Goldsboro Department. OFFICEINTIIE OPERA HOUSE, ; Jty This department of the Daily Messenger is put in type at Goldsboro, every day, and for warded by the Southern Express Company to Wilminjton, each evening, for the forms bf the paper of the next morning1, thus adding to the . Messenger the features of a Goldsboro daily local newspaper, and the best that emanalts from that cltY, ' - - - : i ;l i ; Gleanings Here and Elsewhere. V Moon rites 913. Sun ri,es . 5.41, sets 6.10. liea itiiul. moon light nights. Days length 12 hours 42 mijnuies. The hrmds are hie'nj to the cotton patch. " Several new bales ot cotton in ioxi this vvek. Mr. :R. Kins and family ?re j on a visit to Rale gh. Chinqueptns have made their appear ance on our streets. I : Mr. Thomas Hyman left on Thursday for Davidson College. j What about the Union Railroad Depot, are we to have it' or not? ! Mr. rbert Borden, of ivii ton, w5 in the city on Thursday. j - AH the weed3 around the city should be cut down and removed before! frost. . , . . There has been a large crod of peo ple in town all this week in attendance at court. ' ; j Fodder pulling is about overl with and bur farmers have had excellent weather for saving their fodder this year.' . I ' h We are badly in need ol rain; every- thincr is covered wich dust, nnd it is almost impossible for.a houses-keeper to keep her. things clear ci it Ih our opinion, the largest neonle that lias visited thi: crowd of ci y for 23 of show John many years, will be here on khe September, to attend the largest ever exhibited in the boutn, Robinson's.." a o Id At the meettner of the Board of Di rectors! of the A. & N C. Morchead Citv. on Thursday. Mr. W S. Chad wic k, of Carte ret, Vhs elected President, to succeed Mr.; ' Washington Bryan. A good selection. Many young men are Lily passing ray to t)avis' through this city on tneir way Schoo , at LaGrange. The-Fall session of this school opened on Thursday wi.h indications pointing to a flattering in creased attendance. This is one'of the best'and most popu'ar schools jin the State and we wish it much success. The case of the Wayne Agricultural Works vs. White & Bros., of Norfolk, for entisirg labour away from this! State, was taken up and tried on Thursday, and, the jury found the qe'fehdents guilty. Both; sides were well repre sented the" Judge's charge to the jury was plain, practical and comprehen sive. We learn they took an appeal. The trial of Lum Gardner, for the murder of B. F. McKeel, nt Sail's' Cross Roads, last June, car, e up for hearing yesterday, and will . probably occupy three or lour days, there; being seven or eight eye witnesses of the crime, that will all be examined, be sides the witnesses- for the defence. The defence vvijl be ably represented. The ; two little colored boys that were tried and convicted on Wednes day of stealing -corn from the planta tion of Dr. AT; E. .Robinson, were brought before His Honor on Thursday .afternoon, and after giving them' some goodh.dvlce, suspended judgment, and they were allowed to return 1 home: This will probably be a lesson to them. DIED ON HER WEDDING EVE. Near Bowder Springs, Georgia, what was to have been a wedding proved to be a funeral. The daughter of Col. John MeFadden had met Mr. Edward Smelt, of Charleston, at Tallulah; in the early summer. The couple soon be came lovers, and the young lajdy re turned home before the season was Qut to prepare for her wedejing which was set down lor Monday, tier lather, who is one of the leading planters of Cobb county, resolved to make the weddi,ng a grand social occasion. The bridal' trosseau was ordered frohi New York, and the young ladies1 were pres ent T om several S atcs to acL as 'brides maids. . -.- ; iSunday night the bride expectant ar rayed herself in J her robeis for che in spection of her friends. ,For a few mo ments the greatest hilarity existed, when suddenly Miss McFaden put her hand to her forehead with a scream and fell to the floor. She was: dead. The body, arrayed as it was for the wedding, was laid out for (burial, and when Mr. Smith roa3 up at 2 jo'clock Mondav afternoon, which was the ap pointed time, he tound that he w;as at a funeral instead of a wedding. He was so overcome that he could not even go to the burial, which took place at TOO POOR TO BUY A GRAVE. John Jordan, colored, came Into the poor.commissioner's office in Detroit, Michigan, with a basket; on his arm. He warned permission to bury his baby in a vacant lot, as he had no money to go to the cemetery, and he did not want the baby interred in the potter's field. "The superintendent said such permission could not be given, and added: "What's your number? I'll send for the corps.,' "Oh, you jneedn't send,' replied Jordan, "for I've got him here," and taking a cloth from the basket he revealed the weej black baby, whose emaciated body j told of extreme suffering. The superintend ent was staggered, but he gave Jordan a note to the city undertaker and said: "The undertaker will furnish a coffin and bury your baby. It will cost, you nothing," and the father reverently cdvered the corpse again and left the officeChicago Herald. j :: ) ' '"', ' '.' ' For a disordered liver try ;8BSCS am's Pills. THE WULMIN&TOK MESSENGER. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 14 l-rtP. , . , GEORGIA LAD OF 17 GIRL OF 15ELOPE. Danielsvillk, Ga. Mr. Dan Huff sometime becn'run foaooredx of MifesCuai dier ot Buk -ouoty. Tbej agreed to k'p tbt-ir engagement ft profound .-cre. from ths parent fioMhe your: IX l&dy. At the appoihled lime Sandy mornieir they stalled to ehurch jTit after the oid folks had left for the ame desnua'ion. succeeded in get t og in advance of them, and mde toeir way hastily to DanieUville. The young ladyTrf father soon bad croand to suspect the probable seqaeMd the disappearance of tse yoacg-fIWk. He mounted a fleet-f 00 WhorQ aid soon U und their direction, and pursued th-rn as tastsiposible. - The youueeonple anived in Daniels vitie, drove up to Mr. Kmnebrew'a and soon after tbo heated animal of the father passed the house, bearing its master. In his haste the , old man failed to see the tournout standing by lk wayside, and. passed them by. After he tmsj-ed 'thete was no time to loose. The ybuntj man obtained a license and tne services of a Justice, and the couple were married. Soon after tbe ceremony the uncle of the bride rode up: He had also followed them but arrived too latei3 The father hadlott t ack of them aod turned back He rode up and found his fifteen-year-old daughter a bride; He was excited, but was calmed down on finding that his rage could be do avail. The groom is 17 years of age. DOWNED THE TRAIN. The Scotland Neck & Greenville, train had a peculiar experience while on the South bound trip Saturday even ing. Somewhere this side of the A. & R. junction a cow was ic.non the track. Engineer-Smith tooted his whistle and the fire nian rang the bell,- they suppos ing his alarm as usual in such cases, wou'd be sufficient to make the animal take to the woods in fright. But she didn't scare worth a cent and stood watching the approach of the iron mon ster with appearent Unconcern. The train drew nearer, the engine tooted louder and the bell pea'ed fast r but the old cow stood her ground. Finally the engineer saw that the train must either be stopped or the railroad com pany have a suit for the killing of a val uable cow,'' so he chose the former and stopped his train when in a few ieet of the anim al. The fireman was sent out to drive the cov away but met with an other failure to frighten her, and being a large powerful man he gathered on to her horn with one hand, to her tail .with the other, and with a lew strong pulls managed to persuade the animal oft the track, where, he stood and held heruntil engineer Smith could move his train by. We heard Capt. Whitaker tell this and he is man. We don't reckon this cow ha ever seen a train before. Eastern Reflecter. HIS NECK SAVED BY THREE VOTES. Robert Gray, in j-iil at Jasper, Ala., for assaulting a vounar lady, escaped Wynching Wednesday night by three votes in a poll of 100. A mob of one hundred was on theway to the jail, when friends of the young lady met them and urged them, to desist, as Gray had not been fully identified. After much parleying the mob agreed to take a vote. Two managers of election were ehosen and an empty cartridge box was used as a ballot box. When thevotes were countedit was found. that a majority of three were opposed to the lynching, and the mob dispersed. "My love, what magic spell Is thrown Upon your face f Its charm I own. Whence'came thy pure and pearly teeth? Thy rosy lips? Thy periumea breathr' , She said In accents sweet and clear, '"Tis only SOZODONT, my dear." The Atmosphere of Love Is a pure, sweet breath. This desider atum is one of the results of using SO ZODONT, which not only invigorates and preserves the teeth, -but renders the mouth as fragrant as a rose. tic Spalding's Gltje, handy about the house, mends everything. Fears have been more plentiful this year than for many years past. JOMM IO Big Shows, All Combined. IO 1,000 MEII AND HORSES. 1,000 I J5D THRILLING ACTS. BIGG Kit THAN KVKH ! EVERYTHING 'KW ! Goldsboro, Monday Sept. 23d. MONSTER HERD OF ELEPHANTS. Its Like Never Seen. Troupe Trained Donkeys. 3 i fX i: CIRC U S R I C S S IDE BY SIDE I BIG CIRCUS COWPAWIES'- M It U 11, 14, 15, 81 . . . . . . . . : - - - - - ' - - Electric Bitters, This remedy Is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no speciaTmention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not ex ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric BUters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimpjes Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blcoa.Willarive Malaria from the systemjshd prevent as .well as cure ail Malarial fevers.For cure of Head ache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 bents ana $1.00 per bottle at Kobert R. Bellamy's, wholesale and retail drug store. ,.- a- Another hunting accident.' That seems to bXthe principal occupation of hunters hunting accidents. Antf the.y find them frequently. "i " m ' ' .-: An Old Nurse's Thirty Years Expe- ' rience. ' ' - N ' An old nurse of SOrears experience saya that she has never used a wine that has had such a pleasing effect on her patients as that madex by Mr. Al fred Speer, of Passaic, N.J. It is a pure article and people have confidence in it. Ask anv noted physician. For sale by druggists. The bo v that was Kept in after school for bad orthography said that he was spell-bound. Pleasant Advice. Editor "Yes, my dear fellow, by all means write just as much as you want. But don't print anything, for if you do you will be found fault with." . . Very Bisky Indeed. To tamper with symptoms indicative of growing kidney disorder; to neglect for a brief time needful stimulation of the renal organs when their inactivity! points, as it always and" unmistakably does, to their eventual permanent dis ease, is certain very risky indeed. This is, however, a risk that many persons perceptibly drifting into Brighfs dis-j ease, diabetes, catarrh of tho bladder,' &c., constantly incur. So those, who read, reflect and heed the lessons of recorded experience, the advisability of using Hostetter's Stomach Bitters as a diuretic, need scarcelyfnore than a suggestion. No! f act is more gener ally admitted by the medical profes sion and the public than its efficacy for the prevention of serious renal diseased The unmedicated excitants , of eom merce, no matter how pure, bear in mind, react prejudicially upon the kid- neys when inactive. The Bitters sub dues malaria constipation and rheu matism. :' "". . ' ' - ; ; : When is a theatrical manager like an astronomer? When he discovers a new "star," Did you notice that fine head of hair at church last Sunday ? r-. That was Mrs. B . She never permits herself to be out of HalFs Hair Renewer. The Women Praise B. B. B. r The suffering of women certainly awakens the sympathy of. every true philanthropist. Their best friend, however, is B. B. B. (Botanic. Blood Balm). Send to Blood Balm Co., At lanta, Ga., for proofs. H. L. Cassidy, Kennesaw, Ga.,writes: "Three bottles of B. B. B. cured my wife of scrofula." 1 Mrs. R. M. Laws, Zalaba,Fla.,writes: "I have never used anything to equal B. B. B." ! Mrs. C. H. Gay, Rocky Mount, N. C, writes : "Not a day for 15 years was I free from headache. B. B. B. entirely relieved me. I feel like . another per son." . James W. Lancaster, Hawkinsville, Ga., writes: uMy wife was in bad health for eight years. Five doctors and many patent medicines had done her no good. Six bottles of B. B. B. cured her." X Miss S. Tomlinson, Atlanta, Ga.,says: "For years I suffered with rheumatism, caused by kidney trouble and indiges tion,l also was feeble and nervous. B. B. B. relieved me at once, although several other medicines had failed." Rev. J. . M. Richardson, Glarkston, Ark., writes: "My, wife suffered twelve years with, rheumatism and female 'complaint. A lady member of my church had been cured by B. B. B. She persuadedmywife to try it, who now says there is nothing like B. B. B., as it quickly gave her relief." ISO - " . .- w r "T , -ITT T , T ' , 2 " - ' 14 Front Street. I v "i ,- 1 y REAL ESTATE. I CXC" AT i j For Rent' v: :V j "... -of For Rent. FOR REXT- -Ttie Rock Spring Hotel4- 23 Rooms. FOR-RENT Several good dwellings. FOR RENT Stores and warehouse?. V FOR RENT II alls and offices. Apply to D. O'CONNOR, - Real Estate A rent. seStf FoiSale. TTOUSE ON QUEEN El.TWEEN JLJL 41 tn and nth streets. House and vacant lot onVtn between Queen and Woodier. 1 Store and dwelling corneX Castt-and 7th streets. Two houses on 9th between old Queen an Wooster. j House on Sth between Xun andAnn streets, House on lOlh between Churehand Castle streets. I Two houses on 6th between Princess and Chesnut streets. . H House northwest corner of Market and 11th, streets. A Three houses corner 8th and Walnut streets. Three houses on Market between 14th and 15th. streets. " . ' A Two houses on Campbell between 91h and 10th streets. Store and dwelling cdrner 9th and Campbell streets. ! Vacant lot on 2nd between Queen and "Woos ter streets. . Vacant lot on Tth between Brunswick and Bladen streets. House corner 8th and Mulberry streets, and several houses and vacant lots in desirable lo cation over the railroad." Two houses ane a vacant lot on 3rd between Brunswick and Bladen streets. Four houses . on Chesnut between 10th and 11th streets. MAETIN T. DAVIS, Estate Agetit 123 PRINCESS ST. se 1 tf Sale . of Walker Estate Property, By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court bf New Hanover County in a cause between Jno. Walker, et al., Plaintiffs, and Jno. Cowan, et al., Defendants for petition. I will sell by private sale the following VALUABLE REAL ES TATE: CITY OF WILMINGTON PROPERTY. . Paat of lots 2 and 3 in Block 38, fronting 94 feet on South Water Street and running back Eastwardly 108 feet 6 inches. Also that wharf opposite the same fronting 99 feet on - South Water Street and the same frontage on the river. ' . . SOUTHPORT PROPERTY. House and lot in the town Southport, Brunswick County. of (Smithville) SMITH'S ISLAND, OR BALD HEAD. l That large body of land known as Smith's Island, or Bald Head, containing between 4,000 and 5,000 acres of land, lying between the Cape Fear River and the Atlantic Ocean, and extend ing along the Ocean with magnificent each for eight miles, and embracing on the river side an immense area for oyster beds. ,A considerable portion is covered with a dense growth of live oak, cedar, and yeopon. Its proximity to the Gulf Stream, its prominence of position, its fertility, its facilities for" hunting and fishing, give it the best natural advantages for a sani tariumora summer and winter resort of any place on the Atlantic coas . j " BRUNSWICK COUNTY RICE PLANTA TION. i The Walker plantation . on the Northwest branch of the Cape Fear River, about five miles from the city of Wiimington. j . Also a tract of land containing about 100 acres adjoining lae saiu rice plantation. NEW HANOVER COUNTY LANDS. A tract of land in said Countv containine about 71 J acres, situate on the East side of the Cape Fear River immediately above the old Mt. Misery Ferry. cPENDER COUNTY PLANTATION. ! That valuable plantation on Rocky Point known as the Walker plantation, containing 1445 acres, 15 miles from Wilmington and about half mile from the W. & W. R. R. This land is well drained and a part of it is a rich clay based on limestone. There are several hundred acres of rich black loam, which, for productiveness cannot be surpassed. A splendid opportunity for an investment. Purchasers are invited to correspond with or call upon the undersigned, who will show the plot and give all Information In regard to the lands. ' LOUIS J. POISSON, Commissioner. t's s. i i wa. u b From Pier 29, East River, New York City Located bet. Chambers and Roosevelt Streets, A 3 o'clock p. m. FROM NEW YORK. BENEFACTOR .... Saturday. September 14 GULF STREAM . . . . Wednesday, September 18 PIONE BR. ..... . .. .... Saturday, September 21 BENEFACTOR., .i. .Wednesday September 25 FROM WILMINGTON. BENEFACTOR... GULF STREAM. PIONEER BENEFACTOR... ...Thursday, September 19 Tuesday, September 24 ...Thursday. September 26 ......... Tuesday, October 1 27 Through Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guarateed to and from points In Nortk and South Carolina v , For Freight'or Passage apply to H. G. SMALLBONES, , Superintendent. Theo. G.Eger, Trade Manager, 5 Bowling Green, New York, j Wm. P. Clyde & Co General Agents, V selJtf 9 Bowling Green, New York mi X EM Y ! ,.. i HUSKE & We are the Sole LINEN We. will commence August 1st and. balance SPRING - - I in order to close it out. nnor opportunity for Cheaper than they have ever a wn - i i Ail LJ i i . ... i . llxl 1V1 firket Street au 4 tf GILES - & - A o JOBBERS rdwarex gaga T? I INT O r IMPORTERS ' " " - - - ' Murchison Block - CHEESE AND - FRESH A Full Stock of Groceries and Powder Salt in 125, Lb. 150. lb. II and 13 S, 7d&w PIjSTE : Tie : Aw : laifactiiriag : Coup? "W-ilaaa-ixtStoaa, jsr. o. ' a3 a hijfh grade manure. raiers oi una anc other States fully attest their va.ue The MA rriNG, made from the leaves of our nail nin'f M...,i . . ' caroet for comfort n,i Z . . "aTAI dive Pine. conceded to be eaual to anv woven rA (,;A;:;: ;AA "" maaa ior n is aallv increasino- it ),.. -'a rat found In any other fabric. Tne 1; IbliE or wool is ertensiTPlv f tresses Is almost equal to hair, being IljhT elastlcan Carolina Insurance Co. rpHIS COMPANY IS NOW READY TO- accept business and has the following resources: City of Wilmington 5 per cent bonds . . t30.23SJ Loans on individual notes, fully se- rfWWO cured........... ............ t ? 5.9(3 00 Subscriptions to capital stock unccl" 1 lecled but which will be paid dur- e ,month.. 4,170.00 Cash in Bank....;...... lei0i3 Total... ... (32,290.00 a deposit of Although nor rea aired law $10,000 in city of Wilminzton Bo Bonds has been made with the ie ununexon savin? rrru n and Trust company, ior the further protection of policy holders. By prompt settlement of losses and liberal treatment of insurers this Company hopes to receive a large share of the best in surance business of Wilmington. The security it offers Is as good as can be obtained.. Appli cations for insurance should be made to the Secretary. G. W. Wm.TAMg, President, D. U Gork, Vice President, , M. S. WxuuiBD, Secretary. Directors: G. W. Williams, David G. Worth, 5' ? GoJS: C&y00 Gilea, .S. Solomon, Lmhx viKia, wvuuu JuBCtlM, . i - se? lm THIS WELL KNOWN HOTEL" is: NOW ABOUT READY FOii ? ease or Rent. which will be done at a Finest opportunity ever a good Hotel Manager. low fir-. offered ALSO, FOR RENT OXFf W f BOIT STOIii A feet front; 123 feet deep with I. Plate. Windows, directly -nndern he Hote. Possession Given October 1st. . Wilmington; ro. C. Agents for the H. D. Smith & Co.': SOLE IfcTOTlGE DRAPER HOSIERY X -: - .. -. - ; a The First ever Shown in this Market.; THRY ARE G U AR ANTEED FA ST BLACK AND EVERY PAIR WAR RANTED OR MONEY REFUXI)i:i, continue forv fifteen days to sell tie of ourt SUMMER -.'. STOCK GO " . to t.'ikinjr block. 11 ere .is an you to purchase before been offered in this city. MURCHISON OF; -o - 1 ... . A A ' - , - " A Wilininffton, N. C. ARRIVALS Provisions, Bagging aqd lis and Shot. 160 lb. and 200 Lb. Sacks. OF o' " v :-'-a I AND - -'a. i ' j''' ' I ,Q,:- y ' TOBACCO WATER STREET. MANUFACTURERS OF ' ' LIZERSPINE FIBRE -AND- FIBRE : TVT A rrrTTKTrr upholstering purposes, and as a fllllhg for mav" se t u WORTH & "WORTH. A -WHOLESALE DEALERS IN- ies, Provisions AND- Farm ; Supplies o FFER AT ALL TIMES A COMPLETE tock of Groceries. Provton a ctnie v Fancy Pamily Supplies of every description, of the Best Quality and at the Lowest Prices. All Koods shipped and fully guaranteed as to quails ad price. a A 'A WORTH & WORTH WILUINQTON. N. C. Grocer s ' f V 1; r V

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