1 '. tfSTABLISHKD; 267. TELEiRArHiC. SUMMARY. " Senator Keuna's con JiUoo was un changed yesterday. Mr. Blaine has had a. batksjt. -AJ...n'gro. charged with piurder i takca from jail at LiOuw don, Texas and haage'd Under the Supreme Court D.cla'ju tha Populists oin L PrfUipnTiii' ftlectori in Oregon. -Mrs, Mvra Clark 5an?s; Win is ae- nleil prolu'.'J 1j tho, cojr".s of Lou. ; isiana.r .lora Fi-erch - to bearrested in C( nr ect Deput'ea are tn be arrested in C( nr e-.t ou wim. a ; i ta .' Pasatoa caraVfcardal .The Alexan- der'4 Orr cpraoii.ted x?sue a circular letted to tho bloodholccri of the liich-! jnondlTerintnarccmpAoy .Cailjog their i "aitanjlon'-to their r'ht3 ujderMhe i chartlr of the read and the Uws of Vir- ginla.Lj.The bonded debt of thia State ianoyi $6,335,700. The estimated :, an nual rleefcipta for the next two years are .Oj9,oj;0 and epeaditure$fli,O0O. .-Ta4)fef'&r President, as it wilt be cast t thselcdloral collepes next lues- ill be: Total vote, 414vnece68ary oio3, 223; Cleveland's vote, 276! : -, ' j ni. ti- OU'S, 144; wtavor -, maj rity -over both opponenia, :The Secretary - of the ISavy nas aDDOletea a con; mi Lute ui uav - . A r . n i-r mor to award the $75'i00 Chiliau inemnity fund imoDg those of the cruiser Baltic more Entitled to it. Mr. , Cleveland declines to have anything to say in the nrittoV cf a coalition to electa Senator in . tbl North Dakota. Legislature. Mrs. terece-aw, daughter of he late Aocfate Justice Davis, yesterday pre- dav. v . 9 to a cl Hirri land'd 108.U se&tt; the State with an oil portrait of her fisher.- .There will bo quite a t -jniclt ia the Upited Sratea Senate f el u If f the text week and the balance ! of thi session of" Congress amopg the r lrieuqs of several bills now pending to gain precedence for their measures. r-The public debt statement for De ccmber Shiows an increase of tlis public 'debt Add a -decrcasQ 61 the cash in the TroaJury. The Democratic members of thi State Senate and House held caucases last niht and nominated offi"1 eel's. Lee S 'Overman'; of Rojran, was nomilcated Speaker of the House by acclabaation The . Senatorial com" mittqe to investigate infectious dis in .Atlanta, yesterday. It easesi was will rfecomziend a quarantine -against Cuba! early in the tprinff.? The Koigptaof Lator will move tieir head quarters from Philadelphia to 6ome Wsfern city . r-The Supreme court of Pennsylvania sustains tho lower cdur in the indictment of the editor of the kupday Loader utder j tie Blue laws fcf 1794 The Attorney General of Indiana has filed a petition before tho new Democratic Supreme court for ai re?-hearing of the Apportionment case. -The Hajtianexpositi4- build- ing at Chicago was coropletediyester ! day, ihe first of th'4 foreign na'.ion?. I The Tennessee Senate.is in a dead lock" bver the election of a presiding officer.- Chairman , Carter, of the T -Republican National comjpaittee, con- " cedes to the Democrats control of the Senate after March 4. h. He gives up the Senatorial conteet in California, i Wyofaain and Montana.- The Dem t ocras ahdllndepeudents unite and or i: jjahize Ihe lower House of the Nebraska . Legislature: M. Floquet denies that he iqteds resigning, the Preti-ency i of tbej Chamber. The ; Democrats will fnost probably hold tho balance of pefwer in the Kansas1 legislature on 4 jointj ballot. -The Republicans or ganise both. branches of the Minnesota Legislature. Mr. Blaine was .much ! Letter -last eighth Serator Kenna's phyt cian has no hopes pf hia recovery. HO SUNDAY NEWSPAPERS. Xlie 3Pennylvnla supreteCburtSn i I kalnt) ikM Itlue LatVM of 1794. 'Philadelphia, -"Jan." 3.-j-The Su-, " prertie court has affiirmed the validity of the: o'd blue law of 1791 in relation to tbe publication j pf Sunday newppa pets;. Tho orbs WfcS that t-f Thomas ' Matthews, .publisher of the ;l Pittsburg 1 Suo'dav Leader, cod vlcttd Of publish- r. i'nsri-nd issuiBg his paper on Sunday," 1 undfer the act of 1794, which prohibits theffollowi'g uf worldly pr0uitd( on ? the jSabbath, s tvo tho-o that are an abscllute ntceesity for ihe wants of the J combunity. The Supreme court; in ; . affirping the decision of the lower i cou.'lt gives as its opinion that the law ; upon the, sujet ia plain Rud it could -do nlotbiLg but interpret it as it did1 ! andljondrm Matthews' cSnvlct'on. The coutft sayd that the framers of the act 1 of "1-194 could r; foresee the- growth of aiewgpauers or the wou'd possibly i avfe exrapted them under the pro-'- Visions cf the act. The court, in con i elusion,. c"mui'en3 the act but gaya . tha the tool teril enforcement of lU isions luay'lead to its repeal and pro that it ii in mcrj danger from its Iriehds tban its lot s A 11 alt f K11JpI by arelessnt-k -Kew-'YOHK. Jaa.-2.The- careless Bess of Mamie Claucey, a dome&tic In tho'employ of Mi" and Mrs.. Sherman Finch, was to-c&Vthe causa indirectly of tbe shocking death of their infant dairhter Annie. Mamie received permlsion i"ihe afternoon to visit a married si?tbr, and took the child with her. Oa her way eheifctopDed at the come pt Jcha Mc Catie, in the basemeiii of J(7 Wo tSix tktia. street. Tho McCabes jtera en-. ertaining some visitors with a njixed file party, and Mrs. McCabe was drunk. Th bady was a burden to the servant yiri aud she Iff t it in Mr?. McCabe's SarlwheaEhe started to her sister's Loupe. w . . . Tbe janitor of the flit, a few minutes after Mamie Clancey went away, saw Mr si McCabe tossing the baby in her arms. He ran to the station bouse, andj as be was returning with a police man, they -aw-Mrs. McCabe throw tbe -little one into jthe air. It fell in the strefet twenty feet ay. Its ekiill was fractured and it died in the policeman's jirn4 as he was taking it to a hospital. Mrs; McCabe was arrested. j Xtoe Afc'nrate Klectolrl Tote. j-. I ! . " - O " ft.' XT" J , iW YORK, ' uo -vvcuiue to-dav siyt: Th exilement of the ron contefci maKe n ipnuw w accurate table of tbe yppe. icr Prpiident as it should be ca3t uy ma elecloial college, and which will show: Total Dumber of voice, 4U", necessary to alchoice, 223; Cleveland's majority, ; 108; toialo for the respective can didate is l. follows: Cleveland, 276; Harrison, 141; Weaver, 24. f. Considers it "a household necessity." Mr. A. JIAVhiting, Newton, Kansas, accentuates Ids ipinioto thus: ,fI have used Dr. Bull's Coufjli Syrxip in my family for the last eight ears and consider it a household necessity. PoJ Orel give an OUR RALklGH LETTER. i r SYNOPSIS OK REPORT OF INSPECTOR GENERAL SMITH. He Oppoaei Encampments -t Wrisnta' Title I'rKislatora and Offiee-Seefcerg Gatbrrlna: at the Capita! Four DeaihWarran!i Issued-Fool- ' ' tsb. Kesolntlons Adopted -' Ity tUe Negroes. ! 'messenger Bdbeau. Raleigh, N. G., Jan. S. l The report of Inspector-General A." L. Smith of the State Guard for 1S9-2 eajs that while the force has increased" in numbers he cannot say it has done so in effiaiency, but that Son the con trary, with lew exception the compa-, niss has trone backward ihstead of i "ward and are . far from ihe Btandard they bad attained in 1891. ; To hia mind, there 13 not the sana-i amount- of discipline and interest formerly preva lent, and he consid-rs that the entire guard needs reorganization and new life instilled into it,, Riferrlng 14 ths past yearVencampmeots ie says: "As a whole th-;re was a great deal of valua ble lnstructioa given, acq hard work, but they were1 some good, not a? sue cessful asf former oneSj owing 1 tup tbas the men were pos?, to the Tact tired of the samei piace, aid the exces sive, beat on the boast at that season of the year. I cannot recommend that another be attempted at j jrlghtsville for several year; at least! pot until the grounds are outin proper condition and a cooler ses s :m s e! e 1 1 f d . 1 1 was de mon stated last year that the best portion of each year was virtually thrown away on account of the heat. H is very evi 'dent that encampments .1 y regiments are most desirable; especially since the L regiments are suoposed io h3 large, and in the future 1 should jrecommend, 'for the next encampraenti t any rate; thaveach regiment bo encamped-separately at the most convenient point to it. I would further recommend tha the Guard be organized into three reg iments of ten companies each instead of four regiments as at present. . Members of the Legislature poured in to-day and all day loogj the office-, seekers hid a set-to with! them. Even the trains were watched and the button-holing began at on'cel j The mem bers are a good looking j sst i of men. The first eaucas was ordered for to night. : .- I M ; A member of the House says the re peal of the boms stead law, the repeal of the merchants' purchaee tax and the amendment of the law so as to prevent preferences in i assignments! will be three special matters which Will come up and be fully discussed. Tbe giving of preferences has proven a frequent cause o : gross fraud. The repeal of the homestead law fls aa open question. There, is much on buth sides i . The'weekof prayer hia begua here, and services are held j daily in thrj afternoon, by the pastors in turn. Governor Holt to-day issued no las3 than four deathj warrants, aa follows: Leonidas McKnight, oi Surry; burg lary, date of execution February 17th; John Hambrick,;. of Cleveland, the murder of Jinks Macaoton,! January 6th last, data of execution, February 17th; William acd Thomas Whitson, brothers, of Mitchell county murder, date of execution February 27th. In each of these cases there had beea an appeal to the Supreme! court,! which resulted la the sustaining of the lower court. ' t At 11:30 o'clock this morning another snow fall bean. Sorho of the snow of nine days ag6 yet remains. The fill to-dav is light, but at 1:15 p. m., is still coming down. S j 1 i Gentlemenwho arrived here to-day from Morganton say that the' Lejisla-- ture will be assed.by tbe trustees of the deaf and dumb institution there to appropriate $40,000 a .year, for each of the years '93 and '94, for the comple tion ofi theuilding. The basement and ground floor are now Complete The workis said to hare been i exeel lently done and materials well utilized TheNortnearoliaaCar compKny here made a cfine 6ho wing, for 4892 earnin? 14 per eent. The hosiery arn mills Dav 8 ner cent, dividend kad carry a good sum to the surplus ac count i ' . ' i Mr. .William C-1 Stronacb, secretary ofi the; Soldiers'; Home, received a beautiful little letter to-day from little Marrv Ferrand Henderson, daugnter cf Hon. John 8. Henderson, of! Salis bury, inclosing S2 which she had her bp, If earned to eive'the Home. ! ; . Tine nsroes vest-.rdav calebrat. d Emancipation day here-and did a.curi- iua thinsr in adoDtinsr Ion? resolutioas rptrardlnt? the new passenger station These, in brief, declare! that j they will not occupy the room now set apait for them: denounce the action Of the rail way authorities; pledge themselves not to enter the. apartment' set apart for ' them, out to even stay out 01 tna depot altogether before submitting ,lo what thay are pleased t term a'm'as ilest ir justice;" decouace the action of Jhp frtKiinn master in electing tnem from the laaies' waitiag room and pledge themselyeB to rai-re a fund with wiiicn to prosecute tcp ranwy aumui itiea. Kever.4n all their lives; 'did the negroes do a more foolish thing. Tnev have cool accommodations, but Eome of them seem determined to thrust themselves into the ladies' waiting rocm. The white people say they will stand no feu :h business. Kows nave been several times narrowly averted, and passengers, have barely j oeen re fitraiu&d from puttinff the negroes out This action . of the negroas is a long step forward in the dlreeifcoh bf a law Iby the present Legislature for separata cars lor tne races, a. uuutauus u yi"" rich filldS a law. . ! ' ' J - I ! The meteorological data for Raleigh, for tha vear 18)2 wast jaaromeier; mean actual, '29.C8 inches-; highest, 30.22. lowest. 28 96: range, 1.26; tem naraturn. mean for the vearj8 5; mean for the vear in 1887, 58.3; in! 188S, 58.0; in 1889, 69 4; in lb90. 61.6: id 1891, 59.2, The warmest month was August, mean 78.7, Thtaol(lest was January, mean 38.6. The highest temperature was 98. on July 8th: the lowest was 11 on December 29th; the range -was S7 de grees. The precipitation for the year was ij.itl inchai?, as compare-with 59 22 in 1887, 6 92 in. 1883, 65.89 in 1859, 43.57 in lb90 and 63 41 in 1891. Tbe wettest month was January (total 6. 7 inchesO The driest was October (total v 00 incuea ; j Hrr. Calnts' Will Again Bef're the ..;.. - Courts, . New Orleans, Jan. 3. Judge King, of the Civil District court, has decided an important point in connection with the will of the late Mjra Clarke Gaines. The ruling - was a petition to register the nrobate cf the will oi-vMrs: Halres. dated Jatnary Ath,l885, br the Surrogate 1 x:ourt for - the county, cf win era ffw York. anff-order the ex ecution of the- will, ! Tber? 5-oulsiaDa court had previously decided, the will defective in' form acd not! entitled to probate, which decision hasbeenAcoh- firwed by the supreme court. yibb ceurt deehiei Jhat "the wjll of Mrs. Gaines having beenmade in Louisiana, is governed by the laws thereof, and havioer bsen c eclated1 invalid, feannpt ho toUfin to New York the last domi cile of the testator, probated there ad made valid by the law of New York and brougbt back hee for jreccgn;uon. and execution by this court on property tituatsd in this State and in posset sicn . . Art 1 II I ci the omcer 01 tnie court." jTHE RICHMOND TERMINAL. 'v. A Clrcalar to the Stockfiolders 'by tbe Orr Commltte-The Alcbt of Foreelosar "j by the Bondholders BaneiUd. I New.TTork, Jan. 3." A circular let ter addressed to the stockholders of tbe RlchmoDdand West Point Termiul Railway and Warehouse company has been issued by the special committee of which Alexander. Orr . is chair, man. This committee was appointed to receive from the stockholders prox ies to represent" them at the -general meeting of the company held in Rich mond September 15th last. At that meeting the ticket for president and directors cf the company put forward by tbe Orr committee was defeated' by the ticket nominated by the committee headed by CoUWilllim L. Strong. The vote was relatively 174,850 shares and 400 122. shares. Tbe. newly elected board of directors Instructed its chair man,' W. P. Clyde, to appoint a com mittee to make an investigation of the Company's affairs .and. another com mittee to prepare a plan of reorganiza tion." The committees were appointed bat no reafreports have yet been made. Instead, the annuaL .meeting ct- the company was postponed from the sec ord Tuesday ia December to the first Monday ia September, and, although the representatives of the Orr commit" tee attended three or four adjourned meetings of the stockholders, they could get no Information as, to what was beiDg done.. .The circular- juat is sued, after reciting these circumstances In detail, goes on to eay: f ' "Nothing has been done at the ad journed meetings, and the promises of Information as to the state of the com pany ana 01 tne plan 01 reorganization nave fiot yet been; fulfilled. I The an nual meeting of the stockholders has been adjourned for? nearly a! vear for alleged reasons whldb are clearly Insuffl cientj It is interesting in this con nection to know that by the Virginia Code, Section 1123, it ts required that tne board ol directors shall make a re port of the condition of the company to the stockholders at the annual meeting, and further, that the records cf pro ceedings of the board of directors of the -year preceding! shall be; open to inspection of three or more stockhold ers holding together 100 shares of capi tal Ftock. ... - jl .1 i ' , "The Orr committee are of- opinion that they have exercised the powers intrusted to them aa long as the con ditions continued H which were con t mplated when their trust began. lhey are now of i opinion that the stockholders who- have given them their proxies 6hould either give the committee further.! instructions and themselves taken active steps' to pro tect their property pr relieve the com mittee of theip-duties. . The committee are also of opinion that a reorganiza tion can be made that would j be just to all parties in interest and place this valuable property on a sound financial basis, and in confirmation of this opin ion lhey refer to the letter 0 Drexel Morgan & Co , to William L. Strong, chairman of the advisory committee. dated January 28th 1S92. I ! ! "The committee had been surprised that bo action ha been taken iby any stockholder to test the validity of the proceeding by which the company was placed in tne nanas of a receiver. Under the terms of the collateral 5 per cent mortgage made by the Richmond Terminal company to tne ventral Trust. company, as trustee, and which covers almost all of the stocks of the reads forming the Terminal j system. they beicrg deposited as the property of Lnal wiih the Central Trust company under the mortgage, after four months default on the interest. the voticg power ch these stowks passes to the trustee and the trustee may and on written" request of a majority of the bOLdholders must declare the: princi pal of the bonds due and sell the stock and boons pledges; under the mort gage, A default occurred on Septem bar 1st, 1892. Oni January 1st, 1893, f jur months will have elapsed. The committee, therefore, inclose a proxy l wnicn, among otner tnings, empowers it to, call a stockholders' meeting. This can oe none under tne v lrginia uoae by the holders of one tenth of tbe capl t&l stock of the company, that la of 75,000 shares.. -A meeting to consider what course, the 'stccK holders shall pursue can be beldi alter. notice of the call has been published for thirty days. should tne present management and itn conduct ct the eomnapoyi be ap proved the Orr committee will feel that there will be ho further occasion for. their service. i.The proxies should te sent to the State Trcst company, No. 60 Wall street.?'. - j COMMERCIAL NEWS. Stocks In New York Tewterday Tbs . Grain and Provision markets of - -J I' .' Cblcaeo. . :; I New York, Janj 3. There was a fair degree of activity ;on the Slock Ex change to-day, TJse temper of specu lation was decidedly bullish on early trading and prices; advanced i to f per cent in the general 'list. The upward movement was checked by (he decline in Reading from 52 to 50c; but still, later American Sugar and Manhattan forged to the front, tbe former ! selling up per cent to H3 and the latter 41 to 158. 1 The . whole market improved in eympathy,.but gave way again near the close when Reading, under a fresh onslaught, dropped to 50. Dealings in this stock reached over I2d,uuu snares. Its weakness was due to reports that the Lehigh and Walkesbarre had sev ered its relation - with the road and that the company was a large borrower of money in order to pay imerest on its nreferenca income! bonds. -When Read ing slumped Manhattan fell off to 1551 and Sugar to 1134 J Delaware and Hud- eon yielded 2 per cent ana j Jersey .Central and Lackawanna about 1 per cent, ; 1 te general iisi opciinea 1 wi per cent and left of at frae lonal re coyery. Hocking galley and Tennesf see Ccal and Iron were strong, the former rising f ronV23J to 29jc and the latter fiom 80 to 87. Tne maricet leit off duli add barely steady. Sales were 329,010. shares. . I " i, - r CmdAGO, Jan. 3i-s-,W heat started the new jear with a bdom of over lc. Other gialnsi followed.- j They tanced down after the first houJ and, although clos ing nig her man jrriaay, ie gain isj u modest nroporlidns, Wbeatls up f rpm i to ic, corn 43, and Friday's Iplosing price for oats wasbid as. the last tap sounded from the bell. Provisions; show advances averaging rom aj to 30c." ' " ! " . Tlie Populist m, Gain an.Elctor, Salem, Ore.. Jan. 3. The Supreme court has rendered a decision; in tbe mandamus proceedings to compel the secretary ci state, in maKing tne ofliciar canvass of ! the votes cast for fret id ential electors at the recent elections, to; abstain from counting the votes cast in counties where the name of PhSfces Populist-Democrat elector appeared twice on the official ballot. The court decided In favor of Pierce wnicn givesoae electoral vote to tne Papulists.- Tiie court held that the printing of Pierce's name In the ballot more tban once was. contrary! to the provisions of the statute,- h 't j that it was an. errQF 01 tne county ciers. j.ne prror. the court holds; does UOt'deprive 1 ha voter, who cast the ballot of his elective fra'achise or the candieate for whnm it wa cast the benefit I of such vpte, I . - .-, " ' I.C I . j ' WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNE8 DAY, JANUARY WASHINGTON CITY. PE.MOCRATICCONTROLOFTHE NEXT I . CCUfeTC irrrf Chafrman3 Carter cGItcs Up the Contest ; Contest for Precedence of Bills Public ; Debt Statement To Award the Chill Indemnity Fund Senator Kenoa Bald to be Past Recovery Mr. . Slaine' Report d Better. ' WASHINOTON., Jan. 3. Senator Ken na's condition Is unchanged this mom- log, and the gravest apprehensious are still felt. . His family ; physician, Dr. Chilton, is constantly with j him and could not be seen this morning, and tbe, only information that could be gattw ered at the Senator's residence was that he was about the same. ; - v. V Mr. Biaine'd condition has taken a backward turn, but the change is. probably ,: ' not -of a character to excite serlcu3 apprehensions; for his physi cians were- not summoned in hasta as has been the custom when Mr. Blaino became worse. ." -- ' ,. Those Senators and Renresentatives who go home during the holiday , re cess rarely hasten their return to the capital; so there Is likely to be a small attendance in both nouses to-morrow when; Congress meets again, and the seats ill probably not be filled before next week. Ia the Senate thera are indications of a struggle for place be- iwaec tne anti-uptloa bill aud the bill for the repeal of the purchase of silver and the. Quarantine and Immigration Suspension bills.- 1 he first business in order! will be the McGarrahaa bill. which comes up by unanimous consent In the morning hour. Senator "Wilson and others have speeches to deliver on this subject and they promise to' tic cupy the morning hour duiing the week, greatly to the concern , of the friends of the "Great Claimant,", who realizes that the bill can not lonr be kept in its privileged condition to the exclusion of other business. After the morning hour to morrow the Hatch bil1 will probably.be takn up for further debate. Senator McPherson before tbe recess gave notice that he would call up his resolution to repeal the Sherman Oliver act promptly on the aesemhlinff of CopgressAna he can at least euo- ceed in delivering a speech on the sub ject. More than thai can hardly he expected at this time in view of the re luctance of Republican Senators to move in the matter until a settled line of policy is adopted at the caucus Boon to he iheld. The -Immigration com-! oiitteo - is extremely anxious to take soma "action on the quarantine and sus pension bills, and if Senator Washburn does trot succeed in push i as liis Antl- Optioh bill to a vote by Friday, the inn dications are that they will make, a de- lerunneu enort to Tiispiace that meas ure as the unfinished business. In this attempt they will have tbe Bup port, of some Senators who fear tne cholera and others who: fear the Anti-Option bill, or who want Jo get on With other business The only business of importance likely to be transacted this week in the House is the; passage of the Fortification Appro- .! I'll , It. . . - L ' priaiiiua diii wnicn 13 in tne cnarge pi Senator Breckinridge, of Kentucky. There is but little chance that a quo rum will be present to-morrow and the Appropriation bill will not be called up until Thursday. The Appropriation 1 committee expect mat there will be little, if any, general debate upon at J ana mat it will pass during -the day. Chairman Martin, of the Invalid Pen sions committee, will t&ke the earliest opportunity to call up the priyate pen sion bills which are now 00 the calendar of : unfinished business, but he will not do so until he is.convinced that there is a quorum present to vote upon , them. 1 Alto gether; the remainder of the week promises to" be uneventful in Congress. -The public debt statement isued Wwlay shows: Increase of debt during December, 1379,314; total casb in the treasury, 769,780,9S3; total debt of all kinds, $1,563,991,769; net cash balance, 129,092,588. being a decrease during uecemoer 01. Ii,2i0.330: eold. silver! ana currency ceruncatesin circulation, $568267,807, be.ing an increase during December of $1,097,360. i 4 Chairman Carter, of the Republican -National committee, concedes the con? trol oljnhe Senate to the Democrat after March 4th. Jo an interview with a reporter to-day be is quorted as not only giving up ihecojjiest in Wyoming and California, but also in his own State cf Montana, where he was' sup posed to have a personal interest in the outcome of the struggle. He said, how ever, that he never had any ictentibn of becoming a candidate for the Senate and had refured permission ti his friends to use his came in tbe caucus. The Secretary cf the; Navy to-day appointed! Capt. Schley, Lieutenant Commander Sebreeand Passed Assis tant Surgeon Stilt; a board to consider and report a plan for the equitable distribution of the Chilan indemnity fund 01 70,ooo. 1 he foard-wiil meet in the office of Capt. Schley on Staten Island, N. Y.,. next Monday for the purpose of preparing a record of the injuries sustained by the sailors of the Baltimore In the riots at Valparaiso and will recommend a pro ra'ai distri bution of the money in proportion to the Injuries sustained by each. Sec retary Tracy concluded that he has full authority under the law as itttinds to distributa the fund. The disburse ment of the ?80,(-C0 paid by Spain ! to the United States in settlement of tbe Virglnlus affair is regarded as a satis factory i precedent . for action in this cate. The . Virglnlus award was dis tributed by the I Secretary of State without recourse to Congress and- the validity of his action has never been questioned. A small part of that fund Is still in the btite Department await ing final settlement. ! 1 I Mr. Blaine is sid to be better, this evening by" both Dr. Johnson and mem bers of his family. Dr. Johnton called on Mm at 9 o'clock tbi3 evening acd found" hioi Mdoing very well.''' This was his fourth call at the houBa tohdav.l-At 11 o'clock the doctor re tired and Mr. Blaine's residence was closed for the night and the lights low ered. -. - - At 10 o'clock Serator Kenna's condi tion was about the 'sme. No hope of his ultimate recovery is held out by his ohvsician. The Senator, himself, la said not to have lost all hope and be lie yes he will yet pull through as he nap uuqe ia "nes past. : Bpnntaneous Combustion. Foet" Wayne, Ind.,-Jan. 3. -At 6:30 thla Aveaincr fire broke out in the POi lahlntr oom 6a the third floor of the Vnrt Wavne electric coDDPany. The fire department responded - but the water pre3svr was not sufficient to en able them to throw a stream on the burning works. It was thirty minutes hsfnrA.: thA chetnlcal engines got to mnrir and bv that lima the third floor oroa" o-nttnd. After an -hour's I bard ork the flames were gotten undSr control and tbe cfficiais estimated the loss at $250,000. fully covered oy in suran'ce. The fire was due to spenta- neous combustion. - ' 1 ! A Qnarantlne Against Cuba Atlanta. Ga . Jan. 3 Ihe Senato rial committee to investigate infectious diseases, reached here to-dav on their return to Washington.' In a con versa tion with Senator Call bo said tbe committee had decided to record nend a quarantine against Cuba in the eirly sprinjf. - , ,m SPEAKER OVERMAN. ; le S.IOyernaan jnomlnated by tuo j Denioerais as Speaker of tbe House I of ItepresentaUves-Otber Ciu- " ens Nominations. Raleigh, N. C J Jsan,N35PECiAL. At the caucus cf the BenirteLDemo crata to-night, Rufus A. Doughton presided. John Li King, of Guilford, was nominated as president pro" tem pore, William G- Burkhead as princlx pie clerk,' George P. Pell as reading olerk and Wiley V.' Clifton as door keeper. - ; " i " , . n ' - At the House caucus Robert B.Vance presided and made a'- stirring speech congratulaticg the members of the Legislature and ihe people on the great yieiory.', Lee S. pverman bf Rowan was paid the unusual compli ment cf nomination - for Speaker by acclamation and by a rising vote.' He made a capital speech of thanks and said it we? a recompense for the! way he tad been defeated by Independents six years ago after nomination by a Democratic caucus. J . . " ''-. if!.'' . , To-day wa Overman's hirth.-day and.he received general coograjtula tions on. the double event. - , . i ! The ; other officers! of the House nominated by the caucu3 are: J. M. Brown, of Montgomery, chief ? clerk; H. O. Jjatham reading clerk and D. R. J uliaa principle doorkeeper STATE FINANCES. Tbe Bonded Xtrbt4x:kUmates H-Ektl mates, of -n- " naal llecelpfs aud ! Rxpendltures ; for the Next Two Years.x V Ral'jign.N. C. Jan. 3. Special, Under, the aot computing the debt It is offic'ally staged that old bonds amounting to $11,405,000 have been surrend-.red in exchange for $3,299,0C0 pf new 4 per cent, bonds, leaving now Outstanding $1.122.1,0 nf nlrl honrta1 tn taKe up, wnicn will require $316,800 piakiog the entire pcssible 4 per cent, debt 13,615,700. The State holds $150,f 000 pf these bonds aid the Board of EducationjB,30,CC0. The amount of 6 percent, bonds outstanding is $2,720, COO. This is the entire bonded debt. The Interest on the latter bonds Is paid by dividecds on the State's stocks I in the North Carolina railway. Tbe es timates cf tbe expenses of the State Government! for this year and next year are f 864,030. The estimated i re sources are $919,000. ! U r . . J . - 1 . . . t i 1 Portrait of Justice Davis. Raleigh, Jan. 3. day Mrs. Crenshaw, - (Special ) To daughter of tie late Asspdiate Justice Joseph J. Davis, of the Supreme court, presented to that conrt an oil portrait bf her father, the work pf Randal, the Raleigh artist. It is one of the finest and most lifelike of the State's valuable collection of por traits. '. THE PANAMA SCANDAL. More Depntles to bei Proaecnted M, Flo quet Not to Resliru Hl Denial of Charges Asalhst Him. rAK s, Jan. d. t igaro to-asy says that the. next batth of person's selected by the Government for prosecution for comp.icity in the Panama affair in cludes four more members of the Chamber of Deputies land an ex-Minister. Figaro also Bay it is reported that Fiouquet, Presidjentof ihe Cham ber hears of the connection of his name with the scandal. " i Paris. Jan. 3 Charles Floquet this evening authorized a denial of the re ports that he intended to resign the -Presidency of the Chamber. The statement that he had ever helped ; a Russian statesman obtain 00.000 francs from the Panama company, M. Floquet said was an unqualified falsehood, got ten up Dy nis enemies merely to blacken his reputation. He added that to his certain : knowledge, the current ru mors of disagreement! in the Cabinet were without the slightest basis in fact. Magistrate Frar.quevLle'8 examina tion of Charles de Lesseps, Foe tain, Leroy and Coltua, charged with being implicated in the Panama canal cor rup ion waa fiqished on Saturday. The st three were arrested on the night ofiDecembor 16th. Coltua,- who was to have been arrested ou the same night. could t,et be found,1 but he afterward returned and surrendered himself. -De Let83ps, Fontain and Cuttua are direc tors of lha Panama! Canal company. Leroy was formerly a member cf - the Chamber of Deputies and ia accused of baying received 300,000 fracca from the Panama Cansl company for voting in favor of th3 lottery bill, . There Is reason to believe that no more deputies are implicated in the Panama canal scandals and, therefore, no more ar rests are expected.! . Is ": -j I - : SUl i- - -- ' .1 The Indiana Apportionment Casr; iJipiANAPOLlS. Ind.L Jan. 3, Attor ney General Mnith has filed a petition in the Supreme court ; at king for a re hearing in. the Apportionment case. and the petition will now be passed upon by the new couit. which entered qpon its duties yesterday, and a major- iiy of . whom are Democrats. He alleges that the court erred in holding thavlt had lurlsdictlon of matters which are lef 0 to the discretion of the Legislature by the constitution and It at the adop tion of an apportionment law bv the Legislature is an act: that the court canoe t ret lew- or overturn without clearly ir fringing oh the functions cf a deparlmect of the State Government of equal authority with itself. The meg 01 ..tbe : petition I; expected ; to bring up the question or the waiver of the sixty day rule, which was done without the attorney general's Knowl-' eige and upon which; he will ask to.be hewd when the reopening of the case iflBbjetted to by the! opposing! attor- nies and the waiver is urged as a bar to future proceedings. . Haytl'4 Exposition -HqlldlDC Col " V ; 'pleted. - 1 Chicago, Jan. 3. Of all the foreign powers ! taking part! in tbe World's Fair, the little Republio'of HajU was first to complete its building yesterday. It was ; . the nineteenth anniversary of ihe i independence of the island, and the Haytian. pavilion was deal cated in the presecce of a email audi ence, composed of exposition official and colored citiaens of Chicago. Fred' erick Douglas, ex-Minister to Hayti, delivered the rrlnclpal address at the request cf President HyppoUta. -Director General Davis resnond'"d. The Zeroises were field in the main hali cf the building. ' i '! ''" Tellers phle "parks. Cheyenne. Wiom.. Jan. 8. Judge Scott over-ruled the, supplemental mo tion for a continuance of tbe case against the Johnston; county invaders. It wilt open at 9 o'cIook Thursday morning. ; The soeriff has engaged Suffljient deputies to summon all tbe male citizens of ' tna county; for jury service without delay;-.The peremptory gia ledges will segregate vou. - l. IS I ;-';- -'H 4, 1893. STATE LKGISLATDRES. CLEVELAND; WILL TAKE NO PART IN THE NORTH DAKQTA FIGHT. Democrats Hold the-Balance of Power la Kansas onJolet-Bsllot Republicans Organize Both Breeches In SIlnBc sota Dentocrats and Independ . 1 ente. Capture the f Nebraska House A Deadlock ; Omaha, Jan. 3 The attorneys and politicians were greatly astonished this morning when they read in the Omaha papers what purported td be the Su preme court's decision In the Kruz Norton contest for the seat as' Repress entative from Knox and Boyd counties. It was recognized as not the decision delivered from the bench. It contained a clause nullifying the certificate now bitli by Kruz, the Populist. This did not) appear In the oral decision,; Chief Justice Maxwell caused a sensation at the opening of court this' mornijop: bv asking how ihe offensive 61auselome- into the! printed decision. Justice foet remarked that it, was Inserted by hint (Post) and r n attorney after the Chief Justice bad left the bench. Tbe two justices had some angxy words about ti e; matter. It will be!; investi gated. r;j--v -'r .pi''.v.O . '!.:. LM nighrCounty! Clerk VanCamp, of Knox county,' was Captured by a messerger from; the State Supreme court and' ordered to canyas ! the re turns of Knox and, Boyd counties. Van Camp had' already issued a certificate of election to Kruz, the Populist can didate for the House, but had (not can vassed the vote of Boyd county. , Late, last jnight he completed the votes and issued a second certificate pf election to Norton, the Republican. .-A mfessenger sent by the Republican j managers hur ried to Lincoln with the certificate by stage and train; but so far as concerns the organization of the House! all this work is fruitless. A dispatch from Lin coln saj sin the He use to-day the Demo crats and Independents combined and raptured the temporary organization. In the Senate no organization was effected.! Tbe votes were divided be' tweein the Democratic,! Independent can party, with none hav- ,:irf-.!.l: !-.''!:. and ing a major! Topeka,' court; to-da Jan. 3-The Supreme heard the argument in the cares; brougbt against the State Board of Canvassers by the" Populist State Central committee involving fOur seats in the Legislature. It is not generally anticipated;! that the findings of the court will charge the situation in the Legislature! exceptto give Rosenthal, Democrat, from Haskell couaty, the certificate of election Issued toj Stnbbs Republican; by aa! Undisputed cleri cal error This will leave thej Repub lican! one majority with which to or ganize the H-tuse. " On joint ballot the Democrats win bold the balance of power providing no action is taken by the Supreme court in the contested cases brought befofe that j court. Twenty -four contents bare been filed! against Kepublicans -and seven against the Populists. .The Legislature meets next week! i ' J - : . : ; ' St. j Paul,! Minn., Jan. 3. Both branches of the Legislature met at noon to-day. The Senate was organized by the Republicans three of the old Alli ance Senators having come oyer to the Republican Bide. In the House W. E. Lee, Republican, was elected Speaker. A joint Senatorial caucus has been called for to morrow evening. Senator Davlsl will b nominated and re-elected. Nashville, ; Jan.- .':8. This --Ibrty eigh:h General Assembly of Tennessee is still in the throes of organization. The lower iHouse has selected and inf stalled as Speaker, Ralph Roap, of Memphis, its clerks and Sergeant-at- Arms; but the Senate is dead locked on the Speakership contest. Fifty-three ballots were taken to-day without an election; I I i El; mark, N. D , Jan. -3. The chief interest in the session of the North Dakota Legislature, which opened too day. Centres in the contest for successor to Unt ed States Senator Casey. The Republicans have a clear ma jorlty, and the result hinges oa the decision of the party Caucus. Caucusses for officers of of the! two Houses were held this morn ing aid the fact that i such caucuses were neid is taken to indicate that .a caucus on the Senatorship will follow. This hss been a matter of some doubt, the . opponents of Senator Casey hoping to encompass his defeat by pre venting the holdicg ef a party caucus. It ii alleged that some of those opposed to Mm made overtures to . the Demc cratsatd brousht the matter to the attention of President-elect Cleveland.. FT 1 A . i A m u.u is sain 10 nave reiusea to nave any thing! to I'doUwith the proposition, esv ing Lis: party could not afford to run the risk cf being charged with cor ruption and; advising the eleotion of as clean a Republican as possible. -The fight has hsen in the party and is an interesting one. It has been1-asserted that Congressman JohnstOn. whose choicej as Senator , when Casey , was elected ' was defeated by an adjourn ment; wo'ild fight Casey's eleotion. but the latest reports are that Johnston will take no part in . the contest. Be tides Casey, State Senator WoersW Cot. Kingman, J. R. Smith and W. J. Anderson- are candidates, and their present strength is estimated as fol lows: Casey, iz to 15; Anderson. 4 to 6; Kingman, 8 to 8; Woerst, 10; Smith, 5. Of cc'ire each has elements of strength l.h the others out of tbe way: which would materialiv-iadd to the figures. - Rheumatism knocked higher Hum a kite. Mjs. Bucher, Mineral r Point, Ohio.de- lor rheumatiiBi,- and in one or two applica tions knocked it higher than a kite." ".'.; j J ; Family Fathering 7 Have you a father? 'Have vou a mother? Have jyou j a son -f or daughter, aisier or a brother who has not; yet ilken Kemp's Bal sam for th? Tat oat and Lungs, the guaran teed reiney for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, roup and- all throat and lung troubles. - if so, why, when a sample bottle is giaaiy pfven to y ?u tree Dy any.aruggist, sou tne' srge size omv ouc. anavx. --: AND TAKE WARNING ' . H r - . - FOR TIME PASSES A WAT FAST. r Only three monCu mo'e and tne entire stock of Clottting and Gent's Furnishing Good most be' closed oat regardless of cost. Call early and.ie core a bargain at -: Corner Front and Princess Sta. CHRISTMAS GOODS OX a nsef ol and seasonable kind now offered by J: A. SPRIiXGER; : '"': i - :--DEAlisB IN ' Jj '-- ' Coal and Wood. You possibly cannot offer a more sensible Cnrlstmaa present to some of yonf wortby friends tban to give tbem a ton of coal or a co ol rood Bemember this advertisement. ' - ' X A. SPIlINGEni -!eu-u 4 Sjo Mvtvti&tmtvit. at We Guarantee in ITJRST.THAT OUB PRICES AEff AWAT ?HAT TBE QUALlTy OF OUB THtBD. THAT THB PURCHASER RKCEIVE3 rtTnF9vSTH-15T EVERT INSTRUMENT-IS vu uuaaflnuit IS ABbO LuTlt. . 'JiIS WE PROTECT THE INTERESTS THEM-WE SERVH OURSELVES yvx HAVK ON HAND FIVE DIFVEREXT raE.NECES&ITT OF CJOINO TO A RELIABLE auax ivu jLELiit in baf.& UAciva.: m W Aerr iTis m-u W . 1 .V 1 ruKM AS TO QUALITYJ WHEN TUE S5iToSSSJ?Al5S,.B. ,5. ?i HUNDRKPsi Of PIANOS "MA OK, MOS'lLY CHEAP roW7.: TmJO MAKER AND OROAN northern citieC So matter how intricate 11 h e wi hit mArSw w ir t A? 2? W St. J .1 H.&R. RALEIGH 1. 1,1 FOR VISITING AND- Even ATTENTION is direc 11 11 to Ul 1V1U1 VVUU15, Textures for Visitinpf! i lngJCostumes. Velvets In Iridescent I Goutille, N icoise, Velou tal Weaves in Silks. ! ' ! I Satin Duchess. Habituas and 1 - '! 1 - . 1 i - ! Failles, evening There will be a strong revival this .Winter x 01 Uauzy lextures lor prqminent ity iviodistes showing their rep resentative costumes of these filmy materials. jl nose wno aesire lnexensive laoncs in evening tints, have been most thoughtfully provided lor. Reciuosts for In.loateo Somotlilxi and Oolos X2eslreci' tCASH with order of $5.00 ree I (except Furniture and Crockery) to Office or' Railroad station. W. H. & R. S. RALEIGH' A! DAVID 20 DEGREES -HERE'S WERE OUR i h- -AND H EAVYWEI G HT OVE RCO ATS COME IN. THEY WERE MADE AND WARM. MAKE IT YOUR FIRST WON'T DETAIN TOU A MINUTE. COMPLETE IN ALL SIZES. laots of $iO Ones, 3-iOts of $12:SO Oziess, ; CHINCHILLAS, HEAVY KERSEYS AND CHEVIOTS FINISHED. ANY KIND OF A COAT YOU WANT, TH we Jan save you something. I our prices ari A DAVID & "Comfort's 0 ' - i' - Special Bargains Now tl I ..... ., -l A. I ; !Wmr pRICE 5 CENTS J ianos and OjrgansJ r BELy OTHERS, j H. IN3T UMENTS IS FAR SUPERIOR TO ANY T E EQUIVALENT Sf HIS MONEY.' WliA WE REPESENT IT TOf BE AND THAr ; j OB j IJR CUSTOMERS, FOR BY SE5YINQ fimh9 mi PIANOS. WHKREONT.Y ONE HOtS i, WHERE YOU CAN REST ASSURED 402 and 404 N FOURTH STREET. FICE THEIR TRUE VALUS. IT HOW8 S; TUCKER 'h if N. C. 1 ECEPTION 1 MES. 1 : a to our present ilks and Gauzy ?lteh ption and liven- and Cmbre Effecfs, 1 i .usse and Chrys Crapes, I ndi licate shades for in yenincf wear, the Satxxi.xle0 sliould. to Pnoo 'I' : X. .! , '...: arid over, goods delivered nearest Expres3 v TUCKER & CO., N. a. Gostu &fOMPMYi 1 I r. -. .. 'Wi THIS WEATHER LONO FOR JUST DUTY TO CALL BT STOREnrlT WE'VE KEPT AN ASSORTMENT -1 -.- 1 : . ... ' " ljOts:of $15. Ones, I OMK TSHAGQY"AND SOME SMOOTH es; UOH, WElVE'GOT. WE ARB SURE SNUG FOR THE VALUES i COMPANY Corner." in Merchant Tai oring MONARCH bF;LL NEW HOME Surpasses All, Others FOR SI MP LI CITY, DURABILITY, EASE f IDF MANAGEMENT, CAPACITY; OF- (WORK, "TPE LIGHT-RUNNING NEW IHOME" HAS NO BrVAX,1 AND THB jHAPFY POSSESSOR OF ONE HAS THB VERY BEST THE WORLD AFFORDS. ; jr. w. vvodri.'AGT. WILMINGTON, N.' t. ! '! ; '' s "A "t ; ' ; r i ' i "!.;' ; .,- ' ' '' .;. .....t. - 'mi '-': ' K " ! ., " - . ! J V'f