THE WILMINGTON MESSENGER. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 17. IS9Q. 1 liiBfylMIPM Is o inflammation of the bronchial tubes tV air-pas w leading Into the June. Few other complaints are so prevalent, or call tf more rrompt and enerjretic actWu. X afcject or delay may result seriously, effective remedies should always b t ataad. Apply at once a muttard puullice to Se npp-r part of the chest, and, lr latcroal treatment, Uke frequent doses of . Ayer's Cherry Pectoral r. (I. sir, Drttgglftt, Tort Wayn. Ind., mrA-:. My little stst r. four y an of ar. mi i ill from lronel4iUtliatwe I .id alnxt fin i.j lii' if her recovery. fur family 4iyi in, a ftkilfnl nun and 1 lare rxfrt ! . rxnouneed it uvlcn to jrive her any m"tf fii'leiiie, raying he had done all It was lvsiM.' t do. :iwi we niut prparr f-r the H.rt. A a l.Tt resort. d teru-iiied to try Ay r's ( "herry ivrtoral. and I ran truly any. with rn t happy reiJM. After taking a f'-w h l e vcmed t' 1 r;itl ai'r, xnd. within a w k. w.n i.t f l;u.t; r. We cMii.':".l jr i j 1 1 jr tl f I' toral u.' til natir.ed" !, w -ii enJir. ly Till lnd;pi:tiMi e j.'. f U.i j. r :it merit of Ayer's C'l. rry jv. r.i I ;! j iwii i :e i;;.l'. .ii'ld cf.r.fl 1 ii-c in t!, t' i ,.r iti ii. aiid I r n.rn nd it t . i. y i-i- i . ki'u A !!. it cannot i!iap- "Aj i' rh'-rry rrt rn! ':;rrl me of a 1 ad co-,'fi an-l my p.iitnT f I r!nlii!!. I know f u:;Ji.Ti-J. '; hi 1 i h t!:i preparation is j r v ! ( f ) 1 1 1. f.' to f Miiilf f Youn Cliildren, !l.:.t t!.'-ln .l.rii. e I kt.nwn alliens them i 'It,.- !!..'. r t! n JTI 1 1 - .Jaime J: -if - Ys r :. "i.-t-'l i. ya:i.I'-n.:ii'o. " A -!.it Jii "- .i,". 1 v..ivt.:ku wt!i a S1 '. i OP.... r r a-.vr A. i f r-.r t .:' tr.r.-:. ; ;,lt..ek f 1 !! hiti-. iiie P T I s illf.1 , '. ii-. "I v.i h v f.i,!d t'o the f, .'.'.in'.-t u, ! 'piiir f i r finding Z r - !:, I', !it a I ' ttle -f (!,.,iv J-.rt'.i J. at.ilv.; Idped' . r.r ? ! ' 1 1 el 'i -t fjii!.ed one ,. f r- !l ;! as.- li ft in', and my m l HWi-re Hwnd if ;ti-"w ll-'iifer. A!ti..i.a, 1'a. t: Iyer's Oiierry Pectoral, DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowen, Mass. Hul 1 Sy all IMjj;i;iii'. Pri . f 1 ; ' Lottie, f 3. r7HSHSHSESESSS5HSH5ESSSH57 -.innjrr. ROYAL GERMETUEF g (ne fart Is w orth a thousand argument uml 1 r. Kintf' Hoyal (lernietuer demon n ,.r.rv .Ii v Imt It Ih iimk i hit inori rur.-n tliitn any other medical preparation - 1 in Hie world. I" ru a iimii'hter of Mr. ('. Jordan. of Atlanta. U In w as cumf of a Merlous cue of stomach and fu liiiwt'i trouMi-s. Mr. N.T. Johnson, of Atlanta, wacurea n nj . k A t . i i.t.. nr.. w . I....- f I H i t M., n Mil t'O Tfl l"IUU III la c.iturrh which was snrplng hlH lire away, M r M. K'armer. of west Knd. Atlanta. Ir u M ru X Purmer . nf Vst Knd. Allan N was completely cured of a ten years case "j jif i ti H in fit ir v r hii ni At ism. N U v. A. It. VauKhn. t'anton. t;a.. xva u v , - -- Li i iirt il of facial neuralgia, alsoof alivi-rand Tl pi klilney trounie 01 many years kibiiuiuk. m tn Mis. T. S. I'elot, of Atlanta, nan neen an n' r ln ill 1 I II vears, nut i lermriucr ciiri-u t. i J Mrs. V. V. Hern. Ion, Atlanta, ia.. auf U ffrid witli acute catarrh, line bottle of I PJ ieriiictuer freed her from tnia dreadful Uj Li disi-aso. n A il.iiii;hter of T. T. Tlroslu. of Atlanta, I, n h id tried every known remedy for ag- n nl Krav.lieil iiy'pM. A w uvimnv -ir- metuer cured her. , nj hi Mr. t ew I P.ennett. Atlanta. Oa had IS pJ h... M afllii-ted wltli indigPHtion for'J)year, "j tfl complicated with iliarrho-a. Three-fourths IJJ fll of a Ixittle cured him Hound and well. LTJ Thousands of voluntary certincate te.s- m tifv li the remarkable curative virtues of In I loyal Uermetuer. It bulhls up ai once, nj wooes "nauire s poll nurw -irnrsinun in sleep, -stimulates the appet Ite, aids diges- j tiou, soothes the nerves and Insures good I" lie.iiih. For weak women, cier. noon-keep-r. milliners, stenographers, house- pi wives, etc., it is the nonpareil of all rem- IT c.H.-s. As a blood purifier and an lnvigor- m alius tonic It Is without a rlvams as m plas.'iul to take as iemouau wnnouv; is u scientific discovery, and cures .11 i-tm-s bv removing the cause. Price. I.Vi pr concentrated bottle, which will in:l. i one gallon of medicine, as per ac ciMiipanyln;: directions. Kend Stamp for full particulars, wonderful cures, etc. l or sale by druggists and by Kive'a ll.iYAL (iKHUKTl'EU CO., AT1-ANTA, CJA. li5HSESSSEB5SZ5BS2S hUu'T K HKil.LAMY Wilmington, N. C. 4 r 1 aw sj "J fULMONI RUP' 1'ifty years nf ?u,ve.-s s sufilcler.t evidence f ! he value ofScheneks Pulmonic Syrup as a c. are for t'onsu iv. pt h-n, (.'onhs, 'olds, I loarse. Div.s Soro-Throat 4.c. It contains no opiam;Js 1 .r Sale hr nil Iriiirist?. Trice 1.00 per t"::".o. It. Schetiek'n I look on Consuinptioa a..; 1 its Cure, mailed free. Address T)r. J. II. Schenck& Son, Philadelphia, THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY. 'U.G.C." Cures iionorhasa and Gleet in 1 tofi Dart, without Pain. Prevents Stricture. Contains no acrid or poisonous substances, and is guaranteed aosoiuteiy nannies, prescribed by physicians. Jtet Sy rtncefre with each bottle. Irlce$l Sold by drufrjf ists. lleware of Sub stitute. Acmr;hem.Oo.I-td..N.O.lA o For iHi.,t J. H Hardin, Wilmington,?. C The Ladies are invited to call at mrs. E.'TJl. Strode. I -ASH ION ABLE MILLINER. A fall Uae of Eats, Ribbon. Feather?, OIotm lu always in swjca, on rroni sveev erer 'a nor. 5U I K GREAT yjf S J0Mt:7 flUf I f n 1 X V f Dn.B:iro's 1 x i l i csj r k 1 P h -hi I U Us. P Ml Si ITholo Koran XIte4 A Part of tbe Crefoooy. S;edil Oorrtsy I "net-. Cairo, ZtvU Not. 10. Ths next awl tbia.5 to lcTiotinj tho khedire, ac onlin.: to thi tourist estimate, b to get :a invitation to an E5niian eddins. v:no of th- hold guests aro to rmxtotu ct thin honor tint tbry do not rait for m ;nvitti.;n. but lako tbe liberty of n :Snth ircinU to any borne where iKvhttira vclIi?!,JM in irogrpi an J kl.ns for r.ainiion. Oriental courtesy f pcn?rtit tkxt !iU rclent .-.i is not rJy fors.-iv.-n. but often tbe ormers cf lie canl are c.niially v.e!w:r:oL It waii tho t?il for triiv of the fTtxenl rrittr to receive' an invitation tome hi!- ao to ictfrfut at thu wttldinof two fcons of Slohaninit-J Pii-sha. Tliis n v; ration save me ei-wal r-leasnre, f .:h IwcanTe it rnvc me an oppor unity to see a hi.jh caste; marriage cere-no-.ty, ari l bcin a double wedding I .:nc!td thatitwonM bo a very brill r.nt ;i3fair. My fx;"t.;.tions v.tre not : j'.izt.l, hovrever. A to the inr.rriage ctTcmony x"oper 'un wai nor.a to far as 1 cunl l s:-e, and i;c if the brid roonii ano!ojzed for he .simplicity A tho wrdain? crrange-ii-ut.s, fayin.? that this vras renleml if-.s.-ary"by his f.itu-r's absence in Aon. Wh itfcCf nj l old t?rt:;;h, th oi:-h of ,i. .- not u::oxp.-ct'd. v.u the total al !: '; of v(.:.:cn. In th. prr-at central 'i:rt nr.d the various ro'dr.s on th" lower : r of the r.v. :-e no one could be neen :it wn. I:t all r.-fl and cenditions t i.:o:i were re. I : v.; f.onie o f rich y-n:; n:cn 4'. .'.;: ro in i.:'-.-t ehihorate toilets, and 1 .'-. to t!h;;vs. a bare kneed 'or annr. 1 n-v:"hbcr, v;ho Seined to be i;:--t x. ...... ilUf of V." nio--.t :. !;;. ive of the "Kts smoked . - 1 ! cigars in the drawing rfom. I hi - was a lare.and cc-?nfortable :iart iorit, furai-ht-d in D:rt:; :iri tyh ;.-Tih huhin:; as even th l:ho live'.s .;ir!t;rs lack most of the b-eautifnl ;xnd i.ixuriotU " 'thi;i.3 which tnake tln-se n o:ns what they are to xia. ilost of the cniaprmy, however, preferred, as we did, ; mingle with the common people in' tl." central court. This spacious yard roofed for the occasion with im-c.n-o Turkish rus, and hun with iare chandeliers sparkling with pi ass urn; mvMit-s. Here .the two happy bride urooiiis were kept bnsy receiving their the (ids and seating them upon the mat eovt'red benches, and keeping their slaves busv fiunnlvimr them with food DTP"'.11 :,riuk-.... . . j r is a part or me cu-romary marriage cinmony that .all the Koran shall be chanted in the of the bridegroom duriug the day and night of the - wed ding. This joyful task is generally per formed by blind men. On this particu lar occasion the chanter was also a de uvndant of the prophet, as was shovTi by his conspicuous green turban. There was t:o "much of shouting and triii'.ng anal dwelling upon the vowels in this recitation that ii would have been impossible for' an "Arabic scholar who wits not a Mohammedan nor ticcustomed to the devotional elocution employed to un'h 'island the words which he was re pealing with such' fervor. We ought not to lay this up against the Molsem j n acherF, however, for on one occasion, in one of the London cathedrals, I heard a notice rea l, and the only word wliich J understood was of Latin extract: n. Turning to the man standing by my fide 1 whispered, "D they always an- ti':inco the notice: here ia L iti?i.'" To my great surprise he replitd: "lie was MMvikifur English. Do vou i:ot under- stand English?" Ortainly to the men who surrounded t'lis blind reader his words v.vre music. hr again and r.gain, niter .what seemed to bj an impresstye rendering of a favor ite passage, trey would shout in delight. Allah! Allah!" Our Indies finally descended from those mysterious upper thamlie.-s wiiere the tanies w ere niutieu, oi wnoso existence vevvvre ordy niadp acquainted by the burs of laughter which occasionally (loafed down to us. I could not help wondering if the two youths 'who wero being married had really never even taken a sly peep at their brides. Our ladies were willing to answer this and-many other questions, for they h: 1 1 :'?: able to get quite a conlhlential chat, nut with tho brides, in di.trd for they were forced by Egyptian etiquette do sit silently with their hands clasped anl their eyea modestly cast down but. with the bridegroom's sister, whom they found to bo a most intelli gent and charming yonng lady. SShe frankly acknowledged the advan tage which tho young brides possessed in having seen their future lthsbauds while they themselves were unseen, but Feenud to think that her mother and hersilf were quite competent to pick out wives for the youths. "I hope your brother will appreciate your selection, one of our ladies remarked: to which tha sister returned th3 naive answer: "I hope s-, -too. . We will know in the morning!'" What a scene must always be expected by the matchmaking mam ma. wh. h.:s selected a homely wife for her son, c.--jvcially if In h:id paid down '0 for her. as each of these young men had done! It would require a lady's pen to de scribe the toilets to .3 seen in that mys terious upper room. Our imaginations are quite bewitched by the rep. ct brought us from that hidden paradise. Tho two brides, however, were the? cen ter of all admiring eves, tho younger be ing -elegantly but simply Iressed in a robe of white satin trimmed with srold. and the elder magnificently attired in a wine co.ored, gold embroidered satin gown, wearing upon her head golden ct own sparkling with jewels. May the future lives of theso descend ants of Cleopatra bo as beantifnl as their eyes and their wardrobes! Camden M. Cobern. Moody, the evangelist, is a pedestrian. He U nearly always in fine phrsical con dition, and disdains an overcoat, even ia to coldest wearaer. SUCCESSFUL POULTRY hAlSJNG. ?a!bte ! Plain a?rlU fmm m Practical Poultry Crvwtr. In a paper real before a 3X2achasetta farmers clnb Mr. A. C Hawkins, of Lancaster, 21as3., recently made a num ber of useful suggestions, amcng them the follow ing: Don't make jioultry a e: 1 isne if too want to r"rl ?Iany of th most nc cpssful ponLry tuiser3 are women, they having the jrrlience and tact and lntlli Tnt application necessiry. Start with small numbers and atndy the steps, read the poultry paxers and mazincs and learn what others are doing and how they are doing it. A house for ICO fowU rhould be 00 feet long by 12 wide, divided into two X-ns and cm each end of tbe hoae an open shed C fevt long by 12 wide. The ;rund shonld Ix; fcvelly to avoid dampaess; there thonld be sis inches of clean,, sandy gravel in the Ikjusc, and a foot of dry leaves in th hed. A gravel ly, well drained soil is best for a poultry louse, as dampness crir cr. sickness. A toutheast erpnre ii lest." Darred Plymouth Rocks I place at the head of the !bt of breeds which are hardy ,i roll ftc layers, good setters and mother.-, ctr. Whiio Plymouth Hocks aro a go d I reed, though less hardy than th' 1 arrr l. The Wyandottes are the strongest rival of tho Hock?, and aro an cxc:ll:nt brcel for a fanner to 'h p. Scl-et for bnxding itock tho best birds in the Cock and put them in pens separate from the ctlir-rs; twelve females toa male I have found to bo the best. Give the breeding : 1 ek w'ido range andithe eggs will bi3 n.'.re feriile, and will hatch stronger, tn re vigoroau chic!:s. The nearer we to' nature'.- inc tho ds the stronger the g: :n:i and tha better t tart f.-r the- ch i t k. W itli pec r egg s t he germ is p.xrly nonrihcd and the chicks come fort h weak an 1 pi ndl ing. Uoe tho same kind of house for sitting as for laying, and then the conditions 'will be such as tlie fowls are familiar with, and there will be less liability of the birds- de.iert ing their nest.'. April pullets ought to begin laying in October, and should be removed to th:-ir winter quarters before tho cold nights come on. Early chicks can be raised at a coat cf about twenty live cents for food and sold for about a dollar, which gives seventy-five cents for proi'it. Crimson Cloyer. Crimson clover edet-ely resembles com mon red clover in appearance, except in the shape and color of the blossom; the color is a bright crimson. Crimson clover differs from red clover in that it is an annual! A correspondent in Rural New Yorker, -writing from Delaware, says that in that state crimson clover is large ly grown for the purpose of xlowing under in the spring .13 a green manure. He s ays: "Se veral farmers in Kent coun ty last season were eo well pleased with it that they seeded largo areas of 'their peach orchards and cornfields with it for the purposo of fillir.g their silos with the green fodder. It is greedily eaten by all kinds or stock. If cut and cured before it is too mature it make3 an ex cellent quality of hay." Professor Bial, of the Michigan Agri cultural college, after repeat 3d trials of crimson clover on a small scale, thinks it of no value for Michigan. Profe-sor .Galley is of tho ramo opinion for Missis sippi. Mr. D. S. Hicks has rai-:ed it in Dnms wick county, Ya.. and has confi dence that it wid prove valuable as far north as Xew Y.r!:. It is not hardy in Michigan, according t" Dr. Beal. Government Lands. In hia annuel reporter the operation of hi3 bureau for tho fiical year ending Juno CO, 11-00, tho commissioner of the general land efneo says that an agricul tural domain of nearly 10,000,000 acres has during tho year been tran?ferred to enterprising and industrious settlers by patents issued to them, whilo the areas patented to tho states under tho swamp grant and to corporations under special grants havo been great, although some what reduced as compared with previous years. Tho class of patents known as "agricultural" includes all patents is sued on final and commuted homestead entries, on pre-emption, timber culture. desert, private cash, town site and other entries, embracing land of an agricult ural i non-mineral character. The num ber of such agricultural patents issued during the period covered by the report was 117,24 1, em eracing 18,759,520 acres, as against 70,141 issued inJeSO, with an aggregate area of 1 1 ,220,500 acres. The increase for the year is, there foro, 47,106 patents and jOobuO acres of land. ..'"Winter X'ecttin'j f Stock. In many cac3 during the winter fecd iag consists in throwing a- few ears of corn into the loxe3 and filing the manger with hay. To cattle some corn and fodder are given and the hogs are limited almost entirely to coin. "Where stock is wintered in this way, says a Missouri farmer, it cots more and they will not keep in as (;.vl condition as when a good variety i supplied. Wiijt many this keeping o:i feeding one thing as long as it lasts and then changing to some thing else is the result of habit. On a majority cf farms a good variety can just as ea-ily be produced if proper care ij taken and forethought is exercised, and stock- of all kinds will thrive 'much better f. r it. It is not advisable to ke.p growing or breeding stock fat, but it is very ential to dieep them in a thrifty and improving condition. It is furthermore equally important to secure thli condition at tho least cost, and this can usually le done best by feeding a variety. Commercial Fertilizer r. Manure. In a recent bulletin from the Ohio sta tion Director Thorno say;: "On this farm, -where by thorough "drainage and tillage wo hav3 been able this year to produce an average -of thirty boshehi of wheat per acre without any ferilExer, no combination of comaeccial fertilizer has produced sufficient increase of crop to pay the cost of the fertilizer, although barn yard mamure has paid mora tkao tfcre few tfceewt eT its applicatloa." Prominent Clenmsen. PbTslciact, and all classes of citizens are uaanl xsous in the indorsement of balratioa Oil, the tfreat,' cure for Hneumatl'in. Price o-l j r rents a bottle. At ail DruxisU. You or ldieoa the ere of marriage cow giTe apiniter dinners," at which female friends only are ealertalned. Tbey are allowed to talk of Tery ibieff, and never fall to roenuon tne numerous cura Ire benefit o( Dr. Bulff Cough bvrup that cures all coughs. coir, bronchi tl a,crou p. and toretnroau Carnecie's advice to Messrs. Dii Ion, O'Btien and others w&a that tbiee words should be telegraphed to Parnell: Resiffa. marry, return This is Carnegie's solution of tbe hole question, x . Tbe Great American Chorus. Sneezing, tnufiHuir and couffhlnff! This Is tbe music all over the land juat now. ve got euch an awful cold in my head." Cure it with. EljTs Cream' Balm or it may er In tbe toughest form of catarrh. Maybe you have ca tarrh cow. Nothing is more nauseous and dreadful. This remedy masters it as no other ever did. Not a fcnuiT nor a liquid. Pleasant, certain, radical. A dealer in "Id sermons in London advertises 4,000 manuscript sermons in job lots at a very low price per 100. Those that are wi ltten "in large. bold, clear hand" bring a higher price. v ' The First Step. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't bleep, canH think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. lou should heed the warning, you are taking the first step into Nervous Prostration. You need a Nerve Tonic and in Elec tric Bitters j-ou will find ' the exact remedy for restoring your nervous sys tem to its normal, healthy condition. Surprising results follow" the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your appetite returns, good digestion is restored, and the Liver an Kidneys resume heal ty action. Try a bottle. Price oOcat Robert R. Belli. Jiy's drug tore. The railways of the fourteen Cen tral and South American States now aggregate only 13,091 miles, or about 3,000 miles more than the mileage of the single State of Illi nois. To the Suffering. Over one hundred columns of volun tary certificates have been printed in the Atlanta Journal from such people as Rev. J. B. Hawthorne, Rev. Sam P. Jones, Hon. H. W. Grady, Maj. Chas. W. Hubner, late of the "Christian Index,'1 General James Longstreet, Col. VV. Avery, late editor Atlanta "CoDS-titution," and hundreds of prom inent divines, editors, doctors, special ists and others, certifying to remark able cures' performed by Dr. King's Royal Germeteury after eminent physi cians and all known remedies had failed. Send two-cent stamp to King's Royal Germetuer Co., Atlanta, Ga., for book of particulars. It is truly a great remedy, and surely cures when all else fails. Nine hundred and ninetjMwo women registered in Cheyenne, Wy.f for the recent elections. Several women rode twenty-six miles into Cheyenne to vote. Hot Springs. Have you ever visited HotSprings? Alas! loumeet while tuere so many instances of terrible blood poison, evi denced by disfigurement of face and form. Hither rush sufferers from scrofula, syphilis, eczema, salt rheum, ulcers, blemished sk;n, twisting and aching joints, limbs made crooked by rheumatism, etc., etc. borne find re lief, some do not and come away poor nrpurse ana grievously disappointed. It costs money to visit and sojourn at Hot Springs. The experiment of go ing there cannot be indulged in with out considerable expense. How thank fill then should everyone be to know there is a remedy even more beneficial in cases of blood poison than Hot Springs. We refer to Botanic Blood Balm (B B B) as to its merits thousands will testify. Z. T. Hallerton, Macon, Ga., writes: "I contracted blood poison. I first tried physicians, and then went to Hot Springs. I returned home a ruined man physcialiy. Nothing seemed to do me any good. My mother persuaded me to try B B B. To my utter aston ishment every ulcer quickly healed." Jas. L. Bos worth, Atlanta, Ga., says: "Somoyears ago I contracted blood poison. I bad no appetite, my dices tion was ruined, rheumatism drew up my limbs, so I could hardly walk, my inroat was cauierizeu uye times, not Springs gave me no benefit and my life was ono of torture until I gave B B Ii a trial, and surprising as it mav seem, the use of five bottles cured me.' For sale by Robt. R, Bellamy. The San Francisco Chronicle estS mates that the frnit shipment from California to the East this year will reach 10,000 carloads or 200,000,000 pounds. Female Weakness Positive Cure Free. To the Editor: Please Inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the thou sand and OLe ills which arise from de ranged female organ?. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any lady if they will send their Ex Dress and P. O. addrefs. Yours re spectfully, Dr. J. B. Marchisi, 1 S3 Gen pje street, Utica, N. Y. . Christmas Presents. O A GRAND DISPLAY. A Beautiful Selection of HOLIDAY QOODS lacludirr many ce aoreltlea recclred sad on ezhlbtUoa at ' GEO. HON NET'S. AGAIN THE HATS ! :o:- H A VINO CLOSED OCT OVIt FX EST; -O muuM of Fatt Sulc J Fttt flat, w art Jort v t f a f reia Stock : of : Elegant Y LI SH SHAPES ! CU rar 7 bef ore Vitj a rx We fear celrfsl Ktnth!n$ new zd pretty la Oewaycf MJHIXA ' SILCTIXGESS AND j- Stamped :: Linens ! Ilkni of S ?iW t Ail Ks?r 5 5olemc coa-kUttlj received. The Ladies Emporium, us -market street, t Candy, Nuts, Apples, Crackers, CAKE3, CHEESE, SARDINES, i ;.t, White M, Etc. A Full Line of S:PROVISIOWS-l Orders promptly filled. Goods guar antccd. Prices low. WORTH & WORTH, 4 tleMtf WILMINGTON, N. C. XMAS GOODS. 50,000 Oranges, CAR LOAD C0C0ANUTS. Raisins, SNuts, S ApoIes.TT FIRKCKACKER-i AND A LARGE ASSORT MENT OF FIREWORKS 1 t3?Scnd In your orders now and secure shipment. J. C. STEYEHSOH 4 TAYLOR. deciOtf M. Cronly, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. Valuable Un improved BUILDING :-: LOTS For Sale at Auction. JN THURSDAY NEXT, ISth Inst., at 11 o'clock a. m., we trill sell at the Northeast cor ner af Front and Wright streets The Valuable UnimproveiTProperty Aa mentioned below. Situated in the lower and southeastern part of the city, in the section where real estate has aaranced more rapidly and .commanding higher prices, than In any other portion of the town. The Blocks hare been sub dlrlded into Lots rangln in size from 33x73 feet to 33zlfi5 feet. Sale positive and without reterratt6,n. Title guaranteed. Term at ale. Plat ct the prep erty to be seen kt our oSce. Wagonnette will leave our office 15 Princeaa street, tota':r those wishing to attend, at 10:45 o'clock ol u.e morning of the tale, free of charge. All are jnriu d to go . 5 Lots on Block 31 Said block lying between Front and Second streets and.Dawion acd Wright streets. 2 Lota on Block 47 Said block ljlcg between Third acd Fourth ttrceta ax.d.Wooter and Diweon streets. 8 Lo s on DKck 3 Said block lying between Sixth a a Sere nth streets.and Dawton and Wrfgrt streets. 7 Lots on Block :o-Said block ljinglbetween Sixth acd Sere nib ttreets and Wcoiter and Dawton strests. 3 Lota on Block L2-Sa!d.tlock lying between EUhtb and Math atreets and Wooster and Dawon (treets. 1 Lot on Block 53 -Said block lying between Ninth acd Tenth streets and Woosttr and Da oa si reels. 8 Lots on Block 40 Said block I jinx between Tenth and Eleventh streets and Dawson and W rignt atreets. 48 Lota on Block aid block lytrg between Eleventh andTwelfth atreeu and Woos- ter and Daweon streets. 30 Lota on Block 5-Said Uock lying between Twelfth and Thirteenth atreets and Wocster and Dawson streets. 13 Lots on Block 44 Said block lying between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets and Dawvoc and Wright atreeta. It Lots on Block 522-Said block lying between Thirteenth aod Fourteenth streets and Dawson and Wright atreets. IS Lots on ttlwca &23-Saud block lying between Fourteenth and Flrteenth atreets sad Dawson and Wright stratU. stectt Tt Vax Houten's Cocoa "Best atd goes fartnrL' NEtTADTERTlHrwrv, Christmas fifii WW ere I household In oar rrv.' " ' y- .. sunn t souru. v; - .... - t . com plcto your tz,f rr. nxr i ' a pcrtecur a i w Dry Good KmhJUhm . li i FAYETTEVILLE. k. c :o;- Social attention . Critical ',, 1 High Grade Novo; e5. as wi::.: Useful and Qmarcenta! G:: "And the corr.Virt-.J ments we feel ?ar . v .: in any Southern This unprecN'dt.t ,1 Goods mrpts-, t. and quality fverrxluN! : We kludlv tHi.icil .n THE VERDICT To rc.-t with . . Kit'ttied. WHAT YOU WANT. Wo know I tin- p.;., lem for you to w, , , fchow you any thi v ' r : Ti, A TITXTJDY :: DOLL, To make your M-lectu ;: our immense hto k yoi strike feomethinjr t.ulutV;- ' poso. WHAT WILL IT BE! If you want to do t. handsome, lidlc, nr. band with a real i)h- $ OVERCOAT? OR SUIT OF CLOTHiNi'. This will be sensible, ami .. I will think more of i ;. has to pay tho bill ; jt GENTLEMEN would not make a mifta. Minting to their wiv ( -hantlromo ' v , SEAL SKIN WRAPS, -:;- SILE DRESS. Thefec are durable an 1 r memhranoes. Ilowcvcr ytj ' ' the judges, and If you do not v:'. te z' so deep down In your p : interest you in a brilliant line o bric-a-brac: Of rvtrv 1aHf)tfon. No line of good It is almmt ar billty toglve anyadequaUu ti - the medium of an adverti-.a' r.t. OUR NEW GALLERIES which run tbe entire h r J' " store, on boih side, cru :V ' cialiy for the occasion t.' chock full of the LATEST AND NEWEST DESIGNS from the hands of tho ' porters. Noto below i ' many attractions. Bronze Candtlabm, Banyutt liry t"1 Students Lampt. Onr Tal'. U'' " Standi, Smoking Tables. Oji', Yates, iiajolica Ware, Bii' Tx Christmas Cards. Chriitma S-'.H L" Detke. Ink Stands. Bronze P,UH'. fir Paper, Work Bozes. Japxteit Wirt. -til ing Cases, Sharing Cases. JJ : W'"1- Albums, Easels, frames. Mirrors. C Sets, Lamps, Book Racks. P'- L'"fU Wall Pockets. Smokers Cases. ' . And numberless other article, ll which would make , a nd f We solicit a careful examiaa.4-01. immense stock, and are aau-- wo can please the mort FBAHK 'IHOEHTOi FATETTIXTILLB. ' 14 tt F

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