THE WILMINGTON MESSENGER. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2. 1S90 WEEKLY CHOP BULLETIN OF THE N.C. EXPERIMENT STATION AND STATE WEATHER SERVICE,. CO-OPER- . ATI NO WITH THE U. 8. SIdNAL SER VICE, KOR THE WEEK ENDINd SAT URDAY, AUGUST 30tll, 1 800. The imports of corresiwndcnts of the Wteklj' Veather Crop Bulletin, issued by the North Carolina Experiment Station and State Weather Service, co-operating with the United State Signal Service, show that the week ending Saturday August 30th, 1800, has,been generally favorable for the maturing of crops. The temperature has been about the average during the day time but the nights have been too cool.' The temperature ranged during the week from 94 to 52 tic grees. The weather was rather dry uiuu tnu oui, on wmcn uay copious rains fell. Some very heavy showers occurred Thursday night at a number or places. The average rain-fall for the week was 1.03 inches, which is U.Jo inches above the normal. Sep tember is generally a dryer month than August. The cotton crop is still above the average. It is opening rap- ivn iwiv jjiimiig m in progress. ew cotton is already in market The tobacco crop also will be a fine one. Cutting and curing is going on, and the curings are generallv reoorted o c7i, mi v , I w w T y AAA v ivn iiiitvto i I call IV growth and there will be some rough, coarse tobacco which is too biir for good treatment. The crop of corn rice and potatoes is good. hastern District. The temperature has been about the average during the day, but the nights have, been cool with heavy dews. Lowest temperature reached 54 degrees. Cotton shows rust in some places, but not wide spreau. ii is oneninu and niekintr cr i r has commenced. Rice harvest in S"7 progress in the southeastern counties, crops excellent and some weeks earlier than usual. Good crops of potatoes a a rni i ine average ram-ian lor tne weeK in this district was 1.75 inches, which is somewhat above the average. A very heavy rain-storm is reported on the night of 28th at llocky Point, Pender countv. , Central District. The average rain fall for this week was 1.00 inch. Heavy rains occurred during night of 28th. At Raleigh, Wake county, 2.25 inches fell. The highest temperature was 1U degrees, the lowest 52. The nights have been cool and unfavorable to most crops. Cotton is still above the average, is opening fast. Picking is progressing rapidly and new cotton is in market. Thetobaccocrop will be a fine one. Curings are reported good Fodder is being saved. Corn and potato crops good. - Western District - The weather has been warm and cloudy, with cool mornings, and dry until the 28th. Heavy rains fell on the 28th at a number"of places, the average for the district being 2.15 inches. The wet " weather. is unfavorable for cotton; however Saturday opened dry and warmer. Cotton has commenced to open. Tobacco is being cut and cur ed rapidly. Corn is good on uplands and lowlands. The week was favor able for making hay and fodder. REMARKS OF SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS Eastern District. Willeyton, Gates county Crops doing well. Nearly through saving fodder. Cotton be ginning to open. Dover, Craven county All crops look well, and bid fair for best yield in many years. Chapanoke, Perquimans county Last Saturday and Sunday were very cool. Also Monday night cool, with heavy dews, causing cotton to rust some. Cotton is shedding good deal in places. Corn little above the aver age. Wcldon, Halifax county Too much rain. Southport, Brunswick county Rice harvest has commenced in this county. Crop is reported ex cellent and some two weeks earlier than usual. Clinton, Sampson county Only one rain since last report Cot ton opening right along and picking commenced. Potato crop the finest for years. Rocky Point, Pender county Up to yesterday (2Sth) ail crops were doing well, but heavy rain of 4.5 inches last night may have done some damage. Hertford, Perquimans county Crops of cotton and peanuts have been injured by the cool weather and too much rain. Still we have good cropsV better than for years. Elizabeth .City, Pasquotank county Crops have not deteriorated materi ally since last report. Cotton shows rust in some places but it is not wute spread. Second crop Irish potatoes irregular and stand generally poor. .Rain two days within the week. Central District. Laurinburg, Rich mond county Very little rain since 5th. Showers 27th. Temperature ranged from 04 to 54. The low tem perature was injurious to all growing ' crops. Cotton picking general and opening very fast. Louisburg, Frank lin county Good rains this morning, 20tb. Potatoes fine. Fodder being saved. Cotton opening. Tobacco wasting by bottom leaves burning up. Kittrell, Vance county AVeather favorable. All crops doing well ."Tobacco cures good. Macon, Warren 'county Fodder is being pulled. To bacco not curing bright as first ex- 'pected. All crops doing well. Rained crops still good, though not as fine as expected some time ago. Corn and potatoes very good. Cotton some thing above the average. Smithfield, Johnston countv Hidiest temnera- tare 92 on 27th, lowest 52 on 24th. I odder nearly all saved; Had heavy local rains on 27th. Cotton about three-fourths of what was exneetetL Leota, Chatham county Cotton has sheil its fruit to some extent Some farmers say it has fallen off one fourth during August Wanvnton. Warren county Farmers busy savincrl fJ C7 7 IOClUer.and CUrinc? iribni- ter than hst week. All crops about matured and the best for thirty vears. , m v Most of the tobacco will be cut by last of Septemler. Yancej-ville, Cas well county Good .. 1 . I rail! 1 UUrSUa night, which was neednd nrt I now in midst of and curing Louaeco. cjucceciunir well. A reiham. Caswell countv Cuttincr and eurinnr ti, e . . i"i v.v, riner crops never known. Gibson. I Kichmond count' Cotton leing picked and marketed. Some planters wnat was expected. L'om ana ix;ase fair. Wake rorest, Wake county- ew cotton coming into market Uiz Lick, Stanly county Light showers I. 1 ."!. T T : 1 4. A A. oi i a .M i ! .1 :it i) ham county Gentle rain for the last twelve hours (20th). Tobacco curing well. Corn and potatoes fine. Ral eigh, Wake county Heavy rain of 2.25 inches night of 28th. No dam age done. f Western District Mt Pleasant, Cabarrus countv The rains during the 27th and 28th were ver favora ble for turnins'and sowing oats. It is raining at this writing, 28th. Pine r'ville, Mecklenburg county After two or three weeks of dr' weather, rain began last Wednesday. Good rain every dav since. We look for good average crop of cotton. Corn good. Murphy, Cherokee count' The weather has been generally favorable to all crops this week. Dallas, Gaston countv A most excellent week for maturing cotton, making hav and fod der, holding protracted religious meetings political conventions, etc. Jjenoir, Laid well count torn crop is fine, but too much rain for fodder and ha. No damage by floods. Hickory, Catawba county Farmers are making fodder, lobacco curing jroinfr crnntl o I 1 1 : 1 l,,,4l. 1 vui K wuii, uutu up a,m aim in,- torn, roriv tuurcu, ravie couiil - On Friday, 22d, had good rain. None sinno Mornings nnrl nio-hts ool. rn , ' i r i luuutru curing 111 uiuer. vuni auu cotton looking fine. Newton, Catawba county It has been cloudy and warm for past seven days. Not much ra4n however, and crops not much affected Salisbury, Rowan county Heaviest rain of season fell last night (28th to 29th) The weather has been showery during the past week. Very good for late corn, but rather bad - for cotton, which has commenced to open. High est temperature 84, lowest 58. David son College, Mecklengburg county The weather has ,been changeable. Rained all nisht of 28th, 4 inches Hope no damage done. . Note Correspondent are request- ed not to discontinue their reports until October 10th, or until the first killing frost occurs. II. B. Battle, Ph. D., ; 1 Director. I 0OLDSBORO JOTTINGS. I Wayne county Superior court con venes next Monday, the 8th mst. The Board of County Commission ers met in regular monthly session in the courthouse here yesterday. ! Don't forget the lawn party at 3Iaj. Grant's residence this evening. Re freshments of all kinds will be served The cotton fields are white in this section and are full of men, woman and children, who are as busy as bees picking out the staple. We noticed a good many of the leading colored citizens of the State in! the city yesterday, but were unable to find oiit the occasion of their presence. Any of , our country friends who wish to pay their subscription to the Messenger will always find us in the Opera House building ready, willing and waiting to receive their money and give them a receipt. The Atlantic Hotel aj Morehead City, which has enjoyed such a large patronage this summer, closed for the season yesterday. Quite a large crowd who had been sojourning there came up on their return home." They were all highly delighted with that popular resort and were reluctant to leave it. ; We learn from Mr. K. A. Wright, of this city, that there was a very en joyoble revival of religion held at Indian Springs last week, and twenty four persons were added to the Meth odist church there. The pastor, Rev. M. D. Hix, conducted the services and was assisted by Rev. J. D. Car penter and Mr. Wright We were also informed that the crops in that neighborhood are excellent 29th. Clavton. Johnston oountr NORTH C A UO LIN A. A Datlr Pi n tali on Tthi. . md EvniU la turn tolmx. There la nut a vacant boue m Ma con. Wlnston Is vntfm. eooo to bare a sewerage " i Winston JJatlyz Mr. Ilenrr D. Shutt has a snow white squirrel at nUgrccery stor. A negro who owns thirty acres of land adjoining the Phoenix oil well in Greensboro ha refused an offer of 115,- UUU for It. Mrs. J. D. Carpenter the lady erau- Pelit, nas been co ducting a series of riirilPt-r3"""" ofc wueu mu county) M. E. church. Concord istandard: The report about the croD being better than ever is said not to be so In the southern portion of the county. One man who lived down thAPA tnM ntt tywsir tfiat tViona wnulrl mnr half . nmn m-xAo ... . . . - hen of the "Frenrh IWutt" build- whlcn lavs double eees lolned witn a handle an Inch and a half lone and the size of one's little finger. This chicken has laid five of these dumb bells. reliable persons that the Presbyterians are wanting two hundred acres or land view of establishing tneir Orphans' Home at that place. As is already known, tbe hotel property belongs tu the trustees of Davidson College. Winston Daily: The camp meeting at Mulr's Chapel is said to be growing in interest. A number have asked for Dravers. and several conversions are reported. Rev. John Alspaugh, father of our townsman, Col. J. W. Al spaugh, who resides about seven miles west of Winston, was attacked with a slight hemorrhage yesterday evening while returning from his spring to his house. He is 90 years old. Greensboro Patriot: The committee on Duiiaing the rirst fresbyterian church met the contractors in the Chamber of Commerce rooms on Tues day night and accepted a plan and proposition for the building of tbe church. Mr. W. S. Moore on yester day showed us a drawing of the plan. It represents a beautiful building of the Queen Ann style, and will be a fine ornament to that part of the city. It will cost $20,000. Norfolk Virginian:" There is a dis gusted Johnston county (N. C.) mer chant in Norfolk this morning. He is poorer by about $50 than when he landed here with the Fayetteville ex cursion party Thursday evening, and if he had much wealth left he would hire some one to kick him for his folly. He is a man of intelligence and good stand ing at home a Mason aud an Odd Fel lowand says he never permits him self to act at home as he has in Nor folk. Charlotte Chronicle: The drummer from Richmond, J. A. Fleming, who was taken to Lexington Friday night, 1 iu ausnci a. tuaito ui assault, ouu. uar t8r for whippin& a iad named Kinney with a buggy whip, as reported in yes ter day's Chronicle, had a hearing im mediately on his arrival a Lexington, and was bound over in the sum of $100 to further investigation 'till Monday, September 8th. Mrs. Chas. Mclver, wife of Prof. Mclver who held the In stitute here several weeks Bgb, will be the lady principal at the Charlotte Female Institute this winter. Mrs. Alderman was unable to fill the posi tion on account of ill health. Raleigh News-Observer: We are glad to see that the popular ebullition pver the attack made on Senator Vance has subsided, the attack being no longer pressed, and the whole episode is now relegated to the past. According to a census bulletin the bonded debt of the counties of North Carolina in 1880 was $1,248,711; in 1890, $1,319,866, an j increase of 6 per cent. In 1880, the floating debt of" the North Carolina counties was $275,943; in 1890, $201,220, a decrease of 27 percent. Taking the two together, the total county debt in 1880 was $1,524,654, and now it is $1, 521,086, showing a decrease of $3,500. Lexington Dispatch: The protracted meeting at Lane's Chapel was held last week by Rev. J2. J. Pope, of Jackson Hill. There were twelve conversions during the meeting. The meeting at Shiloh, which began Saturday, the 16th. closed last Friday night, with the result of thirty-three conversions and twenty-one accession and the church was greatly revived. This is said to have been the best meeting that has been held at Shiloh in many years. Rev. M. W. Boyles has closed a meet ing of great power at Good Hope M. E. Church, South, which resulted in forty five conversions and thirty-four acces sions to the church. The meeting at Wesley Chapel closed Monday night. There were thirty-three conversions and twentyfive accessions, and the church was greatly strengthened and revived. Asheyille Citizen: Evangelist Fife is very desirous Jof establishing a yearly conference at Charlotte to be held of ministers and laymen of the different churches throughout this section for the study of ! the Bible, and the best methods of preaching and teaching. Mr. Fife says 6hould he locate at Char lotte he intends to build and audito rium seating about 2,000 people. The Carolina Woodworking Company was organized yesterday. It is a stock company and starts with $12,000 capi- president: B. G. Saunders, vice presi dent; J. E. Dickerson, secretary and treasury. George Roby, a carpenter, fell from the steeple of the Catholic church yesterday and re ceived four bad scalp wounds and was seriously injured internally. The concensus of opinion seems to be that Vance may wear a sash, but that the North Carolina voters draw the line at "yaller" shoes Edward Stephens, who has come here as prin cipal of the colored schools, was born in an English colony in South America. At the age of two years he was taken to England. He attended the school there, then went ta Paris and from there to Switzerland, where he gradu ated from a university. Subsequently he took a post graduate cour&e in a German university. He speaks French, German and Portugese fluently, also Spanish, Dutch and Italian. He speaks English with a slight French accent. He has traveled extensively; has been almost around the world, and spent a year in Africa as a mssionary. .i l,!v ft v Purooll B so Wm. A rale investment Is owe which is guaranteed to bring you Ktti factory results, or in case of tailu- a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised' Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. It Is guaranteed to bring relief in every cae, when used for any affec tion of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough. Croup, etc., etc.' It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at R. U. Eillamy's, wholesale and retail druggist. "I hear you have had an addition to your family, ! Mr. Brown!" Mr. Brown, sadly: ''Multiplication, my dear madam twins!" A Boon to the Sick. Dr. King's Royal Germeteur is en dorsed by Rev. J. B. Hawthorne, pas tor First Baptist church, Atlanta, Ga., who says: It is a great remedy." Rev. Sam P. Jones says: I wish every poor suffering wife had access to that medicine." Thousands of others attest its virtues. Fifty gallon are drank in Atlanta daily, where it is performing remarkable cures. It removes the cause of disease and builds up from the first dose. Send stamp for all partic ulars, certificates of wonderful cures, etc., to King's Royal Germeteur Co., Atlanta, Ga. It CURES WHEN ALL else FA ITS. Price $160 per concen trated bottle, which makes one gallon of medicine as per directions accom panying each bottle. Can be sent by express C. O. D. r vour druggist can je 3 tf not supply you. The Northern Conference , of the iNorth Carolina svnoa win convene Friday, August 29th, in St. Michel's Lutheran church', Iredell county. LEMON E XIR. A f leaiant Lemon Drink. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion, and- foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick and i nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility. take Lemon Elixir. For Jfevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver. stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. 50c. and SI. 00 per bottle. Sold by druggists. j A Prominent MinUter Write. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness disordered kidnevs and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. Rev. C. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, ! No. 28 Tatnall St., Atlanta, Ga. . Rev. M W. Ho vies has closed a meeting at Good Hope M. E. church, South, which resulted in forty-five con versions and thirty-four accessions to the church. . ! Startling: Discovery, The discovert b the inhabitants of locality hitherto nnvisited br the pestilent ecoarae of t erer and agrue,that it exists in their very rnirst, U decidedly startling. Such diseovrries aie made at every season, in every part of the Union. Subsequently, when it is ascertained, as it Invariably is at snrh times, thmujrh the valuable experience of me one who has keen benefitted and cured.! that Ho tetter's Stomach Bitters is a thoroughly efficacious erariicator of the malarial poison, isd a means of fortifying: the system against It, a feeling of more security and tranquility reigns throughout the -whole neighborhood. Besides the febrile forms of malarial disease, dumb ague and ague cake are removed by the potent action of the Bitters, to which science aso gives Its sanction as a reme dy for rheumatism, I dyspepaia, constipation, liver complaint, debility, kldnev troubles, and all diseases impairing tbe organs of digestion and assimilation. I PIC7IIC -:- HAMS 1 GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS. SUGAR CURED MEAT Sold as a drive o stimulate the trade at 10c per pound retail by S. W. Sanders & Co., J. C. Stevenson &. Co., B. F. Swann, Agent. -SOLD AT WHOLESALE BY- i J. G. Stevenson & Taylor auSStf WANTED TTTOQL, AND BEESWAX. If ConiUnunecta solicited. j. SAMUEL BEAR, SR, 4iUarket tret, Wilmington N. C. u3tf DIRECT IMPORTATION AGAIra. NOW LANDING FROM BRIO "CARL JOFIAN," FROM LIVERPOOL, F O ETY -F J V K CRATES -J- EARTr ENWAR'E AUo seventy firtnrre oowonth way. welch will the nt-xt fifteen dura. Oar friends that bar kindly waiting on v for ifaeir good will now be served at once. E, Springer & JUST COMING Terms as Giles & Murchison. je 29 tf LAST OFFER ! MUST BE SOLD J Balance Summer Shoes at Your Own Bids ! i i . i- We do not intend to carry over a single pair. Fr th next (n day r"lll continue, to clear out" all in SLIPPERS X PRICES10WER THAN EVER KNO;; Call and ask for your size and we will I demonstration. Geo. R. French a lOS "TSTortAi OPPOSITE PURE -:- SALMOftx ' Mullets, Can Mackerel, Sardines, Soaps, Lye. j Frederick The IS TUE 216 florth Water Street, VilminQton, fi. C u27dAwtf The Hotel Rober : MT. AIEY, 3ST. O TbU magnificent structure situated on tbe highest point of Will be opened for the Reception of GuesU. June 1, 1811CV d will be con ducted In connection with tbe botel at tbe famotw WMUj Hulpbor i Spring, which will be In charge of Mr. KUFLf4 ROBERTS, owner and proprlcu r. The Hotel Kobrt contains one hundred chamber rooms, furnftbed In the latei style with all modern conyeniencca, and cao accommodate UX) gue?U. (The Hotel at the Springs can accommodate 160 guesu In addition.) f Busses will meet guesu at the train and convey them to the Hotel Roberta frco of charge, where guests for the White Sulphur Springs can remain OTer night without extra charge, their board commencing at tbe time of their aJ rival at the Hotel Roberts. . i ' ; The Hotel will be furnished with fresh water from the Springs eTery day. The road to the Springs has been put in the best condition aud fimt-cla con ve varices will run to and from the Springs several times every day. i The windows of the Hotel Roberts command a magnificent viw of 31 oun tain Scenery as far as the eye can reach, in two States, Virginia and North Carolina. For um, ud parUcufr. writ, to . JUUFUS ;ROBKKTS. aianoger Hotel Roberta- Vjopr White Sulpbur Springs. my23tf otLWE INSURANCE.! Total Assets... Total Surplus tlons.... ........... 1 125,638,539 Accumular t 25,633,i$ ORGANIZED 1S43. O Pays each day an average of . . . .112,000 The abore figures apply to the Mutoal Life Insurance Co of New York. hMrtt I ibe oliet lnurai ce company la tne UnttM stale, and the i 8Tst ccnipaay In the world. For intor mAuon a to raica, aoarea, Ulftnf ac 31. 8. WIIsIiAHD, AfirU j 210 N. Water Street.; Telephone No. 5. jy 29 tf i Jt arivr ir tVn ZE5Icretc5crc t - :o: odd and nds ' we have and LOW -SHOES. verify 'theM? statement by Sr F'rori XSJOTOlSr, INT. o. STOCK' IN ! ' GigarN Great BEST.- n aalo Main Wanted I &4 W ell recommad partter vita i ' I rspiul. to enracs la a uwih4 taljv - -1 t ProCu op ta tne UziU rach year. AO care thU oSce, M" saSflJw trex ALDEKMaN, FLaNNKB U CO.. V Wholesale and Retail Dealers 1 Builders' Hardware, Uoaae-Furnlshlnc GoodaJ Pump rue Drtck tOTea, 11A NORTH FRONT STREET ftasltf -1