THJE WlpLMlKdrON MESSENGKEK, TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 18&.J. A setter, A- I i th nnatnfflrtA at WBmlilirtOn aS SeCUIlU-tlUM matter. New AdVe'i-'lBcments1 Concord chapter J. D. Munda, Tullet Sefc J. L. BreckeBrUlge. Wh at We jGuarantee E. Van Laer. t -ookin g Ciocka J. L. Breckenrldge. ICO Dollaii Reward J. L. Breckenridjfe. j ' offlfial Wt-aUier Forecasts, JfORTH CAKOL1HA. erjy winds. . Fajr, wesj - VU..S, IDepatment or Agmctjijube, WkATUFR lil KKAlT, Wm mingtos. N. C, Jan, 2. Meteorological .data for 21 hours ending 8 ni. last- Bight: - : . - Maximum-.teniporatnre, 51 Mrnminiii tMiieKature. '42. Normal llemperatiire for .the. day, deduced from'twenfy years observations, lVnrhiit from normal minus, i - Sum of departure since January 1st, 1893," minus 10. Rainfall for the dav.' inch. . Total rainfall for the month up to date, . incli. The AViltnington Wglif ' Infantry will not have ili'eir Wular drill to-night. Tim ' frilninal Court of ew Hanover county wiil meet to-day at 10 o'clock The colored people of the city celebrated li ,i V , ..r i . " - i : emancipation day yesterday on au eiieusic seal ThA Board of Aldermen and1 the Board of Audit and Finanro will hold their regular monthly naeetings to-nih'ht The iWrd of Managers of -the : "Wilming ton Produce Exchange will hold their retm rnHntKl-tr m Putins' to-dav at noon at the rooms or the nxcnange, J. II. Penny, recently arrested in Denyer, CrAnrifAn V and hrnusrht here to answer 'Inferred bv Post Master French, .... ... . .. lias heerl adm tted to bail 'unuiWB term of tile United .Stales court. .A Erreatlman-rtramprare now migrating nni.liwflrfl. and numbers of them are com ' in.' into the fiitv and annoying the residents ' The, lad:ek careful and.keep these tranins-dntside their -houses, as many of them are very insolent. - The iNekRiver Oyster company is doing a line b.ulness. at their stand at the store of Ouince AlWatters.. on South Front street Mr. VA. V. Moore is the manager,, and he i putting seme fine oysters on the market . Masquerading parties of young ladies and young, men were au over tne city jasi uiK'"' Some of i them paid their respects to the MEHSExr.-jju ogice 9ud invaded.both the fdi ! a rtrl romnosane -roorns. Their cos tumes aiid masks m'ade them queer looking ob jects aiid we have no doubt that they had lots off tin on their rounds. FauT.Ghle, alias Black Diamond; the'ter : ror of Moss Neck,: was scooped in by Officers J. L. -Sailing and C. E. Wood on Sunday af ternoon.! He was raising a ' disturbance Loyd's 4Uey, and ufion-being notified they reached lie spot in time to keep' him from one Isom Williams, colored: He ..shooting! had his fiistol drawn orl him. He gave the officers a lively chase but they hnaliy cap hired lri hi under the laundry building near .Wortk's fee factory. He will have a hear- ing befofe the Mayor to-dav at Tioon L The Week of er Ih" e hi set held at 4 o clock ye erday in tlie mairj hall of the Y. M. C, A.' I ailding to observe the week of prayer, ,w s well at tended. ITbe subject for to-day at 4 p. m. is :"FrayerIforthe Church Universal." : New Mioe More. . Mr. . R. Slocum, one of Messrs. Morris Bear & Co.'s popular traveling salesmen, has decided to go into business for himself and wilt open up a; boat and shoe store in about tWenty days at No. 120 Market "street, the stand' now occupied by Mr. John Taylor as a toy fetore. He proposeso carry a fine and" welt selected stock pf goods, and will let the puliic know about it in the Messenger wme-of these days. : ffarrlod in Kw JerVer. Mr. T1illiam MaeLaren, manager of the Wilm' iirtori Steam Laundry, was marriei on Of istmas day to Miss May StaMIeeker, of Ne wajrk, X. J. The marriage took place at' the honie of the bride in 'Newark and the icerenioiiy was performed by the Rev.'Henry- Spellmeter, of that city. Mr MacLarehhas returiietf to the city with his bride, and the Mes.-exIee begs to wish them a happy ex istence ill our city. Itell,-f lor Ilia Toot'. Col. I- . D. Hall, chief of police, tells us Ihat the iscity has delivered more than fifty flwoods tpth poor of the city, in t few days, 'l e wood was contrib litizens of tht ';ity and was hauled loads of the past uted by l)y tlie ty carts. .. About jtwo .hundred and fifty loaves of hread were also sent to the City Hall ' for distribution to the poor. One liberal citi zen cohtiributed l.'x loves, but he did it with, tlie proviso that his name should not be published. ' . The Not-tli CarHi)a Grand ' Lodse of ft , ' 'Itlasoun. ', For thi above occasion the Richmond and Danyille railroad' company Will sell Reduced, rate tickets to Raleigh, N. C, and return .from all jst-atioifs on its lines in North Caro lina, January Hh to lUth, limited January I'lth: j The following rates will appolntfrom points ;iiuned:. Charlote, ?7.J3; D.urham,- 1 J5; Gneeuaboro, 5.30; (oldsboror 4.7o; l.incolntfin, rt.40; Marioiv.40; Rural Hall, ?.3 95; Sepia, $ 1,(5; Wrnst&n-Salem, $5.60. The ra'teal from intermediate points will be in propontion. Our. ycbrig friend,- Mr. E. Schulken, who has been t popular salesman in. the clothing houseiOf A. David & Co..for more than six years, resigned hi place there on yesterday 10 go i nto;bus.ine with Mr. Jno. H; Rehder, S- M r. Schulken t comes a partner witn jui Itehder, and hereafter the firm name will be Jno: II. Rehder. .. The ltrtn Heretofore existing under the- Jinn nanie of I'olvogt tt Reiider, has been ihssolvedjMr. C. W. Folvogt having with drawn to 'become a partner in the dry goods house of . jiatz, Son it Co., lately M. M. Katz .V: Son. . . " ;Klfftlon of Oftlrrra. At a regliilar meeting of Carolina Lodge. No. 434, Kjnights of Honor, held last night, i: ,v. . . .. - , l t i - jjiatnci uyuiy v.iHnu iiuuiiur i. jacoul, assisted by Supreme Vice Dictator Maiisden Bellamy, rast Dictators, ir. C. Cantwell and Jno. Cowaai, installed the following officers to serve'd&ring the ensuing year . S. F. D.4- II. L. Deans. .; -Dictatoii-josh G. WrighfcC V. I). Vacant. A. D. Wm. M. Hankins. , H p nrirt yyiL-H ' fl T T a 1 1 7 F. R. Jphn L. Dudiev. : 1 Treasurer John L. Cantwell. '; ' ' ' Chaplaiii A. G. Hankins, Guide N. Jacobi. ' i. (JuardiaaC. Reaves; SentinelfJ. M.McGowan. Medical Examiner Dr. F. W. Potter J lrusteesf-Uwen fenneil, Jr., R. C. Cant- M Clirlatmaa Trees. The Christmas tree entertainment of Grace E. Chnrflh was held last night at the Citv Hall, and was a highly enjoyable affair. There was af large attendance, and the little folks had albie time of -"it. 7 A large hollv tree, lighted with wax candles and Chinese lanterns, i stood in the midst of the ball, and it bore presents for all the members of the Sunday school, big and little. . The Sunday school of Fifth Street "M.i E: Church alsoihad their Christmas tree enter- mg, corner df Second and Market streets j nere was a uarge attendance and it was a happy affair There Were presenta for all 1 be children jand they went home delighted wnii vue eiiierxainmeni,; ; - The policejfprce in all parts of the country ucm uuuiu iraumuny w me great value or vr. dui s pmgn Byrup as a remedy for uuu, i auu incipient consumption. L 'iii " ne iact.tnat no one COUNTY MATTERS. Jnron for tbe Superior Conrt oiner i Proceedlnss of tbe County Com- mliiloneri Vesterdsr. . . The reeular monthly meeting of the Board of Commissions was held yesterday nt 2:30 r. m the members in attendance being Chairman H. A. Bagg, B G. Worth, Roger Moore, E.L, Pearce and B. S. Montr ford. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings Were read and approved. Jfts. A. Alonteomerv. ixmnty ireaaurer, submitted his Nreportfor the month, of De cember, sustained by proper vouchers. Register of Deeds Haar submittea his re port of marriage licenses issued during the month of December, 6howing tne numoer to have been forty and the amount of fees for same $33.00. J. W. Terdew, standard keeper-elect, ten dered his official bond of ?200,W.M. Poisson and "A. Adrian Fureties. The bond was approved and ordered on file. .1 Under the action of the Board of Magis trates, granting the Impenal Fine Froduct Com pan v' the privilege of running a railroaa through the county's lands from the n mington and Weldon Railroad to 'the plant of said Pine Froduct Company, under re strictions to be regulated by the.; Board of Commissioners, this board concurred in the eratit of the privilege if said railroad is run as near Smith's Creek as possiDie ana is -T 1 ... -i nthprwise constructed to the, satisfaction oi the Board of Commissioners. . On motion, the board sranted farther time to M. G. Chadwick, superintenaeni elect of the county home, and on notion, the Finance Committee of thia board was authorised to accept such bond, if, in tneir judgment, it is satisfactory when it is ten dered. The following iurors were drawn for the next term of the Superior court, to b held commencing on tne intra mvmuaj m January:- mat wrt- w. John M.. Ward, W. F. , Mewew, George C. Dew. G. S. Bayland, God f rev Willis. Jr.. T. C. Uray, . jvi. narrow, T. 'p. Evans, Anthony Dew, F. L. Mills, E. Wri2ht. G. M. Gafford, J. J. Fowler, C. R, F. tttaway,-W. F. Kerr, W. II. Mintz, J. H. King. .. !- j . Sprnnd Wf'i-W. B. Jones. John Maun- . T. L. Rowell, R. A. Montgomery, N m Hunt T. J. Kenan. B. R. Nixon. Ed A. Brown, Samuel Blossom, Benj. H. Scott, J Wilder. G. II. Dickev. Charles Craig, D. H Wilder. W. J. Warren, J. M. Mitchell, C. TT Tiorkenhasrer. James Donlan .The T'.onrd adiourned subiect to; the cail Of the chairman. -. i' I THE.COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON- Thfi 'r tenser's" Happy Ntw Yar I and Good Wishes All Round. Hapr-v New Year to the: telegraph; com-. panies. May they always have as compe tent managers and operators as how. Happy New Year to Fostmaster French. May his successor be as accommodating and obliging to the public and especally to the newspapers. Happy New1 Year to the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley. Railroad. May its next change of schedule make the leaving time from Wilmington a little later than 5 a. m Happy Now Year to the Wilmington, Onslow and East Carolina railroad. May its business in rease and may it be of great b-efit to Wilmington. Ilappy New Year to the Wilmington Sea- coast railroad. May it always be managed by the same efficient and well ; equipped .officers and its business increase. Happy New Year to Manager Cronly of the Opera House. May he have nothing hut first class companies and they be at tended by good audiences. I Happy New Year to the banks. May nt, w Customers be added and their business increase.' ' Happy New Year to Chief Newman. May the fire department always prove as efficient and that it may always have as good a chief, Happy New Year to the Atlantic Coast Line. May its new route prove profitable without hurt:ng Wilmington; its offices move away and business' always to be done here. .'.'- Ilappy New Year to the Carolina Central railroad. May its interest be so great that they " isu-ill.. he compelled W Wjin nnothpii train so "that the ' Messbngeu subscribers along its line can obtain the news. Ilappy New Year to the Cotton Factory May it always prosper, as it! is doing a great deal more among the poorer classes than is realized.. Happy New Year, to the Electric Light company. , May their light always shine and never, leave us, in the dark Ilappy New Year to the Street Car com pany. May it always prove profitable and never have a fatal accident. Happy NeAv Year to the Board of Alder men. May they always work for the best interest of the city aid to-night rescinded the business transacted at their-last meeting. Happy New Year to the Board of Com missioners. May the interests of the county always be looked after, asd ihat the unfor- tanate poor who are a charge on the county ibe taken care of. Ilappy New Year jto allOur merchants' May their busihess4emahd that they should ad vertise in the Messenger and their busi ness Increase ten-fold. 1 Happy New Year to the Wilmington Light Infantry. May-they always have full ranks and their efficiency never equalled by any in tne state uuaru. HappyNew Year to the Chorches. iMay their membership increase and include no bac sliders. : , ' Happy New Year to the workingmen. May they always find work at living wages and have no warmer friend . than the Mes senger. .!'.' 'i J nappy jew i ear to tne new nrms j em barking in business. May you never 'regret' your -venture and that vour success will he assured from the time the Messenger Com mences your advertising. ' Happy New Y.ear to 1 Receiver Robinson, of the First National Bank. ; May you isoon be ready to pay us another lo per cent. .nappy iew i ear; to; our business men. May you interest be so great iii Wi Wl W. that you will never allow the carnival to die out, but vote! that we must have One this year. : : ; . ' : ' ' J - - Happy New Year to the hotels. May they always he liberally patronized and their guests well satisfied. I , . Happy New l ear to the Board of Audit and Finaric!e. May the interest of the j city be your first duty and ' nothing be ipassed neiore your; .Board that would retard the growth and property of th.e city. Happy New lear to Messenger; adverti sers. May. your business increase to such an extent that your space .now contracted for will have to be increased. Happy New, Year to the; undertakers. jiay meir snaaows never darken i our a, i t ! .. . door. f I .Happy New ear to Wilmington. May i - her improvements be greater jthan any pre vious year, and her prosperity and Jprogress be unrivalled. Happy New Year to all the Messenger's subscribers, advertisers and friends, less nor May tneir shadows -never pockets grow light. grow their Happy New Year to the Messenger. May it always be a paper giving the news without rear or lavor, and prove a benefit to the citv its natrons and it5 wronriotrro i . i i t " A. V A. kVl ij9 First Annual Ball. The Vergmteigunt Verein, organized amon it r-i . tne young uernians oi our city the , oast year, gave its nrst annual ball last aieht at Grmania Hall and if all their iballs are to be so well attended and so enjoyable as this we can say now that they will tie successful to a very great degree. i ine large hau was crowded with' specta tors and dancers and 1 f torn p forty to ntty couples were on the floor onetime. For pretty young ladies fhis oc casion was hard to beat, and in !all respects u was a nappy crowd tnat joined an the mazes oi tne dance. The music was fur nised by Professor Miller's bandL arid there were square aances, waltzes, lancers.letc. At 12 o'clock an elegant supner Was nar. taxen oi, and when appetitesj had been appeased the dancing was resumed and kept up till this, morning. ! The floor' manager. was jur. jouji jvuck., ana tne scommittPP or arrangements consisted of Mr r w Aoenig, cnaarman, and Messrs. F. EichteT xi, uiesicneu, juuu jvuck ana jonn Boesch TT - 1 T 1 TT- 1 t t . ' ' to tnese young gentlemen belongs thp credit of haying provided one of the most delightful entertainments of the season and it will be long and pleasantly remembered by those who had the good fortune to be present. .' FEBSOIUIi JiBStlOS. . , Mr. C. S. Hines, of Faison, was in the city yesterday. . M Mr. J. W. Morris, of Fayettevillei. took a run down to the city yesterday. , We resrret to learn that (Mr. Dickson Munds is quite sick, having been takfen about two weeks ago. We understand that Mr. B. T French, I of this lately with Messrs. Sol Bear feCo citv, has accepted a position f as travelling salesman for a Baltimore house. Miss Fannie Duncan 'Ars'eUi of Richmond. Va.. who ha3 been visiting fnendjs m the citv returned home yesterday! afte & i pleas- nt RoionrW in our midst. MissArsell has many friends here, and neraeparcure leaves at leat one of them awfully blue Mr. SJ O. Collins, of Norfolk. Val former of that ly of the firm of LeKies & Collins, city, and Mr. C. H. Hostette, of formerlvof the firm of Hosiietter Norfolk. & Bro., also" of thaticity. arrived in Wlmiiigton yes lerdav. i These gentlemen are mtterested in the lumber business ana are nere i prospect ' l . . - -r i. i ing. I I '-.:..!;"" THE MURDER OF UZZ E BROWN A Plan Arrested on Cirennwtamiii Kvldpitre loonreUSE HIBI ' Wlin llie Crime. , To-night 0he week ag6 the yourig colored ! - I womanj .Lizzie urown,, was juurueicu ju rear of the Stables back' of Capt. W. P.! Old ham's rice mill. The dead! body was not discovered until next day at fi o'clock, and it ' was "! learlv covered up with sleet and snow.' 3 i . -j ; L " ' i j " The murdered woman waskme of the dis solute chAracters that inf esti that section of the citv; known as Paddv Hollow, land her murder; was shrouded in mystery. A negro named j Chirley Simmons was arrested on suspicion of committing, tae deed, but ne was suosequemly UlacxiaigcU, aa fcUor w no evidence against him ) Since then two detectives nave Deen wotk- ing up cluefe, and as a-resuHj of their work, another arrest .was made yesterday about 5 o'clock.1 ! The party farrested I was Henry Austin, colored,; apd thje. officer who made the arrest was Policeman Marsh Walker. -The arrest was niade at the in stance of detectives B. F. Turlington and Jas. B. Brinkley. Tnere i some strong circumstantial evidence against Austin, and" he ' will have to answer thfem to-day at a preliminary hearing to be haid before Mayor Ricaud t-12 o'clock. Officer BiF. Tur lington read the w arrant tcf Austin, and it is said he was greatly agitatp d when it was being done.: i We understand that it can be shown that Austin had made threats against Lizzie Brown on the night she was murdered and that he was following her up). Face Xo-niorre W;IV?i;lit. Few entertainments1 more -.worthily de serve the . consideration that. is being mani fested fdr Mr. Page's readings on to-moi-row night. People are arranging their pub lic meetings and private 4ngaPments 80 that they shall not conflict at that time. Without much doubt therejwill bej a large 'and cultivated audience to greet the author of so many delightful storiep,. and tlie yivid portrayer of southern plantation life. We cannot read those stories (without being moved by their touching paithos or delight ful humor.; The high literary ability of Mr. Page has been recently signally recog nized by his being placed on the staff of one of ,the yery best magazines n the country. Certainly Wilmington wilt bot bej jbehind the North in doing .honor td her own kith and kinj The bo 3 1 : rT"i' 1 1. J ? 5 it The box sheet is iopen at Yates' this mornin, 1ie fewbrn Fair. The Messing er had the pleasure of a call yesterday from Mr. Edward Bull, of New- bern, who has been in the city a few ' days in the interest of the .sixth . 4nnual j f air of the East Carolina Fish, Oyster, Ganke and Industrial "Association. Thf fair -will , be held-Fehrualry 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23M, 4th and 25th', and the outlook is'ivery fidtfering for tbe biggest and most successful fair ever held by the Association. While 'fish, oys ters and game will be the special feature of the fair, there will be all other features com mon to' a complete exhibit of the resources of East. Carolina. There willlbe tmtinUfc a runjnng races, and for this sport purses ag- gregaung fi'.uvu are onereo to the winners the largest ever offered in thfe State There will also be j balloon : ascensions and para chute leaps-, ;and other amusements. He Is a Winner. ! Shoe tjtd Leather Facts, a trades paper pub nshed at Philadelphia, recfntly offiered series6f prizes for articles ori "Howltd Draw and- Retain Trade." j We notice among the winners the bame of Mr. A.HS. HoldtenL of Wilmington who contributed an article un der the nom de plume of "Ah." A prize of fco m gold -was awarded to him and his arti cle was published as the leaiier in the issue of Shoe and Leather Faets of pecember 2nd Mr.Holden's essay won the third prize and he is to be congratulated upqn Iiis i success among so many contributions. That he won honors by his. article cair be iudgjed by v. n :i.' z r.ii: . ,i mc ioiiunig irom onoe (trta leather Fact: ;. j 'i '- j j ; ; " ith our last issue the prize article con test on -now to uraw and LKetam Trade was concluded, bo many responses have been received than it was at first believed by us it would be. Sixty-thrrie essays have been puniisnedJ and they were written by mciuuci,, ui ine tiaue iui;ateu at., in mosi in. stances, very, remote points from one an other. The important subiect has been ablv handled; and we believe tlatl much good wjll result from the contest.) ; Where there was so much merit shown hv most of the writers, the judgfs'had no easy task before them-when they undertook to aeciae as to tne prize wmnets. Thev liave been thoroughly impartiall however, be cause they did not know either the riam or the address of the winners untill th rell .uereq tneir decision." J ; WHmlnzton 3Ian aisnnrctnrtnc, - i - r .. Shoe Ye take the following from the Chicago sitae, ana, learner di .December 24th:- "A new industry" at Old Fart. V 'f! tK. II. Westermann seoe . factory. T Mr. Wester mann, the sole proprietor, hn'ilt t.hia TlnTif uunng tne monens or October and NoAtm. ber, and at last accounts was" , pushing mat teis iu every possiDie, in oroer to begin man ufacturing in earnest at an enrW Aa Machiners was being 'hurried along aii placed in position; some of ithe hands hid already reported for duty.'anfl a number of these started ! on cutting and other prepara tory work. Mr. Westermann informs HiA a id Btather tb at he I a i invested, from 9 5,6ob to j,iuu jiu ms enterprise, itis expetations ueixitr iu lluu out, aoout, 2UU pairs dai v whpn once fairly started. He has 4ad erected two name structures in winch to f carry on operations, one 25xM feet. nnd anotner nine engine ; nousp) 24x15 feet. Mr. Westermann-has secured in the j person oi w. ii. wetmore an, able! and: practical ' V. . 1 . . . 1 jhf i liiaiiagci viiu iiaa loiiowea tne snoe manu facturing line for about fifteen years. The output win oe connned exclusively to a gen eral line of men s shoes, mainly congress, gtuier auu uaiiuurais, in nanu-sewed, stand ard screw, etc., no peetred eoods bein Vht. died. A. leading specialty will be the "Wtr. more" hand-sewed, welted sho. patinfoH February 23, 18fe(J. American calf, satin calf, veal calf , dongola and cdl grain Will be useu iii iae mate-up oi tne dinerent 1 styles both oak ;and hemlock sole -serving for hnt- loiiiMig purposes, according fo tne demands of the trade," Hide and Leather 'for Decem- uer, Lmcago, Ibe Weather lu December. ' '"" " '. t ', WEATHElfBcEEAU, ' I Wil.MiNGTOJf. N. C. Jan. 2. f The folio wine is a svnonsis of the wont hAr. lor secern Der, iaz: mgnest temperature, 77 "on the 14th: lowest te.n-mprat.n the 2th; mean temperature for the month, 47; the normal temperature for this month ucuueeu . iroin years observation is 49; mean daily ranee -of temneratiir for tho month, 18: ereatest rans-H ef tpmrwrofnn. ii" uj way, i un xom; least range oi tern- lotal precipitation, 1.03 inches: the aver- age precipitation lor this inonth is 3.50 mcnes; snowiaii. unmelted, 2:00 inches, i ' Total miles of wind R Sfiflf rection of wind, ifortheast: hiptipsr. xHtid aa xnxica per puour num. me norjnwest on the 2()thj . i ; " . . ! ,i . ' Clear days, 15; partly cloudy, 9; cjoudyj x icupiutuou occurred on days, r i - .. A Commendable Thlaar. Editort Vilmington Metsenger:) 7" lhe mechanics of the Wilmino'inTi tA Weldon Railroad shops, throuah the solici tation of Mr. J. C. Davis, made up a purse of $13.30 in cash, besides a nice lot of provisions. aaa Christmas present for ; Mr. Wallnm ris, a most. worthy- crinpl4l who is also employed at the stops and is a very industrious man notwithstanding infirmities. The recipient. Mr. 'Davis. 'ex presses hearty thanks and prays for the UVUVi3, : i A Unique Clirlatmaa Cntertalnmant. .-"-. , WiLMiGTOir, N. C, Jan. 2nd, 1893.' Mf. Editor:. . :M; ,tf';..- On Thursday night of last week two Christmas trees were prepared in the school room of St. James Home for the children who attend the Sunday school at the Chapel of the Good Shepherd. 1 The exercises were ; opened with the singing of the Christmas earoL 'iRingontthe Bells for Christmas," bv the choir and children, and was ' rendered with great spirit. A curtain which con cealed a raised platform was then drawn aside, and revealed an old time chimney and fireplace, with the yule logs bnrniDg and from the mantlepiece was suspended stockings of all sizes ready for Santa Clans. At this instant was! heard the jingle of sleigh bells and stamping of feet, and old Santai Clans emerged nponthe scene lamenting bis many travels and the perils from falling brick in some of the chimneys, which he fbad narrowly es caped, but congratulated nimself that his task was nearly finished, as he had only two toys left, which are just the things that little Ed. Brown had asked him to bring. Suddenly he sees the waitiag children, and is in great trouble because he has nothing for them, but he havpily remembers a fairy who' had promised to cdme to his help whenever e blew his whistle, whichjhe pro ceeds to do, and thelovliest of fairies sprang quickly upon the stage and desired to know what she could do for him. He explains his trouble and she puts on "-her thinking cap" and soon tells Ihim she has a magic wand, which, I when waved, will cause her wish to be fulfilled. This wand she will wave over i the chimney and assures - him that every trick will contain a present. She does this and Santa Glaus fills his basket with the - tricks which she desires him to distribute to ! the children. Then with a charming smile and sweet kiss of the hand she bids, adieu. This little performance was prepared by Rev. Mr.'Gibble. Santa Claus was perse nated by. Mr. Tom w right, who looked the veritable character and in costume and acting (was perfect. I. The little fairy j was Miss Beth Daggett who entered thoroughly into ! her character, and won all hearts by her inter est in th tranhlps nf Snut -Claue -The presents with which' the trees were filled were then distributed, and a short service was concluded with another carol, the dox oloev. and. a benediction by Rev. Robert Strange. The hall was crowded in spite of the weather, and all seemed to enjoy the evening. ; . .. .. ...-!' ' What Is Pluck? The following are a batch of definitions sent to a Britisn paper, r This is the one that won: ! "Fighting with the scabbard when the sword is broken." ' 1 . t j. -The subjoined are some of the best defini tions sent in: ; i . i i I Moral backbone. L j I . The power a man has to say "no" when he knows hia wife wants him to say "yes.'j Fearlessness free from follhardiness. rSS The chivalry of nature's knighthood, i That which enables one, when fighting against adverse cercumstances and knocked down, to rise and try another round. The heart of a lion in the body of a man. The best remedy for despair. j ( The forte ; which converts an-ordinary man into a hero. V'. Honest daring without caring. A- The absence of fear in the presence of danger. ; : ! The courage to do the right thing at, the right moment. , . , f Irrepressible stout-headedness'. HThat which keeps a man up,whea he is down, i - l ; ' . ! The offspring of courageAnd the mother vi suueeas. Moral grit. Tfie Colorado Legislature. Denvsr. Col., Jan. 2. The indications are that the Colorado Legislature will not or ganize without the usual row. The Repub licans have a small majority in the House, but the Populists and Democrats baye been hustling and claim to-night that they will organize the body when it is called to order Wednesday at noon. They claim to have secured the pledges of two ReDublicans to aid them. A Snow Plow U'rrtked toy au "A Ter lanche. . Spokane, Wash., Jan. 2. A snow plow was wrecked yesterday on the line of the Greaf Northern railroad and four lives were lost. The disaster occurred near Java sta tion,; sixty miles east of KlispeL Mon. The plow was standing on the track and was struck avalanche which came down i ue mountain. - Dratb of an Aeed Tllnlster. AfTGrsTA. tin , J a. - Xto-. Jolill Tj. Dux iu,"i who naa attained national ren- 1ifafin - 1 . . iiuaviyu iui ciuyueuce ana emciency in the Baptist pulpit, died to-day at the age of 79 years. Although practically retired from active worx, ne preacbed regularly and had nnea nis pmpit yesterday. His important Tin sfsYra f Al iripa Af T I - l r 11 yv ' " i"-"uiuuu auu iorioiK v a., ana iouisyiue, Ky. i .- x ' i m i m ' ' The Vega vtnsIOflr for PortRoral. ew 0RK,j Jan. 2. The dynamite cruiser esuvius, Lieut. Schroder, left the Brooklyn navy yard to-day for Port Royal. She passed out of Sandy Hook at 8:30 o'clock The yessel will go direct to Port Royal sound, where the final tests of her great uvuamiie guns win be made week. ; ; . early next j Telecrapble Kpaflcs. f",1?' N- Y- Jan- 2- The works of the Bpyles Paper company were burned y.-icruay loss, ou,uuu; insurance. $30,000 ' t ; - f! .DK1DUEFORT. inn..- .Inn 9 To, 17 Beardsley, a millionaire resident of this city and the donor of one of its largest public Parks, died at his home last night; as the ra- iiiimra received in a struggle with S1"!?? 0n tne niSht of December ju. xearusiy was u years of age. iAsnviLi,E, enn., Janj 2. The Legisla- " r"""-,7.u'Kj, out oeyona organi zation of the House no business transacted, "at 1 Doay naipn Davis, of Shelby --"j ' . i ""ocu oprajier. ine maugu ration of Governor Turney wiU take place "ave a speeay and positive cure for catarrh. diphtheria, canker mouth and headache, i SHILOH'S CATARRH REM W A.??al m3ector free with eak bofc- iLtt J ue.,neai and swee '"lew ooiaoy Kobert R. Bel- nuwtaau) ana retail agent. U SZSSPZ f t TON? CpOKJNQ . j. .uut on cv, numingian, N. C. t U CAOUil FOR SALE AN OYSTER GARDEN INNIW River contaiQing over two taouaand bushels offlo:OUnJ J8te to ; VV.iMkssenger - ' - 1 janl-3t Ftrh,0 CAN BB OBTAINED i at4ia N. riurd street. ; jan t-2t M n,tAa,AND .W23 ENAMELED , . 6o auu v;nina, caps, rrtat ia?ollda7 Preaen.ta. ERNESIMT; fie strwTJ;i ccori'uve laul0 etoat ani Princess , , aec weasun frl nnHE PUBLIC is notifTebSthave left aTth ir - tril- Orders- Muuwu aurmits AND Wortt Circulars. Chnroh ana , aTZrm "V.llKi H iVTjlTrr,r,Tj TiTT. : ERNEST V Tr.iATir.a .L'JL nouees. Prints StW . . vuruer Toat and - - Ban wed lri THE EMPIRE STEAM LAUNDRY ISNOW fl, . v. v., i , v. allT aiiiuuav or wnr u a worss cor. LAREN, Manager, ""'Mk uu second sts. w m. Mr "CUMMING, KealEsIkterP jafc luvji in.-t. wi lunq Tir - tton. '' IW3'1893.183- Calendars en appiiea! OTORES, OFFICES. HALLS AND to D. nov2 1 Q UNBROKEN MONTANA HORSESFOR and Sale Stables, Market St AtJlYfP & 100 REWARD will be nairt rnr .h.. 1P will prove the New fvvnt st.I F- lual TJJJ me P aiSt claas1 arti.'.iA SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE IRON ittxtTi Cook Stoves: wpII Jin K1NO designed and conthin.,, M w gned and coi eoniDletes tint n. ,w nanges ALDERMAN HARDWARE iCO SoSrh -ce(t street, W&guSTN. cf ' " SoatLF'ont pietes the best line that nan TOILET SETS etc.Just received a nice sortment of Tniint Hota i. " train and steamer now oHri., . ireittt Of Flower Pots nnenlncr in.ria. RIDGE, 816 North Front street. J- L. BKECKEN- PREPARS FOR CHRISTMAS BY TTSncri la,. "rB Tsteam Cookgrg, Nutrezlo coffee Pot? wanlte Iron Warn Rnaa, -rota, Jeur Paiia. Eirra low nnces ,y.LA anrlnr this wnok-. a intiiu i -vr n . kwus ARE UUUkUl'lVUkfiUCcU decis riAR LOAD OF HORSES ANT wtttd -r toJ HYnJVrenWU tor che Apply MarkSsuelf C0-Lt Sale subTei; '"A WOBO TO- Tlin 'WISE. "'-"' t -' CERTAIN ADVERTISEMENTS PROM TRADE RIVALS, who fear U'-a tbe o'A??. hinuendoc Dr. Amtkor of tht Standard ". ' This emlacBt pkrsliaa ACT "Fram the careful analyses of Profenor Van Houtbn's Cocoa is in no way initirioua to health, and that it is decidedly morenutritious than cUier Cocoas. It is certainly "Pure" aad highly digestible. i j . j i The quotations in certain advertisements from mjr book on Therapeutics are quite mislead ingandf cannot possibly apply to Vak Houtkn's Cocoa." . i ..: j, . :; .: .? i , Ti Tht fain rtfttction en Vak Houtbm's Cocoa it thm tfftctually rtfielUd and tA very n tharity cited to injure it, has thereby been prompted to give itjt very kandeome UsHnumiaL , A HAPPY MEW YEAR V - . TO ALL 01 PATROL DONT ALL GOME ;.i -. i- - -i '-.-: i i. ... it .. i.- -h'.- r. : Jt'- i :'-..-,,' Gent's Furnishers Balance OVER FIS Jokm'Nrw YrarTiblr. j It is the icemen now wiho take the cake. Lowell Courier. :. . ' j : It is hard lines for a young girl who is giyen long Latin lessons to learn. Picaynne. rt la tlie waits upon News. i t gnest witnont a quarter who the table-in vain. Galveston i ou nna tnere is very uttie in some peo ple if you mako too much of them. Ebnira Gazette, jv-. . .-. "j- " ;- - . The barber can't hold another man's jaw when he can't hold his own. Philadelphia Times. , ; : : r. j ,7 The refining of lard is! not one of those things you can accomplish and not half try. Binqhampton Leader. - j . ; 1 . The reason the piano is such a sympa-, tbe ic instrument is because it is greatly' touched every time it is played. Rochester Ltmocrat. ' There is one good thing to be said in con nection with the season for good resolutions: It come3 nearly six months ahead of fly time. Tinkers Statesman. j - Miss Ann Gulaw I wish you would tell rne how you manage to keep your dresses in such pretty shape. Miss tlumpette Sim ply by wearing them, dear. Indianapolis Journal. ! j . i ' ColicoTdrCAiar No. Ti R. IA. M. gPECIAL CONVOCATION THIS (TUESDAY) erenlng at. 7:30 o'clock for Installation of officers and work in the P. M. Degree. t By order of the M. E. H. P. t t "' i. jan 3-lt , j J.D. MUND8. Secretary A HAPPY NEW YEAR ! The Messenger desires to return thanks to its many friends and patrons for the liberal support given its Job Department during the year just and to bespeak a continue ance of the same 1 j .- 1 Th'e ; Messenger Book and job Department is larger. Tetter supplied and employs; more competent workmei than all the other offices in the city com bined.! i Promptness . will b given to all orders. Thomas Nelson Page: YM. C. A. AUDITORIUM, 1 M ! WEDNESDAY. JAN. it IT. I Admission 60 cent3 Reserved seats free.: Box sheet at Yates'iTnesday morning. f t i Jan30 8tF,Tu,Wl rpS(E WILMINGTON BXKSSKNGBB. 1 WILMINGTON, N. C. I ' - - ' X : ' ' ' : . . j . :' - ' ' r :-. . i THE WirITNGTON MESSENGER. THE WILMINGTON MESSENGER. 1 i THE WILMINGTON MESSENGER. 1 i t- . f !-'- , . r 1 . DAILY AND WEEKLY. I DAILY AND WEEKLY.n ' DAIu7 AND WEEKLY. - ' . --it The Daily Messenger one year....;.'.......ro0 The Dally Messenger six months. ......... sn The Daily Messenger three months.. ....... 1 jj The Weekly Messenger one year.;...;,..... 1 go The Weekly Messenger six months. 50 ,:. j. : againrt Jt, aad appeal to the authority of f Mtdicint mt Univcrtit Criiert, Lend, CTUAI.LT writ aa follawaL J ; AmiiiD aad otherm. I m ttiat Vmm. AT ONG ft' i ... .1 i it ,t-' I 'I' '" I" " -.'-!-"' ; ,; i- J r -I r - f ; 7 7" " -' I - '7 7 . BARGAINS, A it" !vp,::f-.:j,.:V- RGAINS. of Goods, Winter ; SUITS, UNDERWEAR AND NECKWEAR '. , ; Children's - Suits, AND OVERCOATS. HBLiATE OliOTXlIEIat. CHRISTMAS'GOODS i. " i 1 1 .' ;. ..; i . - Of a usefol and seasonable kind now offered by Ji A. 8PRII6kit. LdKALER Dl-r-i-4';! " ; ; ' and 'Wood: 1 I -! - - -- U - Ton possibly cannot offer a mora sensible Christmas present to some of your worthy friends than to fire them ton of coal or a cord of wo d Remember this advertisement. -U.) h . J, A. SPRINGER. decW-tf IT HAS GONE BY, .1 i 1 1 X-MAS OF '92, A ND WE HAVE FOB NEW YBABS GIFTS j- iuls 01 ueauuioi gooaa at prices to close. -i . i 8. A. aCHLoSS A CO., u :;. .,.!.! nd Market St THEi NEW YEAR Ushers m barcaina in Millinerv. Fancy Goods and snch articles as are round at j, , x wiu rseu tne j remainder or my stock i at prices that will surprise yon, I must sell, to make toom for - SPRING STOCK m t i 1 m 'i a i a and will give great bargains in goods. If, you are in need bf a all hat now is your time to buy. i j Former prices trimmed hats $15.00, 12.UU, 10.00, 8.00, 5 00 ; how $7.00, 6.00, 5.00, 4.00, a00, 8ecriflce ever made, -i the greatest 1 BABY CAPS i eierything surprisingly cheap and s-t cioo BtTOroingiv. i Jewett, i THE LEADING MILLINER. "j HEATING STOVES .1 H3ATING STOVES HEATING I BEATING HERTING HEATING - HEATING STOVES , 8TOVE8- STOVES 8TOU8S 8TOVE8 HEATING HEATING STOVES 7 STOVE " HEATING HEATING H BATING HEATING I HBATTNn i i ' STOVES . ": STOVK8 I STOVES i STOVES ill ! sitoves m D1U V 18 , HBATING ' 1 . -8BTES8 beating j 1 n nL. n. ntl styJvtS8 HEATIN9 IU rHI b UII fiTOVKir HEATING HEATING i HEATING ' ' HEATING - HEATING v ! ! HEATING ! - HEATING i . !! HEATING ! HBATING" 1 HEATING R1UVA9 STOVES STOVES r STOVES 8TOVES STOVES STOVES I ' STOVES I i ! STOVES IT' STOVES l -1 I : I : HEATING 'STOVES In 1 Order to fieflnce . Sloct 77:7:-:k X OFFXB THEM AT ReUuctionof 10 Per C, N. Jacobi Hardware Co 777- ' "";--'?'J.v-;rl ri . . , ; ... DissoLUTiOM Sale -r::-ri r:x ;- U ,7 j.--1 -- ..-!' -" rt,'--- - . I - .- . . j . . i - : - , - I ' - ' -. - j ; : Ml l.'Kaiz&' Sbn. i v; ..' '-' 7 : - '' "'-'"! i'.r . ' " W- Ay7 -1 ':-V'.;X:' ; .'-R! r- '--R . ' I h-'liR.'-: t iJ'i. :.-... r .i i ":----t Ai - i - ; , ',.1-f ;IR . . 1 : I -:" : : f-R R'': '' -i - '" 1: R--:..:. " ?R :-R ." : : : . -. ;' ' R-H:' RR ' Rf The entire Stock will be sold at -: V : ; ! I .! -:' ' .;"r A-.'-- ! ir ':-". ' V : i i 'R ' . - ' ' ' : " ' A '"i - : -:j : 1" ..-' , ..." i '- --'--: :--'" - ! " :', - . - ; ;,) ; -! .!..:-:-""-- -. 'i '- ' , '. .". - ' GOST January 2, 1893, IMMENSE Trimmings, R Domestics I -"' ' I -. ,' - ' i -:'' ! r i : '. - : ';- . - - ! ;": ! i-- ': 1 . ' ' : ' . . : - ." : ."; "'-..- ' - - :l ' '-.' r 1 r I r Cloaks. LADIES', GEIIT'S, NEL i COMFORTS AND TO BE In preference ' to carrying NEXT 1 We thank all our a trarir J. rt the ve y liberal support met -with "at their and trust for nanas, under rthe new firm ofR j ? j ' I M.M. KATZ, SON & CO, to February 1,1853. ,r CAINS IN - ' ' V ' BAM Linens Sheetings Damasks and Gloves. BOYS Jtl TJNDERWEAK, AND--1 1 ;. ; . ;: I r : i ' BLANKETS SACRIFI :ed l! them through to SEASON! 7 frienas! and patrons for a, -1 La .1 " . A il '. a liberal rnntiriuance (