper contained a few days ago. a sketch of the richest woman in the Uni ted States with property worth $00,0o0, 000 and an income of probably more than 3,000,000 annually. She lives in a cheap boarding house and brings her living expenses within f "iGO orfSOO. Who will say that it is just that she should pay the same amount of tax to support the Fed eral Government that is paid by a family with an income of $.100 or $000? While this is an extreme case, it is nevertheless true that a tax upon consumption bears' much more heavily upon the poor trian upon the rich, in" proportion to their means. It is objected that this tax will endanger the Tariff bilL I am not afraid th.it any IVmocniti? mnnt-r will rrf ap u rvnevv the cornm 'Si li- avv tHirdem' t;Laoed urvi v-lb- ; of tin mi br fho Mr. K r.1. ?? t . . I e a hgh; fnir! br m4n i f an in- cni tax upon tba.-" who arr aujplv able Tb- dce of Mr. Pry an 'tm-h u jlhf signal for rocifero"?u aj juru. cn of "Vote, vote." an 1 clenag. ImnHtli iitely af ter. without waiting for hur bf 5 :C0 o'clock U arrive, th- t ommitt fe. and the nu-e t k a n. until bckxK to-nig!it. " COMMERCIAL NEWS. Mocksnml Uond in w York-The j Grain and lro Uion Market j br Chicajj. ! Nr.'.v York, Jan. ;J.St L were in fiucncCil at the opening by Kle for Ixn don .account and prices reeedtd j to ( r cent., w hen the. foreigners stopjui elhng and trie local lears werei unabh to make any impression on tu market and their efforts to Uditlle jesterdaj Conference of Secretary Carusle and tlu New 1 ork hankers fell .fiat. Chicago (.as, which had leen depressed i on T orts of qtat tnxntinttt priceuirjgs bv Attorney General Maloney, of Illinois, suddenly bounded up from fill' to 'i. rugar nrst leu to oi anl then jro-e to 7 on Philadelphia' advices that Judge .Butler, in the Government suit "had de cided in favor of the Sugar combination. The general market rallied ' quietly in sy m pa t by , bu t su bseq u n tl y 1 1 d r i f to. 1 i n to dullness. In the afternoon it was an nounced that the prisident's , jf three leading trust companies hadi prevailed upon the banking community to sub scribe to the new Government loan, the appeal being made on the ground of patriotism, and over $ iiU 00,(XXJ wen subscribed for. This led to a much stronger tone and a general- improve ment in prices. American Suar row If, American sugar preferred i . Bic Four 1. Burlington and Quincy! i. Chi- cag Gas L'i, Northwestern , m. Paul 1, Rock Island S, General' Electric 14. Iike Shore 1. Louisville and Nashville 1, Lead 1$. Lead preferred 1. New England li, Pacific Mail lj. Reading 1, Western Unum 1, and Union Pacific . The market closed strong at or near the U'st prices of the day. The net gains wen? to 2 i, Chicago Giis leading. Railway and miscellaneous bonds were strong. Sales of listed stocks were ll'S.OOO: im listed, 41,0m).. rClllCA(io, Jan. :0. Wheat received another backset to-day. The diiline was brought alout priucipMl.t through the depressed feeling engendered by tin atLfaetory K-iropexirr ad ricrsr 'llnf opening was a fraction under yesterday, declining jc further, then advanced f to cf lecame weak and sold olf to . The close showed a net lo-s of to ; lor the day. Corn was dull. The opening w as a)out yesterda3's closing figures. foil I decline of to i"c. rallied c si lowed bv a shortly i'- fore the close, under' the intbi'-nce of wheat, again sagged -otr and cluij with i net loss of a to c for the day. ! Oats were dull, with the u-ual ten dency to follow the changes of wheat and corn. The close was j to under that of yesterday. i Provisions were weak to-day on heavy receipts, The product did not give way quickly, however, nor did the tone be come excessively weak until a prominent commission bouse undertook to ound pork, when values finally succumlxd. Mav pork closed &2 J to i5c lower than yesterday. May lard 10c lower, and May ribs 12jc lower. Sun's Cotton I lev lew. ; New York. Jan. 30. The.S''x cotun revieWfsajs: Cotton d eel i nd 1 to U pointH, recovered this and advanced i Kjints lo-;t this and declined G to 7 ftoint. clos ing steaxly. Sales are 144,'JOO bales. Liverpool declined 4 point, recovered this and advanced H to 2 jmintH. cUjwing j firm, with spot sales of 10,000 bales at uncnangeu prices, .iiancneswr was uun. New Orleans declined 5 to 7 points. Spot cotton here was 1-lCj lower. Sale were 213 bales for spinning. Southern ppot markets were quiet and steady or firm. Wilmington. St. Iiouis and Norfolk are 1-16c up. New Orleans 8old 4. 000 bales, Memphis 1,800, St. Ijuis 550, and Mobile 400. Port receipts were 22,7. bales, against 32.035 this day Liat we k and 23,02 last year; thus far this week, 00, 199 bales, against 7,315 thus far last week. Augusta received 5 bah-s. against 243 last year. The large' cotton mills at 3Iays Landing. N. J.. start with a full force next week alter running half time all the winter Train Wrecker ArrcMci; i Roanoke. Va.. Jan. 'JO. Sandy Ka Robert and Iwis Austin, all -olon.- were brought here from Radford to-night and lodged in jail for safe keeping. These men, with John Dolan. brought here last nizht. are suptK! to have conspired to wreck the through vesti hnled train near Dublin, and whoa worK resuiwM m uie wreck oi aireignt 1 !.l t f . j. train sent on ahead of the ranger not removed. . - j ! f j ! AIove Ateryttiinir KIs. M Dr. Pierce's OoMea Melical fi.vxvery I purities the blood. dSy thwiueans, it reach. builds up. and invigorates every part of the system. For every blood-taint and disorder, and from every disease that comes from an inactive liver or imj. ure blood, it i the only renidy so sure and effective that it can be guaranteed. i If it fails to benefit or cure, you have your hioney back. : j These diseases are many. They're differ ent in form, but they're like in treatment. House up the torpid liver into healthful ac tion, thoroughly purify and enrich 1 be blood, and there's a positive cure. The "DiiKXwery" does thi, as nothing else fan. Iys'rfma Indication. : -Uiliousne; all Bronchial. Throat ani Lung Affections; every form of Scrofula, even Consumption or Lung-srrofula) in its earlier slaves; and the most stubborn i kin and Scalp Diseases are completely cared by it. f Mild, jrentle, soothing and healing is Ir. Cage's Catarrh liemedy. Only 50 cents; by dniirgists. i i SHOTS FROM OUR FLAG IP AT RIO IIAVK GOOD EjV: t, 1 Admiral lU-nhtti Miow .r-i 1 ir i iiiiirm lll Ui iti lt I Itlhi Will Maltttti.Jd ! ..... .... ! Artfto No lHut ,KhM i lie Hl if ihe New Itond. WAMUN..T' N. Jn. A. The tl. . f in Ue Ibw CoTutoitt. on KJ (, ! th WiiliAta Ni ttlf nnt (ffi'i b Fifth dttre t of N rtvi dro!.:-. 4 a submitted t l.y. Tt. r.ia;.Tir r pt't i prr-artsl by Mr. Pr.br. U .t. of Kentucky. Tl.f a,!i. ' Jiam- or that Sltle in. t d . it t t obtained by irregul t,r?.,-. Tl. i admit- irregulariti.--, 1 it vaj't).- not Mlffrjent to rl.ar' the Iim tl i ihe only R-pubhiAii fr. f.ji 'Carolina :nd th.i Tiun-t n.i.Li-r ctb .f Hons-, U ing but 27 )i.tr 11 was no di. ision in the commit all its inetnU rs mil uj p rt :1h save prhap- Mr. WonJ.4rd,.o Ciinlina. V 1 llie important tn u rotjtaited Admiral lU-nham . ihqm! h to s.(,-r uH IlerU rt. ns eied to-lav, i Ihe f. lowing ellect; It .e, nii that Admir 1.1 Bcnham I0-.1 pati--nei mtli the inMirc i t forces for the;r cirel.-. hung in the hat lor of Rio. When Ad mral DiGin 1erMt-d m thi- r kl.-.- . ur .yj- ,,f i'nhani. y-sterdav dutnl h.j .1 for action. Admiral Di (i tui t ih l 1. I tt chooM t tak th hint. W I. en ul- Adniiral lU'idiam flr 1 m v rd, h. ncniw the b iwn of l t. (i:eii!i . t' chi It is underst'-d that ti.i uti ri k- salutary and that the ' matter , tl , , U that Kmt. Ills behed at the Stat lepartuient that Da ..m.i . II 1 tb t kt willingly court an t.ga. metit American naval Ion . II. 1. nj bri f. is the dispab h. -o it 1- . .., 1),, corn plication.- that may follow are r-l,- d f ; 1 :is liki-lv to Ik M-rniii. ur !!.! .. is, of course, miieh tro t . t if, .cm 1. . the rebel admiral and it likelv that tie- matr r i!l a id t. the nurnlM r f hi- a--ai .o,l by 7w.Klg In a coi!li t lth Alrni' l 1-idi.Jn. Additional cabj.-n ware r 1 -i I Ireio Rio, but they were tak n U the Whip- 1 Inlicn fit rw-t , f 1 r- fl... ' . J ... . .... l i . SecTeUtry ll r) tt oitvly d r.iel he rumors . circtilatcil that Adn r d ID 1 Gama had ,.rrendre . A'iind d li 1. ham. but deel'ii-d to r , v j urth.'r in maticii. 1 he rreMent to -iav rd to thf s af he follow irv n'-minati'n of i)-tia- ter-: North! ar. hna -Charl. W jlu)1!. W .'tshuiKtoii. Suth ari.hri.il NMiL I.e Mclntvre, Marion. S-cretarv f.rli-Ie. afti-r tie n .d-hri t tnetii!g to-!.y. antborid tbl late merit that l) te w .ii no1f(-, r .11 i . . ll t. if any ever e-vi-ted. but th .t tie i 000,(1NI of rMind, would l- tal. offer by telegraph from New Y $20.H:i,tHO ..-received t d iv. manv thers in -mailer aniouic eral, it is said, were f r ..'.. Li.-l $l,0oU.PK. Secretary aili-Ie to dav at't-.ihtiMl W, II. Ha.en, of Cmcinra'i. i lu-f . of Itb wcret wr ice li i-ion. Tn-:iurr Deiiart merit, vice A. L. Drumrnong r-Migh-l. Mr. Ha7a-n has l-n in the n-ririee j for sevenl years and in !!itie 4 !. tm crat. ' . I Scntirv t'arlisle wai to day wpnl wiui a HunrMt-na inui-i ny .upn-ri.e court of the District f ' 'lunibi i in tl. suit of the Knight of I.dior I jpre M-nt tiie i-isue of bond. Thi. liowoter. mere mattr of form. Th pnn!. it i- said, is not alfecu! bv th aeti,n of th court to-day in disrntitn th :aptipvi tion for an injunction ai the uiion-r do not regard tliat action an lipal arul will appeal the ca. Th Srrei)irr ynk thesubpo-na with him to tbf Whit House and fhowed it t th" I'r-si p nt and his asuorlat'js. Th finanei ! -Ut na tion was a topic of dUcuwion at !l (abinet meeting. fTmrlotU ha a GAthng gun The Old Friend Aii-i t:i U -t in t :.' fiiU vo;i ii si'nr:: . r ' . r " ' j ' w Lit T'rj Lear ::t the r.t! n tl.. AC... ..rf i.t i ..' f l, ..! . J-cOJd ' rieVlU IS t " J Tl'J'i L: i that r:yt::;j e!- will .Io. . ' It iis'tLe K::.j: of L;v. r jM- 'ii ciucj ; U -:ter th m y .f, .in 1 takes tLe J.lac of Q-imi::- ::itl Crtlor:!';! It ncM directly r i!jc !VT, iv :;::.- ar.d ir v.c.n ;ji ! iivcs iji.-w life to ib." wL'il'j tein. This U th? r.p I: ii.-b V-; : wajit. b"c!I Lv ail Jmi:girt in Liqu:!, or in Powderto : tih ii dry or maJo into a t a. If th Z fttamp in rrl on wntppr J, U, .Ell.lN tO l iuUJclA. V. . BROUGHT TO HIS SENSES