AMBUSH; P 1867. WILMINGTON, N.; C., THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. SUMMARY. h;t.iuMans carr roQmclPal I in lVoria, Ills., by a goodmajor Tii,. tva of Osage, Kans., suf ff'7luch ls of life- and property - If earful cyclone Tuesday after i Otli'T sections of Kansas suffered S'jL storm. A, negro mur- ' . ..n from jail at Morrelton, f'ln.l hanged, by; a mob. The illi of universal suffrage by the P311 'lR"r of Kopresentatives of Belgium Cb3";,t top to rioting and most of the have returned to work -Pres- New .York ..f ti-et'k tO naval review d th,'n takG Shrt re8t Wadl rtoi befre ecinK to Chicago. Mrs. SeveW will accompany him to New Lk.lmt will not go to Chicago. - re': were no- appointments made by l! President yesterday.- Hereafter effiesiclential appointments will be Loimced only at noon. -Yesterday for tfe first time since tne adjournment Senate, the White house was jkrowii 01en to the general public jjjg-js'avy Department issues the pro m,. "of the naval review at New .t iIIThe free gold in. the treasury jinrrea. .1 to $1,176,000. GenJ3ul-; jgnA Iiattle, of the Newbern Journal, B in V:ishini?ton' looking out for a posi jIjjj i-''urtli. Carolinians are still martiiing .on to Washington. Three poetuiat .'rs for this State were appointed wstelrday. The fifth session of the State: fciilway Commissioners began in finon- yesterday. Minister Al nijer will sail for Greece in thirty jjvgt Senator Ransqm and Congress jan Henderson called on the President TffitetJay. The municipal elections in DlSiioiTuesday were mainly on the galoon and anti-saloon question, the wets centrally winning. In only a few towns were 'jthe political party lines drawn. lb-treasury at New York announces The that i will continue to pay out gold on treasury notes. -Owing to the scarcity of bills a leading New York banking iousjs has advanced the posted rates of Sterling exchange to $4.88 and $4.90.- iiw wtiinated export of-gold for the mi is.;2.000,000 r $3,000,000. The Duchess of Sutherland was taken vio lently ill hef ore conveyed to prison and now her friends are using every means (o prevent the sentence of the court being mrrjpil out.-- Cholera statistics show two new cases in Austria and several hunlred new cases in Russia with 155 since March 13th. The Clinton wire1 cloth works at Clinton Mass., were tamed yesterday. The loss is $250,000, mrpred bv insurance. The German Emperor will visit the Pope the 23rd inst. -rThe vote on the second reading of the Irish; Home Rule bill will be taken Fri- ifav mArninsr after the debate has been dosed bv Gladstone and Balfour. Our Minister to Ecuador writes to friends in fiiis country the details of a treaty which lehas concluded with Ecuador for the jquisition of an island for a coaling sta tion. The State Department officials njtfhe' Minister has never mentioned in his official correspondence that he wag negotiating such a treaty. The offr certof the State Guard who visited the campgrounds at Wrightsville .hare re- Dorted to the Governor that they . were K - unfit for occupancy, this year. In the boat races between the crews of the war Bhibs at Fort Monroe yesterday, the creWof the San Francisco won every rape.. There was great rejoicing and en firasiasni anions?, the Americans last m'ght The victors celebrated the occa Hobby gaining leave for the, night- Hit Hanijnond, the woman arrested as "toaaoinpiiee of ex-Cashier Red wine hs been released. The attorney in theSouth Carolina iiquor cases charges that the Speaker of the House of Repre sentatives made changes in the act after it parsed. The decomposed body of Col CJ. Lurphy. formerly of Texas, was found in jus office in Washington City Merdav. He- had been midsing month. -Mm?Ii property was destroyed at Jiidland fit v. Ala., bv a storm yesser dav. AN IMPORTANT MATTER. Ihfc New i".aw Effecting Building and ij l.oaii Associations. the H.rn. R. M.' Furman, State Audi- tot ha.s sent to the sheriffs of the -various counties in the State the following Ovular, which is of importae to our People and should be thoroughly n?ar- etood: Raleigh, April 1st, 1893. All Ifiiildiir cirwl lnsm .sociations danz business in this State under" - Chap. 'Tul II. the Code of North Carolina, glided bv;act of che General Assembly witoth' Carolina ratihed .March bth, 'Tj, are required not only to take out Mnse as provided in Sec. 30 of an Act .tojj-ai revenue, laws of 1893, but also file with the Auditor of the State: A statement of the business standing ofl financial condition (of the applicant w? nct'iise) on the 31st day of uecemDer PFwN-dinir: and ! the name of the general asrent or at- t-y in this State; A com of the charter, articles of as- Niition or other statement.showing the upde o.-. business. fbesie-.'iite some newspaper in whicn anniut statement is to be pub- uon tliO approval fef the stanu- and financial condition of the com Ifaydi.iiuror proixDg to do business 9 wfe State w ithout such license is, un- P! the law n TiiiKrldmpanor.' " '"ou an- hortAw Tnnfatl tei ascertain lndnotifv nil rmratiifs. or acents such companies, doing or attempting j4o business m your "county, of the Pw ami Uv forthwith comply with same order to avoid prosecution, 1 enclose you a copy of the law. It Pphes to all companies organized un- e. .; "'"a ui mis, as wen aoauj mulxm.. e. CtWuld he worth wfiile for the ladiesjo in mind that if they take a gentle !rseof Ajrr'.s Sarsparilla in the spring, will have no trouble with "prickly "'hivts." "stieg," "boils," or:"black r1" when sumruer Cffmes. Prevention ;Sbttr than cure. - . r ... ;! Eucklens Arnica Salye. " : .The best salve in the world for Cuts, Sses, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, fTr Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Zr01ams, Corns, and all Skin Erup- an y requ and positiv3lv cures Piles, or no luired. It id tniaranteed to eive TTiirt. .... - s hatisiaction or money refunuea. ox -For sale b !tR. Rellamv. iwa?et.ic nervine quiets the nerves, drives Dad, dreams, and gives quiet rest and Jegeaphic REPUBLICAN OFFICIALS AMUSED AT THE IDEA OP BE ING RETAINED IN OFFICE. The Raleigti Postoffice Put Under the Civil Service Law Sir. Lyman's Letter of Notification A Requi sition for a Burglar The Penitentiary Board The Cotton Mills Nearly 5 , Completed. . " Messenger Bureau, ? Raleigh, April ,19. A curious fact is that some of the Re? publican postmasters are actually laugh ing at the information that they are to be retained until - their terms" expire. One was here to-day who "ridiculed - the Democrats for keeping him in, and an ex-Federal office holder declared that the Democrats were driving nails " in their own coffin by keeping such fellows in positions. There ought to be a big kick on this matter. . ' ' " . - - To-day the, Raleigh postoffice" went ab solutely under Civil Service rules, natur ally to the great delight of the employes, who, with one exception, are earnest Republicans, and who are now in for "life or good behavior.". The Democratic postmaster will have mighty little patronage. Some weeks ago an exam ination of some twenty aspirants for positions as clerks and letter carriers was held here. Perhaps most of them ex amined thought that if successful they would, under the change of administra tion, take the place of the present hold ers of these places. The clerks, letter carriera, etc., now in were not examined at all, but were regarded as already ex amined and passed. Of the twenty ex amined, the president of the Civil Ser vice Commission to-day states that eight Eassed, in other words became 'eligi le," in case of the death or resignation of the men now in omce. - ihese eight who are eligible are: For clerks, Elijah Clark and G. L. Tonnoffski, both white. (The latter was a red-hot Third party worker in the last campaign). For letter-carriers, Samnel A. Johnson and Ruf us A. Price, white, and Lafayette W. Nash, colored. For stamper or messenger, Thomas J. Davis, colored. In the letter of notification. Mr. Lyman says: "The classification of the Raleigh postoffice is now complete, and all ap pointinents,to the classified non-excepted positions therein, must hereafter be made from certificates by the secretary of the board of civil service examiners from his list of eligiblc-s. The date of the require ment of eligibles for positions in the Ra leigh postoffice is certified as April 19th." The clerks, etc., smiled to-day very broadly after they had all taken a squint at the order. No doubt they thought how lonesome a Democratic postmaster would be in the office. All the many people who aspired to clerkships, car rier' places, etc., are deep down "in the soup. There are no new features in the fight, if so it can be termed (as it is a very quiet affair) for the position of postmas ter. Friends of the three applicants ap pear to feel sanguine. The contest is pleasantly conducted. Governor Carr to-day made requisition on CJovemor Tillman, of feouth Caro lina, for" Sam Cannon, a negro who stands charged with the double crime of burglary and assault with intent to commit rape at the house of Mrs. Juha E. Brown, of Robeson county; Cannon is in iail at Marion, S. C, and the sheriff of Robeson will go there after him. The hundreds of applicants for minor positions in the penitentiary were disap pointed yesterday, no aouot, as the di rectors at their meeting decided to make no changes until May, and may not make any then. Mr. Leazar, the super intendent, is feeling nis way carefully, and knows what a great problem he has before him, Jt is possible that a place will be provided for Mr. W. J. Hicks, for twenty-five years the warden, that office having been abolished by the last Legis lature. So was the office of deputy war? den and steward. The board has reduced the salary of the prison physician from $1,000" to $509, There are few convicts here now and the physician's work is light. Dr. Lof tin is corjiHHje.d as physi cian at the Castle Hayne convict' arm and Dr. Furgerson at the farms on the W... moke. Mr. J. J. Bernard is "con tinued a book-keeper. All the officers continue as thev are until May. Deputy Warden Fleming, like M-. Hicks, a vete ran and faithful official, may be perma.' nfntlv retained. A. J. Marshall, of Wilmington, is ap- nointed a notary public. The sheriff of Northampton county to ri av hromrht three convicts to the pern- t.entiarv. and the sheriffs of Brunswick, Oswell and Greene eeunties each Vn-micht one convict. The greater part "of the machinery at the Pilot cotton mills is in operation, be ir,o tl. It will be a month before regular work begins, The mills aje well equipped. " Mr. A. Barnesu of AVilsoa, haa pent here, to be trained at the Fairview farm, , a fine horse whose sire is the great long disance trotting stallion StambouL Mr. Barnes pajd $1,50 for the colt, of whom great things are .expected. A State trotting association is to be formed and will have charge of the races, etc., at the admirablednvingpark , which Capt. "B". P, Williamson has pre T.aTf.r1. The track is now in use. Dur ing the visit of .-the physician? here, at - - , - . :.i. 4 Turn the convention next iuuuui, vt. liamson will give some interesting exhi bitions of trotting at the new track and the M. D.'a will certainly have pleasant Wtions of their afternoon at r air- view, which is certainly phe most attrac tive breeding farm in all North Carolina. To-morrow evening the rung s Jjaugn- ters will give a specially interesting mu sicale at the Governors' mansion, in which some of the leading people win take part. - ' . . j. He supreme coun iia jjjcm. iuo lowing opinions: Bishop vs. -imnton, from Wilkes; no error; Young ys. Con nelly, from Iredell; new trial; Pickens vs. Commissioners, irom tienuersou, ney trial; Lunsford vs. Speaks, from Wilkes; new trial; Fertilizer Company vs. Clute, from Durham: no error in plaintiffs apr peal: defendant's appeal modified; Miller TTT J - . a fid went f vs. Churcn, irom vyaiauKat "i,iiD" Benson ve, Bennett, from Rockingham; error; Thompson vs. Nations, from Surry; oimn Monroe vs. Trennoim. irom ncu- 4h action should have been dismissed; Simpson, vs. Pegrarr, from Forsyth affirmed Fostervs.Ha jkett, fmtn Wiltfis: new trial: enurner vs. iurr ner. from Burke; a motion of defendant J. . i - a em 1 . nllnnywl . f- to dismiss piaiiij.iusaijji, iuiucu, vioi,- mt Fhiibecfc. trom aumenoru motion of defendant to reinstate appeal disallowed. , :.i Will Continue to Pay Gold. New York. April 19. It is stated at the sub-treasury that gold will be paid out in the same manner as usual and .inns Twft-Antat.ion of treasury notes as heretofore. Thj was given out to re lieve the anxiety in tending shippers who professed to feel some apprehension as to their, ability t secure he yeitewr metal for export." Estimates of the prob able exports later in the week range from Owing to the continual scarcity of Wljai. one of the .leading bankers has ad vanced he posted i ate of Sterling ex- NO ENCAMPMENT. The State Guard Grounds at Wrights- yiu Reported to the Governor as Being , Unfit for an Encamp-. '.. ment this Year. Special to the Messenger.! Raleigh, April 19. Adit. Gen. F. H. Cameron is reported as saying that the officers who visited the camp ground at Wrightsville found them in such condi tion that they were forced to report to the Oovernor adversely as to their fitness and condition for occupancy this year. COMMERCIAL NEWS. Stocks anil Bonds in New Yorlc ; Grain and Provision Markets of - Chicago. . " New York, April 19. The stock mar-. ket was feverish and irregular through out the day. The uncertainty in regard j to the policy of "the Government with j reference to the currency question causes : timidity among the traders, which assists j those workiug for ..lower prices.- ; The break of Zi per cent, in Missouri Pacific j at the opening to 47, on the rumor that the road was about to be placed in the j hands of a receiver, led to a decline in i the general list of ili per cent. On anH omcial contradiction of this rumor the Btock rallied to 49i. Other stocks ad vanced i to 2 per cent, in sympathy, Lhstiilers leading -with, a rise to aa. Reading was also noticeably firm and there was more or less covering allj around. The most decisive move ment of the dayi occurred during the ; last half . hour of business, when the "posted rates for Sterl ing exchange were advanced to 4.88 4.90 and there was talk of the shipment of $3,000,000 to $5,000,000 gold by Satur day's steamers. On all this the bears made a violent attack, under which prices in a majority of instances went lower than before. ! Manhattan yielded 4f per cent, to 145$, Chiccgo Gas, Na tional Cordage, Lead and Distillers 2 to iff, Cotton Oil and Sugar 2, Rock Island 1, Western Union li, Lackawanna 1 and General Electrice 1. Other losses were less important Dealings increased in volume as prices declined and were attended with unusual animation. Fi nally a rally of i to i per cent, occurred, but tne tone of tne marfcet at the close was heavy on rumors of gold exports late in the week. . Sales of listed stocks were 257,000.shares; unlisted, 48,000. Chicago, April 19. For the firsfc time in months the May price of wheat to-day was the same here as at JNew York. Another notable feature "Was that May and July sold within Jc of each other." May wheat opened c lower and prices further declined lie, ruled steadier, and the closing was easy, ic from the inside. The July future opened $c lower and de clined ic more, then -advanced fc, again weakened and sold off fc, ruled steadier Jc from the bottom for the day. In corn the temper of the crowd was rather bearish. May closed fc and July ic lower. ' Oats closed at the bottom figures, f to ic decline for the day. Provisions closed strong at about the best prices of the day, with September pork showing a gain of 35c over last night, September lard Ho and ribs 12c. Illinois Municipal Elections, .Chicago, April 19. The elections throughout Illinois yesterday were main ly on the saloon and anti-saloon question, and the wets had the best of it in the State as a whole. In several places, how ever, the strife was between the two political parties, though these places are so few as to make an estimate of the State a very doubtful affair. Galena went Democratic, Ottawa and Decatur went Democratic, though the Republi cans captured four out of seven alder men in the latter town. Paris went solidly Republican as did Belvidere and Winonk went Democratic. Freeport has a new Republican mayor, and the Inde pendent ticket triumphed in Alton. Peoria, 111 , April 19 The city elec tion yesterday resulted in the success of the entire Republican ticket by majori ties ranging from 2,000 to 3,000, tlie lat ter being the majority for Philo B. Miles for mayor. Col. WarnerV who had been elected mayor of Peoria six times, the last time by 800 majority, headed the Democratic ticket. The contest was one of the most exciting ever held here and derived its chief significance from the fact that it was a ' test of the present strength of anti-Popery association .which organization supported the Republican candidates. " The -Cholera. Increasing: Vienna, April 19. Two pases of choir era and one death from tfyat disease are r .'ported from Onuth in Bukovina. - Four cases have occurred in Nave Mamapove. St. Petehsbtjrg. April 19. The offi'- fiial cholera statistics just issued show that irom March Jgth to March 27th there were 460 new eases and 120 deatl 3 in the Government of Podolia, and from March 27th to April 13th 113 new cases ami Vi deaths m 1 the Government or Oofa. Elsewnere m tne empire la new G&aoss and 1 death are reporic. Hunt) Ball, Augusta, April 19. Augusta 5 runs, 6 base hits, 4 errors. BatteryGorman and Wilson. hattanooga 5 run, 5 base hits, p .crrprs- "Battery Eastor and Set back. Game called on account of rain. Savannah, April 19. Savannah 2 runs, o hits, a errors, iiatxery 1'ecty ana Hurley. Charleston o runs, o oase ma, 6 errors. Battery .Kellan and Sugden, Dead in His Office for a Month. Washington, D. C, April 19. Co?, C J. Murphy, formerly of Brownsville, Texas, but of late years a claim agent in this city, was found to-day dead in his office; Col. Murphy had been missing for about a month, and to-day his office was broken into and his decomposed re mains discovered. The Riots Oyer- ' Brussels. April 19. Yesterday's voto in the Chamber of Deputies reversing the former action of that body and granting universally Buff rage, practically as de manded hy the worning men, naa com pletely allayed the agitation, among the industrial population. . The strikers here, nr. Antwern ana omer uiaws ueuawj resumed work this morning. , No further trouble is apprehended. . ' J . Put to Flight all the peculiar troubles that beset a wo- m,i. The oiuv guaranteed remeay ior is Br. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, For women suffering from any chronic "female complaint or weaKness; iorwomen nih-dnwn arid overworked: for wo- jpn expecting to become mothers, ana ior at the chinge from girlhood to womanhood; ind later, at the optical 'change of hfe"-f it is a mediriine that safely and cprtiufy Vkiii Aa nn flrTicrthpns. regulates and caves. mtthprs wno Hre iiuisiiiK auu riuauowu, If it doesn't, if it ven fails to benefit o? cure, you have your money back. What you are sure of. if you use Dr. Sage's PnfAirh kemed v. is either a perfect and per manent cure for your Catarrh, no matter in had vour case may be. or $500 in cash. grhi proprietors of the medicine promise to pa yon tk money, if they can't cure 'Vby undjrso terribl.e sufferings and en danger your life when you can he curbed "by Japanese Pile Cure; -guaranteed by J- L Hardin. ' ' WASHINGTON GITY. FRESH ARRIVALS OP NORTH , OAIlOLLNIAirS. - State Railway Commissioners in Se- fiion Postmasters Appointed for l ' this istae Programme of the -. - Nayal Review Increased. . i Free Gold Balance Re- markable Conduct of oar Ecuador Mimiter. . i Messenger Bureau, ) . i J ... Washington, April 19. J i Special to the Messenger. ... i Gen. Cullen A. Battle, of the Newbern Journal, is here and expects to have a friend in Secretary Herbert, as well as friends in the North Carolina delegation, he having resided several years in Ala bama. I ha e not ascertained what par ticular place Gen.. Battle seeks, if any . I Among the North Carolinians here are John D. Shaw, John D. Whitford and three Raleighites Messrs. GeoT N. Nor wood, H. A Bland and J. W. Reddick. At the fifth session of the State Rail way Commissions; which met here to day, Commissioners Mason and Beding field were present. ! Commissioner Wil- , son is expected. r ' - ! Minister Alexander, who returned to Chapel Hill last night, will sail for Greece in thirty days. ' ! Mrs. Rountree, Maj. Barrett and Messrs. Haskett and Woolen are the can. dictates for the Kinston postmastership. A- delegation consisting of Dr. H. D. Harper, J. K Jackson and N. J. Rouse came last night in the interest' of Mrs. Rountree. - . r Mr." George Ransom went home to-day for the vacation. Senator Ransom and Representative Henderson visited the President to-day." M. J. Sigmon was to-day . appointed postrnaster at Carson, Catawba county; Marvel Ritchie at Gladstone, Stanly; C. F.Conrad at Jimes, Davidson. Atten tion is called to the fact that removals are rarely made now ancfonly for cause. Most of the recent appointments have been to fill vacancies created by resigna tions. - . ' . ; f By Sonthern Press. - , i , Washington, April 19. The Presi dent expects to be absent from Washing-, ton about a week in attendance upon the naval review and the opening of the Worlds Fair. He will go to New York next week and remain until the official ceremonies connected' with the review are over. A short rest will follow his re turn to Washington and he will then leave for Chicago to be absent three or four days. The details of the programme are not yet arranged. Mr. Cleveland will not attend the naval rendezvous in Hampton Roads and Mrs. Cleveland will not accompany her husband to Chicago, although she will go with him to New York. All the ladies of the families of the members of the Cabinet will be with the President and Cabinet in New York and it is probable will accompany the Presidential party to Chicago. Secretary Herbert is confined to j his rooms by the grip and was unable? to come to the Navy Department to-day. For the first time since the adjourn ment of the Senate, tiie White House to day was free to all who came to see ! the President, and, contrary to the expecta tion of a number of interested observers, there was no great rush of office seekers, Senators and Representatives came slow ly between the hours 10 and 12 : o'clock and at noon all others who came on busi ness were admitted. There was a great crowd, of these" and Mr. Clevelend . had his hands full attending to their wants, but I an hour sufficed for the reception QfaU.. ; j - ;. NO APWKNTM15NTS., i j There were no appointments to-day. Hereafter appointments will be made public at noon and at that hour only. Secretary Herbert will start for Hamp ton Roads Friday next, if his health will permit. He will go from here to Anna polis, where he will board the Dolphin hand sail for the Roads. He will be ac companied by his daughter and his naval aide, Ensign Wood. ' .j r PROGRAMME OF THE NAVAL REVIEW. The Navy Department this afternoon issued the following programme of ar rangements jn connection with the naval review "in New York. . ' ' First, A banquet by the Chamber of Commerce to the officers of the review fleet on the evening of the 27th inst. Second, A reception at the city ball of New York by the mayor to the officers of the naval review fleet at 3 o'clock p. ni.,t April 28th. Carriages-wfilj be prbt vided hy the Chamber -of Commerce 'to take the " officers from - Forty-second street, North river, to the city hall. Third, This reception to be followed by a land parade qf tbe marines and sajlgrs f rom the sessels. and from suph of the foreign vessels as nitty be' willing to join, the men to land at Forty-second street, North river, and march by Forty second street to Fifth avenue, then to Fourteen., i rrr tnea W. jprqaaway. then bv the city hall, then to embarn; most eQnyenient points to return 'iim. ' - 1 to the Fifth. The army steamer, vaenerai Meigs" has been detailed to take the Duke DeVeragua and his suite during the review and will follow in the line with the reviewing vessels. - Maj. Gen. Schofield and Rear Admiral Belknap will accompany the Lhike. Cttmmanoer tjrooa rich has been detailed to take charge of the General Meigs, ' "" 1 " It has been agreed tnat xne Minis oera representing the different countries shall present their officers to the President on board the Dolohin. There will also be given a banquet on the night of the 27th by the Grant Monument association, at which Secretary Herbert will be present. . AN INCREASE OF FREE GOLD. Secretary Carlisle stated this morning that he had $1,176,000 of free gold m the United States treasury. This was obtained yesterday and to-day princi pally from the West in exchange for small notes, and relieves the tension, at least for the present. Mr. Carlisle1 de clined to discuss the present situation or the possibilities or probabilities of future, action. " MINISTER MAHONEY S PECULIAR COJJ- p, duct. The announcement that a treaty had vpn concluded, and only awaited rati' fication by the Senate, petween xne United States and Ecuador by which this countrv was to acquire one of the Galla- pagos islands as a naval coaling station, proves to be entirely without other f oun- dauon than me neaieu imsgiiiJMiiuu. w r Minister to Ecuador. Mr. Mahoney, of Buffalo, N. Y, Mr. Mahoney, in let- tar-a tr. f r.Anrla in this citv.. oescriDea me tornatt in hnihutesr aeiau ana stated that he had fdrwardea the treaty to th Stat T)enartment.' $hese letters were made nubflo bv : 'T Mahoney's friends, High officials' of tlie Stae Department COttfirrn the statement that no. treaty for the acquisition of territory for a coaling station has been neeotiated with Ecua- rlnr and add that Mahonev's correspond- with the State Department, though voluminous, does not'even mention that he was engaged in an attempt to nego tiate such treaty. ! ' ' ... ' i fin Rimnle vet alwavs efficacious in all lallicdis disorders 'is Simmons liver Begaiahjr, MORE WIND STORMS. Kansas Towns Swept by a Cyclone Several Persons Killed and Much. Property Destroyed Violent Hail Storms A Tornado j '" In " Alabama, y,. - ; Osage City, Kan., April 19.-About 4:30 o'clock yesterday : afternoon one of the .worst cyclones which ever - visited Kansas struck this city, and in a short time forty buildings were wrecked and several lives were ; lost About , thirty persons were seriously injured, many of whom will probably die. The "part of the city devastated lies on the south side of the tracks of the Santa- Ferailroad, and comprises both business and residence buildings. Fully 100 houses, barns and stores in, the suburbs were completely demolished. Telegraph . and telephone lines are all down and the .streets are lined with debris. . The damage is esti mated at $50,000. Osawatomie was also in the path of the cyclone. A terrific hail storm. t occured at 6 o'clock p. m. i Houses were'vfiooded from torrents of rain and windows were broken. Several barns and small build ings were blown over. ; - r - -. Lyndon, Kan, r April 19. The cyclone here last night blew down the court house, jail and Methodist church, killing Henry Hirsh standing on the - street corner. ' i. , . . :. - Montgomeby-, Ala., April 19. This morning a terrific wind storm passed over Midland City, about sixty-five miles from this point. The Alliance warehouse, Masonic" hall, drug store, several store houses and dwellings were completely demolished j but, fortunately, no one was killed.! . The entire loss could not be ascertained as there is 'no telegraphic communication. - THE HOME RULE BILL. The Vote on the Second Reading to " be Taken To-Morrow-Gladstone and Balfour, to. Close the De bate To-night. London,' April lg-yThe, chief "subject of Interest in the House of Commons to day was the avowed defection from the Liberal party, so far as the Irish home rule is concerned, of William Saunders, member from Newington, -Wallworth, Mr. Saunders, who is looked upon as an extremist, announced that his opposition to the Home Rule bill was based on the requirement of a property qualification for the second chamber of the Irish Par liament This is considered a retrograde provision and contrary to the principles of autonomy. - .The debate on the second reading of lie bill will be concluded Friday. Early in the morning of that day Mr. Gladstone will deliver a speech on the measure and he will be followed by A. J. Balfour, the Conservative leader of the House. Mr. Balfour will be . the last speaker, prior to the- taking of the vote. f: - Efforts to Keep a Duchess Out of ; j . : Prison. ; London f -April 19. The story given out yesterday that the Dowager Duchess of Sutherland,' who was sentenced to six , weeks imprisonment in Hplloway jail for contempt of court, - had been locked ' up, was universally printed and believed, It transpires to-day, however, that the report was erroneous. Her counsel ob tained permission for her to remain at her villa in Windsor for the night with the understanding that she surrender to the authorities. It is now announced that she was taken suddenly ; ill at 4 o'clock this morning. The requisite num ber of physicians' certificates have been obtained for the purpose to keep her out of jail for the time being. Meantime, effort is being made to demonstrate that the judge exceeded his authority, and that a titled woman is exempt under the provisions of law governing oivil cases. Herst however, is a criminal case. ; j A Sensation in the South Carolina Liqnor Cases. Columbia. S. C, April 19. A sensa tion was sprung in the fight against the Dispensary bill to-day, when Maj. Ham ilton, counsel for the Chester dealers, filed his rejoinder to the city council's answer, f He charges the Speaker of. the House of Representatives witfy alteruig the bill after it h,ad been passed ' by1 the House. The paragraph making the charges says that the bill never acquired the force of a law in the State because the original, which was passed by both Houses, was altered and changed by Ira B. Jones and amended as he saw fit, when it appears in the Journal that $9 such changes or alterations had been sanctioned. The charge will doubtless bring forth much acrimonious discussion, ' More Earthquake Shocks. : : , Athens, April 19. Zante was shaken by a severe earthquake at midnight. liht disturbances' were felt almost hourly nntjl noon, when another violet t ; shock caused a repetition of the recent panics, j The historic house of the poets, Lascilo and Solomos are tumbled into ruins, v , The telegraph office was partly wrecked. -The main section of the Duild.- ng still stands, however, and the clerks remain at their post. The harbor was thrown info violent commotion and enor mous waves broke over the water front. The British War ship Inflexible,: of the Mediterranean " squadron, has arrived with food and water,.., - If arrow Escape of Alnexs, ... Shamokin, Pa., April 19. Water from the old Fiddler Green workings broke into the Luke Fiddler gallery at 8 o'clock this morning. ' A number of men escaped after a thrilling - experience. Is is not. known yet whether all the men are out. Rescuing parties have gone into the mine. Hundreds or people are at tne mouth of the slope aw aitmgparticulars. At noon Superintendent Williams an nounced that it had been ascertained positively that all the men had escaped . . , , 1 S J rrom tne munaatea siope. r jve nuuureu hands were emplqyed. The damage tq tne mine is not serious. Mrs. Hammond. Released. Atlanta; April 19. To-day's develop; ments in the Red wine investigation re sulted in the release on her own recog nizance of Mrs. Hammond, the woman arrested three "weeks ago as an accom plice of Redwine, and who was believed at one time to have some 01 tne missing money. There seems to have been no ! evidence to show that the woman had any of 1 he money. Redwine -was sent for by the grand jury, but he was too ill ylo leave the jail. "- "Lynched bjr:a Mob, r LiTTijE Bckjk:, Ark., April 1 9, -Twenty- five rnasked men qyerpowerecl the jailor at MOriWton shortly after II o'clock last night and took Flannagan Thornton, the negro who recently murdered Jonstable Charles F. Pate, to the woods. Up to a late hour the sheriff had been unable to ascertain the whereabouts of the mob. A reward of $100 .for the capture and conviction of each, member of the mob has been offered by the sheriff, LiATER- riannigan- Ttfo.rnton was lynched this norning- at Mornlton, Ark. THE RENDEZVOUS. THE SAN FRANCISCO CREWS WIN ALL THE RACES..' The American Tars Celebrating Their : Victory Another French Cruiser Arrives and the Usual Bom- . . bardment Carried On Our - New Cruiser, the Detroit, Shows Herself to the . foreigners. Fort Monroe, Va.; April 19. Another foreign ship passed in between the Capes early this morning and dropped anchor with the fleet. The French flagship Are- thuse, daily expected for some time, was sighted before many persons were astir. At 8 o'clock, as the bands on the flag ships at anchor were playing national anthems, the big cruiser came lazily drifting down the Roads under easy steam and just as she got abreast of the "ri .j i i ..I " : 1 : . , . jriuiauBipiua uie n mmuau ensign orone out from her main and as its folds straightened out to the stiff breeze twen ty-one guns were fired in it honor. The Arethuse had hardly taken her position with her "two companions, the Jean Bart and the Hussard , at the ; extreme east end of the fleet, when the water bat tery at the 'fort answered heri gun for gun. Then Admiral Gherardl was saluted with seventeen more guns and the Phil adelphia promptly responded with the same number. ; 1 - -- These ceremonies over, the Frenchman turned her attention to the foreicners in the harbor, and for Over I a half hour there was an incessant bombardment of the quick regular volleys of the British ers, the deliberate, sharp cracks of the Russians, the heavy; ponderous thunder of the Hollander and the prompt smart reports of the Italian, as they all saluted or answered the salutes of - the admiral commanding the new arrival. The re port made by so many discharges fairly shook the ground and caused window panes to rattle like hail falling on a tin rooi. - -. -. l . To-day is wash-day on the American ships, and the rigging of the vessels were strung with jumpers, trousers and black silk handkerchiefs of , the sailors, which fluttered in the breeze and added noth ing to the beauty of the vessels. The harbor continues to fill up with all sorts of pleasure boats, big side-wheel steamers and luxuriant . yachts, - Many people who could not obtain accommo dations on shore have come; in their chartered steamers and live aboard them at night, while day they, spend visiting the ships and Beeing the sights - in the naroor. . ------ - j The Argentine Republic's shin has not yet arrived,- nor has the other Russian and two Italians, which are sotaewhere in the vicinity of the Capes and may drop in at any moment.. All of the British ships have arrived and the last trench cruiser to come, in completes that country's display.: Three m.ore Russians are expected to. reaeh New York beforefthe close of the review. Two Brazilian ships are en route from the West Indies and the Spanish ships are somewhere between here and Havana with the Columbus caravals in tow. , All of these war vessels are liable to arrive before the end of theweek and Ad miral Gherardi is confident that when he sails Monday there will he few countries who accepted the invitation to partici-, pate in the review whose ships will not do nere. - ; : "- : Just before noon the new cruiser Da- troit, which has had her trial trioNorth. came into the Roads with two broom-) made fast to her rigging, indicating that the navy had another ship that could sweep the seas. She circled around the fleet, then steamed out for Butiraore. - -In the afternoon the. cqmnjancler of the Arethuse stepped into nia gig and was rowed ta the Philadelphia - where he called officially upon Admiral " Gherardi auu was reueivea wim aue ceremony. Thirteen guns announced his departure, and later, when Admiral -Gherardi re turned the call the same ceremonies were enacted aboard the French ship. During the day the Frerich admiral called upon CoL Frank and the officers of the foreign ships and more gunpowder was burned. lo-night the men of the cruiser San Francisco own the earth . In everv race in which their crews, rawed to-day they came off- yictGrious. With the finest ship in the fleet, with John Cruttenden vv arson for their commander and now with victory perched upon all their ban ners, they are willing to ; challenge the world and give odds. The enthusiasm of the San Franciscoans at Fort Monroe to-night is hilarious enough to" be heard at the Golden Gate,, The men are off on liberty and the officers are exultant. Nor is this exultation confined merely to the officers and men of the crack ship. All Americans are happy, becausein a con test with the most athletic fellows of the English and Russian i fleett. American muscle, American skill and American boats carried off the palm, V - , -' , - me races, were rowea in the aaiet water of Elizabeth river. The boats were so thick that a man might almost nave waited dry-shod from the crowded wharves of Norfolk on : one side to the equally dense throngs of people in Ports mouth on the other. The boats passed tne nmsmng line in the various races as follows: . -t ... , . -i First race Six oared gigs. San Fran cisco. Philadelphia, Blake, Chicago and ; Second race Twelye - oared cutters, San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta, New ark, Charleston, Philadelphia auq Tar tar. ' -'- - -! ' ,1 ' Third : acrdSix-eajed whale boats, San Francisco, Partridge, Atlanta, Charleston and Australia. i Fourth race Four-oared dingy, San Francisco, Baltimore. Chicasro ; and Philadelphia. ; .-.. - '' f Although the money actually paid in prizes was not large, the . highest purse being? only &0 to the first and $30 to the second boat, considerable sums of money changed hands, for there were none of the men, or the omcers either, for that matter, who did not have enough pride m their ships to put up something on the result. The - consequence is that the San Francisco crew have more money than they can spend in a week s liberty ashore. - - - . - - . . - Thin Children Orow Fal gn Scott's Emulsion, because fat fo o d s make fat children. They are thin, and : remairj hlh just in prraqrtfj3i t; their: inability, to Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver r Oil; is especially adaptable to those of vreak diges tion is partly 1 digested qlxatfy. Astonishing hq?-; quickly . a ; thi n per9Q gains solid flesh by its use Almost as palatable us ptilJby Prepared by Scott Bowite, TS. T. - All dmnitta. H . WEIL TO THE PUBLIC: Our Spring & Summer Goods for 1893 ARE NOW IN; STOCK. THEY ARE HAXDSOME . AND SUIT THE TRADE. ALL OUR DEPARTMENTS ARE' FULL AND THE PRICES ARE MARKED DOWN TO ROCK BOTTOM. In Our Clothing Department We have an elegant line of Clothing for Men, Youths, Boys and Children, the latest styles and best of workhianship ; we can fit one and all. Also a full line of Underwear, Socks, Ties and Collars, Earle & Wilson Collars and Cuffs, Pearl Shirts, and Manhattan Shirts a specialty. ; We .also niake gar ments to order and assure satisfaction. "; f ' Our Dry Goods Department. We have the finest stock' of Dress Goods ever brought to North Carolina. We are second to none ; the best and most stylish goods are to be seen in this Department and we solicit an inspection. Mail orders will be promptly attended to. Also a fine lne of White ? Goods, Curtains, Laces, Hosiery, Table Linen, Damasks, Towels, and a full line of Ladies' Furnishing Goods. Our Shoe Department. Quality of Shoes that can be produced, are those to be found in this Departmant, and we recommend such makes W Zieler's Bay State and Bannister's, for which goods we have sole control in'this market. We have a great variety of Shoes in all colors. Ladies' and Misses' Oxford Ties, Com mon Sense Ties, Orze Calf, and all the Latest Styles in Footwear. OurHCarpet Department. 1 - - - - . : A full and elegant line in Carpets of all grades. Mattings of all grades. Oil Cloths of all widths and grades. Rugs and Mats in great variety. Spe cial attention of the housekeepers is called to this Department. You will find there what you ask for and at low prices. Our Wholesale Department. We offer to the trade the largest stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes and Clothing at Wholesale, we guarantee prices to be as low as simi lar Goods can be purchased in Northern Markets. Our Wholesale Depart- meat is distinct and separate from our Retail Stores, and we have special bargains to the trade. f ; - V , ' All we ask is a caU, and you will convince yourself that ours is the place to buy your Goods. We buy all our goods for cash and don't brag when we3 . say that our experience in business for the past 28 years gives us some ad vantage of competition. H. WEIL & BROS., 80, 82, 84, and 86 West Centre St., COLDSBORO, N. C. L -DiVID & Men's and Young 2 a Men's Suits I AT POPULAR PRICES. WHITE AND FANCY VESTS A. DAVID & COMPANY IT WILIi PA.Y TOU TO SEK OUR LlflM WeiQlit Suits. " , THET SHOW ALL TBS Latest Fabrics . and Styles, . ANDTHB PRICES ARE LOW MERCHAMT TAILORING DEPARTMENT IS . ' YOURS Huske& Draper, x in MARKET STREET. I ,. ; ; .WJEARSNOWPBIPABINaTOSHOWOUB . " - - - .-. y - - - - ' . .1-. , . -i- - - J ' ' " - , Spring: and Summer Stock. r PLAIH AND riGURED CHINA SILKS", BLACK AND COLORED DRESS SILKS, S v :: HESRTETTA, SKRGKS AND CA8H506RES, ALL THK NEW SHADES- FRENCH ORGANDIES, AND LAWNS, GINGAAMS AND PERCALES, DRAPERY SILKS, AND 8ILKALINES, WHITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES,' PARASOLS AND SILK UMBRELLAS. " CALL AND EXAMINE THE 8TOCK. HUSKE & DRAPER- 11 1 Market Street. & BROS, COMPMY. Spring Suits. Spring Pants. Spring Neckwear. Spring Underwear, AVE HAVE THE CHOICEST STYLES, TO D r-L: a- TS S o m SHIRTS WITH - LAUNDERED COL- LARS AND CUFFS A SPECIAL FEATURE. BOOMING, BUT WILL SEE THAT YOU GET IN TIME. ,--.A r- u Hieep. Bold at J. 11. Hardin's. change to ,isana .w. - V

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