Natnre should be assisted to. throw olTinipnritiesofilie blood. Nothingr docs it so well, so 55 i promptly, or so POISON j safcl 08 Swlft's tI 3 Specific. LITE HAD Iv O CHARMS. For tHjrco year: I vi-as troubled with mala r il poison, which cau: ed my appetite to fail, I was gr.or..!y. reduced v flesh, and life lot all ii3 charms -v I tried mercurial and .pbi'ss..'; remedies, but to r.o effect. 1 Lien cncclto tryJ a f'-w bottles or this wonderful medicine nuwij a complete and permanent cure, and I now" enjoy bcttrr health than ever. ! j i i j J. A. Kick, Ottawa, Kan. i Our tyook ou BI :ad Skiu Diseases mailed fro a SwirT Errtr:-: Co., Atlanta, Ga, Want agenti Cat'lg '"Free? Aadre.i DANIEL 1". BEATTY, Washing- ton, N. J. , - - ---.- A Kent's profits per month. W til prove It or pav forfeit. New articles Just out. a"$1. so sample and terms free. Try ns. Chidf.stkk 4 Son, 29 Bond St.,N.Y. t. .!: . :X5fi3 ft E" EOISES MKDty 1'c.i e IKVISIULB TU6UI.V8 IAB PIKUIPS". WhisiJers beard, Cora- gwtafrw. Addreaa It. IUS 01. 853 Brot7. j York. , PARKER'S . MAI ft BALSAM Clwisr ami hraLtitifioa the hair. Promo i eg a Inxunant growth. j-iiever jraiis to jicsiore urty Cures scalp digues & hair falling. 50c, and $1.00 at Iru striata The Consum ptive and Feetole ndan who rifferfrtwn exhausting ducisos should ut Parker's Ginger Tonio. Itcurei the worst Cough, Weak Lunri, Debility, In- digeition iFeni&lc weakness, Rheumatism and Pain. We. It L, HiNDERCORNS.' The only sure enre for Corns. ttoii all pain. Makes iralkisz easy, l5cu, at iruiu. ' I could P i it A n $525 ?u,vjiS;i3SI spaces j s a.? ;3l All First-Class DrnggisK From present date will-keep'np. sale the Im- : ported i4ast India Hemp Remedies. Dr. H. . James' spreparation of this herb on its own , .soil (Calcutta), will positively cure Consump tion, Bronchitis,- Asthma, and Nasal Ca- ' tarrh, and break up a fresh cold in 24 hours. $2.50 par bottle, or a bottles $6.50. Try it. ! . . . i GRADDOCH & CO., Proprietors, ( i 4 1032 Race St., Philadelphia. . Ml COMPANY'S f Extract of Beef, THE STANDARD FOR PURITY, . FLAVOR AND WHOLESOMENESS, Genuine only with ySj -' Justus von Lieblg's fZZA&C signature as shown V ' J SAFE. kUTHVj ivilalile. UOIE8, ul iTB--t fur Cti'liexlera J-lngliah Dia-i mm-? Brand 1:1 fic and !ild metallio tx.xea, pralcl btno nbbon Take tijnsatid itincaCiuiis. At Drugsisti, or nnl 4flb in stm" fir jwrtteahwt, trttimmiato and KpJ'-T liir I.tioleV n Ittter, oj retera Mali J 1?,H rt:fiaoliials. Sam4 Paper rli eter ' '' CthjMadlxon Sqnara, CARTERS OlTTlX ilVER r BIck Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating. Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing- Headache, yet Barter's LnrLB Lrvsa Pn,LS are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing1 this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels, Even if they only cured , i Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint: " but fortunately their goodness does not end here; and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they; will not be willing to do without them. But after all sick head Is the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it - while others do not. m OimTKR's Littlb Liver Pills are very smal) and verv easv to take. One or two pills make- a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action K lease all who use them. Ir ials at 25 cents; ve for $1 . Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. ; CASTES IfflDISlOT .CO., Hew Yak. kfll fill Small lb,' Izil Pries. Bainei' 15 toils. r ' - v h'.ra tioon i. a-re at anffercr from Torpid 1,1 ver and .vsppia. thin X ate diaasreea wita xa anul X began taking-. , i I eia now d treat snv kind, of food ver have a headache, and have (rala 1 Od fifteen ponnda In weight." W. C scnviiTze, CoinmtMm c 60LD EVERYWHEEB. 3 j U l n .n i ; ' ; w 1 1 1 ti o norrna-a s;ss i? Giot t, SVtiri-s.peruiatorrhceesiJ i or .r.y v-mi'Trttl dtseharfifcasii"" v,vr tirwurt lor a bottle of -,g fi. it ii!TS in a few nays .-iihuiit nvniii or publicity of a f!- ifr. , Non .roisorious and i fiS S eimrsnificd not to stricture. '' I Jill !i5W w ui;iu. -v CINC.NNATI, 14 YEARS SUFFERING rCf NenrousnessCurea BY 8 BOTTLES OP DR. MILES' RESTORATIVE HERViNE Bays A. F. 8tark, Pcnn Tan, N, T. "10 Years of STck tawt, Ohio. en n is j tne ouiea rsmeflr for Sleeplessness t'erTO Protratlea, Cd1Imt. StTVlte' Dence, Opium Uablf, Kcrvoaa tyept.Hyterl.Coevauieie, KearalKla, Iralyl, etc. Tboassndi teitlff. rril uottl ana Elesant Book Free at drnf glat. AR. MILES': MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, In. The Second Term of that Most Successfu scHOoi,nnnr WUl begin I . r Institute, JAN. 24,'93. Send -for" I LflULCatarg'e 1 ' ' And special terms to ?. : - . - : 4AME8 DIN WIDDIB, Principal, Kalelgk," N. ; '-pecM.diwim ' C: Pennyroyal pills ' "I Chi 81GK HEAP 1 : -1 - jK3rSyxir mm b r1 a U Nfc.--VTS. i NORTH CAROLINA. Charlotte Newt; Mecklenburg has not contained a distillery is many years, but one is soon tq be put in operation. 7. s ' j : . v Winston etineZ: Mr W. J. Liipn ertNhad $3,000 insurance cn hiff dwelling and household x property.! which were destroyed by fire Mon day afternoon. Concord Times'. Mrs. Liaura EJgi sod, wife of Mt.' Jacob Edgison, of No. 5 township, was burned to death last 'Sunday morning about 11:30 o'clocbJ Mrs. Edgison was 33 years old. A' sad life-ending. : The Rome, Qa Tribune,' otl Wed nesday contains this account of the marriage of Judge Geo'A.- Shuford, of Asheyille, to Miss Julia Dean, of Floyd county, Ga.f which occurred on Tuesday of last week. l Borne Greenville gentleman offered to pay for all the barbecue a hungry looking darkey would eat. The dar key cleaned up a whole pig with bread in proportion. The dinner cost his backers $2 50. An $8,000 farm, within three miles of a Coast L "me depot in Nash county has brought for the last three years an annual rental of $75, or less than enough to pay taxes on the property and insure its buildings ! , The dentists of ' North Carolina propose to be substantially repre sented at the World's. Dental Con gress to be held at Chicago August 17 to 2G, 1893 Dr. Thomas M. Hun-, ter, of Fayettevilie, and Dr. ;Sid P.' Hilliard, of - Rocky - Mount, ! of the finance committee, are making ex ertions to this end." ' D anbury Reporter: We learn that some North Carolina capitalists speak of purchasing Camaca and some 2,000 acres of land adjoining, wjth the cascade, and building a real mountain town. They can have a park 1,000 yards square, with the water falling oyer the mountain 500 to 1,000 feet above the town. A fire at Swepsonvillo a fewi days ago destroyed the big factory at that place. It was caused by friction from a belt and as all the water pipes were frozen they were helpless to do any good towards extinguishing it. Some of the machinery, howeyer, was saved. A few of the operatives came here to day looking for work at Crown Mills. ! i M,aj,. Nelson, a white man about 30 years of age, who lives at Oxford, N. C, got up in his night clothes a few nights ago and went out into, the snow and took hisjstand, and was found there the next morning nearly frozen to death. He had been drink ing very hard for some time and it is thought he did not have his right mind. Itis yery doubtful he will live much lunger, - - m: Winston Sentinel: James Lewellyn, of Surry; R. D. Reed, of Rockingn ham; "Dick" Hackett and. W. Wi Barber, candidates for the Solicitor hip of this district, were in Greens boro this morning to see Solicitor Settle about what time he proposed sending in his .resignation to the Governor, Mr. Settle said the first of n?xf! week- It is understood that all of the candidates, with the ex- ception of Barber, are in favor of Settle holding over until after the inauguration of Qovernor-oleet C. f Settle resigns next week it is be ieved that the -present Governor will appoint hi3 successor. Charlotte News:' Adlai lEwing Stevenson, Vice President of i the United States, March 4, 1893, is a son of John Turner Stevenson and Eliza A. Ewing; grandson of James Stevenson and Nancy Brevard; erreat grandson of Hngh Brevard and Jane Young; great-great-grandson of John Brevard and Jane McWhorten; great-great-greatxgrandson of John Brevard and McKnitt, Besides being related to prominent citizens of our county, the Brevards, David sons, McDowells, Reids and others, he is connected with influential iani iliesin all the Southern 'States de scended from the same parent stock. Durham Sun: Professor Jerome Horner, of Oxford, was in the city to day. He was on his way .to Raleigh and had with him a lug of mineral water, taken from a spring on his place, which he was carrying there to be examined. He says it has been pronounced very fine by iseveial chemists. lhirty-two marriage licenses were issued in.this county durintr the month of Decembor.which closes to-day. Durirg the year 1892 212 couples have married in this county. Of this number 100 couples were whites and 1U colored Henry Weaver, a clever mam, aged about 35 or 40 years, lived in the Red Mountain neighborhood. It is said that he had a family. The news reached Durham last evening that he left home Sunday and had not been seen up to yesterday about 1 o'clock, when he was discovered rlAfLrl. shrouded beneath the snow His body was f ound near a side 'path one and a half miles from Rougemont. It was an accident that it was dis covered. Mr. Weaver, the Sun is told, was subject to epileptic fits. Durham Globe: It is a matter of town pride, that with so manyriyal firms, each fighting for a place just ahead of his competitor, there has not been during the twelve months just closed a single fail are among the business farms or any importance in this city and yery few among tl e smaller dealers There is a story to the eff ect that a party ot citizens men who. wanted to see homes protected and roguery and outlawry speedily put -dawn held a meeting last night and 'discussed in a quiet and business wy the ques tion of lynching, . without fur tner aao, tne notorious crimn inal, Henry Rogers.- A Mr. Whitehead came into The Globe office last tight and wanted to raise a row with the editor of this 1 TIT 1 . . . paper, we aia not want to raise a row and told the gentleman to get out cf the tfffice. He insisted upon raising the row, but was soon . dis patched.' He claimed that he had no grievance with the ditor t f The Globe, but that some of . his friends had told him that be t hould fight Mr. ' . . . mar n , i . i t airDrotner. ; r jur. - r ait-Drotner re gretted that it was' necessary for him'to see that Whitehead was kept in jail, but necessity has no apology to regret. Chief Wcbdall found that Whitehead had with him a new razor, and Policeman Wood inform fid nsat court this morning that he expected to carve Fairbrother. BHcUen s Aintca FalTd. - The be -t salve In tiie world or Cute Bruises, Sores, UlceTB, Salt Rheum Fever S res. Tetter Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and -all Skin Eup tioas, and posltl vely cures Piles, or no na v reaulred. It Is guaranteed to rive perfect satisfaction' or money refunded. Prlce.25 cents. per boxi rer,eaJe dv KOD f x. oeuauxy; . - Health. Note For the People From the North Carolina Board of Health, t ! TYPHOID FEVES. - .' ; The fact that a much larger number cf persons die in our State from typhoid fever than any other preventable dis ease, suggests the propriety and the importance of bringing to the attention of our people certain facts in regard to its origin and the best way to check Its spread. . -i . . , The mere mention of cholera and yel low: fever, those strange and foreign pests, suggests to everyone the adviaa-. bility of taking every precaution against them; but typhoid fever,rwhlcb. In the course of-years islajs its thou sands, where hundreds - or even -tent suceamb to the former, is regarded as a matter of course, a necessary evil to" be endured; and not a thought as to the prevention of its spread :ia given. This indifference is doubtless i due- to1 igno rance ot its true nature and of the proper weapon's with which to fight it, otherwise such disregard of the safety of others would be criminal, as I think will sufficiently appear later on. I j ' "Typhoid fever is a specific disease; that is, it la not produced by general conditions, but comes frcimi a special germ or seed, just as not concatenation of circumstances known to man could produce a crop of wheat Sunless the seed wheat be first put into! the ground. Thee germs or seeds flourish in water, not necessarily impure-water, accord ing to the chemical tests; and while it is possible that they may be breathed into the system, the accepted .opinion js that they- are almost u invariably swallowed, taken in with our driuk. i Where co they come from, and how do they get into our drinking water? j. . The characteristic lesion, as we doc tors say, in typhoid fever is an ulcera tion of the small intestine irr certain jj little glands called Peyers patches. These ulcers are caused. by the germs which: are present in myriads, and which are carried out oi the body ' in every evacuation. The 'discharges are thrown out on the ground usually. The germs, which are very hardy, soak through the soil into our wells, or those of our neighbors at perhaps some dis tance, or are washed by heayy rains into streams which furnish the. i water supply cf towns and cities. i i As mere abstract assertions are not apt to make much impression, I i will giva an illustration in the concrete demonstrating the truth ot what 1 have asserted.: i i -s ,- . .. i i: In the spring of 1885, Plymouth, Pa.. a mining town of about len thousand inhabitants, on the banks of the Sus quehanna, was visited bg a fearful epi uemic of typhoid fever, fin which there w,e.te over tslevea hundred casesj near iy all of them occurring within! three months. The town was; supplied with' water mostly by a beautiful pure moun tain stream on the banks . of which there was only - one i house. ' To that house there came in January, a man from a distance who had typhoid fever. His dejections were thrown out on the snow quite deep and frozen hard- and remaining so uutil a thaw on the 26 ;h of Marchj ' During the -.latter part of the freezing" weather the town was supplied by water pumped irom the Susquehanna. When the snow melted and ran into the mountainstream filling the storage reservoirs, that water was turned into the mains, j On the 9th cf April, just fourteen days! afterwards, the average time it. takes! typhoid to appear after exposure to its cause, the first case occurred. During the terrible scourge that immediately followed it was demonstrated that! only those drinking the moantain water were at tacked while those confining themselves entirely to 'using the waters of wefts many of them acioriitg to chemical analysis ivery foul, or to! that of the Susquehanna, which received theeew age from! Wilkesbarrea city of j 30,000 inhabitants, three miles above, not to speak of a number. of towns higher up, escaped altogether.- Could anj thing be plainer than thathe 11,000 people were Doisoned bv a"water in other re spects pure, in which IB ere existed tho specific gerras of typhoid fever? Or can anything be plainer than; that if the proper precautions had been observed arid the excreta of the ciase on the back of the stream been disinfected,, that is had the germs been destroyed before they were thrown outi the pestilence would not have occurijedf" How enm inal would his attendants have been if they had known the danger and "remedy tor it. now ne orjecvoi iniscommu nication'is to place upon ever? person who reads it the responsibility that arriis from a knowledge oil these three facts:. 1. that typhoid fever is nearly al way 8 conveyed' through drink ing water contaminated by the undis- infectedldi&cnarge or some person ai fected with that disease. It is of ten impossible 10 trace thB connection in individual casef,.but aigreatmany ln controvertible proofs render such an inference, where the cause can not be ascertained, more than reasonable.: 2. "That I the only practicable jway to preyejjt t.itS spread is to deetroy the germs wiine tney are sutnin reacn uy the use of a proper disinfectant. 3 Tbata'good disinfectant can ibe ob tained by every man, po matter now . .. .T.2I1. poor, mere are a numoer. dui j. win mention I only two: f "Boilings The clothing and bed clothing of the pa tient, e!pecially if soiled, should be boiled for, at the very least.a half hour. 2. Milk iof Lime. This is prepared by pouriDgion a quart of ipieces of; quick lime a quart of water, which will re duce the lumps to powder, whereupon three quarts more of water should be added. I Keep in a well closed) vessel and shake before using. Add en equal quantity to the deiecta to be disinfect ed and allow mixture to stacd at least an ho'ir before emptying. ih i Th& attendine Dhvsician. if well postePd and conscientious, will I always give the same or similar directions to those above, but the be9t of us all will sometimes cap, and if jou should have a case of typhoid fever, 4o jour family and your doctor nods, wake him up. , Tnere are a great many things about fever interesting and Important for the general public to know, but I cannot impose further upon the generosity of the puhliBher of your Daper.wno Kinu;y prints i this free of charge simply for the good of the coraiiuuny. s 1ICH JKD fJ- IjEWIS, Mi U . !.; ' .!'.:"-..' . eeoretary. ClMHire and Opening; of the fITialls. On and after Sunday, January lst,1893, the mails at the Wilmingtoiii N. C, post office will close and be ready for delivery, as fol lows: . h , j i ' , close; 1 For Mt. Airy and way stations, C. F. fc Y. V: railroad 1 .00 A. M. " SoUthport ...... ...,i.y . $:30 . " Shallotte, Brunswick county! - Tuesdays and Fridays,,. 6:00 " Wrightsville .4... 6:20 " ' ' Peanut, Onslow county Mon-i days and Fridays,.. 6:30 "' " North, and way stations, WJ ,& W. railroad .. I...', i. ........ 8:30 " ' 1 Cape Fear river, Tuesdays andi - . Fridays ..... t v4 . . :09 P. M. " Clinton, MagnoUaand Golds4 , boro, "shoonyV (......., .;3:tX) ' " - ' South, and way stations, Wj i- C. & A. railroad. ...1. ....... .15:25 ' " Charlotte, and way stations; C. C. railroad ........ A .....46:00 M. " Wilson, and points Norths connect with No. 14 W. & W. railroad -.1 fc..,7:00 " MAILS READY FOE DELIVERY WHEN TRAINS ARB on time. I From Mt. Airy, and points on Fi & Y. V. railroad i . . . .J : . - J 1:00 A. M. Charlotte, and points on C. O. - railroad ...... ...... j. ... ,J . . L8;30 " " South, and points on W." C. & - . A. railroad..:.: U.. 1.9:50 " " Landings on Cape Fear river. Tuesdays and Fridays. .. L .. J .8:00 " " Clinton, Magnolia, amd' Golds- boro, "8hoofy'f ..L..j;l2 M. " Southport ....j.....!...U5:O0P. M. xV Shallotte, Brunswick county. - 1 Mondays and Thursdays. 1... 1 .7:00 ' ?' Peanu,wand Onslow county, ' Tuesdays and Saturdays....... 7:30 " ' Wrightsville . . . . 1 1, .U7:30 ' " North, and waystaltions, train No. 23, W. & W. railroad.. !.;7:30 " Through mail .1.... .....!- .11:30 " ; ... i i GaOj Z. Fkekch, P. M. r All miserable sufferers, with dyspepsia can be cored by Simmons Liver Begoiator. "Klae turn or I Drop Yon." " J From a Pari Letter.) - A recent bit of Paris gossip is worthy t of an old romance. The Countess De Bayonne, a young married lady well known in Paris ian society, was coming rjut of an exhibi tion of paintings in the Champ-Elysees when a heavy rain transformed the famous JClysian fields into a muddy marsh. Her victoria happened to be on the other , side of the road.i She hailed her coachman, who, inattentive, did not see her signs nor hear her, and the pretty woman was obliged to give up her efforts in despair. Of a sudden she heard a masculine voice at her side making a proposal. ; - r "Give me six sons, madame, and Twill carry you through the crowd." i i - The countess turned round. The author of this interesting offer was a handsome young man, dressed as a workman. After a mo ment's hesitation the lady said bravely: "Be it so; take me to my carriage," and. lifting up her skirts, she put one arm around the robust man's neck, who lifted her up as a feather and gayly commenced his expen dition. i i - ... . '! :!: All went well till they arrived abouThalf way across the road, close to a large pool of muddy water, when the man stopped short. "Kh bien, i what's up now?" asked the couutness. i i !.. "Eh bien,"' resolutely replied the man "you must kiss me! ' t , i. "What?" j. "Kiss me or I will put you down and leave you!" r i i ; Vv'hat was to be done? The situation was a critical one, even a little ridiculous. After all, a kiss does not kill; it is soon over, alas, on the theatre as well as in real life. This was the meditation of the countess, and she gracefully bent down and kissed her car rier. . F ( J.I .!' ' The rest of the journey was satisfactorily performed .and the countess was : placed comfortably in her carriage, where, a litle flushed and i confused, she took uu her purse and brought f ortb a franc, which she offered to the man. But he, politely taking on nis cap, bowed, saying: "Pour qui me premez-vous? Merci, e suis assez paye." ("Whom do you take me for? Thank, you, I am sufficiently paid.") He then tarried and walked away. The countess, mystified, went her way, wondering who the man was. '. - m e t- Quarterly meeting. The following are the appointments for quarterly meetings for Wilmington district, M. E. Church South for 1893: u ! i Wilmington, Grace church, January 8th. Southport,' January 14th and 15th. i . Wilmington, at Fifth street, January22th. Scotts Hill, circuit, at Rocky Point, Jan uary 28th and 29th. Carver's Creek circuit, at Wayman, Feb uary 4th and 5th. v i i ! . Bladen circuit, at Bethelem, Febuary 11th and 12th. r ' : x . n:" Clinton'fcircuit, at Goshen, Febuary 18th andl9th. N . Elizabeth circuit, at Jilizabethtown, Feb uary 25th and 26th. C v I Onslow circuit, at Tabernacle, March 4th and 5th. 1 x . - Columbus circuit, at Cerro Gordo, March 11th and 12th. White ville.'at night, March 12th. Waccamaw circuit, at Zion, March 14th and 15th. . . - , i Kenansville circuit, at Kepansville, March 18th and 19th. . : - , K i Brunswick circuit, at Concord, March 25th and 26th. I . ; . . i ! - .Magnolia circuit, at Magnolia, -April 1st and 2nd. I ; , ,--.; W. S. RoifE, Pbsidino Elder. . ' ' I a" v . r i TBTr'i? rrTro."VT i i r 'I I . , i '... - - a The Qvotatlons Represent Prices Whole ale. i . J---1 PROVISIONS. ! ,T" BACON .North Carolina. ! I Hama, f 13 I Sides, V 8 O 9M BACON SUGAR CURED I ; Hajns,$B.. 14X I 'I Shoulders, 1 8 DRY SALTED : ! 1 Sides, V lb 94' ! Pork, barrel ' . .1 I : J !, City Mess, LARD $ ft . ! .1 ? Compound (Basis Trcs) . Pure . ...... '8 ! : ! FLOUR, GRAIN, HAY, &C. ! FLOUR, 9 barrel . : I Western,1 low grade. 8 50 " extra ...4 0X34 10 . U " I family .4 85 4 50 GRAIN, bushel . i Corn, from store, bags, white... 6P 67 )f ' mixed, fronatore, bags... 61 a (56 i Oats, from re.... ....... 45 rustproof... 50 Cow peas...... CO & OS CORN MEAL, V bushel in sacks. &.S 67tf I. 9mw lota r. .... - HAY, tOO B8 ! . I 1 " ' ' ,' i. fl ; Eastern J.... ......... i. 100 Western, No. 1. U0 t295 1 i Westerni No.8 Do I " RICE !.' i ! i Common $ lb Fair -. "tVt & i; :! Is Good 514 tfc ; rrune. e j UKUUisms. CANDLES, 9 B Sperm ..1 13 Adamantine ....".t,.... 8 COFFEE, 111- . ! sa 9 & Java ! 1 30 ' Laguyra ; . .. ...i itt43 - Rio........ 18 MOLASSES, 9 gallon New crop Cuba, In hhds ... ...,& - "i j inbbls ..J...... srr Porto Rico, In hhds............... 8 " ' inbbls.. : 30 Syrup, in bbls.. ao SALT, V sack, Alum ..... i .71 00 Liverpool 150 B to 200 to sacks.. 60 ta SUGAR, 9 Jb Standard gran bb Standard A 5 & White Ex C 4 KxtraC. Golden....... 4' 19X ' 75 xeuow u 4 SOAP W box 8 25 Q 4 00 BAGGING, TIES, BARRELS, &C ! I BAGGING :..!: : I . S-ft Jute ;. 7 'Acme....: 7J4 1 1 BARRELS Spirits turpentine Second hand, each.. ..125 New York, each..... .1 CO 7EI New City, each...;.: 1 50 - GLUE, lb ...i 7a -9 COTTON TIES, ft bundle 100 a 1 10 HOOP IRON, 8H2X BUILDING MATERIAL ,&e. M BRICKS, Wilmington, V M 7 50 8 Ob LIME. barrel l 25 ! M LUMBER,' city sawe&, y M feet. aoip stun, resawea. is oo30 CO Sough edge, plank. 16 00 16 00 West Indies cargoes, according toquaUiy 19 0C15 f0 Dressed flooring, seasoned....... 15 0i20 00 ScantUng and board, rora'c 13 00&14 00 NA1L.S, keg, cut, 60tl basi: 1 8J i OILS, gall6n Kerosene. 814 Lard 10H 67 Linseed (Raw) ir Linseed (BoUed). ... to Rosin j .r. .... 21 Tar sj Deok and spar .-. 1 SHINGLES.hand made, cypress 5 25 35 Tx24, haarts, M 8 00&8 W " saps; 6 00(56 60 . 6x21 hearts .." . ....... 6 006 60 " f eajw . 4 0a4 60 6x30 h arts .... . 4 5)S 5 00 'saps 0Ka36t 5xW hearts ...... ...... 6 3 to - sap i.... .... . . OCJ STAVES, V M W. O. barrel...... 8 0O?i,4 00 K o. hogshead - 0 004iooo TIMBER, V M feet shipping 13 5015 00 Mifi prime U OOtaiO 50 Mill fair 7 Om 8 63 Common miU 1. 6 00 6 61 inferior to ordinary 3 00 4 01 ' ! ' COUNTRY PRODUCE .! PEANUTS, 9 bushel 88 Ds Prime - 50 80 60 65 66 7 J j- Extra Prime... Fancy: BEESWAX, V ft.... BUTTER, ft North Carolina .... Northern 18 so JO ca&usis, V ft Nortnern lac lory.. Diry, cream . State .. EGOS, V dozen ... HIDES, ft ft Green.... Dry 11 13 i lsvta is io ion 18 - f 3 4 & POTATOES, ft Dnshel ; Irish, fi bbl..., . 75 a 8) POULTRY i Chickens, Uve,grown... " i spring. . TURKEYS- - 85 15 ..75 100 i : A Million Friends. ! : Arfriend in need is a friend indeed, and not less than' one million people have found just such a friend In Dr. King's .New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds. It you have never used this Great Coueh Medicine, rSSSSSSSSlrSS Wl eases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be re funded. ! Trial bottles free at; R. R. Belamy's Drug Store. Large bottles 50c and 1 1.00 Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint.; Is it not worth the small price of 75c to free vonrself of everv svmntom of these dis tressing complaints, if you think so call at our store ana get a ootueoi eouan s vitai izer, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, use accuruiugiy auu ij. ituues vuu uu kwu it will cost yon nothing. Sold. by.Robt. B . Ueiiamy, wholesale and retail agent. . 1. Appointments by the Bishop of East - '. Carolina.- " . Wednesday, "January 4,' St. James7, Beau-, fort county. ; . Thursday, ' January 5, , "St. Augustine's, Pantego. " - Eric lay, January 6, Epiphany,' M. PM Yeatesville. I . Snuday, January 8. first after Epiphany, M. P.. Zion church, Beaufort county. i Sunday.- January 8j first after Epiphany. E. P., St. Thomas', Bath., z Wednesday, January 11, M. P., St. John's, Durham's Creek. i Thursday, January 12, Chapel of the Cross, Aurora. ., i' "1 : i Saturday, January 14, Haw Branch. t Sunday, January 15,second after Epiphany, M. P., Chocowimty. ! f - i, Sonday, Januaryl5, second after Epiphanv,. E. P., St. Peter's, Washington. . Monday, January 16, E. P., St. Paul's, Greenville. - ' x Wednesday, January 18, M.P.,Emmauuel. Farmville. !' . Thursday, January 19, M. P., St. . John's Pitt county. ' .! ," Thursday, January 19, E. P. - ! Friday, January 20, M.P., Dawson's School House. - -1 - Sunday, January 22, third after Epiphany,. St. Barnabas', Snow Hill, Consecration. Tuesday, January 24, M. P., Holy Inno cents, Lenoir county. . ! Thursday, Januarv 26 E. P., St. Stephen's Goldsboro .- - - A Serlone and lVcaliar Aceldenf. One day last week Tom. Pratt, colored, of No. 8, met with a serious and painful acci dent. ; He was hunting, and when he dis charged his gun the breech- pin and screw that held it in place flew off' and hit him square in the eye, burying themselves in that organ. They remained there all night, and his sufferings must have been terrible. ruext morning Dr. ir. J. Ai Haines was sum moned, and when he extracted the pin and screw the eve-ball came with them ?mi. cord Times. ; , hi . ; i . ., . i. reserving Praise. We da?ira tn Rav tn nur nttlxpna.. thn.t for' years ' we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Dr -King3 New Life Pijls, Buck len'tr Arnica Salve and Electric Bit ters, and have never handled remedies that cell as well, or that have civen such universal : satisfaction. VVe do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory re suits do not folfow their use. These remedies have wen their great popu larity purely oa their; merits, Ii R. Bellamy, Druggist. i A Family Fathering I Have you a father? i Have vou a mother? Have you a son or daughter, sister or a brother who has not vet taken Kemn's Bal sam for the Throat and Lungs, the- guaran teed remedy for the cure !of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup and all .throat and lung trouniesf ll so. why, when a sample bottle is gladly given to yra free; by any;druggist, end the large size only 50c. and !..- ! Never Too Later No hour is too late to mend in. But one minute after the train starts is too fate to get ready. Like the little boy with the toy railroad like the real road and the actual traffic, we begin to run out our day's trains in the morning and hardly weary of them far into the night. How many of them start un auurumc uiuei ij. uiei raiiroau, even in time of snowdrifts, or floods, or accidents, allows its trains to linger a few moments be-; hind time, the depots and cars are filled with complaints.v Are we half so narticular in our own affairs? Do we not start our day and our breakfast at most irregular hours? And if the early train is behind time, who will keep track clear all day and re-arrange the disordered time-tables? I Whose fault is it? everybody's but the I condemnation rests, especially on . the wife and house- keeper, if she allow s the first meal of the day to drag and grow tardy when at a nao ment's notice she could provide a meal suit; able for the most delicate appetite or the heartiest railway engineer!' 1 by using Heck- era' belf-Kaisuig .Buckwheat, whichis al ways "on t,ime.'7 1 I . ,' I ate Arrivals. 'Rob, are you coins ito the village?'! "ics, wife." "Then don't forget to bring 1 m n hnr r n At I r' a Un on n-k y-- I K n iuu cm i,uiv; yjx. iviii o jjuiouiii xJL VMitlJi3 and Colds, the medicine that cured Aunt Marv s couerh atter she let it rnn alontr uuiusue iiau given up everiguLtiug riu 01 11 iiememncr, Kemp s lialsam You can get it at any of the drug stores.' SHILOH'S CATARRH , REMEDY. A marvelous cure for Catarrh. Diphthierri Canker Mouth and Headache. With eacn bottle there is an ingenious Nasal Injector for the more successful treatment of thee complaints without extra charge. Price 50c, Kobt. K. : iseiiamy, wnoiesaie ana retail agent. . t . Useful and IN MAKING YOUR SELECTIONS FOR CnRISTMASi SAI1TA! CLAUS SUGGESTS THEY BIS - ' i. ....I -. -i II.; ''.( ' I i I ' ill I I I" I-." j :."'- - USEFUL AS WELL AS ORNAMENTAL. Hi i I 1 BE PRACTICAL IN YOUR i CALLS. NOW THERE IS! NOTHING MPRE USEFUL ORNA- ' ' ';; MENTAL OR PRACTICAL THAN A-PAIR OF - . ii- it - - - I ii ' i.M - '- I ' -. ' i USEFUL TO KEEf! THE FOOT WARM 1 I . ! I ' I - I - - .- ! ; i 1 1 ii t ' ' : r . if' ORNAMENTAL IN! THAT THET ADD TO PERSONAL APPEARANCE. I ! . ..-j . !. , j ' - - ' t :' ti ! I!' - - ! ' "- ' ' ' ' - '' -;: - PRACTICAL AS THEY SERVE AS A GIFT ANp GIVE SERVICE AFTERWARD. H J':' .' " - -'' ill '.V vi'Vv- r '- yiHiir:k'::- ' WE HAVE THE HANDSOMEST STYLES IN TOWN AND CAN FIT, THE BABY, THE MOTHER TnE BROTHER, THE PAPA, AND ALL THE SISTERS, THE COUSINS AND AUNTS. 8 ALL AND EXAMINE. I WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTmUs. ii A- ' ;. j " it Geo. RV French & Sons. , --: :,t -r::" ' - t--. '. .: - . - --i I - -jj! ' -tl--j.- . ii. i-U"-,-i " 'ij GREAT -:- Christmas Gifts. ---:-...!-i-..t, r ,-:.:,..:.'- '. 4 ' i! Christmas Gifts. MAKE YOUR FRIENDS A PRESEXT OF THERE ANYTHING MORE APPROPRIATE ! DINING ROOMSUITT I AM MAKING SPECIAL NOW jPNTIL JAN. 1ST, 183. PARLOR SDITS SUITS: AT $22 50 WORTH $30. SIDEBOARDS PERHAPS YOTTMTOHT I.TKTC A RATTAN RACKS LADIES' OR GENTLEMEN'S WRITING DESK,! A PICTURE, EASEL,- HALL CHAIRS, CHIN4 PRESSES, OFFICE CHAIRS, OR ONE HUNDREp OTHER USEFUL AND APPROPRIATE CATALOGUES AND ILLUSTRATIONS O' ! OS APPLICATION, i ALWAYS MENTION WHAT ARTICLES ARB WANTED. I- i , " i I -I.! MII, - 1 ! ' i I :. . I If - I trive'BTecial attention to all mall orders. Yon from me by man as if yon were here and bought in the goods, as the illustrations show nothing bat my i teea to piease or money reinnuea. uraer rrom 1 -rrrv TVT ATVTiTJTT'Wfi 1 1G and 18 .West Trade St, C3i.rIst2DQ.a,s i CALL AND SEE OUR bhristmas Books7 and Novelties OUR STOCK IS 60 LARGE AND VARIED Presents - to - And at OMrf. POUTi ATTENTION. t MARKET 8 A TRUE STONE CEMENT PREPARED nrted tut Kainnmine. bnt irlves a hard finish, is Elegant effects in TINTING, SHADING, STENCIL, HEI iKV and other work easUy ! obtained. CO CENTS ' COVERS f Y. mL C.ABUILDING, 30$ NOSTHj ?liscjcltarii:xmj. Assignee's Sale. i will Commence dec; 31st TO SBLL THE ENTIRE STOCK -OF- TAYLOR'S BAZAAR FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CREDITORS. arsrains In Every Depar menr. Af SMRIER, ASSIGNEE. AND TAKE WARJNING ' :- FOR TIME PASSES A WAT FAST." 1 I i'j i ?' "I -j -!'. ..''.. I i : 1 1 ". "i y i I -1. I '' l 1 , ! J; ! ;y I . V ' -... Only tliree months more and the entire stock of Clothingiand Gent's Furnishing Goods must be closed oqt tcgardless of cost. Call 1 early and se cure, a bargain at - I 1 s .1 t . i. i Corner Front and Princess Sta. j i l HAPPY Ne Year to All 1 HEINSBERGER'S lU BOOK IND MUSIC STO'E. Oriiamental. SAYS TIMES ARK HARD AND YOU WANT TO , .... 1 ;j i 1 :j I . ' ! ! !-.. ' ,; -' !' ii!l ! ' .l-!.-!t.i M NICE SHOES. 1 U 1-1 1 '. r - - U- Ji 1 i -. - -..-;.! ' AND PRESERVE THE HEALTH. j REDUCTIONS, Hew Year Gifts. : k . : I - K I ;- ' i , i W f - - t : 1'' New Year Gifts. SOMETHING USEFUL AND ORNAMENT ALC IS THAN A BED ROOM STJI'B, A PARLOR SUIT OR REDUCTIONS ON ALL 1 FURNITURE FROM WORTH $35 SELLING NOW FOR $25. BEDROOM AT $10, $15 AND $25, WORTH FAR MORE MONEY OR PLT7SH ROCKER. A CENTRE TABLE. HAT ALL MY iOOODS WILL BE GLADLY 8EHT YOU ORDERS . i ' j will be civen just as low price on gooda von order person and you will be lust as well pleased with prettiest and best styles. Everything is guaran- me at once ana save money. Chai.'lott.e, N C. - pToTrel ties. MAGNIFIdENT DISPLAY OF1 ' jli 18 IMPOSSIBLE TO ENUMERATE. THAT Suit - PRICES. StTREE'r. FOB WALL MjoRATION. I IT IS ! AS EASILY. neater, roorr . and -t i - ' ' ' ' '' 1 !'i! ! '.'' ;- "'!"-) tl i ' I - - i - -Mi! lifolst ALL A, 'A ; M'i'A more healtkfol SQUARE YARDS, FRONT STREET, WkLMINQTON, N. tr LOOK! LOOK! ' AND REMEMBER THE GRAND HOLI- ' ' DAY SEASON IS NOW ON HAND AND AS - THE SEASONS THAT HAVE PASSED i WE ARE HEADQUARTERS ? -'FOR--h"KM.''jr-A:.'-i:--.-- -i- -1. -' XMAS COOXS ! y-' ' ";;f- i' . i " : i . ' ' " . j' I ; : , OUR TOY DEPARTMENT IN OUR ' 1 STORE IS FILLED COMPLETE AMD - OUR PRICES ARE THE CHEAPEST OF ANY HOUSE IN THE .STATE. WE BUY OUR TOYS FROM HEADQUAR TERS FOR THE SPOT CASH AND , THAT ENABLES US TO MEET ALL i COMPETITION IN PRICES. WE COB ' 1 DIALLY INVITE INSPECTION. COME I AND SEE US AND GET OUR -PRICES 1 BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. I WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF I j MILLINERY GOODS ?)-"." - '" I -- ! - ' -- - - :- - !! . l- SILKS, RIBBONS, FEATHERS,PLUMES ! AND HATS THAT WE BOUGHT AT I 88XC ON THE! DOLLAR JTHAT WE ARE SELLING ! WAY BELOW COST. : I COME ONE, COME ALL AND .GIVE . I US A ' SHOW, i REMEMBER WHERE WE ARE AT, ,--! . , l . (.j:.' RACKET STORE, OPPOSITE MARKET, i . i- -i - t r - - 'i.i .;.--.-'. . 1 ! 117 South Front Street, ; Wilmington, N C. RADI) Sc GAYLORD, PROP Headgnarters for New York and Boston. NEW JEAR RESOLUTIONS." RESOLVE TO KEEP YOURSELF HEALTHY by usinsr nice refreshing Toilet soan nur. chased at t . m ; ' Bunting's . Pharmacy. A big line of Soaps Just received. 14c, 24c, 34c, Ac, petbox. i .-. i -.1 - PAINTS ! PAINTS 1 " " i :l : ' - ' . I. . i i-L- ;.: T-i: t";j :-- - . -. ; ' .!i The Best to be Had Of - CHAS.I M. WH1TLOCK, i 365 North Front Street, ; - J -H - . si j ! : !'-! WILMINGTON, N. C. . 1 !i K i -h-S' jr. !-'. ser iTtf . Dissolution. THE FIRM OF ATKINSON A MANNING IS .this day dissolved by mntnal consent, Ed ward Wilson Manning retiring. 1 1 JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, I ' , EDWARD WILSON MANNING, Copartnership. JOHN WILDER ATKINSOX WILL ON THE 1st of January admit his son WUliam Mayo Atkinson into partnership. -The style of the Arm wUl be AtklnBon A Son. Dec. 8i, '91 dec3llm Fbok Pixb 89, East Rnmt N. Y. ; LOCATES BnWXKM CBLUTBX1C8 AND ROOSBVKU Stbxsts. At 3 O'CLOCK P. M. j SAILING FROM NEW YORK FOR WILMING--'! I : Nl TON, N. C. J I ' S. 8. PAWNEE ..... Saturday, December Slst, '92 8. & CROATAN Saturday, Jannaryj Tta, '9 I WILMINGTON FOR NEW YORK. S. S. CROATAN ..... Saturday, December 81st, '92 H. 8. PAWNEE .Saturday, January 7thv'93 I WILMINGTON FOB GEORGETOWN , i S. C. S. S. CROATAN ... Tuesday, December 27th, a. a. I'Avritnzs ......... Tncd. y, Jan uarj-ad, '98 03 Through Bills of Lading and Lowest Through Rates South uarameea to ana rrom points in Mortn ana jarolina. f For Freight or Passage apply toll I H. G. SMALLBONSS, ' ' 1 I 1 Superintendent.' Thxo. G. EaxB, Trafflc Manager, 1 1 t 5 Bowling Green, New York," 1 We f. Cltdi k Co., General Agents, -inne31-tl j ,6 Bowling Green. New York. "YTTILMINGTON WELDON RAILROAD W ill AND BRANCHES. i , ; AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. 1 TRAINS GOING SOUTH. '!-!-' M DATED Jan. 1st, 1893. M ' - 5 O eS P. M. P-M. P. M. AM Leave Weldon. 18 801 6 05! 11 201 6 15 7 23 Ar. Rocky Mount 1 89. ; 6 03 13 S4 Arrive Tar boro . Leave Tarboro .. 8 35 19 63 P. M. Lv. Rocky Mount Leave Wilson...;. Leave Selma.'.... Lv. Fayettevilie.. Arrive Florence.. 1 39 6 03 18 35 7 23 9 251 6 38 "i 87! 1 15! 8 00 t 68: 2 35 3 30 3 25 6 05 6 15 8 30 10 25 10 40 -5 I P. M. A. M P. M. Leave Wilson... . Leave Goldsboro Leave Magnolia.. Ar. Wilmington.. 5 85 : 8 80 4 30 6 00 6 48 7 85 8 47 17 68 8 43 9 55 10 85 11 36 P. M. P. M TRAINS GOING NORTHJ Tram on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves ft-n n m . Halifax 6:45 n. m.. arrive Scot land Neck at at40 n. m.. Greenville 8:19 p. m., Kin- ..nk-Mtn m KAtnrnlnirleayea Einston 6:40 a m., ureenviue ii a. m., rriiug umu.. . &WflSiK u, arrives Parmele 8:10 a. m.. Tar a. m., weiaon Trains on Inn H-Aii . m. rxiro 9:10: Tetnrnix.a leaves Turboro 7:05 p. m. nun xceDt Snndav. Connects with trains Tr 'eaves Tarboro, N. C.vla Albemarle ;i ! RaiPk R. K. dauv. except ennoay, at wuu p. m. Rnnrife 3:00 d. m.: arrives Plymouth 10:10 p. m. 6-20 d. m.! Returning leaves Plymouth dally, : ' 1- CONDENSED SCHEDULE. I - -DATED oi- o . ShS?!"01? Jan. 1st, 1S93. .a a .sg ezfo 0-3 3 m :. - -K.i. " A. M. A. M. P. M, 1 ; -. - A. M. Leave Florence. 5 10 20 7 so ij..... 6 30 Lv.FayetteviUe. IJ 9 40 .... .. 9 60 Leave Selma i... 1 14 .. ll 49 Airive Wilson ... ...... 1 68 11 80 n so -.. . u : : f -1.1 : - ' I v ; - - j; -1 -j y--; p.jli- ..';-;--j. , --.."-. f '- . A. M-- iP. M.jP. M. P. M. Lv. Wilmington. 9 30 s 00 4 00 . . Leave Magnolia. 11 10 9 80 6 40 LeaveGoldaboro 12 80 ...... 10 83 6 69 ...... Arrive Wilson., r 1 10 ll 15 1 7 48 .....1- ! I " i 1 I I 1 " i ' tl -h ....hI'a. m. a. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. Leave WUson... 1 10 1 68 U so 7 4S ...... Ar. RociyMeunt 1 l 18 08 i 8 80 ....j. Arrlye Tarboro. 8 85 ...... ..... Leave Tarboro.;. 18 68 ......j ..v.... ....h. Lv Rocky Mount 1 67 8 48 12 08 - .8 20 Arrive Weldon. S 06 8 45 1 01 K so I i 1 P. M. P. mIa. M.'Pl M. .... J. cept DanaiJ, d;zo &. iu. , ouuuaj iu.w . iu., ai- rjve Tarboro 9:46 a. m. and 12S0 a. m. t Train on Midland fi. c. Branch leaves Golds boro daily, except Sunday, 6:00 a. m., arriving Smithfleld 70 a m. Returning leaves Smlthneld a nn arrive at Goldsboro 90 a m. I i 4Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 6:15 p. m-v arrives NMhvtlle 6:60 p.m., 8priag Hope 7:1 p.m. Returning leaves Spring Hope 8:00 a. nu, NashvlUc 8:35 a. m., arrive at Rocky Mount 9:16 a. m., dauy except snnaay. i Trains on Laita xtranca r lorenoe k. n. leave t-jm n. m.: arrive Dnnbar 8:40 n. m. tarning leave Dnnbar 6-.f0 a. m.; arrive Latta a. m. "Daily except Sunday, n i fTraln nn fTHntrm lAavea Warsaw Clinton daily, - except Sunday, at 4:00 p. m. i liao a, m. Returning leaves cimton at s I and 3:10 p. m., connectingat Warsaw with A A Ml A n A Ttt I I - AP - for all points North daily, au ran vu "7"--L7d dafy except .Sunday via Bay Ltoe Afcoat lTnsilrVa5fcrNc?olkand an Norta via wnw. . DIVINE, Genl Sopt J B KBNLY, Gen'. Manager, i i T. M- UMBiMVJI't ".v TLASTIC COAST "iXSO.' WlUraoMH, C0LTJHBIA, ACQCBTA RATt ROAB Leave Marion. .1. Arrive Florence.. Leave Florenao. . . Arrive Sumter..;. 1 9 41 10 88 No. 60. A M. 13 SO I 4 36 a:m. I 4 ss -I 6 IS. A M. tT,4S W No. 68. A M. 43; 10 66 Leave Sum er Arrive Columbia SVn'.Sile?ton.TOeB. tralR. R. :oa, m. uuiE. m. j&anning TRAINS GOINQ HQBTB. No. 6L ?a63. Leave Columbia P. M. 1 46 A. M. IS 06 A. M. 18 05 1 SO Na IS. A. M. 5 10 6 13 P.M. 10 T 85 ' Na s P. M. tr so 8 60V Arrive Sum' ter., Leave Sum tier.. Arrive Florence. Leave Florence. . Leave Marion. ...."' a.rnye WBUUngtofl...... 9 10 "'y-jtDaily except Sunday. 1 "7 Ctrai rw tpns11 to Charleston ac.via '" 2??:' rryill8 Manning &00 p m., Lanes 8-0p. m.v' Charleston 10:40 p. nu - ' "", Chadboum 7:15 a. m. and 6 60 i 7m krriwiTH $?m riSalf" P- m" Hetirntoiteay. Hb ltT p- m- 5.rrive a Cnadbonrn : 9:46 a. m. and 7:30 p m. Daily except Sunday ! .t -LL'omr, DIVINE, WisSL j m .i',"?"? manager. . j : . , x. a. jkauutsu. -i-raffln lanager. QAPB FEAR A YADKIN VALLEY B. R. qONDENSED SCHEDULEJ IW EfraOT. NOVKMBKB, 87TH, ism SouthB'nd Daily. f Northb'nd Dally. MAIN LINE. No.L Na ' 11.00 p. ml 7.46 " i T.80 " i 6.00 4.13 " . 3.45 " if 3.40 " i 8 6T " 1 8.30 " i 1.68 -1.23 j 18.00 nooni Ar.. tv.. Ar.. Lv.. Ar.. .WUmington.....Lv . Fayettevilie.. .Ar FayettevUle..,,Lv ...banford.. " ....Climax . Gree nsboro. ; . . . Ar .Greens boro. ;...Lv . .StokesdalA. . .oo a. m. &08 a 87 " ! 9.43 ' 11.44 : 18.16 p. m. lass I 1.88 1 I 1.65 I I fi.83 ' i 1 a 08 ; 4.86 " ! iV NA W Jnn.-Wal. f!n r TNAWJnn-Wal CmrmLv Lv......Knral HaU..." f ..I... .Mt Airy. Ar Sonthb'nd Daily. "J Northb'nd BXNNXTTSVLLLX DlV.' i- : ' i - I' :-' . Dauy i Na a Na 4.j 10.16 p. 9.80 8.49 8.06 -7.47 m Ar...; Bennettaville....Lv s" Maxton. " f ...... Red Springs.... " 6.40 a. m. a so 1 7.08 T.48 I 8. 08 M I Lv...j. Fayettevilie.. ..Ar Sonthb'nd Daily Ex.4 Snnday. i Northb'nd I Factobt and Mad iso Dally Ex Sundays : BBAKCHIS. No. 15. No. 16. I 6.00 p. 4.80 3.06 mi Ar....i..'RamBenr Lv ii" .......Climax 6.40 a. m. 8.86 " -9.20 Mn 11 00 "1 is so p m. 1.10 p. m. Lv. . . . .Greensboro Ar 4.25 m.i Ar . . . j .Greensboro. . . . . Lv J" .Stokesdale..... " , 3.08 p. mi l.ou p. m. Lv...... .Madison. Ar Daily fexcent Sunday. Train N01 2 connects at Sanford witk Seaboard Air-Line for Raleigh, Norfolk and all points North and Eastland at Walnut Cove wlta tae Norfolk A Western R. R. for Winston-Salem, Roanoke and allrclnts North and Wept of Roanoke.) ' Tialn Noi 1 connects at Walnnt Cove with Nor folk and Western R. R. for Winston-Salem, Roan oke na all points North and West of Roanoke, and at Sanford with Seaboard Air-Line for Monroe. Charlotte, Athens, Atlanta and all points South and Soutawest i 1 j .- ' Pullman Palace'Sleeping Car on Seaboard Aif Line trains North and South from Sanford and on Norfolk A Western trains North and ! West from Roanoke.! I 1 i I Passengers from Wilmington, Fayettevffle, Max ton, Bennettsvilie and all points south of San ford will) arrive at Raleigh at 11:16 a. in., and nave five hours in Raleigh and reach home same day.- if a 1,11 ; - Ample ttae given passengers for breakfast and supper at j Fayettevilie, and dinner at Walnnt Jove. , tl '-! W. E KYLE, t . . J. Wj FRY, General Passenger Agent I , General Manager. il - gEABOjAKD AIR LINE. CAROLINA CONDENSED SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS.! I No.83 Daily ex Su No.41 N0.4S NOV. 80,1698. DaUy Daily - ex Sn If P M. Leave Wilmington .... LeavePembroke. . . . . . Leave Maxton...... . I 00 11 87 A. M. 18 13 18 45 8 20 ... ... Leave Laurinbnrg Leave Hamlet. Leave Wadesborp..... I Leave Monroe, p...... P. M. I 8 10 ! 9 06 no io II 00 5 40! 6 40 Arrive Charlotte.. 7 00 P. M. Leave Charlotte ...... Leave Llncolnton ...... Leave Shelby., j Arrive Rnthertordton . 8 46 6 08 6 03 1 45 EA8TBOUND TRAINS.! 11 No. 36 If", " ! V - ! .. I Leave Rntherfordton..... Leave Shelby...: Leave Llncolnton. Arrive Charlotte... Leave Charlotte. ......... Leave Monroe. .i. ........ Leave SVadesboro........ t - i - Leave Hamlet ............ Leave Laurinbnrg Leave Maxton..... Leave Pembroke ......... Arrtve j Wilmington . ; SCHXDULKlBSTWXBN WEUnxaTON Ann ATLAKTA. Leavo! Wilmington 7:30 p. m.; arrive Atlanu 8:10 ?. m. aeave Atlanta &36 a. m. arrive w unungtos Sleepers on 23 and 24 between Wilmington ana : j jJONDENSED 8CHEDnLa. 1 ! . i I ' TRATKB OOnjO SOUTH. . II '. j ! . S Dated nasi No. s& ' : Iave wnJoingtai,.;.... "' 1 1 f i I 1--'' ! ! CENTRAL patt. ROAD TO. I i M No.24'No.88 ' Daily! DaUy. Daily -,, ex Shi; 1 - :. .-. ex Sn T.''f!ii; " A M. ,. f.4,..L.... 9 34 . ;..:...! 10 89 P. MA M P H .V ...:..!.... 11:63 .. 1 SO I 4 B0 ...i.. .. 9 25 . 6 SO ...... - a5m L.f.ff :::::: w. 13 16 T 80 ...... .. 1 451 t. 9 10 .;.... ...... .. 9 4! ...... .. 7 SO1.. ... it-.. . Charlcttte. I I I. : i .: ! - i . Pullmans on 41 and ss between rortamonu and Atlanta.- .-. i . . ! - i -i -" i Nos.'4i ana ss sona netweent ronsmonta ana Charlotte, i i I .-! - ! :; i- Nosi43 and 86 make connection at uncomton to and from Western North Carolina. . - . . . . . . . a . . Host Z3 anu m uiukc couiiecuuu iruui uiu iu iu. aintsi South and West with G : C. and N. i at tonrde.-' i ? . r -,:! I --J. Juncture points at Pembroke, with Short Cut A. C. L.,tat Maxton with C. F. and Y.V.,and A.AL.U at Wadeeboro with Cheraw and Salisbury ,at Ham let with R. and A, at Monroe with! G. C. and N., at Charlotte with R. and D. system, at Lincoln ton with c. and L. Narrow Gnage, at bhelby and Rntherfordton with 8 Ca. i j ' - : i jno. c. winder, Gent Manager, i L. T. MYERS, Genl SuperinUndent, WM. MONCURE, Superintendent. . H-l ; -f - Fare 25 Cts. - I - i il on and nffW a TIMS "TABLE IN EFFECT DEC. 11th, 1891. ex - r SAVE PRINCESS STREET Dally except Ld Sunday at 7:30 A. M and 2:30 p. m. LEAVE THE HAMMOCKS 8:10 a. m. and 6:00 . rav-- - f ' .--..- ( ll :i- ! ' - I i -J-StJND AY TRAINS Leave Princess Street at- 8:00 p. m. and leave the uamniwu o:jo p. m- -j XfT O. A E. C MU. avom, AfmSif- lit "EFFECT THURSDAY, JUNE 16tO 1898 , tIkaVK WILMINGTON DAILY FOR JACa. AJi sonvllle andmtermediate stations at 40 p.n-: Leave Wilmington duy, except Saturday ana Sunday, for JacksonvU. and intermediate points at 9 a. m. " r i - t i-l" ; 5 - 1 Trains arrive at Wilmington dally, except Sun day, at 8.00 a. m., daily except Saturday and Son day at 6.-80 p. m.,- an on Saturday at 9S0 p. m additional. - i i ; - - . - ,i Bteamer on New "River leaves Jaakaonvilia daily, except Sunday, for Marines and intermedi ate pointa at 6:30 a. m.. arriving at Jacksonville on return atlp. m. H. A. WHITING, ii j. w. martenis, General Manager Ke- 7:16 i i fol and a. u Nos. point. ewn paflengez Agent, jj