;4 if ; h I A iv. . fflTMESSiEMGER u PubUsNed in Three Edition. : riAiLY MESSENGER. "e WEEKLY MESSENGER, iuWSCRIPT-MESSEIWER 9 rrJ "V 1 TO ADVERTISERS: 1(5 & AJtnt -.J O n n r,'-'w3 C4rtM9kM C-14 aj er Mt the Stat. TMC BCtT ADVIHTltUIQ MtOfUM . 3 1 uu'u"" ' ., Three re A timet! ve I ' 1 ' : . ... ; inn WUlUv a a wm r ! 1 y $ Esr iBLISHED 1867. WILMINGTON, N. C.. TITUKSDAY. AUGUST 28. 1890. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Al'IIIC SUMMAKT. the c ,r'. i-;n I' - VL I. !t"F! . ! .,',."nriL"' f.uur C tbe I'' f.vie al uaiisiut ., Kill- i . , . J .. rr awl n reman nu uurninR ni- i a ric Mdocneoter uoarciian sayg i jiricea of cotton baa almost The Republican conven- lrth Congressional district met t rday antl adjourned until to- . t -n rv jTtIia ntnu i-ne on record occurred in the jr-HMitstiveH yesterday, billings- anl fisticuffs among Itepubli- f.jH-cul order of tbe day. The inilt Hton, now at Seattle, Waah., , (1 to Honolulu to protect Ameri- - .. 1 : v ti - li cane oi revuiuiiwH. -yxuo REPUBLICAN POLITICS. THE REPUBLICAN STATE CONVEN TION TO BE HELD TO-DAY. iL li .Hi An 1 K. w Iiiver railroaa wan sola at Ihv and purchaued, it is said, for and Danville syBtem. The ycBterdiy purchased $2,160,050 . i. 'la anu .)iw,uw uuuws ui silver. 0; I ' mw from a f a t moving train The Two Faction, righting forth, Matry -u..iuiniciorthe cro' Support-A Negro as ChalriiiBD-erofi Ahaiine Mott, Itanell & Co.-More NrCro Kiodui -Wake Coanty Ooin Democratic, Messenger Bureau, i Raigh, N. C, Aug., 27. The report of the nero Stat nn. vention was necessarily brief, but gave the ealient points. It Was n Tffi nrn- vention, with so much talent in it that thoughtful white men who were. sner- tators said, "We must stir up our juuug men: me FR03I WASHINGTON CITV. LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. I k TE ocean iuce ended UUrraccfal Scone. In the HoqmJ The Cralter Charleston Ordered to Uonolala Bond and hlUer rnrchae. Washington, Aug. 27.-Special J The bulldozing rules adopted by the Republicans and enforced by their Speaker had their fitting and neces sary outcome to-day in a scene of' the mobt beastly disorder ever known in the American Congress. While a filibustering protest against a partisan and inconsistent ruling of the Speaker was going on, Mr. Cannon, the Uepub- f; ,W hcan floor leader, insulted a Democrat. 1 .Mr. MCAaoo, in obscene language. At the demand of another Democrat tbe words were taken down and while the House was having its hands full with this matter two Republicans in private THE PEOPLEOF IRELAND THREATEN ED WITH STARVATION! neerroes are mnWinrr progress.77 Reallv the white npnr.i.. conversation got into a fist fteht nn the Democrats, felt a kindly interest in the I floor and a third Republican in inter- de. r&r I'M-1' in tfiti Lla and hirt little daughter jump8 th are killed.- It is aaid that n.'W ooaru oi uirectors oi me ioi. rir;ili MaltJll neeu tuuiuaiir win bwu w 'l ,,,.'.- The Ohio Democratic State canveu- tm wa iii HoUion yeBterday. ; Salvator will probablv ru u against time on the Monmouth r.rL tr-HL-k Ito-day. An investigation is 4 - .i,, nivle into the charge that Murphy wsa druiik riding in a race Tuesday. The Citv ot Sf jork wins the ocean race with the Teutoiii'".' The town of Tokay in Hungary m almost ddwtroyed by fire Tuesday. The ight'ls spreading in Ireland and fam ine Htart.n iiiajy of the people in the face. ft. T. Crawfojrd, oj Haywood county, waa nom-inau-cl fur CougreBS in the Ninth district last uli,iL -Gen. M. L. Bonbam, of South Caro lina, wart found dead in his bed at the Haywood W bit- Sulphur Springs this morning. Seven of tbi . aldermen of JJiddeford, Me., have been arrcHted by charni-H of e Tillman men Fire in Norfol order of the Federal court on ection consniracy. The anti- hold a Becret conference. Ik last night destroyed Lassiter's planing and saw mill, a large qrantity of lum ber ami" eighi tenement houses loss $20, COO to $30.000. I Mr.- McKinley was on Tuesday renominated, o Congress by acclamation. I'lSTOL-GKAPIlS. The report now is that Stanley will not explore (or re-cl&ct Africaagain. Alamance Democrats indorse Vance on. Good. Keep it up. Kngland fias 450,000,000 acres in Afri caor an area fifteen times that of the State of Now York. The SanfDrd Express one p: our beet weekly -exchanges Is four yea U-ld and healthy". A grasping Sheriff in New York made out costs for $1,652. The Judge dlowed him $1.50. Some ... presiding d i fie rcr. co. I!ev. Sam Jones has a brother, Joe, who is improving rapidly as a preacher The Memdhis Aiweal intimates that ho will -surpass Sam. . uii convention. They saw that the negroes, Diinu iormore tnan twenty Years, were now ai msi seeing what to Democratic vision had been clear so loner. Tin w the negro orators, and real they were, did pour the hot shot into Mott and Russell and White and John Nichols. A perfect shower of abuse fell upon Nichols all day along, and he appears to be a man without any col ored Republican support. His head will be asked for by the committee whose names were telegraphed last night and who will go to Washington September 4th, to meet the President. J. S. Leary is chairman, J. C. Price spokesman and C. H. Moore secretary of the delegation. Negroes tell me that they hate Cheat ham and that they hope Simmons will be put up by the Democrats. They say he can beat Cheatham. The latter was in quite bad odor here yesterday and knew he was in a tight place. His speech of attempted defence did him no good. t The black 'men say they are 110,000 of the Republican - voters, "yet they get only one hundredth part of the patron age. To make things a trifle more even -tney demand the permanent chairmanship jof the State convention to-morrow. This demand is plain and frank. Dr. Mott said tome to-day that there was no objection to it. That meant that he thinks the negroes en titled to it. That sop will be thrown to xnem. tias mere ever Deiore been a negro chairman? It is learned that there has not. More Republicans gathered to-day and the war of the tactions is clear. While your correspondent was talking to Mott, Eaves stalked by Each man appeared to be ignorant of the presence of the other in Rjigh, and there wasn't even a 6miVt3. Mott says the vention will be a large one, though oJ Hector White said a day or so ago i i i j i i i i i 1 1 taui in ais opinion not oyer nan me counties would be represented. It is hard to get "lips" on what this convention will do. Of course it meets at noon at Metropolitan hall and Eaves will call it to order, while J. C. L. Harris will call the roll of counties. There are intimations that in the plat form there will be a planK favoring an increase of the -currency (the Farmers' Alliance idea) and there will be one re garding the State election law and the Lodge bill. Efforts to find out if this would be an endorsement of the latter failed, though all devices were tried fering was struck for his peacemaking. or several minutes, it seemed that the Hepublican partv had forgotten the Democrat and the Dublic at laree and were goincr to rend earn other In pieces. It was fully fifteen minutes be- for any semblance of order was restored. Speaker Reed was entirelv powerless. The combatants were Messrs. Beckwith, of New Jersey and Wilson, of Washington and such choice billingsgate as cannot be even indicated in a family paper was hurled at each others heads. Just before this em- broglio, a personal rencontre between Messrs. Cannon and Mason' came near taking place in front ol the Speaker's desk. The air was lurid for a while. v All this turmoil is the direct result Of despotic rule in general and espe cially the effort to force through t&e so-called Pure Lard bill contrary to the order taken by the House itself. WASHINGTON, Aug. 27. The total amount of 4i per cent, bonds purchased to-day under the circular of August 21st was $2,160,9.50. Several offers were re ceived from National Banks to surren der four and a halfs held to secure cir culation, but they were declined for the reason that the limit of $3,000,000, which may be deposited in anyone month to ported ruined and cereals and turf is retire circulation, had been already pronounced bad. reacueu lor present mouiQ. Ihe amount of silver offered to the Treasury to-day was 1,911,000 ounces. 1 Waterford, Tipperary and Limerick. follows: 13S.000 ounces at Th Potato might Caatlos Fer of Famloo ColLp In the .Prico of Cotton -Th Town cf Tokay ltroTel b fir writ by Toroado-Charchr Blown Down and People Injured. PtSTH, Aug. 27. A fire broke out yesterday at Tokay, the market town e toted Tokay wine, and all efforts to extiofiulsh the flames were fruitier. When finally the fire bjrned itelf out the whole town, with the ex ception of thirteen houses, had been destroyed. j DCHUN. Aug. 27. Ala meeting of the National League here yesterday Mr. Timothy M. Healy, referring to the potato blight, bald that nothing stood between the people and starva tion the coming winter. The Govern ment was repret-ented aa being most anxious to provideemploymentthrough the building of new railways, but ; how could the railway act recently passed be held to prove the Government s in tention to meet the coming famine. Besotted ttupidity marked the whole conduct of the executive. It might not he legal for tenants to withhold their land rents during the period of distress, but the man who should pay his rent and leave his family to starve would be little better than an assassin. Was Ireland, he asked, to be placed again in the position of a i mendicant before Lurope and America If It should be found necessary to appeal to America and Australia no part of the assistance thus obtained ought to go to any man who had paid rent during the last twelve months. Let the landlords support the rent-payers. The farmers ought now to give an earnest of their intention to grapple with the impend Tbo Of r of !w York VTI th llaco. IWt, lC tbTatoalc t fcral tlonr lb limu Lino Men lOjotcJag . London, Aug. 27. The Ionian Line teamer City of New i orK. which cleared the bar at Few York at 9:46 a. m.. August 2tth.for Llrerpool.twetitr minute ahead o! the Whit Star Line steamer Teutonic, aUo from New York to, Liverpool, waj the f.rt of the two vessel to arrive on tbii lce oi tee At lantic. ! She was tlgnaled oH! Browhcad at 12."2.S o'clock yeVerdv afternoon. me icuionic paMHru r atmci ngni ai 2 AJ o'clock ycterday af terntvm. QCKllNSTOWN, Aug, 27. The Warn co.gi:kss. ' , o ' BlLUNCSCATE AND FlSTlCUfS OROtROP THE OAY. THE ItowdT Coadact la In llaaaa-Ur. Taaaoa) ;rat lUwr iJ l'fiMl ! trr-rillbttla Acalast lb Lar4 Hlt -Tbo Taln lllll PnHTWt. WASH! Xi;TON A u'fi. 27. f Sl,N ATI. J The resolution otTr?rcJ bj, Senator 1 V.-t a a f" . a numu ininKimg me voracuue on Kale to iuj aoh nlT wiii bt.!t prevent the of tnrituu. virua er City of New ork arrivetl at IUxrbe I and malt liquor In tbe kaau; ulcg of Point at 3:14 p. ro. yesterday: having I the caplun taken up nnJ. on rn made the paagi from New York In I tloo of Senator Sherman. rvfrrevS to six davs, forty mlnute. The loghow I the Committee on Ru)e. a a1 i l sm. v m t jm i ine louowing run as reoorueu ai noon i ice imri;i out wm men uawrn up- each day:. 41 mile, 441, 4.T., 47, 4'. I the oueation lelngon the jbtltute 4nl,and 6-1 to Queenstojrn. I fered by Senator McPhernon yeter-Ur- The steamer City of ew ork ar I lor aehedule P, WvOd And manufactj- rived oil Roche's Point at 3:4J p. m. I rer o! wood. New Yoitrf, Aug. 27. The Inman Line agents are rejoicing over a cable gram announcing that the City of New i ork has won the eastward ocean race. The agents figure her time as 5 days 21 out action, leaving the hours and 43 minutes, lhis would I mu open, ine ugar Senator McPheroonV uHtitute ff the wood achedule aud tne ameed menu offered bv Senator Plumb to oine of lu paragraph went over wlthA hole rhslu!e ached ule was make a new eastern record and beats J alo pa.cd over Informally and th tu ber own time going west, viz: 5 davs 22 I bacco schedule (F) wa taken up. The hours and 7 minutes. The City of New York left her dock at the foot of Chris topher street at o clock on lat V ednesday morning with 17h cabin and 22-5 steerage passengers. The Teutonic left her pier alongside the Inman pier a i. o.o o ciock who oi cauiu ra-wu gers and 415 steerage passengers: The Teutonic's time is 6 das 2 hours and 46 minutes. question as to th duty on Sumatra to bacco wm dlcuMod at length. , The amendment on which the d!ruiion proceeded was one offered by Senator Vance to reduce the dwlv on leaf U- bacco suitable for cigar rapjer, if not stemmed, from 12 per pound to 7S cents; and if temmed, frm I2.7.S u II per tound. The amendment wti r- jected without eas and nays, as were Miveral crther amendments. Then schedule G, agricultumr tmn. ducts and provUion was reaehd. No amendments from the Democratic side were successful. An amendmentof the. finance committee to reduce the duty on barley from 30 cents to cents per bushel was withdrawn and I thn Houe rate stands. And upon motion of Sen ator ; A Id rich the Finance committee's amendment reducing the duty on bar 110i, 325,000 ounces as ll'J. 115,0()0 ounces at ounces at 119. Washington, Aug. 27. Orders were to-day issued lor the llagship Charleston, which has just arrived at Seattle from Honolulu, -to return lm mediately to that port to assist in the protection of American interests In the Hawaiian Island. This action is based upon acting Rear Admiral Brown's report of the serious aspect of affairs in Hawai at the time of his departure for this country. Nothing official has since been heard at either the State or the Navy Departments in regard to the situation on the island. The Nip- sve Is now at Honolulu, It is expected that the Charleston will start to-mor row. HotU Jumped from tha Train. Philadelphia, Aug. 27. Among the passengers on an early express train from this city for rew i ork this morn- Inn van a vol 1 A riicH nld man who ing distress by paying contributions wa8 accompanied by a little girl. Noth the central fund. inff unusuaT in the actions of either at- xeiues ine uisease among ine poia- tracled lhe attention of the other jas- tucs, iug Utty truu ui ireianu is re- MnMli lintn K,fore the ttain . - reached Holraesburg Junction, a way cfuttnn nKrt.it inn mflea fmm thl rltv. I ler mult from 4 S Uv 40 enta tarhuihol . . c. babiuu auvu w w u a-aa v a w ' - r - - j - - - - ------ -.. - lhe Dllght IS Spreading In the COUn- I A Ua nA fr-ntleman -aid wiim dlMiirrcJ to. lnavinc- Ithrt IIoum - - i . v tiu j tu v v . aM -. i . i . - - v,. ucgai, yv., something to his young companion ana rate to sianu. , .rKv...j . ...v.. I went lorwaru anu sveppea oui on ine i ini nrouijni vnu ncnim mi para Manchester. Aug. 27. The Guard- platform, and. although the train was graph about rice. Without entering tan says: The collapse in prices of cot-J running at a high rate of sped he ton nas almost stopped business, ue- I jumped off. The little girl, who had spite the effect of such a sudden drop I been watching him, saw him jump, and on the minds of foreign buyers and before the passengers realized what she consumers, manufacturers are determ- I intended to do, she had run to the front ined to maintain prices of goods, which of the car and jumped off alo. did not advance correspondingly with I The train was backed and the man was the rise in cotton during 1889. J found dead and the girl insensible. Ramp.. Antr. 27. The rtv of Penila I Thev were brought to this city. v hen . -- - --j - - - n y " . and the lurrounding country have the girl recovered consciousness she . ' ar . . said the old gentleman was ner iainer and that his name was Stephen lieck and that hers was Lclan Beck, and that they lived in St. Clair county, Illinois, and were bound for Hamburg, Germany been visited by a tornado. The wind blew with terrific force. Four churches in the city were blown down and many houses were wrecked. A large num ber of persons were injured. ( The com mune of (Jiterna was devastated by the On the body of Beck was found two storm. Rocky Mount Notes. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Rocky Mount fair Saturday, it was decided to hold the next fair .November 5th 6th and 7th. The floral house was A ii;M-f-ki!Virrl nran tl em a n in NftW T, t - , . , ... na . toward endorsing u as it dares, item snys some very kind things of the 6 l I Tl i V. .- T?iiKllon no in 1 1 I ATAAM Mkssf.n;hk in a letter received a day or two ince. Thanks. Only think of it. Nearly 37,000,000 of babiosare born every year or seventy a minute. No wonder people get rich cut of baby carriages and toys. Atorhas $23,000 income each day. lie has a great responsibility upon :hii. It will bo very hard for such a rieh man Heaven. o enter the Kingdom of fined $175, A Kentuckian has been anl disfranchised, for if 'tO cen P :t the buyer in the -penitentiary and thing all round. 'o theTrigh selling his vote s. Rough on rats. Now i llinois is a big State with a big pop- . . . 1 1 on i;:it nn. hut - coo couniv UiOUO iijvs ov . 7 4 : per cent; of the whole. It has many tines the population of some of the new Kadicll rottenborough so-calied Slates. rmrned bv Ineenriiariee laet. Pphrimrr nru : .:u i ui r., I " r j ii.b wuvcimuu win piuu.ui.y Ktt5,ii tne rebuilding of another twice the size of the old one was decided upon. Mr. Cotton Seed Oil Trust Aff-ir. New York, Aug. 27. E. D. Adams, of the firm of Winslow, Lanier & Co., to-day 6tated that he holds the resigna tions of a majority of the directors of the American Cotton Seed company. the successor of the Cotton Seed trust. and that their places will soon be filled checks on a St. Louis bank for 12,000 marks and 195 in money. The child died shortly after reaching the ho- .pital. on a uicussion oi it the renaus pro ceeded to executive business, and at H o'clock adjourned. HOUKK OK lairRKsKNTATIVK. After prayer bv the chaplain Mr. McClammy, of North Carolina, made the point of ordr of no quorum. The Sneaker directed the doorkeep ers to notify the members in commit tee rooms that their attendance, wa required in the House, but even this movement brought into the chamber but eighty-five members, o i't.ill of the Houmj was ordered. The call dis closed the presence of K3 mcmbrn. and tbe Hou-e waited patiently fir ten minuses until thre alnteos. nec essary to make a quorum, reported themselves to the cler'x. Mr. Broslus moved all f jrther pro ceedings qnder the call lo-dlsfiensed with. The opponents of' the Lard bill, led by Mr. Maon ordered the yeas and nays in order to consume lime, ine The Republicp.ns will steer clear of the "Sub-Treasury" clause of the Alli ance platform, just as the Demoirats did. That much is no secret. Dr. Mott, in fact, told me so. Alex Mclver, who is to be the Radi cal candidate for Congress in this dis trict, is here, and has been some days, lie is wire-pulling, and last night had a seat far to the front in the black con vention. Eleven no ore convicts were yesterday sent from the penitentiary to Egypt, to pounds this year. work on the new railway to the coal mines. This briurs the number of convicts there to sinty-two. Mr. T. C. Williams, representing the department of immigration, is now at riarneiLSVine. in . i .. witii an cauiuh S, L. Arrington was elected secretary and treasurer no better selection could have been' made. We welcome as citizens of our town S. S. Berger, Danville,A. J. Ellington, Reidsville and J. O. W. Grarely, Dan ville. These gentlemen are all exper- lenced tooaccomsis ana will push our market this season. There are daily sales at both warehouses cow the breaks good and prices paid satisfac tory. Rocky Mount will sell 4,000,00 Salvator Against Time ,To-Iy. Monmonth Park, N. J., Aug. 27. P.ttm dav Onlv about 2.000 people In attendance. First race, free handicap motion agreed to yeas. I4i; nay. 21. sweepstakes for beaten horses, fi,uou The clerk then proceeded to read the bv men of widely known business abll- added, seven furlongs Ranlocas won, journal in the. usual abridgeil form ity, who will represent the real holders Yivid second, Watterson third. Time, when Mr. Maon demandcl reading of the property. He also states that 1:29. in extent. . . - lit r t .t . . . ii the trust or company has a noating &econa race, seuing. eweepswcs ur ine reading oi trie journal in iuii debt of $2 500.000 and that a circular 2 year, olds, six lurlongs uertna con-umed precisely one hour, and Mr. 1 ' I t ' W . la. e will soon be isued announcing the Is- --ampDeu won, Jirs. uermou sec-onu, i umgley, oi .Maine, moveu lis approval lienjamin inira. Time, i:iot. s . - sue of five millions of 8 per cent, de benture bonds which will be offered to stockholders at par. It is reported on Exchange that there have been serious differences between the directors and that some oi them sold their holdings to their associates and then resigned. Our tobacco interest is booming our town. Two months ago there were An Klectlon Conspiracy in Maine. Biddeford, Me., Aug. T7. A sen sation was created here this morning more than a dozen vacant dwellings in when United States Marshal Saunders, town, now there is not one for rent. Hirds have finished incubating; I -overs ohly now are matin?, I'h-istnutl vows re-re-stating, it is merry August now. oon great probl-ias, agitating, Wi-u men will be demonstrating, i : di thei other side berating, In the fall election row. I Warren (O.) Tribune. "A Methodist Subscriber' at Fay etteyiUo writes to ask us if 4the Metho &t 'church is a fit place for entertain er.: V" Qur own idea is that a build ing" dedicated to Almighty. God and treckd for Ilis worship should not be -ed for any other purpose. And now the identity of the new writer, Rudyard Kipling, is doubtful. Tte Hoston Post says that it 'is now M that he is Mr. Henry G. Bruce,the 0ti of a missionary to India, and a graduate of Mr. Bruce onef holiday.1' A man with that name ls to be suspected. ' ' . , U is noticeable that some of the peo ple of North Carolina are at last be- spell the late Judge Mur- M t A T- A A as he wrote iu jjul ine 10 of Murphy sticks to the error just as People d6 to the word hammocks, ich has nlo proper authority to sus- in it. the Harvard class of '87. is now in Duxbury for a winning to eys name of North Carolina's resources. To-day Mr. A. M. Clarke, of Southern Pines, left here with another. This will be taken to Canada, Maine, New York, Michigan and Indians- Peg Leg Williams, whom all have heard of, was here yesterdaj', and told me he would late in October begin to move the negroes Southward. He wants 5,000 families for Arkansas and Texas, and 20,000 for the Yazoo delta. Williams has a list of the addresses of 22.000 negroes whom ho has, carried South. His illustrated circulars are, as the, circus people say, great." One shows a scene on a plantation after a day's work. Some negroes are dancing in the moonlight, while others squat ted on the ground,are devouring water melons with their customary rapidity. Great is Williams, and he is one of the men who are bound to succeed. He is now at Morehead,' a catcher of fi?h, he will be later a catcher of men. Full accounts will be given in the Messenger of to-morow7s convention, which is sure to have some interesting features. The bosses are trying to quiet the blacks and the two factions, Mott and Eaves, are in a life and death struggle. A witty negro last night, in the convention, pronounced sentence of death upon the bosses, and did it in dramatic fashion. Everybody, save the bosses roared with laughter. The negro to-day holds the balance of power. The white Republican leaders really don't know just what will be done. Heretofore they have made their plans ahead and worked up to them. To-night there are lively scenes at the Yarboro house, which is head quarters of both Mott and Ives. Mott has made a bid for the negro support by promising that a negro shall be permanent chairman of the conven tion. The Eaves people do not like this idea, and JEaves makes a bid by promising that he will see that negroes get appointments under him in the Continued on fourth page. A Locomotive Explodes. Mansfield. O., Aug. 27. The boil er of a locomotive on a freight train on the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio railroad exploded this morning at 3 o'clock while the train was running six miles east of this city. Engineer Albert Graham and Fireman Jos. Murphy were instantly killed and hor ribly mangled, tire was communi- cit&J to the oil cans in the train and fifteen cars were burned. of Portland, placed under arrest seven aldermen of Biddeford and took them to Portland, with several persons de tained as witnesses, on warrants from Third race, sweepstakes, for non- winners1, mile Annie Boleyn won. Kingstown second. Ed Hotter third. Time, 1:52. Fourth race, free handicap sweep stakes, $1,000 added, mile and a fur long Judge Morrow won, Erie second, Newcastle third. Time, 2:05. Fifth race, selling, five furlong. Village Maid won.Radcout 2, Sourcl 3; timel.OH. Sixth, seven furlongs -Count Dudley won, Eleve 2, Jennie R 3; time 1.29. The executive committee has com menced an investigation of the charge that Lsaac Murphy was drunk when he the United States District M)urt. Ihe mde Firenri on resterdav. It will be aldermen are charged with neglecting 1 thorough in every respect and, for that reason. It is probable the. decision win to strike from the Biddeford voting lists the names of parties not legally entitled to vote, ana for conspiracy in arranging in place on the list the names of persons not legal voters. This action is the culmination of re cent naturalization troubles in Biddeford. A Kep-bllcan Flask In the Pan. Raleigh, Aug: 27. Special. To day the Republican Congressional Con vention of this, the Fourth district, met here, J. C. L. Harriss presiding. Only eleven of the twenty-eight delegates ware present and an adjournment until to-morrow was had after a two hours' wrangle, during which nothing was accomplished, Illinois Central Men's Ieinands. Chicago, Aug. 27. The delegation of Illinois Central trainmen called upon General Manager Beck this morning with the new schedule bf wages they asked. Mr. Beck prom ised to give .them an answer ten days hence. The new scale provides for an increase of wages all along. the line of from 5 to 30 per cent. Strikers Apply tor Reinstatement Schenectady, N. Y., Aug. 27. The New York Central and Hudson River railroad pay car was here to-day and paid all strikers in full to August 9, the day of the strike. The car left the city about 2:45 p. m., and several of the dis charged employes at once made appli cation for reinstatement, declaring the strike was a failure. . a .-.iiiiii - Ninth District Congressional Convention. Asheville, N. C, Aug. 27. Special. W. T. Crawford, of Hay wood county, was nominated for Con gress In the Ninth district here to night on the fourteenth ballot. Anti-Tillmanitea In Conference. COLUMBIA. S. C.,Aug. 27. The State conference of the anti-Tillmanites met last night at 6:30 o'clock and adjourned at 2:30 a. m. The proceedings were secret and the only reports as to the results were of resolutions adopted con demning the action of the Democratic convention in August as tyrannous and usurpative and approving the with drawal of the delegates who seceded. Tillman's charges and aspersions upon the party in power were condemned and asserted to have been utterly refuted in every instance. It is thought by many persons that there will be no further attempt to organize an opposition. A .Railroad Sold at Auction. Daxville, Aug. 27. The Danville and New River railroad, a narrow guage road running from Danville to Patrick Court House, a distance of seventy -five miles was sold to-day at public auction under the claims of bond holders. J Wilcox Brown, of Baltimore, was the purchaser and it is said the road was purchased for the Richmond and Danville Railroad com pany. Death of Genu Si. I Bontuun. Columbia, S. C, Aug. 27. General M. L- Bonham, Railroad Commission er, was found dead in his bed this morning at the Haywood White SuT- Shur Springs, N. C, from hemorrhage uricg the night, not be reached for several days. It was emi-officially announced to day that if the track is fast to-morrow Salvator will be sent a mile to beat the record. , Yesterday's Gaines. Boston First game Boston S, Chi cago 7. Second game -Boston 2, Chi cago 8. (Brotherhood.) New York New York 10, Pittsburg 5. (Brotherhood.) Philadelphia Philadelphia 5, Cleve land 6. (Brotherhood.) Brooklyn Brooklyn 9, Buffalo 10. (Brotherhood.) Brooklyn Cincinnati S, Brooklyn 1. (League.) Baltimore Baltimore's first game In American Association. Baltimore 10, St. Louis 11. Philadelphia Athletic 6, Colum bus 3. Philadelphia Cleveland 2, Philadel phia 4. (League.) New York New York 1, Chicago 5. (League.) Boston First game Boston 18, Pittsburg 8. Second game Boston 11, Pittsburg 3. (League.) i Cloak makers' Strlko Declared Off. PhiiVdeipilia, Aug. 27. The cloak makers' strike in this city, after con tinuing nearly eighteen weeks, was de clared off last night, and the strikers resumed work to-day. This result was obtained through the mediation of the Rev. S. Morals, LL. D., of the Mick vie Israel Synagogue,and George Randorf. agent for the Baron Hirsch fund and tbe Association of Jewish Immigrants. In all about four hundred and fifty men were involved; less than one hundred are now in the city, some baring gone to Chicago and a majority to New York, and, on that motion, demanded the previous question. The previous ques tion wa ordered. Mr. Turner, of New York, again t out on his task of consuming time, tak ing as his text the Cannon resolution of yesterday.' Though he proclaimed himself to be in good voice, he wa un able to proceed for more than leb min utes in denunciation of the resolution, when he ceased and yielded to Mr. Mc AJoo, of New Jersey, who heaped de nunciation and ridicule upon Mr1. Can non's tate!manship and historical knowledge and his love for the farmer. Then ensued the stormiest scene of the session. Mr. Cannon roso'to reply. He ad milted that he was not a great states man and also admitted the superiority of the gentleman from New Jersey lrv. that respect. His . friend aliounded in one thing and that was wind, and un der pressure it went out. (Iud laugh ter.) There was Instantly grea hjnfar'ot ' and disorder in the hall. -Mr. McAdoo ehouted out that he' wanted the words to go upon the rec ord as a tpecimen of Mr. Cannon's vulgarity. ' Mr. Caruth, of Kentucky, suggested the propriety of clearing the g&iUsrVi -of ladies, while Mr. Enloe was clarro' Ing for recognition gn the question of order. Again Mr. McAdoo shouted out to Mr. Cannon: If you can afford to let that go on record as a specimen of your stable jockey wit I can afford to have it there. I cannot indulge in blackguardism with you. You ought to argue with a stable jockey. That Is your size. Finally Mr. ' Enloe was recognized oc his point of order and demanded that the word be taken down. , ' Mr. Cannon Oh, if it annoys you I will withdraw it. ; . After a brief discussion the Speaker overruled the point of order on tbe ground that Mr. Enloe's proper cour4 would have been to call the gentleman to order and not to raise a point of order. Mr. Enloe appealed from th slon, and the clerk proceeded to call the roll on sustalnlug the decision , t the Speaker. But a storm was brew log; Its mutterlngs were -heard when Mr. Mason (Rep.), coming dnvmha aisle near which Mr. Cannon was sit ting, in tones audible only to those who were in ine immediate riclnitr. bean to denounce that centleman I- Continued on fifth page,' 'M !V if I, i - i fi li al ! I t ! . ) 'A - n in 4

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