It- l4i I r ! - t it ill Si: n S STApLISHKD 1867 V Telegraphic summary. A f t rrnflHck club of Iodianapolia ' VheldVmeetln Thursday night to com f SnemoraU Uhe birthday of; the late : tfhoa. A. Hendricks. (A l"er from f ' Hrl Cleveland wan read expres9ing his Regrets at not being able to bo present ; 'uA lone bandit robs an express car ou a Missouri Pacific train and escapes. '.; Cleveland' ii at the Victoria hotel : - Ja New York for a day or two. Yes terday he had conferences with, severa ' leading Democrats. The rector Of tlio Episcopal church at Leesburj2r,Fla Commits suicide. r Yellow flags were festerday I inomiDg . hoi6ted on the iCieamers Normannla and Rugia - in r : ijuarantinef at New York and oa Hoff I aa Ielan Indicating that there were , fbew cases f cholera there. For the tijay before. there were eight new cases v '(S i'jl t Vio nreur n nrl ivan amnnir trifi mUMU mvjv.-" " - " E Steerage passengers of the Normannla. " .. lt. . ' I l J m r V - nf 4i J A of O A : (U'loitim nltrht befoie. well and strong. been "transferred- from Hoffman's Inland .. M . . 4lnlM nlanna nn thA Ht.PA.mAF. !j)&CK IU iKUCll JJIUVV-O u uv trhey' had been taken to the faland for : washing and disinfecting. There lave been jaitogether thlrtj-one cases 'tfy cholera and eight deaths from that Qiaease in New York harbor. Ar kansas goes overwhelmingly Demo Erratic Women in Mississippi vote. v rlipon the ietock law question. Un- oBiclal' dispatches received at the State I Departmeriit at Washington indicate 1 that tha dictatorship in Venezuela has ' f ljeen overthrown and lhat peace will l iaon. be restored there. Our Coaeul f-f kt Stetten Was suspended yesterday on i!: cLarges off laxity of inspection of ves-- gelrt. -Thfere is still a.daity decrease of new ctjsss cf cholera and deaths I front that cjisease in Russia. The die- taae has bjen ou the decrease in Ham k burg for the last few days. There are . iio "cases bf cholera now in Great '" JJriiain. T$e report from Havre showed ' an increase of the cholera yesterday. There was one new case in Berlin yes terday. The Democrats of New ' Hampshire nominate Congressman 4 j(l'a radii) McKinney for Governor. -Xjno. & Geoi Carlisle, large real estate owners ana. capiiaiis.B, m wucmuun, make an assignment. There were ten new cased of cholera at quarantine lu New York yesterday and lour deaths there for the day before. When Sullivan awoke yesterday his face was fearfully bruiaed, ;! his lips disfigured and-hla nose in a very bad condition, while Corbett was as fresh as ever. Maiiy of the Eports will find it hard to get away from New Orleans, having lost all their money on the fight. Dr. Charles G. Hill, of Baltimore.offers 4100 as a prize for the best essay by the students : of the University of North Carolina on North Carolina history. tWa are 265 student at the State University- In MavsyiHe, Ky.,Wed-'.nesclay:while- a circus was parading the Rlreets a man in a cage with a tiger was attacked and killed by the beaat. - After the prize fight -Wednesday eight teunfvan got on a spVee. He says that Corbitt whipped biro, but tht if they were locked up in a room so Cor j bett could 'hot run away from him he would sfidw what ho cotild do with hhn. Mo4pf Sullivan's former ad- juirei s deserted him after the battle. S -Corbett -leaves New Orleans for iH'New. York to-day. He will not fight Peter Jackson and will for the present pay :0 attention to any challenges. Last eveiVlog Lieutenant Governor ? Sheehan, Richard Croker and Edward i i Murphy (failed on Cleveland. The lrj latest dirptches from New York an III nounce-nh!at the cholera situation at qua'raDtiud there is grave indeed. That disease lva attacked the crew of the ydmasniai with great violence and all the ca'iiu . Lassengers aro confined on board with the crew. No place can be Hot in'whi&h to place these passengers away from the dangers now surround ing them - A- HANDSOME PRIZE OliVrf A 1J Vr. Kill to be t ompeiea.ior by lle s judrnlt ul Our U ulverlly. CHAiEiJ Dux; N. C, Sept. 7. Spe CIAL. One hundred dollars has been iofTered by! Dr. Charles 8. Hill, of Bal" I timorc, for the best i-ay on North Car. Una history by students in the Uni vefsity of jNorth Carolina. The newly organized iiepartmentof history is ere alfiig much enthusiasm in original his- loncal restarch. : ijnere, are now UpWersity. - i 265 students at the W'twk or a Luue Ilandlt. -iICanslSiCixy, Mo.. Sept 8. A lone bandit heiil up a Pacific express mes ' Henjrer oujiho Wichita and iittleRock r express pn the Missouri Pacific last, nigiitandafier ransacking the safe made gooi ins escape. The train left Uuiou lt(jt at 0:10 o'clock, and when . it , reachok Grand avenue station a thanked man entered the combination llgKice aiu express car, which was in ..;ire of McLaughlin, the combin . atiou baggage; and express manager. : il . int.mjdated tee ' messenger by ' Pointing -tyto revol vers and finally sue ceedei inibindiug and gagging him. -tie then ejttrac ed;the key of tha ex press c mpariy" safe from tbe meseen. Ktr s pocket and, opening the safe, ee v'Wurtd sevtiral thousand dollars. "When . tbe train fefn Sheffield, a suburb dis ; knct out of the city, the robber disem , latv'ed and made off with his booty. The trains proceeded several stations don j-ad before the robbery was s i-eovr,re(. . Ttie conductor found Mc L'lUirhliQ Ibouau : and 'gagged, who. V s aUer lii-ir, released, toid the story of ,. ue robburtv i;s igivfen above. He tele ?"phed headquarters in tW city anu 'iv-ers btarted on tha, trail of the pob 0r Ule Lifct tiijjht. ' ' Mother-f'-i s-e the iceman has rougU hj Kreat b.g jumo thi8 tlme- 'dit tell him that I said if he didn't .op giving ;Bhoi"t weight - Td have him a-rresteu r l j Little Dick-"No'm; told pyn you said he was the handsomest -itetnan tht ever came here." , .' Mlfth's Consumption Cure. - pTldi Is &j;-ond question the moetmccsseful Vouh Micie we have ever sold, a few , uobep.iuvariably cure the worst capes of Cough, roup andc Bronchitis. whUe lto wonderful - ucce69 in iie CUre ol iwwumptlonis without parallel i$ the history o( jsedicine. Since 91 ul"oveTy:it has been oi4 on a guar- v-" wnicn uo other uo oiner meaictzje can ou-have a cough we earnestly t.' Price 10c 50c. and II. Ifvmir youtotry lun i (Ctffe&hrP O'VlCct n kn.lllinn ...... QVI Oil 14 I ITAfl. Plnnl i-T.-l.i I. -r. . Jam- ;! wLcr. ooiu or JWUl. ft. fid mJ Wholesale and rAtaU Arnt fmt 0J; RALEIGH LETTEE. REPUBLICAN , NOMINATIONS IN THE FOURTH DISTRICT- The Mott AatlvFaalon Faction 8ystcmtl cllr Squelched -Perfect Work of Est' Mkchine Copies of Election iJtwf Sent to 11 Counties A. Pink and Bin VTeddlnc-oU Almoit Democrat. .'- MESSENGER BDKEAIT. I Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 8. The Republican Congressional con vention for the Fourth district met here to-day with Thomas P. Devereuz in the chair, A negro, H. S. Christ-: ma3, was secretary. The entire pro gramme was evidently cut and dried and the "favorite" had it all i their own way. , Thomas P. Devereux and Joseph A. Blair were placed in nomi nation for elector and the . former won on the first ballot. E. A. Johnston and John Saunders were the candidates for the Congressional nomination and Saunders won on cne ballot. The white Republicans, and the negro ele ment as well, express themselves pleased with the nominations. The systematic way in which the Mott anti-ticket faction was"tquelebed" at every turn in the State convention, was a sight to behold. In tha first part of the proceedings when the con vention was considering the report of the committee on credential, j; C, L. Harris, Mott'a first lieutenant aud the leader of the ''opposition," arose and requested the chairman to state the question b fore the house. (It was when the temporary chairman, Schenck, was in the chair.) i; The chairman replied, stating the question. uoon which Harris jumped to bis feet and said: "That is not the question be fore the house and you know ii!" The negro presiding officer leaned back easily and replied: "Your calling me a lie- don't hurt me one bit." Tha ma chine worked perfectly and Eavts' hand could be seen in every : move The negroes have no representation on the ticket but express themselves as satisfied. One man said to-day that Eaves ex claimed just after the ticket was nomi nated, "Didn't the think work well, boys." i A special from Statesvllle to a morn iDg paper stated that Mott expressed his disgust at the proceedings of the convention and would vote for the Democratic State candidates. The re port occasioned much talk. It was noised about that J. C. L. Harris would be given the nomination for elector in the Congressional convention to day as a meaDS of bringing him into line, but after last night's report, the ma chine worked as usual and the Mott men were again left out in the cold. Commissioner Robinson, of the Agricultural Department, has goue, by special invitation, to attend the Cabar rus coudty fair at Concord, which is held this week. ; The State election laws w have been sent to the register of deeds of each county in the State; the work was finished in the State Depart ment to-day. The "pink and blue" wedding at the Church of the Good Shepherd: waB a beautiful affair Toe bride was Miss Annie Taylor, daughter of Mr. Wil liam Taylor, and the groom was Mr. P. G. Standi. Crowds were gathered at the bulle tin boards last night anxiously scan ning the returns from the Sullitan Corbett fight." The majority: here favored the Californian and there were many cheers when the result was &n nounced. , i : ATLANTIC AND N. C RAILROAD. Tbe Fist Dividend of 2 Per Cent. Declared.-President Chad wit It Com ' pllmentcd. i j (Richmond Dispatch.) i G'oldsboko, N. C, Sept. 7. The Board of Directors of tbe North Caro lina railroad, in special session in this city to-day, declared a 2 per cent, divi dend on tbe capital stock of the road, to be paid October 1st. This is the first dividend the road has ever been able to pay, and it carried $24,000 into the Siate treasury. . ' Resolutions highly commending President W. S. Chadw?ck, under whose administration this dividend has been made possible, were unanis mously passed by. the road. i In Memory of Thoi, A. Hendricks. Indianapolis, TDd., Sept. 8. The Democrats of Indianapolis last night paid a tribute to the memory of Vice President Hendricks, the occasion be ing his birthday, in a meeting at Tom linson hall, addressed by Adlai E, Stevenson and others. Gen. Bttven ton.'s reception was an ovation. He de livered a somewhat extended eulogy on the dead statesman aud only incident ally touched on politics. The following letter from Cleveland was read: . Gray Gables, I Buzzard's Bay, Mass., Sept. 8. ) To Alext O Ayres; Dear Sir I haye received the invi tation you Bent me in behalf of the Hendricks club, of Indianapolis, to be present at the celebration of the birth day of Thos. A. Hendricks on the 7th inst. It would afford me great pleasure to accept your invitation and thus show my appreciation of the virtues and public services of a man whose birthday you will celebrate. But my duties here make it impossible ior me to be present. Your organization does a fitting thing when it thus rpp.alla to his fellow citizens the honor wVitfh; Hendricks, showered upon his State and the usefulness in every freia t. nn to hinh characterized his career. Not oply the city of Indianapolis but the State of Lndiana is to be congratu lated that their people have such an inspiration to disinterested public ser vice as afforded by tha coptepaplatlpn of the memory pf this lamented states mRn. Assurio? you and your organL- zition that it would be a very great Btufntinn for me to j oia with those nhn will honor and commemorate his birt, I am vours very truly, ROVER CLEVELAND. To dav Gen. SttOBOD will speak at vTofinn nnrf Aniiprson. For the re 'minHe of thn week he win travel over tba State in a Special train pa.- ipg at several places eacn ijay- Snlelde of an Euteeopal af lpleter, Jacksonville. Fla . Seat. 8. J. B- Julian, rector of the Protestant Epis copal church at Leo3burg, in ; Lake mitted suicide last night. Pn d mnnth nr six w.eka past he had been filling the pulpit cf the Episcopal nhnrrh in St. Ausustine during tha tranntinn nf the retrular rector and had tint rftturned to his charge fa i LB burg. No cause is assigned for the act Mr. Julian vas an Englishman. ; ' Wonmn Totlne 1 BIUallp$l JACKSOW, MS-j Sept. 8 -Female suffrage has at last won a victory In this State. TIQ flt election, . perhaps, at which i women ever yoted in tha South is that on the stock law question, just cjoeed in this county. Only a Uw exercised the privilege.. The law sayB that ail persons who are householders and none other shall vote on the fence ques tion. This admits all women who own a horaa to tbe right suffrage, i COMMERCIAL NEWS Stocks In New York Tester day Tne Grain and Provtalon market of Chleacoi " New YoriK, Sept. 8. The stock market to-day was rather unsettled in its temper, but there were evidences of more support to prices than cover ing of shorts. Tbe movements of im portance, however, were still confined to a very few stocks. A great deal of literature was put out, having for its object the annulling of excitement over a possible war between the Read ing and Pennsylvania companies, and, to some extent, it was successful; as while Heading, on very large transacs actions, was held comparatively firm, Coalers were again remarkably dull, without quotable change. More was heard about the ' expected increase in the dividend on the Western Union. Industrials were less prominent, but General Electric and Lead, preferred, were specially strong, while the fea fure of the railroad list was New Eng land, which disputed with Reading the leadership in activity, and fairly led the mirket in the extent of its upward movement. The rest of the market throughout the day was dull. A drive was made at the list late in the day on a rumor of large orders for gold re ceived from Germany, The whole list lost the day's gain. Sales of listed stocks amounted to $17,000 shares, and 31,000 unlisted, , , Chicago, Sept. 8 Weakness to day followed tbe early bulge in the grain market and wheat sold ic lower than last night. - Corn clisobed up nearly lc and then slipped back to about the starting point. . Oats show a decline of i lc. Provisions, after quite a show of strength, sagged near tbe close, end ing with a gain of 7ir ($10c. The first talk which caused a covering of shorts was the maid tource of strength, and cholera of the weakness, 'lhe decline la the stock market and the general desire to unload aided the de cline. ! NO MORE COLORED CONTESTS- The Clnn Decides Not to Have At Worn mixed ITTatebee. I (New York Herald.) New Orleans, L., Sept. 7. The colored people on the levees are so triumphant over the victory of lhe negro (Dixon) last night that they are loudly proclaiming the superiority of their race, to the great scandal f f the whites, who declare that they should not ba encouraged to entertain even feelings of eq iality, much less of su periority.! Tne Olympic club manage ment have about decided not to bo d any more colored contest. To-night's Daily Slates prints the following edito rial on the subject under the caption, "A Word to the Olympic club," and it seems to express the feelings of a large number of the people: C"Tne action of the Olympic Club In arranging for the Skelly-Dixon con" test, thus matching a white man againtt a negro, has caused a good deal oi snarp criticism and much in dignation, which was freely voiced on the streets last night. So far as the de feat of Skeily is concerned, we do not suppose that; it caused any regret ex cept among those who were foolish enough to bet their moi.ey when it was known that he was 0!iclased in strength, skill and science, because if white man puts himself rn a level with a negro in a pugilistic contest he deserves to be .thoroughly and com pletely thumped. "The States does not care for the drubbing which Skeily received at the hands of. his colored c-pponent, but we have a kindly feeling for the Olvmpic club, and for this reason we take the liberty of advising its officers and members to b,ave cu more contests be tween white and black pugilists in the future. That kind cf thing may do well enough iu the North, where there are very few negroes, but it does not suit this locality, where they are numerous and where such contests as that which took place last night is sure, if persisted in, not only to arou3e a bit ter feeling between the races which will lead to bloody affra 8, but will also injure the Olympic club Itself by amys iLg public sentiment against it. There are thousands! cf vicious and ignorant negroes In this city who will regard the victory il Dixon over Skeily as ample proof t that the negro is the superior of ihe white man in every respect, and when thisldea ence hods a lodgement. in meir minus tney will become brutally insolent and frequent and fatal collision will be inevitable. It is to be hoptd the Olympic club will be quick to realize teat ine people ci this city are opposed to mixed contests and make no more mistakes, Cleveland In flew York. YORKL Sept. 8 Grover Cleve land, accompanied by Don M. Dickin- inson and '.his private secretary, O'Br'en, arrived in this city by the Fall Riyer steamer Pilgrim this mom log. There was only : the usual crowd of people at the dock to meet relatives or friends and but few recognized Cleveland, who, accompanied by Dick inson and O'Brien, walked quickly to the roadway! of the pier where they entered a carriage. Cleveland's de parture from Gray Gables was a great surprise and the fact of his intended visit to iNew x orK was not learnea until after the party bad left Buzzard's Bay. Dickinson arrived there at noon and after two or 4 three hours conference with Cleveliid, the party boarded the 5 o'clock tram for Boston. He comes on here at Dickinson's request in order to con&uit wiui some oia uemocratio leaders. He will probably remain here only a day or two. . Cleveland drove to the victoria hotel where he engaged rooms for to day and to-morrow. He win return to Buzzard's Bay Saturday. His first call er to-day was: Senator Hrown. lie was soon after followed by Wilson 8. Bis- sell and "D I C. Herrick. The three had a long conference with the ex President.-; Senator B.own said to day to a reporter: 'I baye no doubt but tha( Senator Hil will come around all right, as will all who were opposed to Cleveland's nomination. Hill maybe considered peculiar, but he will be found in the right p ace when the cam paign ends. Tha Democrats are get ting togetherj everywhere aid ihe out look U bright." WmFC; "Whitney had a long conver sation this morning with Bd-mund; Murpby, Jr., iin the Hoffman house and and afterwards went over and w closeted wih' Chairman Sheehan of tte Democratic committee. Whitney wjll probacy caU on Cleveland subsequently and report tp' ljlra ihp result of His in tr vlw At 7:39 oVock Lleutenaat Goyerpcr Sheehan, kicuard Croaker and Eiward Murphy were tbe distinguished trio who, es far as could be learned, made their first call on Clveland since ms arrival. Wbnnev's messenger nau Kpn ni-nnnd the hotel from early in thA p.vpnltur. s "He was 'nod committal as to whether Whitney was tip stairs. ft luiffl. hnw'ftver. that he had been witS the ex-Piffiideisi ince 2 o'clock A Tlxer Kills He Keeper. MAyesviLLE, Ky., Sept. 8 -Durirg a street, narade of Sells' circus yester day a man knowa a3 Apimal George, woo wa a rlalrg In a ?a?e wiin a utar, was attacked and killed by the beast, coiwhhstandiog ajl tha atfepdanta co aid do to beat the tiep away, WIIONGrTON, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, YELLOW FL1GS AGAIN HOISTED ON HOFFMAN'S ISLAND AND THE INFECTED STEAMERS. Mor New Cam of Cbolera and DMihi ! Reported Tne Records of the Past Two Dare Cholera Amoac tha i Crew of the Roreaanala Htr ' : Pasenxers Cooped Up ! With the Crew. ; NEW YORK. Sept. S A desnatf-h ra- ceived here from quarantine at 9:30 o'clock this morn ng announces that tbe quarantined steamers Normannla and Kugia have hoisted the yellow flag again and that the same signal is fly ing at Hoffman Island. These signals indicate that there are more cholera this morning on the Normannla, Rugia and on Hoffman Island, for it was agreed yesterday between the health officers and the commanders of the steamships mentioned that the yellow flag, after j yesterday, was sot to be hoisted unless as notification that ad ditional cases of cholera were discov ered. The record .for yesterday was eight fresh cases among. the, crew of the Normannla and two more cases among thei steerage passengers of the 8am e ship. - Consequently, since the cholera arrived here there have been thirty-one cases of sickness fiom the disease and eight deaths from the same cause at this port. It will ba noticed,, however, that this is not an alarming state of affairs considering that there are about twenty steamships detained -either at upper quarantine or anchored in the lower bay at the cholera an chorage. It ill also be seen that the dreaded scourge has been almost en tirely confined to the crew of the Nor man nia and that the stokers of that vessel seem to be the greate st suffers. Eight of that steamer's crew, all strong hardy men, were removed from the vessel Yesterday afternoon and trans-, ferred to Swinburne Island. The doc tor would not say, that these men were suffering Irom cholera, but admitted that they had diarrboei and other Bymptonisi that were very suspi cious. It is eafa to assume that the transfer of these men to the pest island would not have been made had not the health officers been morally certain that the disease was cholera. i ! Now comes the most serious and sig nificant part of it. These eight men who were taken from the Normannla in agony,! had only the day before been taken back to the ship after twelve hours' stay on Hoffman Island, where they were scrubbed, fumigated and disinfected with all possible thor oughness.) Along with some 600 others they were taken back to the Norman nia in apparently excellent health and tbe following day they were prostrated with Asiatic cholera or something very like it. One of tbe. health officials spoke of these new cases rather lightly, as if they were of little importance and not cholera at all. "It was all the re sult of washing these fellows," he said, laughing. "The shock of such an uqm familiar experience was too much for them. You can develop pretty much any epidemic by treating these un washed emigrants with water They caught cold, got cramps and diarrhoea and that is all there is to it." - The following is the official report for to-day i New cases on the Norman nla: Frorig Albrecht, aged 24 years: Adolph Meier, aged 25 years; Gottlieb Daumishon, aged 36 years; Gustaye iNewman, aged 25 years; D. Audile, aged 21 years; Carl Grumich, aged 21 years, all Of the crew. i On the Rugia the new cases were: Guston Will choDDer. seed 1 vear: Johan Podrateki.aged 44 years; Felona Kuueschin, aged 30 years. - . At Hoffman island there was a new case: Karl isiuanig, aged co years. At Swinburne Island the deaths on Sept. 7th were: Elfrida Schultz, aged 8 years, Irom the Rugia; Henry Frankel, aged 39 year?, of the crew of the Normannla; Jacob Kessler, aged 33 years, and Christian Housenaged 10 years. ! The cholera situation at quarantine is, no doubt, very gr& e. Not only are new cates breaking out every day among the steerage passengers of the ill-fated Rpmannia and the Rugia, the former of whom are on Hoffman Island, has now settled well among the crew cf the big express steamer, who are on board. i If anything can be added to the hor ror of the situ at ion it is the fact that tbe cabin (passengers, who have been free from &ny sign of disease, are still kept line rats in a trap enclosed with in the sides of the steamer with cholera raging alongside them. If the cholera breaks out among them God knows where it will end and if the results are to be judged from those' which have occurred among the crew since tbey were first attacked, the mortality will be appalling. When the Normannla arrived Satur day morning none but the steerage passengers had had any symptoms of the disease, although it had broken out some days bf fore. Now tbe crew have it, &pd still the first and second cabin passengers have escaped. t"No ship to put them on; no place where I lean land them," says the health officer, while the agents, whose place it is! to 869 that the passengers are cared for, eay nothing. Dr. Jenkins has made strenuous exertions to obtain a place to put the well passengers, but up to the present he has been unsuc cessful. TH CHOLERA IN EUROPE Oa the Decrease In Russia and In Hamburg: Increase In Htayre None In Greet Britain. i . .. i . ... . - - ' St. Petersburg, Sept. 8 Returns from the; whole Empire show 4.691 new cases reported Monday and deaths 2,540, an increase of 85 cases and 467 deaths. In St. Petersburg yesterday there were 119 new oases, a decrease of 19; deaths 139, an increase of 5. I London! Sept. 9. The local Gov ernment Board states to-day that there is not a case of cholera throughout the United Kingdom. Hamburg. Sept. Yesterday there Were 655 new cases, a. decrease of 47 from; Tuesday, fhe number of deaths were 815. a decrease of 1. Vice uon eut Burke I telegraphed the Amerioau State Department that the disease showed a steady decrease for the last fewdavB. I Havre.! Sept. 8 Yesterday tnere were 19 new cases, a decrease of 8. and 11 deaths,! an increase of $oyer Tues day, t ' ' " BERL.lNi.Sent. 8. There was one new case tbrday a weman. The JSmperor nas conniermancea toe oroer ior army manoeuvres in Wurteiftburg, as a chol era precaupton. 9 Base Ball Washington. Sept. 8.The follow ing games of base ball were played to day: i Philadelphi Cincinnati, 6; IPhlla delnbia. 7. - ; f Brooklyn Chicago, 2; Brooklyn, 4. New York New York, 5; Pittsburg, 8. i - " Brmfngham Birminghani, 7; Ma Cha'laioofira Ghattanooira. 8; At lanta. 7 ! . Baltimore Baltimore, 9; Louisville), 5. B iston Boston. 1: S. Lauls, TV Idontgom p Montgomery. 5; Mem1 tMl,. ! SULLIVAN A BACK NUMBER. So Says Air. Kennedy-Comments of Sports on tne Plant sulltTaa'e Bad Condition Corbett Fresh - SulllTaa oa the Flcnt. New Orleans,' Sept. 8.Sullivan slept till awakened near noon. His face was so swollen that the skin was drawn tight. His lips were diefigured. His nose, where Corbett landed re peatedly, is not broken, but terribly bruised. He got a Turkish bath and spent the day indoors, preparing to de part.'"' - '-'- L'";..'' .!' Corbett was fresh and bright, re ceiving Mb friends' congratulations. He said the result did not surprise him because he knew when he went into the ring that Sullivan was not hia equal in skill or endurance. Suliivan was a wonderful hitter and every inch a fighter, but what he lacked was abil ity to use his bands and avoid a cleverer man." , Dixon enjoyed the smashing Sullivan got. He said: kCorbett made a mon key of Sullivan, just as I thought he yrjuld." - Walter Campbell, lightweight, said: "Sullivan used bad judgement from start to finish. W henever he hit him with his left he fell short. When he hit withliis right he generally missed Corbett. Corbett is the world beater and best I ever saw." Alf Kennedy said: "It was a fine fight. Corbett's activity carried the day over Sullivan's age. - Sullivan is a back number. He was too old to fight. None of these men have any license to go in the ring, when they are past 30 years of age, against a clever young man with speed and endurance." Many of the sports will have hard work to get out of town, being broken. It transpires that Sullivan, after his defeat last night, began undoing all the careful work of training . which he and his trainers had been doing for weeks past. Defeat and chagrin, coupled with the absence of any mo tive for training, doubtless, led the man to resume his convival habits. His deep sleep this morning was the result of potations. When be awakened he was taken over to the Gymnastic -club and there kept until the time arrived to resume the homeward journey at 8:30 o'clock. The great giant presented a pitiable spectable. The cut on the nose had been closed, but the eyes were blackened and his whole face is swollen terribly. While he tried to smoke the" sodden butt of a cigar he ta ked in a maudlin g voice of his downfall. Sullivan lays greatest stress on the fact that be could not reach Corbett. The shifty, lightning tactic9 of the new champion worried and dazed him. The Californian circled and circled and kept Sullivan circling in order to face him. This frequent whirling, the lights and the mazy swimming of thou sands of white ana eager faces banked upon all sides, all tended to confuse and daze the big man of Boston. The lightning, flashlike science of the young man was a reyela ion to Sulli van, who, in his best days, had never possessed such pugilistic elements. "But I did not run away," the big fel low almost sobbed. "Lock us up in a room just lock me in a room with him and see what I could do with him. But he licked me. I give him all tbe uredlt he wants. He licked me tquare enough, but let him go through what I have. Let him knock them all out for twelve years and then see if he can do any better than I did.; Yts, he licked the champion and mow he's champion. Let him take care of it as good as I did. That's all. I ain't kicking." I Alter awhile be went to lie down in the club house and fell asleep without the attention paid him hourly yesver day. HandEome Dan Murphy was about the only one of the Sullivan, out fit who was attending to the ex-cham-. pion. Wakely and Johnson and Moran his backers, were blocks away and about the hotel, while faithful Phil Casey was packing up for the journey, and Jack Ashton was drinking with a party whose chief occupation was the admiration of Jack McAuliff, who was about the bar room. Champion Corbett will leave here to-morrow morning at 4 o'clock for New York on a special train over the Piedmont Air Line. "Corbett win never meet Jackson again," said Delaney, Corbett's sec- oud. "You may make this public. We are against fighting negroes any more and we are particularly catering to the wishes of our Southern friends in this matter. Besides, Corbett has worsted Jackson already and nothing is to be gained by fighting again. We will pay no attention to Mitchell and. for the present, ignore all challenges." . . Cotton Bevlew. New Yo3K, Sept. 8. Hubbard, Price & Co. say of cotton: It has been a contradictory market to-day. The apparent influences have been bullish. Spinners in Liverpool bought 3,000 bales after the close yesterday, and 12,000 additional to day. This makes the total takings for the last three days 40,000.. Despite this lac. futures have .declined and at tbe close were 2-64d lower than yesterday. The New York market has sympathized to a moderate extent onlj. It opened ,2 points lower than yesterday, advanc d to yesterday's closing figures, and by 1 o'clock was back to the opening quo tatlon. lneaosence 01 Duylog power is obvious, and a constant stimulus is needed to restore values. During the afternoon the market sold off a few points more, out just oeiore close a rally ensued ana tne entire loss was quickly recovered, the . close being firmer, J to y points better than yes terday. -s' Deal b of an Aired Lodv. . I .. Richmond .Dispatch. WiNDSOK, r. C. Sept. 5 Mrs. Lenny Garrett, th'e oldest white woman of this county, died on Saturday at the residence of her soninHaw. William ts. (jieaion, near Lie wis ton, snd was burled on Sunday at the graveyard at St. Prances' Methodist Episcopal church, near the village of Woodville, wnere ior more than three-quarters 01 a century she had worshipped, During that long period of time she had never been known to miss a single service at that church uu til she had become so enfeebled by old age that she could noi Dear tne journey. She bad never been known to pass beyond the borders of Bertie county, but was well known at every Methodist church in the county, where she went to offer con solation to the suffering soul and min ister to the sick. Nearly 800 people claim descent from her, and at her grave yesterday Biz generations of them wepp. 1 Iowerlnc Bicycle Becords. Springfield, Mass., Sept 8. "Jer sey Lightuing" Zimmerman took turee records away trom ? j usmond, tne cracs n,njrlish rider this morninsr. lowering the three, four and five mile records. His time was 7:15 4-5, 9:41 and 12:12 2-5. '."',.'.- AsAulBraent. CINCINNATI. Sept. 8. Joo & Geo. W. Carlisle, large Owners of real estate and well known camtallste, have as signed. Tbe (Jar li8les haye been active io railroad and other industrial enter prises and are still tupposed to be able to meet an onuflrationa, - " MANGHE3TER, b. H., Sopt. 8. Et- Senator Blair was nomin&t Kl for Con greas by the Republicans O-day, 1892. WASHINGTON CITY. 1 REMARKABLE DRIFT OF A WRECK ON THE ATLANTIC COAST. , One Fart et a vessel Cut la Tw Drifts Northward Willie the Other 1 Half Travels to the Sooth Dangerous to NaTl-etion News Front Vene zuelaOur Costal at Stetten Suspended, j Washington. Sept. 8. Unofficial advices received at the Department of mate irom Venezuela this morning were that Gen. Crespo has finally tri umphed - and tbe dictatorship has been overthrown. Gen. Crespo has, its saia, oeen caned to uaracos to as sume the reins of Government and there is now bright prospects for a res toration 01 peace in ! the distracted country. : 1 . (Baltimore Bunj Washington. Sept. 7. The hydro l-J J ..... . . ! . . . - ... grupuiu ueparimeni is watcmng with unusual interest wnat is considered one or - the most remarkable drifts of derelict vessels on record. The steamer i'red a Taylor, which collided with the Trave on June 22d last off thA of Nantucket Mass., was, it will be re- ! remembered, -pierced! through and through In the middle by the Trave, ne two parts 01 tne Taylor drifting in different directions. . The stern cf the Taylor Is now known, to haye gone ashore August 7th last on Wells Beach, about fifteen miles north of Ports mouth, N. H while thai bow is continu ing its southwesterly course along the Atlantic coast, and irom: the last re ports which have been received is at this time about fifty miles southeast of ine entrance to Delaware bay. From present indications, based on winds and currents prevalent at this season 01 the year, it is ij expected this portion cf the wreckj will drift I along to the entrance of 1 Chesapeake biy. It is therefore thought, as a mat ter of precaution, that vessels bound in and out of Chesapeake bay should be warned of tbe danger due to the possi ble presence in that locality of this ob struction to navigation! It is possible, however, the bow may drift down and ground off the coast of I Hatteras, psss- n.g uy iqb entrance to unesapeake bay. In this event the bowf of the Taylor might for months- continue to be a menace to navigation in that lrrn.iit.v although, of course, buoyed, under In struciions irom tne lighthouse: bnarrl Should tha wreck be found to be worth towing to land in order toi claim salv age, it is likely the Merritt Wrecking m mpauy, ui in or to ik, or one oi tne Ked otar tugs irom .Philadelphia will un dertake the work. It is not generally ueneveu me wrecK is 1 worth sav ins- xne causes wnlch led to the two ends of the! . Taylor drift ing m entirely different directions for hundreds and hundreds of miles can not, 01 course, be definitely explained ujiuiugiauuiu iiuuiue 10-aay a representative oi the Sun wan In. formed the difference of drift was nrnh- ably due to the fact that one portion of tbe vessel was lighter and tood higher 111 tut) waiorauan tne otner, and conse quently was more likely to be itflu-iu- ceu oy winos than by currents. The stern, which drifted north, offered more suiiice to the wind thar. the bow wnicn stood de-p 10 th water and lees lineiv to 09 guided by the present pre vailing southerly winds! of that locality uusu ucuuua . ul mis icnaracter are aeemed so dangerous thati the hydro-, graphic office has many times recom mended a vessel to be detailed for the especial purpose cf destroy msr" or tow ing thsm la Jaiid,and ill is botuolikclv. iu view ui luuee reuommenaatu n,- a naval vessel may be Ordered to hunt up the bow 01 the Taylor and blow It up I, ' -:-.-,;:U":t:.:-i;"-g i Answer this Question. Why do so many people we see around us seeiu uj preier to sutler ana be made miser able by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of ADDetite. Cominer nn of th TTnrwl Yellow Skin, when for 75cii we will Bell them bmlon's Vitalizer, guaranteed to cure them. Bold by Kobt. Ii. Bellamy, wholesale and. retail agent. - p iftttjctal Notices. C! BLLING OUT AT AND BELOW COST Not 0 being able to find a successor for my business, 1 commence to-day (September 9th) to close out my entire stocK of Typewriters, Typewriter Sup plies, Mimeographs, Show Oases, Office Furni ture, etc., at isso rnncess street, together with nuuseuoiu uoous ac iiw jnuiDerry street, at great ly reduced prices. Come ear y and secure bar gains as everything must be closed out by the zihl iiiBiaui. kj. x. K;jmr vi i . i seDV at T7OR RENT OR SALE Brlcfe Uwellina No. 115 X' South Front street. near the new Market. uouiams mirieea rooms, waters worKS, cistern and well water and ail necessary outhouses. Very suitable for boardlnir house. Terms verv reasouauie. Apply to A. V. I W JSiiSoJiilil., 1X0. 3 South Second St. il j . seps 3t OTORE NO. 2T ON MARKET, BETWEEN w ater ana irront street, now occuoied bv S. A. Schloss & Co. Apply to J. . sVVKfQHT, Real Estate Agent seps iw VOUB PIANO WILL LAST TEN TIMES AS X long u kept tuned and regulated. 1 One tnn- mz $8.00. Yearly contract iS.00. Prof. Jnn ijaser, re norm urout tsu A SITUATION WANTED IN EVERY HOUSE- - XX bold for a new Lee Cook Stove. PerfRr.t nat- lsiaction irnaranteed. We will rend th rash In every Instance that oar stoves fail to do all we claim lor tbem. J. L. BRECKENRIDGE, 819 noni atom street. - ii. -. julyai-tf A DESIRABLE HOUSE WITH SIX ROOMS XV. situated on Fourth between Nun and Church streets for rent or sale. Apply to C. M. HARRIS, ito. z iiorm r roil i ou i . sepsst T EMOVED To S18 North Front street. We Atj call the attention of the ladies to the novel ties of fall and winter hats, tips and wings, at the I low cut prices. JUttO. ii. lu.ot xvujj. sepe n snn-tue-tha FOR RENT House 510r North Fourtll street, between Red Cross aud CamuheH. 9 rooms. cistern, Dam ana gas. LAUD. Apply to MRS. D. E. MAL- sep iw FOR RENT Desirable houses: Corner Second and Dock, on Orange street between Fourth ana tt xna; corner dock and jf irtn: on mront street near Red Cross; corner Second and Wal nut. W. 4. CUMMIN u, Real Estate Agent. : -' . , ;!. : I sepT4t FOR RENT Office heretofore occupied by F. H. KrahnXe, in building on Princess street next aoor west oi iNew Hanover na. IREDELL MEARES, IU Priuoeas St sep7 GRANITE IRON WARE-S-Ai fair assortment ar low nrices lust 0DeneL 9. L.BRBCKINr RIDGE, 817 North Front St. I! t A DVERTISER WISHES TO RENT A SMALL 4 house from October 1st, rent not to exceed 180, BOX 326, City. II sep4 6t THE WILMINGTON STEAM LAUNDRY turns out superior work under Mr. Mc Laren's new management. Give them a trial and leave packages at NAUMBURO'S. aug31- r i ... - rOODS AT COST Before aoiusr North we VT want all the money we can get Buy goods af cost at 915 North Front street, the Bargain OR SALE A small truck farm containing about 18 acres of a mile beyond the city limits. It is in high state of i cultivation, and riartv Dure nas in ir can so immedlatelv to wotk. House with three rooms ana barn and stables in irooa order. Farming implements tin go wua larm. nor iurtner lniormaition apuiy to o. r. COLLIER, Real Estate Ag"t, 183 Princess street T7OR RENT House nows occupied by Mrs. A? Rob't Morrison. North ! Front street, near depot, ten rooms. Apply tor terms to Wi K. MORRISON, 186 North Water St aug261mo T?OR RENT- A Truck Farm, three quarters A.1 of a miles from the CUT of a miles from the City limits, fifteen acres of Kood farming land, will be rented to a re sponsible party. Six acres under cuuivati Six acres under cultivation and sture: a eood three room house nine acres for pasture; a goqa turee room tinft a well on the m-emises. Possession given at once. Inquire of L Shrier. corner Front and Princess streets. i! ! angle A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO BUY goods is offered during balance of month of August Everything at cost 1 815 North Front, tne Bargain wore. -TTTTVKS AND MOTHERS SAVED TO HEALTH f and comfort by the nse of our New Kere- sene Oil Stove. It is uo humbug, no wicts. smoke t odor. Safe and economical. 4, SaECKJUtRIDGB.Slft North Front street &&vextlstratuU. FASHIONABLE i aaiHM ' JN THE SPRING TDd A YOUNG MAN'S FANCY, etc., -JUT" AS SEASON ADVAKCES AND THE SUMJtER GIRL IS NO LONGER IN IT, - JORB; SERIOUS SUBJECTS PRESENT SIDERATION. WDAT WILL BE THE MOST BECOMING HIMSELF FOR THE WINTER CAMPAIGN? WK DAVB TAKEN TIME BY THE FORELOCK AND GOTTEN POSTED AS TO CORRECT THING AND HAVE FOR YOUR INSPECTION -THE NOBBIEST LINE OF IMPORTED SXJITIIVS, KJciAD Y MADE SUITS ' GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS - THAT COULD BE PROCURED IN THE NORTHERN MARKETS. TO WELL APTTTP CTJ"TT1T'WH17T i QTTT CHASED WE WILL HAVE A LARGER AUD BJtTTFT? avrvnTv i.. i ' .- . STOCK THAN EVER BEFORE, AND IT YOUBINTERKST TO LOOK THROUGH OUR MERCHANT TAILORING DE PARTMENT TO FIND OUT THE FASHIONS AND LATEST STYLES. ! . ..!:" ; SUITS WILL BE ARTISTICALLY CUT AID MADE AFTER THE VERY LATEST FASHION PLATES IS8UED. A PERFECT FIT - PRICES TO SUIT EVERY ONE. A. DAVID Male THIS WILL BE YOUR SPECTING co CD CO co co CP H, L. FEHTJELL, The Horse Milliner, i ; I 114 NORTH FRONT STREET. i I NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE. I g'gj'ios, ' and Surrey s SELF-PRIMING PITCHER AND FORCE HAVE GREAT AD VAN- i TAGES OVER OLD STYLE PUMPS. i ! WINDOW: AND GREEN WIRE CLOTH. WIRE NETTING, for BUILDER'S SUPPLIES. ") Conmlete BUILDER'S SUPPLIES. J aU kinds i 1ST TOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. i j N. JACOB I HARDWARE COMPANY, LLl THINKING PEOPLE- Know the importance of Baring their pianos se ) lected from tho factoriea direct In tola way we can not only save you money bat also guarantee perfect instruments. Even the BEST maker turn out Imperfect Instruments, therefore we make personal selections. Mr. E. Van Laer will go North shortly for that purpose and all orders entrusted to his care will receive the most care ful attention. : T Address all orders to i -3 ,20- Xt.A.ia'El., . ! 403 and 404 North Fourth Street WILMINGTON, N. C Horse For, Sale. QNK OF THE BEST "FAMILY HORSES" IN the City, perfectly gentle and kind, any one can drive him. ' - J - - - . Can be seen at Orrell's Stables. ' rpHB WltMINGTOIf MK8SKNGER. ' -i . WILMINGTON N. C. THE WILMINGTON MESSENGER. THE WILMINGTON MESSENGER. . THE WILMINGTON MESSENGER. DAILY AND WEEKLY. DAILY AND WEEKLY. DAZuY AND WEEKLY. The Daily Messenger one Tear ST 00 The Dally Messenger six months. .:. S 60 ITS he Dally Messenger three months.. The Weekly Messenger one year, 1 00 60 Tne Weiklj Messenger six months PRICE 5 CENTS FALL CLOTHING, THEMSELVES FOR HIS THOUGHTFUL CON STYLE OF RAIMENT IN WHICH TO BEDECK DRESSERS: OUR DIRECT IMPORTATION WILL BE; DELIVERED BY THE CUSTOM HOUSE AND READY FOR INSPECTION oIn AND I i i (THURSDAY.) GOODS PUR ABROAD BY OUR MR. A. DAVID. AaMASV Jl AM V WILL BE TO GUARANTEED AND. & COMPANY Outfitters. VERDICT AFTER IN- co OUR GOODS. CO CD CO Your Confidence Firat, Your Trade VFIll Follow. CO o CP Door Screens. ICE CREAM FREEZERS. Poultry Yards and Fences. line at Bottom prices. Wira Naila and sizes. Step Ladders, all lengths (Sale of Valuable City Property for. Partition, i BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE 8UPE perior court of New Hanover county, in a certain Special Procession therein pending, where in B. F. Hall and F. H. Edwards are plaintiffs nd J. Ella Edwards and J. C. H. Edwards are defendants, the undersigned1 Commissioner ap pointed therein, will, on Monday the 86th day of September, 1892, at 12 o'clock m., sell by public auction at the Court House door in the city of Wilmington, those two lota in said city desclibed Thb firs lot. Beginning at a point in tbe N. line of Wilkinson's alley about 103 feet and 4 inches W. from the W. line of Front street snd running thence N. 43 feet and T Inches to a pri vate alley, thence W. with the said alley to S. Wates street, thence with said streets, about 43 feet and 7 Inches to Wilkinson's alley and thence . with said alley K. to the Betrinnlnff with th privilege of the use of said private alley tbi second lot. laying Detween Market ana Dock streets and beginning at the wharf at the waters edge at Urguhart's line running thence N. with the line of said wharf 66 feet thence EL to Water street thence along the line of said street about 66 feet to Urquhart's line, thence along said line W. to the beginning on thr river. Trbms of saul One four .a cash, balance in three equal annual payments, with interest at 6 per cent i - I This the 19th day of August, 1898. ! "I JOHN D. BELLAMY, Jb.. Jr., aug20,20 sep8,9,16,85 Commissioner. ATLANTIC VIEW, RIGHTSVILLE, N. C, For Thirteen Yean Has Been a Popular Resort, Beautiful view of tba Atlantis Ocean aad Sounds, i Good Bath Houses. Postofflee oa the premises ani telegraph station near a hand. Writ for rates and description of tha place. '.:;.- ' ' ED. WILSON MATTHDJCJ, i err firlsnntue Proprietor f ..'