w IM A A. fffl ADVERTISERS: v ! THE OESSEIiGER i www rnsccw, ! Ait1trar Attrmtle MESSENGER hi a l'?.2r ' alien thai any other Kerr- : In U.e State. -i ; . . r- nccv ' . ' 'I ADVERTISING MEDIUM In the South. KSTABIiISnED 1807. WILMINGTON. X. C. TUESDAY, DECE3IBEU 2:5 1890. PRICE FIVE CENTS. . (I j fl J II : lit mi i 3 f I . Ill 1 & i THE 1 rhi.KOItAJPMIC 8DMMAUT. . , .o'.if-r Ntlllc WocJLnry bring into .. v, S. C, the crew of the wrecked .. -.ji I n T. Haniel, Jr. The Missouri -At'r Uooie ai-jociation baa purchased & ; ;.ri 1 md will bnilJ a Soldier' Home. Alu'iCi men cf Kansas are takicpj ( , . ?. Senator Ins IV re-election. -... r that tho Kickapoo Indiana are SENATOR VAXCE'S LETTER HIS POSITION IN REFERENCE TO LEG - ISLATIVE INSTITUTIONS. SCTtf -TU- ! j rt dance i not true. The re- i: ( livcivcr of the South Cao'ica rail- n a so'xl hr5winp. TLe official cf j-T Maneherf of the Irihh Leaua are :.-r: i.-rf d. Theihial of the rnnrdererH f IIni.?t-ey ha tffinn. Moft all of I. i.i'h ft'lloer have heen capture d. ; ir.! t' te ho 1 prospect of getting a , ! before tho tfenato at an carlj day it rn Senatoi are bfginnttg to think t;ot the intention ot tLo Senators in cf the bi.l to prer-nt it. A cloture . hhort Bull has an interTiew with i-,I. and wants assurance from him ut of Li nun wiil be puu'.shed If they 1( lut tie General can give no such A lloman Catholic church was in New' York cityyeeU rday;lo88 t7.i,000 election in Kilkenny .yesterday pro i jUtly, thongh the opponents seemed f.r a Kilkenny fight. The Tarne! .t(M'i d against the priest taking active tlio work at the polk. Timothy ii i-ays prieatly coeraion was rampant . North Kilkenny yesterday, to such a-i to invalidate the election if tin- I'urnfcinte la oereatea. ihcre are rttunng xscw miK cny lion-o cirtiflcatea. The total im- I n.;d at New lork city a nee De- 17;h amount to ISJ.SiW. The :;.! of the railways at Glasgow hold firm i-iiii-t the H'rikcrH. They aay they can get a j,; -ii ty of men to take tho strikera' place. it J bivtown tho 1'a.rpellito candidate for r.ni!v proto-ted against the laxity of tho regu- - wi Mgard to admitting strangers to the P Tli'.' iH)lice here had to intfrfere to pre ttct a f l K'Ui row. The Naval Department iu 'an!eil the contract for buildicg the dry at lit Iioyal, 8. C, to Jutttin McCarthy, t-Lii;f;tfjT, I. C. Bid for other Naval were opened yesterday, but the award ift been make. The Georgia Ltgiala- tftcrday adjourned until July. Only nit of 5,700 electors voted in Kdlituny lay J 1 Divitt think the anti.-Parcel x -lulato won by about 1,000 vote. Parnell (til'arid and will not tuko part in the r.-tu-ampaign until January. 3.-n: .Ljnb M'.iy -fVa IV), r The rtngn-Mlri-Tannfi'ii i:liiorfal on the letter fndatrlal I'rocreln ICletgh The Forthcoming Import f the fttale ISoard of Aarr:rnliure Its Vitlaable Sug-Ketlom-The Itii; Fus Hunt. Messenger Bureau, I I'ALEIGH, N. C. Dec. ZZ. ( Tho J'rwtMive Furmrr to-morrmv will contain forno very interesting reading. It will contain the following corrohpondenec,: OLD SlART., N.C , Nov. CO, J Ion. rA. II. lane, J Hack Mountain, JJimcomhe county, X. C: . Dear Sir After carefulty consider ing the political situation lii our State, I deem it wite to writn jou and nfek the following question: If tho Legislature instruct you to advocate and vote for the uub-Treasury plan of finaeclal re form, will you carry out 6iid Inatruc-. tlons in good faith? I do hope that you" will understand I do Dot refleet in the slightest degree Jn your devotion to the people of North Carolina, but there are precedents where United States Ser atora have carried out lnbtructions, and also precendents where they have disregarded' them. I trust that you will give me an answer at your earliest convenience. Very respectfully, ' Elias Caru, .Pre&'t N. C. B S. A. United States Senate, Washington, D. C, Dpc 6, 1S90. Elia Carr, President Ni C. . Farmer. Alliance, Old Sparta, X. C.i Dear Sir: In answer to your offi cial communication of the 110th ult, which did not reach mo until the 1st inst. I have to ay that I recognize tho old Democsatic doctrine of the right of the people to instruct their representatives to the fullest extent to w'bich it has e ver heen carried in Nortu Carolina. I hold that the will of the people, dearly and unequivocally ex pressed, must be obeyed unless com pliance would involve the represents the first news of this important more ment by the Seaboard ?ygtem. One of theso hotels vrlll be located here. It will be built and conducted by outside caoital and will cater to Northern travel. Your correspondent to-day examined the report which the State Board of Agriculture will pubmlt to the Legis lature. It is not lengthy, but it U full of practical ober valions and sugges tions. It ajs that, agrlcultunilly speaking. It is perhaps certain that no State in the South has improved so raucti in the past two years a North Carolina. The increase in the acreage of -whe?t and oats and grasses during that period has been in mary counties tift per cent- The culture of sorghum carje is also notable. It is now planted frdm Cherokee to Currituck. The im provement in blooded ftock is equally gratifying. The board declares that the farmers" institutes, Inaugurated in lSSv, which have during the two years been held in nearly half the counties, have had a great eftact in stimulating the farmers in every way. It is spe cially recommended that tho fund to meet the expenses of these institutes be liberally increased. During 1890 there wero reprinted 3,000 copies of tho Woods and Timbers of North Carolina," a very valuable work, for which there is a LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. THE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION KILKENNY YESTERDAY. IM The Election Attended with Much r.sctte tuent Thonch the IHhtnea Seem lleaulv for m Free Rich. So DUtnrbeae Take llee Iro tee tlosr .1 the Trleet'e Conduct. Kilkenny, Dec. 22. Tirnotbv liar- rtngton a icaciie&ui, as 11 1 cahca Here, declaring that the citizen's in the United btates and the Irih in Amer ica would never fcubmit to the deposi tion of I'arnell. fotmed one of the prominent features cf the laat stages of the campaign In this section of the country, undoubtedly having consider able effect on both s!de and possibly benefitting the adherents of Part-elL The poUifcff opened briskly this morning, everybody looking forward to a most exciting day. Tho presence of the military and a large force of police scattered throughout north Kilkenny, seem to be a guarantee against any breach of the peace. Parneil and his candidate, Vincent Scully, arrived upon the fecene at an early hour. The town is occupied by a body of police steady demand by Heaiy baa juat started for Catle comer. people all over the North and West. Tho Legislature Is urged to aid sheep husbandry and legislate against the dog. Very earnest efforts will bo made by the board to foster berry and truck culture. During the season of 188S.S0 seventy five licenses for the sale of commercial fertilizers were isued, at toOO each. During the season of 1S.S9-90 sixty-four licenses were issued. The decision 'of the Federal court declaring such license tax illegal came so late in the season that nearly all the revenues for 1S90 were in hand, and hence the Board of Agriculture was able to get through flirt Kcnfil rati. TKa nnm 1 o tt 1mniniv I . - . ncv.i j vui -i" "u Huuf- I by do in siacs, ana it was a tonnaee is cancel to tne attention 01 lhat tn0 miners would be tne Legislature ana tne necessity lor its immediate enactment urged, so as to enable tte board to inspect at once the numerous brands of fertilizers rushed into the State since the decision t07vGIlESS. l - the in a moral wrong, in which case it above referred to, and which are now "en riSTOL-fiUArilH. cigo professes. to be ready for the iow in 1893. .Mr? . Navarro is homo handsome Marv. ngain. Wel- would.be his duty to res-urn and jrive place to i reprceentative who would obey. Good faith in the obscrauee of instructions and public pledges is abso lutely e.-scntial to a Government based on tb popular will, i Very re.-pectfully yours, Z. B. Vance. The following editorial will appear: "By reference' to the correspondence between President Carr and Senator Vance, printed in another column, it will be seen that tho Senator agrees to obey the instructions of the General Atsembly, if it shall unequivocally di- lect him to vote for the bub ircasury plan of financial reform. It is now the on the market without any guarantee' for the protection of the farmers. There are in this State at this time twelve posts of tho Grand Army of the Republic. These are at Wilmington, Charlotte, Asheville, Raleigh, Wash ington, Elizabeth City, New7 Bern, Iiendersonviile and Marshall. Rev, Dr. W. S. Black, the new super intendent of the Oxford Orphan Asy lum, left here to-day for New Bern to secure a well informed man to take cbarcre rext year of the truck farm at tho asylum. The merchants-here nave made an agreement that in future all busines houses shall be closed by 7 p. m. every, duty of the people of North Carolina to night save during the months of Sep- j: Washington J'ost, Hop., says lie Force bill will not pass. u.ry Grady died one year ago to- A enuino loss to the South. V They call him now vi". Housed to bo lot. . "Parnell the uParncll the air x; Governors of New York havo . (. leu u. b. Senators, iliii may 'no tenth. fci't.M t Cox's monument will bo un- ! 1th .July 1801. It is tho work of "'i' r:;,iil carriers. iou imt writt ers hnouiu taice couraio. ni'igwasa half century old bo l i made money from his poetry. meet in their several townships and in dicate to their representatives in the General Assembly their will, as to whether Senator Vance shall be in structed to support the Sub-Trnaury p'anornot.: In these meetings there should be the fullest ana freest discus sion of tho merits nod demerits of the Sub-Treasury j)'a, with a vlewto as certaining its prueticabilityvas a scheme of reformlt has been said, .1-. . ..'C.i . ii more uiyu once, uht. me. runioriiy oi tho farmers in Nor h C i o ina wero op posed to tho bub-Trtasury bill. If this opposition exist?, now Is the time for it to manifest lts-ell. Ihe Alliancemen of North Carolina are impregnable in their demands for reform. But thej are not wedded to any special scheme of bringing it abont. If a abetter scheme of reform can be devised than the one embodied In the Sub-Treasury ' uua M.'. Concord 1) lify Standard is small hjt mighty irrittlv and sharp with a big amount of go and ''git." " i rr. ay b great, you may be rood, V'i.ii may be nuble rcoie or Jess. yd ;nl tli at will b Jimlc stood A lii bo your lungtble succ-ess. i Philadelphia Vrcas. iJai a, of the Sun, is being laughed at around. Tho New York Herald '4 it by nominating him for the Qitcd States Senato. It is understood obe entirelv "Pickwickian on the t(1f the" Herald. J' Chicago 27nessent out inquiries Bew-sfpupors of .both parties as to tho kinoes in 1S92. It has received 221 'r. Result: 106 favor the nomi- 10a of Cleveland, 12 prefer JJill, 52 Blaine, and 12 bring up the Hr'er Harrison. ian, tne I'roarcsswc Tanner, lor one, is in favor of the better scheme. This is our po-ition now; and this has been our position all the while. Any other position, as it seems to us. would be ir rational. This agreement of Senator Vance's to obev the instructions of the General Assembly in the matter of supporting the Sub-Treasury plan should, and, we doubt not, will, allay nil opposition to his re-election to the Senato which arose from his expressed opposition to the schemes of reform, to which the Alliances are Committed. The Alliances hrve it in their power to secure lor their reforms the support of V i r nc hv kcninff inctrnnttnnc fr hltvi through the Legislature; and if they iR an erruory neglect to securo these instructions. that will not botho fault of Senator Vance. The Progresivc Farmer is de lighted to know that a way to the com posing or the differences between Vance and tho Alliancemen of North Carolina has been found; and it sees a splendid vista, lined with opportunity to mako a careful and wise embodi ment of Alliance principles in the plans tember, October, November and De combe-; L.asc weeR, in tho course ot a rei, in this county between a man Earned F- P. Emery and one Johnson, the former was shot. He has died and his slayer is now in jail on a charge of murder. Active work on the electric streetcar system began to day It is asserted that by the end of next month car will bo running, though this will necessi tate very rapid work. A great many hunting parties will leave here during the holidays. Bird and other game are abundant and sport of this kind was never better. A telegram to 7 your correspondent to-day from Mr. Will Hunter, the well known Goldsboro sportsman, fays the huntsmen ar)d dogs will goto Wrights ville to-morrow for one of the biggest fox hunts4ver known in the State. It will continue one week. As foxes are abundant, the sport will be fine. There willbo over a hundred dogs. These will be divided so there will be a fresb pack each day. ? which place, in bis opinion, will be the knstone of the flghL Strong and enthusiastic contingents of supporters of both sides have arrived at Castlecomer, which point others be sides Healy apparently regard as tho key of the country. The feeling of a majority of the voter?, as far aa can be judged by outward appearances7 this morning, seems to be anti-Parnell. A rumor, wnicn caused considerable ex citement, was circulated during the mornlng.v it was to the euect mat a largo number of persons had been con fined in a cpal pit in order to prevent their voting,7 Wild threats wero made announced rescued at any cost. Investigation, however, showed it to be nothing more alarming than a "campaign lie,' and howls of derision were exchanged between the opposing parties when it became known that the miners referred to would, later in the day, marclv in a body to the polls. As a rule, the leading members, both Parnellites andV McCarthy ltes,meet and treat each other in a courteous manner, but the same cannot be said of the rank and file. The latter, in the most good natured manner, may bo said to be boiling up to a point where they would like nothing better than a rattling free fight. As the morning advanced this harmonious state of affairs was some what clouded by an altercation which took place between Harrington and a number of priestsi This wordy war fare was occasioned by what Harring ton termed the priests' interference with the voters. Hot words were cx- char.gdjr:i the subject and ia spite of Harrington's protests the priests con tinued tho work of influencing voters who were thought to be leaning to wards, Parnell. Tho priests, later, marched to the polls, amid cheers and counter cheers, at the head of a body of voters. The action of the priests caused many of the Parnellites to in dulge in considerable ta'k, protesting against the validity of tho election in North Kilkenny, should Scully be de feated Kilkenny, Dec. 22. Advices from Johnstown state that Hennessey's sup porters, headed by a number of en- rnOJI WASHINGTON CITT. Xe Prepet ef CeUlar the new tUtl liefer tlte kernel IXevterw ftetketere ISeeemtec janato. - , Washington, Dcc122. U i&oe rot apprar that there U aoy nutcrial charge la the fritu&Ucn in the Secato and it U impelbe to predict when the Hcancui nril arrceU urxm hy the Nen- ate Finacco commltue mill bo caUtd uo. The measure UtM hx cot vet been reported back from the coca mi' tco wh re it i rctaiard. prvurnblr to prevent aay unauthorited tcroa from calling it up ar.d c-uerlc g a frc; coinage amendment. It I apjiarent that co tuccci bss Tet attended tb c-ortP made to cure hat-moo v of action utxu tho bill and the coctlnulng dltcrtnos of opinion with respect to the measure U having tho e Sect of itrtjcgthentn; tho belief of ccrtala Wcrtern S naUr that no financial legislation at all will bo had this session. So far as-the Election bill it- con cerned, there arc kltrns of a change of some kind in lU treatment, ard it is possible that to-morrow morning ben ator Aldrich will submit a cloture res olutlon, aa Instructed by the ctucu, letting it lie upon the tab'c to be call ed up when It shall be deemed neces sary or expedient. WasuixgtoN, Dec 22. The Secre tary of the Navy has directed that the contract for tho construction of tho timber dry dock at Port Royal, S. C , be awarded to Justin McCarthy, of Washington, at 1418,915, provided he accept the department's modiScations of his plans. The contract for building the Am men7 harbor defense ram, for which proposals were received Saturday at the navy department will probably be awarded to the Bath Iron Works, tho only bidder. The price was 30,000, but the company stipulated that the clause providing for rejection of the vessel if she should fall to make seven teen Knots and hour should be left out of the contract. Secretary Tracy rofc r red the bid to the board of construction consisting of chiefs of bureaus of con struction, engineering and ordinance, and this morning they reported to him that in their opinion tho contract should ho awarded to the Bath com pany provided tho objections to tho clause were withdrawn. They pre ferred this course to readvertising or building tho vessels In tho navy yard. The president of the Bath company, Gen. Thomas Hyde, who is now in the city, wad consulted, and agreed to the conditions. The bid will prob ably now be accepted. The bids for the torpedo boat nave been referred to the chiefs of tho bureaus of engineer ing and construction and a report U likely to be made to morrow. It in thought that the bid of the Hdrechofl company for the small craft will be taken. a vuonous speech rroM senato; VOORHEES. Increased lt!lroel Earning. Charleston, Dec 22, The first an nual report of Receiver Chnmberlaine of the South Carolina railroad was filed in the United States Circuit court Saturday. It shows the following com parative statement of receipts and ex penditures: Gross earnings for 1888 89, $1,343,432; gross earnings 1889-90, $1,546,0S7; increase, tl97,V5; total tx penses for 1SSS 89, U3o,757; total ex ppnses for 1&9 -90, SI, 015,320; dectcase $20,441; net earnings for 18&8-89 S312,- b74; net earnlnrs for lfcKJ 'JO So3U,7ul; lie U Kfwr ef rr 4 fj,., the rteelJettl 4 fflr l!it m-tu Ttee U.ht fr TKlr rertUr-. tte le erCelfMr el t:tete rr UyyextUy ef ttte rretdt (,, WASJUNirrtSN. lkC 22.-LSl,iTK I A he. caU att;c;dJ-aoe of Srt.ur morning attracU-J th attention o!i 'vuii'viiiM u4tr li t. ri ui macded a call of th roll. Trvlrty to Sc'naUr rtr-mdc4 to the caII, tcU Ic than a tjusrum, anJ tbo Ssrscnn ai-Arta wxt dlnccloJ, oa motion of Senator lloar, to irut ,he prtsrc of the aKnl' bcuator. In the rour- of half an hour a quorum madr lu a;. pcaranco. Senator IU rt prtntcd, and tc Senate adopted the ccnfcrcr.ee cr tti Sioux Itrmcrratioa blU. The houc amendment to thi SkaI amendment to the Urgent IVfickRcy bill, itrlkicg but tbo approprUllcn for the pay of clerk of Senator, w con concurred In. Tlo d!culoanf ih Klcclion bill wai then rcurnc3, Seea tor Uigglnt taking the f!.ior. As to tho claim of the Southern Sen ators that ther feared an4 could cot endure negro domination, he atterte! bis belief that there waa never a day when ibo Southern white leader could cot have had the hearty tuppon of tho black men of tbo South for the aking. He had alwajn contldcmi that one ercat Mjrvlctj which the Dem ocratic party had rendered wax lu corralling and brlnglrg Into It fold all tho people who, from cavitj and from other cireumUncc, were ihv least fitted to dlecharge tho function of American cltlwn. and why, hv asked, had cot the Southern Ulu lCWWIttW UVUV 4VT eHlM.U WIU liU blacks? Tho rc.vou wa. Senator IU-ngan replied, thai in the rtHX)nitructlon lerIod the Frecdracn' Bureau and th carjct baggers hod mde the blacU belive that tho whiten were their eiu mle,and had arrayed the black In an oath bound league to vote tho I'torutf llcan ticket. Senator Vorhcca add rrMtd tho Sea- ate. Tho opening of hi speech rn sistcd of a criticism of the PrelJMit for that ortlon of hi raeg.i to C i grcss urging the iaajro cl tho 11 1 lion bill. If Mr. Hurri-oo, ho should undertake to put on the stage u school for bypocrlcy, ho could cot do better than dramatui that imrtlon of his mcMsge that related to f ilr ami hone.-t election. Tho rank cor ruption of the election of 1-vSN was resting. folded away in "blocks of five" and wa Mill frWi and carefully prcorvivl in th? rnlm" of the American people. Ho charged that within sixty day aftor the Incom ing of the pretcut admluUtraLOQ tu 4 extcn.ivc, powerful and .corrupt rcn- f piracy was formed to Import a crrUW class of voters from distant parU i t lb country Into Indlan.i,W 8. Virginia a d Connecticut In order to aocuro majori ties in tho-se State for the Ilpublicu ticket in 1801. P. of of it hud bn published in the New York H'orMoo October 4th lat, including a U;ttr from Mr. Uuston, Treasurer of lh? United States to one Lindsay, author of tbo plan, declaring Mmclf heartily in favor of the scheme nnd ayln that THE HOSTILE INDIANS. Short Bear Wanting to Sarrender Sitting lSuir Followers Captured False It mors About Klcapoo. . Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 22. A special from Oklahoma says: There is no truth in the report thai LOOOKicka- poos are engaged in a ghost dance in There are only 300 Kickapoos all told and they are on their reservation engaged in their usual peaceful pu "suits. Ghost dancing by the other tribes is almost entirely stopped and no alarm is felt. Pine Ridge, Dec. 22. Short Bull came in from the Bad Lands yesterday and bad a talk with Gen. Brooke. It was the same old story that there were men in his camp who would thusiastic priests, marched through the streets, causing a scene of wild ex citement. Tne procession was cheered by Hennessey's friends and greeted with groans by his enemies. It wi.s with difficul,y that the police prevent ed a serious collision. The election ex citement existing in this town was in creased when it became known that Scully, tho Parnellite candidate had entered a formal protest beioro the re tiring omcer against the laxity of the regulations in regard to the admit tance of strangers to the polling sta tions. The voting in this section pro ceeded slowly and there was not so much-excitement, as expected about the polls. InorenRtf. .218.0S7. The John B. Haracl, Jr.. Capt. Feni- ho would peak to tbo President about more, from Apalachicola, Fla., for . it was paiuiui, io kuu, to re Deri Philadelphia, with lumber encountered that the man who knew Mr. IIarrIof violent gales causing her to leak badlf. hotter than any other man Irt pytiic There being no chance to save the Knew tarn, who had carried vessel, she was abandoned on tho 17th, him ami m luiurc through 0 !.(- ear for t. in -at . m . - AIpi ni miirrh t ho Af la if. n. 3-2htcr Virginia who is developing , a Writer of gifts. She has no fancy or stage. It is noticeable that "ther IJooth nor Barrett introduced own daughters to the stage. Here 'e throe leadinrjr American actofs "-Sc or their own daughters. Signl- i very! come in. of reform which will be brought before provided promises were kept and the next Congress. We see the way pledge given that no one should be ar- clear to the accomplishment of all this rested and sent to prison. Whai Gen. paper has ever contended for; and we Brooke said is not known, but from are content." what was said yesterday by Gen. Miles, The weather service will put the no Government officer or other official river erauges on the Cape Fear river at can make any promises, with the as- Favetteville and Llllincton and on tho surance that the Government will Roanoke at Danville, Clarksville and Weldon. These will be under the charge of the State bureau. The house ouuaers nero nave more work than they can do. This i3 an en courasring sign. It shows that Raleigh and the country roundabout are stead carry them out. To bring in these In dians under the pledges that they ask and then to attempt to arrest or dis arm them would precipitate a massacre at Pine Ridge. By telegraph it Ia learned at Rapid City that Col. Stan ton found some of the Sitting Bull . lY , r .. ...... . ' l ayeiicville (Joscrccr copied a Ap:raph that anneared in the Mes jN'GKit and was commented upon in -few Bern Journal. We corrected first two words in proof but it was T'ected. Wo did not write "It is vot it j- bays: I m . . ilv imorovinff. The country people iugmves ana some nerry ureek in- aro buvin- a creat deal of furnitue. aa dians crossing the Bad Lands toward well as material for batter dwellings. -".riuK cr a fH o-aniou ThprA U mnrn imnrovement in the cnasea luem mvo me rwi a lianas near more latter line than ever before. The year 1891 will be a notable ne here, in the way of industrial progress. The factories to bo started will demand a large force of workers, and there will building White river opposite the mouth of Wounded Knee creek. No soldiers were hurt and probably no Indians. Washington, Dec 22. Gen. Sch field has received a telegram from Gen. Miles, dated Rapid City, Dakota, be a crreat activiTv in all the m. e. 9 m. I v-k. Aj-k m e. me. trades, i ho new railways to do oum i uec. , as ioiiows: l Deneve ail or will prove to be of the greatest impor- I very nearly all of the followers of Sit trnce. The Seaboard Air Line will I tine Bull have been captured." Col. -"--wi brother, that's, nothing. I. have, as a special feature, what may I Sumner reports to-day tho capture ox .i uuCC knew n. Nnerh P.a rnl 5 n ft. ft trr I Ka amtA a V.1alAni tta I VMrr Wnn V.nrl est. Rtuir silmWilne '-i A.blQRS nilohtnrf rv fahop wee a I kmia fM-tm TnVi.J . Ailatiti I IU1 Tin Vi a hAan tnnct aflant !(! -vui U!Uiha, lm.... 4AiA. M.V- I Tl- til 1 3 : . 3 11 a. I . n- 1 A . .. 1 .. f . ---.a.vji , lawjci, uwwr) ficauu- i xutsso wiu do. uauUBOuio 8iruciures &DU i lareabeain.. .ms retuir w latitude 30 04; longtitude, 70 20. The following day the crew sighted the schooner Nellie W'oodbury, from Baracoa for Charleston, and were Lik en and Kindly cared for. Capt. Hodg- den, of the Woodbury, boarded the abandoned vessel and, finding her dancerous to navigation, eet fire to her. Fireman Injured. ATHOL, Mass., Dec. 22, The mot disastrous flre ever known at Athol oo cuired yesterday. Masonic and Cen tral blocks were completely destroyed. five merchant?, tho postomce, tho Ma sonic rooms, etc., being burned out. A C. Porler, George Barnham, L. C. Berry and Wm. Conner, of Orange, firemen, were severely injured by fall ing walls Perry probably fatallj. main tilcnt whenever the mottcxalvd Alexander McLean, foreman 01 tre I dlgnltarici or tho Govcrnmeol were Star hose, fell 30 feet from a ladder, I found conspiring, pUatlcg and burro lng amid fillh and cormptioo In order to overthrow rightful majorities He went on to read letter from Quay acd tomo Republican rcprcacotaUve trova Glasgow, Dec. 22. The railwav strikers have, so far, succeeded in par-. aiyzicg trafic throughout tho district. Very few trains are running, fickets of strikers are stationed at many ponits trying to induce the few engine drivers remaining at work to join the ranks of the strikers. In several in stances the persuasions of the pickets I fracturing his skull. cave ueru oiruut: cuuutu w win ufcr additions to the cumber of men already I Not allowed to A tte ad uu Child's raaeral out on strike. 1 he Lanarkshire strikers I Columdus. Dec. 22. Rev. James the stormy and corrupt campaign of 1?S, In Indl.tr,;, whi hvl tjdU.l him and hi plltlc:.l rn-.'lhod nt c!oh-; range, felt himself warranted in sub mitting for his consideration and ap proval a corrupt project for tho over throw of hontt resident majorltle by shamcle Importation and eolinlzatio.t of bla:k voters from tho South. And yet that man (Huston) rcUlncJ h! high office, bad met with no rebuke and continued to bak In cxccutlre fu ror and confidence. The names of Dudley and Qa.iy hav ing been introduced inconnecilao with tbl scheme for colonizing negro voter In Indiana, Senator Voorbccasald that ho took no pleaiuro In commenting on the names of the men connected with that conspiracy; but bo would not re- are conducting their operations with Campbell, on Saturday foood guilty Indiana, approving of the coioolia'.loa muca vigor, xoeir picKeia are uoing of criminal malDracticc and whose olaa as well as tho correrm!nr j i- tii . i t i j .i. . .... . . . . i . . : r Koou ur&. ah mo lamenu anu mosk infant cblld. a bov seven months old. I tsreen Llndiav ard hi m vnrl. t oi tne passenger iramc is lureauy siop- ued while he was on trial, was yester- tho enterprtie, WhlUbcal of North peu, uuu mere uwca uub bccui w uo aujr ckj refused the prlTliege oi attending Carolina, gtvlsg some of the point prospect of an early settlement of the matters in dispute. Opposing Senator InralTe Re-eleetlon. Kansas uity, mo., Uec IZL A spe cial from Wichica, Kan., says: A con vention of representatives from the Farmers' Alliance of the Seventh Kan sas Congressional district met here Saturday to take action upon the elec tion of a successor to Senator In galls in the Senate. A resolution was adopted instructing all tanners1 Alliance mem bers of the Legislature from the Seventh district to vote against In galls acd work for his defeat. Efforts to secure the endorsement for one or an other oi the candidates was unsuccess ful. the funeral. The judge of the Clrcnit I of the plan and urrccsticrr that om Court made an entry alloying tho de-I 6,000 negroes from North Carollox lendant this privilege, but the sheriff I ruut bo placed In the State of Indiana. refused to carry out the wishes of the court. Rev. Mr. Campbell offered to go In chains, bound band acd foot. eaeeeMMBaBf0BBBBMeMMMM A Itoaaao Cat belle. CharcT B armed. New York, Dec 22. SL Bernard's Roman Catholic Church, on Four teenth street, between Eighth and Ninth aveooe,was completely gutted by fire this morning. The interior was completely burned out and the roof burned oil. It took the firemen two hours to gain control of the flames. The fire Is supposed to have started in the engine room. The loss Is 175,000 with tCO.000 of Id surance. The Senate for wact of a Quorum 4 iourned. IIOCSE OF ft-JU&ljCTATlYfl3. In order lowest theqaestlon as loth presence of a quorum, Mr. Blount, of Pennsylvania, objected to tho approval 170; cays, 0. Tho floor was accorded to tho Com mittee on the District of Columbia. Three or four measures of a purely lo cal tfhd personal nature were deposed of, and then aa extended dlacuaaloo arose upon the bill incorporating the Georgetown and Arlington IUilroad compaay, which was finally rcora tali ted. The Ilouao then adjourned. ITm Crew a m ghmr Tlie SSUaeaH Coarederata Home. 1 Tha Trial eftba Italians Derma. ST. Louis, Dec 22. The Confeder-1 New Orleans, Dec 22. Nineteen ate Home ot Missouri held a meeting I Italians, accused In tho Hennessey here Saturday and selected the noted I case, pleaded not guilty in tho Criml- Grove Young farm near Hlgginsville. I cal court and filed a plea In bar on the tw m a 1 .Ia. . m a 1 I a i m I . m m a m ' a . aio. tor toe siio oi toeir ooiaiera i noucas; zxrsv, uxai tne rrand iurv Home. The lusds are being raised Toy I could co: bare found the indictment In I schooner Nellio Woodbury arrived la pnvado mracnpiuw, aoiu crecuoa i vne snor uoa ia wmca it oLi; second, roaaa oero iroca ijaracoa yesterday oi ouuauiers wm w tuamonoeu u i uat vne auoueat oi me case was in-1 Kmooa. oao was SDorcn brate- and soon as the title to the property can be I properly cade. Judge Bsker over-1 re perls the crew cf tho wrecked schooa " tTraaa4 Bamtrd. Cilirxjestox 8. C Dec 22. Ths "LU r n n . J I . 5 1 1 X . III 1 . .... . . AC . A . . . m.. mmA.4 - - m A . . a . w - . V . . . '

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