ESTABLISHED 18f y WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. ' i : : : ' ' ' , ,..- . . ' i TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. in'tbe Second district. First ward of Pitts vur; yesterday, the polls were ordered ' ,J.i nt 10 o'clock "on account of a threat- tiuc . , enetliiot. A man jn punuc uuuuiiu mv fri 'prevent all Democrats from voting. - . . . i mi .-sl Mown ud at bantanaer suu con tains 200 cases of dynamite and divers are ' .Jm,ito search in the wreck for dead bodies. Two steamers near Sand Beach, Mich., collide and sink. Many of the crews are drowned. An American vessel with a citizen of Honduras on board who was wanted by the Government has been fired upon. The repairs of the damages .to the battleship Texas vriir cost the Government . between 140,000 and, $.50,000. The Jus tices of the State -Supreme court yesterday . handed down decisions in a number of . t.aSp3.!Health Officer Ferrall, of Raleigh, died yesterday. The State Agricultural and Mechanical college team yesterday de feated the Tennessee University team at football. -The indication's, are that Mc Kinley has. carried Ohio by 50,000. The Democratscarry Chicago by a good majority. , -There were, only six new cases of yellow e - of Pnmaa'irt vfsifarilmr n nrl no deatllS. I L' 1 1-1 " i ' ' j J " Thirtv-one : patients were disc&argea. The city of Eichmond gives 'O'Ferrall 5,654 iuaiority.- The Government prison at "-"Muscoj-'ee, I- T., was burned Sunday night. The ninety-nine prisoners were all rescued. The attention of the treasury officials is attracted by the recent rise, in silver, which js said to 1)0 due to the 'fact that R-jssia will soon make silver a part of her national coin. ; .The iudk-ations now point to a Demo ,4rSrfr nf fmm 25. 000 to 50.000 in r Yir-inia. Massachusetts has gone Repub lican l.y-a majority estimated at 25,000.- Tlie indications point to Governor Boies' de feat "in Iowa' by 35,000.- The Jacksonville svii'licate forward the other $10,000 to New York for the Mitchell-Corbetl fight. It is rrant i"j""- ... : ai'I the t WO: pugilists win accept me terms. "It is ai't thtire is' no law in Florida to pre vent the priie light.- A Portuguese sailor, from -Camp J'ettT.lion, near' diuusw iuh, nuu is heading toward Savannah. Eleven hun- '.tA ni hvpniv-seven Drecincts in New U1C4 . J . i York give a Democratic majority of 6G.200. 1 he Fever Abating. rj'r.rsswic k, (ia., Nov. 7. Only six new cases of yellow fever were reported to-day, three of which were white as follows: Alexander Anderson, Douglass Davis and ""Mrs. Morgan... The three. colored patients are Lizzie lloykin, Richard M. Burroughs "ami Richard Wilson. There were no deaths. Thirty-one patients were discharged,eigh teen of them being white. ' It ib rumored in Rrunswick late to-night - that Siegfried Juko, a Portuguese sailor. wanted here lor ieseruon iroma vessel, lias - escaped .from (.amp Detention where he went from Brunswick and was being .earched for jover the countrv. The Morn iin Xrti- 'correspondent could not officially :f.. .1... . - verily uie juioui iu-mj;ui... Stpeon Murray said he knew nothing about any one escaping from the camp, and Tuited .Stattjs Marshal U. J..Levy, who is after Juko. was not at home when the M"tnuni Xett correspondent called to get the story -front him. The guards would not allow tlie correspondent to board the vessel , frotii' which the sailor escaped to learn if he lias been returned. From what was learned tonight it appears that the sailor escaped from the camp guards and is now headed for Savannah, Ga. . Further investigation into the delay m . .paving salaries puts an entirely different pilaff Kill lUBOIl.Uai.lWU. U . H. Deveau'.t received a telegram from the Treasury officials informing nim.tnac 11 was tire law to appoint special disbursing agents for matters of this character and requiring asjdal bond. His bond as collector does not cover the special appointment. He was advised that if he' desired the appointment and Won hi give a special bond for $10,000 - his appointment would be made and $5,000 be sent-to him immediately, the balance to follow us soon as the vouchers were for warded! Collector Deveaux wired the dep panmeiit that he would accept the appoint- nlen't und give the bond. As soon as the blank" are forwarded, they will be properly tinned and the money' will come. Neither Surgeon "Murray or Collector IVvea'ux were aware-of the law existing be fore to-day or the tr'oifble of the past few days would have been-avoided. It is evident " that mnch suffering Would have resulted lind ihi .-iribr in rfHr-ini tn nnvinLr thft hihnr- crs by checks been enforced. Collector Iv.veaux's ofllce has been packed for three days past by laborers-who could not get their 'wages.- ad they were not allowed to draw -fromithe commissary and were out of food. Collector Deveaux leat a number of the re- - sponsible ones sums of money out of hie own pocket and gave, orders on grocery stores to others to tide them over until their - wage were paid. - - ;- J.-tl. Hickman, white, at 10:20 o'clock to night is sivffering with profuse black vomit and it exjieded to "dl before morning. . Kiigi neer John Goldetr came in on a special .- to night to be at the bedside of his dying mother. v OpposinjjVid to "White Edncation at. tli South, ST.,Pvrr., Minn., Nov. 7. This morning's session of the general committee of Hie . Freedman's Aid arid Southern Edticationai .society was enlivened by a decidedly- ani- ' mated debate on the question of white edn catioii in the'South. The matter was indi rectly -sprunsr through a resolution sub- wmittctl tin lLev. J. .1. Bentley. of Cameron, , Mo.; "asking that the Wesleyan Institute of that (hue be entered on the record as one pf ili; schools of the society in order that it might be aided' in securing a loan of 7,500 .. to run over a ieriod of five years. It was explained that the institution had changed to a full collegiate- organization and that, as a result, its ei'ieiiditu?3, have temporarily ..gone beyond its income.". J fence, it sought tlie recognition and moral support of the : com hi it tee until it was again able i( reach a toiuxl financial basis. Bishop Merrill op. pnsed the proooeitiou in a vigorous speech. lit said thai trie society had gone as far in educational work among the white people " of the 'South as it ought to go, and possibly a threat deal further. He i-belieyed of old, aul he still believed, that it was a mistake to have ever undertaken it. That might be heresy in this committee. Well, and good. The sentiment of the majority of the com mitted, however, was decidedly against the proportion and after some discussion it was wut to the iocal board.without action. Another spirited debate was evoked by a resolution submitted by Rev. Dr. W. H. Hickman, of Terre Haute, Ir.d.. declaring it the sense of the committee that self help on the p;ut of the schools and churches 01 the outh su.ould be more largely developed and the eoijred students should be employed - inthe sehools s rapidly as they were pre larel an.i a way opened. ; - liishopAVahfen opposed the resolution, it kehig in the nature of a criCism of thegen I ml lioanJ' and iiisisted that it v as following precisely thatpolicv. i tiev. V;ll. Shier, of Detroit, said that thc-re was-no position to which the gradu ates of their Southern institutions of learn . uig inui not attained saye the Episcopacy. a.i'i this would come to them when the Ktit niim presented himself and the general . . conference, approved - of him- This" was ' greeted with laughter and cries of "amen.". -Other sneakers nrfed that the resolution "1 the form submitted might work injury to the cause ."and in the result it was referred v to a special committee to be remodeled. ; ''Nothing succeeds like success," and noth- ' will more quickly insure success than 'rue merit: For fifty years, Ayer's Sarsapa Tiua has maintained its popularity as the su- I'trior. blood purifier. It stands upon its own tiierits and never fails to give satisfaction. The Value of Coin. The value of gold coin is in ita weight; yhe value of silver coin is the govern , meut stamp on it. Tlie value of Simmons Liver Regulator is the relief it gives from ' Biliousness and Sick Headaches. A 25 Cynt package of pxjwder has permanently cured many a one. A POLITICAL GYGLONE. threesstates swept from .the democratic line. New Yok, Massachusetts arid Iowa Gone jlepnWicari-Ohi ) Tremen clonic Republican Tam- many's Bi ;)Vote Sielted I-Overwlielminc De- featJoi"Goveriior . ' Boles. .,"'' - New York, Nov. 7.- Six I. indred and ten election districts of New Y-rk city out of 1,142 give Meyer 73,147.; 39,904. ; Two hundred and thirty d 1 tricts of New York city ut of 1,142 kve if aynard 23,08 Bartlett 15963. - J J The WoAd, Time arid Tribune say Judge Maynard is surely beaten. He runs 20,000 behind th rest of the! State ticket in New York city land is heaHly scratched in the State outside of this city. ; , Btfo&KLyjif, Nov. 9. -f From returns so far received on Secretary 4f State it is expected that Scliieran, Republican,, for Mayor will carry the city by from 4,000 to 5,000 ma jority. I I ' ' 5 New. YepK, Nov. 6. A World bulletin estimates artlett's majority-ovr Maynard 35,000. The Journal eavs: Mavnard's'ma- jority .in the city will be 36,000,- Meyers oo.uuu . j ;.-. : - New YofcK, Nov." 7. Mr. Eichard Croker in an interview with the representative of the Evening Hun concedes the defeat of the Democrat State ticket. The Legislature, he hopes. Will be Democratic, but he fears a Republic clean sweep. He attributes the defeat to business depression. . NewYosk, Nov. 7. Nine hundred and sixty-two iiistricts outside of New York and Brooklyn ive Palmer 106,754, Meyer 84,826. The samef in 1891 gave O'Connor 113,236, Rice 103,001.- ' ' i ; Seven hundred and six districts ontside of New Yorkiand Brooklyn eave Bartlett 83.- 179, Maynard 59, 054. j V x lve nunarea ana iorty districts out of 656 in Brooklyn giye Bartlett 62.37A May hard45 229. . I - - i New York, Nov. 7-t-Five hundred and seventy-nftie districtsoiitside .of New York, city and Brooklyn give I'almer 64,702,Meyer 49,135. The same districts in 1890 gave O'Connor 1)7,201, Rice. 60,122. Five hd'ndrecl and ninety-three districts outside of New York city and Brooklyn give Palmer -65,836. Meyer, 50,771. The same districts in 1891 gave O'Connor 68,447, Rice 51,155. One thousand and thirty-nine districts out . or in Jew lorn city give Bartlett 88,279, Maynard 110 188, . ; ; r Five hundred and thirty districts out of" 656 in Bropklyn give Palmer 69,406, Meyer 59,643. I .k j - LanpingJu;r, N. Y., Nov. 7. A riot oc curred heite to-night bet ween the police and citizens jjThe police seized the ballot boxes of three districts and started for: the police station. jThe citizens followed and at tempted to take the boxes. The policemen shot Josiah E. West, a prominent citizen, in the head. .Greatwxcitehient exists. New Y(rk, Nov. 7.4-Returns from one sixth of tlie State outside of Jsew Yorik city and Brooklyn give Palmer, Republican, for secretary df State a majority over Meyer of 15,603, 1 . - j . A multiiude of Taminanyites crowded in and around the big wigwam in" Fourteenth street street to-night to get the latest returns and up to h late hour crowds of men were streaming 6u and out of the building. Mr. Richard (broker did ;not show himself in the - ball. At 8 o'clock he sent out word that - :in his- opinion both the State andi? : Legislative tickets had been secured by the Republicans. . The evil tidjftgs appeared to: spread among the persons in-the hall, although no intimation of it was.ffrrnished from the platform, and the word 'jbeaten" was soon passing from mouth toll mouth. -The crowd gradually began to 'dwindle away, although efforts were made to-hold it, and at 10 o'clock when Ambrose Purdy appeared and whispered to the reporters, "we're beaten from top to J bottom," there was Scarcely a corporals guaru in ine .nan. At i:$j o ciock me meet ing was declared adjourned. 1 ' New York city complete: Meyer "47,256; Palmer 79,877. Total city vote for AaoOciate Judge of Court of Appeals is as follows: Maynard 126,889, Bartlett 94,692. i In Brooklvn the total vote f or Secretarv of Stare is: Meyers 69,792, Palmer 80,710. May nard s vote is about o.uuu behma Meyers. 3 - MASSAC HCSETTS.-. v New ; York, Nov. 7. The Sun's bulletin says: urenhaige, Republican, - is elected Governor 6f Massachusetts by 29;000. Boston, Nov. 7. One hundred Itowns give GreenhalgS 29,321; Russell, 18,952. Same towns last year gave Hale, Republican, 29,236; Russell, 24,210. 1 Net Democratic loss 5,343. T . I ,l." "; , ., liOBTON. iNov. 7. The dieraia concedes tne election of, Greenhalge!h 30,000 plurality. Boston, esov. 7. it is thought that Green- halge willilcarry the State for - G6vernor by more thaji 2o,000 plurality. Uoston, one precinct rajissing, gives Russell 38,752, Green nalge 29,(05, a Democratic . plurality of 9,479,747. fin the 332ftowns of the State alone Greenhalge will have plurality enougn to wipe oust the Demoef atic plurality in Bos ton, witn jis.uuu votes to spare, in tsyi uov- ernor Russell carried the twenty-nine cities outside ofBoston by 3,000. Up to this hour there are ew figures as yet from those cities but the returns received indicates that they 58,-3.11 be cafned by Greenhalge -trongly. ItetarnS from 182 towns trive Russell 34. 993, and (ireenhalge 52,i)36. The same-towns in 1891 gaye RusseU 37211, and Allen 43,763. The Per cent of gain arid loss shows that Mr. Greenhalie will hayei in the towns alone 1 ' . . .1. . 1 1 1 : . : T in.irm v(LiP3 iiiure luuii piuiauiy in ius- toii wlAlnine outside cities to;hear from One of thf se. New Bedford, gives him 1,361 plurality J where in 1891 Russell and Allen were about even . The indications are that the other joutside cities will increase Green halges. vote by 29,000 or 30,000. A ward in Newton shows a net Republican gain of 32 per cent, i New Bedford complete shows a net Republican gain 01 t3 per cent. - I . OHIO. . ' -' j . ' . Cincinnati, Nov. 7. 5:50 p. m. The vote allwer Ohio has been very- full. Definite fitrures art im possible in advance of the re turns. The general feeling is that McKinley and other Republican State officers are elected by, highly respectable pluralities Scratching was confined to local tictets in Uiaciiinata.- n: i t .; t. m. 1 1 If. Kinley l,i03: Neal i.Olfi: Peoples, 45; Pro hibition,' 49. The sam pretiucts last year eave narnson 1 :-ii's- ( 'levemna - i.uyo: Peoples, if- Prohibition'; 42. bevent y-itve precincts give McK.inleyy, Yi Neal 7, 15t, Populists. 195. I'rohibition, 68. The sameiin 1892 gave Harrison 9,508, Cleve land 8.47S. Ponulists ;130. Prohibition 438, Republican gain, if continued at this rate tnrougnoot tne state win give iiej.iniey plurality M 50,000. ;;.-""' . I IOWA. Des MoiixEs. Ia.. Novi. 7. Enough returns have beeil received to make the ; election of Jackson, Rep., for Governor oyer Governor iHcs reasonably certam by a majority 01 W . jj v --is A. liis Land Suit Settled.- Birmingham, Ala , Noy. 7. The famous Timmoncase, invol-ihg real estate ia $hj? anstocratac portion ot . this city to th amount of $2,000,0004 was finally disposed of to day n favor of the tlyton Land com pany by Judge Ttul:p m" the United States Circuit court. " . il Some twentv-fave years ago- John Tim mons owned a iarm 01 jsx) acres, coverm the foot Of the Red Mountain. This tract is now m jthe city off Birmingham and is calledl South Highlands. It covered some niaenihcent residences and it is th homes of the wealthiest andi most intelli gent people of the city. These property owners purchased t&eir places fom the Elyton Land company and for several years they have been uneafey about their tjtle. The heir of John .Timmonsj residing in North and South Carolina add Tennessee, claimed that Timmons in his Will only be queathed: a life inierest in this farm to his wife, hence? they brought suit to recover this Janjd," which had in twenty I years rise$ in -value, from 12,000 to $ 2,000,000. j The case has been twiceitrieid in the United States Circuit court here emd.has.gone up ko the Supreme court of the United States." !The decisions have all been in favor of the Ijlyton Land company, except oe by Judge I Boreman, when the jury awarded the heits $250,000. This de cision was reversed by the Court of Appeals at New I Orleans and Judge Toulin dis missed the case from court. - - ;::iv-l.:'.-,;';--. ' -r THE TREASURY BALANCE. Decreased by Heavy Pension Pay ments An American Steamer Fired Upon. Upward Move- .f meat ,ln the Price of ' ',--. I : " " - ' Silver. "" WAimNGTON, Nov. 8. The heavy pay ments always made by the treasury on the first of the msnth, especially on the pension account, has Teduced the treasury balance, to $100,700,000; of which $84,314,000 was gold. f V: : The advices received by the Department pf State from" the scene 6f the last trouble in Hqnduras are to the following effect: Minister Baker boarded the Costa Rica, an American ship, at Corinto (in Nicaragua) for Salvador. The Bhip entered a port of Honduras, and while there the authorities of . the Government demanded Capt. Borilla, a citizen of Honduras, who was a passenger on the ship on his way to Gua temala. Borilla, it is understood, had been engaged in some insurrectionary movement m Honduras for which a criminal charge was pending against him. .After the ship had received her clearance papers and while she was leaving the port, six or seven shots were fired, whether directly at her or in front of her to bring her to,. is notr clear. In conformity 'with the Departmental usage, there is no hint of the secretary's intentions in the matter. If, however, the usual course is followed, the department will probably wait for full advices before taking t Information received at the Navy De partment from Norfolk shows that the in lury to the new battleship Texas -at the Norfolk navy yard througn the weakness of her boiler kelsons will cost the Govern ment between $40,000 and $50,000 and the loss of ftwo or three months time while the Vessel (is being repaired in the dry dock. The accident was caused by filling the boil ers with water, thus bringing a heavy weight to bear on the kelsons, with the-re-tult that the kelsons gaye way, crushing in the inner bottoms and frames under them. To make the repairs, it will be necessary to take out part of the shifts bottom and this will cost the greatest, of the amount stated. The Texas is built on English plans, con templating an extreme lightness ot struct ore, and it is said that this lightness is partly responsible for the accident.. Some naval officejrs think that the vessel is too fragile aod-Ahat it is necessary to lighten hen in several places to make her stable. .1 . The strength displayed by silver during the past week has attracted the attention of treasury officials who, keep a close watch on the least fluctuations in matters affecting the value of money the world over. Silver is reported to-day in London as 3-16 pence per ounce higher than yesterday, the figure to-day being 32 9-16 pence per ounce. The cause for this strength is believed here to! be due, not to temporary speculation, but to a well grounded opinion that Russia in the near future will adopt silver as a part of her monetary system. It is stated at the Treasury Deparement . that intimations nave - been received tnat Russia will replace; her uncovered paper mbney with silver to be used for subsidiary coin. It ! is stated here that Russia can easily absorb $250,000,000 of silver and is desirous of do ing so for the purpose of pushing her com merce in the East with Persia, India -and China, which use silver almost exclusively as money. , Ship movements reported to the Navy' Department were the . departure of the cruiser r Baltimore from Port Said for Colombo, Ceylon, en route to the Asiatic station; ;the arrival of the corvette Kearsarge at Vineyard Haven on her way to Boston, and the arrival of the dispatch boat Dolphin at Gloucester, Mass., all to-day. . Tlie Corbett Mitchell Fight. Jacksonville, Fla. Nov. 7. -The .only new feature in the negotiations tosecure the Corbett--Mitchell fight for this city is the forwarding to Richard K. Fox of the f ul amount of the stakes. A meeting of the three gentlemen representing the syndicate was held this morning and decided to forward the whole $20,000 to Mr. Fox in New York and at 11:30 o clock a. ni. tne following tele gram was sent: ; - "Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 7. 1893. T Richard K Fox, New York: , 'A certified Check f ot $20,000 has been mailed you to-day as the stake for the (Jorbett-Mitchell fight proposed to be held in Jacksonville with conditions attached. A letter will follow this. ;i 1 (Signed.) ' Bion H. Baknett," ; Cashiej National. Bank of Jacksonville, i Advices from New Yrrk to-night, (Al though not directly from r'ox, are to the ef fect that Corbett and Mitchell will both agree to the time proposed as soon as the stakes reach New York and they and their backers; are satisned tnat tne principals win be guaranteed immunity from arrest or legal pro3ecntion of any kind. The attorney of the Jacksonville syndicate says that there 19 no statute in Florida under wmcn a peaceable glove contest of this kind can be prevented or stopped, and it is said that ail tne state, county and city omciais nave agreed that no interference shall . be made until there is a breach of peace. . Telegraphic Sparks. Saco. Me.. Nov. 7. The York mills, after three monthsdleness, started yesierday on two-thirds time and 10 per cent, reduction in wages. , New Haves. Conn., Nov. 7. The foot ball game between the Freshmen classes of Yale and Columbia colleges to-day at the Yale field resulted in favor of the Yale play ers by a score of 32 to 0. t iNEW York. Nov. 7. An enthusiastic crowd of fully 3,000 spectators assembled at Eastern: park to-day to witness tne foot ball match between the Crescent Athletic club and the Wesleyan college boys. Only four points were made througnout tne game and that was a touchdown by the Crescent in the first half after twenty minutes or more of the hardest kind of play. ? . Augusta Ga., Nov. 7.-Fiahk Goiens, col ored, was convicted of the murder of his illegitimate child a few days old. The in fant was nit in the nead witn a natcnet and buried in a bag,-m the back yard. Married Under Peculiar Circum- ' i ' stances ' - AucrsTA: Ga.. Nov. 7. J. H. Blount, -of Tjfton, Ga., was married here to-day under DGculiar circumstances. While en route to this city the train was'derailed and a blood vessel of his abdome"nuptured. ' When he reached this city be was taken immediately to the hotel where he was forced, to goto bed. Miss Hatcher, of Brunswick, nis nance: went to his room and- while there was mar ried to him before her brother and several witnesses. She has not left his bedside as his case is very serious. Destroyed by an Earthquake. City of Mexico, Nov: 7. Coynca De Cata lan! in Gaerrero, was practically destroyed bv an i earthquake on October 30th. A church and the school houses of the town were completely ruined and not a single house within its bounds was left in a habit able condition. McKinley the Man. Augusta, Ga., Nov. 7. The Chronlde will say The result of yesterday s election . in" Ohio has at least settled the- Republican nomination for he McKinley . . President in 1896. It will i ''Ail human history attests That happiness for nian.-the hungry ? , , sinner! . : . -' .' ' Since Eve ate apples, much depends on dinner." .pd a good liver is absolutely essential for nnnreciatme a eoou uuiuer. uum iyrti that, as well as anybody. One of greatest regrets was for his weak stomach. 'Gad, man!" his lordship would say, "why don't one of these jnfernal doctors invent a livpr meriieine?" i Byron would never have asked that ques tion vtrfrrtk hp now iivms. Whv? Because he would have been hsins Dr. Pierce's Pleas-' ant Peileta. an ahsolutelv stire cure for Con stipation, Indigestion, BLUious attacks, and de-intrementa nf liver, stomach and bowels. There is no griping or violence about these pills, and thev'ro snnranteed to eive satis faction, or vour money is refunded- Don't live with the stomach weak, when the cure is within your reach for 2a cts Ttiausands of cures follow the use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It's $500 reward for an incurable case. . ; " ' When traveling, always take a cake of Johnson's Oriental Soap with you; diseases are often caught from using hotel soap. Sold by J. H. Hardin. . THE - OLD DOMINION stjjJl loyal to the demo . ' CRATJ.C PARTY.' - Virginia Overwhelming ly Democratic QoL O'Farrall's Majority Esti- . mated at. From 25, OOO to 40, . OOO The Legislature Dem- : ocratic by Over (Two ' Thirds Majority A -: -Small Vote. j v Richmond, Va:, Nov. 7.-f-At this hour (6 oclock), there is every indication that the Democratic State ticket has been elected by a large majority and "that they will have more than a two-thirds majority in the Leg islature. The cities of Norfolk, Petersburg, Fredericksburg, Roanoke, Staunton and Lynchburg show good Democratic majori ties, while scattering returas from various counties throughout the State! , tend to the election of the Democratic ticket. In this city a good while vote was polled, and many negroes voted" the Democratic ticket. In deed, the negro seems to be voting the Dem ocratic ticket almost every where though not in large numbess.. The Populists relied upon the negro supportingJJbaaJa this city and -Other cities and counties throughout the Commonwealth, but from present indica tions he has not materialized in their favor. Col. O'Ferrall runs a little behind his ticket in a number of counties. The Populists have carried Sussex and Prince Edwards counties. ' i. ' - Norfolk, Va.; Nov. 7.-FNorfolk city gives O'Ferrall 3,669 majority. . Alexandeia, Va.. Nov. 7. About one-half of the registered vote of the city was polled to-day. The" Democratic majority is over I roo. xne Populists received 403 votes, only about 150 of which were cast by white men Richmond, Va.. Nov. 7. A special to the Dispatch from Winchester says: The vote in Winchester and Frederick was very light. Winchester and six precincts in the county gave O'Ferrall 138" majority. I In Augusta county where the Prohibitionists made a strong fight, Echols, Democrat,! is probably elected Senator by 500 majority Richmond city gives O'Ferrall 5,654 majority. Danville. Va., Nov. 7. The city of Dan villevwill give 1,100 Democratic majority, wttieh4sa Democratic gain of! about 600. The PopuKstsbave not show'n the strength in the county fhawas-anticipated. The entire Democratic tickeTlselecd by safe majority. The negroes showed -very little interest, their votes being divided."" nTTSBUEo, INOV. . it is sate to sav no -more bitter political fight was ever waged in -auegneny county man tnat wmcn ends this evening. Shortly afther 10 o'clock this morning the polls in the Duquesne school house, second district, first word, Pittsburg, were closed on account of a threatened" riot. Pat Farrell in the garb of a policeman, took up his position inside of the poDing place and put into practice probably, the boldest game of intimidation ever practiced in Al legheny county. Each voter was questioned as tojwhatftfcket he intended depositing Upon favorable answer he was permitted tot pass, otherwise he .was summarily ejected. George Boland. a Democrat, was the first man sub jected to the indignity. When called totin ac,-. count for his actions by Election Inspection Shroeder, Farrell unceremoniously hustled the offlciaHnto the street. Councilman Mc Hugh, also a Democrat, called Farrell to an account. The latter tried the same tactics upon McHugh, but was met with a blow in the face that brought the blood. Farrell then knocked McHugh down and a general Tiot seemed imminent. All of the officers present rushed forward and forcibly ejected the election board, which is Democratic, and refused to allow anyone but "ringsters" to vote. The judge then ordered the polls closed. . .Petersburg, Va., Nov. 7. Petersburg gives O'Ferrall 2,590 majority. This: insures the election of W. B. Mcllwaine, State Senator, by a handsome majority. The majority for Messrs. W. P. McRae and John B--Evans, for the House, is about the. same as O'Fer rall's. ; Roanoke. -Va.. Nov. 7. The dav passed off quietly and alight vote waspolled. Roanoke iaty gives O'KeTrall a majority of 619, and gives' its Democratic candidates for the Senate and . Legislature good maiormes. Roanoke gave' a Democratic majority last year of 915. KicnMoxD, ,a., rsov. neturns nave been received from about or half of the State but the figures are of s i 'h a character that it is impossible to, give them with accuracy; if the same ratip of gams for the Democratic ticket continues to prevail in the remaindef of the - 't-ate'J ' O'Ferrall' s majority will probably reach 40,000. There is no doubt that the Democrats have carried twenty out of the twenty-five Senatorial dis tricts and have probably elefeted eighty-five 01 tne 100 members ot tne iionse or jueie gates. I i i Chairman Ellyson, of the State Demo cratic committee, places the Democratic majority at not less than 25 I The secretarv of the People s party prac tically admits that O'Ferrall is Velected. but says he: concedes-nothing and that if the Democrats have carried the Statet has been done by fraud. Col. 0 ierrall,- from pres ent indications, will probably : run behind his ticket some 5 000 votes. THE ELECTION i RETURNS. The Ticket in Chicago Mixed Mary- land In. Line The New Jersey Legislature Republican .J most a Kiot in Pittsburg. Chicago, Nov. 7. The Democrats "undoubtedly carried the city by a maj that the Republican vote in the county not overcome. Indications at present that Gary, Republican; candidate for preme judge is beaten, although he has rtl far ahead his ticket. Chicago, Nov. 7.The election to-da; seems to be about a stand off. At midnight the returns indicated that the ! Repubhcaus had e'ected the entire judicial ticket and that the Democrats had secured the county -commissioners inside the city. - .. MARYLAND. Baltimore, Nov. 7. Returns received frrvm manv parts of Maryland show tnat the Democrats have electee! their candidate for State Comptroller by a large plurality. and. substantial majority. , "regular Democrats re-eiecied x eruinaiiu vi. jiativu mayor of this city. i j , ' ,'-? ' - .KENTUCKY. ! .' '- . Louisville, Nov. 7. The Democrats had things their own way m Kentucky to-day, anopaccording to reports up to o ciock. me next Legislature will be made up 110 Demo crats, 25 RepiKDHeansand 3 Populists. In LouisviUe Mayorenry . xyier, tne Democratic nominee for mayor was re elected over ex-Mayor P. - B, Keeditizens candidate and Maj. J.. Washington Wann, Repubhcan. ' . j ' -: NEW JERSEY. Newatsk. N. J' Nov. 7. The Republicans will surely have a majority in the Legisla ture. Last year the Democrats nad a two thirds majority in the House. ; The Spanidii War: in Alrica. Madrid. Nov. 7. The discontent over the situation at Melilla is growing. The latest reports state that all the torts, including Melilla, are pracucaiiy ueseigeu. aiic piu visioninar of the troops requires repeated en gagements and involves serious loss of life. Santiago was being landed yesterday at Melilla, tne Moors, in aenance in uicgum of the forts, approached to within '200 yards of the steamship landing. ' The soldiers fired volley after volley at the Moors, who only retreaiet.t aiio v. wv. .vu been killed. ' : . ; -, : ' The German Ktection. Bfrmn -Nov. 7. Complete returns from the Prnssi. Parliamentary elections have the following totals: Conservatives and Free Conservatives 210. National Liberals, , Plori.Vntf. flv Rartieals 20. Poles 19 " Danes 2 Kprhn rfttiirned nine memoers OI me rs.aur cal People's party, among them Eugene Richter, for whom a seat was kept open at the citadel on anticipation of his deteat in "Hae-en. i One vote was cast here for Prince Bismarck. Baron Riepenhausen, Conserva tive. defeated Dr. Boettacher by a large majority. - Cases of forty years standing where opera tions have failed, have beeij cured by Jap anese Pile Cure. Guaranteed by J . u. iiarain OUR SUPRTHMTil CrtTTRT. decisions Handed Down by the Jas- tices Death of ' Raleigh Health Officer, A. Ii. Ferrell The Ten j nessee Team Again.. De j j - - .feated. . . -.-j- '. I Special to tne Messenger. ; Raleigh, N; C, Nov. 7. The Supreme cour this afternoon filed opinions in the f ollofring cases: Boykin vs. Wright, from Sampson county, dismissed; Loyd vs. Loyd, fromjWake, new trial; Railroaii vs. Mining company, from Chatham, affirmed; Albea vs. "Vf estern Union Telegraph company, fromjWake, affirmed; Ward vs. Railroad, fromjPender, affirmed; Pass ysL Shine, from DupLyv affirmed; Woody, vs.' Jones, from Person, affirmed; State vs. Thompson, from New Hanover, affirmed Mortgage company vs. Long, from Halifax, affirmed; Morris vs. Hernfion. from Durham, affirmed;; Wooten vs. Outlaw, ' from Duplin, affirmed; Cox vs. Grisham, from Onslow, reversed; Tate vs. Dcjuglas, from Wake, affirmed; Williams vs. Cooper, from Duplin, affirmed, j A. 4i. Ferrell, health officer of Raleigh, died tb-day. of brain fever' after only four days' tllness. " .' j; Thej Agricultural and Mechanical college foot ball team ".this afternoon defeated the JJiiversity of Tennessee, team here by a score of twelve to six. 5 1 ; JRaieigh township to-day purchased a twelve and a half ton steam road roller. The Judgeship Not Offered Senator I liansom. '"' Rictunond Dispatch. Washington. Nov. 6. Thn Tifltlnn'H rani. tal ha been practically deserted by the Yir- ginia and North Carolina Congressmen. The f ormer hurried away to the Old Dominion as sooi as Congress adjourned, to take active part ia the campaign as it neared its close, and most of the North Carolinians had busi ness to attend at their respective homes. Messrs. Alexander and Grawford, of the North: Carolina delegation, remained here until to-day to wind no matters before the departments, and Senator Ransom lingered until yesterday in the interest, of constitu ents, noiaoiy, Messrs. tunas and Simmons, the collectors of internal revenue for the State, j Gen- Ransom favored the con firmation ! of these two officials bv the Senate, but as the Finance com mittees made no report on the cases, action! could not be taken by the Senate. Opinions differ as to whether or not the fight against Elias and Simmons : will be continued when th- Senate meets in Decem- per, JUt it is thought by many that the op ponents of Mr. Elias will continue their op positinn until the last resort is reached. It is claimed that the Finance committee are against him, with but two or three excep tions, and unless his friendsean overcome fie feeungiin the Senate proper the chances are he, will be rejected when the final test is made. I 1 i -- . The f rieiids of Mr. Elias, however, do'not concede that he can be defeated, even should his case be adversely reported by the com tee. He has the backing of the President, a fact that was quickly demonstrated try the prompt reappointment on the part of Mr. Cleveland as soon as the Senate had ad journed. . : - - 1 ,; it is now ascertained that the statement made by the friends of; Senator Ransom that the position of Circuit court judge had been been offered him by the President and declined was an error. It was supposed that these gentlemen, in their positive assertions on the point, spoke by authority Of Senator naiisom, out it is now auineniicany stated that this was not the case.- Senator "Ransom telegraphs a denial of the story.' j Two Steamers Collide and Sink. Sa Beach, Mich.; Nov. 7. The j propeK lor Albany.- of the' Western Transit com pany, loaded with grain, and the propellor Philadelphia, of the Anchor line, loaded with coal and general merchandise, two of the largest freight boats on the' lakes, col lided off Point Aux Barques in . the dense fog of jlast night and both sank shortly after wards in 200 feet of water. The PhilnrJpl- phia struck the Albany head on, forward of No. 2v gangway. All hands i got on board I the - Philadelphia and ;she towed the Albany half an hour, when the latter sunk. kThe Philadelphia went down thirty minutes later. otn crews got away in two small boats, une 01 tnem witn botn cap tains iana i twenty men reached shore at Point jaux Barques tb.13 morning, but the other had hot yet been heard - from. The second small -boat containing ;twenty-five men of the crews of the propeilors I Albany and the Philadelphia, capsized and all were lost. Eleven bodies have been recovered by the life saving crew at Point "A.ux Barques. - In Defence of J. Hampton Hoge. Roanoke, Va,, Fov. 7. The Titties will Erint tjo-morrow a statement made public y Cot John E.t; Penn, 1 in defense of his brother-in-law. Col. J. Hampton Hoge. re cently! recalled from the consrtlateshio to Amoy; China, by a despatch from President Cleveland coi Penn nasbeen in wasn inErtori and had a talk with the Secretary of State in regard to the matter. In reply to the statement made about the check sent to the Baltimore attorney to settle; a balance due them, he said that he knw nothing about tne cnecK ne nad?-given, nut tnat-ne knew Col. Hoge was perfectly solvent. The Santander Wreck, j Madrid, Nov. 7. Dispatches rebeived from Santander to-day say that the1 buildings ruined and rendered unsafe by the recent explosion are being blown ip and that the authorities are feedine and sheltering 'the destitute and doing everything; possible to relieve, distress. The Marquis Commillas ar rived at santander on a special train to-day and lavishly assisted in the work o,f roliof. The bodies of the victims of the disaster are still recovered from the sea. Divers, who were sent dqwn to examine the hull of the wrecked steamer, report that there are still 200 cases of dynamite in the hold. , They are unwilling to proceed with the search for fear of anotner explosion. . i VA IA Train Aiobber Lynched. " 1 Little Rock, Ark., Nov.: 7. Sheriff Hols- od at Newport has possession jot 'Watones i . '11. - .1 at 11 i. I. n omer vaiuaDie neweirv iJianuavt? ubbii received i from the. train robbers. He will tutoi them over to tne owners upon videnti- Lion. The boov of Jasper Gordon; sup- posta to De one oi tne roopers, : was jouna hanfeng to a tree near Clarendon to-day. He faHhveeti lynched. The remaining robbers. f out m number, are carralled in Cloburne count- and cannot possibly escape, i ' How'si our Liver U- , - -i - ! Is tm. Oriental salutaticn, knowing that good health cann exist "without a . healt liver. I When the " Liver torpid the Bow : els areSuffgish and-con-etipate 'Sie ' food 5; lies - in' the stomach Tindi trested. wq i s o n i n z I the lood: freanent headiaeho ensues; atffeling of jassi tude, despj&ndency fand xiervousneindicate ihor the whole stem ii de-" ranged. ginmon3 Liver Regulator been tho imeans of reQpring more people to alth 1 and happiness by jfetying them a healthy Liver than, any j gency knownWpn earth, at acts - -withll extraor idinary power an4 efficacy. Rev. R. G. Wildkk, Pnnctton, N. J.,says: "I find nothing helps so rnifteh to keep me in working condition as Simmons iiver Keuiator. See that you get thAGenuine, i with red 2j6n front oF.wrapper. . I, - " PKSPAKBD ONLT -Mr J TURNER-HOtBEN! CASE. HON, JOSIAH TURNER DIS MISSES HIS COUNSEL. - ! . Suit For Heavy Damages Against a Building and Loan Association The Annex to the Museum Bishop Haid'sJVisitations-r " Repairs Needed at the , Capitol Address by Mr. Scarborough. Messenger 'Bureau, ) Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 7. f There was a rather unusual occurrence in the Superior court here this mgrning. Hon. Josiah Turner addressed the court, saying he did not want his suit" against1" Mrs. Hol den continued, bat wanted it tried at once Judge Shuf ord told him the case had already been continued until the' February term and asked Mr. Turner whether he wished to dis charge his counsel. Mr. Turner's lawyers then dropped the caseand that gentleman at once began to look up other counsel. He said the case had been before the courts a great . many .years and that he wished to' havesit settled at once. As will be remem bered, it is a suit for about 114,000. His friends say he has a strong case. The sheriff of Orange county brought a convict to the penitentiary to-day. -Robert T. Gray, Esq., of this city and W. R.' Allen, Esq., of Goldsboro. left for They are referees in a case in which nearly every lawyer in Newbern is of counsel. Isaac H. Smih sues a bailding and loan association of Syracuse, N. Y., for $50,000. . .:..' The Seventh district appeals were'called this morning in the Supreme court. The following attorneys from that districts are here: Messjs. Rishen-Ty Bennett, Thomas A. McNeill, NeiUW. Ray, J. C. Black and R. K. Little. - Mr. John C. Scarborough," State Superin tendent of Public Instruction is to speak' several times next week in Hertford county. He speaks to-day at Jackson, Northampton county.-: ; " - Mr. Lacy, State Labor Commissioner, savs he makes nig report from replies by manu facturers to his questions asked with official blanks.. About 50 per cent, have not an swered the questions. He will soon begin the preparation of his annual report. Mr. .G E. Leach, clerk to Congressman Bunn's committee on claims has returned here. . . , The interior walls of the large room which has been built as an annex to the State mu seum, are painted blue. The ceiling is almost thirty feet high and is of fine, natural finish. In a few days the painting of this spacious room and of the large additional space which wtll also be used will be fin ished. - For several days past many of tlie trains have been badly off schedule. bishop Haid left hereto-day for Littleton. He-confirmed twenty-one persons here Sun day and will to-morrow confirm a little number at Littleton. Father Marion ac companies him Orihil visitation. Now-that the roof and dome of the Capi tol arej being painted not a fewpeople speak of the need of painting the interior of .the rotunda and the dome. The Capitol board certainly ought, if possible, to have Wwj done at once. The interior is dingy, anS much of the ornamental plastering has crumbled away or is greatly discolored. Japanese Pile Cure is the only one that can be sruaranteed. as it is the only cure. Sold by'J. H. Hardin, i ACT YJ CT'V . V U( ..f n n-ri i. n v.-m -Li tween S'.xtn street bridare and St. Ktnhni A. M. K. Chnrch. a Rnni-h nf Kctra -im t chain attached to ring, f ia-ier will please leave at Messenger onice ana m suitably re warded. AGENTS MAKE 5.00 A DAY. GREATEST kitchen utensil ever invented. Retails 35 I'Pn t U 9 tA R flnlit in avarv hnnaa Uamnln . ... ' - vu.-.u.. KTM1J I ' ' ' 11. Jl . .-(.11171 , IJtmlKj paid,. flye cents. FORSUEi &,tsc AAKIN, Cih- inniti (i: - i ' rn 10 act t.-, DO. YOTJ WANT A POSITION AS DRUM mer. Clerk, Book-keeper. Manager. Solicitor. Teacher, Mechanic, Servant, &.? Address with stamp, EiLPLOYMENT BUHKAU, Kalelgh, N. C. . . : h oc 6 3m eod THE tlTTLH GIANT WATER MTOR IS stllloa exhibition at Mr. J. L. Wirner's, S2 Market ptreet. The low rate charged for this wotor, S5, places it within the reach ol all. GEOrG S hTATXEN, Uktru-t and Lit v Manaeer Siaget Sewing Hachiue. Company, is the pole agent, f ; nov 7 A YOUNG MAN, 18 OR 2", IS WANTED TO larn the business at the only teeQlar r-c. holsterfng and Paper Hane ne Establi-hment In the Mate. Musa't be too sharp. ZlAlMKiiMAN, opposite City Hall. . . oc6 F'OR GOOD BOOK-KKEPEK3. CLERKS, Salesmen, Mechani.-s, Teachers. Ac. addiera with stamp, EMPLOY M EST BUREAU, Raleigh, N. C. oc 5 sm eod PHOTOGRAPHS PERSONS GOING TO have Photographs made will do well to cal on U. O. Ellis, No. 114 Market street, Wilmlrjg ton, N. C, He ha worked for us and given us sat- isiactioo. x. a. A.mgsourr, u. ju. Maaa. - oc 6-ti RH. BEERY A CO. HA VB JUST R ECEIVED a consigument ol Mountain Buckwheat. For a'l other Countrv Produce see them beiore purchasing ilse where. 104 South Front street OC 6 - i TlfANTED I HAVE SEVERAL APPLICA NT .tifinfl to nnrchap for rl&rea hAtween $1.6C0 ahd $2,0U0. Apply at once to W. M. CUM. jniJNt. neai instate Agent, iuu rnncess street. oc xi ti-ex-oun TTERW8 A POINTER ON BUYING MALAGA XX Grapes at 15c per pound. "OPPOSITE THE JKAKlUtT." 1B1&K OI It. - UO 4 THREE LEFT Ol? THOgK DRSOfABLE $22 50, '45 and $30 houses: also have for sale a nice house and lot, fine renting location, near W. & W. K. K., s66. Cheap for cash. Three dwell ings and lots from Sl.iuo to S2.0UO, see me at once. J. G. WRIGHT, Real Estate A gent, 114 Princess siieei. ! - no X OOK AND READ THE EMPIRE STEAM JLJ Laundry w'sh to announce that they are now equipped with the latest known methods for laundrying Lace Curtains. Pnoea from 50 to 75 cents per pair. EMPIRE 81EAM LAUNDKY. - - OC iiii T?OB. SENT THE FULTON HOUSE, NORTH J-1 Front street, stiteen rooms. AddIv to v. O'CONNOR, Real Estate AgenW L oc 81 - T71NTERTAINMENT8. THE Y. M. C. A J2j Course: Lotus Glee Club. Nov. 6th: Howard jaxoy, Dec lath; swift Bros, concert Co., Jan. phony Club, April Uth. Whole 'Course, $2.60; 1 mett Ders f ii w; ennaren anaer jo, nan price. ecu ' : i I T EMEMBER GEO. HA AR KEEPS THE XV only Music House tn the city. At his place 1 you can get any thing in the. line of Music or stationary, iks margei street. oc x nnHE BEST IS CHEAPEST BUY THE GEN- I - . ; ., .., i I X. nine-blnirer Sewing Machine, sold on easy terms or monthly installments of $3. Old ma chines taken in trade. M achinea rented at SI per week. Send to us forceeules, oil, parts or at- tachments. Machines repaired. J. a. hah. LEY, Manager, 116 Market street, sept27-tf fTMTE AUTHORIZED AGENT OF THE EDI- L son MimeoirraDh Co. in I this city ia W. L. DeRsset, Jr. He has th--m on hand ana will eXDlain tneir working ana can uuueiw." ui Du alled agents. ORANGES, JX BRITISH SCHOONER W. H. ALBURT, I lying at Custom-Housa hart. f L85 per K0. I $10 00 per 1,00T. j - no 8-U CRONLY 4 MORRIS. : ; ; 1 NeW Goods. ' New Goods. F INE DINNER, TEA A.ND CHAMBER SETS, Glasswire, Lamps, Table Cutlery, Dolls and Fancy Gobda of every description received. No trouble to show. Call and see our display. ! f;l S. A. SCHL0SS & CO,, " " 84 North Front Street, . ' ' , . , Piantagenet Comraandery Ho, 1. ;, 1 KNIGHTS TEMPLART Sir Kjs'ights -: . -.; V, Rexalar conclave thU (Wednesday) evening at 8 o clock. H ordHrof tae 'lempie c.inteT'ed VUuing Sir liaignts courteously invited to at- tend. jo- v. a. chjujuX, itecoraer. uov a-it : The OI Clothing "YTE HAVE PERSONALLY SELECTED A LARGE NUMBER OF INSTRUMENTS WHICH vrill arrive from week to week. We cordially invite the public to examine these beautiful Instrumen-s which we offer at extremely low prices. We offer the famous SOUMKRS ia . different styles, Jaiiies A Holmatroin, Lester Piano Company, and the Ml3on A Co New York. When you purchase go to a reliabi6 house, which U permanently located. We have a great variety asd of first classmates ooly. We offer the Wilcox and White, Farrand A Votey, and fachards Orchestral Organs. TI TMI IV ft e have engaged the services of Mr. Walter Shoemaker, of Philadelphia, Pa- a 1 VJlllVi. practical Piano A5aker, who will arrive this week. 33. Van L,A."EK,;' ; 462 and 404 Nortl; Fourth Street. V All the Latest Fashion us as they appear in i OUR FANCZ GOODS STOCK IS COMPLETE. EMBROIDERY SILKS. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOOD3 AT WM.; A. JOHNSON'S, . -.: One Price Cash Store. . . - - . ; ; 4V:: - -- ; 6- - . ... nV TOTHERS 1X30K AT OTJES - BEFORE . YOIJ PURCHASE. WE HAVE THE BEST - .' - i . SCHOOL TVQO EVER BROUGHT TO THIS CITY AT PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE. YOU CAN GET YOUR iflONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED. Diinlap and Other Williams & Murchison, FRONT STREET, NEXT DOOR TOTfiE ORTON. -JECEIVE DEPOSITS AND TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. LOAN3 MADE ON SATISFACTORY SECURITY, oo 8-lw-nac - " rpQ GET A PAIR OF SHOES WAST to go to the village cobbler, leave your measure, wait several weeks or a month, pay a big price and get shoes that were - - - i very indifferent as regards fit and style. " The present way is tocome to see us, se lect any style out of hundreds, get your exact length and width, pay about one- half the old price, get the best goods and have solid comfort for months to come. Trade Morsels from Our Designers. IN- REPLY TO THE MANY QUESTIONS CONSTANTLY ASKED AS TO THE CORRECT THING IN GENTLEMEN'S- WEARING AP PAREL WOULD SAY; LONDON FROCKS AND SACKS ARE LEADERS THIS SEASON, EVERY BODY IS BUYING' THEM AND WITH. GOOD JUDGMENT, TOO, FOR WE HAVE NBVEH . PRODUCED ANYTHING HANDSOMER. "WK '. HAVE A LARGE VAPIETY OF MATERIALS KADE IN THIS GRACEFUL STYLE. OTHER UTS, TOO, ALL STYLES, ALL PRICES, THE LATEST IN SUITS. OVERCOATSNB FUR NISHINGS CAN ALWAYS BE FOUND AT Rooms. JOHNSON'S ; iliincrj Esiafelishiacnt, (THE LARGEST IN NORTH. CAROLINA.) .111 ar kef Street, j - -, - . WILMINGTON, N. C. " OUR STYLES ARE THE NEWEST. ; PRICES THE LOWEST. WORK TH BEST. Novelties are Shown by New York Markets. ASK TO SEE OUR STAMPED LINENS AND LINE OF4 V ' . t IKHJS SUITS CLOTHlERi Hats. V TJOTIQE. rpHERE WILL BE A MEETING OF CLAR- endon ConncM No. 6T, A. L. of H., this Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock p in. - " JAS. C. MORRISON. Sep 13 - - Secretary. NOTICE. ANY WE ZT. EQUIPPED PHTSICIAV, A ' v ' - - t , married man preferred, la search pi a desirable . -: . i situation, migh find it to hia interest to corre spond with "P.," care of Messenger, WUminirton, N. C. oc 87 d4w U -LI -