THE WlIdiiGOK MESSENGER, SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 1893. ' " - " '- - .1 ' i 6 1 1 " ' ' .. " : - I - DmutNlL iriKTION.i i i THE BOOK OF Tim NEW T-.i- M.,nnfv trt o-PTiftral reenlations a tiie-poijtofflee at Wilmington as second-class New Advertisement For Sklje Special. . - PorlSale Special! For Sole Henry Shaw. Jxst (irJStolcn Special." . At Cofett-R. L.Williams. ' Ku-st-Clkss Board Special. . t 1 Wanted Fowler & Morrison. ! Tire Xrge Turkeys Special. v J Dissoiiiion PoTvogt & Vender. - .. Dressmaking Mrs. A. C. Capps: O04I anl Wood-iJ. a. Springer. A llarpi y NewJYear J. Nauinberg. A Happy New Year Munson 4 Co. j Open A!il Day Robert II. Bellamy. ; ' Bxecior's 'Notice James.'"'. Post. , : The New Year Mrs. H. B. JewetL r Harness and Buggies H. Li Fennell. Dry Goods W. H. A E-S. Tucker 4 Co. , Heating Stoves N. Jacob! Hardware Co. A'lIajNewleaTtoAll Heinsberger's. Our Friends and Patrons Brown Roddick. Grea jDissotion SaleM. M. Katz, Son & Co, J ofllclal.Weailier Fortcaa kjokth caroliIa. : vwf.r,rnlina..oecasioiial rain: soutn 10 tat wiiidaj-H-armer. " t ------ LOCAL FORECAST. For Wilmington and vicinity, for FAIR 21 hours ending at 8 p. m. to-day Clear to fair weather, slowly rising tmnpratnfe. eentle to fresh north to east minds. Firiav toe . Writ?- it 1803.,- . TIapfy New Year. .-'.' - Turrfover a newJeaf to-day. ' The IiIessexger " special column is the Tf lieaict in the city. The lew schedule goes into effect on the Atlant c Coast Line to-day. -. - Do nbt forget the ball, to be given at Ger nianiaJIall to-morrow night. 1 Lean year expired at 12 o'clock last night. Js therfe any "old maids'' left on hand? The Vilmipgton Produce Exchange -will le clos ;d to-morrow, as it is a legal holiday. The Issesger is a great "paper. It is cussed and discussed, more than any other in t he cityj We are. used to it. The Wilmington cotton jnarket closed yesterdiiy at 9ic,with nothing doing. The -rieejle corresponding day lasfryear was 7ic. Services at the' Seamen's Bethel this after noon commencing at 3:30 o'clock conducted by Iteifc A. D. McClure. The public is in : vited t' attend. ; . ' .."- The special'' column of the Messenger continttes to be liberally patronized and it affords jihe cheapest advertising in the city. Try it ifjid be convinced. ; -' Ther will be a meeting of the visitors of t he Ladies Benevolent Society on Tuesday . aftprnobn at 3 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. nJo. Daniel on Front street. . , Mrs. Iv.'C. Capps gives notice in the Mes- hENGEF.ri.his morning that she has returned to. the liiy and will reopen her dressmaking business at 115 North Front street. LlArihso German Club gave their Christ inas tie " Germania Hall on Friday night.-' lt was a splendid affair and was a most delightful and enjoyable occasion. " ; Comifience the newF year by making a contrac ; for advertising space in the Mes-MiN-tiEii if you want your ads read. This paper lys the circulation and it is constantly ' The iiAtter for Talmage's sermon watf h-hippe. I over one week ago, but has not yet been n eived. We regret this, as the ser ; in on is looked for anxiously by the Messex-i-eu re;ider. j , ; . - To-ni rro w is the regular meeting day of the Boifrd of Aldermen, the Board of Audit and'Fii since and the Board of County Com niissioifers, but as it is a legal holiday, the meeting will -not be held until Tuesday at tiie nsu il hours. ; - Mr. I , Shrier, the enterprising and gener Tis clothier, has presented each of the pt hW forae a silk handkerchief. The men bers p( h force highly appreciate1 this act of kindjiess and they Tequest us to warmly thank Xr. Shrier in their behalf. Mr. J chry Shaw advertises in this morn ing's ixier that he has for sale 1,000 acres of lurul with twelve miles of river front. The ropert contains a twenty-horse farm and the is well timbered. It as thirty Jivo miles from Wilmington. ... Wij die requested by"Mayor Ricaud to say l-h'at the statement that only two members; of. the 15oartl of Aldermen voted xn the adoptioli pf the report of the , committee" on the ruiroad tax matter is not correct; that .more tliflna majority Of'those present voted At St! John's Episcopal church on, last unday there was som particularly fine music by the regular cheir and many com- " ments eff a Haflering nature have been made upon i during the last .week. At the 11 o'clock Service at this church to-day, the music rfnder-ed last Sunday will be repeated. r 1 . " - - - , Therej were received in the port of Wil ; mingtpr yesterday 33 bales, cotton, 23 casks Spirits- tpirpentine, - 383 barrels rosin, -14.0 barrel ar,'2 barrels crude turpentine. The receipts! the. corresponding day last year were, ' lf:ttl bales cottoii, 114' casks spirits turpenthie, !)S7 barrels rosin, 209 barrels - tar, barrels crude turpentine. Mr. J.H. Parker, of Lexington, Ky., 'ar rived inihe city last Tuesday with . seven teen tine brood mares and one of the finest jacks ever brought to the State. These ani mals ard for Mn T. A. Mclntyre, of New York, who has a stock farm at. his place j near Jacksonville, 1 Onslow county. Mr. J"arker ill remain here with Mr. Whitted, M ho is Mr, Mclntyre's manager, till the htock is all on the farm in good 6hape He says ilmington is one of the prettiest cities h has seen- on his travels, and is much plfased with his sojourn here. ,." I The New Year. . The rejw i ear 1893, was ushered -in last ,1 night at 2 o'clock with the ringing of the : coimes of if th Street church and many of the bels in the city. Professor Miller's hand als came out on the, "piazza at the Hayes hduse, on Market street, and played "Nearer jky God to Thee," and other ap propriates selections. -, , : - j UeatU From III Injury We arte sorry to announce the death of Andrew. Black, the young son of Capt. A. D. Black, ;wto was so badly injured by his toy cannon, or gun, last Thursday morning, at MaeombeVs ditch. He died last oight about 30 o clock, and in the sore distress of his father and the family ."our community ten ders-its: nipst heartfelt sympathy. A Itceepttoa For Thomas IVelson !. 5 r ' Face. . .' We understand that the members of lh eorge Davis Literary Society are arrangiag lor a reception lor Vr. Page, Wednesday evening alter .his eatertainment. Particu lars in j-egard to it will be given the public later, pn Page should be cordially re - ceived by our citizens, and we trust the young gentleman will be very successfuLin their undertaking. Has This Been Repealed? lne -jviEgsESGEB puDiisnes nerewitn an xtract from the Laws of the City of .Wil mington. We do not know whether it has been repealled or not, but haye reason to think that It is still in force. If thij 'is wrong, correction will be made, or an oppor tunity, willjbe given to any one to show us that it is. - The extract is as follows: Section 1J, page 95 of the Laws of the City of Wilmington, says: "Be it further enacted that no Mayor or Alderman shall, directly or indirectly, become a contractor for work to be done for the city of Wilmington, or be interested ia tne sale to the city 01 anv ar ticles of prdberty required for the.use of the ity, and any person herein offending shall loweit and pay to the city two hundred dol- mm .moreover De deemed guuty of a iiusuemeaur. - The policel force in all parts of the country Jjear uniform testimony to the great value of Dr. Bull Cough Syrup as a remedy for cough, . coM and incipient ronsrimntmn i They all emphasize the fact that no one OR. PR1TCHARDS DEPARTURE A Few Far tins Word From Him Be fore Colas to HU New Field 01 Labor at Charlotte. The Eev. Dr. T. H. Pritchard has. closed his pastorate of the First Baptist church 01 Wilmington and left -yesterday y" lotted to assume the .; pastorate of h Tryon StreetVBaptist church of that city ; 1 Wilmington legxeta very aeepiy T-ov7i ,-. transfer the spnere ui usefulness to another city, but to use an oft t. Kn t raohase. the Messengeb nan Ivmt IlrnOWinKiV. " nft- 1v of Dr. Pritchard M a iremeuuuio 6aiu trim fm.HinntA fTharlotte. A wl nf."",v ; - T)r Pritchard is a big man a Dig will be a powerful acqui sition to the pulpit of the Queen City of the rM xmh State. He is an earnest, ;tv.f,iT " inl Wa minister of I the K03peL and for his recognized abilities and personal requisites he is held in the higbc Bt tv-thtA hv 1 classes, denominations suu win in nnr citv. - Jn his deoarture front our midst, "Wil- mineton looses not only fl-strong and ? well eauipped preacher and fine pulpit orator, but a good and true citizen! The M essesgeb particularly regrets to lose this distinguished minister and gentleman from our midst. but we send after him our best wishes' for his happiness and an addition to his already great success that will be a' marvel even to, himself. Dr. -Pritchard in bidding the Mespexger representative good bye, said in his happy manner: i" , "Yf- T am snrrv to leave Wilmington. It is a delightful place of residence, and the pedfele have been very kind to me and mine; Indeed. I can trnlv sav that- while I have .had Dieasant pastorates in Baltimore, Pe- .tershurt?. Raleieh and Louisville, I have never lived araoni! a people to whom 1 1 be came so much attached, and I feel espe cially grateful for the sympathy and kind ness received irom persons ouksiuo my own rnmTTinninn - I am not eoine far. however. only to Charlotte, and we will come back to see you eften, as we shall still retain our home at the sound, which we prize very highly." - .. - Who will succeed Dr. Pntchare here "as pastor of the First Baptist Church? This is a question that deeply concerns that influ ential and prominent church and greatly interes, our entire community. In speaking of this matter Dr. Pritchard said: I "I can't tell vou whtf will succeed me here. There are a dozen names : before the committee to nominate a pastor at least a half a dozen of whom are strong men and would meet the demands of the place. There is no ene in night yet; and no one can give the slightest-guess a3 to who will be the man chosen. Judge Mitchell of this State used to say "that there were no two things in this world so uncertain as ho w a jury would find and who a woman would marry;'! and Dt. Jeter, of Richmond, used to say that vif there wa3 anything the Lord did not know, it was who a Baptist church would call to be pastor." The committee will prfibably re port at an early day, and some good, man will take my place. This is regarded,. as a desirable pastorate; It i& an excellent church and better now than it ever was. Notwith standing serious disturbances in the church, the record for the past year is better than that of any year, save one of the nine, that I have been here. Eighty-three members have- been received, sixty-three of whom were by baptism. The congregations were fine all through the summer, and the prayer meeting were -never so large, spirnea and profitable as during the last six months. Indeed, all the interests' of the church have prcspered, and the pastor who takes charge may promise himself a pleasant field. ! Dr. Pritchard spent Christmas here, and it seems thit Santa Glaus paid him a visit, for he said to the reporter: t i "Oh, yes, I have received some nice Christ mas presents. Counting sin the books the good women of the church. gave me I have 7iad over a hundred dollars-worth of pres ents, for all of which I am very grateful.' With reference to .his new charge, Dr Pritchard said: ; ; t -'No. the Baptists are not strong in Char lotte, but the church is a good one, having many taithlul members, andtne field is a mpst important and inviting one, as the 'tueeu City, as they love to call it. I Know I shall find a pleasant field of labor there. I was born there, yon know, and most of the prominent citizens of the place are my warm personal menus." t. Dean Detached. capt. iii h. JJean, w ho has i been com mander of the Revenue Cutter Colfax, on duty in this port, has beeft detached from service on account of bad. health, and ; left yesterday at 9:30 o'clock for his home in Hampden Corner, Maine. Capt. Dean i has been in command of the Colfax for about three years and has made hosts 1 of friends who hope his. retirement from active duty will restore him to his usual health.- He was ever a gjilknt officer anil courteous gen tieman,and no stranger ( has rarelv ever come into enr midst tmd won more esteem and popularity than he. . ; In. Captain Dean's absence, our clever friend, First LieutenantO. S.Willey, will be in command of the cutter. The complement of officers on the cutter will also be added to by Third Lieutenant A. R. Hasson, recently on the revenoe cutter Winona, at Newbern, who comes to take the place of Third Lieu- tenan f W. H. O. Hay who is on sick-leave at hiv home in Philadelphia. j I The IlIepaeBger for the New Tear. The year just closed has been a prosper ous one to the Messenger, and it jenters the new year with a larger patronage than it has ever before enjoyed, for which we are thankful and tender our hearty thanks to those who have contributed to it success, 1 he paper, as ieretaf ore, will iideavor to publish; -the news without fe ri or favor having no axe to grind and not finder the control 01 any ring, clique or corporation it wiJi become more-independentas it grows oiuer Some enemies have been made duringthe L 1.1 a - J f ... . . . 0 y euf,iiireais-oi suits ior iiDei nave been made. tne boycott (enforced, while others have ordered their paper stopped, but they have learned that dropping off the subscription book (with a balance due the paper very onen; win not stop tne paper. We ask no patronage for charitv's sake and any one is at liberty -to have their name dropped from the subscription lists when they feel grieved at the con ouct 01 the paper, but we ask you to act square copy. and don't borro your neighbor's A Happy iriarrfasre. Mr. CM. Kelley, a popular young gentle I man of this city, was married on (Wednes day nignt, tne i!Sth ultimo, to Miss.. Mamie Hewlett, one of Wilmington's charming daughters. The marriage took place at the I residence 719 Dock street. 1 the ceremonv Deing pertormed by tha Key. Dr. 'T..H a j iiA.uiru. jir. y.jii. van vert acted as best man, and Miss Ida Kelly, sister of the groom, was maid of honor, j. ' only the aiear relatives and immediate inends of the family were present, but a reception was held after the marriage ser vice had been performed and quite a num Der ot; mends called to extend their con . ' - 1 i 1 . giaiiiuiuijua. : au eiegant -i mncneon was served. . " , somemiDg Wt'd Like 10 Know: TheiMEssEueEB would like to know if the law in reference to the meetings fof th uoard 01 Audit and Finance was complied with as stipulated In the extract below, and if not, was the' action of their meeting, held Wednesday, December 28th. legal? t Section 4 of an act to establish a BOard of Audit and Finance for the city of Wilming ton, page 117 of the laws of the city of Wil mington, says: ! - - j "Said Board shall hold regular meetings twice every month, and. oftener if" neces sary, in some room in the city hall, ai such nmes as tne uoara may determine, nd of wnicn aae nonce snail be given by adver tisements posted at the court house door and ten other public places in the city j Said meetings shall be opened to the nnhlio nnH the times of holding the regular I semi monthly meetings shall not be changed, nn- jcoa icu uavs uuutu 01 saiu cnange snail be given as aioresaid. ; v n Sadden Death at Orton PJantatloD. on rTiday at Orton plantation, fourteen mnes trom the city in Brunswick county. Henry Miggms, colored, an old and trnsted employe on the place, died suddeniv nf heart disease. Abont 11 o'clock he started down to tne wfiart to take the boat fortlie city, and when, about half way between the house and the river . he was seen to fa.ll on the bank of a ditch in the rice field. - Some colored people ' went immediately to see what had happenedt6 him, and when thev reached mm ne wasaeaa. a coroner's in quest was held and a verdict was returned that the cause of his death was heart failure. PERSONAL MKWTION. j Mr. J. A. Pullan, of Southport, was ori our streets yesterday. - - . - j - ; -r -. Messrs. J. X. and It. G- Morrisey, Of Win ston, are in the city, . 1 T I I J Mr. C. P. WTieeler. of Charlotte, is 1 spend ing Sunday in the city.1 ' j . " j , j j Miss Beck aigh and Miss" Mary McRae. of Fayetteville,' are visiting frjenddin the city. :, ; -. ..'U--. ll;:! - Mr. R. 8. French, of the Brunswick and Western railroad, has been hereveral days on a visit to his old home." ; t j Mr. John W. Barnes an old Wilmington ians but nowresiding in Houston, Texl, is" here on a visit to his relatives and friends. " Mr. W. P. Hall, of Mt. Ohvel . N. Id. has accepted a position -with the Pexegoy JLnm ber company; and will move to jthis city in a short time j " j Mr.J.P.wiiteheaf,who has been connect ed with ih jcar record office of the Atlantic Coast Line,; leaves thi? morning for Rocky Mount, where he will be Cinneted witn tne freight department there, j . - - w I MORE Ll jHT FOR WILMINGTON, The Wilmington 8tret Railway Com : pany to FatlnanJElecirlc Light i' ' 'i: -,..Fiant. j - - j j ; ' Theilmingt6n Street Railway company is laying its plans for the installation of a complete electric lighting plant, and bids have already been asked on a jhird engine of one hundred and fifty horse; power and another boiler of one hundred horse-power, together with the ! aparatus anid other ap pliances for arc and incandescerjt lights. The addition to the steam plant will, give the company three fine engirfes, but we un derstand that they even have engine room for the further doubling of th4 capacity of the plant. The third boiler wifl be ; for r serve. .. i ! . " ' r - . "! - j-! " '. The foundations for the increase in the steam plant: were laid at the time of 'con struction of their commodious ppwerv-build-ing at Water and Orange streets.j so that the installation : of the additional machinery -will take but a short time. The contract for the poles has already been let to Capt. T. J. Newsom, who furnished t$em for the railway work. Work will 1 be commenced shortly in the erection of thb poles for the electric light plant,i plant will be ready! and we leariji that j the in ample time for a com petitive bid for lighting the cityf when 1 the Board of Aldermen meets on the first Mon day in April to award the contiacf Jto the successful bidder ! -. The company with it3-,new engine will haye a capacity for supplying 650 incan descent lights and 75 arc lamps, jand we are told that as soon as the company gets in the field with their plant they will extend their line to the residence portion of tiie city and put electric lights in residences at aa low a price as gas is f urmshed in cities; larger than Wilmington i . L The Charehr Td-day. Services at St. John's church Lto-dayj by the rector at 11 a. ni. and 5 p. m. Sunday School 3:30 pL m. St. Paul s: ! church, Fourth and Orange streets, F. N. Skinner, rector. Feast of the circumcision, January 1st, 1893. f Services as follows: Eleven a. m., Morning Prayer and Holy Communion. At 7:30 p." m. . Evening prayer and sermon. Sunday School at 3:30 p. m. All seats free. - ! St. Matthew's English Evangelical, Luth eran church,; Fourth street ab$ve Bladen street. Rev. G. D. Bernheim, pastor. Pre paratory and JommunioH services at 11 a m. New Year's services at 7:30 p. m. Sun day School at 9:45 a. m. Seats free, all ser vices in English; every person, welcome Rev. W . T. Jones will accupy Jthe pulpit of the First Baptist church, thif morning. Services at the usual hour. . J J I English services will be held to-day in gt. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church at 11 a. m., and German services at 7:30 p. m.' Both services will be conducted by the Rey.j W. E. Peschau, D. D. nr 'olored Cbnrchea Rev. L. T Christmas will occupy his pul pit at the Central Baptist Church, corner of Seventh and Red Cross streets to-day at 11 a. m.. A p. m and 4 :du p. m. A.. Hindoo will lecture to the Sunday Schoof at ipJm and to the congregation to-night. Strangers and all are welcome. 1 St. Mark's Church, corner Mulberry and Sixth streets: services Sunday, January 1st, 7:30 a., m., 11 a. m. and 7:30 x. m., John! G, Fawcett, priest in charge. j Feet Office Honrs rtloDdar. Monday, January 2nd, being a legal holi day, the postoffic2 will be closed as on!Sun days, except that the general delivery will open till 10 o clock a m., and the registry department from 8 to 10 a. m The carriers will make two collections at 4.30ia. m., ind at 4 p. m., and two deliveries at (5 a.m. and at 9. 30 a.m.- 1-, 'j i - !' Geo. Z, Fkexch, P. M. ' !( ' " I i The W A; v. Bdlroitf'i Bath Tsxes i 1 Wilmingto, N. C, Decf 31, 1892. To the Messenger: ! i , f 11 seems mat mere exists an impression that the city in contracting with certain lawyers for the recovery of taxes jagainst the 1 .tn.iiipvn biuuu xamuu vir tually given to tnem a bonus amounting jto something between ten thousand and ten million of dollars. . b nder ordinary circum stances twenty-fivepercent. of the recovery witnout any retainer tor. legal services jn advance, and uncertain ntigationl requiring professional capacity would be, regarded as tow compensation, x am told that some good people thmfc it's excessive m this case Their reason is that they have taken up the erroneous notion that the lawyers have nothing'to do but to make out a bill for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars and walk up to tne railroad omce and shake it at the President and shake the money ofut of him before breakf ast. On the contrary, so far as I know, the money must be recovered by uam una in me courts-ana legislature. To Col. Thos. W. Strange is dne tlie of discovering the rights of the city' against lu-iauurporauon ana 01 evomng tne princi ples upon wnicn its case rests. The recent ueuiaioii oi me r eaerai oupreme ! court - has nttie or no application to 1 this ease. Col Strange consulted me about it last summer. 1 agreed witn him that the claim' was a good one. There were legal reasons then which rendered . immediate action . impracticable I did ndt devote much time to it then h. cause there was no way to push it and he- cause I saw that Strange' was master of the iacts ana tne law 01 the case. My services have consisted mainly in trying to look wise aim 111 agreeing witn tne -man who anew more aoout it than 1 did. Ul to these presents, Strange has done thej work and furnished the brains. If in the Bweet bye and bye his associates do not do anore than 1 nave, btrange ought to have thewhole fee, iuoouy iui now ever anegea that the city attorney should undertake and conduct heavy litigation for the little salarv is paid,to him for attending the meetings of the Bdard of Aldermen and giving general advice. I think it always has been the cus torn to pay, the city attorney regular fees for all suits and work in the courts, s 1 If the matter had been brought; before the City Boards last Summer, or at any time be fore tne recent "Supreme Court srulirg it wouia nave Deen regarded as a wild cat suit with the lawyers taking all the i risks, and miy per n;eni. contingent would, probably have been allowed to any , competent coun sel who would have undertaken a. All the racket comes out of the fact that' the pro- 1 C IL. O tt . . . . uiuigauuu ui me oupreiue uourt aecision on points foreign to the questions - involved in the city case has created the impression that "jc uuc ia aurauj utxiueu ill us IaVOr. t; Up to the present ' convulsions" nobody but CoL Strange and those he ! consulted mat tne civy naa a caser i i D. L. Russku. ; ' "'- : i -t Late Arrival? I "Rob, are you going to' the villa ge?' -res, wire." "Then don't forget; to bring me a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for Coughs and Colds, the medicine that cured Aunt jiiary s cougn alter sne had let it mn along ,uu" uau given up ever getting rid of it. Remember, Kemp's Balsam. You can get it at any of the drug stores, Homestead Prlaonera Bailed. xTTTSBUBG. Uec. iil.-McLiuekie. Ftnaa on1 uieDoianave oeen released on bail Th security was turnisnea py a syndicate or ganized . by Attorney Hrennen. ;Bail for jjici.,ucKie and koss is 23,UHJ and ifor Die- Dowfa.ww. lne men were taken nr from jail very juietly and are now fit Home- Bieaa. - . .' . . ; i Backlens Arnica Sam. i . The best salre the world tar rhita Bruises, Sores;' Ulc3rB, Salt Rheuia Fever S res. Tetter- Charmed Hand a Chilblains, -Corns, and all Skin Eup tioas, and positirely cures P lesy op no pay required. It is froaranteed to five perfect eatisfacUon or monev refiinflaa Price 25 cants per box. Far aaln h Rob't B. Ballamy, r : TEAR. The book of the New Year is opened, , t Its pages are spotless and new; 'And so each leaflet is turning-- . Dear children beware what you do! Let never a bad thought be cherished, . , Keep the tongue from a whisper of guile. And see that your faces are windows Through which a sweet spirit; shalLnile.' And weave for your souls the fair garment Of honor and beauty and truth, Which will still with a-gloir enfold you When faded the spell of your youth. - And now, with the new book, endeavor f To write its white pages with care; - Each day is a leaflet, remember To be written with watching and prayer. And if on a page you discover . 1. - At evening a blot or a scrawl, " i Kneel quickly and ask the dear Saviour ; In mercy to cover it alL So when the strange book shall be finished, And claspedlay the angel of light. i You may feel, though the work be im- - i perfect. . You have tried to please God in the - right.: . ) ( ; Unidentified Exchange. Mrs. Fannie Di am am. 141 Mott street. New York City, makes a miraculous cure of her rheumatism. She writes: "I owe unspeak able and never to be forgotten gratitude . tr Salvation Oil.' It made a miraculous cuk of my rheumatism. - ; A HAPPY NEW YEAR ! The MessengefI desires tov return thanks to its many friends andpatrons for tne liberal7 support given its Job Department ! .. . ! I" - ' ' ' 1 during the year just closed and to bespeak a continu ahce of jthe same. - ' The Messenger Book Jqb Department AND is larger, .better supplied and employs more competent workmen than all the other onices in tne city com- ' . . i M " - f- ' I - bined. Promptness will be given to air orders. OPEN ALL DAY Sunday Jan. 1,03. I ROBERT R. BELLAMY, DKUGGIST, NT W. Corner Front and Market Streets. Executor s Notice. TTAYINO DULY QUALIFIED AS EXECUTOR JUL i . :.;.- of the last will and teetamect of Thomas Tarney, deceased, aotica Is herebv given to all persons having claims against his estate to present the 8ime befoie January 1st, 1894, or thU notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons In debted to said estate are requested to settle. , - JAMES F. POST, Dec. 31st, 1893. Exr. ot Thos. Turney. Jan I-6w sun ! ' A HIPPY TewYear'to All HEINSBERfeER'S LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STO E. THE NEW YEAR Usliora in jbaigainsv fn Millinery, Fancy Goods and such articles as are found at : M - r ' J j' l win sen tne remainder, or my scock at pneest tnat will surprise you. I must sell to make room for SPEING STOCK and will give great bargains in al goods. If you ara in need of; a hat now is your time to buy.! Former prices 1 rimmed hats $15.00, now $7.00 12.00,,; 8.00, 5 00; O-.00, 5.00, 4.00, 3.00, secriflce ever made.V ; the greatest BABY I - j . - surprisingly cheap else accordingly. GAPS ard everything Mrs. H. B. Jewett, THE LEAPING MILLINER. HEATING STOVES HEATING STOVES I - BEATING ' HEATING HEATING, . HURTING HEATING HEATING i v STOVES 8TOVES STOVES STOVES i STORES HEATING j ! - . Y "HEATING i ..:' ..'; BEATING t HEATING HEATING HEATING " "V; STOVE8 I STOVES STOVES ! : . STOVES i STOVES STOVES I STOVES! HEATING HEATING H EATING HEATING HEATING STOVES STOVE8 STOVES STOVEi 8TOVES 8TOVES i STOVES. xi JiATINf I HEATING JOPerC.Offs8 HEAT , HEATING HEATING HEATING ! II EATING HEATING HEATING HEATING HEATING i HEATING HEATING siovjss .' ' STOVES STOVES STOVKS i STOVES STOVES STOVES STOVES STOVES STOVES HEATING STOVES J.Orlr lo 'Mra Stt. OFEES in Sil AT BeductiDn of.10 Per C, N. Jacobi Hardware Go. Jtrif Cjzt fw laianceh-oiji.; ' 1 ; s. h. FISHBLA THEY TKLL US GO r WE HAYE THE FINEST HARNESS AND SADDLLRY; STORE SOUTH OF TH MASON AND DIXON LINE. OUR C00DS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN OF THE f3 BEST, FOR '93 THE 'RE BETTER, - THE PRICES HAVE BEEn'rEDUCED. Come and see us and we'll interest you. 5 :;fehell 114 NORTH Trun iiPPYIWY fO -i- ALL OUR DONTi ALL COME AT ONCE. Cent's Furnishers. "A HAPPY : NEW YEAR" TO ALL 0U1 FRIEADS AVD PATRONS. ithVmany -thanks for favors enjoyed. in tlie past; we ask for a continrance of the same and remain ! ' Respec ;tfully, j. ir Call for one pocket ralendars. of our ; handsome DISSOLUTION. J-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership, heretofore existing between the nn dcrslghed under the name and style of "POL VOGT 4 REHDER," la thU day dlasolved by mutual consent i C. W. POLVOGT, J. H. REHDER. January 1st, ipi i Having purchased the interest 0f Mr. C. W. Polvogt, In - said partnership, he undersigned will continue the business heretofore conducted, by the firm of Tolvgt Render. An claims against said firm should be present ed to J. B. REHDER & CO., and all debts due said firm, paid to them. ', J. H. REHDER 4 CO. dress: MAKING, rpDE UNDERSIGN E!) HAS RETURNED TO the city and win- re-open her drees making busi ness at 115 North Fourth street, where she will be pleased to see her old friends and patrons' J Janl-lt T ' MBS. A. C. CAPPS. - WANTED. YOUNG ACTIVE MAN TO I COLLECT local bills. " Apply to . an l-lt TOWLBB & MOKKISOX. NAUMBURG 9 BARGAINS, Bll?GAINS. Winter OVERCOATS, ' ' V'- : i, ;.- ; ' 1 j" - -h if-' V--"-. SUITS, UNDERWEAR AND NECKWEAR Children's;1 Suits, AND OVERCOATS. AND BEST OF ALL (FOR THE BUYER) THE HOESE MILL1NIR FRONT STREET. "Valises and SatcliolB EAR PATRONS. FOR - SALE. JJMVE THOUSAND (6.C00) ACRES OP LAND, twenty horse farnv balance well timbered, 1c- cated on Northeast river, 35 miles Irom Wilming- ton, N- C, 12 miles of river front Apply to HEXKT SHAW, 1 Administrator ot Daniel Shaw. Rocfcy Poiat, Nt' C. Pec. 2s, 1C92. jaa l-2t lha Second Tefm of ihat Most Successful SCHQOU n ! WiU bcirlni i i-J Institute, H JAN. 2i,'93. Send fcr LCatal'g'e i , , An l special terms to JAM ESDINWIDDIE,: Principal, Ralelg N. C: ; : Sec80,dwkm - j . ft - . -. NEW YEAR .RESOLUTIONS. v. T ESOL V E iTO KEEP YOURSELF HEALTHY jlk oy using nice reireshmg Toilet soap par chased at I. J j j - : . Bunting Pharmacy, ' A big line of Soaps Jiist received. 14c, Stc, S4c, Ac, per box, ij; - I . ( - ' .' -; ;i - IT H GOKS BY, X-MAS OF '92, ''.:-.,--H-:.-ft...- A ND WE ItAVB POR NEW YEARS GIFTS XV lots of beautiful goods at Drices to clofw . M i i 81 and 83 Market St CHRISTMAS GOODS i Of ausef aland seasonable kind now offered by -DEALER IN- Coal! and Wood. . .. - ' !. "3 I"- juu possioy cannot offer a more sensible Christmas present to some of your worthy friends' inan to give then a ton of ooal or a cord of woed Remember this advertisement J. A: SPRINGER. decM-tf Grand Dramatic Temperance r i : Cantata: "LOST. AND SAVED' ?ZZBT$3? 1 ?.TJL?.E PUPILS AND VJ r ol- ; JUAl I HKVV'S PARO . i CHIA SOHOOtUNDERTHELEADEtt- SHIP 0 MISS LISETTE C..HOOD. Proceeds ta be devoted to educational and benev- i . olent purposes. - . Opera House, Tuesday Evening, Jan. 17, 1893 Cdren! Reserved Seats' Box Sheet open at Yates' Book Store on' and after Dec. 26th. Tickets for ai iTThl k2 stores, and j thei friends and pudU of th school. r -j-.-S.-1"''--: -,-;:-.;- j an 1-1 1 Impprtant Sale. By virtue and in pursuance of a decree of tie supertorldourt of New Harm, ver county, made la the case of Arietu Hart and others, vs. H. A. Burr, and others I will Monday the 8d ay of January 1893, n ffi a. m; at the Court House door 'in wVminfn se to the highest bidder at oVbUc a,cUongt?he' followmg valuable city property on Front street between Market and Dock streete: " street -'3fSSr 2f?1,nlnl? 1,1 ne eastern line of Front street 831 feet southwardly frofft- Market strWT and running thence along Front street SEfSf wardly S3 feet, and extending bak eastwrd.v" of the same width, 165 feet,- 5 - - i twardly, aTia, &UV011lD tne nrth, beginning to said line of Front sireft: 8il et south of Market street, and running thence,or&wardy n YeS to?."?!?1""1?01 Market street and run! ning thence aorta wardly 33 feeu thence eaaf wardly W feet; thence northwardly S3 feet tolhe southern line of JJettencoort's alley, thence east! 0,n.8dd.,ftlleJ' CT leet, thence sonth wardly6feet, and thence west wardly 165 feet to the beginning t t - . l monthSecured bv the note of tlu Tnrrh drawing 8 per cent Interest. . - I-DUBRCTZ CUrLAR Jr. " decU m 13 15 j!8 83 2J an 1 Commissioner, pjetv CLxstxtiszrtxttxts. Dissolution m Xatz: The; entire Stock wi CdSTFOB Janliary 2; ' 1 893, IMMENSE BAR Trimmings Domestics- Gloaksv 3J .L2T LADIES'! GEIIT'S, COMFORTS AND BLANKETS. TO BE: -v In preference to carrying them througn NEXT - nidnis. cin our. the very; liberal support meft with at nands, and, trust for under the new firm of M,Mw KATZ, SON & CO. Vi 1 be sold at, to February 1, 1893. AINB IN ft V mens Sheetings v j. Damasks; and Glomes. BOYS' MID AND- SACRIFICED s SEASON. and patron inenas :;vt-:-.:rv; Sale v"iTf '.! m r:,v,v;:vi : ,m --; - - . . f ' ! - i i "r- " ' ' ' - ' - --! '" - . ' &Sort. ' ". i ! :i M- - - - ,. j "' i- .; . ! ' '. ' . ' ,! ;i -' i ' - - :- ; I M.. g&Mr .' j ) . ' MISSES : . r .! -1 ' s for iheir a liberal continuance r t - -r- T r to

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