THE WILMINGTON MESSENGER, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY I, 1890. GOLDSBORO DEPARTlffiUT. OFF1CE1N THE OPERA HOUSE. - This departaaeat of Out Daily Meuearer lm pal in type at Uoldsboro, erery day, and for warded by the Southern Express. Company to Wilmington, each create , for the form of the paper of the aezt aaormog, thus adding to the Messenger the features of a Goldsboro daily local newspaper, and the best that eaaaatea front that city.' GOLDSBORO JOTTINGS. Cotton abundant on Walnut street yesterday, and best middling brought Mr. Earl Humphrey has gone on a Tisit and hunting trip to Onslow County. Trado was splendid Monday and Tae'day. The streets and atore3 did not look like hard time?. Mtsa Emma L.ShafTer,of New York, N. X, is in tlie' city, visiting the family or vi. ueo. u. rurny. First of Januu'ry 1800. We wish all our reader, a .nappy new jear,. and prosperity tnrongh all its days. Miss Cadie Frilebum, who SDent her Christmas rfmoricrlrelativesand.friend in Now Berne,; returned home Monday. Mr.'Coleh. Moore who has been on a Christmas ' hunt down in Pender eounty, returned home to this ciiy Monday. Miss Mary Carrow, one of our Grad ed, school's most efficient teachers who has been spending the holidays in Ntw oerne, returned nome jaonaay. Thirteen car loads of exo J asters, passed through the ;city Monday even ing for the turpentine fields of Geor g:a, 8ndtwocar loads Tuesday morn Messrs. R. A. P. Smith, and John W. Powell, who weTe here spending the holiday with- relative, have re turned to their official ports of duty, in the railroad service at Memphi?, 1 enn. Mr. W. B. Parks, formerly of this countv but for the past nine years re sidiner in Worth county, Ga., arrived here Friday morning and will spend several weeks visitincr relatives and friends m this county. A special meeting.of Wayne Lodge, No, 112: A. F.& A. -M.t- was held in Odd Fellows' Hall Monday night, at which the sublime degree of master y Alason was conferred upon too. The . - work was impressively apdj beautiful- Everybody, who has the physical strength and mental ability to work. should, on this, the first of January, of &new year, try to find something for hands or head to dp. Remember, friends, that the devil always finds I ' mischief for idle haDds to do. Mr. John 0. Cobb, who has been living for the past eleven months in Prarie county, surrounded HiU'Arkan sas, returned to his home at MtJ Olive, on the 26th inst. John says ho has come to saythat ho has got enough of the West, and we gladly welcome him back to his home again. . Notwithstanding the exceeding en tlemency of' the weather, Monday night, there was a large audience oue atjut2007to witness the performance of Mr. Frank Beard, carUonest, in his "chalk talk1' in the Messenger Opera House. All were highly entertained and much delighted with what they saw and heard. ' Mr. George T. Jones, formerly of this city, but now oi Winstor, jwas in the city Monday. He is hereon a. visit to his brother. Mr. Richard M, Jones, and his family We are always glad to see friend Jones, for many are the happy days we have spent with him in the days of Auld Langzine. Mr. W. L. Grimmer, of Toisnot, was here Monday. He had in charge a bright and handsome little boy, about 9-years old, deaf and dumb, whom he ' was sending up to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, at Raleigh. He brougbt-him thus far and here he put him . in charge of a friend, who will seethe little boy safe to his asylum home. The new year's reception of (the Y. M. C. A. of this city, will be giyen to night, in their Hall, begining at 8 o'clock and lasting until 11 o'clock The entertainment will consist of re s fresh cents and fine music, vocal and instrumental.' AH ladies and gentle men in the city are cordially invited, whether they are members of the as sociation or not. V The first quarterly ineetingSt. John M. E. Church, this city, . was held Monday night, Rev. R. A Willis P. E., of the New Bar ne District, presid ing. Mr. E. A. Wright, of this city. was granted license as an kroner in accordance with the provisions of the Discipline of the church. This give vWrignt the authority to act as an lgelist, just the kind of worker inev hurch needs. i ' i lore, what magto spell la thrown, your face T eiis cuaru ww u. ca came thy pure an I pearly teetht osy Ups? Thy perfumed oreatnr Kald In accents sweet and clear,, I only SOZODONT, my dear." the Atmosnhere oi Love fh. This deslder- Lne of the results of using SO ZOUOt urMh not onlv Invigorates and prt-Vog tno teeth, but renders i'3 GLUE," handy about nds everything. Ttl V e housll xY JYTVu inev : x SaUsbur notifies the lotto Chron road began w placo that jears ago. h: Col. T. J. Summer snondent of the Char- hat the Yadkin Rail- klat very near the same . C. Railroad began 51 it Darkeys ougti pie sugar, then d over from tome out 'newn ere o e made of ma- could be warm- to year, and .time. 1 evei mnr a m tt a TrrTT"' Ci an rmln.lrlv nniwd hvShltO cmarantee it. For ealo by H can! be ure. We dsBroi IP Wibtw OUR GREENE COUNTYJLETTER. Gree!i, Greene County, I Dec. 23. 1889. J Editor Messenger: Christmas for the year of ISS9. is now numbered with the things of the past. The day was not nnn ice one of May. and quiet reigned supreme in all this land and country, cor. an 1010 10 perplex or duquiet tne community .except meagrenees brought about by short crops, therefore ur peoblecah cry out a3 did the angels in the citv of Bethlehem, eighteen hun dred and eighty-nice years age: Glorv a God in lhA hichct unH nn dearth peace, good will toward men." Bacchus, "the god of wine," is rap idly loosing popularity in this county, therefore the sergeon has fewtr wounds to 'dress during the holidays than of foimer years. After spending the Christmas day at his humble home, it being a day of restfrom 1 ordinary occupation, and ecjoying a better din ner than is usually set in our cottage, your correspondent with quite a num ter of young and near fctrieLd?, who were visiting our much beloved chil- to attend a public entertainment given oy the Methodist tounday school at that place. They have a flourshing and progressive school, and one which stands the summers heat, and the cold blast of winter without diminution, for whieh they deserve much commen dation. 1 ; - Superintendent, Y. T. Ormond, who is distinguished alike for worth, true merit, and intelligence, with a corpse ot educated and refined ladies and gentlemen teachers, besides a well se lected choir, of the best muueal talent in this section, a large and refined dis ciplined crowd of small, ishidren, young ladie3 and gentlemen, made the entertainment a perfect success. The children recited yerses from the bible. also poetry fom the pens of our best poets, all, of whieh had a direct bear ing upon the birth of our blessed Saviour. Directly in tha rear of the sm.all chil dren was placed a large star, repre senting the star of Bethlehem, and each child . repeated an appropriate Bible verse, then marched around.and placed upon the star a letter, one after an other, like clock work, and when completed formed the sentencs, 'Jesu3 our btar, ' the sublimity of which is beyond the ability of your correspon dent to picture with his pen. All above was performed, and much more by those children without a blun" der, or mistake, demonstrating the great Talue of Sunday school training. The house was packed to its utmost capacity with people, old, young, small and'great, all ot whom appreci ated the grand entertainment, A collection was taken up for the benefit of the school, but the amount received is unknown to the writer. The young ladies and gentlemen who have been off at schpol from this vicinity, are now at home enjoying themselves hugely. We noticed among the number Miss A. L. Ormond and Mr. W.v E. Ormond, who are students at Trinity College, also Miss Bettie Darden, with her friend Miss Sadie Bucket from HilUboro, Pearl Horna day and her warm friend, Bettie Tay lor, of Edgecombe, all of Kinsey Fe male Seminary of LaGrange. "H.'' The Verdict TJnaninotis. W. D. Suit, Druggist, Hippos, Ind., testifies: "I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given reliiin every case, une man 100 , ,n and was cured of rheumatism v years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, BeU viUe, Ohio, affirms: The best selling medicine I have ever han dled In my 20 years experience, is Electric Bitters.7' Thousands of others have added their testimony, eo that the verdict Is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidnevs, or Blood. Only a half a dol lar at liobert It. Bellamy,, holesale and Itctall Drugstore. ' - I' . One reason why a man can't wade through - a crick 'm his back is bej cause he can't get his boots off, pn account of his lame back. m i The Grave Gets Tired YawnuigT Seemingly, for certain wretched ir,va lid who toddle feebly alonjr, always liking as if they were going- to die. but omitting to do it. They dry up, witner, awinaie away uan), uuh UUH d,,..t,,,o,j'.ci,.,i MOUNT OLIVE NOTES. bor sen morning Our unusually quiet town was dis turbed Friday night at li.45 o'clock by the cry of fire. , Mr. Claude Summer lin's kitchen was on fire, haying caaght from the stove, it is supposed, and being attached to his dwelling, the building was soon entirely con sumed. Everything in the house wig savtd but the contents of the kitehea was destroyed. Total loss about $700. ; No insurance. Our generous neigh J ; him five,: dollars the next and soon a purse of about $50 was made up for him. Mr. Sum merlin is a hard working- and very deserving man and has the sympathy of the entire community. Christmas is over, and though we had very short crops this year, our people opened their purses and traded very liberally, buying presents for their children and.friends. We had two Christmas trees in town Tuesday night the 24th. One tree was gotton up by the Methodist Sunday school atid was erected in the Meth odist church. The other .one was made by the Presbyterian and Baptist Sunday schools jointly, and held in the Baptist church. Both trees were very pretty indeed, and were a credit to our little town. The Sunday school children all received very nice pres ents and were delighted with the Christmas festivities. Prof, j Britton and his good wife speDt the Christmas. holidays at Wil son, where Mrs. Britton's . parents re side. I The High School was suspended through last week, but was begun again Monday, the 30th ins?. The school has had a prosperous half term which will end about the last of Jan uary. We wish it big success in the futur6. One of our" most popular young ladv'8Will be led to "hymen's alter" to-dayj Wednesday, forenoon, in the Presbyterian church. The prospec tive groom is a former . principal of the Mount Olive High School. We expect to be able to welcome to our midst in less than two weeks, one of Laurinburg'i, pretty lady's. Her name will very probably be "changed'' betoreshe leaves her home. We have been betting on Buck. Mr. F. F. M arable is here on a'visit to his old home and friends. He lives in Deport, Texas, and has been ab sent three years. Mr. j John O Cobb, returned Fri day ftcm Surrounded Hill, Arkansas, where he has resided about a year. Mr. Jim Walker came very near losing an eye Chrirtmas eve, by a bail from a roman candle. We I had two weddings" daring .Christmas week, "Irish weddings,1' The combatants are getting on yery well, i .. Mr. L. L. Grady'elosed his grocery store here Friday and moved his goods back to Dadley to hid father! store. health, know nothing of the physical enjoyment, the zest of that existence to which they cling with such remark able tenacity. They are always to be found trying to mend by tinkering at themselves with me tnuhy remedy, tonic or "pick me upM to give a fillip to digestion, or "help the liver. If such misguided folks would resort and adhere to Ilosteiter's Stomach Bitters it would be well with them. This su perb invigorant supplies the stamina that the feelings require, oy perma nently reinforcing digestion and assim ilation. It overcomes nervousness, in somnia, malaria, kidney complaints, billiousness, constipation, rheumatism and neuralgia. I . 1 3 ai - Taken as a (w)hole, there is yery little to be paid in favor of a dry oil well. 1 . '' ' The Greatest Anti-Periodic Known to the medical profession is quinine, the base of which is the Cali tsaya bark of commerce. This bark is gathered by thb natives of! South American countries and exported to all parts of. the world for the manufacture of quinine. "The servant is not great er than his master," and it stands to reason that the extract has not the curative powers of the orignal. There is no more effective remedy known to the world than Dr. Westmoreland's Calisaya Tonic, which contains a suffi ciency of the purest bark, and all dis orders of the system arising; fronr a diseased liver readily succumb- to its influence. Ths great medicine is for sale by J. H. Hardin, druggist. -- i . The dressmaker is seldom! sure of anything. With her it is only "seams sew." Help to Nursing others. Mothers who have the care and draught of nursing infants need the aid of strengthening tonic to make up the nourishment required for the growth of the child. Ale, porter, and lager beer have often been recom mended. Of late, since physicians have become aware that the Port Wine pro duced by Alfred Speer. of Pasaic, N. J., is strictly pure, they have, pre scribed it instead of ale or porter, as being more blood making. This wine is principally sought for by motfli who have nursing infants at the breast, as the best supplying medium to be found. The wine is rich in body and not intoxicant, but gently stimulating and makes good blbod. Druggists gen erally keep it, and sell it for a dollar a bottle. Enquirer. t m Lovers can live on love in the par lor all right, but not in the dining room. Nothing adds so much to a person's appearance as a fine thick head of hair of eyen color, and to assure this use only Hall's Hair Renewer. -:- HARDWARE 1 1 B.B.B, (Botanic Blood Balm.) If you tryTthis remedy you will say as aiany others have said, that it is the 3EST blood purifier and tonic. Write ' Blood Balm Oo., Atlanta, Ga.f for, book of convincing testimony. t i J. P. Davis, Atlanta,' Ga., (West End), writes: "I consider that B. B. B. has permanently cured me of i rheu matism and sciatica." 1 R. R. Saul ter, Athens, Ga., says: "B. B. B. cured me of an ulcer that had resisted, all other treatment. E. G. Tinsley, Columbiana, Ala., writes: "My mother and sister had ulcerated sore throat and scrofula. B. B. B. cured them." Jacob F. Sponcler, Newman, Ga., writes: "B. B. B. entirely cured me of rheumatism in my shoulders. I used six bottles." Chas. Rein hard t, No. 2,026 Fountain Street, Baltimore, Md., , writes: "I suffered with bleeding piles two years, and am glad to nay that one bottle of B. B. B. cured me." J. J. Hardy, Toccoa,Ga., writes: "B. B. B. is a quick cure for catarah? Three bottles cared me. I had been troubled several years." A Spink, Atlanta, Ga., says: -"One bottle of B. B. B. completely cured my child of eczema." W. A. Pepper, Fredonia, Alabama, writes: "B. B. B. cured my mother of ulcerated sore throat." Holiday Presents, YOU will find at Watson's China Store the most handsome line of holiday presents ia the city. Beautiful Dinner c ) and Tea Sets. Tne best as 7 -4 JL. sortment of Parlor and Li jf.ywy brary Lamps In the city. "MLX " y Ladies and gentlemen are inTited tocalL Don't misa the place. Look for the sign. A. W. WATSON No. 17 Market Street between Front and Water i de 13 tf FLOEID A ORANGES! 50 Boxes Florida Oranges 400 .B'bls. Flour 1 Car D. S. Meat 800 Bags Shot 430 Kegs Nails Askfor quotations ty mail or telegraph. 1, tSft IS1 North Water ttreetl atistt ; TTXlsastoB, K? 0 COMPRISES AX IIPJENSE STOCK OP OEKEBAL (UARtWAUE, IXCLCDIXO CC.VS AND COTLEBT OF OCR OWK UIPORTATIOK, a TVLh USE OF Out Crockery Department comrriseia Urw and nice aortnjeat of HI. ...... I Li- L Lamp Goods. AUo, tfie best Eikc of , oth Plain White and decorated pods of our own direct importation. k IMPOETBRS AND JOBBER: f urcen Building. 1 Wilmington. Td.x WORTH & W0ETH. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN . r BrocBries OTsiois AND JFarm SuDiDlies. QFFERAT ALL TIMES A COMPLETE stock of Groceries, Prorlslons, and SUple and Fancy Family SuppUes of every description, of the Best Quality and at the Lowest Prices. All goods shipped and fuUy guaranteed as to quailt j and price. WORTH & WORTH WILWNQTON, H. 0. Chance for Bargains 1 r o THE Q . . LADIES ::: EMPORIUM O Will make a- 0 " Special Sale This Week OF A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED ' STOCK OF PATTERN HatS and a big line of beautiful Japanese Ware, all of which lines will be closed out at creatly Reduced Prices. We will also sell our . entire stock of Millinery and Fancy " Articles at a big scale and those who contemplate making Christmas o New Year PR E S E NTS Should not fail to see our goods and get our prices. 115 Market Street. Sale of. Walker Estate Property By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court o New Hanover County in a cause between Jn." Walker, et al., Plaintiffs and Jno. Cowan, etei. Defendants for petition, I will sell by privau sale the following VALUABLE REAL E8 TATE: r i , iJ rCITY OF WILMINGTON PROPERTY.l Part of lots 2 and S in Block 38, fronting M feet on South Water Street and running back Eastwardly 106 feet 6 Inches. Also that whar opposite the same fronting 99 feetsn Soott Water Street and the same frontage7 cm the river. , SOUTHPORT PROPERTY. House and lot in the town of (SmIthTllle) Seuthport, Brunswick County. SMITH'S ISLAND. OR BALD HEAD. That large body of land known as Smith's Island, or Bald Head, containing between 4,001 and 6,000 acres of land, lying between the Cape Fear River and the Atlantic Ocean, ana extend Ing along the Ocean with magnificent beach foi eight miles, and embracing on the river side ax Immense area for oyster beds. A considerable portion is covered with a dense growth of livt oak, cedar, and yeopon. Ita proximity tc the Gulf Stream, Its prominence of position, tte fertility- its facilities for hunting and fishing . give It the best natural advantages for a sau tarium or a summer ana winter resort ox place on the Atlantic coas BRUNSWICK COUNTY RICE PLANT A TION The Walker plantation on the Northwes branch of the Cape Fear River, about five miles from the city of Wilmington. Also a tract of land containing about 100 acres 1 joining the said rice plantation. - NEW HANOVER COUNTY LANDS. A tract Of land in said 'County containing about 71 X acres, situate on the East side of the Cape Fear River immediately above the old ML Misery Ferry. - , PENDER COUNTY PLANTATION. That valuable plantation on Rocky Potat known as tho Walker plantation,! containing 1445 acres, 15 miles from Wilmington and aboat half mile from the W. & W. K. It. This land is well drained and a part of it Is a rich clay based on limestone. There are several hundred acres of rich black loam, which, for productiveness cannot be surpassed. A splendid opportunity for an investment Purchasers arerfirited to correspond with or call upon the undersigned, who will show the plot and give all information in regard to the lands. LOUIS J. POISSON. Commissioner. Why Pay Big Premiums. rpo OLD LINE COMPANIES, WHEN YOTJ can insure your life in The H atiViial Life-Haturity Ins. Co. AT ACTUAL COST! In addition to securing life Insurance upon, most equitable, safe, and well matured plan. Policy Holders are granted certain rights and privileges allowed by no other Natural Pre mium Company. Paid to Policy Holders Oier $600,000 Send to the Home OSce Washington, D. C or Many Agent of the Company, for information n regard to its . 10-Year IniestmentlepcrlWertiflcates GUARANTEED COST, GUARANTEED RE SULTS, COMPOUND INTEREST! TONTINE PROFITS, o AGENTS WANTED. OFFICERS; Horatio Browning, W. E. Clark, Ylc President ; Samuel Treasurer; Grgexp. zadrlgde. Secretary General Mana; P. SEMdeUeTM. D Had NOTSMOA eal Director; John H, Lamer, Oeor-re J. Ejulerdxy, Asstaat Strttxrjt ! -r I JJ113 JL JLAM J 8 mB tfb-aa-flflMkw vaiaa- MfeaaMflM i.i : - We thank you all for your iiml patronage tlurinp the natran solicit your future favors. Wo will endoaror to please rou all fo of our ability, for our aim is to sell , A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our ltrous f? .r ( DOIT MM THE SPEC mm td d I the UNDERWEAR ant- fpo J'YOl s TC ;n' oildi 1 m CORSETS COMMENCING MONDAY. DECEMBER 30; . V. THE ENTIRK STOCK OF . MILL NEEY will be sold at a sacrifice, together with an immense atocj RIBBONS, LACES, GLOVES, BABIES' OU t i j An elegant line of Preseal suitable for New Year7! gitU. Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Fan;: r , . r .1 And a lot of other New Year's Present, at TAYLORS BAZAAR,'! 118 MARKET STREET Wnmiiifftoii, M Oi' rrr. OrJers by mail promptly fulfilled. Goodi at wholesale discount. . 3E15S3M:0'7,.T.!?, rafall; to b UR friends In thc future will find us in our new quarter 218 North Water Street, where we will be pjeaed to w'p mjr and show them arcud. V'"' ' V Our store ia full of CtUvISTMAS GOODSi We are alao r to store roods in unlimited quantities. Our building behS&I water proof, fire proof and rat proof. Insurance at lew ra others gire us, an adrantage. ; EL. w.'. --2Hn 216 & 218 Ilorth Water St oppssits C. F. Ct Y. V. K HUH - ' ..