11 If TO THE UES5ENGER H r48t I Tkes LCSaas t xu mxt emcetx. atCaftira.a C. All Tfc r ar A 1 1 rrl lUxnt lser". TO ADVERTISERS: TH fcrSSENGEH hat Uryer w Tfiru5.11 1 frCB'iun ' the State. THE BEST ADVeRTlSINO MEDIUM I in tne South. ' 1! KSTUWJSHED 18G7. WILMINGTON. X. Ci WEDNESDAY, DECEMBEU 17. 1890 PKlOtS FIVE CENTS. J rt-t ''' inv o . Tr I.KOKAPIIIC SUHMAKT. ,,t 3!j. Gd. A!frd II. Terry, U. S. A. , !) h I Tetrrtar. The Clearfield i . iiijjlTni owned by ex-United hU r Naliace l u a ineo. A cor- ,itrtli- Lonlin "Newa" tays the iv i'A in lout Thtrisi qnite an .1 t ii'!i cau.patvn going on now in i,'t tb" rri.-llite ft Ld HcCartbjitea i.-rb r DRairiHt each other. Ataspeak t !rrc fiuLt occurred in which j j Mil' j j J I wf " 'm ui .wan , . t i k i I'' in Jck' nriile, F;a.f ye.ter l, ,i i--.ii at d Knixbt of Labor men it .. ,!.(! not to ho d the Third party cud. , ;, !, Y i mary 23lf Lut that a conference 0f( i ' "'"' i,,niiue organization snjaia . nutter. Twj Strike has now- jf t (i. -. J'-" l-" tiat he wants to bin in 131 f-, .o i niii do what ever the General says. , 1 1 i llic'il KDiit of the vote oi Michigan, j8 ( n i-1 it t-d rho a Democratic p.uraiity ff i!Hr of ll.t2fl Tbeie waa qnite a fo m in Hh-iiandoah Yl ey yenteiday.' I ,.,. .vt.d, ot the B aunton, Va., Stock liitiit'-, i H" trouKlit twB for damgea for f , )"' Ha lit the nun who had him r- rf.i , on" Hi.- cliaiKe of embtczlemfut. Tit l' i not. ciitirally iil, aa reported. p t. r loiiN. n r Y'unKHtwn, O., blew up j i, in), k'M'i'K two meti ati4 wrecking the ,h V fatal i owdernploi-ion occurred . m. Wi-rou lu riiiue Monday. The Hume I" i Ji4; .i i.: I hi k of Iliiioii, S. I)., Bll-p tided. Xe, lrii.:r. (1 ii. t n working in a mine of the (;,,., iti i ' i-ii.' lUilroa l company are on aetrike i iif 1 ii ark' d to pronounce igaii at u ,i, nth 'iH-n htipportu-c rarneil. The pi,i(-tiii f the auti-Pat nell "United i ' i m ' n t njoint-d. Hereafter it will mr d ili' Iiiwj)pieH ble United It eland." . lij .tiul J n-nee yi'Merda) diBminhtd ti e ri.. k Atiori.ty General of bomb. C r a lt ' mh indicted for diminninK aj c!' .. - t ii r at Diiliug-on Monday niht (lc ! 1 1 1 1 a I v d if 'he LUrinets portion if U,ri n - o.'i O, coveied b iunnrai.ee. v l'),ot)0 il'o water tank at Bueua Vita, T. . cumi- (I ythteniay, killing one perbou. rt. h uhMiiiv jtfitrday the two oppotuug Ir.-n t ' tii'n- hfnl piiMiu Hpeakin and qnite tmi l.t( li- Mitli cii kn aud t-luoi took place. I'i.i oiitl Imvju w rn both on the grounds. -Krt vn miiiw Kio'in W'H i aging in eht . k a . a Jillirnt ilii-T lllvl.r. A 1U O ClOCK ttiC kDOW M iii It r (it . p at Km xvilie aud the storm hi a I'ln I'lMOL UKAHIIS. THE GOVEHNOK'S MANSION BEAUTIFUL INTERIOR WOOD WORK OF NATIVE PINE. HAND CARVED. The Hooka of the Tre aiurrr and the And lor Ittrins: IiiTrtIeMted The Governor oft for Aahevltle The Penitentiary Good Hhowlac of the Favloca Hank In mates of the Soldiers florae. Messenger Bureau, I Raleigh, N. C, Uec. 16. 1 The Governors' mansion now ap proaches completion. The Governor will be In it by the time the Legisla ture assembles (January 7) in all proba bility. The interior wood wortc l of a hih class and is all hand-carved, fol lowing faithfully the designs of the ar chitect, Mr. Sloan, of Philadelphia. JNo building in tne State will show a handsomer Interior. Yellow Dine is the wood used, and all the workmen who have wrought it into such bold and beautful ornamentation are res- id nts here. To day the Joint committee of the Senate and bouse began the annual ex amination of the book and vouchers of the Statu Treasurer and Auditor. It will require five orslx dkys to com plete this work. The committee will report to the Legislature. There is, as usual before the assem bling of the Legislature, a good deal. of talking about the public printing. Your correspondent ws Informed to day that the printing had already been promised to a paper here Another newspaper man Has looked Into the cohI if public printing from 1880 to 1890 and finds it to be $152,000. Of this h mount he says $24 000 has been paid to persons who only signed receipts. I his has lor many years b-en the cus tom. It is eaid that efforts will be made t) induct t ie Legislatives or its committee on Public Printing, to make buch changes as v ill give the printing to the lowebt bidder. rew elements bid fair to enter into the controversy .if . r rr a . tnis time, inere nave neen rumors that Mr. T. II. Jerrigan's bright, new weekly, tne in t ellwencer would be a catuidate, but these reports are un founded. . The trustees of the ! t i f fa hi e r in the North, mighty rciiu'e in some quarters. It is 1 'lie iw.on Post refers to Charles K'NulfV how-is as "intensely dramatic at.J iitr..cli ve. FR03I CITY. LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. ta r 1 1 -Onu. ra v Kelley gave $600,000 to es- li an nr. niubt um at Clevela' d, Another lerbon for Southerners. Vr. .1. L M. Irby, the new South Ciroiii.il s uator, ib thirty -tix years old "i win in ouiigest, man in ine tsi iv to which he i elected. -t n Talnier ib almoft certain to be l tt d enaio- Irom Illinois. A lic pub.u'.ui uii-iiiber of the LegUlature ir stii.j io in- not eligible under the (Jon- Sili ul loo. i i.-hop Kf t -tier was born in Baltl rautt , iivt in 4n'w tJ i leant, was an Hi t iriij a ct.u eh 'paper before 'he was iu..u- liir-lie - in 1870, and is in his 71tt 3 .ir, thn.k iiill t'handlt r and his gang have , n abandoned their etealii g. 'project Hi Nt w ilauii)!hiie. They find that 'i- i tip el that Stale Co not mean U i. di-(iauud. (iiaiitV r mail s will not be rt- n in ifio Arlington cemetery. JNcW iK tii.-gracvK telf by uoi roaring a "m moiiuuituH to itt idol li' t'cr l),tieOt)ii is to have a $20.. f -t.i u on the gioundsof the bmith- t.iii, v itiint'uiii. lie dieo iu 1877. ' id rut KiMiw be . was of t-o muuh C(i qutinv aViau MUthor to merit buch 1 orial. T Nt w Yurk 'limes s iys of Gen N Hiimp Vuefeat:, i. ji itiuli over which there ik- i ioi ii g ouUide of South n tiamptou has thown high- ' I h i.i 'iim- uoif. uif t.irti-ri. aud tit o ."v, n.iiur Om i a iNt b t iice,,Kep., puts it 1 Ih. K,, " " c im jiVk.-, hut Hie) Itar is Ut hi t, vi.i-iH.y i wining thit the Mc- V )iiV -liili I.ilVh fuir I'lu! untho that it oovic e aud bentenced to id.-rrr ue. tll, "i rti, agreeable call from Pres tia lit. nl the TTnl Vt-rii t.v uihn . j i -' ' i u-t.iog li ir effort to raise the ""I" d ir thf Historical Chair io 1 Vr 111 Vmi-IH I 'uPolillM T Uoivr.pitv biiouid bee to this. 01 I I.I' II. u- t'OiiUon iSt'tr,, Home Rule paper hai Uvirtiid i for Parnell. It tf ling is temporary and I h" Iri.-h neiin'H mnv h fnp th I I J . w ''I III Ihn ti n .,f ftt.ripiiiMt.iiin V1", wueiher bid or good. The in j hicn vt-u his opponeuts cher lop th, rude IUABlerfulue8IJ 0f pAr. . , '" lu ui ..he , admiration enter- K l.r Mll,0'8 tau. Ireland in wllexorctsej Parnell." . institution for the deaf and dumb and blind brii g some powerful arguments to bear on the Legislature in theomatter of ne-ed for a separate building for the blind. Up to this time one building has sheltered both clashes of unfortu nates, both occupying htlf of it. The two classes have nothing whatever in common. More room is also greatly needed. It is now stated that there will be 1,600 delegates ai the Southern Inter Slate convention at Asheville, the ses sion of which begins to-morrow. Mr. ( John T. Patrick a- d all his assistants are now at work there, getting ready for this great meeting. Governor t'owle left yesterday for Asheville on the afternoon train, on which were also large numbers of delegates. Col. Polk and the other Alliancemen who went to Florida are delighted with their winter experience in the Land of Flowers." The cleanness with which the cotton is picked is remarkable. One can walk through a large fai m and not find an unopened or unpicked boll; The weather was admirable and tha pick ing was done with great care. The Kaleigh and Gaston railway now runs a Sundav fraiu lor the first time. It is what i known as the "shoo fly," between WHdon and Raleigh, and is well patr. nized. It breaks the ice for the through Sunday trains between Porttmoutb and Atlanta, which will be put on next bumnic r, when the Georgia, vlaroiina and Norther nrailway is com pleted a Raleigh correspondent of the New York 'Jmcs says the penitentiary man agement win be one oi the matters whU-n the Legislature will specially 3i?CL.s. Your correspondent does not o think, ibe penitentiary Is out of politics; it is no longer a burden on the State, it is self-sustaining. Dr Eugene Grissom has for some mouths been a resident of Denver, Col orado. His eldest e n left to-day to join him there, a nother son., together with Mrs Grissom and her daughterslives at v ashington City. The savings bniE here, though young, mnk s a . very good showing, having. $180,000 on deposit, mainly io i. . smaii suds, ror years tne negroes were Ulrof distrust of all banks, aft-r their disu!-troos experience with the Freed man's Savings rank, but there iire now many depositors of this race here. There arn now nine inmates of the Soldiers' Borne and Secretary Stron ach tells me to day there are applica ions for the admission ox five more Ue is now arranging for the lease of a neat builain in the eastern part of the city. Tha ooe now occupied is too small. The Home needs money great ,y at this time. The ladie of Wil mington t-hould do something for the Home. 'I heir kindness will be greatly appreciated Acting Collector Taylor Interview!-: the P real dent Correct Idc the Facet nation of the Tariff Bill. Washington. Dec 10. Special 1 Acting Collector Taylor has been here several days. He came on to look after his own claims. He wanted to be pre- BCLtedtothe President by Mr. Ewart but that gentleman bad not consented to do so at last accounts. It is thought that Mr. Ewart backed down on ac count of the united opposition of Mr. Cheatham and Mr. Young, who have been vigorously pressing Jim Young s candidacy, Harrison told Taylor, dur ing a brief Interview, that be bad nut reached the appointment of a collect or for the port of Wilmington." There la no question ndw before Con gress of greater Importance to the fu ture of the Democratic party than that of reapportionment. If the Republi cans are allowed aa unfair ad: vantage with the advantage they already have in many gerryman dered States, and in the new pocket borough States of the Northwest, it will make the task of electing a Demo cratic President in 1892 almost an im possible one. The omission of the tobacco rebate clause from the Tariff bill having been supplied, other errors are now being brought forward for Congressional cor rection. The Was and Means com mittee yesterday reported a bill which will change the placing of two paran thesls in the bill so that"" it will read twine (excepting binding twine) com posed to sisal, sun and other grasses, two cents a pound, and not as the law has it, twine (except binding twine composed of bisal, sun and other grass es) two cents a pound. -The insertion of a paranthesis in the wrong place prevents a duty of two cents a pound on sweetened chocolate. This error will also have to be remedied. Senator Vance said this morning that he would have to be in the Senate chamber constantly during the present week, to watch the course of the Force bill- He was solicited to do a favor for one of his constituents, and made this reply. The fate of the obnoxious measure will be known this week, and some hopes of it? ultimate defeat are entertained by those in a position to know. The Republicans , are backing down, much to Harrison's discomfiture. For some occult reason, hs is enam oured of the bill, and wants it to pass. He is doing nis best to push it through, and feel- that if his party goes back on him, in this respect it presages his de feat for a second term "Whom the Gods intend to destroy, they first make mad." The safest Republican leaders, as well as the intelligent masses are known to be opposed to the bill. . A friend who has just returned from an extended tour through Massachusetts, says he did not meet a single educated person who favored the bill. THESHILLALAH BROUGHT INTO IRISH POLITICS- The Opposing Irl.h ravrtle lfavt-; Pen lie speaking on the m Ground A Free f'icht la Which Iltt Take Part II la Dtfl-r.ee. f Pariell-Pmell Houted at Ilia Canae Gone. . Duplin Dots. Warsaw, Dec, 16 Special Rain has caused great activity among our berry growers, and more plants will be set than ever before, and with no mis hap we look for a large yield ntxt sea son. Mr. W, L. Hill, one of our most en ergelic farmers, has leased his valu able property in and around town to the Me srs. Westbrooks, of 'Faisons, who will cultivate truck for the North ern markets. Mr. Hill, we understand. will go North to learn the manufac turing bu-iness. Miss Maggie M. Bass, one of the most accomplished ladies in our county, has left home to take charge of a school i in Richmond county The people among whom Miss Bass will labor are to be congratulated, as a more thorough or successful teacher cannot be found.: Miss Parker, who has been quite sick at the Carlton house f r the past month ; London. Dec. 15. The iXu7y .Ynrs correspondent at Kilkenny declares his belief that Pamell's cause is lost. He tats: It was a race between tb Par nellites and the McCarthy itcs to rea h Roth downer, where it was announced that Parnell would speak. The utmost enthusiasm was displa)dd for Da vi it, while there was hooting and groat iug for Parnell. Four thousand persons attended the Davitt meeting and only 00 listened to Parnell. Tanner, at the beginning of his speech made alluiou U tlie FrumerCs Journal which wiu greeted with cries of 'Dowu with it;" a priest shouted "To blazes with It.' Mr. Tanner burned a copy of tbe paper. After ParnelFs departure, Davitt continued his remarks, say ing: Parnell has fled, as he will flee from Kilkenny next Monday, but I will meet him face to face before this contest isoer aud ask him to repeat that arch-b shops, and priests and Sexton, O'Brien ad Dillon are the scum of tbe earth. This is the Parnell who did not hesitate to accept 40,000 from the scum of Tre land. I am the so a of a placant, but, thank God, I never disgraced my hum ble name. Which will you have, Ire land or Parnell? Shouts of Ireland. Who is Scully V .Why. the son of a landlord who evicted two poor women whom you knew, and kicked one to death Davitt then eulogized Mr. Gladstone, who, he said, worked for Ireland while Parnell was inactive. . At the coaclu sion of the meeting a number of slur y farmers dragged the wagon, lib Mr. Davitt and others on it, through the village in triumph Mr. Parnell, after informing the rt porters that he would return to Kilkenuv, alighted at tiully- loget. This originated the rumor that he had disappeared. His movements are still msterio js. I DUBLIN, Dec. 16. The troubles be- tweeu the Parneilites and the Mc- Carthyites re&uited in a free fight at tiallv rahlll to (lav. A meeting was held there io tbe interest of Scully, the Parnellite candidate. Parnell was one of the speakers and when he made his appearance was v ctu rously cneered by his supporters w Pile this meeting wa being held, another one in the in terest of Sir John Pope Hennessy, the McCarthyite nominee, was taking place a short distance awav, at wnich ii- du'iates were made by Mr Davitt and Dr. Tanner. Angrv speeches were made on both sides, and the passions of the audiences were raised to the high est pitch. Fiually, Parneilites made an attack upon the opposition meeting The McCarthy ites made a spleudid de fence, led by Davitt, Tanner and a number of priests, who were attending the meeting. In the melee that fol lowed many persons oq both sides were injured-, Amttng lho?e who were hurt was Davitt, who received a severe wound ou the head at the hands of one of the Parneilites. ' Dublin, Dec. 16. Davitt was the first of tbe sneakers to arrive at the meeting in Ballinakill, and he took his stand in the higher part of the t-quare near the cnurch. Cheers and counter cheers and partisan shouts were vocif erously indulged in by the assembled members of the two factions. As Davitt began his speech a wagonette, on which were William Redmo d, M. P, ana other Parnelltes, was driven through lower part of the square fol lowed by a cheering crowd. R dmond THE THinn PAKTT BOTE. Tne tatera eflhe AtTUnee nd Knight of Labor tVrtermlae Xe to fall Con vention Dot to Hold Conference Talaiiassk. Ha., Doc 1G - Ala meet ing in Jacksonville Iat night, attended bv Master rkaaa Powaerlv d John Davis, member-elect of Congr- from Kansas, on behalf of the kuubU of Labor, President Po!k. National Lecturer Wlllctu, member of Execu live Boa'd Wardwell. of North Dakota and others of tbe Farmers Atllance, it CON G It ESS. SENATORKENNA'SFOnCEnjLSPtCCM AGAINST TM FORCE P?LL. ! . He Taja IIU lter . II' ar And r.rarie-ltta ltnr of !rtt aaxt It to ItMlUe-The Arrtttw Htll-An ltarrt IUllra4 It ThcH the llonao. T" Washington, IX-c. H - f sknatt. 1- mor.ilnj .hoar bating ciijr-vl. The was dtcided to have no convention at I the Elect! n bllt came up and Senator Cincinnati February 3d, as had been I Morgan took tho Ckor Id cot tlcualioa arranged. It was decided that the call for the Cincinnati couventlon aboulvl not be formally lued; but that, la it stead, a conference, composed of com mitleesof five from each of tbe organ izations, should be held some t'me in February, which should gp over the of hit tpcoch agAlt-at lhr mcAearrt.HU CrA point of attack abinat tt bill was provision lor tr.n nprtoitsimrnl o Chief SutMsrvlor. lie cbWr.urd thaV under the languaco of the prof Ulon the poallloo of Cblef Super lor wa a life iKwitlon. The court would hava ground carefully and, without taking I no power io remove, nor lb Hcue to formal action, pmctically decide what Impeach. Tho Usnur tf ottcv m for coure f action should be pursued, j as long a the Incumbent u faithful This is a decided victory for the con-J and capable faithful to whom? hr servaiive element among tho Third I asked, and be added thai John Daven party men. Fatal Kxploelon in n Mine. ASHLAND, Wis., Dec. 16. A box of giant powder explodM In the Sunday Like mine at Wakefield. Mich , ye- teroay killing two men Instantly and fatally wouudlng others. The two men were engaged iu opening a an of pow der with a chisel, and a ipark got into the can. A lineman rep irii.g tele phone wires In the vicinity was thrown from tbe pole and had two ribs broken, The explosion set fire to the timber of "the mine aud it burned briskly. TherO are some men in the mine but the par ticulars cannot be learned. Attorney General Pope Dlackarced. Columbia, S c, Dec. ih The pre li miliary examination of Attorney Gen eral t'ooe. charired with violating a section of the Stain conelilutlou in dis charging Thomas li. Butler from the engrossing . department becue he voted for tlaskell against Tillman was before Trial Justice Youiuan ihi morning. After an examination of port's namo might a well b written In the bill. AA the close of Senator Morgan t r? mariaa. Senator Pugh gave notice of an amendment requiring that th appll CanU for toltl..n of Dt puty Marbnl. etc., shall be ahln to read and write and shall bf of good moral character. Senator Keona addrrecu tho Sen.tta In oppositlou to iho bill. He mid that there was no mistake about what It meauU There waa no mUlake that It was a cunning contrivance to pUco In the band of the majority tho control of the ltillluttou of the pcoplo with a batonel for every billot. The conduct on tho other aide of the chamU?r had tended to impress upon hla mind, at least, the ide that, for tome good rea son, It was conaioered wio-for parti- reason s to smuggle tbe bill tnroufh Cngrcs, wise to have It Intado the tatuto boxk,, llently as the tred of a thief by night- Waa the bll', ho ask d, the product t a felon or of fa'iatlcs. of a Soioaioo or a fottl? IU terras and provtalona wero before the Senato Iu objecU and lu witnesres the trial justice dismissed I purMsa were carried on it f!c. It was understood that John 1 iMven port was iu author. It sound d liko him; It looked like him; It n ad I ke hliu; every section, every clautM. every line a d every letter of it from oneend to tuo other spell d Davenport, in chief promoter iu the Senate was the distinguished Senator Irom Massachu settrf (H.arj and the focoud in com mand so. med to bo the equally distin guished Senator from New York (Evans.) Itaeomed to bo me?t and proper that those two distinguished gentlemen should bo selected, cither by other or by themselves, to take charge of tho bill. One of them t ad made a part of , the Electoral coal mis sion, and tbe other had been thi chief Republican counsel before that tri bunal. He gave a highly graphic dcicrlp tiou of the scenes before tbe Electoral commission and in the House of H-p-reseutatlv.is and refern-d to Mrs, Fa sett'a painting In which EvarUwas tho antral figure ajdretltjg tribunal and in which Boat appears as a member of tho commisoloti. That picture, ho said, ouhi not to go down to prostcrlty solitary and alone. 1 hero should tx? a CiKupaniou picture painted for It, show- i . : I. .-I t til.. I. ahlrlt 1 u v . the I asij on the ground that the section did not apply to -tate ofiicers. Tte attorney' general did not appear in court. iaaaoasn Miner- ou m strike. Cheyenne, Wyo., Lee 16. Twelve hut died miners and laborers at the Ruck Springs mine of the Union Pa cific railroad company are on a strike and the mines ar Idle The company gave notice Saturday that they or DO."ed uaving workmen bv the hour A ui is meet ing was held yesterd iy and a strike was resolved upon. It is bt lie cd the company intend' d for. stnl it g the effr-c. of the eight hour law In truduted in the prvs-nt State Legisla ture, hlch is likely to pass. suits for rt e Arrest. STAUNTON, Va , Dec 16. Ernest Howard. f the Sutck Exchange of Staun'ou, who was yefteday Arrested on the eharjie ol embezzling, funds of the Ex-hangrt, U-dav, ri bis attorneys, inr-tuuied two suits for false arrest ai;ain!t VV. J. Perry anJ John F. B ai d, complainants, for $10,0JO aam- age- each. Another Hauk Nuaiended. MlNNEAlOLIS, Dec 16 A special trXU:UIarlreU baalllo I. from IJur. n, 5 D to the Journal lJur. n, S D to the say: The Hume National bank 8u.-pended this morning. The euepen llMl wii caused b the 'withdrawal of !6Ui)0 of ceposits The ank officials dec are that provision ban been maiie to p y every dollar to tho creditors and dcrpositors. liMllan UntlnKln. Pine Bidge Agency. Dec 16 Two Srik is wiitiiti five mum f tbisagen- m . ...1.2 ; . l 2aa aa n-h mi i . t . a.e.na...iia . . awar. . . t is much better, anu hopes of a sueedv ! oegan speaKing bimunaneouy who ti nu lon.-ujir.iuup-iiijuiu ujcii. : I Tliiuitt Thn hHcci.tnf nnnli,A- unrtv Wtimetl and child relt . He Dn. Ml.tln I St-liatlir SlMIUUer. WDO lU MiB MUrrThnmann nf rHnfn vQO!headed by Dr. Tanner and several woiu that he will art he today at u do ' of Senator Hoar bad charge o( hppn vuitinir friend in Invcn unr vi. ' P V w iiai . dwm v epe uro r- - - - . .. ..- .-n. .-w - - Deen visiting inenas in town ana yi- r r . . offer st4.oied the n.ov.ment o tr(Hoa Senator Dotoh aduressed cmuy, ana maae many iriei as, wn ue nn , th,m,.a uUir)fT n. frfr awhile. Thev are. ho-ever. hnr I., aurmort of the bill. ?TZt?-?'A wW.r8?!!r.L W en 6 ! cr occupied by Day itt mid chorus of ing every thii g in rtadit.es to start at I eluding hi argument he Miss4V Gertru-e Moore, of Dunlin, mingled cheers and hisses. , a moment s , otice. . motion to ad joura. x m m ava a ara ft-a a 1 ...Mansaai am a . a auuuuutcu mo ttrtou rpmrorvT a ri vra i laying the branch trucks into the now Union depot The weather turned cold to-day and the signal service people predicted snow within twenty-four hours. Thus far the claims made upon the surities on the guardian bo. ds of C D. Unchurch, late clerk of Wake Superior court, Hggtegate about $7,600, it is learned to-day. The total of the botd Is$l5,0ti0. The yeir is nearly gone and not a move has been made toward the begin- nlt g of work on the railway from and Eula Smith, of Sampson, are visit Ing relatives in town. Two of our most charming young ladies wi 1 soon cr ange their .tames and move to distant States. The bos are to be -congratulated in advance of the happy ovent. Mr. R. W. Boy ette is repairing the house lately occupied ry Mra Dr. Hill, and will remove his interesting family to town eany in January. We welcome all such citizens. Negroes aro returning from the tur- pontine fields south of us, ai d are mak iug things lively with the cah. yet from what wo can learn, not many of ' them will go back, as the fine crops this. year of those who remained at home will induce the resfe&s to stay and go to work.' Our tube rose growers have had a rough time of it during the. recent cold weather. They areobjged to keep fires burning all night ana day to keep .a am a a . a a tha bulbs, which xr -verv fciiRrntihLe liails are arriving here to be used in 1 to told, from freezing. Mrs. Fannie Hodge who bss been trav- lling in the We6t ai d Northwest for the last year has returned, but will leave for Effingham, S. C, to-morrow evening. We are gratified to see Miss M. F. Old so far recovered from her recent illness as to resume htr duties as Or ganist at the Baptist church. great shouting arrival.of Parnell and Harrison. Par-i nell's appearance beside Redmond was a signal for cheers and yellsof "Tally ho, ,the fox," etc. Amid a din Parnell spoke to the group an und him. Tbe din increasing, Parnell paused at d pointing toward the opposition meet ing, said: Let's get away from those , lunatics I can't htar my own voce " Harrington shou'ed, "Dont let us leave tbe field to them now." ! Several men now made a strong effort to drag the wagonette into the midst f the anti-Parnell gatbeiirg, but were dissuaded. Harrison was about to follow P-rnell ' and Tanner was sptakit g, when a nd den cotiflnt arose on the yerge of the crowds. A rueh was mace towards DaVitt's car at.d a general meUe en dued. A forest i f ash-pianl sticks bnd black thorns arose and dseetded in the air where the dividing lime Of ibe OptOrifig fbCtfoiie ILet. Davitt leaied from bis car wieldii g a thick hazelstick nod fought hi 'way foot by foot straight lowarde Pari ellV wagon, giving ai.d receivit g numer- , ou biow-s He finally reached ihn wagon. haiUseand with hie fv badly matked. and with few of I is men with him, 'who also bore traces if sev.re u-aue. StbLdit g on the Heps of Par nell's wagon, Davitt utterto abnath less and ii distinct defiaLce, iht n lun ed and some of the V,300 Atneilcan cltlz-ns for whom Daveuiort had issued warrants were packed, crowding each other , to look'out tbiougb the bars and showing John I. Davenport as the central figure. After occupying some three hour Senator Keuna said that there , were other features of the bill which he would like io discuss but be didnot feel, in view of bis health, that it would I bo safe for him to continue his speech and would prei r to uuiau is wuiui iuw. tno MDsenco the bill, the BcnaU Without coo- jteldcd for a A 10.000 Gallon Water fan a Bartti, RicaMOND, Va., Dec. i6. At the ' Mr Mills as a prif lleg d flucsticn Buet.a Vieia pap-r mill Aug u.ta, offered : a concurrent resolution provld-o-uniy, a ten tli4usano gallon water Ing for a holiday reccas from December tan ircollapeed, killing U iilam Roach ' i2d, to January oth. and it juriog two her employees, the ! Mr. iing e moved iu reference to latter not seriously I the committee on Ways and Meats, Uu sunditig vote, which was strictly ' partisan, tho rtsult was C'J to C9, and Telearaphle -parks The hre isst niLbt Otetroyid nearly the Speaker cast i Is to e in tbe afSr- half of the bu-iret-t- or lion i f Darling- matie. Whereupon the yeas and nays ton. . C. The loe. ill be at out I3v,- sere' ordered aud resulted yeas, Ijri; j0. iyerd by iisuiatc. i oa-, 116. A ri w atfitm prt vailed yesterday In Mr Dunnell called up the Appor the bb napdoab v ley . 1 be enow waa tiou men t bill, and brleflv explained It a . three ll. Lt irtji at I Irbt fall at Staui'toii and Hhi t ironburg and was siili filii g. 1i. cai.tiir.g mi 1 t the Ohio Powder cou latit'e wtiks itar Youigeiown, 0 . bit w up s iday 1 wo wort men wen kit ed, eevttaS itjurtd aLd the 1 Ui Olb. Certtojet T h C lexi tr)a ' ti vnty , Pa . hank c o- c it d re wliii. Ex-Unittd b'Htes S i ator W aiHe U the Osi'tr. proyisions rxime difference of opinion had been shown Id committee but it hau fii ally been determined to accept &50 a the proper number. This num ber had bieo relet l d becaure it bad been f una to be the number fint reached between Zi2 aid 375 that would secure to every State at least Iff present reprt net-tat on. With 2Vf6 njembt rs the ratio of lobulation would be l3,wi. li he present repn tenta- 'l he- 'sbih us sn rs d to be fSoti,U0 titn were retalntd raany Sutet weald wun f.wtiii anr lor ote or more mem berm. Mr. Dunnell haviLg coccluded hht utber New.. geueral remark waa asked bv Mr Dublin. J tt. 16-TJ t applicntloL B'ouLt as to the time which would be of tiL-eiieiiigiMtaif .1 ParneU'a allow d for debate. Mr. Dunnell man adLt it Le. iht t um l tie tatKiaMed iftattd a disposition lo allow the debaU ai i Mttuu r .i-jbi ci.on, iteUaiMi g to tun alotg until be though itproDcr tit bththtu r i t . Mrwthe sup- tofltmacd the prevloua queition. Mr I n reed Lmttd htluhd, the first edition blount waa not content with thla an . ' a puehed his way back to his oraeiai conns or ins rois in JBicnican. Lansing, Mich., Dec. 16. Tbe offi cial canvass of tbe vote in the recent Springhope. Nash county, to this city election has just been completed. It somethii g that seemed vecy near at shows the fo lowing results: For Gov hatid twelve months ago. Just as soon , ernor, Edwin B Winans, Democrat, as that road is built bv the Wilmington received 183,725 votes; Jaa. M. Turner, and Weldou the Seaboard Air' Line Republican, 172.205; Partr dge, Prohi will build from RidaHwa in Richmond, bition. 28,681 ; Belden, Labor. 198. Tbe iUiCQ BVstem la WM.tnh1ncr thn otner. uemocrais eicoeu uiuv i.uuKn:Muicu wmuun, uratiDE uin xionueee iu pro- w... .... - m . u. .. Meanwhile they aie dividing the. and the Republicans two. Theenlire Bounce .Rainsi Catholics supporting rufft,luK iiom a a igbt cold but be tru Mr fre ght businesa in a most amicable . Democratic State Ucket was also Parnell.. Tbeyask the Pope to take Ih?1,.: aner. , elected. .Mtion because of Parneir. wickedne. : ' !A- . - . a.f Salltf.t a ..a.. S . at,. II ..aL. I . . -a ' w wsm own car surrounded by bisfaitiful sup wr sivsnuj- gerut.n, oeneving mat time shou a bo porters and amid coM.nued y II. ai d J'csJ. t iwiibeiar dit g the giytn to lieprtsenUtivea of New York execrations of the two contei oir g ftv jm-1" 'I-- laper a.-aidaopeartd city to present their objection, to the tiora. The crowd then began u.c ia- lCb Ihewoio -Ui.neo Ireland." ceotua of that city. After an ineffect- perae and he square soon r-umed its h m vtr. eo mi $ pist m. the page; ual effort to secure an agreement at to norms! aspect. 'J ;".J'Pm.o ohly apjeara limitation of dt bate, Mr. Dunnell gave tlx., lm w.. ni,r . . it . ..... b.Ii i . . . - . . ui irrn I O 1IH ina.1 nn av 1,11m Mil vA 1 jua DUBLIN, Dec 16.The Irih liiniM say a that the Pope Is consio appeal sent him bv the Ca pro- tho 10 in fR,,VntfY,r,t,0tt ,epuri Mr. Blount laid that tbe cent en ' fu;" "f Tliical iliuesou' the Pope waa a would have toobulnaquonTmiuor mani maw n erf aw to carry hi de mat d. a Flower of New Yprk, protettetj Cwtlmued fourth pajt. ,