ALMA A IT ESTABLI&HEE ?L867. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY. JANUARY 5, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. MIS TTSLEG B APHlC S UMft W ' f William D. Cox, captain of Ameri can 'schooner report" to the Sev,vary of Treasury that while sailing upFocomoke Sound, Va , he was attacked by twenty men in boats who fired upon hi3. vessel, killing one of his men. Democratic members of the House yesterday pur posely absented themselves to prevent a quorum and thus allowed Mr. Boutelle to successfully lilibuster?the House into adjournment and prevent the Tariff bill bein2 taken tip. The Farmers Alli ances of New Jersey and Ohio pass reso lutions severely condemning Secretary Morton. -Tlircats have been made to. blow up the Casino at Monte Carlo, so all who go there to gamble have to submit to search for dynamite. -The Lewell-in?-Lease fight is gain on. Mrs. Lease yesterday got an order from the courts enjoining Mr. Freeborn from performing the duties of a member of the board from which the Governor attempted to re move Mrs. Lease. -The Democrats of the House have been called to caucus on the Wilson bill to-night. The Com mittee on Rules will probably report a resolution to take a vote on the Wilson bill on the 22nd or . 23rd inst. The Italian Government has declared a state Sieilv. -The remains of i --.-. ; I iiiwhop McNie.rn.ey, of Albany, were placed in the cathedral yesterday to re-: main until the interment. Two hundred c'ergymen in ca-sock, 6urplice and baretta, followed the remains to the cathedral. DemScratic Representa tives opinwed to the Wilson Tariff-bill w ill meet"tQ-day to agree on some action to defeat the bill". '. It is saidHhe Demo r Is at their caucus to-night will not be ..ole to get-pledges of support for the bill from a majority of the Democrats. It is said a Democratic member of the Ways and Means committee will refuse to attend or be bound by his party cau cus on the Wilson bill. -The sheriff of Chatham county settles his State taxes for i!t;3. A pair of 'soldier's shoes brought in from England .by a blockade runner during the war were found in Raleigh "'yesterday. Governor Can has received the report of Dr. Curtis, .Quarantine jihysician at Southport. It compliments the. excellent quarantine service which so thoroughly protected Wilmington from yellow fever -last sum- mer.--rAl)lizzard is prevailing all over , England. In London last evening the thermometer stood "at 24 degrees. - apt. Rhodes, who is in New Yorkenlist ' in"- i7en fE 1116 Brazilian army says he lias 740 ien ready to start at a moment's . notice. Te first state dinner of the official social season was given by the , President ye&terdav. Covers were laid for forty-eight persons. saiiora from a Brazilian training . ship were marched inio the plaza at ernambuco and shot down. No reason w' given, the men for their execution. i-Governor Greenhalge was inaugurated yesterday -and Massachusetts i3 again under com plete Republican control.- A letter from Governor Flower in regard to en f ore ng Civil Service in the various De ,,irrtmcnts of the State caused much corn el notion at Albany yesterday. The Duyal Athletic club insists that the prize fight will come off in Jacksonville. This is considered a blind and it is said the club has already begun arrangments for chartering trains to take the crowd to some secret place already settled upon. PECULIAR-CONDUCT OF DEMOCRATIC ; MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. . PITHY LOCALS. Those who have a slate roof that needs T-fmairinf? are referred to Messrs. Brown & Garber's advertisement in this mom ing'a Messengep. Rev. A. D. McClure will lead the Bible class in the study of the Sunday school lesson Friday Evening at 8 o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. All Sunday school teachers firfi Rihlfi students are earnestly re quested to be present. JTIir Grand Lodere and Masons of the fit v uZ1! visiting members of the frater -si," r down the river on an excur- - i . r 1 1 1 r i v- i lie o tvttiuvi foot of Market Niinn this mington haa been chartered for the pur pose and will leave toe street at 10 a, m. - nnr riiprhantH will be interested in an advertismemvin this morning's Messen ger announcing the sale on next Tues dav, by T. T. Hyde, autioneer, cnaries ton. S. C. of 5,500 rolls of bagging for account of underwriters and all con cerned. One of the workmen at. the saw mill of the Cape Fear Lumber company was severely injured yesterday by having a pile of lumber fall upon him. Dr. Bel lamy gave trie injured man attention and at last- accounts he was getting along ' very well. . j About 0:30 o'clock last evening a young negro slipped into the residence of Mrs. II. H. King, 312 N. Fourth street, and stole Mr. T. B. King's overcoat from'., the voatilmV. Mr. Kin r had iust come in c and hung his coat up, and" jn less than fire minutes a servaBt-sawthe negro come, in, take the coat and rulfouti The servant gave chase but could not catch J lie thief. A't tiJi season of the year i while so iiiany socieJes and lodges are having their regular citetion of officers, it is -a matter of impossibility for the reporter to procure them all for publication and if any are left out or omitted it would be well enough for the secretary or some other member of the lodge or society, to ' ask if he iiad furnished the' list to the Messenger. The reporter does not have the pleasure, as much as he would like' to, of belonging to all the different societies in the citv. and he is under no obligation to run around town for tne list. rurcnsn theni and no complaint can be made. Amusement. The Ooera House management fur nishes the following: "The Country Squire," with Archie -pojlj as the star, and who, it will be re-" inemL?re(V 'was the Joshua Whitcomb in "'TheiOla Homestead' for the past four isew t,ngiana piay, anu They "Break a Quorum In the House to Prevent the Tariff BUI Beine3 ' Taken Up Democratic Opposi tion to That Measure and the Income Tax A Pira tical Attack on a iV( Vessel. .Washington, Jan. 4. Win. D. Cox, managing owner and master of the "chooner Little Will, has written the "treasury Department from Crisfield, Md., complaining that on December 5th, while peaceably going up Pacomoke,ound on his way home, he was attacked by a piratical crew of at least twenty men in two canoes, jwho fired from 300 to 500 times at his vessel. Edward Marshall, of Crisfield, one of the men on his vessel, was instantly: killed. Among the attach ing party Mr. Cox says he recognized the following named persons, who belong to Saxe's, Island, AcComac county, Va.: John H. Marshall, James Weaver, Wm" Linton k and John. Druer.- There were others whom he recognized whose names he did not know. Mr. Cox says he thinks he is entitled , to protection under his coasting license issued at Crisfield and asks that the matter be investigated. The collector at Crisfield, in transmitting the letter, says the body of the dead man was landed at Crisheld and asks that the case be investigated. The failure to establish a quorum in the House tms atternoon was due in part to the refusal of certain Democratic representatives to respond when their names were called. Some of the gentle men were in their seat?; others loitered about the corridors while the roll call was in progress, while others again quietly absented themselves from the House when the session began and re mained absent during the afternoon. It is significant that all of these gentlemen, with possibly one or two exceptions, are dissatisfied with the Tar if! bill. There was not, so far as can be learned, however, any concert of action among them to break a quorum through failure to an swer to their names. One of the number, a prominent Eastern Democrat, said am opposed to the Tariff bill, and if such a thing were possible, l "am even more opposed to the income tax as reported by the Ways and Means committee. I think the longer the consideration of the Tariff bill is delayed the worse it will be for the bill. That is why I am unwilling to vote to make a quorum. I understand that it is a purpose of the committee to incor porate the income tax in the Tariff bill without accompanying it by a report showing the amount of revenue which will be collected and the manner of col lection. That is not the proper way to deal with a question so important. I un derstand the committee have no reliable data showing the amount of the tax to be collected, and Lthink it is better to wait until this has been laid before us." Mr. Haines, of New York, is another Democratic member of the House who is dissatisfied with the bill. He is one of the Representatives who was conspicu ously absent during the roll call, although he was in and about; the House during the day. . He regards the income tax as part of a plan to divert; public at tention from the . Tariff bill. He said this afternoon that he did hot believe that feature of the bill would pass tne House, nor in his judgment .Aid he be lieve the Ways and Means committee expected it to pass. He thinks that public sentiment win conaemn me in come tax so strongly that it will fail to become a law, and that a duty of 1 cent per pound will be laid on sugar to com pensate for the loss of revenue that would result irom a iauare io levy a a per cent, tax on incomes. Wnue no iormai agreement naa ueeii made to that effect.Chairman Wilson, of the Committee on Ways and Means, says the Democratic members of the committee have expressed the opinion that it would be well for them to retrain from taking part in the general debate. Of course 'Mr. Wilson will open the debate in' a! general statement, in accordance with the general understanding on the subject. - "The members of the commit tee will defend the provisions of the bill in the course ot tne nye mmuie aeoaus, but they, are so anxious, said Mr. Wilson, to expedite the passage of the bill that they will probably not deliver formal speeces in its support." . 1 . "Will the bill be voted on the ' 22nd? " was asked. "We want to reach a vote at about that date," was Mr. "Wilson's response, "but there are so niany contingencies which may arise in the course of the debate that . . .i jl the day ror taKing tne voce nas not ueeu . . 1 T tl ill 1 V, 4- COrl " LU-U. I III I I II i 16 Will Ot5 SUUUli tUO .vuu. COMMERCIAL NEWS. Stocks anl Bonds in New York- Grain and Provision -Markets of Chicafio. New York, Jan. 4. The Wall street markets were decidedly stronger to-day. Bad news was practically ignored and even the loss in St. Paul earnings for the fourth "week: of December of $218,800 and for the month of $757,444 was with out effect. The' rise can onlv be ex plained by the fact that the ,prof essional element for some reason has become im bued with the idea that the bear cam paign had come to an end. In some quarters it is confidently believed that any attembt to make radical changes in the tariff will be checkmated. This, it is argued by those favoring higher prices, meanj an improvement in the stock market, and as a result they started to discount the good effects to-day. ; The covering movement was more pro nounced than on yesterday, although at the close the leading stocks could be ob tained at rates considerably below yes terday's figures. The improvement ranged from $ to 3 per cent, and was unusually well distributed. General Electrie rose Si, Delaware and Hudson 3f, Western Union 2, Sugar 1, Burlington and Quincy 1$; Chi cago tias It, JNorth western lfc St. Paul If, Rhode rsranaTfT Lacka wanna 21, Distillers 1, Missouri Pacific If, New York Central If, New England IK Reading 1 and Omaha 1$. The high prices led to some sales for the long ana a recession of i to 1 per cent, fol lowed. . At the close, however; the mar ket was firm in tone. In the specialties Rubber j preferred, dropped 7, Great Northern, preferred,-3, and St. Paul and Duluth 3, Minneapolis and St.' Louis, preferred, rose 5, American Tobacco 2i. and Iowa Central, preterrea, ine total sales were 285,000 shares. Rail-. I way and miscellaneous bonds wereac-. tive and strong. Chicago, Jan. "4. The bulls have all a ong buoyed up their jcourage by q loting the adage: tit's a long lane tmat has no turning." To-day seemed to .be the turning point. Under the influ ence of the encouraging rnews with which the air was riffe the wheat market scored a net gain of li to lc. The open ing was about to ic higher than yester day's close, weakened and declined f to ic, became 'strong . and advanced lfc, receding slightly and closing as above. Corn was fairly active and firm. Price changes followed those of wheat, the opening figures being at a slight ad vance over yesterday's close, -eased off i to ic, rallied f to ic and the close was about f c better than yesterday. Oats were active and firm. The mar ket advanced steadily from the opening and at the close showed a net advance ofUtofc. In provisions encouraging reports from the yards, which -said that all parties wre buying live hogs and that prices were higher, was the reaisen' for a good healthy opening to the product! "Prices ruled firm all day, the strength in wheat no doubt having a great deal to do with the speculative advance in the market. KILLING TIME. no bushtjess transacted bt congress. Senator Hoar Introduces Still Another- Hawaiian Resolution In the House Republicans and 1 Many Democrats Refrain From Voting No Qno- . rum Obtainable Business Blocked SENATE. Washington, Jan. 4. The attendance of Senators at the opening of to-day's session was very slim, the Republican side of the Chamberheing more fully represented, however, than the Demo cratic side. ' ; A resolution was offered by Senator Hoar calling on the. Secretary of the Treasury for a statement of the sums paid to Mr. Blount for salary, services or other expenses as special commissioner to Hawaii, together with copies of all vouchers and receipts therefor; also for information as to the fund from which and thff law under which each pay meet was made. " . . "Let that resolution lie over," said Senator Gorman, and the resolution went over till Monday. ' .' After some unimportant business Sen ator Gray moved to proceed to the con sideration of the House bill to repeal all statutes relating to supervisors of elec tions, and special deputy marshals. He yielded, however, to the suggestion of Senator Chandler to let the bill go over till Monday Senator Chandler stating that the views of the hainority of the committee had not yet been presented Senator Gray suggested, in a painful manner, that perhaps Senator Hoar, who had taken part in the colloquy, might have religious scruples about transacting business on "Jackson Day" Monday be ing the bth of January. "Well,", said Senator Hoar, "I should like to keep before the country the ex amplfe cf ; that distinguished Democrat, FERSONAIj MENTION. - "t-oorci, mparts h one of the best ina- V this iountii for years, because it is real, is pidtured with fidelity to Yds, It bub bles oWer with the richest and pujest of liumir, at the same time works out a true Itory with a true pathos that more i3iansustains its interest to tho close. It has been said ior Mr. Boyd that he is the liiost real and natural actor who has everlattempted to delineate the village rustic as his work with "The Old Home stead" is testimony. I , "the Country Squire,,:" will be at the Opera House next Monday evening. Box .sheet open to-morrow morning. Sheriff J. G. Kenan, of Duplin, was in the city yesterday. ; ,Mr. J. K. Peacock, of Wilson, was in the city yesterday. We are clad to learn that the conditio! of Mr. M. Schlois is somewhat improved. Mr. E. W. Bizzelh.'of Kinston, was a welcome visitor; at the Messenger office yesterday. M S. J Faircjoth was in the city yes terday buying a new stock of goods to go into business at Autryviue. -Mr. M. O. Johnson, of South Carolina, more recently from Atlanta, has accepted a position in the drug store1 of W. C. Munds. Mr. E. C. Potter, soliciting ageut for the Eastern Carolina Uispatcn rasi eightandassenger-Route, is in the city; i The Rev. B. B. Culbreth, who has been on the Tar River circuit for the past year, was in the city yesterday on his way to Lurriberton circuit having been assigned there: this year at the recent session of the North Carolina conference in this city., j The Fayetteville Observer of yesterdav says: Col. W. S. Cook gave a reception yesterday evening in honor of Miss Kate Johnson, of Wamington, at his residence on Cool Spring street. A Jarge number of guestq were ! present who greatly en joyed the unbounded hospitality of the Mayor and his wife, and the charming society of their lovely visitor. The Messengeb was pleased to have a call yesterday from Maj. H. Harding, of Greenville, and professor, John Duckett, of Lumberton, hwhp arihere in attend ance upon the Masonic Grand Ledge now in session in our city. Maj. Warding is Register of Deeds of Pitt county and Professor Duckett is the able superin tendent of the Robeson Institute in the town of Lumberton. . Arrangements for the Prize Fifiht. Jacksonville, June 4. In spite of the fact that the Athletic club says the contest will occur in Jacksonville, no one believes it. If the men ever come to gether on Florida soil they are likely to meet out in the woods, -as did Sullivan and Kilrain. It is believed that the talk of the club about being confident that the men will meet in Jacksonville is only a blind to conceal preparations which are being secretly made to bring Mitchell and Corbett together in some place where thje strong arm' of the Governor cannot easily mterteres inai piaca wiu eimer Sn Duval county, where Jacksonville islsituated, or m St. Johns, the chief city of) which is St.! Augustine. Of course no inkling can be gained as to the spot se lected, as the success of the plan depends upon secrecy. llh confirmation of the statement that thei club is preparing to pull off the con test inthe woods, the Southern Associ ated correspondent has just learned from a reliable source that W. A. Brady, manager tot Corbett, filed to-night dis patches to the ; New York' Herald and San Francisco;, Examiner stating that the managers! of the Duval Athletic club had already taken the initial-step to charter trains out of Jacksonville. The trains will be at the club's disposal foi twenty-four hours before and after Jahuary 25th, the day set for the contest. The club people propose to make the transportation rate a pretty stiff one and thus hope to financially save themselves. They think that with' such trains at their disposal and a spot selected for the fight known only to a faithful few, they can bring the men together in the presence of a large crowd and that the battle will be foueht and won before Governor Mitchell can get the militia on the scene, Governor Mitchell, however, is what is known in the "lingo" of "crackers" as ' -bull-headed" and as he has- already tripped up the club he may succeeded in dqing so again; It is said that Bra dy , in! his dispatches to the papers; men tioned, stated positively that everything aAa fiypd for the fieht and that the men d come together unless tne n,ngiisn- man showed the white feather. bothiin the matter of submitting to the laws of the country in all parts of the Union and in the matter pf his very wise and admirable views on protection. Fer haps, therefore, the influence of Mondav may be very good on everybody if, we take up the bill oh Tuesday." ' "Then I give notive," rsaid Senator Gray, "that on Tuesday, rimmediately after the morning business, I will move to proceed to the consideration of the bill to repeal the Federal election laws and to continue its consideration until a conclusion is reached." , ' At 1 o'clock p. m. the Senate proceeded to the consideration of executive business and at 1 :10 o'clock p. m. ad iourned till Monday night. , , t HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. , 1 An air of expectant activity pervaded the House when it convened this morn ins and a determination was manifested on the, Democratic side to any things in its own way to-day, Mr. Boutelle's success in tying up ilie House yesterday afternoon: appeared to have borne fruit and the Democrats seemed to think that they had a quorum of their own. Immediately after the reading of yesterday's journal and be fore the beginning of the first morning hour Mr. Boutelle again attempted to get his Hawaiian resolution before the House. I The Speaker ruled that the motion to consider the resolution which was pend ing yesterdajr had expired when the House adjourned yesterday and might (he suggested) be renewed. The call of committees was then completed without producing any results. Mr. Boutelle then called up and had read his resolution reciting that the executive had invaded the rights and privileges of Congress, and asked for its immediate consideration. - j This was the signal for a short but exciting set-to between Messrs. Boutelle and McMillin. The latter raised the question of consideration in favor of the Tariff bill. . . Mr. Boutelle inquired whether it was a proper procedure to state for what pur pose a question of consideration was raised. Mr. McMillin replied that he simply desired to be candid with -the gentleman from Maine and had stated his reasons for objecting to the consideration of the resolution. I Mr. Boutelle declared that the gentle man from Tennessee had gone beyond his parliamentary rights and he wished to call him to order, i. A CURIOSITY FOUND: . . I. A Pair of Soldier's Shoes Brought in by a Blockade Runner Dr. Cur tis' Quarantine Report An- other Sheriff Settles His i Tax Accounts. , Special to the Messenger. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 4 Sheriff Jen kins, of Chatham county, to-day made a complete tax settlement with the State Treasuer, paying in 7,866. . ', j i A great curiosity was discovered to day and placed in the collection of the Antiquarian society. It is a pair of soldier's shoes which were made in England and which ran the blockade. They were found in a room under a bank here. They have never been worn and are in perfect condition. Governor Carr has received the annual report of the quarantine physician, Dr. W. G.' Curtis. It is.' br$J! .and compli--ments the excellent-quarantine service by sea and land ; which so thoroughly protected Wilmington from yellow fever, the danger of which was far greater than that of cholera. The" ex cellent national quarantine law is highly complimented. , . . A FATAL ACG1DENT. MRS. HOGAN OF ' CHAPEL "HILL KILLED BY A TRAIN. Cards for the Wedding cf Miss Bus bee and Lieut. fchJpp Suicide of a ; Rutherford ton Merchant De Graff Maintains His Iriho- cense The Y. 5J. C. A. at Durham Ceases to Exist. HESSHnSGEii liuKEAC, 1 liALElUil. Jan. 4. f Cards of invitation were sent out to fday by Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Busbee, of Raleigh, to the marriage of their daugh ter Margaret to Lieut. William Ewen at 9 be Yesterdav's Cotton Market, laeciai to tlie , Messenger. j New York, Jan. 4. Liverpool con tinues to take stock in reports of fight re ceipts. A decided advance there to-day as much as 4-64d was promptly re flected here. The market opened steady at 4 to 6 points higher on the favorable character of early cables, and, though later, it eased off a point or two under local pressure, it again became strong, advancing to 10 or 11 points above yes terday's close, and at the close a disposi tion to take profits to repurchase at .a reaction caused an easier close, and a lower market is expected to-morrow, be cause the advance has been so rapid that reaction seems necessary. A large line of long cotton was liquidated to-day at handsome profits. Trading to-day in cluded considerable investments buy- Reports from the South continue to 'Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report HJ9 AESOUU7ELY FUR5 Mr. Boutelle's resolution was then Cureifor Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best, it affect a permanent cure and the most dreaded haUtual siek headaches yield to its influence. We" urged alf who ere afflicted to procure a bottle and give habitual cocytioation Electric Bitters cures by giving 'the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try once, irge bottles only $0 ei$! a t R. R. Bellamy s Drugstore, i The Liewelling-Liease Fight Topeka, Kans. , Jan., 4. Hostilities were begun anew in the Lewelling Lease embroglio this morning, the Gov ernor having persisted in'Mrs. Lease's re moval regardless of the 'statute which ntatea nlainlv that he has not the power to do so. All efforts towards a compromise have begn discontinued and the papers, whih have been ready since Monday, were filed in the Supreme court this against J. W. Freeborn, her woulde successor. The court issued a traininc order forbidding Free born from acting or attempting tn oot a a- member of the board w . ... fr-nm interferriner in any way witn xf-c tqco aa a member of the hoard or in deDrivine her of any of "the rie-hts of the office. Governor Leweifing said this morninsr that he was no longer o nartv ts the case and that . it now re mained for the courts to determine whether Freeborn or Mrs. Lease was en- tuioH tr V.he office. ; He ventured the opinion, however, that the injunction granted would not hold, but qualified fu; n0rimn Hit snvinff: t "There is no ItUAO OOOtiMVM J J O- , ... ,.,i;r hnurowr, what the court will Mr Tnapiis in Ossawato to-day with the board and it is thought that he obtained on Freeborn there to-night. ",?-. . Help Is Wanted. bv the women who are ailing and suffering, vl,,v nri PThansted. And. toeyery such hnin ia cmfirflTiteea uv Lr, riaw; o Favorite Prescription. ; For young girls just iTiterinsr womanhood; women at the critical 'nhnne of life": women approaching con finement; nursing mothers; ana every woman who is "run down'! or overworfcett, j t o Tv.oriinino that builds no. strengthens, and regulates, no matter what the condition of the system. . . ti'. iTiYrJtrm-a fine rpstnrative tome. soothing and bracing nervme, and the only guaranteed remedy for "female complaints bearine-down sensa tions, periodical pains, ulceration, inflam- c .h Dvpf v Trindred ailment, if it ever fails to benefit or cure, or you have your money bacs. . ! Keep the blood pure by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. If you - decide to buy Hood's Sarsapatilia, ao nos De persuaucu to take any other. read and he moved its imnf '-uate con sideration. I ' - 1 The Speaker put the. question to the House. On a viva voce vote the House divided on party lines, the majority be ing against consideration and thereupon Mr. Boutelle demanaea a division. The divisions resulted yeas, 05; nays, 124. Mr. Boutelle then demanded tell ers, but McMillin called for the yeas and nays, as he said "to save time. Mr. Boutelle was on nis feet m a mo ment with an objection to Mr. McMill- in's form of making the motion and as serted that he was out of order in inti mating that he Boutelle was trying to consume time, Laughter the Republi cans refraining from voting to take up the Boutelle resolution, thereby hoping to break the quorum. On the yeas and nays there were 150 votes against con- Republicans religiously retraining irom voting. -I . sl- rio quorum navmg votea, jxr. iucaxu Un demanded a call cf the- House. The ca)l Showed the presence of 225 members, and Mr. McMiUin moved to dispense with further proceedings under it. The question then recurred on the considera tion of Jttr. isouteiie s resolution anu on this the yeas and nays were again or dered and the House settled down to the monotonous roll call, i The second call on the question ot consideration of Mr. Boutelle s resolu tion was almost a repetition of tne nrst, the Republicans as a rule ref using to vote and the Democrats being able to muster but 150 members. The Uemo cratsl being thus disappointed in their hope that the afternoon trains would 1 m , 1 TT X ,.JA bring them reuei, tne nouse at oJclock p. m.r on motion of Mr. W ilson, adjourned untu to-morrow. . in?. o . - r . r forecast abrupt falling off in receipts and interior stock. The market was also stimulated to-day by estimated New Or leans receipts down to 5,000 bales against 10,000 last week and 5,400 last year. Hubbard, Price & Co., say the move ments, especially at the interior, abund antly confirm the reports of exhaustion received from all quarters. 1 Atwood Violette reports from New Orleans that at thirty-four : principal towns in Mississippi stocks are 30,000 bales, against 53,000, last year. A San Antonio telegram reports that eighteen large towns in that section show 69,000 bales, against 11,000 last year. ; - THE SUN'S COTTON REVIEW. New York, Jan. 4. The Sun says: Cotton ""was advanced about 10 points by the same factors which put up prices yesterday, namely: Decreased ' receipts at the interior towns, an active and higher Liverpool market, stronger Southern quotations and American and European buying, partly for short ac count, lator in tne day, saies w realize caused a reaction which left prices 4 to 5 points higher than yesterday and steady. Sales were 137,100 bales. In Manchester yarns were steady and there was more inquiry for cloths, but there was not much business done. Liverpool advanced 4 points,! closing firm, with spot sales of 12,000 bales at unchanged prices, though spot quotations were hardening. New Orleans advanced 10 point3 and lost 5 points of this. Spot prices here! were l-16c higher with sales of 61 bales for spinning,, and deliveries of 200 bales. There was an advance of 1-16 to ic at ten of the Southern markets.The receipts at the ports were 21,837 bales, against 38,737 this dav Jast week and 18,183 last year, ine total tuui iar inis wee, were 157,682 bales, against 224,307 thus far last week. Exports from the ports to day were 16,054 bale3 to Great Britian and 20,263 to the Continent. New Or leans receipts for to-morrowi are esti mated at 5,000 to 6,000 bales, afeainst 10,- 197 this day last week. The assignee sale of Clothing, "Hats and Gents' Furnishing Goods of I. Shrier continues to be a great rush. The sale will only last a few days longer. Big bargains offered . - Shipp, Ninth Cavalry, U. S. A., Christ church, Jauuary 17th, at o'clock p.m. A civil service .examination is to held here February 10th. There are no signs of any revivnl of the contest for the Raleigh poitonice by the three aspirants! It 'appears to be taken for granted that the Republican incumbent will hold on until March 7th He was, by the way, a classmate of Post master General Bissell. v, , ! A letter which reached here today! states that Capt. .Simpson, a leading merchant of Rutherfordtorj,. committed suicide there by shooting himself in the head with a pistol. Business troubles, caused the suicide. Simpson served a term in the Legislature from Tolk county. , , When Governor Carr's death warrant woo rewx iaj uevxran, me Winston mur derer, the latter said he regretted that the Governor had put the date of execu tion so far away. He has written a letter declaring that he did not kill Ellen Smith, but that he is to be punished foran other's crime. ' - There was an error in the statement yesterday that Mr. S. S. Batchelor of this city had been appointed an aide to the Governor. The appointment is as aide to Brig. Gen. Cotton. Mr. Leazar, superintendent of the pen itentiary, has been sick for a month, but has now recovered. After a conference with the Governor, he left to-day to spend a week at the State farms on the Roanoke, to complete the inventory of penitentiary property, Business men here manifest interest in the proposed exposition to be held at Atlanta next year, of the cotton States, Cuba. Mexico and Central and South America. . The Y. M. C. A. at Durham has ceased to exist. Ex-Secretary Atkinson of Raleigh left there to-day for Greensboro, where he takes the position ot secretary of the Y. M. C. A. of that place. . Mrs. Hogan, of Chapel Hill, was killed a day or two ago in Philadelphia, An engine ran over her. She Was a member of a well known Chapel Hill family and visited Philadelphia every winter. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS VVHO HAVE AIDED TS DURING THE PAST YEAR IN OUR BUSINESS SUCCESS, The style of our nrni changes February 1st to KATZ & TOLVOGT, and ,we" trust 0111; patrons will continue tolend us their support in '91 as generously as they have in "93. j Very respectfully, r i: ' ' DIED. GRKBN On Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Mary C. ureen, wue or ttenry v. ureea, in me 3ota year or ner age, 01 neart iauure, superin duced by La Grippe Funeral tbia afternoon at 3 o'clock from St. Harks' Episcopal chnrca, thence to Pine Forest Cemetery. jrjr.IaX Notice TIT ANTED-AN HONEST YOUNG LADY OF VT business address, wno will nonoraoiy aia charire her dutr. to accompany party on a busi ness trip to Santhern and Western cities, one who finds it necessary to work. yanced; steady employment, this office. All expenses ad- Address STEADY, an 6 it" M. M. Katz, Son & Co. The GresitestTriumph of Our Retail Experience! M. M. KATZ, SON & CO.'S Great Depression Sale& The magic lever that unbolts the doors of commerce and quickens into new life the. -paralyzed trade pulse Daily scenes of activity heretofore unknown in Wilmington. Thou sands of new faces jfem distant points catch the inspiration caused by our Eemergency Sale l'rices as theySfe heralded ahroad, and railway coaches convey them to the store of M. M. Katz, Son SrCo. Like an electric flash our depression, prices illumine the whole . civilized country within a radius of many miles. - ; 1 j ;The Dry Goods markets of New York Are tumbling like golden grain before the reaper.' -Importers are tumbling over each other to undersell the market and get caslu Our Ne' York buyer is constantly workint; among those desperate men armed with necessary argu-i , ment, and you'll scarcely believe what he is accomplishing until you visit our store. It is not often that a retail buyer can save you 25 to 60 per cent, below the usual price. " ' In the nature of things this condition cannot prevail long, but while it lasts you may' bank on this store as holding out the greatest advantages that are born of the times and re timing what we have earned the place at the top. Kespeetfully , . ' r: M. M. KATZ, SON CO. o 'V -: !.- - 1 BESIDES THE GENERAL REDUCTIONS OTJR DEESS GOODS ISTOCK WE WILL PRESENT EVERY CUSTOMER BU11NG A DRESS AT OVER 50c PER; YARD WITIT THE LININGS. AWATW H ft GIVEN LININGS, 2 SELECIA, 6 SILK LININGS," 1 CANVAS,, 1 BONES, " 1 SILK, 1 COTTON, 1 BRAID, 1 H & E. WITH EVERR PATTERN OVER 50c PER YARD. KID GLOVES, THE BEST $1. GLOVE IN THE WORLD. Ten per cent, refunded to glove customers "on all purchaseswer f 1.19. A HANDSOME In a quiet Till R.L for sale or rent. this office. TWO-STORY RESIDENCE niet Tillaire on the C. F. and Y. V. R. Apply to ji . in care oi Jan 5 It CORSETS. GIVEN AWAY. A; 40c embroidered Handkerchief; given - ' " i " T.I away with any of our ; standard .brau is Corsets over 11.50. - I Li. AND DOG CART for sale. Nicest turnout in the city lor a lady Horse gentle and sound. Can be seen at j ones' staDies. u. m. cuiujjui, jan iw Hf Y HORSE, PHAETON J.TA Fc OR RENT DWELLING street, between Third and besides houses, stores, etc. W. Real Estate Agent. , ON MARKET Fourth streets, M. CUMMING, dec 2-fri sat RUGS AT COST. 72x36 Rugs reduced to 89c', only sii sold to one customer. Gray aud white Fur Rugs f 1.89., Moquette and SmyrnaJlugs at cost r . ... MATTINGS from a bandrupt importer. ic aiaiung --."" "- J TTTANTED. A YOUNG VV petent dining room servant. at NO. w Bontn xaira street R tr WOMAN AS COM- Appiy at once jan 4 4t THE $40.00 LAMP WILL BE AWARDED TOTHELUCKYMANJATUR DAY NIGHT, JAN. 6, 94, 8 O'CLOCK. BE' SURE AND BE OS HAND. BEERY 4 CO., DEALERS IN COTJN- trv Produce. Consignments from country shippers solicited. A few crates of Apples re- roiveii txvdav. Call for them at once, bnipping of Fresh Fish and Oysters a specialty. 104 South Front street. jan , - OR RENT THE MOST DESIRABLli VA cant honse in town, situated on west aide Fifth rret. between Market and Princess. W. M.1CUMMING, Real Estate Agent, dec 82-lrt sat -1017NTRY IRISH POTATOES 15c A PECK. Call and see them. D. C. WHITTED, Agent, Opposite the Market. jan nn-R HXT.M A Tin FOR RENT. HOUSES and Jb Lots in all localities by J. G. WRIGHT, Real Jistate Agent, 114 Princess street Extra ! lKrirncomfnodiona house, small farm adjoining, situated very near city, for rent at reasonable terms. - ! ' Jaa ALL DELICACIES OF THE BEASON CAN be found at the North State Restaurant, No. SO Market Street We are now ready to serve those long looked for luscious steamea vjuivrs. vmmhr th n timber 20 Market Street 3. L. winner. Pronrietor. dec2S TO R.'E. WARD8 FOR APPLES ,BDT- ter. Chickens, Eggs, etc. ,S15 Market street Cloaks, Wraps and Capes .at Absolute Cost. M. M. Kzoji Co., 1 16 Market 5t., Wilmington, N. C. jTHAT COULDJB - Fine Or a El' MORE VALUABLE AND LASTING PRESENT FOR X MAS THAN Durable Piano, Good Organ, dec 24 N ICE ROOMS FOR RENT, UNFURNISHED or furnished to suit, Appiy n mamei ot. - dec IT tf Or a NicePiano Stool, Piano Scarf or Piano Lamp. "VTEW YORK 1 introduced by P. W. SHOE After Secretary Morton's Scalp. Hastesgs, N. J., Jan. 4. The State convention of the Farmers, Alliance of Naw Jeraev to-day adopted this resolu tion: ; Tteanlwrl. That we feel deeplv. humil- Jatod hv havinsr the leadins industry of the nation so greatly misrepresented in the Department of Agriculture Dy a mau whose mind is too narrow to grasp the Urmirw nf hi nosition. And when Sec- retary Morrxn atiempw w uuun great body Qf producers before an indus trial conterence, ne ueservea uui f ounrl pity for his ignorance, if it be ignorance, and our unmeasured condem- nir.n it ha tllPW hfttfT. Columbus, O., Jan. 4. i-ne wmo Farmers' Alliance in convention nere adopted a resolution unanimously de- mandmg or rresiaeni vyieveiiuiv mo moval of Sterling Morton, Secretary of Agriculture, because1 of his unfriendly and unjust treatment oi Bgntuw"-. interests. H. Hardin, Uruggis, recommena jy- son's Magnetic OU, the great family pain killer, internal anu exieruai. The Old Friend And the best friend that never fails you is Simmons Liver Regu lator, (the Red Z) that's what you hear at the mention of this excellent Liver medicine, .and people, sho.nld not be persuaded that anything else will do. . It 13 the King of Liver Medi cines; is better than pilK . and takes the place of Quinine and Calomel It acts directly on fhe Liver, ICidney and Bowels and gives new life to the whole sys tem. Thi3 is the medicine you want. Sold by all Druggists in I Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or maae into a tea. , ' S-KVEIiY PACKAGE- Has the Z Stamp In rrA on -wrapper J. H. Z ELLIN 4i CO Philadelphia. Pa. CARD- j HAVE THIS DAT BOUGHT TEE EJSTJB- ance Agency heretofore conducted by Mr. J. McRee Cowan, together with nis good wilL I will continue the same at ita old stand, cot? ner Chestnut and Water streets, and by atriot personal attention to business, I trust to merit a share of the public paponag, whloh I hereby most respectfully soliclti . C. H K0BIKSON, Jb. Beferriog to the above card of Mr. C. H. Kob inson, Jr., I tate Ithla opportunity of thanldng my friends for their past patronage and solicit a continuance of the same for my successor. SHINING HAS BBKN MILL.H.H. at nis new Shaving Parlor, No 7 South Front street, snoes will be properly oiled and scraped before they are reoiacKea ana poimnea. .& duw uxnn n " attend to the shoe shining chair. dee 1? rriMMERMAN DON'T INTEND TO PATBONi a it an miner bereafter but Wall Paper, BT yon won't see this ad. any more after we take it nut. Tint w win be found at the same place do- na nn Fnrnltnre and Mattresses, etc. Thnrd street, opposite mtj xu. . HOLIDAY PHOTOGBAPHS I WILL MAKE Ddhinet PhotoBTanhs for 12.60 per dozen ! from now until the 16th of January; regular ct.os ner dozen. Com Deiore tne rim a. Class worK gaanuiKvu grapher, 114 Market St. .- f ...I,' .. We have a finer assortment, notwithstanding hard times, than we have ever had before, of which we offer at lowest possible prices. CaU-and make your selection . - All ISTos. 40S and 404 Nortli IToiirtJ St. The Holidays Are Now Over V. C. ELLIS, Photo- OW IS THE TIME TO BUY nwULMSOS. STOBBS AND OFFICES FOB U rent. Apply to D. O'CONSOB, Keal Batata Agent. - . SOMETHING ATTBACTTVB AT GEOBQE HAAB'S Music Honse, in the line of Toys! Toys I of all kinds, Plush uooas, nano ramps, na aiiTthinff in the line of Music vou want. &x amine our stock In prices. , GliO. HAAB, 188 -DOMESTIC O-QOIDS - sucn Market street. dec U THE SINGER IS THE GBEATEST MACHINE on earth and the telegram below explains why it to: lev, s WUmineton. K. C: Complete -victory. Not only have the Singer M'fg Co. taken the highest award at the World's Fair on its Three Family Sawing Machines, the V. S. No. 9 mechanism, Oscillating Shuttle mechanism, and Automatic Single Thread Chain Stitch mec nanism, out it naa taiten iua um uu only awards on "Art Embroidery," "Laces," " TTiTTMlTln. JV UUiH bCl J ai uduu iuudu- Iuks," "Sewing and Embroideries," "Tapestry, Machine Work and Sewing Machine Cabnet In addition to tnese eleven nrsv awarro pertam lng to the Singer Family Machines ana their pro dncts. we have taken seventeen" first awards for our different manuraccunng maenmes, msimg twenty-eight first awards m au. M'FQ Ct novM dec3l6t AND GIBLS FOB w . ,TIBPft T A TtTIESt VV Home Emnloyment; 4 to tWeasfly made; anv woman who can use a neeoie c ksend self addressed envelope. NBBDLH.WVtt. vv, York City. a nee die can ao me envelone. Ai 23d street, Ne.w ATLAS dec 91 K 1X11 For Sale. pi.iwrTion CONSISTING OP 465 acres, f wall timhered and wooded. About la acres i oisarad and nnder cultivation. The tract is 10 miiH fmm Wiimlnston, and adjoins tract of J. H. Horns on Myrtle Grove Sound, and is first class farming lana. Appiyw, . . "IBT 3. K. BUBBISS, deels lm Box 18, Southport, Wanted. rrHI AHMITAGB MANUFACTURING, CO.. JL - . . .. . : f Richmond, Va., want an Agent ior tneir Asphalt Beady Roofing and Asphalt Paints, three colors, Bed, Brown and Black, no experience necessary. If you axe. out of employment writ hem. , . aeciTumeoa Shirtings, Sheetings, Towels, v Napkins, Doylies, Toweling and Table Damask, AT LOWEST PRICES. White Counterpanes from $1.00 to $5.00. 1 Blankets, Comforts, Cloaks and Shawls very low prices. . Jewett, ' Dnrft foreet that we keep the C. B. Corset, formerly sold by Mrs. H. I. Jewe, , and that all our Goods are New, FENNELL, FORE & CO., mom STREET. HEXT DOOR NORTH CfPURCELL H0U$, WILMINGTON, H. C. W 1 1 EXTEND TO ALL A HAPPT AND prosperous New Tear. Thankmg .you ior liberal patronage, we rtjaam, yery truly, . v. -" - -- :" S A. SCHL0SS I CO, V v " , ,r M North Front street it n i nwrciTW T?T W V I AM PBEPAKED TU riianioo . Oyster Koau on twenty minutes notice-Urge Oysters-a comfortable P'ace to enjoy them Henry Brewingtoo wui wro y - -- ' weather wUl not Interfere. You will be com r,mble. Two Hundred Oyster Boasts can i be iervVd on two day's notice. Oystsr. by the gal- inn nr barrel JOHN G. M1LLJSK, H., ion or barrel- Haockg wumtngtoii , K. a P. s.-Specialattentlonpaid to ladies, de l M - A '' : - ( - (