4 f '. " : ... ; . .... - I U r3LISKtO 1.1 1S67 SI J, L ESNtTZ JACKSON" & BELL, PEO?HIKTOKS. I T. B. KINGSBURY, EplTO -' Tn Daelt Mksbxnqkb, by man, one year $7.00 six months, $3.60; three months, $L7$; one month, CO cents. - . j . Served In the 'city at 60 cents 4 month; one week, is ccnts;I$L7S (or three months or fT.00 a year. , ; WILMINGTON. N. C- SUNDAY, JANUARY i, 1893. , . - ; ," TlTBSISG A LEAP " Another Now Year ia.upjm us with kll ofits responsibilities, joys, hopes, Hisappointments, sorrows, bereave ments. 0 those who read tiheselines Ihow many will be in this world when the next new yea'r comes? This writer may hare passed away jand some other hand must weteo.me''jthe stran ger ofc l&U" and give to one and all jthe wish of a happy New Year. ,The i thing to be done is to be ready far ! the final call and the eternal change, that like Paul, the Apostle we may "depart and be with CAmi." J! , The Old Year was calanlitous and jidisturbed, and the signs! increase ilthat great-events are impending, ana ft . - ... nr f that the "old order caangatn We flare notprophet enough to forecast a day and foretell what sua to nations and individuals. happen If God's Hand is not on the throttle ithere will 11 a jfbe a mighty wreck. - jMany heart will be pained and .many a biU ter draught, more bitter than the waters of Marat , must be; drunk by millions of earth's pilgrims; to the il- limitiess and everlasting beyond. In the year1 j us,t closed, the South has been much disturbed politically. Unwisdom, folly,? fanaticism, igno. ranee have had their little' day. Cfod grant that their reign of chao3 is ended. The South is perhaps in an improved condition -as compared with a year ago. It is not so good now and by a very great deal as we desire it should be. There is1 a vast !i amount of distress and want, and r even hunger, and poverty is a in the j! desolate homes of many worthy f am if . . V . lies. The field is large for the exer 'ictse of a generous philanthrophy ;' and works of mercy. In our' illittle city suffering, and want own and jjeyen hunger can be fonnd in the .1 homes on many streets, and the cup- uof bitternesj is forced to the lips .of i many .an immortal soul. .The city should do more f or its poor, i --The Janus of the year is with us. j "When we look bask over the past i how many sterile wastes and neg- J ilected opportunities for acts of mer- icy and benevolence come up before ius. j As the cunning "Wizard .Mem lory throws its. eye back through the Ilast year as , to --years gone be 'fore, and evokes the failures, ;how , very, ' very much there " is to regret. Golden opportunities kre forever gone. Precious time has jboen neglected, days Wentu by with lothing" worthily, learned--nothing jiobly done. Weeks went by, and perchance a friend vas Wt by thoughtless words. , Months " went by, and that friend, passed to the profound silence of the tomb, - and then came bitter regret, made more bitter because ayailless. We have hero in this earthly life that fleets by as a swift shadow too few real friends to lose, a single one by a thoughtles word or an unkind act ' "Friend after friend departs, Who hath not lost a friend? 1 There is 110 union here of hearts '' ; That hath not here an end." ..." - Let none depart in bitterness none Unreconciled with his fellow man, It will be indeed a sorrowf al pre- . paratioirfor the Great' Assize to leave earth with the soul stained and : corroded with the rust-of hatred and iijnalice. If-. ' It is the time for new I resolves for turning a leaf, and for works as .flrell as , '"promises. May the year 1S93, be conspicuous and fruitful in me eiiort3 to upuit Humanity, te d&t vise new plans for the amelioration ef the suffering And poverty of the world! Let each in his allotted place strive manfully to help, on the blessed work. Sympathy, benevo lence, love are great Equalities and factors,' and adorn the noblest of God's creation, Let all men and women of North Carolina "look not inournfully upon the past it comes not back' again," but let us nerve tot the future resolving to illustrate daily the great Tir tue of Duty"; and look to the Almighty Father who made us', and who rules in the armies of heaven and among the inhabi tants of earth, and rnles in the most perfect equity and love, for help, for guidance, for safety from dangers ieen and unseen. Let us ''go forth" jnto the untrodden Future, with brave, hopeful, believing, trusting "manly hearts," "Let i the dead past bury thread," and into that closed sepulchre let us cast all the bitterness and evil thoughts we have cherished-, and hide them from our sight forever. ;: The Messenger greets everybody With aAPPT NEW TEAS? "rUE LITTLE M1SISTEB.'' If you have not read Barrie's "The ; Little Minister," and haye any real relish for the good, the true and the beautiful, and haye any recognition of art in letters and creative genius, we advise you to give it & close reading. It? is delightful so fresh - and frag- rant and heathful. What a power the author has for taking likenesses lor if you please "lor fcreatins? characters.- He niust be a verv elose student of nature a verv Tatint. persistent obseryerf humanity as it walks and talks and hu'rriei and scura ' ! : i- - .X - - - -i- - - ' . .. . , ries around him. He is a born phoa tographer in letters. His art too is so fine, his portraits are so el ear, so sharply eut, quite in the cameo way if the pen ; is used instead of. the sharper instrument. His style is very distinct, and to us very charm ing. It has a quaint flavor. Jt is not the style of ;any other autnor, living ordead. It is his own, quite as much as gentle and lovable Charles Lamb's style was his. If you can read Scotch, and can enjoy the finest touches of humor,! and the p.'ayfullest touches bere'and.there in the way of wise and aphoristic ob servation you will love Barrie. We began with his "Auld Lights." This prepared us for the delightful "A Window in Thrums," and now we haye enjoyed "The Little Minister as we have, no other novel of the last few years .with perhaps ; the. excep tion of "David Grieve." to which however it bears no resemblance. We would much rather have written it than the nuch written about and misrepresented ."Tess." Barrie's story is pure as a rose leaf , while we have said in these columns that "Tess" was to be shunned. We think it anything but commendable in its moral tonei The refinement, -the delicacy. the purity, the beauty, the fidelity to nature, the .. loyalty to God and truth are apparent from first : to last - in t'The . Little Minister." It is a strong noyel. We i are almost - tempted to write, that it isj a-great novel. It is perhaps not that, for few Mictions are really of that rank. It j is great surely as novels are ranked in the newspapers. But great or no it is full of interest, has abundant action, is very sweet ancheven pathetic, and abounds in scenes of rare dramatic power and effect. We mightpartie nlarize, but that would rob some reader of a charm, perhaps,-hat is ahead for him If the author can ever reach asraih so high a water mark of excellence he wiil indeed nlished what falls to the lot of but very few of the hun dreds of men who write stories for the public. .-, ; ' j LITEBABY OOS5SIP. . The "Making of a Man," Rev. Dr. Lee's ereat workr can be ! obtained of any of the booksellers. . We be lieve the price is $1.50. ' -; ; 7 The January number of Harper is much more eDj jyable than j. the Des cember and is well filled with enters taining reading. - I Some people who write for maga zines, reviews and the big papers are foolish enough to think that the great writlers of this century will gradually' becomV obsolete. But this is nonsense. TheHime will not come for generations, we believe, when Carlyle and Macaulay and some of the other for most men with the pen will not be hugely enjoyed. We indorse unreservedly the follow- ing.believingit will be fulfilled to the letter. Mr. Mark Beid fays in Mac millan's (London) Magazine: "While schoolmen wrangle over thisTnethod and that, oyer what the law may be and where to fiud the testimony. Gibbon and Macanlay wiil continue to be read with delight and profit by all who can understand good history and appreciate good literature." ' I: - - : Rudyard - Kipling's popularity does not wane in England. Some think he will grow ever more in? fayor with time. I His pictures of life are so prodigiously yivid that he will be sought by the historians of the future.- ;. - : -"T Robert Louis Stevenson, a writer of supeib gifts' when at his best, is" fortunate in holding his grip upon the British reading public, . The sales of his works continue doubtless with satisfaction, to him', It is re ported by his; English publishers that ; "Treasure Island" i i in its fortieth thousand and "The Master of Bailantrae" in its twentieth; j'The Black Arrow" in its nineteenth! and VKidnapped" in -, its thirty-second. Other of his works sell well. He is writing a sequel to ."Kidnapped," a work of . very marked excellence. " William Watson, the young Brit- ish-poet who hai Ieen seized with insanity, and who has given such uncommon promise, wrote a sonnet called ?Life Without' Health." We find it copied into the N. Y. Tribune with the remark I that it "seems to strangely foretell his madness.'' .We copy the sombre and prophetio lines:- ',' , " 'Bshold life builded as a goodly house And grwn a mansion ruinous, : ! With winter blowing through its crumbling : walla! j. ' f ; - ; 1 The master paceth up and down his halls7 And in the empty hours - 1 ; Can hear the tottering of his towers 1 And tremor of their bases, underground. And oft he starts and looks around At creaking of a distant door, Or echo of his footfall on the floor, Thinking it'may be -one whom he awaits And have for many davs awaited. ConmiR to lead him through the moulder- inggaies r j ut somewhere, from his home dilapi dated," ; f 1 pailIdkes, It is noticeable that many Farm ers' Alliance stores in North Caro lina and other Southern States haye come to grief and "busted." This shows that it is easier to talk than to do. Because merchants ofc opacity, integrity and experience managed their business well upon legitimate principles, some have jumped to the conclusion that' stores selling "dog cheap" would be grand successes. But they have merely panned out grand failures. An objective lesson is here. Incapable men make a Mbotch of every thing they undertake farming, merchandizing, legislating, making political platforms.. This is a fact. '. W;- i - ' , :-' I J;' If Democrats in the Congress haye any.observation or memories they must know that the people demand a full keeping of the pledges of reform. VELE WILMINGTON MESSENGEK, SUNDAg, JANUARY 1, CAUOLINA NECttOLOCY, Among the North Carolina dead of 1892, were some distinguished men and many well. known and valuable citizens. We give in part as follows: Major T.. D. Love, William J Shipp," Charles A.j McNeill, Henry Marshall ,-DrJ Thomas Harriss Clark, Rev. A.. W. Miller; D. D., Major General Robert Ransom, Rev. W. M. Bayes, John W. Payne,; W.-T. Revnolds. S. A. Williamson, Dr S. Devane, Col. John K. seaman, Dr. T. J. Irwin, Pr. Edmund T. Ashe, Thomas H. Hughes, Gov, Al fred II. Scales, W. w. waiaup, James H. Abell, Duncan i C? Winston, Hon. Burgess S. Gaither, Dr. T. A. Brooks, Latta C. Johnston, W. B. Nesbett, , Dr. H. Sf Reynolds,1 Dr. John A. MeGwigan, Jiixuovernor William "W. Holderi, Rev. James fl. Morrison, Major 4onathantEans, Capt. Elward G. Brodre, Jatues A, Leake J Capt. Augustus Landis, Rev. Dr. B. F. Marable, Re v. Joshua J. James; Ret. Aristedjes S Smith, D.D., Richard Bradley, jCapt. Ben jjr W. Beery, Nathaniel Alexander, Rev. M. A. Hoyle, W. Bj Glenn, Col. John W. BoshyheadJ Capt. John A, Rich ardson, Rev. Dr. J.;W. North, Col.L. L. Polk, Prof! James H. Horner, LL. D., Dr. J. E. Brown, Rev. Dr." Hilary T. Hudeon, Judge David A. Barnes, Rev. W. M. Kennedy, Rev. Stephen Frontes, Pro f, E. G. Beckwith, Dr. W. B:rHendei?sn, EeuBen McBrayer, Maj. Duncan O'Hanlon, Dr; Ai D. Lindsay, Thomas F, Wood, M. D, LL. D., Judge Joseph J. Day is, LL D.,Rev. N. B. Huunicut, Coh Paul N. Hillig, Dr. -j Charles; Duffy, Sr., Rev. James D. Hall, Dr. ! Robert Galloway, Donald jMcRae, Capt. J. B. Whitaker, Dr. Al .R, Vann, Dr. S. S. Satchwell, Chiief Justice MerrU mon, Col. Charles tE. Shober, Basil Manly, State Bain, Judge Treasurer Donald W. George Green, Reddin G. Pittman, Gen. John C. Gorman, aud Capt. ChW. D. Myers. uoian FOLKS. Is it not remarkable that there should be such a vast difference in the cost pei mile in constructing Northi Carolina rkih ads? Some - : i .11 v 1 roadalihave cost over $40,000 and $50,000 per 'mile, while others are constructed at a cost of a few thou" sands.!. Has; there not been very bad mahagenijent somewhe MrJ Henry Blount, editor of the W il soar Mirror, has been begin a lecture season invited to in North Carolina. Ho has received i inyita tions to deliver some of his lectures at so much at the; door." We are , , ; : j n really pleased to hear this f orwhi!e we have never heard our friend upon tne rostrum, we a aye a 11 neeaea as. surance that' his success before the manv echo jlsl in deliveriner 'literarv addresses was proniujiced, and that he has some histrionre talents that 1 in lectuiing. He is a man of imagination,, and with a na ture as genial " as iunshine, and: an aboundi&g vocabulary, hoi is well equipped for entertainment. Dr Long recently wrote an article upon Mr. Blount as a lecturer, for the New Bern Journal that was! ofjtx- ceeding felicity and - beauty a work of real geniusi Menjudges, editors aud jothers- who believe that crime is decreasing in North Carolina, might derive some needed in formation jfrom the records since Is December j as published in the various State newspapers. It is revolting and shamdjess and shock Gov. Holt calls the convention to consider the petteruient of country roads to meet at Raleigh I oa - 19;h January. We hopd" good will come of it. A good roadj law well execun ted is what is needed. Enforce the law in the courts if necessary. The public! roads of North Carolina would not be creditable to any peo pie half civilized. County Commis sioners may appoint threa delegates. - SUPERSTITIONS. In old times there, were many su perstitions connected with,! ihe New Year's day. We give a few we col lated many years 'siuce. j T in ijincoinshire, Jtungland,' it was thought unlucky td takte J anythin out of the hrmKA nn Nsw Yauf's Hnv before sometking haid been brought in. It was also deemed bodeful- of death to take a light out of the house on New Year's day. On opening the Bible, it was supposed the first tex that struck tjhe eye related to the fu ture Tear. If the first visitor to 1 house on New Year' day j happened to be a woman, it was also 1 deemed unlucky" if she entered. It was also A A i it. .. 11.! however trifling, oui of the house on New. Year's dy. 1 he weather pre clic tions on tie day were numerous Here are a couple of the most popu, lar ones: : ': '' 4" ' "At New-Year's tide! . i : -The days lengthen a cock a stride." ' "If the grass grows in Janiveer, - It grows the worse fr't all the year." Hature should be assisted to throw off impurities of the blood. Nothing does It so well, so promptly, or so safely as Swift's Specific. LIFE HAD NO ; CHARMS. 'AD j ITS I V For three yea,rs I was troubled with mala rial poison, which caused my appetite to fail, aa 1 wajgreauy reaucea ir. Hesn, and ost all; its charms. I tried mercurial jjotash remedies, but to no effect 1 could X no reueu 1 then aeciaed to try ! A few bottles of this wonderful medicine rna.de n rnmnW anrl iwnninpnf cure, and I iiow enjoy better health than ever. - V...-. J. A. Rice, Ottawa, Kan. ; Our book on; Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. I - j , Swirx SrECino Co., Atlanta, Ga, some rel CURES GBE4TLT IJIPBOVGD OUTLOOK. It is verv" crratfrVing to be assured "bv-R. G. Dun & Co ,' that the last year has been of unexampled . pros perity and that the indications for the vear before us are ; so full of hope and encouragement. The trade extuoit surpasses au omer years. We are something surprised to learn that the number of failures for 1892, are less than those of lS91-a nd by 2 020. But the most astonishing rf port is the great decrease in the amount of liabilities, the figures be ing $75,000,000. This is indeed a most encouraging statement. One in every 93 who trades fiiled in 1891, btt last vear one in every 113 fared, showing most marked improvement. We can only nope that the New Tear will close with as good a show- - ' , - SNAPS, j J lj The Atlanta Constitution complains of much drunkenness in that city dur ing the, recent holidays. ; ; r. Both Senator aud Mrs. Colquitt, of Georgia, have been sticken with par alysis. The Oonttitution says": if "The Senator's career in public and private life has endeared him to all Georgians, and Mrs Colquitt is gen" erally beloved." . i ' j ; rr- - ' . v - - V -r- ;j 1 . .... - Thus far the Chilian : government has paid $75,000 indemnity to : this country for the Baltimore riots in Valparaiso..: ' ' 4'"i: . Mr. John D, Rockefeller has given in all $3,600,000 to the Chicago Bap tist . University. Generous and mu nificent, George Peabodv stands first among American givers, and Johns Hopkins, . of Baltimore, is sees ond. Mr, Rockefeller s probably third. ' " ! .. . . .... .... i It is told that Amelie Rives pb tained for her last story, "Barbara Dering," $5,000. It is successful as to sales, they ; being large, and it meets with praise from some of the critics. Christmas buying is . reported heavy throughout the country and this is deemed as an excellent indica tion of general prosperity- ;r-l - -'-1 " '. ' f ' "TV" Senator Jones of Arkansas, speak ing of the cry for an extra session of Congress says March is too early, and that haste would! bring chaos. Donbtless. : ! Tennyson, when a youth, publish ed a little volume of poems in con nection with one of his two poetical brothers, aud the other day. the manuscript sold for $2,400. The volume itself brought them no re turns in money. reRervInzp Prafsp. We desire to sav to our citizens, that lor years we nave been selling Dr. King's New Discovery ior Consump tion, Dr. King's New Lire Fills, Buck len's Arnica Salve and 1 Electric Bit ters, and have never handled remedies that eell as well, or - that : have given such universal : satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them ': every time, and wa8tand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory re suits do not follow their use. .These remedies have won their great bodu larity purely 3a their merits. U R. .. ! . ..... 1 .-. I When Baby was Eicl we pare her Castorfa. TMiea she wo - a Chil J, she cried for Castorla. "When she b jazne Miss, she elung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Castorla . r i.--- ... .t CURES RLglfcG . BRIBAST 1 ttvrt trntn rnirti nn in thn wpatfut. IVIUI Him O rniLUU Meine ever offered child-bearing woman. I have been a mid-wife for -many years, and in each case where "Mother Friend" had been used it has accomplished wonders and ;relieved much Buffering. It Is the best remedy for rising of the breast known, and worth the price for that alone. k Mbs. M..M. Bkustkk, i t T - Montgomery , Ala. . Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt of price, $1.50 per bottle. j I BIADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Bold by aU druggists. : , i AiXAJJTA, (iA. I - - j - - . MANHOOD RESTORED "SAHATIVO," th Wonderful Spanish Remedy, la Bold with ft Written Cuorantee to care all Neivous Dis eases, such aa Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, .Headache, Wakefulness, Lost Man hood, Nervousness, Las. situde, all drains and loss of power of the Generative Organs in either eex. caused by Before & After Use. Photographed, from life. OTr-exertion, youthful indiscretions, or the excesstre oso of tobacco, opium, or stimulants, which ultimately lead to Infirmity, Consumption and Insanity. Put up in convenient form to carry in the vest pocket. . Price 1 a package, or 6 for SS. With every fo order wo give a written guarantee to cure or refund the money. Sent by mail to any address. Circular free in plain envelope. Mention this paper. ' Address, . MADRID CHEMICAL CCL. Branch Office for U.&A. ! 80S Dearborn Street. CHICAGO, ILL. FOR SALE IN WILMINGTON, N. C, BY ' Bobert IL Bellamy, Druggist. . ' AND TAKE WARNING j FOR TIME PASSES AWAY FASTi j " ' - . . j . I " '-'-!--'-" Only three montii more and the entire stock of Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods niust be closed out regardless of cost ;Call. early knd t e- enre a bargain at ; Corner Front and Princess sta. r DR. D, S. HARMON, The Russian Opthalmic Optician and Inventor Kooms S and 8, Allen Building, Princess St. .J WILMINGTON, NT C. - ' trjfo charge for examenation of eyei. . - Adrian & Vollers WHOLESALE DBALEKS IN PE0VISI0NS, GE00ERIES, Liquors, Tobacea, Cigars, '" ; AND COMMISSIONJMERCIIATvTS,' Coi er Front and Doc Sti, Wilmington, N. o LGQK Xl " 1 f v I Ell - Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a; harmless substitute for Paregoric, Irops, Soothing fcyrups, and . Castor Oil., It is Pleasant. Its guarantee js thirty years use, by 3Iillions of Mothers. Castoria.destroys "Worms and allays feverishr-cs3 Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, - cures Diarrhoea and Wind i Colic- Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. . Castoria assimilates; the food, .regulates the; stomach T and bowels, .giving healthy and j natural sleep.-1 Oas J toria is the Children's Panacea4-the Mother's Friend. ' Castoria: " Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren." Mothers have rasieatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." - j Da. G. C Osgood, :'...:.! i Lowell, Mass. i Castoriais tho be&t remedy for children of whicm I am acquainted. I hope the day i3 not far distant when mothers will consider tho real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones.Tjy forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup aud other hurtful agents down their throata, thereby sending them to premature graves." r ! ' i Do. J. F. KiNcrnxoK, ! Conway,-Ark. The Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, Nexr Yori City. Relieves leaves any by druggists, . HWH H rrii ir "LA GRIPPE mi A PI A P IM0 fniCrla nf'lrnn Dll I ' i have been used with preat success in caes of attack; also during tho critical period of CONVALESCENCE, when the patient is greally: debilitated and liable to develop catarrh or pneumonia. T v fSIi&RCAItD'S preparations are unequalled as a tonic and an alieratire for fo.niiyinjr the system and keventtng a relapsed i ' Sold by all Druggists. " E. FOUGEBA & CO.; Agents, 20, 2S aud 30 :sTorth William St', New York. mch5-ly sun ' x t.j v ATTElSllTldN. WE fiAVE A IITfIS3SR, 'J.-AJX .:!;!;:.'! ' l!-' -.- f ALSO WniCH WE WILL CLOSE OUT AT GREATLY THESE GOODS WE IMPORTED AND ARE VERY SEE.THE3I WM. EL SPRINGER & CO. Importers Purcell Building, OF- Dress Goods-, Ladies' II MM ' ! r - H FJN rvs m ! I 1 White and Colored' Wool Blankets At Half NOTIOI3. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE BEST 60 CENT WHICH I WILL NORTH EAST COR. MARKET AND FRONT STS.'" 2Z, -HEADQUARTERS FOR- CHRISTMAS M BEAUTIFUL JAPANESE GOODS, JCE CREAM DISHES, .. . ; - CHOCOLATE POTS, ' AFTER DINNER COFFEES,' - ' - ' - MANICURE SETS, . , v - FANCY BOTTLES, - - - - . POHLEMONAIE8, iiAWUKBRCHIEFS, ' ! " WB SHALL MAKE SPECIAL Dress; Goods -and FOR ;THB NEXT'FIFTEEN DAYS. COME EARLY AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION. ' r - KLXJSBZE & DRAPER. . - i t ; .,i HI Tarlet Street. - i A . Castoria. -.. i " Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." . ; ; I i H. A. ASCBEB, Jo. V.f 111 So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T. mi. i.ili.ll 1 " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experl- ' enc in their outside practice with Castoria, - and I although we . only have among onr- medical supplies what Is known -as regulur , products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." - I, . - United Hospital and Dispeksaet, j 1 Boston, Mass. Allen C. Smith, Pres., r" all soreness of the mucous membrane snd cures GONORRHOEA and GLEET in i to! davs. No 9 ctlier treatment necessary. ; Nerer causes stricture or sSJ injurious alter cttects. Price. )x. bola i 1 i , i . , - i i. -. . Rinnn rqih r.n Dm' ,h r ets. FEW HANPSOME - TEA - SETS, E EDUCED PRICES FOR TIIE HOLIDAYS.' FINE QUALITY AND CHEAP. CALL AND r sirud. CToTD"bers, Wilmington- N . Ct MONARCH OF ALL, NEW HOME Surpasses All, Others; FOR SIMPLICITY, DURABILITY, EASE ! OF? MANAGEMENT, CAPACITY OF 1 I WORK, "THE LIGHT-RUNNING NEW i home" has no; rival; and the HAPPY POSSESSOR OF ONE HAS THE VERY BEST THE WORLD AFFORDS. T. W. WOOD, AG'Ti 1 -WILMINGTON, N. t. and Gent'sUndervear, - price. CORSET EVER SOLD ON THIS MARKET, SELL AT 48 CENTS, i IDIS-'BES. tt. -GOODS. DISPLAY OF l" - . ' DISPLAY OF . SALAD DISHES, ; . r. ' CUPS AND SAUCERS, - j ! f TEAPOTS ' - , H'D'K'F AND GLOVE BOXES, -' . TOILET SETS, , 1 - j CARD CASES, BRUSHES AND COMBS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY. 1 " INDUCEMENTSN OUB - 1 . ' . Cloak Department - i pples, Orange?, Cocoanuts, fiaisins. - , . t ALSO FULf, STOCK Or ' r .. ; CANEIES, CRACKERS, , ; CHEESE, CANNED GOODS SUGARS, .COFFEES AND FLOUR." Orderjn time or your holiday trade. BAIL & PEABSALL. . ' . Cor Kutt and Molberrr Sis. . BEAUTIFUL GOODS j !;jW-v FOR " . Xmas" Presents j AT I Lowest Prices. , ROBERT -R BELLAMY, I DRUGGIST, :..-i--:-t'.... :..r.- . . W. COR. FRONT AND MARKET STS. - .... j i.. - ,: I decsatf LIME I LIME! Best on the market. Ask for 'I . k , - - prices. -: SALT, T ACON, "fOLAS8ES, ALT, A3ACON, IVloLASSES, - . 4 i i?LO! FLOUR, OUGAR, LOUR, OUGAR, Canned - Goods, Lowest Gash Prices, WORTH & WORTH. h;olidays. ' j:l : ' A FULICLLNE OF HOLIDAY GOODS - CHRISTMAS CARDS, TOYS AND PRES- ' ENTS OF VARIOUS KINDS. Pianos and Organs, :- OF THE FINEST QUALITY FINISH "AND LOW PRICED, MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS "OF ALL KINDS, STATION- .' . RY, Etc., AT . N- Geoi Haafs Music House i j . -Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. , j The "Atlantic .- Cafe," Cor. Front and Red Cross streets, opposite tne ... .1 "j. Atlantic Coat Line Depot, . Oysters in Every Style It is nndonbtdlT one of the finest in the State. WLMEK, LIQUORS and CIGARS of best qual Ut served. . . ' Our-elegant Billard and Pool Hal is now com pleted. ur We have a special LUNCH COUNTER Which u always well supplied. - GIESCHEN BROS. -!! 1- " " sept 15-ti TO! OFFICE SEEKERS -AND- Officeholders. THE AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF New York (capital one million dollars) is now represented in Wilmington and will receive ap plications from persons in positions of trust to act as surety on. then bonds. Those who are now giving personal bonds Bhonld relieve their friends from farther obligation as bondsmen and apply to Mi -S. Willard' j j 1 -S10 NORTH WATER ST., -: ' j Telephone No. tt. v . . Q;RAMGEa I ORANGES. -1 , 1 AH T)OXES TUST .."DECEIVED. lyu AOXES tl UST f Al DECEIVED. ow iOW, DOWN A OWN f D. L. GORE. I I 130, 1SS 124 NORTH WATER 8Tn Wilmington, W. O. Commissioner's Sale. BY VIRTUE, AND IN PURSUANCE OF lA decree of tha Superior Court of New Han over County, made in the case of Mary E. Grafflm -Hi1111".8 "dwife, I will onThurs da(y, the lth day of Januarv, 189S, at 11 o'clock jm. at tbe courthouse door in Wilmington, sell to the highest bidder at public auction for cash, the following described lot of land in said city, to- Befrinntng at a point in the westers line of Fifth street sixty-six (66) feet southwitrd'y from the southwestern intersection of Fifth and Queen streets and running thence southwardly along the said western line of Fifth street thirty-three (83) feet and of the uniform depth of 165 feet The s une being oae-half of the eastern naif of lot?, block aa. j DuBRCTZ CUTLAK, Ja., Dec 3? Jan 1, 4, 8, is, i - r Commbaloner.; jt Sincere Thanks TO MY FRIENDS AND PATRONS FOR THEIR liberal patronage during i the holidays and ask a continuance of their trade in fine commer ci -1 and society stationery, books Ac. - lob pi int'ng and rubber stamps. -:;x ;rx - Win. X DeROfeSETj Jr. I 't STATIONER AND PRINTER. ' declT sat sun th I - : No, 8 South Front Sfc, THE KEMARKABjCK VIRTUE POSSESSED by -Green's WUd Cherry Cougb Syrup la known to thousands who have used it. an while we do not claim that it is an infallible remedy, we do claim that there is no preparation on the market to equal it idthe cure "of fcoughs, colds, bronchial,aifectitfe9 and croup. Dcb't teke other preparatioai,it"are said to be "lust as good.'r WILLIAM H. GREEN A COMiSufac? vurers ana Proprietors. ' Vwit I - - l ...-: ... . ...... . MAYER, STRO'JSE & S. MF.412 B'WAY. NY. kK-v :!- i"-. -j," -A,-' : ''. fJOTICE. M' ULLETS, MULLETsZjrsi for choice large sizeAinLREcElVEn -Floor an hand all th tim ;jiae Gold CUeese, Coffee, MolassesTsyrnplf" C Ctined goods. Also 1oh lntJI-.a,n(, a fmi , Unned goods.' Also Job lotaTO ' fan au U beaten. Call br write C acco-1 signtw ota Country. Produce $L Co? OCtl5-3m iiw TJUCK FABMg. " A3 FXCHiKRFti FOR rif n ,J T 11 JrV-iTV. ft MILK OF THE TJITlJ-Lntf closed and buildings thereon. djBcG CROX Y A FiH Ga e, and all kinds of County FroJuc ' E W RIVER OYSTERS IN oln ; 1 v' J i IX ages. City delivery a a r-i 1 1 V A f 'K-' nothing but the New River oar. .! A (rant for tho TJonr ii; " r ' n . iA. Goodwin, i i tp t U I - PtoPRrKToas 1 ' Fayetteville andTalskh, - N, fj MARBLE AND GRANITE f nnif ji iiriucs ana uesiTi . naonSOlT . H f j II --n. . : . . !!. rjUS UUSIlNJiSa AKAKE3IKNTT I kttv AA between tne nndersifriw.i ."?vG January 1st, 18. . y Si - PATER SON DOWNING 4- :j! " it-i. nin... CO.. 1 PATERSON, IlOWMv-,-! ( V.D.t.l1 . 11 T" flrni in Wiltninirtnn 1. ment of our airalra will, on Jam lbt, lii.-i ! hands of Mr. Henry K Nash, Jr., airt tJ, ,!le1 of attorney whicli Col Koore hoULs wi;; m?Vth date be transferred to Mr. Nah. i- ! ' - S! ijjjecxvn fAiinteum, jjuwmm; i t0 Af Th48 Unlucky Garner FOR- CHRISTMAS, FIRE WORKS. I': IfiRUIT CAKE, FOUND CAKS, OHv iiotherklndof.Cate or Cracker. Anrih-.. you! want in Fancy Groceries, u Fine fnt ew )uu wiBiu axivb us jour urut'is. please you. i '. r . SANDERS PT ipO VNDERS CZ Kjo. GEO. W. HUGGINS, jjEWELER AND WATCH INSPECTcL '". :f: 105 MARKET STREET. i HE PUBLIC IS LNYlTEDi TO L AKD examine -my large and "well jselectju stock pi goQdsincludlng all thelateat no'veltjbs in Jcel- : S v;"r ,- V- . J ; ... j ' j t r ; i; '. ryand Silverware. Am receiving j goods dany suitable for Wedding Presents, etc ' J '-" ' ----- : '! - 1 .jT 1 ' ! l ', s I. also have a first .class watchuaXGr who is glyiu g entire satisfaction to the pnbl k i " Seasonable :! Goods, w K OFFER THIS WEEK li YE CJIOICS rancy Groceries SUITABLE FOR THEEAON Plum Puddings, ITince-Meat !in Gl.fe, 'fui; and Hulk; Preserves and Jell v in; Glai Tin ami H Bulk, Dunbar's Ripe Figs in fieav T"rnp; j Dunbar's Ripe Figs in Woniial.l Im- Queen Cluster Raisins, Valincia Haisius. ' fjuuuou L,uyvr xiaisuis. xoose Muscaius, ' . CaHfornia Evaporated Peaches, N. r. Diied - Peaches, N. C. Dried Apples, French Trunes, . Jj ? Finest in the market t ESCORTED COMFITS AND CHOCOLATES RoChefort, Fromage de Be, Edarar Pine- Appfe II auu American jjim cnecse.- CRAB APPLE CIDER VEHRYY VTri? AjtARGE LOT ORANGES AT LOW TRICES. Ah. knli.li. 1 1 n n S 1 . . . vm uwiuttj uucacuuiiucicauu we can please 1 1 the most fastidious. ,. . Send In your order?. We guarraatee priresw, j tne lowest, we eannot fail to please you. ,111 ruVKVULlVUKX WAGONS WE WILL NOT KEEP YOU WAITING. ie John L. Boatvvright Co. Smyrna, Moquette, j .- . . WHITE AND COLORE!) gre, v FOR THE noi)IAVS. r 1 ALL WRAPS DEDUCED. R. M j Mc NTIRE, 1 Br editing in needed, witli the Ball corset. It's eas friri tbe start. Xoils of I tiny wire springs in the sides' make it 1 4 so. There are bones that bend, but can't break, and soft eyelets that won't cut the laces. You'll like-it. If you don't, after "a few weeks' wear, just return t and get your money, j -. r.lorteaoees' Sale. fi Y VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF Tilt power of sale, contained in a certain iwH-n ture of mortgage, dated December 13, l1' l'xe! cuted by the Hanover Land and Improvement Company to E. H. Kidder, Q. W. Kidiler an l v P. iKlddcr as Trustees, and recorded in the Ho lster's office of New Hanover counrvwin BK'k 6. I) aires 139 etc.. thn i1 raorttrjiirpii'fi wi I St 11 '. I public auction for cash at the court iouse door m Hh city of WUmiHgton, N. p.", on Weilnt Hilav, the m aay oi January, 1S93, at IS o'ctor following described real estate, situated in city, to-wit: One lot begiamng lim the westeru line of Eleventh street, at a point ninety leei soathwardly from Dock street and running ihen' e with Eleventh street south wftrdly bne tiwniir;i and forty feet, theuce westwardly parallel witu Dock street one hundred andjafty feiet to 3iagn; Ua street, thence with said street uovtliwara. oneimndred and forty feet and thence eas"!! ly parallel with Dock street one hundred and nny feet to the beginning-being a part uflots 2, 3 an" 4blOCkl48. r- ;. . The other lot 6eginning--in the eastern line or Eleventh street thirty-three feet north of orange street and running thence with Eleventh sinjji northwardly two hundred and thirty-oue lef -thence eastwardly parallel with Wange streti one hundred and fifty feet to Jasmine stree j thence with Jasmine street-south two hnniirt ij and sixty-four feet to OraDge stivtet' th nee y " Orange street westwardly seventy-fire nej rthu-ty-three feet and thence westwardly fra; !' I ;.. - . loot tii the I'C- ginning, being part of Jots 3, 4, 8. 149. v , - 1 -j R. H. KIDWEK, Q, P. KllUJA isn't v stees and Mortgagees. .December v