ESTABLISHED IX 1867 BY J. X EONITZ I - JACKSON & BELL, PROPRIETORS. I It. B. KINGSBURY. Edito. , - Tn Daily XsmraiB, by man, one year $ six months, $3.60; three months, $0.75; one month, do cents. . . Served In the city at 60 cents a month; one week, U centeJL7S for three months or fl.oo a year. - I WILMINGTON. N. & tCJESDAYj JANUARY 3, 1893. ! THB KEGI8LATVBK AND ITS ; VOBK. . ' N he Legislature orNorth Carolina assembles on to-morrow. ; It is be liefed to be a respectable body in urn telligence, of fair- average, and is a better equippedFbody than the Farm el s? Legislature1 was of two years ago!. There are" some very impor tattt measures to consider and they should-be dealt with in a spirit of justice, manliness and wisdom. The road question is beyond question of ver;v great importance., It is first nniler the circumstances. North Carolina must have better, country roads. Ciyiliiatiorv prosperity, econ omy, comfort all demand it. 1 1 Then the question of better edu '! nation for the children of North i Carolina is pressing in its impor- I taoce. There must De a larger ncuuui ! faid. These should be more taxes j devoted to school purposes, for the i I taies in North Carolina of all kinds ' areJ comparatively light when com pared with other States and with the tail levied by the General :Govern ment upon the people. 1 1 Then there is a positive need: for changes and improvements in the criminal law and in some .other things connected with the cpurts. We" shall have more to say as to this point. ' ; ! : ii Then the fisheries and oyster queB tion are important. North Carolina should develop the oyster industry. ' it ib capable of greater expansion. I The homestead law needs early ' attention;- It is an offence and a i wrong. ' It works evil and is a bid for1 rascality. It is a discrimination 'against poor, honest, deserving men. The Legislature, must tackle that -L bad law or there will be a great deal of I grumbling. Let the necessary stejps be taken to submit the repeal to.jthe people in the proper way by ' anjamendment' to the constitution. ' Then there is the rascally pren : ferred creditors business that is an OuraRe upon all creditors who are not included in the "preferred" opera tic. We really cannot see how any iust, honest man can. f ayor such an ' Abomination and iniquity. The law - i f- i ? j Vwi based uDon common sense. It ought to be that and more: it ought to be based upon common honesty, upon equity and right. It " is well known to business men how thQ law is abused and .honest credi i tors are cheated and' wronged in i their rights. The -bogus business i has surely had life enough in staid, honest' North Carolina. Wipe ont .1 the! disreputable and infamous law. i The equalization of Taxation is ! a ery knotty question in North S Carolina. Taxes are very unequal, i Can it be remedied. In this connec 1 tion we may ask if there ifi no way . to reach men who do not list their - taxes but kefcp back an important pattt Then there are the numerous ! delinquents who pay no taxes, espe , cik)ly that olafs of' voters who refuse or neglect to pay their part of the tax! to the school fundi Bee Maj. Finger's Report. If a man will not pay histaxes then disfranchise him. No'' tax receipt no vote. Here is matter for sensible consideration and legislation. Other questions will require our attention as the session proceeds. v One more "say." A great deal of time is unwisely and unnecessarily wasted at the beginning of the ses sion. This should be avoided. Get to work at once. " Men are not sent to I the Congress or to the Legislature to play the gentlemen and idle and loaf and drink, but to attend to the peo ple's business. A great deal of ' needless ' legislation is attempted, audi buncombe oratory and windy rhetoric are fired off at a heavy cost upon the people. . i TWO IV I. "ST. ' I If the opinpns of Washington cor respondents are worth much the : South must content itself with not - more than two Cabinet officers. The North, as always, is to get the lion's share. The South had quite as much hand in nominating Grover Cleveland and electing him as the North had. Where would he have been without the vote of Virginia, North' Carolina, Georgia, Texas, i Kentucky and some other xState&f The South is modest somewhat. It would like three bites at the cherry, but if the President prefers to take -.. his liadvisers from the more populous and richer North the South will not hang crape on its door and feel thai it has been to a funeral. It will still, believe in, trust in, and support lnim feeling that he aetB for the best as his understands it. The country is so big and there are so many hun - gry office-seekers he mult disap point sections of the country and hundreds of thousands of teatse ek I e"rs. t Many of them will curse Cleve land and swearjwith ugly oaths that they are sorry Harrison was not elected Now that will be the exact size of their Democracy, Give Cleve land, a chance, office or no office. - . Representative O'Ferrall seeks the nomination for Governor of Virginia. He is arable and true man and wTl tope, he will jret it. ' DB. HAWKS AND SIISS FISHED. One of the best of North Caro Una's fugitive poetic attempts was written by the late Rev. Dr. Francis L. Hawksa native of , New Bern, and perhaps equal to any preacher of the Episcopal Church, unless that very extraordinary preacher, Bishop Phillips Brooks, a pennsylvanian, but I of the ! Diocese of Mas sachusetts, be excepted He was elected I Bishop of some Dio cese but his consecration was eon tested if we recall the facts. He made a speech of great ability and eloquence before the Episcopal Gen era! Convention, and we well re member what Gen. J.: Watson Webb, the I editor of the old, toew York Courier and Enquirer, said of it that it was equal to the greatest speeches ever made in Westminster Hall. One of the members moved an ad journment Tf the Convention, say ing that after the great speech it was impossible ; to consider the merits of the question without undue bias. We believe the poem can be found in the "Cyclopedia of Ameri can Literature," inJ two volumes, published forty years ago i perhaps. Our own, copy shared the fate of hun dreds of ; other .volumes we have owned it was lost. In a number of Our Living and- Our Dead will be found some pleasant stanzas from Miss Fisher ("Christian Reid",) which we published while editing that North Carolina monthly maga zine. i : :!", i ', ' i HO RIB FOLKS, i North Carolina is ! not thought to be in the line of succession for the Cabinet. But this old State is uied to- being underestimated and even slandered. ' But a Virginian editor of ability and travel said to us that he thought North Carolinians "an im provement .on Virginians and South Carolinians." He is not singular in that high opinion. . i The proposed road convention for North Carolina is being urged in our State papers. That is right. The gathering will do no harm and may do good by stimulating legislative action, i f The need of better roads is too plain to need much argument with reading, observing, reflecting men. -t i 1 . "t ... -- It was the opinion of those who heard Rev. Dr. Swindell's sermon, his last in the eity, at Market Street .Church on Sunday night, that it was the culmination of all his efforts the very finest of his many fine ones. It was certainly an elegant,eloquentf able, practical discourse ' delivered with intense earnestness. ' ! - t. The North Omrolina Teacher h as an appreciative reference to! Principal Catlett's excellent school in this city. 11 aje- - - T. " 1 " " "Cape Fear Academy; 'WiJmine ton, under the principalship of Mr, w asnington uatiett, is prospering greatly. It is a very- fine prepara tory scnooi, and tne boys take high stands in the University and the col leges, i Mr. A. A. F. Sea well, Jr., and Mr, J. B. Wharly are assistant teacners.V ! Hear! Hear!! Read this from the Asheville Citieem "To i Raleigh . and Wilmington Come up into themountains and get warm.'? Funnj ! Now Mr. Citizen how deep is your snow and how low has your thermometer run down! We see . in another pf your issues you tell of the mercury falling 5i degrees above zero. That is only 21 J degrees colder than it has been in Wilmington this winter. It stood at 27 degrees two mornings, at 28 two mornings, at 30 two or three mornings. The best out snow could do was about 2 or 2 inches;; Are you knee-deep! : ' KDITOBIAL BNTBEE8. If that boody-minded old French Anarchist, Louise Michael comes to this country to sow the dragon's teeth of death we hone she will be sent out of the country or sent to a penitentiary. She is possessed evit dently of a devil of the most vicious and murderous kind. Hear her re gretting that when the explosion oc curred the other day in Paris that it did not kill the officials. A shedevil incarnate she may be. The West has long been a erreat sufferer from the baleful mortem system. The hundreds Ol millions heretofore reported are very stag gering and show anything else than a healthful condition. But it seems from a census bulletin that even rich, educated, . highly i protected Massachusetts is doing a , rather heavy business in the same unprom ising line. Real estate mortgages of Massachusetts incurred in 1880 aggregated $28,176,133, as against $75,526,544 in 1889, an increase of 1G8 per cent. In the ten years 250. 222 real estate mortgages were made representing $508,455,550 of secured debt. The mortgage debt in force January 1st, 1890, was $323,277,668 The per capita mortgage debt of Massachusetts is exceeded only by that of; Kansas. For Kansas this debt was $170 for. each man, woman and child; for Massachusetts, $144 The other Western States show a much lower average, i . Pennsylvania and New York are doing a big business in the .divorce business. In three counties only in Pennsylvania,there are fif tvusix c&spk pending. In one county, Tioga, this disgraceful state of things exists as reported by the Willsboro dazelte: "A tJrooklvn chvaieia.n: . vaII known actress, the wife of a well known New York State nhlitiftUn. New York citv merchant, two from Buffalo, a coal operator of Al oany, a atoo&iyn Droser, tne daugh- rHE WILMINGTON MESSENGER, TUESDAY. JANUAKY 8. 1B93 . ter 61 a conspicuous preacher of New YorklState, and a Lake Erie steam boat captain, gaining a residence for the purpose of beginning proceedings of divorce. Out of twentystwo de crees of divorce granted by the courts of Northern Pennsylvania last month, twenty were to people who came from New York State espeoiaN Jy for divorces. i 11 , GOOD JIOADS. , ' i If you will have excellent country roads constructed from every town and village in North .Carolina, lead ingontjo every important section of each county,, youi will advance the interests of town sand country a vast deal. There lis no mistake here. f- ' i " Every body knows how execra ble the roads are in j the winter season how impassable of fcen. Every body ought to; know that this condition of roads is! a! great cost and drawback upon progress. The fact is plain that in more than two thirds of the counties in the rainy and snowy season of the y ear a f our hbrse team can not i pull as much weight as a strong horse can pull oyer a macadamized road. LWhat is lost by bad roadt? Read: You lose work every year on ac count of them. ' . ; i ! . 8 . " "j You can not sell often your pro duce when it is most desirable to do SO. - .. ;; '; ..,;" '" ;' f : : : T?i; You travel at a great disadvantage as to time and comfort. ' j i 1 Yon are often cut pfffrom the outs side world and suffer; an embargo of mudi ' - I" ' i i Yu lose your temper,- you lose timeyon lose moneyi, yon lose char acter for ordinary intelligence, r You lose in the value of farms and other property. j ,If you have good roads, you gain ready access to markets.j i You trayel at ease.: You save the great loss sustained ievery year in the wear and tear 'of wagons, ve hicles generally and harness. 'You gain in the care to your team, which can pull three br four times as much as oyer the -. knee-deep mud roads, mi ! .: '!. : -i .- - - H ' l ' I- - i -' t ' "! ' You gain by lessening the dis tance to the towns, j ! You . make a good J impression on observant strangers.; . j You invite desirable immigration and investments.0 ): j L i You have no nightmare horror, imagining you are stuck; in the mire will lose the train or the sale of cot ton or something else. ; ' i i ': i SNAPS. : ' - I ' Well! Wei); The old gal Lease is to get a crumb from j the official table in the Kansas' Executive office. Doubtless she is very grateful. "Any thing to appease my hunger ." . ' - I I F i 1 I I ; : - - - h : t . , - . i Uiemenceau got off some "uncon scious humor" whenj about to fight his last duel. Ho said: "Ii have sjood on the field of honor too often to have any apprehension." He ought to try that American who killed the Count at the second fire. The Detroit Free Press gives some good advice, j It xxrges' Don't give the deyil his dues if you can prevent ii." uon't. i j i ! TheN. Y. World Sis often level headed. For instance, it says that "no nation has ever been injured by the removal of unjust and oppressive taxes." i . j I i i ; ! NEW BOOKS. i'v I -' i . I The "Chronicle of a Camera" bv Paul Ingelow. Illustrated by Moppeli This is number a, ol the American Author Series by the Melbourne i Publlahioer Co., Chicago. The paries is Issued monthly at $6. a yeiar. It is in neat paperback, and contains! 334 natrpn We Buppose the price is 50 CentsJ The type Is large and clears "Dead In the Eye of the Law," is by the author 1 ot "Mr. perkins of New Jersey," Gay Farfcer. It is like the above. I illus trated by Moppel, an d( issued by the sarae publishing company. ! It la num Der 6 pi the same Series and : contains 339 pages. They have! both been iust received and we have 'not read i them. They are American productions. We can of course give no opinion of i their merits, . . i . ' i i i : .: N Demand EDonomjr and Wise!al& -, . . . j Uon.i : t , . . Rocky Mount, Ni C, Dec! 29, Editor of the Meseenqer ! i J- j. see in your , valuable i paper a heavy denunciation of Congressional Representatives in ! regard : to ab aenieeism ana ! other, neglects, and the same is nuiversallly approved of. Wish all the papers in the ! United States wonld do the-same, ! it would have a tendency to make them more attentive to business. We have UborecThard to elect them hoping by their wise conservative acts,great good would be accompHshed, and it can be easily done if I they S giye the situation of affairs their constant at tention, and work together tn unity to that end. . s j "-i..i. . If the present-Congress elected, as heretofore, act lazily and indifferent and absent themselves, disregarding the people's demands and money wastefully expended,! we cannot ex pect a continuation in office, or any good to be accomplished. Give it to them rough thodwith qlotee 2f,vand I hope other papers may imitate, and reeall daily, their shortcomings, so they may realize the fact that we are watchinar them. Ynn now is KaIiI in high esteem by . the. public, and xuiijr appreciate your efforts made daring and since the canvass. Yours-truly, j , FOR - SALE. piVE THOTJSANjD (5,000) IcKES OF IND, iwcuij aorse larm, baiancel wen timbered, lo- cated on Nortaeast river, 35 miles f roM wnmlng- ton, N-C, 18 mllea of ' river '..front. I Apply -V . , .. EENBT8HAW, Admlnistratar of Daniel Sbair. Rockj point, N. C, Dec SsJ XWi. , Ian l-w .! STATE FBESS Every trick 'and scheme that can be imagined is worked for all it is worth by Yankee publishers to make Southern editors and agents for the papers and periodicals issued from the North. ' And strange to say, a majority of Southern papers give much of their valuable space to puffs and prospectuses of Northern prints in preference to better publications right among them issue i from South em . presses. These .Northern pubs lishers work every way ito get the addresses of the subscribers to Southern ' newspapers, in : order, as we think, to, lead them off and get them to subscribe to their own eheap prints. Salisimrjf Truth, 1, i The Olterter does not consider it necessary to explain that in the ex pression of these views it utters no sweeping and unqualified condemna tion of all the foreign-born popula tion of the United States.: Some of the best material of our citizenship came from the "mother country," the "Fatherland,", the sunny clime of southern Europe or the: frozen steppes of the north. But these peo ple came, bringing intelligence' and morality with them; they were the thoughtful admirers of our republic can institutions, to which they readily adapted themselves, for the preservation of which they give of their means and in behalf of which they are ready to imperil their. lives. But it is certain that America must cease to become the dumping-ground of the pauper off -scour in gs of Eu ropethe released Convicts, . the escaped prisoners and the1 worst ele ments of the population in the midst of i which they were born if we would not witness our steady dete rioration as a people. Charlotte Ob tetter. r . ... When Baby waa sick, we gave her Castorla, When she ws- a Child, she pried toi Castoria. When aha b jame Kiss, she duns to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castorla CURES RISING j. BREA5T "MOTHER'S FRIEND" SWsj offered child-bearing woman. ,1 cave been a mid-wife for many years, and in each case where "Mother's Friend" hadbeenused it baa accomplished wonders and relieved vmuch suffering.' It is the best remedy for rlslnp of the breast known, and worth the price for that alone. Mes. JL M. Beubteb, t y Montgomery, Ala. Sent by express, onarges prepaid, on receipt of price, $L50 per bottle. . ! BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Bold by aU druggists. Atlahta, OA. MANHOOD RESTORED. "8AMATIVO," VM Wonderful Spanish Remedy, is sold with a Written Guarantee to cor all Nervous Dis eases, such ss Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Headache, Wakefulness, Lost Man hood, NervoasDe,La- Before & After Use J loss of .power or tu9 Photographed from life. I "e?8? x"i? orer-exertion, youthful indiscrtions,or the excessive ase of tobacco, opium, or stimulants, which ultimately lead to Infirmity, Consumption and Insanity- Put up in convenient form to carry in the vest pocket Price 1 a package, or 6 for $6, With every $5 order we give a written guarantee io cure or refund the money. Sent by mail to anv address. Circular frse lu plain onvelopa. Mention this paper. Address, ! MADRID CHEMICAL CO., Branch Office tor U.S. A. 1 858 Dearborn Street. CHICAGO, ILL. FR SALE IN WILMINGTON, N. C BY . ! . Robert R. Bellamy, Drmggist. ' im :r.- i. .- w 1 r iv ON iHAYER, STR0U5E & G. M F RS.4I2 B WAY, N.Y. HAPPY : iNEWAR1 TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS. V TTHTH MANY THANKS ifor favors enjoyed in the past, we ask for a continuance -: "- d : K : - " lx of the same and remain i I; Respectfully', jN J.NAUMBURG Call for one of our handsome pocket calendars. . t DR. D..S. HARMON. The Russian Opthalmic Optician and Innntor THE BEST IN Situated in the immediate section of country that produces a "gride of tobacco, that in texture, flavor, and quality is not grown elsewhere in the world, and being in position to command the choice of all offer ings upon this market, we spare no 'paiiis nor expense! to give the trade THE When in want of the best; ask fo( ull Durban Sold everywhere. , None genuine j without the , I Trade Mark of the Bull on each package. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., ': " .1 ' I' .;" DURHAM, UrC- f ' - ma I I II WE HAVE A A-rjLJ.1 .m.:A aim -tJkjL JLJT - ALSO WHICH WE WILL CLOSE OUT AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR THE HOLIDAT8. THESE GOODS WE IMPORTED AND ARE VERT FINE QUALITY AND CHEAP. CALL AND SEE THEM. , . - r " f wm: e. SPRINGER & CO. . Xxseiportexs aad To"b"bre, Purcell Buildinff, Wilmington. N. C. Dress Goods. Ladies' -AND White and Colored Wool Blankets At Half I HATE JUST RECEIVED THE BEST 60 CENT WHICH I WILL ' ' NORTH EAST COR. MARKET AND. FRONT STS.' -HEADQUARTERS FOR- CHRISTMAS - GOODS. BEAUTIFUL JAPANESE GOODS, ICE CREAM DISHES, J 1 : CHOCOLATE: POTS, I t AFTER DINNER COFFEES, -t , MANICURE SETS, ' i ' 1 , FANCY BOTTLES, I i PORLEMONAIES,- HANDKERCHIEFS, j WE BHALL MAKE SPECIAL Dress Goods' and FOR THE NEXT FIFTEEN DAYS. COME OUR FRIENDS JWe wish one and all a HAPPY NEW YEAR We regret that we give you the proper attention, the past week owing to stock taking; r We Will be Open Tuesday morning when We will be better ore- parea to serve you tharr iever betore.v "STo-vass rezsr Ti-olr, NO, 9, NORTH JTROIVT ST: i THEY TELL US- GO WE HAVE THE FINEST HARNESS AND SADDLERY STORE SOUTH OF THE MASON AND DIXON LINE, . OOR GOODS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN OF THE BEST. FOR '93 THE 'RESETTER; ANL BEST OF ALL FOR THE BUYER) THE PRICES HAVE BEEN REDUCED. 1 r i Come and see us and wt'll interest rou. ! GO H. L. FEN j 114 NORTH Trunks, -xrcxXLmem zxi5L OatQUols. To change my business I 11 sell my entire stock con sisting in part of ' ' , - L.. I - - - 1 .s ... ! . 1 . . . I " i -..-j i CARPETS, JRTJ WALL PAPER. ROOM MOULDING, WINDOW THE WORUO FEW SANDSOJtB m, - JL. JLiSaw ' . S3 -aVi JL. - 4 SALE and Gent's Underwear, Price. i CORSET EVES SOLD ON THIS MARKET, SELL AT 48 CENTS. , ! ! i DISPLAY, OF SALAD DISHES, CUPS AND SAUCERS. TEA POTS, H'D'K'F AND GLOVE BOXES. f t. f TOILET SETS, CARD CASES, ' ' . BRUSHES AND COMBS, . GLOVES AND HOSIERY. jNDUCEMENTSHN OUR j i Cloak Department EARLY AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION. AND PATRONS. Have been unable to HELL, : THE HORSE MLLLINEK FRONT STREET. Gfsl -M. SHADES, FURNITFKE DAMASK, ETC., Tobacco DUgHAI! I 1 1 ' ' COST XM AS GOODS Apples, Oranges, Cocoanuts, Raisins. t AlBO FULL STOCK OP CATTDIES, CRACKERS, .. . CHEESE, CANNED GOODS SUGARS, COFFEES AND FLOUR. . Order'ln time or your lionday trade. i' DALL & PCARSAll. Cor Nntt and Mulberrt Ste. ! BEAUTIFUL GOODS -FOR- Lowest Prices. ROBERT R. BELLAMY, - DRUGGIST, .-r '';-:-..!!: i-i.. -. . -,,-. - ,-T- - rl - : ' '-"rt X N.W. COR. FRONT" AND MARKET STS. F ly-i. :X A i ' vj:-,. ; i -. -V-, -t i - : OC88 .tf ?- UME ! LIME! Best on the market . w I Ask for f pnees. SALT, T acon; j-olasses, ALT, XACON, lYlOLASSES, FLOUR, OUGAR, LOUR, OUGAR, FLOT LOT i V I Canned XX --vlt XX:r BrOOtS, :f-' lxx-x, y Lowest Cash Prices, i WORTH & WORTH. HOLIDAYS. A FULL LINE OF HOLIDAY GOODS i CHRISTMAS CARDS, TOTS AND FRES- ! ENTS OF VARIOUS KINDS. . - Pianos and Organs, OF THE FINEST QUALITY, FINISH AND LOW PRICED, MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS OF ALL KINDS, STATION BY, Etc., AT " Geo. Haafs Music House .Market Street, Wilmington, K. C The "Atlantic Cafe," Cor. Front and Red Cross streets, opposite the Atlantic Coast Line Depot, : - ;. ' '4"'X"y .Hi 'Vj! ":xim -'x'X'i -w-" ; x!fj Oysters i n Eve ry S ty I e It is nndonbtedlT one of tne finest In the State. WINES,! LIQUORS and CIGARS ol best Qual ity served.! ! Oar elegant RUlard and Fool Hall is now com pleted, k Mi .' trwe i nare a special LUNCH COUNTER wbich is always well supplied. . h i GESGHENBOS; sept 15-tf TO OFFICE SEEKERS Office Holders. THE AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY O? New York (capital one million dollars) is now represented in Wilmington and will receive ap plications from persona in positions of trust to act as suretr on their bonds. Those who are now giving personal bonds should relieve their friends from further obligation as bondsmen and apply to . Willard 8 NORTH WATER ST., Telephone No. & , , - m i,. ,". ORANGES ! , , J , 'i j --..-- " -ill-- V' F ' I -"- -- - .J-'M-' -'-f:i"-: --:- -i-:, -i ORANGES. XXX-XX:WX:XX "I AA f ,;totes xust i tjecetved. iUU ! XOXES J UST I XisCEIYED. LOW TOWN I OW J-IOWN I D. L. GORE. ISO, 131,1134 NORTH WATER ST., Wilmington, H. C. iJ-ULSt Read It. rnni? TJTru' A "PIT a Ti t.n! vramm TAaQToDTim 1 "ssiis -S. A V) Mm JL VOOAOOiti; i h , sT4rAsn'a -WiM , PhArw PAnh o., is known to thousanda who have used -it, and nuua hbuu uut cwiui liim u is an miauiDie remedy, we do claim that there is no preparation on the market to equal it in the cure of coughs, colds, bronchial affections and croup. Don't take preparations that are said to be "lust -as f WILLIAM H. GRSRN & CO., Manufac- trcru turers and Proprietors. DecSStf BURR & BAILED, . 19 and 21 South Front Street, HACHIHI SHOPS & FODHBRY. n MiMim A Cojpermik Estlraatei ! furnished, on TurDentinB Mills or MftchisiezT offanv nature, r & Adrian & Vollero ; .wholesale dsaleks m . - ... -,, . ... .... . ! -- .::;.,v PEOTJSIONGEOOERIES, f Liquors, -Tebaeeo-Cigars, - - ' AND COMMISSION MERCHA TS, Oorr Front and Deck Sts., Wilmington, N. j? Xmas Presents " t Fl" 1 f l A' v A NOTICE. rHeese.lDoiree, Molasses, totuM" Ctined goods. Also lob lot? & M can oe beaten. iCall or writfi tr,. uco htf sigmsts Coatr&n&J& ! 1 Wholesale Grocer lad wS1 f?. JrT L30 Tinrtt i? Jr. octls-amdAw. imttfit. TDIini PA nisi s-iTIT" .,o . OS EXCH (nGED FOR CITY ??jbPRTw QNE MILE OF THE CITY ' LlMlTs close J and buildings thereon. ! ! I . CR0S' SlmL. INTER STATE Trust & Brokerage Tn RALEIGH, x c. ' S' TOCKS, BONDS AND LlBBR'A r rXA. r,.1',Ie 'Aontue and Indowmem i 8 OS Polices. CMrespondenee invited - octssm r i ". 7 . ' . ':'').- : Fi$h,Ga e, and all kinds of Coun'trFpl , j ' Induct NEW RIVER 0 YSTEBSIIN ORigiv i T n aKes. Citv delivery a a',.,i?ALpAri( nritTilnir twit t.hi. TIo- UL. rf V'a"y hltiir hTit t.hi. Tio- u;,. i:.; "J 1 han.n. - :( ........ I .... .1 , . VL. ? W. S V lilVpr t uv vo 1111 i wnnu. X between the nndersigneU win TIK January 1st, 1893. ' i . : "-"aa . - PA-KERSON DOWNIKO J ' - . ROGR -MOORE. I. i "IJ.-- f i; ! -i p n X ';i x-b-j. - '154 Front st U Nw York, iw . 7.. V resented our firm In Wilmington, havlno S to; engage in business forhimseir, th'pw11 ment of our affairs will, on Jan. 1st, jsm hi fs hands of Mr. Henry K. Nash, Jrj, ami of attorney which Col Moore holds wiii n9 ute iw tiuuBxerrcu i mr. ssHSa. C1 Dec89 lw PATERSON, DOWXISg 4 co " At The ' Unlucky Coroer FOR -- CHRISTMAS, FIRE WORKS, T7IRUIT CAKE, POUND CAKE, OR vt A? other kind of Cake or Crackers. Anrhii you want in Fancy Groceriea i Fine fat TiitS on Chickens dressed to order and deliveredwhfrL ever yon wish, i Give us your orders. We please you. '.: X''- X - X 1 J ";" GEOW. HUGGIN3 I i JEWELER AND WATCH INSPECTOR, . 106 , MARKET ! STREET. TOE PUBLIC IS INVItEDl TO CALL AM examine my large and well iselected Btockof gqods, including all the latest novelties in Jewel-' : j - - -.)-1 : ' i i Mm 'i -Xf. and Silverware. Amireceiving goods dail;, ' ' i ' t F M 1 I T suitable for Wedding Presents, etc -'t-''- ' i I F;L'; "I ' : I also have, a flrat class watchinakeJ who k giving entire satisfaction to the public. - I,. Seasonable Goodsr w E OFFER THIS WEEK A IYERY CH01CI selection oi . : Fancy! Groceries I SUITABLE FOR TUBl SEASON.! , Plum Puddings, Mince Meat in Glass. En and Bulk: Preserves and Jelly inf Glasa, Ta and Julk, unnbars Kipe Figs in heavy sjrup, Dunbar's Ripe i'igs ia cordial, Im- borted Brand v Peaches. i- i Queen Cluster Raisins, Yallncia Kaisina, ! i London Layer Raisins: Looset Mnseatlls, f Citron, Currants, New Dried Figs, t California Evaporated i Peaciiesi N. C. Dried Peaches,' N. C. Dried Applesj French Prunes, -t , . - Finest in the market. f t IMPORTED COMFITS AND CHOCOLATES Rochefort, Fromage de Brie, Edam, Pine Apple I and American Cream Cheese, i. j CRAB APPLE CIDEBi VERYY - NICE A LARGE LOT ORANGES AT LOW TBICE1 Our holiday line is complete and we can pleas . '; tlte moat fastidious. i Send In your orders. We iguarrantee prices u , i the lowest, i We cannot fail to please job. WITH FOUR DELIVERY WAGONS WS TO1 . NOT KEEP YOU WAITING. -i The John L, Bpaiwright Co. Smyrna, Moquette, WHiItEAND COlioilED - -" -,t m--xx: JJfcii-' - yX0-XX, Ul. X',- j : :VXlb, X ; i :.- FOR THE HODIDA1TS. . I ' ALL WRAPS REDUCED, '! : :r Mi- I I : I -I. ; MclNTIf? I) F F 1 -.r: 1 F.-f-t JXb :PXl U-Ll .I.. j.v covers zne Touiwi !-the Ball waist-if ivou won t have a tibrset. fThere's the borset shape, . -vyithout ! the j-estraint,1 and it j carries the weight' of the skirts on ihoulders. - -The whole thing, can go in the wash. ; i If yoii're not satisfied vith it. after wearing! it tvo or, three weeks, return it, and tet your money, i j - T.lortaaaces' Sale. BY -VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF TB i power of sale, contained in a certain t u" ture of mortgage, dated December 13, ls"'fi cUted by the Hanover Land and Impioveffl e Company to E. H. Kidder, G. W. Kiddep Jjo ister's office of New Hanover county, in ,ages 139 etc, the said mortgagee's wi'1" pablic auction for cash at the court honsea ihjs city of Wilmington, N. C.,otrVednesaaY.r 86th dav of Januwy, 1893, at ta o'cloct m-. ' d following described real estate, situated i" , cityi, to-wit: One lot beginning in the we' line of Eleventh street, at a point ninejj southwardly from Dockstreetand running ! wjjtk Sleventh street southwardly one -n"" in rTlIl II 111 -- .1 nuu iunj ieet, tnence wesiwaraij iitnir Dock street one. hundred and fifty feet to lin street, thence with said street nortny . lire street, thence with said street nori one hundred and forty feet and thence es jftJ ly -parallel with Dock street one hnndredanu j feet to the beginning being a part of iota , 4 block 148.- -vj.. . i a I The other lot beginning in tne .eBf 'r yVinjt street and running thence with iieveuiu , northwardly two hundred and tniriy-" thnce eastwardly parallel with Oranfe si fc one! hundred and nftv feet to jasunxiv -- therice-with Jasmine street south two ""jis and sixty-four feet to Orange street, tn n fc Orange street westwardlysejenty-flve , thence northwardly parallel with Eieventn s thirty-three feet and thenoe weetwardiy p ginning, being part of lots 3, 4, 6, and 149. . i. i . .'; J-i.v Bi-ncu. J49, G. P. KIDD&Bv R. M; T 111 I 1 !"- "." . .I i . j. -h December V"-