fcSTABLTSHFD 1867, WILMINGTON, K. C, FBI DAY, DECEMfiEK 30, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. At a crossing in Chicago yesterday morning a locomotive ran Into abeav ilyloaded 6 reet car, klliiog four per others. The en gineer, crossing watchmen and street ea couductor have been arrested. m Cleveland, rx Mayor Grace and State Senator McClelland held a caucus on the New York Sscatorship yesterday.- Oao Harrison elector from NHli Dakota will get a certificate of election. It ia very probable that the Legislature oi Montana wilt divide add form two organizations and mat Uo .-contestant will be elec'ea u iu States' Senate.. A Democratic , . t. .1 Ihn of the Legislature jo i will be, if It is pos- the Capitol oa his bed . . I T tb time of organization vi me - . . A . r- nn moTP T Tm .;frfl i ne OVtr uao s" a was sighted December OUIt KALtl "xi LkTTEK. THE MERCURY AGAIN GOFS DOWN NEAR THEZ RO POINT. United rnsembf r pojot of death, am eible, taken to at I? br 25ih. Her machinery wasdirabled. xnero new C8S6i I COOiera on b seven an .... . j5i ITtToit- d one death from mat uiseaao ,.itiat7 nni two ceaips at ahv- supurb of Hamburg. -In the locomo tive and street car accident at Chicago yesterday the street car driver is coa tiuVred moU to blame for not having wilted for the signal to go forward. Atji Garjgborg,. C, yesterday C. D. K-e ws shot and instantly kll ed by hiii brother-in-la John W. Lifsey.- A dvnamite bomb was exploded in a hal l way of the Paris Prefecture of Po I: cb jeaterday No one was hurt. Rev. William Crane Gray, of Chicago, -wis vesterdav consecrated bhbop the Kpltcopal dio ill! 'I a r k ' 1 j" t ra" of e e of Southern FJor- jil. There is no eviueuoo u -" iomb explosion io Paris yesteraay was ithU work of Anarchists, though many llhehj would like to have It eo appear. Oa Wfdnedsy night two negroeB . .. -w u T taken from Jill at L,uuog, u.t harmed rv 'a mob f.r a mur- .... hd ejmuiitted Christmas b.k-c.sof N.w York city, fail-d jei. ' v. The burning tf 'he Mijwau kee street railway barns tf&8 not loCSO- dikr y but wa-scaued by cirsiessoess on the p-rtof employes.- Arrangements h-ivB been mice to run the mail for wu and dec ( 4arlesun, S. C and other boutnern ciUes oa the trains on the Wilson short cut ou the A'lantic Coast Lice after January 1st, 189 There will be a c4nresaonl contest from the Eighth Lliooiadutrict. The British author ities ars so ure that the Dublin explo sion was the work of a band of eonspir-ajb- thai Gladstone who is at Biarritz, and Home S cretary Aquith are eacn . .. . ....... t.. followed by detective to protect. tn -Five .soldie.-s in the Hamburg have wtat is thought to u Cholera The ciitlrences Detwteu iK Ha tin. ore and Ohio railroad and gvjrn sou SDOw KoM P'tpi" tUt. Flld.-Ic Fob iDcbra Ttilck Hrea Another BlocKada itil Captuid-JIdkIIb SJtln BflU-Th 8te Wrtth r Si lon HlBiorjr of Oar . gaprem Court Messenqer Bureau, I The mercuryat 6 a. m today droppedTTl degrees, the liwt tern perature here tince January 18&7, when 8 degrees was recorded. The melting of tbe snow is hardly appreciable. In ihe fieics the snow is jjst knee deep In drifts it is waist debp. The weather observer naid to-day that there w a warm' wave comics ana that a great del of the snow woula be gone b Sunday. But unless there is rain it ih remain in places for many days It is an old time winter. The scenes In woods and fii ds arom d here are ex quititeTV beautiful. Icicles over eight feet long were seen jesterday auer- uoon by jour correspondent at ami! Ihe p. ndB and even streams where alugeish are covered wi-h ice from au ibChtofour inches thick. Ice f 'he latter thick nees was barv-sted to-dxy For sixteen years, uo to lour j ears t go, ice was harvested here, but for four years none formed much over an inch iu thickness Thtse are great days for the boys and the rattle of their sleds is herd in all airections Sleighs are oumerom and the j flgle of iheir bells makes music. They were on the go lat uight until late. People who came In from Charlotte on the morning train r -ported tht the show there had nearly disappeared. The revenue collector has advices of another capture ot ar illicit ditiilt-ry. tbis time near Maf&Vs Mills, RmdoU h c.'Un'y. It was oced b BiDgham Bnioks, a Vdteran moonsbioer. Be fie Aid and afier a-lively "pursuit es aped. The siitl was cut to Dl-ces. Tbera are now fifty -two weather sta tions which make regular daily reports to tbe central station here. In al, there are fixty stations. I quiry ws made to-day as to whether tb. ro would be more stations established next year. It wss said in reply that there wou d probtbly bn but few new ones, owtsgto be gre-it diGQuulty of procuring iuctru-. me i its frprn Washington. The State Boanl of , Agriculture has unanimously tdoptefl a reoiut4n re auesing the Government to gppoint .n i fflcini. to be s a'ioned here, ta make local forecatts of the weather specially for 5orth Carolina. This is an important mer, s will at once be seen. Such special ojftjiala have been unnninted in several of the rttates. Governor Holt apprecta'ea greatly th excellent work the Untver-Uy and the hew female So-mal and Industrial sohoul at Grensooro ara doing. Be SDoke in bigb terms of tbis to Mai Fin ger. TiTe iter epoke in the highest terms of the Governoras a broad guaee man. .T-atisa happy expression fa every way. The Governor is an earn est advocate of tbe publio fnfcoojs and wants to see tfcelr wj wwepca ani tb-'r fuuds increased. Your correspondent has been shown tbe Ov.tober. Nvr mber and December GOLDSBORO JOTTINGS. Saffering Caatrd by a Scarcity of Fuel lcsrant Kinging of MarrliMte DeaiU : of Hn. I. T. Crawford fer aocal Points. - Messenger Bureau. ) GOLDSBOR-i. DcC 2, f The Enow i hat fell here on Monday and Tueied-iT ' night was about four inches iu depth, wni' h is th- he viest snow nere lor a number cl years, i n re are do JbtUss many wbo are suffering from the extremely cold weather as wood Is tcarce. Mr. Li. O. Fonvtlle,'of Onslow, and Miss Annie KeatoD, of this ci-y, were married here on Tuerdy evening. . Mr. Dal.- Gurlyr of Fork township, and Miss Phoebe Jones, of this city, were marri d on Mordy evening Mr. J. W. T. Aldrige and MUs Dora Lewis, both of this city were mirrirtd lat night. Mr. Edwin E. Forsythe, of Raleign. and Miss Crrie Co lies, daughter of W. U. oil ins. formerly foreman of tbe Go dsboro.Mcssebger, were mar Vied yesterday. " '.' ; I - ' Mr. alter Creech and Miss Annie Crawford, of this city we.-e married tbis evening. Mr. C M. Leves'et and Mrs. N. M. Levister, of this city, ltfv ye-sterday to visit reUtives in Dauvlie, Va " Mr. George Hoeil, son of Col. R. P. Howell, arrived home on Pa'Uiday r ight and returned to West Pcint on Monday mortirg. George is one of , the most ' talented young men in the State and we feel a local pride in him. He will aoubt'ess be one of the bright miitary men of ourrland. Mr. Pope Wat-bmetoD ton of Col. J A Wasuington is at home also. Pope is a cadet at Annapolis aud bids fair to rank nivh in tns naval eervice. Mrs. Li. T. Crawford of whose illness we made mention, dtd lst t ight at the advauued sgf- of 13 years. She wa a member cf the M-thodiat church lor about sixty-live years. Deputy Sheriff W. R. Parker, wbo has been seriously ill witb pneumonia, is thought to bj better to-day. COMMERCIAL NEWS. LATEST FOKLIGN NEWS. THE CHOLERA ALREADY ON THE IN CREASE AT HAMBURG- tlifc tmp'oyes have been settled and . TT wag-.s s ightly increased. Amos a.os m .r and EJ wafd Rouse, grand officers of:tbe Icon Hall, were arrested In Bat iitnore jesterday on indic'mots found in i.diaiia. The Canadian Prov inces abolish their upper Legislative b-janer-es. Bjb Slvio, the come-' ,dian,ditd yetterday ia Toledo, Ohio. . :; The noted spy Lecaron baa been prdered by the British Government to tjbo ih hand the working up of the D-ilia pxplotioi. Lecaron is hated by all Irufamo - Roman ecclesiastics are roSic'o exercised by the reports from Ihe United States regarding diftor- of opinion among cnurcuiuu of them being onst- ueo iiho evidetcea oi insuyorwiuawyu, wbich'the PopB will take prompt action tci q'idll The high school buiding ai Marshall own, Ia , was burned yes terddy U;es, JlUt.tOC; insurance, 195,- OUH.- 1 in med lately upon tbertassem- bl ns of Corgivss the Republican Sen-a'te-caucm wi i meet to determine upon the hie of action to be pursutd and to what measures precedence fcball be pjjyen There is a general impres sion that the Senate will soon afier n ectii g.take a vote on the Anti-Opiiop bjill. -It is thought that none of the tinancisl measures now before the Sen ate will" be tush-d to a vote The first bnle of machine harvested cotton -Jill be sold at the New York Exchange i cures .hj?re, soma i; to-oay. srisjeu ia A stylish theatre pirty was New" York last night to Miss "Winnie Davis. The Governor1 ect of Tecnes ee is dyiog. Col. Wake IHubbell,. a Cincinnati drummer, was drowned Thursday near VUu:, Ala. numbers of the 'Green Bag," a legal public ttioo of much merit, In which is Lis history oi in e JNortn caroiiua ou preme coy rt, Illu9' rated by thirty-two phoio-'engravings ej members ot the court, up io date. 1 fie ai0ry is oy Associate Juett e Walter iuiarK, rjq like all his work it is thoroughly and admirably done. Eyery lawjeria tbe State Bhould have ihe three numbers of the Green Bag, and they should be in each publio of private library. It is amazing that so "little intereetyio such ma ters is snown . oy id ur, it is said fa fi copieB of the history have been taken. It must be becaus-e mem bers of the bar have not heard of iu pubiiCiUea.' Treasurer i.ate returned irom Mor- ganton to-dy, wnere n.e spent me holidays pleasantly To-day tbe biennial report ot tne -tate Superintendent oi Public s' ruction is being sent to county om ciali. i'ne printers are busy on toe reports, of many ul the Slate omciais. iue Governors message will be lypewritien nd will be sent to the la giaiature January 6tb. The work of repairing damages at the Capital club ro ms is in progreaB. Many nertons visited the rooms yester- av. The club's s toe it oi crockery ano ela-sware was ruined, it was stored on tbe thud aoor. Mr. George E Crabtree, of Balti- mote, sends t25 to the Soldiers' Home. Stocks In Nv Yorjt YMrdT Te drain and fruTitiop inarlteiaot Cbleago. NEW York, Dec. S 9 The-temDer of speculation a. (be Stock Exchange to day was decidedly bullish fiom start to tinlsh. Prics a-'Vai cd right through tbe list and in many iostarj es the im provemect was quite pronounced. The bears attempted to obeck the upward movement by attacki. g N rthern Pa cific, preferred, but, as the firms who have been carrying large amounts of that stock liquidated yesterday, they mida little impreeslou on the i rices The lowest quotation touched was 44i and a rapid aii vftr.ee of 2 per cent-ensued. Tha fHilure o Way land,- Task & Co, had uo effect, because it was thor oughly Understood that the firm had pp outstanding contracts I on the exchanged Manhattan EU-yated occupied a large share of attention and ranged from 146i to 151'i Io sym pathy with Maehatian, JMew York ano New lsbgj&od. and Nw York and NoriherD, prtjerjred, noyed up over a ppint. , Col stocks were p-ominent, advancipg 1 to gi points- ptst-ro and Western trunk itnp shafes were in good request, bat St. Paul was i$je. special attrnction a d sold up 1 per cent, to 79f. Among Industrials DisiiHi' g and Cattle Feeding, aod Chicago Ga were tken freel? and the quietus put upon the talk fihpnt geld fcbiomn's by the decline in Sterling egghaoge had a brneficial fliCt. The marks eied 8trougon the advance. Sales aggre gated 339,0 ti. CHTfiAfJO. Dec. iJ8. The renort tj a decrease of slock was the sciye factor in the wheat market to-dy, and after a weak opening prices rlliei fully 1c, clos-ing at an advance of f c per bush1 Com and oats shared in the b tter- went of the wheat market. The bull clique in provisions were buoj&Ut to' dav. " Toe amount ca-Scd a Bcare among the shorts which materially added to vesie-aava- vaiues. wiru net ed a gain ot i(clc and oats similar fractions. Compared wLh the renting .x ir.a iH.tordnv. uork is Ziic blsher lard is ud 26c and ribs are also lOa dearer. ; -;Tli- Orla'n i f ilir Jll-wsukee Fire, ; Milwaukee, D-c. 29. Henry O "Pvne, vio ortbicaht aid manager c f the MiiwauKre S;reet Railway com n'iv. has uinie a written frtteme lian, d on the te.-tnuooy of employes, in Vfhicb he bdraits lhiit the tire lu ihe iiirr paoy 's barns jesterCay was not in nJiary '"Since the d weather eit in he employes at niiibt have been running the cars into the baru without vitbdrAwing tte fire from the stoves. The o-'eio of the fire is now accouated ior in this way. s itlier l'on'lil J-ntsaf, OLIET -HI-. D c. 29. -The attorneys I nia. Ki ivnrL -1 niii fepreo l g - 7": f nntlrfi on cent, have serve a P Vert A. Chllds, K vtl t,c ion for Conr.s .in thi,, the Huhih congnasion.l district, oothe Iffloial count is claimed by seventeen vo es. Tha noiice contains thirty oiht all.iritloDS. f fraud in voting T- r' The Montana l.sUlaiiire to DlVlde. Helena, Pc 29 Nothing has hPAn xr...imnliHhed relative IO reor- nni7.inir inn nanvat-siner board of Chautttu countv and ct uutine the re turns from the box at E der pre ci net as ordered by the pere i-p ory nandate is-suced by ihe Supreme court. Marshal Rumsey went up to Fort Benton, the county seat of Cbauteau county, as directed, to serve the writ: on any one of the six nerBons named in it. to far. ha ha-, hera unable to find any of thtm A. J. Daviu&nn. Demooratie member- eiect of the House, is almost at the ooiutof dea,h at his home ia Helena. He will have to be taken to the House in hia bed. if be can be taken at ail. when the House meets for oriTHnl7jtim. It now stems a iore g ne cot.ciurion tt at the Legl-lture will a. Mr. in f ten bodies as it old IWO vears airo and that two Ser atoriai c aimants will eo down to Waahi- gton Oie will have credentials signed by th Governor. Secretary of State and weaker of the R-Dublicap Hoe, The other s voucher will be -igutd by the President ot the Senate and Speaker of tbe Democratic House. pakicg up retums. -. uir.i tt a. lit ii ll.rfi-.ieu NewYork Dec 29 Toe firet bale of co t .n harvested by machinery will bn soil oa the c tun cxcoaigB w imorrow nf ernoou for the iPres Club Builiing j53ii pounds, k " benefit of tbe" fund. It weighs Tflaraplilc prKfi I ArQTJS' Uec 29 -L0isCohn, to- j merchandise bu-iness Jfn01- O-. -da wholesale and retail liquor b:. D Au8"3 liltd a muttyagetoiti'iy of aboys 10.000 to i.rotect Drderrea ereui.uio. X' . Montgomery. Ala., Dec. 29.--A special Hum Jkeo, ua., says 'm,)rnit.g at 6:3 bVlock the boiler cf "the saw mill if & Blurus ex- rpu.ded, killir-g three pegroes. No damage was-d- ne to the mill. ' MAiisaALLTOWN, Iowa., Dee. 89.- The nigh s,h oi ouildia in this city was burued in s aio.-niog 10siou,uuu, I iiisur - n e 9a,00U, The ouitaing ooe ot the hoest, educational institu tions in the State. Itykas uroccupied. Po cause la Known Io ATP- "re. - TU New York Senatorsblp. New VRK. Dec. 9. The World savs a t-onfe.renoe was held yesterday oa the Senaioreb'p between Cleveland, ex-Myor Grace and Siatt Senator Mc Ciellaud. The Woild understands tba Kourke tockran and Frede-ipk K fjondtrt are the mutt probable vandi dates. Nobody would tell wnat passed at the conference, but McClelland ex pASP.d tus oDinion that Mu phy would nnnn.nd In tha caucus. The i3Wri,.'a leoorter endeavored to iner lew Hill. Flower! and Mu phy, but i,k- won Id allow himself to be quoted upou Cleveland's iu,'ervlew; in M . . . L o. nnnnstt Oil tO Mllf wntca ne -- . pby or upon the Sepiiipriai gueewuu as al Tb Dmbrta Mabted at sa Mrw vnmr Dpc. 29. The steamer niii- fr..rn FTnll. arrived thia morn Decemier 26th, latitude a-. miiffiiufle fc8. i-be sighted jhe bIdi? t unarder. Umbria knowing signs of t. tabled, but not not requiring -rhfl TTmbria laid easy . i wi,.,; Ihnnah anorlhk IK ,1"T' "." The Galileo's csp'aio wprcsses v.o ih. TTmhrift la iVlhg renairir e machinery and that spa wjy turn up all fight. Tha nnlicc force in all parts of tht country be ir uniform testimony to the great valus oi Dr. Hull's Cough JiyrUP as a - remedy for couKh, cold and incipifent ppMumpUon. They id emphasize the fact frtf J kv04 b9 Without it , , LacomnrlTo and siren car la Collision CHICAGO, Dec 29. Four persons wpro Killed and twice tbat numoer in iu-ed tDis morni g oy cuimu uu I.. i .J f.1 . TXTu onirinn tritlbOUrir uuu cur o.jua with a heavilv loaded street ear at tbe iiincion (jf For ty-seyeoth street and Stewart avenue at ppu u iuw The engineer of the irato and rhrt two watchmen of the cros-sint? ars u"der arrest pendiug an investiga- t. nn of the accident. Tne dead are , , . Ueoige tiiana, twoyoisnown nieu 'uuuu ui.'der tne tenoerci tne enKum mu uukuown weimau wbod'ed inthepalroj whsron on the ay to Mercy bospi a. suooo-ed f om a card fouod in her Fr .r 1 II .1. . nt .. U. p che to Of al. -;arB n. ah iuo pik"" injured suffered broken limbs ar.d severe internal injuries. Sev ral ape Itk lvtodle. Tbe aco nent hppeneo wnen tbe fctreet car irnmo was tt iu heaviest and the cars were crowded to the rioorways. As the ear appro eo tie Fort Wayne tracKs an engine cam 3 bacX'ug down at a rate of about nueeo miles an hour. The ecupams of the eDuine cab oia not see tueo-rBu- oroaching tne crossing, sou, uu ac count of the heay coating of frost on tbe windows of the car, mc paBsenge a did not see the- engine b-aring down upon them, ine engine r truck the carat ddraggedlt adi-tanoe of about 10 ards At every foot of tbe distance some lrjury was auueu w lhoe inflicted whep tbe ergine nrst fttruck the cari As fst as the injured coyld be assisted out of tbp wreckage they were removed in proi wgwQ rBrrv ho? nital. The woman supposed tn. Via M : f ursnn. dltd OH ID6 Wav cu i.w , - - her destination was cnaogea wtue county morgue, une nremau ui engine that did the damage and Con- rii.itnr r ivinnor ano uriver avauwv.ui tK..tHtMrire all arrest a. v" VUV - airier Grosscuo. after bl arrest, gave ll th Information he could regardirg the accid ut As he neared the crc-KB- inff he hfa d the fireman cry stop, out he wag unable to do eo within so short a distai ee. Mis engine. me iuuu., rnnnlnor Rhont fifieen miles an hour when the accideut occurred. John AlLbricht. ooe of the crorslng guards arrested. Is the same watchman whore OHreles-nees at the fame point several months ago resulted In a ilmuar acci dent ard the death of two Persons and the it jury of others. " ; Chigaoo, Dec. 29. The chief blsme for ihe accident seems to lie upon Stantlev. the driver of the car. Ac cording to the statprnept pf Conductor O'Conner. tbe driver whipped up hi? hoi st s aDd attempted to cross the track without waiting for the signal- O'Conner asserts posiiively that he aave no signal to the driver, i ot hav Iojt gone fr enough ahead of his car to feel satisfied that it was safe to cross. A Bomb EiBlodrd la th ParU Prfeeor i f Police O'adilan. Gusrdrd b m l-tecitr-Th Npy Ucsron to Work up the Dub In Kxplonlnn -tha Yatieaa Arooat-d Urct Afiaira in Anavriea. DUBLIN, Dao 29. Considerable ex citement bas been caue'K', io Irish Home Rule circles by the pe o that the Im- pt-ral auiboriil. s have directed Scot land Yard to take the , spy known a Mj Le aroD Into the employ Cf the Goven meat for the purpose of trach g out tbe guilty parties connected wiih the l)ubuiv explosion. lj-caroa is greatly abhorred by Irishmen of all factions, and it is believed tbat the re port will. If coi-Armed, greatly we4ken be bold 1 1 the Lioeral Government in Ireland. . ' :.. ; . ': " j-- It is taid that Sir William Vernon Harcoun, Chancellor of the Exchequer, who is, m xt to tb" Lord High. Coan celior, head of tbe Cabinet ourlng tbe absence tit Gladstone oa the Coail&ent, has taken the reins in his own hat, da arid personally directed the employ ment of Lecaron. , Harcourt, who wa Home Secretary at the time of the dy namite prosecution" and who wou d have become Secretary, again but for bis strong feeling against tbe release of the Irlshmea who w-.re imprisoned during his period of power, is rtportt d io be firmly of the opu ion that the ex plosion In Dub In was tne result of a political dynamite plot and indicates a revival of dynamite methods. Lecaron, it in ttated, gave Harcourt to understand that be bad reasons to bedve he c uld trace out tbe authors of the exp oaion, but refused to .state bis evidence to Aequith or Moriev. Hence the action said to have been taken under order by Scotland Yard London, Deo. 29. The authorMes appear to be so strongly convinced tbat tbe Dublin explosion by wbicb Detec tive Lynnott lost bis life, was the w rk of a band of coosplrators tbat they have sent a detective to Biarritz to kep guard over Mr. utaotn e. Mr. Uiad stone has,npt been made aware c tbis precaution, as ills kupwu that be would recent spy protection of the kind should be be aware of it. Home Sec retary Aqulth s also protected when ne goes out in public by adeteQU,e ia civilian attire, wbo, keeps ear enough to interfere ia the event t f an attaek upon him. Io view of all the precau tions taken, tbe opinion prevails that tbe au ho ri ties are in possession of defi nite and important information as to the existence of a formidable dynamite conspiracy. , . ; PARIS, Dec. 29 An explosion at 1.30 o'clock tbis morniug in the. hall lead ing to tbe suit ii omces between the ground floor and tbp first story of the Prefecture of Police bas caused a sen sation, bJt no fatality. The windows were broken and the wood work dam aged and a portion of tbe ceiling knocked down, investigation tnpwea that the fcfflr was undoubtedly the work of the Anarchists who placed io the entrosal a bomb heavily charged with chlorate powder. Fragments of cast iron which7 bail forced tbe shell of the bomb we re found scattered about the place. These were fined together as wdl as' coutd be gone and (r owed that the bomb bad been of euracieot sl0 to coutaip two pounds oi expt Site material. . The explosion was badly timed. Had it occurred at an earlier hour there is no doubt tbat many per sons would have been Riuea. : Hamburg, Dec 22.-5even new hos- plta Cares of cholera were reported here yesterday aud one death.' 1 wo deaths o purred at Aitona, which is a suburb of H mburg. ?t. Petersburg, Dec. 29. Th Noyjye Vremya uewepapr has caused a teosatipa to-day by puotishipg an ar ticle apparently intpired by hiifb ayLhwHy in which the Frenph alliance Is on pa raged. PARIS, Dec 29.-Cita'n G isde, one of tho millantebiefsof extreme Sot ial hm, who took a ieadiog r io tbe re cent meeting which retolvrd upon an aopeal to toe army and a demonstra ti Q at the Palais Bourbon, h s taken pepasipu to repudiate any smp thy with b ab metppds, whle advticatin hat bp calls tbe cg;la' reypluilpu. There is at present pot the slightest evidence that tr-e cxpli slou this mori -i g was cau-ed by n Anarch st bomb, although s me i f the Anrehists Would apparer.tly like to have it under stood tbat t-uch was the case. iraucois if said to be a- defiant in the French pri-on as he was in Loudon. Hamburg. Deo. 29. Five caes of dis-aa , euected tp be cholera, have been discovered nmong the in ops sta tioned here. The soldiers belongipg to neighboring gHrnsons nave oeeu fo bidch-n to vl-it Hamburg. - Rome, Dec 29 The Monitor, organ of tbs Vatican, eayg that the recent reports in regaid to the miesion pf -.vgr. Satoilito tbe United States ire overdrawn and promises to give public light rhortly on, tbe subject. Th-; cabled reports from tbe Tinned States in regard o the oifftrences of opinion existing there are attracting mre at tentiuD bmunur Roman eccl siartics than aTmost .ny other fore jgo -topic, Some of the advices received are con strued as iudcaing in subordination Toward the Papal authority In blgh quarters in America, onouta mm oe shown to tbe stU faction or tne vati- chb, Decisive iotiou, ib i umi'icu, be taken i o enforce complete ana un equivocal obedieme to the will of the Supreme Pontiff, no matter w no -may be affected by the Pontine! action. . A HOM I CIDE AT GARYSBURG- C D. Km Shot and Inaiaatlv Killed by Hla Broib'Ms-Iaw, J. F 1.1 f-iar-Iiraer iu Jail. Gary? BURG, N. C, Dec. 29 ?pe CIAL-C. D. Kee was thot and lux sintiy killed here this morning by bis brother-in-law. John F. Lifey. Kee went to the Atlantic Coast Lice depot, at - which Lifaey was agent,' to pay charges on some b ggage After pay ing the bill he remarked toLif.ev that be and his darned father in-law (Ke'a f iiber) had been trying to defraud bim and be intended to have revenge or blood. K. e then started to leave and as he reached the nfflce door was shot by Lifsey. Kee was totally unarmed. Llfsey is in j ill. John F. Lifsey is the operator and agent for .the Atlantic Coast Lice and Stands well. He married Miss Annie Kee, sister of tbe murdered man. K-e was a machinist employed by the Nor- f vk and Western railroad at Roanoke Va.-f but was on a visit at bis home, Garysturg. Kee. married a daughter of Gen. - Person, of Northampton coupty. Both men are about 28 years of t'ge and stand well. -A Drap-rain eprnaernarlau. y- (Richmond Dispatch.) Baltimore, Md , Dec. 2. John W. Price, aged 6 years, over thirty of whicn have been parsed behind prison bars for. uo" murders and for other1 crimes, -to-nigh, bpt fiye times at Carrie Rock, 1 4 years of agp, because goe refused to marry him. Tbe shoot trg ociurrr?d at 7 o'clock at the c rner f Hltsb aud Low street-. Two of the five shots took effect. One struck tbe girl on tbe Mt t-ide of the forehead aod ploughed across under the ekin and came out on the right. The sec ond thot took effect in tbe back of the head, aod it, too, passed along mder tbe skin and then came out near the ba of tbe sltult. The girl was taken to the ctyy hos pital iu be patrol ambulance, "where her wound8 were drepd- The hurts are not cmsidered fataL Price baB visited the Rock family stoee Carrie's elevtpih birthday acq has since then evinced a warm inttr est in ber. Lstummer Price a&ked be girl to marry nim and has per si-ted in his importuoities at odd times t nee then. To-Dight Price met th girl on tbe street and saia to her; -'I WASUIxNGTON CITY. WORK FOR THE SENATE TO BE MAP PcD CUT BY THE-IH PUBLICANS. The Caacas to Deinmln tbe Procedure for the M.aslon Th Aut.-Opi tn BIU to Come to a Tote Spe. dilj Fi nancial Mrarur.g not to be Press, d Tbronab Mall Ron te Chugwl. Washington Deo. 29 General Suuerititeid-ut Wni,e, of the railway mail service, .has per fee ed arrante ment8 by wbicb. after Jinua'V 1, 189t. the mails leaviog Washington at IU 57 o'clock a. m:. oer the Atlantic oa6t 1 ine, now i unn.ng throuyh to Jick- -.ville, Fla , by way of Wi mi.igton, t. J , will run over what is known as the. Wilson Short Cur, by way f Fy ett vllle. N. U . to F or eice, S C The change will reduce the distance about t2 miles, wbicb. witn h q IcKened schedule, wilt puv Nor he n mall iuo Charleston, , tavannah, Jacksonville auBftll points ou the southeast coast about three -hours earlier than now. Within a day or after; tbe reas sambliog of Congress the Republican 8 naiors wi.l hold a cauoua to deter mine upoa the order of buslbejs that is to be pursued. It is tbe intention of the Senar t to begin active workfcand clear ur .i e calendar as much as por-si-ble- Tere are a number important natte now b fore it and some agree mei. t will be reached at this caucus as to the precedence to be givenr A prominent Senator fcald this morn ing that he tbouiht the debate on the Aoti Qotion bill had been tpuo out to a buG3ciert length and that there ws a feelii g that tbe n eam e Bhould te forced to a vote. He has always favored the r.iil and now anticipates tbat witbiu a week after the senate convenes m vote will be taken and tbat the bill will pass. There is a considerable ua jtrit of the Senaie in fi-vorl legisU tion that will correct ti e evil Senator Washburn's bill i-designed to remedy; but tte m i'rtv i not so great In favor f k" particular measure now under diacu6Slon. Sena'or Mitchell, however, is very confident tiat the 'ill will pass by a clear mrj -ity ar.d that the debate Will he ended) v ry shortly after the Semite again gets to work. Referring to financial measures that nad been introduced and particularly those which had tbe repeal of the Sbermir. law in view. Senator Mitch ell said that be did not think any ser ious attempt would be made to force those hills to a vote. -4-4- tv rtorevt iscments. and Ornamental. JS MAYING TOUR SELKCTI0N3 FOR CHRISTMAS SAHTA CLAUS SUGGESTS TEXT BX VSEFOLjUs WELI, AS ORNAMENTAL. Hi SAYS TIMES ARE HARD AND TOU WAXT T b rUAyTIUAL IN YOUR CALLS. NOW THERE IS NOTHING MORE USEFUL MENTAL OR PRACTICAL THAN A PAIR OF NICE SHOES. ORNA. f USEFUL TO KEEP THE FOOT WARM AND PRESERVE THE HEALTH. iOKNAMENTAL IN THAT TDEY ADD TO PERSONAL APPEARANCE. PRACTICAL A-8 THEY SERVE AS A GIFT AND GIVE SEHVICE AFTERWARD. '-'.".' '' - . .;'" -.'--,' --'-.- .v.--- :" ; ",:- . - :- : -.-"- - WE HAVE THE HANDSOMEST STYLES IN TOWN AND CAN FIT THE BABY, THKMOTHX THE BKpTHER, THE PAPA, AND ALL THE SISTERS, THE COUSINS AND ATJ5T3. CALX. AND EXAMINE. JWE WISH YOV A MERRY CHRISTMAS. """'-1 .""" '-h -" -""; - - - "- J--l-!-Va & I ' - I ' o.l R. French & Sons. . ! HEADQUARTERS FOR RISTMAS - GOODS. I BTtAtTTIFTrL TITSPLAV f) JAPANESE GOODS, ICE .CREAM DISHES, CHOCOLATE POTS, AFTER DINNER COFFEES, MANICURE SETS, FANCY BOTTLES, SALAD DISHES, CUPS AND SAUCERS, TEA POIS, H'D'K'F AND GLOVE BOXES, TOILET SETS, CAKD CASES, PORLEMONAIES, BRUSHES AND COMBS, V t HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY, v love you, and if you won't The five marry me I Bhots were - i WE SHALL MAKE SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN OUR Dress Goods and Cloak Dspartment i " " . FQjR THE NEXT FIFTEEN DAYS. COME EARLY AND MAKE TOUR SELECTION. will kid you then fired. After tho girl was sent to the bcE pital tba police went to the Egle hotel and arrested Pride in tbe tfBr. He madn cO reris ance scd apcompsnied the officers without demur. He would have iibthiug to say. Separated lr ttiiide Hair, (Pittf burg Dispatch.) The wife of Robe it feterritt, buyer for a drygoofta house in this city, ap plied for a divorce in Ohcago jester dwy. She is the daughter of a wealthy Cnicago physician. 1 hey have been married tor seven years. Hying in Al legbaqy, where Mrs Sterritt was well kiown io church circles and sang In tbe choir of a fafbUmahJe church. A year ago, acer4ing to the wife's testimony. Sterritt went home with a b'onde hair oa h's coat lapel. It aroused ber sus picions. She is a decided brunetie. By employing detectives she discov ered an ietimacy with a marrud New York woman, but she was notabloode. sterritt was followed further auo finally discovered with the owner pf the yellow hair in tbis pity. f A PAObK Lruibinz, New Orleans, Dec. 29 Last night a moo t f 2ou citizens in - the town . of Luling, St. James parish Ion ed an en trance into tbe j -il and t"on tbere'rom wo negroes, named Adam Gripson ai d Lewis Fox, and swurg them up. Th3 regre3 entered tbe etnre of Abraham Silver on Cbtitimas eve and attempted to rob therefore, Srnnuel as'el. a e'erk, attempted t tiect Ibe negroes and was thot through ihe heart. Tbe murderers escaped, but were arrest d and identified ! yesterday. Tue-oey uigbtihese same two negroesatt mo'ed tq mprdef a t'a egraph ope-ator at Da v d. four or five milt s from the scene of the 4' st offense, i Tit Nnrib Dakota Qteefora. BISMARCK, Dec. i9. Wamberg, or of tte tiarr'ron electors win receive a certificate of election notwithstanding the order of tbe eourt to couut the fimousSelz preci'Ct, which would if counted in time, hav- elected all tbree weaver Hectors, ynder tee 5statt.HW the Governor is required to issue a proclamation pf the vote for ecor within ten days alter theStatecanvfn, and ten days therefrom is allowed f r rptices of contest. This time expired Tbesday and as notice has bei a yeived on the G yernor be Will Issue certificates to the to fuBion and one Republican electors. I : Dealb of r. I baddcu. Vatngban. (RtcbinonJ DUpdtch ) f GOTLAND Nk k. N. C .Dc. 28 Mr. Tbaadeus Va 'gban, one i f tbe leadirg fai mors of this seoaon, died . yesterday at hi home, five miles in tbe country, fier ao iUuess ot more than a yea-, He was much beloved bv the peop e f this entire section. He was buried here in tbe Baptist cemetery to-day at ;Snow fell all day yesterday and near ly all night last night. It is the heaviest seen bere in- many years. Business is entirely suspended and few people go on the Btreets. Iron Hall Officera A rrealad. Baltimore, Md., Dec 9. Amos H, tiosmcr Ld Edward Rout-e, grand cOicersof the Iron Hajl organization receutly indicted by the graud jury of QUianapons, were afro ted to-day in Obedience to a request from the police oi inuiaoapotis. Cater in the Cay they they were teleased on $2,5uQ rail each pending the hearing of argument as to whether warrants should be issued on the rtquiftition papers. Supreme Ruler .omeroy is wan ed in a similar man ner. x Ill 1VV tit-lcot Sli-OPt. A Drnmmer Drowned. BIRMINGHAM. Ala. Dc. 29. -Co1. Wahe Buobell. a Cincinnati drummer. wee ui ii in ur u icstrruBV t'Cttl ViCUUf, Ala. 113 was in a buegv ar d got caughi io the tack water of Bigbce river. He held to the btgay while the nee o criver swam ashore and went for atsi t- ! ance Woen (ha rescuing oartv r turnca liuooeir had been frozin to death and his bod was gone. The r mains were recovered to-day aid. shipped to CHDcUnaii. . m Fnper, oglatatlve BodUt Abollsbrd. .OF- Dress Goods, Ladies' and Gent's Underwear, AND white and Colored Woo! Blankets At Half Price. Ottawa, Ont , Dec. 29 It is uoder- s'ood tuat ifae Etcutive Council of the Upper Chamber or the Provioce of Q ieb-c will be abolished at the next wssion of Pari amen'. New Bruna wick, Not a Scoua, Ontario, Manitoba aua tiriiian Columbia have abolished their Upper Houses i n ihe ground of economy acd their failure to check evil legisia ioa Failure ul n tk Brvkera, New York, Dec. 29 Wayland, Traett & Co, stock brokers, have failed. Thu hrm has Oo ood tracts on tbe Stock fbrxbange, and It is raid was earned, down hy the shrinkage in Northern Pactfij securities and the inability of lg cli.nis to rcfipond to the call for margin. Baltimore, Dec. 29. The differerce between ibe Biinmore and Ohio rail road officials an A the Grevance on mitten of the Brotherhood of Trait a man has been settled by ihe signing if a wage scalp, which make an averpge increase c f from 9. ' IS cents per da. NOTION I HATE JCST RECEIVED THE BEST BO CENT C0RET EVER SfiT.n. rnv tttt vit-wp WHICH I WILL SELL AT 48 CENTS. ' NORTH EAST COR. MARKET AND FRONT 8TS. 'A LITTLE LATE ! DIKD. Yoep At his rpsidence, 813 Che nat street, 'j harsaay muroing at T:30 o'cloct, F. v. a. T"pp. in his ts.bt year. Funeral tLts Friday evening at S o'clock Irom reeldence, thence to Oakdaie cemetery. j&psctal & otter REP ARB FOnnpRISTMASI i BYUSfNQ uu.abteam Cooker Nu rezlo Ouffee Pots wi auite lrou Ware Koaa era, Cake Pans aui Jeltr Pans, kx ra low prices ou these g os CO., z aonth i runt street. - , declS But They Came Yesterday Morning. G ebiTS ELEGANT TIN D KESSED ItlT GLOVES OYEECOATS YOU HOW MUST HAVE. OUR SUPPLY IS NOT LARGE, BUT PRICES ARE SMALL. READY-MADE CLOTHING MUST GO, IF AT COST. CHILDREN'S SUITS V XND EXTRA PANTS AT MANUFACTURER'S RATES. ' '- "' - ' - ", '-; ".- "' Cent's Furnishers a jpoyeriior.piect Tprnry Pylpg. WirMPttis. Tflon.. Dec. 29. Newa of the moS'. reliable nature comes itom ATinch-str. the home oi unveruor- elect Turey, tbat the venerable Chief Jusice is hearing hlB end from a complication of dUea-et. He has been ir.u a limp time and is reported grao- ually elnkinir, and in tbe opinion oi those informed he will DptJive to be ioaueurated, and preparing a meBi-ae for tha Legislature tbat meet9 January 2d. Ih out of the question. In the event i t.f his death the speaker of the Senate - J would be the acting uovernor anu a lively tussle is going on for the place. UndrGronpd Trapflt Deferred. New York. Dec 29 The rapid transit commitsion to day tnerea at nubic auction tbe franchise for tneun- derngrou d rapid transit, xnere was but one bid. W. w. Amery oiu i,w and ore-half of OD3 per-een ti tne nmsa rftfeio's durlni? the operation of tbe n ad for the whole term.payable tp tr. it.. It in no. known wno ne rep-? ie.r.tor In the matter. The MO was T- . , - . r. Iwcted and at a meeting laipr m wo day the commission decided to ffive P for the present the plan oi t-eiimg mo franchise for building an ur-der-ground road. "" . 7 ?W Blabop Gra ouaeeratrd. - Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 29. Rev. Wm. Crane Gray, D. D.. rector of the church of ibe Advent of this city, re l er.tlv elected b-tbop of Southern J'lor- icaby the Episcopal Bou?eof Bishop, was consecrated 10-day at the church of the Advent with elaborate and im. pre-sive ceremonies. Bishop Qulotaro, of Tennessee, presided, atid tne conse oratlou termon was preached by BUhop Weed, of Florida. The tishop eiect was presented by Bishops Dudle , of Kentucky, and Nelton, of Georgia. The three last named bishops acted as consecrators. CAR LOAD OF HORSES AND MULES JUST arrived from the A' est, f r gale cueap. Apply tu J. H. JojnEs A Uo., Livery aud bale Stab es, Mai Set st. eet. " . decil tf HOU-ES FOR RENT RENTS COLLECTRr. W.M. CUilMIJSG, Real Estate. Hex Sou THE JtMPIHRS TEAM LAUNORY 18 NOW prepared ti receive an v arnuuut of Work and cnaiantt-e aatUfaction. Evert bodr iuvit-d.to r ume aad see th works In oueratliio. Office and wui ta oar. jaarKet aua ceoona bu. w a. juo- LARKN.Maaag r. ' - " - -" npllE PUBLIC is NOTIFIED THAT I HAVE JL reopened my dying establishment and can guarantee satisfaction. Give me a trial. Orders left at tbe. Jno. L. Boatwrigut Company will receive prompt attention. T. C l IcKiNSoN, TBellyer. . - , ocifann mea xnuni. "If IMEOGKAPH tSUr-PLIES AND WOKa, ill Circulars, chnrca and Society noti. iUCllAluis, corner in EtiNKsT V. Princess Sts. STORES, OFFICES. HALLS DwelliuiM f-r rent. Apply U'CONNOR, Real Estate Ageut. corner Front ana i dec sou wed In AND to D. BOVSC i;oal nines oa Ftr. Salem. Va., Dec. 29.--The Algoma ii i i nii mines In McDowell county, W - VWre 00 fire. The mines " Z,,Lv and are located three mUeh from Elkora. Two hundred men m...i.ri hut It is not known "rE.1 Z' Vki Ihern nerished by the WUtllUBI -V T . ... Bob Slavla Dead. TnT.Tf.nn. Ohio. Uec 29. Bob Slavln, the comedian, died suddenly in th'8 city this morning. Be was one of the most pooutar minstrel men in tne oouu- trv and was at one time one ox iua rf . ... . 1 c proprietors oi the MriNien, Diaymoi. Johnson minstrels. For two years ne bas had nothing but ha d luck, aod tbe cause or his s&a oeatn was pruw pally brokea heart. An Aelf nment In fllon. ' iRlcbocond Dlspstch.)-- Rocky Mount, N. C, Dec. 23. W. J. Harris, a prominent mercbaat o Wilson, made an assignment to day for the benefit of bis creditors. Tbe fail ure is an honest one, and tbe assets that will becopie available will more than pav tDe liabilities. - . Frank Edwards, of Nashville, who was shot in an altercation with young Braswell, is still alive, though perhaps fataily wounded, tfrasweu is stuiat. large... ; - - - LAGRANGE, Ga., Dec 29. Benj.H. Bingham, oue of the most prominent men ia ihis section of the State and for several yearn chairman of. the D mo cratic Siata Execuiive committee, died here to-day. r Mrs. rarmie Dignam. 141 Mott srreet, Jfew York City, makes a miraculous cure of her rheumatism. She writes: "I pwe unspeak able and never to be forgotten gratitude tr Salvation OU. It made a nuracawras , uuxv )i my TeamtaHn.T'f . i O UNBROKEN MONTANA HORSES, FOR 1 0 sae chean. J. H. JuKES tt UU., Livery i and siale Stables, Market St. dec! I tt fONOGRAMS AND NAMES XtA aud gin uu giiuw nuu vuiuh w . tor Holiday nresema. umu ARDS, Deoorauve atuoio, jirout ana Ai DAVID & COMPANY. . j :POSSIBI, YOU ARE OUT LOOKING FOR CH-piSTMAS Presents FOR YOUR HUSBAND, SON, OR BROTHER. WE WOULD LIKE FOR YOU 1 i TO CALL AND LOOK AT THE NOVELTIES WE CAN SHOW YOU IN 1 " Suits, Overcoats : - Neckwear, Gloves, Suspenders Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Full Dress Suits, Ties, Collars an'i Cuffs, etc.. etc., btreets. S100 REWARD will be paid for evidence ttutt will prove tbe New Lee Cook 8tovc wanting m anything that goes to make upa first class article. No better on the earth. Prices Low. J. L. BRECKKNUtDua, sii piorta rroat atreet. , OPEfJAL FEATURES OF THE IRON KING nnnit Staves: weU 'made, well finished, well designed and combined with oar Liberty Ranges completes the beat line that can be produced. ALPEKMAN HARDWARE CO., South front street, Wilmington, m. v. ? TOILET SETS, etc. Jast received a nice as uirtmfutof Toilet Heb. Lamps and Lamp Uoods for the Chri-tmaa trade, ihe very test I t the inwHHt Domible Drices. Every freisht . . . .1.. ... ... It . I. . tram ana ausaiuer u"w X of Flower Pots opening to-day. J. JU BRECEEN- RIDOE, Sis ono jrroai sweet. T HILTON PARK. FOR Monday. December 26th and Mon ti nary ami W. H. BKLL iterti t SPECIAL SALE " - lexi's IN CHILDREN'S SUITS Princess I decs wedsan fxl Our T.lerchant Tailoring: Department IS BOOMING, AND IS STILL COMPLETE. COME AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS. A. DAVID & COMPANY CASH CLOTHIERS. OHOOTINS MATCH k7 Tnrkeyi day. J. OUtt FIliND- AND PATKONS CAM Bit atintiiiiii wiih 18!)3 Calendara br calllnar at i office tt uOUUlta TAYLOR, Ueneralliinr-iiic , Antn. - oeJ U . i 'J ' 1883, tSUsT 18S3.--W, M- I Utda iUMaLnG, ueal i state, lm Pi incess St. ISM, lU, iS3, Calaudara on appitca Itiea. - Ha '. 1 TRUE STONE CEMENT PREPARED FOR WALL DECORATION. IT IS AS EASILY AP Sited M aalsomuie, DDI gives a nara duwu, u uraicr.iuuio wimuc ui eum kiiu mure aeaiiaivi, iegant effect in TINTING, bUADIMO, STENCIL, RELIKF and other work easily obtained. T. M. eA..EULLI5ISG, SOS NORTH FRtNT STREET, WILMINGTON, N. i ; A' 1 '! i " i c It. r r ,

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