WILMfNGTON N. C FEBRUARY 19 19H4. S1.00 PER YEAB VOL. XXXVI I No 15. 6 0 TO THE DEAD Solemn Funeral Services the Senate Chamber standing until they wer In SENATOR HANNA remained seated. The Services Begun. Fresident Pro Tern Frye then ad dressed the Senate, saying: "Senators: Tou have solemnly cuUl lovingly dedicated this day toaa ob servance of a proper funeral cere mony of Marcus A. Hanna, late a distinguished member of this body and nil hii?lnf.RS will be 8 USD ended I to that end." Char-lain Couden. of the House, then offered an invocation. Immediately afterward Ir. IBale delivered his funeral address. He wore his clerical robe and his man ner was dignified and solemn. He did not use his notes In speaking, but never halted for a word, and al though a man of over 80 years old. his voice penetrated every corner of the hall. He said In part: "That class of people which 13 to large, who make it their profession to ascribe the worse conceivable mo- JAPANESE FORCES WIJU OPEX TO COMMCRCE- Application of State Department to horea uas ucen urantca. LANDING IN KOREA Three Divisions Numbering from 3o,ooo to 5o,ooo Men Board Transports PARTY ADVICE Mr. Cleveland Says Dem ocrats Have ,Chance to Win WHAT HE URGES The President, Cabinet, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Senators and Members of the House Were Pres ent, Derides a Iorge Assemblage f Distinguished People Dr. Hale Preached the Funeral Sermon and the Gridiron Quartette Sans: "Nearer My God to Thee" The ilemaias Were Later Taken to Cleveland. I "oTnL'M? hES r"n ht THEIR DESTINATION NOT KNOWN - "- - ,. -r e-j. appeared In what is called puhllc life. They made the mistake, wnicn such men always make, of thinking that the mind with its manuevers and gymnastics and memories and imninniinn l creater and stronger than the soul of man. when it worics I it Js Considered Ttiat This Movement is uno oi uie mxotn xrayoruuu. iua in sincerity and truth. In faith and 4 . t. Has so Tar vccurrtxi a injx uvutuuicuh aii Washington. February IT. In the presence the grier stricken fam ily, of many friends whose soti-ow was scarcely less pronounced, of the Senate mvl House f Jtepresenta trives, of ilgnitarles from all the oth r branches of government, and f the chief official representatives of meet of the foregn powers, the fu eral of the late Senator Marcus A. Haruia occurred today in the Senate bamber. Seldom has a more distin guished body of people been col lected in Washington to do honor, either ts tke living or the dead. The loor of the chamber was filled with he representatives of the official life f the national capital, the galleries with people from all the higher walks of society, including the fam ilies of officials and many persons f distinction in the profeslona.1 and business world. Senators Visibly Affected. In the front rank of the eminent assemblage eathtered immediately bout the bier of the departed states man eat the President. He was flanked by the members of his cabi net, ail of whom had been closely affiliated with Senator II anna, by ties f friendship and political associa tion. Nearby were the chief justice and the associate justices of the Su preme court of the United States, garbed in their black robes of office, which fitted well into the scenes of orrcAT. 'liiere hnm ami love. They had to lm agine therefore, a cunning Intrigue, a man who accounted for his success as you might account for a 'boy's success in a game of marbles. But the analysis of character did not prove true. You might as well com pare the stilted adjectives and sub stantlatives of a school boy's theme against the passionate song of Burns or Tennvson. Here was no contriver. no schemer, no mere inventor, least of all was here any copyist. He was a wholesouled child of God. who be lieved in success and who knew haw to succeed by using the infinite powers. He knew that faih and hope and love serve; if you would mine iron or smelt it or draw It Into bars: and he was not afraiid to trust in faith and hope and love if the business in hand were the gov the Neutrality of China A Heavy Storm Recently Prevented An other Torpedo Attack at Port Arthur on the Morning of the 14th Instant More Reports Have Be rat Received Concerning the Results of the Latest Attack by the Japanese Fleet at Port Arthur The Plaas of the Japanese Government Are Kept Very Secret and Noth ing Thai Could Aid the Eenemy Has Been Given Out. Waahingtoa. February 17. Mr, Allen the Am erica a m la later at Seoul cables the state department that Wiju has been declared open to the commerce of the world by the Korean government. The United States was the first pow er, so tar as known, to apply to the Korean government for the opening of Wiju to the world's trade. This ac tion was taken while Japan and Eng land were urging the opening of Ton gampho. lyiag at the mouth of the Yalu river on tie Korean side. The view taken by the state department was thatv if we could secure the opening of WIJa 150 miles up the Yalu above Yongam pho. the effect would be to practically open the whole of that stretch of the river to commerce, so that the project really was much larger thaa the mere opening of a port at the mouth of the river. Wiju lies oa the opposite side I Tfco Former President Kays or me nver ana Terj near io aihuhs Manchuria, which the Chinese govern ment already has a treaty with the United States declared to be an open port, although this never has been ad mitted by Russia It Is understood that the opening of Wliu is directly attributable to Japa nese ascendancy in Korea, for while the country was under Russian influences Mr. Allen, the American minister was unable to induce the king to opeiv. a single port in addition to Chemulpo. It is probable that the state department at once will take steps to have Amer ica represented at WJJu by a consular or commercial agent. Opportunity for Democratic cess in November Obsolete and Questions no Longer mt Popu lar Interest Should bo Abandoned. Its Nominee Mumc be a Ix4er Who Represents Its Best Traditions and Realizes the bue mt tVs Conflict. PREPARING TO REBUILD. Evidences That Normal Conditions Aro Being Restored in Baltimore Paris. February 17. An official dis- Czar the report of Captain Reitzensteln. , , . , t-nrn Tnklo I wno is in command oi me xiussian patch received here today from Tokio . division, dealing with the de- announces that one of the most impor- I structon of the Japanese merchant font movements of Japanese troops yet I steamer Nagonoura Naru off the north- I draw all the troops from the burned erndng of rtates. if 'he did the thing d , occurring today. One of the western coast of Japan and the capture district at the end of another week, he was set to do" ?e flL consisting P? . 41 . her Captain Reitzen- Us by that, time the contents of After the orayer. with which Dr. I v ' - stem, wno as aiso acting commoaore i vaults will have Deen recovered aaiu Hale closed his sermon, the Urloiron I of tnree divisions u.uu muu...6 ,vl me viauivosiocK squaurun says mai i all unsaxe waiw aynamneu. iwus cruartette. stationed in the press gal-1 Vis-:0n of guards, is now going on a small Japanese coaster was aiso ap- the police board to whose order th lerv sang "Nearer lly Cioa to Tnee. . n . lncruirtK tv,p previous land- ""4Uieu' "ut eui .ua" miuua are suDjeci naa - Baltimore. JPebruary 17. As in dicating that the situation in Balti- n t- .natne. nn rWII flTld mill tary authoritea expressed the op la- lhe COI,mr ' trvlav tVit It Will aTP TO Willi- I ViO-UUU. Philadelpala. February 1T.- ticle written for this week's iar&r Evening post, former President Cleve land urges hU "rank and file associ ates" of the Democratic party ta suite and take advantage of the pprtu al lies of next November. -I am one of those." he writes, "wh believe that there is anopportualty far were scarcely riny Thi wm the last tribute of an or-1 . , T, t impossiDie to capture ine crew ana gan?zaU?n wOi which Sen?Ur Han. ings of Japanese forces in Korea and therefore the coaster was not sunk. na had been a great favorite, ana i elsewnere are saiu w tvc ucn pi.... ucavj weamei, e pioeuiru compared with this simultaneous saii- mm wiwwinsme coat. aim tae cruder ing of three aivisions. aKKirSu6 i before the tempest to gain the Korean proximately an army of- 30,000 to W.uiw men. it is oenevea, out us sure, that the destination of this force is a point near the mouth was a tender and delicate farewell from those who had known and loved him. The Evidences of Grief. While the religious services were in progress, suppressed sobs were heard In the heart or the chamber. Postmaster General Pay?, who had I of the yaiu river or a spot on the Llaho been for years associated witn sat. Hanna. on the national committee. was among those most affected. Sec retary Hitchcock also was visibly touched. The hymn concluded President Pro Tern Frye addrersed the assembly. saying: "We commit the body of our be loved Senator now to the two com mittees of the Houses of Congress and to the officers of the Senate to He ronveved to his late homo fon to its final resting place. Tung peninsular, flanking Port Arthur. Another official dispatcn says a. Jap anese transport has been sighted off a town south of the mouth of the Yalu river. CHINA TO BE NEUTRAIx. Japanese Government Replies Favor ably to Secretary Hay's Note. Tokio. February 17. It is stated on high authority that the Japanese gor- vi2blv affected. The desk of their , half an hour's iat ,iiMinie was heavily draped. ! i,- with n benediction by Dr. I u,icK;n. is now occupying. t,o nxiicnnuR ceremony was in. the i iT,u I jvman. it is also said, reserves the knnds of Dr. Edward Everett Hale. The visitors and family then with-1 riffht to counter balance any act of chaplain of tne senate, gmng 5 rfrr. the rmiy retiring nrau Russia in vioiaiins vuiuao Knr-.,-tpr -while Dretaervins i ,v thr rr5tiiiem njit the cab-1 Tho "Rmoeror. the supreme council ir. lamniiT -rui insurirur its slm- TVi RArvite then at 1 o'clock, I f mr tht nriw council, and a major- pie d'snlty. I on motion of Senator Ixdge ad- ity ef the cabinet will probably depart The ceremony did not oegin un,.i 1 joymwl. 12 o'clock, the usual hour of open- j There was a crush about the Sen ing the Senate. The casket was 1 ae door to pee the remains, but no borne Into the chamber a few min- ene wna cdmitted mid ther were left coast. Owing to the storm the squad ron was only able to accomplish live knots per hour. Heavy seas were ship ped and the cruisers and the guns were coated with ice. there being nine de grees of frost. Two violent gales wera encountered within three days. Japan Keeps Her Plans Secret. London, February 17. Japan is most successfully keeping her plans secret. Not a single item of news which could be of possible service to the enemy has been permtted to leak out. The belief is prevalent in London, based on hints in dispatches from correspondents, that her main objective point will be found to be the Liao-Tung peninsular, but that nothing of a military nature will be attempted until Russia's naval squadrons are effectually disposed of. Japs Plan to Enter Manchuria. Port Arthur. February 17. The ra- flcial action In this direction, mere appears to be little doubt that th commissioners are confident that th police force wil be amply able to maintain order when all valuables have been removed from the area. Though attachment to the party in which I am enlisted and aa late desire for its ascendency make such be lief exceedingly welcome, ther oertaia ly don't create It. It is built upon an unshaken and abiding trust in ike pa triotism and intelligence of my fellow countrymen." Mr. Cleveland's paper opeas wit a reiteration of the declaratloa that he umuo tnree years ago: "Oil flvhtini. . . Another elgniflcant inxrication that ,e,; 'VAlterinSy 7f sunn A normal conditions are neing restored a thJ "J1 nJ a "iZw is the announcement of Bulding In- if g .5" spector Preston and City Engineer democracy they will gather fr V. txl Kendall that the issuance of permit wlth oIJ JJJ fJuiiS to rebuild on streets that are not to and "?.e democratic enUu.aam be widened will. begin witnin rwo r Referring to his faith in his tv three days. At the real esiaie ex change it is announced that as soon n this nermission has been given, a large number of contracts which have already been drawn up will be signed and building operations will commence at ones. - To Prevent Yellow Fever In United States. Monterey. Mexico. February 17. The rratic associates he continues ? This trust will not permit me to overlook the meaning of the dally in creasing unrest among our people growing out of the startling aad aUp pant abandonment by the party In power of our national traditias and maxims, its disregard of our aattona! moral restraints, its inconsiderate ten dency f set aside national good faith. ju willingness 10 Dreak away from safe and accustomed moorings, aad Its xfn-r Ood inetlfv his life and death I Prn ment. reDlying through United absentees from among the members to 'lOT wno joved him well." I states Minister Criscom to Secretary ef the Senate. ah 01 mexu 1 The services, which nai occupiea 1 iIay has agreea to me neuirauwBu 1 run Armur, reoruary n.-ia; ro- 1 in ie icyuun ' -- I forgotten promises of reform 7k- ZZZ T 1 TTI t -WfT. I U-WY1v n A-VilYiniTlf M III II LI I 1 -V. HUlbll I 1 M J 1 I 1 11,1 L L11C -I A. Via. IlCAt? lldVC IZUIiLTCll LI ill ' I wvsvos 4 - 1aO T 1 rrn Tinw TflP Pft.TI 1 LHr I UI1- . 1- f . . - - . - - - - " Ml . Al I Xl-L. vo m w w ' uJOC Jk VB vmw . . ... n V. Vnir. I . . party or neaiin ojmniiBivnci a www i c-uniempiuous neglect of our natloan! hton viaitiner ih various neaoort cltie I mission. Surely these conditinM in the reDublle of Mexico for the pur- 5f"r Ith broken pledges, and ,,tx hpfA noon and was plaocd im mediately in front of the dais of the president pro tern. It was banked with tloral .tributes, including one from President Roosevelt. Casket Brought Into the Senate. The casket was borne into the chamber by a squad of capltol police, headed by Sergeont-At-Arma rans dell of the Senate and was imme diately followed by the official com mlll?e. with Senatjor ForakJer and General Grosvenor at its head. Slow ly the little procession moved down the main-aisle of the chamber and the casket was placed ur the cata- Senator Frye, as president pro tempore stood in front of his cJvair as the body was borne to its resting place. All the people in the galleries rose as if with one Impulse cs the oasket was borne to its place. The iiirri YrnA scarcely, xetired JhWIUT"n .. . . I when the Senate was called to order and the Senators who naa ertereo took their seats upon the fall of the gavel of the president pro tern. Im mediately afterward the House of Representatives with Speaker Can am at its head was announced and the members of that body filed slow ly in. taking the seats previously as efigned to them, the Senators and visitors in the galleries rising. Speak er Cannon took his place at the left f President Pro Tern Frye. A Distinguished Assenfibfage. rvi fm the ambassadors and ministers from foreign countries, who were given seats next ts the front row on the Republican side of the chamber and they were Imme diately followed by Admiral Tewey and Major General Gillespie, repre senting the navy and army. The chief justice and associate Just3oe of the Supreme court were ushered into seats on the Iemocratic side. Pres ident Roosevelt and members of his sabinet were then announced and ail present rose without waiting for the tap of the gavel. The presidentlnl Twu-tv were escorted by Co'cnel in the cl09d rhmoer. ."urrounaeu by the floral offerings and under a guard of capitol police. At 5 o'clock they were taken to the Pennsylvania ntation escorted by two committees of Congress. The funeral train left foT Cleveland at 6 o'clock. Dlstlngxiished Hen Attend the Ser vices. Washington. February 17 Among the distinguished men from New York who attended the funeral aer xrrfx nt the Senate were former Sec retary of the Interior Cornelius N. miss: Generafl John J. .mcvjok. Pre-stlAent frf .the Ohio vocifttyj J. rJernont Morgan. James J. Kill ixnd pumsnf a. nrlffom. Iresldert of h International Navigation tiom nanr. Mr. Morgan-. .Mr. Hill and Mr. Griscom arrived In Washington this morning in a private car over the Pennsylvania rairoad. THE SWAYNE INVESTIGATION. Last Session in Pensacola and Com mittee Iicaves for Tallaliasscc Tnini.q. Fla.. February 17. The last session of the Swayne In vestigating commission in Pensacola was held today, and the committer will leave tomorrow for Tallahassee to pursue the investigation. The ees fdcsTL wm consumed in hearing testi mony upon Judge Swayne's conduct In sentencing persons ror coniempu General Simon Ttelden- of New Orleans and E. T. Tiri.. who were both sentenced to pay a fine of $100 or ten nays, in connection with the suit of Florida McGuIre vs. the Pensacola city com pany some two years a-o. Attorney w. a. .bioutix wa as to nis on February 20 for Kyoto, where it is planned temporarily to estaDiisn impe rial headquarters. The date, h-owevtr. has not yet been ueiimteiy asciea upon. Later. It is expected, the Era- tii a ill . peror and counsellors win ko io . - 111 -t y-v M ed about 60,000 troops at Wonson (on the east coast of Korea) with the ob ject of entering Manchuria, 13 con firmed. A Tlilrd Fight Believed to Have Occurred. Sazebo, Japan. February 17. The opinion of Japanese officers here is that a third fight has occurred off Port Ar thur, some of the Russian war vessels having been reported as leaving that place. oshima, where the Emperor will person- 1 Trained Nurses for Japanese Army. ally watch the embarication oi me troops. the RlB-hf n aVmyV .I ditions with the view of devising means dantly explain the popular dhUra.t whereby a future visitation of yellow fear previllinVeveryw fever may be prevented from reaching but .uVt ffat JTch Srei the United States, arrived in Monterey Ical th of ou feiulrtl" this evening. The party was met upop fl thoughuUv and oolttw IU arrival here by Oovernor Bernardo lov.a f2Z0t Reyes and members of the board of unmindful of such safety and ' aulet u health and they will be cordially nter- offeredu 5jrb jiuLt ii.lnir their aaw . . uui " , ana conservative 'lmvni Mr. Cleveland thinks these cosmSUIobh Justify the assertion of democracy's op portunity. He says: "It should be remembered, however, that ODnortunltr ma v K nnl aitatf says: 'Mrs. J. C McDay, of McDowell I related to actual accomplishment, and ' STORM PREVENTS ATTACK. . r fA Fierce Gale ana rsnow ivtryv Japanese From Caxning Out Their Plans. Brave Woman Defends Herself. Roanoke. Va.. February 17. A special to The Times from 'Bluefield, W. Va.. Washington. February 17. The Japa nese minister nas receivea caoie ! mea- t laBt mgnt emptied the contents that it does not of Itself, unaided and sage fromhis government accepting lIlubTrbarreled shot gun into the alone, warrant the expectatioa f reaca- XLZ?1??- Z body of a man who was trying to force lngsuccessful results. an entrance to the McDay home. The This is no time for cunning flassse murdered man's name has not ben nor for the use of words that conceal learned, but it is said he was a farme- Intentions or carry a double meaning, who had been ejected from the McDay The Democratic party has a measags- to house earlier in the night. He return- send to Its followers and to the masses a made serioua threats and attempted of the American people. Let thst m- an entrance, whea he was fired on. I sage be expressed in language easily McGee. of Washington, D. C. to take to Japan a party of trained nurses who have seen field service in the camps and hospitals of . the United States army. No one is eligible to Join the party except graduate women nurses-. tv,h tvhniarv 17. a heavy storm I who have been in the army. ivaiv, a v. - THE PORT ARTHUR FIGHT. The woman has not been arrested. spared the Russians from a dlsperate torpedo attack at Port Arthur on tae nrninr cnndav the 14th instan:. Durlngthe preceeding night the vessels I Reported Tliat Something More Tlian of theJapanese flotilla of torpedo craft I a Torpedo Attack Took Place. were parted by the force oi tne w.a Mnri waves in . blinding ssow s.o.m, I rondon. Vebruarv 18. The corresn-m so that only two of the larger destroy- 1 dent at qy&Ioo of the Paris edition ers succeeded in forcing their way I of Tne New York Herald, in a di?natch througn tne nerce l" l in wnicn ne reports ine arrive oi juns? i --r ' . ' -Ivintr th mt& Fire- When they arrived there they attacked bearI ng Japanese wounded from the ment and ' .y31" wlT' killed, separately and the officers of one of Port Arthur engagement of .February MA,S?"Bndi? S them are connaent mat iaej Buuui . 14ln considers this to show that some- I JZL vmnnV -rfinwr sus The destroyer Asargirl, in charge of I p'ace there. Lieutenant Comnder I'Wtawf. r- et Tokio on the nvea oa ron A1J"4U' h I Vhrn Standard reports that two battleshio the morning aum -"Til I were rfestroved in this attack, while the Freight Train Wrecked Piedmont, W Va.. February 17. A freight traia of 18 loaded cars ran away on a seventeen mile grade near I pleads for economy in the expenditure Everett tunnel. Just west or tnis understood, unconfused by evasion and untouched by the taint of Jugglery. Obsolete issues and questions na longer challenging popular interests saanld be manfully abandoned." 'mt. Cleveland urges tariff reform, place today, gaing over the embank- encrineer. sus- fninvi r,rvvn ir. Tne iraan v a mass of tangled debris and the track much torm up. tire by the fortress and Russian sfcta corrspondent at en Tsln of The St acting as scouts. A , i r -Vr I dard says under date of February 17th charged several torpedoes at a bigwax tM a Iyate dispatch frora prt Ar. snip, out -uc uu - --- -cannonade was opened until the scout ing vessels arrived and maintained un til they withdrew. The destroyer Hey atory Lieutenant Commander Takea ouchi. arrived two hours after the As argiri and ran up close to the mautn of the harbor, where they found two Ithsar brings the statement that the Russian squadron has again put to sea Cable Cut. Che Too. February 18. The Port Ar thurChe Foo cable was cut yesterday. Japanese Landing Operations. Berlin, February 17. The admiralty Cannot Prevent Gambling In Future Londoa. February IT. The crtris 'r the cotton trade was the subject of a question la the House of Commons to day. In reply to which Home secretar Akera-Douglaa ia behalf of the gove -ment. said that although It was recog nized that the situation undoub'fd was the cause of anxiety. It could hard ly be amended by legisiatloa respecim warships, names unknown. She fired I here ha received confirmation of the gambling in futures. The government a torpedo at one and tne lorpeao m.- i reports that Japanese landing op- I he added, could not introduce sucn leg ploded. v r I eratlons on a vast scale are taking I lslatioa. The best remedy would be t Admiral Togo, in rtryvimi i place on Korea northern coasts ana it I increase the sources or ppiy tack, says altnougn uie rciiM unknown, he feels sure the moral effer ,.r, ,. anvmv will be excellent. Com- mander Nagai commanded the eaUre A. 1 aT knowled-e of law and Jude torpedo flotilla. The number of the Knowieae oi , - n sntuia. and the oojit af swayn s conouct ui i-nete uaaca lv said that the contempt sentence wns I perfectly proper under the eircum- vTT,rvTv and Commander Winslow, hi stance. The contempt sentence full uniform. The President an-I h!? i sixty da- placed on the late banker, cabinet occupied the front row of i w. C. O'Neal, for the alleged ri. seats, at the right of Uie presiding j saultlng of a trustee in bankruptcy fficer. ; was recalled and the witness gave ivventv mlmitM later. Mrs. Han- it as his opinion that it was net aa, leaning upon the arm of her son. , proper and that Judge Swtiyne had . . Japanese cavalry have Pan R. Hanna. entered tTie chamber exceeded his authority in adjudging . Wiju. on the Yalu r craft in the flotilla and the poiat their departure is conceaiea. Japanese Troops on Tlieir Way to Korea. Tokio. February 17. Eight traasports. with Japanese troops from Nagasaki and several additional vessels carryiag r munitions, are on their way to the west coast of Korea. Detachmeata aireaox mi- and took a seat in the front row. on j him In contempt. the left side of the presiding omcer, river. jsne was iohowcu uj net TrtllTi- Tlnnt. ill Ttlrnmond. and their husbands and other mem- Wrestllns uout at luenmoucu bors of . the family and Immediate Richmond. Va.. February 17. M. J. .frlende. all of whom were given rwyer. champion light weight wrest'.tr. ; eeats In the immediate vicinity of tonight won two out of three falls in a l she casket. As President Roosevelt boUt with Geo. Pardello. the Italian card the family entered the audience najnpion. I REPORT TO THE CZAR. The Recent Destruction of a Japan ese Merchant steamer. St. Petersburg. February 17 Tlweroy Alexieff has communicate - t is assumed by the German authorities that Japan will be ready by early spring for a forward land movement, supported by properly equipped basis. Po?sIb!y 250.C0O men (according to the estimates made at the German admir alty) will be In the field before coilis :o. takes place with the fRusIans In force. Chinese Commander Maintains Order St. Petersburg. February 17. A dis patch has been receive here from M jor General Pflug. chisf of staff to Vic croy Alexieff, saying that Yuan Shakai commander-in-chief of th5; Ch.aes j army and navy, ha ordered .f00 men to Tein Chou. to maintain order. un. tinning, he says everything i qu!et a. New Chwang and that the information, that the Japanese are forming bands o' Chun Chus (bandits) to attack the ra'I road Is confirmed. Quiet prevails on Lhe Yalu. Russian scouts did not find the enemy within a distance of 34 miles from the river. - ous parts of the empire. with the as frora Lewis- - Serious Fire at Milton. Fa. Wimamsport, Pa.. February 18. A serious fire is raging at Milton. Pa., and at midnight was taxing tb efforts of the firemen, sistance of companies fcurxr and WaSwmtown. The Are originated in the Kraueer block, which included Goldenberg shoe store; Krauser lirouiers ni? and chemical establishment: Fox lewelry ere: Henry Wltson Post G. A. It Sons of Veterans nail and Herbert Granger residence The Hotel Haag and the Milton National Bank ar in danger of destruction. ' Donia Defeats ' Jenkins. of public money and charges the oppo sition with having made promises and broken them. He arraigns the admin istration's Philippine policy aad refers to the Isthmian canal In these words: . "The Democratic party has bsen con sistent and unremitting In its advocacy of an lnter-oceanlc canal, and has with the liveliest satisfaction looked for ward to the day when such a highway of commerce, built under auspices of our government, would be contr bu' by America to the world's progress an-1 civilization. It Is, nevertheless, not within the mandates of the Democratic creed, even in consummating to .noble an enterprise as this, the territorial rights of any other nation should be disregarded, or that our own national good faith should be subjected to ret. eonable suspicion. Mr. .Cleveland concludes as follnws: "At such a time as this, the Demo cratic party cannot with honor under take the battle of the people except ui der a leader, that not onl- represent Its best traditions and purposes, but fully realizes what It meant by the tre mendous issues of the conflict; and hi selection should not depend upon an small a consideration as the locality whence he comes. 'The democracy's opportunity l al ready in sight, but only In a cam-'n waged in reliance upon the people, love of country and devotion to nation? morality, under leadership that perca ifles these entimenta. will fee found the Democracy's hope." Schooner Covered With Ice. Vineyard. Haven. Mass.. February 17. The echooner Henry We!ler. Captain Watts, from Brunswick. Ga. fcr Bos ton, with a cargo of yellow p'.ne lum ber, arrived here last night io b-d'.y covered with ice that It was necetsarjr New York. TVbmary IT. Lunin de-1 to cut the halyards In order to get the feated Jenkins la the 'wrestling match aii down. She will probably tow toj ia Brookiya taaight. her destination. f .