r ft ' 0 I' r i r VESSEL en iraiiiii- j" tlons, j' three - ... i -A- to lorznmEns : - .f Tiro Hcwxcxorn , LaX ClmUUM thaa mmj athar Xivtyapit la L1ht PS Papers. t ,i j v . ... - I III III I ihi a i i iTABLISHED 18G7. " ' ' : - J ' 'vf.'.'. I.1 IV WILMINGTON, N. CM WEDNESDAY. JANU ARY 1, 1820. PRICE FIVE CENTS PISTOI.-GKAPHg Jappy New Year all around I 9 Treat Fatti u f.4-. 'vnj-mo I years Pinto denies that he has com an act of hostility against Eng iro are 44 RatiMI hey are, not men of brains, but of I wealth. Shades of Webster, Cal and Clay ! , PMl&lelphia Press says: tkThe will be disappointed in the nex- TUB STATE CAPITAL I " 0IUPP2ipaEAD,D0- j ITEMS OF NEWS. INTEREST GOSSIP FROM RALEIGH- AND . it Female College Bomored Combine ll-alnat Vance New Enter ic showing." 4e there. Of course. 1 Porte The ( The priM for Raleigh New Year Calling n the WanelUlelgh parings Bank La Grippe In Kalelgh. '"' MESSENGER BUREAU, ) . Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 31. f The leglslaturo.committee which was appointed to examine into the matter of the railways which claim immunity from taxation is in session. A week ago. Its chairman, Mr. E. W. Kerr, called the committee, whose other Extending to New Field In Europe, Atarr lea and Africa Everywhere Causing lu creased Death Rates. . ; USHINGTOX CITY, j ACCIDE5TS AHD CASUALTIES. EWS BY CABLE njCLic London, Dec. 31. The influenza ha attacked the emoloves in the Got.m. Committee t ment offices in this city, and a urid number of them are prostrated. Paris, Dec. 31. During the pat twenty-four nours there has been io increase In the number of cases of In fluenza reported in this citv. and i : is believed that the epidemic has reached its height. In the outskirts of tho DEBT REDUCTION THE YEAR. FOR city, however, the disease is spread ing. -. ' The disease has made its appearance on the southern shores of the Meditt r- ranean, several cases are reported at Algiers and Bona. It has -also ap- a rsir anA i?nn- I peared in Qunn and Galta. Italy. At ill n ill i if - m ri . lr. r. im. m a kb r. . rv cau La m. m u - . Christmas day the mercury sio od resentatives Carter, of Bunepmbe; Sut:firi if,? fSHiir ton. ot uumberiana ana iioiman, 01 - t . i Trndftll. Th mmittea is holdioc it4 municipal guard are severely affected. HWnf thfl StAtft TnAH.i - Chicago. Deb. 31. La Grippe has urer. It has decided to meet again I made its appearance in the postoffice. in April. I I -;'AwiJ jAloipuioow-ij wua The unrest among the negroes is so of it, and four or fife heads of depart- trront. .thnt. it. a onuaincr thAflnstam I ment- and between tnirty-uve ana ishington at GO degrees in the i At fittshurg, Pa., inthe sun irded 8-5. I Blouet, (uMax p'llell,") -the h lecturer and author, is again in T. S., after the7 shekels.- Paul it to some purpose. re are sairT?f l ntunT ffrW.v i ' 3 , present Congress, country is In danger, riilltia and send for the iff 'the principal theatres in are play in c Shakespeare, .tehaa has scored a brilliant Rosalind, and Mr. Mansfield hi the Third. farmers much annoyance. They do not know what; labor they jan depend upon. ' i .. Governor Fowle will open the third annual fair of th New. Bern Fish, Oys ter and Game Association, on the 24th of February. These fairs are always admirable and reflect particular credit on the New Bern people. '-.The Baptists of tlaleigh held a meet ing last evening in the First Baptist ' ratal Hall road AeHdeat Darted aader a t SaadbaAk Abaadaaed at a. lNTttANArous,.Dec31. A frichtful and fatal wreck occurred at Kokom this morning, on thts Pan liacdle rall . way one mile north of the depot. Trais ro. 13, nortn bound left too junction at 2:1V o'clock a, m.. schedule time. When about a mile north. It met train ?to. If, south bound. It waj running about fifty miles an hour. The two trains crashed together, totally demol ishing the enetnea and burning the bagrago car and coaches of the south bouod train, which tumbled on top of the engines. The injured were con tied to the engine and express and' baggage cars. tieorge Cummlng, engineer of w. H was tmrlea in the wreck and died Im mediately after being extricated. Tom McLullough, engineer of o.'.l.'l, llrs at the Clinton Houo. Kokoma with his head crushed and cannot live. Bag gage master J. Kerlln, who was In jured in the back and heal, was taken to Galveston, where ho did at 9 o'clock. PLOT TO ASSASSINATE CZAR OF RUSSIA THE rnent. forty clerks are laid upwith it. New York, Dec. 31.-r-The number of deaths reported at the bureau of Vital statistics during the twenty-four hours ending: at noon to-day was 196, or an increase over the average of I about 100 per cent. London, Dec; 31 Owing to the pre valence of Influenza at Munich, the usual New Year reception at the palace will not be held. At Copenhagen the Vtoad ftrlerlng Mr. Rannaire CondlUoa Improrlng Tbe Wajrm and Meaaa Com- j mlttee Manufactarera -AVUhlng Their rrodarts Proteeted Iateretla ' Teat I mony oy Claaa Slanufaetnrer. WASillNGTOf, Dec. 31. The only load offering received at tho Treasury Jtepartnent up to noon to-day was ! V000 resistered 41 ix?r cent, at 1.041; i, was excepted. It is estimatea ai vne ireasurj-ue-yartment that there has been a de creasH of nearly M,00,000 in the public debt during the month of December. This makes a total reduction for the first half ot the present fiscal year of $.J4,06o,616 as compared with the re diction Of f31 ,522.318 during the cor r jsponding perioa of the previous fiscal year. The reduction for the calendar year ending to-day is $S1,4S1,2j3, against a reduction of $91,530,143 for the caleudar year 1889. Washington, Dec. 31. A rumor wc.uLaLP seriously, though not fatally hurt about ma wr.nanuau uV' ".UU1 the body. Two men named Mounds r.orse. inquiry n , and Webb, were badly hurt but not sirered by an emphatic denial from his fatal, A number of passengers in lamny. 3ir. vanuau inuu r the chs were shaken up badly, but ud was out of bed and attending to I t1A pllllm, ,,1 Dec. 31. Although A A J 11 lr.j rer Mill AU iM Will Maad far Aa4ter r Wtla llWrt !trlc't raaralrrall Waal a kpeedr Trial IWIclam atrtaera larvla A llread ItUd reare.1. , 1!akis IXc. M.&tU Kira that an oih r NlhllUt plot agalot tho Oar hat rieeh diiKovered In SU IVtomburg. Sexjcral of the con plraUm, the paper Kayi, were armUsl In the palac j.r wtcv Some of them rr!ioJ arrvt. and one was killed by an oUxr Herun; IVc. SO. The Twxtlitt ay ipla information that Dr, Ivtertand the member 'of his party are tx rtalnly aure ana tnat tne cxjHHimon U niArch-log-between Konla and Barlngo .iAKl.4t - Dee. 31. M. NmiwI, ho lkulatigit whoo election to th Cham ber ot LKvpuUe m reovntlT declarvd Invalid by that, body. Church to consider the question cf lo- epidemic is abaiting. An official re- ll the most distressing topics of i. . . . i o is tnat tno suppiy oi epruuo New England is about gone i in chewing gum will disappear. pecomo a lostart?. eating the North Carolina Baptist Fe male university here. The matter was fully discussed by several prominent Baptists and much enthusiasm pre vailed:: On account of the inclement weather it was thought best to call a general - mass meeting of all the Bap tists of the city, to be held next Mon day evening at the First; Baptist Church, to consider the matter and to take final and definite action. It is learned to-dav that there is a port gave a total of 3,000 cases; most of these are oi a , mild character. The harbor of Copenhagen is free of ice. Reports from Cassel say that, the dis- ease is spreading there ana that a number of doctors have been attacked. In many cases the influenza is followed T)y Inflammation of the lungs. Berlin, Dec. 31: The Tagblatt says: The nearer the epidemic in Berlin ap pears to be drawing toward a close, the ew York Tribune says: Ainlvovsal tributes of respect to regular .'combini" which is working greater is the tendency to various com dat Rnd nifrht tbTlefeat Vance for the plications,- mostly that of pneumonia, Senate. It Is said tnat trie itepuou nf Henrv W. Grady are of the fraternal spirit which h. to cultivate." 1 f A. - 2 . . 1 ( i unoime mignt copy wu ucucuu. 4 , ; v ' " ' Grubb now mourns that itfcost 25,000 to try to be Republican nor of New Jersey and "he got ills'is one of the names that not made to have the prefix cans are trying to engineer thescheme and to set the aid of any dissatisfied Democrats. ! ' The convention of the Natiohal. Guard Association, which is to. meet at Washington, February 5th, will discuss many questions of vital importance to the militia. It will work strenuously to secure an increase oi tne annual ap- from an propriation 000. Such needed. Col. Polk will make a $400,000 increase to is $1,000,- greatly tour through the northwest next spring. He has many pressing calls to speak there. IT a Vt awa Vfa rrr-1 o v I ttt. 1 1 nrv4- rrx 4r a T- A V 1 TflTAaa I . 13 1A Vl V? tlalO VTVIV UU ITila gV . jyODeria uarwioioiuaa, ui -uu Washington untiilnext week. He has cupal scnooi, I'niiaueipnu. niu not yet selected Ms quarters there Efforts will be made ror .the ls about it how it begins, how ns, how to prevent; how to treat, 13 ' iatai, 3cc. it is very oau lor lal and similar affections and troves fatal in such cases. pave Hill is being very roundly. or his conduct In taking away to?ago Cf the tStato from , the oc ratio Albany ilrgus'arid giv another papor. The cause is A rqus favors Cleveland. Hill bg his own political coffin in upon Cleveland.' nnis Taylor's book is warmly n tho North. He is said to bo of Northern interpretation o back on tho Southern opinion ry that Secession was ever a atio'nal right. If true, his Ivill not hold water. Perhaps sundorntood. son las a mosh touching poem npw volume entitled ''Crossing It refers to his .death and 4 a of pathos.' zas read: . The two conclud- hi and evening bell, l after that the dark ! I.yjthee be o sadness of farewell, 1 embark; j from out our bourne of Time and Place flood may bear me far, o fee my Pilot face to face ; 4 qi nare crosttbe bar." 'li1 ' ; ' I riend of the Raleigh Xacs and 11 1 Vfunderstan 7 Vlr its U; f the State. d the Messenger to daily the largest circula- The Messenger is and in resump tion of work in a few weeks pn the big African M. E. Church here. W6rk was suspended several years ago. The church will cost $15,000. Mr.rFrank B. Dancy, who has made such an enviable record as first assist ant chemist at the station here has re signed in order that he may go into business himself Tin that line. He is now having a very complete laboratory fitted up, at the corner 61 East Harerett arid Fayette ville I streets. His wor; while at the station has won for "hiln many compliments. . I There will bo rather fewer NeKv Years's calls than usual, it is learned. A great many young i ladies are out of the city. The custom of calling does not obtain so generally as it did ten years ago. ' , ! The Raleigh Savings Bank has over $;K),000 in deposits; It pays 4 per cent interest on deposits and pays its stock holders 8 per cent, it has a surplus fund of $2,500. It was established two and a half years ago. Junius Archer, a middle-aged negro, was arrested last evening, charged with outraging a 13-year-old negro girl at his restaurant near the. Central depot. It is said the girli! who is from New Light township, this county, was stay ing in the place as a servant, until such time as her people could get away to Texas. The are now sixty-two peoplein the Wake county work house and sixy-four n the poor house. Mr. W. G. Allen,. tho- superintendent, told me to-day that of those in the Door house no less than seventeen are insane, a few of the cases Deing oaa ones, mere are aiso in the poor house iwo ex-Confederate soldiers, one named Rogers, the other Walters. This is very pitiful. ' Marie Prescott is to appear here on il "ll. t T . I iuo tu ui January. i During the month ranufactury at Syracuse four times (Aer. f He "bought foreign soda ash il U I... 1 J A. .3 t V. secrecy is enjoyed upon all persons fiJX - fi a innL v, TT-'vC, 4.u r..;-TH,:.ier. - An increase ot. duty, -he which itself seems to have become veritably epidemic. The other compli cations are diseases of the ear and neu ralgia. In the- city of . Frankfort scarcely a single house has escaped this visitation. Vienna, ec. 31. The mnuenza is increasing in this city. The board of health has ordered that the schools be close until January Ith. The hos pitals have become'so crowded that It nas oeen lound necessary to erect a special structure for those suffering irom tnis disease. London, Deb. 31. The Marquis of Salisbury has La Grippe in a severe iorm. He was taken .on the 24th, but as the observation of tho strictest the Marquis household or to the facfe relating to his health, it was not known that he was ill until Ihursday. when he was threatened with a collapse. . 9 m e The Blizzard In the Northwest. St. Paul, ! Dec. 31. Advices here seem to indicate that the erreat snow storm of Saturday nisrht racred over a very extended area. Rumors were rife in the. newspaper offices that many wires west of here were down and travel much delayed. The - centre of the dis turbance appears to have been at Hu ron, b. D., where the wind veered to the north and the storm increased until it became a veritable blizzard, blowing nity miles an hoar. The memorable experiences of two years ago prevented people irom unduly exposing them selves on the prairies and no bad re suits are anticipated. JLhe storm has been marked in places oy singular phenomena. At Winona, Minn., rain descended in great sheets. and the whole city was flooded. When A . A - . M . a ine raa stoppea tne mercury leu thir ty degrees in three hours. People can SKate to business this morning. At other points electricab disturbances preceded the fall of snow. Duluth was visited with a severe blizzard, ushering in tne neaviest snowfall of the season. Much damage has been done , in the city and street cars are blocked. Trains are delayed by drifts six feet deep in many places. Not Yellow Fpver. t. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 31. A special from Rondout, N. Y., published in New York on Sundav last, savs the wne ana aaugnter or itev..M. r . Lieb- eaan, of Rondout, are critically ill with yellow fever in Jacksonville, Fla. This statement is not correct. Its Dublica tion has elicited numerous inauiries ending to-dav .A " , 1' 1 m At . w i Lfin Willi i riHrin f l - r-- i r pnnTom. tne re nave been tweatv-seven deaths Washington, the ways and means committee had as signed to-day to the hearing df persons interested in the manufacture1 of glass and earthenware, the committee first listened to ah argument from Robert M. Thompson, of New York, in favor of free importation of copper ore in tended for exportation as refined cop per. L. L. Bodine, of New Jersey, impress ed upon the committee the necessity oi restoring the rates of duty on cylinder window glass and Dotues. green ana French. J. C. Aldnch, of Fittsburg, repre senting the tile industry, favored re vision of the tariff so far as the classi location of that article was concerned, rnd also an increase of the duty on vichat was known known as plain tile. -After a brief recess, the committee li$tened to an argument from George A. Macbeth, of Pittsburg, who is a inanuf acturer of lamp glass. He stated that he manufactured 200 styles of lamp ha Uftucd a Thomas Barber was also hurt eriouly. 1 manifesto, in which' Lt? he will . w t I - ..il I . a 'a a. a Adams Expi esi Mosnger Chant was - n lvn in inc mxn r- ronuisAmcnt oi i an. IxNlON, Doc. l. Tho funeral r vlce90vrthe remain of lloWrt Brown ing took plara at VetraInt4?r AbUr to-day. The body waa placed In n pol ished plac coffin, on which vcaa a raall brass plato brarlng the datrt of the birth and the death of tho ihw-I. sengers not beig awakened. T. ho cause of the wreck Is a mystery, as the engineers of bbth trains are both I Wreaths from Lord Tcnnyfon and MU unable to testifv, but the general opinion is that the north bound en gineer was trying to make a "sneak" to side track at Jewel, four miles north, to pass No. 14 which was slightly, be hind time: ' Jackson, Dec. 31. While four bow. between the ages of six and eight years, were playing under the edge of a sand bank in tho eastern portion oi this city yesterday afternoon, the bank caved in, burying them under about ten feet of sand. They were dead when extricated. Halifax, Dec. 31. Tho Allen Line steamer Nestorian, Captain - France, Browning wero placed on ton cf the coffin. Wreath were mml . by many other penon, including Hnnry Irtrinjf, Mr. Bancroft, Sir John MUUl. Mr. Alma Tadema and Sir Theodore Mar-'' tin. - i Hkuhskls,'. Dec. 31. The triklng miners at Charlerol are etavlng and a bread riot U threatened. Ssop kcxr refuie to giro the men further credit. The Governor of Uainault haa ad vised tho Government to inUrrfcr DuiiLlN, Dec. 31. Tho Frirman Journal says that Mr. Parnc.ll ha In structed Mr. Iwitt, his counxl, to ob tain for him, at the earllct iHlble after a stormy passiigo of twenty days I moment, citation to appear and defend from Glasgow, arrived In port last evening. Her captain reports the weather experienced as something fearful, gale upon galo of hurricane force being encountered up to longi itude 40 west. 'Tho ship being very giassj and out of those 200 styles, only light, at times it was almost impossible twenty were competed with by foreign producers. One of the principal arti cles used in his business was soda ash, which now bore a duty oi 1ES per Cf nt, and so he favored a reduction o!" the duty on that, article. IIo would take the duty received from to make any headway whatever. The seas were very heavy, and washed over her deck from time to time, in a very dangerous manner. On Wednesday, 18th int., at 9:30 o'clock a. m., in latitude 64-15 north, longnltude 23.44 west, a largo vessel s da ash last year and buy the soda ash I was sighted, several miles to windward, in a disabled condition. She was show ing code signals "N. C," which means "In distress want assistance." Tho Sit I ilent paper, but the A'ctrs a f has the largest daily issue Vl' r" ' vouia not Knowingly do our contemporary an injustice and hall cheerfully yield the dis . t th.6 News and Observer or any Ijly in the State exceeds in its rculation 2,64Lbona fide edition, iutit? Hadstone is beyond doubt the I living man. He is preparing ;review article this timo on Srican historian Motley. Re- ple who have friends here, or contem plate coming themselves.) The facts are these: Mrs. Liebenan is perfectly well; toe aaugnter nas intermittent fever. Dr. D. C. Drew, Jr., her phvsician. says she contracted it before leaving her home In Kingston. N. Y.. and that she arrived here auite sick. Sha i rapidly improving. Dr. R. P. DanieL president of the State board of health, confirmc Dr. Drew's diagnosis. i After the Bailroads. Raleigh, N. C. Dec 31. Special. The joint Legislative committee on taxation of railways,, which claim exr emption, was in session again to-day and organized for business. It was de cided to adjourn until April 15th, at which time the Attorney General will meet with' the committee. Suboeon&a U1UU1H UI LI1H I ... . . . . A spread of the disease." So all Raleigh S1, : v :ne Presidents of the ra Vv enoo, ivuwguauu uaewn ana tue vv iiming- in this city. To-morrow morn ing a bran-new train , ail maae nere, win make its first trip over the Raleigh and Gaston Railway. ine cars are modeis, both of good taste ana workmanship, I and were turned out at the shops of this enterprising auu popular roaa. This morning the city physician, Dr. james iucis.ee, was asttea by your cor respondent what progress the "grinne" is making in Raleigh. He replied "we aro going to nave it lively. There are now sporadic cases, but it will soon be come epiaemic. The. Dresent form la mild, but there is noticeable here, as iu xrans, a lenaency tn the disease to go to tne lungs. Tho disease in fact tenas to create catarrhal pneumonia. ine weatner is verv favorable to th will probably in a few davs be and coughing and the physicians anc druggists wili have a pic nic. It is not a pleasant prospect for the general puDiic. b his recent very remarkable q New York Times says this: y as an exhibition of tho hu Xties, in i which all men take V. Gladstone's, speech at Man Vas one of the most note wo r Jveraents in his career. It is y that any statesman of any I There Is considerable excitement wnnm a monm oi niseignu- tnrougnout Jtiorida over. the recent Ihday,. huS ever delivered a discovery of Phosphate deposits in A hour and a halt long, so Marion county and counties -lying nd so "Spirited, ; and showing southward. of it. Land owneri in the jte -.wwwrjr uia BUDject. I vicinity are advancing prices ana pro- -a nrtnaiDio ana in its niai i c twTro rA Amm n tha Annntm Wilmine- ton and Weldon Railways to show cause wnv tney snouia not be taxed. They will be cited to appear on that day be fore the committee and also to produce their books and papers. It Is the in tention of the committee to make these road 8 take a decided Btand on. this question. The French Government Intends to enforce the legal penalty against three hundred priests, convicted of mealing with the elections r . argued, would not cut off the impbrta- Neetorian ran down to her. and gettlna as close as was safe, signalled back tion of foreign glass ware and crockery, I that she would stand by her until the it would make the people, who wanted I weather moderated. It was then blow- that identical kind of ware, pay more ing a terrific hurricane, with seas run for itthan now, but it would not pre- nlng very high. The disabled craft, vent its importation. Foreign and which nroved to bo the German shin domestic producers would compete1 as I Shakespeare; of Bremen, Captain Mul- mucn as ever. The only effect would ler. from Hamburg. October 26tb, - W ' be to increase the price of 180 kinds of j bound to New York, had her main lamp glass, for which he had no com-1 mizzenmasts gone, her foremast petition. He wished to haye duty re-1 fore topmast were standing, with and and tho mitted on soda ash, carbonate of potash I fore and topsail yards across; her jsalls and lead." Mr. tsaync "if the uermans came into competition with you with their lower rates of wages, could tou com pete with them on your 180 kinds of lamp shades, outside of this country?" liiavft thmr shin, thev answered 4es. Mr. Mackbeth Give me free ma- I Thnratr nftrht. th stpamr lav hear A M Ufc rxa vj aaaa-Mw v. . - ' the ship, the latter .burning nareup A ' . II were in riooons, tne crew were an huddled together aft with oilskin jackets on. I In anwer to the second signal from the steamer, asking If they wanted to organized you cou- terial, or free trade, such as England has and give me proper products of mv labor, and I defy any competition on the face of the earth. ' ) Mr. Bayne "And pay your work men the wage you now pay them." Mr. Mackbeth 'I will pay them more." f. Mr. Bayne "How much do you pay your working men on an average?" "Mr. Macbeth "About $4.50 a day." Mr. Bayne "Do you claim that you could pay your men $4 50 a day, if the Germans could manufacture" exactly the same kind of chimney and employ he same amount of labor at $2.2o a dav?" Mr. Macbeth "Yes sir." Mr.'. Bayne "You could under this condition compete with a German man ufacturer?" x Mr. Mabeth "Yesjsir." Mr. Bayne "On the hypothesis that American workingmen are . more effi cient and skilful and better thnn rj 'immn, wotkingmn elude you could compete? ' l Mr. i es sir. Mr. Bayne "Did you contemplate a any time moving your works to Ger many?" Mr. Macbeth 4 Yes sir." Mr. Bayne-r-"Did you know of the unikilfulness and inefficiency of Ger man workmen?" Mr. Macbeth "I, was going there to examine into it." Mr. Bayne "Suppose you had found German workmen to be inefficient?" Mr. Macbeth "I would have taken my workmen from here.'' Mr. Bayne "Would you haye paid the wages you pay here t" Mr. Macbeth "No sir.f Mr. Bayne "What would you have paid them?" Mr. Macbeth "What I could get them for." Mr. Bayne expressed bis doubt as to any workman eaving Pittsburg to work in Germany at lower wages. Mr. Macbeth said that his leading idea in going to Germany was cheapness of material and plant. Mr. Bayne "Was labor an element?" Mr. Macbeth Of course labor wa an element." V In reply to 8 question by Mr. Carlisle Mr. Macbeth expressed his belief that not a man, woman or child in this country paid labor more than he' could help, (laughter.) "If he had free trade on his raw material he would be per fectly billing to hare free trade In his product." . ' . . The labt light een le Nestorian was at lights at intervals. bv the lookout on the 4 o'clock the next morning. As poon as it was daylight on the 19th, j the steamer proceeded'in the direction in which the signal lights of the Shakes peare had been seen during Iho night, but no trace of her could ) be found. She steamed about the vicinity for fomo hours in the hope of picking up the crew, thinking the ship might have gone down during the night,(iand the crew might have taken to bata, biut not a vestige of her was to bo 4en, however so the Nestorian proceeded on her voyage. I What became of the crew of the ship, it is hard to say at present, but the weekly mail steamer Sardinia, which arrived yesterday afternoon, paissed closie to the Shakespeare on December 22nd, in latitude 54.21 nortb, longitude 20.07 west. ' Some of her spars were then standing. She had apparently been recently abandoned. , Captain France states that the ship's hull ap peared to be sound the losof sails and spars being the only thing apparently the matter with her. The veel that could weather the storm, which pre vailed the night the Nestorian stood by the Shakespeare, he says, was worth sticking to and getting Into port. He thinks she would be a valuable prize and well worth picking up. No ranch at tha Baaqavt. , Chicago, Dec 31. A special dis patch from Leavenworth, Kas., says: At a banquet given to Judge Brewer last night by the leading sitlzens of Leavenworth, In honor of his elevation to the Supreme Court of the United States,' the committee of arrangements for the banquet had prepared to pro vide its guests with milk punch. In some way this fact reached the ears of the police 'commissioners and tho proprietors of the hotel were warned by Commissioner Lowe, that If any liquors were Berved they would bo ar rested. On such information, the ban quet committee gave orders to pay no heed to this threat. Commissioners Lowe and Abernathy heard of this, and declated that If punch was served, the police would certainly enter the place duriog the banquet and confiscate the liquors. Rather than have any .dis turbance, the committee consented to forego the punch, and the only bever ages at the feast were tea, coffee, milk and chocolate :; J,-: . : V himself in the suit for d!vorco brought by Captain O. Shea, ngalngt hU wlfs in which Mr. Iarnell Is named as cor respondent. Mr. Parnell. the pajHr says, desires to settle the Issue at quickly as possible. .. Warsaw Nolra. ' Christ raaa passed off pleasantly. Miss Mablc Smith has gone Up IU1 eigh to school. - Mr. W. L. Carlton has returned to SparUnburg, S. C. ' Mr. Ves. Bizzell,of Wyno county; has been visiting friends In the villnge. Mr. II. H. Best, of Wilmlngton,fpent several days with hi parents (near here last week. A larc number of ncgror. lea-, lng thu section for tho turpentine fields of the South. Many of them taks their families along. ; Mr. Thomas R. Jordan has gono lo try his luck In Georgia. Wo regretted to see him leave, but hopo he may succeed beyond his most glowing an tic! patlonb. A negro armed with a Winchesters riflo arrived in the village Monday evening and proceeded to manifest hit deviltry by firing off Tils gun on the street", one report right after nnother. IIo Immediately left ana has not boca seen since. . . " We learn that some of the ncgroc aboard tho "exodust" train that passed through late Monday afternoon amused; themseU'es by discharging pistol at houses which they passed., .j - Such behavior I outrngcouji 1 and does not augur well for an immediate sslution of the negro problem. It shows the devil Is in them, and only awaits a favorable opportunity to man ifesw itself. ) . l alth ilealera AbUurilnc llrU. Chicago, Dec. 31. A dispatch from Lovlngton, Ills., says: Great excite ment prevails here over an attempt of the male members of tho I'entecot Band to decoy Mis May Whitman and Miss Eldora Million, two highly re spected girls, from their home. Thcm was almost a riot at tho depot whj the faith healnt tried to take the gint with them against the wbhc of their friends, and knives and revolrcri were shown. The girls were finally per suaded notito go on the train, but Im mediately left town in buggies in rem paay with members of the band. They ' wero overtaken and carried back t Lovlngtbn. . Miss Million escaped -a left for. Tuacola j last evenIrgAVo brothers of the girl pursued f her w Tuscola. The feeling agalnstt ,e fai: healers runs very high. Tha Gradjr Moawmat ''aad. ' ATLANTA, Ga., Dec. 31. Monument Fund hasnowrea ly 114.000. Subscriptions tb almost all from Atlanta. Tj-h men of other parts of GeortMf fn . A mm ie ' 2 i 1 iu- rxlVLrf.e teretlng themselves, and wivjno re- turns have yet been rcceiypf lodka ttt, inro that tubscriptionjoaotbtr Geoa towns and cities ai'i increase the fund to at least doubtf" present nmntmL The largest STihaerlr' P from the North came to-day tro-? directors of the Fourth NaUon ikakY of New York, which was Toroa .' . . . '," ; mmm .'. r , -V.J-, . Tha llamUa SaatarhJB. HEIXXA, Mon P60-, 3i.--In tbs - Senate today W. ojaaers, jiepuwi- . can, received fl 0Jl r c,ffht otcs for United StatinaJr- There were only scatterin.M "f00?? choice, and WfFiftflS if. x rrc . xaornlog. All tM XT"- "ry cators reni alnt. rrSrUcan Houso Sanders tW .t"ra',V votes. IrrWs4 Knowlcs rryan tor eccond Martlo I'owcr, wero put in tut tt V!PUc the House iuljrurr: i " ""v,7i vi:ck to-morrow ccrtlr txntury 1 .1- 4 . i i- ' ' i, : v

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