THE WILMINGTON MESSENGER. THURSDAY, JULY 3. 1390. TROUBLE IN NORFOLK. THE VIROINIAX VERSUS SAM JONES SOME SPICY READINO A CATHOLIC EDITOR WHO DOES NOT EXHIBIT MICH TACT SAM'S REPLY TO THE EDITOR'S ATTACK. All our people arc interested in Sam Jones, and the news from his Norfolk meeting is of an- unusually lively order. The Danville "Regis ter" says that it received semi-official infonnation Wednesday night that trouble wa? brewing in the city by the nea. The story went that there was a strong opposition to Mr. Jones; that the behavior of a large part of the large congregations which assembled in the tabernacle, was boisterous and disgraceful; that men paraded the street in front of the tabernacle sing ing an improvised song, the chorus of which was "Hang Sam Jones on a Crab Apple Tree;" that street car drivers were loud and boisterous in announcing the arrival of the c.ars at the tabernacle, calling out,' "Sam Jones' mill one hour for gospel re freshments," etc., etc.; that Mr. Jones though bravely holding his own, had found it necessary to call the city ciyil authorities to suppress the gen eral disorder; that the evangelist had announced Norfolk as being next to New Orleans, the wickedest hole on the American continent. Tne "Register" telegraphed to Nor folk for a full reiort of these things, but the persons telegraphed to were ominously silent, and the presumption was) that "they were ashamed for re ports to go out through the, news p:i:ers. - But the Norfolk papers, while they do iot give the whole story, furnish enough to satisfy any one that all ha not been lovely. r. Jones did not call on -the au thoHtivs to maintain order, and among other "things said: "If you officers can't keep things quiet just one of you come up here and preach for me anil I will take your place and guar 'antce that there will be good order within a circle of forty, feet from this pijilpit." . ' ' . J The following extract from the re port of the services taken from one of t he-Norfolk papers gives an idea of Sam's opinion of Norfolk religion. You've got a lot of business relig ion in this town. Some of 3 011 breth rn only cone to church at night a sort of owl religion. t" . jOnlv two ushers here this morning UJJ LiliV. U I Will LlHili, ilLlt JWl U been organizing a meeting for, over two months and the second morning I am here can't muster ushers enough to ta,ke up collection. Pretty- gang, ain't you? Some of the ushers down town chasing nickels now. You say some of them will get mad. Going around here, big Ike, wearing a badge and you couldn't flnd'em with a bloodhound. There's one good thing. If all the christians get mad with nie, me and sinners will have a big meeting. Old mad sister. Did vou ever see one? Looks like a wet hep. Laughter. I believe in people do ing their duty or resigh'ihg. One old woman got mad with me for compar ing folks with horses. I told her wouldn't hurt the horse's 1 feelings by the comparison if there had been. These folks who are always sending other folks to do something don't amount to much. Many times we preachers get an eye on a good position when the Lord is pointing to some smaller place. I used to think, before I got religion; that preachers were sort of angels. Rut I saw ono with his onat off nnro' and he didn't have wings. Take a preacher from a $2,500 church and put him at a small mission, his health is bad and his wife t is always sick. Rut did you ever sec a preacher who Why, Rrother Tudor told me this morning that his health had never been better than since his stay in . Norfolk. The trouble with the church Jt(wlav is that too manv arc blowing amj two few working. If you have got one liberal man in Norfolk who gives to the church, trot him out I want to see him. Have you got one, Broth er Starr? Rrother Starr ain't pla ing. Laughter. You great big wealthy Baptist?, Methodists, and Presbyterians in this town, and the colored people have got. the finest church here. Scandalous; ain't it? If some of you church people don't improve your ways, Brother Tudor ami some of these other preachers v. v v. o vrvvi iiv.aiiii as iney 'are having now, One sister - says Brother Jones will be on his guard about talking in Norfolk. Think I would be on my guanl in this town. I could put the whole business in in vest pocket, and when I put Thy hand in there a dozen of jon fellows would be riding on a tooth pick: LLaughter. And you old sisters think I am going to uc careful now 1 talk. There are more cowards to" the square, inch and more slaves in Amer ica than in any other country' in the world. The Norfolk "Virginian," whose suitor anil proprietor is a noman jsl tholic of the strictest sect, comments editorially as follows: "The 'Virginian,' presents the fol- lowing expressions from the talks of Sant Jones on Tuesday at the taber nacle. It is difficult to realize that a man who pretends to convert sinners from evil ways should litter such course and, at times, blasphemous language be fore an audience which contains so man Christian ladies and gentmelen; so many modest girls and innocent children and venerable mat rons. ' "This city has never before wit nessed such an exhibition' of coarse ness in language from a stand erect ed for the furtherance of .God's honor and glory. The commonest vendor of disreputable nostrums who cries aloud from street corners the value of his pwares, never equalled in slang the utterances of this man, who dares to point the road to heaven bj means of such billingsgate." The Extracts here given will testify the correctness of this conclusion. Here follows sixteen quotations characteristic of the Georgia evan gelist, and the "Virginian'' adds: "The 'Virginian' would consider itself false to every dictate of right and duty if it failed to condemn these shameful utterances from the lips of one gifted by God with remarkable intellect, and who prostitutes the glorious gift of speech by expressions that would not be tolerated in an home circle, and which becomes sac religious when spoken in a building erected in God's honor." Mr. Jones' replj to the "Virgin ian's" article was as follows: " ' If all the strumpets, barkeepers and gamblers were to go to work clapping with me I would leave the town. It's because they are against me that I am fighting them, and after some further illustrations and strong arguments he w;ent on. If the newspapers of the country could hurt me I would have been dead long' ago, but the- can't hurt me. "When ants crawl over me they can only make me itch. I like them all. The newspaper men are the best fellows in the world. I was up in the North onCe preach ing jand one of the papers pitched into me. I asked who it was writing against me and was told it was a one armed man, who the year before had tried to commit suicide, but had been cut down from where he had hung himself, tihtl because he was a cripple and a fool, I could not resent it and let him alone. I have never said a vulgar word from this stand and the man who says I. have is a foul-mouthed liar. I have simply said the truth. I have met conditions in Norfolk which re quire plain talk. GOLDSBORO JOTTINGS. ". : I s r - The fourth will be dull in this city. A good man watermelons are be ing brought to town. Goldsboro will be well represented at Morehead on the fourth. The Sunday school of the Presby terian church will give a lawn party to-morrow night at Mrs. Gurleck's re sidences in this city. -! There were nice rains all around here Tuesday afternoon, but very lit tle fell in this city, though it was ex pected every minute. It is gratifying to know that the rain came in good time for the crops. Mr. J. S. Moore, from nearWaynes ville, called to pay his subscription Tuesday afternoon. He informed us that they had all the rain they need ed Monday evening in his section just beyond the river, and the crops were in a flourishing condition. The rain came just in the nick of time. Governor Fowle, his two children, Mary and Dan, and Private Secretary Telfair passed . through yesterday from Morehead. The Governor has been. sojourning at that popular re sort the past two weeks for his health. He is looking well and says, his visit to the seashore has done him a great deal of good. . - Is Consumption incurable Read the following: Mr.C.H. Mor ris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's Ne Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." 1 Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. . Sample bottles free kt Robert R. Bellamy's, wholesale and retail druggist. ' 1 .1 : A Boon to the Sick. Dr. King's Royal Germeteur is en dorsed by Rev. J. B. Hawthorne.pastor First Baptist church, Atlanta, Ga.,who ays: 'lt is a great remedy." Rev. Sam P. Jones says : "I wish every poor sufferiDg wife had access to that medicine." Thousands of others attest it virtues. Fifty gallons are drank in Atlanta daily, where it is performing remarkable cures. It removes the cause of disease and builds up from the first dose. Send stamp for full partic ulars, certificates of wonderful .cures, etc-to King's Royal Germeteur Co., Atlanta, Ga. It cures when all ELSE fails. Price 1.50 per concen trated bottle, which makes one gallon of medicine as per directions accom panying each bottle. Can be sect by express C. O. D. if your druggist can not supply you. je 3 tf Files! Piles! Itching Piles Symptoms Moisture; intense Itch Ing and stinging; mwt at night; wore by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors lorui, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. S wayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and In most cases removes the tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for 60 cents. Dr Svcajoe & Son, Philadelphia From the notebook of tan Ameri can traveling in Germany: The sheets at the hotels are too large for handkerchiefs and too small for towels. Female WeakneM Focltlr Care. To the Editor: ' ! Please Inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the thou sand and one Ills which arise from de ranged female organs. 1 shall be glad, to send two bottles of my remedy free" to any lady If they will sena their Ex press and P. O. address. Yours re spectfully. Dr. J. B. MARCHISI, 183 Genesee St., Utica, N. Y - Philadelphia is to have two-story streetcar?. . LEMONELIXIR. A Fleasant Lemon Drink. For biliousness and ; constipation, take Lemon Elixir. L For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. . ! For sicl$ and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, take Lemon Elixir. . For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you In any of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. 60c. and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by druggists. i I A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley 's Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. Rev. C. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tatnall st., Atlanta, Ga. FIRST ".'CARGO New Cro Cuba JMT oia sses now landing ex sch. evolution- j 1 ' 275 Hogsheads. Quality , .First-Clasfe WORTH &' WORTH, 1 - " IN THE BUTTER TRADE ! zt We have in our store mammoth Refrigerator in which w,e store all of our Butter. We are prepared to de liver during the hottest weather- FIRM COLD BUTTER ! In a condition to retain its original sweetness. We are eeUing Butter of all grades, from the very finest Elgin Creamery down to Cooking Butter. If you want the Best Butter send to the UNLUCKY CORNER, Where it will be served to you from the j REFRIGERATOR. S. W. SANDERS & CO. jeS7tf ; .: OUR :: CHOCOLATES ARE TQE FINEST! FOR THE LEAST MONEY ! O TRY THEM- O The Wilmington Candy Factory JA8. S. HOOPBK, Maaager. je29tr Excursion to Carolina Beach ! "yEDNESDAY, July 2nd, 1890, under the auspices of the Fecond Advent Church. Fare for the round trip. Adults 50 cents; Children 25 cents ; serrants 25 cenu. I Conpmlttee J. W. s. Harvey. f7. F. James T. D. Reynolds. j je 29 St Birthday Presents ! .HE toet Pscnt you can give your relatives (if they ar not already provided with it) is a M00 yearly, subscription to the Wilo ingtoir i.ibrary Association. The present will be ap preciated ot them for a whole year. Send tour mo.ney f?a lheir nsme lo Captain W. H. Bixby, Acting Manager- r je25if Tobacco and Cigars ! "yfTE OFFER A LARGE STOCK OF O b5d Ci.Srs, of all styles and grade?, at rock bottom prices. ( Call, exanune and get prices. I " ot. u . A.MUKL. BEAR. P je 23 tf UUarket strtet, Wilmington N.a "OPP UROS ABD SIGH PAHrXKBS. All crders promptly atended toandsattsfsctlon uar nteed. bnop cert aoor tocorne of PnnosM and Second ax SUMMER RESORTS. Blowing Rock Hotel I BLOWING ROCK. N. C T3IS is the best located and the mot health fnl resort In North Carolina, being located on the summit of the Bine Ridge, 4,300 feet aboTe tide wate ) The rcenery la magnificent and the climate all that cnuld be desired. The hotel which was completed last year Is beauti fully situated, commanding a ylew from all point p, contains fifty rooms heated by open fire places, a spacious ball room and excellent mulc. Come to our Swltzenand and bo health fol and hapyy. For terms, addres, KING & GRAY, je 4 im Proprietors. Atlas House, SWITCHBACK STATION, Ocean! -:- "7"ie-w I N OW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION OF GUEST!. 1 Board by the day. week or month, bleeping apartments tlrvt-class and table sup plied with i he very best the saa and market affords. Pig fish, soft theli crabs, deviled crabs, etc., aiways on hand. : , Special rates to large parties of excurf ionlsts bouse froiit8 the ocean ana caiches ail the breeze. ' J. J. HYES. je 13 tf .f y Proprietor. SPARKLING : CATAWBA : SPRINGS ! CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C. Dr. E. 0. ELLIOTT & SOS, Prop's. rpHlS VELL KNOWN RESORT 7 MILES from Hickory over a beautiful road Capacity 50(J guests with superior Medicinal Mineral Waters, for the Liver, Dyspepsia, Kheumatixm, Kidny Di eases,. Deblhtj and ervous Pros tration, a fine dry climat'-a delightful h'. me, the very place to restore the inv id to health and enjoyTT eht of life in tLe shade of the rtlue Riage. For cata ogue ad ress the Proprietors, ja lm eod Boffdlo Litbia Springs Hotel ! JyjECKLE BURG County, Atlantic and Danville Railroad, Virginia, open June 1st. New buildings, hot and cold Mineral Water Baths, refitting and furnishing geoerally, Bowl ing Alley, good livery, first-class fare andser vice with a railroad running to the Eotel door, together with' the free UFe of 4his famous water, make this a most pleasant and durable place to spena the summer. A train will make cloe connection with all day trains on the R. & D. Railroad at Clarksville, and passengers tak in without delay to the Springs. -Two mails da ly. Terms res son able. Write for pamphlet. Dr., S. Whaley. resi dent physician, i M. L. OGLESBV. je 51m eod Manager. HO FOR CLEVELAND SPRINGS ! ;.. o'o v ; BY TBE RECENT CHANGE IN SCHEDULE Kef the Carolina Central R. R., parties desiring to visit the abote .named health and pleasure resort can breakfast in Wilmington and reach the Springs for supper. The Medicinal Properties of the waters of Cleveland Springs have been fully attested; the Whits and Red Sulphur being declared, by those competent to judge, as second to none ; and the Chalybeate Water is highly recom mended in certain ; caes Hot or Cold Sulphur Baths. Telegraph, Mail and Express facilities. For information terms, &c, addrsss WILKINSON & FORE, my 11 2m Proprietors. SUMMER ! RESORT, "ATLANTIC VIEW," ' - WRIGHTSVILLE, N. C ""S now open under same management. The Hotel and grounds are nar the waters of the Sound and the Atlantic Ocean and a lew steps from the Depot of the Seacoast Kailroad rom Wilmington. ! Ask the conductor of the train to stop yon at Wrightsville. Board by the day, week or month, j Send for circulars. ED. WILSON MANNING, je 18 tf ; Proprietor. Island Beach Hotel ! J. A. BROWN, Manager. - JJAVING LEASED THE ABOVE NAMED Hotel, situated at the Hammocks, I am pre pared to cater successfully to the wants of the .public . i-; , 1 The tables will be supplied with the choicest viands of the season. Many places of great interest in the vicinity. Surf Bathing. Bath Houses In still water, fine boating facilities, unrivalled fishing, and above all an unexcelled Cuisine. Cottages, on the Beach, connected with the Hotel. Prof. Miller's Celebrated Band engaged for the Season. OPEN MAY 13TH 1890. - j. a; BROWX, my 10 tf ? MANAGER- B0NITZ HOTEL ! fjms old Carolina HvteL 129 Market Street Wilmington, N. C under new management is still in the field. It offers the best accommodation to travelUni publio at llOper day. f Special rates to nountry merchants. Prrters meet all trains. ; J. H. WM. BONTTZ, Pro GRAIN LAWN LARGE Orders ; Write WM, BARGAINS! GITS' j LOW : QUARTERED uSHOES Laaies' Opera Slippers. 50c. Ii'adies' Lace Oxfords, Plain Toe, 75c. Ladies' Lace Oxfords, Pat. Leather Tip, $100 Ladies' Lace and Button Oxfords, $1 25. Gentlemen's Low Shoes rj A R VE LOU S :: Ge6. R. French j &t Sons 1 000 Boxes Cakes & Crackers Fresl i,7oo Bbls Flour, All Grades, IS SACKS AXD WOOD. FANCY PIG HAMS," 6 to 10 Lb Avera-e r. LEMONS! GROUND COFFEE I :.- v ' ri ; A Complete Stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries at Rock Bottom' Trim my 31 d&wtf The MT. All! Y, 3ST. C. .!! " ! This magnificent structure situated on tLe highest polLt pf Main ?nc. Tlie : ZBea-u-tifixL : IMIo-aitaixi : City. : l - :i- ; 1 - ' - ir . Will be opened for the Reception of Guests, Jane 1 , 1 890, and will J q j lucted in connection with the hotel at the famous White Sulphur Springs, which will be in charge of Mr. RUFUS i I ROBERTS, owner and proprietor. ' I -. i i . - ' f ' I The Hotel Roberts contains one hundred chamber room?, furnist the latest style with all modern conveniences, and can accommodate u g-j (The Hotel at the Springs can accommodate 150 guests in addition.) ! Busses will meet guests at the train and convey them to the Hotel Robert i of charge, where guests for the White Sulphur Springs can remain over ' without extra charge, their board commencing at the time of their a-iri ' the Hotel Roberts. f I : The Hotel will be furnished with fresh water from the Springs everv dav j The road to the Springs has been put in the best condition andfirtV. :f veyances will run to and from the Springs several times every day. j ' The windows of the Hotel Roberts command a magnificent view of 31 ount Scenery as far as the eye can reach, In two States, Virginia and North Cari For terms and particulars write to . f I .'!- . i! - I ' J.B,BEYNOU)M! KUFTJ8 ROBERTS, Prop'r vhite 8olphur And so Desirable an i so Cheap, that yon cannot 4t tbe An Ice i ) . i -. A Culinary Beater mm t - nuu BEATING EGGS, DO LONGEB TEDlOUtJ AND FATIGCJ'V' GET POSTED .A.T ONCE. i 14 north Front Street ' ". 1 j - I , . . . I CRADL AND- -:- MOWERS STOCK ! LOW I'PR'K: -:- Filled : Pr niDtn for prices and ten! u tout . . . . E. SPRINGER &C0, - ! IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS Hardware, Tinware & Cutlen 1 PurcelF Building, Wilmington, N. c: BARGAINS IN- :- -SI A2JD- - in all the Latest Styles at L OW :: P R I CEs :o: :o: or. 216 North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C Hotel Roberts, M&nar-lintel Robert Springs. 1ST afford to do without it. Combination Cream Freezer, iuuer r . AOoolf Book, (So I tib) AND ALL THIS TO BE SOLD FOB $' ... I Wilmington

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