kvt7 . o - : " ESTABLISHED 1867. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY. JANUARY 4, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. A if I Y v. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Mr. J. Abner Ilarrell died at bis home in Henderson yesterday. -The Gov ernor offers a. wvvard for a murderer from Iredell coui-ay. Collector Sim mons is notified of the burning of two registered vdmkey distilleries, one at Carthage and Uw other in Cumberland county. - See rotary Carlisle will . no w resume his active duties at the Treasury Department. He spent most of yester day in consultation with the President over , contemplated treasury ' appoint ments. The eighth silver dollar of 1804 has just turned up. It has been sent to a, Philadelphia firm by a -'gentleman in Virginia. It wa? supposed that there were only seven of theseaollars. Harvard college has notified two pro fessors and four instructors that their services wUjnot be needed' after this year. This is done tt f educe expenses. Yesterday's cut in ihe price of sugar put granulated at the lowest price it has; ever reached. It. now costs jobbers 3.74 cents per pound. -The Anarchist pris oners' at Barcelona have been turred ' oyer. to the military authorities and will ; be. triedj2y cijjaarJflaJUpThia greatly disconcerted the prisoners. Professor Alexander, of the Hawaiian ti ,,! wna pvmnined by the Senate committee yesterday. He is strongly in favor of the Provisional Government, lie furnished Commissioner Blount with . the facta for the historical part of his're- port. Xieut. Kiehjxd Henderson has been ordered to duly as, instructor at the North Caro?ina Agricultural college. The Senate yestrfd i y,' confirmed a nuni ber of ' ..postmasters. Several appoint ments went oTer on objection, Mitchell yt-sterday signed the mended agreement fr the fight, the cliange gall ing for a fight cither in Duval or St. -John's county. He insisted on a Change being made allowing; the : gloves to be 'furnished by Corbett or Mitchell." Cor bett was very angry when he heard of - the latter change, claiming the right, as champion .to furnish the gloves and con . i.,tui wftsatrao bv Mitchell ICUUUij liiciu ,- - - nuk nf the fieht at .the fp -The Duval club will take out . city licensed for the fight and claim; pro tection by the police from any interfer ence, if i"ey see fit to have the fight in Wksoimlle. Theyseem confident that w can null off .the fights It is ..j .1,. !, rwvdl 'club will " ;.i T,lacft i on a railroad for some tjuiio."' tr - - the'fight. They will keep the locality secret and run chartered trains to-it on the dav. In this way Governor Mitchell will be unable to get' force enough on the . grounds in time to prevent the right. the treasurer of Brunswick, Ga has been removed by the cMj council. He " is short by from 30,C0O to $50,000 in his accounts. -Senator Faulkner, of W sfc were max- Hamp- SECRETARY: CARLISLE TO RESUME ACTIVE DUTIES AT THE TREASURY. mm- a re el i oof e Virginia,' and Miss Vhiting ripd in old St. John s Jon Va. yesterday. church at - ( ! yesterday's Cotton Market. , iseciai to the Messenger. , i. Jan. 3. A somewnai 2 points: x persistent reports lighter movement auu r Z 'Qoiit-h of expected falling off from the South of again influenced the of j to tne opening was at an Liverpool neipe.- with reports oi wguu Eealizingales checked the improvement for awhile, and prices declined about w th undertone remained ZZrZ r .wn of 10 to U points . 'a v, rv.arVPt closins? at a net ad- IOUOweu. iuo . ; t , f a tr. ft noints over yesterday. , ' dables report fairly good trade condi, tions in England and predict increased . spot sales in Liverpool if receipts here continue to fall off. , Southern advices show: great una . rrtinsr the nrobrfile falhng orl IlllllILJ v.. (J ' . t- tlio rpmamder Ot lue pt moveuieui' xji u , . " Jaa . There is scarcely any varia- W mrties, wo hitherto havebeen 7- ? distrust this iniormauou. . 'rwaver rntiment is , undergoing gm to waver, , erP d in Europe a decided change botu her. anq . . , nf n watched witti inter. bv investors, duiw- In Consultation With the President on Contemplated' Treasury Ap point merits Professor Alexan der Before the Hawaiian 7 Committee Liieut. Hen dcrson Ordered to the Agricultural College. . Washington, Jan. 3. Beginning with to-morrow, Secretary Carlisle will resume his active duties at ' the treasury, inter rupted by the preparation of his report and his consultation with the Waya and Means committee in regard to the Ta bilL1 On Mondays iu 1 Thursdays he will receive the public; on -esdays and Fri days he will . attend Cabinet meetings, and oh Wednesdays and Saturdays he will devote his entire time to department matters. He spent most of to-day at the White House in consultation with the President on contemplated treasury ap- pointments. - -r"-; mj-'-&J Professor v, D. Alexander, . surveyor general of the Hawaiian Islands under the Provisional Government, was before the sub-committee of. the Senate Com mittee on Foreign Relations to-day "and entertained the committee with a graphic description of the events of last January. He also gave an account of the events leading up to the revolution, with which he is especially familiar, having given particular attention to the history of the country. Professor Alexander was born in Hawaii, of missionary parents, and is naturally in sympathy with the Dole Government. He ha3 for many years passed been identified with the pro gressive party on the islands, and is prop erly regarded as a member of she present Government. It is neeaies3 to say mat lie defended the Dole administration and aveued that only the power which had brought this Government into existence could be depended upon to furnish .the islands with a just and efficient Govern ment. He also showed that the revolu tion of 1893 had been the natural result of longyearsof misrule and ignorance, and contended that it would be contrary to the best interests of the islands, to the teach ings of the better civilization to restore the Queen to the throne" I he fact was developed' during the hearing to-day that Professor Alexander had written the historical part of Mr. Blount "s story and had furnished hm with the histori cal basis of his report. Professor Alex ander's comments before the cc-mmittee iiDon Mr. Blount's use of these facts have not been given out, but it is- inti mated that they may not have been com mimentarv. ' . . . . T 1 1 1 Liieut. Kicnara jienaerson nas ueen ordered to duty as instructor at the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. The executive session of the Senate to day was held for the purpose of taking ud the nominations wnicn nave oeen re ported from committees and to which no objection is maae in me oenaw. iis there was not a quorum' present, a single objection was sufficient to send any nomination over, ana several went over under the operation of this rule. The nomination of R. E. .Preston, to be di rector of the mint. Nvas among others called up and disposed of for the time in this way. It has become evident that he cannot be confirmed in the absence f a quorum, but his friends do not anticipate failure when the real test shall come. A number of postmasters were confirmed. COMMERCIAL NEWS, DEATH OFJ. A. HARRELL. He Dies After Two Weeks Illness Registered Whiskey Distilleries Burned Reward for a Mur derer Illness of Col. Bene : han Cameron, Special to tlie Messenger. Weldon, N. C, Jan. 3. Mr. J. A. Harrell, proprietor of the well known Harrell's Printing house, of this place, died at his home in Henderson this morning. The deceased established his business here about twenty years ago in a small way and by untiring labor and greast push, he had succeded in building up a business of great magnitude. He was a prominent candidate for Govern ment printer and was indorsed by over 17,000 public and private citizens. ' , Special to the Messenger. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 3.' Mr. J. Abner Harrell, well known all over North Car olina and Eastern Virginia, died to-day at Henderson, aged 52 years. He had been' very sick two weeks with heart trouble. He had for a long time worked earnestly to secure the . appointment as public printer .of the United States. He was a native of Hertford county. - ventte-eetormnroHS'hagrte: graml to-day announcing the loss by fire of the registered Whiskey distilleries of Johnson & Potter, at Hope Mills, Cum-' berland county, and of A. W. Cagle at Carthage, Moore county., ( Governor Carr offers $50 reward for the capture of John Jones, who mur dered another negro in Iredell county. Col. Benehan Cameron is quite eickat" his home here. CONGRESS RECONVENES PROCEEDINGS OPEN VERY TAMEIiYiIN BOTH HOUSES. MITCHELL COMES TO TIME. I He Sins the Amended Agreement Corbet; Angry at the Change as to Gloves Rumors as to Plans Of 1 the .Managers. ' Jacksonville, Fla.,' Jan 3. Charles Mitchell' signed the amended articles of agreement to day under pressure from the officials of the Duval' Athletic club, and thus relieves himself of the" charge of being a "rank quitter." The amended articles now provide that the fight shall take place in Djuval or St. John's county, the latter being the county in which Mitchell's training quarters' are located. Mitchell also insisted on a change in the clause regarding the furnishing of the gloves for the fight. The original arti cles provided for five-ounce gloves, to be furnished by Corbett. The Englishman iasisted that the clause should be changed so as to read that the gloves should be furhished by fCorbett or Mitchell." Mr. Bowden yielded this point, and the arti cles were changed accordingly. . : Manager Bowden, t)f the club, had a long conference with Mitchell at his training quarters. "'Bat" Masterson, the well-known Colorado sport, was present. Mitchell said' that hi 3 objec tion to signing tue amended articles was not because he wanted to 'crawfish,'" but due, to the fact that he was a foreigner and did not want to violate the law of the State. Mitchell further claimed to be anxious to meet Corbett at any time and place . and said that he came to America for that express pur'. pose. I When Manager . I - ? Senator Frye Offers Another Hawaf ian Resolution The House to Dis ensa the Hawaiian Situation Friday and Saturday Mr. Bontelle's Filibustering . Resignation of two Congressmen. - ' ' "-r . SENATE. " - Washington, Jan. 3. The attendance of Senators was far from being full, the most conspicuous absence being on th4 Republican side of the Chamber. Nearly all of the Democratic Senators were present. . L. . The first business done was the swear ing in of Senator Hunton," as Senator elect from the State of Virginia, to fill the unexpired term of the late Senator Barbour, Senator . Hunton's service hitherto being under appointment by the Governor. . , ; Senator Frve. of Maine, offered a reso- "UTCianng-inac, in me opinion pi th Senate, during the investigation . of the Committee on Foreign Relations into our relations with Hawaii, there should be no interference on the part -of the United States Government by moral in fluences or physical force for the restora tion of Queen Liliuokalani, or for the mamtainance of the Provisional Govern ment of the Hawaiian Islands; and that our naval force should be used on the islands only for the' protection of the lives and property of American citizens,. He asked that the resolution lie on the table for the present, and said that he would by and by move to refer it to the Committee on Foreign Relations. After the passage of a private relief bill, the Senate at 12:45 o'clock proceeded to the consideration of executive busi ness. At 1 :20 o'clock the doors were re opened and the Senate at once adjourned until to-morrOw. ttlatorkaresUUdSpoatOrojac S5lv makes a nervous short in- " : - ' A,ninss market r i. .lMfh rtr iiii iiT an element of strength. THE SCNS COTTON REVIEW. v-,,, Ton 2 The Sun's cotton T"vi i rk. rv . v " ' . review sajs. " ",;pmintp(1 and and smaller reoe.p ;-w . a or x' 1 1 1 ; small swc -ntra r.f shorts, as t.a :uv . i iufr,u . ' oau. o. An sulvancp m Liverpool at t uncounKu ""V.l-.i f the interior 1 n.ivarillfR towns ana v : ni nn ad- ' " f 7 iS VdV. although VPlieveU tuax. -- will TtX.was thef miei r - .ita those onsiaerauiy dio - - - fV -ot.lr - SaifiS writ Atv,v Stocks and Bonds in New York Grain and Provision Markets of Chicago. New York, Jan. 3. The announce ment of the proposed liquidation . pf the Holland Trust company,the reduction in the capital stock of the Southern Na tional bank and the embarrassment of a London firm dealing in American secur ities lead to a weak opening for stocks. and the Grangers were (especially weak Th loss of lB"i.000 reported by the Rc3k Island for December helped to de nnxn ihe, Grangers. Electric fell 2i Miliar IS. Chicago Gas li, St. Paul 1, Distillers f, and Western Union a. At the decline the bear leader was a liberal buyer and as the prominent issues commanded good sized nramiums. the smaller bears soon fell in line. The recommendation of the Ways and Means committee to tax corpora tions 2 ner cent, on their net earnings was ignored so far as to-day's market was concerned. In the afternoon prices moved uo steadily and an advance of i to 3 was reported. Sugar rose 3, Sugar preferred li, Lpuisville and Nashville 2, New England 2fr, Chicago Gas H.Canada Southern H. Delaware and Hudson 2f, ijTiin(rtin and Ouincv 1. St. Paul lund 1. General Electric If A shorA 1. Missouri Pacific 11, Lead 14- and Haw York Central li. The mar ket left Off strong, ynth gams ranging j. frv 91 r,orpint.. the latter mbusrar. t:,o total sales were 223,000 share." Bail- onH mwrpllaneous bonds were , O-T -.V"-; h4zner. ! i rmftiAfi. . an. a. It was a uuu iuui ket in wheat to-da jn a small way. May sold at 64Jc. This was a loss over last r,;rVit of 4- to ci Alter noiaine Bteauy for a while, the price was advanced under buying by local scalpers to 65lc, receded sliehtly, closing firm at 65c, a net gam rf i to 4p. tor tne aav. rS. ..!-' torn was nrm. ine tone waa iur iuo ;ist wees. o 1 ;- o,f Jar-; m A from wheat. Cash trfl delivery-, with epox wm v. was in ogw ;r' . - j r.ioJntr tnne nuiet .VTV: t aTq nnhpster varus were and ste -' -d . cloths more busi guiet and Sroi aiioin ness could Latfl wen uo KKiS- rcoyereTthi, anddvanced l)ut reeipuj ic . was anivance on 7 to y pouits. - : . . V. r-.sf nf 1.1 fiC. i. riTn- n deliveries on contracts o n.i Tiiprf was an of 1-16 to at seven of the Southern ' .. , .FTr., rappirita at the ports were Sbalesagast 69.548 thisl day .last -.TITL "Za i A-i-i iast. tear. The total thus far this w'eis 183,U5 bales, against 13,5tp thus far last weet mwi w--Jflmnnnrtawere 11.696 bales to riat Britain and 5,799 to the continent. Orleans receipts to-morrow were t;.ntA.i nt. 11.000 balps. acamst ia,89.3 )on the same day last week ted -9,107 last year. - - l Help Is Wanted 1iV the women who are ailing and suffering, i -rK.ir nH pxhausted. And, to every such hIn is euaranteed by Dr. Pterce's Favorite lreiscription. For young girls just hooH: women at the critical -change of life"; women approaching con fmement; nursing mothers; and -every woman who is "run down" or OJerrke ;i . imD ihat hnilds ud. strenetnens. and regulates, no matter what the condition of the system. It s an invigorating, restorative tonic, a Aofhinfr and bracing nervine, and the only Guaranteed remedy for "female complaints small. Prices were a httle nrmer. may showed a gam ot 1 10 tc jor iubujj. nQt wf-r Rteadv to nrm. me iiimw mil to in higher than yesterday. " The feelintr was due to the strength of wheat. in provisions a targe the stock yards and fiberal receipts at nointa were responsible for a weak opening.. Later, commission wuki rrk ia - t a aecune 01 TLt$ nniii- i2i-. f.ir Ji.iv lard and 15c for May ribs.. .rviinal nains. ulceration." inflam mation, and every, kindred ailment, if it iver f aiis to benefit or cure, or you have you phoney back. Keep the blood pure by taking Hood's o Tf voh decide to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla, do not be persuadtd ),o take any other. rastoiia U truly a marvelous tfcing for cli!- ? .. il.il l.n.n.la TO. dren. Doctpra preserve 11, meuicai commend it and more taan a million mothers are ta ns' it in nlace of Paregoric, Bateman a uropa aoiaUed apojing syrups ana oiner nuv ntnnPfTinir remeckea. Castoria is me qun-kc tiling to regulate toe svomaia ano oowew uu wnri'i has ere Been- It Is K V uJ f ' " " pleasant to the taste and absolutely Barnuesa. i relieyssonstlpation.quleu pain, cores dlarrhoia and wind cfcfi, allays ievensaaeats uouUJ. vAfin a and nrnsonta convulsions. SOOthes the Tt VI X ' rhiid and elves it refreshing and natural sleep. Castor Is the children's panacea tne mower friend. ; Custcria la pat op in o&e-efi bottles only. It ! isnotsoM in bulk. Don't allow any o&etosel you anything else on the plea or promise that ft kmqbj as gMd" and "will answer every pur pjse. -i ce that you gt G-A-S-T-Oe-R-I-A. 1 . The fac-sinalle Bignatur of . .a on everr wrapper. J. H. Hardin, Druggist, recommend Japa nese Liver Pellets for constitpition andmck headache. Small, mild, easy to take. Fifty pills 25 cenja. - Bowden of the club got back to Jacksonville from Mitchell's training quarters, he found Uorbett m the city. When the champion was shown the amended articles signed by Mitchell he '"cut up rough" about the change in the jblause relating to gloves. uorDett claims mat as cnampion, ne na3 the undoubted right to furnish the gloves . and says . that Bowden has been led into a trap by Miteneu by which the latter hopes to get out of tiarhtina at the last moment bv raisins a dispute about the gloves. CorbeLt was in o rmmf Tiaaairvn n n A ' c XTfrt tl-idt. Via would nbt sign the amended articles un less it was stipulated that inl ease of dis pute each principal mightj furnish his own gloves, said gloves to weign not less than five ounces; To pacify Corbett this additional amendment was made and Mitchell, when informed of the change by wire, answered that it was satisfac tory. Corbett seems to fear some trick by which Mitchell may evade meeting him at the last moment. The ordinance passed by the city council last night opens up another re course for the club, so its members claim. The effect of the ordinance is to license' glove contests. The club pro-? poses to get a license and demand police protection from the city in the carrying ont of what it chums is a lawful pro gramme. If the county authorities in terfere ana stop tne concesp ine city wm b& sued for heavy damages for not pre venting any interference with what it licenses as lawful. ' ' Regarding the change in the articles leaving the place for the contest to be selected, the Southern Associated Press correspondent asked Manager Bowden if the desire of the club to have the privil ege of naming any place meant that the club might find it necessary to name a secret place. I "No, indeed, he replied. "iney Could not afford anything of the kind. Ic would cost them just $30,000. That is a little too much of a luxury. They are satisfied that tha charter . is lawful and propose to have the thing pub- lically." , V The club members still talk confij dently "of their ability to pull off the fight, liUt now tnev propose to uo i i the face of Governor Mitchell's oppos? tion is one of the things they are keepV ing from the public. Late to-nisrot tne oucnern .assocui Press correspondent learned from a genS tlAman who is very close to the managers of the Athletic plub that it i3 proposed to pull off" the contest just as tne ouiuvar.-. ivilram mill iwaa at lucnuurg, mis., m S89. iThe club managers will select sorte suitable place ill the country convenient to a rauway nqs ior mo .bcuo ui tio-ht. , Snecial trains will be chartered by the cluo, ticseia sota at a price i.uat nriii mvr exnenses. and the large crowds " - -r. - . . that are expected wmtnus ae iransportcu. to tho nlacfl selected ior uie mm. iue ait i selected will be kept" a close secret, .a nrhen- t he I Kneeiai trains start uu January 25th, ho one save the club man ill know the obiective point H this stay i the club people! hope to outwit Governor Mitohell and pull off the: Ught! without interference. feasible as. if the site selected is kept secret, it will be impossi Ma far f Jovernor Mitchell to get a suffl- oirknT t tin-no on the snot in time to prevent i. fl,i Tt is believed that the above plan lias 6ee seated and that the i-ripLi (TP that it oan beeucctfssfully. carriediout is causing the club managersl ity, tp bring the match issue. ' it HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. The anticipation that the Tariff bill was to come up in the House to-day had the effect to draw a larger attendance on the floor than was expected. . Proceedings opened tamely enough. The call of committees for reports was unproductive of any matter of interest and when it was concluded Mr. Mc Creary, chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, offered a resolution set ting aside Friday and Saturday next for the consideration of the Hawaiian matter. Pending action, Mr. Boutelle tried to call up for consideration the Hawaiian resolution introduced by him some time ago, reciting that tho privilege of the House has been infringed by the Execu tive. The resolution had been referred to the Committee on Foreign , Affairs, which reported a substitute in lieu of it and recommended that the substitue pass and that the resolution -offered by Mr' Boutelle. should lie on the table. I The House was soon iu one of the turmoils which were of such frequent oc currence prior to the Christmas holiday Mr. Boutelle endeavoring to secure im mediate consideration of his resolution. The point was made that, having ;been referred to a committee, it could nbt be called up except by a member of the Committee. . i j The Speaker ruled, however, that this being a question of privilege it could, like a contested election case, be called up by any member, unless objection were made to its consideration. Mr. McMillin objected on the ground that by special order to-day was to be given to the Tariff bill and Mr. McCreary added that the Hawaiian matter, could wait until Friday and Saturday. 1 1 The question was then put as j to whether or not the Boutelle resolution should be considered ' to day, and tlie House divided on party lines, the vote resulting ayes 57; nays, 12S. Mr; Boutelle then called for tellers, but, pending this, Mr. McCreary jde manded the yeas and nays. ) ; That many of the members I have pot yet returned to the city was made mani fested by Mr. Boutelle's successful effort lack of a voting quorum. ' On the call of yeas and nays the Deriiocrats were able to muster only 135 members, ahd, as the Republicans generally refrained from voting, the House wa3 about forty short of a quorum, and Mr. . Boutelle made the point of no quorum and Mr McMillin moved a call of the House,! on which 203 members responded, and Sir. McMillin then presented a resolution re voking all leaves ofabsence and calling on the sergeant-at-arms to notify alii ab sent members by telegraph that impor tant public business demanded J;heir presence in the House. Mr. rSouteJle called for a diytsjon on tfce adoption of the resolution whicTi resulted ayes, llvl; nays, 2a. j Mr. Boute He then demanded tellers and 69 in the affirmative' and 4 in the nega tive passed between the tellers, and -Mr. Boutelle called for the ' yeas and nays. These were ordered, and the resolution offered by Mr. McMillin was agreed to by a vote of 145 yeas and 1 nay. Ihe Speaker laid before tlie House IMPOSING- CEREMONIES. j Installation of Officers of Camber-1 " laud Lodge, Knights of Pythias, J in Their New Castle Hall A j Handsome Banquet A - Bold Robbery. . C -i-respondence of the Messenger. " ' Favetteville, N. C, Jan. 3. Last night the officers-elect of Cumber land Lodge, Knights of Pythias, - were publicly installed, the exercises being held in' the new and handsome Castle Hall, followed by a banquet. At 8 o'clock fully 250 ladies and gen tlemen were seated in the lodge room, all being specially invited guests, as the hall was not large enough to permit a general invitation. The acting grand officers were: D. A. McMillan, O. C; James R. Williams, Q. V. C; V. S. Cook, G. P ; H. I. McDufne, P. C; Maa-ter-at-Arms, Johh Underwood; : Inner Guard, T. J. Powers; Outer Guard, J. W. Atkinson. The officers-elect who were inducted into office were:? R. O. WhitakerCl C; J. G. Hollingsworth, V. C: R. F. Amos, Prelate; H. O. Sed berry, M. of F.; Q. K. Nimocks,?M. of K j John Culbreth, M. of A. After these ceremonies were over, the Chancellor Commander introduced Mr. N. B. Alexander as Toast Master, who took the chair and announced the follow ing toasts, which were appropriately responded to by the gentlemen whose names follow: "Our Guests" W. C. Holland. ! 'Our Order, Its Origin and Objects" W. S. Cook. . "Our Tenets and Their Possibilities" H. I. McDuffie. V - "Our Order in Its Relation to Kindred Societies" H. L. Cook. i. "pur Acknowledgements to the Build iug Committee" Q. K. Nimocks. " "Pythianism Its Adaptabihty to the Wants of the Present.'' N. B. Alexander. "Matrimonial Difficulties in Attend ing Lodge Meetings." G. G, Myrover. "For tlie Good of the Order." Dr. J. Allison Hodges. r After the speech making, the sliding doors were thrown back and opened to view the banquet hall with long tables, beautifully and tastefully arranged, filled with all kinds of ediblesi and the guests being invited in, Rev. A. J. McKelway led in prayer, and then the "good things .were enjoyed. , i A negro boy committed a daring rob bery yesterday afternoon in the northern euburb3 of the city. As Mrs. J. H. Rob erts was returning to her home on Har rington's Hill, the boy jumped from some bushes, grabbed her hand satchel, pushed her down and leaped into the woods. The satchel contained only 75 cents and some little trinkets. Mrs. Rob erts recognized the boy, who was Ed Adams, and it is said to-day that he has been arrested near town. " Dr. and Mrs. J.; A. Hodges, of Rich mond, Va.Tare here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bidgood. WHITE WOMEN CONFINED IN THE PENITENTIARY. One of the best remedies for a Sore Throat is to gargle the throat several times a day, if . 1 I , J 1 T 1 1 1 . . t , pracuuauie, wiin rona a .extract, anu on re tiring to wrap the neck in a woolen band age saturated with Pond's Extract and cold water. If the swelling has not disappeared the next morning, continue the treatment for a dav or two until successful. M Y feoBSS, PH&BTON ADD DOG CART lady Horse gentle and sound. Can be seen at Jones' Stables. C. H. KOKOttN, jan 4 lw TXT ANTED.. A TOUNQ WOMAN F patent dining room servant at No. 202 Sontli 1 hird street A3 COM- ly at one Jan 4 4t TTIOK X ENT. FDENISHKD AND TNFUR- JD Dished Lodging Sooms for young men, la x. jh. u. A.'guimiDg. very nice. jan4Steod T H J try Produce. BEEBY A CO., DEALERS IN COUN ConsigDments from country sbinners solicited. A lew crates or Apples rc ceived to-day. Call for them at once. Shipping of Fresh Fish and oysters a specialty. 1C4 isontn Front street. jan 4 COUNTRY IRISH POTATOES 16c A PECK. J Call and ee them. D. C WHITTED, Agent, opposite tne Mar set, Jan 4 WANTED SALESMAN $75.00 per wee,8ell ing electric light outfit for houses, stores and shops Motors for running machinery and other popular pattntei articles, outfits complete when shipped. Best people bay; permanent sit uation: no experience. W. f. HARBISON & CO., Clerk No. 14, Columbus. Ohio. : jan a tues thu , PARK every m. to io:30 p. m. All oysters washed before being served. j. li. iiiiN roiN, novBtstnuaun. "OYSTER ROAST AT HILTON J Thursday and Sunday from 10 a. WANTED. A House Girl. SECOND ST. COMPETENT COOK. ALSO Apply at once at 314 SOUTH jan x st ta tnu sun UOR GOOD BOOK-KEEPERS. CLERKS. i salesmen, Mechanics, Teachers, Ac, address with stamp, EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, Raleigh, n. v. oo o 8m eou YOTJ WANT A POSITION AS DRUM mer. Clerk, Book-keeper, Manager, Solicitor, Teacher, Mechanic. 8erant, As 7 Address with stamp, EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, Raleigh, a. k. . oc ft sm eoa 170R SALE AND FOR 1 RENT. HOUSES and J- Lots in all localities br J. G. WRIGHT, Real Kstate Agent, 114 Princess street. Extra large commodious house, small farm adloinlDg. situated very near city, for rent at reasonable terras . Jan a 1 . be found at the North State Restaurant, No 20 Market street. We are 1 now ready to serve those long looked for luscious Steamed Oysters. ;e Jiemoer tne numoer ai jtLarcet street. J. 1 WIN EH, Proprietor. dec 28 resignations of Representatives Fellows and Fitch, of isew idrn. Mr. Rob t Adams, who was recently elected ' to fill the vacancy in the Second district of : Pennsylvania, caused by the death of Mr. O'Neill, was sworn in by theSpeaker. It was clearly apparent, alter tne last yote,' that the Democrats could not secure a votins Quorum, and the House, at 2 o'clock, on motion of Mr. Wilson, Of WeSt Virginia, adjourned till to-morrow. the G FEMALE G0NVIGT8. Disposition of the- State Convicts Tavern Station on the G.. C. & IK. Road Changed to Winder . - - To Take a Trip to Cuba 1 he. St ate World's Fair Board to Meet -Working Extra Time. Messenger Bureau , Raleigh. N. C, Jam 3. S There are seven white female convicts in the penitentiary. There is one Croatan Indian woman. One of the white women is serving a life sentence and two are in for twenty rears. . .There are amonsr these two bisters, from Iredell county. The number of convicts in the prison to day is 124. The health of all has been above the average during the past twelve months.'- The record for behavior has been generally good, and the ofiicials have had yery little trouble. The last re port to the superintendent showed th there were 73 cohvicts at Castle Hayne farm, 149 at the Northampton dike, 237 at the Caledonia dike, 123 at the Halifax farm, 222 at the Northampton farm and 232 at the Caledonia farm. Of the con siderable number of negro females four are serving life sentences. The name of Jug Tavern, a station on the Georgia, Carolina and Northern di vision of the Seaboard Air-Line has been changed to Winder, in compiiment to the general manager. - Starke is. mtchelor, of Kaieign, was to-day commissioned as an aide-de-camp on the staff of Governor Carr. In a few days Mr. Henry C. Brown, secretary of the j Railway Commission, will leave here for a 6hort trip to cnoa. His brother, Mr. J. Brown, principal clerk of the House of Representatives, will accompany him. Bank examinations in the Eastern dis trict have been completed, Bank Exami ner Kitchen reports. Next week the North Carolina board of World's Fair commissioners meets here, and will give directions in regard to the arrangement of the exhibits which have been brought back from Chicago and which are now piled in the museum. Workmen are now at work in the in terior of the annex of the insane asylum. The directors order that it be ready by early spring. v Ihe weather to-day was the coldest since early December, and there was a frozen fog, which had precisely the ap pearance of a light snow fall, even on the highest buildings. The clerks in the revenue omce nere are working extra time to keep up with the volume of work. The sales of stamps are very heavy. ! The truck farmers in the Newbern section report that the area in cabbage is larger than usual.- They are now get ting ready to plant peas. Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertised druggisi to sell Dr. King's New Discover for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afficted with a Cough, Cold or any. Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex perience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on, ft never disappoints. Trial bottles free at R. R. Bellamy's Drug store. Large size ouc. ana fi.uu. . A lesson in iCooking Two Cupfuls of - Hecker's Self-Raising Buckwheat, Two Cupfuls of - Cold Water, Stir a few times, Bake on a hot griddle. Takes about a Minute. r9 BUCKWHEAT. TO R. B. WARD'S FOR APPLES .BUT- ter. Chickens, Eggs, etc. 815 Market street. i dec 84 AT1CK ROOM3 FOR RENT, UNFURNISHED LI or furnished to suit, Apply 817 Market St. dee 17 tf to a successful The Eighth Silver JDpllar of 1804. Philadelphia, Jan. 3. The belief tha only seven of the 1804 Bilver dollars were in existence, has been an error, for the eighth one has turned up. Rosenthal Bros., dealers in old - coin, !had adebtoy in Virginia from wliom they tried vainly for some time to collect a bill of $500. Recently the Virginian sent the firm one of the much-sought-f or 1804 dollars. He stated that he sent the coin in payment of his bill, and if the Rosenthal company could sell it for more than the total amount thev could keep the balance. In explanation of bow he came into posses- r . i 1 1 1 XI J 1 n j. n Sion oi me uoiiar, tue vuuuou iui that he had bought it for ?3d, from an old negro, who was ignorant of its rarity and -value, ana m wnose iamiiy it naa been for a long time. I ne Kosentbais took the dollar to the mint here and it was ri nounoed genuine. A coin collector iaa ottered them ?'w0 for the dollar, but they refused the otter, a at an auction sale of coin here one of the 1804 dollars gold for fl, COO, NBW YORK SflOB SHINING HAS BSBN introduced by P. W. MILLER, at his New Shaving Parlor, No 7 South Front street. Shoes wui oe property ouea ana scrapea nerore tney are reblacked and -polished. A special man will attend to the shoe shining chair. dee 19 ' rTIMMHRMAN DON'T TNTKUD TO PATRON- yon won't t,ee this ad. any more after we take it ont. Bnt we will be found at the same place do ing np Furniture and Mai tresses, etc. Third street, opposite City Hall. HOLIDAY PHOTOGRAPHS I WILL MAKE Cabinet Photographs ' for $1.50 per dozen from now until the 16th of Januirr; regular price $4.00 ner dozen. Come before the rush. Fin! V. C. RLI43, Photo class work guaranteed, grapher, 114 Market St. Catarrh In the Head Is undoubtedly a disease of the blood, and as such only a rename diooq puruier Cure for Headacrie. a a a .rPiYtedv'f or all forms f Headache Electric miters nas proveu w w --- nerfect and permanent cure. -,!?ZZ2 and it has 'cured many very V161U VU 1UJ 1IXU.UCHWO. , a -,- I " are afflicted to procure a bottle and give Tomjwv a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Electric liitte cure3 by giving the needed tone to tne hnwala nnd few cases lone resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only 50 cents at R. R. Bellamy's Oraggtore. , severe cases 01 cataxru. uimiiuw times leads to consumption. Take Hood s Sarsaparilla before it is too late. - DWELLINGS. STORKS AND OFFICES FOB rent. Apply to D. O'CONNOR, Real Estate Agent aepST COMETH ING ATTRACTIVE AT GEORGE O HaaK'8 Music House, in the Una of Tots I Toys t of aH kinds. Plush Goods, Piano Lamps, and anvthins in the line of Music tou want. Ex amine our stock in prices. G&O. HAAB, 188 Market street. dec 18 X OOK AND READ THE EMPIRE 8TEAM -Li Lanndrr wtsn to announce that ther are now equipped with the latest known methods for uranarjing lace curtains, rrices irom eo to is cents per pair. EMPIRE STEAM LAUNDRY. THE SINGER IS THE GREATEST MACHINE on earth and the telegram below explains why it is: . - J. H. Barley, Manager, The Singer M'fg Co , Wilmincton; N. C: complete victory., .noi oniy nave tne singer 1 at tne worm s Machines, the Jlatinjr Shuttle mechanism, and Automatic Single Thread Chain Stitch mechanism, bnt it has taken the first and onlv awards on "Art Embroidery." "Laces." "Curtains," "Upholstery," "Artistic Famish ing," "Sewing and Embroideries," "Tape try, Machine work ana sewmg jucnme usomets." In addition to these eleven first awards pertain ing to the Singer Family Machines and their pro ducts, we have taken teventeen first swards lor our dhferent manufacturing machine?, mating iwemy-eigut tusk iwiw iu mt uu gtouu M'F'G CO. novas H. MC. D. ItOB.MSO, warm's Pills do not puree, pain or gripe, but act promptly, easily and effi ciently.' 25c. . Attobkbt a Law, Fatkttbvhxj, N. C. Collecing and conveyancing eperialtles. Prompt attention liven to all susineet. - Refers to the Bank of Fayettevuls and the bost nRHi Dnblic .Fav-tteville. N. C: to Messrs. G. W. WillUms and R. W. Hicks, Wilmington, N, C and to the Judges ottne sute. novis susem" i MM, 1- Sa - aaSTxia o oca uup l"" rfft asM- sV-S. mm asm hPsBssi Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. 1 sfV C5f ASSOLUTELY PURE A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS HO HAVE AIDED US DURING THE-PAST YEAR IN OUR BUSrNESS SUCCESS. The s,tyle of our firm changes February 1st to KATZ & yOLVOGT, and we trust our patrons will continue to lend us their support in '94 as generously as they have in '93. Very respectfully, ; - . M. M. Katz, Son & Co. iliG Greatest Triumpli of Onr Retail Experience! M. M.: KATZ, SON & CO.'S Great Depression Sales. The magic lever that unbolts the doors of commerce and quickens into new life the paraiyzeu traae puise. uauy scenes 01 activity iiereioiure uu&uuwu w uumiwu, muvs fares from distant noints catch the insniration caused by our Lemereencv Sale lrices as they are heralded abroad, and railway coaches convey them to the store of M. M. Katz, Son & Co. Like an electric flash our depression prices illumine the whole civilized country within a radius of many miles. ' ,".', The Dry Goods markets of New York are tumbling like golden grain before the reaper. Importers are tumbling over each other to undersell the market and get cash. Our Isew York buyer is constantly working among those desperate men armed with necessary argu ment, and you'll scarcely believe what he is accomplishing until you visit our store. It is not of ten that a retaU buyer can save you 25 to 50 per cent, below the usual price. In the nature of things this condition cannot prevail long, put while it lasts you may bank on this store as holding out the greatest advantages that are born of the times and re taining what we have earned the place at the top. Respectfully, J , - XT . - M, M. KATZ, SON cfc CO. . : . -o ' BESIDESj THE GENERAL REDUCTIONS I OUR DRESS GOODS ;STOCK WE WILL PRESENT EVERT CUSTOMER BUxING A DRESS AT OVER 60c PER; YARD WITH TIIEUNINGS. GIVEN AWAY. lining'; ".-"7 a 8ELECIA, 8 SILK. LININGS, 1 C ANVAS, 1 BONE9, - . 1 SILK", , 1 COTTON, 1 BRAID, 1 H A3. WITH EVERR PATTERN OVER 60 PER YARD. ! KID GLOVES. r THE BEST il. GLOVE IN THE WORLD. Ten per cent, refunded to glove customer! on all purchases dver $1.19. CORSETS A GIVEN AWAY. A 40c embroidered Handfcerohief given away with any of our standard brai h of Corsets over $1.50. 1 I RUGS AT COST. 72x36 Rugs reduced fo 89c, only six sold to one: customer, uray ana white Fur Rues il.89. Moauette and Smvrna Rugs at cost. MATTINGS from a bandrupt importer. 18c Matting 12ic, 25c Matting I5c, 37ic Matting 2j CHILDREN'S CAPES in new designs. - THE $40.00 LAMP WILL RE AWARDED TO THE LUCKY MAN SATUR DAY NIGHT, JAN. 6, '91, S O'CLOCK. BE;SURE AND BE ON HAND. Cloaks, Wraps anda Capes at Absolute Cost. M. M. Katz, Son Co. 116 Market St., WHminjfftbn;"NC: WHAT COULD BE A" MORE VALUABLE .AND LASTING PBESeJnT FOR XMA8 THAN A TT Fine Durable Piano, Or a Good Organ, Or a Nice Piano Stool,: Piano Scarf or Piano Lamp. We kave a'aaer assortment, notwithstanding hard times, than we have ever had before, of which we offer at lowest possible price-. Call and maVe jonraalection. Ail 'f E. Van LAER, Noss. 40 and 404 Nortli Fourth St. TTEIN SBSRGEK'8 11 dar lor 18M. ments of, COMMERCIAL CALEN- Cal and get one with compli- HEINSBERGER'S LIVE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. The Holidays Are Now Oyer- NOW IS THE-TIME TO BUY- Emerson's, Ptiillip's, KoHler's MUU-EIN, -AND -SUCH AS - . . -- mm tA ' ' . baker's emuiions. shirtinsrs. Sheetinsrs, loweis. Napkins, Doylies, Toweling and Table Damask; BAKES' S, SLOCUMS MALLEU S, MARVIITS, AMD PEPTONIZED f COD LIVER OIL. HYDB0LEIHE AMD DtOESTYLIM AMD AfEMTHOL IMHALERS AMD HILTOH'S SPECIFIC M0. 3 DON'T FORGET TBS PLACE BiMlno's - rnarniaco. 5 T. M. C. A. BUILDING. " For Sale. , - - 0 j - A PL INT AT ION COH$lsTIXt OF MS acres, well timbered ad wooded. Abont 75 acres cleared and under cultivation. The tract is 10 roilea'frora Wilmington, and adjoint tract of J. B. Horn on Myrtle GroTe Soondf and ia flrat claai farmlnf Und. Apply to -' J. N. BTJRRIS8, -4etf lm' : Bx is, Southpprt, IL jt AT LOWEST PRICES. . White Counterpane from $1.00 to $5.00. . ' I , Blankete, Comforta, Cloaks and Shawls very low prices. . . . ' y . Don't fonret that we keep the C. B. Corset, formerly sold by Mrs. H. B. Jrett, I and that all our Goods are New, j ' " " FENNELL, FORE & CO., FRONT STREET, NEXT DOOR NORTH OF PURCELL HOUSE, WILMINGTON, H. C Happy Wew Year 1 -ryK EXTEND TO ALL A UAfrx axx proeperona Hew Tear. Thanking yon for a liberal patronage, we remain, very truly, . . i $. A. SCHL0SS A CO. v . u North Front itreet. - The Members of OT. JOHN'S LODGE NO. L - WILMINGTON LODGE NO. 1 and ORIENT LODGE NO. SftS, A, F. and A. M. . . tn Mnihi it St. John'i Hall1 SIZlStZr, Zrnin, Jannarr 4th, at T:30 o'clock SUARP. ' jan a W. R. fcHAW, W. 8. WARROCK. H. G. SMALLBONES, W. Xaatert. -A - i- . ' ' -. " - v

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