V - v.l- Entered according to general regulations at tie poatofflce at WDmlngton as second-class matter. - ' '" New Advertisements A if ice Hoase -Special. . Heirs Collected Special. -Employment Desired Special. .Mortgagees Sale Adrian Tollers. Oujy.a few OvercoatsMunson A Co. AlfAVool Extra Supers U. M. Mclntlre.- OfBclal Weather Forecasts, . ; NORTH CAROLINA. lilri preceded by rala or enow on thelcoast, winds changing to westerjy. i LOCAL FORECAST. For Wilmington and vicinity, for 24 hours ending 8 p. m. to day: Much warmer.with prob' able j scurry of rain or snow, WARM gentle-i north winds, becoming Ireah easterly and. later southerly. . U. B. Dep't of A griculttjre, 1 VUPiirnFR KT7REATT. w:t attmhtov. N. C. Jan: 5th, 1893. MeteoVological data for 24 hours ending 8 p. m.1 last night. - Maiimum temperature, 62; ; Mini mum temperature, 29. -j - Jtform&l temperature for the day, de duced from 20 years observations 45. flsmrture from normal, minus 6. Sum of departure since January 1st 1893, plus 5. Rainfall for the day . Inch. ' Total rainfall for tbr month up to date, ,92 inch. . , H . I . PITHY LOCALS. ; , Foreign Missions will be the subject at the week of Prayer 'saryices at the Y.;M. C. A.' rooms this afternoon at 4 o'clock. "kr. UJ M. Mclntire offers a big bar gain in carpets at 50 cents a yard, that ' formerly sold at 75 cents a yard. See his advertisement. J The Wilmington cotton market clos ed dull yesterday at9i for middling -a3. basisVagitinst 6 '15-16 the corres pobdlng day Jast year. -- i he new pastors of Blad9n street and Market street M. E. churches are how in the city and haye assumed control offtheir respective churches... ! A rara avis is in the city in the per sOh of a cjlored Democratic editor from Georgia. His name is Yarbrough, and hois here in the interest of his paper. The Board cf Audit and Finance will met in adjourned session this evening at 6 o'clock to consider the matter of ' the back taxes claimed from the Wil mingio'n and Weldon railroad by the. city. I. t bapt.'F. )A- jTamss, superintendent of -Oakdale cemetery, informs us that during, the month of December there we're seven interments' in Oa'i Grove cemetery one adult and six children,' , all colored. - The llav. W. S. Rone, presiding el der of bis district of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, arrived yes tertiay with his family and are installed io the district parsonage on Mulberry atj-eet opposite Grace church. . protractad meeting is baing held atlthe Brooklyn ; LJaptlat chuach this weak. Sarvices will be held each night at 7:30 o'clock and will be con -ducted by the pastor, Rey. Mr. JeBklnst assisted by Rev. W. T. Jpnes. ' vrhe Messenser ackriowledges with thanks the receipt of a complimentary ' ticket of dmiesioQ to the sixth aanual fairof tha"East , Carolina Fish, Oyster, - Game and Industrial association, to be held in Newbern from February 20th to 25lh. . ii " ' . .. , H'tiheariag in the. ca;e of Henry Austin, charged with the murder of Lizzie Brown, did not take place before the Mayor-yesterday, but was sent be fore thie Grand .Jury of the Criminal court now in seasioh. They will probat bl-y report on it to-day. , , jVe notice ' that quite a number of sojiall boys hang around the Criminal oqurt while it is in session. An exceed-, injgly nauseating case was listened to by them on Tuesday. Judge Meares would a good thing if be would order that boys be kept: out of the court room. Ordinarily it is no place for them. (There were received in the Wilming- ' ton market yesterday 160 bales cot- 'ton. 76 casks spirits turpentine, 1,131 -barrels rosin, 46 barrels tarand 10 bar rels .erude turpentine. The receipts the carresponding day last year were 35k bales cotton, 212 -casks Bpirita tur paatlne. 1,502 barrels rosin, .252 barrels tar and 29 barrels crude turpentine. William Nixoa, a colored boy charged with larceny, was bound over to the Criminal court yesterday in the Mayor's court. lie was caught on i Tuesday by 'Officer C. W. Kunold while entering the City Hall upstairs to steal the goods left overrom the Christmas tree entertainment of Grace M. E. church oa'Monday night. 'A piece of lace and otfter property belonging to Brown & Roddick were found in his poesession. The Messenger learns that those wHo imagine themselves in a position to) coatrol the patronage of the Fed eril Government in this city, have dis trijbuted the offices to a favpred few, CoL F. W. Kerchner being selected for the custom bpuse and Capt. W.R.Kenan for the postoffice, all by way of compro mise after much discussion. So the slate is fixed up, but as the time is still far distant, the Messenger suggests that it bs carefully packed and laid away, or : It may be broken. 1 ' i 'More Snow, i passengers on the train; rived here at 6 o'clock from; wnich ar- the 5north last evening, report that a heavy snow storm was prevailing at Goldsboro at 4 o'clock. A heavy fall of Enow is also reported as far south as Mt. Olive; It was cloudy and cold in Wilming tonjyesterday afternoon and lasnight, with every appearance of snow, but it Beens that the old woman didn't pick ber;sree8e over this immediate section at this time. There was a light rain here last night. y r. J adse inearea Endorsed. Bfeya the Char.otta News of Janua- iy 3d: ! "At their meeting to-day, the magistrates of Charlotte township passed a resolution unaiimously petitioning Governor Carr to re-appoint iioarjunver l. Meares as Judge of -the Criminal court of .Mecklenburg. It' was handsome endorsement by the author ities f of Mecklenburg of Judge Meares' ourse on the bench. Yet no such official endorsctaent as this was .needed. There could bv no means of reasoning be anv fearsjof Governor Carr failing to re-appoint juage jvieares' - ',t. Wind Storm and SBowSqualli. LI. S. Dep't of Agricdltore, 1 t Weather Bureau. Washington, D, C.,J an. 4,1892. ) it Obtfner, Wiminqton, N. C. uoisi miormauon signal li:zu p. m. for i Savannah, Savannah section, CharlPBton, Wilmington, Wilmington sectipn. Morehead.o Washington, Nor- ioik, iNonoiK section, i'ort Monroe, wt53M r-oini ana Baltimore. , Storm central of the Nor; h Caf olina coast. moving nortneast witu wind and bdou squaus. A CLEVER SWINDLER. . ITovr fri NMh was Taken In or Man WhoOimtti) Deliver Bequest to ,j Flftn Utreeet SI. E. Cburt-h- Tbe Same Fran Praetleea ti Mkssenqer on yesterday - re ceived the following from a gentleman in this city: I M V. J From a private letter receivea in ui wyr it is learned that recently a - man weuv f;;?the Eoman Catholic ir.ii:-- xr ' q I ion rn a lafiv wiiu xa ou church, and stated I that a lady had died m tir-.LjJj rut-rr onr) loft f.h Roman Catho- v,n oWnh at Halifax 500, and that he had been entrusted by the executor to bring on ' tt th olfeOTrfl of the Driest, tne lady received the check and was so elated at the Eiitto ner cnureu ui uc icnomw sum of rworonrvwno DTOUSIUl. It wiui a suinu money. BUIU lurueu.uuk .-i -i J that the check was bogus or entirely worthless. Make Ki;.t1, nf fhia far that others in tne orr.aii tnwm lonf tiie rivers and railroads mav not be duped similarly. Let the press pass him around, i ? ; If the aboye notice eould have been nnhliahed on Bundav or previously, the r, nr T, r,. NafihJ nastor of Fifth Street M. E. church and editor of the Atlantic Methodist, of this city, would not bB "out" to the tune ox o.ia. ur. isrRh 1b his narer of yesterday pub lishes this bit of news under the head of "A Bpquest to Fifth Street Church": "Mrs. Eliza Wardlowj of WashingWn. D. C , left f 500 in her will to the pastor of fifth KtroAr M. E. church. Wilmington, to be ap- ka t fK roiipf of the church. Dr. Wu F;m i? TTiHorTi nf Wni?hinerton. one of the tua will rn(i( trt ftpc. ns on last Ktr.TAmr and naid the money ovtr. it was, indeed, a New Year's gift that gladdened nnr hftarts.: Jjr. Hillisuii taiiic m " a letter of introduction irom our ineuu, nr t-t umimm the "blind man eloauent. r T . , . - - 11.: We enjoyed the visit of! Dr. Elhson for his well as for the substantial help he brought us. He is an unusually interest ing gentleman. The Lord is coming to our in onrinnrhonrt Is full of eratitude to Him. May He move others to help until this church is relieved of debt. Djctors are supposed to leaveafel low"feeline better'but it turns out this "doctor" liaa left Dr. Nash feeling bad. Wa are Sorrv he; pulled the wool over the eves of the able pastor of Eifthi Street church, but we are glad the fraud didn't siz? him up for a larger amniint. k i r ' ; that a similar fraud has been practlctd in other places in the State. Dr. Nash came to the conclusion that he also was the victim of a fraud. ft t.niia tin that "Dr." Ellison, claim ing to be a doctor of medicine from Washinfrtnn. t. C. attended' services at Fifth Street church on Sunday night and called on him on Monday. Elli- ann rAnraented himself a3 one of the executors of Mrs. WardlQw'a will, and turned over to Dr. Nash a draft on Drexsl Co.. ! Philadelphia, for $500 drawn by somebody elee in his (Elli, Bon'sl favor. Ellison endorsed it to Dr, Nash and Dr. Nash placsd It in the Atlnntin National bank of this city for collection. When Dr. Nash found out. however, that be had been swindled he teleeraDhed to the Drexels at rhiia dlnhia. to i waive i protest on the draft. ' i ! Before turning1 over the draft to Dr Nash. Ellison collected lrom him'6.15, which he said was the portion of Fifth; Street church in the! fees necessary to settle up the will of Mrs. Wardiow. While transacting this "business" Dr. Ellison made himself miehtv nice and was so agreeable that he was Invited and accented -an invitation from Dr. Nash to take tea with him on Monday night. His manner was 60 beguiling that he eaeilv won the confidence of Dr Nash, and the clever rascal ingra tiated himself into Dr. Nash's confi dence by: sayine that he was at .the battle of Gettysburg -and saw Gen.' W D. Pender when he was killed, relating the circumstance so plainly as to creata no manner of dojbtthal he was really there and saw the distinguished North Carolina soldier fall in battle. It so happened, that GenL Pender was an uncle of Mrs. Nash and Ellison in his narrative detailed facts that are well known to Dr. Nash's family. . Dr. Ellison had toll Dr. Nash that he was stopping at Bonitz's Hotel, and upon learning that the man was. prob ably a . fraud, he went to the Bonitz House yesterday to investigate. He ascertained that no such man had stop ped there, but aj man answering that description had taken dinner there on Sunday with the Rey. J)r. F. W. E. Peschau, pastor of St. Pauls' Lutheran church; The man who took dinner with Dr. Peschau had called at his residence and introduced himself as Jno. M. Hartman, of Gettysburg, Pa. Mr. Bonitz tells us that Hartman told him he had been to Halifax, and there is no doubt that he is the same man who took in the Catholic lady at d got next to Dr. Nash under the name of Dr. Ellison. . j '" Oa looking back over the register at the Purcell we find that "Jho. M. Hartman, Gettysburg, Pa.,' was regis, tered thereon last Saturday. A re porter called at Dr. Peschau's resi dence fast night,: but Dr.j Peschau was out of the city. It could; therefore, not be ascertained, whether any at tempt had been made to take him in or not. Welearried, however, at a late hoar last night, that some money had been gotten out of the Catnolic- priest ' Installation of Officers At a regular meeting of OrionLodge No. 67, 1. O. O F., held last night, D D. G. M. Frank Meier, assisted by Past Grands B. A. CraigJ C. H. Ward, C D Morrell, J. M. McGowan, and W. M Hays, installed the following officers to servedurlng the ensuing term S. P G. W. J. Reaves. ! N. G. C. W.Stuartr- V. G. W, F. Ketchum. R. S. L. L. Lucas. F. S. Jho. E Silva, Jr. ! Treasurer John L. Dudley. Chaplain W. S. Hewlett. 0. 'G. Louis Bowen. 1. G. E. W. Hewlett. Warden H. C. Craig. Conductor S. A. Crate R. S. toN. G. J. T: Hawkins. L. B. to N. G. B, F. Brittain. R. S. to V. G. J. B. J. Sandlin L. S. to V. G. F. B. LeGwin. R. S. S.-G. W. Branch. L. S. S. T.E. Lupo. j Tne BIcseat Cottan Cara:o Tel. Messrs. Alexander "'Sprunt- & Son cleared yesterday ,the British steam ship Huntcliff, Capt. Lewis, for Bre men, Germany, I with the i enormous cargo of 10,000 bale bf cotton, weigh ing 4,726,718 pounds, 1'nd valued at 460,855. Tne! Huntcliff 'a j registered tonnage Is 3,120 gross and 2,018 net. She is the largest ship that ever came to Wilmington and she takes out the largest cargo ever shipped from this port. -J. . ; j" ; ' i. : MessrS. Alexander Sprubt & Son ship the entire cargo!, anji they exprc 8 themselves highly I gratified by the good results attained by the Upitcd States ecgineera in enabling them to employ a mncbTlarger classlof steamers than were formerly i used At this port. They are especially complimentary In their allusions to Mai. Stanton, the skillful officer now I in charce of thn river and harbor improvement here. who is most painstaking and zealous in the development of the work. "Considers it "a household necessitv" Mr. A; J. Whitiner, Newton. Kansas, accentnapa his opinion thus: ""I have used -Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in my family for the last eieht years and consider it a household necessity. Mr. JV H. Mason, of Charlotte, was here yesterday. i : ... Mr. J. M. Fairly, cf Monroe, is in the city on business. - i Capt. W- S. Patrick, of Clinton, is in the city on business i Mr. Charles W. Stanford, ol Durnam, is on a visit to the city, j j ; ' ! Mr. Fulton Rf.se, of ,'Winnebow, is visiting the city on business. Mr. J. P. Lewis, cf Oaslow county. was on our streets yesterday. Mr. E..B. Ward, of ltoiwland, is on a business visit to our clty MrJ L. D. Cherry, of!. Long Creek, the "old.jurveyor," is injthe city. Mr! J. M. Petti t, of NsffihviUe,'N. C, Is among the visitors in the city. Mr J. J. Power3, of Laurinbarg, is in the city making businesscalls. v Ex-Congressman Alfred Rowland, of Lumberton, was in the cjty yesterday. Mr. J. B.' Harrellson,- qf Cerro Gorde, is here, calling on our wholesale houses. Mr. J. C. Caddell, of Kaleighasslst ant editor of the Biblical Recorder, gave us the pleasure pi p. can yester day.:-; . - r 1 ; Mr. R. C. Applewhite, of Cronly, came down to the city oo .business yes terday. ; 1 ' , J ' Col. F.' Gardner, chief engineer o the Atlantic CoasMLilne, and Mr. R. J Latta, a?si8ffnt engineer, are city. . .. ! '4' in the Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Swindell will leave this morning for their 'new " horns Goldsboro. I ' I in We neglected to acknowledge a very agreeable visit the othei da? from our friend. B. A. Hallett, Ef of Wl Olive, and was glad to see him ka hearty and hale. His friends were glad to, greet him again. Come again. Col. Peter Mailett North Carolinians in war known to times, but long resident in New York "if. has been spending ; a week or two) r with his daughter, Mrs. Holmes. He looks as if the Northern climate agreed with him. He gave us a ver pleasant call. The new preacher for! Market 9treet church. Rev. Mr. Plylerj who is a grad uate of Trinity college, arrived yester clay. The Rev. C P. Jerome, who has been pastor of the Methodist church at South port for two years',; came up 1 - s evening and will leave this morning for hi3 new charge at FirfloV-l Hyde county, j Mr. Jerome will f'i 1 b one of the editors of Ktb Atlantic Meihodist, publlshedj j in this city The Rsv. Oliver jtlder, who is to ba pastor at Soatbpol this year, was in the city yesterday and went to Soutbport, where he reeeiyed a royal welcome. j -, ! - - The Charlotte News df January 3rd says: "Mr. Walter Perdue, who for the past two years has been connected with The Orton hotei if Wilmington, has severed his, connection with that wpll known hostelry and the f Buford of this cityi is now with Mr. Perdue has many friends among the traveling public, who ill gladly? welcome him back to his former hpme Mr. Perdue is a splendid hotel man.'1,' While in Wilmington Mr-Perdus proved him self worthy of all the News has. said about him, and the MESSENGER can endorse it all. Walter knade hosts of friends while here, and they - the girls espeoiallyrregret that I he has gone back to Charlotte, i v k I ! " ' Dr. Paje'i ICeadias. The auditorium or lecture room of the Y. M. C. A. was crowded last even ing to its utmost capacity by a brilliant audience, to listen to the reading by Dr. Thos Nelson Page, f Virginia, of selections from ; nis -vorks. Mr. Pa comes amongat us . not as an j entire snanger, being known tolmaby through ti) hooks and to many personally, To our distinguished townsman, Col Alfred M. Waddell,- was'icc-redited the pleasure cf introducing the reader, Col. Waddell advanced fo the front cf the rostrum amid subdued miirmurso: applause, and in his hppy andjfelici tous; style, and in the choicest words, presented Mr. Page to the audience His first selection was from hi story of "Marse Chan." 'The; story is familiar tomanv of qiir people but J as jiead 'by. the author seem ed more pathetic and interesting, and not a few, both ladies aiid , gentlemen were deeply affected by the aicouat of the death of Marse Chan and Jthe bring ing home of his body. . His next se lectloa was ".Palaski's Tournament," a story not so pathetic . as the previous but was equally eDjoyed. ; There i charming naturalness about his recitals which renders them Ed pleasurable His well modulated voice, the iaithfu delineation of the negro' dialect, ..the entire abssnce of stage jeffect, and yfew but graceful and ' easy- gestures soon brought him "en rapport" ; with his nearers ana commanded their earnest attention throughout thq evening. When ended, there was a j sigh that the j charming evening as over and generally expressea wish, lor jmore, We can truly say that there I hss been no entertainment nere(iqr many years which has giyen such great pleasure. i- THE RECEPTION,; After the read lag Col.' Waddell es corted Dr. Page to the I jpiclous and elegant parlors of the Sfoung Men's Christian Association, where a recep tion was neid under the: auspices or ;the George DaVis -Literary Society and for' a j short I time numbers of the ladies -aid gentlemen of the city were introduced t the dis tinguished visitor. Tifie pressing. nr. page was soon compelled to bid adieu to the large throng in order to p-eparo to , catch thai 10:30 Strain. Among the ladies receiving were Mrs, A. D. McClure, Mrs. Bobt. Stranea, Mrs. P. H. Hoge, Mrs. R.. W. Hicks. Mrs. M.S. Willard, Mrsi Jno. D. Bel lamy, and Misses Gertrude Jenkins, Augusta MacPherson,. JiCallie i Held French, Aanie Meares, Louise DeRos set. Sue Meares and Ellen Bellamy. Mew Sectarian Paper. I a joint stoca company was organ- lzsd here yesterday to publish a re1? liglous paper in the interest of Brook lyn Baptist Church, of this city.! The capital stock will be $ 2,50$ and articles of incorporation will be taken out in a few day 8. The new paper is to make its debut about the 1st of February. with Rev. J. T. Jenfein?: pastor of the church, as managing editor.1 He will be assisted by able contributors and the p ,per will be Baptist, pf course. i r- ' . '! ! : Dlaaolntlon Sale of SI. BIJKatz & Son. This firnij was dissolved Ijanuarv lat buu iaai ui xx. an jxaiz, cson a Co. or ganizsd. The affairs of the late firm will be wound up durine Januarv. their J . 1 . M . r . r i r m m entire stock being placed before the public at cost, for cash, f ! J . .The partners of the new organization are Messrs. M. M. Katz.ClW. Polvogt and R I Katz. Their facilltaa will h enlarged. , f i . One of the firm will be ita New Ynrfr every sixty days, beeiie having a rep resentativa there during the year.! The litest, novelties in Dress ; Goods and rimmings will bt in Witminjrton as soon as thsv are fllsnlaved in Uru., Northern retail houses. CMrMimnent, TH CRIMINAL COUftTi Tne Sneak Tb'.tvri Get Three and Five Tears la tne Penitentiary Several More Candlda4ea'ior etrlpcd -. Sattr. . Pursuant to tdioutnment on Tuesday evening the Criminal court met yester- day at 10 a. m. j The grand jury retufEed true bills as follows: -A gainst August Paul Gale, assault and battery, James Gary, liar ceny; John Perry, larceny; .Harry Kelly, larceny; Edward Garrison at.d Wm. Loftln, assault and battery; Wash ington iBurnett, assault and battery; Lilly Spicer and Luberta Pearson, nuisance, Not a true bill was re turned as to Frank McLaren, Indicted for larceny. j The court during the day's sitting disposed of the following cases: ; . State vs. Sam'l Marshall, assault and battery, guil ty. Fioed tl and the costs. State vs. James Garey, plea guilty. Sentenced to two years in the peniten tiary. ' " :'v .! ; , State Vs. 6. L. Dudley, Fred. Duraa and Frank Duraa, larceny, -stealing a gun from the law office of Mr. M. Bel lamy. Plea of guilty on the part of defendants Duraa; plea of not guilty as to Dudley. Verdict cf guilty as to Dudley. . " i State vs. O. L. Dudley, Fred Duraa and Frank Duraa, larceny, stealing in struments and stamps from office cf Dr. W. JJ II. Bellamy, verdict guilty. Defendant Dudley sentenced I to five years in the penitentiary, and defend ants Duraa senterced to three years in the penitentiary. t i State vs.'Eiward Garrison and Wm. Loflin, assault and battery wun .-aj desdlv weapon. Verdict euilty. De fendants sente'eced to three nieuths in the county house of correction, j I -State vs. John Perry, colored, lar ceny. Guilty. State vs. Harrv Kelly, larceny. Ve--dict euiltv. Sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. , jj ,! The court at 6 p. m." took i a rece.- 8 until 10 o'clock this morning. ; L Colamblaa Half Dollars Mr. E. T. Draper, of this city, kindly showed us yesterday two Uoited States Columbian eilver half dollar, pieces sentto him as a New Year's preeeni by his bjjeiher, Mr. Chas. B. Draper, who was "here on a visit last summer. The money is very handsome, haying on one side a bust - f Columbus encircled by the words "United States of Amer- iy?," while at the bottom are the wurds 'Columbian Dollar." On the reyeree side is Columbia's fhgship at d two globes with , the figures "14" on on the left. of the other, while around the rim are the words '."World's C' lumbian Exposition, Chicago." i This money is very scarce, and sells at a big premium. . Beat EaiT. Wilmington, N. e , Jan. 4, 1893. EiiUr Messenger:. I You said a few days ago In your com ments on the action; of the Board ol Aldermen in regard to the contract for collecting the Wilmington and Weldon railroad tax, "We don't like it.-" There were a good many, fellow citizens who thought and said tte same thli g and there has been a feel ing of unred, a disposition to find fault with the action of the Board, or two Boards both pieces.' Jbut now the af fair Is all right.. At the meeting last night Alderman Fishblato made statement and "reduced it to writing in order to keep from, being mis quoted." He 6ays, "it will be made satisfactory to all classes cf - our ciii sens and the railroad.?' Now let us be satisfied, draw along breath, and oreatne ireeiy ; ii De naa oniymen tioned it in the first place, how much friction would have been avoidediSome things may seem to be hard tor under stand but don't lose confidence In the two Boards. - -! An Unsuspicious Citizen Love and YriiUkey Came a Harder Huntington, W. Va., Jan. 4. Maria0raves wa3 murdered here this af ternoon by John Rose, colored, who is a I druggtet. Since her separation from her husband last summer 1 Rose has been paying attention to Mrs -1 . viraves ana naa lately - Decomt verv jealous, stopped arrest. cease Last night on the street he her and she threatened his He told her he i would to bother her if she no prosecute him, and if she would did he would kill her. This afternoon he was arrested and fined for his as s lult upon the woman. He followed her from tne magistrate's office to the house of a friend and J6hot her four times in the region of the heart and then cut her throat from ear to ear He attempted to escape, but was found ana arrestea under the Chesaneake and Ohio depot, where he had crawled for concealment. He says dove and whiskey made him murder his victim. The colored people are terribly excited and threaten lynching. A special grand jury will be imj,anneled for this case to-morrow. ' The Panama Scandal. Paris, Jan. 4. M. Blandin, of the Credit Lyonnals, waB confronted before Examining Magistrate Franqueville this afternoon by Marlus Fantain, the imprisoned director of tbe Panama ianai company, .from him' many new facts were elicited,, and eventually JPranqueville ordered that he b placed under arrest. It is reported-.that other important 6teps will be speedily taken oy tne examining magistrate, j In the low courts to-aay the report was cur n . 4 1 I T," 1 -I m ioui mai. rrttuuBvinB naa iouna an imporiani neiegram aauressed to Charles de Lefseps, which would rpt only greatly strengthen the proseou- non, dus wouia ieaa to the gravest de velopments before the opening cf the trial next Tuesday. To-day Franque- imo uau uuuioruua luicrviaws i Witn high police officials and with Tanton.; the Prooureur General, and, conse- huou"Ji mure nrreais are expected to wkb piace witnin tne next twenty-four hoars. - A Diaaatroni Fire. c;iiuAQO, Jan. 4. J? ire which start- ea in me tnirteen story building. No. 407-425 Dearbon street, occupied by Donohua & Henneberry, printers and publishers, at 3 o'clock this aftp.rnrirtn caused an explosion of Batumi - crBE which seriously damaged th ino. front of the buildiner." Seven firpmn were badly injured by the explosion two of them probably fatally. The workmen next door had broken and the gas could not be controlled as a valve could no be found. Fnnr Bn ce8sive explosions occurred before the. DSB wna nut rft Tha . . 1L I . . . " ww XU ne oasement wnen caught in the ex. pulsion. Tne Dead Lock. Unbroken. LTNC9LN. Neb.-. Jtfto. 4 Tfca ! lock in the Nebraska Senate remains unbroken. Frank Wilson. n, was elected temnararv Jorot. XI f . . mt V lrUI this morn in sr. but it was a nrsnrranH plan to make some show of progress -The members were regularly seated and sworn in, after which an adjourn ment was taken - until 3 o'clock p. m. The House continued the whrfe- ganizing, the Independents taking all of the offices except one. fajve; Family Fathering Ha?ve you a"father? Hav v a Have yon a son or daughter. Bi - brother who has not vet taken Kro ti sam for the Tar oat and Lungs, the guaran teed reme 'v for the cur of fhma- aud all throat and W tTOubles? If so. why, when a sample bottle is gladly jiven to jya. free by any;droggi8t; WMV VU.T vw. CiUVt f X, : ; v TNeW Gold Dlxslnca. ' -, . OUkIy, Col , Jan. 4. The first Blase to and from tbo New San- Juan eold fields has returned to Dalores. havino- made the trip to Bluff City and returned in four days with one coach, six horses and tweDty-one passengers. Two stage passengers report 7,000 men there, and the rush continues at the rate cf 600 daily. They are scattered over vter ritory of 150 miles in i extent. Gold is all over the region and great - results are anticipated. The diggings beg-n near Bluf City and extend for 250 miles along the Sac Juan and Colorado reserve and oyer the adjacent country. .. ... 4 , . Terrible Kxpoanrea a Sea. ; New YoitK, Jan. 4. The Anierican bark Herbert Fuller. Capt. Nash, fr jm BrunswickjVGa., brought twelve per sons, the crew and; captain's wife, of the bark Levanter, waterlogged rand abandoned off Hatteras. All were bad ly frost bitten, haying been fifty-three hours on top; of the deck house drench ed and exposed to a fierce gale without fOOd. ill .t f-... Damages Kecovered by a Convict. 1 Little RobK, Arkw, Jan. 4. In the United Stites District court NTamea Fisher, colored, w-js awarded 14,760 damages. Fisher I was a convict and leased to Cook; & lteinman, contracts ors. He was Unmercifully whippsd by an agent of the contractors wham he ued after being liberated from prison. Cook & Uunmao will; not appeal nor can they pay ttie Hrga amount. 1 Rheumatism khocked higher than a kite. Mr. J. N. Bucher Mineral Point, Ohio, de poses and says: 'l have used Salvation Oil for rheumatism, and in one or two applica tions knocked it lusher than a kite." j f I i. O. O. WILMOTONULODSE !I0. 139. . , i , . , i i ; .., Meets this, Thursday, evening at Odd Fellow Hall, N,..Third street, jat 8 o'clock. ; Installation of Officers. i ! " Visiting brethren are respectfully invited to at- lenu. i ; , dec-221t I . ; J. M. McGOWAN, Sec'y Sincere Thanks TO MY FRIENDS AND PATRONS FOR THEIR liberal patronage dai ing the holidays j and ask a continuance of their trade in. tine commer ci 1 and society stationery, books Ac. Job pimt'ng and rubber stamps. ' I 11 Wm. JLt. DipROSSET, Jr. I STATIONER AND PRINTER, i 4 declT sat sun th ;No. 8 South Front St., Commissidnei's Sale. BY VIRTUE, AND IN PURSUANCE OF A decree of the Superior Court of New Han over county, made in the. case of Mary E. Grafflin vs. C M. Williams and wife, I wilt on Thurs. day, the 19th day of Januart, 1893, at 13 o'clock m at the courthouse door in Wilmington, sell to the highest bidder at public auction for cash, the following described lot of land in said city, to wlt:, ! I i: i r '! j " Beginning at a point in tlie western line of Fifth street sixty-six (66) feet i southward y from the southwestern intersectim of Fifth and Qneen streets and running thence son hwardly along the said western line of Fifth street thirty-three (3)feet and of the uniform depth of 165 feet. The s ime being one-half of the eastern half of lots, block 62. DuBRUTZ CUTLAR, Jr.,. Dec SO Jan 1, 4, 8, 15, if j j Commissioner. : DIARIES FOR 1893. i FOR OFFICE AND PRIVATE F8E. j Turner's Almanacs, 1803 -'!)- I ; ;; 1 i ' i I, 1 . ' WHOLESALE 75 CENTS PER DOZEN 1 ' i l : i ? i i : I i i..i ' ! AND RETAIL fD CENTS. h- i ;i TTEINS BERBER'S COMMERCIAL Ci der for Store, Officii or House use. A . . . ; j i y desires one or more willFleasecali at HEIiySBERGER'S . ' I ST and 89FRONT STREET. e. I WELL COMMENCE WAY, DEC, 3 Is! I TO SELL THE ENTIRE STOCK i-OF bazaar! 'S FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CREDITORS. y : In Every Department . SHRIER, ASSIGNEE. 1 THEY TELL US CO CO CJ3 WE HAVE THE UNEST HARNESS AND MASON AND DIXON LINE. OUR BEST, FOR, '93 THEtytE BETTER, THE PRICES, HAVE BEEN REDUCED, ca inn Come and see us and we'll interest you LLEN- body who Assignee's a TAYLOR BJ I Eri?fiMEi - il 1 114 NORTH 'FRONT STREET. TrvLxxlsLa, Valises txxici aT "11 "NV I U i All A LADY wlshea to obUln employment at onoa either aa gererneaa, masic teacher, ladlea companion or copyist or is grilling toaaaist aa cther Udy in dress making. Ia entirely compe tent in either capacity. Keferen-ea exchanged U desired: : Address Mrs. P., MassxwgKB office. AHICK HOUSE for rent cornet Fifth and Pock One on Dock street between Fourth aad Fifth. Two on Seventh street and others. W. M. cmtMINQ, Keal Batata Agent. . tf ax inn. RENTS, BINTS, rents,! rents, rents collected. Loans negotiated. Keal estate bought and sold. w. M. CDAU1INQ, 10 Princess street, Vllmuiffton, N. C. i tfeXBun- H OUSBS FOB RENT RUNTS COLLECTED. vi. m. vujajaxMu, neat jcstate. ti ex ban TpOR SALE AN OY8TES GARDEN IN NEW X1 River containing over two thousand, bushels of young oysters. Apply i to W.. MzsaaNoaa office. H janl-3t MONOGRAMS AND NAMES ENAMELED and gut on glass and China, cups, plates, etc, for holiday presents. KRNEST V. RICH ARDS, Decorative Studio, Front and Princess Streets. ))-.;;- ' ; , decs wedsun frl MIMEOGRAPH SUPPLIES AND WORK, Circulars,; Chnrch and Society notices. ERNEST Vj RICHARDS, - corner Front and Princess Sta. - .; j Ml. dec son wed frl THE pbBLIC IS NPTIFIED THAT 1 HAVE re-opened my dying establishment and can guarantee satisfaction. Give me a trial. - Orders left at the Jno. L. Boatwright Company will receive prompt atterttton.! T..C. IiICKiNSoN, The Dyer, i I 1 octa3-stu toes thnra. - THE EMPIRE STEAM LAUNDRY IS NOW prepared to receive any amount of work and guarantee satisfaction. Everybody Invited to come and see the works in operation. - Office and works cor. Market and Second Sta. Wm. MC LAREN, Manager. ' 1 1 1893 St. 1893, tion. 4 189S. 1893. 1893. 1893. 1893. W. M. . GUMMING, Keal Estate, 109 Princess '1893, 1893, 1893. Calendars on appllca it ex can O TORES, OFFICES. HALLS -. AND O Dwellings fori rent. Apply to D. NNOR, Real EsUte Agent. f !' t novsa 1 Q UNBROKEN MONTANA HORSES, FOR ID Bale cheap. J. H. JONES' ft CO., Livery and Sale Stables, Market Sfc - dqcll tf , 100 REWARD will be paid for evidence taa, win Drove the JNew L,ee jook stove wanima ia anytmng tnat goes xo mage up anrsiciassaruvie. No better on the earth, i Prices Low. J. L. BRECE.ENRIDGE, BIT North Front street. SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE IRON KING Cook Stoves: well made, well finished, well designed and combined with our Liberty Range completes tne nest nne tnai can oe pruuueeu. ALDERMAN HARDWARE CO., 89 South Front street, Wilmington, m, c. i jri: , .. . . moiLET SETS, etc. Just received a nice as- 3E1 X sottment of Toilet Sets, Lamps and Lamp Goods for the Christmas trade. The verv best goods at the lowest possible prices. Every freight train and steamer now adds to onr stock. A lot of Flower Pots opening totday. J. L. bkec&EN RIDGB, 815 North Front street.' PREPARE; FOR CHRISTMAS BY USING ours Steam Cookers, Nutrezlo Coffee Pota, Granite Iron Ware Roasters, Cake Pans and Jelly Pans. Extra low pncea on these gooda during this week. ALDERMAN HARDWARE CO., 29fionth Font street, j ; ; decis ARMLOAD OF HORSES AND MULES JUST armed from the (Vest, for sale cheap. Apply to j. ii. donna a uu., xayery ana. sate s tames. Jaarket street ; . aecii ti COOKING! CROCKS AND STONE COOKING ware, for sale by J. L. BRECKRNR1DGE, 815 North Front street, Wilmington, N. C. gfcttf &yxxtisramt MORTGAGEE'S I ! BY VIRTUE AND IN PDRSACJ OF THE power of sale contained ia a certain Inden ture of Mortgage dated March STth, 1871, exe cuted by Henry Hutaff to. Adrian Vollers and recorded in the Register's office of New Hanover connty in Book B B B, page 399. etc, the said mortgagees will Ben br nubile auction for cash at the Court House door in the city of Wilmington,, i... v., on iuuruunj, mc mu uay ' i r eDrnary, 1893, at is o'clock m., the following described real . estate situate in the said city of Wilming ton; to wit : Beginning at the intersection of the N. W. side of Macumber's AUey with the aoxth. era: line, of Chesnnt street and runnlna thence I west along Chesnnt street flfuen feet three inches to MacRae street, thence north along Bald street ninety-six feet nine iaohes, thence east at right angles to MacRae street one hundred and fuurfeet six laches toMaeumber" alley, thenca south along said aney one hundred and thirty three feet three inches to the beginning, belug a part of lots S and 4, block 198 i ' Jan. a, 1893.1 i i ADKIAX YOLLERS, Jan a-lt 5, 18, 19, 80 I i .Mortgagees. Stockholders Meeting. THE REGULAR 0 ANNUAL, MEETING OF jthe Carolina Oil and Creosote Company, and of the Creosote, Lumber and Construction Com pany will beheld at the office of the former In the city of Wilmington, N. C., on Thursday, 19ta lnt., at 12 o'clock m. i ill WILLIAM KENNISH, January 3, 1893. i i i Seoretary. jan48t j .1 ! ." t: :;- ,- .. . ! ; . 1 . r -- Wilmington. N. C, January 3, '93, of the Caro Una Insurance Company, Nine hundred, sixty- one and 8M0O Dollars, being in full settlement of claim for loss and damage by fire which occur. red December 31st; 1893. i (Slgnep) L. BLUETHENTHAL. : AND TAKE WARNING j ' FOR TIME PASSES AWAY FAST. '-II F . J ! 1 ) . i!i ' ' i .! . Only three monOa mo'e and the entire stock of Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods most be closed out regardless of coat. Call early and se cure a bargain at j i 1 If.- Corner Front and Princess Sta, - T-...:l'-.h.- Porto Rico -onn bbls. 'and BHDS. . -4 HHDS. s bbls. and PHEA8E CiLL OB WRITE FOR" PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. . I BOUGHT IT TO SELL. 130 18i,ll34 NORTH WATER ST., : f. ' "1; : iv -- r Wilmington. TJ. C. SADDLER f STORE SOUTH OF THE GOODS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN OF THE AND BEST OF ALL (FOR THE BUYER) & 6 1mm THE HORSE MILLINER MONARCH jl .- . ; OF ALL NEW .Surpasses All Others l - i ' In- i- v .". -. - . . -i ' I FOR SIMPLICITY1, DURABILITY, EASE or management; capacity of WORK. "TTTW T Trap T TP 1 1 Kim i fan war I HOME" HAS NO .RIYAL, AND THE nArrx POSSESSOR OF ONE HAS THE VERY BEST THE WORLD AFFORDS. E i o cu SALE. RECEIVED, ti : ' i . 7 r ; ! . M f D.1 U GORE T, W.WOOD, AqY . " , - WILMINGTON, N. t. Dissolution -a-,-t SVflo Katz r S .lL ; vr COST Trimmings, Domestics- The entire Stack will be sold .1 i''- -- '"- i - : I Z -V ' 1 ; ' -I January 2, i8o, to Fibruarv i, iSqx. fMMENSE BARGAINS IfJ . i- - i - j i " - ' " i -i - , ;L ! : l:'k - ; v:F;j, ; GOODS: ; j Cloaks ; I .! V - S, ; .. " t ; 1 - i " -- . : COMFORTS LADIES EEIIT' - i 1 ': At . v. to be;sacrificed In preference to., carrying I .. 1 i . ;. "" " ; We thank; aU oar the veiy - lit eral - R nanas, j and -trust lor Hnder the;jnew. fxrm ofc JVI.M. KATTZ, v. M I. i-'. I Mi.' . 4 t, t X I I 9 i iBoh. FOHI':Oj&8H . . I ' I-- -;- . ; ! - 1 Linens, She etings D am as ks and Gloves. BOYS SSES i . .& . . "J '. i Ii , . . I: AND 4 r them through to 1 r SEASON friends and patrons for :.:-ti-ti - . Il I' -i" ' . . ; I: ' j . -'i f ' ""i : ; ' ; I "'I BLANKETS - - -i" 'i f-'l -j I . ;.i..v'." '.;";' '"j ' ill i f uppoft met with at their a I beral continuance SON & CO v .i

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