1 pTHE UES3EHGER , tsft4liTV-ttrtt. TO ADVERTISERS: THE MESSENGER hiiatarr Cremation than tty other Ncw- A A A I' J" i r ii ii till tmcit umtxzu. 4 pap :' in theauio. I THE BEST AOVSnTISINO MEDIUM ! in thi South. t " SCtirT KtKtiH stCssHtsrn.K.C. i AltTrar Atlrrtl r.its rjr rrer. MJSUED 1867V WILMINGTON, N. O. THURSDAY, OCTOBER ic. 1800. PRICK FIVE 'CKSTS. Mill A H A. A, 1 i . : ' A I'll IC HUMMAOT. ga!. "f NcwrYoik, charged with r-.'l.ast Wtn sentenced to fourteen r.. !'' .'uni'-nt. ine twenty- evemn C()riv : ti ;n (.f the Brotherhood of Loco-j.-rLnr.f th met in Pittsburg yeterday. ,(.,. lint ion .offered iu the Ohii LegisU t. ;r' ! ! j Governor for calling the V Clwt.V I'd!. 0,uuu nuu ic uvwJH f 'I'mk'.-Si aiunonues are moat cru- aire ,,'jv torture! wui vi"i t th -The Mexican Government metric system of weights and I & tr tfin TntAmititMitl lnar. ,. ", ,,r, ... --W. J. Ilogera, Democratic tjJ(j second aiHirict nag resigned It No one will be appointed in . I lure are conflicting rumors, a to tlif wL' :: about of Dillon and O'Brien. One ,, j, :t -sv-they are in hiding in Paris; an ,,:!. r, that Mr. Healy has received a dispatch froui tUrn y t'g 'hey landed at Cherbourg vruy rraifitt icjane 10 tuuwut iu ItHliai) occu'!ition at- Kassala. Four men wre rf"ued Tuesday from a wreck off Nova Si'.tU aff-r having remained on it all night .I'iriii? heavy Btorm. Thirteen of the crew w rc drowned. Several of the bishops and arch-bishop of Ireland have been summoned to tti'i Vatican.- The Republicans elect , v-ven out of the sixteen aldermen at Chatta- irxK. ne police oflicer in Chicago shoota anoth'T. The contract has been awarded for i ijttinir li'-aters anil ventilating apparatus in the Federal building at Charlotte. The Ru Man Government will introduce a reformed judicial ytem in cjibfcria. Another injunc tion aaiiiMt the nntar true, has been granted in Brooklyn. -T.l. Gill, of the Irish-Ameri ican detonation giras the object of the dele gates' vicit to America. The annual conven ti-m of the Legion of Honor was begun in St. Lonirt yewterday. 4-Tio removal of the Cana- dmu export duty on logs has greatly increased the exportation to (the United States. -The Piedmont Exposition at Atlanta was opened enterday. The mutinous British soldiers of the Su ry regiment. embarked for India yestcr dav. -The Con nt; of Paris and party spent yesterday on t.he Gettysburg battlefield. r I lev. I). C. Kelly, Prohibition candidate for (Jovemor of. Tennessee, has been suspended for leaving his charge without consent of the Con Terence. The American Gaslight Association m in hedsion iii Savannah, Ga. The revenue rut ,er Uu-th has just returned from thb Alaskan seal business. Her captain reports giat pcarcity of seals. I'ISTOL-GllAI'IIS. f Stanley's book ht lliri'r wry well. id so high it is not J reports ;iro that the Kadi are get ting1 scared overj Minnesota. Reed is the exponent of revolution ary ideas in politics and ought to be vippressed. 1 ' ' - The Omaha World thinks politics are kind. They permit .a man to kill hirn ?elf and then"" to-it on the fence and -otho funeral go by. An alilo I). I)., writes to us "We ad mire and appreciate the enterprise of the Mksskn'(2i;i in publishing the ser mons (Jones meetings) in" full." Ilev. Sam Jones's great-grand-father .was a North Caroliriian and moved to Alabama, where his grand-father still survi ves at a very advanced age. f The Philadelphia Ledger, -a mild, unfrvativo llpublican paper, is ufraid the shameful abuses of pensions will eause their total wiping out. Tennesseeans are talking again of a mo iument to Gen. Bedford Forrest. It o'ight to have been erected long ago. He was a grand ton of North Carolina. Kv. A. C. Dixjon, brother of lie v. 'lui, and perhaps a, better balanced pivacher, a North Carolinian born in !it lby, in LSVI, is to be the pastor of Hanson l'lace Baptitt Church, Brook N. V. T ho sweot old story of the year is spinning onward to a close, Yet founds as welcome on the ear as u the t iuiii of op'ning rose. My lift for ;ih sweetly wane As comes tbu autumn lime ailn ! Exchange. Oncbundred thousand dollars have been raised to buy up- votes for McKin ley. That is his cah value. What a lino moral party of tine 'Vnmi ideas' is tno old piratical I IVidical thiu d bOodle! ? with its cross-bones an The last issue of the Raleigh South ern Farvicr was a good one, 'knd con tained a number of illustrations of the North Carolina 'Agricultural Kxperi ment Station, with descriptive text ac companying. It also had a picture of the ''Agricultural Building." This writer was born within those walls, but long before it was ever used for the purpose to which it is now deroted. At Syracuse, Now York, James O. 'Connor was playing Hamlet. The actors were each time kept busy dodg ing tomatoes, potatoes, beans and ninkfurters. The tragedian was hit onco by a tomato on the head. The loats were smashed and general paode- raoBium reigned. The lights were Cnally turned off and tbd audience left. And all that in the boastful, civilized orth Uodyism 6eems io be the pro ction of no particular lection. LUKEWARM DEMOCRATS ENDANGERING THE SUCCESS OF THE PARTY AT THE POLLS. Com plain til of Light KeKlstrationfv-A Ke- ward for a Homicide Large Cro vrda at tlie Fair Add reus on Agricultural Topics Delightful German The Confederate Concert Trinity College Matter. Messenger Bureau, Raleigh. N. C. Oct. 15, 1S90. j Governor Fowle to-day offered $200 reward for John McCreary, who stands charged with the murder of Oscar Bar- ringer, in Davidson College, both par ties being coiored. j The fair certainly draws the people. Thy poured into the city last evening and this morning and it is safe to say that there was never a larger attend anco on Wednesday. The weather la3t night became much cooler, and all fears of rain were dispelled. j North Carolina crowds at the State fair are invariably well dressed and well behaved. Of drunkenness very little is noticeable. The people this year are up to the highest standard. The proportion of pretty women is large. It is not overstepping the mark to say that good looks and style in crease annually. The country people have come in, busy as they are. All th9 expectations as to the attendance are more than realized. The Capital 'Club last evening gave an elegant German, in which twenty six couples participated. To-morrow evening there will be another, in which there will be at least forty couples. To morrow evening the amateurs will give a farce and some pantomimes at Metro politan hall, in aid of-St. John's Hos pital, a worthy loeal charity, which is greatly in need of "funds. This, even ing there is toe a "Confederate Con cert" in aid of the Soldiers Home. It is a repetition of the one given last July during the fair in aid of the Home, which proved to bo so popular The Homo now has five inmates. The cotton compress is now running night and day and is compressing 1.400 bales daiiv. The county canvass is oil" this; week, by reason of the Fair. i Several Wilmington people are here, among them Messrs. Willie Morrison and John D. Bellamy, Jr., who are both marshals. ; A prominent gentleman fromjCataw ba to-day tells me the Democrats there are not registering, and he is alarmed at this condition of affairs in that fine old "banner" county. He says the Al liance is to blame for this condition of atfairs, and that many people declare they will not register. Some people, ho tells me, say they would as soon vote for a Republican as for a Democrat provided he will pledge himself to sup port Alliance views and measures. It is well to state these things frankly. Is it any wonder that, sphinx-like, John B. Haves stalks about the streets, appearing to care nothing about how the campaign goesV He can well af ford to be idle if Democrats are' supine and careloss. What is the matter with people any way V A prominent preacher said to mo yesterday that the old lead ers, or tne great majority or Uiom, are. "bound to go and that they will get no more support. Vance he makes a strong exception to this. The people are restless and whereas in some sec tions the Democrats are working like beavers, there are many adverse inllu enees and, worst of all, lethargy to tight against. ' i A letter to mo from Trinity College says there are at present 153 students in attendance. Tno intellectual life of the placo is broadening and deepening ami tne eoiiege is beiievea to De on tne eve of a great religious awakening. Arrangements have been made for 7 oYlecK meetings daily throughout the weeiv. State Secretary Coulter, of the Y.,M. C. A., is there in consultation with the members. Among the new students there i it huge measure of re ligious interest. The "Archive" comes out to-morrow. This year it will be pushed with unusual vigor and has every prospect of prosperity before it. The editors have arranged for a regu lar edition oi 500 copies, have increased the amount of reading master, and en larged its scope.; The i constitution of the loan association is in the hands of the printers and will soon be given to the" public. .The object of this associa tion isHo place witnin the reach of every one the necessary means for ob taining an education at college. Sev eral of the young alumni of the college are pushing it. The foot ball is boom ing over the campus from 4 to 0, even ings. George is. LaBar, Wilkesbarre, Penn., has been elected captain. The material for a good team is more plen tiful than last year and a great deal of tine playing may be seen even at this early day iu practice. Yesterday afternoon there was a lit' tie excitement at the fair grounds. A cast away cigar set fireto the grand stand. A few buckets of water extin guished it. This year, there is for the first time, a charge of ten cents for admission to the grand stand and it is certainly un popular. . The management erred greatly iu making any charge, or in al lowing any to be made,itfaen for seven teen years there had never been an admission fee. The display of stock at the fair mer its a close study. Capt. B. P. William son bears away the honors for his show of horses. He has twenty-five in the stalls, all from his well known breeding farm near here. The Second Regiment, which is so ably commanded by Col. W. C. fJOnea, is to nave ftn ATfAllAnt hanrl. Tne Quartermaster General will not be able u equip the band until next year, when it will be thoroughly done. . Henry, p. "Cheatham, will have a walk-over in thexCongressiOnal race in the Second district, as he will have no opposition . It was understood t Jiat he could not be beaten any way, as the Ccratiaaed oa fourth pag4 AN IIEU0IC RESCUE of Four Shipwrecked lien Clinging to the Wreck for Twenty-Four Hoar Dnrlec a Terrific Storm Thirteen Men Drowned. New Glasgow, N. S. Oct. 15. A thrilling story is that of the rescue of four men who remained on the wreck of the bark Melraerby, stranded at Lit tle Harbor while on a voyage from Quebec for Greenock with lumber, and from which the captain made his escape and tne second officer and twelye men were drowned. All day Monday a crowd stood on the beach watching he poor unfortunates on the wreck, but the spectators were powerless to enect or even attempt a rescue, so wild was the sea. and night settled uown witn- out any abatement of the terriffic storm. Two men remained on tne snore ana occasionally would wave lanters to show the 6hip wrecked men mat iney were not forgotten. - When morning dawned Tuesday an immense concourse assembled, but it was noon before it was considered at all possible to make an attempt at res cue Then a boat was launched, man ned by a volunteer crew consisting of Captain P. Graham, David Frazier Williamson, Dr. McLeon of New Glas gow. James Moglashen of Big Island. and a Discotise man. The brave fel- lows fought a terrible battle with the waves, out eventually reacnea tne wreck, when a mighty cheer went up from the anxious watchers on the shore. One by one the exhausted and be numbed ship wrecked men were low ered into the boat and, after a second 1 a T a 1 desperate battle with the waves, were conveyed safely to land. The work was facilitated by a liberal use of oil. Two of the rescued men were fcick and one had his shoulder broken. .The rescued men were Sea men Kane, Evans and Steward and the captain . of a schooner, who went to supply tho bark with provisions and were unable to re gain their own vessel. The stranded Melmerby is fast breaking up. Locomotlve Engineers In Convention. Pittsburg, Oct. -15. The twenty seventh annual convention of the In ternationai Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers was called to order at the old City Hall by Grand Chief Engineer Arthur this morning. There was a large attendance of delegates, every one of the four hundred and fifty-two divisions in the organization being represented. The entire day was de voted to calling the roll, receiving cre dentials and perfecting the organiza tion. The convention will be in session at least two weeks and will not get down to business before Friday. To morrow will bo devoted to a grand open meeting at whifch addresses will be made by Chauncev M. DeDew. Chief Arthur, Mayor Gourley and others. After the noon adjournment. Grard Chief Arthur and First Grand Engineer Ingraham were seen, but neither of the gentlemen were willing to venture an opinion as to what understanding the convention would come to on the ques- tion oi amuation with the Federation of Railroad Employes, Chief Arthur saying the sentiment seemed nearly evenly divided. The sentiment "seems against the proposition to unite with the Knights of Labor. Morris Park Kaces. ?ew ork, Oct. 15. The New York Jockey club closed an unsuccessful meeting to day. The weather was fine and though the card was not brilliant, a fair crowd was present. The track was poor. First race, for beaten horses, $750, live iunongs Madstone won, Eclipse second, iteiny tnird: time 1:011. Second race, Stonewall Wetta handi cap, $1,000 added, six furlongs Annie won, Bradford second,Lake View third; time r.ioj. Third race. Echo stakes for three year-olds, $1,000 added, mile and a six teenth St. James won, Punster, Jr., secona, insignt tnird; time 1:57. t ourth race, $7o, for non-winners of $1,000 this season, x mile Paramelta won, Masterlode second, Benedictine third; time 1:48$. h lfth race, fall test handicap, $2,000 added, mile and a quarter Diablo won, My Fellow second, Eurus third: time :::i7. bixtn race, farewell stakes for two year-olds, $1,000 added, six furlongs Kirkover won, Terrifier second, Mon- trey third; time L16i. Seventh race, all ages, $1,500 added, mile and a sixteenth Can Can won, distancing tleye; time 1:56. Atlanta's Exposition. ATLANTA, Ga., Oct. 15. The Third fair of the Piedmont Exposition asio - ciation was formally opened to-day in mo uicacuw ui I "use truwu. xae procession to the grounds was made up r - i - oi miuiary companies ana was one oi the finest ever seen here. Senator oiquiu ana jonn lempie uraves were tne orators of the day and Mayor Glenn was matter oi ceremooies. Tho exDO- sition, which will be participated in by tne wnoio Piedmont section, opened unaer most lavorabie circumstances. Great Damage From n Clond-Barst. WHEELING. W. Va,. Oct. 15. Fur ther particulars from the interior are to ire eiiect that in Braxton county great losses were sustained by farmers and lumber men by a cloud-burst Sun day evening. Many thousands of rail- road ties and hundreds of thousands of feet of lumber were swept away, crops ue&iruyeu ana a number or farmers al most ruined. Belcnlnjr tno Concroasional Candidacy Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 15. W. J. Rogers, Democratic : nominee for Con- (fraa in t hfl f-vfrrnrl . KnrtVi Povnlinn District, has tendered his resignation on account of ill health, which the P.r. ecutive committee accepted, but de clined to make another nomination, aa the district is largely Republican and the time docs not now . permit of a can vass of the districts DILLON AND O'BRIEN SAID TO BE IN PARIS WAITING NEWS FROM AMERICA. FOR Other Rnmort a to Their Movement Re formed Jndlclal System for Siberia Tor taring Armenian Prisoner British Ma- tlgona Troop l in Dark for India-Irish Prelates Summoned to the Vatican. DUBLIN, Oct. 15. The taking of ev- idence against the defendants under in- I dlctment for conspiracy was resumed I in the magistrate b court at Tipperary I this morning', evidence was given with I the object of showing the defendants I had used their influence among tenants I on the Smith-Barry estate in the direc- I tion of inducing them not to pay rents. I The first witness called by the prosecu- I tion was a policeman. He testified that I the defendants, in company with John I Kellv. had made visits to Smith-Barrv I te n ants. The defendants here inter-I rupted the examination of the witness I to ask Crown Prosecutor Ron an whv I the evidence about Kelly was intro- I duced. lionaa replied that the obiect I of the prosecution in laying this evi- I dence before the court was to connect I Kelly with the O'Brien and Dillon Dart I of the conspiracy. Mr. Healy protested I against the court dealing with matters tbat had taKen place anterior to the I time mentioned in the summons issued I against the defendants. Theobiection was overruled. During the proceedings in the court Mr. Healy - was handed a telegram; tearing the envelope open he found it contained a dispatch from Messrs. Dil- i -i rvmLj s i t arrival at Cherbourg, France, to-day. Ti,v tmrtit rotil WQJ ,oin.nfl,i ion auu vs uticu auuuuouu lueir stuu The utmost reticence was maintained among the Nationalists as to the man ner in which Dillon and O'Brien eluded the vigilance of the police and effected their escape from the country. If. is the intention of the Goyernment to en deavor to learn who aided them in their escape and if their accomplices are discovered, cthey will be criminally prosecuted. There are rumors in circulation here that M. Raffalovich and the members of his family declare that Dillon and O'Brien have not been in France and 'assert . that they have sailed for America. London, Oct. 15. Mr. Thomas Power O'Conner's paper,'the Star an nounces that the Most Rev. Michael t tv r a tiiV. DtnVnn nf i m I t" . cese of Armagh and Primate of all Ire land, Most Rev. William J. Walsh, D. D., Arch-Bishop of the Diocese of Dub lin, Most Rev. Thomas W. Croke, D. D., Arch-Bishop of Cashel and Most Rev, John MacEnilly. D. D., Arch- Bishop of Tuam have been summoned v ,a D . r appear early part of next year. This, the Stari says, is an unual and . significant step and is seldom adopted. The fact that a summons for tne Arct-tsisnops nas been issued has been known only to a limited circle. The Catholic Archie- piscopacy are deeply interested. It is; believed the summons is issued in con nection with the Irish political situa tion and kindred subjects. The Arch- Bishops and Bishops are ijow delibera ting and it is probable that they will soon issue a series oi resolutions witn reference to Irish affairs. . Paris, Oct. 15. La Prcsse says that T?11-. nnA r? .i-. oFlnii Ka!ii flinltt T 1 1 . . . , : 1 : ii ulu ji ciciuf, toon, passau uu a otniiuy vessel and landed at L.uc bur Mer on landed at the coast of Normandy on Sundav. They passed the night at the residence there of M. Raffalovich, the banker whose daughter is the wife of O'Brien! Monday they came to Paris and thence proceeded to M. Raffalovich's county house at Lif in the department ol Seine-Et-Oise. They returned to Paris last night, but their address in the city is kept secret. If the news received from America is favorable to the Irish mission to that country, they will start for New i ork at the end of the week If it becomes manifest that it is their intention to remain in Paris the Gov ernment will request them to leave. LONDON, Oct. 15. The detachment of the East Surry regiment which was I recently ordered from Guernsey to India, and which at first refused to obey orders, sailed from Portsmouth for India to-day- The embarkation of the troops was marked by no disorder. The men stated that they objected to doing foreign service and wilfully misbe haved: thinking they would be pun ished in England, preferring to under go punishment here than to do service in India- j Vienna. Oct. 15. A despatch from rVmstntinoDle states that arrests f 1 Armenians are still beinc made and I that many of those who had been taken i into custoav nave Deen snocKingiy max I treated and tortured. Among the oth . i er cruelties to which the prisoners nave VwPn subjected is the with-holding from I them of all food. They have also been I deprived of sleep. Persons suspected of diRiovaltv are arrested udou infor I mation being lodged against them by I any spy. The Armenians recently ar- I rested for attempting to murder a rich priest in Koomkapon, a quarter of Con stantioople, was to-day found dead in his cell. It Is alleged that his death was the direct result of tortures inflict ed upon him. The officials at Vau, Armenia, fare still arming the Turks, and the outrages upon the Armenians there are of frequent occurence. j St. Petersburg, Oct. 15. The Rus sian Government will shortly introduce a reformed judicial system in Siberia and the Russian possessions in Central Asia. Naples, Get. 15. Lord.Duffleld had a cordial interview of about an hour's duration with Premier Crispi to-day with reference to tho RedSaEenitory. It is stated that a complete en ttntt was effected. Cherbourg, Oct. 15. Messrs. Dil lon, O'Brien and Claney arrived at hotel Aigle at noon to-day and started lor Paris this evening. the oiiio LEcasLAinu:. A Resolution Censoring the Governor In trod need Bills Introduced for Keroedy Ing the Gros Abases in Cincinnati Circle Columbu. Ohio. cu IV Vcrv iiuie nas tx-en accompiuhed in the Legislature. This moraine a resolu tion was offered in the House, the tone of which censured the Governor for calling an extra ecfslon. The Houe caucus agreed to, support a bill giving the Governor the power 01 removal from boards at Cincinnotti, and for an investigating committee. In the Son- ate a bill was introduced to abolish tbo omce or wOmptrouer at Cincinnati, ana a resolution was offered ior a committee to prepare a plan for a city govern ment for that city and to report in Jan uary. All went over under tho rules. Bills providing for the abolishment oi tne Board oi improvements ana Decennial board at Cincinnati were read a second lime intbe benate to day and referred to the authors with leave to report. The Democratic Sen ate and House caucusses have substan tially agreed upon the character of tho legislation which shall be had in con nection' with the Cincinnati question. A bill was proposed and will be intro duced to-morrow, amending the law under which the board was created. giving the Governor the power ot re- movai ana providing ior tne selection of the members of the board at the April election. This implies tno re raoval of the members of the present board and the appointment of others bv the Governor. In the interest of harmony and compromise. Governor Campbell has acceded the proposition. nr. 1 Ml ill I! Ia it is expeciea me dui wm do iniro- to-morrow and the p ace of the bills based upon Governor Carop- bell's message. Purely Palmetto Points. Bennettsville, S. C, Oct. 15. SPECIALJ The work on tho Charles ton. Sumter and Northern railroad is progressing satisfactorily. I he con tractors have commenced building tho bridge across the Pee Deo river. The rock for the foundation is transported bv rail from Wadesboro. N.1 C. to So ciety Hill, thence by Hats down tne riv er to the proper place, lhe engine. now running between Bennettsville and the river, will shortly be sent around to do service on the other side. President Gray, of the Cape rear and Yadkin Vallev railroad, was in railroad, town on last Friday. While here, ac companied by a number of our promi nent citizens, he "christened" tne Charleston, Sumter and Northern rail road, as far as completed, Misses Alma and Alice lireeden were warmlv greeted by their friends on their return from Europe last week, I Miss Alexa McCall, daughter oi D. U. lieU 11, ISLJ., JlCQlUCUIl Ul 1U v. bank, left for Charleston to day to en ter Miss Kelly's popular school. The "schoolmaster was abroad" on last Saturday, but he went with peace ful intent and no harm has come of it. He went to meet his fellow workers of the Marlboro Teachers' council at Ta tum. S. C. The council meets monthly at tbo most accessible ooints in tho county for the purpose of diseussing questions of special Interest to teachers. Marlboro county seems to bean at tractive field of labor for North Caro lina tpaohfirs. Nine "Tar Heels' arc n0w teaching within the county. f I I One Police Officer Shot by Another. Chicago, Oct. 15. Oflicer Junge, of the Stanton Avenue station, was shot and fatally wounded by a brother offi cer earlv this morning. The men have been enemies for sometime. Several weeks aeo Madden, accused Junge of being a member of the order of Depu ties, which is supposed to be an antl Catholic body, and a wordy war ensued. Since then Junge has sought to get even for the epithets applied to him by Madden at that time and has several times reported him to his superior of ficer for entering saloons in uniform. contrary to regulations. It was one of these reports that angered Madden last night and he went out in search of Junge, They quarrelled and Jungo struck at Madden with his club, when the latter drew his - revolver and, shot Junge in the left side about two inches above the heart. The physician pro nounces his case hopeless. An Injunction Against tbe So car Trust. New sTork, Oct. la. A- temporary in iunction was granted to-dav, on the application of Duncan Cameron, by Judge Pratt, in tha Supreme court of Brooklyn against' the trustees of the sugar trust, Kidder, Peabody and Com pany, tbe Central Trust and others, to enjoin tbem from proceeding further witn tne penaing reorganization oi too trust and from parting with any of tho assets or -stock certificates oi tne com pany. A receiver is also applied for. The hearing to make injunction per manent U set down for Monday next. Tbo American Gasllxht Association. S a vanxah, Ga., Oct. 15. The Amer ican Gaslight Association began its eighteenth annual session this morning with nearly two hundred members E resent- The delegates were received y the mayor and aldermen. The ses sion will last three Cays. The follow ing officers were elected to-dav: Pres ident. John P. Harbison, Hartford, Coon-; Vice Presidents, W. H. White of Ne w York, H. E. Boardman of Ma con, W. H. Pearson of Toronto; Secre tary and Treasurer, C. J. R. Humphry? of Lawrence, Maes. A number of papers on technical subjects were read. Tno JCepnbllcmM Carry Nasitvillx, Tenn.,Oct. 15. A Chat tanooga special say: In the city elec tion yesterday the Democrats captured only two wards the third and eighth. The political complexion of the new Board of Aldermen will - be eleven Re publicans and fiye Democrats. It was the quietest election ever held in this city, owing to the Dortsch registration law. - .. ..: - ! AVASIIINGTOX CITY. THE LATEST NEWS FAOM TMC TIONAL CAPITAL NA The-Recommend 4ta of live ltere Vmm- Amerlcaa Conferworo I the Mt t tem to W A4ed by Me ! IU ports of Population Aw aid mad ft lleatlag Federal Italldtngat Charlotte- Wakiungton. tkrt. B.The vr.v bureau to-day announces the follow I m; jiopulatlon: Gahrlon. Tex., rJ! , an increase of 670 twr cent. T4D nm Houston, Tex , 17.41 1, an itjerta ct lp.Sj-Jwr rent. Bowling Grvn. Kyi, 7,7U, an locrcaxs of -,GTH rwr cent. 57; Montgomery, Ala., an increase of 4,Ai pr cent, 7i7; tho State of Alabama, l.vns.073 - an In crcaws of 4J45,5es per cvnu 1.4'. The amount of sliver offered for a'. to the Treasury to-day amounted to 4S6,000 ounce and the amount pur chased 275,000 ounce a follow: 7S.(J at 1.0959, JO0,0(iO at 1.03Q9. Washington, Oct, 15 Thr Secre tary of State bos received a dispatch from Minister Ryan at the Citvof Mrx ico, announcing that tho Mexican Re public will adopt the recommendation of the International American confer ence with rt gard to a uniform jitcm of weights and mcaurc. Since 1Si7, say the dispatch, various legal pro visions have been adopted to placo tho metric system in prnctlco and make il- use general, although, up to the pre cot it has been only employed i-n official business. Measures have reoeptlv vt taken by the Government which will shortly eventuate in tho adoption of this as tbo only y stem of weighu and measures to bo used in the . Mexican Republic. WASIIINGTONf Oct. 15 Tho hUl were opened at tho Treasury Depart ment to-day for furnishing steam hrM ing and ventilating apparatus for th public building at Charlotte. N. l J. H. Fauslev, Charleston, S. C , wan tho lowest bidder at 5,1CJ4. t1 Scarcllr of Heals In Hehrlnc a. San FitANCif co, Cal., Oct. 15 T. revenue cutter Richard Rjh orrled- to-day, four dnyp from Port Townsend. Capt. Coulson ald: ..W have tot seen one hundred nmls thi ht feon lietween Ounaluka and 'the 'In lands, going to and fro, and Rookeri. are deserted. The fact that 1 1 .- Northwestern Commercial company obtalned only 21,000 skins g(K'H far ward sustaining tho nncrtlun tliat tb seals are declining in numkrc Wo saw only five vessels tho entire reason in the seal ciifT and. if they wcro-t work they did it entirely to the wet- ward. We aw no appearance on board' the craft that they were engnged irr Ulega. work but wo warned tbcm ou. . Heavy Import of Timber. OTT A WA, Ontario, Oc t. 1 5 . 1 he r e - moval of the Canadian export duty on logs is showing iu effect. Already there is an enormous reival iu ship ments to the United State. n. dealer has applied for 400 car. The Treasury Department at Wash ington on receipt of tho new of the Canadian Governments action in structed the customs collectors toenlr Canadian lumber at tho rate fixed in tho McKlnley act, the new law provid ing that the old rates should xxi main-. tained ho long as the export duty wa- malntaincd by Canada. Kngland ami Portufial Rome, Oct. 15 The Vuinl U.u i-- commenting on the rupture in the ne gotiations between England and Italy regarding the determination or tL frontiers of the Red Sea territory a) that at the last moment of the negotia tions Lord Salisbury Instructed Sir. Evelyn Baring, one of the British dele gates to the conference, not to ".asw.nl to the occupation of Kawala ry Italy. because Franco absolutely rcfuwd to consent to Italian occupation of that place. Continuing, the paper way: Ii by this step France thought she woyb! diminish tho cordiality existing -twecn Italy and England she 'will not succeed. ' i Tbe Ieelon of llnnnr ST. I)LIS, Oct. 15. The twenty sixth annual meeting of tho fra I?gton Ofened here this morning. The meeting of course U secret and none of ita proceedings will be given to the public. A large number of distinguish ed soldiers and prominent members of tbe order are present. The elon will bo presided over by ex President Hayes, Commander In Chief of ths Legion. This U tbefirt meeting of the fgion ever htW ouuide of Phila delphia. lUnewed Prosperity in flan Salvador. LaSibertad, via Galveston, Oct. 15. A new Salvoderian Cabinet has been formed. The interest on tbe Eng lish loan has been paid; the chooU have been re-opened; the army ha been disbanded; agricultural work ha been resumed; crops are In good con dition; commerce is active and peace reigns throughout the country. o i ism A Minister Saspendod, Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 15. Rev. D. C. Kelly, Prohibition candidate tor Governor, was to-day suspended for six months from the TenneaA ftbrwii Epicopal Conference, which Is in ses sion at Pulaski, for leaving his Dost at Gallatin as pastor, without permission, from tbe conference. Tbe Conat of rarl at Getty sbnrz, GinrSBrjRO, Pa., Oct. 15.-Th Count of Plm and Vila .v- entire day in Inspecting tho battle-1 field, accompanied by Generals who commanded corps In the fight. Ths f130 early and the whols battlefield was gone over. To-night the Duke of Orleans returned to Ksw York wbsra ho will await his father..-

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