.A... in O -. r -1 0 USJIFD W11MINGTON. M. C, 81NDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1892. PKIGE 5 CENTS. CD GC- If ii n I IE 1 ll 111 lil III; I P I 1(1 III' III 1 s 1 I I I. I Ik I I I III ''TfcLt GRfPHI 2 SUMMARY. . A' dispatch iroin Valparaiso centradicts t!i' rumor of a: eilort to Si-uttle the cruiser Almiraute (.'oc'.ijra'.ie.- The election cases .:ivjlviiis two h0uts in the. Wyoming Legis lature will be ii Tt-me court Tud in Mr. Blaine's .'! ,:.!e.-al KxeJ uiL-oi upon Dy trie state &u- iay. r'fhe improvement Rase continues. Ail tne Departments closed at '.)ii yes'erday luid will remain closed to i rrow. Arcilibishop Corrigan publishes Brooklyn h i ...ere were '.i-.n lateiueiit cuneeriii;vs' the M-Ulynii case. OUR UALEIGII LtTTEIL ALL TRAINS COMING INTttTHEClTY CRGWOED WITH PASSENGERS- of couti- tiie Cham-' id somewhat At the Home I a i . i.'JJ i lire yesterday, mploycf i:i the building at u. time of the lire and there was much ex- ii'.-iueut (luring tiiJ nine i.uy ere uciiig .,,!te out. -jj.ie Asscciatiuii of Southern jiiOi-rats 1:1 .(.nv iorK city naa uwu maw jMTiiianent organization: Mr. and Mrs. ..-eland will jfcclehratc Christinas to-day. ,r the pajl Jjlverul J-iyd presents to Baby iCU Lave beeil.poariug in. The eleve ns will 'soon more' to Lakewood, where will livejuiitil March 4th.; -Ihree jut'.i were siiiUJViitc'.i 1.1 jimuwwwwi""v i nday.. Two lja.ve died and the third wa9 supposed to le beyond recovery.- The French Ministry has positive evidence of a plot against the Government aud other ar rests are to He made, among them XL An- dreux, who threatens if arrested to make fcome importi4lit developments concerning leading lieimUlicans. The vote deuce given the Ministry by her of Deputies has surprised aud somewhat staggertfd the conspirators 'for aged col uted people in Baltimore lour people were fojund dead in their beds yester" dav: They hjul been asphyxiated by gas President llfarrison'a srandchild. Mar- lena Harrison',, was yesterday stricken with K':arla.tina. Secretary Klkius and Gen. 'bchotield yesterday held a consultation on the situation on the Mexican frontier. Capt. Bo'irke of theiThird Cavalry has been sum nmnt d. frond Texas to a consultation at Wimliinc-ton on the same matter. The otliee of the London Globe was burned y .UTilav. The J'aris hriancial market im , , ..v..,l rrekt deal yesterday. Tbe ene mies of the French Ciovernmeut yesterday in' the ( 'haiuber of Deputies tried to impli cate M. de Frjjycinet in the Panama scan excitement and uproar on : .e lloor ofVilie Chamber. -B. J.-Martin . :iln't.r and president of the defunct bank at iiupjra. Misi, .has been arrested for " em- i.e2iiii" ?tv',lJK) of fiie bank's funis. The KrpubUcanJ gain the contested election case ',!,. taimwliuh e.ves them control of tlie J.vgwlaturc-lA-rass Tru as been formed ;..v.,-!il nlrstins were frOZtll 10 ueam at Collieries ili Penn account of the : . r pipes .eiuent is over. .ound there. .is presented with i he -North Fndayliight. :-ylvaiiiahad to shut dow Jreeziug and jmrstingot The 8ai Jikin gold There is ndj' gold to Yesterday Mr. Clevelai a iiold headed cane which was voted him at a church fair in New Yurk as tlie: nfost popular Presidential can- jii.i-.tt- A'Chieago saloon keeper killsone burglar and wounds another. He caught 1 hem rohU'nl his till.- Mrs. DeLesseps is iinsucu-Ksfulfu hereOortsto arouse synipft Jliv fur lief lihshui'd. During the last few vears she litis caused her husband a great df.il of'troiiljle by her conduct towards otii. r men. n one occasion nliC rau away . . . 1 1 1 , with a .-enatiir and DeLesseps tolloweu to xira.Ji The Panama scandal has caused ilussia to become, less friendly with France .and there isi iietween will mcrea-; an alliance and Germany. Austria standing army. me w'.v a prospect of lldssia tier 'The steamert City of J'aris and Ltiuria race across the Ajlantic, the . latter winning by three hour J -It is reported that M. Frey linet, Frcnii Minister of Wur, has resigned on account !jf the attacks made upon him 'ia'connctii w-ith the Panama scandal. V t It-res3 at the Catholics of the United Stiites has Jbeen cauea 10 mcei. m .luring the- World's Fair. The present -sion of Congress is not up to the short session of tbe Fifty-first Congress in work d me befor tl; holiday recess. There fa much comj!aint of hard times iu Berlin 'a: i-l of btiffefj-ing among the poor. It is said io l e the dullest Christmas experienced in yjars; Empress Frederick, mother of the Liiiperor, spends much of each day visiting the pooran;! assisting them.- A woman .in l'atiersori. N. J., strangles-her j-year-014 . ;. .. :l ::.i ti, r-i,;. uaughter U Hear; IlotlneM Dons by'tbA Merchants State OfflcUlH Gooe to Tbelr Homes Frlnters til-n Banquet The State" Hoard mf CliaiiUen to Urs the Kiectloa of Beformatoiy M lor Itoya. Messenger Bcei u, ' i Raleigh. N. C. Dec. 24. f There were plenty of signs of Christmas at the various State Departments to-day. A number of the officials had gone home. Among these were the Chief Justice and all the associate justices save Clark, Attor ney General Davidson and Treasurer Tate. Governor Holt wiu remain here. The mem bers of the Railway Commission have all gone to their respective homes. Private Secretary Telfair left for his home at Wash ington to day. - People have poured into Raleigh on the railways all this week, and the stores have done a great business. Railway schedules have been knocked all to pieces temporarily by the heavy travel. It will be a cold Christmas, for the mercury is many degrees below the freezing-point. A number of hunting parties are made up. Chatham county, where birds are more abundant than elsewhere, appears to be the favorite hunting ground. In the way of social amusements every evening in the week is nlled up. Last evening your correspondent had tne pleasure of being present at a supper given at a notei Dy .Messrs. n.awaras a urougiiioii, the well known book and job printers, to their fifty employes. It was a pleasant atfair. Years ago printers were too often spoken of as drunken fellows. The standard Here is lngn, anu riaieiKn .lypusrapuiuai Union No. ol, one of the oldest in mesouui, has reason to tie proud of its membersnip and its work. Messrs. Edwards fe Broughton made everything very ajrre-jaDle lor tneir employes and the guests at the supper. The Odd i eiiows 01 Kaieieu, nice mem bers of that order everywhere, are noble fel lows. To-day they distributed gilts to the widows and orphans of deceased members. These were appropriate anu in some cases very handsome. Keri8ter 01 ueeas Miat was assea xo aay whether the number of mortgages this year was as large as usual. He said there were fewer mortgages, but added that it was be cause the farmers could not get credit. It is confessedly difficult to get money on iarm mortgages, country property being in com paratively sludit demand. People who oppose the homestead sys em claim that the lioinesteatt law is in large measure responsi ble for this. . : The number of mortgages canceled this year has been fully up to the average, this being quite a surprise to those who montns ago made calculations of very pinching timps and exnected very few cancellations. ft was said to dav on the street' that the next grand jury would return a bill against iitim Wilson in connection with the '"Gid- in's Band" business. That action will fur nish the press with some interesting news. W. C. Staple.", of RoidsvUle, was to-day ap pointed a notarv PU hi ic. Mr Wilson H. Lucas, chief shell-fish com to-day in conference with the Governor. It will be remembered H.nt r-T.ifiiit. Francis V inslow preferxel some charues aeainst Mr. Lucas. These were investigated by Alf. W. Haywood, Ksq i.-,T;,ino was tjilren down bv Mr. Dobbin of Ilaleigh, who immediately afterwards i'uam usm sick and has not since left his hei A sii result th notes are not prepared and Mr. Haywbc?d'S r.Port to the Governor is delayed. " ' . . . Thstot TVinnl of Public Chanties meets Cit. Claude B. Denson, sM-wtarv to the board, was fluked to-day tiwciiii matters would be recommend' ,i end renlied that with all its power and ability tha hoard would urge the Legislature tn establish a rifoi-mnfory for youthful criminals. In the penitentiary, the jails and the work houses there are hundruos of 1 1,., in ... K Via'mrr maftft C0I1- BABY RUTH'S CHRISTMAS- . Toys of all Kind Pouring Into tba Cleve land Minsiaa From all Fart of tho Country. Nkw York, Dec. 34. Presidentelect Cleveland's residence in West Fifty-first ttreet is being decorated with Christmas greens. W reaths have been placed at each Window and the dainty little drawing room is trimmed with mistletoe, pine boughs and evergreen. It is intended by Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland to observe Sunday as Christma8 day. They will partake of a splendid tur key sent by an admiring Longlsland farmer." Already enough toys and other gifts to stock a store have poured in for Baby Ruth. Therej are enough dolls alone for a dozen children,! wniie ot jumping jacks, jucKS-in-tne-Dox and other play things, there are almost too many to count. The reception of presents for Kuth keeps the butler and maid busy nearly all the dav. It has been suggested that the gifts be placed upon-a little Christ mas tree and that Baby ltuth's boy and girl friends be invited k witness the display. The tree had not arrived this morning. LJnles the plans are changed, Mrs. Cleve land will leave for her visit to her mother in Buffalo Wednesday or Thursday next. Her daughter is to accompany her. During her abseuce the President-elect will . make preparations for removing to Lakewood for the winter. It was said to-day by an inti mate friend of Mr. Cleveland that he would probably go to his Lakewood cottage before -January lOtn. Mrs. Cleveland will join mm there on or about that date. The cottage is almost ready for their reception. Mr. Cleve land will remain at the ''little white house' until they go to Washington in March. THE CRISIS IN FRANCE. EVIDENCE OF A CONSFRACY AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT. 1' Ian Wavkt VavU ... If ft ft llr cf Xkw Yobk, Dec. 24. Trading at the Stock Exchange was limited this morning, only 72,000 shares changing hands, of which 6,000 were unlisted. In the first transactions prices wre generally a fraction below those ruling at the close yesterday, but subse quently a firmer tone prevailed, due to the disposition on the part of some of the smaller bears to even up their trades. They did not care to sro home with contracts on their books over a double holiday. Man hattan was the only feature of note. This stock opened at 1304, receded to 130. and ad vanced steadily to 1-wi, closing at tne top fiarure. The enhancement is the result of a belief that that company has but little to fear from the proposed underground route. Another reason for the rise. is that the Pierrepout-Morgan committee will soon report a plan whereby the com pany's lines will be extended and its rev enues largely increased. Judge Ingraham to-day decided to continue the injunction restraining the Panama road from entering into contracts with transportation com panies outside of the Pacilic Mail Steamship company, and the stock of the latter rose from 27 to 28. In the general railway list Grangers were particularly strong, near the close advancing to i per cent, lhe kcck Island regular quarterly dividend of 1 per cent, was officially announced and the amountis just what had been looked for.The strength of speculation in final transactions was partly due to tne unexpectedly goon. bank statement. -ag Gil an' commits suiciue. iuc u- Refinery company's warehouses ivere burncll yesterday' evening. KnntK Taro! 1 i:h N w UailioaflLom iniln Says the Charleston iWs ami Courier of yesterday: i . i , .,, Mr J: RjKenly, geneial manager of the Atlantic Cast Line road, Wa? in the city vesterdav.1 Mr. Kenly said that the per sonnel of tlie railroad commisfwii-lected in Columbia Thursday was entirely satwfftc- . 'lory to himself-anil his road. Jle thought 'he" new 4-oni mission would satisfactorily perform til'ir new duties. He said he was unacquainted with Commissioner i-,hgh, but 'that Messrs. Duncan ahd Thomas were familiar with the duties of their office, and would, in his opinion, exercise them witU -j,Wi.'c. ' The bill itself, he said, lie regarded as one of tjve most inqiritous pieces of legis lation whiih has ever been passed. ;enero!ia While AV.vr. 1 have f 5lt that it is a great mistake to put .;t l eing generous until after you are dead. In the tir.-T place you lose the - pleasure of -itnessiii- the jrood that you may do: and, a.' iin no One can administer your gifts for von as well as you can do it yourself. It is a c-e-it pleasure to be brought into personal rel-itioiis of that kind, and to make people J eel thar Yjoii aic no.. x ... ... t that you are interested in them personally; a J care tor tneir weuare. in that way ou ieoJit. them riot merely in a natural way, but vou make them feel that en are rally brother?, and that tl.ey were m:ule to help one another Ihai feeling is not on) v agreeable m itself, but it win bp apt to p'rOmpt them to carry out the princi ple them'lves. Put yourself into all you ,lo, and hit others feel that you are there, -nr. nnt oh! contribute to a charitable fund, Imtgo yoSirself and help. It may seem an ineonveiiiienee at.tirst. but soon you Will t-on.e to ionsider it worth any inconven ience. O'oi-ie H'.. Chiltl. hm-a iinikr 1K whn nm being mafl" con fin,,..,! rrim innla bv their association with the hardened class. There are now in Wake jail four bovs under 14 years of age. Capt. Denson says that both the Methodist confer ence in this State adopted unanimously resolutions urging the establishment of such a reformatory. Some of the members of the Legislat ure w ill cpme here pledged to s jpport a bill of that character. There is no doubt in the world as to the neceseity for the reformatory. Col. Paul Faison remarked to-day that no-rt kppI- he would make the annual re- . vf tv,t npnit-pntiarv to theGovernor and that aa to the financial part of the affairs of the great prison if would be shown that if a cash value were given for the permanent work done by the convicts there puld pe a handsome balance pa the riSht side of ttg ledger. 7 - J STRANGLES HER OWN DAUGHTER' A Vfoma Ii Patterson, N; J. Kills Her Daughter aud Then Smothers Herself Despondenc y the t'aoae. Patterson, N. J., Dee. 24. Mrs. Alice Faulkner, 40 years old, servant at Mrs. Drew's boarding house, No. 36 Ward street, and her daughter Florence, 12 years old, were found dead in bed this morning. The mother had evidently choked the hild to death and then smothered herself. De spondency is supposed to have been the cause. Jlrs. Faulkner -had recently been ,i!-to,t her li unhand, who was a soldier t t-iritish nrmv. and whose release she T,r.hHsl with money saxad from her scanty earnings atfra raiUhere. . Itr. ruvclf nd presented a Cane. Xew Yokk. Dc. 24, Rtv. Father Kessel, of the Church of the Holy Redeemer, State Senator Geo. F. Roesch and Henry W, Wolf, waited upon the President-elect at his residence, No. 12 West Fifty-first steet, at 10 . A. nnA witlirnt fnrmalltv O ClOCK a. 111. n-ui " .V T ,11 j j n,.ti him with beautiful gold-headed cane, whicn nao oeen vpieu 1.0 mnat noDular rresidenuai taiimuinc p. fair held by Father Kessel's congregation some time mavum c.w""- dent elect Cleveland responded gracef ully, n.i oft. on oYr-hnncft of ,lMerry Chnst- . i,. woai.lpnt.-plect. entered his oar- ro. onri drnve to his otface in the Mills building, -, Cantloa f'livsH-ians. (Sew Tort Herald.) . Londox, Dac. 23. The authorities have in stituted a prosecution against Dr. Robert Graham, whose disregard of law in giving a certificate of death in the case of Matilda Clover, for whow murder Thomas Xeill Cream was recently executed, was largely resDonsiDle for the real cause ot death being unsusoecteu until suspicion was ttrouoeu uv the personal admissions of Cream. At the inquest concerning the death of Matilda clover and subseauentlv at the trial of Cream in the Old Bailey Dr. Graham testified that he gave the death certihcate without having seen the woman during her last iilness, although 011 prior occasions- he had Dresuribed tor her to counteract effe..tsof strong driukin.. Dr. Grahams testimony elicited a severe rebufee from tne Court mid the authorities have comnuded that an examnle was KS-s.iry to deter physicians troiu granting death certiiict' in a similar maimer and tfyus, unintention ally or otherwise, aiding iu ttf e conceuinrent of crime. The extreme penalty for such acts as that of which Dr. Graham is accused is seyeo years' penal servitude, ; 'O ttep-irtd Stut-llctf cf War Ship Dtr ' -' utfd. .-",. i New Yot.k, Dec. 24. The Herald s cable from Valparaiso says the naval officers deny the storifes sent to the United States and Eu rope in relation to the . allegtj attempt to sink the war ship Almirante Cochrane. There is no truth in the story. The seacock of the war ship was opened by mistake. This gave rise to the ridiculous rumors which wera magnified into areportthat an attempt had' beeif paadje .0 settle the ship. A number or the persons anedteo ounpg the recept trouble at Santiago have been re ieasecj. Uulf J"3 ' the attempted revolution are being jii,q ioririai. iiie United States cruiser lorjttown wut sail to morrow, rine win meet jvumua t vmp.a. squadron at Punta Arenas. The enujie squadron will then sail for Monteyideo. The Concplrators Dlscocearted by tbe Vote of CoDfldetca-KflTurn to Implicate M. Frejetnet His Realenatioa Shame ful Conduct of Madame Da I.et sepa A Race Between Ocean Bteamera. Paeis, Dec. 24. The statement in these dispatches that the Ministry have evidence that the present attack on the Government is part of an organized plan for the over throw of the Republic and that each step taken is carefully discussed in advance y the plotters against the constitution is fully confirmed and the evidence has arrived at that stage that the Government is prepared to arrest certain of the conspirators against whom there is sufficient evidence. Andrieux is regarded as the manager of the plot aganst the republic, and the first blow is to be struck at him. When warned that he would be arrested to-day, Andrieux replied "I have nothing to fear. If I am arrested it will be to save Floquet from disgrace and punishment. -The Government is seeking for clues to prove the existence of a Boulan gist and Royalist "plot and desires to make out that I amimplicated in it. It seems to me that the real plot is 01 anotner character. I have'taken precautions so that if I go to the Government aubliette dungeon, the pub lic will know the real motives for my arrest." The Drecautions that Andrieux has taken are, it is said, 10 aeposit witn irusiwurmy names in London duolicates oi .au docu mentary evidence which he has collected against prominent Republicans. This fact, however, win not enect tne action of the Government in the shghest M. Ribot's Ministry being prepared. on one hand, to carry on to its legminaur TPsn t. the thorough orosecution 01 an con nected criminally with the Panama scandal and not shielded bv lapse Of time since the -ntTpnneH were committed, and on the other. to ferret out and bring to punishment ail whn m.w he. shown to be engaged in the consoiracv against the republic. The Gov ernment has been greatly encouraged by the vote 01 commence in tne cnanioer nf Df-nnties - and wilL therefore. take action more promptly than was known to be intended on Fridav afternoon. The Sieele states to-day that the Government holds proof of a Boulan- trist nonsDirjcv to eitect a revolution involv ing the same plotters as conspired for the destruction oi the republic in 1888: - From other sources it is learned tnat even more vigorous measures will, be taken now than in 18S8, and that President Caruot and his Ministers will show some energy in putting down the treason ot ' the Imperialist and Kovahst Blotters, as was shown in putting do wn Anarchist outrages in the early part of the year. ; - , lhe victory of the Government in the Chamber of Deputies has spread gloom and consternation among the enemies of the republic, and they are much less aggressive in their utterances to-day than yesterday. The threat of prosecution, too, is having its effect, and expressions 01 avowea ana open disloyalty to the republic are very infre quent. W hether tne anegeu- pioiiera nave given up their schemes or not they give less public evidence of their aims.' Paris. Dec. 21. Trie-Bourse -was steadier to-day in consequence of the vote of confi dence iu the Government in the Chamber of Deputies, and credit fancier advanced three points and foreign stocks advanced in sym pathy with the improved tone of the mar ket, recovering from yesterday's fall. Piph T )pf! 'U. The ' nroeeedings in the Chamber of Deputies torday showed that the enemies of the Government had not yet given up their determination to break it ilnwn ti.rough the Panama ncandal. A de termined eifoit was made to involve DeFrey cinet in the net which has caught his late .-.iip,in f . Kouvier. and the uproar in the t.hrn per was so great as to cause apprehen sion 01 personal i Ko Indnrcment. The lislner has heard a story frcshjrom Mississippi, which we mZ7 venture to relate - hooause it! comes to him thrush the hands of a good I churchman. It is a tfOiorea . v:nrv--Some neonie. who wenv uuvru nliintation. has a black woman their emjploy who was very pious. in ! Tins fact did if t prevent her one week from steal ing a couple of. geese belonging to a neigh !.or. Tin's crime was found out and prop vriv repfolmted bv the mistress of the l.i'itatioh. Next undnv the negro woman :T(":ired; to go to church, and announced (hat ,sbe -.would- not be at home at the usual time 'be; -fuse it was communion Sunday mid he'ft-as going to take communion. The nii-trtjM; was astonished, and asked the woman if she thought-that, in view of her re; ,-nr, performance, she was in a condition 'o -take- tlie sacrament. Tho old black ivr,!ii:in oncned Her eves in anuuiMi iurm I. i. lfiifci-." she exclaimed, "1011 tunc 1 se g i :ie iiBss my dear Jesus for two ol geese: Voslojt'1'ranscript. , - cTcat at heart who floods the world ty'ith agreat affection. He only is ho stirs the world with "r...., ,it,.,,.ht He only is greatof will who -lo.-s soikiething to ' w the world to a great imr.'j .tinl be is greatest who does the nioft of fall these things, aud does them best, U.twll D. HiUhcock. Sontliern Dfnioeratsjn Pieyv or. New York, Dec. 24l The , association of Southern Democrats of New York has de cided to become a permanent organi zation The success of the association in the recent :.. .7: -.1.. K ifc n&nr-ia thu' finilt.h- I .1 I I 1 1 1 H- TT L-. T T I . T 1 1 1 V J LTI .-J vuva ern Uemocrtic vote in tne cny mna ..-...-.. I t ; 1 u u t Kao IpH Ufi mnmhers to con clude that they .have license for continued In order to effect this purpose an annual membership tee ot Sl.UO has Deen iouuu all SnntliRrn Democrats in the city who are anxious to aid the cause of the association have been requested to com municate with the treasurer, J. D, Abra hams, of No. 78 Wall street. Fufluealed In a. 311:1. MascautaP, III, Pec. 24. J. M. Kidd, mine boss, and Elmer Roeehberry and Al fred Simon, workmen, went into an old UR' used portion of a coal mine at Alma, this county, yesterday to inspect for proposed improvements. All inree were tuuwaicu bv foul gas. Although rescued from the mine in a very short time, two of the worfc men are dead and it is doubtful if the muie boss will recover. OH WarrboiiiM Burned. Chicago. Dec. 24. -The Chicago Oil and Refinery company's warehouse at 38 to 54 Erie street, caught fire at 5 oclock this even ing and within an hour jvas completely destroyed. Several workmen were burned before they could escape from the building, but their injuries are not considered serious loss 100,000.' A Brpiib'can Victory. Helena, Mont., Dec. 24. The Democnats got a black eye in the contested elected case yesterday. Jno. Henry, registry agent and one of the judges of election at the box in Elder precint at the recent election, was put oh the stand, and the check lists, official register and pol' boon, showed names 01 me sixteen alleged illegal voters, five of whom came from Havre and voted at the box in Elder. He knew every one ot the aiged ille gal voters personally, had- known them since 187'J. The decision in the case was reached this morning. The court to-day is sued a writ' to compel the canvassers of ' Chocteau county to meet and canvass this votes of the box in Elder precinct. This is a victory for the Republicans, as with this prenct counted in it ewe is a nnjiuuau and gives them the Legislature. Bank Men rharffed With Conspiracy- -vrnuTuiTre Tonn lipp oa "R. T Martin. cashier and preEUtent of the defunct Web ster bank at Eupora, JMs., was arrestpd: to day on a warrant sworn out ny some 01 Hie depositors, who charge him with embezzling il ,000 Cf the Dante iunos. ne win oe taiteii to Mississippi mis etternopn. xwp wees before Martin left for New York, when the bank w-as attached, the safe in town con taining his official bond for $10,000 was blown ODen and the bond extracted. Martin insists that the bank v&il pay in full, but the depositors chgrge wholesale conspiracy between him and the Guarantee company aud somg of the stockholders, -3' Mrs: Ketchdn "I'll wager what you nice, the bridle will wear the breeches." Ketchon I shouldn't woudsr;ti!sd shs had on A Poarfal B llr Kxplnalon. Victoria Mixes, B. C. Dec. 24.-The Vic toria colliery started up to-day after months of idleness and one of the largest boilers ex ploded. One man was killed and four badly hurt. Seven other boilers were displaced and not a portion of the building covering pe boilers remains stanuing. He Jxeedd Hl anihorKy. New York. Dec. 24. Chairman E. H. Pul- len, of the executive council of the Ameri can Banking association, announces Jhat a anpoial meeting of4 the association will be hailed for JanuarvT8th to elect a successor n Sprparr . Wm. R. Greene, who has re signed. Ilillen Sfiys, that Greene exceeded Via oiiTt-Thrt-ritv and the council asked for hi3 MX u vVf. m r- rr . - . . 1 resignation. Greene issued circulars wnu- i ,rft authority aeking banks to contribtna I " , , .1 1 T. 1 ' . I money to a tuna 10 innuecce bhu iegsia- tion in congress. t Th Wtcdi'di Klecdon Contests. Chetesne, Wyo., Deo. 24. Action on the election cases, in which the pries is two seats in the Legislature, has been put over by the Supreme court tan 11 o ciuck. ut Tuesday. In setting the new date the Chief Justice advised the lawyers to be prepared to proceed further at once in case either side should be dissatisfied with the result Tuesday. Senators Carr and vvarren are expected home to-day for the holidays. The mandamus to secure the placeB for the Car bon county Democrats as clerk and commis. sioner will come -before the Supreme court in a few-jigys, Fainy rmsy. They were talking of the vanity of wo men, and one of the few ladies present un dertook a defence. "Of course," she said, "1 admit that women are vam and men are wh". iha added, with a glance !,,t 4hA necktie' of the handsomest :.'a.nmkwTniioir ur the- back 111 a II ill wm . . , . of his collar." And then she smiles for every man present had pnt his hand up be hind his necK! urane f juy. All niiserable sufferers with dyspepsia Ir Burmah w profoss to m. viiienca between the ex cited T.'eiuu"e3.' M". kibot ' preseryed his rnmnnsure amid all the uoroar and closed the'session. amid sreat eacitsment, until after the Christmas ".holidays. TAxuax. Dec. 24. The office of the Glolx, the oklest f vgning paper in London, was gutted bv fire this' morning. The first etjjr tion was" skipped, but the latter editions were issued - as usual, being issued from the office of the People. The loss is heavy. Losdox,' Dec. 24 The appeals of Madame Ferdinand DeLesseps to popular sentiment in the last week have proved a failure. Her description of Castle LaCbenaye as a bare barn, insufficiently heated and furnished, is contradicted by hundreds of Parisians, who have visited DeLesseps' family seat in the last two year?. In fact, as everybody in l'aris'in high life knows,, the president of the Panapia Canal'company has surrounded himself with all the luxury that his social station required and has" prided himself especially upon the richness of the comfort which he has been able to aff ord all visitors at his present residence. Madame De-Laps has been especially anxious to shine as an pntertalner, and has S-ent, as she still spends, the oid man's money hh lapb band- She is, therefore, hated cordially by the poor people pf France, who have lost heavily by investment in the Panama Canal enterprise. At the same time "Ko eets little sympathy in Paris from friends of DeLesseps family, who. have spread industriously in the last few days some astonishing statements ..as to her in" fluence in breaking down tht agedenginpet s mental and physical strength. They say hot for thp last twelve years, or ever since the inception of the canal enterprise, De- 1 T.r, hna hppn so narrassea anu ueirajeu by his young wife that he "has be-gn hardly accountable for: his words or actions. She was lb years Old npn ueiasupa i"'ou v.oT on J hp find nassad 60vear'3. I or the first seven or eight years their life was hp pilv spent. Then she began a career of reckless unfaithfulnes under her husband e roof. At her instance he entertained lavishly at Castle La Ohenaye. Under the Dretext ot exceptional hospitality, sne maue . - t- K mioota tft ion n MVflVQ TP. suited in a small scandal within the house-ho'W- Once, a friend of Charles De Issepa capa cV.A ran avcav with a French Senator tn rt and did not return until Charles De hnstpned after the cor.ule. had driven away her companion at the point of a revols-er and had given ner tne cnoice ue tvyeen divorce and immediate departure for Lomp, ' ' Charles DeLesseps, it is said, has already fought duels with men who had cast doubts upon his relationship to the three youngest children of his stepmother. In fact in re cent years everybody in Paris society has understood that it was a perilous matter to mentiomthename'of Mrs. Ferdinand De Lesseps in her stepson's presence. That her husband was tormented day and night by her conduct was generally known and it was equally apparent that he failed mentally and physically under his domestic burden. Several times he was driven almost to the point of suing for a'divoree, but every time desisted in the interest of the canal com pany, which he believed would suffer from the stigma placed by scandal upon his name. Before his arrest Charles DeLesseps said significantly thai his father had been too much occupied with private matters to observe the methods of the company. He referred undoubtedly to the painful dis traction afforded by fhp necessity of guard ing Madame DeLesseps. - At present Madame de Lessens noses as a heroine at her disgraced husbands bedside for several reasons. She is anxious to get br much as possible of his money when he dies, and she wishes to conciliate Charles and Victor de" Lesseps so that they will leave her in peaceful possession. ' Tlmr-n is nn llailht tht tho ?911Ama eV- lations have estranged Russia from France' and have facilitated negotiations Between Germany and Russia for a new tariff con- vention. a prospect yi m? reyi" , uf. lu historic Russo-German friendship is believed Herman s ODiimisw to oe aasaicu in case the . revelations . in ; France Tvrnnpflv exploited bv Geh. von Weider. the new German . Ambassador in St. Petersburg, An incessant correspon dence by telegraph has been in progress be tween the Berlin Foreign OUce and the St Pptershnrs Embassy during the last few days, and it is believed in Berlin that biting criticism Dassed bv the Russian press on tie Panama revelations are the ultimate re sults ot lniorraation tnua inairecviy tu"- vevea to the Czar. "Tho rpnnrt that the Austrian army la to be increased by some 45.000 man pnntpmnnraneonslv' with the in troduction of the two year service term, - causes considerable 1- satisfaction in Berlin and Rome. U France were not mmnletelv upset the reuorts would cause ccrrenuj-Pjdissstisfacwon is Pri. Emperor William, during , his last visit to Scboenbrunn is said to have talked plainly with i-mperor u ranz Joseph as to the im mediate necessity ot preparing to ngnt tne next war without Italy. He pointed out that Germany would do her share of the preparation by -ad ling 70,000 men torher standing army but could not do it alL In view 01 iTince uismarcirs attacxs upon - Austria, and his - 'accusation that she was unloading her burdens on tier many, Emperor William said it would be difficult for CafTrivi to push the army bill proposiog such au increase through the iteicnstag unless members were convinced that Austria was ready to make ah equal effort. In consequence of this plea the Austrian GovernmenVnas allowed the pres ent report to go out in order that Chancellor von Caprivi may have at once the moral support desired, although the actual in crease of the Austrian army will not be prcposed for three or four months: Beblix, Dec. 24. Stagnation in business here md the wet and sloppy weaher that has prevailed have tended to make the week preceding Christmas, usually characterized by briskness in business affairs, about the dullest within the memory of the oldest residents. To-day was the brightest day of the week and there was a slight frost. The sun shine and bracing atmosphere brought out . crowds 5 of sight, seers, - who thronged the streets, gazing at the display in -the shop windows, but business was small. The people of the middle classes, who are usually the best of customers during this generally festive period, have bought only cheap trifles and workingmen with little or no money are obliged to limit their indul gence in Christmas cheer. It is often sus pected that the complaints of shop keepers about the bad condition of trade are not genuine, but this year such complaints are known to be sadly true. The outlook for improvement in any branch of trade is ex ceedingly gloomy. Commercial and finan cirl circles alike take a pessimistic view of the situation and croakers, who at one time would have received scant attention, are now listened to as though they were oracles. Operators on the Bourse nave lost their usual daring and now enter into specula tions with a timidity that is foreign to their natures. Bourse transactions are overshad owed by fears of a political convulsion in France, and disturbed by the condition of home affairs arising from the Army bill, and the projects ot taxation especially re garding bank and stock transactions form another element of suspense. Some finan ciers hold that the effects of these projects will be ruinous, while others form a milder estimate of the result. - There is nobody, however, but who calculates that these pro jects will have an influence to prevent im provement in business. The newspapers seized upon the occasion to comment on the misery that is prevailing among the wonting classes, v erwarts pud lishes a Christmas article in which it expa tiates upon tne inghttui suaerings ot the poor throughout uermany. The paptr says that while therj is plen ty of carefully nourished game in the torests the worEingmen are allowed to die of hunger. Though the article is written in the customary style of Socialest exaggeration, it has a large basis of fact. While charity is abundant it is badly organ ized and really does not reach the mass of sufferers. Prominent among those who are working to alleviate the misery of the poor is Empress Frederick, mother of Emperor William. Every day throughout the week she has been engaged in some work of kind ness. -Yesterday she spent several hours at Frederichs Half hospital. She presided at the distribution of Christmas presents, of which she was a large contributor. In the children's ward" she went to every cot and gave to earn occupant some plaything aud a lied Ridingliood cloak, most of which were sent through the legation to the children by American ladies here. QrKK.N'-T'.wx, Dec. 24. In a race between the Cunard liner, Ltrur:a, .. and the City of Paris, the Etruria won by three hours, the City of Paris not passjng Brqwhead until 6:10 this morning. A9 the weather was '-heavy the Etruria passed on to Liverpool without stopping. This is the first time that $his Cunard liner crack ship, the fastest of single screw steamers, has had an opportunity of testing her speed against a twin screw crack steamer. The two steamers left New York Saturday afternoon. The City Zl Paris was the leader, crossing the bar at 3;.r5 o'clock p. m. The F.tmria wtw clogs behiqd her, crossing the' bat sit 4:1 o'clock. The Christ mas holidays are responsible for the race, as heretofore the Inman ships have always siiled on Welnes-'ay. -This time, however, th enmnanv decided to send thetHtvor Paris outSaturday in order to ljjp.4 er pa senger-i England n. ti,me q ea$ their Christmas dinnpra. Pakis, Dec. 24. It is rumored that de Frevcinet, Minister of War, has resigned In consequence 01 the attacks upon him in connection with, the Panama scandal. A hurriedly convoked meeting of the Cabinet was held this evening in a committee room of the Chamber of Deputies, at whichj it is reported, tne resignation was onereu uuu accepted. The rumor is not officially confirmed. WASHINGTON CITY. THE PRESIDENT'S FAMILY ViSlTED BY ANOTHER AFFLICTION. Trjln to saye I-rh tnan. - (New Torfc Herald ) J; PrrraBVEO, Pa., Dec. 23. Emma Goldman, of New York, is said to be at the head of a movement to secure a commutation of sen tence for Berkman, the anarchist, who shot Mr. Frick, It is intended (o inae W ap peal to the Supreme court on the ground that uericman was illegally convicteu uii the sewn indiotments, when he should have been tried only on two viz.. the felonious assault on Mr. Frick and the incidental as sault on Mr. Leishman. Attorney Joseph Friedman, who defended Berkman, says: "This will be a novel plea, the first of iij kind ever presented, hut it may stand. There U no cfoUbt tfiat the other charges, felonious entry and carrying concealed wefliPons are merely supplementary to the higher crime, and should naive t?e?u drappefj whan the man was m'pd for the shooting. If this reasoning holds good, the sepfenpe of twontv-twn veara may he lessened. hy-ftutbA- and in thi weet-t!fecrease would work to f-tiil-tttrther concessions toward the pris oner." Miss Goldman wtjg i,n the city recently, ;and visited, Berkman in prison twice. Her visits seemed to, excite him, and whjn she called fance Bit Granddanjrhter Sick Mr. Blaine's Continued Improvement ArehbUhop Co-Trig n's CarcU-Conanltatlea Over ' the Situation In Texas Congress -Backward With Its Work The Departments Closed. Washington, Dec. 24. The improvement in Mr. Blaine's condition continues. What was practically a "death watch" established upon him ten days ago, has been relaxed, and an air of greater cheerfulness prevails around the Blaine mansion. ' - All the Executive Departments closed to day at noon, and will not be opened for business qjtU Tuesday. " .: Archbishop Corrigan this morning gave out the, following written statement re specting the Dr. McGlynn ' case : "The Archbishop has learned with great pleasure the good news published in this morning's papers of the return of Dr. McGlynn to the communion of the Church. At the .' proper time, I will not say when, I wil express to the Most Reverend Delegate Apostolic my thankfulness for the good offices his Excel lency has taken in the premises." A re porter afterward had a personal interview with the Archbishop, and asked him if Dr. McGlynn would be assigned to his old parish of St. Stephen. The Archbishop said: "I must decline to say anything further than is contained in the written statement given to the press."' It seems as though President Harrison's troubles will never end. Two months ago to-morrow he lost his wife. About a month later his father-in-law died and yesterday his grandchild, Martena Harrison was stricken with scarlatina. The event has cast an additional gloom over the heavily sorrow-laden household, and , the White House is therefore closed to the public to-day, and the President excused himself to all callers except the Attorney General. It will be a sad Christmas at the White House for the adults with the loving faces absent from the family circle. The Presi dent has abandoned his proposed ducking trip next week. Secretary Elkins had a conference with Gen. Schbfield at the- War Department to-day with regard to the best method of effectually suppvr"ing the apparently in creasing lawles.snccfl along the Rio Grande. Capt. J. G. Burke, Third cavalry, who has been summoned from Texas for consulta tion on this subject, will probably reach regard to these troubles have been received for the past two days. Last night was cold throughout the North. All the colleries in the Mabonay coal dis trict of Pennsylvania shut down, so much damage having been done by the bursting of water pipes. A negro was found frozen to death in the street in Milford. Del., this morning and a white man was also found dead from the same cause in a field near Schenectady, N. Y. " I The present session of the Fifty-second Congress is not.quite up to the anti-holiday record of the short session of the Fifty-first Congress. The House has so . far passed the Army bill, and reported the Fortifications bill. When the holiday recess of the Fifty first Congress was taken the Army and the Navy bills had been reported and passed, besides a small Deficiency bill carrying with it an appropriation of almost 8500,000. Im mediately upon the assembling of the Senate after the recess the Army b.iU wlU be reportecj ancj called qp a$ an) ear.'y day." The House Appropriations committee this year will probably reverse their usual order of bringing for-ward appropfiafions hills and get two of thmr heaviest apuual bills, vis.: the Sundry Civil and the Legislative, Execu tive and Judicial Appropriation bills into the House early in the session, leaving the Pension and Deficient J;; Jw bring up the rear. - 1 Montana's field Capacity. . (H'chaionl Dtspitoti ) Chicago, Dec. 23.Gen. C. E. Warren, of Montana, is at the Leland Hotel. In regard to the gold shipments he said: "This scare a.bout so much gold leaving the country does not frighten residents of Montana, who know the mineral possibilities of the State. Why. Montana can produce $150, 000.000 per year in gold if forced to it. There are no less than 5,000 gold properties in the State which are pay ing claims. From these mines Montana alone can produce gold enough to pay the national debt. While we believe in.free and unlimited coinage of silver, and that the country can consume the entire produ ct of silver, we admit that if silver should, BO to 60 cents an ounce it would close every silver- mine In Montana and force every miner to turn to gold mining." KISSING IN PUBLIC. Bis a Who Are Net Pioperly Broken, la Always Blothtodalt , They were certainly a very likely and res table looking young couple, and they were as loving and tender toward each other as though they were not yet married. The probabilities are that in the early part of July, or, at the greatest, not longer than the middle of Jane, they were made one and inseparable, and on this particular occasion they were to be parted for a few brief hours for the first time since their marriage day. At any rate, they were at the West Shore station very early in the morning, says the Utica (N. Y.) Observer, and the appearances indicate that the young wife was going home to spend the day. "You surely will not miss the train to-night?" he inquired for the fifth or sixth time. "Oh, no," she as sured him, solemly and impressively. "If you should, I would just about go wild." he declared. "So should I," she replied. "Well, then, you must be sure and not miss it," he repeated, with a scared look in his eyes. UNo, I certainly must not," she said with an earnestness that carried conviction with it. 6 - Then she continued: "You will find me a real nice seat, won't you, dear?" '"Yes. I will get you a seat alltiy yourself," he said, with -an assurance that meant that if he shouldn't happen to find a vacant seat in the car somebody would be thrown out of the window to make room for his birdJing. "And you will not be afraid to kiss me good-bye right in the coach; will you?" she inquired, looking tenderly into his eyes. "Oh,I guess I'd better-kiss you here before we get into the car. People always stare so," ne answered evasively. "But I like to have you kiss me the last thing.'f she pouted, "and I don't care how much people stare, do you?" "N-no." he replied. "But . I thought it might be unpleasant for you. ' I guess I'd better kiss you in the depot before we' go out." I "Well, if you are ashamed of me proba bly you had," she flashed. "I didn't think you would be ashamed of me so soon," and her lips trembled. "I am not ashamed of you. my dear." he began.i "only I thought that there might be some coarse persons in the car that would make fun of us if I should kiss you good bye there." "I'd like to know what that is but being ashamed of me," she exclaimed. "I just don't care a snap whether you kiss me at all or not. I think you have no business to treat me so, and I don't care if I do mil s the train to-night." "Settle it! Settle!" shouted a voice over in the other corner, where a drowsy drummer was stretched out with his head on his grip and his legs over the end of the seat. "Kiss her in both places or else let me ' And the young people walked out on the platform and around the other side of the building. w hen . the train came, nrteen minutes later, he walked right into the car and found her a seat, and then bent down and gave her a smacK that sounded use toe blowing out of a cylinder head. As the train moved away jthe drummer turned around and said : I "I congratulate you, young lady, you've got him well broke." A Catholic Conarreaa Called. Chicago.- Dec. 24. A call for a congress of the Catholics of the United States to be held in Chicago daring the World's Fair was is sued this evening. It is signed by Arch bishop Feehan, chairman of the committee on organization and William Onahan, sec retary I When it comes ings nobody can line is the mast shown in this Of v) . mickHosiery hand. Give them how nice they i i 1 LI to Black Stock surpass us- Our compete ever city. A' full line Hermsdorf CDESttl a'lfi&i ana are, - on -,.t r..Mr I These Jb Hermsdorf's Fast Black. Areot ThefPretl BaROKriiT 3S BOZD3DICDS, ISO. O, NOUTH FRONT 8T. A MERRY CHRISTMAS f. J; - "..- I . - . ."-' :"''.'. To All Our Friends and Patrons Merchant Tailors and Clothiers. in F.rltlns; Time at a Fire. Brooklyn, Dec. 24. The big dry goods house corner Broadwey and Myrtle avenue, was burned at 9 o'clock this morning. Tbe loss it $130,000. About 300 people were em ployed; m the store and an exciting tame oc curred knowii liiat Monry, Men come into the possession of wealth in unexpected ways. A Scotch farmer, need ing an extra garment in order to defy the' blasts of an unusual cold winter, rescued from the deaths of an old chest an ancient coat which had belonged to a miserly uncle A night or two afterwards, when the farmer took off his coat a soiled and time-worq package fell out of a cavernous iqnerpeicket. licking it up, his su,rnriae may be imagined when, on unfolding the wrapper, he found it contained a yellow, somewhat ragged, hut genuine Bank of England note for one thou-, sand'poundsl Next mornina the lucky Scotchman drove into the neajnst town, de posited his treasure va the otT and told his story, w-bioh. was corjsSorated by his Wife. 80m d-1ater tlSliad handed ovnr to felm, after deducting commission,, yearly the whole sum. .remaps, tneire is more 01 the wonderful in. the. following lucky accident, lawewt; In a small country town resided in getting them out. nobody was injured. " So far as OUR XMAS MESSAGE TO YOU JEABS THE HOPE THAT YOU MAY ENJOY A MEKRY XMAS. IF YOU AKE A CCSTOMSR OF OrES, WE THANK YOU FOE YOUR SUPPORT AND FAVORS DURING THE TEAR; Iff YOU ARE NOT, WE CAN ONLY EXPRESS OUR CORDIAL DESIRE TO MAKE YOUR AO QUAINT ANCE. WH WOULD LIKE YOU TO TRADE WITH US. A Burglar Killed. Chicago. Dec. 24. Michael Bernbeck, a saloon keeper, found two burglars robbing his till last night. He killed one and wounded and captured the other. Botn burglars were old offenders. The coroners jury exonerated Bernbeck. .. - I T The Engaa-ed GtrlU DlUmma She dropped wearily into a seat In a Broad way car, and the girl who accompanied her said sympathetically: "Are! you all tired out, dear?"" It's awful work, isn't it?". ' "I should say so," 'groaned the . "dear." "But,- Helen, you don't know anything about the misery of it at all. You aren't engaged!" "No but Jack Is so nice I shouldn' t think you'd mind choosing him a present." 'I know he's nice! That the trouble. He doesn't smoke, and I've always been glad until now! But I can't get him a pipe, a cigarette case, an ash receiver or any thing! ! He doesn't drink and I can't give him a travelling flask. He wears an in conspicuous watchchain made of his mother's hair and I always thought it so sweet and thoughtful, but I can't give him watch things, you see. He hasn't a'single vice, Helen, and you can't give Christmas presents to men who haven't! Wh,y, even a photograph frame would be useless, for he has only hia mother's picture and mine out aqdj they're already framed! What shall I And Helen replied tersely. "Break it at once." Ne York World. The HE? XX 23L 1 17 Horse 3iilliner, 114 NORTH FRONT STREET. A. DAVID & COMPANY. TTTO'OB THREE NICE ROOMS TO RENT.' Address R., cars MBssaNisa, dec25 it Our! friends and patrons can be BUDDlteU with 1893 Calendars br calling at office ot HODGES TAYLOR, General Insurance Agents, dee95 an old woman who managed to make a living by knitting stockings. One day, com ing to the end oi ner worsted ball, she care- a third time dhe was refused admit- lessly picked up the piece of paper which by Warden Wright. ' 1 formed "the heart of the clew." It was a little to do at the time she opened it out and began to glance over the print Great was her amazement when her eye alighted, upon, an advertisement in which the name of a relative was mentioned,. The old dame read on and dieo,verc(V that she was an heiress to a large property. Thus by the merest chance she was placed in ft poiltion of affluence and spent bar latter days iu comfort. Blood Spilled In the oQt!i Seas. (New York Herald.) Sah Fbanckco, Dee. 23. News of three tragic events comes from the South Seas. The Kanaka crew of the French vessel Con stantine murdered the " captain, and mate, looted the yesael and turned her adrift. She went on a reef and became a total wreck. M. Pasnin, owner of the Copstantwe, was shot. Capt. Marie's body was cooked for a feast. Four Kanakas who attempted to res-, cue the captain were massacred. V hue a vessel named Three Cheers was at Fead Island an attempt was made to ar rest tne cmei lor tne muraer 01 a. iraaer named (Joe. Captain btaae, or the lhree Cheers, who tried to take the man prisoner was shot and killed by the chiel s son. Cap tain btade s murderer was capturea ana shot. " The schooner Clara Jackson anchored off Admiralty Islands and her mate put off in a. boat manneo by three of the crew. While trading with natives the mate was struck across thft neck and on the chin with a hatchet, He drew a revolver ana nrea into the crowd. Captain Buchart wept to the rescue, anc in the general fight which en sued a number of the crew were wounded s one fatally. Tbe San Jnao Rold Kxeiirmenf. : Flagstaff, Ariz., Dec. 24. The San Juan river gold excitement has about subsided. Parties are returning from the placer fieldj every day. A majority say t!ha,t there is pe, gold tq amount to anything in- the placers. If there is any kind of developeraent done on the river it will have to be done by capi taiists ana tne qaesugn a? to wneiuer 41. wiu pay is a doabtlhl one,, it is from twenty to thirty feet to betl-rock. There has been no gold taken out of San Juan river, notwith standing, it has been reported that large sums have- Deenpannea- ice camp s PU place for a poor man. The country over Whicn uiey nave 10 pass is a aesm uuu there is no wook there or any gold.. . Tbe Gold Yv aad tbs Weather Oat lok The great "cold wave" in the Northwest, cheeked and thrown into disorder on Thurs day, paused yesterday in its easterly retreat toward the Canadian maritime provinces, and by the aid of its rearguard or of a rein forcement received from the "Hucjson, Bay region, it is making; a new southeasterly advance upon this ' sec tion. Though the fulfilment of the Herald's prediction that the thermome ter would register a minimum temperature of "about 10 degrees" in this city and vi cinity o Friday morning was delayed, tt is likely that the mercury will yet drop nearly to that point before the cold wavt, passes away. y . , row's weather will be generally stormy in this vicinity. But a depression in the south west slowly traveling toward tbe Atlantic coast will be attended by considerable pre cipitation south of this latitude.-Aew for Herald, Dec. 24A. . Was He Murdered? RvAnArr. Ga.. Dec. 23. The body of Dr, nannw R. Millen was found to-day in Bait Wain iTpelt. ten miles from this city. - He is supposed to have been murdered. He has been miksins since Monday, and his horse woa fM-inrf wanrlprinfy in theconntrv to-day, Tlr Millon was nlaintiff in the famous Mit ten land suit tried in this, city several month agq, aud now pending in the Supreme court, involving nearly a million dollars' worth of the finest property in and Savannah, The case is shrouded in mystery. 'cJimowt JJvtpeUcn. , GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING KKKAlKcD, also dressmaking, at SOS Princess t-treet, be tween Second and Tnlrd, by M. H. M. CAkVEU.- aec son ina, - POSSIBLY TOU ABE OUT LOOKIG FOR G H Rl ST M ASP RES E NT FOR YOUR HUSBAND, SON, OR BROTHER. WE WOULD LIKE FOR YOU TO CALL AND LOOK AT THE NOVELTIES WE CAN SHOW4YOU IX Suits, - Overcoat?! - Neckwear, Gloves, Suspendcrs,H andkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Full Dress Suits, Ties, 4Ml9s and Cuffs, etc.. etc. SPECIAL SALE I -AND K v 'k f J- B Tr- M a Ma A.m J art rrrreWJ M lis PREPARE FOB CHRISTMAS BY USING onrabteam Cookers, Nurrealo Coffee Pots. Granite Iron Wars BW'er, .Cake Pans and Je'lr Pang, Efra. lew prices 011 these (foods (Hyhgtkw week, alderman hard v are CO., 2ft bootn Front street. declS CAR LOAD OF HORSES AND MULES JUST arrived from tbe West, for sale cheap. Apply to J. H. JOrtSS A CO., Livery and Sale SUbies, Market street. aecii u THE EMPIRE STEAM LAUNDRY IS VOW prepared to receive any amount of work and guarantee satisfaction. Everybody ibvtttd to cone and see tbe works In operation. Office and works cor. Market and feecond Bta, M. MC LAREN, Manager. VflMEOGBAPH SUPPLIES AND WORK, ill Circulars, Church and society notices EUNE8T V. RICHARDS, corner Front and Princess Sta. . dec sun wed frl THE PUBLIC IS NOTIFIED THAT I HAYS reopened my dying establishment and can guarantee satisfaction. Give me a trial. Orders left at i the Jno. L. Boatwright Company will receive prompt attention. T. C. DICKINSON, Tne .oyer. - oora-aan mes mars. MONOGRAMS AND NAMES ENAMELED and irtlt on glass and China, enps. - plates. etc., for holiday presents. ERNEST v. KICH- ARDS, Decorauve btudlo, irout and Princess btreets. decs wedsun frl m 1 STORES, OFFICES. HALL8 Dwellinirs for rent. A doit O'UUiMjiuit, Keai JKSMte Agent AND to D. ovM -t O UNBROKEN MONTANA HORSES. IO sale cheap. 3. H. JONES & CO., Livery and Sale Stable, Market St. FOR declJ tf $100 REWARD wul be paid for evidence that will prove the New Lee Cook Stove wanting in anything that goes to make up a first class article. No better on the earth. Prices Low. J. L BRKCa&N.KUMJS. nit Bona croat street, v Aaplty xlited by fSa, Baltmore, Dect 24. .Four colored persons were found dead in their rooms this morn, ine at the Colored Home for the sged. Two old women, Fannie Ward and Maria Jones, were asphyxiated by coal gas. Both women had been slaves and had been inmates of the Home for a number of years. Two ool" ored children were also found dead. Nothing like Slmmoni Llyer JUjulafcar far dyspepsia a tadifesttea- mn -M ' A Urua roaf, ,- Vp Vp Hon 91 -.The latest thine in trusts is the' Brass Trust composed of the great brass foundries and factories of brass- ware uciikutti .vmw.v-,, - ---- Similar concerns elsewhere haye agreed to I join the combine . irm Dannie Dimam. 141 Mott street. Jfaw York City, mitat miraculous cure of her riimmntnm. fflra writes: "I owe unspeak able and neyertOT v iorgouen grauiuue to, galvation Oil. Itmade auractu $uj ALARY OB COMMISSION To - scents to handle the Patent Caemljal Ink Krasine Pencil. Tbe jnofct nsefol and novel iurention of the ase. Eraes ink tl ronKhiy tn two seconds. Works like magio, to 60 per cent, profit. Agents making se per week, we also want a general agent to take charge. of territory, and appoint sab agents. A rare chanoe to make money. vnte rr term ana sample 01 erasing. Monroe raiser j i ayco, ia croste, wis. noyssim Our Merchant Tailoring Department IS BOOMING, AND IS STILL COMPLETE. COME AND LEAVE YOUR ORDER A. dAVID .- CASH & COM PA CLOTHIERS. A CASE OF MUST GO. SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE IRON KING Cook Stoves: well made, well finished, well designed aad combined with our Liberty Ranges completes the best Use that can be prod need. ALD-KKJlAJt-ilAJUIWAJlJI Mt Boats rTont street, wmaingwn, . c octso rTHILET SETS. etcv-Jnst received a nice ar X sort men t of Toilet Sets, Lamps and .nin Goods for the Christmas trade. IS J yery is gxd at the lowest possible priQeji, Sverj freight train and steamer now" a'ds to cor .x)L A lot of Flower Poia ooeniag t4ay. J. L. BJUeCKEN-. JUDGE, TO Moria ttTt&t stret. a HOOTING MATCH i.T HUTON PARK FOR O 'Turkeys, Monday. December Mtk sad Mon- f sTh. KING WISE MEN DO FOOLISH THINGS SOMETIMES. WE OYER-, LOA D OURSELUE3 THIS SEASON IN OVERCOATS, EXP- fCTING A COLD WINTER. NOW WE'VE MOBS OVEa .'OATS THAN WE NEED. WE ABE NOT GOING. - TO CARRY THEM OVER TO ANOTHER SEAsjpN, I? - THE PRICE WILL HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT. They Have Got to 60. BALANCE OF OUR Children's - Suusr .FULL DRESS SUITS, -SMOKING JACKETS, - DOUBLE BREASTED SILK VESTS, . ' UNITE SILK and PIQUE FULL DRESS VESTS, , OFFICE AND STORE COATS. UMBRELLAS AND HATSl etIITIBt r ruotttits PO FSFHTS v l . oseC- FISHBLATfc CLOTHIER. r DIVIJ MBX.J 1 ... Jir iiuneassrs. fa - - '!

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