WIIMINGION MKSSJB1NGER. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 29; 1H89. Goldsboro Department, OFFICEIN THE OPERA HOUSE. . tm lnarrment of the Dailr Messenger is -put in type at UoiasDoro, every aay, ana ior f warded by the Southern Express Company to Wilmington, each evening, for the forms of the paper of the next morning, thu adding; to the Messenger the features of a Goldsboro daily local newspaper, and the best that emanates from that city. - GOLDSBORO JOTTINGS. Mr. A. T. Uzzell.of Beston, was in thocity Monday transacting bunnts. There was not much cotton on the market Mouday and middling brought 9 30 to 9.35. . Dr. M. W. Parks, of New Hope, was in the city Monday, looking as happy and jovial as ever. Mr. H. 1a. li zzall and wife, of New Hope, was in the city Friday and paid a visit to the t air. Mr. Henrv Flowers, of Kenley.was in to see us on Monday. Mr. Flowers is one of the Transcript's oest menas Miss Fannie Perrv. of Panacea Spring is here on a visit to her friend, Mrs. George D. Bannett, at the Gregory. As soon as we can tret it from Sec retary Bain, we' will oablish a full list of the premiums awarded by the several judges at the late t air. We learn that Rev. J. S. Dill, pastor of the Baptist cnnrcn, preacnea a most excellent sermon Sunday morn ing from the tezt: Abide with u?." We would like to see all the dark nlacea in this citv liehted with electric lights; "for men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil." . Mr,B. V. L. Hutton was badly bit ten Friday night on the right hand by a monkey, makings painful wound. His hand was much swollen, when we saw him Saturday morning. Miss Lillian Dillian, of LaGrange, who spent last week with Miss Mattie Lee, this city, returned home Satur day evening, to the regret of. many admiring friends here. Mr. J. C. Miller, who has been at home a long time, is off again to the land of flowers, to look after his ex tensive orange farm near Grahams-w ville, in Florida, Maj. W. A. ELearne 'returned home Saturday from his visit to Carteret court. He says he would have come sooner, but got water bound. That is the country for one to get "water bound' in. Mr. and' Mrs. Thomas Hargis have returned to this city, from Baltimore, and are residing at Dr. G. L. Kirby. The many friends of these are glad to welcome them back to their midst agaiur There will be a "sewing bee" held by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Y. M. C- A. at the hall of that association to-night, beginning precisely at 9 o'clock. Those that attend will fiod out what fori urch" Thfl weather has faired off beauti fully since the foul of Fair week and Monday morning opened as bright as glittering sunbeams could make it and as cool and invigorating as gentle zephers could waft to U3. Mr. J. J. Coogan, who has for some time held ver efficiently a position as salesman in the large saloon of ,Mr. John W. Fd wards in this city, left Saturday afternoon for Wilmington, to take charge of the bar of the Bonitz hotel. ' The attendance at the services of the Young Men's Christian Association Sunday evening was unusually large and the subject: "in eternity,7' with Mr, J. A. Faison a leader, was well discoursed upon by several and made profitable to all.'present. The singing, as usual, was appropriate and well rendered. We still think this associa tion is doing good among the young men of this city and it would be a good thing for all of them to joiu We were shown Monday a peculiar SDecies of the duck tribe, killed bv Dr. M. W. Parks, in Bizzell's mill pond, xm his way to the city Monday morning. In all respects the fowl resembled the wild duck, except the color of its feathers and the shape of the bill both of which resembled the "didap pie'' the bill being round and the feathers of a dove color supposed to be a cross between the two. Will some one versed in duckologv please tell us what kind of a duck this is? . The sad intelligence was telegraphed here Saturday of the death of Mrs. Rachel, widow of the late Mr. John Everett, at the residence of her daugh ter at Statesville, where she had been living of late. Her remains were brought to this city on the 3.10 Rich mond and Danville train and conveyed to the Presbyterian church, where the funeral services were conducted by th? Rev. J. C. McMullen, after which her remaius were taken tj Willow Dale ceuieterv, where she. was laid to rest by the side of her late husband. Mrs. Eveiitt was the mother of Mrs. B. F. Arrington, Mrs. W; W. Crawford and Dr. D. E. Everitt. Her funeral was largely attended by her many friehds and children and grandchil" dren and other relatives in this city. She was among Goldsboro's oldest and most honored and well beloved ladies and her death is lamented by all all, and to all who mourn her loss our sincerest oondolence is given. "My love, what magic spell is thrown, " Upon your face T Its charraI own. Whence came thy pure an 1 pearly teeth t Thy rosy lipsT Thy perfumed breath T" She said in accents sweet and clear, "Tis only SOZODONT, my dear." ThelcVtmosnhere of Love Is a pure, sweet breath. This desider atum is one of the results of using SO ZODONT, which not only invigorates and preserves the teeth, but renders the mouth as fragrant as a rose. , "Spalding's Glue," handv about the house, mends everything. Rev. J. C. Hartzell, D. D., who has in "charge the Freed man V Educational work of the M. E. Church, in the Southern States, delivered an able, eloquent and consetvativ'e address on this subject in the Messenger Opera House at 3 30 p. m. Sunday to a large audience of white and colored. He showed, from his standptiat, what his great church is doing in the work ofeducotion in the sixteen southern States, atd his address was entirely devoid of all bitterness and partisan bias and was broad and filled with christian charity. We think all in the congregation weie pleased with the addre.cs Dr Harfzell h3 been liv ing in New Orleans for the past twenty yetrs. and we thitk as, the motquito sucjted all the UUh blood out of that Iiisamau about whom Le related the anecdote, so the atmosphere and en vironments surrounding him in that great southern city has.perhaps.sucked all the preconceived northern prtja dice toward southern white men out of him This is the wsy these things generally affect sensiblo men who inovf down here and drive "their pc ghir down to sUy. Mr. C. L. Walton, colored, a mecU ical student at Lenox college, Raleigh, a great friend of the Wilmington Mes senger, and who takes special delight in reading the Goldsboro Department, because it gives him the newsirom his old heme, who has been visiting here, :evt Monday to returns his studies in tne college. A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life. It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap ping paper, but it saved her Hie. bhe was in the last stages of consumption, told by physicians that she was incur able and could live only a short time; she-weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr.King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped her,she bought a large bottledit helped her more, bought another and grew better fast, continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars send stamp to W. H. Cole, Druggist, Fort Smith. Trial battles of this wonderfuf discovery free at Robert R. Bellamy's wholesale and retail drug store. ' Merritt "Is it true that Mrs. Henpeck rules her husband with a rod of iron?" Miss Snyder "I guess so. I saw her last night chasing him with a poker." Herculean Strength Continually on the strain, or overtaxed at intervals, is far less desirable than ordinary vigor perpetuated by rational diet and exercise, and abstention from excess. Professional pugilists and athletes rarely attain extreme old age. As ordinary vigor may bo retained by a wise regard for sanitary living, and for the protection against disease which timely and judicious medication affords, so also it may be lost through prolonged sedentarv labor, uninterrupted mental strain, and foolish eating and drinking, tne chief and most immediate sequence of all four being dyspepsia. For this condition thus, or in any way induced, and for its offspring, a failure of mus cular and rierve power, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is the primest and most crenial of remedies-. Not only in digestion, but loss of flesh, appetite and sleep are remedied by it. Incipient malaria and rheumatism are banished, and kidney, bowel and liver complaint removed by it. A San Francisco paper heads an article on tne advance in sugar, "Higher Sweets." Young Softpate thought it meant kissing a tall girl. Why continue the use of irritating powders, snuffs or liquids, Ely's Cream Balm, pleasant of application and a sure cure for catarrh and cold in head, can be had for 50c. It is easily applied into the nostrils, is safe and pleasant, and is curing the most obstinate, cases. It gives relief at once. The Proprietors of Ely's Cream Balm do not claim it to be a cure-all, but a sure remedy for catarrh, colds in the head and hay fever. It is not a liquid or a snuff, but is easily applied into the nostrils. It gives "relief at once. The papers have ben discussing the man with a mission. They would handle the man without a mission, but that they fear to exasperate El liott F. Shepard. It is a great misfortune for the young and middle aged to be gray. To over come this and appear young, use Hall's Hair Rene we r, a reliable panacea. The Professor's Joke. Assistant "Young Pupson can't get that translation, Professor." Professor "Oh, well, get the poor dog a Bohn." . , Medical Value of Wines, As a general rule the use of wine is not necessary for young persons' in good health, breathing country air and not exposed to over work. As, however, life advances and the circulation be comes languid, natural red wine used in moderation, becomes an essential ar ticle and in many eases absolutely ne cessary but it must be the pure product of the grapes. And even in the East ern Stages the physician meets' large numbers of tovn people, especially wo men, who cannot digest the food and drinks suited to out-door laboring peo ple. In such cases they resort to the beverage of tea which "gives rise to a distressing dyspejia. The wines pro duced in New Jersey, especially the Burgundy and the Port Grape Wines from Alfred Speer's Vineyards, at Passaic, are the more reliable and the most sought after by physicians and those who have traveled abroad and known what wines are : Alfred Speer, Passaic N. J. Dear Sir: I have used your So cialite Claret and your Port Wine in my practice with great satisfaction. JVery truly vours, ' - WM. B. CHILDS. For sale by druggists. . Miss Sallie Ball, an appointee in the Interior Department from Alas ka, is a daughter of Col. Ball, a Vir ginia Confederate officer. wmm A " WILL Yon snpppp r sia and Liver Complaint? Shilbh"s Vitaiizer is guaranteed to cure you. For fcale by Munds Bros. LEMON ELIXIR, in Wonderful Effect on the Urer. Stomach : Dowels, Kidney and Blood. Dr. Mozley;s Lemon Elixir is a pleas ant lemon drink that positively cures all Biltousness, constipation, Indiges tion, Headache, Malaria, Iidney Dis ease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of appetite, Fevers, Chills, Blotches, Pimples, Pain in back. Palpitation of Heart and all other diseases caused by disordered liver, stomach and kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal diseases. Fifty cents and one dollar per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Prepared only by II. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. LEMON HOT DROPS- For coughs and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and Bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and laryngetis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For all throat and lung diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable preparation.. Sold by druggists. 25 cents per hot tie. Prepared by H. Mozley,., Mi D. Atlanta, Ga. Oct. 5 12m. tues.thus.sun. d&w. Professor "Mr. JBanks of what use is an unknown quantity, Young Banks "As ameans of making money." Professor "Explain your self ; I do xfaot understand." Banks "Well, ask father; he is in the coal business." . ,-- . The Invalids Hope. Many seemingly incurable cases of blood poison, catarrh, scrofula and rheumatism have been cured by B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm), made by the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Write to them for book filled with convincing proof. ' G. W. B. Raider, living seven miles from Athens, Ga writes: "For sev eral years I suffered with running ul ceus, which doctors treated and pro-1 nounced incurable. A single bottle of B. B. B. did me more good than all the doctors. I kep ton using it and every ulcer healed." ! 3 i i D C. Kinard & Son,Towaliga, Ga., write "We induced a neighbor to try B. f- for catarrh, which he thought incuvame, as it had resisted all treatment. It delighted him and con tinuing its use he was cured sound and well." R. M. Lawson, East Point, Ga writes: "My wife had.scrof ula 15 years. She kept growing worse. She lost her hair and her skin broke out fearfully. Debility, emaciation and no appetite followed. After physicians and numer ous advertised medicines failed, I tried B. B. B. and her reeoveryywas rapid and complete." I Oliver Secor, Baltimore, Md., writes: "I suffered from weak back and rheu matism. B. B. B. has proven to be the only medicine that gave me relief." While the congregation was sing ing "I would not live alway, I ask not to stay," a wicked boy yelled fire, and those who were singing the hymn with the most earnestness were the first to make a break for the windows and doors. THAT HACKING COUGH can by so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure: We guarantee it. For. sale by Munds Bros Why Pay Big Premiums. rj0 OlA) LINE COMPANIES, WHEN YOV 6an InsuYe your life in :..', The National Life-Maturity Ins. Co. AT ACTUAL COST ! Ia addition to securing Life Insurance upon most equitable, safe, and well matured plan. Policy Holders are granted certain rights and privileges allowed by no otner Natural Pre mium Company. -v Paid to Policy Holders Over $60a,O00 Send to the Home Office, Washington, D. C, or to any Agent of the Company, for information m regard to its 10-Year Investment Deposit Certificates GtJARANTEEDICOST, GUARANTEED RE SULTS, COMPOUND INTEREST, .TONTINE PROFITS, o AGENTS WAXfTEP. OFFICERS; Horatio Browning, President; W. E. Clark, Vice President; Samuel Nbnnent Treasurer; George D. Eldrigde, Secretary and General Manager; P. S. RiddeUe, M. D., Med J cal Director; John B. Larner, Esq., Counsel George J. Easterday, Assistant Secretary myyi tf YOU ARE INVITED,' Annual Gala feel CHARLESTONS.. C. N076ffli3er 4ti 10 91 1889. rarades'Processions, Excursions I5ase Ball, v Operas, Parades, I umtiutics Parades, Military Drills, Aquatic Sports, Concerts, A "Floral Fair. Magnificent Display of Fireworks DAY AND NIGHT. V Harbor -:- Illumination : ; o py ' - Varied Amusements lor Eacli Day and Hlghtp tithe Week, The Fare is Cheap. One Cent a Xlile. Everybody Should Come. OO 13 5t 13,15, 13, 21, 25, 23, 21 AN. OLD SAYINC , C cirt-rti- ' Fnnther. Birds, and all other necosNirv T This coming week sell Millinery GogfHaU. . SSthclrc: : " Also the LatestShapes in Pattern Hats wfJ" crowding in and Wo oate w commence 10 uumhj iwiw - . crowded with other Stocks. We therefore Silk Knotted Frin m ,miVi!m s1 f aw vl "rfva wear and Corsets-Babies Outfits, Babies Cloaks, Babies Drc prices lower than you can buy the material for. A vAlu Just Imagine 73c For F6H Hats, Turbin, and all olhcr lead ing shapes Just Imagine 15c For a fine spray of Flowers. Just Imagine 10c For Wcgs in all colors. Jast Imagine 39c For Tips, three in a bunch, all colors. , Just Imagine 48c For Sirds, Breasts, Egretres. Just Imagine 50c .A yard for heavy blacks. KNOTTED FRINGE. Just Imagine 15c A yard for Black Giaip HeadiDg. Goods Always Sold. tx& Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. N. B. Our Toy Department will be opened this week at No. 5 South Second Street, two doors from Mrl ' with a New and Select Stock of Toys, Wagons, Velocipedes, Dolls, Games and Mechanical Toys, niu . r-! in that line to make the Little Ones Happy. OUR -:- HARDWARE COMPRISES AN IMMENSE STOPK-OF GENERAL HARDWARE, INCLUDING GUNS ANI . 'CUTLERY OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION. ALSO A FULL LINE OF Our Crockery Department comprises a large and nice assortment of Glassware, Lamps :,:! y ' ' . . Lamp Goods. Also, the best make of .Both Plain White and decorated IMPORTERS JOBBEES, Purcell Build.ng. y : -: Wilmington, N. REAL ESTATE. I QJ1IKKV D An I O For Rent. pvWELLINGS,: x STORES, i AND OFFICES MARTIN T. DAVIS. Real Estate Agent. For Sent. Two new bouses on Nun street, be- Miwetra zau ana ura, an moaern im provements, water, gas and bath. - fc. MWA 111 I ?r,i n (to -- . House northwest corner &th and Princess. House west side of eth between Trincess and Cbesnut. House on west side of Red Cross, between 3rd and 4tn. ; : The Rock Spring Hotel, 22 raonjs.S S Stores Nos. S and 11 Market street Apply to Y D. O'CONNOR, - Real Estate Agent. 00 8 lf .Wilmington, N. C. COAL AND WOOD ! g QQQ TONS COAL, OF BEST -O varieties and sizes now In stock and selling a ; popular prices. 200 CSDS WOOD 0F THE BEST O kinds ready lor prompt delivery. Cut for stores, etc., when so preferred, t oc 15 tf z3 CZZ3 . J. A. SPRING ERa - COODS WEllL BOUGHT Just Imagine 3Dc A yard for Black Gimp, elegant, deigns and good quality. Just Imagine 33c A yard for Surah Silks in all colors. Just Imagine 39c A yard for Black Dress Silks. Just Imagine 75c A yard for Black Silk Rhadamas. Jast Imagine 73c . A-yard for Silk Veh etsu colors. Just Imagine 73c A yard for Moleskin Plush, in all colors, 130 inches wide. Just Imagine 73c A pair for fine Undressed Kids, all colore. -goods of our own direct importation: w viiUU L O U U IV O i SEND IN THE CHILDREN ' ; FOR ' SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUI'PLIK LOW PRICES All the Text Books'Jsed in the schools of North and Soulh CaroSta Don't wait until the c, v. t attended to. . v VUUR ORDERS now end jour work v . YATES' Now Landing DIRECT -:- IMPORTATION .. A LARGE INVOICE- n inn i m m m m m uuuul ORDERS SOLICITED AND PRICES GUARANTEED- GILES & : MURCH SON IMPORTERS. ARE HALF SOLO. Just Imagine 73c A pair lor Alexander Kt-.j , warranted. Just Imagine $J.4s For a Baby's Ea.brol; . r Cream and Blue. Just Imagine $1.4 s For a full sized Embroia. r- j ; , . C Just Imagine) 12c For a H.!. . , Just Imagine l5o For a pair of llai v h h Bootees. -o- Just Imagine 48c For a Baby cu- - And a Thousand and Onv ,: , numerous to mentio: DEPARTMENT Merchants cannot do betti-r"ativw' - BOOK - STORE . Ex-British S. S. Osmanli, u n n m m IE ..

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