ESTABLISHED 1867. T TELEG 5APH1C SUMMARY. The report that Secretary Foster oQped to cettaia New York bankers foi the Treasury Department tp iaaue a number o bones but was stopped by thai President, is denied at the White Hduse. The striking miners in Rteenirtb, Prussia, are becoming rlot oui, At Gardensvilie, Ky., on Tues day night last a man named Barnes killed his wife and then he and his wind's brother kill each other with krilves. The Supreme couit of Wy oming has declared practically that the recent election in that State was vojid- Governor Flower has signed thjjj commlss'on of Isaac H. MayDard as Associate Justice of the Court of Ap ,&ls.- The walls of the bunuing iu Dublin in which the explosion ocjun- 4ir an la'nared that the Duuaing can cot be occupied. There is some dc&bt now as to whether the explosion in!l Paris was by Anarchists or not. Since it occurred the Anarchists have issued a very revolutionary manifesto. l-The Uaibria was spoken on Dacem- be 26th. She was laying to, with thtfee eea anchors out, mending her shaft. AH were well. Washington Citjy politicians are stirred up over the stay of Speaker Crisp in New York and Senator Carlisle's departure for that ci1jy. The Falls of JSeuse cotton mis at ISwepsonvllle, N. Cf were burned yejterday loss 125,00C; insurance 180,- 'qq. Two negroes in jail at Green- viUe, Ala., charged with the murder of Sheriff Armstrong, were taken from jiil and hanged Thursday night. t tL machine harvested bale of cotton - -4 sold in New York yesterday at 77 ' celts a pound. Forgey, the Hunt- inton, W. Va., train robbewas yes terday convicted of murder and the jury fixed the penalty at life imprison. mLt. There is much dissatitfaction amorg the people atthe 11 ht sentence. JThe authorities as soon as Forgey xtk intenced shipped him and Collins, thl txaifl robbers, on the train and ook them 0 the penitentiary to "prevent their too? lJMhed. The cholera continues to spread in the north of France. Several fresh cases and deaths hale recently occurred in a town near Calais.- A Michigan farmer, who was shot by his eon during a quarrel, before dying, made his will an signed it with his own blood.- Governor Holt will call a State road congress tC meet in ;Rilp.iffh about Januay 19th next, io dls- .cusa the question of improvement if -our- public roads. Deacon S. V. -White yesterday paid up his last debt made in his attempt to corner corn in Arrangements bavebeen made to fund the debts of the Georgia Mid land and GuH railroad.- A man, sen tenced to be hanged for murder next iFrsday, escaped from jail at Isabel, Ga , Thursday night. -Toe .alures in the United States during the yeer ending t&-day numbered 10,344, being lesa xh&n ia any year since 18S8. The aver age liability of the trader failing was 811,01 0, being the lowes: since 1878. Yesterday "aa unknown man Was drowned while skating on. the Potomac river at Wafchicgton. Dun & Co re jiort last year the most prosperous one the business of this country has ever experienced "and say the outlook is .brightr than ever. The heads of ttbe Jewish community in Berlin will petition the Emperor on the subjact of tlio anti-Semi'ic excesses.- -German flL-ialf warn the people against disre gard .if the possible appearance of cholera.- Tw0 Germans fought a duel Thursday over a notorious -woman. Ope " was kiL'ed. The New York Presbytery acquits Dr, Br'gga. 1 rmtnn mills Burned. Weigh, N. C , Dec. 80.- Special To-day the Falls of Neuse Manufac turiog company's cotton spinning and weavingmills at Swepsonrille, Ala mance county, were burned. It Is es timated that the loss is $125,000 with $80,000 insurance. The company's offices are here. biCON-S. V. WHITE aTP Hli Creditor from HI Fallur 8 of .1891-Foadlns the ebl of the vTi80rala dland and Gulf Railroad. Dec. 30. Deacon S. V. New Ycrk, WhitP Bivs hV o cay mai ed the last che'k due hi.crk'itors. White failed September 22? 189,; owiug 81,750,000. Ho attempted to coru the c-rn mar ket, but was not succesv lul- f ld ,cr," itora will receive the jPrinclpal with legal interest. , , Arrangements for funding t. bn?s 'of the Georgia Midland and Guh 'j" road company have baear parfec.'ed "The plan provides for the issuance i 4 per cent, bonds and a series of in comes; The bonds now bear 6 per cent, interest. Tne total issue Is $ 1, 494, 000. Three New cases of Tiptiua. ! Mrs-Fanny Feldstein, 68 years olei; Daniel Feldstein, her son, 39 years old, sinri Jnbanna. daughter of the latter, 5 -years old, were suffering from typhus fever at their home, No. 78 Division street, yesterday, and were removed to .North Brother Island. . - The case was reported to the healtn .officials yesterday as typho-pneunio ia. "When a health inspector visited tne place he pronounced the tliree patients to he suffering from typhus fever. They were st once removed to Hiversiae hospital, the bedding used by them was burned and their apartment fumi gated. The tenement is now under the surveillance of a sanitary inspec tor. - , Dr. Roberts, cf the Bureau of Con tagioas Diseases, s id yesterday that he could not account lor the Feldetein typhus cases. i "The last case of typhus we had, a?rt hf "arjneared on December 8th 1.. t t rannot co ncelve where the Feldstelns got the infection. - Noce of them had been beyond their immediate mehrbood for several months. Thre mu. be a new point of infection Er,mhPr We Intend toodo albwa i.tiB source of the cohta " Naw Yorfc. Herald. ,gion, itra Brfak Into a 'PflBltoatUT 7 ct i mTSE N. Y.. Dec. 29. Burglars t,P rZ,. Onondaga penitentiary ealy yesterday morning. They pealed v :Jn aid of a ladder, got tuo will witu mo . , .l ' '.j .u j i f,.A bolt shoo and ,oponed the outer doori Pi 8afev on,iA nnt nat tha innflD iXOOrS Op3U. Ther wa $150 in the safe. Aitar ran .sacklcff the-draweot the safe Jejr to OUR RALEIGH LETTER. STATISTICS FROM THE RAILROAD ' COMMISSION'S REPORT. Report of the Teacher' County Institutes Public School Expenditure Failure of Another Alliance More The Tem perature Still towerFuel atd Food for the Foor Mr. Wil liam to Contest. MESSENGER BUREAU. Ha-Leigh, N. C, Dec. 30. f At the central office . of the -State weather bureau, officer von Herrmann said yesterday that to-day would be warmer and that a warm wava was on the way here. He missed it once, for the mercury this morning at the ground level registered a temperature of 8 degrees; In some cases 6. The official thermometer, over the roof of the agricultural building, some sixty feet from the ground, registered 11 de grees In the western part of the State the temperature was below zero at sev eral stations. This Is the coldest weath er since January 12th and 13th, "when it was 6 degrees above z fro here. At Le noir at that time 12 degrees below was recorded. The skating to day was fine and Bales of skate were brisk. There are quite a number of sleighs' here, some handiome ones, and these were all in use." Hundreds-of boy on ' sleds continue to make things lively. The snow is yet over ten inches deep. The directors of the North Carolina railway and president W. F. Kornegay, met this afternoon at the executive office, at Governor Holt's request, and all held a conference. The Y. M. C. A. will give a New Year reception Monday evening, fol lowed bs a supper, which the -ladies will serve. J . A number of car loads of wood arrived to-day for free distribution to the poor. The mission rooms are kept or. en all the time and give much food and cloth ing., '. Mr. Malcolm Harrison, who daring the war served in the Forty-seventh regiment, died last night. He was an applicant for admission to the Soldiers' Home. The motality during the past eight days has been considerable. Revenue collector White to-day re- ceived a report of the seizure, near Lamont, Guilford county, of an illicit distillery and a quantity of whiskey. No arrests were made. In looking over the advance sheets of the Railway Commission's reports,. (from which your correspondent his ma4e many extracts whjch have been widely copied) some interesting facts are found relative to the average cost of construction per mile cf the sixty three railways in the State. Here are fie highest figures : Western North C trolini S55 -3 3; Petersburg, $-S2,2-58; -North Cafoliud. Midland. $4t).0i0: Ox ferd and Henderson, 840 649; S'ates vilie and Wicrq, 40,000; Wilming ton. Onslow and East Carolina; $3J,5t8; aeaboard and Roanoke, $31,378; Yac kin, 830,243; Oxford and Clarksville, HO, 975; Cheraw and Salisbury, 30, 147; Atlantic wad Dan vil'e, $40,8fo. Tha others are under 180,000. Here are some of what mav be teimed the inexpensive roads; Hamilton,- 6?-8; Cashie and Roanoke, and JajresviJle and Washington, ijP, Cashie an Chowan, f 1,857; Carpage $4,14C; At lanta and Charlotte Air-Line, 4 282. As to the number of persons em moved, the Wilmington andSWetdon has 1.224. the CroliDa c entral 657, the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley 615, tha Georgia. Carolina ecd Northern 31 (of course lew in i.orin K,r.nmaft nio Western JNortn uaroima v ine Wil mington, Columbia and Augusta e5T (few in North Carolina). y The reports of the county institute?, as embodied in the report of the Sfate Superintendent of .Public Instruction for the Toast two years shows that at those held by Professor C. D. Mclver there were in attendance 2,20) teaciiers and 15,000 citizens Professor Mclver made addresses to 8,000 other persons. Profe?Eor E. A. Alderman's in stitutes were attended by 2,272, Eighty-six per cent, of the teach? ers attended; the sme as in the two vears ending in 1893. These care ful observers, in making their reports declare their belief that the public schools can not be very materially, im proved until the Legislature makes it easier for a community to call an elec tion for increasing its school fund by a local tax. Many men would vote for an increase of taxes for the school fund whi? would not petition the county com missiosrs to order an election for it. The saese report of the State Super intendent gives the fleures as to the expenditures for the public Echcols in 1892: For whites thee were tuition $380,325; houses and sitee. .158,711; county Institutes, 81,584; while fo? ne groes there were as follows: Tuition $193,495; houses and sites, $21,092; in stitutes, 1525. The-total in which are city schools $26,972, treasurers' com missions. $14,596; county superinten dents, S19.115, etc.; ia $7S0991. The Farmers? Allianctf store here, ra maged by Capt. R. Jones Powell, has assigned- The liabilities approximate 5,000; assets not stated. A number ot the Alliance stores in the State hat s closed. They sold foods so cheap thit there was no profit for maintenance. On Capt. Powell's account the failure is regretted. He is a clever and j ustly popular gentleman. The first set of designs for the pa vilions, cases, showcases, etc., of this. State's beautiful exhibit at the World's Fair, arrived to-day from Chicago. Another Bet of designs will come (ved then a selection -will be made by the executive committee of the State Board of Managers. To-day the citizens' committee here bad a meeting to make preliminary arrangements for the inauguration o! Ellas Carr as Governor that is for the reception and ball. The committee will of course co-operate with the Leg- isiative joint committee, as was done four vears ago. Some of the neeroes here appear to be inclined to cause trouble regarding their exclusion from the ladies' waltz ing room at the passeDger station. Some were ejected from it the.otner day. Now tbey talk of a law suit. There is a growing demand lor sepa rate cars for the races. Perhaps the Legislature will take up that matter. Hon. A. H. A. Williams servs formal notice upon Thomas Settle that he will contest before the United States House of Representatives his rlgbt to the Beat from the Fifth district. Belnrnod to Tbrlr Otd Love. Richmond Dispatch. -WTvnsfiK. N. C Dec. 28 Thomas o email w-,nri. a orominent merchant of Windsor, and Mrs. Maggie KayDor were married yesteraay evwiug h uo residence of the bride, at Mill Land. t in non ntv.hv tne ttev. ZiaCUtUV Tavlnr Harrison. Mr. Small wood and Mra. Ravnor were enffaced to be niar- ifi nhnnt ten vears aeo. but they haa o intam' niiarrfli and. she married the late James Thomas Raynor. A short while after the death of Mr. Raynor they renewed their yows, which culmi nated in the marriage last night. . Cotton at 7T I- Cent a Pound. Mkw York. Dec 30. At the Cotton F.rnhftocd kjdav the highest price ninna the war was reached lor a bate of cotton sold for the benefit of the build irg fund of the Press "club. The $x-p.hane-e bid it in at 77i cants per nonpd and then redonated it to the Press A DOUBLE LYNCHING.' Two Negroes Cliareed Wltli Ibe Mur der of sheriff Armstrong Taken . From Jail at CreeuTlllr, Ala., - and Hanged. Birmingham. Ala., Dec. 30. When the clUzecs of Greenville, Ala., arose this morning they saw two dead bodies dangling from the court house steps. Late last night two strangers went to Jaiior Bergain'8 house and - arousing him told him they had a prisoner. He went with thea to the jiil where he was met by mob of luO armed and masked men, who were hidden behind a' fence, They demanded the kes, which Bergain surrendered. The cells of John Hinp and Charles Kelley. al leged murderers of Tax Collector C J. Armstrong, of Butier county, -were opened and , both men were taken out in their night clothes and hurried - to the court - house yard with ropes about their necks. Without being allowed tinie to pray, they were hanged to the court house ster-s. The mob then quiet y dispersed:- The'ver dipt of the coroner's jury is that the men were hanged by unknown persons" Armstrong, while collecting ' taxes was murdered from ambush and robbed of 82,000 on December 17th at "Panther Crosk bridge. John Hipp a noted des perado, was arrested a week ago after desperate 'fight .with, the sheriff' posse, in which Hipp was - seriously wounded. : Last Sunday Keliey was caught la Monroe county. The evi dence asralcst both was deemed to be conclusive, and, as it was ascertained that these men had been guilty of sev eral murders they were lynched.' COMMERCIAL NEWS. Stock In Nejsr Torlc Yreterday Tlie Grain aiid Provision jnarkeis of Chicago. New York, Dec. 30. The stock mar ket uisDlayed considerable strength again to day. At the opening of busi ness Manhattan and L9ckawanna ad vanced li pertcent. to ,152 and 155i re spectively, while the 'general list im proved i to 1 per cent. The upward movement received a tamporary check when it became known that $500,000 in gold had bees engaged for shipment to Europe by the steamship La Norman die to-morrow, this having served as an excuse for an advance tor the rate for call loans from 6 to 10 per cent. Manhattan gave way and Lacka wanna 2 per cent , but the general list was not materially affected, as it fcoou transpired that the gold ship ment was made on a special order and that the banks and trust compa nies were willing-! n'ersof money, the rate for which deciind to 35 per cent., and tha extreme decline outside of the etccks earned was 11 per cent, in Reading, which sold down to 2. The subsideace of the fears about a serious flurry in Money over the annual settle ments wS a decided Btrong, if not. buoyant s; eculation near ths close Manhattan was the special card and told op from I48J to 1524153. American Syf?r was also promlueut, selling from 108f to JJOf on enormous transactions, OoeSrm tcsk OTer lSU,- sharea. Chicago Gas, Northern Pacific prtferred. Missouri Pacific and Wst- erce Union ranked next in importance, but, as a matter of fact, he whole mar ket clcsgd Btrong with an advancing tendency, Sales pf lined etocKa were 1227 m): unlisted, 38.000. . It it thought that vt-ry little business will be transacted at the exchat ge to- morrow. The members have sub scribed liberally to the fund to carry oufc the usual IN ew Year's isauviues They hasre secured a Christmas tree twenty-fiye to thirty feet ,high,-atd ladeaed with presents jtbat areicpusitl ered aDDrooriate for leading member of the exchange. A brass band ha been engaged to enli , en the proceed" intsand the fun is expected 10 begin about 10:15 o'clock. If the programme is carried out as intended the dav wii. practically be a dies non at the board CHICAGO, Dec. 30. The annual ju bilee interfered with business to-day, Outside orders were scarae o : jhe wheat pit. Fluctuations were confined -within a f c range and the closing was about ic lower tcan the closing price cf yesterday. - '' j In corn the feeling was steadier and yalues ruled aomewhat higher. Initial trades were at about phe fiaal quota tions of yesterday, were easy and 6old off a fraction more, when the demand improved and oa buvicg by brokers supposed to be acting for parties from the country , the price advanced is, eased o Slightly, ruled steady and closed a shade higher. . The demand far-oats was sufficient to absorb the supply and pause an ad yance of to. After a slight reaction the market closed steady atabeut the top figure. Tkfi provision market was strong and from 10 to 25e higher for pork. 21 to 5c higher for lard and from 7i to 15s high er for ribs. ' The WfomiDS Election Void. Cheyenne, Wyo., Dec. 30. The Su- reme court jesseraay. Chief Justice Groesbeck disentirg, in- the couse of a long decision, practically deGided that the defects in the certificates of nomination under tr.e Australian Elec tion law were a bar to an officer taking his seat if elected. This was an attempt of the two DemocratlCdcacdldatcs from Carbon county to get certificates as members of the Legislature from the State Canvassing Board, which ac cepted the returns from the , county clerk admitting a preciexJt which elected these two men and rejected the returrs of other Jwo members of the board which included the precinct in question. The court allowed the at torney tor tne maroon county men tu file a reply. A Guaetly DUcoyery. GARDENRSVILLE. Ky., Dec. 30. John Barnes and bis brother-in-law, James Kerr, went to thetOhio river Monday, ostensibly for supplies. They returned late Tuesday -jiight very drunk, and nothing more was seen of them until a neighbor called yesteraay evening. Finding 'jfhe door ajar the neighbor walked in and louna mrs. Barnes lying across a bed dead with'.her head crushed, while - Barnes and Kerr were lyisg in a corner of the room, a so dead, frightfully slashed with knives. Each grasped a knife in his hand. The surrouadiegs showed that the battle had been long ana terrible, it is thought that Barnes struck his wife with a lug for scolding him for comii g home drunk and that her brother then attacked Barnes. Three Itlillion Capital for Boxlna. (Baltimore Fnn.) NEW " YORK, Dec. 29 Arthur T. Lumley, editor of the Illustrated News, is responsible for the information tnat an athletic club will soon be organized lu .1.1. .t j . U J... 1 . 9 i(L tCi fot the purpose of promoting atnleclta i n.Ainilir hoYlrnr. Piirafla will ha offared f r coo testa men in their class. J " '". .-. : rtAtnroAn t n rt nata James J. Csogan, who ran for mayor nf this eitvon tne labor ticket and was HefatPd in 1838. ia the promoter of thft new club, aad Arthur Lumley haa been selected to manage the boxing contetta. MrLuasley said that many f Moor York's bu-inBg8 men are con- . ... .1 t..K ' T- Sj, thoM nectea wiin iqb ubw u.uu. x tntAntinn nf thi membars to build a f.1 11b house with an area that Ji expected to eat ,000 people. WILMINGTON, N. C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER LATEST FOHEIGNNE-WS. THE CHOLERA CONTINUES TO' IN CREASE IN" THE NORTH OF FRANCE. Prussian Strikers Klotoui-The French Anarchist A BloodThlrstjr Maalfosto Doubtias to th l.Tluinof tlia Vr.i ExplOBloji J.wi ftitloa -Kii- " ' peror , Wll'iams Snffrlns Among EnlUh Strikers. .15. ; Dublin, Dec. 30. The walla oL'the offices Inr the Excbne ccurt, , .the scene of the explos.i.. .-.turday, shavs oeen iouna ia e so baoiy dmagsa oy the shock of the explosion that' the buildings are net believed to bo habi table. At midnight it whs found- that the walls of the detective's office would fall. The detectives who were asleep were awakened and everybody leffihe buildinsr as quickly as possible. -Tiffere are no new developm?nta n the oase and. no clue to the ixejfitritors cf jhe outrage."; iARl. Dec.- 30It -;.i8";d'nuhil whether yesterday's exD16sron in' Me Prefecture of PL1lc3 was ihe worurof Anarchists or an act IT private revenge by a discharged e mploye. Whatever, the truth of the matter mayb?. the Ac- archists have taken, advantage cf the occasion to issue a. manifesto couched in the usually ferocious btyle of those aocuments. Tne wrongs of the people, fire, blood and dynamite are expatiated upon at length, but the tubstance ot the manifesto is that the tima has come for the oeoplo to rise in their mieht. and strike for freedom, striking for free dom in Anarchist style.-however, is net apt to occur just at present, as the po lice buildings are closely guarded and outof-theway recesses are carefully searched for hidden dynamite or other bombs. Eclair to-day publishes an interview with Louise Michael, aa aged Anar chist, who is now in London, She de clared that she did not know the au thoi s of the explosion at the Prefecture but sne thought it a erood piece of work. She regretted that the higher officials had not been present when the explosion ccjurred, as they might" hae been killed. Their deaths, she thought, would be a blessing to the people. Ec lair adds that it is the intention of Louise to go to Ohicago shortly to spread Anarchist propaganda. BERLiN,Dec. 30. The trouble caused by the strike of lead and iron miners at Saar Louis in Rhenish Prussia threatens to" have serious results. The etrike now exte'eds through the whole district and the, men are displaying very unruly dispositions.. To day a number of men, who have refused to join the strikers, were compelled to quit work by a number of strikers arm ed with revolvers, who threatened o shoot them it they did not at o :ce quit the mines. The Gendarmes haveba n called upon to preserve order amd fur ther trouble is apprehended. ; Paris, D?c. 30 Cholera continues to spread in the north of France. In the town of Gravelinee, near Calaie, three death and one new case were re ported on Wednesday, ana three deaths on Thur.-day. Sever! siree s in which the disease is especially p evaient have been closed hy the town authoiitiea V London, Dec. 0 --The Baflin cor-re-pondeci of the Times s-ays; $ The heads of the Jewish ommutiity e. template sending a peUtioi to tie Emp,eroria tne unti Semitic eic- s-iea, cpugiderine that the constitut 01 guiri ar. eea egua tfeatnoeot to Jews and Christian. It ia difficult t0 at t wrt the Emperor could ad to ChaneeU')S voo (Japrivi's outt-pt ken deuuisiatiou of tha anti-Jewish excesses. The Ministry of tbe Interior has is sued a novice severely censu-i ig the publio di-regard of a p' 84tl j rea pearaoce ef enolera and ii.giotlDg th t i. ia important that every eu?peoted c se be promptly reported to the byard of health." BhUSiELS, Dc. 30 Ma j. Giledin, cf the Gu-iras.aud Eugene vi.n Derbergea, Krupp's resident agen fought a d el in a priya'e garden on .tbe Bois de Lacombre last night. Von Desbergen wag shot through the heart and died- instantly. Jealousy or a notorious woman was the caue of the Quarrel. LONDON, Dec. 30. Owing to the im proved outlook for cotton eoadg on a couct "Df tbe stiffer market, and the great distress among the cotton operatives attendant upon the lock out, negotiations have been re sumed between the masters and the operatives looking to a settle ment of the struggle. It has betn suggested as a basjs of agreement thai tne operatives should accept a reduc tion of wages along with concurrent general short time until the condition of trade will justify full Jtime and full wages. It is probable that a onference will be held at an early day between represen tatives of the masters and the opera tives on the basis stated. The suffering of the non,-uniontst3 has increased greatly within a week. It is calculaw d that there are about 40,000 work pec pie outride the union,nd, for the most part, they have absolutely exhausted all their available belongings to buy food. In some districts groups of men aye now promioadng ' the streets ac companfed by bnds of music soliciting charitvfor their wives and families, while others are making house to house visitations with subscription cards for the same object. The severe weather has naturally intensified their suffer ings. Boards of Guardians are deirg what they can to alleviate the distrts but many of the operatives have o atrnnir a renuanance to taking ., parish rplifif that thev would prefer to suffer the last extremities rather than do eo, Form ' to be Imprliontd for Life. TTtraTiNGTON. W. Va , Dec. SO. The iurv in the case of Bureil Forgey, un riorrmi inr me muiucc ui d nrintr an attempted train robbery at tViia place on xne morning in ma x. " f UA .1. inst . returnea a veruic iai iuu. mjhs m-cr In the first degree, affixing I" " . ... . . T mil. the penalty 01 lire imprisonment iu is the same pecany wvuw Callins. his companion in the crime. rr k a.a ia crpnejil diesati&factlon, es , J. i' f. ' .W nAtoiiT nmnnor raiiroaa men. over kua nf these trials. - Public senti ment was largely in favor of hanging, r,a h fnr tha belief that: the trials would result In that, tnare wouia prou ahlv have been a lynching bee. ....... 1 3 SinnA the verQiCl lmDoaing tn " . - . . s . 1 rAi tence Instead of hanging upon Porgpy, k - Vioa hoon loadlv expres3ed dis- slipped both Forgey and Col ms on the ..... - -x. 1 . 11 J 4-van 3 M B fl t Baltimore ana unio rauroau started with them at 4:08 p. m. for tne FaunptM'j , nnnHtoi-n T-rrt tnia not Deeu uuc have there is no qouliu meio wuui". been serious trouble to-night. Th CmbrU Aealn spoken. New YORK, Dec. 30 Capt pack, of the steamer Manhansett, whicn ar A f.rr. T!--arrJ this TOOrniHK, re" j ports that Decembe'-28:.h at J . aj 0 cl)hK I n m. in la'ituds 42:50. longituie 0.4 'f r r. - j ttv,.1a ivi- sr i rA RnnirR inn 1 unaruoi . j -. j " to with three eea anchors out rep rn g her thaft. She expected to fiauh 1 e repairs the next day and wished, to te reported all well. .. . Telo&raphlc prUi. ir nivv TW. n novernor Flower Voa Ci.n.rl tVia nnmmijainn f'f IsaC H Liar wuv y . MaTmarrl m Jad?6 Of toe n.nirt of Anneals from January 1st next, to succped Charles Aodrewa,wto was elected cniei juage 01 inewur. " A STATE ROAD CONGRESS Gorernor U,it will Call Saeii ;or Sreas to netlnfSaie s!t Aboat Ji -uarr 19tto, to DUcasf Iload Im- ' - proTMu.ata. Raleigh, D33. 30. Special Governor Holtto-nJght announces that he will call a State road ' congresi to meet here about Januaryl9ih,r to- dis cues matters pertaining to the improve ment of the public roais in North Cnrolina: All the boards or county commissieners will ba asked to appoint three .delegates to . represent each county. It is desired that the commis sioners discuss the. matter and appoint delegates at their coming January meetings. The mayors of towns wUl alsa be asked to appoint delegates. , ' MUftDER-IN WILSON.- 4n:iroane Stan Kill Another About MmpIea'IIitusaaBrdle . Wilson, N. C. DP& 80-. Special Oa last Wednesday evenTng about 6 o'clock Frank Howard was shot by Ad. AmrsoQ at Saratoga, in th'.s county, and died in a few- minutes thereafter. Howird was a young man about 27 years old, and universally esteemed for his high character and universally esteemed for his high character and peaceable habits. He was a snn of B A; Howard, a merchant of Saratoga and one of the most influential citizans of his section of the county. The kill ing was the result cf a quarrel bet ween the parties about the return of a horse bridle which Howard had loaned to Amerson and which the latter claimed he faal , returned. Amerson fled som after firing the f atalihot and has not yet b3en found, though a warrant has been issued foi his apprehension and a de scription of his appearance telegraphed t i all neighboring towns. The unfer tunat3 occurrence, is deeply deplored here, as the slain nan had many friends throughout the country. 1 WASHINGTON CITY. Tbe Story of tne President Interfering With the Secretary of the Treasury Denied -Politician s Stirred I7p Drowned While Skatlns. WASpjNGTOfJ, Dec. 30 In regard to the story published iu New York that Secretary Charles Foster, when in New York I recently, submitted to certain bankers a proposition to ir-sue Of: y or a huhdrd millions tf bonds but was halt d by a telegraphic: message f rem the President, it is aut.horitativaiy stated at tfee Whie House that tbe President was j o. informed of the in tention of the Secret y of the Treasury to visit New York aid has not commu icate4 with biro or iiea a irom him iu jpy wav. He has not een uni bservant of the flnarcisl 8hu-:t"n and d es tot thiDkthe Treas ury will 6ni it. n.ce6ary to adopt any new r oiicy. He has said several times pubiiely that he would maintain the parity of all our money issues atvd decl ration ttands, There ia no disa gepmetit between tV President and the Secretary aa to the mauagenent cf tb Tf88Uy,. -z A telegram wa3 received here to-day from bpeauer Crisp saying that he woulil r pt r turn to Washington until MJ-tntrrow evening. CoctemporaBeot Sr 1' with thfs an r-r-ur cement it is ascer tnloed that ex-Mavor Grace, of New iors, arr vei ia wasu Baton ve-t-r- day Tid diued w th Swator Carlislr, and that bo,h left for New Y ork I s-i night. The stay In New York cf tbe hoeaker and the departure of Senator Criis e for the same city his s.irred. up much spectoiauuu among pQli!iaii,QS in vv asmogion, - - ioaav oa tne Potomac river, near tne Liong ur-age, wtiie m re thu &K) skaters were enioyirg thjmselvas, one of them, an unknown man about 35 years old, disappeared through an air hole and was drowned without anyone Deing apis to niD $im, Dr. lirises Acqnitted. Nfiw York D?c. SO The New York Preseytery todiy reached a vote on the charges against Profess r Brigjrs ana the result was in his favor on all the count?;. On the first charge, accusing him of teaching that Reason is the source of Divine authority, the vote was to eus tain the ebaree, 00; againat sustaining tne charge: bo. - Oa the second charge, which accuses him of teaching that the Church is the source of Divine authority, 55 votes wsre cast in favor of sustaining the charge and 71 against, Ine thlrltt charge was that he taught that the Scriptures contained errors of history and Jact. On this charge the vote was to sustain the charge, 61 j against, bs Alter this vote had been taken two or three of the anti-Br-ggg men left the ccurt ana then refraiLed from voting on tbe last three charges. Oa the fourth charge, accusing him of teaching that Moses was not the author of i the Pentateuch, the vote w3 to sustain the charge, 58; against, 7a. -. The vote on the fifth charge accusing him of teaching that Isaiah did not write many of the chapters ia the book bearing bis name, was In favor of sus taining the charge, 49; against 70. The vote on the sixth charge, accu sing him oi teaching- that samificition is progressive af ler death," wa-a fol lows to sustain tne cnarge, ...t i aga!nit, 69. The case will be appealed to the General Assembly, which will meet in 1 Washington early In the spring. The Asjemb y will appoii. a commission conelsticff Of fourteen unprejudiced members to act on the appeal. .. ' ; 1 ' The friends of DrL Brlggs were grea ly pleased with the result. They hio. calculated ou a majority ranging from four to six. Little Rock, Ark., Dec. 30. A. J. Haspeth; was executed at "Harrison, Ark , to-day for the murder of George Watkicsin 1887.; Easily Taken Cod Liver Oil as it appears ia Scott's Emulsion is easily' taken up by the system. In no other form can so much f at-f assimilated with out injury to the organs of digestion, t Emulsion V'nnft n al ' ObUUd of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophos . phites has come to be an article of every day use, a prompt and infallible cure for Colds, Coughs, Throat troubles, and a positive builder of flesh. Prepared by Scott A Bowne. W. Y. AH drngfists. UP 31, 1892. im business oui look; R. G. DUN & CO.'S WEEKLY REViEW " t AND SUMMARY .OF TRADE. The CIobuik Tear the Slott ; Pi-oprrons - Ever KDown-Good Ioalcatlona for the ; . ,, Future CirarlnK Bona Settlements d Foreiiso Trada for the ear Exoeedinc Any Previous One - ' s " Kx porta Greater.; - - New York, Dec. SO. R. G. J)un'& Co.'s weekly review of trade 8aB: The most prosperous- year ever kcown in business closes to-day with ' etrongly favorable ltdications for the Iuture. From nearly all points comes the report that the holiday trade has been the largest ever known, and - while the wholesale trade la not unusually active at this ssason of stock taking, it ia now remarkably large. Settlements though ciearh.g houses outside of New York in December were apparently the largest ever made in any-' month, exceeding last year by more than 10 per cent For the year the volume ia also about 10 per cent, larger than last year, and the largest ever known. - ; liiilroad earnings in December show an increase of about 3 per cent, over last year and for the year, an increase of about 5.5 per cent. .. Foreign trade has been smaller than last year in volume of exports at. New York 87,800.000 in value for the past four weeks and at. the cotton ports about $10,000,000 less, but Imports at New York have been $3,000,000 larger and the month still 6hows great exoess of exports. For the year the excess of merehandi&e exports has been not far from 87G,000,0CO with the largest im port and largest total of exports and imports ever known in any 5 ear. In iron the trade is weaker, the de mand for finished, products being at present light, but steel rails have been reduced to $29 per - toil and sales of 78 000 tons have followed. This great industry has been much af fected by the market for securities, whi , a ha3 "been depressed for some months by foreign selling and mone tary uncertainty, so that the compan ies baye been restricted' in purchases cf rails and supplies. Bradstreet'says Southern merchant report wholesale trade seasonahlv qu-et, with the protpect for distribution in isd regarded favorably at New Ori leacs, Birmingham, Galvestoj. Mem phis and Richmond. Atlanta dealnra say retailers haye small' stocks. Some excitement exists amonir Charlston dealers owinff to the new linnnr to- The total volume of general tradn t the bouth is believed to be in excess of thit for 1891. Southern iron furnace stocks. ar the lowest for . thirt en mouths and are regarded as a normal two weeks supply. - . FAlLURtS FOR the year. riie Samliir l,e8 TbkQ In any Year Since ISSOHud tbe Average Ilbit liy Lai lb an In UT Year lnce 1878 iNKW x ORK. Dec Si!. Thft nnmVirr 01 iiUurta occurrids? in th TTfiiif- Statesi ia th ear 1892, as reported by 11. G. Dun & Co.'s mercantile ageocj, is 10,344, bdug les than ia aov year since 186, and snowing a difference in i.op ot tug Drtveni year as comparea wiin ltsl, id U.029. Tha dnma u tuc mi ui e i'i ine past year was nt 1 V , - I - . - - ... u,utw,UUU against 189,0t.K,000 In 184, u ceariy a similar amount In ln in" largely ausrmt-rit-ri r.nmh- f truder t.ud tbe enormous ir o.rpn.KA in latiwwmu iu mo vear reuoer ine-a ngurts very dffniticant. Onlw ona In very ha ir - a-rs in tbe United Siates succmata " ISpii, as aainar, one vc'-v E.o iii xoai uaa one in every lvz ia 1 n- ayoraire liability of tbe fall ares in tlje la,t vear was 811.000. belne- tbe lowest average reported since 1878. Rumoret Secret Conter. nee at Albanr. (Baltimore Sun,) ALBANY, JN. I .. UeC 29 A fifirfit confereuce was rumored lo-nlbt as Davie IT ceail held tnvrtHV harwonn ttictiard Crcker, Edward Murphy, Jr. and, iet atop Hl i. The Senator, who was ice. only,. one 01 tbe tbree to be found "la-' th teity to-night, was 'seen just before he left the Hotel Ken more for the theatre. He said he had not teen Mr. Uroker or Mr. MurnhvTo day. ,- Lieutenant Governor W. F. Sheeban. with bis wife, arrived here from buffa lo tb-oiht, and 13 the first of the legU iators to arriye preliminary to the or ganisation. Assemblyman VVm. Sulzer, of New Yort, has ensraeed the old Speaker ship canvass headquarters, room 454, at the Delavan. and. will arrive, here Saturday and open his headquarters. He expects -no opposition. The mem bers of tbe Legislature are not ex pected to arrive here in any numbers before Sunday night." A Family Fathering Have you a father? Have you a mother? Have you a son or daughter, sister or a brother who has not yet taken Kemp's Bal sam for the Tli r oat and Lungs, the guaran-. teed remedy for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup and all throat and lung irouoiesr 11 so, wny, wnen a sample Dottle nd the large alae only 50c and tl. ?ei&l ilcstict. NOTICE Two stray mules Any information in regard and one horse. to thplr where abouts Will be greatly appreciated by (SOUTHERN ju&mu BXABiiAa. . v aecsiit TjOR SAT-E 10 shares stock of Carolina Insur- JL' ance Co. Address M. H. A., P. O. Box 2S7. dec311t CAR LOAD OF HORSES AND MULES JUST arrived from the West. f r sale cheap. Apply to J. H. JoWiSd & CO., 4.1yery and Sale Stables, mai&ei street, utwn u TTOUSE8 FOR RENT RENTS COLLECTED. AA W.M. CUMMING, Rear Estate, tf ex Sun prepared to receive any amount of work and rniarantee satisfaction. Everybody invited to come and see the works in operation. Office and 1 works cor.-Market and Second Sta. Wn Mo- LAREN, Manager. - C? TORES. OFFICES. HALLS AND to D. k3 Dwellings for rent. Apply O'CONNOR. Real Estate Agent. nov? f? UNBROKEN MONTANA HORSES. FOR IU sale cheapi J. H. JONES CO Livery and Sale stables, Aiartet v - aecii S 100 REWARD will be paid for evidence tHat will prove trie New Lee Cook Stove wanting m anytnmg tnat goes to mase up a nrst ciass arucie. No better on tlie eartn. Prices Low. J. L. BRECKENRIDE, SIT-NortaFroBt street OPEflAL FEATURES OF THE IRON KING O Coos: Ktoves: well made, well flnisned, well designed and combined with onr Liberty Ranges completes tne oest une mat can oe pruuuueu. ALDERMAN HARDWARE CO., South Front street, W-iUmngton, U. . ocu nnOILET SETS, etc Just received a nice as- A. sortment of Toilet Sets, Lamps and Lamp Goods for tne ChrUtmas trade, ins very " est a od at the lowest possible prices. Every freigUt train and steamer n-w ads to onr stock. A lot of Flower os opening to- day. i. L. BKECKEN- RIDUE, 215. Norm Front street. . - OHOOTINS MATCH iT HILTON PARK. FOR kj TnrKey. Monuay, uecemoer i ana bob- rtav. Jitnnary 8nrt. W, H. BKLL. tt OUR FKI tNDH AND PATRONS--CAN snntilied with 1893 Calendars by callin BB office of UODUKJi ti TAYLOR, Uerieral Insurance Afents. ie 1S9S.-1893. 1S93, 1893, 1893. W. M. lOJO, CUM MIM G, Keal fcstate,lt9 Princess St. 1893, 1S9J, ii3, i93. calendars on applica tion, ti ex ban -rREPARB FOR CHRISTMAS BY USING XT on tsteam Cookersj Nurrezio Coffee Pots. uartite Iron Ware Koasiers. Cake Pans and Jeily Pans. ' Ez ra low prices on these goods (larlntr tbia week. ALDKRMAN HARD V ARE CO.. i BoutU Front street. acl it 1 to A&aeetlsemettts. A. DAVID 20 DECREES COLDER. -HERE'S WHJERK OXJE- HEAVYWEIGHT COMB IN. THEY WISH MADI FOB n Anm. am n- iuuk iflKST nun i us.lJU.Zl XOU A MINUTE. COMPLETE IH ALL SIZES. l-cts ot$lo Ones, ; Lots "of $12.50 Ones, . - Xots ofSdLS. Caes, To CHILL .HEAVY KERSETS AND CHEVIOTS SOME SHAGQ Y"AND SOME SMOOTH FINISHED. ANY KIND OP A OOAT-YOU WANT, THOUGH, WE'VE GOT. WE ARE SURE WE CAN SAVE YOU SOMETHING. OUR PRICES ARE 8NU FOR'THE VALUES A. DAVI D & "Comfort's Special Bargains Now Useful and JN Making your selections for 'Christmas santa cxas sugcests test be USEJTJI, AS WELL AS ORNAMENTAL. H3 SAYS TIMES ARE HARD AND YOU- WANT T BE PRACTICAL IN YOUR CALLS. NOW HERE IS NOTHING MORE USEFUL i " ORNA MENTAL OR PRACTICAL THAN A FAIR QF USEFUL TO KEEP THE FOOT WARM AND PRESERVE THE HEALTH. ORNAMENTAL IN THAT THEY ADD TO PERSONAL APPEARANCE. PRACTICAL AS THEY SERVE AS A GIFT ANB GIVE SERVICE AFTER WAR. WE HAVE THE HANDSOMEST STYLES IN TOWN AND CAN FIT THE BABY, THE MOTHER THE BROTHER, THE PAPA, AND ALL THE AND EXAMINE. WS WISH TM A 11ER11T Geo. R. French & Sons -HEADQUARTERS FR - CHRISTMAS - GOODS. BEAUTIFEL JAPANESE GOODS, ICE CREAM DISHES, CHOCOLATE POTS, ' AFTER DINNER COFFEES, v " MANICURE SETS, FANCY BOTTLES, PORLEMONAIBS, , HANDKERCHIEFS, Wl SHALL MAKE SPECIAL Dress Goods and FOS.THE NEXT FIFTEEN DATi COME HU8KE Sc DRAPER. Ill IMTarlcet Slreet. Dress Goods, Ladies' White and Colored Wool Blankets ... At Half Price. NOTIOH. 4 ' X HATE JUST RECEIVED THE BEST 50 CENT WHICH I WILL KORTH EAST COR. A''.&ZTTIdI LATI3! But They Came Gr ENTS' ELEGANT UND RESSED KID GLOVES TOTJ NOW MUST HAVE. OUR SUFPLT IS NOT LARGE, BUT PRICES ARB SMALL. READY-MADE CLOTHING MUST GO, IF AT COST. CHILDREN'S SUITS AND EXTRA PANTS AT MANUFACTURER'S RATES. ' Gem's "8 A TRUE STONE CEMENT PREPARED - . Sited aa Kalsomine, bot gives a ham nrjisn, is neater, more artistio in enect ana mora ueaituu. legant effect in TINTING, SHAPXNGr STENCIL, RELIEF and other work easily obtained. X- .A..E BTimSQ, 805 NtRTH PRICE 5 CENTS. &. COMPANY. OVERCOATS JUST THIS WEATHER LONG DuTT TO CALL BY STOEK IT " WE'VE KEPT AN ASSORTMENT COMPANY Corner." in MerchantTailoring, Ornamental. NICE SHOES. - SISTERS, THE CSIN.-ANB A1NT. '"fiU rawTSTuia BISPLAY F . . SALAD BI3HIS, UPS AND SAUCERS, ! TEA POTS, TTD'K'F AND GLOVE BOXES, TOILET SETS, CARD CASES, BRUSHES AND COMBS, LOVES AND HOSIERY. 1 INDUCEMENTS;iN OIK 1 Cloak Department EARLY AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION. and Gent's Underwear. AND CORSET EVER SOLD ON THIS MARKET. SELL AT 48 CENTS. V . MARKET AND FRONT 8TS. Yesterday: Morning. FarnisherG. FOR WALL DECORATION. tiT IS AS EASILY AP- . .... . , . . w FRONT STREET, WILMOlTwir, H. t. SORT CO u V, X . 1 . t i - s - took a cheap dock end left. . A

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