ESTABLISHED 1867. i I I A villajra in Arkansas was completely destroyed by' a cjcloae Thursday.- Vije Presidaal-elect Stoveasoa will attend tba opening of the Commercial clul in Atlanta about December 2t'ihl , ?The Ine Indiana, on a bunt in Colorado, have been ordered to return to their reservation.- Gladstone caue neajr being run over by -an omnibus in the! streets of London yesterday.- The people of Northeast Arizona, areiexcited ovar threats of wtr made by the Navaj j chief Black Horse The Anarchists of Paris make threats against the British Embassy in that city because of the surrendering of a French Anarchist by a British magia trate. Aiotint Secretary of the Treasury NeUleton resigns. - Gen Roaecraos I threatened with another stroke of paralya s. Cltvelaod beat Harrison only 81,081 votes ia Georgia . It is said there is no statue of Ged onerman balog made or detained at Westerly, R. I , as stated by Father Sherman Toursday. Lieut. Peary wants to mike another search f r the North pole. Howard Sutherland, charged with trying- to kidnap Tioy, N. Y., Democrats on election day has resigned his position in the ceoaua bu reau. A eeriju question ha been raised as to whether the State officers of Georgia recently elected have been legally inatal.ed into ; tffije. The Vtiban offljials positively . deny the rumor mat cue rope lutenaa to open negotiations looking to the establish meujt of a legation at Washington after Cleveland's inauguration.- William MUier was hauled at Wheeling, W. Va., yesterday lor the murder of his wife last April. The first of the trials for jmurder agtinst the Homestead nuieru was Degun yesieraay. ids New York po ija have discovered that a secret assassinating society is at work in New York, St. Louts, Chicago and other places Senator Kenna,or Wet Virginia, is quite ill. The steamer Philadelphia with Vioce jta Mlj tres.the Venezuela refugee on botrd, has ar rivbd at Ne Yorn, -The negro who Deputy Sheriff Livings one in. Uiohmond county on election day was captileed Taursdiy and while baing tatQ io MouKingQam mat nignt was taken Irotn the train at Laurel ttill and huo,.- Tne funeral services over the remains of Donald vV. Bain were held at Eieo ton Street Methodist church yestejr day afternoon. It wad one of the moati largely attended funerals ever I Jaeu2 j ia Raleigh. Tne Inter S?ate ComaitiTCd commission yesterday made an important decision in regard to oars . bulltf for a particular kind of traffic 1 4 fierce bhzzurd set in in Iowa y es ter Jiy. Secretary footer will not recommend an increased tax on spirits or anything else. He warns to leave the qjuestioa of raising revenue to the incuiiucg administration. Goveruor Holtyesterday appointed S.McD. Tate Statd Treasurer. The appointment was firet tendered Ex-GoVeruor Jarvis.- The conference Of Catholic -Archbiah-ipa adopt a series o: resolution on the eubj ct of parochial schools. Cincin rati U to have a new Republican paper 10 1'bejcalled the Tribuue with a capital stock! of $2'O,000. Another famine is I OUR RHEIGH LETTER. Vs. SPECULATIONS AS TO THE SUCCES SOR OF TREASURER BAIN. Conference Between the Governor and Gorerooi-Eiect-A Storm of Hall Many Fereons Tlwlnc the Re- ' mains of Mr. B. In World's ; Fair Matters Tbt) UcmAtiy EWtculc Railway. Messenger Bureau. " I Raleioh, N. a, Nov. 18. f The beautiful weather came to an aoruDt ena id is morning, a storm of wind and rain and hail havintr wfm uooq ine 8kv cleared uu uo ncuuGr is quite cola. Ttiia mornin? manv nnnln noaaAd through the Caoitol face of the Ute State Treasurer. A uumwr of fresh' floral offeriDga were placed on and near the Tt,a stream of people did not ceae until 3 oVl ck this afternoon. ine uumoer of prominent mftn hn came here to attend Mr. Barn's funerai was iarg. xne Urand Lodi?a .if Ma. ons had a strong representation and t. e Maaters of some of th uihiin.t. lodges wore aleo present. ' uoveruor-eleot Etiaa Carr name hp at the rea uest of G der that there might be a canferentv as to the new Treasurer. Tt was nairt yesterday that Col. S. McD. Tate would bj the man rhnnnn Ho ri.r H. - mum.- & V w accomplished bank om.-.tai anri hia . SHlun aS 8 eClal luHm-Clnp rf n.ilnn.l oanKsissald to nav him sa mm . uurt was current tnat n nrnnld n - cuue ine dace. i Judirn - t. r cmack was much talked of to-dav in vuuu.cnuu wun tne place, after a ru in r naa gainea curreucy that Colonel lat wou d decline. But some officials ?n u m aav tnat (Jol. Tate would mt aeciioe. Other names tpotteu of in connection with the- position were injse or K. H. Battle and W. FT Burswvn. The latter centleman nYu nere mis morning i uere wag no business eolne on at any ui me uepartmens to-day, save. at uo ancuiLurai nuiiamg, where there was a large meetinir of the itk,miiI commit e i of the World's Fair Bo rd of Cou.mis6toners. AtihlaRn,n,.p hi. was prtStnt. lbere are a trreat manv luiportanc matters to be looked af er co joerning North Carolina's participa- iiuu iu megranaest dlsplav the world his ever Been. In the first niace. there is need of $25,000. It isrlipvwi i.h legislature wdi see tne absolute na-. ctjesity for this and win be promot in matting me appropriati on, io b-eln """i ub ew legislators are a broad ga ge lot oi people and whatever they o w pusu iorta vjaronna towards toe ironttiiey are going to do. jQusiuou was quite generally sua peoaea during tne funeral of Mr. Bain this afternoon. Tne people of Kaieifcn cave In many delicate wava snown tneir sorrow at his death and toeir affection for him. The matter of the kllliu? of little John Hay es by an electric wire has oeea investigated. It was -shown cieariy mat the deadly current came from the feed wire of the street rail way, lhe railway com pan v Daid the expens -s of the funeral. Tnere is ro doubt that tne amount of electrioitv passing over the feed wire is sufficient to cause death iu an instant in case a person completes the circuit. M.e33rs. Lee S." Overman and Rr-irtAJi tt. Merrimon have Qualified as ezeeu tors of the late Hon. a. S. Merrimoa COMMERCIAL NEWS. threatened in Russia. The trustees of the Tliden will compromise with the fceiriand get $2,225,000 for the TiJdan library. Ex-Secretary BlaiLtils qui. 6 sick aaln. liALEIGli, Bain' tucetMor, ; NjV. 18. fsPECIAL I Governor H lt will to-morro appoint Samuel McDowell Tate State Tieas urer.l The. appointment as fi'-st ten- l jdefed ex-Gbvt rnor Thomas J Jarvis. Vh tpiitladvipula ArrTf la New New Yobk. Ifuv. 18. The Red D line biteamtr Khiliidelpnia arrived at her pier in Bnoklya this mornicg with Pedro victntd ilijre, ex tiov eraorol C-iraeag, a puituoal reluct, aboarxi. The uasseagers were loud in tnif iriDr .i-e of the patriotic and aoura- ?eoui tttnii taket by-CP5- Cowniers in rduiii.g io give up the fugitive. The riifamehla wtreat savs the Phiki' dflli.hia acttd u idof adv ce of Ameri can reureeeuia ives in Vcptzu-s a and that the T'uble is one foe lU two Governoienis to eettie; that Mijireu i uua ManraturD of lliA fr-lKrlnr and lOVli 1 er jorlc f Caracas UDder Preoidofc Pla cia ah d that the chrte of cattle sfeaU I iug ii4ctJ against turn is trumped up to g-t Aiox into prison as a political i eneml. Miiws savs everything la -auletfoQ thejurfica in-Veuf juela, but tie predicts another' big i evolution fegatnet the pret-euii Government inside of a year, lie svs Crespo is s much of au usurper as Palaciaaud has thrown iu preoi flb -ut 600 prominent Venezu- elao-ilw o d ffer irom him iu the polit ical behalf and opinioas. : 'I'lie Homriuad TrUlt Bedh. PiTi'SBuao. Pa ,isfv 18 rhe Erst of th6 tna ut the Homestead riatur began to-day, SvlvcSter Critcnlow beiaijf PUV on .trial for the murder of T. J. Cohovat the lime of th sho itiog of tt;e Pinkartocs. Ah Home- ead eeemed to be io the hall, but an f-ffort was dud" to keep the crowd from the room'. Th- prosecution is directed bv D s rict Attjrie7 Biragh and four well kDowu local lawyer?, the defe. se bj,' fie local lawyers inciudiuar B-en nao. p.'1' npy ' the Amalgated asso iaiin.' nod Awo, of Si ux City, and Irwid, of St. Pul. Critcnlow plead not guilty, aud the Selection of the jury bega. , . W J. Brennan raave4 . to uash the ladicjinjent and also theArraJ pf grand jurorjj b-t-ause the grand jury w' ppt impatiMlly drawn.. His co tentiou was that he s ips or ro'l of papr oontalu lngJtne names of the j iry were not uni form! so that it was an tasy matter to 'di-er jtiina e. Brennan eaidh did not wish io rCfl ot on any ote, but thore wis fear thb drawing may not have feeen jfalr and impartial. The .court verifultd the m un y ' rmm " ' Provjdk2Ce, R. I., Nov 18. Jn ref. ertnie i the remarks of Gen. Bber- maii'r son at the Army of Tennessee meedDg je U rav h ouiry at Westerly, Rhode Jslacd, fails to usta'iate he RevejreDd gfntUmans remarks. No statue ei viin snerman is pemg aa or cttained in hat town. A pua.truu unzzwr'.) DUBDQUE, la Nov 18 Bubuquo's firtt !ii t r storm provtd to be the eevereet a"d most, desirous f-xix-n r encfjafor many years, . Jbb"W began faliiDl? earlv yesterday coro ng, &y com pan led by high winds. A blixzard set id doing a $rt amount of flam. Stock in New Tortt Teeterdar-Tbe Grain an4 Provision tTlarketa of Cblcasoi NEW YORK, Nov. 18 The was fur ther ehriuKaga of business at the stock exchange to day. tbe total transactions being smaller than for some time. The market,early in the day, was irregular. At the open ng fractional advances were generally recorded, but. subse quently Manhattan so d ff It percent , ujocinuati, uieveiana, unicago and at. LdOUlu 1, American sugar, Lacka wan na Baltimore and Utuo and Missouri Pa- einc each f and the balance of the list 1 1 f per cent. These concessions were email, considering the renewed talk about Kold exports and the active efforts made by the boars to force large stock forsalrt. Professionals quietly ac umu lttt-d Reading, rtt. Paul, New Eoeltud. A nhisoD,D stilli' g and Catt'eFeedintr, Chicago Gas and others. D ring tie afternoon a change for the better took: p ace and the whole Met advanced on comparatively light offerings, Man hat tn leading, followed by Coals, General Electric and other Industrials. Per sistent buying of Distillers Wis a con spicuous feature of the day's opera tiona. The belief that an additional tax of 40 cents a gallon on' distilled spirits wi I be recommended to Con gress is so general that the trade de mand has recently increased largely, ana ine uistuung company is far be hind its order;. Reading was also notably strong. Lead and Cotton Oil were ill bi$k demand in 'a3 dealings The ciose ws Mrn. Sales er 181, 000 thares listed stocks and &5,0p0 un listed, !:. ., ' ,. ' ' BIOago, Ifov- 18. The provision was ih center of interest to day. L'ght receipts of bogs scared the shorts and January pork sold up 91 per barrel from the price two dys ago. W heat was in brisk aeniatd and closed with an advance of more than lc over last right'g figures. Corn and oats gained (ia. ' Buoyant y and excite ment prevailed in nog proaucts neany ali day. Receipts of nogs were afcgu. 6.09 head le-s than estimated and prices at the yards were about' l0(g2c higher. Shorts at once started to cover and tpsra being little tor sale, a gu ck jump is values was the result. Cuuahy, tLaieiy did boo were all big buyers. There was ia mn.-e realizing oa the adyaace bv th' bull clique, buvthe shorts wre so dee perate that they took all that was tf fered withuut waiting to it quire from whAaj it came There was some ces sation in the demand toward the close and January bork tumbled back clos ing 30c from the top for the jay and $ kj higher than last night Ijird was even stronger that) pork, January de livery, which cltsed yesterday t$8Q7V "'wcu iu co ou ana stooa at v ?a a the close. Rib for January delivery advanced 25a and closed with a clear gain for the day of 30c. , A wind worm yas prevailing In the Northwest and sipailer receipts of wh-at were expected for some days to cme. Cbl-s reported the E glish markets as firm an the domestic mar kets , ware ai-6 a shade better: The market was the lowest at the openg and the windup was sirpbg and lij ii'gher. Toe oorn market was higher io sym pathy with wbeatand in some measure, a so pwrog o diminished receipts, there was an active f raoe with shorts, who seemed very plentiful and the princi pal buvere. Ficst sales woro ja frac tional losses, but prlaeg went up and at J.Jje close had gained iCdlo. The Haadsojueft ldj in Wilmington Remarked to a friepd the ptbjer day that she knew Kemp's alsam for tie Throat and lnngs was a superior remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly when other cough rem edies had no effect whatever. - So to prove this and convince you of its merit, any druggist will give you a trial bottle rsxx. i Lare size 00c and1!. . , TRUE DEMOCRACY. Cleveland Give Hla Via An t. Frtnclplea Which Should Acmate Den. . crats Reaping the Frnlu of Their Victory, New York, Nov. 18,The speech which Grover Cleveland made at the dinner given by Mr. Henry VUard last evening is only j iet mane public. "Mr. Villard and Gentlemen: 'I find it Impossible to rid my.e".fat this moment of the cot fliciiug emo tions which stir within me. I s -e here assembled good and staunch friends who have labo ed Incessantly and de votedly for the success which has crowned the Democratic -Sbrv in the canvass jot closed, and I can Dot for get how greatly these tff ,rts have been characterized by ; the personal attachment and friendship for the candidate selected to carry the D-mo-cratlc banner. This awakens a sense of grati ude which i is a great DJea sure for me to thankfully acknowledge-. I confess too that I a fill I u Shared ia the Dartialan which our great victorv is C J arouse in every heart also thorough ly "Democratic aa mlnn Tt la ui.,m given to any than to eOhtemuia e such a splendid campaign, o masterfully arranged in his behalf ho .uoh ca friends, followed by such stupendous and complete triumph. 'I should not, perhaps, introduce any, thing sombre on this occasion, but I jrv win ijrgiv-j me wnen l sy that ev.ery feeling of jubilation ana even my sense of gratitude is h tem pered as td be almost entirely obscured by tbe realization, nearly painful, cf the responsib iity I have assumed in lb sight of the American pe pie. My loye of the country', my attach m nt to the principles of true Democracy, my appreciation of the ob igation I have en tered into with the must Confiding peo ple Iu the world.and the con ciout-ness of my o n weakness a d my imperfec tions 11 con-pire to fill my fmind with eober and opuressiog refleetious when I consider all that we have to do as a piriy charged with tne control of the Government. I feel that our cam paign, instead of being concluded is but just begun. What enail our perform nce be of the coo tract we have mde with our country men and ho w well shail we justify the tru-t that thev have imposel on us, if we see nothing in our victory but license t revel iu partisan spoil? e shall fail at every point if we merely profess to enter un on our work, and if we make an appar ent endeavor to do it a cover for seek- log partisan advantage, we shall iu yite contempt and diaifrace. If we at- t mpt to discharge our duty to the peo ple without complete pany harmony in Kino aciiou we snail demonstrate ou - incomoetencv. "I thank God that fr aWa nil doubts and misgivings and away ba yond all difficulties, we mav cocstantlv see the lights of hope and safet ; the light we see io illuminated from nrin- ciptes of true, honest, pure Democracy showiog the way in all times of danger and leading us to the fulttllment of ptj litical dut.v and redemption of ell our pledges. .This lieht ia kindled in th love of justice and in the devotion to ne people's rights. It i brmht in a constant patriotism aud ia a nation's promise. ; L.e, us cot be misled to nor undoing byligh 8 of falsa D mocracy, which may be kindled in- broken faith aod which, shioinir in hvDocriv win if f dlowed, lure us to rocxs of fail disg ace. If w see stern labor ahead of us, and if difficulties loom upon our horizon, let us remember that in the thickest weather the mariner watch ds mostanxi. u-Iy for his true light. "Who in our pany, harged wiih any responsibility to the pa.. pie, has tot pledged his devotion to the Drinninipfi of true Democracy, and who among us has made the pledges with intent to deceive? I have faith in the manliness and truthfulness of the Democratic party. My beluf in our principles and iuv iaii.u n our pany constitute mv trust that we shall answer the expecta tions oi our countr . men, and. sCah raise high alo't the standard of true Democ racy to fix tbe gaze for many years to come of the prosperous, happy and contented people," the dinner took place at Sherrv's. and besides Mr, Cleveland there were forty guests present. . Among them were C. Whitnev. C.ri tichurz. Daniel 8. Lamont. Congressmen Breca luridge, itch aid Warner, Josiah WASHING10N CliY. i A.L QUESTIONS OF FINANCES TO BE LEFT TO THE DEMOCRATS. 8 cratary Foiter Wl-I K 4430m. aind No In" ' creaee or Taxes Another OecUlon by the late--!tate Commerce OommU ; elon To be No Pasal Li-a-ailoa Gn Ronecraue Condition Senator K.nua III. . Washinoton, Nov. 18 Lieut Pear, who eommtaded the Kiteexpe dltloa into Northern Greenland, is anxious to embark on another exoedi- nun, kuis time, witn fie purpose of reaching the North pole He ha already made application for leave Of absence for three years, and this ap plication bas been eaociioaed by th bureau of yards and docks, but. from o esent indioai.iois, if Psary goes he will have to relinquish his wiuuiiiuuu ia tae navy a9 a. civil en-' gineer, as1n view of th- pressing need for ao additional number of civil en gineers to keep pace wltn the inereas lag construction of navaudry ddeks and . other works. Secretary Tracy does not . feel war ran uri : i iuaUmi n nnnnf Ihn on . t t 2 . . . i cugiutern, wno uis already been absent under leave p y for two years, to absent himself for three years more at the Dublio ex pense. ..... WAsmtfGTOw, Kov.' 18.-Aesistant Oommh.8io .er 8tone will be appointed tiina Commissioner, vice Carter, who re-igoed to manage President Harri son a.campaign. Washington, Nov. 18. General Kostcrans, Roister of the Treasury will be removed tn Port turnr, ir this evening, in hope that the chan e ih remove the present danger ia his case of paralvela. He has already lost the use of hi- hands ai.d in almost com pletely hel pless He is 73 jears of ag and his friends are very much alarmed at h s condition, his advanced age and growing febleoess wellnigh deotroylng all hoDesof recovery. Washington, Nov. 18 Howard Sutherland, chief of the population division of the census offic-, charjrtd with attempting to prevent Democrat fr m voting at the rec-rt eb ction Bt Trov, N. V ., by lurinsr them on an excursion boat, hut te. Oi r. a hte rtsig nation and it has been accepted., Washington, d. u., Nov. 1J A teltg am hs been rpipi H at ihi t.. dian Offid- f on Agent Waugb, f th Umtus and Query agency in U-ah, 8tti- g that, in comolia ce with instruction-, he had seat out f-couts and runners with orders to thi Dies now on a hunting exp di'ion In Colorado, to returnt ooce to their reservation. This action is taken at the rt quest of Governor Routt, of Colorado, who ex presses his tears that trouble would ensue if the Iodians were lnnap mitted run at 1-rge through the State. Washington, ' Nov. , 18. Senator Kenna, ol We-t Virgioia. is seriously id . wun eastrio troubles and severe cold. Last night his condition was serious. Heart troubles sj per vened and his friend, are alarmed To-night he is better. A 'ended Officially bv State Officials, ' ftlasoMs and Odd Fel'wOae of - the .reeet EV- r Held In Kal'-lgh. Raleigh, Nov. 18. Special The ctate, the city, the Masonic fraternity, anl the Church this afternoon paid the last tributes of respect to the memory ot juonald W. Bain, State Treasurer and Grand Secretarv nf iha n - - w uawuu Tdge of Masons. Tbe Weather was fine and the funeral was one of the largest ever seen here. Just before 4 o'clock the Grand Lod of Masons, Grand Commanderv r Knights Templar and local lodges of Masons and Odd Fellows. State officers and heads of the various departments and public Institutions formed at the Capitol. The remains vara tnlrnn tne rotunda. - - .. " The pa lbeaws were of the Grand Lodge of Masons as follow8: William g. Cox, Ftbius H. Busbee, Thos. 3. iCean, N. B Brough-ton, George H Snow, L. D Heartt, J. W. Cotton and W. L.1 London. . - ' As the military guard of honor pre sented arms, the casket was borne out of the Capitol and placed in the hearse It was then takjn to EJenton Street Methodist Episcopal church. The pro ceation was a long one. ' The Masons led It,the family following the remain, with the Executive and State officials, aod the members of the Supreme court following. Thesa were followed by the officers of Edeaton StrecjtM. E. church aid other leading Methodicts, the Odd Fe lows and a great concourb of the general public bringing up the rear. : The church was filled, the benev olent orders occupying many seats. A choir of eight voices sang "Come Sweet Ktst." Key J. W. Cole, pastor of the church, read a scriptural selection, and lhs hymn 'Lead KL.dly LiKht" wa, ung. Rtv. F. LV Reid,' editor of the Christian Advocate, t ffered a prajer, and Rev. J. B. Hurley, pastor of Central Methoaiat church, read a Dart nt ih burial service. A favorite Hmo of Mr. Bain's, X Saw a Wayward Trav eller," was -ung at his special rt quest andJPastor Cole paid a touching tribute io the deaa m n as a State official, cit izen and church raemh r. The burial was at Oakwood ceme tery, the Grand Lode of Masooa Couducttcg the services, Grand Master Gudger prediog, ReV I M-K Pet Uager acting as Urand Chaplain. THE BUSINESS OUTLOOK. PKICE 5 CEKTS. Sew Jiflwtinuetiti. 0UN UU 'S WEEKLY REVIEW AND SUMMARY OF TRADE. : No Important Chansre In Business - DUrr batloa of Products Still Knormone-hj Frodnetloa hy Sfannfaetarers . Greater Than Kyer tWure f General Tone of Bum. s nea Healthy, New Yosk. Nov. 18.-R. G. Dun & important change appears in be con dition of butanes- The dlwtrlbutioo of produce contlDues enormous. The oroduction by maoufacturerM ia greater, on the whole, than Ins any previous nue some hesitation is seen ahaut enterl..g into hew engagement, the great tone of business and Indus tr-es is remarkably he lthy In speculative circ es, however, some apprehension i of a mo. etary pressure ?' -V'St rav.aMpearf and 80me wT. "VU wasDDurn Anti-Op.lon bin may be pa-sed at tbe opening of the session of Congress in December 1, lelt in the oreratio. s on the boards of trade. , In me of this, the trading in knowa in any weete. But in other oriKlucw and ..took dealings have been but moderate A belief is held hv t.fca mo.t .t business w 11 not be disturbed by an ex r session of Congress, nor bv any i glsUtion of especial importance at the sbort session this winter. V No mat-rial change is seen in bus! net at Bihimore, though In some ably warm weatber acts unfavor- , At Pittsburg the demand for nt iron U good and finished products are moving freely. - A I 1 ... uuuivine trade is about the average, but dull in Little Rock. ith small cotton movement. At Nashville bueiness Is improvn e rapid y , WA K Salis of cotton amounted to 2,290,000 bales with an advance of three-eichis of a ceut. . In wheat and corn advances of three eUibts of a cent were made, though Western receipts nf wheat comioued targ-, and pork producta were stronger A rise,.uf nearl a cent occurred ;n c ff j with small transactions. Except for cotton, the speculative m rRets hnye beo comparatively dull. j. ,ao ume excitement o-ua-u o, in agreement of the .ine pre icents for a division est DOUnd trhfTtn nrt A. DAVID & C01PA1Y. Bead, Think and Poiider. JT HAS TURNED COOL, AND TEN CHANCES TO ONE TOtTRE BUT WE ABB WITH A STOCK OF ' NOT PEEP ABED FOR it. ligb:t-,weiG.s:t WE KNOW THIS CLIMATE, AND WE'RE ON THE I nrWr,r N TOE WEATHER. TAKE OUR Z SPELL OF SICKNESS FOR THE SAKE OF SAVING A FEW DS A IT'S COMINQ ON THE SEASON FOB COAT WEAR AND vnTT r, PARTICULAR. BAIWFIKD. IN EVERT FAIR AS ANYTHING CAN A; FULL LINE OF MADE. BE. BUT WE KNOW THE COATS, FOR WE HAD THEM A. Clothing and Gents' Underwear. DAVID & CAbH CJUOTHIERS. COMPANY DTJNLAP Qatncey, Lawrence R Godkio, Wayn- fticvt-agh, uon M. Dickinson, Calvin 8. uryce, uwaid Ottendorfen. W. R. Gfice, Wm. Steinway and W. F. Hr rity. A V Rlpr4erer II eased. Wheeling, w. Va.. Nov. is Wil liam Maiar, ihe w fa murderer, was hanged in the jail yard this morniocr and was pronounced dead in fourteen and ooe half minutes, Maier is a Ger man muaiciao. 23 years old and ban been only seven years in this country. tie nag Qeen married onlv six months but the eouple'were alreadv auarrlino- frequently. Apr 116th last.Iaier re mained home, b.owiner his cornet In stead of going to the theatre. His wife retired tor the night and at miduigbt Maier left toe home, telliui? his wife it was none of her business where ho was going. He returned about two o'clock, approached the bed nd asked his wife to kiss nim She refused, and nneaia; ''iijou don't Kiss me no it will be your last chance." Mrs, Maier begged him not to hurt bereaving she would never speak c-oss to him airalo. b,ut her husbaud, crazed;, with auger, reached for hi-, revolver, aud. after de i liberaiejy lighting a match to guide his aTm.' Urfcd four shots at her io a utck sBccpssjon, every bal taking frffect in ber head and breast tie then fledar d vas not captured until the I8th. He wss then se n kneeling by his wife's grave in the cem lery aod his actions were those of a mau frantic with grief. Of$c-rf werjs iqf -jrmed. and he was cap- hureu aiwr a noy toa9. New YORK, Nov.18. Hubbard. Price fc Co. say ot cotton: Liverpool natu rally r Qcsctcd the weakness of jester day here. E jro-iean consumers of American cotton are not slow to follow toe's jgjfestYpos of sdlf-interesc and are rejoiced, no douh., k the Amtrian iU3ujuue3b iu upMciua ing tue yam of the staple indispensable to foreign igdustry and existence. Tbe ' prioe of futures, too, was proportionally marked down; although yarns are' reported as st ong - in Manches er and r bu-inrs there is thought to be Improving.. In our own market the execution of some buviDg orders' sustalaed prices at tbg opening and on thaflrst calf a 1 mited uastty of cotton was sold at ab0ut'2 points held yett$ru&y?s figures. After that time," howevejr,' the "market wa$ feverish and nervous and its tndeniy was unmistakably toward fewer lev 1, although fjr awhile it looked as if the alarm regarding the Ami-Option bill was over 9-ud some good- buying l?jade itielf apparent, fidring tKS,1r noon tho ppqn market becam tweaker. January oon tracts selllog as io as 8 97. from which they railed slightly, the fiial prices being about 18 points below lasteteifng's figures , ' Dairymen, stockmen, livery-stable men and bdrse-car men unjte in saving that no such cattle liniment as Salvaaon oilhas ever been put upon the market, it should be kept at every stable and stock yard in the lsad. 25cts. Washington, Nov. 18. The Inter State C immcrcff Commission to-day in their Pennsylvania oil carcases ren- uerea a at-c Blon of inte.est to shipper, whose products go in cars special! built for a peculiar class of traffic The decinion sajs: - - - . j,.-,,..,, t.,n . -It Is the duty of the carriers to equip its roads with means of traospor anon, aod, in the aosence of excep tional conditions, th-sa means must be open impartially to all .-kippers of like traffic. The ownership of a car rented to aCarrier for foil consideration dot-s not of itseif enti le the owner to the t-xeluMvH use of such, car, and. If the owner may In the contract of hire to be carrier, stipulate for tha exclusive uaeoi ine car, it must be upon such terms as shall not constitute unj it uiounuiiuauoa against .snippers of like .raffia in ears owned by the carrier. Washington, Nov 18 For some time p at there has been reports that the administration would recommend o Congress Io Deoemher the impost tion of the additional tax of forty cents a gallon on distilled spirits, to mee'. the deficit feared, olng to the heavy pension payment. It can be stated on bocmJ authority that thece is yerv little probability If indeed even a possibility, thfrt Secretary Poster of the Treasury, frim whom such recommendation wou d naturally come, will recommend any inert asd of taxation on distilled, spirits on a lytbiog el-e to Congress. The cobdition of the Treasury will be cis ussed b hi n in his annual report and the state f finances txhibited, but the Secretary believer the whole sub ject of taxation should be left to the ineomjog IJiniocratlo administration; As the Democrats have been elected on that issue, the question of raising revenues for the suupor- of the G v ernment will be left to them. The problem is admittedly one of gravity. Wl-8 trunk of the main -nee of rates, the hope being that the aL,DCease of bu-iDess durinjf the i oir noutu tnu De rendered more orojj able. . In the great Industries but little change Is seen, ail the-'textUa WOrk8 being retna. k bly well employed and the cot'on mlils, especially pressed with orders, while prieea for some grades of goods are advaociog. Bueiaess failures occuring through out the country daring the p st -even days, as reported to R. G Dun & Co numoer206 against 285 iBAtjear. . A Good BdiIdcm Deal. Says the Charlotte New of No vember 17th: Three or four weeks agn when cotton was low, the manage r-1 f the Victor Mills of this city bougl t T" J-r a supply or cotton. ; uy oougnt z,40U balf, to be deliv- rie Reanltoribe C'atbollc Confercuc J f New York, Nov. lS.-Tha onf,- enceof the CathoUo Archbishop wa, concluded to-niehB. The nnr.whiui choo question has engaged the atten tion of the Archbishopa to the -largest txtent, and not u til to-day was any real progress made and the following rt-port indicate-; a compromise. The matter, as given out by me private secretary of-ArchbUhop Carrigaa is entitled 'A Heport on Parochial obuouis, ana is as lotions: . .i . . M. .1 ... . .... best mea 8 to Drovide for ch- ry.r1?,"e??ed,v At . the price of ucuion of su sh children as do not at present atteod the parochial schools or Catholic iH-hools of any kind, the as sembled prelates unanimously agreed uu ne wt uioff re oitiuoos: 'Re-.olved, To promote tne erection of Catholic schools, so that there may be accommodations in them for m we and if possible for all our Cathoiic cnnaren, according to tha decrees of tue tnira fienary Council of more and the decisions of See. . .. . ton to day., the Victor Mill 3ust-30.000on the deal, and ihat is quite a hai d some sum to transfer to lucpiuutcoiumo. Is is too plain to need a demonstration' bv chart or diagram that Dr. Bull's CouKh Syrub - v - -". h-"f" mcu every wnere, ior cure of bronchial or pectoral trnnhi t - sure cure. - r - " " " r -' h wW n ! ' i J f A l Mr F RECEIVED illE. GOLD : : MEDAL Baiti- the Huly MARRIED. NEWS BY CABLE. Another Famine Imminent fa Hqeela , Parle Anarchtata Threaten the ' British timbasar In 1'hat City GiidiiouiNarrow Ewape. London, Nov. 18. The British steamer -lsy, at Bremen, from -s-vaonjib, his fifty baits of cotton id th fore hold on fire. The flames are iindt r control. ' ' Lonbon, Nov. 18 The Anarchis g of Paris are now indignant over the extradition of Frances, who wan nu.. tendered to the. Frenc h authorities hvi tin ibnguslx . magistrate to . swer the cnarge or blowing up the restaurant of M. Very in Pris in April last. Toe prelect or pol'Co hns received warning that if tbe-deeysldu 61 tbg English mag-i-trati is confirmed oo appeal, thefe will be fre-h explosions there. Special threats are made against the British Embassy. Rome, Nov 18 High officers at the Vatican authorize the a i-s 'dated Prese to ahsoluUly deny Jh report that the Popefintends, af tef Cle veiaud'S Inaugu ration, to open i egotlationg to esta b lish a Papal Legation at: Washington. London, Nov. 18. As Gladstone was crossing Picdilly last evoilng he stepped directluod-r the heads of a tem of houses, attache 1 to an pmnlbu? swVigicg rpu"fJ a corner. Tbg driver PU'led she h'rses "back pn their . vriaurione - ws 6tf ijcft a slight blow by the horses or tr pole on the fchoul er, 3e s eggeredf re covered himst-lf and escaped to the pavement uninjured. ST. Petersb CTHO, Nov. 18 Count Tolstoi in toe ttueeian Gazette calls at tention to the cootlbuetfin'iserable con dition of the 'peasantry ol Russfa. He says' famine again threatens the district in whiph he feeidpe. ' rhs fve harvest is as bad as ip Iftal. Gats are an U ter WQ'6 Tn6fe is a complete dearth of ma'eeial for fires, a. 4 the people are exhau-ted by las-, wipter's miseritr. Tbe outloos, Tolstoi declares, is as black as po&tibU, . pftle 8ijrif5uiTe. - Tne best salve In the world for Cuts Bi uiseB, Sores, - Ulcers,' 'Salt Rheum P rer 8 res, Tetter, Chapped San dt w - llblains, Coras, and all Skin t . as, and positively cures Piles, or no y required Jt is guaranteed!) fll9 irfect satisfactioa or money reihnded. t'rice 25 cents per box. ' For sals o Rob't B. Bellamy, . - : "Resolved, That as to children who at present do not attend Cathoiic schools, we .direct, in addition, that provisien be made for them by Sunday i-chools and also by instructions o- some other day or days of the week, and by urging parents to teach their children car s;ian doctrines in their homes. The-!e Sunday and w-ek day schools should ba under the i and supervision of the olergv, aided by intellitjentlay teachers, and, when pos S'ble, by-members of religious teach ing orders." - No deci-ioas upon other m utera dis cussed will at present he commuil-cat- d to the press. The official busi ness of the conversation is c jsed. f! a i w JWr. BlalHe aala sick;. Waserngtjn. Noy. 18. -Kx Secre tary Baine is confined to his bouse with a cold contracted Tuesday las. His condition ia now very much im proved and it is expected he will be entirely restored to health in a few days His well known timidity about his health caused him tq take to hit bed at the first Indication of trouble, out the members of hi family haye never felt any alarm at his condition Tbe cold was accompanied bv th usual iever. xne doctor reduced th fever and tha dist'oguUhd iovlid ws started on the road to recovery. - mes Q. iatne, J , said this, after, oooq hat there is nothing a tous in h s father's cqnditton, Eto had tiigh feve- last O'ght," h'J 8a 1, "out t his has bean reduoed and he is new resting yt-ry comfortab y. Tbere is no cause wh tever for alarn jAhii -neither th member a of Mr; BT?iaa family nor h himel reg i his condition with any degree of Urm.' there are others who'dn not lunir'iin.i his present attack's' lightiy and viw it with some apprehension, r Ther mus-t alwajg be loqe apprehension: &e eay, no matter what ails Mr. Blaine, due consideration giveb to his coi dition, which bas not been of the best for the past few months. A f TnrJilDrat L.aHF Hill. - Ci?4uiTtE, N. C, Nov. 18 Last Tu bda Duuty Sheriff Livingston, of Richmond csuaty, attmp d o arre a negru named Duncan MtPnatter, for disturbing tbe pea e on election dy. As Livingston was reading the warrant MePbatter shot hm deadand fid. i?t nlghMcPl V et wss cap u red, H was p it oo tha Car llaa Oentrbl train fpr ookinffbani, where it was U m tended to jail him. At Laurel H I' station a mob Invaded the train, carrUd the murderer out and hanged hiui. Before being swung up, McPhatter ad mitted the crime, nut aatd le was In cited by sqaje hird party loaders RTTT JTtTT.Tr i Tm t.ivi. i. r.- ;-,; . . -"-r." lu,a C"J resiaence o . the bride's uncle, Mr. W. G. V.,wler, by Rry. w. Kj. Hirma,: Mr. Lynn Burnett and Mint Emma Watt, all of this city. - . . T8 Special a&smce AFEVPAIB OF FINB MU8COVT DUCKS-OF m?,J?Bnr'?B,atcfor sale. Apply of J5hn m n i Ki if i lt rtn uitin,i w nn .a. . . - - WKN MATTHEWS, THE MATTRRSS MAN. r Slm renoTator 01 mattresses will r . . . " lUB wrner oi ikck and second BtreetH Fri-Uy, Noyeuiir 18th. to Prluce-Hrreet X.r. . ..r x ' aua Me!na streets In the base s' r.U., .W- , .. ... v, wuuc w uiiiuj, UUYIBIW".. FOR KENT Nice, cheap residence on Dock Btreet. W. M. CU34M1KG. novlS tf ex son NOTICE All persons who want a machinist ?8dy or for ?.8hort "me can tet their work done t a reasonable price. Apply at office of .gerorNo-19 to1 street. K.B7KJiQ. 181 novlftiw,,. TF YOU WANT TO SEE A PRETTY PICTURE x. of a fine residence I ha for -ale. call at 109 Princess St., W. M.;CuSmin wSI Agent - ex Ban NOTICE-jpst receivei 80,000 oranges and ino bunches bananas and am selling them low down at A. S. Winst tii w ,TT i?w onA and 816 North Front streets; WuVtagton: N? ' ;; ; y - novis lw ANOTHER LOT OF NE W GOODS ON HAND . .nd expected daily. Call and examiueBT stock of MUiiaery Good before pnrohasinw else where. MRS. K. M. STROCKj, li S. Front st BEMlN"rTQa.caJB barg.ln by bnyinir fc01?8 ?nd three mnle8 that we hv' S3 further nee for this beason. W. Jt WORTH & novll WILL SELL (some verv hndsnn mim .v cost, majfront su the BAHQAIN Stork. pr leave orders at Naumburg'a. wagon WB WANT TO SJtLf. OUR PATTERN HATS St cost. WU1 trim shapes, and mafcehatoto &Wz$r- m Sonta PATTERN HATiTBMMED IN BALTIMORE nJNp York at cost. Latest My lea. 113 South front au the BARGAIN STORE. SPdAB'"AT17?E!,0F TH IRON KING Cook K fovea: wfll mmi. h.i.i. n designed and eombiued with onr Liberty UtLaires ?imeJ??.teUDe8tllne i,1at can poducet ALDERMAN HARDWARE VO2S South Mront street, WUmngB, W. T ' o6t e lm . Deserringr Praise. ' We desire to y to our citizens, that or year-s we have v been B-ilirg Dr. Ring's New; Discover v for- Cousum p- J non, ur King's New Life PilK Ba k len'a Arnica Salve and Electric Hii ten, and have never h-ndled reme 1 s that sell as well, or that h .ve giv n tuch universal: satisfactioa. We do not hesitate to guarantee them t-very t'me, apd we staad ready to refund me yurcaase price, it sausractory re sults do not follow their use. These remedies have w. n their ereat oodu- rlv purplv ot their merits, R, R. tseuamy. Druggist. . Indl: FOR DYSPEPSIA, - iRoumrii ranw hittp-ril . au dealers keep it, $1 per bottle. - Genuine has trMe-mut mni ero aged red ilnetcn wrapper, IHOR RENT-DWELLING CORNER RED . 1 CTOSS and Third' tr fttfl rirrnlMnr. ?Sl PS" Mnrry street Apply to d; O'CONKOR, Real Estate Ageat, " oct4-tf-' LADIES REMEMBER that we have lots of tnlDgs wanted bv everv honsefcepnA Vnn can save money every time bv culling on J. L. BRECKEN RIDGE, etT North lont street YOUR PllNO WILL LAST TEN- TIMES AS long H kept tuned and regulated. Oaetua- lng .$.. Bat -Yearly contract North Front $6,Qft Prot Joo QT0YE8 BraAIRED PROMPTLY Four work Omen now ready to do the work at short notice. Let qs have your orders ladies before eold weatiier. Prices low. J. L. BRECKENRIDGK. gll North Front etreet. ' . - WJfc' 0H jHT:-I) -LLING CO H NEK CHUECU and Third streets Dwelling next to court house. Also Stores, trfBces and HalL Ti mrnwni di ...... Apply to OCM-U - ' AT THE PARIS BXP0SITI0N -AGAINST THE WORLD. Best Hat in (lie hid, Their best quality erbr . . $5.00 Second quality $3.50 . The second quality is equal to any other make of- hat which sells at $5.00. Our$i 25 hat equal to any $2.10 hatlor money cheerfully refunded. s- H. FISHBLATE, KING CLOTHI-RB IF YOU WOULD TO GET ANY Clothing or Furnishings AT REASONABLE PSI0E3 CO A.n SIB V3. WB CAN AUO... to Order... TOUR BOY NEED3 A SCHOOL SUIT OR EXTRA PAIR i - " '.- It;. BALANCE AT COST. OF PANTO AND WE-ARE S ELLIN Big Reduction on All Goods; MUiggOKT g oO "orsw or thoroughbred . I Wet the Beh -' I , HORSE ORSE BLANKETS LAN&ETS Lif TOBES. . XVOREd,,. Vever Tear OAT ttabness1 Harness; Siberian and m.i ket8 are best.; uxau rt f8 the use of trash that makia Uvlne expensive. - A Told it. . -.--'.-. .fc"B-f THE HORSE MILLINER, ' 114 NORTH Frtnv- q'pt i?Tim ; . , lvfj 4 1 'links. KlO QLOVtS. KID QOVS. yISS ROGERS, OF POSTER, PAUL A CO.'S WILL BE HERS ' . riOAT GOAT OAT VEHICLES &UICLE9 LONGER AND! W.l Twmw it t . ' . . : "u AND GENTLEMEN TO CALL ANn ui m . , ; GLOVES WTTED BEFORE SHE LEAVES. . . 7 't. I i FOR Foster, Iatil & Co. JP.Centemeii, AND CARRT A COMPLETE LINE OF T Ii ii g-'s and Pinner's Q-I0 VES 12S,?3JpA??,5?ll l? "Pa5I r vience that will Move the New I .a a con at aaythlng that goes to mat e np a flrst class article. No better on the earth. Prices Low. J. ii BRECKEN RIDGE, 8lTorth Frt sSei HEATING STQVEV COOK STOVES, OIL Stoves, Library, Banqnlt, Stand and Hand Lamps, tttanfte Ware, Kiiameled Ware, Feather DASferS, BmBhea. Parrot cages and a general HARDWARE CO., 2 soata Front streetT octlO lm --- ' , . ; . FR RENT DWELLING ON 8IXTh7BE tween fTlncess nd Chestnut-streeta. Dwelling corner Nan and Second streets. -ApijIt to p. O'CNOR, Real stt Ageat. ewSt TVO. O, NO RT II FRONT JS A THUS 8T0NB CEMENT PREPARED FOB WALL DECORATION. IT IS AS EA81LT Af.' plied aa Kalsomlne. but gives a hard finish. Is" neater, more arttotlo in' eMt nrr 1 , Elegant effecU In TINTING, SHADING, 8TENCLU BJOd othSr Wrt SlS Obta1'1 CE.NTti CO Via 8 ff O HQUARE YAHDfl, - T. M. C. JLJHJILDIX9 , 80C NORTH FROST STREET, W1UHK8T0N, N.