THE WILMlK&0$li MESSENGEB, WEDNESDAY, JANUAltY 4, ISfao'. ,r ' " - - - - - - -- - - . if ' mm Entered according to general repiauon . the! postofflce matter. " at I New Ad'ver"ene Lost Special. Mjr Rent Special. ! Paper Hangtng SpeclaL j . '. ESirlesfor 1S0S Helnsberger Masonic Meet ng W. A. Martin. iiwto Rico Molasses D. L. Gore. Received Carolina Insurance Co.; - Stockholders Meeting William Kennlsb. nirhta of 'ptttitaa Meetin b W. C. Vonfaiaiin. Official "Weather Forecasts, ; NORTH CAROLINA'. V- Fair, westerly wins,- becoming nible. 1 U. S. DEP T OF AGRICULTURE - WvatheK BUREAU, JE, ) 93. ) -Wjlmington, N. Ci. JaD,.4tiJ, 183 liUta for 2f hours erjdiog 8 p. in. last night. -" Maximum temperature, 49 , Mini miam temperature, 33". ; fjormaltemperature for the day, ae dueed froV 20 years observations 44 Jiepariure iruui uuiui, . ,um of departure tince January 3, plus 10. ;,: r ilainfall for the day .01 inch; '' KTotal rainfall for the month 1st to date, ;94iDcb. ; - ' . " ii PITHY LOCALS. ; brh Wilmlncton cotton market clos a rfutt vesterdKV at 91 for miaannR a basis). , : . The installation cf officars for the en- RiHrct term of Clarendon Ledge K.. oi r w U take place tc-mgm. a iuu aace is aesireu. tp- ecv nrsifir nfeetinff at the vf m n a. auditorium fat 4 o'clock this afternoon will consider the topic "Prayer for Nations atd Their Rulers. ! "fThere have been eyangelistic services ad the Brooklyn. .Baptist ctwircn eacn ly this week, j We are told that the Ktbv. W. T. Jones preached a great pJrmon there- last night. Mr.. Jone -.rJn rrAiM-.h Birin to-cieht at 7:30 o'clock. ATTare inyited to attend. Tr. Piza will maet with a very con dial greeting by our people, and manvvill take advantaga of the..- eat or. iqfnity of hearing him in his inim -able eitertawmeni io-nagni &i iue i . .A, auditorium, and of making' jJfac iqiiaintatce at the reception to b'fc'giveri him afterwards. ' tThere were received in theWilming tqn market yesterday 122 bales cbt tdn;. 33 casks spirits turpentine, 1,163 barrels rosin, 83 barrels tar and bar rels crude turpentine. ' The receipts tie c.r responding day last year were 5Cj8 bales cotton, 171 casks spirits tuJ pentine E52 barrels roein, 132 barrels tar and 4 carrels crude turpentine. -If public officers become dhsatisfied with the -criticisms by the Messenger o( their efficial acts and stop their p iper, we cannot help it. It is an evi . dnce that! the Messenger hits hardj aid when it intends to hit it means to ht hard. Th nnt journals The province of the promi- a is to guard the public in tdrests, ana the Messenger does not idteod by fear or favor to depart from lue coursa it has t3 ken to give the newt tq'our people and the truth and whole trfuth in regard to allpublic officers aid matters. . list.: Matthew's. Yiutheran Sunday- Bchool,iBrooklyn, g'ave.a very enjOjable entertainment j in the church Tuesday evening, December 27tb. Notwith Standing the inclemency of the weath e'll, the church was nearly filled with tqe i ana memoers oi tne un div school. : The - superintendent and pupils 'rendered an appropriate Christ mks'sirvice, iolerspersed with recita tipns by tome of the little ones and an address by the: pastor, with beautiful EeJctionsof Chriatinasmucic.y Aarge nrd gr'asef jf trea was lighted: with cajj- uiies,anu handsomeresents were given tojevecy meaibsr of the Sunday school Npr were tbia paster and organist for gotten, Dr. ! Burnheim being presented wlh an elegant oak rocking chair up- nqisterea la blue piush, ana Miss An nip Bcesh, the skillful and fallhfu organist, was maclo the recipient of a very handsome phoiograph album. Al tlfese gifts werehigkly appreciatedahd . served. to thow the good will existing Irj this infant and struggling congrega- Iteorgaulza tlie Estate Guard. . in our IfaJeigh letter will be found a eybopsis of the report for 1S92 of In spfector General SrxfUh, of ther State ; jrhe Messenger aSyaes with In spsctor General Smith in his opinion about tha Sta'e Guard reorganization, and suggests, that taid. reorganization eliou'd begim at: the head. With good general officers w will soon have good soldiers. ; :.- - ' " s Jt was parfecUy evl 'ent during the two iencampments last summer that sotne of the guard officers were dojog ai in iae;r poser 10 maise encampmg at Wrightsville ' distasteful ani dis agreeable to the soldiers, f jr tha- pur pise, evidently, of cheating a sentiment aaoong the soldiers against holding otherjencampments there. . ". ie?. By all means let the State Guard ba reorgbn'z-d. Let the work of; reorganization begin' where it is mpst naaded, a-nd let it be dona thor ougbly, and we will soon have a citizen exaiery that any State would be p OUd Of. : r . . I" TUe Readme To-NIght. : Eveiybpdy in Wilmington of literary tastes or literary cultivation should be present at the reading of Mr. Thomas Ktljjon Page in the Y. M. C. A. audi torium to-night, Apart from Mr. Pige's great 'success tssan entertatner, the man himself should be a great at' traction.. In the first place he is) i Southern man, both by birth and train ing, having been born in Virginia and eaucaiea at ner university. He Is a young man and one of the few among thje bouth's writers who have-attained a tn irked daslinction. He is at present conducting the editor's drawer of Har- pear s JMagazino.. Hut in addition to these tnmgs which attach peculiar in terest to him, his 6tories ara delio-ht-. iujly written and are read. The Wash'. -ington, D. C, StsJ says, with ' perfect naturalpets, io beautiful keeping-with the simple pathos of the story.7 Thev describe too with admitted accuracy a phase of Scuthern life that has passed away forever. The old time Southerner inay hear him and live ver again the scenes of his plantation, and his chil dren may near mm ana unaerstand a pat of the charm-that made, Southern toriial life the best in the world. ' . ; .- I Dr. Prltcliard at Charlotte. 1he.Cha-iotte Observer of yesterday "The city of Charlotte as a whole is to be congratulated uoon' the apam'sitinn nf I?pv: .wr.uuos. ii. i rucnara. ue is not only a consecrated and able man and a capital preicheri but he is a most charming gpntle maa. Wherever he lives the neonle of all tlassea and 11 ages love him; and he wears wel because he is of the true metal. rHe is ai iipme again; Charlotte is his birthplace andjif there, are any here who are not glad that; he has com.' it is because thZv r.t know. him they will be glad when they I dO." ' v. -y' ,1 ICITY AFFAIRS- Proceedings of the Board oriAiaer; mtn In the Resalar Moillv raeei ; IDZ Del Teaterear KveBlns. The Board of Aldermen met -yeste: day afiemoon at 4 o'clock- In regular monthly esslon, tne memoe, iu tendancet being Jtiia ttonor.t suj3 Klcaud afid, Aldermen Fishblate, Mai- ett. Thomas, roar, rowier, Walker and Willla. Aldermen Adrian and Bell were absent. i . The minutes of the last regular ana special meetings were react ana ap proved. ' ' l i Reports oi stanoing cumuiin,ocp nco called In their order. "1 I I ' Aldermau Fowler, of the Market committee, reported the recent damage in thA rrtnf of Front street market and crated that es it was an imperative mat teri the committee secured bids ana awarded the contract for its repair to Geo. W. Pottei at $245.40. On motion, the action 01 tne wo : nroved. i Alderman Post, 01 the Fire cpmmit- tea. presented tne resignauo ui . r. PAnnpll. assistant chief of the aire DaDartment. and the same was'ac- nontoA On mntion. the Board; went into tha election of an assistant chief tn fill tha Dosition for one year, enaing Taniiarv 3d, 1894. Alderman 'inomas nnminated Mr. Ed DaUlel lor me posi - ... , tion. and Aldermen Post and Willi3 wpta annointed tellers, to tko the vote, but as thetewas only one jcindi date. I -Alderman Walker moved to elect bv.acclamation. The motion was agreed to and Mr. Daniel was unani mouslv elected. "I I' " Alderman Fishblate said that before foinff into other matters he had some- thing to say about the recent action of the hoard in reffardVto the back taxes claimed by the city from the Wilming ton and Weldon railroad. He then read the following, saying he had re duced it to writing in order to keep from being mis Quoted, to wii "Tn view of the comments made npon the late action of the Board of Aldermen in re gard to the question of the liability oi tne WiimiTitrtnTi and Weldon railroad to certain taxes, it seems not improper at this juncture to say that this Boafd of Aldermen and the Board of Audit and Finance are in no wise disposed to jeopardize any interest of the railroad but simplvto enquire into thecity's ritri.ta i The final, adiustment of this much discussed question, 1 feel assured, will be made satisfactory to all classes oi pur: citi zens and tne raiiroaa." The report of the chief of the fire department was, then read, showing that In Ihe month of December! there were eicht alarms of fires, and that the losses ! from fire aggregated f 4,032 60 The losses, with the exception of 1100, were covered bv insurance. The chief recommended the purchase of 500 feet of hose, and that-portion of his report was ref arred to the Fire committee. The! report of Dr. F. W, Potter, superintendent of health, was rfead for Dacemberi Daring the month! there were thirty deaths, of which two were stillborn, making the actual number twentv-eisht. This he stated was less than it had been during the corres pDnding month in thepast eight years The petition of Francis It. McUon nell, representing the Virginia Dredg ing Company, asking the city to fiame Its i figures for the rent of theudock at tha foot of Queen street, was referred to the Streets and Wharves Committee It was stated meanwhile that this com pany had rented wharf facilities else where. The petition of John C. Stoutj to" be allowed to run a spur: track from-the Wilmington Seacoast railroad jto his luucer vara on leoia treei (Hitweao Priacfsi and Chestnut streets, was re ferxad to the Streets and Wharves com mit'ee The petitipa1; of citizens urging the completion cf the work On Third street between Red jCross and Campbell streets, was referred to the Streets and Wharve3 committee. V Mayor Ricaud statsd that this administration was about j to retire! aad it owed it to itseH to complete this work. 'Alderman Fishblate stated that in a week's time the whole ef the streetforce would be. put on this work aad rush it through The following petitlon.from the WII mington Street Railway company was read by the clerk: j Wilmikgtos, N, C, Jan. 3i 1893. The Honorable the Mayor and Board of Alder men,. Wilmington: "We respectfully request that, the petition and counter petition of the : merchants on ater street for and against the increased hours of operation of the freight line of this company, be reconsidered. , Foreight months, now, this line has beenjinconstant operatipn each day from 4 p. m. until after the street is deserted, and although during these hours the street is more crowded than at any other time in the day, there has not yet been the slightest accident nor damage to person or property. " Tn TriflTiv thp rpstriotinn fla tn tinnr, ia -rvrn. riibitory, as it necessitates the unloading of ineir ireignt oy mgnt ana tney consequently iare unable to enjoy the benefits for which tne irancnise was granted. The extension of time from 8 a. m. to 12 m. would enable these to unload their freight in the early morning, so that the cars could be returned before 12 o clock. , J '"The street between 8 a. m.. and 12 m.. is less crowded than at any other time iduring me aay, ana tne record oi tne past eight months is good evidence that the operation of this line does not in any way interfere with the use of the street by the general puuiic. . I This company 'estimates that the amount of patronage would at least be double. which ; means that manv more citizens would obtain their freight at a cheaper rate than they are now receiving it,' or they wouia not patronize tne line, i , Very Respectfully. The Wilmington Stbeet Railway Co. By John H Baenaeh, Vice President and General Manager, Mr. J. H. Barnard, vice president and general manager of the Stree Kailway company, was present and upon invitation explained, the petition to the Board, On motion theentire matter n&s referred to the Streets and WharveKcommittee. ' " J Mayor Ricaud stated that his admin tstratlon was about to close, and that as ne had never delivered a message to the Board, he desired to do sa at thi meeting. The messag was rather long, he eall, but as he was not a can didate for re-election nor would not ac cept the offics, the suggestions- he would make could ba received as disin terested. Ha then read twentv raren oi type written matter , touching I upon . . rB. various matters connected with the city government. He detailed: j what had been done under his administra tion and made many suggestions to future ones. The report, or a full syn opsls of it, will appear In the Messen ger to-merrow. i ' I - Alderman Fishblate moved that 1.0C0 copies of tIayor'a messages be printed in paorplet form, and the mo tion was adopted. I " Alderman Thomas moved a vote of thanks to the Mayor for bis able mes sage, and the moilon was unanimously adopted. ' V Mayor Ricauilhanked the board for1 this expression of its confidence and re gard, a d spoke of. the; agreeable rela tions which had existed among the members of the board, notwithstanding that soma of them were at losreerheada personally. .; ,;'.:v -Ir -. In the Mayor's message he recom mended the appointment of a com mittee to codify the laws of tha city and to recommend soma chanee3 in the charter of the city. At the sug gestion of City Attornej Thoi.; W. Strange it was decided to appoint this J onmmittflfl at once, owinff to the Iact that the Legislature; la now in session. : Alderman Post thereupon movea mat a committee of three, consisting of tie Mayor and two Alderaen, ha appoint ed to take this work ia hard.' The motion was agreed to nd the Mayor appointed Alder me Post and Thomas qmvr nn that committee wun mm. v wva j w - Tha board then adjourned. THE CRIMINAL COURT. Proceeedlnc of. tlio FIrat nay oi mo - January Term Several Becralta far tlio Ponltenllarr - I The Criminal Court of New Hanover rmmtT convened vesterday at 10 a. m., His Honor Judge Oi r. Meares pre6ia log The officers oi tne couri in as .enu- ance were Solicitor B. R. Moore, UjerK W. R. French and Deputy Sheriff VY. W. King. : f : I The following jGrand 'Jury y was emDannelled: Isaac Bear, J. L. Cal- ahan. C. M. Bonham, J. u. wnue, John W. Galloway JJ, B. Mercer, J. F. Whitaker, A. K. Heath, F. A. Mont- pomerv. George urpigen, a. r . vy aisu, J6hn F. Mclnnls, Jf iv xsoyu, as. tAn. A C. Burt-D. Isaac Bear was sworn in k.3 foreman of the Grand Jury M. McCall, by ordet or tne court, was worn in s officer of the Grand Jury. The Grand Jury jretirea ana BUDse- ouentlv returned true bills against the following parties: Fonsy Burns lar ftP.nv: Fred Duraa. SFrank. Duraa and O. L.I Dudley, larceny in five caees: Marina tanaers, iarceny;,vy imam iow and Hardy Wright: larceny. I The court during; tne aay aisposeu o the following business: I Slate vs Fonry uurns, iaroeny. ua- fendant plead guilty and was sentenced to two vears in the penitentiary, State ys Ambrose timpson, assault dpdlv weapon. Defendant en tered a submission fend was fined to and reauired to pay the costs. j j State vs. Fred Duraa, Frank Duraa ahd O. !L." Dudley; ' The defendants Fred anil Frank puraa plead guilty and Dudtev plead not guilty. The de f mdant Dudley was, put on trial and the jury rendered; a verdict cjf not cuiltv as to him. The court reserved the sentence of thelotheT defendants State vs.: Martha Sanders, larceny Verdi-ts guilty. ; . The court at .6 pL m took a recess until 10 o'clock thisi morning. Board of Aadll and Finance The Board met jln regular session last evening at 8; o'clock. Prespnt Messrs. R. J. Jones' chairman, W iu Calder, W. R. Kenan, J. -W Hewett and J. F. Maunder. Regular business was transacted and bills approved as follows:- For- current expenses 15,763.33. I Funding 30. Pay nient of note for money borrowed lor current expenses 115,000. Interest on eaid note $87. 0. Alderman Fishblate appearel before the! Board to advocate the payment of the; cost of replacing trees on Red Cross itreet, which were destroyed when the; street was graded The payment was objected to on the ground that it was pot the' duty of the' city, but it afterwards alio ed. ft . , . . 1 1 lur. uaiuer men astteu iue cnairman Mr. Jones if he had sigped the con-mat- tract with the ettorneys in the ter cf the Wilmington and Weldon railroad 'a bick j taxes Upon the Mr. chairman replying! he had Calfier moved to reconsider pot the ; vote approving the contract and the following preamble asdj . offered retolu on the tions: - i , l ' Whereas, At its meeting 28 h of I December; this board sanc tioned a proposed contract to be en tered into-with : certain attorneys named thereip, and. . 'jj.j- W HERE AS, It appears that j the chairman of this bjard. has 'not yet tinned said Kon traCH and that, there fore, it is novset completed orin force. Resolved, .That tihisj board! hereby reconsiders thes&ction taken ati said meeting in regardstb said contract, and the reEolutionacconlhaan vlhg tt adopted, T IUC UUAI U. Ui illUCl LUJJ. ft I j .esolved, That the said resolulion- ana proposed contract be reieirea to a committee of two who shall examine loto the-tnatter, with authority to em ploy necessary legalicouosel, and report to th s board. as soon as practicable. The resolutions fwereruled out of order as Mr. Calder appeared on record as opposing the original proposition. : Alderman Fishblate ioiced id the informal discussion Which ensued! and spoke Etrongly in favor of the contract and the probable benefits to arise to the city.-! 1.:. i. - ;'i , T Tt ViU mniroil 1 tn ' ofliinrn tin Thursday evening jkt 6 o'clock !when the matter will come upgalnlforj dis cussion, j u : j I Note. WeJbelievb Mr. Calder's ac tion in movirg a reconsideration of the action of the Boards of Audit and Fi nance in entering Into the twenty five per cent, fee will meet the approval of 1 . 1 . J" ! uur ueb6 ciuistr.B, many oi .wnom nave expressed 1o us iheir disapprjovkl ; on many grounds. Messengek. Si Tne AUieed mniaerer cf Lizzie -. - ' .- Broivn. ' . . ' Hen ry Austin, the young colored mdn arrested on Monday, on suspicion of biing the murderei of Liz':e Brown, was before the Mayor" yesterday at noon but the prelimitary hearirg was entered into " i Mayor Ricaud stated that he desired Solicitor B. R.Moone to" be present at the examination, ard he. consequently postponed the hearing until 3 o'clock thiff afternoon. Ten; witnesses who are to, testify against the! accused wererec pgnized for their appearance this after- toon. :-";-- - I ' X . . Most of the wemen are denizens of Paddy Hollow, and somewhat of a'sen satlou was created amng them by some friend of Austin who appeared in the crowd in thefcourt room Hand threotened them if tjiey told anything on the prisoner. Hi is probable (that one or two ofAustinfs pals will be ar rested for intimidating the witnesses. . T" .!. :. ; A PUaaant Oeealn. j One or j the most ; delightful 'social events of the Bessor waa tha knit a given at Pythian Hall on Mondav night by Miss Annie! Blount DeRts e. ner dancing school. A scord. of couples participated in the dancd,! 'and Miss LJeKcsset's punlls most wonder fully evinced the superior train ing of their ;accom;Dlished .teacher.' The latest dances were engaged in and the affairwas as. inferestiBg to the spectators as it was en joyab'e to those wno mixed la the mazes of the dance. . i i ' - , p : I- Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies Othetf Chemicals ar used in the preparation of W. BAKER &C6S wKichk abiolutely ' .. '. pur ana soluble. Jtf-. ;, Ithaa more than three timet . the strength 5I Cocoa mixed with. Starch, Arrowroot or DBirir. ftnrl ia f,. mnr. xnn. nomical, costing lets than one cent a ep. it is delicious, nourishing, and xasilt Sold by Grocers ererywhert. M W, BAKES & CO., Dorcfiester, Tlsa. m reaktastCocoa PERSONAL JfttERXIO?! Mr. H. H. Orr, of Charlotte, is In the city; Mr. R. M. Chatham, of Elkin, is here on busine&ss. . i . i. . ! . I W : Mr. T. F. Smith, of Greensboro, Is among the visitors In the city. ' j i Mr. and Mrs. Ellas Richards have" returned from their bridal trip to Eu rope. " j , , ' ..: ' i : . Misses Lilla Bellamy and Fannie Taylor are visiting friends in Wash ington, N, C. ., . I Mr. Thomas 0. Crgft, Jr., of Balti more, who has been here spending he holidays with his parents, will return to Baltimore to-day. I ! Miss Gertrude E. ' Jenkins returned to this city Monday night from Salem, where she had been on a visit" to heyj home during the holidajs. j i i Dr. Thomas Nelson Page, the emi nent Southern author, who is to I read from his Aorki to-night at th'e Y. M. C. A. auditorium, arrived last night on the 10 20 train and is a guest of John D. Bellamy, Jr., Esq. ; j i f THE SECOND REGIMENT. ; - j - - : I -"' - Tne Elective, Commiaaloned and Nen ' Commissioned Ofllcea. j The following has been issued in re lation to ibe effices of the Sdcond Reg iment of the State Guard: i . Headquarters Seconh Regimen N. C. S. G Wilson, N. C, Jan. 1, 1893 FORDERsNO. 1.1 " i The following appointments are made on the staffof the Second Regiment-and in .the future will be obeyed and respected ac-. cordingly: ; COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. , W. E. Warren, captain and adjutant. A. J. McKinnon. maior and surgeon. N. Anderson, captain and assistant sur geon. ' 1 : I I JD. Croom, first lieutenant and assistant surgeon. I ; - i ! I. S R. Hilliard, captain and quartermaster. Rev. A. ID.. McClure, captain and chaplain.- .. ' i - ', i I 1 !' W. B. Spier , first heutenant and adjutant first battalion. - ' i V W. H.. Northrop, first lieutenant and ad jutant second battalion. - - L,. ' SON COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. P. Heinsbersrer. Jr.. sergeant maior. W. N. Smithson, quartermaster sergeant. - Jj D. Nutt, hospital steward. I ! i W. S. Partrick, sergeant major first bat talion. ' . i , ' ' R. W. Gray, sergeant major second bat talion. . " ' , V - ! , - ! M. P. Taylor, Jr., drum major. i. By order -col. Jno. t . liruton. i i W. Hi. WARREN, I Captain and Adjutant. 1 THE ELECTIVE OFFICES. The following constitute the elective offices of the Second Regiment: : Colonel Jno. 1 F. Bruton, of Wilson, N. C , Lieutenant Colonel Walker Taylor, of Wilmington. ! Major First Battalion W. W. Sim mons, of Wilson, N. C. j j Major Second:' Battalion Wm.' A. Johnson, bi Clintbn, N. C. I AJ Beautiful Marriage. , One of the prettiest weddings of th3 season was that which took place last night at Grace M. E. Church, the con tracting parties reing Mr. Edwardj C. Craft and; Mies Sallie King; daughter of the late Mr. James Wv Iprg- The church was handscmejy decorated for the occasion, the altar especially diS' playing a wealth of" pot : flowers and plants thit filled the church with their delicious perfumes. , Long before the hour for the cere monv arrived the church : was filled With the expectant uric-nds ami rela' tives of the haDDV counfe and a thrill of expectancy pervaded thlehi until the bridal party arrivec. Tha wedding march beautifully played, x finally announced their coming, and when they had 1 presented! themselves leforethe altar they were united in the holy bonds by - the Rev. vV. C. Norman.the ceremony hqlng performed by him in a most impressive and beautiful manner. . 1 'i The besi man was Mr. T C tCraftJ Jr.; brother, of the groom, ana th' maid-of hono'r was Miss. Mary .King, sister or the lovely bride., ; ' Tne attending' couples we're Mr, John A. Everett, Jr., with Miss' Lina Craf;; Mr. R. Fv Hawes with Miss Jen nie Cromartiev'Mr. !W. N. Bowden with MIss7 Maggie: Price, and Mr Eugene FUlyah with Miss Jennie Bunting. I. .i- ;.; The ushers were Messrs, Jamc s' Wi' Monroe, J. T. King, C. D. Foard, and J. Mv Murray. After the joyous union of hearts, the bridal party and friends repaired to the residence of the bride's mplher. on Princess street, between .Fourth aid Fifth ttreets, ' where a ; reception was neia ana congratuialions were showered upon the bride .and groom They also received numerous costly and handsome pre8ents j ' Mr: Grafs and his bride will leave this morning on a trip North, accom pinieu oy: Mies Lilna Craft. Compllmentarv New . Year Ball. A most; delightful and successful affair was; the : New Year ball given last night at Germania Hall by the Wilmington Pleasure Club, compli mentary to the: conductors, motormtn and other attaches of the Wilmington C5 T 1 . ' . I - oireck ivanway company, 'inere was a large attendance and forty couples participated in the dance. , i The floor managers were Mess- s. M. F. Dowling and William Sheshan, and the committee of arrangements con sisted of.Messrs. John Sheehao, J.1W. Bwann, Hi L. Hewett and M. ;F, Dow ling. They know just h&w to make it agieeabiefor everybody, and they cer tainly did it to perfection last night, . At midnight a nice supper was served by Mrs. Pj N. Fick, and after the good "things had been enjoyed, the party re turned to the ball and joined in the dance tin til the early hours of this morning, .j : ; j ;: : The occasion was on e of rar en joy meat and it will long be held in pleasant remembrance by those who had! the good fortune to be there. j ;i One of the conspicuous features, of the occasion was the handsomely dec orated orchestra stand. It was be decked in red, white and blue, and at the bade in large letters was the mono- gram pf the club, " W. P. C." The first letter was white, the 'second red and the third blue. . New Drr Goods Store. Messrs. Samuel J.-Davis a.nd Aueust Zoeller, two popular young 'gentlemen wno have heretofore -; been trusted clerks in the establishment of Mess's. M.. M. Katz & Sonhave resigned their positions with that firm, for the pur pose of engaging In the wholesale and retail dry goods business on their own account. They will occupy the store cow being erected by Mr. Sol Bear on the northeast corcer of Front-and Princess streets, and, An a few days, they will go North for the purpose of selecting theif stcck.Each of .these gentlemen are experienced in this line Of business, and both are competent business men and popular salesmen. With their knowledge of the trade and large circle of acquaintances, we ex pect to see them realiza the lares suc cess that they deserve; C They will onen their establishment about March l6t on the completion of the hsndenma new brick building they are to occupy. irx order la Bladen Con mi- Mr. M. C. Benson," of the firm of Benson & Moors, of this city,- received ' a letter yesterday from Mar 1 villa," B!a-i den county; informiog: him that Sim , 'Moore, colored, murderjei another" col- rrt( mnnlnamed Sntt Ttivpn nn Rut.m. day night near Marl ville. The difficulty originated about a womn, and Boven's head was crushed by a stick of wood in the handf of Moore. - - - The murderer fled jand ia believed to have corns towards Wilmington. -He is described as a ginger cake colored man with hatchet face and side whis kers. He is six feet In heigh th and wears a No. 10 br 11 shoe.'; He usually wears his' hair banged! in front, and sometimes la plaits. -When he left be wore a led colored, wide! brimed hat. turned up behind and primed at the back. He had On a snun-colored over coat and; pants checked off with a dim stripe of ;greenj;and black. He is said to be a "hard.' custodier,' and' the police are asked to look out for.him. Any informatioi of him will be grate fully deceived by Ned and George Boveuj 'Marlvili-f; N Installation Gf flleera. At a regular meeting cf Cape Fear Lodge, No. 2, I. O p. F.,held last niht D. D; G. M Frank Meier, assisted bv Past Grand J M. McGo wan as Grand Marshal,! W. G- T. Keen as Grand Wardeni M W. Jacobi as Gracd Secretary, Wj M.v Hays as W. : Fleet as Grand Treasurer, J Grand Herald, installed the following officers ta serve durid g the ensviug term: S. P. G.r-W. II Straus N. G. J. D. Kelley. V. G. Walker; TkvI or. Secretary A. J. Yopp. TreasurtY Jchn Maunder. 0. G. W. .Hays. 1. GJ -J03. F. Craiir. Condujior J." A. Applewhite. Warden 11. Burkbei Phariltif M . W.'Jfl R. S. to! N. G.-iW. L. S.,to N. G. B. R, L R L. Sv to! V. G J. S. to V. G. S. S. W.. F. S. S W. G. Miles F; Ccs:in. LtGwiu. W. Yopp. ' Organist J. W Fieot. j Jodse Rusaell). '.1IacU Ado (AbODt ? J' No hlng.' ISditor Messenger: The letter from ion. D. L. Russell, which appeared in! yourj Sunday's issue, Bhould have been About Nothicg." headed i"Much Ado Itstdain points are the defense of the twenty-five per cent fee allowed the attorneys to the con" tract, on any sum ifecoyereid from the .railroad by way cf suit, compromise or oiherwise,"-and to the very proper tribute to bur young friepd.Col. Thomas W. Strange for his efforts in discover ing the "mare's nest." ' j-, , 1 1 The melaDge from the Judge has not excited that deep interest por met with the favorable considera ion he antici pated when he Ind;icted the cemmuoi caMon which was ujncalld! for by any thing which has abpeaped in our city paners. .:i' ; -p" j... ' None wL understand the duties of the city attorney deny his right to contract witb. the! city to undertake any esse rcquiricg litigation for any1 fee which may ba agreed upon between the contrictifg parties but it is the amount o' the contingei t fee which is objected to by- our be; . citizens as an injustice, for if it be deemed advisable to compromise instead of litigaliDg Jhe cause before the numerous courts cited by hard hits, none will deny that the fee Is excessive. i I I used advisedly tha words "Mare's Nest,". for thoughtful; minds have known that the Wilmington and Wel don Railroad company does not desire to avoid or escape its jujst share of tax ation and &) an evidence! thereof ac knowledged in June, 188lL their liabil ity to taxation on their personal prop erty, and paid tax thai .year on over rJO'J.Ol'O wojrth of property. 'Was its aciion then affected by any decision of the court or auy fear of hostile legis lation? To crcape further taxation this personality- wasS'divfdtd among tbe owners who elforuld havjs Kated-it; this' division eisurplus has been adopted by many corporations; banks included. 1 i I What acfr.i.-f the Legislature can be piasstdaKed V'enabliogJ" which wii permit the city to procteed to collect a tax on personalty for twenty or more yeirs back without beiijg retroactive? Such acts, htv been decided unconsti ti'iocal and Ilaaru thestatute of lim itation applies after three-years to just sii'-h cases.- - 1 ; .. 1 f . If the juuge considers the exDres-; sions of mdlgna'ion by bur citizens ,a' i,acket"-what epithetl wou'd he an- piy n that indignation tive? 't.. i . tOur people are iustlv became. effec h! :1i indignant at tue nasie wun wnica the matter was pushed through both. bbar.:8. and ex cept in that of Audit and Finance with- out discussion, and the whola matter i A Citizen, i new to our people. JIaxev, Ga., January 3. E70K twelve1 years I suffered from secondary apd tertiary blood poison. iMy lace and slioul ders became a mass of corruption and the disease beran to eat my Rkull bones, lit was said 1 mast earely die, but 1 tried a bottle of C. Ii. B. with benefit, and ulng eitit or ten bottles more 1 be I camel found und well, Kl finn DniCn& an(1 nave been bo for 3LUUU rUlOUn twelve montus.' Han- 1 dredsl of scar a can be Been on me, and I extend heartfeMthinkH for so valuable a remedy. HOUEKT WARD. We know Robert Ward ana that he has been cared by Botanic Blood Balm. I A. T. Brightwell, W. C. Birchmore CO., J. H I Brightwell, Joan T- hart, W. B. Campbell. Fo ? sale by all drug- gEJsia. ' ;"- ! f";,;L"'w.: . R. C. Kinnard & Son, Towaliga, a., writes; "One cf our neighbors has been suffering from ' i .catarrh for several years, which n.4TrnQy resisted an treatment and medi. will A Hill cine resorted to. We Anally in t : duced him to try the efficacy of B. B B., and he was soon delighted with an improve ment, lie continued its use, and was cared sound and well." Il Write to Blood Balm Cot, Atlanta, Ga. "Book of Wonders" sent ,otJ MPPYHEf DONT mer o.nhi: ! Pi Yopp H. ! Scott. Cent's Purhishers. THEY TELL ; US- CO en WE HA VE THE NIIEST HARNESS AND SADDLERY STORE SOUTH OF THE MASON, AND rDXON LINE. OUR GOODS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN OF, THE BEST, FOR '93 THE) 'RE BETTER, - THE PRICES HAVE, BEEN REDUCED, Come and see us and welt Merest you. R3 H.L. FEPJfJEL LWtl RSI MItLINIH ! 114 N0KTII T OST.-f-Bunch of keya Suitable reward lor -Li thett return. If left at Messenger office. thelifre jaa 4-lt !: - : j: . : - j:-L 11 - BAPEtt HiNGnUG I have employed one of Newj York's best paper hangers and am pre pared to do D-ood work at moderate nnces. - Give me atrial. Satisfaction guararaeed or no pay. K. L. HUTCHIN8, Painter and Dealer In Paints, so North Second street. 1j . Jan 4-lt GOOKrSQ CROCKS AND STONE COOKING ware for sate by J. LlBRECKENRIDQE, 815 Norti Front street, Wilmington, N. C. HOU8ESJOR RENT RENTS COLLECTED. .W.M. CTJMMING, Real Estate. tfex Snn TJMOR SALE AN' OYSTER GARDEN IN NEW -LV River containing over two thousand bushels of voung oysters. Apply j to W Usssenoes office. ii. !' laul-3t TI TONqGRAMS . AND NAMES ENAMELED ilU. and! gilt on glass and etc., forj holiday presents. ARDS, Decorative Studio, btreets. i , i . . China, enps. plates, ERNEST V. R1CH- Front and Princess dec9 wedsua frl MIMEOGRAPH SUPPLIES AND WORK, .Circulars. Church and Society notices. EKMEST V. Princess Sta. RICHARDS, f corner Front and aecy sunweaxn THE EMPIRE STEAM LAUNDRY IS NOW prepared to receivenny amount of. work and guarantee satisfaction. Everybody invited to come and see the works in operation. . Office and works cor. Market and Second Sts. - Wm. iic LAREN, Manager. i : I Q O tl l83- 1893' 1893 1 1893, i 1893. W, M. lOyO, CUMMING, Keai tstate, 109 Princess St. 1893 1893, 1893, 1.883. . Calendars on applica tion. -1 i l: . ' !; r- tf ex Son TORES, OFFICES. HALLS AND Dwellinrt - f or rent. Ado) r to D. CONNOR, Real Estate Agent, i m i i nov2 13 UNBROKEN MONTANA HORSES, FOR sale cbeaD. J. H. JONES & CO., Livery and Sale Stables, Market St j declt tf - S100 REWARD will be ' paid for evidence that' will prove the New Lee Cook Stove wanting in anything that goes to make up a first class article. No better ! on the earth. Prices Low. Jf. L, BRECKENRlDQE, 817 North Front street j SPECIAL FEATURES OF ITHE IRON KING Cook Stoves;. weU madei well finished, well designed and combined iwith bur Liberty Ranges completes the best litfe jhati can be produced. ALDERMAN HARD WARE. CO., 89 Sbuth Front street, Wilmington, N. C. j - s oct30 i- . . i. it 1 . . j' i 1 T"OILET SETS, etc--Just received a nice as- j. sorun Woods for A sortment of Toilet Sets, Lamps and Lamp the Christmas trade. The very best 00(13 at the lowest Dossible Drices. Everv xrelcrht train and steamer now adds, to our stock. ' A lot of Flower Pots opening to-dayu J. L. BRECKEN RIDGE, 216 North Front street. I 1 1 r i -! ' PREPARE FOR CHRISTMAS BY- USING ours Steam Cookers, Nutrezlo Coffee Pots, Granite Iron Ware Roastersi Cake Pans and "Jelly Pans. Extra low prices on these goods rinrinR this t week. ALDERMAN HARDWARE CO., 29 South-Front street. ti i - deeis CAR LOAD! OF HORSES AND MULES JUST arrived ffom the West, tr sale cheap. Apply to J. H. JONES & CO., Livery and Sale Stables, Market street U - declTtf Orient Logo ' No. 395, A. F. A A. M. T3EGULAR MEETING THIS K WEDNESDAY) IX evening at '. visumg.oret hirn are cordially invited to attend W. A. MAKT1N, - Secretary. j an 4-lt j Clarendon Lode No. 2. 1 . K. OF P. T3EGU MEETING TO-NTOTfT AT 8 AX o'cloc to attecd.' V'iaitlng brethren cordially invited : W.C.- vonglahn, K.ofR.andS. jan41t Stockholders Meeting; THE -REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the Carolina Oil and Creosote Icompany, and af the Creo8ore, Lumber and Construction Com pany will be'held at the office of Ithe former in the city oil Wilmington, N. C., ioa. Thursday, 19th inat, at 12 o'clock m. - . - ! 1 . - I - WILLIAM E.ENNISH, ) January 8, 1893". Jan48ti;j I J Secretary. Thbmas Nelson Page. Y. M. C. A. AUDITORITTM. 1 W EDNESDAY, JA. 41 H. ; Admission 60 cents -..Till - Reserved seats free. J. Box sheet at Yates' Tuesday morning. -h !-. i- fl r:-)!-.)' : I- Jan30 3tF,Tn,W Wilmington, N C Jmary 3, '93, bf the Caro lina Insurance CompanyONipe '. hundred, aixty one and ( .0-100 Dollars, being in full ettlment of claim foriloss and "damage by ore h nich occur- red December Slsti 1892. Wi (Signepb UETHENTHAL.' r DIARIES 'FOR 1893. FOR OFFICE AND PRIVATE USE. Turner's Almanacs, 1893 WHOLE3ALE 75 CENTS PER pOZEN ! a- 1 AND RETAIL 10 CENTS. . - i PI i il - . j . - HEINSBESGER'S COMMERCIAL CALEN- ! ! I i I j f . . ' . . -tf - - I v : I- der for Si ore, Office or House use. Anybody who ' -" i i : ! M - : i i- - -' ' j desires one ,ox more will please call at' i . "I h : i 1 ' i ,- i ' ! HEIHSBERCER'S 81 and 89 FRONT STREET. , " i i Porto 1 1 Rico; Molasses. 300 BBLS. BBLS. AND AND HHDS. HHDS. OmJ 'Hand. J PDEASEi C&.LL OR I WRITE Fi PRICES BlUFOPE!: ! PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. I t I BOUGHT IT TO SELL. ' Di GOpE. MO, 1S.C124 NORTH WATER ST., Wiimi ington, FJ. C. YEAR T 4 T k mi - - 3 1 t . . - - v. i ' ' - 1 J " if -'- '"' V J " TU ALL UUK rams i ' '-," .- t-lk- -it- -. - : "- i: J.- ALL' COME AT ONCE. AND BEST OF ALL FOR TH BUYER) I o cs ; t j : FH0NT STBEET. jew &uzxlstYCitn&. "t O dFt Dissolution The entire 0OST , FOH j January 2, 1893, r - IMMENSE : 1 t - 1' i: '--I : ' '.i - ' L !' - Tlrimmings Domestics- r i V- , .' !- ! -. Cloaks. 1 LADIES'. GENT'S, - FLANNEL X. ATI COMFORTS AJ) TO BE - In preference to NE We thank' all our the very .liberal - suorjort Ivith at hands, land trust for under the new firm MiW. K :ATZ; "s'pN1 & CO. E UAi- T i : Sale Stock b'e: sold at 5 to Fenraary 1, 1893. BARGAINS ' 1 . M - ir I ,1 Sheetings- Damasks id . ... . 1 ill-vi and Gloves. BOYS: MD UNBEBi'VVEAE i -AND I BLANKETS SACRimCED. Mill1 ".: v , :-i I - carrying them through SEASON. frien !s and patrons idj tMeir a" lihprnl I rotiti nuance of - ;--f : - " , S f x l-'v-i. X to