' . .' " . r-j ' " ii" i " ' " " ' ' i ' . ' -: - ',- . -:-! ir . ,1 f . -i ! : :."-:..4r. - m- - I ' "' ; ' 1;. ' ' !l. :':',' ' '. " ";. . : : " ' ' .. : : . . , - ; : 1 : '. 1 ; - -' ' ! - - s ii l! I- !iflSTAIJL,rSHF,D 1867. j WILMINGTON, N. C. , FBI DAY, JANUARY 6, 1893 . :M .r i . " , rx . . , 1 TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. THE LEGISLATURE. f Both Senator Keina aod Mr.. Blaine we're reported b.tur yesterday morn ing. It is tb intsution if the friends' 4f the former to take him to Bermuda as soon3 pqs si-bi. It is tlie eyipent intention tf the Republic'sdl Senators ib do a8 little as p.,s-.Ible at this session ' of ongre?s. Appropriation and Quar antine bills will probably bo: the only 1 iegislatipn of any' co :is?que3ce acted ! upon fin the Sena'e. Spoaker Crisp ' "is bjfv receiving s plications for tpa . clal I ires for appelating certain days i far atttng'up'H' certain btllsIi is vary prdJablo that ibfre will' be another Wt oa . Hie euvsr quoeuon in mo House th's sos, ion. In Madison county oa Ws; nesday Mo. Riddle, ' without the slightcet provocation .rjd aLp drunk, shot and killed S. E. THE MESSENGER'S SPECIAL REPORJ OF YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS. Senate was Sr. thi) las ltoa-. lvlQUie la.ia. j u. xuioi fcw Irteenth homicide in Madison in the eix m?aths.- -Special dispatches fc ftolfii'h newspapers from J Mitchell county prbnouncid the rumored lynch ing rioi aV Bakers viile as uttsrly jjla j.iGavernor. He.lt gives his rea ' sba for par.do'iiiug Willis H. Brogden,. 4 When sentenced to imprisonment i iWa nonltpnUarv Broirdeii went t the prison alqne, uaoccoinpjanied by. apy bffioer.-r The Republican Senate caucus yesterday appointed at commit tee to look after the reorganization of tlie next Senate aud to superintend the election of . Senators in .the 1'doubtful Spates of the Weit: They wiil make a h'.roDg effort to retain control of the Stuateii The caucus. &Lo appointed a cjiitnilteo on the or.der'-cf.bu lnc3. Within the next few days the Pres idsin't will issue an ordor extending the Cjjvil Service to carriers laXall Presi dential post offices. -The President , will soon take a ducking trip down the -Potomac The . State University openedyesterday- with 312 students. Governor Hlt givas a reception to the Legislators to-night. Another snow m. fall began in Raleigh yesterday even-. ing.- The Carnegie mills are again at work and running full. William C Whitney announced yesterday that -"he; would not bo in Mr. Cleveland's ,-cibinet s-Boli Riy, the supposed murderer of tSe MUsis McDonald in Mpore county, was killed at Keycer ' while reehtingS arrest last night. - ''Tliere is prospect of war between Costa ltica and Nicaragua. Three cow- . boys have a fight in the Chpctkw Na- ' tijm. ' Two are killed and the third rtallv woundedi-r William Curtis Committees Appointed A State Banking . Act Iutrodnced Synopsis of the Act ' The Governor's Message I Received "and Read A Contest In the Senate A Bill to Reduce the Homt- stead and Personal Exemptions. j A SENATE. V Raleigh. Jan. 5. Th called to lorder at 11 o'clock by Presl- aeni li-ing wun prayer by Key. Dr, Marshall i of Christ churchi The jour nal was read and approved, i The chair announced the following committees. On inahguration Senators Posey; Mercer, Morton and Marsh; i On rules Senators Klngi, Davis and i A bill was : introduced for an appro-! priatlon for the deaf and dumb asylum; at Morganton $ 10,000 a year for two years. ,;i ' -v.-. , --i A memorial was presented ! by the Senator from Davidson, signed by J. C Newsom, setting forth his clalm-j to the seat occupied by A. M. Stacsr, and asking that he be declared entitled to Buchi BeaW He charges that the certlfi-i cate was jimpropariy granted ; to said Stack: r - r : A message -was received from Ihe; House of j Representatives announcing its organizatiod and proposing a com mittee to wait oa the Governor. i . An invitation was read j frorry Gov ernor Holt inviting 4he members to a reception to-morrow night the Ex ecutive mansion,! between 18 and It o'clock. i- ; Seaator Coopertntroduced aresolu-. tlon asking that our Senators and Rep resentatlves in Congress j use their endeavors to secure the repeal-of the tax on State bank issues. s Senator Sherrill from Catawba in troduced a bill allowing State banks to issue circulating notes. The bill was referred to Committee on Banks and Currency; and ordered to be printed. A resolution .offered toj appoint a committee on Banking and- Banking Rules was adopted. - A .bill waB offered by the Senatir from Washington for the relief of the sheriff of Dare county. ' Toe Senate adjourned till! 3 o'clock to hear the reading of the Governor's message. ' - The afternoon session, of ever two hours, was devoted to hearing the mes sage read. TWO WRECKS ON TriE COAST LINE 1 Southbound Roth Sections of v Freight Train Wrecked Twenty One Cars Wrecked The Track ' ! Btdlr Torn ITp One man RU'.i--..l Kllledl J- ..... Weldon, N. C.janV 5. Special. The first section oflthe southboucd freight train from Richmond, which passed here about 6 o'clock this morn ing, was wrecked at Buggies station, twejve miles m from blerd.-j Oje maa, Willis Purgereon, Colored, was killed. He was on top of a cr, and when the wreck occured jumpedj tp the ground breaking his leg and Ireceiving inter nal injuries from whibh ha died in a few hours. The trainf Was goipg at a speed of about sixteeq mles an hour. The locomotive passed! over the; switch I safely, but the spring jin the frog which held the rail in jlace broke and twenty-iDrne carswere. piled ia a heap. Seventeen of them are in a space of 1.50 feet and broken int kindling wood. Some are on the 6ide o the track, bot torn upwards. Others are across the trajk and some pile.4 u jen others. They were loaded with; va rious. kinds of merchandise." j. All trains are blocked and ) have to go via the Scotland ' Neck and Green- viile road, via Hobgooi aijdTarboro to R?cky Mount, whichi is twentj-fiye miles out of the way. 1 L j A ; wrecking train reached the scene of the wreck at So'cipckj and a large force, is at workremoMin'e the wreck under the Superintendence of Mai. Morrison Divinerbut tike track will not be clear before to-morrbwl Four huu .dred feet of track and 4 trestle twenty- Bye feet long were torn ujp. j The cars will be a complete loss jtb ihe company. T. C. Ddvies. conductor! and J. C. Ward, engineer, were in ihargecf the train. ' I . The second section oflthe same train was also wrecked nea'rj Jarretts on the Petersbilirg road this morning and fif- tetn lloaded box cars were one was hurt in this wreck. ditched. No The cau-e No blame is attached to any e; The following is a synopsis1 of the. bill introduced in the Senate by Senate r Sherrill, of Catawbi, entitled an Act to "Authorize Stati Banks to Issue Notes." It Is an ope i sacret that Treas urer Tata drew the bill. It provides that "any bank or banking a?sociatioa 1 now chartered or which nray be char tered by the State, and doing business wrthin the S'ate may issue circuUtirg notes payable on demand j in lawful money of the United States, under th-a lifmirorinn nnnloinnn in rKa o rf t a an Freeman; of Memphis,was shot by uus i amount not exceeding the paid-up cash Iazheim who found .Freeman .in his capital of-such bank. To secure the wife's room -Two wrecks occurred payment Jof these circulating nbtes t ... . '., -i1.. it North1" Carolina 4 per cent, err --6 ,(ttfeAHaaiio nu . bQnd& -ghall b3 de The first section or a soutnoounuirain Ued with thQ state Treasurer wka wrecked at Ruggle's station belowj in amount equal to the circalatin Pin and the ferond i section at notes to be issued to any such bank THE PARDON OFViL'-B H- BROGDEN Jarretts above' Wcldju. In the former reck twenty-one cars were torn to eces and the tr.u k badiy damaged. Qae maa was reck" was not Siiled. The so disastrous. Jarrett X t ' Tlie Church Swisdier. DrJW. E. Ellison, tne Bwinaier, as supposed to have-gone south when he left Wilmington... ' j 11 ' 1 So far as we were able I to learn, he did not swindle anybody here .but the iiiev. Dr.rU L. Nash, pastor of Fifth Street church. Ho tried his Eain hbweyer,von the Ciiholic Priest, pfe come 'the dodge about somebody's bequeathing $600 , to St Thomas' Ca-, tholic church but htlrew a draft" for $600 so the extra hundrad would . coyer . . ' .1.11 . l.nwiiarl tf a. nunarea uoiiars wuwu o m&v borrow from the . priest. The priest was too smirt for the scamp, however, to the Windier let him alone. The rascal was very slick, however, and first sppke familiarly of numbers of people the priest wa3 acquainted with. He also sh jwed a ietter of endoraement trom the president of Georgetown1 col .lege but t,be priest thought it a forgery and upon telegraphing v to Georgetown found that, it was a forgery in fact, i A man an4warin? the description of i db.e swindler called at the residence of D. ijernnein, pastor or ai, The bonds so deposited shall be befd exclusively for the security of the cir culating notes until the ,lat;er: are re deemed; but any bank may return any part of it4 circulating notes for cancal-'! latioa and withdraw ratably the deoos-i ited collateral. Upon the deposit bsiug made toe fetate Treasurer will issue to the hank circulating t-notes in blank, registered and countersigned eoual in lambui.t to -the , par. valua of bonds deposited. The notes so isju d can be then circulated by the banks txk money. ,No bank shall issue post-coles or any other notes to circulate us money than such as are authorized by inia act1 The "circulating notes sjfall he prilled from plates engraved in the best manner, to guard agaiost counter feitiug, etc., and be in $1, $5 $10, 20 and SoO, j as may be required, and on their face it shall be stated 1 that they are secured by State bonds depositad in the State Treasury. The plates and dies are to remain uader the entire control of the State Treasurer. The expenses are to be paid out of the taxes or duties collected on toe notes aiore said. Upon a bank's failure Ur pay thtne nots, at its placo of business, tae , holder may have the srae l protested' and presented to the State Ti easu er for redemption, and then, after giving notice to such defaulting i bank, the Treasurer mayadvertise that he will 6eil by public aution so muctrof theollateral iu liis hands as la applicable to the pay ment of sucn dishonored notes and oat of the proceeds of suah sal i redeem the To further secure the notes trie The Governor' Reasons for Granting It Brogdeu rIe:st Sentenced . Went to the Psnlteritlary Alone. Baleigh, N C, Janj 5.! Special Governor Holt to-day gave to the p-esi the fact that he I had pardoned Willis H. BretrdaD' of SVavne county. a brother cf ex-Goverhbr Curtis H. Brogcen It has bcn; a (remarkable c?S3. Brogden was lab September convicted of killine T. fl.SASserin Ju"y la6t and sentencedr tQ six years' imprisonment. l ne iiovernor gives the following rcasocs fdr granting the pardon:' "In this case tihere was no malice or premeditation, bit it was one those unfortunate acs which might be committed by &ny gped cit zen. tsreguen goi in a ngns w,iia tasser. The latter usfd a knifa rqely. Brog deb picked up a small stick with which to defend himself and unfortunately struck a blow which resulted) in death t wenty das af '.er. Saejr Biogdett be not ' punished" asked s ne that was somewhat to blamo- jfhe ' i ury recom, mended mercy a.nd nowask for pardon. This request is joined in by nearly all of the people cf Wayne county; on lac- count of Brogden'rt .. "liigh character which he has hqJ lost oil account of the uiTortunate occurrence! Fori hi se rea sods,: and coosiderinpi the long con fiDemeut, in j ill and h'a deep humilia tion, pardon is granted!" Governor Holt Eays lthat . 1 It- . T 1 ' - 1 ' ' ! 1 . ;.. ;j- ; ., : -., " - i " - . j ; I JIf;1" eona street. 1 1 Jan6Tt ex Sa , . I 1 M 1. - ' K Jf I 1 J ir . :' v rl -rr .'': I -;.;-'-'.. in : .' WASHINGTON CI1Y. THE SENATE TO DO AS LITTLE WORK AS POSS I BLE THIS SESS I ON- 3 FIF rY-SEC0ND CONGRESS. YESTERDAY'S PROCEED INGS AS RE PORTED BY SOUTHERN PRESS. the of ihiok sltua- v'ew, that knd upoa the sentence, tntiary by himself charge of any ofEcer. He parted the railroad station in! Lis broke dcrn and he hired a rode (so as ip cal ch the Ittleigb. I ' Brogden, wett to the peni- piot under buggy, it mula and train for Republicans to Slake Strenuous Efforts to Retain Control of the Senate The Pref ident to Extend Cirll Service to ter Carrlers-j-Sanator Knnotf to ' Qo.to Bermuda The Presi dent Goine; Ducking. ! Washington, Jan. 6. It is said at the ! residence of Senator Kepna," of West Vireinia; that he passed; a good night and his condition is better this murnine than it was yesterday. 1 Al thuughlhe Senator has not regained the eround he lost from his relapse of t3n days ago, hU physicians say he is steadily improving and it is in con templation to ta'e him to isermuaa as scoa as his streegth is sueh as to-ena ble him to undertake such a j jurney. -y The report from Mr. Blaine is also encouraging. ' . i X . There appears to te a disposition in the Senate on the part oi ; Republican members to do a3 ltitlo as potsible pending the change in administration and the possible change In the organi zation of the Senate itself. I A leading Republican Senator : said to-day that outside tne appropriation bills, there wouid be little donfe. Ve are no4-di posed 10 ignore sanitary legislation. and that matter will be attended to as soon as possible," he continued. . 'It would be ioliv lor us to pass anv parti Ban measures, for they would not go through the House and the calendar would pimply be lumbered up with a mass ci bills That ecu id i never bis- come Jaws. iooklng at tiau from every point am inclined to nra mill Art oa littlo a a ira rricul K1 tr ruin " Yesierday an order was made setting apart to-morrcw (or consideration of in,mi?ration and. quaraaime i bills. Senator: Chandler BavS hewiil hole! ! . 1-11 1 1 at i' nis stwtecsion u;ii oacit u3Lii is is s?en just what the new treasury regula tions would be and what the! friends of the biil t-f Senator Harris propose to do. If that measure was stringent enough to give the country adequate protection then there would be no ne cessity for his more radical biH,jbut if it was cot, then his bill, ha said, could be introduced nd passeu at! anyitlmei Speaker Crisp hss his 'hans ful compromising! ciaims ct cpmimtteet men anxious to eecuro f ivors lrom the Rules committee in b. hiif of measures in whieb they are interested. There are at present a d..z:-n measures, lin be half of which a spot lal order is bsing asKod to 6et 8 part a day next week for consideration. C.iairman Stump, of the Icimierration committee has seen the Speaker, who has assured him that the committee would be given adaj for its Immigration Ke-trietion .bifij, Mr. Stu in parked for Tuesday, but no spe cial day was aecided on by i Speaker Cr'.s p. The Tprrey Backrvpfcfr bill, however, is npsrexrrscted to: b jcbma a law at thU session of CongressJ Mr. Brickner end other members fiocn the Great Lakes section are after another opportunity to piss the Omnibus Light House bill, wbiah secured a special order just btfore the holidays, but re ceived s.act conv.Iderafon, owing lo the slim altecdance ia the HouseL The Commerca committee, when re ported the bill, aS3 want a da? fqr" the; Uivenuo L utter oiu and bilis making important ameaimeatsr" in the later- State Commerce law to meet tne re cent discission bj the courts." Special orders have teen asked ana promised for the Rium iovesuaratlng report and the bill for the election of President and Vicj Presidens'and Senators by the direct vote of the pedple. ; The Judiciary committee wants a dkv for ' miscemnet us business, as ,do several other committees. ! ' Mr. Bland hasjtot'yet preferred the request, but it is his. intention to see the .Speaker and ask archer opportu nity to pass the hill pro riling fot free coinage ot siier. Mr. Harter and other uncompromising antiHsilveJr men say they are anxious for a trial at the repeal of the bnermau euver bullion purchase law, aud as a renewal I of the silver fight is about the only thing in which tee radicals on either Side of the currency question seem agreed, it looks as if there wou'd be another bout Immigration Kesttictioia and Foreign Trea tiesThe Inter Stt Commerce Law Amnnded Senator 1 Vilas Speech Against the Hatch Blll-The For ., I ttflcatlons Bill Passed -Prl- Tate Pension Bills. ' SENATE ' Washington. Jan.: 5. Senator Hill offered the following resolution which, at the suggestion cf Senator Chandler went over till to-morrow: t JSesoit-ed, That the clerk of the Sen ate be directed to transmit to the Sec--retary of . State a copy of the Senate bill pow pending in this body entitled "A bill for the suspension of immigra tion for one year;' and that the Secre tary of State be respectfully requested to inform the Senate at his earliest convenience whether the provisions cf said! bill absolutely suspending immi gration for the period of one year are m conflict, with any treaties now ex isting between the United States and any foreign countries; land, If so, with what countries, and any further in formation which he ruv deiriv neces sary for ihe information of hecenate in relation to the propriety of the en actment of said bill in jits present form ine ornate bill cdncarnln? testl- mony in criminal cases or proceedings growing out of the Inter-State Com merce law as taken from the calendar and passed. It provides that no per son shall bi excusad from testifying on tne ground teat his testimony might lead to criojiaate himself. The Aoti-OptioolbJlj was thea taken up and cenator Vilas addressed the Senate ic opposition to it. His speech was ihe: fe ture of the dav's session.' For nearly three'hours he held the un divided attention of the supporters and opponent of the j measure while he stated in a prepared argument, deliv ered Iwitn i great earnestness and im pressive-ess, i the constitutional obiec- Jioas Lich, in his Opinion, precluded the possibility of its passiee by Ihe Senate. He denounced it as a flagrant advance to centralizatioi and as in volving the cha acteristic of the most odious pateroalismi There was a col loquy! between him aid Senator Wasiiourn, who hasi charge of the bid. in the Course of which theoueftion was put to Senator Washburn whether he would accept, an! 'amendment ithat would confine the operation of the measure to operations that were abso lu'tely gambi-ng and ia which there was to be no delivery; but the Minne sota Senator declined to answer! the question afll-matively, remarking that ne aia not neiieve that any such .re striction would, be effective, ' i ESAMELm and silt on glass and China, enns nl i rea r ef'jOT noUda7 Presents. I EKNE8T V. K1CH- iixii, ;ijuuruve oiutuo, rout ana rTincess 8treets.i 1 ! M I dec wedsnn frl i in this latioa. CoigretS ever tiiver The Republicans of the Sena in caucis this morning to consider the mit The bd re 'lihe Rev. G x TtToVhura r.ntherah'church. but it was ! 6ame Xtiiought thafbe was a tramp andthe stockholders of the bank issuing T , ,in, them Bhall be liable fjr their tninkiog he merely wanted to bef. He thus did not place : himseii in-a position .11 - P.l Hm in could ees in nis here orK. - isiHlIaitoj) of Oflliipr . I At a meetiogof Wilmington Lodge, No. 139, IJ O. O. F., held last night, D. D. G. M. f rank Meier,, r Misted by Past Grands J. H. DurfcamM W. Ja cobi, William M. Hays, ;NoblexGrand Jf. D.Kelley aid J. F. Craig installed the following Qincers for the ensuing term.: "r rv xr- . S. P. G. Marrden Bellamy. N. G. Washington Catlejt. R. S. J. M. McGowan, . i P. S.H. W. Collins. ; f Treasurer P. J. Jacobs. 0. G. W..L-. Jrccb'. 1. G. John P. Liltleto.., Wa-den William A. McGowan, "Conductor T. Gaston Evans. R. S. o N. G. W. H. Northrop; Jr. L. S. to N. G G. W. Carter! , It. S.. to V. G. J. J. Hopkins. L. 8. to V. G. Joseph T. King. ; Chaplain W. C. Smith. R. S.' S. J: R. Davis, r ! L. SSS. W. E. Mann. . Organist M. Guldbrausen. . . WlinilntonlresbjterT. The Presbytery cf Wilmington held W-called meeting at Duplin Roads yes- ierday.r Re?. P. H. Hoge, I. D., Rey. SA. D. McClure and Rev. W. McC Mil er "attended from this city. Rev. jThorhton R. Sampson, Synodical Sec retary of Foreign Missions, was present iind'made a very interesting address. The pastoral relation between the Puplla Road3 Church and the Rer. teter Mclatyre was dissolved, and an prder was taken to install him at Mt. Dliye. Arrang?men"la were made to feecure Rev. George H. Dempster, of Canada, for the church at Clinton, Warsaw and Duplin Roads. them shall, be p tyment to an amount equal to thf.ir individual stock in 6uch bank, and ver ified lists of such stockholders shall be ftircished in January and? July, with the acub-unt of stock each holds. The lax to h paid by the banks upon such ciiculatiaar cotes shall b& upou their Ocelot of one half of one percent. upo iie amountr of ootaa, 4 delivered, and thea tne sime laxxHauii auuuiiijf upon the amount of CQtes outstanding. Neither tae State Treasurer nor any nn in hla office shall own any stock or other interesKln any bant issuing such notes. ,. ; -. -, -, v - HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. x It was neon when Jhe Houses met, Sneaker Overman in thexchalr. Rev. M. T. Law son, a member from: Person,' offered prayer. X ' r, The scats were 'well filleo-X Five members were absent yesterday. Some of these took the oath Unday, these he ing Messrs.: C. E. Tatem, of Tyrrell and F. H. Taylor, of Halifax. Associ ate Justice Walter Clark administered the oaths. ; r . The certificate of election of Charl3 B. Mashburn of Madison, was preseais ed by Mr. Vance, with the rtquiit that Mr.!Mashburn be granted indefi nite leave of absence on account of sickness.! " ! V The rnles of the last House were continued in effect. . ' The State Lbnrian was directed to keep the record room open constantly for the convenience of members. There were few bills introduced, Mr. Moore breaking the ice. Bill No. 1 was to simplify the release i of deeds and mortgages. ; Mr. Gilmer presented a bill to in corporate the Bank of Wavneeville and to incorporate the Western North Carolina and Tennessee railway. Mr. Ray offered a bill to amend the constitution by reducing the home stead to $500 and the personal property exemption to 1200. . r . Mr. McCurrin introduced bills re lieving two sheriffs, Neal of McDowell, and Harden of tne eame county. I THE GOVERNOR'S RECEPTION. Given to the Legislature Another Fall of Snow and Colder Weather. . i - . j RaletgiJ, Jan. 5. Special Gov erLor Holt tomorrow sevenine eives a rtcf pUon at the Executive niEn3ion in hOAipjr of tbe Legislatuf?. ' Another sno v. fall btegan ths after ncou a 5 o'clfrck. The wjeather is colder after a eousilerjable ttaw early this afterncon. ', I legif e met pAPER HANGING I iave employed one of -- j.icw iui. b oest paper nangers and am pre pared to do good work at nkoderate prices, tiive ine a trial, i Satislaciion guaranteed or no pay. m I HUTCHINS, Painter jand Dealer In Paints, 80 North Second street. ,1 Jan6 Tt ex Su 2 tj-t- 4- i 1 1 1 ', '" A wishes to Obtald employment at once -t- either as governess, music teacher, ladies' companion,! or copyist or is willing to assist an other lady in dress making! Is entirely compe tent in either capacity. Keferencea exchanged if desired. Address Mra. P., ilESSESgKB office. RENrg, RENTS, rents, rents, rents collected. Loans negotiated. Heaii pstatp hnnoht ana sold W. M. C U AIMING. 1S8 Princwa tt Aiimlngton, N. C.j 'iff8 if ex sun- .l ONOGR1A MS IAND .JJAMES t TlMEOGRAPH,' $0PPLiES f AND WORK 1TX Circulars. Church and RrxAptv nntv.M iiritar v Prlneess Stai vt KluliAKDS, Corner Front and and Society notices. nt an dec9 sun wed frl THE PUBLIC IS NOTIFIED THAT I HAVE re-opened ray dying establishment and can guarantee satisfaction. Give me a trial. Orders left at the Jno. L. Boatwrigar Company will receive prompt attention, f. G. IjICKINSuN, The Dyer. - oct23un tuea-.thurs. ' ' JS ICilPlKK STEAM LAUNDRY 18 NOW XI prepared to receive any amount of work and guarantee saUsfaction. EvrjbOdy Invited" to come and see the works in operation. Office and wui kj tmr. jnarsei anu ecDna i Bts. 1 wt LAKES, Manasrer. i- i i- - -.j - ' HALLS- AND 24C QTORB3, OFFICES. irr nweiung r.ir rent j Apply to D. mm P'CNNOS, Ieal EsteUgeut. r ' ! !t , i I' nov26 HORSES, FOR declltf 1 Q UNBROKEN MONTANA A y sale cheap. J. h. JoNES A CO., Livery S100 REWARD will be paid! for1 evidence that will prove the New Lee Cook Stove wanting in anything that goes to make ut a first classarticle. i?i.beUer on the -earth. Prices Low. J. h. SPECIAL FEATUReToF THeIkON KING Cooks Stores; well! madeJwell finished, well designed and toombihed with our liberty Ranges Tptes best toe that I can be produced. ALDERMAN HARDWARE CO., 29 South Front street, Wilmington, N, C. r oct30 : ! L-i ' i TOILET SETS, etc.-Just received ajiice as sartment of Toilet "Sets, Lamps and Lamp Goods: for the Christmas trade. The very best goods at the ldwest possible prices Every freight tram and steamer now auds to our stock. A lot fTe??lS opentaS to-day'i. J. L. BRECKEN RIDGE, 815 North Front street", i ; PREPARE FOR CHRISTMAS BY USING ours Steam Cookers, Nut rezio Coffee Pots, Granite Iron (Ware i Roasters Cake Pans and Jelly Pans. Exfra low prices on these sroods auriagthis week. ALDERMAN HARDV' ARE CO., 2 South Front street. !' I decis .$ CAR LOAD OF HORSES AND MULES JUST . t &JPZea fl0m thei Ve8t f'ri sale cheap. Apply to J..H. JpjJfES CO., Livery iiiai&ct e Li lc i. and Sale- Stables, aecii rr : pOOKIG CROCKS AND STONE COOK1NGT J waresfor sale by J. L BRECRENRIDGB, 2i6 North Front street, Wilmington, N. C. A NICE: HOUSE for rent cornier Fifth and Dock, One fon "Dock Street h'pttvecn Wnnnh onri T'lfthi Two oh Seventh streeii and oth..r. vv M. pCMMINq, Real Estate As?eat.j , , tf ex sun. over until Monday ow ana Saturday beine the consideration of the to iduaraitine and The bill has gone nex, I to-daor sei apart ior two bills In relation mmigration. After a short executive session the Senate acjiurned at 4:50 o'clock p. m. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The; demand of ;Mr. iBeltzhoover., of Pennsylvania, for the rtsruJa.r order cut olt any request f ir In the Lt)use tats Ann ua! Jeetine: OAKDALE OEM- ; ! - i of ;the Secretary ian Tbe State UntverfityL Chapel Hill,". U, Jan.S. Spe-i CiAL.j The University rpehs tc-day with 312 student. i'Jiere- is every prospect of a large iccrease. Much enthu9ichi prevails. i Tha-SDDDOted ItloDauald Murderer x Killetft Aberdeen,N. C, Jafi. 5. (Special.) Bob Ray the suppose murderer of the Misses 'McDonald r.ear Sanford, in Mopre county, about amnion th; a go, wa'r killel at Kejser to night whi log arrest. ;., 'cXXnJ " X j e resist- Carneele Mills at Worfc. HOME3TEAD, Penn , Jan. 5. The Carnegie mills are again down to work and are running full in every depart- ient. The nana oi tne main omce era npn wded all day yesterday with en in search oi employment, ana ost of them 'got what they desired, rhiia thA Hevaral mills were closed own for repairs a number of emplyes left, maklnir room lor ne oia men, ntfhy of whom were put to worK. order tf business and such othe ter9 as might come before them meeting was an interesting one a suited in initial Htei's beiotr lakeu that will be tna b-glnnJpg of a Litter ..tight for contrcl of th next Suater" If there hasrbeon aiy belief that the Republicans intended permitting the organization of the next Senate to go by default, that baliei was &ha.lter?d by the action taken to day. A committee consisting tf Senators Teller, Hoar Mitchell, Chandler and Hirgice,ra! Republican members of the Committee oa PiivUeges ",and Elections, was ap pointed to take special charge of the subject ot organization, and, icciden- tal thereto, the matter or the ejection of Senators in tb)?e We&fcru States where figfa ! are uar ou. Thesa Sana- tors, all astute poli'iclans, will sei that nothiog is done to jeopardize the ex change of Republicans, aad will pre; pre all the cases, so that la tne evjnt of coates's, which : are inevltibfe, the best possible front can b3 made, ine question t f order of business was sec ondary to the inore-Mmportant matter of organization, but a committee tol agree upon some worKiug pian wasny nmnted in the persons oi saett-uocs; Sherman, Frye, Dolph, Cu'lom, Plait, Washburn and yuay. iney ; win canvass tne situation auu kmuh at anothtp oaucu3 io i pe cusu early text week. In the meantime nothing wril be ic8', in as tuucu as mo learislatloQhas an order for to-morrow and Saturday, acd the Anti-Option bill will be resumu the first of the week and probably tnroft Ir, n. v.fcrt." - ! Tt is learned that within me nexs fn,r flats the President will issue an order axtendlnsr the Civil Seryice law and rules to letter . (carriers i)ill?Arv nnstomces. : . i . i' - .t . t A tiADlncf. tlA wnpn i Tim nuirH.aiiiiit3 auusi " wiiitft TTmiBA has een removed it is probable that President HarrLon will take a J:w days recreation m ehootinsr accordin? t3 his plan lor unanimous coas nt morning audi the' bu-iness in order was the calendar of unfisisbed bunest, .which contains about thirty private pension bills. ; The l nehrst bisl parsed, by a vjie of yeas, 95; nays, 72 a bre quorum. i A:r. UDckery, frqin the C mnlttee on Aporpprintions,! repirtpd ,th Dis trict of Golumini I Appropriation bill and is was referred to the Committee cf the Whole. tr I The: consideration of the pension bills, was resumed, i I l ; In spekidg to oaH of the bills which the pension bureau had denieii the peceiou aked for, Mr. Bland said tha.t the House 8houlu.eaCourage every de partmentia acting in strict compliance witb the gpi it ana letter of the law. The! biil was finally defeated after three-quarters of an hour had been cia- samtd in an effort tdi secure a quorum 8 itu-day, February 4th, was set apart for paying tribute to tbe memory of the la' e J. W. Kendall, of Kentucky. By unanimous censeht the .Bouse th3n prcceeded, in Committee of the Whcle, to consideration cf the tFortificatioa Appropriation bill.There was no gea eral" debate: and the bill was passed Withoijvameudmenti iltr appropriates $1,735,055VY , ! i" f j- J ;."!.! -I Consideration of private pension bi.ls was resumed and a few of the measures passed without optositioa. bacau-e lit tle, if any, attention was paid to tbeui. 2t F&Sik QFTnLdTOWNKRS OF etery will be held at Ihe office ana treasurer, 114 Princes street on Monday evening, January 9, at 8 o'clock i i RICHARD J. JONES, ' Secretary! and Treasurer.. La dies Jongola Co service and f Made espscially for outwear two baira ofl Never sold-before for Lssih t B utton .- Boots oitdinarv boots lg&m J l 11: A wn Marked down to:$f.5p.ia j 108 NORTH r tan II :j - ' ca pee tlxerxi. . FRONT STREET. IELEH WSther Notice i will offer theseart AT -T MIS - FOR -CASH SUtH AN APPORTUNITY-ffANfel BEEN PrIsIIt ED (iPlrSP I ARE THE SAME GOODS WE HAVE BEfA RETAILING FOR TWO OR i j : 1 HREE' SEASONS AT T5c. RFMEBE R THE TERMS .. '" " r R. M. IVlcjlNTiRB.S !.v;';j':X.JXX!-; , Tlrr"X X X ! i i i examination anil thutmnin.. mnt of the everet tests in comparison wilh other machines, fetllne assured that ,aaiunbiased public will render Llts verdict la behalf of,the ; " , i : . .. , . X . . l.-r- TlP11 P'rt'culars and more intereu lns (dcts relativn to tho . i. . WEW HQjyiE, iCallon" T. W. WOOD. Ag't. 125 Princess SL, Wilmington, N. C. V - - : x:- r- X . '' . THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK holilers of the Carolina Oil anA r.rensnt in will be held at their principal oftlce in the city or i t 6 ' uc iuiru imur.-aay (tne mtri) of January, 1S93, for the election 6f officers, and the tram-actuiln of such other bttsiues as mar be utvowjwwifmuiciu.' tUKHftlT, OI SalUCOm-' panyjr j( v ll,L,lAM, KENNISH, Secreurv. January B, 1893. jana it . NOTICE,- ' rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SLOCK- X holders of the' Creosote and jXumber Con Ftructinn Company will be held at the office of the Car-'liha Oil, arid! Creosote! Company in the city oi WUminRtUn, N. C, on the third Tursdav ' t.uc ipiu; ui tfuumj,i lovt lor Ule iClQCTiOU OI OT- flcers'aod the transaction of suba'hthe.r business may be netessarj to promote! the interests of ine company i a. x. BUCUAKDI, Secretary. January 6, 893. i - - i p. jane it " I - - - i : f X ' -I- OurPnces are Di Maple A FEW BARRELS WESTERN ONIONS CHEAP TO DEALERS BY THE BUSHEL, P Syrup and PURE GOODS, Martin's G. E. Butterr Chickens on hand. Fresh lot of Wilson's (Potato) Chips. . i At 3:30 o'clock as ifhera was. no quo- rui Another Murder In ITIadUon Connty. Johnson City. Tenb.. Jan. (5. News ia received here of another trasredy in Madison county, N.-C.j Near jAlarshall Wednesdaymorn;ng Vm. tviddle shot and killed SXE. Shelton. $0 trouble whatever existed between the parties. They were on their way, to a country dance and Kiddie, Ding unser ma m . flupnfifl of . liatror. oulleaout nis p sioi and fired five shots at Sheltoni iur oi t.hom takiae- effect in his head, killing him almostnnstantly. Bot Dien were Christinas week, which was abandoned desperate cnaraciers s oaeuu, ib i o- on aSscount cf the illness oi j nis grauu im the House adjoured. A L3 0t of theitVboe ClotI. RiLElGH, N. C, Jan. 5. A special dispatch just received from a prominent citizen living in Mitchell county to the Daily Chronicle pronounces the report of the riot and lynching at linkers ville a gross canBm. ii any lyncblnff! oc- irred the report has been greatly taggerated. Many jof the names re- porred among the killed a-e unknown in : that section. The dispatch : has been read in the House of Represent ,'ves by the Speaker.i Speciala to the News and Observer and the Chronicle say there is absolutely no foundation vr the tragic stories from Bakersville: that no person has been lynched : and no body killed,, X i it ! Chattanooga, Jan. 5 Rumors have been Bent out arid every method has been taken to obtain particulars to vtrUy the b'ood curdling reports of riots acd murders neal Bakersville, N. (j.l c'fom the sources from which j the reports wt re originally transmitted, all iff or ts at verification have been met by the statement that the roads were snowed up and impassable. It is now learned that the mall farrier has Just arrived at Cranberry, :N. C, from tJa kersville. who says he! knows nothing of any .tight there. I It would appear irom his statements that the story o: yesterday was not true. Si. s w. mi At liFhu Unluckv Corner Fresh Neckwear, Shirts and a Gbneral Assorifnpnt of " 31 "I - ! i i. rX ' . . i r " Icf' . -m i i"7Prirv 1 i g iT-ri-l"-- - ; : i T ': '.ix StocklEveryliDav, . i. n xix . -.-! j 1 1 , Merchant Taiiors ank 'Clothiersj -y .-if . ir " and eggs always caKos, Saratoga SANDERS 1 0 ' r0. , ANDERS 0i VO. j JS A TRUE STONE CEMENT PREPARED FOR WALL pECORATION. IT IS AS puvu as n.ainaiiue, nut gives a nam onion, neater, more ft! js.. I - EASILY AP legant effects in TINTING, SHADING, STESCIL, RELIEP-and other work easUy obtainedTr S0H00LI BOOKS i WE lipvfi'3. haNkilledXserveral men. lie wan tried at the last term of IMadUon Superior court for the murderjof Grant "Tweed and.was acqultied.x Riddle was ton drunk to make hisescapel and is now in "the county jaiKat: Marshall. Madison county has a population of about 4.000 and this is the thirteenth murder within the last six months.' r-hlldr Ra has baen imponuneo w visit a shodting resopt on me ru-"-. in i ov.Konator Snweli. who has ac- Anm no n ia him on a number of I gun ninff expeditions. ha3 also j requested him to take anotlje titp of ; this cnar acter.: : X "x V' A Fight Aipon&r Cowbeji. X Denison. Texas Jan. & James and WilllNivens and Jack Larigdon. all At 12:30 the Governor's private fee- cowboys, had a fight with Winchesters wilJl 8&leg ol 61 000 hales . . j I ...ii cfv.fihnnfAiB al thai "Thiflffl.Haait. t ... .. . retarv. Mr. S. F. Telfair, was announced and walked up the aisle literally loaded down with literature the Governor's message aod accompanying documents. The reading oi the voluminous message at onoa i-began. It consumed nearly three hours time. ' . il The following were appointed -to compose the H-iuse brand) of the com mittee on the inauguration of the Stile officers:! Messrs.- Sherrill, Watson, of Forsyth, Sorrell, Barlowj Grimes, ail lamy and Lining ton, r -' - and six-shooters at thei "Three-Heart' ranch in the Choctaw': Nation yester day. I Will Nivens aod Ladgdon were killed and James JN iveas fatally wound ed. The Nivens boy and Langdon worked on different; ranches. The former were charged with stealing a maverick and the tigat on horseback hPran.. - The first shot . killed Will Nivens and a sharp dual between James Niven3 and Langdoni followed. The latter was killed at the fifth shot and Nivens was riddled. " cotton Future. " Mrw VnRir Jan. 5. UOtlon con tracts opened steady at 2(fl3 pclnts ad- vance, eaea on a iuiwuii : H Attn nointa . above y esterday with Bales of 61.UUU Dales. A ne noi I no tW licrht nort receipts aidXan advance of 3 to 4 points on Liverpool ,r.n th ' fpnr re?ardinsr the Anti rintinn Wli baa damDening the effect on trading. Port receipts are estlmaUd t is nun u.1a nirainat 31.361 bales last year. r; ' , .- ii -fj nmoiAov if 'fn hmianhold necessity." Mr. A. J. Whiting, Newton, Kansas, axentaates his opinion thus: "I have used Dr. Bull s Cough Syrup in my family for the last eight years ana consider ii a owseuum H rt ALWArS HAVE IN STOCK A LARGE 1 ! I ASSORTMENT OF SCHOOL BOOKS, SUCH AS, ARE 1 USED IN PUBLIC ' AND PRIVATE r ' 1 1 . SCHOOLS. PARENTS, GUARDIANS AN 1 TEACElIsRS WILL PLEASE SEND THE CHIL- RE2k TJ j! i j SO CENTS COVERS SO Y. M. O.A. BUILDING, 305 NORTH FRONT QTJARE YARDS. TRKET.. WILMINGTON, N.'-C.' TIIEYj TELL US mSBERCER'3 : 2T and 29 FRONT STREET. ... MY 1 FRIENDS CO CO CO WE HAltE THE UNEST HARNESS AND SADDURY STORE SOUTH MASON AND DIXON LINE. OUR GOODS BEST, j FOR '93 THEi RE BETTER, AND THE PRICES HAVE BEEN REDUCED, ' If ' j X - - V J . ! ' . Come chd see ys and we'll interest oa; if ''!" tjrx'r, rf!"KM 114 NORTH FRONT Prospect of tyar, . New York, Jan 15. A Herald's cuble from Jfaaama fsays: Advices received from Costa Rica say the boundary question between, that country 1 .T! T 1 1 1 1 . anu ryicaragiia ns .open reopeueu anu that there Is a prospect of war between then wo countries in conseauence. A body of Costs Rican? soldiers have taken possession ofl territory claimed by Nicaragua and Costa Rica has conveyed to Nicaragua an ultiir.a.'ium, which the latter country is not dis- fni lha PuJIGBserally : Are respectfully Informed that I have opened a FIRST-CLASS SAL0QN, at JJoj: SiF Market street, between Front -and Wa ter, to be known as the OLD NORTH STATE SALOON, where I shall keep only nrst-c'.ass lie. ors, vines, oeers, cigars. c, c ,i togetner wita oysters in season, and where I shall be pleased to welcome one and all. I respectfully ask for a share' of roar patronage. j X ' i . i - ... -. r r . . jahflw . 1 :" x-xxmlsLjs, pauses and Satcliols. I . OF THE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN OF i THE BEST OF ALL FOR THE ELL. STREET. THE HORSE MILLINER BUYER) RECEIVED Ail 20 r ' x i! -.. .'X ii x AJ DiVID & in" . . : I r -.1 .: ..'ssssc DEGREES COLDER '! ! '. 'V'--'" V ' -r ix - - "' !M - I HERE'S "... COiPlHY WHERE OUR -ANE- posed to agree with to defend her rights, and the outlook ia grave. V Ilopalt will boim Bar. Brooklyn, - N., 1 Y. Jan. 5 The Standard-Union says td:nighl: in the intimate circles of iPresident-elect Cleveland's friends there is much re joicing over the fact ithat when the White House opens to receive the choice of the Democratic party, the dark spell that has hovered over it will be in a fair Way to be lifted. One being passes out of tbe world another enters into existence, just as trie morniug suc ceeds ! tha night. Should the . new comer prove to tea boy, the cup of earthly happiness will be full for Gro-ver-Cleveland. 1 II " 4.' One of the best remedies for a Sore Throat is to gargle the throat Several times a day. if practicaoiev witn pond s auctract, ana on retiring to wrap the neck in a woolen ban dage saturated witrrPond's' Extract and cold water. It the swetnng nas not uissppeareu the next morning continue the treatment f or a day or two until successf uk '-. : " 'fV " i , '1 X3v 'J3, of the Caro- handreJ, sixty- fall settlement I 1 claim; for losa and damage by fire which occur red December 31st, 1892. . 1! She is preparin g one gi sj-ioo Dollars, being In Wilmington, N. C.j, January 3, Una insurance Company, Nine II (Signep) HEAVYWEIGHT OVERCOATS : COME IN; THEY WERE MADE FOK . JC58T THIS . WEATHER -LONfi AND WARM. - MAKE IT" YOUR FIRST DUTY TO CALL. BY STORE WONT DETAIN YOU' A MINtJTE. WE COMPLETE, IN ALtrSIZES. L. BLU ETHENTHAL. 3LiOtsoi'i;i2;BO Cues; IHE LIGHTING SYSTEM OF FE KEPT. AN ASSORTM52i XiOts of S-S. Ones', TITIUM A ITn TTTTI rtMinHunir i 'la IT r CHINCHILLAS, HEAVY KERSEYS AND CHEYIOlfJ-Sgj& SHAGGY AND SOME SMOOTU FTNLSHEdJ ANY KIND OF A COAT YOTJj WANT, TjlOUGff;" WE'VE GOT. WE ARE SURE WE CAN SAVE YOTJ SOMETHING. OUR PRICES ARE' SNUG FOR THE VALUES. I ' JZAXV-xA ixxl x 1 TAUGHT IN EIGHT LESSONS BY , Prof. Ei IV1. BEAIM. -: . 1 i; -n - ' I hre had nine years experience in penmanship and claim to have the shortest and most practic able! system taught. Have hid classes in the finest schools of the State, and my work- recom-. mends ItselL Class wlU be taught at Y. M. C. A. rooms, Monday, January 9, 1894 tjaus st i DAVID & COMPANY 'Comfort's j ... "- i - .- fi .f - - h r . - .1 . 1 Special Bargains Npw:, in Merch ahtr Tailoring m-mx y"

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