SjfBESSEHGEBl vi n i TO ADVEflTISEnS: , Qmraiea Dm as tr i v la D Sua. nllLY MESSENGER. WEEKLY IIESSEHGER. TKSCIlWT-ME$CKSEa 1M ,t Goldstar. -C. 0 TMI CtlT AOvtvTictno ittonm fefltfttert. tf-rnreAllnctir ES"T.HMSnBD.1807. WIIiMIKGTON. N. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5 1800. PKICB FIVE CENTS. TK, kJKAFIIIC SUMMARY. ,. ,,r ;ct B It TiUaosD, of South Caro- G T r ritnratid je.terday. It is now ( olumtu, 8. 0.. that Senator I- 4 ,u. i- vl I I. dertea lor me oewie oy rZit- from tbe Woriiog Men an ! me Aruencu uh-juuuu- f!rfc' l tbe Alliance Convention Sa.e members of the Alliance - 11 t - VT . I I t i . - t -. i n - r., - any. The Ways and Meant ,,f th-; Home win lo-aiy taie meu f, U fore Janoary.Ut the omissions r .;, Argument was began in j rterdty in the Ft-jral c mrj A blast rnrnsce new np at r'Uy, turting tiiteen men tx- ,. ...n mry; eight b-xliea hare been , , n , . In a railroad accident near i W x'er'liy two personi were in- k n, I'll? " ' ncni, uuja inyyio, ui Uv.n' hi Lead torn entirely from hii ; Kru- men yesterday while standing ,,,,!,, of the paymaster of the Reading ' m . a i jit aI r it . ff .1. J CI i. - i. o yjtt raay on me uniieu oiaies ,?i-Itun. ino uann or isagiana 1 i!n (iiHCoant rate from 6 perl cent. tlt In itis in&ugaral addrea Qov liai pledged protection to the I nk-d the affirmation of the De- Iml' pendence that all men were in f:(., and ul. He also demana many ,flir,;..m-f t! prenent state of affairs in South Cro:i m. auioi.g other tilings the abolition of l iiivcrHity. lhe Treasury uepart- (i.c:ltd that the bondsmen of the tin; Angflin" will hate to pay $16,- The International railway com- miMi'in nu t ui v auinwuivj jfcniru7. An th-1 I' ll f r fre coiuage of silver has been iotr.ix!iiivd i the Houkc. The Indians are Pt ifun ' t KoHtbud'from the Bad Lands. Tec JhikTinr Department wants flOJ.OOO to Uy Lt i f fr the iSioux. A, building in Pitts iri, IV, u-i' &s sleeping apartment was Uriitd yt Htt nly morning. All the occupauts ere mved except one man and his wife who mo MifT'K att d by the smoke. The situa tion in the AUbaina coal mines feinains un .1 4 .l it 1i o f lii wty 1 r rr an ' Ala Cull ff II. ' - w uiiuiiusjUAuii ma nbi:riii l yesterday. Dr. Baxter, Surgeon G.-ttraPi'f the army, died yesterday. At the NatiKiialirtt meeting yesterday a committee u t tinU'd to wait upon Mr. Gladstone for the iiin.M' of trying to reconcile the differ- cacts It twct'U the two leaders. Dr. Wheel er, of Norfolk, Va., found a negro burglar in kit hoiicc iiiMt after tea yesterday. The negro luckt d hua with a razor and gave him and his wif'' Hi.iiic severe slasheM. Mrs. Wheeler tt l' r l.ii't hiid'H pistol and the negro fled. CONGRESS. . SENATOR PUGH LAYS BARE REPUB LICAN SCHEMES- '' if-'' ,w-.s;.r 'l 6( f 'i"''' tru"r (.iart;'n i.f the yt'' BifLt.1. KJ lu'v he nsiohaKAi'iii. Mi -1 ; til- y -unds by hi measure and i- - iotie-ouitj. An Kxamlnatfon of Phovphate Beds Pro vided for Arm to te Isaaed to Certain Weatern 8late-Tbe Pension Kill A lteavy Dcflcl'ner Predicted Cbarxee Asalnst ContmlseSoner J team. WaSHINOTON. Dec. 4.fSENATE.l - The resolution offered yesterday by Senator Call, directing the Superin tendent of the Labor iiureau to exam ine and report as to the phospnate in dustry of Florida wa taken up and agreed to after being amended so as to make it apply to the whole country and to direct the commissioner to make ex amination and report. After a loos: diacussioa the joint resulution to issue arms to the States of North and Sjuth Dakota, Wyoming and Nebraska, for possible use against Indians wan parsed and at 2 o'clock the Election bill was taken up and Senator Pugh addressed the Sen a to in opposition to it. In the course of his remarks he said that the country could not fail to un derstand the true character and nature of the proposed legislation. It was never intended to be put in operation in Republican districts. It was found ed on one distinct, substantive proposi tion, and that was that the State elec tion officers might be watched, guard ed and over ruled because they were Democrats, and for that rea son alone it was unsafe to trust them. Under its, operation there would not be a single district in the United States from which Democrats were elected to Congress that would not be subject to supervision by parti san Republicans. Tne whole election machinery of the United States would become partisan and necessarily cor rupt. The whole conception of the bill was a transparent and audacious scheme, having no other end or pur pose than the capture of Democratic districts and their transfer to the Re publican party in Congress to bo used in perpetuating its supremacy in de fiance of the will of the people. Ho declared thalh the intelligent white people of the Strath would prefer the rule of the army officers and white soldiers to enforce the rule of the infa mous horde that would be turned loose upon them through tho outrageous election machinery provided in the bill. On his responsibility as a man and as a Senator he expressed his conviction that there was not a State in the South in which, as a rule, it was not the hon est and earnest desire to have fair and free elections for members of Congress and for Presidential electors, and that there vert not to ra;ny exceptions, to the rule in the Southern States and districts as there were in the Northern States and districts. After the passage of two or three bills on the calendar and a brief execu South Carolina elects its Senator -tiL-jft Tut.Mhiy. Hurrah for Hampton! tive session the Senate adjourned Wo rogret that Rev. C. W. Byrd was rri'il to tho Western Conference. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. He h :i 'Voraing man. of the morning into Committee Pension Appro- A THIRD PAKTT DESIRED. Same Member of the National Alliance Convention are Prpnrlac n Call for n Convention to Orxanlie a Third Party. Ocala, Fla,, Dec 4 The National Alliance met at 10:30 o'clock a. m. The early part of the session was devoted chiefly to a discussion of inside topics and at 11:50 A. (Jallacber, fraternal delegate from the Working Men's Re form league of New l ork city, and W. A. A. Carrey, of Iew Yorx, from the American anti-Monopoly league were invited to add rets the convention. Each spoke lor ball an hour or more, FROM WASHINGTON CITY. GOVERNOR TILLH AN. THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE PATCHING UP THE TARIFF BILL. OU laanamralUn-tlU AdJrtea Pnsa4 tC Rerorae In Mae 7 Thlao-Or tloM to the State ralvereltj. Columbia. S. C, Dec. 4.Gorrtor elect D. U. Tillman, who waeelrc'cd 01 the Reform ticket computed of Farm era Alliance and other Democrats who wanted a cha-jre of Govern tuc 01, va inaugurated to-day in front of the Slate Uouse at I o clock, in the pretence of a Death of Snrxron Genera! Beater-Prosl-deetIal;AppclotmeaU The Dnty en tho Picture nc!a-The International Hall way CommlMlon Money Wanted to liny Ijeef for the Indiana. -Washington, Dec. 4. The Wats lanre crowd from all naru of the Stai. ... .... ... 1 . - - ana ieani committee wm cold 1U inl- The ceremonies took place on a larre tlal meeting of the session to-morrow. I balconr. which was erected for the It is understood that the committee I Duruoee. This is the aecond time in their remarks being principally direct- I will immediately take measures to rec- the history of the Slate that a Cov ed in favor of a closer bond between all T tify the omission of the tobacco rebate I ernor has been inaugurated in the odcq National organizations cf the same I section from the McKinley Tariff law I air. All the other State officers elect character, but against consolidation. I by the passage of a supplemental bill be- I were also sworn In. The Tillman ad- Both advised the National Alliance to I fore January, when the original section I ministration nromisc-s retrenchment stand by Its St. Louis platform, to take I would have gone into effect. Chair- I atd reform and will rule the Gove ra the lead In any National political I man McKinley and Mr. Mills to-day I ment upon this question alone. They movement which might grow out of it I said that they did not think it neces- also demand an Agricultural college tarytogive a bearing on the the other organizations of Kan- and paid that would follow. J. U. Rice and John Davis. sas, in connection wiin one or two otn ers in sympathy with the recent politi cal movement In that btate, among them delegate Vincent, aro working upon a call for aNatiooal convention to form a new party, the date being fixed February 12ih, lbul, and the place at Cincinnati. The call will invite dele gates from the National Farmers' Alli ance and all other National organiza tions in sympathy with it, or which endorse the St. Louis platform, as well as editors of the reform press through out the country to take part in tho con venton. The new party to be formed would doubtless walk the same lines as the People's party in Kansas, that is, renounce all affiliation with other political parties and place a Na tional ticket o! its own in the field. This call, when completed, will prob ably be presented to the National Alli ance for its endorsement, although some of the men in the movement are not convinced that their cause will be wise or political. John J. Holland, of Jacksonville, Fla., is here: when ir'owderly arrives this will make four members of the National Executive Board of the Su preme Council of the Knights of Labor present in the city, being all of that committee except one, Devlin of Mich igan. and this fact is thought to be fraught with tfeep insignificance. Appropos 01 the lhird party move ment, there is said to be a strong feel subject and that tbey thought there would be no opposition to the correction of the error. Washington. D. C. Dec. 4.The president today sent to the Senate the following nominations: Mrs. Anita H. McKee to be receiver of public mon ies at Jackson, Miss., and post-masters as follows: Chas. E.o Force. Valdosta. Ga.; John G. Gatlin, Darlington Court House, b J. Washington, D. C. Dec. 4. Dr. Jedidiab H. Baxter, Surgeon General of the army, who was stricken with pa- ralvBis last Monday, died at 1 45 o clock this morning. He never regained con sciousness after the attack save for an instant on Tuesday when there was a slight sign of returning conciousness. Washington, Dec. 4. Assistant Secretary Spauldlng, of the Treasury Department, has rendered a decision holding that the bondsmea of the fam ous painting "The Angel'us" are liable for I lb5UU duty on the painting. The inter-ISational Railway commis sion, composed of representatives from the United States and other American republic, met for organization in the Diplomatic chamber of the Department of State at noon to day. This commis sion was recommended by the inter- National American conference for the fmrposo of supervising a survey for a ine to connect the railway systems of North America with those of South America. There were present Secre tary Blaine, A. J. Casatt and Henry lliv IJ Va, buvl v 10 ouii w w u vi vtig eww-e. s ' e TV ing among the National Alliance mem- Davis, of the United States, Leandro hers in favor of a general consolidation of all similar national bodies. It is alleged that they have offered, in the event of such consolidation, tq give all .National political nominations to or ganizations outside of their own. There is, however, a conservative element which may hold the more radical mem bers in check. for the education of the tons of the farmers and for the advancement of agriculture to a higher standard. It is now believed that Senator Hampton will be defeated by Irbv. the Tillman candidate, for the United States Senate. The stand contained 500 perrons. After prayer by the Rev. Ellison Capers Governor Tillman was sworn in ana delivered his Inaugural address. He pledges friendship to the colored people, assuring them that all of their rights shall be protected, while at the same time denying the affirmation of the Declaration of Independence that all men were created free and equal. He calls attention to the repeated cao of the violation of the peace in the State and denands as a dernier retort the power for the Executive to remove sheriffs who will not discharge their duties; calls for improvement of the free school facilities; the formation of school districts having an area of not less than sixteen square miles nor more than thirty six and the establish ment therein of two schools only, one for colored and one for white people and an increase of the poll tax devoted to school purposes from one dollar to three dollars: demands that the State shall in combination with other South ern States, arrange for a compilation of school books to be sold at minimum cost and foroid the use of anv other; demands the abolition of the Stale Uni versity and the establishment of a college instead; indicates a desire to abolish the Citadel academy; calls for industrial schools for girls: demands a Fernandez 01 Mexico; Jacob Biaz, of constitutional convention regardless of - 1 a. 1 t m . I . uautemaia, Anseimo voico, 01 U)sia what may be its cost; demands a sur Rica, Ulimaco uaideron, J alio Raugifo vey of the phosphate beds and sale of and Frederick Farrago, of Colum-.ia, territory at auction to the hlghett ssi. ivomero, represeniing icuaaor, hirtdor. Ill Xl'SV York City there aro 50,000 o'rMi Some have cot rich. Sev eral are worth $200,000 each. Tin' !a-,t count gives tho Democrats but Ml maioritv in the House instead 1 I'm a- previously reported. Mr. William Astor has a gold 31 r mtv lee that is worth $50,000. "Al-ti-U aristocracy aro going it. din-The i i Co-eat Britain crime is decreasing; ia the l'uited States crimo is increas ing forai- 1 -ix years the i; ! per cent. decrease in tho Th-, 1 tula,; '.IK re Th, i!i:in Succi is still fasting but way by day in everything but wul endurance. Ho thinks ho u h his forty fifth day. has ;o South Carolina Legislature '-f rnm rs, 3.7 lawyers, 10 doctors and fJione editor. You seo the editors kiue to work and remain at home. if. Thomas Nelson Page, the gifted vir'in;.in story writer, thinks Parnell 4 trrv tt orator. He has a fluto-liko To and is never at a loss for the best His self reliance is enormous. TL Memphis Appeal-Avalanche is a bl1 bard on Rev. Dr. Kelley. It says UP: ivr him of hlsJ Confederate record ucd ti.U only is left him: is an eloouent tireacher. but the 'He Preaciic r's i1mi-h is in thei nulnit and V'l'tlinstump. Wnat, then. Is left The 1 ItepuV;! fieri t ef ''It i only such a document as a Re Pu n an politician could write, and as a publican politician would write." M ;eh in little in that comment. Tue Emma Abbott episode'r liehmond 2Ymes about feizes that can partisan plea of the Presi the llepublican party, when it We Hajdn, bo ?ee it 6tated that Mr. editor of the Charlote "it has rpsltrnpd and will 'i vonuected with a Baltimore pa- r after l5t of January. Mr. F. B. Mc 'tll, a good newspaper man, will suc- edhim. We never met Mr. Haydn, ul take pleasure in saying that he im- Pfeased us as a brlght,llye,trained jour . l6t with no little tdge and aggres SThftSiS" ewsh m great succes nis; change of base," as we do the Whip under bolh old and new edl At the expiration hour the House went of the Whole on the priation bill. Mr. Morrow explained that the bill appropriated for the payment of pen sions the sum of $133,173,000. He be- i lievt-d that there would be no deficiency 1 next year, but, on the contrary, that there would prove to be a slight excess of the appropriation. Mr. Snyers, of Texas, argued that the estimate of the Co misstoner of Pensions was totalis unreliable aid that tho amount of money required to pay pensions would be largely in ex cess of the4 amount appropriated by' the pending bill. He ventures to say that the Fifty-secnnd Congress wtuldN: be compelled to met a deficiency of not less man $lo.lMi,KMi. i0 man, however honest, could fix within $10, 000,W'0 the amount ac ul'y to be ex pended under this bil'. The commis sioner had failed lo tell the House what would be expended in lSi; he had made a similar failure in 1891 an! he would make a greater failure in lt92, and the Democralic Coni,,8 would have to pay the' v His conclu sion after cartful investiiiiion of the matter, was tr at int-tead of 1 he Govern ment's expinditu'res for pensions rv-it g confined to $133,(RH),oU they would bd near $17o,0no,M0. H pr V'ed a dti ficienc 0 $35,0)0,000 in 1802 which the DemocraiicHoi'se would havn o meet Mr. Coopr r of Indiana, renewed his attack of last sesiou uoou- Pension Commissioner Rauui. Referring to the large force of employes in the pension bureau aud to the vast expenditures of money for pensions, he aid .lie pro posed to show why this force of men should be presided over by a man of high character, and why this vat um of money thpuld be disbursed by a mn above criticism aud arnive reproacn It was his purpose to call the lion of the country to the fact that the present Commissioner of Pensions w .- ,o!. such a person. Carrying out this purpose, he quoted liberally fro u testimony given before ttie special committee which, near the close of last session, had tinder invest g tiou his (Cooper's) charges against liaum f favoritism towards one piominent un sion claim ageni,)f btrrwinr money from an attorney who practic d oefoe the Pension Bureau aud of fl latiug stock of a fraudelent coriraiiiiM among employees of that bureau. e commented sharply upon this testi mony and paid no attention to the ob jections of Messrs. Cani.011 and Saw yer, that no report had been made 10 the House by the investigating com mittee and the testimony was not a proper suhject of discussion iu the ab sence of such report. After some discussion of the status of the investigation referred to the committee rose and the House adjourned. PerUhf d In the Flame. Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 4. Between 12:30 and 1 o'clock this morning fire broke out from some unkown cause in the flat owned by Dr. John Dickson on the corner of Ninth street and Penn sylvania avenue. It was nearly 3 o'clock this mornii g before the firemen sue ceeaea in suoauing me nre. it was several nours more ueiore tney gave up tne search for bodies. It is pretty 1 certain that one Irwin, the janitor, and i his wife were the only victims. When 1 the fire broke out there' were forty oc cupants sleeping in the flat, but they were mostly men and all have been accounted for. It was a lerriDie mgnt ior nre; a strong,cold wind, tilled with flakes of icy snow was blowing from the west. When the firemen arrived smoke was issuing from all the windows, while tongues of flames shot euergetically from crevices ou the roof. Hail dressed forms ot men, shouting for; help, were seen at all the windows, ut the sight that filled the spectators with horror was a wo man and two babes at a third story window. It was Mrs. Moore, wife of the steward at the Hotel Anderson. In stantly a ladder uas run up and she was among ihe first rescued. The top floor ias occupied by sixteen persons, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin and four teen men employed by the Hotel An derson. At the first alarm Irwiu ran down through the halls, whieh were already tilled with smoke, to alarm the oecupauts. He went' as far as the sec ond floor and then rushed back to assist his wife. When be returned to his rooms she was not there. Filled with anxiety "Tor her welfare he began a search of the b tiding He dashed from room to room on the fourth floor, and not finding her,starttd for the third It was there he died Overcome by smoke he sank exhausted. Near the rear wall on the fl.or and at the Other end ot the hall hi wife; for whom ha ditrd, bad perished. He bad started dowu stair but suffociated before reaching the third floor. His body wa found ou the third landing dead. Her body was covered with plaster and iu the darkness had been tr ampled over by the nrvnien long. before discovered. lhe nrsi n-or of the building was used o Jos. Kern rue M & Co., a a drug s ore aud ihe other three floors for sleeping apartrxeuls. The fire is sup posed to have started in the basement from the heating boilers. There was 1.0 watchman and the flames bad spread to the fourth story belort) they were discovered. The los is $40,00C fully cover d by insurance lhere were no fire escapes ou the huilding. Nicaunor Bolet Perasa, of Venezuela, F. C. C. Tegavia and Manuel Elguera, of Peru, Jphn Stewart, of Paraguay, aud M. Valeute, of Brazil. A. J. Cas satt was chosen president. No other business was transacted. Another bill for the free and unlimit ed coinage of silver was introduced In the Senat3 to-day by Senator Steward. Gen. Schofield received a telegram this alternoon from Gen. Brooke, say ing that forty lodges of Indians, who left Rosebud agency since the removal of the camp across White river on the edge of the Bad Lands, have returned and that there are strong symptoms of disintegraiion, as about half of the In dians seem to be willing to come back to the agency. Gen. Brooke also says that from all he can gather as to their intentions a majority of the Indians want to come back. War Department officials are very much gratified at this intelligence, tending to indicate speedy settlement of the tro ibln. The Secretary of the Treasury to-day transmitted to the House a communi cation from the InteriorDepartment,-e-questing that an appropriation of $100, 000 be at once made for the purchase of beef and other provisions for the bioux Indians on account 01 the reduced ap propriation made for the fi&cal year ended June 30th, J 800. Other appro priations are asked for, aggregating $4i9,000, to discharge the obligations due those Indians on account of lands surrendered aud stock taken from them. In alluding to State debt he suggests that the Sia e banks be requested to deposit t? I th the State Treasurer Stata bonds to the amount of the average deposit held by them for the State; that every State bank be required to invest at least 20 per cent, of its capi tal in State bonds, and that all insur ance companies doing business in the State be required to denosit with the State Treasurer $25,000 In South Car olina bonds. GREAT INTEREST IN THE REPRESENTATION OF THE STATE AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. Idfpertlas tho Arrlveli eral no4 Nae leal C liege I a ?tw (Joartere lerer lac fee tho fcWeOte jen-Tlo Halt. tVajr Taalloei Cweanltee rrvfatc lUpoct Teneton Uay. h McsscNunn Dckiuc, rJU lln-i lorn from II I Body. Arguments In the Smith Case. Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 4.- Special. -In the Circuit court to-day in the Smith ca-e the defendants introduced Mrs. Sarah C. Davis, who testified that Thos H. Smith, her father told her his first wife was named Ellen and that she died at Nassau in 1862. The plaintiff introduced a number of witnesses to Drove that the woman who in 18-5 Sea me TIT 11 : i L O t.U V n same one whom he sent back to Eng land early in 1861 jvithhis twochlldren and that he called her indiscriminately Bridget ana Ellen. The case was closed at noon and the argument was opened by Sol C. Weill, who spoke for an hour very ably ana was fol owed by Marvden Bellamy, in a strong speech of an hour and a half. The court did not bold nlgbt session but adjourned until to-morrow when Mr.'Ricaud will open the argument for the plaintiff and will be followed by John D. Bellamy, Jr., and Fab H. Bus bee for the defendants. The argument for the plaintiff will be closed by David L. Russell. Tne Mtmation in Alabama Unchanged Birmingham, Ah., Dec 4. The situation among miners is unchanged. About 8,000 men are on strike. A few returned to work. The indications point to an early settlement of theJif ferences. It was rumored here yester- nized the committee, work would be resumed. The miners say tbey are out for an advance and that the report is untrue. Some of the operators are ar ranging to fill the mi es with negroes. tv, A, n. v.a iAKm urobabU fatally hurt. Several renewed business at the old stand. It tuner peruu I is called the Congressional Beeord. , jured. ST LOUIS, Dec 4. Tno Chicagoand day that as soon a theopsratorarecog A ltu paseeiigtrr train, bound for Kan sas City, leaving Chicago last night was wrecked at Jacksonville this morn ing at 2 'clock Fred Smit , a mer cbnut f Pekiu, III , and Judge J. K. Ripple, l Kansas City, were instantly killed Juoge Ripple's bead was lorn from bis body and the rest of the re mains were pinioned under a pile of wreckage, vv B Knight, of Kansas Cit, was bruised and badly scalded by - e 1 A Chnrch Borned. Bikmikgham, ALA,, Dec 2. Fire last night entirely destroyed St. Marys church, valued at $9,000, insured for $5,00ii. The church Is located south of the Highlands about one and a half seriously In- miles from the city. The water supply I was short. Parnell lu the Lead. LONDON, Dec. 4. The Nationalist members of the House of Commons met again at noon to day to further consider the question of Parnell's leadership. All the Irish members at present in London were in attendance ut the meeting. Parnell occupied the chair. After the meeting had been called to order one of the members5 read tho manifesto issued yesterday by the Catholic Hierarchv declaring that, in conseQuence of the revelations of the O "Shea divorce case, which convicted Parnell of one of the gravest offenses known to religion and society, the Catholic clergy cannot accept as a leader a man who is dishonored, and .a e the continuance 01 his leadership would imperil the cause of Ireland!. The reading ot the minliesto was greeted wllh cheers by I'arneliNSop- ponents. Clancy then offered his amendment which provided that; in view of the difference of opinion between Gladstone and Parnell as to the accuracy of the suggestions made to htm by Gladstone at the Hawarden meeting a year ago. the party whips be instructed to obtain from Gladstone, Morley and blr WU Ham Vernon Haroourt, before any fur ther consideration 01 tne main ques tion", information on the departure from the bill of 18SG made by Gladstone in his suggestions, affecting the control of the Irish constabulary and settlement of the land question. A prolonged de bate tnok place on the amendment. Parnell intimated that if the party took the responsibility off his shoulder and would insist upon the Liberal lead era promUing to carry an accepta ble Home Rule rUl through the House of Commons in face of all opposition, he would retire from the leadership. He aeked the meeting to accept Clanev's resolution, whereupon, hetald the alliance between the Nationalists and the Liberals would be renewed. Healv refused to submit to ParneU's stipulation Ho declared that tbey were even beyotd lines of the com promise suggested at yesterday's meet ing. Sexton declared that the majority of the members were nrmly determined to adhere to the main question and wou d simply vote that Parnell must resign. Parnell asked the meeting for an In formal show of bands on Claoey't amet dmeot. This disclosed the fact that only Barry and Chane continued to bold out against the amendment. The latest phase of the situation bids fair for an agreement. The committee to wait upon Gladstone consists of Par nell, Sexton, flealy. Jut tin McCarthy. John Redmond, Dearsy, Power and Learn y. Parnell will take no part in negotiations with Gladstone. The meeting adjourned at 5 o'clock to te-assemble at noon to-morrow. Norfolk hat sTnew' evening, paper Aeirs and Courier. AC. I iUlxiuit. N. C, Doc, 4. ( Great Interval U now Ml In the pro per rrprcrriatlon of North Carolina at tho World's Fair at Chicago, ai d the action of the Board of Airlculiuno in deciding to urge the maltrr bvfors the Legislature U bcartlh con:rcrdd. The sum asked for. U r ardiy cnougu to make a complete dUpUy. CoL Thomas H. Keogh and Col. A. II. Andrews, the chief com mlioocr from this State will attend Ibe Inter State convention at AhevlUe, tXvembrr 17, in the interest of the World Fair. Mr. James A. VIcKcntie, of Kentucky, acting chairman of tho board of control of the fair, will also attend. lie U a distinguished orator and scned hit tstate for many years in Congress and is second to none In the organization for promoting the great exposition. His ancestors were North Carolinians, residents of Iredell county, atd this State may reasonably exoect kind treatment at his hands. The State Board of Agriculture to day, in company with tho board of trus tees of the Agricultural and Mechani cal College, visited tte latter institu tion and carefully Inspected lt. Tho board is giving tho moot careful atten tion to plans for conducting the college under the new law. The increased ap propriation under a recent act of Con grees ($15,000) It to be divided between this college and the one for the colored race. The latter Is constituted a de partment of Shaw Unlversltly herc,nd at it good protfTrse is iwlng made. Dr. Tupper, President of Shaw, Is co-opcr-atlng with great hcartincM . ith the. board iu all ita plans and his aid Is very valuable. Ho will secure from friends North additional funds In consideration pf the new feature of the University, with its 20 students now In the agri cultural clas. The Capital club of this city Ut evening occupied its new quarters in the Henry building near the Yarboro house. It haa over 100 members. The club has a barbed tho Monogram club which gives the fashionable dances here, and the dancing-hall is just above its rooms. Very active steps appear to be in progress for tho formation of a South ern cotton milling trust. . The street care have cewsed to run. In a day or two tho tearing up the tracks will begin, in order t pre pare for the electric sjstera. No one will regret the chunge in motive oer rum horses 4hd muus to electricity. People feel that the new system mean a great deal for IUlelgh. The Legislative J oint committee oa railway taxation devoted lie It to dy to the preparation of its report, which will be voluminous, and cover investi gations into tho affairs of any corpora tion which for any cau o has not taxes. Mention bus been made of the Ine quality of taxation In North Carolina. . . . l II Xl'll ... 11 ia a crying cvn. munijj'o" w u property U perhap worth three tlm s as much as that of IUlelgh, yet tho as sessed value of the former in only 13, 400,001, while that Of IUlelgh U IV aiO.OnO. All theM) matters of both town and country taxation will bi prjs-inu-d to the IgUlaturo in a very plain and powerful Ugh. This winter, betoro tne tax is again put on commercial fertilizer, tho man ufacturer will be apt to put urge quantities In this State. Tho Lgi a- . - - . . S f I t i lure will no doubt cany in us s ssion pass the bill imping a ton tax (as slaU'd In yeBtcrdayfe sieclal)of twenty- five cents for IvJI and twenty cents lor sub-equent years. & .e ss m . a Under the recent decitiou 01 the United States Circuit court DO fund is to be raised save enough to carry on the operations of the agricultural de partment proper. The board Is maW tng plans to raise the sum needed for the maintenance of the Agricultural aiid Mechanical college. Although the law provides for a commissioner of immigration, that office baa been vacant since Mr. P. M. Wilton's resig nation, nod it is said to-day to b-s doubtful whether the board fill fill the vacancy, for the present at least To day was pens ion day' at ths office of the Register of Deeds sod crowds of the Wake county veterans and widow came in for their warrants. There have oeen four alarms of firs In the past six days, but the total loss wa not oyer $i3. The exod us agents are not particular ly pleased at discovering that their oc cupation Is gone. A jroung man nmed Coppcdge, liv ing at Wake Forest (not a student at the college) attempted suicide last night by eating one plot of coppera. Strange to say it did oot kill him, as tbe doctors 'extricated" it from his system before it had time to get in f lb fine work. There was a good del of amusement here to day at a decision of the com missioners of RoN-voq county. The AW says an applicant for liceneo to a-ll liquor mu.t be of good moral character. The board decided tbat a man of good moral character would not sll whisky and so declined to Issue a license ap piled for. Toe board of directors of the North Carolina Insane Asylum adjourned to day. It made recommendations for th) enlargement of the a-ylum. The in stitution was built for 4 patient. It now has 296, or ninety-two in excels of tbe proper number. There is thus great crowding. Tbe Legislature Is a-ked to make appropriations for tbo gradual improvement as to space. The tCn tinned oa fourth page.