TELEG RAFHIC SUMMARY. j The House Committee on-. Elections yesterday reported their conclusions in iiaAVii!;' t-sf8 in favor of the latter. Rev. Dr. C: D. Smith, of Ashe- ville, died yesterday. The Inter-State Commerce Commission invitea the repre sentatives of the railroads to meet in Washington to establish a -table.- Admiral Benham, at Rio, had to fire across the bow of "the insurgent coajser before he could get Admiral DaGamato pay any attention to his protest. -The President yesterday appointed Charles W. Tayloe to be postmaster at.Washing- ton, N. C- The successor to Governor OTerrall, cf Virginia, in Congress, was elected yesterday. The .Associated Railways of Virginia and the Carohnas have decided not to remove their offices from Richmond.Va.- Adolph Schmidt, president of the Oregon Mining com pany, has been cent to jail in Louisville for cpn tempt of court. -New -York bankers yesterday subscribed $30,000,000 toward the new treasury loan. -In the special Congressional" elections in New York city yesterday "one Democrat and one Republican was elected, which is a Republicau gain of one member. Col lector Simmons "' recommends more gaugers. The Rail way commission heard more evidence is the case of Van Lind ley against the Wilmington and-Weldon railroad yesterday. A young man was fatally injured by a bucking pony in Raletgh yesterday. Rev. John W. Wray, ofknoxville, Tenn., wasyester ' day imarried to Miss L.ucy Luther, of .1 . . -r-r- r . : Wakp Forest. At Kansas ity, aio.. ; yest4r iay the grand jury made a clean swep in the way of indictments against officers of defunct banks. A decision of the Supreme-court ends prize fighting ; in LouLi ina.- There was iierious riot- GOVERNMENT F1NANGE3; SENATOR SHERMAN ADVO l " GATES THE BOND ISSU$. jug at the Brussels University yesterday. The D wight Manufacturing company, of Massachusetts, will build cotton mills at the South. A Baltimorian gives $20, to the Home for Widows and Daughters of Confederate Veterans at Charleston. The name of the donor is withheld. Thirty-nine rioting miners are indicted at Pittsburg. The little daughter, aged 2i years, of ( G. Latta, of Raleigh, was 1 burned ! to death yesterday. Admiral Btnham gives his version of what occurred at Rio Monday. He is congratulated by other naval officers for his prompt action. Admiral Da Gama i3 contemplating surrendering to the American commander. The Austrian war i shin at iRio Monday cleared for action in order to aid Admiral Benham if necessary.- Brazilian troops have been defeated at three places. The Populist leaders of Virginia hold a conference.- The Mississippi Legislature is still balloting for Senator. Gov ernor Tillman's spies, heavily armed and protected by a platoon of police, made a raid I in Charleston yesterday. One of the spies i3 to be arrested for drawing a weapon on citizen who vvas ordered by the spy to "move on" while standing on the sideyalk ' engaged in no way with the matter" inhaud by the spies. At midnight last night Mr. ChildV physi cians posted a bulletin saying his condi-: tion was unchanged. Five men wer$ killed near. Owensboro, Ky., yesterday by d boiler explosion, caused by running cold water into a hot boiler. The sub poena in the Knights of Labor suit was served on Secretary Carlisle yesterday. The court dismissed the application for an injunction. Four negro men have beeii arrested on the charge of attempt ing to wreck the, vestibule train at Dub lin. Va. , Sunday; night and have been taken to Roanoke to prevent their being lynched at Radford. -The atrial of : Harry HH1, the forger, began in Atlanta yesterday. Mrs. Fanny Lowry Porter was on the witness stand. Her cross ex amination was rather spicy.; Gigantic pens on frauds have been discovered amo ig the negroes of Chattanooga. The' situation between the American fieet and the insurgents at Rio is very strange. MORE REVENUE OFFICERS. Collector Simmons Makes Additional Tfo..mmniations Evidence Be fore the Kail way Commission ! Marriage at Wake Forest Fatal Accident. ! - ' Special to the Messenger.! Raleigh, Jan. 30. Collector Simmons recommends as storekeepers and gaugers Jerry V. Isewsom oi nam a., Durham of Johnston, James B. Somer ville of Warren and J. E. Sutton of Lenoir. , , . ; i The Railway Commission to-day heard, the evidence of Station Agent Farmer, of the Wilmington and Weldon railway at Wilson, in the suit of VanLindley, of ri--na nro. acrainst that road tor the non-delivery of trees. : At Wake Forest college to-day Rev. JohnW. Wray, of Knoxville, Tenn. , was married to Mis3 Lucy, daughter of Professor Luther R. Mills. ! Henry Olive, a white youth, aged 18 vears, was thrown by a bucking pony on the street to-day. His head was injured and he will die. ' i The directors Hts Speech Sustaining the Position of " Secretary Carlisle-Senator Chand- ',. ler's Amendments to the Elee- . tion Law Bepeal Bill The : Income Tax Measure Ar- . v ' f J" . itned, to the r House . -: Great Liength. :2 SENATE. - . Washington," Jan. 30. Numerous petitions and remonstrances against the various features of the Wilson Tariff bill were presented inT the Senate to-day. Among them was one - from the repre sentatives fJJOflL. woollen goods manu factories la twenty-six States and,, one Territory, presented by Senator Aldricn, representing that the passage of the bill would be greatly detrimental, to tne in terests of the country at large and disas trous to their particular-industry. The resolution " offered yesterday by Senator Stewart declaring that the pro posed issue of bonds is-without authority of law, was laid before the -Senate and Senator Stewart spoke on it. He argued that there was no necessity . for the pro posed issue of bonds, and if the necessity did exist; there was no authority in law for applying the proceeds of a bond issue to general expense of the Govern ment. ' Senator Sherman regretted very much that, pending a call for a loan, anybody should be found to question the author ity for it, unless the grounds for such question were clear and undoubted. It seemed to' him that it was neither right, expedient, proper nor justifiable to make any assault on the credit of the Govern ment and on the power sought to be ex ercised by the Government. He would sav that it was almost unpatriotic to do so at a time when the revenues of the Government were plainly insufficient to cover its expenditures under appropria tions made by law. Without regard to uartv feeling, he felt like standing up for the honor of the country and for the power proposed to be exercised by the Secretary of the Treasury. The resolu tion asserted that the Secretary had no money received from bonds shall be ap pliedonly to the redemption of the legal tender notes of the United States pre sented at the sub-treasurj m the city of New York. , -" .. - - '-i-r--- '--.C Senator DuBois moved, as a substitute for the resolution, the one reported in the. House from the Committee on Bank ing arid Currency. . ' -- Senator bherman remarked tnat ne approved of that resolution because it recognized the fulf authority of the Sec retary of the Treasury to sell oonos -roc redemption purposes and declared that the money received from bonds, should not De used ror other purposes. - At a o clocfc the Election mil was taxen up and the bond matter went tjver. As the outgrowth of colloauv - between Senators Gray, Hoar and Chandler, it was agreed tht general debate on the Federal Election bill should -Cease at 4 o'clock p. m. Tuesday next, -at which time debate should behad under the five minutes rule and proceed until the bill was disposed of. : : r. t Senator Chandler offered two amend ment to the Repeal bill, the first provid ing that the flag of the United States and the words "for Representative in Congress" should be Btampecton jevery bosffor Comrretsionat ballots in the weo 040 the States and providing that a penalty of l00 fine or thirty ; days im prisonment, oy both shalt be imposed for any violation of ,.this provision. The second ' amendment requires ' election judges to make up and publicly declare the result of the Congressional vote im mediately after the close of the polls. L Senator Turpie took the floor against the election law repeal and held it until 3:55 o'clock when the Senate went 'into executive session. At 4:15 o'clock the Senate adjourned. BROUGHT TO HIS 3EN8E3 SHOTS FROM OUR FLAG SHIP ! AT RIO HAVE GOOD EFFECT. 7 HOtTSE OF REPEESENTATIVES.. ; - The House -very promptly went into Committee of the Whole to consider the Tariff bill this morning. The considera tion of the Income Tax bill wa resumed and Mr. Covert took ' up the thread of his argument against it, at the point where he dropped it yesterday when the House took a recess. He declared that the bill was sectional in its provisions and would bear .with particular severity on the North and East. Mr. iJartlett. Democrat, oi JNew xorx, in denouncing it said it was proposed by a branch of the Democratic party which affiliated with the Populist party and de manded the free coinage or both gold and silver at its present ratio. Mr. Peace, the Populist member rrom Colorado, delivered a stirring and rmg- the bill aa a PoDulist measure. He ad mitted that in the Omaha) convention the Pooulist party had declared for a graduated income tax, and that platform he proposed in line with to offer an amendment to that end when the bill He f ayored of the North Carolina Railway .company meet to-morrow to declare a semi-annual divi dend of 3 per cent. j The Most, Gorgeous Treasures of I '.. Arabia. ; ! What a splendid picture it brought before vour mind! You read the glowing descrir iions of the secret treasures which the genu of the ring spread before Aladdin's gaze. You perused this favorite story of yours in whenii bov. and your Hon pictured brilliantly for power to sell bonds for -the maintenance of ThSe preceding speaker had characterized SDecie payment. That was a simple legal Sw oo, vr proposition which could be decided, yea or nay, very quickly. , He should show that, by the law as it now stood, that power was given in the clearest, strong est and most direct language that could be used by man language that had been used after a three years debate in the Senate and House that-had been framed bv the ablest men in both bodies. It had stood unchallenged and uncontradicted from that day until a few days ago, when the Senator from. Nebraska (Allen) offered a resolution , denying the power of . the Secretary to ) execute it. "And now," said Senator Sherman, passionately, 4 'at the very time that the bidders are preparing their bids for the purchase of these bonds, we are met by this allegation and this resolution on the floor of the Senate, and no one has risen to defend the power of the Government to maintain its credit jmtact. It seems to me, therefore, that I only do my duty to the public at large, by giving the exact condition of the law on the subject,.so that no one Can question it or gainsay it. The question is: Has the Secretary of the Treasury any power to sell bonds for redemption purposes? That is the only question." Senator ' Sherman proceeded, there upon, to quote from the resumption act of January 14, 1875, a provision that on and after thejfirst of Jannary 1879,the Sec retary of the Treasury shall redeem in coin United States legal tender notes then outstanding, on their presentation at. the office of the assistant treasurer of the United States in INew orit m sums not less than $50. He repeated, and laid much stress upon the words: "On and after," and denned them as mean ing "while time lasts," unles Congress should phange or modify that law. The plain declaration was, he said, that it was a continuous law. And it had never been denied or questioned that it was a continuous law, and that it was now in full force. Under it it was the Dlain and palpable . duty of the Sec retary of the Treasury, to redeem every United States note presented. How? Not out of ma own poctet. mot Dy is suing some other promise to pay. But the law went on and provided that: "To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to prepare and provide for the redemption in this act authorized and required, he is authorized to use any surplus revenue from time to time in tne ireasury jr. said Senator Sherman, that the thing is continuous "not otherwise ap propriated, and to issue, sell and dispose of. at not less than par in coin, either of the description of bonds described in the act." (The refunding act.) Then he began to speak of the reserve fund and to trace its history. "Here," he said, o fTifi rmatf d bv the sale of bonds. The proceeds of that sale were tojjeheld for no other purpose. Here is another declaration made six years afterwards that if the reserve shall fall below $100,- 000 000, then the Government snan ibbuo no 'more gold certificates, because the issue of gold certificates would be an in ducement to the holders of them to con vert them into gold. So that this fund, from the beginning, and fromthe passage of the law to this hour, has been betaken for any other purpose except what the law provided. This -fund re mained intact until the 4th of March, 1893 and for sometimes afterwards. 1 do not wish to go into the question as to whether the Secretary of theTreaury had the right to use any portaon of the money for the purpose of meeting a deh Sency in the treasury. That is a ques tion which should be taken up hereafter and discussed fairly and wairt?m- - . a l i. iirn ia xia i tH Kfi b ill. per. uut mai. me i"" tact for the purpose of redemption, fnave Jufficiently shown. The power of the Secretary of the Treasury, and. his duty are just the sametoay aa they were fifteen years ago.. The same law is in operation and he is bound to exercise this power whenever in bos judgment the necessity for it existe . No Sensible man who looks at the matter m senhiuio nri oo a mere busi- tn3 iigm- .1" fhat. the W UlllU. Uiouv v- - is not or you ncca nuesuuu . . r,i a rpserve vuTtolnrGovement of the United States." aavthat eyerything that the words sugpted . he did not beUeve that it was " 1 That was when you were a boy. Tolay, jn the general line of dur oi iv.a twretarv of the Treasury w the secreiary . hnnAa and to possibly. V' tell vou th( mi are unable to do it. MOSt Shall we i n r i 1 tell vou the reason wuv. mw prouu, J i la eliiimnan anil u u a v.n because your Jiver . j , sequence you suffer from sick headache, dizziness, and constipation. Do you want to cure all these troubles permanently, make vour liver actively, your imagination lively, and in general enjoy things as you did when I bov" All you have to do is to use Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, purely vegetable Perfectly harmless, the smallest and easiest perrecciy u . i ' th cheapest because 1IC ww reiari ;T bonds and to money .recei v,.- He did apply w ? "IT- for that. not see any " ITemen on the Thererore, u -t for other side that tney mu the deficiency in some other way t ban by tampering with the money got from was opened for amendment. a graded tax beginning at l per cent, on incomes of $2,500 and runnihg up to 5 per cent, on incomes of $100,000 or .more, Mr. Pendleton, Democrat of West Virginia, delivered an earnest appeal in the interest of harmony among: the Democratic party. It had been claimed on the opposite side of the House that there was a defection in the ranks of the West Virginia delegation, but he posi tively affirmed that while the Wilson bill bore somewhat heavily on the prod ucts of his State, that when the time came for a final vote not a single South ern Democrat would be found lurking in. the camp of the enemy. -; Mr. Johnson, Democrat, of Ohio, de voted himself to an - elaboration of his free trade and single taxtheories, the latter presenting, he said, the only solu tion to the labor question. He would vote for the income tax but he should do it under protest and as the lesser of two evils. . Mr. Simpson, Populist, of Kansas, said that the income tax had been sneered at as a Populist measure; but while the members of that party on the floor were few, and were despised on the Demo cratic side and despised on the Republi can side, he predicted that, sooner or later," the time would come when the doctrine of the Populists would be advo cated because they are right. Mr. Cbckran's objections to an income tax were many and varied. It would be class taxation and, as such, a blow at tv fundamental Drincime on which the Government was founded. It would be inquisitorial and hence iniquitous. He believed the rich men favored it because they would thereby ultimately gain a larger control of the Government than they enjoy to-day. He quoted Democratic authority against tne proposeu ia su among other thing3 said Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, declared an inter nal revenue tax indefensible in this country. Mr. McMillin Does the gentleman from New York advocate, now and here, the repeal of all internal revenue taxes? Mr. Cockran If that proposition was before the House I would not hesitate to say yes not a moment. I would, be glad to see every gauger and . internal revenue collector in the country turned nfHrtA. I have always believed that the duty of this people is to support its Government by a tariff levied for revenue only. . - : - v Mr. Bryan, Democrat, or JNeorasua, rose to " reply. He complimented the eloquence of Mr. Cockran, but said the objections urged against the income tax are more numerous than weighty. Some have denied the constitutionality of the but the Supreme court set tled the question beyond controversy in the Springer case. A very few : have denied the justice of an income-tax. The principle is endorsed by nearly all writers on political economy.anuuumxiicxiv to every, unprejudiced mind. A " New York paper contained- a few days! ago, & sketch of the richest woman m the Uni ted States with property worth $80,000, 000 and an income of probably more than SS.000,000 annually. She lives in a cheap boarding nouse ana uruigs ua expenses within $500 or $600. Who will Bay that it is just that she should pay the same amount of tax to support (the Fed eral Government that is paid by a f amily with an income of $o!)0 or f tuu.' vv nne this is an extreme case, it is nevertheless true that a tax upon consumption bears much more heavily upon the poor than upon the rich, in proportion to their . . . ; . i -, j. 1 l 1 L : - writ! means, it is objected inai. va"V " . , endanger the Tariff bilL I am not afraid that any Demooratia member wdl refuse to relieve the. common people of the heavy burdens, placed upon them by the McKinlev bill, for fear that he will im pose a light burden by means of an . in come tax upon those who are amply able to bear it ' - , . " The close of Mr. Bryan's speech was the signal for yociferous applause, cries ta " and r.heerine. Immedi- -i-vf. Ht.hnut waitinsr for tne nour the committee rose, and the House took a recess tintal 8 o'clock to-mgnt Admiral Benbani fcbows tbe.Ituar Kent Admiral That American Rights Will be Maintained Complications Likely t(H " Arise No Doubt About the Sale of the i " New. Boud.i ' ; Washington, Jan. 30. The report of the House Comniittee on Elections , in the Williams-Settle contest , from the Fifth district of North Carolina was submitted to-day. The majority report is prepared by Mr. Paynter, . Democrat, of Kentucky. The allegations of Wil liams were that Settle's majority was obtained by . irregularities. .The report Admits irregularities, but says they were not sufficient to change the-result."-? Set tle is the only Republican from North Carolina and the youngest member of House, being but 27 years ofrf 'here was no division in the xornipittee and all its members will support the report, save perhaps Mr. Woodard, of, North Carolina." ? ' The important : news contained in "Admiral Benham's dispatch to Secretary Herbert, received to-day, is to the fol lowing effect:- It seems that' Admiral Benham lost patience with the insurgent forces for their careless firing in the har bor of Rio. When Admiral Da Gama persisted in this reckless course Admiral Benham yesterday "-cleared his decks for action. Admical Da Gama did not choose to take the hint. Whereupon Admiral - Benham fired . several shots acrosshe bows of Da. Gama's flagship. It ia understood that this action was salutary and that the matter ended at that point. It is believed at the State Department that Da Gama would not willingly court an engagement with the American naval lorces. inis in unei, is the dispatch, so it is said. The com plications that may follow are regarded as likely to be serious.1 Our. fleet at ; Rio is, of course, much stronger than that of the ' rebel admiral and it is likely that the matter will add to the number of his assailants by engaging in a conflict with Admiral Benham. Additional cables were received Jfrom Rio, but they were taken to the White House direct. After the Uaomet meeting Secretary Herbert positively denied the rumors circulated that Admiral Da Gama had surrendered to Admiral Ben ham, but declined to give further infor mation. THE FLURRY AT RIO. " Admiral Benbam's Account of the r Incident Congratulated by Euro pean Cotnonaaders for his ; ' Prompt Action A Fight -; v;: '. Yet Possible." - ; - - . . Rio pe Janeiro, Jan. il0.-CopYRiairTj. This statement has been made to the Associated Press correspondent by Admi ral Benham, commander of the United States fleet in this harbor: " "The insurgent forces on Cobras island last Friday fired upon a ship flying the United States flag. I . protested to Ad miral Da Gama against this action and his response was that he had warned the commander of the ship when it was at the bar of Rio de Janeiro as to the where abouts of the danger line. I ordered Admiral Da Gama to cease the firing. Both the guns on the island of Cobras and the insurgent warships TrajanO opened fire suddenly upon the bark Agate, the- vessel hailing from JNew lorfc. 1 warned Admiral Da Gama at once that if the fire was repeated I i would fire back. I also warned him that if he touched an Anf erican ship or American goods I would consider him a pirate. -1 told him that 1 would protect American property absol lutely from the fire of their guns; an3 that I should retaliate upon him for an damage done unless it was entirely apt "parent that the damage was due to chance shots." " ' ' ' , . Admiral Benham says that he. notified Admiral Da Gama unofficially that firing by the insurgents upon the wharves for the purpose merely of creating terror and prolonging a blockade would not be pe rmitted, 6o far ' as , "Americans and American vessels were concerned! T this communication the insurgent made no answer. The captains of three Amer ican vessels. Admiral Benham continues, intimated that they wanted to go to the wharves: and the American admiral notified Admiral Da Gama that it was his intention to convey them at sunrise on Monday Fearing trouble. Admiral Benham ordered that the vessels of his fleet be cleared for action.: The three ships referred to were the Amy, the Good News and the Julia Rollins. ' . The captains of two of the ships weak ened and failed to come into the harbor. The Amy was the only one that ventured in, and she was escorted by the United PROMPT SETTLEMENT. THE ASSIGNEE OF B. L. DUKE SETTLING HIS DEBTS. The Henderson Railroad Accident An Escaped Ijunatic Captured ' The Convict Johnson iw a Cem- .. .. V,' fortable : Berth Another . Blockade Still Seized- . A." Penitentiary Con- -- - vfet Itecaptnred. ' . ' ' - ; ;:: -";'. .Messknoer Bureau, I . . v - Raleigh. Jan. 30. ' ' Next Friday and Saturday the Su preme court will examine applicants for license as attorneys. : The clerk of the court says that up to date twenty-three applicants are registered Capt. W. S. Harris, formerly clerk of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, has had a slight troke of paralysis. ' C Three sheriffs made State tax sett3e- ments to day: V. B. McGaha of Trin- Sylvania, 1,950.03 ,-D. F. Baird of Wa tauga. $3;4ie:04; and Rl B. McKinneyfof Mitchell, $3,092. : Itis claimed in defense of Conductor Coley. who was found guilty of negli gence by the coroner's jury in the Hen derson disaster, that as soon as his sec tion stopped he at once sent back his flagman with signals to the other section in rear. Conductor Coley was here yes terday. He has not as yet been arrested George E Wilson, the Young white man who was put fn jail herf or-larceny, and who became insane and was placed in the asylum and who escaped from the latter, was recaptured yesterday. He was at home and had made - a contract for a year's work with" a farmer. He was to-day brought the asylum He does not appear to be at all unsound in mind and probably will soon be dis charged. - John Allen Johnson, the- notorious counterfeiter who shot and almost killed Deputy Marshal John Upchurch here last summer, is now in the penitentiary at .Brooklyn, JN. Y.t and is at tne bead ot the collar and cuff department there. The revenue collector has advices of the capture near Pisgah, Randolph COMMERCIAL NEWS, tillery by Deputy Collector E. AUoffitt. The three seizures made yesterday were all by Deputy Collector Kirkpatriek. At Oxford to-day the annual ; election of superintendent was held. Rev. W. S. Black was re-elected. Gen.Cotten.Grand Master of Masons, was present. Fire at Hillsboro yesterday burned Rosemond's livery stables, Smith & New man stores, and part of some other States cruiser Detroit. As a precaution STS the msurffents. the CTuisers I county, of a 45-gallon iUicit whiskey die- New York. Charleston and Newark were assigned to watch the actions of Da Gama's sljips, Aquidaban and Taman dare, while the Detroit and j the San Francisco were signalled to stake posi tions near the Trajano and the Guan bara. Thesp precautions certainly proved effective, and the insurgents, in face of the formidable array of A merican vessels, The President toaysent to the Senate SlX the foUowing nominations of postmas- --! - "hV T11 to be removed t . . ters: North CaroUna Charles vv. iayioe, Washington. South Carolina Douglas Mclntyre, Marion. i Secretary Carlisle.,, after the Cabinet meeting to-day, authorized s the . 6tate- ' , . , ,Lttv.afni . I on tne last named vessel aimeu a mua- lfany.ev?' existed, but that tne full $50, . nmsket shots were fired at the Guanabara Trajano from the Amy's the Detroit, in return. This the firing done "during the thft creditors of i paid third 000,000 of bonds would be taken. One offer by telegraph from New York for $20,000,000 was received to-day, besides many others in smaller amounts. Sev eral, it is said, were for $500,000 and $1,000,000. r Secretary Carlisle to-day appointed W. H. Hazen, of Cincinnati, chief of . the secret service division. Treasury Depart ment, vice A. L. Drummong resigned Mr. Hazen has been in the service for several years and in politics is a Demo crat. ' - Secretary Carlisle was to-day served with a subpoena issued by the Supreme court of the District of Columbia in the suit of the Knights of Labor to prevent the issue of bondsr, This, however, is a mere matter of form. The process, it is ooiti in not affected bv the action of the court to-day in dismissing the applica tion for an injunction as the petitioners do not regard that action as final and will appeal the case. The Secretary took fho nhnfna with him to the White House and showed it to the President and his associates. The financial situa tion was a topic of discussion at the Cabinet meeting. P,"rL--,-rr rrjr" i Dav after tomorrow h. Uk rii.1 not fire unon : BrodieL. Duke, of Durham, will be paid r, . ,.s tl ; i m full in the first, second and SuESSEted of is: As A&m7 - STS ,K0fti,an,,0!1w marm ing 15 per cent. This is a very prompt I ,". Without any warning a cold snap and the ' maae 'i11 iei' mguu escort bureau has not been accurate in its pre was all dicticHW for the past sixty days "at this Amy's"! Pomy, Stocks and Bonds in New Yorlc The .u Grain and Frovtsion Markets ; . of Chicago. 1 - New York, Jan. 30. Stocks were in fluenced at the opening by sales for Lon don account and prices receded J to f per cent., when the ' foreigners stopped selling and the local bears were unable to make any impression on the market and their efforts to belittle yesterday's conference of Secretary Carlisle and the New York bankers fell flat. Chicago Gas, which had been depressed on re ports of quo warranto proceedings by Attorney General Maloney, of Illinois, suddenly bounded up from 611 to 63. Sugar first fell to 7aj and then rose to 71 on Philadelphia advices , that Judge Butler, in the Government suit had de-. cided in favor of the Sugar combination. The general market Tallied quietly in sympathy, but subsequently it drifted into dullness, in tne- aiternoon it was an nounced that the president's of three leading trust companies bad prevailed upon the banking community to sub scribe to the new Government loan, the appeal being made on the ground of patriotism, and over Sil),u0y,U0O were subscribed for, This led to a much stronger tone and a general improve ment in prices. American buear rose 15, American sugar ; preferred i. Big Four U. Burlington and Quincy I, Chi cago Gas 2i, Northwestern f , St. Paul 1, Rock Island 5, General H,lectnc 14, Lake Shore li, , Louisville and Nashville 1, Lead 1J, Lead preferred lr New England lil Pacific Mail 1, Keadmg 1, western Union li, and Union Pacific f. The market closed strong at or near the best prices of the day. The net . gains were i to 2$, Chicago Gas leading. Railway and miscellaneous bonds were strong. Sales of listed stocks were 113,000: un listed. 44.000. Chicago, Jan. 30. Wheat received another backset to-day. The decline was brought about principally through the depressed feeling engendered by un satisfactory 1 European advices. - The ooeninir was a fraction under yesterday. declining ic further then advanced to 4c. became weak and sold on to ic The close showed a net loss of to 4c for the dav. . - Corn was dulL The opening was about yesterday's closing figures, followed by a deenne oi to K. ranieu c anoraiy ue- fore the close, under the influence of wheat, again sagged off and closed with a net loss of to ic for the day. Oats were dull, with the usual ten dency to follow the changes of wheat and corn. The close was i to c under that of vesterdav. Provisions were weak to-day on heavy receipts, The product did not give way ouicklv. however, nor did the tone be come excessively weak until a prominent commission house undertook to pound nork. -when values finally succumbed Slay pork closed 32 to 35c lower than 3'esterday, May lard 10c lower and May ribs 121c lower. ' LOST LADY'S TORTOISB Pin with heavy gold mot uo tost ii passefl on ouna sirept to Kea - rosa. SHELL HATH heayy gold mounting- The lady on Red Cross to Third Btreel on Third street to Chestnut, and on Cheatnnt to the postofflce. Finder win be rewarded by leaving it at Messen ger office. " Jan si it LOST AT T. M. C A. RECEPTION LAST nitrht a small iroid Din with letters P. M. a. A fcuitable reward will be paid for itae by J. A, SPKIKUKK. janist DIMK CL1PPINO PARTT. THE CORAL Workers of Filth Street M B. Chnroh, uivlte one and ail to -attend their Clipping Party next Thursday evening at tne residence of Wr. J. W. r ice i, on east aiae oi roaria sireei ociwtru nun and Church. All visitors pnnnbied a pleasant evening and plenty of nice things to eat JOU3V t ; , . 12 jrer. Mackerel at 10c. FOR EGGS, ranees 10 and 16o. Preserved Oin- 1 .O CENTS PER DOZEN x id Or loose, SfKi l at t .'. V - . t: pr poond. Grapes 15c. Hie? AftnAraonaJ kniitt Kflh. ?TTAtHl Gelaune loc. n. c. wuf 1TED. Attent. kin 30 pOTOB.8. WARD'S FOR N. A GENTS MAKE $5 00 A DAY. XX 1 C. IIAMP. Shoulders 10c. XffffslSKe. . Batter 20 to 23a, Beans H e per Quart, Peas lc oer quart, tihickens and Turkeys, oranges $1 per nanareu. iiananss zuc per uuaen. a. js., Market street, city. Jan ss GBKATEST , kitchen ateusil ever Invented. Hetalla s& cents 9 to 6 ild lu every house. Sample, postage paid, Ave cents. FOKSHEJJ Mc.HAKIN, Cut. cmoau, o. f ocissotwed - U,UU and sellinz Old Reliable Plater. Kvery family has runty, worn knives, forks, spoons, etc. Quickly plated by dipping In melted metaL xho ezper'ence or nara worK; a ffKHi sit uation. Address W. P. HARUISON A Co., Clerk Mo. 14, Cslniubus. Ohio. dec iStaesthn AT COST.-MY ENTIRE STOCK OF FOLIOS and Albuny, to mske room for new and lat er mnic. GEO. HAAR'S MUfcIC HOUSE. N. B. We keep a full line of 10c music con stantly on hand at lit Market it. Jan St TIT ANTING TO BDY AN ESTABLISHED TT baslnees In some good town. Answer giv- ing full description senger omce., A d Jrees .B u SIN n.8H, Hes- Jan S4 n OFFICES ON WATER ST K EST, BUILDING r formerly s.'d by (Jiyde Line, Front between Chestnut and Mulberry. UouBes $5 to all locaTions. Property for sale, part cash, rest 6 to 13 months, al-o small farm and house attacneu. J u. WRIGHT, Keal Estate Agent, 114 Princess street ' - RH BEERY CO., HAVE ON OONS1GN- meot a quantity of Dressed Poultry. Also Apples, Mountain Butter, Eggs, Chickens, Ac. New River Garden Oysters a specialty Call early anJ lay in your supplies ior eaturoay ana Sunday. lt South Front St. jan l TO THE LADIES : ALL WHO NSKU A First-Class Tonio for the Hair can do no better than to try Miller's Hair Toute. For re moving dandruff it is nnequaiieu. rreparru iuu sold by P. W. MILLER. No. 1 South Front St. & O , HOLIDAY HATES OF CAB- Z)Uinet photographs continued till Feb. uary SSth 18W, no longer- uesi caoinet mown 18.W per dozen regular price - p- r uuteu. i required at the time of Bitting. FirBt class work c. which bad notified that thev wished to erd to" their " failed to do so is that their commanders, : trip, ana is was enouga. An Vi r jr. Heck caused Kreat surprise. A ceasea at onee ana ine use ox neayy g - - r received last Saturday; wasnotconsiaerea neoessa aauy - e wiine about and was inl ine reason taai wie omer two buip, - . , -fc cnnArLV a ? - 1 Tl 1 IIIIITIII2' Hall m mo laUMIJ f wharves' t ".uT li" Station, is is hib ueiiet ucre iua ,ij i- k i,... ; cancer iiau camu ua wav wvi were puisuiiucu tium cuiciiu viio AMokA.- i t .- y ' . , J , , , ,,. , r,harlev Hufstickler. white who es- 18 oeiievea to oe tue agem, oi au jL,uKiiau i - , - . ;lQr KirK liaa hn fiirniahincr the i talKU uul " Jli J" V . - ' ,Otfl, Ti. CAAV, caught and returned to the penitentiary .-.1 , . it. 1 : TTiaraT I to-uay. ne whs uuuguiug a ct. j v- sentence for larceny from Moore county. firm rebels with money. At a later hour Admiral da Gama con ferred with his officers upon the advisa bility of surrendering to the7 Detroit in eonseouence of the musketshots fired.. He was dissuaded from doing so, but it is thought possible that he may yet de cide to surrender to the American com mander. (There is no doubt that Ad-! miral Da Gama is in a bad way. A pro-1 posed compromise has been ref used by j the .f eixotto s uovernmem; ana it eem tn lie onlv a matter of time when ! January months, was If- fJ J I .V 'Ssi. . .. . 1 ! onxrAnrMd. i;nme one. come an. o. J Photographer, 114 Market St., Wilmington, N JOHN C. STOUT, ARCHITECT AND BUlbt EK. Plans and speclBcattons prepared at short notice No charge fur preliminary draw ings. . Satisfaction guaranteed. jan 14 ltn HOSE FOR SALE DOUSE "AND LOT on Castle between Third and Fourth. Cash or time. Apply to D. O'CONNOR, Real Jtstate Agent. Jan!8 ANTED. POSITION BY A YOUNG MAN of exDerience. as clerk In store. Good pen man and will work at a moderate salary. Address J. K. JONES, Covington, S. C. Janllfcw WILL ARRIVE THIS MORNING AT THE Old North State Restaurant, sWected New River Garden, Oysters, and can be had in any - style hteamer is now In working oraer, r ami- lies supplied. J. L. W1HH1SK, rroprieiur, i-u. 11 Market Street. ' Jan LOOK AND READ THE EMPIRE STEAM Laundry wish to announce that they are now eanlnped with the latest known methods lor laundryuig liace uuriains. rriroi ru cents per pair, ajurmn o a " gem QgygxttstrntuU ABSIE CHAD SOU RN Memorial Hall. Wednesday, Jan. 31st, 1894. rpABLEAUX INTERSPERSED WITH VOCAL and iDstrnmental Husic, rouowea ny me bihubuih two act comedy, A BoX OF MOSKEi 8 " , JAU OI Ik Sun's Cotton Review. New York, Jan. 30. The Sun's cotton ! review says: Cotton declined 1 to 2 points, recovered this and advanced 3 points, lost this and declined 6 to 7 points, clos ing steady, Sales are 144,900 bales. Tivernool declined V point, recovered Worfc of Governor Tillman's Spies. -Charleston, S. C, Jan. 30. Things were quite lively in the whiskey war KoMt-Hnv. -About 2 o'clock a battal ion of spies, armed to the teeth and with their weapons in hand, swooped down upon the saloon of Fred McKay, in Market street, which had already been raided and looted on three separate oc casions. As-usual they found .nothing but sarsaparilla. The raid, however, was peculiar for the military manner in which it was conducted. A platoon of heavily armed policemen accompanied, the onipa. some fifteen in number, and deploying across Marketstreet, which was very Crowded , swept everybody out of the street. The Washington Light Infantry Tint, njillpd out. D urine the raid a man named Marks, an, employe of Mc Kay ordered the constables out of - the store. They responded by drawing then guns, and Marks was speedily sent to the police station in the Black Maria. About the same time, but in another part of the city, F. H. Howard, a citizen, who was standing on the sidewalk was accosted by K H. Pepper, one of the spies, "who, j'.n;niv v,ia crnn ordered Howard to move on. Pepper will be arrested on the charge of assault with a deadly weapon, but if ever convicted will be pardoned by Governor Tillman. Three persons, charged with leading the riot Wednes day last were arrested to-day and gave bond for their appearance. The prosecu tion, it is said, is waged by the ( police authorities of the city. ; - r he will i have to give up the this and advanced 14 10 a poinu, uioouib struggle. ! The complications of the firm, with spot sales of 10,000 bales at insurgent situation are increased by the ; unchanged prices. Manchester was duu. absence of Admiral. De Mello. The New Orleans declined 5 to 7 ptmits. Spot failure of the latter to arrive here to the cotton here was l-16c lower. Sates were assistance of the insurgent fleet has given 213 bales for spinning Southern spoti . i ,!,- v,q ia The mart era wprfl nuiet and steany or nrm. commanders of sixteen warships .here, Wilmington. bt. Louis and Norfolk are fivA A mprir-An and four Ens-1 l-16c un. New Orleans sold 4,000 bales, lish and French, have sent messages to Admiral Benham congratulating him unon his Dromnt action. The Austrian Memphis 1,800, St. Louis 550, and Mobile 400. rort receipw were against 32.655 this day last week and commander cleared ship and made ready 23,072 last year; thus far this weeL 199 bales, against 87,315 thus iar. last week. Augusta .received - 571 bales, against 243 last year. The large cotton mills at Mays Landing, N. J., start with a full force next week after running half time all the winter. : Uniform Rate Schedule. fTtT..,.nB Tot, 3rt TVlO Tn ,-Stftte vv AsixiJmvi, w. -" w- Commerce Commission has invited rep resentatives of the difEerent rauroads to meet them in conference in Washington on Monday, February 12th, to determine upon, some uniform plan of prescribing v,o. fnrmo rf BriViodnles of rates which the law requires to be kept open for pub-irxsror-Hnn. Thev wish to adopt some general form, which fully complying rv. tim mnprni law. will not be unneces- "' ' J.- .u- or expensive w wjo X Fatal Boiler Explosion. Owensboro, Ky., Jan. 30. This morning near Crow Kickman, nine miles south of here, a boiler in the port able mill of Jos. N: Mercer exploded, lrilline five men and fatally injuring an other. The explosion occurred by run ning cold-water into thewarm boiler. The engineer foresaw the explosion and urged the men to Tun, but tbey regarded it as a funny joke. ."t The bodies of .two Kirwwn trt the too - of a tree XXI C LA " aa.v m A. , seventy-five yards from the,scene of the accident. All the victims were hombly maneled. A more terrific accident could not be imagined. The concussion plainly felt in this city r hpln the American admiral in case help was necessary. , '.:f Rio de jANEnto, Jan. 30. Copyright. A conflict between the American and insurgent fleets is still possible. Admiral Da Gama is very angry because the vounser insurgent officers are eager to fight. The admiral" said to-day: "It would be - better to be conquered by a Tw.wh tkn vield later to Peixotto." The tn3urgent steamer Para haba anchored in a threatening position near the hark (Jood News this morning and may fire when she starts m to-moi-row In that case a serious conflict is inevitable. , ; The situation was extremely delicate r..tprd v when the Detroit was beside the Good News. The Guanabara and tv.Troi"flnnhan thrfr rmiis loaded and aimed on all the American vessels, while, sarily burdensome two heavy insurgent tugs were ready tprjt railroad comuanies. 4m tiiB Tiprmit. The Guanbara , and i k. -" Trajano together have . eight crplndidjk.'.'e-ftMMteils University. rifles; but when the Detroit fired 3 six-4!; BRtSSELS, Jan. 30. The University of oound arm into the Guanabara ana uapuf to-.Wa,,, to-dav the scene or riotous Brownson warned them that if a QemoQstrations, growing out of the re-j was fired, even, by accident, he would:. ; fugai 0f the university authorities to al Kink them, and advised that they take ; tim fiiepe Recluse, the well the men ened. 1 SABROW ESCAPE! How it Happened. The following remarkable event in a lady's life wul Interest the reader. "For a long time I 1 1 a ...ihls mln nfc mv hourt. which nut- tered almost Incessantly. I badfoi JPPef ..jnMnntdiwn. I would be comDellt'J to sit up in bed anS belch gas from my stom ach until! thought every minute woukl be .iot. Thom was a. feeline ot oppression ibout my heart, and I was afraid to draw a full breath. I couldn't sweep a room with- God. by thl help of Niw Hiart fcure all that tepistandl feel like another worn at). Ito toreusuw tbe New Heart Cure I had taken different so-called remedies and been treated doctors without any benefit until I was SffiE,! Dri rfii7URted. Mv husband iHiZ vKl of Dr. Miles' Sew Heart Curl, and am hPpy to say I nevergretted It, aa 1 now ,i"uluarv. 1 Mil 1 wnivnoii .r niHinua nm ? an ta King tne remeuj, i . Vt-of . ruu hiui been truly marvel- PU8-. hnt I ever re! ?eYvedB fi Harry etarr. tlve jruarantee by ail druggists, or by the Dr. JUles Medical Co., , ' "arw,"' "" nrice. ml per Doiwe, six uu' n ffi Thta neat discovery by an eminent iallst in Eeart disease, contain neither opiates nor dangerous drugs. See OuKNew Goods! TKCBIVSD TO-DAY SOMS NICB WARS, also Lamps and Fancy Goods. Oar new Store Lamp is a beauty. White China for decorating. Agents for Libby Cut Glass. ' . S. A. SCtLOSS & CO. 24 North "Front street. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF Giotniafl at a Great Sacrince. rpEBMENP0U8 BARQA1N3 AKB OFFERS D - for this week. Brery dollar's worth must be closed out at some price. Men'e Bolt, bhrler'a price 1 50; Asglgnee's-price u."i doj oun, Shrler's price $6.45; Assignee's price $3.60. Over coat, Snrler's price fis tif, Assignee s pnee -. All goods sold for less than Sew York cost.. Special bargains to Country Merchants. J. G. BARENTI N E, Assignee tor LShrier A Co, FR0HT AND PRINCESS STREETS. ; . 1 anl Sold by E. B. Bellamy" ; Wilminatori. . f THE ROLLER TRAY TRUNK LOWEST : PRICES. - 1 . : xJ vT v vajuvi3 mwvv , . from their euns, they weat-i t . vnnVi o-Anfrranher and Anar- "."" - 1 chiat. to lecture within the walls of the Admiral1 Benham had the Newark university. Ikwaa found necessary to ready to aid the Detroit, while the JNew 090 the university ana can uFu vnrir fThnrlPRtori and San Francisco i noliceto euaxd it aeainst the enraged were alert to receive the Aquidaban and students. Some of the students threat ened to strute tne , pro-recwr. r lectures have been suspenaea. was To growold gracefully, one mustlWe tern they are guaranteed to gi mnnT is returned. vou asK.- returned. What more or can 1 Covington, jv., rcu. x., j-v, rv TEmucT Co.-"flaving used I P jndB Feb. 17, 18. 1 fully en- Eitract ior a. numu . nsd it ilnrse all VOU ciaxnx iui n, . ffissfuTly in a way I have er Jnown yofato. recommend it in JJ;erused merits I have children, and have uaeu mT PTtraet with each one when teeth- T.m " thAHrtsoothini?, ana evi- dently alleviates the pain. I lease a my name publicly." do not I to , the deficiency in .some otu ko fn tia rui r nose onur. j-uj must provide other lunaa, u. .""""J ' ' to make good any deficiency m the cur rent revenue. That was perfectiy clear., "But on this pending question, -said, "I feel that we ought, not only to vote down this resolution, but to o6 affirmatively for a resolution that the a-nr nf the Treaaurv has the mv Questionable power to Issue any of the kinds of bonds provided for in the re funding act, in order to maintain that S reserve in the treasury on which all the resoiuuou i""' ; methodically; be oto in all that IS ROing on in me BOUfC by the Be sure and get rhperfuL happy, and contended, and all, keep the blood pure and vigorous Train Wreelcers Arrested. Roanoke, Va,', Jan. 30. Sandy Kaiser. Robert and Lewis Austin, all colored, were brought here from Radford to-nigos and lodged in jail for safe keeping. These men, with John Dolan, brougns 1 io- nio-Vit a-ra rii noosed to have aero i . , . , , conspired to wreck tne- mrougu 10 .i. . - T-iKi;r, nnrl whose Tamandare. which, where under steam. Admiral Benham said, today: "If Admiral Da Gama was contending for any principle or position in which any izpd nation would sustain him, he ought to make a fight, but he is wrong in law every wuere, . ' The commander of the Austrian war ship has asked Rear Admiral Benham to be allowed to help in case of a fight. The German naval officers applaud Benham. The English officers naturally are in op position, while not denying that Admiral Benham's position is lawful. - The day before the conmcx aonunu xjc THE Most ConvenientJTRUNK .. EVER DEVISED. THE TRAY la arranged to roll back, leav 1 Ins the bottom of the Trunk easy of ac- CKo thing to break or get oat of order. The Tray can be lifted out If desired, and to buy this style le a guarantee that yo will get 1 the etrongeetTrnnk. made. - - If your Dealer eanaot famish yon, notify . tbe manufactnrera, - " u. W. ROUNTREE & BRO., " AND AFTEB THIS PATB I WILL SELL Wood of the very best quality at a discount of 10 PER CENT. ON RECtfii rniuc. Please compare size of my carts with others and yoa will find they hold 10 per cent", more wood than some used in Wilmington. , J. A. SPRINGER. jan 81 Administratrix Notice. . HAVING, ON THK SOfh DAY CF JAWTJABV, i894 aualifled ss Administratrix, w th the will afnexoY the late F. A. Me .bury. 1 here T IriV mjtic to ell persons indebted to the etaofmyestator tTmake payment, snd to S?i Dersous havlna: claims agains said mute to Mm dm? anthentlcted to me, or to my nreaeut tnem duly antheDtlcnted to me, or to my Sy" Margin BeJiamy Son, On or before tne wtn uay o. u. ijjj-,, kBWBTJBT, Admrz C. T. A. of F. A. Bewbury. jan 6w oaw wea nn.,Tvmnjuiili rrnn-ri-i sore throat, m- fluenza, bronchifis, cold and' cpu(?h are at once relieved and positively and permftnent- i l r. Pnll'g Hnnirh SvTUD. the In ly CUTCU UV . JUw " j r t comparable remedy for all pulmoaary ana threat affections. Death of Dr. O. D. Smith. - jcmpvn.i.i. TT. C. Jan. -30. f. Smith, D. D., L., aiea as ni "r" near Franklin, N. C, this tnornuig. haurtified the ty authorities thatthe .TlEilSdK water front wouiq useiy reeu.. . , He was until aangereu.' aa H, A consultation of the .senior officers of .SHSsmtatlnd the foreign naval vessels w morrow on San Francisco We Are Offering Great Bargains T MAFFICK SOHMSR PIANOS FOB CASH. ALSO ON TH INSTALMENT PLAN.- 1 - Other make, of Bnenality eqnaUy low. Organs eqnall, low. Irem Farrand Votey and TMOCommF- Tnntn,Depart- - - ment which under the capable management of Mr. Walter . C. Shoemaker. a pro- - nonnced snccesa. An orders promptly flUed and an wort guaranteed. The undersigned will also be responsible for all bnainesa transactions connected with our business, which are made by Mr. Shoemaier. ' " "E. Van JL-JSX , No. 40S Mid 404, North Fourth St. inter-1 buled use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Ayer's Rnoiciens Arnio Salve. m. at. alve in the world fori s. TTlcers. Salt orTetter, Chapped. r-iL.-ivi.o fVirna. and all Oiiuuuuiii., - tions, and pcauyeiy uu - - oar reauirea. is " Bu- ,T-3 'a hice 25 cents per Vox. For sale by Rob't B .Bellamv, Cute. Bheum Hands Skin Erup ;M -via ii- I innnn. rtedin"thrwrkof afreight train sent on aheaa oi iue train. The feeling was running hurb at Radford and it was fearea ma J " ;r iT teke olaco if the men were tm ' " not removed. t . Ballotins for Seaator. ppi Legislature to-day took one ballot tor United StatesSenator to succeed Gen. E. C WalthaU, but without result. . ine following is tne vote: juuk .y. Campbell, 26; A. J. McLaunn, 33; K-1. z. . an. i v,T. R-,hprt Lowrey, if 1?.- t m Rtmo 1ST The Demo- - . : 2. i- - .. . . :. . .... - ; , - ;-- Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report rns Mig F3JZ5S : B OFFICE STATIONERY. r pomcs. PAPIB ANB ENVELOPES, SHANNON LANK BOOKS, INVOICE Buuno, - TILES. CASES AND CABINETS, HOOE, 8HIPPIN Ao nAauM ia. . ITT. RlMUS. ITllit AUtlliAUAt DtflVVli VDA St VTT IKU A rrlilAULiwI v " APPLIANCE8, Tw.n PtrsrTLS. STEEL AND GOLD PENS, TC. . U. Books. Draft BooM. C made to prder. We bny strictly for cash, from first hands, an inecK boom, Bwwiw"TwTnts. therefore can glre onr ensrom.. . , O. W. YATES, - in MARKET STB SET, WILMINGTON, N. C r