THE WILMINGTON MESSENGER. TUSDAY. APRIL 15, 1390. H0RTH CAROinTA BUSIH S3. LiloPtZ New"Iltrle.-Kl.rsI Old One mnd rrprtl Knterprlc. Kwob Fool, Manufacturer Eecor-U Asbeville The Wettern North Car olina Mining & Improvement Co. ba been incorporated by A. D. Jenks, U N. Jenks and L. D. Rich to purchase and otherwise acquire land, and to do a I general mining, milling acd; mann fcrturinz business. The capital tock be $50 000. . . ; . IBse Bluff The enterprising LEd &Hjiraer Co.. of Rjcbardsan, is erec tion a sw and shmcle mill. lE'izibetb City White & FiemiDjr. ot Nort'o k. W, have purchased the ship yard property John Brockm and will erect thereon the oyer packing houses recently mentioned. Fayetteville Tne Fayette ville Print ing & PublUhinsr Co. ha been incor porated with H. W. Lilly, president; j j R. Williams, secretary and treas urer, to do a general printing, publish ing and manufacturing business. The capital stock is to bt-S 10,000. Grantham L B. Holt has purchas ed thirty additional looms for his cot ton mill. Greecsboro Attack company has been organired to erect an ice- factorr. The capital stock U $10,oo0. L. F. Ross U adding new machinery to his grain mill. ; 1 ? High R. J. Lindsay. J. B. Best and C. W. Lindsay have organized a com pany to erect and operate the chair factory. It has purchased a site, and i will, it is stated, bgin work upon the .building at once. Marion. It is reported that a com pany his purchased land on which to rect an iron furnace, JlOO.oOo cotton factory, canning and furniture factory and a tannery. R&leigL: W. E. Ashely has made a proposition to erect a canning fac tory. Rockingham: A Stewart will es tablish a canning factory and has or dered machinery for the same. Salisbury: A B. Lnnberhaugh. of Mercerfcburg, Pa.; N. B. Canless, W II. Reiantr and J. S. MuCubbins. Jr.. organized the Stone Mountain Granite Co. to develop granite quarries. A roller fl mr mul 5oxl00 feet will be erected by J. B. Lanier. ; Sanford: W. II. Smith & Co., of Wilmlcgton, have leased 3S7acres of land and are endeavoring to organize a $50,oU0 stock company to develop same. Washington: J. V. Keenac, of J. S. Farren & Co., of Baltimore, Md,, is arranging for the location of a can ning factory and will let contract for the buildings and wharf at once. Toe steam houses will be GoiOj feet, and the warehouse 40i90 feet. Wilmington: The Carohha Oil & Creosote Co. will, it is stated, enlarge works. The Wilmington Cotton Mills Co. will put in 2,500 new spinndles. The Industrial Manufacturing Co has decided to increase its capital stock to $30,ooo. Winston A cigar box facfory will be established, it is reported. GOLDSBOKO JOTTINGS. It U not probable that either of the Fire Companies of this city will take part in the Tournament at Charlotte in May next or that the Department willbe represented, except by Chief Robinson who, we see it stated, is to disquss ono of the topics arranged by the Committee. As a rule; the mem bers of our Fire Department and men of yery moderate means, and the ex pense of attending these annual re unions is too severe a dram upon their resources, to say nothing of the loss of time involved. We have before refer red to the amonnt donated to the two companies during the past year, Viz: $i6o,o0o ot this sum $50,000 was given to- '- each Company to meet ordinary and extraordinary ex penses, the remaining $6o,oo having been given to enable the department to pay the fare of attending members to and ftom Raleigh. The present dep tetep condition of the treasury of both Companies, and the fact that no fur ther con tribution can be made by the present Hoard of Alderman Jrenders it improbable that even a delegation wil go to Charlotte, Court convenes today. Judge Geo. Brpwn presiding. Judge MacRae as we announced in former letter, was'to bave presided, but an exchange has been made by which Jjidge MaoRae holds court at Richmond county, and Judge Brown accupies the Judical ceair in our county. Fiom the clerk -of the court we lenrn that while the docket is extensive there are no -.criminal cases deserving of special mention, it is a noticeable feature in the annual of Wayne county that she has no capital cases. She has suffered for many years under the stig ma of being the county most prolific of this class of cases than any county from the mountain to sea side. A meeting of the citizens will be held, in the Messenger Operajtlouse tomor row night, to ascertain The census ol opinion upon the removal of the "Davis School to this city, W shall be pres ent upon the occasion and will furnish the readers of the Messenger a full and succinct report of proceedings. The first dispatch in the Messenger in regard to the appointment of Thos. P. Devereux as Dist. Attorney for the . Eastern Dist. of N. C. fell like a clap of thunder upon the Republican element of our county. A Quietus came how was nnnounced as du error. Services were held at all the church es yesterday morning, and the Union Meeting at St, Paul's M. E. church was a full attendance from all the various denominations. The services wee solemn and impressive; the music i&Dpropriate to the occasion and &r istically rendered and the sermon by Kcv. ii. Ai. aicr ariana was a discourse full of" the logic and fath ot the scrip tures. Why sit doubled up like an old man, .mWl What's rheumatism! TL- the good the.4 gods provide thee, , and anA eents' around fh rvu-. aer for a bottle ot., Salvation Oil and you'll ria your Bicycle to-morrow. TIDINGS FROM ABROAD. j Tixe lalics In Ccrauda haro started u rise club, of which tiaGorcrnor a wila U president. A PArxu in Canton estimates that 75, 000 pooplo dio in Caina every year from fire and CotxL A tr.VAt. ha boon 6truck in commem oration of tb? fiftieth anniversary la England of penny postage. The state railways in Italy, according to official estimation, increased $34, 000.000 in their value during the last two years. Eiout varieties of leprosy are recog nized In China, and tho disease is re garded as contagious, infectious and hereditary, but is said to disappear in four generations. la the villaje of Xcrthamtonshire a fund has been started from which to pay four pence per dozen for the heads of sparrows, whose damage to the crops has become unbearable. (XELVicToniA GuELrn has or dered from a German artist an oil paint ing of the Prussian regiment to whose command she was recently appointed by her grandson, the Emperor William II. TrrE Bussian Government 'has or dered the 'planned great railway line across Siberia to be begun soon. When the lino is completed it is estimated that the tour of the world in fifty days will be feasible, . -.t J V.. It is said that the Pope has addressed a letter to the Shah of Persia thanking him for ! the 'protection and liberty ac corded Catholics' in 'that country - and forwarding td him the ! Insignia of the Order ot Pius IX. 3 Monuments have now been completed over the burial places of the English, French and Italian . troops killed in the Crimea daring, the war of 1854-5, Rus sia's memorials over her fallen soldiers on the same plains are on a grander scale as she continues to hold the fort, Sebastopol. ' r A theater in Algiers shut up during the reign , of the grip, and the actors sued for their wages, the manager re fusing to pay, as he was not making any money, and tho court held that it was evidently the defire of God that the house should bo closed, wherefore the actors had no redress. Paris public schools are overcrowded, the authorities propose to help to remedy the difficulty by forbidding the attendance at them of children of for eigners. There are GO.OOO foreign chil dren in the city, and at least 5,000 of them aro getting a French education free at the public schools. Because the Prophet Mahomet has been represented upon the Paris stage tho Mahomedans of some of the Indian provinces have been forbidden to at tend theatrical performances of any nature Whatever under penalty of heavy fines for the first two offences and ex communication for the third. TriE gambling spirits of Paris are dodging tho gaming laws with a marble board dotted with shallow holes num bered like those on a bagatelle board. The board is laid in the angle of a bill iaixl tablo and the balls are rolled over it by hand, winning or losing according to the holc3 in which they stop. They calHt "baraquo." A new departure in museums i,s an nouncod from Florence, where a "Psychological Museum" for the col lection and display of "all documents sorving to illustrate human passions," has been established by ministerial de cree. Prof. Mantegazza is io be director of the new institution, and courses of instruction are to bo given there on "experimental psychology.?' The fear of microbes, which is rapidly becoming a dominant factor in modern life, ha3 lately received a curious illus tration at Nordhausen, a small town in Prussian Saxony. A nunicipal edict has"been issued that all barbers, hair dressers and "tonsorial artists" general ly shall, under legal penalties, well and truly disinfect their instruments every time after they have been used. ABOUT THE UMBRELLA. In Queen Anxe's time the umbrella Is mentioned both by Swift and Gray as being employed by women; but up to the middle of the eighteenth centu ry it appears never to have been used by men, though Wolfe, the future con queror of Quebec, wrote from Paris in 1755, describing it as in general use there, and wondering that so conven ient a practice had -not penetrated to England. Defoe has described the umbrella as one of the contrivances of Robinson Cru soe, and umbrellas were in consequence at ono time called "Robinsons."' They were looked on as a sign of extreme effeminacy, and they multiplied very slowly. Dr. Jamison, in 1782, is said to have been the first person who used one In Glasgow; and Southy's mother, who was born in 1752, was accustomed to say Ihat she remembered the time when iftiy one would have been hooted who carried one in the streets of Eristol. A single coarse cotton umbrella was often kept in a coffee-house to be lent out to customers, or in a private house to bo taken out with the carriage and held over the heads of ladies as they got in and out; but for many yoarsthoso who used umbrellas in tho streets wero exposed to tho Insults of the mob, and to tho persistent and very natural ani mosity of tha hackney-coach men, who bespattered them with mud and lashed them furiously with their whips. But the manifest convenience of the fashion secured its ultimate triumph, andbeforo tho closo of the century umbrellas passed into general use. . H anway, the -famous traveler and phi lanthropist, who returned to England in 1750, is said to have been the first En glishman who carried an umbrella; and a Scotch footman named John McDon ald, who had traveled with his master in France and Spain, mentions In his curious autobiography that he brought ono to London in 1778, and persisted in carrying it in wet weather, though a jeering crowd followed him, crying: "Frenhman, why don't . you got a ; coach?- In about three months the an j noyance almost ceased, and- gradually a j few foreigners; and then "some English men, followed his exaaapleJ' ! I ' T . Is Ucmimptica incurable : Read the following: Mr.CIL Mor ris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess o Lungs, and friends and ghysicians pruiuuced rae an Incurable onsumptive. Began taking Dr. King Nct Dbscorerr for Consumption- am , now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It Is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middleware Decatur, Ohio says: "Had it not .been for Dr. King' New Di-coverr for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in beat of. health.1 Try H. Sample bottles free at Robert R. Bellamy's, wholesale andrctail druggist. Potatoos passed as currency in the West of Ireland till 1800. .' inherited Blood Poison. j How many people there are whose i distress from sores, acbesv pains and , eruptive tendencies are due to inheri ted blood poison. Bad blood passes from parent to child, and it 'therefore is the duty of husband and wife to keep their blood pure. This is easily ac complished by a timely use of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm. Send to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, for book of most convincing proof. James Hill; Atlanta, Ga., writes: uMy two sens were afflicted with blood poison; which doctors said was heredi tary. ' They both broke out in sores and eruptions which B. B. B. promptly controlled and : finally cured : com pletely." ' . : - Mrs. S. M. Williams, Sandy, Texas, writes: My three poor afflicted chil dren, who inherited blood poison,' have improved rapidly after a use of B. B. B. It is a Godsend. ' J. R. Wilson,' Glen Alpine Station, N. C, Feb. 13, 1885, writes: -Bone and blood poison forced me to have my leg amputated, and on the stump there came a large ulcer, which grew worse every day until doctors gave me up to die. "I only weighed 120 pounds when I began to take B. B. B., and 12 bottles increased my weight to 180 pounds and made me sound and well. I never knew what good health was before." The accounts of Cassell & Co., the London publishers, for the past year show a profit of 41,616 12s. 6d. ? LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant TLemon Drink. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. ! For sick and nervous headaches, .take Lemon Elixir, j For 'sleeplessness and nervousness, take Lemon Elixir. j For. loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga.' 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by druggists. i A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley's Lenrar Elixir, and am now a well man. Rev. C. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tatnall st., Atlanta, Ga. A little ginger put into sausage meat improves, the flavor. "How to Core all kin Disease 3," Simply apply "Swayne's Oint MENT. No internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, &c, leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for S WAYNE'S OiNT MENT. In trying to teach children a great deal in a short time they are treated, not as though the race they wereto run was for life, but; simply a mile heat,- : "' : :. Piles ! Piles! itching Piles ! Symptoms Moisture; intense itch lng and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in most cases, removes the tumors7 At druggists, or by mall, for 60 cents. Dr. Swayne& Son, Philadelphia. -j. ' REAL 1 STATE. FOR RENT. ira House corner Second and Ann streets fssm five rooms and double kltcher, cistern, I m A ml uratpr wnrkft and hath ii 1-J House on Orange street between Sec ond and Third greets, nine rooms and out houses. I ;., ; " House No. 510 Market street, sevea rooms and kitchen. j . Stores Nos. 9 axd 11 Market street, store and offices in Samson Baiiding, corner of Water and Mulbcry streets. D. O'CONNOR Real Estate Agent, Wilmington, N. C- mh23 tf "MARTIN T j DAVIS REAL ESTATE AGENT. 133 PrinceM St., Wilmington, N. O MReal Estate bought and Sold, Loans Negotiated on City Property. Stores, Dwellings and Offices for rent. Rent collected. Taxes and Insurance prompt- S attended to. Houses and Lots for sale on e monthly instalment plan Cash adraneed on city property. '.te33 It Dry's : Steam ; Dyeing aiKBWip ESIAIUplSli ; ; FOR LADIES and GEWTLESfEMS CLOTH JM9 - - -. - . r 11SH NOHTH BXOOXD BTBXD Sptti tf !r rwnmtetoa. C Jjps. E. M. STROCK. . rreat street. OUR -:- HARDWARE -:- DEPARTMENT COMPRISES AX IMMENSE STOCK OF GENERAL HAltDWAKE, INCLUDING GUNS ANi. -CTra ALSO A FULL LINE OF Our Crockery Department Both Plain White and decorated in this country than by buying of ask for your patronage. WIM:.. IE. Purceli Building. Spring Millinery, AT THE O LADIES EIIP0RITJII, ox e A SPLENDID DISPLAY OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS OP PARISIAN; STYLES IN Fine :: Millinery. " j THE ELEGANT STOCK OF - . . . tp'LO EES ! , IS UNSURPASSED A LARGE LINE OF FANCY: GOODS . CONSISTING OF RIBBONS! RIBBONS! INDIA AND CHINA SILKS, WITH FRINGES TO MATCH. r Fashionable Fans. Lovely Laces, Card Cases, Parses, O AND O Novelties ot every Description, AT O The Ladies Emporium, 115 MARKET STREET. mhS8tf j FIRST .'. CARGO New CroT) Cuba -MTolasses i NOW LANDING EXSCH. EVOLUTION , 275 Hogsheads. Qualitv First-Class WORTH & WORTH DAY AND NIGHT MY SALOON IS OPEN -FROM O 1 a. m., Monday, -TIL3 11:45 p. m , Saturday. CHAS.F BROWNE,Agt, ; mb9 tf , j J. o A, SPRINGER, 250,000 Shingles, 4 inch, s Inch sod 6 inch; hand made and ma chine made at prices ranging' from $1.75 per M, to $5.50 per M. 200 Cords Wood; At reduced prices, and all of the best qualitj A 20 horse porer Engine on boiler (Talbott's make) almost new and will be aouX rery low. . ap 9tf i J. A. SPRINGER. SELECT m FRUITS. Halaga Grapes, Fine Bananas, GOLDEN DATES. Eei Ajjles, Oraiie!, Ym &c , THE TJIHIIIGTOI CilDI F1CT0RI. J.S.HOOPEKt UAKAOER. mhlletf jr SITUATION 13 OBTAINED HOUSE 13 BOUGHT. ; 1 1 HOUSE 13 RENTED, fr XjOAN IS UADB ur AiilTEETXSINaJN THE . . . CENT A TfOED CXJLXTJ1N. comprises a large and nice assortment Lamp Goods. Also, the best make of roods of our own direct lmtortatlon. us, as we defy competition and guarantee prices and jjuodi, thrS-r SI3STC2-E & HUSKE 1 1 1 MARKET STREET- WE HAVE JUST OPENED UP A BEAUTIFUL AND ELKi;x ASSORTMENT OF ALL THE LATEST AND NEWEST " ' STYLES AND SHADES OF GPRITJC DRESS GOODS. Cluiia Silts, Drapery ' Net?, Clianlirajs, Zeplyrs and Giutaas. ..")'. :0: t . ; : ':' White Goods, Embroideries and Laces. I . .J . , . . . . . . . . . Special -:- Inducements -:- in -.'- Mourning -:- Goods. Also a Large Display in Hosiery and Summer Underwear. ALL THE LATEST SHADES IN SILK HOSIERY TO MAT. ii DRESS GOODS, AT $1,00 PER PAIR. A Handsome Line of Umbrellas and Parasols in fact everything ,t i First-Class Dry Goods Line is to be found in our store, nnl we only ask an inspection of our Stock. p n tf i Extra Rrewed OLD AND BOOK! BOOK! BOOK! Robert Portner Brewing Co., WILMINGTON BRANCH, Itect-ivcd This Dy Invoice ot First Shipment tliU Scmhi if BOCK Can supply our Customers for one week only. 1 Carload will I- hr. MONDAY and will be delivered to our customers on TUKSDAV. the 15th inst. Orders received in advance and Ailed promptly. ALSO FULL SUPPLY OF- TIVOLI AND VIENNA CABINET BEER, . ! BOOK! -i- BOOK! 3PSend in Your Orders Early. E. KUHBL AJTH.t Agent, ap 11-lw UNLESS Better Goods than - vou can get elsewhere. can please you both in Price and Quality, we do not exp - you to buy of us. You will find our stock of THE LARGEST priced of any in GEO. the State. All wa ask - ap 13 tf GROCERIES 1 Bacon, Coffee, Case Goods, Cakes, Snnff, Kails, j Bungs, i ; Oats, j Baking Powders, Cheese,; Salt, !. Shot, i Backets, Peanats, Ladies1 FaTorite'Flotir. Viclccalo Grocer, marS Aawir of Glassware, Lamp a E i Merchants cannot do btt &c CO VJllmington, TJ. c. Beer: MELLOW. Hi HI Itobcrt Portuer Ilrewinc Co. WE GIVE YOU for Less Monv, All we ask is a call, and unl -- AND LOWEST M. , .. if is that you call and examm -o-if DRAPER Rock JEA B. FRENCH & SONS. 108 North Front Street. GROCERIES Lard, Sngar, Crackers, Segars, Hoop Iron, Hay, a Ileal, Candy, Ilanis, Powder, Brooxaj, Natneg, Flour, Molast Canned Goodi Tobacco, CherooU, Glue, Corn. Grits, Batter, SUrcb, Vinegar, Caps, Twine, Spiees. Vi!nInaton, H- C