THJK VULMIKGTON .MESSENaEB,! SUNDAY JANUARY 1 lSbsi IbUULV iJ&i? U B 0 n . for thes imitations and substi 4 tutes, they are poor stuff at the best an.3 increase your nfisery. Take Sijamohs Liver Regulator only. : You will know it by the large red Z on the face of every ; package and by the relief it gives, i When taken for Dyspepsia. Indi gestion, Constipation, Biliousness Jnd Sick Headache. IS H jL REGULATOR U b. Hi 2CIL1N & CO.. Philad'a, BERTH'S OaRANS"Vn Fre. Address DANIEL F. DI -and PIANOS $33 nil ant asrent. earn? BEATTYy Washing- toi N. J. Agent's profits per month. Mill prove it or pay forfeit. New articles just out. A $1.00 fsample and terms free. Try ns. CiiiDESTiiR 4 SON, 28 Bond stvjsr. y. - v -' f A r Peck's INVISIBLE-TUBULAR EAR FRw M mcuifluQ Whisners heard. Com fortable Successful rrhr.reirll Kemedies faii Ills, book jlTODfsrrea. Address . HiSt'OS, 8S3 Broadway, ew lora. It-! PARKER'S hair balsam . beantifiea the hair. luxuriant prowth. K.-'lt J5a3 ah ever .rails to .Restore Grsv Cures Hc&ip durasc-a & hair falikig. SOc, and frl.t; ar DroggiBts Th6 Consumptive and FeetoTe md n who unVrfrumcxhaiutudispaw suhuul'l use Parker's Ginger Toaie. It rurestne worst Couirh, Weak Lunga, Debility .In digestion, fremajeweaaucss, KlicumauamaiitiPaiu.lOe. & 1. HtMPERCORNS. The only mire cure for Corn. b:oBi ail pain, ilakua walaiEI easy. Ixts, at Drugguta. i ! All First-Class Druggist, ; , Frdnd present date will keep ori sale the Im posted East India Hemp llemedies Dr. H. sail (Calcutta), will positively cure Consump- tarrh, and break up a fresh cold in M hours. , $2.p0 per bottle, or 3 bottles $0.50.. Try it.' ff CRADDOCH & CO.. Proprietors, - - 1032 Race St., Philadelphia Ml COMPANY'S Extract of Beef, i I i THE STANDARD FOR PURITT, V: : li FLAVOR AND WJfOLESOMENESS. V (aeauine only with Justus von Llobig's Higaature as ulion rJ.t.hA-.tor'i EnSiifi ri3mcnt TlruiUL EimnOYAL PILLS . 4 i r-P P.-rrrl in auJ Gold metallic r -ij. I-.l I... 1 1..,. Mw.n Tlr mi. f t IrJ JfTTS . ffl.UU IH"U H'iaa. uw V f J- P'-fun dartrwQli til7) $ tit W V rf-Ad imitations. At Jirttsgista, or ten4 4t - 2ir in'f l-, :i '' r partlcnlu.'S, -tt-atimooialt aad ' Jt5 Iir"U-r vir ijaflien " tn tetter, ot irinrn C.'ii'chirftter tactical 'Si? almrOi rfcU tiykll Local l):uH. II I III.!, . . f BURR & BAipY, i ! 19 and 21 South Front Street, s llACHIM SHOPS &F0UUDRi. Brass Finite and Coppersitli!. f ' - :. . Estimate fu?nls' ed on Turpentias Mills or Hichlnory of Jaov na.ture. M , 1 ' . -; LOOK! LOOK AND HEMEMBEU THE ORASDinOLI- ' DAY SESON I NOW OX IIADANJS AH. THE SEASONS THAT HAVE PASSED WE AHE UEADlfUARTERS FOK jit X)U R TOY DEPARTMENT IN OUR i ! -store is filled- complete amd u our prices are ine cheapest of '. ! Any house in the state, we . i ' BUY OUK TOYS FROM HEADQUATt ' TERS. FOR TI1E SPOT CASH AND r THAT ENABLES US TO MEBT ALL COMPETITION IN PRICES. W?GR j ! DULLY INVITE INSPECTION. COME I AND SEE US AND GET OUR PRICES i UEfORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. '. ' 1YE HAVE A FINE LINE OF - ii j.. t - . V - . " i MILLINERY GOODS ,! t SltKS, RIBBONS, FE ATHERS,PLU5tES H I AND HATS THAT WE BOUGHT AT. 33H'C ON THE DOLLAR THAT WIS . I; "ARE SELLING WAY BELOW COST." i 'COME ONE, COME ALL AND GIVE ' I I its. A SHOW. REMEMBER WHERE ) WE ARE AT, ; RACKET STORE, ! : OPPOSITE MARKET. iJH Soutli Frbnt Street, Wilmlngten.-N C. & GAYLORD, PROP iTTp-nlnnaTtflrs for New York and BostoD. J . INTERSTATE " fbst & Brokerage Co.i " 'UAM3IGII, N. C. j ',11 "i ' ' . - " QTOCKS, BONDS AND LIBERAL LOANS ON 3 Life, Tontine and Indowinent . Insnraace Jioilces. Correspondence Invited. . fOCt26-3m , $525 ijfx S ft 111 1 1 1 ;:l':.:':v'-f feVl4rkl I ' Site ptcsjienpr NORTH CAROLINA, i :; Charlotte New. Sam Ewart, the 4 year-old boh of ,Mr. S. K Ewart, wbo liyea near HuntersviUe, w8 burned to death, yesterday. The 106th annual f communication of the Grand Liodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of North Car olina will be fceld in Raleigh, Tnes day evening, January lOib, 1893, commencing at 7:30 p. m. Elizabeth Young, a negro woman of Union county, was recently tried and found guilty of murder. The Supreme court granted her a new trial and it has been ascertained that she is entirely innocent, Governor Holt authorizes s Eiitor Jernigan, of the Mate Chronicle, to say that while he highly appreciates partiality of the friends who have suggested his name in connection with the Cabinet, he is in'.nb sense an aspirant for such a position. Raleigh' ;' Chronicle: ; . Wednesday evening a deed of assigQment was filed in the office of the register of deeds,' by R. J. Powell, conveying to R. H. Battle, as assignee, all goods, wares, merchandise and fix tures coalained in the Adams; build ing, where Mr. Powell has been conducting business. j Salisbury Truth: According to Mr. J. P. Rowan's report, who has just completed the census, the Ecbool children in Salisbury numoer' 1,503. : Marion Butler, the Gideonite de famer of Senator Vance and the treacherous apostate from the Dem ocratic party; is having his agrarian sheet, the Caucasian, circulated in this county by followers. ! i New i York Ileratd: The Rev. Charles Force Deems, pastor l of the Church of the Strangers; was well pnough yesterday to leave his room and take dinner in the dining-room of tho New Ydrk hotel,! where he aud Mrs. Deems live. Dr Frank Deems said that hisfather was not suffering from a stroke of paralysis, but was simply exhausted 1 by his hard work. r . i : . !. Raleigh News Observer: i Mr. Chas. J. Merrimon left last Tuesday : for New York to take a position ! in the law office oi Messrs. Hubbellj & Co., of that city. "Dick's" many friends wish him a fall measure of success. A gentleman writing from Haw River i mentioned that : yesterday morning the thermometer stood at zero at 8 o'clock. Her in Raleigh .another gentleman's thermometer was at 2 aboye zero yesterdy mdrnj ing. ' Down town we believe it rang ed about 10 or 12 degrees above zero. Goldsbiro Argus: It is" a great pleasure Jo us to-know that St. Paul M. E. congregation of this city, have given their zealous und popular pas tor. Rev. B. R. Hall, 'a vacation owing to his recent ; severe ( illness, and have presented him with a good ly purse to bear the expense of a (visit to Florida, where he is advised Dy nis paysieiau to go io recuperai. -r-T Goldsboro' oldest; inhabitant in point of years, Mrs Louisa T. Craw ford, relict of the-late John B. Crawf ford, E?q ;, died of the home! of her son Mr. Wm. W. Crawford, in at this city, on Wednesday night, 9:25 o'clock, in the 931 year of her age Graham Gleaner: A' horrible mar der of two ol3 people was committed Hst Friday afternoon, about two miles i northwest of Silver City, Chatham county.: The victims of of the foul deed were Mr. Adam Siler, aged about ISQ, years and his wire, a few years youngfr. They were at home alone, arid the first to discover tnemt was tusir nttie grandson, aged 8 to 10 years, on his return from school. Both had been shot, Mr. Siler i having been" shot three times and Mrs, Siler twice. It is sappdsed they were murdered for,- their money, but it is now believed! the robber murderers secured yery little mpney, as Mr. Siler, though aui?e welltodot- had -very, little money on hand. . Mr. and. Mrs. Siler were buirie.d Sunday in the same grave. At the coroner's inquest no clue was found as to who committed the foul deed. s i ; : i ; '! L PUBLIC OPINION. Mr. Chandler's i feill, reportedfa vorablv from the Committee on Im migration of the united b ates ten ate, is as follows: A more awkwardlv drafted bill wa never read. ; It reminds us of the bootc en titled, "English as She is Spoke." But the objects of the bill are praise worthy. As we have argued more thiU-pnce, it would be poor -states'' mans.hip and worse charity to admit immierants into this country at the cost of the lives of thousands of the D"4Die wno were DOin anu reareu . '1. 4 5 -I . 3 here, whether the aoove quoted bill would, if. it became a law, effect the objects which it was intended to undertake to . de cide. Probably nubuc sentiment so stronarly faeors those objects that the billjwili be so construed as to make it ffective in accomplishing them. Richmond Dispatch, Dem, Recent events have placed the -Farmers' Alliance! thordughly in the saddle in Santh Carolina; and it is proceeding to play the; proverbial part of the beggar on norseoaeK. its first act was the passage of a sta'u'e which, if carried iout literally, wou'd simply confiscate! the property of all the j railroads int South Carolina. This, of course, ends the possibility of building any; jmore railroads in ihat State, sinca no sane man u co iner to invest his money in a State when he is notified beforehad.that it will be conflsiated. Their nest aat was to pass a law imposing confisca tory taxation on the property of all corporations. The first answer we have to that is the statement that the National Bink of Newberry ha dcc:rea a gividend of oU per cent. on its capital stosk. This means that it has diyided . up all its surplus amongst its stockholders to reduce its property liable to taxation. This, , of course, reduces its 'resources for making loans and accommodations by that much, and a people already comDlaining that there is not money ecpugh for them to be able to borrow whftn thev 2fd it, deliberately drive away a large parjt of tho supply that they haye.-wo Timet. Bern. A Million Friends. A friend in need is a friend Indeed, andnotlesa than one million people have found just fcuch "a friend In Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. If! you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all dis eases of Throat, !) Chest and Lungs., Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or I money will be re funded, j Trial bottles free at B. R. Belamy is Drug Store. Large bottles 60c. and $1,00. ; Do not rnin the stomach with chemicals Simmons Liver Regulator is purely a vege table and effective. . ". FINAKS1AL And Ccmmercial - WIUrilNGTON BI1BUETS. - ; OFFICIOS" THE MESRlCNtiTCR, 1 -WCiMINGTOKa N. C, Dec. SI. t COTTON REPORTS, The local market. Nothing doing. Receipts of cotton to-)day 33 bales. Receipts correspondlag day last year I, 834 bales. i . ; t The quotations posted at 4 O'clock yes terday at the Exchange; Ordinary , 7 i . cts Good ordinary. .... . tiow middling..!.,..... ....i 9 5-18 Middling'.......!. .i...... Qi Good middling. L ., ,i io 1-ie ' Price t same day last year 7t els. - NA.VAL STORES. ! I Spirlte turpentine firm at 27ic. Rosin firm 4- strained $1.00; good strained 51.05. ! t ' . Tar steady at 1.05. ' . Crude turpentine steady; hard f 1.00: virgin 51.70; yellow dip 11.70. , Price same i, day las t year Spirits turpentine 81c; r roein tl.S0Ccdl.25, tar 81.30; crude terpentine $1.00, 11.90; II. 90. ' , . j i ' i . ' - Receipts to-dsyS3 casks spirits tur pentine; 383 barrels rosin, 140 barr&Ja tar, 2 barre' 8 crude turpentine, i- Receipts eaine day last vear 114 casks spirits turpentttie, 87' b&rrtiix rosin, 209 barrels tar, -is- barrele cruda turpenune. ' r REontUIy Statement or Cotton and Kaval Rceipta for the mdnth esQing Dec. 31, 18W. Cotton. Spirits. I Roslni . Tar. Crude J.. 3,89 i 17.632 6,oll 552 Receipts for the month enfllng Ceo. 31, 1891. Cotton 1 Spirits. 1 I Rosin. ' Tar. Crude. 27.35J , 4,443 I 8J.T4S '8,9U : 1.16 Kzports for the month ending Dec. SI, 1892.! Cotton. SDirits. Rosin. Tar. OiidA Domestic. 2.791 12,487 ' ! t28 I 6,061 6Ji Foreign.... 11,6101! I m e,V6 f 115 Total.... 11,304 j' 3,. 8 S 13.S&5 1 B.1S3 9 Exports for the mosth ending Dec. 31,1891.: Cotton. . 6.97 i . I5 6i7 Spirits. Jiosln. Tar. Crnde. H Cl ! l.a I 7,908 .1,31 Domestic Foreign, .j ,2J 2,19J 3 Total.. 1j. 23,626 1)4,651 12.S01 i 7.9il 1.311 .Stocks ashore a fad afloat Dec. SI, 1892. Ashore. 9 634 111467 5 361 ! 091 Afloat, 82,9 731 i 4i Ul.310 , i '12S Total 33,007 2,' 98 5,767 6.46 '690 Cotton Spirits Rosin . . Tor .'l... Crude.. I Stocks on hand Dec. 31, 1391. I SpiritsJ Kosln. Tar. i Crude j S.8iS i . il,553 "2,711 -J 1.721 I 1 Seaeon's Rerjoiptsj j ! ' ! Cotton Spirits Rosin Tar Crude Cotton. 15,1 7 i DCC 31, t893...141,540 ! 50,100 HS1,2 30 46,102 14,14 uec 31, 1891. .133.193 i i0.655' 2l,a34 4 ',(.64 12,814 v Season's Exports, i I Cottoni Soirfts i Rosia Tar.Crude, Deci 31, 1893.116,303ji 49,306 P95W0 52,012 li,693 Dec 31, 1W1, U1.413 t0,555 S3v9,2jT 6J,88 13,914 MARKETS TELEBSAPhJ, NEWjlfORK, 26. 31d Money on call has been ea3y 4 per cent.; i Ir'rime . mercantile pape pCd)Q per cent.'; Sterl- lug exchange i iady; posted rates 4.86 kial bills 14.844 4.85. (0.SSi;j comme and' 4 $7(4 87l. j .Goternment" bonds steady. State bonds riealected. Rail road -bonds generally fem. j Sub-Treas ury balances; coiUi 8(3,241,000; currency $6,371,000. I , .1 i . ! i : I STOCKSI AND kONDS. " ' Newi 'ork. Dec: 3lL Western Un ion, 95f ;" New York Central, 109i; Iiew Jersey CentralJ 126; Northern jfacific, 151: do preferred; 47tl Union if acme, 39i; Missouri Pacific, 5611 Teas Pe cmc, y j; Delaware, Liickawanna ana Weetern, 1531; Kne, 24; do. pjeierred 54; Lake Shore J27i; Louisville and Neshville, 7if; Kaehviiie! and Caat- tanooga and at. Louie,- ob; liicnmotid and West Point Terniiual, 7i; Ala bama, A, 6's, I 102; Ailabama IB, 106; Alabama C. 94 ;! Norfolk and Western preferred 374: ICo&t Tennessee railroad. 31 do. preferred, 23; Cotton Oil Trust 4S; do. preferred, 811J Tennessee Set- tteaitnt 6's,i 103; STeuoesiree- 5'b, 102; Tennessee 3's f - 77; I,; Virginia 6"s, . 60; Virginia ex-Mature Cou-i pons 85; Virginia. Consolidated od, Silver Certificates, 82i; Amer ican Sugar 'Refinery j llli; do. pre ferrtd 99; North Carolina 1 4's. 99; North Carolina b's, 122; South Caro lina Brown Cpnsol, 6; Memphis and Charleston, 50; Mobile add Ohio 36; Richmond and Danville,-5 k j - - asiteu; oiu. u iii. ijiv. m '"WEEKLY BANK STATEMENT. ; New York; Dac. 3i. The weekly tank statement shows the following changes: Reserve increase, 8662,975; loans decrease, $458,f 00; j specie de crease. $917i00: legal tenders in crease, 111,634,800;'' deposit " increase, 8219,30UV-circulation decrease, 877,400. rJ;he banks nOw boldf$o,839,55U in ex cess of the requirements of the 25 per cent rule. COTTON New York, Dec. 81. The Cotton Exchange closed Saturday j and Mon day. ' I New York, Dec.'3l. Total visible supply of cotton for- the world is 4,427,- 335 bales, of which 4,025,435 bales are American, against 4,632,255 bales and 4,244j9o5 bales respectively last year. Receipts of cotton this week at all in terior towns! 88",723 ! bales; receipts from plantations 176,415 bales. Crop in eiarht 4,712,b77 bales. New York, -Dec. 3l Flour' quiet and steady; I low extras if 2 00(0:2.65; city mills $4.154.J5; city mill paten t3 4.404.65. Winter wheat 9 low grades 82.002.55;. patents $3.85 4 15; Minnesota clear $2 50(fif3 50; straits $3 504 10; patients $4 254 75. Soutnsro nour quiet ana steaay; com mon to lair extra 2.iu(ff3,iu; gooa to choice tlo f 15(So. Hye flour steady and dull; superfine 83 20 3.40.- Wheat Spot nrmer witn op tions dull ;No. 2 red 79icin store and elevator; 80ii afloat?! No. 3 red 74f(d 75a; No. ? Milwaukee 37fe; No. 3 spring 73tc: ungraded- red 7jt(oyuc; jnq. 1 Nor.hern 83so83i; No.S Northern 78lc; optfoas dull, firmer arid higher; May and January most active; JNo. 'Z red January 78o; Febriiare 791c; March 80f; May 82f?. Corn? dull and firmer; No. a 49i3 in elevator? 00,01 anoat; un graded m'xed 49,'19k steamer mixed 48f(50c; options dutl,; closing tcad-l vance; May and January most active; Januiry 49c; May 5fic. t Oat? spots dull and steady 1 obuubs Begleoiedi Januarv 6c; May S9ej8pot prices No .3 35c; do- white 41c; No?2 36ic; mix d western 86:438; do wfeito 4U.a idic. CLUee options openei steady and un changed tcv5 points down, c.psed steady at 5 points down to o points; up; Janu ary! 816 25; March t..ti5fil6 1&; May $15,9015 95; September 15.fc0; spot rio auiet and steady! No. 7 l7co517iC Sugar raw dull and firm;.fair refining 3(3 J-16c; centrifugals 3 test 3, 7-16c; rennea urm wnp, ; a gooa uemaua; No. 6 4 3 16faitc: NO. 7 4So 1 16c; confsctiorers A 4i(24S 9-16;! cut loaf 5 5-16fS55ci standard A 4 .lH641e: pow dered 4 3-165c; granulated 4 11-16 5c; cubei 4 13-16(5c. Molasses dull; for eicn nominau ew onean eiauy , . 1 - t t ,: 1. j wivh fair demand; open kettle new good to choice 25 a 37c. Rice steady wan fair demand; domestic!. fair to extra 3i OSic; Japan 4i(4Jc f Petroleum dull and stead;; refiner uaehangedjerude In oarreis at raruer's aw. tjoton seea 011 dull, and lower; cruda 4Ue(bH2; yel low 45c. Tallow auiet and firm Hides dull and steady, : Wool d ull : and firm; domeetic fleece 25 a 32c; pull ed "2'Xtfao; Texas . iJHajfic. for? stron and . fairly active; 01a mess i tlo 15.25; ! new mess tlft.C0(fljl8.50; xtra prime nominal, ireanuts-quiet and un changed; fancy - hand-picked f 4ic; farmers QKj$i Beef dull and firm fam 1 1 v 18.00 (a 10 OOi extra , v Ha 339 ' 56.25 E6.75: beef hanrs quiet and ifeteady; dressed beef firm and dull; tiercea'becf quiet ano nrm; city extra India mess tl6.f0; cut meatS.firm niakled bailies 9i a9ic; Co. .shoulders 1 81; do ham9 lli'llicj middles nrm short clear uwiwm Dbcwj western steam; : city; op- tlonsJanuary 110 80; May 110.15; re fined quiet; continent tll.15; South America $11.35. Freights to Liverpool quiet and steady, cotton 5-64d; grain lid nominal, i j - NATAL STORKS. ' '' - New York -Spirits 6l turpentine dull and steady at 80131c. Rosin quiet and steady; Btrained,. common to good tl.32ifflpl.35. Charleston -Spirits turpentine firm, at 27fc. Rasln firm; etralned tl.05.' -- Sftvannah SDirits turVei?j-e steady at 28c Rosin firm at tl.02iCdl-07t. . Liverpool Common rosm 3s, 7id. Liverpool Turpentine 22s 4id. London Turpentine, . spirits, 22a, 41d. Fine rosin strained,! 83. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Clyde Line Steamship 1 Croat an, Han sen, Georgetown, S. C. H. G. Small bones. .-) I " ; 1 , ,i ' ' American schooner Orlando, Benson,. New York; Geo. Harms, Son & Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY, i 1 ; Clyde Line steamship Cjroatan, Han sen, New York, H. G. dmallbones. f 1 American schooner J. H. Cannon, Harrison, Mayeguez, Porto Rico, Geo. Karri 08, Son & Co. - EXPORTS. ' .t V'U " FOREIGN.! ':;;f t -f For Mayeguez,Porto Rico, per Amer ican schooner John H. Cannon, 141,151 feet rough lumber, 63,446 feet dressed lumber, 55 barrels tar, 10. barrels pitch, 3 bagd rice, valued at 82,678. Cargo by Edward Kidder's Sou. Vessel by Geo. Harrl&s, don & Co ' . 1 VESSELd LN THE PORT OF WIL- . MINGTON.-':-4v-.(j:'s STEAMSHIPS. ir Huntcliff (Br.), 2,180. tone, i Lewis, Alex. Sprunt&Son. ! City of Worcester (Br.), 1,553 tons, Fortune, Alex. Spront & Son. M l Guy Colin (Br.), 1,463 itons, Dawson, Alex. Sprunt & Son. , ! Tripoli! (Br.), 1,687 ton?. Coates Heath Cotton Company. 1 ji :;m -:!;v;V.:i;:'-;r-j..BARKS. .. !,. j I' lf Zeus (Nor.), 445 tons, Thorsen, Jas. , Kiley & Co. Daisy (Nor.), 456 tons, Holborn, Pat- erson, uownlDgr &. Co. i 1 i ip Jorgenseh (Dan.) 568 tons, Jorgen- sen, Jas. r. Kliey a Co. 1 1 1 Louisa Ger.h 590 tons. Weeener. E. Pfcscbau & Co. - 1 . Atlantic iGer.), 291 tons, Stein- brugge.iE. Peschau & Co. ' Oawaru (Nor.), 558 tons Olien, Ham- sen. Keide & Co. III Solid (3wd.), 512 toes. Ohlssen.Heide & Co. ' schooners: i i Robert A. Sayder (Am.), 347 tons; Guthrie, Geo. Harriss, Son & Cf. 1 l ' R,:S. Graham (Am.),! 321 tons. Toy-1 or, George Harris8,'Soa & Co. j h Max (Am ), 177 tone, Patrick, Georg-e Harriss, Son & Co. r ' : 1 1 Martin C. Ebel Am., 393" tons. MC-i Milian, George Harriss Son & Co. Klla it. Mill (Am.), 88 tons. Hill,! Geo. Harrisa. Son & Co. ' j- .! i Seth Mi. Todd (Am.), 178 tons, John son, Geo.1 Harris. Son & Co.. i ' 1 11 Mattia A. Franklin (Am.), 4C6 tons. McDonild, Geo. Harriss, Son & Co. , Mabel Darling tar ). 111 tons. Rani ger, Cronly & Morris. Kogrer Moore (Am.), 318 tons. Miller, Jas. T. Riley & Co-. Orlando (Am T, 180 tons, Benson, Geo. Harriss, Son & Co. i 1 PRICES CURRENT, The Quotations Represent Prices Whole ''. : .i Iwrte, I I--1 I j -J i : PROVISIONS. i " , - BACON Jforth Carolina. ! 1 Hams. W tt 13 Sides, a E... arc i'4 BACON SUGAR CURED . Hams, 13 lb.. ...... .14X Shoulders, lb DRTf SALTED Sides, 9 I" Pork, barrel -tjity Mess, LARD - j- Cbmpound (Basis Trcs) .... Pure.... I FLOUR, GRAIN, HAY, 8 1''- . 10. FLOUR, barrel f i ! Western, low gTade.....i.......S 50 4 extra... 4.. .....4 OJSa 10 ... I , .4 2- 4 SSj GRAIN, 9 bushel j Corn, from store, bags, white.".. 6J5 6T 61 10 66 45 1V, 50 1 CO ! 65 5a 57X 54 1 miseu, irom siore, Dags... Oats, from orc...i...-..i.. i rustoroof Cow peas. CORN MEAL, bushel in sacks. in car lots i. ...... ....... HAY, $J 100 tts -' ID astern . . . ; Western, No. 1...: Western No. 8...i 1 00 no ' V5 95 RICE r ri -,-.r., U-!' ., Common ft .... .. Fair.... .1.. Good ..... . I.. ....i. Prime...... - ! 1 UMUUJiitlES. 4 5H J 6.. -k r. CANDLES, ? & ! - ! aperm Adamantine ....... ..i. ........ 18 8 8 (9 COFFEE, f ft " I i Jav .".... Laguyra Rio................L 30 ! 19Hi 18 .35 27 : as ., 30 I 1 ao 1 oo eo a MOLASSES, gallon- New crop Cuba, in hhds " inbbls j........ Porto Rico, in hhds....j. ....... ' i ". 'Inbbls J Syrup, in bbls.... i 8a : - ii 75 6 bX 4 i SALT, sack, Alum . . . . . J Liverpool loO B to 3U0 B sacks. SUGAR, lb Standard gran.... sianaara a.l.. ,,, White Ex C..... i........ F.xtraa Goidon........j..,. ... Yellow C I. .... . 6 4 4V4 SOAP box ......i 8 35 4 00 BAGGING, TIES, BARRELS. &a BAGGING I 8-st Jute. Acme.. . .. 7 ... Ttf I T BARRELS Spirits turpenUoe tjecona napa, ecn . ......... New York, each.............. New City, eaoh , , ...1 23 . ....1 C8 71 ...ll-OU GLUE, fi. COTTON TIES,' 9 bundle.'!!" !! HOOPLRONrl lb .j. ........ 7H " I 9 loo l so ,2K3SX! a ..--J.-V 7. 50 8 00 .1 S5 r BUILDING MATERIAL BRICKS, WUmlnSfton, MT.;.... LIMB. barrel .... .... .i.. .... ... LUMBER. city sawea, y M feet. amp stun, resawea...,,..,..,... .is oo30 to jboagh edge, plank............).. .15 0010 00 i West Jndies cargoes, according ' t to Quality........... ........ ..13 0C15 CO - Dressed flooring, seasoned...'..., IS Q&W go Scantling and board, com'n 13 0014 00 NAILS, keg, cuts 601 basis 1 99 OILS, f gallon- Kerosene., 8K 4T , 9) St) Lard .' Linseed (Raw).....,...,,... Linseed ( Roiled),,....., m... ... It7 25 25 5 Tar....... ....... and sbim SmiGLES.banl mida, cypress Tx21 h-arts, M...... saps 8x2 hearts .,. 6x20 h' arts . . . . - . 8 00S8 60 0 0W&6 60 S OOfiS 60 -4 1044 50 4 5J(6 00 00Q3 8i S 63 (.0 UCiU 8 003-4 OCT o ooaio oo . 18 6015 00 00 10 B'J , 7 00 8 S3 5 00 8 63 8 00 4 03 ' eapj... oxi hearts SAP f ... ...... ,H . , , .,,,,r STAVES, S H-rW. a barrel... n u. Qojsnesya TIMBER, $ M feet shipping.. Mill prime Mill fair. ei Inferior te ordinary.. COUNTRY PRODUCE PEANUTS, ft bushel 88 Ibe Prims....... 50 60 -0 65 65 70 , Extra Prime.... Fancy...,....... 13EE3WAX, f) lb. BUTTER, 9 ft North Carolina . IS 8. SO 50 Northern ca&Kse. ft-. Northern taotory Dairy, cream...., - Stft t$ W p w wmm EGGS, f dozen HIDES, ft ' Grees.... 11 , 13 JL 18H 13H 10 WA 18 'if 8-i 4 POTATOES, fi OoshQl- POULTRY Chickens, Uve, grown S5 15 S5 - " spring TURKEYS cioo Dyspcpgia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 75c to free yourself of every symptom of these ( dis tressing complaints, if you think so call a t our store and get s bottle of Shiloh's Vital izes every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, use accordingly and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by-Eobt. B, Bellamy, wholesale and retail agent,- - STA.TBJPKE3S. . - -The farmers Tc&n. .look forward hopefully to the new year which bids fair to be one comparatively free from trouble and anxiety. At last tbey Jhaye, through much travail, reached a point from which prosper iiyis visible in the distance. They can look into the future now and see an agreeable prospect; With fail barns they can enter the new year with cheerfulness and having learnt from .their severe -experience, they will not agiin court disaster by deal" ing in futures like the gamblers in Wall street do. -Raleigh News Obser, r. . , 1 j J k i j They did not want decency and intelligence to rule.:- They wanted to install traitors and tools. Look at the men they followed and voted for. Their slimy trail leads from the dens of harlotry, the dives of pollution, the closets of the gambling hells, the dark lantern hovels of the anarchists and socialists and when they appeared before the public , it was with ribaldry of the bandit and the boorishness of the oully. They talked nothing! but - slang; they preached nothing but communism, and they sought only .the triumph of vice over virtue and Ignorance over intelligence, i But heaven never sanctions the triumph of villainy or sustains'the efforts of hypocrisy, and injustice. .. Now leave the dead alone to bory its dead. Salisbury Truth. 1,: .1(1 - I Appointment by the It Ian op of East - Carolina. ! 1893 " : Sunday January: 1, Circumcision, Bt. ' George's, Hyde county. Wednesday, January 4; St. James', Beau fort county. ; Thursday, January 5, St.. Augustine's, Pantego. ;i; f I ' : : .: " . Friday, January 1 6, Epiphany, M. P., Yeatesville. v i- i n .n Sunday, January S 8, first after Epiphany, ! M. P., Zion church, Beaufort county, i Sunday, January! 8, first after Epiphany, E. P., St. Thomas', Bath. Wednesday, January IX, M. P., St. John's, Durham's Creek. i i t Thursday, January 12, Chapel of theCross, Aurora. ' hi . . i -, n-.... Saturday, January 14, Haw Branch. !: Sunday, J anuary 15,secofld after Epiphany,' M. P., Cnocowinity. i i v Sunday, January 15; second afterEpiphanv". E. P., St. Peter's, Washington. r Monday, January 16, iE. P., St Paul's, Greenville..!. :' ' : i - , Wednesday, January 18, M.P.,Emmanuel, Farmville. --: i i . i - - f Thursday, January 19, M. P., St. John's. Pitt county. ; , . . r Thursday, January 19, E. P. , -t Friday, January 20, M. P., Dawson's School House. , :, in ' i -!. i ; : - " ' Sunday, January 22, third after Epiphany, St. Barnabas', SnowiHilli Consecration. Tuesday, Januaryj24, M. P., Holy Inno cents, Lenoir county. i ' v i Thursday, January 26 E. P., St. Stephen's Goldsboro u j i. .... i i . Never J'Joo Late, , .i.'" No hour is too late to mend in. But one minute after the train starts is too late to get ready. Like the little boy with the toy railroad like the real road and the actual traffic, we begin to run out our day's trains in the morning and i hardly weary of them far into the nitjht. How many of them start on schedule time?- If the railroad, even in time of snowdrifts,' or floods, or accidents, allows its trains to linger a few moments be hind time, the depots and cars are filled iwith complaints: Are we half so particular in our own affairs? r Do we not start our day and our breakfast at most irregular hours? And if the early train is behind time, who will keep track clear all day and re-arrange the disordered time-tables? Whose fault is it? everybody's but the condemnation rests especially oni the wife and house keeper, if she alio-- s the first meal of the day to drag and grow tardy when at-a mo ment's notice she could provide a meal suit able for the most delicate appetite or i the heartiest railway engineer, by using Heck ers' Self-Raising Buckwheat, which is al ways "on time." j .' J : I , SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. ' A marvelous cure for Catarrh. Diphthiew , Canker Mouth and! Headache. With eacn bottle there is an ingenious Nasal Injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints without extra charge. Price 50c, Robt. R. Bellamy,! wholesale and retail agent. -W:j;r; -. H ;'-')' t-'.-j-" 1 '.'?-i"t-: "if Useful TN MAKING YOUE SELECTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS SA1ITA CLAUS SUGGESTS THEY BE USEFUL AS 1 WELL AS ORNAMENTAL. H i SAYS TIMES ARE HARD AND YOU WANT TO BE PRACTICAL IN YOUR CALLS. NOW THERE IS NOTHING MORE USEFUL OKNA- ' 1 ' ' ' , i MENTAL OR PRACTICAL THAN A PAIR OF NICE SHOES. - i . - 1 If 1 M ' j I USEFUL TO KEEP THE FOOT WARM AND PRESERVE THE HEALTH, t . ' I ORNAMENTAL IN THAT THEY ADD TO PERSONAL! APPEARANCE. I i PRACTICAL AS THEY SERVE AS A GIFT AND GIVE SERVICE AFTERWARD. I k -;v-,.-ifH-f,l jv:-:i':-:.:;;y-j.v-';H.;-;, ,,..-!: ; ,-:-,4;:r,j-;t;:,ii J y.i---':--'':'"-: - li- WE HAVE THE HANDSOMEST STYLES IN TOWN AND CAN FIT THE BABY, THE MOTHER THE BROTHER, THE PAPA, AND ALL THE SISTERS, THE COUSINS AND AUNTS. . WALL AND EXAMINE. WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS. ' , ! i! Geo. iR., French & Sons. GREAT -: Christmas Gifts. Christmas (rifts. MAKE YOUR FRIENDS A PRESENT OF SOMETHING USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL. IS THERE ANYTHING MORE APPROPRIATE THAN A BED ROOM SUIT, A PAR: LOR SUIT OR DINING ROOMSUITt I AM MAKING SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ON ALL FURNITURE FROM NOW UNTIL JAN. 1ST, 1893. PARLOR SUITS WORTH $35 SELLING NOW FOR i 85. .BEDROOM suits at $22 so Worth $30. sideboards at $10, $is and $25, worth fab mo he moey PERHAPS YOU MIGHT LIKE A RATTAN" OR PLUSH ROCKER, A CENTRE TABLE, HAT RACK, LADIES' OR GENTLEMEN'S WRITING DESK, A PICTURE, EASEL, H ALL CHAIR. CHINA PRESSES, OFFICE CHAIRS, OR ONE HUNDRED OTHER USEFUL AND APPROPRIATE GIFTS. t . ' , " CATALOGUES AND ILLUSTRATIONS O' ALL MY GOODS WILL BE GLADIYY SENT YOTJ ON APPLICATION. ALWAYS MENTION WHAT ARTICLES ARE WANTED. - I J MAIL ORDERS I give special attention to all maU orders. You will be given Just as low price on goods yofl order from me by mail as if you were here and bought in person and yon will be just as well pleased with the goods, as the illustrations show nothing bat my prettiest and best styles. Everything is. guaran teed to please or money refunded. Order from me at once and save money. 3E. M. ANDREWS, 16 und 18 West Trade StK i Charlotte, C. 1 , . ; . 1 1 ' 1- 1 t . . . CALL AND SEE OUR MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF " " Christmas Books and novelties, y OUR STOCK IS SO LARGE AND VARIED THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO ENUMEH ATE. AND AT PROMPT AND POLITE ATTENTION. MARKET TS A TRUE STONE CEMENT PREP ABED FOB plied as Kalsomlne, but gives a hard finish, is neater, more, artistic in effect. ami more healthfol Elegant effects in TINTING, SHADING, 8TENCIL, JtELIBF and other wwr. eaeSy obtotaed. SO CENTS - COTEBS Y. M. C.A.BUILDING, 805 NORTH raring the monta of February I bought one bottle of B. B. B. for my four-year-old boy, who had what doctors term hereditary blood poison, and to my utter, astonishment one . bottle cored aim. . ; In February my j elder h son, : twelve years of age, was. literally covered with ugly sores on his legs and a terribl eruption on hi head. He was cured with two botUes of B7B. B As a quiet blood cleanser It baa no equaL JAMES HILL," Atlanta, Ga. ' For several yean I have been suffering from a constitutional blood poison, which has resisted the treatment of oar best physicians, and the use of the most noted medicines. . ' I was covered with a coppet colored eraption all over my body and limbs, with .loss of appe tite, excrutiatlng pains in my back, aching of my Joints, general debilityemaciation, falling off o? my hair, sore throat and great nervousness. 1 became incredulous, but being; told that B. B. B. was a sore enough blood purifier and that it did. not require a gross to be cured I commenced Its use. Within two weeks' time I feft Improved. I have taken about ten bottles and feel as well and sprightly as any man. Hj appetite and strength have returned and my hair j does not fallout. I do not hesitate to say that B. Bi B. has no equal as a general blood purifier, and; any one who will nse onfy one bottler will be convinced that it has no equal m these parts. I still continue its use, as it is a splendid tonlo and keeps my system in a fine condition. Yon have the liberty to direct any sufferer to me in person. r I I K.P.K. JONES, Atlanta, Ga. if i Many Persons are bToten-1 , down-from overwork or household cares. Brown's Iron Bitters Rebuilds the i system; aids digestion, removes excess of bilo, and cures malaria. Get the genuine. WILL COMMENCE SATURDAY, DEC, 31s TO SELL, THE ENTIRE STOCK -OF- TAVLORS BAZAAR! FOR CREDITORS. arffams ii;f -ii.-- W ii..; ;-rb----hi In Every Department. A.ISHiRIER, ASSIGNEE Issipee s if, -1 .1 Va-'-f - - ,t .-H"'i y ,r -hi' --!'-,. ; -..vfJ-.-.-l"- r M':rH"ln-'rJ:kt--::" M- B and Ornamental. - ! :! ! ' I ' ; I . M, Mi . -i, 1 - 1 ..'iJ-.v!.. .!: 1EDUCTI0IS. Clew Year Gifts. New- Year Gifts.- ALL PRICES, STREET. WALL DECORATION. IT T a AS EASILY Ap SO ' SQUARJfl Y.VRDS. FRONT STREET; WXt'MINflTOIt '; N. tj IF YOU WISH PIANOS "... .-! ,.:... ok . .'. -... ORGANS i f - - - . - ALWAYS GO TO A RELIABLE HOUSB WHERE TOTI ' REST ASSURED THAT . YOU RECEIVE i THE i EQUIVALENT FOR YOUR MONEY. ' , I J - We are Offering f L Special Inducements i During This Month; 1L'-" " ! 'Wi 1 WE HAVE IN j STOCK A MAGNIFICENT LUJ1 OF INSTRUMENTS, FROM TEN DlF- VEKEKT MAKERS. Our Cabinet Organs IN SQLIDl OAK CASES ARE VERY POPULAR. YOU! WILL FIND OUR PRICES WAY DOWN AND THE SUPERIORITY OF OUR INSTRU MENTS IS ACKNOWLEDGED EVERyWiEKEi Our Tuning Department - J j launder the control of Mr. Julius noffmanj who is a thoroughly trained piano maker and; consequently can do all work connected with! instruments, no matter how intricate. We guar-! tee the- work he does to be equal to work done in1 Hew: York Dr Boston, i ' E. VAN LAER'S. i 02:r,d404 FOURTH ST. ! PAINTS! PAINTS The Best to be Had Q Chas. M. WHiTLocKi i ' 1 1 308 North Front Street, " i v ! ' WILMINGTON, N. O. : r -Ji..;.-? ;). ,. -" sej ittf . Dissolution. TnE FIRM OF ATKINSON & MANNING IS this day dissolved by mutual consent, ;Ed ward Wilson Manning retiring. - j JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, if EDWARD WILSON MANNING, Copartnership. JOHN WILDER ATKINSON WILL ON THE 1st of i January admit his son William Mayo Atkinson into partnership. i I i The style of the firm will be Atkinson A Son. ; Dec. 3i, '91 J i ' H. dec3lini j Fbom Pikb s9, East RikbrN. Y. . I LOCATKD BSTWXBM CHAMBERS AKD ROOSXVELf . STKHBTS. AT 3 O'CLOCK P. M. SAILING-FBOM NEW YORK FOR WILMING " I' : ; ton, N. c. f. :-:'As' 8. S. PA WNEte..... Saturday, December 81sti'92 is. B. UJttUATjpn.; Saturday, January itn, WILMINGTON FOR NEW YORK. ' S. S. CROAT AN . . . . . Saturday v December 3lBtv '02 & 8. PAWNEE ...... .Saturday, January 7th, '93 WILMINGTON FOB GEORGETOWN, S. C. S. S. CROATAN L.. Tuesday, December atth, '9a S. S. PAWNEE ........ .Tuesday, January 8d, '93 Through Bills of Lading ana Lowest Through .Rates guaranteed to and from points In North and soutn uaroiina. i i - i ' i tac For Freight or Passage apply to i . , , H. i. SMALLBONE3, ' ; '-;(-"( Superintendent. Thso. G. Eaxa, Traffic Manager, i i 6 Bowling Green, New Yawx, Wx. P. Cxtdx A Ca, General Agents, janesi-tl i Bowling Green, New York. &8tt8&41X TI7ILMINGTON vVjSLDON I RAILROAD f f . ' j ' l' ' ' AJ.1 A PiVai V A.X BO, ! ' AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. M . - DATED Jan. 1st,; 1893. a t .S3 O aS O tB n P. M P. M. P. M.I-A. M. Leave Weldon. . L Ar. Rocky Mount 19 so; 6 05 ii so; e 15 1 23 1 39 6 02 13 4 I Arrive Tarboroj. Leave Tarboro.j. 9 35 . 1S'5SL P. M. Lv. Rocky Mount 1 39 e 03! 6 3S 19 35 1 15 7 23 jLeave wuson... Leave Selma. ..i. Lv. FayettevlUei Arrive Florence. S 25 7 58 2 35 3 30 ft 15 .1 5 00! 3 25 6 05 8 87 10 2i 10 40 8 30 O at t P. M. A. M. P. M. Leave WDBon.. S 85 8 SO 4.30 e ooi 6 48 T 35 8 47 7 681 Leave Goldsboro 8 43 Leav Magnolia. 9 55J 11 35 viAr. WUmingtom. 10 95 P. M P. M A. M. t TRAINS GOING NORTH. DATED I ' 1 OE r Jan. 1st, 1893. p a o a '55 "3 5 A M. ; 510 A. M. P. M, 7 SO d in A. M. Leave Florence. LvJayettevuiei Leave Selma Arrive Wiiaon 9 20 IV 48 1 14 1 58 6 30 9 50 11 49 12 60 .it.. 11 30 1.. O m A. M. P. M. P. M.IP. M. Lv. Wilmmgton. Leave Magnolia, i'aveGoWflboro Arrive Wilson. 4 9 30 11 10 12 20 1 10 8 00; 4 00! ? 9 ?.()! 6 401 .. ...i.LlO 331 6 69 I 11 15 7 48!.:. -f A. M A. M.!P. M.IP. M. P. 1 10 i 1 58 2 42 11 so 12 08 7 4S Ar RockyMouni nrttiun - 1 1 67 8 20 Am've larooro. Lea -eTarboro.; S 35 12 58 LvBoiyMoiint1 1 67 8 05 2 42 3 45 P. M 12 08 1 01 A. M. 8 20 9 30 Arrive v P. M. P. M QLYDE N. Y. AND WILMINGTON 8. S. CO. Train on til'e Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves ariAn ..- r.. m.. Halifax 5:4S o. rn., arrive lanri Nppfca t ":40 p. m., Greenvule 8:19p. m., Kln . , RetnrnW leaves Kinston :40 a m . tireenvme ,".s . tt'alhinirton Branch leave Washing. .j7r. m . u-rTivea Parmele 8:10 a. m.. Tar hnTfift-io return u-x iec xmwiv . !iroSirSm: tt.Uns Raleli SL R- aaUT, excepipuuuajf, av o:w t. Mlinn&.T H2VIU If. 1U. x wm m. j .-v uw. v m in. attAfl PlvmATith rlailv tot Sunday, 6.-25 a. m., Sunday lO-.oo a, ml, Tv-mrTi .. n.ic rn anil 19-9il a. m Train on Midland N. v. Branch leaves Golds tooro dailv, except Sunday, 6:00 a. m., arriving SmithfleLd 70 am. Returning leaves Smithfield &00 a. m.: a-rive at Goldsboro a m. i- Train on NashvilleBranch leaves Rocky Mount at 8:15 p. m., arrives Nashvule 6:60 p.: m.. Spring HoneTflS p. nvl Returning leaves Spring Hope 8-ooa. m-, Nashville &36 a. m., arrive at Kocxy Mount 9:15 a. m., dafly except Sunday, i , Trains on Lait Branch Florence K. B. leave T.atts. 7-o d. m.: arrive Dunbar bmu p.m. uuning leave Dunbar 60 a. m.; arrive Latta a. fn.. . Daiiy except Sunday , Trftli Ou villi LVu Drauuit icayco w a ld w Clinton w.ii? f:;" irTri s:t o d. m..onnectingat Warsaw with 41, 40, 83 and - n , Weldon irui Jit. u .Y," Yr-aiT .iKir-hmond tnr .ii nmntB norm uauj. and dauy except Sunday v! la Bay iiine. snnrtV with Norfolk Norfolk and all w .1. -Knrfkllr. ui V-OHJ? y. DrvTNB.Gen'1 Supt j.B.KENLY,ueni-sj.-(iiro . f,T. M. JUV, juv -a Rocky Aiouni uuj mrui tlarolina Railroad for TLANTIC-COAST LINK, j A j Wnjracrrox, Colcxbu AcatrBTA "EUrx,' road I ! anas CONDENSED SCHEDULK. - rBAixs going eocta Jan. l, isrs. No. 83. No. sa 4 t ' P. M. S 25 9 41-" 10 25 Na eo.; A. M. 3 SOI i 4 SS a! M. I 4 S5 . 6 15 Leave Wilmmgvn....T; vit ... 9 I 1 . Leave MArion. Arrive Florence......! i Leave Flarenco. . , Arrive Sumter.... "I-T Leave Snhitex...., ArrJreCoiumbi.-vr n 45 9 9fi No. 68. A. M. 43 10 SS N9. 62 una tlirrtugh from Charleston Tia on- tralR. R.1 Leaviag Lanes 8:33 a. m. Manning 9:09a. m. TRAtKS OOINO MOUTH. No. 61 i i afe Cojo F.i M. p. t. T $S No. 9 P. M tl sol Leave Columbia no; 4s A. M. 12 05 aJ,m. 12 05 1 SO Nol 78. A. M. 5 10 5 f3 Arrive Samter. nve Bamt - L ave Snint Leave Snrntr. Arrjve Florence. . . S 00 "4- sFllr Leave Florence iieave JHirlon. f . i i - i- . .- Arnve Wilmington. ..... 9 10 DallV.i tDallT PTrlprit: RnnaJ No. 63 t-uns through to CharleBTOtt, B. C., via Central R. R., arriving Manning 8:00 p. m., Lanes 8:4ip. Charleston 10:40 p. ni.i f i Trains bn Manchester and Augusta R. R., leave Sumter daily except Sunday, 10:W a. in., aTlve Iiiinmi H-.69 a. m. Returning leave Rimini 12-30 p. m., arrive Sumter 1:40 p. m. i ) : Txainsjon Hartsville R R. leave Hartsville 6:00 a. m, arriving Floyds 5:85 a. m; i Returnee leaf e Fwyds 9:45 p. m.,arrtvtag HartsVUle 10:i6 d. m.J Daily except Sunday. u 1 - " - Trains son WUimngton ChadbOnrn and Cofiwav Railroads leave Chadbourn 10:30 a. m., arrive at Coaway ;l:00 p. m.t returning , leave Conway at S:30 p. arrive Chadbourn 6:20rt.!m.i Leave at 8.-00 a.mj and 6:25 p. m. Returning leave Hob i :ui!, mi ana K4o p. m.j arrive at Chadbourn :a a. nit ana csu p. m. Daily i excebt Sundav. I J JUIIJN Sr. D1V1 ui it. amiiji t ucu i juautttrerj i i 0 APE FEAR & YADKIN VALLEY Ri B i i I - -. : " - M i ,1 Hj Ii t CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Ij Effkct November, 27Tfl, 1899. iSouthb'ad Northb'nd Daily. MAIN LINE. Daily. Nat) No. Ar . , i . . Wilmington. 1 . . i lv Lv. . f ..Fayetteville. I . .1 Ar Ar.a. Fayetteville. i..,Ly Ly..i...:tjanford...J..t i " Climax J..J..I ! " .... .Greensboro. L.J. Ar Ar ... .. .Greensboro ..t . .1. L v Lv...j..Stokesdale.h.i, "; "2fAWJun.-Wal.CoveA.r Ar NA WJun-Wal.Cove Lv Lv Rural HaU.Li. 4 6.00 a. m. 8.08 ' 8.21 9.48 " " 11.44 " 12.16 p. m. 12.25 " 1.22 " 1.65 " 9.33 8.0 4.26 " " .i Mt. Airy...L.L.Ar Northb'nd DaUy Bbnkbttsvillx Dry. N o. 4. ...Bennettsville. J..Lv , Maxton...Ll..'' Red Springs l J " .....nope MUls I i.. '- 5.40 6.39 7.09 7.43 8.03 a. m. Fayette yilleJ.i ..Ar Sofethb'hd Northb'nd iDaily Ex. Factory akd Madiso I Bbanchxs. 1 j Daily Ex Sunday, f banuay. No. 14 4 No. 16. 16.00 v. tn. Ar... .. Ramseur - Dlimn ...Lv 6.40 a. 8.35( II 4.?0 3.5 S ,4' Lv!!. Ar... lv!!! .Greensboro .i.e. .Ar 9.S0 4.25 m. .Greensboro.!, l. . Lv It 00 s.m p. 11.60 p. p.,im. pjm. .StokeSdale. I.... 1 119 20 p m. .i.k..Ar 1.10 p. m. ...Madison. 1 Daily except Sunday. - i i ; f i; Trairl No. 2 connects at Sanforri witK Spahnani ; Air-Line for Raleigh, Norfolk and alt points North i and East, and at Walnut Coved with the Norfolk I & w estern it: K. for vv instou-wvlem, Roanoke and ylrtlntaorth and. West of Roanoke. i I TtaUt No. 1 connecte at Walnut Cove with Nor-i folk ami Western R. It. for Wlnstont-Hnlntn. I oke audi all points North and West of Roanoke, and at Sanford with Seaboard AirLkia for Monroe, Charlotte, Athens, Atlanta and alii points South and Southwest . ' ji I Pullman Palace Sleeping- Car on Seaboard Air Line trains North and South from Kanford nnri on Norfolk Western trains North and West from Passemgers from Wllminirton. FavftttRviiiri. Ma. ton, Bennettsville and all points south of San ford will arrive at Raleigh at ll:ls-a. rm, and have live hours in Raleigh and reach home same day. i - ..;...; i r.. j ..: . . Ampje time given .passengers for breakfast and suppea at-Fayettevilie, and dinner at Walnut wove, i w. is. hxle. sJ.iW. FRY, General Passenger Agent. , pannal Managers; -1 , -I i - ' ral Mam 30 AKD 1 Ull VfVAVAJ AJLAb UXlXJk. ; ( 1 C4"OIJA CENTRAL RAIL ROAD XX CONDENSED SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No.83 Daily No. 41 Daily No.48 Dally ex Su No0, 1S93. ex bu P M. Leave Wilmington.": Lqave Pembroke...; Leavd Maxton : Leav Laurinbnrg... Leava Hamlet ....... Leave Wadesboro. .. Leav Monroe. Arrive Charlotte..... Leav. Charlotte . Leave Lincolnton...; 7 O0 11 27 A. M. 19 12'.. 12 45 P. M. 2 2) 810i 8 401 5 40 rFm.m TUB t . Pated 11.00 p. m. 7.46 7.o ' "I 6.00 '4 4.13 13.45 - 'I 13.40 2 ST 1 ,2.30 ' !1.69 '1 i.n 'I M.Wnorjn. SoBthb'hd Daily.i. Na 3j , 10.15 p. in. Ar '9.80 4 " l8.9 I8.C5 ' 7.17 LV r , , S t J IF 9 06 ....... 10-10U.....V U OOlP. M. 7 00 8 45 6 08 6 03 7 46 ........ ...t. . Arrive Ruthertordten ..I..' t i EASTBOUlJfD Ti No.24No.38 !NOiS6 Daily Daily Daily ex u ex Sa LA. M. Leave Ruthprfordton... 8 00 9 34 10 89 LeavB Shelby Leave Llncolntjon. AfrivleCharlotte. Leave Charlotte Leave Monroe. P. M. iA. M. P. M. 11 63 73ffl 4 80 20 83 9 251 11 031 Leave Wadesboro.., Leave Hamlet A.-M. 12 15 1 45 Leavfe Laorinborg. Leave Maxton Leave Pembroke Arrtvie WUm in gton . 8 50 2 42l 7 SO scjnstrjxs between wtlmixotoh akd- Atlanta. Lea' e Wilmington 7:3u p. m.; arrive Atlanta 8:10 . m. Leave Atlanta 8:36 a. m. arrive Wilmington 5 4 m. ' ' I - - .(' : sieeners on S3 and 24 between .Wilmington and Charlotte. . . i 1 ' Puiamans on 41 and 83 between Portsmouth and Atlanta.- , i : i 1 ; m' No. 41 and 3S solid be twee nt Portsmouth and Charlotte. 4 .. . - i i ; i i 1 Nos. 43 and 86 make connection at Lihcomton to and from Western North Carolina. Not. 23 and 81 make connection from and to ait points South.and- West with G C. and N. at Monnoe. i ' ; I - I ; ' Juiicture points at Pembroke, with short unt A. -Ci Li at Maxton with C. F. and Y.V.,and A.AL.R at Wadesboro with Chcraw and Salisbury t Ham let with R. and A., at Monroe with G. V. and H., at Charlotte with R. and D. system, at Lincoln M. too With C. and L. Marrow Guago, at bhelby and Rutherfordton with. 8 Cs. ; I - I JNQ. C. WINDER, Gen'l Manager. I L T. MYERS, Gcnl Superintendent t nr. ii..: ..I'll r. a . . O. y. SMITH, Traffic Manager. cov W tLMLNGTON SEACOST RAIL ROAD. 4 Round Trip Fare 25 Cts, - 21 on TIME -TABLE IN EFFECT DEC 11th, 1898. in-, LEAVE PRINCESS STREET Dally except fcunday at 7:3( A. M and 2:30 p. m. . . LEAVE THE HAMMOCKS 8:10 a. in- and 6:00 aw - ar- ; , 80 . m. and leave the Hammocks 6:15 p. m. I" 4 E. C. RAIL ROAD. fjHf EFFECT THURSDAY, JUNE 16th, 1888 . tie 7:15 LEAVE WILMINGTCN DAILY FOB JACK tonville aoilintenrtdiate stations at 4:O0p.n-? i Leave Wilmington dilly, except Saturday ana Sunday, for JacksonvU. and intermediate points at 9 a. m. .,, 'Trains arrive at WCtalngton daily, except Sun day r at 8.00 a. m., daily c seepf Saturday and Sun- , day at 6:20 p. m., an on Saturday at to p. m addittonaL - ' - --, t Steamer on New River leaves Jackson villa daily, except Sunday, for Marines and intermedi ate points at 6:20 a. m., arriving at Jacksonville -on return at 1 p. m. H..Ai WHlTiNG, t j. w. marten is, ' General Manager Gea'l Paacengw AgraV I Nos. pointp -V 1 f