r Srl tSUSltSHEO 1.1 1867 BY i, L mill I.-'. I- ' ' JACKSON & BELL, PROPRIETORS. B. KINGSBURY, KDITO&. ANNOUNCEMENT. Ins pailt HxssKNaBSi uy man, one year six mohtns, $3.60; three months, JLT5; one month, 60 cents. - .. j : i - f- ; i SeTvd In the city at 60 cents a month; one week, IS cents;l-75 tor three montna or s.w a ye; Wilmington. 'N. a THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1S03. 'A OB "jAX". r 1 j Here is the ow a paper called the - 1 Gastpnia Gazette refers to us: F "Tflie bad influence of the old fojry sticklerisin of the Wilmington Mes . hEKGten's editorial writer has got as far as the sanctums ot the Lenoir Topil and the Charlotte Obserzer. The , lattei a few days ago said "an one", and the former in this week's issue i saysran unanimous.": - ; Th wisdom of that paragraph is not (fqual to its "knowihgness." We , inoi nothing of what the Observer and tTcpic said, but they wrote ac cording to the; standards." "The 'Ga , ?'tte laieht floor us . by quoting some i granSmats not written by illustrious : j or gieatjmen'in any sense. We be 1 lievj ihey insist that it depends upon i the I enunciation of the word with : i whicfh this unfortunate article is con- nectld whether we must use a or an; that we must write an before words i beginning1 with a vowel sound, etc., and fx before vo wels when they have - sr consonant sound. We have followed the Visage of the noted writers, man of them greatest and hence are in the very best literary com pany possible. We prefer to follow ereat? standard writers than gram marianslwlfo are ordinary men for the tiaosi part. Wje could fill a column or two with citalions from! leading authors who writ! it "an union" or "an univer ¬ sal?' r "an university" or,"an unan imprls" "or "an unity". or unirike" and bo on. We will an not . . quot the passages, but can furnish examples for all named. We -begin - with! Shakespeare, and then we cite , Wiljam Paley, Gibbon, Rey. Dr. Bate? (A. D. 1CG2). and the great i Richkrd Hooker these of other cen turies".. In this century we cite Ten nysd'n, Byron, Walter Scott, Macau lajr,Cahon Farrar, Henry MelH ' . (-helireat Church of England orator of forty years- ago). Dean Stanley, (Ltfl of .Dr. Arnold), Philip James Bailly ("Festus'.'), Rey. Dr. Cun ninghan Giekie '("Life of Christ") , and Tohn Su art Mill (Logic) Among Americans w icite the great names of Daniel Webster and Ralph cWaldo ' Emeison, and the very able Albert Tayjor BUdsoei LL. D. and -Dr. Jacojbns, the learned Presbyterian comuentat6r. Lastly, we cite the high, authority one of the greatest " of lining, English historians, -past .md present,' who still lives in his menial prime, W. II. Lecky. We coull easily multiply examples of the laat'thpee or: four centuries if we would take the trouble to search fartlcr our library. We gathered nearly all of thse names in a seaich araoeg our books last night. They are fsurely more than enough to justify, nay, Jto authorize the use of an We say to the Gazette'let each writr determine for himself whether, -f he -irill keep company with the re : ceritfgrammariaES, or follow lih'er ex " ample of illustrious Jauthprs. . We Jiav.4 been famiiiar with the world's standard writers through tfie last fortyodd years. Some great writers prefer the d, andyihey have a right to their choice. . en that fine. , English scholar and dritio, President H. E Shepherd, ofthe College of Charleston, S. C, (a nsltivo of North. Carolina) pub- f-Jish.i his capital wor called "An Historical -Header," we remember some .writer "pitched into" the scholarly author and only exposed his oi rn limitations. Scholars know that . s word Dr. Shepherd used tho right ! I Wd once defended the old usage of 'nanjed after." and ihe, prince of ? North Carolina writers, the late ... "William Hooper, D. D. LL.D., wrote us a letter thanking us for it. We published it. He was one of those "old ogj sticklers" who would haye cornel undar the ban of rash latter day critics. And yet the best of all , books, translated into the most melo dious! of all English the James "Bible uses after'. See Genesis 26:18, and Imke 1:59. The men who conn temri 'the old wrote it named for." The English of the masters is npt good j enough; for them. Perhaps thev are of the number who write it "differ with" and "excurted" and "suicided"' and "f uneralized' and employ other renned newspaper "English as she is wrote.' THE ?EOPLE ABE IN EARNEST. . Meinbers of -the Congress' are . elected to attend to. the business of the people. They are very proud of their title "Honorable" and to see the affix M. C. and are particularly fond jof drawing their ,5,000. an nually.. Why then do they: loaf 60 much and delight in doing nothing! Absenteeism is the bane of the office" seeking M. C's. They worked 42 hours in onewhole month and drew from the LT, S.Treasury $400 for such marvellous service. Now the papers; announce that the members er many of them who went home before.Christmas will not be back in "Washington until next week some time! j They will be sure to draw their pay-all the same. .The people are mainly responsible for this, . They do not scrutinize the work of their servants and are ! very careless in the matter of their selec tion. A few men start some fellow for tffice and the people like "dumb dnyen attfe" follow tbe call and send mck men whose chief record is absenteeism and a few bills intro duced for "buncombe" or ito dra- money from ihe people's pockets , in way of unearned salaries and unwise appropriations. A letter is before us written by, a merchant ofintelli genee, education and a true - Demon crat, who lives in a prosperous town between here and Weldon. j What he writes was not i intended' for the public eye. To show what capable business men and good citizens are thinking about we copy a part. He 'writes: . ' j ' . j: "I come in.eontact daily with men (farmers) of high, honorable! char acrar ana sianaing, hqu uui smuug them who yoted the Third .party tfet for good motives, nopmg thereby they would realize the de sired reformation; and are now dis posed, to return to the Democratic teld, and act in good faith, provided they see a" disposition on their part (Congress) to lighten the burden of taxation, and relieye tne oppression. and work (instead duty) in the interest people?" of neglecting of the whole The public mind has been' at last bo educated that the people will no longer tolerate abuses in office--ex" travagant expenditures, neglect of public duties, wasted jobbery and whatnot, . ' " . ';.; .; In our opinion there was perhaps never a more trifling body than the Fiftyxsecond Congress and the Mes sbngke will be glad when it expires by limitation. It knows how to vote away moneys and swell the public burdens. Its last conspicuous act was to increase the already vast peni sion dead-weight and outrage. Our correspondent says he knows that ''the people demand economy and wise legislation from bur Rep resentatives" in Washington. If they do. not heed the yoice of the people in this demand,; they will hear from them when , they seek again to be returned to the places they have not wisely and faithfully filled and to the office they haye not magnified. The politicians are de ceiving themselves, but the peop'.e are watching them as they have not been watched before. They' m ust crive an account of iheir steward- ship. : . ': : , : -,.'-.(-' -Oar esteemed correspondent farther: ' V ' . .1- I . says "I simply?rite this for your en' the couragement, and to indorse stand you have taken, and writing I -get the voice and before Senti- ments of the. people applauding you. The Messenger is on the side of the people. It has no plan, desire or motive to ibe otherwise than frank and faithful in the matter, try to pursue the righttNtnd- It will hew "to to the line let the chips fal where they may." An- unshackled and faithful independent press1 'is the hope acdsheetxanchor of a Republi le and a free people. TWO DISTlNCiUISIIED MlPf 1STEIIS J In the death of Rev. Dr J.! L, the Burrows, of the Baptist Churcbj South loses an able and faithful minister cf the Gospel. He was an excellent man and we are gratified to have known him personally. He died iri Augusta, Ga., aged 79, where his gifted son, Rev. Dr. Lansing Burrows, is pastor of a Baptist Church. The Norfolk Landmark says of him: -: ; "He was a ministering angel here during his long pastorate of the Freemason vstreet Baptist Church, A sturdy disciple of the Master and a charming preacher, he 'was bound to his people with hooks of steel. Ha fought a good fl ht, ; and has gone to his just reward in the bosom of his Father and his God.?' Another remarkable Baptist min ister we have the good fortune of knowing, is the venerable and able Rev. Dr. J. W. M. Williams, ' who for. forty-two years has been the earnest and successful pastor of the First Bapti3t Church in -Baltimore. Dr. Williams p a Virginian and a natiye of Norfolk, and was born j ! in 1820. He has a fin i literary and theological education and is an ad mirable gentleman, - OCR CITY AND ITS HEALTH. The report of the Superintendent of Health for some months has been inyaiiably favorable, showing a de crease of mortality. . The deaths in December were less than for eight years past, although the population in that time has steadily increased. Eight years ago it was not more than 18,500; nowit is quite 21,000, per haps 21,500. The better sanitary, condition is probably the cause of, a lower death rate. The big scare of last summer and fall over the choW era caused much cleaning in the town, aud good results are seen in Dr. Potter's reports for three months past. The cholera is on its way to this country. That ! appears! - to be the fixed belief of medical experts, newspaper men in the ' North an 1 others. . - I- ; .! . People become yety careless in cold weather. They throw .around their .filth. Garbage accumulates and the death-traps enlarge. What is to be donef Keep up the sleanli ness, make the town cleaner than eyer before and prepare for the worst. It is said by those who ought to know that cholera will not live where all is clean and pure. The large Indian city of Ispahan is directly in the line of the march of the cholera in its journies from its seat-j-where H is bjrn always to the west, and yet cholera never attacks that city. It will ravage in cities on either side, but keeps out of Ispahan. So says tne aisungaisnea American quarantine and cholera expert, Dr. IS. O. Shakespeare, of Philadelpnia, j TELE r W tliM t who has made a special, study of cholera in the' East, taving been sent into 1; Asia by the American Government to make aldose exam ination of cholera. Th:8 reason of Ispahan's exemption is its wonderful cleanliness. If If crime is decreasing in Nprth Carolina Wsome Judges and some newspapers insist upon, hangings are increasing all the sante " as are the carldidates for hanging!, either by order of! thje regular J u4ge or by the extraordinary court I over which Judge Lyncj h presides. Some North Carolina industries pay well. Th Raleigh Car Company makes a dividend of 14 par cent and the Hosiery Company makes one oi 8 nereent - V , Wilmington needs fifty new email industries. It will never grow any faster until like Charlotte, Augusta, Greenville 3. C )i and other towns it becomes .a big manu facturing centre, these industries! Why not have 1 I... The fine little poBm of Dr. Hawks to which we referred; recently is entitled "The Blind Boy." It is a pity that the orator and r author did not cultivate his poetical gifts. "We deem it among the pleasurable rec olleetions of a long ife that we heard him'both in the pulpit and on the rostrum. He was a superb orator, j ; ; The Messeksee congratulates Mr. W, G. Burkhead, upon his election as Principal Clerk of the Senate. 1 It regrets that our venerable and able friend, Col. J. D. Cameron, was not ejected Chief Clerk of thje House. He has done splendid service for the Democracy with his Btrong and graceful pen through the last twenty years. Is it a crime "tv growl old graeefully" among Democrats? We congratulate those ybf ng editor?, Messrs. G P. Pell, of tile Mt. Airy News and H. A. Latham if tho W ash" ington Oazttte upon their "good luck" in securing two clrkships.The election of Mr. Lee S. Qyerraau, of Salisbury ,r Speaker of (the- House, was a proper acknowledgement of service and merit. SNAPS. So Tom Carter, Republican State Legislature stealer if he could, and Chairman of the National Comm'ttee, concedes that the next United States Senate will be Democrat. That means volumes. i - Of course, let Cuba, arnest of dis ease, be quarantined sgiinst by this Government, and that rijght early. Stevenson, the novelist, says Sa moa is good enough for him and he purposes to hye and die fin that faH off land. In Russia, it is officially ar nounced, 205,700 from cholera. - I-1 ' ' peopl4 haye" died' Governor Foster ; has appointed Donaldson Coffreyto succeed the f late Senator Randall Gibson. oome noiea novelists will soon issue again Blackmpre, Henry James, Marion Crawford!' and Clark Russell. '- ' .; '. . i j i-i i , I "Notes and Queries"!; savs tnat "crank" is not an American word, but has long beenla u-ej in Derbys shire. England: . ! : ''. "It is used to describe a man who has fad?, fancies and notions out side the common, run of th jse of his neighbors. ; A man -.with a bee in in his bonnet :is crazyj and so are those who ride hobbies of; any kind." - . , . j The Chicago Tribune, Rep., says in Minnesota, -j "They speak of Brer Donnelly as the Ignatius fatuous.'f j , 'm ' Virginia has, had four ! Governors who were1 "inaugurated" jat the age of 33, as' we learn from ah editorial in ; the Kichmond Dupktch. They were Edmund Randolph, ' Robert Brooke, Wyhdham Robertson, and William H. Cabelh L MOXTULIE 7. '; ""ew Eaglani Magazine' for Jaau ary has lis u?ual array of S illuatrateii and other articles. We jread with much interest tba eympaihella paper on tha histjrian. Jamas Partoa, who was of English birthl rfle as a scep tic. Tne ariicle on Amsjia B. Ed wards by her cousin, ai English woman or leiters also, was given to her childhood aad early lifei Sha w9 a very ranaarkabia woaiia of rare and manifold gifts. If is copi'jnsly illus trated. Soma of the other articles are Tha Story of a Clock, a siaary,. Amelia B. jSi wards; John Billantyjae, Ameri can,- I. II, Halen Campbell Tae Old est Episcopal Cn arch in Ne.r Eagland, Al'ce-Morse Earle; Modara Architect ture, Brr Ferree; Ya Ancient Burial Grounds of Bjston, Illustrated by the author, Albart Scott Cjx. s Published In Boston at f 3 a year. - ' "Historia" is an illustrated maga zine of historical stor33. Hare are the conteats of th9 January number; The Pyramids of Ghezih; Henry; Alth6h33; How" Two Union Gaaerals Ware Cap tured, T. R.I Brothers; SSjry of the Well-B3loved Madman,"! Theodore Parker; Djath of Patroclus, Buri M. Weeden; .General Maraa's Great Raid, Myron E. Parley; Fiehting tha Mexicans, (ooatinued) Lieatonan'i J. Harmon. Published in Chicago, prica tl a year. It contains 32 lire pages. r Buctien s Arnica Sfllve. rne oest aaive in tne world lor Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever S rea. Tetter," 'Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eup tioiB, and positively cures Piles, w no pay required.; It is guaranteed to Hve perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. - Fer 'sale by KGTON -M ESS RNO R H, From the appearance of the mem bers we have met, added to our per sonafknowledge, we cannot doubt bat that legislation will be on con servative lines; and that to promote the material interest of North Caro lina will be the ambition and aim of all- The Chronicle' will sustain-- all legislation of - such a characteri- Raleigh ChromcU. , '; . Oar Legislature ought by all means, to repeal the present pro vision of our North Carolina law prohibiting State banks fromissaing notes.. It ought also to formulate a general scheme for the is$ae of, cir culating notes by our banks under some uniform system. A State bank note ought to ba received by the kpnblic with the same confidence as any other paper money, exactly how this shall be accomplished is a question.- Raleig h NemObserfier. ; I 1 After all, there are no friends like s the old f riends-rthere are no songs ltke the old Bongs and never again on, earih in their tenement! of clay shall we see thej old 'face's which wci oncejBaw--and of which we thought but li)tle-7too little, my children i and such faces are before you-now bur they will not remain before you' long. There f is no beauty in the world like the beadty of a beiutif ul thought or a beautiful deed. Dur ham Globe.. 1 ; A- The fellow that resolves, resolves foolishly. Resolutions don't stand temptations and the fire of difficult ties, but manly manhood does. Do and don't resolve. The fellow that resolves to quit drrnkipg "whilkey or chewing tobacco may, have to go to Keeley to get his resolution to stick. Live life without reso ntions, as re ligion to be worth anything and ca pable of anchoring you. on the other side of . the river needs to be, lived and not professed or claimed. Live it. Concord Standard f . ij So far as I am informed, no conns try in either, the new or the old world has ever constructed public roads of permanent usefulness on any such basis as that in force in North Caro lina. ' Nor do I believe thai; it will ever be done. This road question is to my mind the greatest problem of the age.- In our development of re sources, and in striving after the elevation of all industries, including the betterment of the condition of all classes of our people,t stands first in importance. I7. K Bruner, '' Charlotte Observer. U The Wilmington Messenger urges the repeal of the homestead law. We have often urged this. Indeed, we have never endorsed it, but have always held, and still believe it is a refuge for scoundrels. It never put a dollar in the pockets of any man but a shirker of honest debts, and every man who took advantage of it was compelled to rob hts neighbor, or his creditor to a certain amount. It would be better were it repealed Very, many of the homesteads in North Carolina to-day belong by i right to gome one else other , than those who ho:d possession by reason of the law. It rob3 Peter to pay Paul. It" sets up one man on the plea of poverty and robs another ; equally needy because he was kind and indulgent enough to trust his neighbor.' Such a law is oppressive, immoral and a bar to prosperity. ! No man who sits down behind hishomestead can borrow money or get such help as he needs often And (there is no incentive for him to improve his limited pos session. The law is a hindrance to the energetic and progressive young men of the btate and a clog to al classes and conditions. It ought to be repealed as a- measure worthy I only of. feudal times. Salisbury Truth. Ii 4 A Million Friend?. A frieod in need ia . a friend indeed. and not less Than one million people nave louod iut eucn a friecd in Dr. KiDC; s New i Discovery for Coasump Hod, Coug-hs and Colds. If yott have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that ii has wonderful curative powers in all dis eases of Throat, Chest and . Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all mat is Claimed or money will be re funded. Trial bottles free at R. R Belamy's Drug 'Store. Large bottles 50c. and $1.00. . U Answer this Question. Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and be made miser- able by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness Loss ot Appetite. Coming no or the Food. Yellow Skin, when for 75c. we will sell them bhnoh s V italizer. guaranteed to cure them. Sold by Robt. R. Bellamy, wholesale and renau agent. , , RAD FIELD'S FEMALE 1 REGULATOR fcas prcrren an1 lnfallibla specifics for all derango taents peculiar to the female s-,sacli aschronic TForob and ovarian di3- etscs. If talreaiatlmo iS Template and jromotes healthy action of aH Jur.c- orsraaa. Vcun? IcSe at ftiie arro of r abort v, and .. i ciaer ones at the meno- 1 r"u V- f 1Z a raannjr, eoothing tonic. vov.t rhys'clans and those irho have tried it i ' r ,? Vjr O0.ot "To oasen," maiied free. Bold j- t rnjrgsts. .jisAiuiaD ia:GuxTaCo. pfeprietors, Atlanta, Ga. MANHOOD RESTORED.. "SANATIVO," tho nonoenui spanisa Rpmeay. ia sold nitU a written uuararttea to cure all Nervous Dis. ensrs, such Weak Memory, Loss or Ertia Power, Headache, Watetulnegg.LostMan- nood, ferrongnes3, Lai eitude. all draina snd Before & After Use Pbotofcraphed from life. loss of power of tbe (jenerauvo urpans la orer-eiertion, youthful indiacretton8,or the eiceseWe a of tobacco, opium, or stimulants, which ultimately lend to Infirmity, Consumption and Insanity. Put np in convenient form to carry in tbe rest pocket. Price fl a package, or G for $5. With every fa order we give a written guarantee to cure or refund the money. Sent by mail to any address. Circular free eitoer sex, caused Dy u Hum uiveiope. mention wis paper. Aaaresa, MADRID CHEMICAL CO., Branch Office for TjL S. A. SS8 Dexrborn Street. CHICAGO. UaJ FOR SALE IN WILMINGTON, N. C, BY Robert R. Bellamy, Dragglat. K)YER.5TRCL'SE ii C H US 412 BWAY H.Y. Tha Second Term of that Most! Succesifu SCHOOL, PEACE Institute, JAN. 84,3. Catal'g'e WUl begm Send for - ' And special terms to JAMES DIN WIDDIE, Principal, Balcigh, N. 'c: tatMl1? EARTH. O THURSDAY, J ANUA Li Y. 5, mpr.: Mm Smoker's I ." I ' . T Itnotva vhc.i it is 1 p!ca'd v. illi tiie 1 rtroTiatf-- , 'BlackweH'.s. Bull Durham f".' Snicking . j Wiilcli has been for rnorethan ai quarter - . j of a century the desire and delight of - i comfort lovers ; everywhere. ll strikes - ' the tast; of many fastidious bnokers. - ."-;.. - Try it.'. -'- ;? - Blackwcll'3 DurhamrTobacco Co.,' . f i- ; .. . DU2HAU, M. C- i WTI TTAVH A -ALSO" WHICr WB W?LL CLOSB OUT AT GREATLY THKSE OOOTJS WE IMPORTED AND ARE VERY Bf.JS lUJitt. , ; ! i WM. E, SPRINGER &.CO Xxx.oxiexa and ToTsToers, Purcell Building, I i Useful and TN MAKING YOUR SELECTIONS FQH CHRISTMAS SA3TTA CLAUS SUGGESTS THEY BE USEFUL AS WELL AS ORNAMENTAL. HJ SAYS TIMES ARE HARD AND ; YOU WANT TO BE PRACTICAL IN YOUR CALLS. NOW THERE IS HOTHING MORE USEFUL - - ! '-ill-. MENTAL OR PRACTICAL THAN A PAIR OF USEFUL TO KEEP.! TfiE FOOT WARM AND PRESERVE THE HEALTH. ORNAMENTAL IN-THAT THEY ADD TO PERSONAL APPEARANCE. . j PRACTICAL AS TriEY SERVE AS A GIFT DGIVE SERVICE AFTER WARJ). WE HA VE THE HANDSOMES' f STYLES IN TOWN AN THE BROTHER, THE PAPi, AND ALL THE ii i ...... 1 1! AND EXAMINE. WE WISH YOU A MERRY Geo. R. -OF- Dress Goods, Ladles' AND White and !- ,- . 1 j l '' L .I".-": ii At Half I HAVK JUST RECEIVED THE BEST 60 CENT WHICH. I WILL NORTH - i-. ' --.- I.. : -! I-. S- : F 'Hi. '-- "' ' '' French & EAST COR. MARKET AND FRONT STS. -HEADQUARTERS FOR- CHRIS1MAS - JAPANESE GOODS, . ; . Trt"C nTT A -rxTorrTir, BBAUTIFL CHOCOLATE POTS, - . AFTER DINNER COFFEES, MANICURE SETS, 1 FANCY BOTTLES, ruitiiuaiAlJlS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY. WE SHALL MAKE SPECIAL Dress andCloall Goods FOR THE NEXT FIFTEEN DAYS. COME HUSKE Ac Ill Market OUR iWe wish one and HAPPY NEW: V'j We regret tljat we give you the proper " attention owing to stock taking. Tj - . i o' - "ivwmig- wiicn parea 10 serve-you than da . tt &atjtxtlszmtxts. Nose-: !. . " - t! 1 III i j-ieascd.ir It is always fragrant and peculiar r . - Tobacco TfltW WUVTISnMIt 1- -.'SETS,- E EDUCED PRICES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. FINE QUALITY AND CHEAP. . CALL AND . ... i ! - j Wilmington: N. C. ORNA- I. NICE SHOES. JTP thk babt, thx hotqsb SISTERS, 1 i . IB CO8IN8 AND AUNT8. CALL CHRISTMAS Sons. and Gen s Underwear Ornamental Colored Wdol Blankets Pr CE. COESET EVER SOLD ON 'tHI8 MARKET SELL AT 41 CETrS. DI8PLAY OF SALAD BDJHSS, CUPS AND SAUCERS. TKAJPOTSi H'D'KT,; AND GLOVE RDTTia ! j TOILET SETS. : ; CARD CASES, BRUSHES AND COMBS. INDUCEMENTS IN OTO ' EARLY AND! MAKE TOUR SELECTION' Street. AND all YEAR have been J unable to the i past week We will 1 ' win ,uc open sr . la m. - we win pe better pre- ever before. GOODS Rep artment RONS HBATINO 8TOVK9 BSATINu i HKATINO !. BEATING HKKTING -HKATINO- fiTOVKS , : - STOVES , " 'STOVES STOVES . 8TOUE3 STOVES STOVE8 i HKATINO HBATIN HEATING STOVES STOVES HEilTllIU STOVK3 lis.n gTOVBff BSATINU HEATING H BATING f HEATING , IIISI1 STOVES. Ei HEATING STOVES HEATING HEATING HEATING STOVES STOVES STOVES HEATING STOVES HEATING HEATING I .HEATING ' HEATING. . HEATING HEATING .. HEATING HEATING HEATING 8TOVBS " STOVES . STOVES STOVES ' STOVES -STOVES . STOVES STOVES ! STOVES, j -V- HEATING STOVES . In OMMo -Ma'.M. OFFER THEM; AT Reduction of 10 Per t, N. Jacobi Hardware Co "A.HAPPY i NEW YEAR" TO ALL OUR FRIEHDS AND PATRONS. TiriTH MANY THANKS ' V Y-r ' r' . a '? mX. - ior iavors enjoyeu in iuc past, we ask for a continrance of the same and remain . ' rRespectfully, - ; J.NAUMBURG -1 Call fori one of i our' handsome pocket calendars. lilME 1 LIME 1 Best on the market. Ask for i j i. - . prices. K "PLOUR, QUGAR, 4? LOUR, (OUQAR, Canned - Goods, Lowest Cash Prjces, - WORTH & WORTH. H O L TD AYS. ';.',! f : A FULL LINE Or,, -";v : HOLIDAY GOODS CHRISTMAS CARDS, TOYS AND PRES. ENTS-OF VARIOUS KINDS. -- - . . - Pianos and organs, OF THE FINEST QUALITTFINI8H -AND LOW PRICED, MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS OF ALL KINDS, STATION- - RT, Etc., AT ; . -; Ged. Haar's Music House . Market Street, Wilmington, N. O. ; The ''Atlantic Cafe," Cor. Front and Red Ctom streets, opposlta the uwug VOW UBt oepnt. i ' Oysters in Every Sty I e T,"00? Ltoert in tie Bute. tty served: Y inai- OBr l'ffAnt Tim. ..-. . pleted." ; ,l axu aow com- wSfiiWlWaSSi COUNTER GIESCHEN BROS. sevt 15-tf Just lRea.d It. T. v SSASHP T3 POSSESSED is known ."Zri'J-y J"P other Drna.r&ttnM th .. ......,I,1W1K j j r , ...... iiApqatf Tha 8us$iaB OjrthahnkOirticUiiiBd iBtentcr Booms land s. ' atim Tn wnGToN'c0"8 - TRUCK FARM FOR SALE in Exchanged for citWs P80PEPJY QNEj MILE O? THE CITV close d ftnU buildings thereon. ' limit! EN'. i dee CRONLY h IS. INTER STATE Trust & Brokerace Co I j KALE I G II, x. C. I STOCKS, BONDS AND LIBERAL Lb vfc Llfe.j Tontine and Indowinent itsn ' ON oct26-3m ' Fish, Game, andall kinds of Country Pcotf, llM! UNORIGINAL1 ilirK dec23(im At Watters A t I I .V'f Adrian & Volers " 1- I i WHOLESALE DEALELS IN I I V PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, jj; r j I Liquors, iqDacco, Cigars, j . "f .. A$D COMMISSION MERcilTsj. CorerKront and Dock Sts,, Wilmington, n.-c THE BUSINESS ARRANGEMENT EXIST I vr rATUKeOB DOWNING & CO V Patbrson, Dcff KIVC it c C ' -i 1Si Ifsnvr . "" Niw YoklDhc, si. ,n . kmm. nqgernoure, wno aas ior many years wi vunaK iu uusiuesu ior uiinBeu, tne man ment ot onr affairs will, on Jan. 1st, 1893. be v. nanas oisir. uenjy r.asn, jr., and the : of attornfey which Col Moore holds will upon dt be transf erred to Mr. Nash. I i , Deq2 li PATERSON, DOWNING & C TiV.-l IliU (. At The Unlucky Horner FOR - CHRISTMAS n FRUIT other 1 REWORKS, HATTW. - PnTTWn f!AirJ ni ax- or Chickens dressed to order and deUvered wht-n ever Ton wish. Giva na vnnr orriftra w,. n. SANDERS XNDERS GEO. W.vHUGGlNS 1 JEWELER AND WATCH INSPECTOR LER AND WATCH INSP 106 MARKET. STREEtJ THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO CALL AM) examine inj large and well selected stock c,i goibda, including all the latest npveltieB in Jewel ry and Silverware. Am receiving gocn! dally suitable for -Wedding Presents, etc. I alsohave a flnt class watchma ker who irf giving entire satisfaction to theftmbl it.'. XMAS GOODS ' . - 1 J " ( t j I i i Apples, 3range?, Cocoanuts.i Resins, j' ALSO ITU, STOCK OF j;' ij ." CANDIES, CRACKERS,' " 1! . CHEESE. CANVKD Miiiik i , , SUGARS, COFFEES AND; FLCltli Orderlinitime or your noUdav tradd 1 L & PEA HS ALL. Dor Kutt and Mulberry Sts. I i BEAUTIFUL GOODS I -' . FOR .' '': J' M Xmbs Presents -AT- LqWest Prices. ROBERT Ri BELLAMY RUGGI8T, N. W. COR. FRONT, AND MARKET STS '- i dec22 CHRISTMAS GOODS da useful ind seasonable kind now offered b. J. A!. "SPKI1GER.; ; DEALER IN ; i Coal and Voba. Ton nosslb Cnristmas present to some of your Trtjiy frietds man to give tnem a ton of coal or a cord of trob J Remember this advertisement. Seasonable Goodk. - -; ' I . i j 9'i. WEOFFERTHISWEEKAVERT CHOK E selection of i i Groceries SUITABLE FOR THE SEA RnJ. . i ! P15mJdlD,,' Moo Meat in Glass; iTm fend Blk ftfeaervesand Jelly in Glass, tin ad , DunbarfaRipe Figs in cordial, Ini- Queen Cluster Raisins, Vallncia HaisinsJ : ' ! ) 4 Tit TOO PArTDnra Va.T.i. j -r- i t California reaches, N uiaicn r-eacnes,'. v. uriea TlriPfl Annlao HwnnV. Dr. . ... Finest in the market. I J . IMPORTED: COMFITS AND CHOCOLAT fK3 X . -! , .. I Awvueion, jraomage de Brie, Edam, Pine ipple . . uittu;uuau yream uneese. M . : CRAB APPLE CTDER VERYT NICE! ! ' A LARGE LOT ORANGES AT LOW rRICES.. Onx holiday fine is complete and we can Jlease- j j the mpst fastidious. i;.l 8end in yout jordera. - We guarrantee prices aw tne lowestl We eannot fail to nip. Tnhi: .WITH FOtRDELIVERY WAGONS WE WILL .-: -nvJj JBJlf XVU WAITING. j l ; The John L. Boatwieht Co. U o tt&aaees Sal e. I.J. - . . . - ; . ..if I ; ii TT VTRTTnt T VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OV THE JL DOWer OX UiA. Cnntolnail In AAW... ;I?i'imyJtSce dated December 13, 1890, exe m . T iu m VCl USiLIl uuc i.. Vj t ---s""i v.,ua yeanes8tr, i e fnMl,afSr W o'clock m.; lit citr Twi?.?,'1 fe' .8tatc' Situated' Vsuic HnlnfvSlit iol wung to tbelWesieru li?ntKifI?2,, fFeet at point-ninety fees wtth VA etJ thence westwardlvDaralifel wiiti nn ,;h. " j - 1,1 BIU sireet noriowaruj; ZSt fSS Krt5 street one hundred and fifty 4 block U& tog-being a part of lotsi, 3 ami, iXSSJPL'tanlng in the eastertf line of ti-PPt Vh T e . nunTthreefeet north of Orange V , "uniug uience wiia Jtieventn sueri. ri?rittwaruy wo hundred and thirty-obe fffj. tnence eastwardly parallel wUh Orange streej ?Lxlu?IS4i ftn,f aft 'ee to jasmine street. . . wltn Jasmine street south two Jiundreii and sixty-four feet to Orange street, th. hce witu orange street westward, seventy-five feet. tZiJUZ i?nwaraiy parallel with Eleventh streei .THiaree and thence westwardly parallel with orange street seventy-five feet tqf he be ginning, being part of lota , 4, 6. 6 and? block ff ... e! H. KIDiER, I Fandy UUTH PRQNT' ST. G. P. KIDPER, j . December aiii82. . decsidset - "I V