! I OK OUT!!! LI for thest imitations and substi tutes, they tre poor suff, at the best and increase your misery. Take Simons Liver Regulator only.: i You will know it by the large red Z on the.. face of every package and by the relief it gives when taken for Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Constipation, Biliousness and Sick Headache. IE SIMMONS LIVER. REGULATOR J.H.Zeilin &Co.. Phild'a, Pa- Free. Address DANIEL F. BEATTx, Washing ton, N. J. x $525 Agent's profits per month. W in proye It or pay forfeit. New articles just out. A $1.50 sample and terms free. Try ns. Chidksteb Son, 28 Bond M..N.Y. t - I : : paNcss aVKMf wiki sitrtVr mpa fees a iaviruuL.it TV III At Est &atrxL& GVSHIMS.WUspenaMmid.Oom- ijitaMe. Kuwwful where all Kemcdiaa Pan ills, book A jjroofiirre. Address f. UII OX, 853 Braavaj. tow iMfc. CARKtR'S a . . ; 51 '"uib n a i 2 a as FiSiMcnetl," ud beautif. the hair. Never Fail to Beitora Gray Curia aoalp dimin a: hair faiuLa fc.and $1.0i a! -IruTit xiuxr fco na xouuuui voior The Consumptive and FeeDle aadan atfflt-r from ex haurting disease! ihould ute Parker'a G-tfixer 'Home. It cure, the worrtConh. Weak Lunee, Debility, In dention, I emaie weaknesi, llheniuatiam and Paia. aOc. a; $1. HiNDERCORNS. Th. only kit eorefor Coma. ! ail paw. Alake, welkins taay. lacta, at UruggiMa. All First-Class Ejruggist, From present date will keep on sale the Im- ported East India Hemp Remedies. Dr. H. Jmea' preparation of this herb on its own isil (Calcutta), will positively cure Consump tion, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Nasal Ca .tarrh, and break up a fresh cold In 24 hours. I 2.oo per bottle, or 3 bottles o.au. Try it. ; ckalujuuh. ss w., I'roprietors, 1 1032 llace St., Philadelphia. r fetiiil COMPANY'S Extract of Beef, THE STANDARD FOR PURITY, FLA VOR AND WHOLESOMENE&S. Kirnuine only -.with y nst us von Liebig'a j signature as shown V- CMr.rfr"a Engllall DlaaiOBal BranaaT. tfe3fRI fill i CI eiFC. uwav n uaiue. iadim, aa T. .,.i J :n and Cold metal 1U iir.. -fit tr 7j.irKetcra Jtnotwt war, Jrkrbojcs. sailed wi.a blue ribbon. Take, . t' ' j . I i?, A... .iHuini eulitliXw. P -v j, uii.t -i ; . in UMiM particular!, mamnuu Holier f.-r.I.Biliea," it Mter, bj retwa Mali. lO.UOO TeetimBDlala. Ham PoemT aU b all Locui UriosUta. A'rulann., mm . CCVtlTTtCW Bnudl . l- a mm TtillAna atfiUV4. HICa- :.f III HIT jrfelft FEtl 3 fj nt I 7 - , t rcA j fcotUe. Prioe 35c Fer sale by druggists. ' , i rioturo 7, IT 10 and sample free. - ' F SMTH & 00 J Proprietors. EW KORX, Heftdaf.tie ana voHFa"' XMAS GOODS jjpples. Oranges, Cocoanuts, Raisins. I ; ALSO FVLL STOCK OF CANDIES, .CRACjSTERS. ' t cheese. Canned goois i . SUGARS, COFFEES AND FLOUR. 1 fOraerintime or jour holiday trifle. ? - . .... 11 AIL k PEARSALL ' Cor Nutt and Malberry Sts. BEAUTIFUL' GOODS -FOH- -AT- ' Lowest Prices. ROBERT R. BELLAMY, DRUGGIST, N. V. COIV FRONT AND MARKET ST8. . , . - decNtf Adrian & Vollers ' WHOLESALE DEALEKS IN PROYfSIONS, GROCERIES, U Liquors, Tobacco, wgars, AND CO3IMISSI0N MERCIaA'NTS," , 4orer Front and .Pocfc gta., Wilmington. N. C J " Oharterlr Meeting I The fnllowineare the appointment for .'fuarterly meetings for Wilmington district, . K. Uiurcil OOUIU iur iojj. t , i i Wilmington, Grace church, January 8tn Southport, January 14th andlSth. !viiTnrn.rfr,ri. flt Fifth street. January 22th ir.rtts 41 ill. circuit, at Kocky Point, Jan uary 28th and 29th. - " 4 Carver's Creek cijcuit, at Wayman, Feb- iihry 4th and stn. Tjladen circuit,! at Bethelem, Febuary 11th, Clinton circuit at Goahen, Febuary 18tt t Elizabeth circuit, at Elizabethtown, Feb- T.' rkr..U Oii.K . , ' upiy niiLi - ' ' Onslow circuit, at Tabernacle, March :iril rti ' 4th Columbus circuit, at cerro uorao, marcn 11th and 12th. Whiteville. at nieht. March 12th. Waccamaw circuit, at Zion; larch 44th Kenansville circuit, at Kenansnlle, Marcn lfth and litth. 1 lin Brunswick circuit, at Concord. March 25th and 20th. - j:-. - ' , ' , i Magnolia circuit, at Magnolia, April lt JAM Jlll. ' f r . - W. S. Rove, pBKsiDtNa Ei-dkb. - Kmas Presents X NORTH CAROLINA.' , -: Normal i-i. - The Greensboro Female school has 298 students. t Mr. H. A. MurrilJ, editor of the Hickory Press and Carolinian, is a candidate for the Readier Clerkship of the .Sen ate. " v Barlingtbr Neves: The Windsor cotton mills.are putting np sixty new Compton loomswhich will greatly increase their capacity and give more labor employment. Greensboro Record: A young Ren- tleman 22 years old, liTing near Brown's Summit, hadx to ran away from his parents the other day to get married. His mamma secreted all his Sunday clothes, bat tbis made no difference for he made the trip any way. , ': l Lenoir Topic: Oar merchants have had orders always ahead of the supx ply on the market and the conse quence has been high prices .and a more satisfactory season for our mountain friends than they have ex perienced for several years. Mecklenburg Times: A dog belongs ing to, Mr, G.' S. Hall, of Sugar Creek, went mad last Friday and bit a daughter of Mr. J. C, Boyte; also a cow. The dog was killed. The child suffered considerably from the wound. . " -; t Pittsboro Recordv One. of the most v'goroua old men that we know is Mr. Oliver? McMath, of Hickory Mountain township, who although he is 78 years old is one of the most noted fox hunters in the State. He can ride after the hounds all day without any fatigue, and break down any ordinary man. I; It is rumored that Col. W. J. AIs- paugb, who has been cashier of the First National bank of Winston since its organization' several years ago, will resign January 10th. F. H. Fries, of Salem, and.S. E. Allen, of Winston, are spoken of as Col. Als paugh's successor. It is surmised that the Colonel" will organize a new bank. - . Chatham Record: A few days ago. a poor young man and his sweet heart walked here from their homes, aoout ten miles distant, for the pur pose of obtaining a marriage license and being married, j when they went to buy - the license they . bad only $2, and the price was $2 50 Not being able to raise the other 50 cents they walked back home, obtained the lacking 50 cents and next day walked here again, bought the li cense and were duly married. ; Newton Enterprise: As a general thing the farmers of Catawba county are in good shape to start on a new year. They used less fertilizer than asual this year, and made fewer store bills than ev. r before. Small things like chickens, eggs,; butter, etc, have commanded! such good prices all this year and most farmers were able to pay all their store ac .counts with these things which for merly were not much looked after. As a consequence; they have their main crops unencumbered. ; . .. Roxboro Courier: .Mr.. John' R Webster in the Isst . issue of the WeiZypublishes the affidavits of fire members of the Hoard of Canvassers of Stokes county, in which they enter their earnest protest against, count ing the. Stokes vcte for Mr. Settle. Ia Person county Jnhan S. Carr has hosts of friends who would re joice to see him named by Mr. Cleye land, they Know he has the -qualm -cation necessary, and they believe that he would add strength to the Democratic party in North Carolina by being in the cabinet, j . l - . i i i Jim Cook in Concord Standard: Ex perience is a grand and impressive teacher. The editor lays claim to a considerable knowledge of the cu!i nary art (how ) We have learned recently what plain and nnprece-4 dented rice will do. j One and one" half quart pat out; for dinner looked small, but when operations began in the pot, it became j somewhat sur prising. The pot soon ran? oyer and just now we have some workmen digging it and removing it from the kitchen. Kice is j innocent ; loo&mg staff, but when it beginsjto swell you have to give it room. Kinston Free Press: We learh that a small portion of Mr. S. S. Turner' tram road near Caswell was torn up one night last week, and- he was sent word that it was done by Th'rd partyites. It is with sincere re grets that we have to chronicle the failure. of the firm of Collinses; For law (limited), live stock dealers. Liabilities $3 70; assets $3 o5. Their first transaction in live ; stock, the purchase at auction of a mortgaged alleged horse, which proved not Tery "live" after all, broke them.- -A large lot of timber is being brought down the river now. The river is fall of rafts on. both 'sides for two miles above here. - j 1 2f. 0. Preibyierian: The last report tf oar general evangelist., lust re Aeiv:d. is a noDie recora or iaiiniui . m a -a a a '.I a 1' labor, and a signal token of God's combined blessing upn our Synod's evangelistic work. Days actively employed, SZ; times preacnea, o; confessions, 2G; additions by profes ;nn. 17: additions by letter, 20: nhnrfth orffanized. Is church build- ino lot secured, lj money collected for Synodical evangelist, o. D&nburv. a village ol aDOUt iov iu hahitanta. on the Dan river, is the Mnniv Boat, nf Stokes countv. I ben -T T '..--J gaa a meating (there n iuonaay nitrht. December ! fith. There were eight confessions of Christ, two old men,, three ladies, one young man and two cirls. We will begin soon an tffort to build a Presbyterian church, We have some -encourage meat to begin 'in the way of peeu niary aid, yet we will need consider able mo: e help. Charlotte Observer: The 'Piedmont Wagon company, of Hickory, of which J. G. HalJ, K q., is president, giyes a banquet to its employes every New Year and they have aneeches and a great time. The number of deedsjand mortgages re corded daring tne past year was 030 1p,bs than during! the previous year, the figures for '91 being 3,085, and those for '92, 3,030. Two Tears ago George Miller, (not Neptune George) and George Stinson had difficulty in this city, in which Mil ia ohnt at Stmson. He fled imme fiiatnlv and was not heard of again nntil vesterdav i when Constable Irwin brought him to light in hannt in the eastern part o th citv. The North Carolinian navathat Theo. F. Kluttz, Esq , o Salisbury, received a fee" of $1,000 by I the decision jot the Supreme Court in the case of Salisbury ys. Wiley, inyolving the right ' of an. in- eorporaieu iowu w ta. lutrpuaico i stock held by a citizen in an incor norated company doing business oatfide the town.. FINANCIAL AMD C0?JMRCD.L WlXniNOTON BlARKBXS. - Office or the Mksskngkk, i Wilmington. N. C Jan. 37 , COTTON REPOSTS. The local market closed dull at 91c, J Receipts of cotton to-day 122 bales. 2c?lpt8 corresponding day last year oU3 Dales. ' t - y The qnotatlohi posted at 4 o'clock yes terday at the Exchange: Ordinary 71 ct3 XJood ordinary, j.. j;.., gf " ajlddlin' ............ 95-16 " paling f " ood middling . . . ........... 10 116 f rice same day last year 7 cts. :: :' NAVAL-iBTOR16S.:""' ;--Splrlts turpenilne firm at 27fc bid. Rosin firm -f strained SI .00 cmnrl strained $I.05. I , Tar firm a. 91d5. . : V' I Crude turpentine steady; hard 11.00; virgin 11.70; yellow dip 11.70. Price same day las. iyear Spirits turpentine 31c; rosin tl.20(1.25,i r cruae turpentine ai.UU, 11.90; $1.90. V : - j jl X:X ! : . Receipts to-day- 33 casks t)lrlts tur pentine, 1,163 barrels rosin, 83 barrels tar, barrels crude turpentine. , Receipts eame day iant yer 171 casks spirits turpentine, 1,552 barrels rosIn,-132 barrels tar, 4 barrels crude turpentine. S. 1 ' UASKETS BY TELEaSifJt. FINANCIAL. New "Kobe, Jan. 3. Money on fairly active, ranging from it to 7 call P9r cent., closing offered at 4. Prime mercantile paper 6(6 per cent.; Sterl ing exchange steady; posted rates 4.86 4.88i; commercial bills 4 8H4.85i, and " 4 87i4 87i; ; Government bond steady. Biate bonds neglected. Rail, load bonds strong. Sab-Treasury bal ances; coin 86,96p,O00;currency $6,227, 000. ;, v-. ij- .- j STOCKS '-, AND BONDS. New York, Jan. 3. Western Un iorrr95i; New York Central, 1081; New Jersey Central, 125i; Northern Pacific, 16; do preferred 46; .Union ! Pacific, 39i; Missouri Pacific, 56i; Texas P clnc, 9i; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 152i; Erie. 23; do. pieferred 54; Lake Shore 127i; Louisville and Nashville, 71i; Nashville and Chat tanooga and St. j Louis, 86; Richmond and West Point Terminal, 7i; Ala baraa, A, 5's, 102; Alabama B, 106it; Alabama C, 94f; Norfolk and Western preferred 37-;Ea8t Tennessee railroad. Si; do. preferred, 23; Cotton Oil Trust 43i; do. preferred ; -Tenaessse Set tlement 6's, 101; Tennessee 5's, 101f; Tennesseei 3's 74; Virginia 6'e, 60; Virginia .apxMature Cou pons I 37; Virginia .Consolidated 50; Silver, Certificates, ! 82,; Amer ican Sugar Refinery J13i; do. prti ferrcd 69ii North Carolina j 4's, 99; North Carolina 6's, 122; 1 South Caro lina Brown Consol, 96i; Memphis and Charleston, 50; Mobile and Ohio 35i; Richmond and Danville, I . : . asked; t bid. ft Ex. Div., j , j. ! ' COTTON. r .. . . ': Liverpool. Jan. 3 Noon. Cot ton steady with but little doing; Ameri can middling 5 5-16d; sales 7,000 bales, including 5,800 bales American; for speculation and export 1,000-balea; re 03icts j 61,000 bales, American 41,400 bales. ! ' ; I Futures steady; American middling,, low middling clause, January and Feb Msry5 15-61d, 5 14 64d; February and March 5 17-64d; March and April 5 19 61f, 5 20-64d, 5 49-641,5 18-64d, 5 19-64d; April and May i21-64d, 5 22 6td, 5 21 64d; Mayand June 5 24-61d, 5 23 6id; June and July 525-64d., " ')! Tenders 3,000 bales new dockets. " 4 p. j m. American uiiddlLpg fair 5ii; good middliag 5 l-16d; ifiiddling 5 d-16d; low middling 5 3-16Jftood ordi nary 5jl lbd; ordinary 4ja; January 13 64d,1 value; January and February 13-64d, value; February and March 5 15-64d, sellers; March and April 6 17 64d, value: April and May 5 l-64d. value; May and June b 21 64d, buyers; June and July 5 23-64d, value; July and August 5 25-o4dJ seller?; August and September 5 Z4-tj4d. sellers. Futures closed quiet, i .. '.. . . ' v; -i New York, Jan. 3 Cotton net receipts 4,601 bales; gross receipts 10,- 963 bales. Futures closed steady: sales 187,800 bales; January .9.52(39.53; Feb ruary j 9.649.6; March i 9 759.76; April y.bSfay.hS;; Uav, U Jane 10 02(310.03; Julyi 10 1)7(510.08; August 10.10C310.12; September blank, j New York, Jan. -3. Cotton easy; middling uplands 9cr midclfng Of eans lOic: sales 2,300 bale. Total net receipts at all ports for Jhree days 63,985 bales. Exports to Great Britain 3,978 bales; France 18,220 baler; contl nent28,891bales; Btock 1,133,650 bales. Galveston, Jan. 3. Cotton firm at9ic; net receipts 4,050 bales; gross re ceipts bales. L - l i Norfolk, Jan. j 3. Cotton quiet at 9 l-16c; net receipts 624 bales-; gross re- ilpts bales, j - -I : Savannah, Jan. 8. Cotton quiet at 9 7 16c; net receipts 878 bales; grcss receipts balds, 1 ' New Orleans, Jan.'i 3. Cotton steady at 9c; net1 receipts 910 bales; gross receipts 10,352 bales. ... Charleston. Jan. 3. Cotton steady at 9f a; net receipts 1,034 bales; gross receipts bales. , . i ! i . - : . - , i i t : i r- PROVISION3, GROCERIES, ETC. Baltimore, Jan-.- 3 Flour flroaer: Western' super Sn a S1.8532 10; do extra 2.25(33.1; do. family 93 Kg3 75. Wheat unsettled, iiigner ana nrmer; do. 2 red spot 771c tad: January 77. c; February 78ic; May 8!ic; milling wheat by sample 75(ffij. Cora firm; spot January 48o bid; -February 48a bid; Mav 50ic: white corn oy sample 4:34: yellow corn by sample 51(3 52c i Chicago, Jan., j 3 Cash quotations' were as louows: r iour nrmer oui no, large sales recorded; Np. 2 spring wheat 7Z$c; jno. 3 spring wneat oi9 63c;i No. 2 red 72jc.NO. 2 com 40o; No. 2 oats 30c. Mess orK Slo.oU. Lard 10.70. Short ribs' $8 88.85. Dry salted shoulders,! f8 50.a8 62i. Short clear sides S.OS.a.OO. WhisHey . tl.8P Chicago, Jan. : 8. The leading futures closed as louows, opening, cloeiag: 'Wheat, 'No. 2 -January 72,, 72J; May 79, 78&7Si; July 77t, 772. Corn. No. 2 January 40. J 401; Fbru ary 421, 42; May 1 45, 4513 45 Oats, No. 55 January iwttffljju, au; i-iorua rv31. Sli; May 3tf, 34i34. Mess UOrK- January na.w.iu.j, may iu u. r r a , s? tt ,ooc. . .in c r 16.75. Lard-January flOJO,- 10.70; May 810 00, 9.9J.i Short ribs January 3 75. 8 8J; May a u, .u.s .. New York. Jan. .-rFjour in mod erate demand arrd firmer; low extra 2 0OT32.&5: city mills- tS 40(34.00; city mills patents 84.35(34.50. k Winter wheat low grades 2.00(32 55;. paten U 3 85(3415; Mlnsesota clear- 2 50 3 60: ! Datents 1.2&34 7oi Soumeru ri.iur ouiet and firm; common to fair extra $2.103.10; 'good to choice ,-do S3 15134 25. Rve flour steady and dull; superfine 3 S03,4O. Wheat Spot firmer with options very dulr; iNo. red 79lc; io store . and elevator 80ia; afloat 79i(381; options fairly active, ex cited and irregular, opening strong at 1(3 He advance, declined t(3Hc, react ed t.ajic and closed firm; May and March most actiye; No. 2 red January 78tc;i March b0is;-May 82le,( Corn firm but dull: No. 8 49ic49lo In ele vator; 6Oic(350,3 afloat; ungraded mixed -49(3 i9i; steamer mixed 49o; op tions ! moderately i active and opened weak, declining Mcbto on large delive ries, reacted i(3a on covering, closing steady and unchasged to io down; May and January most; active; January &v,c: February 60ic; May 51io. Oats spots dull and firm; i options - quiet and strong; February tjnd January most ao- tlve; January Sotcs Jjeoruary a.tc; no. 2 white January 41ic; spot prices No 3 33361e; do. white 41c; No, 2 8K rale: do white 42ic: mix tti western 86,(333. p.ffee bptionsopened steady and unchanged to 6 points up; eiosea x January l6.U5ai6.30; February J16.05 io zu; March 15.85(fil6 20; A nril 16.00(316.10; May 15.70(3164)0; July jo.7u; September . $15.70(i15.90; spot no easier and quiet No.7 17c ourar raw quiet and firm; fair refining 8(3 3M6o; centrifugals 98 test 3 7-16c: re fined steady and more active; No. 6 4 34 iK5tc; jmo. 7 4i(34 5-16c; off A 4iC3 4 9-ioc; con rectio aers A 4t:3 9-16: cut loaf 5 5-16(35 Jc; standard A 411-16 4c; powdered 4 13-16(35c; granulated 4 ll-!65c: cubes 4 13-16(35c. Molasses foreign nominal; New Orleans fairly active and steady; open kettle new good to Choice 25(337c. Rice fairly active and steady; domestic fair to extra 3J(3 Bici Japan 4i(34ic - Petroleum .quiet and steady; crude in barrels Par ker's S5 35c; do. in bulk 82.85; . Washi ington in barrels $4.85; do. in bulk 2.35; refined at New York 5.40rPhiladel phla and Baltimore 15 35; do. ia balk 2.85(32.90. Cototf seed oil duly and steadier; crude 4l42; yellow- 41(3 46c Tallow quiet. Hides dull and st tidy. Wool firm and quiet; domestic fleece 25 a:32c; pulled 2 (333c; Texas 15 (321c Pork Btroog and quiet; old me 63 15 0015.25; new mess 416.00(316.50; extra prime nominal. Peanuts quiet; fancy hand-picked ,c; farmers 2i3 3. Beef firm and quiet; family $8:0C3 10 00; extra mesB $6.25(36.75; beef barns dull and steady; quoted at 814 50; beef dull and steady; tiercel bsef dull and firm; city extra India meBS 816.50(3 17.00; cut meats .firm; pickled billies 9i(39ic; do. shoulders 81; do hams Hi (3111c; middles firmer; short clear 19.10. Lard quiet and strong; western steam closed $11.05 asked; city 110.25; options January 811.00; March $10.40; May 810.25; refined quiet aul firm; continent 11. 30; South America 811.60. Freights to Liverpool firm and quiet; cotton 5-64d; grain lid asked. ' NAVAL STORES. New York Spirits ot turpentine quiet , and steady at 30131c. Rosin dull and steady; strained, common to good 81.321(31 35. ' Charleston spirltB turpentine firm at 271c. RoBln firm; good strained $1.00. Savannah Spirits turpv.u .u e quiet at 28c. i Rosin firm at 81.05(31.10. Liverpool Common rosin 3s, 71d. Liverpool Turpentine 22s 41d. London Turpentine, spirits, 22a; 4 d. Fine rosin strained H. 'arTveyesteuday. . " American schooner Ella R. Hill, Hill, Charleston, Geo. Harri6sVi fcba American schooner L'.na C. Kam fri sk!, Woodbury, New York, George Harris?, Spn & Co. American schooner Same Bizzell. Jones, Charleston, Gio. Harries, fcjon Steamer D. Murchison, Robeson, 'ayetteville, Jas. Madden. NJ CLEARED YESrEUDA.Y.' S weedfsb. bark Solid .Ohissen. Stettin. Heide & Co. Norwegian bark Z jus, Thorsen, Ani- erp, Jas. T. Riley &;j. . Steamer A. P. Hurt. Black. B ack river landings. Steamer D. Murchison, Robeson, 'ayetteville; Jas. Madden. "1 EXPORTS, FOREIGN. For Artwcrp, per Norwegian lark Zsus 4,115 barrels rosin, valued at 5,245. Cargo by S. P. Shotter & Co , vessel by Jas. 1 . 14 ley & (Jo. j P ! For Stettin, per Swedish bark Solid 4.689 barrelsV rosin, valuad at 8.S. 8o2.18. Cargo By Paterson, Downing & Co., vessel by iieide & Co. VESSELd IN THIS PORT OF 971L- MINGTON. , STEAMSHIPS. Hantcliff iBr.), 2,180 ton?, Lewis, Alex. Spruat & Son. . i v J City of -Worcester (Br.), 1,553 ton?. Fortune, Alex. Spruot&Son. . Guy Colin (Br.), 1,463 tor.fi, Dawson, Alex. Sprunt eon. A Tripoli (Br.), 1,687 ton Coates Heath Cotton Company. I - ' BARKS, j Daisy (Nor ), 456 tons, Ho bcrn, Pat- " i S : . erson, Downing & Co. i Joreensen (Dan.) 568 tons, Jorgen- sen, jas..T. Ulley & Co., Aiouisa (Ger.), 590 ton p. Wegener, E. Peschau & Co. Atlantic (Ger.), 291! tons, Stein- brugge, E. Peschau & Co. ) i On war a (Nor.), 558 tons O.en, Ham- sen, Heide & Co. ! j - SCHOONERS. ; Eila R. Hill (Am.), 92 tons. Hill. Geo. Harrlss, Son & Co.! - LlnaC. Kaminski (Am.) 414 tons. Woodbury, Gtorge Harriss, Son & Co. Sallie Bizzell (Am.), 90 tons. Jones. George Harriss, Son & Co. . Hobert A. Snyder (Am.). 347 tons. Guthrie, Geo. Harriss, Son & Co. IV. S. Graham (Am.), 321 tons, Tay- or, ueorge Harriss, Son & Co. Max (Am 1,177 tons, Patrick. George Harriss, Son & Co. j Martio C. Ebel (Am.), 393 tons. Mc Millan, George Harriss, Son & Co. Beth M. Todd (Am.), 178 tons, John son, Geo. Harris, Son & Co. Mattle A. Franklin (Am.). 406 tons. McDonald, Geo. Harriss, Son & Co. Mabel Darling (Br.), HI tons. Rani ger, Cronly & Morris. Roger Moore (Am.). 318 tons. Miller. Jas. T. Riley & Co. Orlando (Am ), 180 tons. Benson.GvO. Harriss, Son & Co. ; j Closing and Openlne of the TO all. On and after Sunday, January lst,1893, tie mails at the Wilmington, N. C, post office will close and be ready for delivery, : as fol- -!.-. ' ' - close. . : - , ' : For Mt. Airy and way stations, C. F. & Y. V. railroad. . . ... .1.00 A..M. Southport .u ..... . 5:30 " Shallotte, Brunswick county Tuesdays and Fridays. ..... t .6:00 Wrightsville .....i.6:20 ' " Peanut, Onslow county Mon-I days and Fridays. . . . . . . . . . .6:30 " North, and way stations, W. ' - At W. railroad 8:30 ' Cape Fear river, Tuesdays and i Fridays 11:00 P.M. " Clinton, Magnolia and Golds- I ' boro, shoorry' 3:00 " " South, and way stations, W. i : C.i&A. railroad.... 5:25. " " Charlotte,' and way stations, i j C.C. railroad 6:00' " " Wilson, and points North, connecti with No. 14 W. & W. railroad......... ....7:00 " MAIL8 BEADT FOB DELIVERY WHEN TRAINS ABE J OJt TIME. ' " i ; ' from Mt. Airy, and points on C. 1 I ' ( Charlotte, and points on C. C. r railroad....... .8:30 " gonth, and points on W. C. & i ! i A. railroad 9:50 " . 4 Landings on Cape Fear river, Tuesdays and Fridays 8:00 " " Clinton, Magnolia, and Golds- -boro, "shoony" 12 M. " Southport .5:00 P. M. " Shallotte, Brunswick county, ' I Mondays and Thursdays. 7:00 " Peanut, and Onslow county;' Tuesdays and Saturdays 7:30 " " WrightsvillB.......... 7:3Q North, and way stations, train i N6. 23, W. & W. railroad.... 7:30 " Through mail . 11:30 : UKO. Z. FKE3TCH, ST. M. 7 Leak8yille Herald: rnach to learn tat We regret very Bey. Mr. En oanxs, who has been the rector oc the Episcopal church here will leave this field. He has accepted a call ta couth Curolma. I t ( Bncklen i Arnica Salve. The be3t salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, , Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever S res, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin E up tioaa, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Priced cents per box. Fer sale bj RoVt R. Bellamy. : barely steady at 20(330 points down; PRICES CURRENT. Tha Quotation Represent Prices Whole '":-ri.-"-"' 1 i - - " . ' - ' PROVISIONS. - BACON North Carolina. Hams, t 13 Wdes, Tl..,...j.. 9 a it BA JON SUGAR CURED H i .Iams,. J;.... 14X HUouldera, ft................... 8 & DRV SALTED -. i . Siflas, 9 p ..'....! 9 Pork, barrel uiy Mess, LARD 9 1& Compound (Basli Trcs) . ,8 i() 11 x-are.... i FLOUR, GRAIN, HAY, FLOUR, Isarrel M Western, iov grads.. .......... .8 60 " extra..L..... 4 0X110 family...... ....4 K Q4 50 GRAIN, bushel- ; T Corn, rrorrf store, ibags, white. " mixed, front store, bags. K6 Kl 61 A S 60 CO 65 &&& 57 X 54 : jat8, irom!!-re. riut oroof ... wjw peas. CORN HEAL, 9 buskel in sacks. in car low ij..... HAV, 9 100 fis Eastern ...j Western, No. 1. Western No. g. RICE ' ii i . Common V lt .. Fair ii Good ...... J.... Primes Bt. ' .i . ;, .. ,11 i 1,00 ,80 95 5H s CANDLES, 9; fc Sperm j Adamantine . . . . . COFFEE, 9 tJilVft Laguyra Rio I' MOLASSES, ft gal Ion; Now crop Cuba, in bids ... " " in bote , Porto Rloo, in hhtts..U " " ixtbbls...iL Syrup, In bbi3.......U SALT, 9 sack, Alum....1........., - Liverpool 150 S to 300 ft sacks SUGAR, 9 lb-Standard gran... . 3S S7 SO i eoa 60 ii 5 a 4 4J4(C9, , i ,35 I 75 ft sianaaraA.i... White Ex C. .. Kxi-raC. Golden SOAP9 box. .si 25 4 00 I BAGGING, TIES, BARRELS, &C BAGGING !T : - I ' - M .-: i Si- Jute. ...!.. ...1. 7 7K Acme..'.. ....t...J i.... ."TX & BARRELS Spiritslturpentlne I becond band, each L. ...1 Sa New York, eacb.i J ..1 00 7il .1 60 . 1-m s . ICQ 1 10 Waft. , &o. .. ! . 7 50 s a , 1 25 18 0030 (0 New City, each... L...J GLUE, B........J j......... COTTON TIES, a bundle HOOP IRON, U ...... ' I j 1 BUILDING MATERIAL BRICKS, Wilmington, 9 M..,.. LIME, m barrel .. ..:.. . . . . . LUMBER, city saweu, 9 M leet. Ship stuff, resawed . . . . .L i iXough eil'-e, plank t . 15 0OQ16 00 West Iiiaies cargoes, accdrdiCK i wj q iauiy l... Dressen llooring, seasoned. ScanU:ag and board, com'n .13 0C15 ro .lfi 0i20i0 .12 0014-00 x I 90 NAILS, $ keg, cut. 60d basif OILS, 9 gallon Kerosene i. . rt - Lard Linseed ( Kaw). Linsesd (Bailed).. Rosin Tar......v...Wi... Deck and spar.... 10X 67 4? 60 20 20; 25 25 85 SlINGLES.hanim! ade, cypress Tx4 a 'arts, M - " sits.... .... 6x21 heart?. ..i... saps.........., 6x20 h- arts , tnpi 5x20 heaitd SiP'...- 8058 50 6 OUg.6 50 6.0O5i6 60 4 f0a4 50 4 5)6 6 00 , 0(i8 6 I 6 l&3 UO 8 OOQ 4 00 o ooaio oo 13 5U15 00 8 0010 60 7 00a-8 5J 5 00 6 5 3 00 4 O! STAVES, 9 M W. Q. barrel. R O. husaeal i U....L.. TIMBER, 9 M feet shipping.. ... Miu prime.... .., j Millfair... J.,, . Common, mill. I.. ::::::: lot&rjdT to ordinarv. li i COUNTRY PRODUCE PEANUTS, 9 bushel 28 lbs Prime Extra Prima Fancy 50 (3 6) v 60; (5 65 m 70 BEESWAX, 9 a.. 35 'i BUTTER, 9 lb ' j North Carolina.., ' Northern ....... is a 18 3) 30 13 CHH.ES 15, 9 lb i ii ' i2H;a 10 iMoriQern l act cry Dairy, ere im ...... SI ate... ....... .. 13 10) To change my business 1 sistmg m par WALL PAPER, ROOM MOULDING, WINDOW .13 S8 . s e s . . SO . 19H3 v . 18 O WX X COST i Xi.I. WILLIAMS, 113 .XT-roxit St ma WE HAVE A IIWIXESi - LVI AJLSU i I WHICH WE WILL CLOSE OUT AT GREATLY REDUCE7) PRICES FOR THE THKSE GOODS WE IMPORTED AND ARE sat. xiinii. WM. E. !SPRINGR & ! I 8 IrSaportexs 7: 1 i ir . , - . i-, Purcell Building, I i Christmas Gifts. Christmas j Gifts. MAKE YODR FRIENpS A PRESENT, OF THERE ANYTHING MORE APPROPRIATE! GREAT! ! ?77t7' : '1 DINING ROOMSUITT I AM MAKING SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ON ALL 'FURNITURE FROM NOW UNTIL JAN.lST,lS93. PARLOR SUITS WORTH $35 SELLING NojW FOB $28. BEOROOM SUITS AT $22 50 WORTS $30. SIDEBOARDS PERHAPS YOU MIGHT LIKE A RATTAV RACK, LADIES' OR GENTLEMEN'S WRITING C'H1JA fKBaSES, OFFICE CHAIKs, Olt ONIS Gl V 1 8. i-i li i - CATALOGUES AND ILLUSTRATIONS ON APPLICATION.: A E WATS MENTION WHAT ARTICLES ARE WANTED. . I give special attention to all mail orders. You rrom me by mail as u y ou were here and bought the goods, as the Illustrations show nothing but teed to please or money refunded, order rrom id. M". ANDREWS, 16 and 18 West Trade St, ;. ; 'I 1 1 t--. . -"..-7 I- 'f I; - --Js-j I i i CALL AND SEE OUR-MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF; f Li r . ' - ChristmasBooks and novelties. OUR: STOCK IS SO LARGE AND VARIED Presents - to -I AND A.T I -i U'-i;-a 'j -. I ' ! i .! PROMPT AND POLITE! ATTENTION. H MARKET TS A TRUE STONE CEMENT PREPARED piled as Kalsomlne, but gives a hard finish, Is neater, more artistic in effect and more healthful Elegant effects In TINTING, SHADING, STENCIL, RELIEF and other work easily obtained. 5Q; CENTS COVERS 50 j SQUARE YARDS. vi Y. M. C A BUILDING, SOS NORTH FRONT STSEETj WILMINGTON, H... 18 4H POTATOES, V ooshel jnan, v ooi- 7S 9 83 POULTRY Chickens, Uto, grown. ?5 .15 85 .76 109 " U " i spring. TURKEYS NeTer Too Late. No hour is too late to mend in. But one minute after the train starts is too late to get ready. Like the little boy with .the toy railroad like the real road and the actual traffic, we begin to run out our day's trsins in the morning and hardly weary of them far into the night. How many of them start on schedule time? jlf the railroad, even in time of i snowdrifts, or floods, or accidents, allows its trains to linger a few moments be hind time, the depots and vcars are filled with complaints. Are we half so particular in our own affairs? I Do we not start our day and our breakfast at most irregular hours? And if the early train is behind time, who will keep track clear all day and re-arrange the disordered time-tables? Whose fault is it? everybody's but the condemnation rests especially oh the wife and house keeper, if she allows the first meal of the day to drag and grow tardy when at a mo ment's notice she could provide a meal suit able for the most delicate appetite : or the heartiest railway engineer, by using Heck ers' j Self -Raising Buckwheat which is al ways.--on time." Appointments by the Bishop of Ems ii ' I f Carolina. Wednesday, January 4, St. James', Beau fort county.. jj i i i Thursday, January 5r St Augustine's, Fantego.i . ' . .. - Friday; January 6, Epiphany, M, P., l eatesville. , -. Sunday, Januarys 8, first after Epiphany, M. P., Zion church, i Beaufort countv- . Sunday, Januaryj8, first aftei Epiphany, E.' St.Thomas', Bath. : , i tfAnvt,rt TMkHH . 14 "4r Ta t t nnZd11 n' M' ?-' St John'1' wurnam 8 ureek. H ,. . . i . Thursday. January 12.Chatel of theCrofn Aurora., j .i . , i . 1 : - . ; .-i 1 i Saturday, January 14, Haw Branch. S ! Sunday; J anuary lo.second after Epiphany, M. P., Choc o A'inity.! Sunday; January 15; second after Epiphany, E. Pi, St Peter's, Washington.- Monday, January 16,; E. P., St Paul's, Greenville. - ,' !-. - .-. Wednesday, January 18, M.PEmmanueL Farmville. ' . 4. -. i , . 1. . Thursday, January 19, M P., St John's Pitt county. "j. ; 1 . ; . : Thursday, January 19, E. P. v ! Friday, January 20L M. P., Dawson's School House. I .. j '. if s . , . :. Sunday January 22, third after Epiphany. St. Barnabas' , Snow .Hill, Consecration. . ; mesaay,. January 24, M.'.P., Holy Inno- cents, Lenoir county y. 1 - 1 :- . v 26 E. P;, St Stephen's inursaay, januar' uoiasDoro; A Million Friend?. A friend in need is a friend indeed, and hot less than one million people have; found jut such a friend In Hr, King's Vew Discdvery for Consump tion,! Coughs and Colds. If vou have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one tnai ; win convince you mat It nas wouaenui curative powers la all dis eases of . Throat, Chest and Lungs. do all be re R- R. bottles Each bottle ; Is guaranteed to that is claimed or j money will funded. ! Trial bottles free at iielamy's Drug Store. Large ouc. ana si.uu. reserving; Praise. i We desire tp say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's t?ew Discovery for Consump tion, Dr King's New Life Pills, Buck len's Arnica Salve and Electrio Bit ters, and have never handled remedies that tell as well, or that have given such) universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee- them every time; and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if I satisfactory re fults do not follow; their use. These remedies: have- won their r great popu larity purely oa their merits, XR. R. Bellamy, Druggist.- i. j ? I - - will sen my enti re stock con- SHADES, FURNITURE iDAMASE, ETC., ETe Ii FEW HANDSOME - TEA - SETS, i Ml - I HOLIDAYS. CALL AND VERY FINE (QUALITY AND CHEAP. a i arid) J"oTDTDelre,' ".: - ; - Hi -A -. , il-'-l . Wilmington- N. C., I New Year Gifts. New Year Gifts. SOMETHING! USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL. IS THAN A BED ROOM SUIT APARLOR SUIT OB AT $10, $15 AND $25, WORTft FAR MORE MONEY OH PLUSH ROCK KR, A- CENTRE TABLE, HAT DBsK, Ai PICTURE, EASEL, HALL CHAIRS. UUUKitU UTlliSrt USHJfUli AJHD ArmoriUAiA -! : j -it ALL MY GOODS WILL BE GLADLY SENT XVM ojijfci:jaXS will be given lust as low price on goods you order in person and you will Be Just as well pleased vita. my prettiest and best styles. Everything is guaran- me at once and save money, Charlotte, N C. THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE! TO ENUMEXATE. ' - it..! I.--;----- ,- - Sialt A.IL.T-i PRICES.! STBEBT.s tx FOR WALL DECORATION. IT IS AS EASILY EGGS, 9 dozen HIDES, fl lb Green. Dry .. REDUCTIOIS. ..7"!-;li- 71'. m..- W:u AP - LOOK! LOOK! AND-RE MEMBER THE GRAND HOLI DAY SEASON IS NOW ON HAND AND AS THE i SEASONS' THAT HAVE PASSED WE ARB HEADQUARTERS TOR - . OTJB TOY DEPARTMENT IN OUR STORE IS FILLED COMPLETE AMD OUR PRICES ARE THE CHEAPEST OP ANY HOUSE 'IN THE! STATE. WE BUY OUR TOYS FROM HEADQUAR- -TEHS FOR THE- 8POT CASH AND THAT ENABLES US TO MEET ALL COMPETITION IN PBICES. WE COR DIALLY INVITE INSPECTION. COME " AND SEE US AND GET OTJR PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF I Mil-- MILLINERY GOODS SILKS, RIBBONS, FEATHERS.PLUMES AND HATS THAT WE BOUGHT AT SStfO ON THE DOLLAR THAT WE ARE SELLING WAY BELOW COST. COME ONE, COME ALL AND GIVE U8 A SHOW.-REMEMBER WHERE WE ARE AT, ? I x . , STORE, f OPPOSITE MARKET. 11T Soutk Front Street, WUmlngten, N C. OR ADD & GATLORD, PROP Headquarters for Nsw York and Boston. HIW TEAR 31 QLUTiOMS. " P E LVI T0 KEEP YOURSELF HE VLTHY . A by jwlug nice refreshing UoUut soap pnr- chafed at I 3u(itin armacv A bif line Of SoatM Inct TMIvorl 1av 91 u. Ac, per box. . i . 11 . - lAINTS !PAINTS The Best to he Had Of Chas. m.: whitlock, uo aorta none street, j V1 WILMINGTON, N. C. Dissolution. THE FIRM OF ATKINSON Sc MANNING IS 1 J1U2.,day d'aaolved by-mutual consent, Ed ward Wilson Manning retiring. i tfwnn wil,uhu ATKINSON, 1 j EDWARD WILSON MANNING Copartnership. JOHN WILDER ATKINSON WILL ON THE 1st of January admit his unn WiiHftm Mam Atkinson Into partnership. i The style of the firm wulje Atkinson & Son. - j Dec si, '91 ; idec3lim fbok Pma 89, East Rnnra n: Y. LOCATXD BSTWXKN CHAXBKB8 AND ROOSSTBZr I . Stbmts. At s CCumk P. K. SAILING FROM NEW YORK FOR WILMING TON, n. ci - r ' ii- .. Saturday, December 81st, '92 Saturday,; January 7th, '9 S. S. PAWNEE. S. S. CROATAN WILMINGTON FOR NEW YORK.- . &S.tntOATAN..!...Satarday. December sist, '93 S. 8. PAWNEE . . .Saturday, January 7th, '93 WILMINGTON FOR GEORGETOWN, S..C, Si CROATAN S, PAWNEE . Tuesday, December 27th, '98 ..... Tuesday, January's!, '93 Tkrongk Bills of Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina. . (-1 tar-For Freight or Passage apply to 1 f 1 . H. t. SHALLBONSS, I !' t 1 v - Superintendent. Tbbo. G. Eaaa, Trafflo Manager, i j j I Bowling Green, New York,'; Wic P. CLTOT Co., General Agents,' junesi-tt :. Bowling Green. New York. "ITTILMINOTON A. jCLrjON RAILBOAD VV r AND BRANCHES. AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. "1 . . . mm CONDENSED SCHEDULE, V TRAINS GOING SOUTH. al , M DATED Jab. 1st, 1S94. 12 j5 f-i .a O 3) KG P M. p. M. P. M, A M Leave Weldon. . f 19 801 6 05 11 SO 6 16 7 23 Ar. Kocxy Mpont I 1 39, 4 03 13 S4 Arrive Tar boro. Leave Tarboro.. 1 S 85 ..... 18 68, P. M. Ly. Rocky Mount Leave Wilson.... Leare Selma. .... 1 89 26 ... OS IS 35 1 S3 6 88 1 15 S 001 S 25 T 68 2 85 8 SO 6 16 8 80 ......I 8 81 Lv. FayetteviUe. Arrive iriorence, 10 S3 10 40 6.05 KG .1. s !P. M.I . : A. M Leave wuson., SSS .6 48 ...... I 58 8 SO ,T 85 ....... 8 43 4 SO 8 4T I I 9 65 6 00 10 25a...... 11 86 Leave Goldsboro Leave MasnoUa., r Ar. Wilmington. P. M. P M r A. M 1 TRAINS GOING NORTH I t- K O OS H ' ' Dated Jaa. 1st, 1693. .a O 93 SCO cS.bc ft 0 a 5 A M. a. m. 80 V 48 1 14 1 68 P.M. 7 30 9 40 "iiso aM. a so 9 S 11 49 Dt 60 Leave Florence. 6 10 Lv.FayettwrUie. Leave Selma... Arrive Wilson .. ft pTm 8 60 9 30 16 S3 11 16 ! i ' i ; A. M P. M. P. M. Lv. Wilmington. 9 80 11 10 12 SO 1 10 4 00 6 4n 6 69 7 48 Leave Magnolia. iieaveuoidsDoro Arrive WUsod.. Jl If- A. M. 1 68 8 43 P. M. P. M. P. M. Leave Wilson. 1 10 IK 11 SO T 4S 8 20 Ar. RpckyMoont 12 08 Arrive Tarboro. Leave Tarboro.. S 86 12 68 :y , 1 SI 3 06 P. M S 42 S 45 P. M. IS 08 8 90 Arrive ; Weldon. 1 01 9 kLa Mi P. M. Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 6:90 n. m., Halifax 6:46 p. m., arrive Scot land Neck at 6:40 p. ol, Greenville 8:lSp. in., Kin- ton kso d. m. iteturmna leaves . ins ion k m m., Greenville 7:41 &. m., arriving Halifax at 160 a. m., Wldon 10:46 a. m. daily except Sunday. Trains on washUEton Branca leave wasomg- ton 6:40 a m., arrives Parmele stlO; a m.', Tar- boro 9:10; retunur.g leaves Tartxwo i:o p. m, Parmele 8:00 p. m., arrives Washington 9?M, v m. DaUy except Sunday, Connects with tr.tins on ScotUad Neck Branch. ! . - Tr 'eaves Tarboro, N. C.vla Albemarle and RalelA i B. R. daily, except Sunday, at 6r00 p. m.. SuBday s:oo p. m.; arrives nymoutn io:io p. m. 6: pi m. Returning leaves Plymouth dally, ex - -I V i. cept Sunday, rS8 a. m., Sunday 10:00 a. m., ar rive Tarboro 9:46 a m. and 12.-20 a. m. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds bore daily, except Sunday, 6:00 a. m., arriving Smithfield 730 a m. : Returning leaves Smlthfielo 8:00 ai m.; arrive at Goldsboro 93d a m. S Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 6:16 pl m., arrtves Nashvllls 6:60 p. m.. Spring Hope 7:16 p. m. - Returning leaves Spring Hope 8.-00 a. m., Nashville 836 a. sol, arrive at Roeky Mount f-.iS a. m., daily except Sunday. - Trains on Latta Branch Florence R. -R. leave Latta f;3fl p. m.: arrive Dunbar 8:40 p. m. Re turning leave Dunbar 60 a. m.; arrive Latta 7:16 a. as. DaUy except Sunday. i - - Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw fot Clinton daily, except Sunday, at 6:00 p. m. and 1130 a. m. Returning leaves Clinton at &20 a in and 9:1 6 p. m., connecungat Warsaw with Noa. 41, 4o, n and is. Train No. 78 make close connection at Weldon for all points North dally. AU rail via Richmond and dally except Sunday via Bay Line. Also at Kooky Mount daily except Sunday, with Norfolk and Carolina Railroad for Norfolk and all potato North vl.MarfofeHNy prviNB, Gem Supt J.BYKENLY, Gen' Manager. ----- h ,n ; T. V. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. i I 7v ;; . -7 7: "77 7- 'fLANTIC COAST LINE WnJnHOTOH, COLCICBU 4 AOflUSTA Rirf.'Tni CONDENSED SCHEDULE TrK3 OOINO SOCTH. Dfted Jan. 1, 1953 No, S3. No. 6S i. M. 85 : ;l 1 9 41 10 ?5 Not 60. A.IM. 3 SO i 35 AIM. i 4 M "4 35 Leari Mirlnn ArrlTe Florence"... '. A. M tl 41 9 3f' -?0. 62. A. M. 9 43 10 65 :::::: Arrive Banner. .1. '. '. teays Snmfer.. rii Arrlvl) Coinmbia".". fralV RrUTl.P1 Charleston naCen Irf9Sn?: UVka ,f . m.. Manning TBAIK8 OOINO K0BTS Ka 81. Leave Colombia... P. M. 10 45 10 AmYiSumter...,7. A M. 12 05 7 2S No. S9 A. iLjj. M Leaye SniTitur Arrivd Florent e".. U 05 tl 8U 1 SO . No. Iia A M. 5 TlO 5 13 ! i 9 0 1 j . : ! Leave'Florence. . ' LeayejMarionv....i ArrlyJwilnjlngtoat i auy. Tuaiiy except ! Sunday, "M iu. aa runs taroueh to :Marirf- 1 a a Rimini 11:69 a m 3 . " -- t,iui Utlilf ft ?-. prive Runner l:4iu. iffl i Traifas oo Hartsville R Ki 1. m U, i'UL v iio "ciuiuicg, icaye Kimtni IS aO :7'l .1 : ' 1 6;f)a. 1.,.. TT . . leave Flo? riB 9:46 n u.,arnving uartsTUle 1Q;6 o. fuy except .onnaay.- R& H . " uni?gtfn, Chadbourn and Conway KKilrad leave Ch.iih.inr, ii.4 ." .:UW"T ?Wpfm :Z'rletT lave-Conw t fSartJm;; r6 ch3,Jl'1ai-u 5:20 p. m. Leave a?.urB and6:S0 p. inV, arrive II ub -IVA n3 .4S6:n tm-turnta8 leave hSS a. jui Traffic CONDENSKD SCHEDULE I Lh Effect November, iSTlH. 1S93. Southbl nd Daily. ill- Northb'nd , Dally. MAIN LINE7- No.i ;Na a 11.00 p. 7.46 7.20 6.00 413 ftdK m; Ar.....wllmingtori Ly.....Fayetteville ..Lv ..Ar ..Lv s.00 a. m. o.US R2T 9 48 fr.... irayettevilleL . . .-. .oaniord. . Climax.. 11.44 a401 " . . , .Greensborol . .Ar .Lv 12.15 p. m. 2 67 9.80 1.62 L22 r.....ureensboro i.v......stoke8lale 1.2a 1.56 S.33 S.02 4.25 " JNtfw Jun.-Wal. CoveAr Ar N4 Wr J nn- WaLCove Lv Lv.. ..Rural Hall liOOncba MtAiryh .Ar Southbfnd paUy Northb'nd DaUy BSKKKTTSVIIXI Drv, JNo. $. No. 10)15 p. 9.20 8.49 8.05 T,47 m. Ar.. .. Bennettsville .....ifailon... Ly Mea. m. ...Red Springs ....Hone Hills i 6.30 7.o T-43 8.02 Ly.'. "i .Ar ..Fayetteville Southb'bd Dady Ex. Sunday. Northb'nd Daily Ex. Sunday. Factobt axt Madiso BaAKCBxa. INo. IA Ar Ramseur .Ly 6.40 al m. " ........Climax... 8.B5 9.20 It 00 av. . . . . wreensboroi Ar ..... Greens borbj .Ly .At " Stokesdale Lv Madison, i H 20 p m. ' 1.10 p. m. except Sunday. a I t JS.1t.V?nf lct5Ta snwrd with Seaboard Air-Lin lor Raleigh, Norfolk andall oonitaNort'i and East, and at Walnut Cove i with the Norik 4 .Western R. K. for W'inston-Silem.RLote ad . FJ'H1-1 connects at Walnut Cove with Nor. fofk and Western li. R. for WirtonSale Roa ok ancf all points North and West of RoiZk I9 MSaiHtr1 Wlth Seaboard AlrTtoe for MwaV Charlotte. Athena. Atlanta ,-i7, . ,and Southwest ' ' Q nffvf Sleeping Carl on Seaboard" Air Liae trains North and South from Sanford and on Sole We8tetn NtTifd West from taaflSXS1' Wummon, WetteviUe, M ax- haye five hours in lialeig and ieaclT horne-'aamo Ample time elven i time given passengers for breakfast and supper j at Fayette v jenevuje, and dinner at Walnut e.nJ;iIi. GenrPfenger Agent ! H ARD AIR LINE OLINA CENTRAL RAIL ROAD '4 . I-. - T.4 i "3t CONDENSED SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. NoV. 30189, No.83 No.4T N6.4S Dally ex So DaUy Dally lex Su Leave Wilmington.... . Leave Pembroke " T i !' ' 7- Leave Maxton Leave Laurinburg. Leave Hamlet ..... Leave Wadeaboro.....". Leave Monroe. ........ P. M. .4 8 10 9 06 10 10 11 00 Amve charlotte Leave Charlotte lveave Llncolnton Leave Shelby ... ..:... Arrlye Ruthertordtpn.1.! EASTBOUND TRAINS. Us'b.e4No.s8 Daily DaUy Dally ex en ex Su Leave Kutherfordton... Leave Shelby Lave Lincoln ton M. Arrive Charlotte. I Leave Charlotte........ Leave Monroe Leave Wadesboro...:. Leate Hamlet Leave Laurinburg..... Leave Maxton 7 80 Leave Pembroke ... Arrive Wilmington SCHKDtXS BXTWXIH W1LMIKGT0K ! AKD ATLANTA. Leave Wllmineton 7:30 n m arris AtnraR-in No. lj coo p. 1m. S.5 f 4.25 il. 8.C8 p. Jm. 1.60 p. jm. .' r Dallv CBABO CAR jgajj gaoaas Pnyave Atlanta 836a. m. arrive WUiaiagton ' -oitwpera on w ana oetween wumininon and Charlotte - - -, ) - -. $ f - Pullmans on 41 and 88 between Portsmouth and Atlanta. . v j , -(- jNos. 4i;and 88 solid betweenf Portsmouth and Charlotte. - - i i -i -. - i. -,. . , i . - Noi. 43 Sand 36 make connection! at Lincolnton to and from Western North Carolina. ; i Noi S3 and 24 make connection from and to all Ennts South and West with G C. and N. I at onrpe. j . - . , - J . J unttuee points at Pembroke, with Short Cut A. C. L,Iat Maxton with C. F. and Y.V.,and A.AL.R at Wadesboro with Cheraw and Sallsburyit Ham let with R. and A. at Monroe with! G. C and N., at Chiriofte with R. and D. system, at Lincoln ton wlthjC. and L. Narrow. Guage.l at bhelbv ana xvuuierioruion wnn s cs. I I 1 I d KUI J JNO. c. WINDER, Gent Manager. L T. MYEKS, Gen'l Superintendenu WM. MONC17K12. Kniunintn1irit; A Tl oWTmiT m . . " - TTrriJilNGTON 8EA.COST.RAlL ROAD. Ro iirid, Trip Fare LB IN EFFECT DEC. 11th, 1893. T E PRISCESS STREET I Daily ex JU Sunda v at 730 A. ju ,. ana 23U p. m. LEAVE! THE HAMMOCKS &10 a. m. and 6:00 p. m. ! SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Princess Street at 3:00 p. m. land leave the Hammocks 6:15 p. m.t 4- r to. j it. hoijAK. ues'i jaanager. W klti BAIL ROAD. 1 25 CIS. TIME TAB AVE IN EFFECT THURSDAY, JTJN? 16th. 189S . LEAVEi WTLMTNGTC N DAILY FOR JAC gonvilJe and intenre Mate stations at 4.00 p. n.' Leave Wilmington dtBy, except Saturday ana Sunday, for Jackson vll. and intermediate points at 9 a. -in. I . i i Trains arrlye at WCn ington dally, except Sun day, at S.O0 a. m., dally e icepf Saturday and Sun day at 6:90 p. in., an on Saturday at 930 pt m addittonali --- 1 -- Steamerj on New River leaves Jacksonville daily, except Sunday, for Marines and lntermedl ate points at 6:80 a. m., arriving at Jackson villa on return at I n. m. : H. A. WHITING, j. w. martenis, jQsnorai Ma&ager . wea i raseengor a-gsaw, y 88 jept