I .- ; . ' Y! Vt THE nESSEKGEnl I Ti4 SXAT atXK4tft. -I frfl ADVERTISERS: 1 r r5SE?GER 8 l--V . w 7 V Ta itvn u trt4:t&xxzz i 3 i TAI5MHKI 18C7. WILMINGTON. N. C. TIIUI13DA.Y, DECEMBER 18. 1890. I - - I 1 HI l II I I 1 till I rvvv v x . j. I y.liUAl'H IC fiUMMAHJ. o i l itd retort fiom Dakota of a " -f . . k im1 f Indian and a b dj of n v i tli tl.e lattr loat to ofi era an r on. V'lv Wngrsnne ueu. . j to - a. 1 lit OLV vt me ur uwutru , a . c, Hi in ami that otbercn (i id iu'h tend nee at Lanri, Md., t it-h'eiday n.oruirjK. H'wire ; , , i ih m-i in l-ir U'gtt clothe-. re inMantly kill d in a " I I K rc' l raul '10,li;r l' K ,:H (, Cz r h ''fD d;. OTrel am og turt KNnei'i clb at Bt t,'", ,j . Tl t dtick labfirt-ts at Oiaanow I'mufll'ii mb'le be wiia U-mflid inw-i)e sid irom tu;a f. r of n flu mai ion rtttiog in - r, r. f cf 1 1,J rbop of tbe Roan I- h w-ik-fe'liininier th ln-aTy r h jriMtrfa? n o'Ditiv, kill ,ri r, .1 woui.cjijk t K'1' nera, ntnao l.e niow at K-aiM ke, V.. laat 1. i. j.a fi i-and atjll coduiik down ,; ..... ,i ( f a fht i'b Ii diana ii dlartdit- -flt,- Imiii Kra'i011 coiiTeution iu-t a 1.. M-t r.lav, 3'0lelgaWn prent, and tiia iflicra. Snow i tlire - hOo-rnmnit , -ijii I.: CONGRESS. -. SENATOR DOLPH THINKS THE FORCE BILL TOO LENIENT- Senator Morgan Crrtr th XVr Into Africa-Senator Kron Krtnmn III Ar- Kumrnt-Ill Phllllplc Asalnat I)TB prt -Tb Appurllooinent Will ! tUt Hou Washington. Dec 17-Senate V- Rpntitor Hoar aked unaninou con sent that Friday iirxt Rt Jl o'clock a. m'. .the debateJon the Election bill X BLOODY BATTLE. Bnmort ofai Battl VTIth ladlaaia la Which fifty ftoldUraar Killed Iadlaaa Dtr mined Upon War. Washington. Dec 17. Gen.SchoCeld this moroiot? rccelred & telegran: from Gen. Mile-, dated Loner Piue, Neb. December 16th, as followe: Gen. Brooke reporta Too Strikes and 181 lodpes, about 800 Indian, now camped at Pine Ridce aeencr. and thee, with oU er Indians at Pine Ridge and Rose bud, ar all that can be drawn out of the disaffected camps. The other are defiant and hostile and determined to go to war. lie has no hope mat any LATEST FOREIGN NEWS LIME THROWN INTO PARNELLS EYES AT A PUBLIC SPEAKING. FROU TAMIIGtX CITT. A riaavcll tKbeoao Av4 r Ral- r katian-A Ges-lwaw ttat for ho r-enalo - LmUc latervot im llfco Forco Milt. WAflUNGTOS, Dec K.-Mr. Wll- llami. chief of the tuat.ufcturv dll- atoa of tbe renua o2So h brvn In HE GROSS XEGLIGEXCE OF OFFICIALS DEPRIVES 200 PERSONS OF TME1R PENSIONS. Great Tala aad laflnanatloa of tbo Ejea Card Tbr.rbj-tcHrf.! K-.i.c formed bt DaTld S. Thum-n, -pUl liisn l Irrud-nubtr. lira Killed Sifent in cbarce of lbt a ltrriioo t.f ! ail ne A Plot i Bfarier l Mm taar Iloorrrd--lock Laborer ea a Mrike. Staia taatcr(to-orant WelaweA llaltMe fe A4obIIm Bv Aceal tara Coso-A,rortrlt 'lklef Joil Tea lor- Kaaer CWaorala MM H. to well tilted Ho Wood lUUUUH. N. C. lrt 17 ( Juat fmr Iran h.co IUr It I. ,,h1 j.itn . v. fV t" uw rurr uuui nun; j il,, rt.iladdpliia rtttJtirta tavr c n H ii vt r tlit-qut-rt naof chjbuh aeut- :; -, tl i- Yi vf bill jh bitoniiDK f . . ; . . 1 if.. T. .. - . fc. T. ....11 anil . i '.r. I rum u mn isijiiuo uu Jlvr jK.lioad ie 1-1 tked Ij-anow Jtl Ml ' . . i . ... V V ( i f m i H' ' I iJa' M ') ait iu prw x ra tl y .i '1 l o lit-r diiniaK'. I'oan Ktfamfii a .! 1 1 1 !! niAlMid Jii ibeloan lay. j '.'ii' Mn'ay Iiad ilie braruft mnw , t. in h m1 jart. All railn ad 'raftl.5 and j,. i, i. ;n iht ty i-npi.frid aiidwnea of i i . ... - .tea lnr l-f. f 1 1 ii t :tfiii ai. i lit i- oiifli.d to a daikeu ,,,,,,. j Giani Cintral totrl at Way . . ... eta , (ih., ft UHl'tU ltt UJKIJ'. 10 lH i hi.M tonal raut-tiH Iibm udopud the At iumi mI im' ' J'f loninuitee an-' a nnuce , i i-Ml t . i. it will kmiu bf intitxluco i. Tlie 'A. (tl. ri"- rO llftlUfttf! tl) l ui CoIIiHIU- li u mj it a ti tm in foi tLe 8eute. riTUL-OUAPHS. . i .1 i t.r a ..nA V.. tkij bneuiu oe wmMuenru a t.rvU) UUb u - . it .U1 Ku Wa met ay a choru of obj.ctionB frum f "" " Vr," n; nf The Senate resumed cn-ideratlon cf 7,3;". In ?L!h-.p"!TinUiW woo would have blen liable to leare oojruuiM.a i vu .. "-"'7"-"' before the death of Silting: Bull, visionn be thought might be improved. ,uku tt" ,w C'? j IfZZZiZ m. ' 'i.i.i...i.- means has been exhausted to retain m l'r,nur Vr4",u and restraitf the friendiv Indians now b put into operation on .ho prescita- nKlh reerTatlo,TnA "?2hS ,lDPof petlffi;.T cltlzenP of the ft".vS?fcl,2.,:.''PLt United Stale.. Judginc from hat oc- -i V ...."..TOrili.T curred at the South-ktl.ln bU S-.GiTfaro. or driving from the country both white Yr . T,, . K at.d black Ipublitans-thHt provfblon IU,n 118 trt oui.gaw.ou. would bt loopei alive, because i be petl-l utvt uec. iicu wui.c. tioners would be in sutrh imminent L irom tne camp near uaiey b rancu u peril as to prevent colored men singing the following from ttapia uty. UdKoui. uc.h petiiioos a raucner nas juea arriyeu iu Brca Senator Morgan took tbe Door and nasie 10 our cuiuumnu.uK uu,w. quoted th- claufie fr. m the . onstitu- reports a command of cava! ry attacked t.nn rM.a,m.. rLlriP. nil. .lltTrMff Til I UUU LI JUiV;CID OIIU UlfcT luru nwiwi dui me inuiuns were reuuiscu 4i,li heavy losses. The number f Indict 8 killed is not know. Thw loaian were uut to rouie. This report is credited. but it ia not known which command H was probably that of Mjor Tunper, of the Sixth Cavalry jind bis three troops of 140 men Our coramaaa marcnes vo their assi ance at once. .Washington, Dec. 17. No informa tion has eeu received at tbo War De part raent in regard to tbe fight' re ported from Denver, in hich two of ficer and fifty men are raid to have been killed. The report is discredited at the d partmnt, A Snow Blockade at Pittabur;. . Pittsburg, Pa.. Dec 17. Th snow fall io any is the heaUest in several .veara. The wires are down all over P;tttfiurg, Allegheny and Birming ham. Horses were killed ana several 1heiiinf.-Ht old mun in the North is tie fo?Hl Senator nm d Hoar. The Ni w York Times thinks that the fne b.li ii- piactically dead in the jriuhj. 'Wait for the vte. ; Coj.'iniercc oot-s i v u iirth. fJe tb uke tht mdern Ot a lutomplich anMhing the au-ci'-tiVs uid II it paid to do to. wbitefci,izn', and ib. section fmm the Ptatuie of that Stale urohlbliing inter- nuniaire of whites and negniee, In dian or t'hiiio-e. and he ciosed with an exclamation against hvpocri. senator uinron navn nonce oi an armndment that liothinir in the bill Fhou d authorize interference with the eleetiona tor State officer, legislative, executive or judicial. Senator Kent. a tlien took tne noor and rerurttd his argument against the Election bill. He denounced John 1. Davenport a a man who had haunted tbe Capitol for weeks at d months, by dav and bv night, and who pretence- had D.'iboned tbn atmosphere ubjch mirrounded the Senate. And vet. he .aid. the declared and acknowledged ooiicv t)f t e bill wa? to bet.w a life otllce on the man who by the stroke of hi- p n could arrest 1CUM 0 freemen, or a man who b bis binijle will, could turn half of the city of New York into men badly injured - this norning by aUtiUHc of ma'tu'aciurr n Philaulrl- phia, that the deutUt of that city aie DUBLIN, Dec 17. AfUr the. peaking I terli.e all qoetiMi being pi- at B-UliuaklU veterdv Parneli ana uma. ed by tbe cbu ciffl.-taio. The of. I, a. a er t m a . a . bis inenar drove to CaiIecomer. I aentiaio oi I'ntiaueipnta loiwta-ra DatIu ar d Dr. Tanner followii g in Wad of tbowj in Ualiimom in netcraalo R ogham, tbf deaf rauU, murdrrvd their wake. Here Davltt and Tanner I In to reUt the i ffoiu of the centua Ml-a L xxie rurlltfUMi, bla Cancel, addressed an open-air awemblage, d I- j office to clan tnera a u.mcu xwrlurer. I r.ra Car , nioo mile ct of hrts. laiing upon the incidents at Baltioaklll ' I A they have mcedrd fmm their rfgl-1 Ti at enrno aaddrned tb h. llilataof and averting that Parneli btoughtal na.1 position In the matter, liaitlmotM ISSfi. Tim- Ciea (t rcwrcalf rnat hired moo there to attack them. Jut w now me niy city iu wnica n re- i i0 yeaa alnce that trrrlhio crta aa then tbe carrlagee containing the Par- I quated Intormalion hs oeco reiuJ. I comnsitv d. nellits pas d the crod, which' booted WaaHINGTON. Dee. 17. The Force There arw on! j about 30 peoloGr and pelted them with mud and atones. I bill aoi-ara to be m econdary I w bo through tbe trglU'rnx ol b rka Mr. Parneli afterward rpoke to a consideratin with a majority f or county commllu era faildUtgvt small meeting. He aid that he valued I the Senator at orraent. Een Senator I their aMpllcatlooi brfore the S at lb em not by ibelr numbere. but bv their I Hoar U loln? interest in th dtshauj, I Bard of Vnl..n within the timo ro q. aiilT. He was t ot accuotomed to I and ras harulv iu the Senate Chamber I quired b law. jacc a crowu oi ignorant ioo.k ne ore- I aa hour ourini? the eulirw ca. i ei in- pnnvruioct oi ioo aoumrrn io ferred a crowd of patriotic irishmen. I urogram rue la to rrach an agrerment I ter-statn Immigration Aaclatbn at He did not whh to assail men that bad I on the financial orohlctn and the de- I Abbeville, are a'rhrd with marked stood by bis aide many a long day, but I cde whether or not to ores the Eire- IntereaL Muc 1S?I tt baa bwn tba ne waa noi iToibj? to aK Dermibsioo to I tiona bill. Another caucue win naneia i ipucV oi .nri,n arouoa do uu w m ... I - . k . . a a lo-morro eTeIig at tne rxsideuce or I xoreign immigration, out to :nauv Don Cameron. I Popie irooi me oortnero ana eirm WARHiKftrnu-' TW 17 Tbe amount 5atea tocome ber. Il r golor et htlvfr itfrMt-Mri fur kiitM III thtt Treuuiul T I lrv OI IOC ItSDUrawm OUrign - o -ve-o v -m e e - - - w - - - Dep.irtmeut to day was5.57.tJUU ounce". and the amount pirchaed, 21MU) ounces at 107 llti Tbe director of the mint to- ay announced that, hav ing purctased the full amouut of a tver authorized' by law for lh current mouth, no further nurvhu-cs will be madn unlil January 3d, iSUl Washington, Dec 17. The third caucus of the Republican Senator oi tbe elate of "UeiueMi waa held lo-nignt Hud rfulu-d in au agreement the speak from a cockeparrow like Tanner or a jackdaw like Davitt. W bile other Parnellites were address ing the crowd a number ( Uaviu'a fol lowers got together and began hooting at the ppeakeri. The Parnellltes closed around the vehicle from which their orators were addressing the people, and the police appeared aud tried to divide the factions. The meeting end d in a scene of wild confusion, and Parneli and his friends drove eff amid a shower of stones and mud. Frequent attempts to assail tbe mem be rn i if the nartv were made, and 6ev eral bags filled ith lime were thrown bdstilen lie Kttd he would ffer an amendment placing the appointment of Election officers under the Civil Ser vice rules Senator Reagah next addressed the Senate in oppoeition to the bill. He said that he had already given notice of twentteven amend rneiits which he A wi lier iu the New York Journal of propoted o offer when t he bill carae- not btlieve there are up for conhioeration by t-ections. tie argued tnat tne vas1 macninery or par liall mercenaries provided by the bill would do more'to iiehauch voters, cor rupt the ballot and defeat the will of the people than had v r been done at election- held by btate officers aud un-de- State laws Senator Coke obtained the floor at r n i u I anu r "1DIT r.T J"5u'"" Z"Z i.U .a, the mlopUo,. ul UHrHn....! it i. i ftf r ii t'n t i . I scheme reported bv the caucus torn lime struck Mr. Parneli full in the face . ' - , f lhwoIK.r . i-ii.rkit-ji..- ui . rr,u. mittee wlh thr exceitlou oi n- ' mr UULU picwcijf UlllJUlllg U1UI. 1I1IS lUBUI-i infunated rarnelrs friends. Harrlng- ton turned, aud advancing toward decade haa been rm IVnnajltaolt, MaaoaChuaetU and ew lorK, alto aome fnm Vermont and New Ump fhtre. Thre haa not. It is true, hern a large tmm g ration, but tbe Stato haa been a gainer by what b.ta been door in hl direction Hardly any foreign ers bVH oroe, and theee alwaya with out aollctiailon. There ta aa et to fore'g-i lalair mplied in the Slat aud tne ovulation of the teg-oexodua hae atopp-d ny talk r gardtng on lai or, a ve thai at lkaufo t tt ma, l ava to b-i um-(1 in the catinl g foc'orle. owing to the imiMltlltty of eecurtng niinmrh ti.ttrt luhwir W h r itt ha r cent, bond project, wt.lcn w einuin- Sui m t pm tJ lhU mtkll,.rt i, ated. S Ibe meH-ure will p ovide for M, Mi. ti,Mtht that N'ortb Curt f the Burrows biii to app opriate fj.ii'i,ii'0 main tain levees on the Mis- H-Hin l iver . i. aches lue peopio i RnV.lock and nuyfrested that he would at hO late an hour lrw Mioiher lattu of the luxury oi liv.i.j; m a '"great country." The N'uw York Tiibune says Fauutle ri, if. mi.-tonoui.cud. ltrajya tne Eug I'm. lau, 1I3 of ihi 1 nme and the Vir g iiia inancti of iht tame Iamil pro ii.iK.cn iljcir name Faun lie-roy - In New York Slate ihe Congrtbsioual 4 .. w..iib i-how u citai D mocibtic piu" r. i'v ol 76,tilb. Thai looks really as i iv. Cleveland cou d eaahy ca ry il ;. i. .. v.. 4 ' Ul 1? i 111 p.l Ol II1U O.U14 SICU ii.-aiL-. i.ue boiiltu his wiuiL and di- il .r;iii Hit ni oer hib tX tctu uef at ii. '.L. tuMiMU will DJni all its v.u.. 11c coi.ltitlb U(jii iLu LaiUiUbs ,mw Lc will tptuk cu tne toico Mi-? l&abelia Hastings, uaugnterof aiuaiu ii 1ir.Zv.11 of iJuiaha, i-tcauae bi ck, 1 ut wheb ahe waaiiquiied I' Hhat iu tighlb lt-r b.x utiiaraa Kllc utciincu iho puce wao uOt O v i'c.li iur bucu an exuibit. prefer ti4t t4 go ci Senator Har again e deaV4ed to extract from t he Democratic Senators the mention of come specific time any time ii4 matter when for taxing the vote on the pet ding b"l. Senator Gorman remarked that the Senator was only on the threho!d of the deba e on the bill There were quilo a i'Umh'T of Senators on both bides o' the senate who desired to si eak uuu it The r- nte then atljourned. HOUSE OF KEPRESKNTATIVES. The oi bale was o.tinued on the Ap Doriiontueiitb.H aid Mr. Flower pre henti dttie claims of the city of New York for m r cimnt Mr. ()'N all ot It.ciana, based his coutact with electric light wires. The sit mtiou is bo decperaie that the De partment of Public Safely has ordered all electric street car lines to 6top run ning for the present. Thtre haa been a tremendous snow full in thft Allpuhenv mouutin8. At - - - n --1 . . . Bedford it is one and a ha I leet aeep an r Ii-vhI ' Railroad wires are down. Hitd thei-fi is much anxiet for fear oi accidents. The Pituburg and Western is snowed up completely. No freight trams whatever were running on any roads,- and the passenger tiains that struggled through were late for from one to six hours. Businesss in the city is almost entirely suspended, an exam ple being the fact that no quotatiot-fl were posted at the Petrtdeum Ex change during the day, owning to lack of letegraphic communication. The police pat rol aud fire alarm by stems of Aires are badly crippled and the switch board at the city hall was burned out this morning' The electric light wires were prostrated earh in the day aud those dep ndent on them are with ut light. All street car Hues in boutn Pituburg were tied up and the incline planes were not rui uing. I . . ft. I Jli lauukl..! it. t ..l ..... .... . . 1 m .mm.. nn... a ... p..... ..j w . . . .-l. Father Downey, who was at the head ""' ' " "i Th m llUK 1X1 - "J . l"Kpu , of ParnelFs opponents, shouted, bullion surplUb dtu , 1 .b; " ueople do not-desire foreign labor. "Coward, vou are T disgrace to our V Lnui ilS That U ver clear. Church." The p .licehe7e again inter- tlNaUlwlrT l Q lul n iu 11 Before daylight I hi nomlng .now feafcd and Parneirs Dartv who had National bank . iixulalMin 10 the full b-gau to fat , fo owing a very hVatry eftthe?rcararga!n )f cvti Lm" Uwr la ihy d.)t.f.r IncS Mr,rl finally pot wv on to the road mnt of 1 urr'c 1,1 tonal ohiiK f fat en, there waa m.re Mr pJiVX aJhTcht0W're JuUe fulUV!T n'Vv'hu..J'pu"; "1. .h- ...... r .d .,,.1.1, clowd were Intensrlv naiuful He.iu Mr "ou-s '? . e "ur o I. er. 11. lh w bad a,luu.t Sb.S? il' ?nP- :Sr;:f fiM , in ! .nalnul,-d at par !..,. ear. .... ,", Bu. T).P flHy M,ptlc- a fainting condition. A local doctorat- tended him. The lime bad become caked beneath his eyelids, and the doctor was onlv able to remove some of it by using a silk handkerchief and some hair oil be found In the canin. The Dhvsician finally advibed Par neli to drive immediately to Kilkenny So tbe latter re-entered hU carriage and Droceeded on his ?ourney. DTTBLIN, Dec. 17 Though Parmll suffered intense pain from the lime thrown in bis eyes at Cabtle comer Drovisiou fir change on conversion tI gidd coin into bar and rec-inage, of buid'ary silver coins. Thi m-a-ure waa not Vatfa -titry in even deUl Ui all tt e Senaurs ut wan accepu-n as the rist o.ihsible coiiiorotni e. The measure-was re committed to the Cau cus C4.mmitt-e wiih iiibtrucio su p-r- fct it in form and give it over lo the Finance C4ru untie, wlileh will reMrt U to th Senate at an early day. The caucus aUo instructed the Corn- mlitee on Rules to propose ani reart thniiiah i:hnirnmn Aid ich H cloture yesterday, he was able at midnight tor rule. It is understood that it wilt be, A Sfwre Wind "torna. New York, Dec 17t The top of Dal.v's theatre at. Thirtieth street and Broad wa and two lamps in front of the theatre were blown uowu bv h'gh witicS to-day. One man was injured and t ken to the hospital, and one of "llii! oybtcr housiblu tlilo lowu era- I .. .ui ai ui,v ol a Uut 1,4jOO p.i p.e, o I 'ne a.c tiutUicli U. VtbtclB IU llio UUol- obj'-ct'ott io the bill on the ground that the iron bmokeslacks on the post office huiluint, coir-e;ling with the boiler mm ey. was blown dow "this alter noon and went clashing through the. gl ss ceiliug over the mailing room, injuriiigquite severely John J. Mahony, a letter carrier. Une other employe washl'ghlly hurt. The storm today seriously Inter fered with river and harbor business. Several canal and smaller boats were sunk at their piers in both North and East rivers and the high tide and gale have combined and make it cimVult fot ferry boats to run into their slips safely. Many of tbe outgoing passen ger steamers, which were to haveraiUd to day are at anchor in the lower harbor. under it the Democratic states would lo-e thtee Represen'atives Mr. OVer all, 4f Virginia, xprebsed bis belie! that the bill ws fair, iu?tand free of any charge of pai tibaiibbtp- He wouid, however, vole for the McKae aiuenumeul ecaise he Dellevea mat Arkaiihab, Mini, esi ia and New York wi re in h emitted to an exira Repre- seutat v Mr. TtilniHn,of South Carlina, spoke in favor of the bill, (though he would prefer W (I m mbers in the H4use and SOU in i tie t-nnie. He believed that e a 1 II..... i vv '.i.i. urn.. mnht tne 1KB' nibus nau o. en as lainy 1-aa.cu -.. IO III! IllUi . ti i k uv.i'. l i.M Eiiz.iUcih ou xtu l-M.V ihs .iut lue b new novel will begiu i'- I'Utr In Januaiy, li will be calk d . ' .... ' ' L-t. niuruanu liuiptr is.rhc i.iu-uaicu lUu 'uZini. i. tuo wonU. t in nut- Coiiuiu ufintou unu we prove ll 1 '.n i .y i Im il. i op. wc nuu. iiijyn liciuV "Life oi Loiu bough " i' lr 111 MjlCtbb ll U 1 t(JU (! I.e. '"n i,. Li.- h.etaiy it- u.e ir .voiivioa 1 ltd- It ioie Lt Wbb ibind io he l'tlv- he it li ihu ly ihouranu let-U-' w k u i. ia-e bttn u.Obl cbuably U1:,i, s Vb'llie Loi .on coil'trpun L i oi u t Y inbuitt Hev. Dr. Barteu, of .Noifoik, Va , has 1J t-ti'jbialtd ilie twenty Uflh auui V ihary i i Ll tet io-bhip ! Cl.libi. P. 1 liuuh. buiiiii. tl at urn tht cou fc"t.Mioii ihi tonlrib' ted L3l,tMU, of t'icti sum i4b,4ti had i)eeii expended for bcneoient ynd charitable pur Pacb, at u i.2i.o bct olaib have rtceived liibtruction at ihe mibbion school. Ht au 4h r He then roceeded to give hi' intMin for de-img an iu creas d tepieseiitatiou, believing, as he did, lliat it wbs to the interebt of the leop'e that their lepii-sentMi iva should be brought nearer to lb. m. Before long the peo p e would di ti.and, not only an Uf ceaihd , reprthentation and more uioney . but i he imposition of au income lax. Had the p-4ple ieen fully ad fal'K lepiv tnied in tbil) ihe income tX aouIo not have been repeal d and the tax on sugar ould not have been imposed. Mu teringsof tbe Barmers' Alliance in the South and West meant that henceforth p-4iple should have, not oil I v mot e representation and more in ney, but l ss taxation ou the poor and an income lax on the rich. He warned ibe gentlemen who rep rebented corporate power, to pre pare for baltle, for it, was ciiming. sfier untie further brief speeches, tleptevi.us q elion was coiibidered as order. i, ai d the first V4ite taken was ou Mr. MeRae a amendment Increasing the i fpi ere ntaiiou to .59 Lt, 13 IO 14Y The out s ion then recurred on F OAer's nmeiidment giving New York thirtftivf reprer-entntives. Tne amend- meat wa then withdrawn ana tne oui was passed Yeas, I8H; nays, 82. The House then anj umed. Hires FMtoflnow. STAUNTON, V., Dc 17. The snow ceabtd inii morning after a fall of three feet, which a.H followed bv rain. All trains are blocked. Cmahed bj the Welcht of 8aow. Roanoke, Va., Dec 17. The. roof of the hUckbcnith shop f the Roanoke machine works fell in under the heavy weight of sn4iw at "1 ibis morning. One man of tbe night force was killed and etgm seriou-i.v mjurea. tne damage to ihe building and machit erv U ebti mated at 9iUd,0tN, uuinsured. Work will be resumed at an early day. It i the heaviest snowstorm for years; oer two feet ot snow has fallen and the storm continues. . : Telejcraphle sparks. Henry D McHerry, member of tbe Natioual Democratic committee and delegate from Ohio county to tbe Ken tucky Consii utional convention died suddenly y ebterday morning of heart disease. The sui-pension of Eratun F. Ford was announced, in the Stock Exchange yesterday. He has no outstanding contracts. address from a window of the Victoria hotel at Kilkenny a large crowd that gathered about the hotel when the m if fortune that had bafallen him h-id become generally known. During the address his face was covered with bandages. He detailed the events of the day, and the. crowd became exas perated at the manner in whicn he had been treated, and many threa s of ven-gean4-e were made. This morning cUbe examinati4n of his eye's revealed the fact that his eye sight is not injured. The surgeon in attendance upou him fears, however, that inflamaiion may set in. He has ord-reu that Parneli keep his eyes clostd and that hot water foments bo constat) tl applied to them. It is not likely that he will be allowed to leave his room to-day. Later: - Parneifs eves have become inflamed and he is confined tOva dark ened room. BRUSSELS, Dec 17. A terrible ac cident occurred to-day at the E?ouf Haul colliery at Horuu, province of Hainautv A shift of eighteen men had entered the Cage, and the engine was started to lower them into the ptw. s a i 1 . wnen, suuueuiy ana wunoui wnrniiiK, i the rope connecting the cage with drum broke, and the men were precipitated to the bottom of tbe shaft. Every one of the occupants of the cage a killed. PARIS, Dec, 17. The ttgaro to day published Russian advices stating that another plot to murder the Czar had been discovered. The conspirators are members of tb-Noblemen's club. Several Poles have been arrested for con pli ity In the plot aud the club house cio?d. . GLASGOW, Dec. 17. The dock labor ers here he struck on - acvount of their employers having notified them that henceforth they would only em ploy nou-unioo men. Tratna Blocked bj 8no wi Danville, Va., Dec 17 There was a heavy snow storm last night 'and to day throughout this section. .In Pat rick County snow is eighteen inches deep and the'track of theOacvllle and New River railroad is boQsadly blocked that trai"8 cannot" run from Patrick Court House. : framed on the llne ol the ru e pne ptd lat sebelou bv Senaior Hoxr and u-til ...viilM (ni-ordt-riiit? the previous r t ji v i w - - ww niiHHti.in on anv oending proiNitlou alter a reabonable tune i ailowe.i f.r deb ile, Thi rule i- not to be rprt-4l until the Financial Mil baa '-eeti pfeeeoUd to Ihe Sena'o thn r I ano cotumittee. No provibion was made for the adopiio-i of extraordinHr uiej. u res to becure action .by the -Vtia'te upon the propos d ne ruh a tt f.nure dovelo meuts are epvcied to bh pe the policy of ttie majority in that re sp c. While the Financial bill i- in pn cess tf construction the debate on the Election tl'l i. expected U cntinue. The fi iendn of tht inehure were ati fied wlih the program tne agreed upon, h-- they thought' .ro-y saw In the pr -po?ed nev cloture- rule tbe'inea'iie of seitU'ing final aei.'U upon their iavor it bill. Seaator Gorman'a IU-ldeeo Baraeel. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 17 a special to the Hun from L urel, Md., says: About 2 o'clo k thib m rniui tire b oke out in Senator Gormau'e residence and it. was not discovered until tbe wb4ie duelling waa enelo ed in & mes ihe inmates narrowly, escaped wilt th-ir lives The bou-e ai d contents wt-re nearly totally destroyed. . Ht wife and daugh'er escaped in their nigbtcloibe and did not rave a ylbi.g. I hi Sena tor waa not at home at the time. Hotel at Wayeroae, fla, Karaee). SAVANAH. DeC II At l (WW o'clock to-night tbe Grand Central botei a' Way cross is burning. The nre i-iaried in the kitchen and threaten to sp-ead No fuither partit utars are at band. Oxford Ledger. J. H. Carlisle haa a cow that furnlbhed bis family f aix with all the milk ai d butler they o i for he year, and Mrs. Carlisle sold $78 worth ' of milk beside. Many yer judv Flannegan, io Warrenton, after supplying a family of eleteu with all tbe butter and milk they Deeded oold 37V worth of but er and buttermilk Iu fhe Iiitt-r-Riii) Imiuiarollou C ofriilloo. ASlIEVlLLh, N. C ,Dec 17 A btlnu ing buow eiot ui p evalled here a lai night and thi iuor.iiog. del ge-, repiesentng cveiy sec i n' tti-e -ouih were pres- nt at the hutb4 ru InU r tt!ai lmmigrilion convention The taidv was called-to oider--bv A J. T. J..hnoti, of Texas. Hon R B. V-ii.tv of Asiteville, was cho-en u iiprary chairman, and welcomed the co..yeu tl o tox Ae8tern No th-Oito i a. i -apt Nt .tKln o.. dehv. red an ad- drera of w Iconic on lM-ralf of -i.e city of Abbeville, and ttoeru r Fole wel comed the cotiveutiou on b-bf f the Siaien N'irlh C irolina .laue Lim, of Virgiti'a, delivered the njnimiiH uo beha.l O the ConVi-ullOf. foe column lee on Permanent Or- ganlZHllOM made the followH g rep 'ft for p rmiiiitnl fflirera f the comv-ii lion: Hon tiryniii, of IVxai, penua n t offAidr-i.t: LI II Kl l..i. ol ri-.i- ida. perm anent ecreHy; D 1 Gr liugt-M.. of S lUth i arolina, au-i Mr. v ih-ox, f Georgia, aea wiit recrelar In-; F.N Wadurli. of A hevi e. r ge ut-n-aru3!. . V.o? preiouent am Ui Ks elected by each taie in ihe iiuveu tu. - . The convention a juri t dalGo Viock till lO-4IiOrlOW tUo'Uillg H4 10 oViock. tious for admlffiioii into the Agricul tural and -Mechanical college nexi Sep tember. It in thought bet that btu d -lilS h-hoUld fnt r at thl bcKinuing of the regu ar term More room Mil Certainly n-needed at the collego in the wiy of dorral'o Iee, Georite il. VVhtt', he Solicitor In the B ack" dU rict baa been elected GrMi.u a-ler of the Grand Lodge of inond MMna " . There ate now white Orphan Any lutns at 0fod, Thomaavtlle m d hr loile, and one or the colorvd rce at t xford. 'I he Legislature will be .i.ed by ih negroen lo tnaKe a ajncialan nuil ipproprlallon in aid of the latter itlotilUl oil A commission haa been iUed toJnO. F. HruiOM, of Wnaon, aa Lieutenant Colonel of the S cotid Reglmei t, N. C, s, G A u rtralt of Jtihn Iul Taybr, th fit t hief Jutictj f North Carolina, ha " eu formalh pre-Mit4 d IiHh Su preme o jrt by "oi I bora i S K n r. in heitall i l the lainiiy n eiuiiieut itirtet Cnu-f Ju-tlce M-rrlmou no cepteo the nrnH in ocnaii oi ine inurt The ilkeue u tnat ot a mm oi midiile age, llii fine, clear cut fea tures, and dresid ui tfieokeu ul. Some aineudm ut- of to the ha tcr e f Roeigh will be ked of the U'glt Ititu.e. I hibeare cbltOy to give the .ity mtre jower to n gxla e the ile aalKe hi that II cau pui them In order and mike ihe prooeitv ow.era pay the c aiof u'h tmprov. me nt. N more Min(irare to le issued and there will be i.O Xlel.eiou of 4eclU li nlta. I be i-aslo i tho Nirth Carolina Melti4Hliit OMifcreDC , at WHki , Just Ced, nxh lnteretli g. Mal.V pCThOuS have au id-a that all tbe North t 'aro lltra tenltory wnich for car hnt bea lu the bunda of the Virginia confer-eri'-e h o b en turned over I hat ia aa error The territory of Bertie, North Hinpton "nd Hertford countie was tr. n-ferr-d y the general conference to ile North Carolina con'rence. em bracing awveii pastoral charge. This leave out the territory cmbracod la ib- o.uutiea of Camdeu, Currituck. Pa-quota tik. Perquimans, Galea and ChuMM. D tublkbS the next geoeral i-O'.feivnce will lra af-r thee alao. rerewaa grr at deal of talk here to-diy regardif g tbe marriage of Mlf M Loweli. of Ctot riot i e, to the Broa vou M-Hrihn, this talk arLlng' fr m ti e lw-i oee oumenta in the oic which abow the Bron to be an adveo turer. Their la a bitter leraon la the 5 a.... a. . a e . c-oje, nut ine rage lorioreign nooiemea will hardly be abated by one more tucb oiwIoeUre Grent quantltli-a of coal from ibe Virginia minea are pa-el ng Southward ttoough here daily; for the ue of Ihe Georgia, Carolina and Northern rail wa, mtnly. Tne Legislative committee which la examiuieg the Stale Trraaurer'a Uaka, rt.., will very probably fini.b thai work day afU-r to-moTow and will then go U ihe AidlUirf ofh3e. if- Itobt-rt fr. Lewu. Eq for years a one year from one cow. MessenuEB. j damage haa beeu reported. Dmce le DinMisr Heaorte, Washington, Dec 17. rt.e. gale lat night ni d lrdaji ha dote- ai d c-tti tmueauico uiiKVi iihiunjje 10 summer . . . mm ft . 7 A a. MW . m. . . O W T . w -araaw - V M ft.. m. m rrMiriiir m-r rr I lis UltSIUOT OI I oe (Ukirign Dttr, le Q eerf ba urn b;g go in ie bull at critical condition, having on Monday L-Mifcr B'ai.ch amm g Ocean avenue.. At erenlng been etricken with paralyeia, Abbury Park it is te.iing up the ocean For a long time he haa been la feeble hoard watk.'ai.u ripping timber f.-oin health. the fishing pieia. At At a .i Cn tt.e , North Carolir a ha fourteen Peabody n-d.iirs bark i t town mtrs nVei flooed fu d achoUrrchlpa at the Normal cof f..rmuesand B uic av- mui Uauhrae g- lege, Naabvl lie, reooeaaee, worth each ei at eeve ai points. Hou a ou hotn 2ij per annum lor two years and tui eidaire toeing eurrou ded witb vat r. H..9 After thla year th annual al Wiiit m Buwker'a Inlet r.oue and a- lowaoce will belltO ad traveling ex villian have b-n d mpKtrly dsmoliah- peoaea. From the Peabody food 7.3S 1 and waahed out to sea Th-, high haa bee received for city and normal tiae i woenmg ua-au r root nut uo I ICntlnced oa fdtzrth paje,