THE WILMINGTON, MESSENGER. TUESDAY, -JULY 14, 139 J fabllthed Kvery Morning Kxcept Monday I - at SI North Front Street. ESTABLISHED IM 1867 BY J. A. BONITZ. JACKSON & BELL,, Proprietoks. T. B. KINGSBURY, Editor. The Daily Messenger, by mall, one year, 17.00; six months, I3.0; three months, 11.75; one month. 60 cents. ;; Served In the city at 60 cents a month ; one week 15 cents; 11.75 for three mor-ths, or 17.00 a year. - WILMINGTON, N. C. , TUESDAY, JULY 14. 1891 I " ' '- ' TI.N OKE IN NOKIIjCAHOLIA. , There appears to be good pros pects for developing a profitable tin product i'n the South. It is begin ning to appoaij more certain that tin ore exists in some sections in: quan tities extensive enough to make it pay. In all1 the United States we do not thitik that until recently tin ore had been found in paying quan tities. Of course many reported discoveries have been made but. the the developments have not been ' reassuring. It is not certain that . even m .. the King's Mountain dis- trict in North Carolina there is ore in suchjaying quantities to give a guarantee of success if developed- We said that thus far the results are satisfactory, and the same thing may Ut said or tne deposits or tin ore in California, South Dakota and Vir ginia. So a special correspondent of the Tradesman. Mr. W. W. Van Vess'ji M. 1., writes. He says that tin was discovered in North Carolina in 1883, by Robert ClaywelJ, who was at first ignorant of the discov ery. It was sent to the Boston Ex position the next year, and its value was detected by a chemist who ex i m i - nil aminea u. xms is one or tne gains of this exhibit.! Mr. Van Ness says ' that "the geology of this King's Mountain, N. C, district is very in teresting and the variety of miner als is remarkable." He writes: "About three quarters of a mile east, and running parallel with this contact is the tin bearing vein. This vein is from ten to sixteen feet wide and is remarkably regular and per sistent. . Here and there are "smaller j veins branching out from it and ma- ning across the slates. Some of these penetrate far into the granites on the west. ine griesen or wmcn tne vein is composed being harder than the sur rounding slates, has withstood the action , Of erosiou well and forms a bold outcrop which can be traced, for over Wonty miles. At no place on the outcrop. is found any strong in dications of tiu, but as ddpth is reached the tin seems to grow rich er. f hi is shown by a.ii imber of sbalts which have been sunw on the vein from fifty to two hundred feet and fifty feet in depth." ' At least $100,000 have been spent in developing the district, and he 'Seys " with rather satisfactory re sults," although there hns been bad management. He says that the tin ore experimented with showed two . per cent, of casserite, which in Cornwall. England, would be con sidered very good oues. "He sa s the tin is comparatively free from arse- - nic and other detrimental impurities. The developments hereafter will be of interest to North Carolinians as well as to metallurgists. FIRE WATER AND WELLS, ARTESIAN Recently we wrote abont the prime necessity of any community provid ing itself with an abundance of pure drinking water. All sanitary and medical science teaches that sun snine, pure air and pure water are thres essentials to health. The av erage duration of life in ! Great -Britain is fully five years longer than it was two hundred years ago Medical science and sanitation have done it all. ' There will be uo permanent health with poisoned or impure water. I If yon think it otherwise dismiss it as unworthy of a rational being. We referred to the various experis ments in many parts of the South in forcing artisian wells and the cheer- ing success that has followed. New Orleans is an excellent example of what may le done. The people of that city have had excellent cisterns constructed and they now have 'a continious and abundant supply of pure water" from this source. But this is njot all. Artesian wells have t. also be bored and with much success. New Orleans is very low, and yet as the Picayune tells, good water is got at a depth of 600 feet, with a flowof fortyxone gallons a minute. Anoth er well has fiftytwo gallons a mhu ute. There now fifty wells in that city. Even the manufactories are using the wells; The ; Dirham To bacco Company has an artesian well ; bored at great cost. Twentyxonej years ago we were on t an Edgecombe farm. The owner was digging an artesian well. He told us he had an abundance of other water, but he wanted drinking water from deeper down. He said in an other - sections of the State, near Washington, we believe, he knew of an artesian well being bored, and after that no one had chills and fevers. He said the same thing ex istedona plantation four miles from his own. He thought with water thus procured that all chills would soon disappear. Excellent cisterns answer the pur pose of securing rain water purified. But there are hundreds of families unable to procure cisterns and land lords will not provide them. Whatf then l Is it not the duty of the pub liof spirited tax-payers tosee to it that every home is supplied with pure drinking water of some kjn$ J I It is a public necessity. The healta of the people demand it. The laws of sanitation require it.; , The-ex perience of the world compels it. The benevolence and philanthropic gpirit of the age say it must be done. Pure drinkinjr water : in abundance for all that is what should beAsk the most enlightened and capable physicians. Ask the ablest men in sanitary science. SOITHPOBT. Affer. an' interval of twelve visited vars or more we Southport spending the Lord's Day r thre. It seems to us that in those years the town has trebled in popu- ation. It always struck us as beau tiful for situation, and have long wondered that it did not become a town of more imp.o tance. to North Carolina. It now contains some 1,300 inhabitants and many new residences, some ol which are taste ful and have quite a modern air. Being sonear the mouth of the Cape Pt-ar river it must become a place of imDortance in the years ahead. "The view from thoTront street is very at tractive ana wnen ine raiiroaa laineu 't 1 . I 3 1.11 J off becomes an accomplished fact it will begin to boom in earnest. It must become a very important coal ing station. Even now it does busi ness in that way. We got there so late on Saturday and" left so very early yesterday morning we did not have an opportunity to visit the office of the Leader and shake editoi Stephens by the baud; ' He prints very neat paper, indeed and it is a useful "institution" to Southport. The Methodist District Conference had been in session since Thursday morning. It closed its labors Satur day afternoon. There was a fair atten dance of delegates, butmanyjof them seem to have been in a big hurry to get away. The new Church on Ninth and Market was well represented There were some six or eight present on Sunday. The next District Con ference will meet with that Church in this city next July. The new Meth odist Church at Southport is a posi tive gem, the neatest and best $3,000 edifice of the kind we have yet seen Bishop . Wilson, of Maryland, pre sided, and preached three times during the session. His sermons on Sunday we heard. The morning discourse fully equalled his sermon in the First Presbyterian Church in this city in May last, which we -re garded as the ablest sermon we had heard in a long life-time. He is of heavy calibre using a Krupp gun His sermon on Sunday night was only inferior to the other two among those we have heard. We heard many such opinions, and especially from the preachers. Rev, Dr. Swin dell, Presiding Elder of the Wil mington Distr.ct, was unable to at tend by reason of illness. We were very kindly taken care of by the family of Mr. Dozier. SNAPS. ' Hannibal Hamlin left no bequests for benevolent purposes. Can it be possible that any ome can believe that crime is decre asing in this country! , - i In Aricona, Tex., a white uian in suited a woman. He got 100 lashes well laid on with a black-snake whip -', : wermany is startled by - a report that France and Russia will seize Constantinople. Harrison is in the surf. He has been in the soup for some time. Is he cleaning off t mm When Benny Harrison fishes for sea bass he is a success. ' But when he fishes for votes he gets left, m Mr. Blaine gets no better accord" ing to some of the papers. His chances of recovery are thought s to oe weakening, lie has six doctors me ueatn or Mr. opurgeon may be looked for. He is 57 years old. EDITORIAL ENTREES, . Politics are mixed and mixing. In Dakota the Alliance wlil take to the, third party. But the Kansas farm ers are not so blind. There are said to be a great many of the old par ties who will not accept the new party. It is also thought that in Texas there will be a division in the Alliance over the third party. All this bodes no good to the country. The movement that shall weaken the Democratic party in any' State will proye probably an unfortnnate one. Rev. Dr. A. G. Hopkins, of West Virginia,will conduct the solemn ser vices at the unveiling of Stonewall Jackson's monument at Lexington, va., on zist July. He was chaplain of the Stonewall brigade. It will be a Vvf-ry impressive occasion no doubt, and the attendance will be large. rThe Republicans admit now that Mr Tilden was the strongest candi date for the Presidency in 1880, bat Hancock'was taken and the Dem ocrats ; were slaughtered. They played into the hands of the enemy. and chose the weaker candidateIn 1892, they may repeat the - act of hara-kiri. They may overlook the strong candidate and put Jnanother man whom the Republicans may de feat. Thereare people talking up Hill and Carlisle and Pattison and Campbell, and yet. it. seems to us hat an overwhelming majority of the voters have their eyes turned to Mr. Cleveland. Although a strongl'effort is being made to Hill&if the old State of Vir-niat is by no means assured tht it wilt be done, xne Aompuu Virginian thinks the people aemaua Cle nomrnation; They like him,it says,and "for many reasons.' It calls the attempt to undermine him "sneakingly and cowardly. ' The Campbell County Record believes thatJaow."three-.fourthsof-theDem-f ocralts of , Virginia would cast their ballots for' Cleveland' against the field. This, too, ism spite of the fact that the enemies of Cleveland in this State and out of i it have shown themselves wonderfully in- dnBtriJus ifl trying to manufacture an ti Cleveland sentiment." Other papers are speaking out plainly for the "great statesman, and among them are the Bedford Record, the able Richmond Timei, and the Richmond evening paper, the State. Mr. Gladstone has borne the death of1 his eldest child with great grief. It bears, iieayily upon one of the noblest ol living men,himse f not far from the" grave. 'He wrote the other day: . '- "We in our affliction are deeply sensible of the mercies of God. tie gave us for fifty years a most pre cious son He has now only bidden bim.f or & very brief space froin the sight of our e5 es.' It seems a: vio lent transition from such thoughts to the arena of .political contention: but the transition may be softened by the coaviction we profoundly bold that we in the ftrst and greatest of our present controversies work for the ; honor, well being and future peace of our opponents not less than for our own," We love t' honur 'uch a ninn, one of God'strue nobility, pure and true and great. . STATE PRESS. Principles do not change. What was Democracy in the days of the fathers is Democracy to-day and will be forever; but conditions are ever changing and he is no statesman who does not address himself to present conditions. We all need to study the political prob- lems that confront us, so as to be able to adjust them in accordance with the true principles of Democ racy, the inherent rights of man and the genius of American institutions. New Bern Journal. We admire the fearlessness with which the Messenger speaks out in oped meeting against the enormities of that city, It is not afraid people abroad will Think less of the city if thev know there are honest men enough in it to support a secular pa per that decries the wrong and ups holds the right. The young propri etors have takenjhold as though they believed editors ought to have intel ligence enough to be public teach ers. They have moral earnestness to express their opinions and we be lieve they have discission enough not to wake up more snakes than they can kill. The Leaflet wishes it was so situated as more fully to join the Messenger in the fight. Go on brothers and be ye well assured that the great reward of an approving conscience and the approbation of the Most High will be yours. Wil mington Lealet. MEN AND WOMEN. Mrs. Mckay's new London house contains two ideal bathrooms, the, one in Pompeiian stjle, the other Japanese. In each of them abun dant use has been made of cloisonne enamel. The entrance halls to the mansion contain some of the finest decorative work ever seen in Eng land. The wife of Joei Chandler Harris, "Uncle Remus," is a pretty brunette woman, with beautiful teeth and a charming smile. She is of French Canadian descent, and is an accom- ylished linguist. Senator t Carlisle once edited a Louisville' daily, the Ledger, which had a goodstartj -and ' promised to become: a permanent enterprise, but the proprietor's fortune was insufr ficient to support it and it collapsed after a few months. "ExsAttorney General Rufus A. Ayres, of Virginia, fifteen years ago was a page . in the; 'Senate of Vir ginia. Now it is said he is worth $500,000. . Amelia Rives Chanler will emerge from her long silence in the next number , of the Cosmopolitan with a novel called "According to St. John." The editor assures us that "it will contain nothing of the kind that excited criticism, in Miss Rives' earliar production.'' New York Morning Advertiser: It was Mr.. Blaine's day to lie at death's door yesterday. This morning he is out on the front piazza. .POINTED PARAGRAPHS. ., I , JSew York is worth a billion and three quarters. A Republican Con gress could make way with it before the second session was up. Augusta unronteie, Dem. At present there is a hole in Hill's platform. Does he propose to fill it with a free or a limited plank t Atlanta Journal. Dem Why not have the McKinlev bal lots engraved on tin plate? Cincin uau inquirer, jjem x i rn The tongue of the criraffe is narlv a foot and a half long. Now that Foraker is a'ain on ton in Oh in polistics this zoological item should be of value to caricaturists, Chicago j. imcs. .. x Secretary Foster5 is xeDortad tn have said: "Let me nrenare th monthly debt statements, and 1 care not who makes the appropriation." iacicaonvuie Times Union. ' -BET FER D V ANTAGES IN . Pianos and O reran s Tlian any other House in the State. Because we have a thorough knowl edge of Musical Instuments, wbleh' la absolutely to protect the customer as well as ourselves against imporsltton, for two thirds of aU In.-truments are "Shoddy .'l Persons having noknowl. . edge of instruments often pay twice wh U they are worth. We guarantee absolute protection against fraud and misrepresentation, and will guarantee to give your money'j worth every time. We have the largest Stock in the State, and our Prices are the lowest. We have just received the Latest Designs and Styles, wluohi we offer for cash or instalments. ' -tc; VanLAER, ttTand 40t North Fourt street HBBOIfAND SLINKS. j He "You 1 ld ine before we were married that you could live on loye, andnowyou touch me'Tbr 820Tw)n net." . She "Yes, dear; but it is a love of a bonnet.". Nem York Herald. Revivalist "Young' lady. which road will you'elect this night to i ol low?" Young : Lady blushing) "1-I'd rather prefer the bridal path." New 'Tori Herald. ' J Iotterr Yes, sir?1 that man is hypocrite, if there .ever was one. Wnile professing the warmest friend ship for me, he was for a whole year stabbing me' in the back, and I never knew it. . ' ? Irwin Goodness! What kiiid of a backjhave you got. Brooklyn Life. ' "There Is plenty of room at the top," . ; 8o the well-known saying ran. ' ' And the summer tbermometer hotly 88 id: "I will get there if I oan " - v1 ' " ; -Griffin Newa. She in Satin Are1 you glad that you got married? She in Silk Of course l am Why, I got 347 presents', Munsey Weekly. According to Edison's last inven tion, the kinetograph, you can see your sweetheart and hear the smack even were theyj a mile down the beach.. New York Truth. "You look rather pale," said the World to the Moon. Getting ol&aud feeble, eh?" - "I can ero all around you just the same." replied the Moon. Munsey1 Weekly, CHIPS. Thft p.oins struck in the Mints of the world last year were of less value than those coined in 1889 Accord. ine to a statement iust issued .Eng land coined the greatest quantify of gold, and the United States the most silver. This "old ivorv" which is now be coming so popular doesn't really look like old ivorv. but is of a beautiru sienna tint and satin luster. It is said that $11,000,000 of Ore gon Pacific funds ' have been myste nous swallowed up. The receivers name is Hogtf. The usual number of "expert swimmers" are being drowned at the seaside Oft la th stUly aiffht, Whea Cholera Morbus fu&4 mi "Pmia Klll.r" fixd mm rlSht, Nor waktoid thoM ara4 bm. Most OLD PEOPLE art friends of Perry Davis1 PAIN KILLER and often Its very best friends, because for many years they have found it a friend In need. Accidents generally occur m the daytime, while Cholera Morbus and such troubles usually culminate at night. To get rid of any such pain before it be comes an ache, use PAIN KILLER. Buy it right now. Keep it near you. Use it promptly. For sale everywhere. IT KILLS PAIN. CONFECTIONERY 100 Pails and Boxes Candy. 50 Boxes Cakes, 10 V Raisins, , 75 bbls Granulated Sugar, 50 " Light Sugar, 25 ' Brown Sugar, 100 1-2 bbls Sugar. "We bought "these goods to sell. Z. X.. GORE. 120, 122 and 124 North Water Street ! WILMINGTON, N. C. MULES FOR SALE. ... ALSO 0 '. Complete Stock of Heavy Groceries, LIME, , CEMENT, PLASTER, Grain and Hav. OUDERS ANn TVOmpiPo ' u .MmtM lUkl .y SOLICITED. -y WORTH & WORTH je U ... - 1 Adrian & Vollero, : - Wholes le Dealers in j PrsTiaons.'Sroccries, Liauors, lohcco, Cigars ' . . AND Conimiggiono. Merchants. orner Front and Dock Sts. WUmington.N C Groceries, : Provisions, Farm Supplies at Bottom Prices Woody & Currie, Commission Merchants. dVofiS FREE ! with nine li r SffPncw flje4lcitX3l. TO RESTORE When it has beme prematreJthizx.o Cray hair 'f: Baldness Humors Faded hair Dandruff Falling hair of the hair, 'than any other preparation of the kind. . " Nine years ago, at the age of 45, 1 was nearly bald, my hair having, from some unknown cause, fallen out gradually. We had found Ayer's' Pills such an effectual general remedy that when I needed a hair restorer I naturally turned to Ayer's Hair Vigor. I used this and a new growth-of hair started. My hair is now as heavy and firmly set as in youth." Mrs. L. C. Wilson, Sulphur Springs, Texas. 1 " "After using many other preparations without satisfactory result, I find; that Ayer's Hair Vigor is causing my hair to grgy." A. J. Osment, Indian Head, N.W. T. Ayer's InTair Vigor Pnpared ti DR. J. CATER i CO, Unll, Mass. Sold j 1 Dniffilstl and Perfumers. LADIES Who purify their blood with Ayer's Saraaparilla, are distinguished by their freedom from any of those blemishes which so disfigure many an otherwise comely face. External applications aggravate skin diseases by obstructing the pores, and poisoning the whole system. Functional derangements of the stomach, liver, and kidneys need to be corrected. This may best be done by purifying the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the use of which, if persisted in, jauses the skin to become clear and healthy. j . M. Parker, Concord, Vt, writes: "My face, for years, was covered with pimples and humors, for which I could find no remedy till I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Three bottles of this great blood mediciae effected a thorough cure, and l ean confidently recom mend it to aU suffering from similar troubles." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Has cured others, will cure you. :fijL lt hi? posit I VOUs i 1' !WrEIlS. C8 1txtan Nw TotSl w eta. M ATT I N G SJA ATT INGS JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE SHIPMENT. We are relling at Prices to suit all. are selliag at 30 cents. Don't fail to Wall Papers are Selling Cheap and Hanging in Great Style. WILTJA.MS & ROBINTSOlSr ates 2jMrfi jgtotje. Waverly Novels, 12 volumes, $6 50 reduced to $5.50. Irvings Works. 6 volumes, 4.50 reduced to 3.S0. Bulwer Lytton's WorKs,16 volumes, 16.25 reduced to 10.00. Guizot's History of Prance, 8 volumes, 6.00 reduced to 5.00. Goethe Works, 5 volumes, 7.50 reduced to 4.00. Half Hour j with Best Authors. 4 volumes, 6 00 reduced to 4.50. Shakespere, 8 volumes, 6.00 reduced to 4 50. Plutarch's Lives. 3,50 reduced to 2.75. Only a few setts at these prices. Send in your order at once. O. je28 tf SASH, DOORS & BLINDS Made of the best of White Pine, Kiln Dried and Well Seasoned. Two Car-Loads just received. Most Complete Stock in State. 1 - PUTS - and - List and Prices Cheerfully BUILDER Special inducements to Merchants and Builders. Correspond ence Solicited. X N. JACOBI HARDWARE CO. iy 3 tf REFRIGERATORS. We will close out our stock G reatly Reduced P r i ce to:- T N. C and 3, C. Hams, Giles Sides and Bellies and City Mess Pork. ANOTHER CAB TIDAL WAVE AND WHITE DOVE FLOUR. JUSTIN. THE FINEST. Nos. II and 13 South AGENCY FOR THE MPROVED BROWN COTTON GIN, ' Feeder and Condenser. This Gin Is warranted to be eq to any Gin made and decidedly best on the market at Its price. . - -ders solicited. IW. E. 8PniNGfEE0& CO., HARDWARE AND CROCKERY. PurcellBuidlog. " THE HAIR ing is Ay errs Hair, Vigor, This preparation, cleanses the'ficalp of dandruff, heals itch ing hurxiprs, and supplies nourishment and vitality to-the hair-roots. It prevents the hair from falling out,' and promotes a new growth, of the natural color and texture. ' Ladies and gentlemen, who make use of Ayer's Hair Vigor, pronounce it more de- sirable and economical as a dressing, and more valuable for stimulating the growth " For several months I was troubled with a persistent humor on my head, which gave me considerable annoyance and discomfort, until it occurred to me to try Ayer's Hair Vigor. Before using one bottle, the humor was healed. I earnestly recommend this preparation to any person similarly af flicted." T. T. Adams, General Merchant, Tubeville, Virginia. ; . "My wife believes that the money spent for Ayer's Hair Vigor was the best invest ment she ever made, it has given her so much satisfaction." John A. Adams, St. Augustine, Texas. Seamless Mattings, worth 40 cents, we call early. We are going to sell it. W. YATES, i ' Books and Stationary. S - furnished upon application, 12 SOUTH FRONT STREET. of REFRIGERATORS at HARDWARE & MURCHISON S. C. Shoulders, D. S. Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. Bproh Hotel, AT THE HAMMOCKS. Q N WRIGHTS VI L.LE HEACH, NKAJtJ- WUmlBcrion, N. C. ' Now open tor the Betaon 1891 . T Moat Cnarminjr Resort on Sonth Atlantic Coasti 'Hotel Equipped wltft all modern im provemeats, .Pig FUh, Crabd, CSams nd all the delloaoles'troat the sea a specialty. Fine Band ot Music, Dancing, Planing, Boating Sea Breezes, Surf tiathlng, &c' WILL HUNTS tt, Proprietor. Also Proprietor HcteU- Arlington-Greuory Gold-tboro, N. O. m 84 tr CAROLINA BEACH, 00KANI0 HOTEL. " This Hotel is now opeu for the aooomm d tioa of finest!. j SO OTS. Speoial attention given to the tables. Bates, 00 per onjr. E. L. 4 J. H. UlNTCN, matlT tt. Proprl')to. Atlas - House, Ocean View, J. JT. II AYES, - MANAGER, fJIHE ATLAS HOUSE has been refurnished throughout. Everything ne w. We make a specialty of Pig Fish, Soft Shell CraDs.Shrimp. Clams and all seaside delicacies, and serve them on snort notice. The Atlas is modt delightfully situated. Wide piazzas, cc m fortable sets, swings, &c i Surf bathing in a few feet of door. The Br is entirely parate from Hotel and conducted by C. L Uir, wno oan suit alu je 7 lm THE FAMOUS CONNELLY : SPRINGS ! At ConneUy Springs, W. U. C R H Bnrke County, N. C. 1891 Summer Season. 1891 : r - - rjlHB' NEW HOTEL at this popular resort to which extensive improvements have been added during the past winter, .will be opened for tbe Summer Season, on MONDAY, JUNE 1st, 1891. The Connelly Springs Company promise every comfort and convenience to its patrons. The ConneUy Springs Water has now an interna tional reputation, and hundred of people, at tome and abroad, in unsolicited testimonials attest its effloacv. Write for Circulars. For further information, address. CONNELLY SPRINGS CO., je 10 3m Connelly Springs, N. C. WHERE THE WATERS DIVIDE. Bear ,in mind that the elegant new GREEN PARK HOTEL, AT Blowing Rock, N. 0. Will be ready for guests on July 1st. and don't make anv arrantrpmnnta for spending the summer nntil you wrue ior illustrated limde 5ook and terms. Magnificent Scenery, Bracing At- mospnere, ceauntui uriyes. Many piaces or interest, including the. Celebrated Blowing Rock. Grandfather Mountain, Watauea vaiie-viineis,ien-tJernie, &o. Hotel brand new, thoroughly equip ped, modern conveniences and com forts, electric bells, hot and cold oaths, c. i Address GREEN PARK HOTEL CO., jetf Blowing Rock, N. a THE FOUNTAIN OF Health wlinrA tnfravin.. . . . , throw astd tn hT,i--B k""jL ana weighing down B5T energte;- kud doy illl. "J known to iW ,--; in me waters of Cleve land Sorlnra. Htm t.u.t .1 ljvr . savage's, Igno-antof he TciTnoe of medicines .W10 seekln r"lef from FJf.8ulIerln!r n1 elncetheir day the rep" ifH0.0668 celebrated Mineral Waters hive PERPETUAL YOUTH bye ganJwhWtu fmtthe1 nlea9ure Cr&Zoi?A'? elttL and torfi on the eehore, others hope M.ww.wAuoa uuh mil n&VQ FOUND at LAST that the Red men of the forest, who looked Pemountains as naturireat hn?tin? I S.?f5 ?bre as nature's fishing resort, and Cleveland SprUigTaa n. ture's great Labratorv fm . for the reilnf r,W AiJ. " r."T,""wu wawrs correct in their Ideas, "eases, were For analysis, tesUmonlals, Ac, Address, - J. B. Wilkinson PROPRIETOR CLEVELAND SPRINGS Jy9tf Shelby. N. a Mountain Park Hotel. HOT SPRINGS, N. C. THHI8 Charming Resort in the Mountains has ducted onmroVorL been ia&immi fn , .... tlf&y""Z" nor America, sure-Virmalariarrheumatism gout, etc; swimming pool wiin ohuS auSk same as at seashore; bowling aUey, blUIirdT tennis, and a well equipped UverV The '"modern in ad api'mentsTrooms good si2S tine bail mnm a.nA gas, .SS ia?iirerddr8?e j!822ft " was, proprietor. APPLICATIONS FOR BIDS FOR THE Co8relnd mechanical CoUege for the BoarfiJeAe duty ot the a authorized the Board ot Trustees to if donauons in landTSney or otSfr propenf or the estabUshment of 8&if inSiSrope"J Ior Ji,!Jii???. desiring that the will please send the undo atindm4ii Sl-SS? tor the location of said lMtituuSnT"" w Dias W, H. PACK. eSOlm President ot Board of Trustees. Kshinff Tackle. S HOICK Selection Joined Rod Canes.Hooh. ea, Sinkers. Corks, ft,.4 j: youwantlnQaiyaaiwd Boat Goods, Tkle IsIIm Our S3 Shoes FOR. Gentlemen's : Wear w E HAVE JUST UKCK1VEI) another let ef xx6 above SheT ki all the latest styles. Both in Plain anJ Cap Toes, T , i - t ' . Lace and Congress. If you wish a pair of $3.00 Shoes equal t the best $4.00 Shoos bought elsewhero; Call and sea us. Geo. R. French & Sons. 108 Morth Front St LOOK 1 LOOK I $5.00 -Dunlap Hat Only -$3.50 Dunlap Hat Only- a.oo -fi.oo - .34 1.25 White Shirts Only- :o: Clothing Almost ' Given Away AT- FISHBLATE'S iSTAITD. :o:- Ladies' Button Shoes, All Sizes, 65c, Gents Hand-Sewed Shoes, $2.75 Gents' Tennis Oxfords, Only 45c, Great many other bargains tt Fourth Street, near Bridge. r Respectfully, P0LY0&T & BEHDEB. -THE : MUTUAL- life Insurance Company Of New York. ASSETS OYER $150,000,000.00 M. S WILLARO, AGT. QUIET -ACCURACY. .OPEN 6 A. M. TO 10 P. M. JOMPLBTE STOCK OF j NEW DRUGS ; JUST RECEIVED. JOILET SOAPS- Cashmere Boquet ko. urai Mineral Waters on Draught. 11 Telephone 130 1 L. B. SA8SEB CO., Jy8tf ; 808 Market street. Foreclosure Sale ! DV VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE wifffrin naortgage deed executed by W. . AssSoilu ?Wlri ttte Citizens' B. add L. fdoi-6.ndei?nei- Attorneys for AuraTK ,a Monday, the 10th day of over 8trAb. t;r." r snotn feet. thiTra otT V iee, inenoe je. iot t?SV?t1SS? SJ thencel to Lot 4, Block see ; 8 "ai"8' m " 01 xerms: cash. jy30ds ' MARS DSN BELLaJIY, A.O.RICAUD, Attorneys for Mortgagee. D, O'CONNOR. Real Estate ' Agents WILMINGTON, N. C. REAL ESTATE BOTTr3Tn wn iLl 8?ld' i ;Loas Negotiated on city Prop- rtv. -icoraA. naiiin mm . . " 1 vriuooj ana Maiiii fa . Rent. Rents eoUeeti m. . . . s 0 , - ui insurano promptly attended to. Houses and LoU tor sale oi the mosthly m er6nt onTtyTrot A NEW Dlficovnnv - r - oauaAH ana i mam. JlV10 market, cures Rheu J?S'v5?rti81' Catarrh, Astnma and La ?JPP. handreds ot testimonials clnbevro- -SvST1 Innlen have made astonishins cures. tTrJ?U8iell9n u Properly used or money ei,'i?.fd' Sold by aU diuggfcts; prepared by Splrlttine Chamloa.1 rinmn. ' v 1 Where the Snow Birds If est 'JHE ESEEOLA LinvUle, is open'for w-i- JSE8"" tes to Lenoir; daily ".i1?.1?' DInt oer the YonahkwsM "u a une uip, grand sceaery asa an excellent hotel. ' 7 nop, fto. Try us. -.. J -T4 tt ALDS&MAM A t.i..' AOdress, a , 'AME3T. 8KILES, evwkssunSt. Manager . - i J