Or ? - fii WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 11, 1898. 1.00 PER YEAR. OL. XXXI. NO. "90. Roosevelt's Plurality in New York. BIG DEMOGRATIG GAINS lu CougrNloiial Delegation From New York and leun) 1 vaula-Solid Republican Delegation From Jlluue wota FuMlouUtM C'arry Colorado ?Ic ITIIIIln' ig Majority lu Teuuennee. Nebraska Very Clowe and Still lu Doubt The 'ev York Legislature. New York. November 9. The latest figures obtainable show that Roose- Ivelt's plurality In the state is not far from 20,000. Only ten counties in the fate gave Van Wyck pluralities and ne all localities swayed by cit- York, KtQ-g-Qtreefc, a illinaT nff in "Roncjpvplt'a ;ompared with Black's in to a decrease in the repub- fote up the state of 61,000 and Feater New York of C2,000. Against lis Van Wyck gained 20,000 above the Ilallem and 53,000 below it, as compar ed with Porter two years ago. In that year the democrats carried only one county (Schoharie) which gave Por ter 412 plurality. This year it gave Van Wyck 728. The result on congressmen in this state seems to have surprised even the democrats themselves. Nineteen of their candidates' were elected, the re publicans getting but 15. In the pres ent house the New York delegation stands 27 republicans to 6 democrats. In the Greater New York all the demo cratic candidates were elected. The most noteworthy change being the de feat of Lemuel E. Quigg, in the Four teenth district by Captain Wm. As tor Chanler, where a plurality for Quigg two years ago of 11,200 was over come by Captain Chanler with from 2,000 to 3.000 to spare. After the gubernational contest, as much interest was taken in the state legislature as in anything else. The close friendship known to exist be tween Mr. Croker and Senator Murphy caused a general belief that the Tam many leader would do all in his power to secure the legislature in order that Mr. Murphy might retain his seat in the senate, and the result shows he did his best. Notwithstanding this, how ever the state senate will be republi can by 4 and the assembly by 20. Political interest from now on will center about the senatorship, and al ready discussion as to the probable as pirants has begun. So far, there Is no announced candidate, and the republi can organization has not declared it self. Mr. Piatt was asked today whether or not he "would express him self on the subject hut "he declined, saying the senatorship was a matter for the legislature to settle. Corrected returns received up to midnight show Roosevelt's plurality, all outside of Greater New York, 107, 783, Van Wyck's pluralities in Albany, Chemung Clinton, Erie, Renssalaer and Schoharie counties and Greater New York, 80,450. Roosevelt's plural ity 21,218. NEW JERSEY. New York, November 9. The New .'Jersey returns with a few districts missing show a plurality for Voorhees, republican, of 5,002. WEST VIRGINIA. Wheeling, West Va., November 9. "The republicans have elected two con gressmen in West Virginia, Dovener, in the First (Wheeling) district by 1.S00 majority and Freer, in the Fourth by 1.C00 majority. Both parties claim the Second and Third. Chairman Dawson of the republican state committee tonight claims the election of 7 republicans and 6 demo crats to the state senate .and 40 repub licans and 31 democrats to the house of delegates. With the hold over sen ators, this will give the republicans a majority on joint ballot of 13, and in jure -the election of a republican as successor to Senator Faulkner, demo crat. Chairman Ohley, of the democratic committee claims, the legislature on oint 'ballot. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, November 9. The del egation from Pennsylvania in the next congress will comprise 21 republicans and 9 democrats, a democratic gain of 6. The present delegation is compos ed of 27 republicans and 3 democrats. In eacii of the districts gained by the democrats except the Seventeenth the present republican representative was M candidate for re-election. MINNESOTA. .Minneapolis. November 9. It is now practically certain that Page Morris, republican, is re-elected in the Sixth Mimc-rota, making a solid republican delegation from Minnesota. Returns from all but 5 of the 20 counties in the district give Morris a plurality of "1,1 -in. The remaining counties will in crease rather than decrease this. Two years aj;o Towne carried the missing five rounds by only 350. St. Paul, Minn., November 9. John Lind, silver republican, with demo cratic and populist endorsement will not have less than 10,000 over Eustls republican. The balance of the repub lican ticket will be chosen my majori ties even greater than that of Lind. All seven republican congresmen have been elected. WYOMING. Cheyenne, Wyo., November 9. i There appears to be no reason to change ' the estimates of the republican state chairman, except that the republican majority in the state will increase. This is indicated by surprising returns : from new precincts. For congress at j large Frank W. Mondell, republican is elected. WASHINGTON. Seattle, Washington, November 9. Returns from the state of Washing ton are still Incomplete, but enough are at hand to make certain that the republicans have overcome the major ity of 1,200 of two years ago, elected both congressmen and two supreme court justices, by 3,000 majority. Later returns, will it is thought, increase, j rather than decrease this estimate The legislature, which, will 'elect a United States senator will be republi can on joint ballot by at least 40 out of amsffih'ership of 112. This estimate aives the fusionists all the doubtful districts. The amendments to the state constitution woman suffrage, local option, and municipal taxation are overwhelmingly defeated. VIRGINIA. Richmond, Va., November 9. Ad ditional returns from Tuesday's elec tion make it certain that the demo- c.a.LO camcu c.u, "olu"ul uia unci. IDAHO. Boise, Idaho, November 9. Only 47 : precincts in the state embracing one eighth of the vote have reported. They give Moss, republican for governor 2,012, Steinberg, democrat 3,083, Ander son, populist 557. Fortysix precincts give Heyburn, re publican, for congress, 1,926; Wilson, fusion, 2,532: Gunn, populist, 839. The fusion ticket is all elected by plurali- j ties ranging from 5,000 to 8,000. The cretaed yesterday by 1. legislature will be controlled by the ! THE HOUSE. fusionists. j In a statement to the Associated TENNESSEE I -Press tnis evening, Chairman Bab- cock, of the republican congressional Nashville, Tenn., November 9. Com committee, said: "Our advices show plete and partial returns from 84 out the certain election of 185 republicans, of 96 counties received tonight give j six more than enough to give us con MeMilUn rtpmfwrnt an PstimntPrl ma- i trol. These are straight republicans, jority of 3S.000 for governor. These gures will, however, be reduced by full returns and it seems tonight that ; this majority will be between Z5,U0U and 30,000. NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Neb., November 9. Returns ; tatives. "It seems certain," said Secre by counties touight which come with ' tary Kerr to a representative of the nrovokine slowness, indicate a scaling ' Associated Press, "that we have elect- off of republican, gains of last night ; and today making the state ticket in ; doubt and so close that official count j may be required. The legislature is probably republican on joint ballot, but Senator Allen will not concede it. INDIANA. Indianapolis, Ind., November 9. The republicans have carired Indiana by a majority between 15,000 and 20, 000. The legislature will be republican by abo t 18 on joint ballot. This j means. , election of a republican to the United States senate to succeed Mr. Turpie. COLORADO. Denver, Colo., November 9. The en tire fusion state ticket, headed by Charles Thomas, democrat, for gov- j i i aj t i : i. , ! eiuur, is eiecieu uy a. uiajuiiuy appro- imating auout ou.uou. ine iusionists have an overwhelming majority in the legislature. NORTH DAKOTA. Fargo, N. D., November 9. Returns from the state today swelled the re- publican majority. The republicans have 56 majority in the legislature on joint ballot making a republican suc cessor to Senator Roach certain. SOUTH DAKOTA. Sioux Falls, S. D November 9 Al most complete returns from the state give Phillipps, republican, for gover- nor. a majority oi l.zuu. Later re turns will not materially alter this majority. The entire state republican ticket is elected. The legislature will have a republican majority. CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, November 9, 6 p. m. Less than half of the vote of Califor nia has been counted, but 1,111 corn- plete precincts out of 2,407 give Gage, republican, for governor 9,540 plural- ity. At this rate his vote will be 20,- 000 in excess at Maguire. It is rea- sonably sure also that the republicans 4iae iai i leu me rt:sL ui me ssixte uc&ri t with the exception, perhaps, of secre- j tary of state and two judges of the ; : .i i i i. supreme court. The vote on these are close with trie chances in favor of the democratic candidates. It is certain that the republicans have gained at h?ast two congressmen, with the third one in doubt. The legislature will be republican. Just What She Needed "My appetite was very po.ir and I was so nervous I could not sleep. I was troubled with dyspepsia ami was very weak. After I had taken a few bottles of Hold's Sarsaparilla I could eat any thing 1 wished, could sleep well and was much stronger." Mrs. John J. Marshall. Werringion. North Carolina. Hood's Pills cure all liver ill. Easy to take, easy to operate; reliable, sure. 23c. The Seaboard Air Line has under- i taken to send fifty .or more young men from along its line to the north and east and give them jrn opportunity to . study specialties in farming and far ming industries there. . . i THE NEXT ONC;iti:NN Change Brought About by Tueday' I Eleetlon ISoth IIranche to be Under j Control of ICepublicans j Washington, November 9. The re- i publicans will control the senate after March 4th next The present t di vision of the senate is: Republicans 43, democrats 34, populists 6, silver repub- licans 6. Prior to yesterday's election A t f! . mese ngures were cnangea by a re publican gain of 2, viz.: McComas, or .Maryland, who will succeed Gor- man, and Simon, of Oregon, who was elected to fill a vacancy. This increases the republican total to 45. The terms of seven republican senators expire March 4th next, leaving 38 hold-over republicans. The elections of yester day made certain the choice of ten ad- ditional republican senators. This gives a total of 48 or 2 more than a majority over the democrats, .populists and sil ver republicans. In addition yester day's voting probably will result in the election of three more republican sena tors. There are 12 democratic hold-over senators. To this number yesterday's elections will result in adding 4 cer tainly and 1, probably, making a total of 25. The populists and silver republi- can hold-overs number 8 This was in- d ?ur majority will be over the com- duces us to place nine districts in- in doubt." At the headquarters of the demo cratic congressional committee confi dence is expressed that the democrats will control the next house of represen- ed 18memh of Jh hse. the cte aA in SubL" J A list of congressmen elected compli- ed from returns to the Associated Press . up to midnight shows that the republi- j cans have elected 182 members, while I the democrats, silver republicans, fu- ! sionists and all others have elected 166 members. There are nine districts yet to be heard from. SEVEN CONGRESSMEN Elected by tlie Democrats of tills State Our Big majorities in the Legislature Special to The Messenger. Raleigh, N. C. November 10. Demo cratic State Chairman Simmons says tonight: "It is now settled that White and Linney, republicans, are elected to nrrrrroaa We have all the others. It is also certain that we have forty-one senators and ninety-three to ninety six members of the lower house." Asheville, N. C. November 10. Craw ford's election to congress is now claim- j ed by one hundred and ninety-one. The republican committee, however, not concede it. does President Ulasso's Letter to President JUcKiuley Washington, November 10. A letter from President Masso, of the Cuban , provisional government to President McKinley, became accessible today. It is dated at "Santa Cruz del Sur, Sep tember 23rd, and deals with the gov ernmental problems which now con front the American and Cuban peo ple in Cuba. President Masso says that with the evacuation of the island by the Span ih "will enmmpnppk th( nrrliimis and i difficult tack of establishing in Cuba a firm and stable government, which shall be the legitimate expression of S the free win of ,its People, and shall ; IT! JK"" r 'l i--" " ' J - bans so ardently wish for." He says that the logic of events im posed an agreement between the Americans and Cubans as to the ends to be accomplished, and that "the com plex labor in which we have been and are engaged has been but in part re alized, and that the government coun cil as the supreme authority of the revolution has inspired all its acts in the aim of sustaining and aiding the policy of the American government." President Masso then reviews the actions of the Cuban revolutionary party and indicates the steps that are to be taken by the Cuban people to bring to fruition the hopes which have inspired them through years of strife for freedom. He adds: "We will stand by those men who have sacrificed ev- erything for the welfare of their coun j try and we are ready to answer for ; our conduct." 1 He concedes that the American gov ernment should garrison the island in order to insure tranquility during the 1 period of transition from Spanish to Cuban rule, and that "the natural ,de ' velopment of events will necessarily bring about a practical understanding between the American government and the people of Cuba upon a common basis. v 1 fe'gia I XDElt 7IA11TIAL, LAW Lieutenant Colonel Taylor Put In Com mand or tbe Local Troops Tbree Other Companies Ordered to Wil mington by tbe Gorernor (Special to The Messenger.) Raleigh. N. C, November 10. Gov ernor Russell this afternoon received the following telegram from Lieuten ant Colonel Walker Taylor, of the Sec ond regiment of the state guard, com manding the post of Wilmington: "Situation serious. Hold military awaiting your prompt orders." The governor ordered Colonel Tay lor to use Captain T. C. James' com pany of Wilmington to preserve peace and to report action. Commander Morton of the naval re serves, telegraphed the governor: "Have ordered Wilmington, division of naval reserves to preserve the peace on the order of the sheriff." The governor replied: "Your action q nnrnvod T'qrci irnii red! f 11 n rl or nnm- , mand of Colonel Taylor." Telegrams were sent Captain Hines, commanding the company at Clinton, j all democrats elected by 14 majority; and Captain Patterson, commanding Gates by 250; Burke by 100. the company at Maxton, to move to Raleigh, N. C, November 9. At 6 Wilmington and report to Colonel o'clock Democratic State Chairman Taylor. ' Simmons said: "I believe we have Colonel Bruton, of Wilson, command- e,ected Fountain to Congress in the . x , . , ' Second district by 600 to 900. Linney, ing the Second regiment, telegraphed ... . , w.i A, , , , y . . . : , . republican, is elected in the Eighth? the governor that Lieutenant Colonel . . , , t. I A careful review of the congression Taylpr reported urgent need for more al result made tonight at democratic troops at Wilmington and that it was headquarters shows that in the First not safe to send the company from Wil- ' district, when Pasquotank, the biggest son. - republican county, gave Skinner only ThVgovernor wired Lieutenant Col- one majority, the election of Small onel Taylor to give name of men killed, j ws sure(L, , . t, . . , , The Second district is in doubt. If Later, a telegram from Colonel Bru- ! v.i ' a 1 b the Fountain tickets reached various ton said Lieutenant Colonel Taylor was counties in tim6f Whlte fa beaten by in direct need of reinforcements. j a smaI1 majority. It depends on the The governor, thereupon, ordered vote in Halifax. The district is count- Lieutenant Pollock of the Kinston di- , ed doubtful. vision naval reserves, to take it to Fowler is badIy beaten Thomas ., . , . , - in the Third. Fowler has a slender Wilmington and report to Colonel Tay- . majority in only two counties Samp lor ' son and Moore. Captain W. L. McGee, commanding j Atwater is elected to congress in the company at Franklinton, was also this district by 1,200. ordered to move to Wilmington at j Kitchin had a walk-over in the Fifth, once and report to Colonel Taylor. I carrying nearly every county. His Telegrams were also' sent to various maJ"ty is nearly 2,000. railways by Major Charles L. Davis, . .t . . . .... J J J majority, said to be 6,000 or more. U. S. A., acting adjutant general, to , Linney is defeated by Lovel in the provide transportation immediately Eighth. for the various commands of troops ; Crawford has defeated Pearson by above named. C00 without a doubt. . .. All the democratic solicitors seem Later, Governor Russell alters the . . . , . , ' i certainly elected. Mott is the only one order to the Franklinton military com- j who may pu throU(fh pany by directing it to be ready to go Wake county.a vote wafl summarize(1 to Wilmington at a moment's notice. thig afternoon. Atwater for conpres.s The company is therefore in its ar- raory. Ootli Sides Claiming House of Repre sentatives Washington, November 10. Late this afternoon Chairman Babcock, of . the entire outfit and makes no claim, the republican congressional commit- I There is great pleasure at the news tee. practically completed a list of the ; that Dossey Battle has defeated Thom-rpmvsentatives-elect of the Fiftv- ! as H. Sutton for judge of the eastern sixth coneress. The" authentic advices sixth congress. The authentic advices received by the republican committee indicate that two districts are i ndoubt yet the Second California and the Twelfth Texas in both, however, Mr. Babcock concedes that the chances are favorable to the democrats; he claims neither of them. Tonight Mr. Bab cock's figures show the election of 1S5 straight republicans, 163 democrats, six populists and one silver republican. These figures do not include the two doubtful districts mentioned. Conceding these two districts to the democrats, as a means reaching definite results. Mr. Babcock claims a certain majority of thirteen over all opposition. Little information of a definite na ture was received by the democratic committee tonight. Secretary Kerr maintained that the opposition to the I reDUblicans would organize and ron- ! trol the next house of representatives. His figures indicated that the opposi tion would have at least ISO votes and perhaps 1S1. Faslomst Elected Gorernor In Ne- braska Omaha. Nebraska November 10. m iiiK, iai i etui uo a. l au;i acna iuui- t cate the election of Pynton, the fusion ; candidate for governor, by 2,000 over ' Kayward, republican. The balance of the fusion state ticket will have about j the same plurality. The state legisla- j i in i it; : a iit. lure win lk? repuuiicau uu juiui udiiui by from six to eight, insuring the elec i tion of a republican to succeed Senator i Allen, in the senate. Latest Returns From State Election. A SOLID DELEGATION In Co us re Anions: the l'olbllltle. Eight Conzimnieu Certalulj Elect ed Nearly all the Seuator Demo cratsOnly About a Score or Fusion ists Electod to the Lower House Hattle Elected Judge of the Criminal Circuit. Raleigh, N. C, November 9. At 2 o'clock Chairman Simmons says: "Very likely Lovell, democrat, is elected to congress in the Eighth. This will make all democratic save White, negro in the Second district. "We appear to have ninety-three members of the house sure, and it looks like over forty senators. It is in fact hard to find any republican sena tors in the east, save in Bertie and Northampton and Warren, where we had never very seriously hoped to win." ' Specials say democrats pain CCm) in Hertford. Ashe elects all the demo cratic ticket by 100 to 300; Cowan elects a democratic senator. Lenoir is demo cratic by 400 to 575; Tyrrell is demo cratic by a small majority; Mitchell county gives only 1,000 republican ma i nnritv n fnlllnr' nff of 00' Cl.iv n-K-oa 132 majority. state ticket 70. Pasquotank and Cam den elect the democratic ticket; Jones, got 5,480; Jenkins, fusionist, 598; demo cratic county ticket all elected by av erage of 55. Republican headquarters broke up this afternoon. Chairman Hoi ton going to Winston. He. like Ayer, gives up s criminal circuit by at least 3,000. J. B. Lloyd's only comment on the vote in the Second district is: "I guess I got as many votes as Fountain." Leading republicans say 25.000 white republicans voted the democratic ticket, and that as many of them as of populists voted it. Estimate of the legislature by Chair man Simmons at 9 o'clock is 41 sena tors and &4 members of the house certainly. Chairman Simmons has received the I visit of the emperor of Germany to following additional returns, many of- ; Spain show that the Spanish govern- ficial: Franklin democratic 200 to 500; j ment has been notified that two Ger Guilford 125; Mecklenburg 1.700; Bladen . man arshfps one of them hav,n tbo 20; Bertie, democratic county and leg- . , . , . , . i . , . , , " emperor and empress pf Germany on lslative tickets elected, state ticket a . , tie: Pasquotank, democratic. wept ; oari4J'U a"lve ,at iz on Novem- register of deeds. Skinner beat Small 1 i f fJ. lim?L U nf , L Jet known whether the visit of their vote: Chowan, democratic member of , majesties is of a private rr of an offl the house; Edgecombe, county and cial character. It is asserted at the for state tickets 500. Fountain for congress ; m office this evening that Emperor 250; Alamance. 4S democratic; Watau- j Wiliam and Empress Augusta Victoria, ga. 250: Alexander, 10); Carteret. 250; I after visiting Cadiz will visit Cartha Surry goes only 3f republican; Har- . gena. The queen regent will Invite a 1 a f f r a t nfr 5Tfl Hm(.(ratif Wilson -ViO dmo- cratic, giving Fountain 2,149, White 1.511 and Lloyd GS9: Lenoir, democratic; Green. IS democratic; Wayne. 1.050 for Key West Fla, November 9. The democratic legislative tickets; Hert- ; Spanigh gunboats Alvarado and San ford. 315 republican; Anson. 500 derno- doya, whIch takefl && cratic; Granville. 100 democratic for . . , , , . i i . . i i-!,v,i o. v- ' !n lJie late war. have arrived hero legislature and Kitchin 3. e Bern. . frQm Guantanam0t CuD en rome for 84o republican on state ticket; North- , portaraouth N. where lhey w ampton. 325 on congressional; Durham, undergo a thorough overhauling. The 635 democratic; Montgomery, 200 demo- vessels nut into this nort for the rnir- cratic; Chatham, democratic, .ftires not given; Pender, democratic ticket Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum balrinj? powders are the greatest menaccrs to health of the present day sovx. SAKiwo powcc ca, srw vos. safe; Beaufort, S00; Moore, 266 demo cratic; Nash, democratic, figure not piven; Cumberland. 350 democratic; Sampson, 350 fusion; Washington, 418 fusion; Rutherford. 557 democratic; Person, 1S5 democratic; "Tadkin, 0 fusion; Swain, 49 democratic; I,enoir, 213 plurality for Fountain; Green. SS plurality for Fountain; Cherokee. 132 democratic; Camden, entire democratic ticket elected; Perquimans, 1S2 demo- tratic Beaufort, 500; Wayne, l.ioo democratic; Jones. 14 democratic; Stokes, 252 republican; Lincoln. 250 democratic; Randolph, n-publican by majorities from 99 upwards; Iredell, 700 democratic; Catawba, 300 democrat ic; Forsyth. 100 fusion; Greene, fu sionists win by majorities of 4 to 19, contest will be made. Onslow. 5j0 democratic, being a gain of 400; Rock ingham, democratic, 200; Stanly, f,55; Burke, 125; Union, Km); Robeson. 650; Pender, 65; all counties Jn the Ninth district, save Madison, Polk, Hender son and Mitchell, democratic; Martin, 250; Granville, 70; Orange, 3(10; Mc Dowell, 260; Caldwell, 394; Yan cey, 150; Buncombe, 830; Pitt, 500; McDowell, 250; Harnett, 23; Martin. 250. Small defeated Skinner for congress 420 votes in Pitt. Fusion majorities: Washington, 345; Hender son, 645; Warren, 1,000; Wilkes, 763; Davie, 153; in Halifax. White 1.450 over Fountain; Madison, 600; Stokes. 25n: Caswell. 200; Pamlico, 25; Northamp ton, 317. ONSLOW. Jacksonville, November 9. Onslow gives the state democratic ticket 540 majority, a gain over lSffG of 400. SAMPSON. Clinton. November 9. Sampson gives an average fusion majority of 500. CUMBERLAND. Fayetteville, November D.The av erage majority for the county demo cratic ticket is nearly 300. The register of deeds has about 400 majority. No majority is lower than 200, This 1 a happy community and It thanks Cod for Wilmington. PITT. Greenville, November 9. Pitt county official majorities are: Judges 4!0, con gress 435. solicitor 428, senate 455, legis lature C!6, county ticket 171 to 46. CARTER FT. Beaufort, November 9. Eleetlon re turns for Carteret county: StaU- tick et, democratic vote, 1,300; fusion, 1.013. Two democratic senators. J. A. Bryan and J. J, Jackson, 1.300; hous.-, John B. Russell, 1,24. Fusion senate, Alexan der H. Koonce and Robert B. Dunn, 1,061; house, Cicero Glllikln. 1.071. Con gress, J. H. Small, 1.297; Harry Skin ner fusionist, 1,050. State ticket l'-cf d by 216. Legislature 213. (By Associated Press.) Raleigh, N. C., November 9. It look ed today like the democrats had mad'? a clean nweep of congressmen. They have certainly carried the First, Third Fourth, Fifth. Sixth, Seventh and Ninth. Fountain, populist, endorn.-d by democrats, has 1,300 majority in the Second, with two counties to h-ar from. His election Is conceded by some republicans. In the Eighth district, Linney, republican, is probably elect ed by a small majority. Emperor ol Germany to VUlt Npaln Madrid, November 9. Inquiries j made here concerning the proposed . t 1EIL .Madrid. ftpauUh Cunboat at Key Vet I ' pose of obtaining provisions and other J supplies. r

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