ft CANCERS, - ' - ,: SCROFULA, ALT RHEUM, RHEUMATISM, BLOOD POISON. itcei fend evfers kindred disease arising i from im);jro:.fcKl raecsssfully treated by' tl. tnc-ver-iai &iii best tf til tonics and 1 r.iwi""1 .1 ;-v.:-.-.ijf.rce applicalioa. .a-.etJ ,: T .... nin W," .'i. tiiO And -PIANOS 33 up ent. uat'lg i r. Address DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washing- Mil, N.-J-! Agent's profits per month. 'Willprove it or pay forfeit. New articles Just out. : A $1-60 sample ana terms free. ... ........-.... f. Cnir DQ Ttstvwl ITT TIS: LI I u CD i uvi o uuuu hi.,, v. : -. vi ROSSES CORED b7 TI3ULAK CAB haani fVim- An- III". book ax. Haw law. The Consumptive and FeetilO end-all who J: rbjn-s the worst Cwieh. Weak Lunga. d i.'-Uifn, 1 n;.4 weakm'M,-Klkeumalini and Fain. 60c. 1. MiMDEiRCORNS. sit an licta, I b..;4 &i. i'tuu. Alakea walklziz easy. at lirugpata.- I , A 1 First-Class Druggists, !'l r;jr,i.pfisent date' will keep on sale the Im ii.(iru'i India Hemp Remedies. Dr. H. Uari-' . jjr.rpaxation of. this herb on its own !i)4 i aichtta), will positively cure Consump ;i;(n. JiTotieliitis, Asthma, and Nasal Ca W rrli ainl break up a fresh eold in 24 hours. ' - t.e'r bottle, or 3 bottles $6.50. Try it. . CUADDOl'H & CO., Proprietors, i ! - - -1032 Race St.. Philadelphia. ir.. m COIflPABY'S 1 Exlract of Beef, THE STANDARD FOR PURITY, FLAVOR AND WHOLESOMENESS. . JCiennine only, with Juttal ton Ltebig's j signature as shown WmQlMLPILLS ftFC. ai-viifs relist -ie. - ladies, ask -ZV'-I .Hxra. s. aici irn-U tlue ribbon. Tk J -r s rtor and iteiron. At Drusgiua, or Mnd fi CARTER'S Pick npiwi'che and relieve all the troubles inci dent toa failiousState of the system, such as liizainess, Kausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating, i'ain in the Side, &C. While their most, ' remarkable success has been shown in suring rieadftci". yet Cartkb's Little Livkr Pnxs are eouall " valuable in Constipation, curing and p?etAtit-g this annoying complaint, white thry also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the live" and- regular the bowels. Iven if thev oblv cuTCd diAie thy would be almost pricelasf.to those who sufter from this distressing complaint: lut fortunately their goodness does not end liore. and those who once try them wUl nod these little pillfl valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. iut after all, sick bead tAfheiaine ot so many uves that here is whew we ni&k our preat boast. uur puis cure i while otlirs do not. " r- . CiBTxh'a t,ittt.e T.ivm-T'ir.i artvervsmau und vert p-si to takn. One or two pills make -a losivl They are strictly vegetable and do not Rripe or riire.3, but b'- their gentle action Hea all who use them. Ir "iafe at 25 cents; fcre for-l w SoM pvervwhere, o- sent by maiL . ' CZ2TE2 a3lr CO., He Tnk. a n m (a llss fivsnentfA from maVBT ndays of knisei-T. and enable bim t Jt -mbatevr b Risbea. TUcy prevent Sick Headaolie, tte r ooU to assimilate sad not fa tb body, give keen appetite, mi IDjoyolop Flesh ud Bolld masrle. ElearaDtlT snr ated.j Price, S3ct. per box. QjLD, EVERYWHERE. .: . j. : .r. i'-r- ria.i : r. U rr publicity oi a s L 1 ti&k, JA.-nffi ' Jiot- to stricture 5T?i 'Kl I'niizrna. Cure. iiinSiifacturya try V- S. f.. -4- 14 YEARS SUFFERING Of Nervousness Cured BY 2 BOTTLES OF I DR. MILES' RESTORATIVE HEnVillE Bays A. V. Start. Pent Van, N. T. 10 Years of Stole HeadaoheCured by Two i.ottiet." Emellns runt.Ot. taws, Ohio. Ker vine Is. the eaiek I remedy for Sleeplessness Ktrnn Preatrmtlom. r pllevayTSt- Vlt..' I)c. Oplnaa Vfb,t -a.! V..nl Hvaterl,CBTalalna. Aalsl, ParJ,ls, t. Thoussnds teattry. Trial Haul and Elegaxrf BoollJ'ree atdrugf lit. R. MlujESVMEDiCAL CO., g IKhart, Ind. fAlOTIOE. qfrLLIrS,MCLI,STS JtTST KECErVBD A i' I for chdice large slae. Also the Golden Knle ' 1nr n h.inM an the timfl. CracSers, Candles, ;iieene, toffee, Molassea, Syrups sod fallline . .ined goads. Also Job lots Tobacco, rrices au : )e beaten. Call or write for prices. Con. tKttis "Ota t'ountnr 'Produce carefully lunaled. ' f - B. F. KEITH, Js., Wholesale Grocer 130 North Water St. ; ctis-3m iiAw . Wilmington, S V v. vi:i lorioj.ic. uo. x. 853 Broad- 3i''"J PARKER'S lt? HAIR BALSAM L?; ClTansea and beantifie the bail. "$.irfsijl fcroniouja ,a laz" grosrth. r-rlKi vEJj If eer . Fails to Restore Gray fj-'-cvJ -Hair tollta Youthful Color. kLN' ?ti?'a Cure at-alp dix-aeet & hair falling. K.. imH T?Ti e- tl-W at Droggiiti All H'ivER.?e7'. 8ICES fmm Smu E2S2.; Sim win at ' ISM I 111 inn1 ult ! VA-zSUfen A " NORTH CAROLINA. We have Tised &U of our State ex changes to hand ia the , J above. More news with more papers.; .1. Raleigh Visitor'. Col. P. A. Olds is getting ready for his reportorial campaign daring the session jot the General Assembly. There is no such word as fail with the colonel. He gets there always on schedule time. Goldsboro Argus: Goldsbojro has grown steadily during the year that has just c'.OBed. Many new and handsome structures havejjbeen added to her residential abodes, while the large and commodius! cot ton mill one of tbe finest plants in the South is a monument tojthein dustrial progress the city "has made during 1892. ' i ' ! j . New Bern Journal: 'Mr. Marion Butler's paper, the Clinton. Oaticasian, was moved to Goldsboro yesterday. A meeting was held at the city hall lasf night in the interest of a State Road Congress. , A committee was appointed by Mayor Manly to go to Raleigh in order to petition the present Legislature in regard to this very important question,! , " Raleigh Chronicle'- The dwelling house of Ned Smity, colored, in Oberlin was destroyed by an acci dental fire on Saturday last. All the furniture was saved.- Smith is a hard working man' and has a wife and . several children. Parties in town yesterday reported a iserious affray in House's Creek township in which were engaged Charles Page. Charles Harris and Med. Harris, in which -i the- latter was seriously in jured. In this contest the old man Med. Harris was so badly injured Lthat his life was despaired of j He is better now,- and Page has gone where the woodbine twineth. Greensboro Record: Two Greens boro young men, ministers of the gospel, who were reared in the First Presbyterian church, in this;' place, preached here yesterday, .Rey. Robt. E., Caldwell at 11.-m. and E. Thacker at 7 p. m., the latter, . how evtr, will' not graduate from the Seminary until -the coming 'spring. ' A negro by the name of (Smith, not John, was charged in the May or's court Saturday with cutting open Jerry Grasty's under lip with a blow from a guitar, dislocating seven teeth and breaking his jaw.j Jerry was in court with his head thor oughly bandaged, and talked as if bis mouh was full of Jiot mush.' -Dr. Smith announced yesterday that 30 members had been received into ,his church during the past year and 34 for the year previous. For the past four years 1G6 persons have joined, 76 ladies and 90 gentlemen, being an average of 41y for each year. Three were received duriDg last week! all by certificate. ! Raleigh NewObserver: Mr. R. B. Rahey, the popular tost of t the Yar boro, reached? Raleigh safe and sound yesterday morning; after his success- ful circuit of the globe, having com pleted the great tour with .more pleasure and profit, if not with such great, speed, as the famed hero of Jules Vernes' favorite work-f Mr. Greek O. .ndrews, city editor of the New-Observer, who has been absent from1 the sanctum for nearly two weeks, haying been sick and confined at his room at the Yarboro several, days i befoire leaving to spend the holidays it his home iu Greensboro, has returned and resumed charge of his desk. Mr. W. F. Long and Nannie Gray were recently married in Charloite : H?y a magistrate, who, after the ceremony, got off the fo! lowing: "Nancy Gray is nowj Nancy- Lone. She will be gay no longer But she'll before he make it gay for Mr. Long is much lODger.7 lhat magistrate; is a brute,' PUBLIC OPINION. Chief among these causes are inn ventions and improvements of labor saving machinery, discoveries- of new'materials of manufacture,1 bet ter organization of labor, and the cheapening and extension of means f transportation by land ana sea. These mighty agencies for supplying the wants and increasing tne com forts of mankind have overcome in great degree the obstructive methods of tariff -moqgeriag j legislation. Philadelphia Record, Dem. j In a financial article the New York Triburu states' that "in a whole gen eration of continuous protective dnn ties here and: continuous free trade in Grea; Britain pricesof American products have been, reduced almost exactly as much, in spite of the ad dition of duties said to be intolerable to consumers, -as prices have been reduced in Great Britain during the same time.V This fact demoastrsJes that there are far more potent .infla- nces ttan the tariff in governing the prices of commodities a trum which the Protectionists oDsunareiy refuse to recognizee. h a well Known work Mr. David A. Wells, the emi nent economist, has reyiewea me causes that have produced the grat revolution in trade, the. results o hich are recorded IV statistics :oi prices, " . ! " ' The Havmarket massacreiand the experience of Chicago with agitators like Parsons and epies snouiu wu our authorities to prevent j the im Dortation of snch murderous, cTanKs 43 Louise Michel. Tbe fact cannot be denied that we have m our iargd cities a dangerous class ready to foln low any leader who will furnish op portunities for' pillage, murder and incendiaries on a jargej scale. It is a foolish policy , to teuporiifo with these public enemies. Their meet ings should b9 prohibited, I theii80 cieties broken up, their newspapers suppressed and their leaders locked up. Especially should Chicago guard its peaoe and order this year. The World's Fair will draw hosts of peoi pie to that city, and there will be much to tempt the so-called Anar ehista to indulge their , thirst for blood and thievish propensities. Atlanta Comtttution. Dem. Never Too Late, xno hout is too Jate to mend in iiut one minute after the train starts is too. late to get ready. Like the little boy with the toy railroad like the real road and I the actual traffic, we begin to run out our day's trains in the momine and hardlv weary of them far into the night. How many of them start on scneauie timer . it tne raiixoau, even m time of snowdrifts, or floods, or accidents, allows its trains tn lincer a few moments be hind time, the depots and cars are filled with complaints. Are we half so particular in our own affairs? Do we not start our day and our breakfast at most irregular hours? Ana n tne early train is bemad time, woo will keen track clear all dav and re-arranee the disordered time-tables? Whose fault, is it? everybody's but the condemnation rests especially on the wife land house keeper, if she allows the first meal of. the dav to drag and srrow tardy when at a mo ment's nonce she could provide a meal suit1 able for the most delicate appetite or the heartiest railway engineer, by using Heck- airs' BeiX-xtaising cucKwneavwhicn- is ai ways "onetime. . !L riHArjCJAL AND GQM&EECiAL wii.3iington bxaukkts. .... Office of thb Mkssknqjr, i WlLMmaTON; N; C, Jan. 4 carroj? kspo&tsI i The local -market closed dull at 9io, TiACfli nts of cnttnn faMiatt lRfl haiaa RecelDta corresDOndins? da-v last vnar 358 bales. :-; . t . I The quotations posted at 4 o'clock y ea- teruay at mexenange: t Ordinary, i . T. ... ......... .'.I 7 Good ordinary.. J R cts Low middling.. i' 9 S ir Middling ...:....-. q Good middling. .-. .. .......... ..J io 1-16 Price same day last year 8 15-16 cts. f.'NAVAIa STOKES. ..'! Spirits turpentine firm at i?73c. i - I Rosin firm strained $ 1.00, I good strained $1.05. . - . s , - Tar firm at W.15. I ' ! , I Crude turpentine steady; hard 11.00, virgin 11.70: yellow dib 41.70. ! i Price same i day last year Spirits turpentine 3lc; ; rosin SLZ01.25, tar 11.30; erufie turpentine Il.OO, fL90; $1.90.' ! , ' . . "! .: :; . j. Receipts to-day 76 casks spirit? tur pentine, 1,131 barrels rosin, 48 barreis tar, 10 barrels erude turpentine. ; Receipts same dty last; year 212 casks spirits turpeh tin, 1,502 barrels rostn,'252 barrels tar, 29 barrels crude turpentine. f - ' j .MARKETS Bf TELES SifH.' - : FINANCIAL. . New IfoiiK; Jan. 4 Money on, call easier, ranging : from 4 to 6 psr cent.1, closing offered at 4. Prime mercai tile paper 6fdQ per cent.;' Sterling exv change firm; posted rates 4.86J 4 88i; commercial bills 4 Slifoji.So, and 4 7t . Government bonds steal y. lAtate boads neglected. Kailtoaa bonds, strong ex cept for Reaaing. Sab-Treasury bal ances; coin 387,0Jl,0J0;curreniCy 9 4,871 UUU. . - i I . . STOCKS AND BONDi ' ' i . :l - New York, Jan. 4. Western Un ion, 93J; New York CsntraLjl08i; Wew Jersey Central; 123; Northern Pacific, lb; ao preferred, 4Si: Union Pacific 39t; Missouri Pacific, ' 5J; Texas Pa cific, 91; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 151; Erie.- 23t; do.m eferred c3i; Lake Shore 1274; "Louisville and Washvitle, 72; Nashville and Chat-, tarnooga and St. Louis, 86;-Richmond aDd West Point Terminal: 7: ; Ala bama, A, 5's, 1 108; Alabama B. 104: Alabama C, 93; Norfolk and Western preferred 37; EistrTennessee railroad, 3i; do. preferred. 23; Cotton iOil Trust itl; do. preferred, 81 Ten cessee Set tlement 100t; Tennessee 5's, 100t; Tennessee 3's 734 t,i -Virginia bs. 60; Vireioia exMature Cou pons ! 37; I Virginia Consolidated 51); Silver Certificates, 82i; Amer ican Susar Refinery v, do. pre ferrd ;. North Carolina 4'S, 99; North Carolina b's. 122: South.Caro- lina brown Consol, 5; Memphis and Charleston, 60; Mobile and Ohio ; L.icnmond ana ua,n ville, i V asked; t bid. tt Ex. Dlv COTTON. Liverpool.1 Jan. 4 NODN.-rCot- ton firm but demand light; America; middling 5 5-16d; sales 7,000 bales, in eluding 6,100; bales .American i for peculation and export 1.000 bales; rei ceicts 5 000 bales, American 400 bales. Futures firm.: j T ' I American middliner. lew " middiinsr clause, January and February 5 12-6 Id, 5 14-6ld, 5 16-611; February aod March O 14-bld, 5 15-64, 5 lbV64d, 5 17-643; March and Apr,l 5 16-6Jd, 5:i7-64d, 5 18-64d, 5 19-64d; April and May 15 18 64d, 5 19-61d, 5 2l-64d; May aid June 5 22 -Old,1 5 20 6 Id, (5 23 64d; June and July a zz-64a; July and August 5 Z7-61. Tenders 200 bales new. dockets! and 900 bales old. t V i - : 4 p. m. American lniddlln? 5 13 64d; good middling 5 l-18d;;middiing o o-ioa; low iniaaiirig 5 3-iea; goodordi nary o 1 loa; ! ordinary 4id; January and February 5 13-64d, buyer; Febru ary and March 5 14-bld,! 6 15 6dJ March and April 5 16 64d. 5 17-64d: April and May 5 18-64d, 5 19i.64d; May and June 5 20 6 Id, 5 21 64d; June and July 5 22-64d, 5 23-64d; July and August 5 2l-84d, 5 264d; August and Sep). tember 6 23-6id, 5 24-64d. Futurts closed steady. : - ' I ' - Nevv Yock:, Jan. 4. Cotton' net receipts 707 bales; grogs receipts 707 bales. Futures closed steady; sales 1G1,- 500 bales; January 9.(09 64; February 9.y39.74; March 9 84(a9 8i; April 9.9 9 9o; May 1 10.03. t10 04; June 10.1 lfri 10.12; July 10.17(gl0.l6; August 10.21(a) 1U.. Mi-. I i - L NilW YORK, "Jan. 4. Cotton quiet; middling uplands 9Jc; middling Or leans lvie; sales 429 bals. Total net receipts at all ports fdr to-day 18,422 bales, Exports Great Britain 3,761 balesv France ; 4.015 bales; contii- cent 2. 617 bales; stock l,lij4,47 bales Cooeolidated net receipt at jail porta 82,407 bBles; exports! to Great Britain 17,739 bales; continent 31,544 bales; stock 1,134,476. i , M Galveston, Jan. 4. 'Cotifon quiet at 91c: net receipts 3,359 balesgroas re- ojpts biles.? . ' - ; Norfolk Jan. 4. Cotton dull: at 9 9 -16c; net receipts 305 bale J. gross re o.Ainta hales. , - '' 4 t . i SAVANNAH,' Jan. 4 -Cotton quiet at 9 7 16c; net receipts 4, 188 bales; gross raseipt- -bales. . f New Orleans;1 Jan. 4. Cotton firm at 91c; net-receipis 6,840 bales; gross receipts 7,229 bales. . . Charlejjto, Jan. 4. Cottonsteady at Of c; net -eoeVps3 314 balesrgfoss receipts 314 bales. I PROVISIONS.GROCERrES4 E0; Baltimore, Jan. 4. Flour steady; Western superfine 81.85 g2 10t do extra S2 25310; do. famii? $i 403 75. Wheat stroug; spot ana sso. z rea Jan uary 77ic; February 78c;Maj 81 ici mill iog wheat by sample. 75(a18c. Corn strong; spot 49ic; January i48jo bid; -February 481c bid; May 50ic; white corn by sample 4849; yellow corn by sample 5152c, - i . CHICASOS Jan 4. Cash Quotations were as follows; . Flour steadier, hold ers asking 10l5c advance ori the bet ter grades, orosers not nowicg ia the upward tendency; No, j z sprmg wheat 72t(72ic;No. 3 soring wheat 61(0? 63c; No. 2 red 72ic; No. 2 corn 40c No. 2 oats 30' 31c; No. 2 white Febru ary 33KaSi.i Mess pork $15.62i15 75 Lard iu.vu. j anors nos. bib i-sn 9.15.- Dry salted shoulders,- r 6its$ 8 50. Short clear sides 9 5091 60. Whis key Si 30 Chicago, f Jan. 4. The leading futures closed as follows, openicg, cloeing: Wheat, Jo. a January 727, 72t72J; May 784, 7878J-4 July 76i, 77i(a7J. Corn, No. 2- January 40i(a) 401, 44i; February 41J(tt42, :42i; May 45i 46i. Oats, No. 2 May 30i, 304; February 31f, 31i; May 344, 35'J354. Mess porlc January io.j,io.o; may si 6.70. 17.174. ' Lard-January S10.70, 10.62i: Mav 110.024, 10.15. Short ribs January SS.&O, 9.15, ; May 13.0?, 9.20. NEW YORK, Jan. 4. Flour in mod erate demand and strong; Slow extra 82 102.55; city mills $3 90(4.00; city mill patents . $4.354.50 Winter wheat low grades S2 102.55; patents $3 85 C44-25; Minnesota clear $2 50 3 40; patents $4 25; a 4 7o. ; Soutnacn flour quiet and steadj: common to fair extra $2.10(33.10; good to choice do 13 15(24 25. Rye flour steady and dull; superfine 13 203.40. Wheat Spot firmer with options moderately active; No.' 2 red 80c in store and elev ator: 803 1 afloat; options opened weak at iCaHc decline, closing steady after advancing tC4fc; May and March most . active; No 2 : red January 784c: March 803; May 83c Corn firmer but dull; No. 2 50c! In elevator; 50leri51c afloat; uneraded mixed 49-ai9: steamer mixed 5Qic; No. 2 white 3c;optlons dull and lCSio higher; Mav most active: Januarys 60c; May 52ic. Cat; 6POts firmer-and moder- atelv active: ODtlonj dulet and strong; January" 2iPt February 384c; No.2 white January 41c;spot prices No 3 33:436ic; mix d western S7rf;89i do. white 41(a)48ic Coffee options opened steady at 10 points down, to 10 points up; closed barely - steady at 5 points aown to 6 points up; January S16.D0 16 10; February $15.90; May $15.70 15.85; September $15.70(a)15 85; iDe- cember S16.70; spot rio dull and stefcdj; No. 7 17c. Sugar raw quiet and firm; fair refining 3(a3 M6c; centrif agals 98 test- 3 . 7-16c; muscovado 89 test j re fined fairly active and firm; No. 6 4i i ioc; jno. 7 4t(34 5-l6c; off A VQ 4 9-16c; confectioners ' A 4K24 $-16: cut loafS 5-16(a!54c; standard A 4H-16 f44Jc: powdered 4 13-16ra5c: irranulated 4 ll-165c: cubes 4 13-16(a)5c. Molasses roreign nomina!;New Orleans fair de mand and steady; open kettle new good to choice 25 437c Rice fair demand and steady; domestic fair to extra 84 64c; Japan 44(4ic. Petroleum quiet anu steauv; ;crude In barrels Par ker's $5.35; do. in bulk $2.85: Wash ington in barrels $4.85; do. in bulk $.35; rennea hi new xorK S5.4U; Phliaaei pr ia nd Baltimore t5 35; do. in bulk $2.832.80. Coton seed oil firmer; crude 43c; yellow 47c. Tallow quiet. Hides dull and Eteady. Wool dull and firm; domestic fleece 25fa32o; polled 20 (adc;'iexas lo(alo. ! Pork quiet and 6trupger; old! mess $15.50; new mess $16.25(31.6.75; extra prime nominal. Peanuts quleti fancy hand-picked 44c; farmers 2434. Beef dull and firm; family $8.0U(a10 .00; extra mess $6.25(fl0 6.75; beef hams quiet at $14.50; tierced beef quiet and firm; city extra India mess $16.50(417 00; cut meats active and stiontrer; j pickled bellies 9J(a)9I do. shoulders 84; do hams lli(llic; miuaies nrmer; snort clear 49.20 Lard quiet land stronger; western steam closed $11.05 asked; city $10.25; options January $10.95; March $10.55; May $10.40: refined firmer; continent $1 1.4ff; South America $11.60. Freigh ts to Liverpool moderate demand and firm; cotton 5-64d; grain lid asked. NAVAL STORE3. JNew- York Spirits oi turpentlno null and steady at 304(31c. RoBln quiet end steady; strained, common to good 81.B2.C41 35. Charleston -wpirits turpenlire firm at 27 ic. uosin tirm; trood strained 81. CO. Savan&ah Spirits turpno. e quiet at 230. Uosn firm at Sl.l'5(fiD1.10. London Turpentine, epirits, j 22s, 4a. Fine roslff strained ?. l . Llverpocl Common resin 3b, 7f d. Liverpool Turpentine 22s 44d, Slitvpivig 'JfatfUlemiue, ARRIVED YESTERDAY. . Cljde Line 'steamship Pawnee, In gram, New York, H. G. Smallbones. Steamer A. P. Hurt, Black, Black, river lanatcgs. CLEARED YESTERD A.Y. American schooner Max, Patrick, Port i au Prince, Ueorge Harrisp, Son & Co. . i ' 1 British slearoship Huntcliff, Lewis, i i- .Bremen, Alex. eprunt& Son. Clyde Linei steamship. Pawnee, Idk gram, Georgetown, B, C, H. G; Small bones. . ' ' . ; .- , . -EXPORTS. FOREIGN. ' For Port au P. icce per American Echooner Max--l 25,025 feet rough-lumber. 76,221 ket d-esse d lumber, 10.C00 shingks, 24 barrels spirits turpentine, yarned at $2,676 32. . uargo by S. & W, H. Northrop. Vessel by Qeer Harrisp. Son & Co. j r I ' For Bremen per British steamship Huntcliff - 10.0CO bales ccttn44,726.718 pounds), valued at $450,855, , Vessel aLd cargo by Alex. Sprunt & Sod. VESSELS 4N TJUE PORT QF WIL- j MING TON. 1 STEAMSHIPS. Citv of WrvrriPfetpr YRr.V t RRH fnn. Fortune, Alex.! Sprunt & Son. i Muy uonn itsr.j, J,4b3 tons, iJawson, Alex--Sprunt St i on. t I ! IriDOil (lir.l. 1.687 ton?. Coatp.a Heath Cotton Company. ! - i ' barks. 1 : 1 Daisv (Nor ). 456 tons. Holbnrn. Pnt-' erson, Downirg.t Co. i i Joreensen (Dan.) 56S tons. Jorffan- Ben. Jas. T. Riley & Co. Louisa (Ger.l. 690 tocp. Wegener. E. Peschau &, Co. Atlantic (Ger.l, 291 tons. Stein- brugge, IJ. Peschau & Co. -w i Ouwara (Ncr ). 558 tons Oljen. Ham- sen, Heide & Co. ' SCHOONERS. Ella R. Hill (Am.), 92 tons. Hill. Geo. Harrisp, Son & Co. Llna C. Kamiuski Am. 414 tone. Woodbury, Gtorge Harriss, Son & Co. same Hizzell (Am.). 90 tons. Jones. George Harriss, Son & Co. Robert A. Boyder t Am.), 347 tons. Guthrie, Geo. Harriss, Son & Co. R, S. Graham (Am.). 321 tons. Tav- lor, George Hsrriss, Son & Co. Martin C. Ebel (Am 1.393 tons. Mc Millan, George Harris?, Son & Co. betn M. Todd (Am ). 178 tons. John son. Geo. Harris, Son & Co. .Mama a. traoKnu Am. , 4Vo tons. McDonild, Geo. Harriss, Son & Co. Mabal Darling (Br.), Ill tons. Ran ger, Cronly & Morris. Roger Moore (Am.), 318 tons. Miller. Jas. T. Riley & Co. Onando (Am.), 180 tecs, Een icn.Geo. Harriss, Son & Co. Clotlns and Opening of the Ms ils. On and after Sunday, January lst,1893, the mails at the Wilmington, N. C, post office will close and be ready for delivery, as fol lows: I CLOSE. For Mt. Airy and way stations, u. a: K x . v . railroad l.w A. M. " Southport.; ....5:30 . " " Shallotte, Brunswick county ' Tuesdays and Fridays i 6:00 Wrightsville .6:20 " " Peanut, Onslow county Mon days and Fridays 6:30 " ! " North, and way stations,Vj & W. railroad 8:30 " " i Cape Fear river, Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 P; if- '.' Clinton, Magnolia and Golds .boros 'shcKjfly'' 3:00 ?' " South, and way stations, W. " U. A. railroad i. o:2o " Charlotte, and way stations, C. C. railroad ,6:00 " Wilson, and points North, connect with No. 14 W. & W. railroad...:' 7:00' MAILS READY FOB DELIVERY WHEN TRAINS ARE ; - j ' ON TIME. From Mt. Airy and points on C. F. &Y. V. railroad ........ .1:00 A. M, " Charlotte, and points on, C. C. railroad .8:30 i " '? South, and points on W. C. & ' . A. railroad . .....9:50 ", " Landings on Cape Fear river, i Tuesdays and Fridays 8:00 ' ' if Clinton, Magnolia, and Golds boro, "shoofly" 12 M. ' Southport L ;: 5:00 P. M " Shallotte, Brunswick county, .. . Mondays and Thursdays 7 :00 " " Peanut, and Onslow county, Tuesdays and Saturdays. 7:30 " Wrightsville....;.. :7:30 ; ." - " North, . and way stations, train . No.23, W.& W. railroad. 1.. 7:30 " " Through mail.. ........ ii:30 Geo.; Z. French, P.'M. .'-: reserving Praise, We desire to say to our.citizens, that for years .we nave Dsen seuing ur. Kind's New! Discovery for Consump tion, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Buok- IsnV Am'. oa Salvo nnd Klectrlc Bit- ters, and have never handled remedies that sell as weu, or that' have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate .to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready - to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory re-, suits do not follow their use. - These remedies have. won their great popu larity purely on their merits, R. R Bellamy, Druggist, j ' t We have a speedy, and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, canker mouth and headache, in SHILOH'S CATARRH REM EDY A nasal injector free with each bot tle. Use it if you desire health and swee breath.. Price 50c. Sold by Eobejrt R. Bel amy, wholesale and retail agent. - -: PHICES CUBBENT, Tb Qvstavtloae BepMseat Pxless Wltole . ' ssae. ! pRdvisiONS. r j BACON JTorth Carolina. . : f Hams, lb....i its Sides, fit. ' o ft 0'4 BACON SUGAR CURED ; i I Hai8,;a...t...i ,..;.i:...;uxo - oulders, V .....i 8 UKY SALTED S13es,.-...., Pork, )l barrel City Mess, .... LARD Compound (Bsls Trcs) .. 8 10 ZK US run,MIIM: ........... STXDUR, GRAIN, HAY, AC. FLOUR, 9 Darret ; ? v - - Western, low grade.. J. ....!... .S SO Q i - " - family 4 as a 4 60 GRAIN, S bushel- , W .Corn, irom store, bags, white. .. 68 67W " mixed, from store, bags... 61 o 66 , Oats, ffom ore.. 45 Q7X rastptool... i... 50 CowDeas..4... eo a es CORN MEAL, y bushel in sacks. 56 87K -In oar; lots 54 HAY, $1 100 fits ! i ! Eastern 1 m " Western, No, 1.... '. 1 so $95 cowiu nv. Mm... ........ va K1UJS i Common 9 ft Fair......;... Good 1. Prime...... i. 4U A 4 16H O 0 i ! '. liKUUEKlES. CANDLES, 5H Sperm Adamantine ....... .... COFFEE, S lb Java Laguyra . S8 9 30 Mttj IS I - : oau..., ... 1 MOLASSES, gallon New crop Cuba, in hhda " " " inbbls Porto Rico, in hhds i " " In hhla . as 87 Syrup, in bbls SALTi 9 sack, Alum.:..........., Llveroooi 150 B to SOO S sacks SUGAR, f) ft Standard gran... standard A White Ex C. .......... . F.xtraC. Golden.....: ....... ... Yellow C SO 1 00 60 6a 6 4 4S 36 75 bit X 4 00 SOAPS box..., S85 ! BAGGING, TIES, BARRELS, SuO BAGGING ; S-fc Jute , Acme.... . BARRELS Spirits turpenUne 7 7 1 Second nand, each. ..1 85 New York, each.... New City, each .1 00 7il GLUE, ft.;....;.... .a... COTTON TIES, f) bundle.. 7H 9 ICO 1 JO nuur ikuw, v BUILDING MATERIAL J&0. BRICKS, Wilmington, ft M.. t eo S 00 LIME. barrel.. ii LUMBER, city saweft, 9 M feet, i I 1 amp stun, rosawea. ,jg 0020 CO xiongh ede, plank is 0010 00 West Indies cargoes, according n - i to 011.4117.. 130C15CC Dressed doonpg, seasoned. 15 0T30 00 SoantUn? and board. 00 m'n. ia nraia nn i 1 un, yjvis, gui, era oiuus.. OILS, y gallon 1 90 Kerosene.. ............,,.,..... 67 Linseed t aw)... i Lmseed (Boiled)... ., Rosin Tar Deck and snar.v. 47 60 80 95 20 85 86 S!iINGLES,hand made, cypress n. aims, f Jn............... " bids...... ; 6x21 hearts. ...... Cx20 h arts . -. . i- ' sana..,.... , 6x80 bartd sap'..i.:i. 8 0058 50 0 006 60 6 00&6 60 4 r,04 SO 4 60S? 00 1 0123 ii 6 03 00 00 4. STAVES, 9 M W. O. barrel..,. 8 00 4 00 0 ooaio 00 13 50C'il5 00 . k u. tioisneaa TIMBER, 9Td feet shipping, . miu prime.... MUlIair Common mill Inferior to ordiaarv.. A". 7 00 8 60 6 00 6 60 3 00 4 00 COUNTRY PROD UCE PEANUTS, 9 bushel 23 ftn- f ?une......4. Extra Prime....;.... ........ 80 S3 60 65 es 70 S3 Fancy BEESWAX, 9 ft. BUTTES, 9 ft rworxa tjarouna. Northern?.. J... IS. 8 9) 80 CattESE, m ft in or mem factory 11 13 134 IS 10 10J Dairy, cre3m State.... . To change my business I siimg in pare 01 -I.aJ I - .i - f BU WALL PAPER, ROOM MOULDING, WINDOW :V :!.,! It'- " : S . T C 1 , 1 j I 1 What We Guarantee in Pianos and Organs. FIRST. THAT OUR PRICES ARE AWAY BELOW OTHERS,, ji " . j :, SECOND. THAT THB QUALITY GF OTTR INSTHTIMENTSI; IS TAB RT'PkBTOT? TO ANT OFFERED HERE. ; T j THIRD, THAT THE PURCHASER RECEIVES THE EQUIVALENT OP HIS MONEY. FOURTH. 1 HAT EVERY INSTRTJM'EWT IS WHAT Wit HUtlIStTtT IT Tfi Tilt iwhTOlT OUR GUARANTEE IS ABSOLUTE ' i , j; - t J -Ml I FIFTH. WE PROTECT THE! INTERESTS OP OUR CUSTOMERS, I FOB BY SEHVIN THEM WE SERVE OURSELVES, j 1 1; i WE HAVE ON HAND FIVE DIFFERENT GRADES OF PIANOS." WHERE ONLY ON IS MAKE IS KEFT, YOB" CANNOT FOS8LBLY FORM AN IDEA AS To QUALITY, WHEN THB GlKDS. WHICH ARE SOLD A THE BE!T AND TBE NECESSITY OF GOING TO A RELIABLE THAT YOU ARE IN SAFE HANDS. -: WE HAVE IN OUR EMPLOY A THOROUGHLY TRAT!CirDFpiAWO MATttR ATTT) OROAK BUILDER AND GUARANTEE OUR WORK NORTHERN CITIES. NO MATTER HOW INTRICATE THE WORK MAY BE WE WILL DOIT E. I Christmas Gifts; Christmas r Gifts. GREAT MAKE YOUR FRIENDS A PRESENT OF SOMETHING USEFUL'' AND ORNAMENTAL. IS THERE ANYTHING MORS APPROPRIATE THAN A BED ROOM 8UIT, A PARLOR SUITOB DINING ROOMSUITt I AM MAKING SPECIAL REDUCTIONS) ON' ALL FURNITURE FROM NOW UNTIL JAN. 1ST, 1893. PARLOR SUITS WORTH $SS SEiIlINQ NOW FOR $25. BEDROOM SUITS AT $22 60 WORTH $30. SIDEBOARDS AT $1, $15. AND $25, WORTH FAR MORE MONEY PERHAPS YOU MIGHT LIKE A RATTAN OR PLUSH ROCKER, A CENTRE TABLE, HAT RACK, LADIES' OR GENTLEMEN'S WRITING. DESK, A PICTURE, EASEL, HALL CHAIRS. CHINA PRESSES, OFFICE CHAIRS.jDR ONE HUNDRED OTHER USEFUL AND APPROPRIATE -to. I I ' ! CATALOGUES AND ILLUSTRATfONS C" ON APPLICATION. ALWAYS JMjfMTIUN WHA I give special attention to all mail orders. Yon will be given Just as low price on goods yon order from me by mail as if yon were here and bought in person and you will be lost as well pleased with tne gooos. as tne illustrations show notning dui iccu w yieaee or money reiuuueo. uruer lrum E. 1 MV ANDREWS, 16 and 18 West Trade St, CakLristmnLsus : ;'!!' CALL AND SEE OUR MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF ChristmasJ Books; and OUR STOCK IS SO LARGE AND VARIED reseis.ts - to - ANLV AT ALL PRICES. PROMPT AND POLITE ATTENTION. " MAHKET TS A TRUE 8 TONE CEMENT PREPARED FOR plied as Kalsomlne, but gives a hard finish, is neater, more arUstie in effect and mors Bealtafnt Elegant effects In TINTING, SHADING, STSNCIL, RELIEF and other work easily pbtained. 50 CENTS COVERS CO- SQUARE YARDS. Y. M. XA- BUILDING, SOB NORTH 18 BIDES, V B-j Oreen.... 8 Dry POTATOES Insn, v ooLf pnrrr.Twv I Chickens, llvs,grown PS .. IS: 85 TURKEYS .75 108 Appolntmeitts) toy the Bishop of East ' . . i I Carolina. I . Wednesday! January 4, Su James', Beau- AVA V WUUtJ . Ij j I . j Thursday, uanuary 5,i St Augustine's, Pantego. f i j .-U" Friday, i Jafauary ; 6, Epiphany, M. P., Yeatesville. ; I -- " , Sunday,! January 8.,nrst after Epiphany, M. P., Zion church, Beaufort county. E. P., St. Thomas', Bath. T 3 Wednesday! January 11, M. P., St John's, Durham's Creek, i f mi Thnrsrla-r. Jnn 19 nhanal n tv.rv,0 Aurora, t ' i j n-. ; - 1 j Saturday, January 14, Haw Branch. Sunday, Janijary 15,second after Epiphany. M. PM Chocowinity. U I ouuuav, January 10, second after lijpipnanv, E. P., St Petejr's, Washington. J?nuary V. m SfPaul's, Wednesday, ! Janhary 18, M.P..Emmanuel, Farmville.- Ji i 1 . 1 1 , auurauay, January iy, m jf;, st John's Pitt county. 1 j 1 Thursday, January 19, E. P. . Friday, January 2$, M. P.i jDawson's School House. .f i . J j ; - f , : Sunday January 22, third after Epiphany, St-Barnabas'.jSnoWHill, Cpnsecration. - -.ucouajr j jupuaxyviM, m.i r., xioiy inno cents. IjfinniT annnfir I ! - . ,fsdayi Jfnuarv 26 E. P., St. Stephens wyiuowiu . II;,- ) The following are' the appointments for quarterly meetings for Wilmington district, M. E. Church South for 1893: Wilmington) Grace (church, January 8th. Southport, January 14th nd 15th. Wihningtonii at Fifth street, January 22th. Scotts Hill, circuit, at Rocky Point, Jan uary 28th and 129th. j i j ; . Carver's Crek circuit, at Wayman, Feb uary 4th and Qth. I: ! t - i - Bladen circuit at Bethelem, Febuary 11th and 12th. jj! 1 i i. . J Clinton circuit, at: doshen, Febuary 48th and 19th. .' - :'-! j. 7J- uary 25th and Jth.i . 1 Onslow, xrircuit at Tabernacle, March 4th Columbus cijrcuit at Cerro Gordo March 11th and 12th. i i i " - - I WhiteviUe, at night, March 12th. J f Waccamawircnj.t at Zion, March 14th and 15th. : ii i ! i . j Kenansville sircuit at Kenansville,' March 18th and 19th Ji i j 1 - Brans wick circuit, at Concord, March 25th and mh.. . fl ' ! j . - Macnolin rrlrr-nlf :ot Motmnlio Anvil 1st and 2nd. . j- i j W. S. RiONB. PRESIDESO ELDER. EQG3, ft daaeln MsbAl I i - 1 -I r I It ! I When Baby was sick, we gavje her Castoria. -When she wa-b. Child, she ciked f or Castorla. Whensheb jsaae Miss,' she When she had jChildren, she Clung to Casforia. gave them Castorla Dysoensia' and Liver! Comnlaint. : Is it hot worth! the 1 small price of 75"i free yourself of every symptom of these dis tressing complaints, if yo think so call at our store and get a bottle Of Shiloh's Vital izer, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, -use accordingly and if itdoes you no good it will cost you) nothing. Sold by Robt R Bellamy, wholesale and retail agent ! II ' ' Arrivals. i 'Rob. are Vou eoihff to thai villAe? Yes, wife." Tf'Thbn don't fortret to brinn me a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for Coughs and Colds, the medicine that cured Aunt Mary's cough ffter! she hadj let it run along until she had given up everi getting rid of it. Remember. Kemu'asllalsam. You can pet it at any of th? drug storesi j' i i Wl sell my ! entire istock con- !h -I I i GS, MATTINGS, SHADES, PURNITVEB DAMASK, ETC., ETC !'. H Ml!" i1 ' - O S T . 113 , . l . ;,' !, ;i . 1.1 P . AT TWICE THEIR TRUE VALUE, IT 8HOW8 HOUSE, WHERE YOU CAN It EST ASSURED j i T i I 1 I TO BE EQUAL TO THAT DONE IN LARGE VjlSr LAER, 402 anil 404 It. FOURTH STREET. New Year C fts, .Gifts: New Year j - .'! I ALL MY GOODS WTIL BE GLADLY SENT YOU 1 AKTlCLEs ARE WANTED. my prettiest and best styles. Everything is gnaran- uio at uuua auv oaye money. 1 . l Charlotte, O. - - HTbrel ties. rJoveltiec. THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE 70 ENUMERATE. SaItJ - ' U STBEBT.I i WALL DECORATION. IT IS AS EASILY AP- nON. IT IS AS 1 FRONT STREET, WlUariNaTON, N. t - ! REDUCTMS. :. I " ' - .1 I I -I- ;',- ' LOOK' LOOK! AND REMEMBER THE GRAND HOLI DAY SEASON IS-NOW ON HAND AND " AS I THE SEASONS J THAT HAVE . PASSED WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR , I- - 'j ii: , . i OUR TOY DEPARTMENT IN OUR ; STORE. IS FILLED COMPLETE AMD - OUR PRICES ARE THE CHEAPEST OF ANY HOUSE IN THB 8TATR. ' WW BUY OUR; TOYS FROM HEADQUAR TEES FOR THE SPOT CASH AND: . 111AT ENABLES US TO MEET ALL i JUJU-BTITICTN IN PRICES. . WE COR DIALLY INVITE INSPECTION. COME .AND SEE US AND GET ODR PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. hajs a 1T1JSK LINE OF I millinery: GOODS SILKS, RIBBONS, FEATHERS.PI.nVTCS AND HATS THAT WE BOUGHT ATI 33KC ON, THE DOLLAR THAT WE ARE SELLING WAY BELOW COST.j COME ONE, COME ALL I AND GTVld US A SHOW- REMEMBER WHERE- WE ARE AT, RACKET STOK OPPDSTTF. MARKET- ill Son Front Street, Wumingtan, N B1UDD & GATLORD, PROP Headquarters lor New York and Boston, TJ ESOLVE TO KEEP YOURSELF HEALTHY ti rt "u reiresnuig xouet soap pur- Bunting's A Pharmacy, A big line of Soaps Jnst received, 14c, S4c, Ac, per box.- , . t PAINTS! PAINTS The Best to bo Had Of I Chas: m. whitlock, i ! ona rront street WILMINGTON. N. C . ,. ser sX tf Dissolution. 1 1 M TS FiRM.PF ATKINSON A MANNING 13 J:.! W dissolved by mutual consent, Ed. ward WilsOn Manning retiring. i JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, I! axiittaau WUJSUJS MANNING, Copartnership. JOHN WILDER ATKINSON WILL ON THE r-r ihioi January aaroit nis son William Atkinson into partnership. The style of the Arm will he Atkinson k i Mayo Soh.- xec si, ! - ., dec3l lia laxU'jf Situ. QLYDE N. ;Y. AND WILMINGTON 8. S. CO. I FBOJf FiSB 29. East Enns N. yJ LOCATZD BXTWXBX CnAXBEBS A Nil ROOSBYlXf oiirai AT s V CLOCK ir. M. SAILING FROM NEW YORK FOR WILMING TON, N. C. j -( - " Saturday, December, 31st, .... Saturday,: January 7th, 8. 8. PAWNEE.., S. S. CROATAN. , WILMINGTON FOR NEW YORK. R S. mtOATATX i I ihiM. n,i . o,J S. S. PAWNEE .. h j.. .Saturday, January Tth WILMINGTON FOR GEORGETOWN S 8. 8. CROATAN S. S. PAWNEE .. .L Tuesday, December 2Ttn, 192 2TtlJ, 4 Tuesday, January 3d, 193 Through Bills of Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and tr For Freight or Passage apply to I I I H G. SMALLBONTIS. . Superintendent juw. vi. iwu, xxaiuc manager, - Bowling Greeny New York, Wit P. CLTDl A CO.. General Airhnta. June31-ti l. S Bowling Green, New Yort t ILMXNGTON I & WKLDON RAILROAD aim u ivan v u AND FLORENCE RAILROAD. ! i I Pi M. p.iM. P. M-'A. M Leave Weldon... Ar. Rocky Mount 12 SO S 05 11 SO: 6 15 139, tOM 12 84 TS3...I Arrive Tar boro. Leave Tar boro.. 2 35 12 68;.. Lv. Rocky Mount 1 39 2 25, I y. j 'i0 25 6 03; ' 6 SS .....J 8 37 12 35 T 23 Leave wuson.. Leave Selma. . 1 15 2 00! 3 25 6 06 7 58 it 35 30 5 15 8(30 Lv. Fayetteville.. Arrive Florence.. 10 40 o3 V 1 I . Leave WCsdn Leave Goldsboro Leave Magnolia.. Ar. Wuniington.. I - P. M. A M. P.M. S 25 6 43 . 7 58 3 SO T35 8 43 4 SO 6 00 8 17 .. 9 65 11 35! 10 25 .. '; P. M.'P. M. A. M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. DATED Jan. 1st, 1893. Ai M. 6 10 M - Leave Florence. Lv.Fayetievnie. Leave Selma.... Arrive Wilson .. AIM. Lv. Wilmington. Leave Magnolia. LeaveGoldsboro Arrive Wilson.. 0 30 11 10 12 20 1 10 I lAiM. A. M. P. M.IP. M. P.; M, Leave Wilson...1 1 101 1 68s 11 30; 7 4S Ar. RockyMonntI- II B7 2 42 12 OS 8 20 Arrive Tarboro. 4 1 LeaveTarboro.. 12 Lv Rocky Mount 1 67 Arrive weldon. B 05 P. M 2-42!; 12 08 8 20 9 80 3 45 1 01 P. M l-A. M. P. M :::t: Train on the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 5:20 p. m., Halifax 5:45 p. m., arrive Scot land Neck at 6:40 p. m., Greenville 8:ip. m., Kin gton 9:20 p. m. Retornlng leaves Kins ton 6:40 a m., Greenville 7:47 a. m., arriving Halifax at l0 a. m., Weldon 10:46 a. m. dally except Sunday, i Trains on Washington Branch leave Washing ton 6:40 a. m., arrives Parmele 8:10 a. m.; Tar boro 9:10; return Lg leaves Tarboro 7:05 p.i m., Parmele 8:00 p, ni., arrives Washington 9?x r m. Daily except Sunday. Connects with trains on Scotland Neck Branch. , i i Tra ; 'eaves Tarboro, N- C.,'via Albemarle and Ralei R. R. dally, except Sunday, at 6:00 p. m.. 8unday 8:00 p. m.: arrives Plymouth 10:10 p" m., 6:20 p.-au Returning leaves Plymouth dally, ex cept sunaay, o:o a. m., nnday 10:00 a. m., ar rive Tarboro 9:46 a. m. and 120 a. m. r .Train on Midland N.c. Branch leaves Golds boro dally, except Sunday, 6:00 a. m., arriving Smithfleld 70 a mJ Returning leaves Smithsela 8:00 a. m.; arrive at Goldsboro 9:30 a m. i Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 6:16 p. m., arrives Nashville 6:50 p. rn., Spring Hope p. m. Returning leaves Spring Hope 80 a. m., Nashville 8:35 a. m., arrive at Rocki Mount :1S a. m., daily except Sunday. ' i Trains on Latta Branch Florenoa R R. leave Latta 7:3 p. m.: arrive Dunbar 8:40 p. m.i Re turning leave Dunbar 60 a. m.; arrive Latta 7:15 a. m. Daiiy except Sundiy. ,' ( Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw foi Clinton daily, I except Sunday, at 6:00 p. m. and 1130 a. m. Returning leaves. Clinton at 8.-90 a. m and 3:1 0 p. m.i coanectlngat Warsaw witki Nos. 41, 40, 3 and 7a I , Train Now 78 make close connection at Weldon for all points North daily. - AU rail via Richmond and dally except Sunday via Bay Line. Also at Rocky Mount daily except Sunday, wltn Norfolk and Carolina Railroad for Norfolk- and all point worta via jwonoix. - - - - . JOHN F. DIVLNB, QealSopt j. JkJjLCiLT. wen . Manairer. . M- E m SMSOa, Tratuc Jianager. : - CONDEN8ED SCHEDULE, i t - l ' Jj TRAINS GOING SOUTH ' ' j I' -; ii U r i 1 " .rfj- sii. DATED ji .Tfiki . 55"T5 Jan. 1st, 1893. 6 6X 6la ::-; I lg l I I . i ; . M 'c.3 5 A. M. P. M, j ' . A. M. 9 20 ; 7 30 6 30 1148 J 9 40: 9 50 114. i. 1149 1 63 11 30; I la 6J I j pTm. pTmT P. M. ...... '8 00i- 4 00 ...... .J.. j. -9 80 6 40 ...... vJ..J. 10 33 S 59 ...... .j.... 11 15 7 48 ...... j i . : hl :h :-i : c"S i ' ' ill :;: 1 ii j I 4 f TLANTIC f)0AST LINE. WnjrrjwTojr.'chtTrMBiA A Aooctta Rail Ro.n COI SED 'SCHEDULE. raAna nfo sotrra. Leave Whminjj Arrive Floremvw 9 41 , 10 S5 No. 50 A. M 3 20 4 85 . , LesTt Floreno Arrive Sumter.. A. Arrive Colombia No. E9 rnna igh from cnarleston via Cen Lanes 8:32 ?a m . vfri1" ij . --"ui MfleoiNa NORTH No. 5 1 NO. 53. Leave Columbia Arrive Sumter.., F. MI '10 45' A M. W 05i P. M ? 10 7 25 No. K9 P. M. t7 3tt 8 60 A. Mi "v v o o muter AJTive Florence Ta.. m IS OS i 50 No. 7$. A; M. Leave Marion., I 5 1 5 C Arrive Wllmhigi.. 9 in 'Dafly. tDaflyleWt No Tm rJ, .OxcePl Sunday.: T enrff ifet Charleston. 8. r L. 8:40j P,nCcbarTeston!o1.Sn 8:00 """ui aa;ov a. rnj I Kptn m(r i " ' 1 1 V C Rardfe? "d Conwa, irretnrni"',3 " tJX mve at Clud-borave vi a. m. and w, w, 1JT vo auo 45 a. nt and ?lrt T J2?" ?F??e at t hadboorn and 1-30 ft. m. Daily xcept Sundaj? J. R- KENLY, m11 Gen'1 S,4 ; TT pi APE FEAR YADKIN, VALLEY R. R. IM EirrgC No VkmbxA, 27th, 1S92. Southb'nd jisAIN xaiiy. Northb'nd IN LINE. JJauy. i No, i $ No. L I lLOOp. rn. 7.46 . 7.20 6.00 4.13 8.45 .8.40 " 2 57 " 2.30 " 1.62 "' 1.22 u 12. oo noon. Ar... Fayette ville.. ...at 6.00 a. 8.02 . 8.27-- m. Lv... jU..Sanford.... u ...... , 44 1 pj-.v-uuiax. 11.44 . 12.15 p. 12.25 , L Greensboro... ..Lv m. .-j.oioKesaaie. 1.22 ' 1.55 I 2.33 ; 8.02 : 4.25 ! Ar N4WJun-Wal.Cove Lv LV...1L .Rnral Won - Jl.LMiry. ..'." ".Ar Southb'nd Daily.' (Northb'nd BKjwirrsviLLg Dry. xsauy . Na s. Na . ' m is p. m. 9.20 " 8.49 8.05 " 7.47 4 Ar. Bennetts ville i . Lv ...Maxton..... .Red Springs.. '. .t Rope Mills ... jetjeviiie; . Ar 6.40 a.im. 6.30 ' 7.02 I" 7.43 ' S.02 Lv. Southb'nd Daily Ex. Sunday. i Northb'nd Factokt uauy jix. Sunday. I Branches. No. 16. No. 16. ftoo p. m. 4.20 " 3.05 4.25 m At.. St Lvi; i. Ramseur Lv ....Climax....... .Greensboro. . ." Ar .Greensboro..... Lv -Stokesdale... 6.40 a. m. 8.35 i i" 9.20 I i" 11 00 , 12 20 pim. l.io p. m. Ar.. 3.08 p. in. LOU p. m.fLv inaumin..,.. . .Ar 1 Daily except Bundav. Alr-Lu?e SorSfh xfSanfor,J Wlth Seaboard and Et, andTtWaint5,lk and aU Plnta North Western R " wF. liiut .Oove Wlta "e Norfolk folk and Western RC R ?J& Cov wltn Nor- okeandaUpH at Sanford With eabol?d AIM ini 'aBd Charlotte, Athen? AtiinfaTif ? toF Monroe, andSouthw Aaantand all points South L&? lPlm Ca on seaboard Air- TT . 1 -a.-r . "7 ' vu AUNllldtH . i il i, . NorfolklT Wi3riS.o xxoanoKe. p "" " tsuin ton7Bennet5vii& "".Fayetteville, Max ford wmlrretlfc1?1?:!?!! of San- dt;.flrehonMf sum? .fFlfSCearVOT breaWast d Cove. " f and dmner at Walnun eJn8raiManUer. ePerAg?nV gEABOARD AR LINE. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAIL HOAD X. WESTBOUND 3"RAIN8. NoV. 3i I I CONjqENSBD SCHEDULE. . (41892. NO.23 NO.41 No.43 Daily DaUy Daily ex So exn P M. '; ii .: T oo ...... ; ! . . 11 27 ...... A. M L... 12 12 ...... ...... 12 45 P. M. .J.... , 2 20 8 10..j.i.. 5 40 9 061..... 6 40 lOlol...... 7 00 11 00 P. M. 3 45 6 08 " 6 03 1 46 Ti neave Wilmington... i,eave remorote Leave Laurinbt Leave Hamlet Leave wadesb LeftVf. lMnnrna i Arritra rTiai.l mw. vuwiutny, . . . . .. Leave Llncolntjon IJBVA rha,lAtfAi . . v ""."V'MJI... Arrive Rutherfardton! E4TBOUND TRAINS. 1 ! 1?? i - bro 5 No. 24 NO: 38 INo.36 Daily Dally j Dally ex Su lex Su . . i A- M. 8 00 9 34 10 89 P. M. A. M P. M. ...... ...... 1163 7 30 4 SO .i..... 9 25 6 SO 11 03 6 23 B4 12 16 T 20 .L.... 1 45 ...... ...... 2 10 I..... 8 42 i 7 B0 ...... Leave Rutherfbt-dton . Leave Shelby. O Leave Lincoln ton. ... Arrive Chariot!!. Leave Charlotte Leave Monroei J Leave WadesbMro.... Leave Hamletil...... Leave Lanrinbjorg.i.; Leave Maxton t j ..... . Leave Pembroke ..... Arrive Wilmington... SCHKDULk.BXTjsfXlW WILMINGTON AND ATLANTA. Leave Wnmirigton 7:30 p. m.; arrive Atlanta 8:10 p. m. Leave AUanu &3S a. m. arrive WUmington 7:25 a. m. , jj i 1 1 -leepers oi 23 and .between Wilmington and -i Pullmans on ' and Atlanta. 1 41 and 83 between Portsmouth rtos. 41 and I Charlotte. . olid betweent Portsmouth and Noa. 43 and 36 make connection at Lincolnton to and from Western North Carolina. 1 1 . 3os. 23 and 24 make connection from and to all points South atjd West with G C. and N. at Monroe. if - ". . Juncture polnta at Pembroke, with 8hort Cut A. 1 iHi wita v. r . sou i . .,anii a.al.a bi w aocsDoro With Cheraw and Saltebury,at Uam-1 let with R. an A, at Monroe with G. C. and N., I at Charlotte with R. and D. system, at Lincoln-! ton with C. and L. Narrow Guage, at bhelbv! and Rutherfordton witb s Cs. i - r . ; t - -j JNp: C. WINDER, Gent Manager, i ! . -L f.. MYERS, Gen'l Superintendent.. I M-CPertntendent I . O.V. SMITH, Traffic Manager: 1 Al JLUfLLHU.tVH o&AUUsT RAIL ROAD. Round Trip Fare 25 Cts, s TDDt TABLj., lN EFFICT DEC. llthJ 1892. T'EAVE PRINCESS STREET Dally except -L Sunday at 7a A. M and 2:30 p. m. I P LEAVE THE HAMMOCKS 8:10 am. and 6:00 p.m. T - I i SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Princess Street at, 3:00 p. m. Andlleave the Hammocks 6:16 p. tn. i j J R. NOLAN. Gen'l Manager, j TT O. A Bj UL RAIL RO i ROAD. 'IN EFFECt THURSDAY, JUNE 16th, hs I T EAVE WtLMTNGTCN DAILY FOR JACat Xj sonville andintenrtdlate stations at 40 p. n-; Leave Wilmington daily, except Saturday and Sunday, for JacksonviL and mtermedlate points at a. m. . , Trains arrive at WCaington daily, except Sun day, at 8.ee a. cm., daily except Saturday and Sun day at 6:20 p. tn., an en Saturday at 9:30 n. m additionaL I - . j i Steamer oi New River leaves Jackson ville daily, except Sunday, for Marines and intermedi ate points at :0 a. m., arriving at Jacksonville on return at in. ni H. A. WHITING. - BBBMBWBBSSSSBtlBBWBta BBa . OBaa . a ILM 4. w. MAKTKNis. General Manager S . ea'l PasengerA seat. m"ni 1 i J ' 1 . I - - --.

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