" : - ... -'-! War Nf i -- . i rmuK ft fKTc -A- I T , MMMWia, ESTABLISHED 1867. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. . I.enner Davis bhoots William M. Rames at Savannah for aliened intimacy with his wife. The President signs the Seal Fish eries bill. -A young white man of Forest vine, N. C, is shot, hut not seriously injured by a negro. J. K. Venton, who claims to have been colonel of the Eleventh Wiscon sin regiment, is found in a helpless condi tion on a roadside in Wake county. All me irwia itn lmrnngton and Florence veC - . T' , "luulDla carrying Constable JHcLendon with then. All was quiet at those towns last night. There is much o). position to the confirmation of the negro Taylor as recorder of deeds of the District of Columbia.--The House of Representa tive s Committee on Inter-State Commerce will investigate the seizure of railways and the telegraph line by Governor Tillman. Old aunt Mary who nursed Miss Pollard during an illness in Washington in 188, tes tified yesterday that' she recognized Col. Brecltinridge, seen for the first time that day, from Ms-likeness to be baby borrTin .Is. Judge Jenkins modifies his injunc tion against the Northern Pacific railroad strikers. -A man registered from Atlanta, commits snicide at a Cincinnati hotel. A ne-ro is lynched in Georgia for criminally -S-nflting a white woman. Bradsrrepts re ports 31 strikes and -40,000 workmen in volved during ihe paj-t week. The failures were 109 against 210 last week and 186 in the same week last week. At Winston, N. .'., a negro attempts a criminal assault on a (i-year-old girl. He is arrested and hound over to court. Much excitement prevails. Three men, working in a to bacco factory at Roaring River, N. C, find a ih,-H!e of peach flavor (oil of murbane) and itriiik it, thinking it is peach brandy. Two f them die and tne other is very ill. A Winston, X. C. thief runs into a barbed wire fence and is badly used up. After investigation, the father of the boy, Rider, whipped at Davis School, has come to the conclusion that his son was not "cwielly flogged" and exonerates Lieut Shipp and thef-.euhy The Chapel Hill boys de feated the Venuonters yesterday at Char lotte by a score of 10 to 3. THE BAD EXAMPLE OP THE HOUSE FOLLOWED BY THE SENATE. WILMINGTON, N. C., SATURDAY, APRIT7. W ALL QUIET OIJ THE PEE DEE. noi l inn r,,- ruLLHuU-BKKINKIUlit The Senate Unable to Mnster a Quo-rnm-Proposition to " in Mexican Dollars at Onr MlaisArffuing the Tariff Bill The House llscussinff the Post offlce Appropria tion Bill. "V . SENATE. Washington. April 6 Thn fered by Senator Wolcott, of Colorado, last Monday, requesting the President to enter into negotiations with Mexico looking to the coinage by the United States at its mints of standard Mexican dollars, "with a view to encouraging and extending commercial relations with China, and other Asiatic countries" 'was laid before th k4 a Senator Teller, in the absence of his col league, made an argument in its advocacy. senators Lodge, of Massachusetts, and DuBois, of Idaho, also spoke in favor of the resolution, after which it went over without action. The Tariff bill was taken up, and Senator Peffer, addressed the Senate. - He thought it fortunate that in considering that great measure, he was not hampered by any con siderations of a party nature. The cen tral idea of populism was justice to the &Ie flnded on the expression of Thomas Jefferson. He spoke of "the Army mete5?!?al''9a mo? body of Komci nit; HLreriPT.n na if- an avalanche, "coming Inwards ThJ capYtal and wmlD;I,m:t objectless, loosely and wildly but still showing that there was "trouble brewing" ere After Senator Teffer had spoken for two te9' 11 S aeed that he continue h s speech to-morrow; and Senator Harrif suggested that the reading of toe Tariff S3! in full should be commenced of mJM P00 to e consideration of executive business was made by Senator Morgan but was withdrawn at the request of Senator Hnrri i . f J , . . , r , ' jo leiieweu ov lulll.u iivi tut" i fsi 1 1 r The Troops all Return to Their Homes The Soldiers Disappointed at Their Small Pay McLendon Sent to Columbia Three Constables at Florence. rSpeciai to the Messenger. Florence, April 6. This has heen an ex ceedingly quiet day in the capital city of I.-l l mi . . i iuiciiue county . ine entire brigade of troops that were stationed at this place and Darlington have gone. A special train of seven cars, in charge of Conductor Harreld Branson and Engineer John Meadnrs Toft here at 9 o'clock this morning, carrying the troops right through to Columbia, where they will be paid off at the rate of f 13.50 per month and discharged. When it was announced here last night what the pay of the soldiers was -they wore long faces, as they all thought that they would get first-class pay, but Tillmn h given them a genuine April fool. When the train rolled out of the Coast Line station bearing the troops they gave three rousing cheers for Florence and her upnaoie citizens, it was responded to by a large crowd of our people, who had gone to see the soldiers off, by three cheers and a "tiger." To the Messenger, wnnrf oD ai oi tne men said 'I'll m rt I.... ' ' iaa uktain RUNG DOWN ON THIS LIFE DRAMA. as a sense of and property, in their malicious the people of have been out nounced as follows yeas, 10; was an- nays, 18 no injuries Shot by u,c-n rieplorable Case. ljier.u id i v jnehsetijrer. li.u.v.K.H. Apriffi Hamlilton Jones, a prominent young white man of Forestville, this county, has been shot by a negro, and smicK by iiiaiiy small shot. His -ire not dangerous. J. E. Vinton, aged 78 years, who claims to have been colonel of the Eleventh Wiscon sin regiment, was found on the roadside near here to-day nearly helpless and in a deplorable condition, and has been placed ni uie county Home. He is an extremely good talker. He says he was born in New Yoijk and has a son in a bank at Big -springs, Nebraska, and appears to have ieeh a temperance lecturer of prominence and Grand Worthy Chief Templar of Wisconsin. quorum. A call of the 8enate sho wed fortv- .Present, Dut another vote on henator Aldnch's resolution resulted 11 to - and again no quorum, and the Senate adjourned until to-morrow. IIOl'SK OF EEPRESEXTATIVKS. After some unimportant proceeding the House, in Committee of the ?vffireromed tfnnhn10" f the ."atoffice Appfa Mr. Sprlncrpr nrpqonf-ad i: ( . j-: . nt fhD2enH m-ent he ffered yesterday, direct ing the admission of certain classes of pub hcations to the mails as second class matter, f, ?Si ,nSlucle th.e Pnblications of trades societies scientmc and professional r'i iiuiZ pressed himself to the point of onjer made by Mr. Henderson, of North Tw1 chal"nan of the Committee on bin .i ostrpads. in charge of the Dili, tliat the nroixispd nmpnHmo,i- i, i existing law-and did not restrict exnendi- il we flr no-iTw called out by Governor Tillman on like oc- cassion we will do as the Governor's Guards Newberry Rifles and others. We will throw down our guns and come to the assistance of mecuizens. We came here uury to protect lives hit ...- "u- io assist spies work. We have seen that Florence and Darlington IT u eir wa3 no truth in and- by the gods, we will stand to the citizens." The Florentines were not stuck on the Edgefield soldiers at all, but the balance of them were straight out boys, -We can't un derstand Governor Tillman's work in hav ing five of our best citizens arrested, paroled aiiu instructed to report to Maj. Wardlaw daily at 10 o'clock and then calling troops in, leaving those citizens here with no one to repoit to. McLendon, the spy murderer, with the soldiers, left for Columbia to-day. There are now three spies in Florence, but I do iiul now now Jong they will remain, as Governor Tillman sent them here and will keep them here in order to work up feeling. Florence does not want them, but iust now .unonj Closed After a Day of wiost sensational Proceedings A Most Remarkable Case of Con genital Resemblauce Miss Pollard Becomes Very Emphatic in Her . Testimony. Washlngtos, April 6.-The curtain was rung down on the most interesting scenes of exrouaraisreckinridge case to-day when the last of the evidence was submitted to me jury, it was a sort of clearing np day xi rv rr i.iit mnr arr m n i i .v. u a Fiay wnen explanations and reconciliations spe in order, and the ses sion oi tne Circuit court differed from the drama's conclusion only in the absence of au aujusiment of the difference of the prin- wyai actors, mat will be left to the jury. Col. Breckinridge was the last witness of me iai. j.iKe Miss Pollard, who had pre ceded him, he denied pretty much every thing she and her witnesse had said, iust . . J an m3 """'s owtiemema and those put forward On his Koliolf THE STATE CAPITAL. The Question of Terms of the Judges- .7 , ,n tbe Fuller Case Madeline Pollard's Father a Former Resident of Raleigh Revenue Collections Messengek Bubeau, ) T. RAI.KIGH. April 6. f ine question of the dnmtinn - office for judges appointed to fiU vacancies 13 oeen Placed squarelv befor t, e preme court. It will h o-. . the Attorney General M v; that these appointments were for c;f years. - & on his behalf. The plaintiffs attorneys, Carlisle and Mr. Mr. Calderon Johnson, took- th cfoj and testined that there was no truth in the inference put forward f" " Ja ODeorthebt er of them or th plaint ff had sliced a i Christmas card of Miss-Pollard's luto a book at the Norwood foSnl asylum of Cincinnati, to strength her claTm tuat she had been there in her confinemln? and tuere was more testimony abou? the ISSf to Miss Pollard, or "Mrs. Hall" ah called herself and which died two month! morning session when old aunt Mary Iht colored mid-wife who attended "Mrsiall said she had never seen "Mr. Hall" uotil SSSSdT4: WheQ 8he "reced hCby rn " All day yesterday and all to-dav th s,,' preme court heard arguments in the E C J Poer,m7.der CaSe" Yestday Hon. G. M." We, Eso..also for thedef?nse snoke n Hon' IT' to thTS? defend Th?lJlq ' spoke also 'or the MadSu !-ow .oted ! thfi inn ana was in the US TkaTBasi iTOJK The oil mills V,r""Y-"i,"aleigQ- Mr. M. n Hh-ir' .""wns. lamented rkXT i' flel ,? the late here on "Vr?"""11 : hotwell, is I Harri.sh,7 Pw"rellus- 1113 tiome is at niore cheSg to fmU' "n to be for cigars and ciret tea Z f"'521- and U-tm forCtXCCo ' '32? fOT 8pinfs' eigh hORlHrv Tro- S.spmaWrsTobeXub touS peniSary bra nvicl recaptured in Florida? convict was ,lVel i appointed 7 . 2 on Beauty ni Purity Go hand in hand. They are the founda tion of health and happiness. Health, because of pure blood : Happiness, becaiie i' i Thousands of useful Uves have been rwSL? distrsin hurnors. Is the greatest of skin purifiers As weU as blood purifiers. Jecause of its peculiar action mc pores, It is successful in preventing And curing all forms of I Skn, Scalp and Blood humors, When the best physicians fail. iitirely vegetable, safe, and pala. table. i ci Jt especially appeals to mothers and Because it acts so gently, yU effec Upon the skin and blood, as the liver, kidneys, and bowels. Its use at all times insures a clear skin and pure blood, As well as sound bodily health. I Fniitof tie loom I ix4 Salrtlng, S Cents. S Katz $1.50 White lid Gloves, Large Button, Only 0gOi "6 Market Street. PoIvoq: HIS WEEK OUR TALK as well j8 LIMITED TO ATTRACTIVE ELOQUENCE OF PRICES. . Eloquent Prices in Colored Dress Goods CIJ . How to Cure Skin and Bl!odHu; free. e carjacitv-inr ihn ti mills, which now havp VZf1 Blem,8le-. filing hair and L pie baby rashes prevented by Cuticura Soap. 40c, our commissary and CT NerVOUS Instantly relieved by a C?i- pfl!na , mra Master, because it vital- FairiS and e, the nerve forces, and hence Weakness !!?!.,M;rvous wi4 and numbness. day. will '1 Pi r 1 1 i .... . . 1. ... O " muuicma iiiermn wi i r-. ...... - i Monday the argument.. tu 4 1 : . . i ' ' - " fi-iiz lurv wilt utrgiu. ine ease mav nerhnno I nett tt1,hi:-j Ihursdm vk,i i prooaDiy not until inursoaj. Mr. Carlisle will open for th afn:nt inomPson for will the make Jude Jere Wflwill cose" the S wUh his argument for the plaintiff. S T6,111 VUU VAalll I I I M I If 111 fl.It I'n.l.'.l. she can't help herself. All the newspaper atfhe out of the librae ftr fivemin3 correspondents have eone J , S.1 to. examine the records ? ZxtJL quite dull but waiting for the next act. tures. in announcing his ruling uton th oi order Mr. Hatch, chairman, state i r?on OI a 8tatute made by the head of an Executive Department, charged With lta ovzn,H 1 if. . ' . . 6CU e point d that COMMERCIAL NAVS. Stocks and Bonds in New Yo'rft. The Cirain and Provision Markets or Chienao. tXrJtRK' APrfl8 The dealing, at the Stock Exchange to-day were characterized by marked strength without, however, any material increase in the volume of transac tions. The sales jirorrorru,i .-, , v, f-'.v.vi snares. Wiliuington's Iiast'Chance. The Produce Exchange committee and Messrs. J. S. Armstrong and L. L. Jen kins called upon our citizens vesterdav them an ornnrturitTr fnl.,v . . J - tion of an erprnri Cn" :aDth the. United SteteL" adSX ize.m our citv. Snmi I chair said in ),; r'.YrB viiiiuii w as mereiv to OlTtT " . I i I T. . . -.t sura in me new iu propoicd to organize .in our city. Som progress waa made, but the amount re quired from our citizens is still short by several thousund dollars. These gentlemen come here and uiTer to put in three times as much capital as our citizens do, and Wilmington should not even have given tlieni the trouble of canvassing for the .small amount which is asked of them. Our city is indeed lucky to have attracted tlies,; gentlemen and their capital, but if the liberal proposition they make is al lowed to pass by unnoticed, we will cer tainly deserve to be put down as a back ' number sure enough. Let it be remem bered, that a city does not make business T.rv.T 1 . . . juvu,.uub uusmess men make a citv,-a proof of which we have in the wonderful city of Atlanta Wilmington's business men ran make Wilmington, if they have got th3 pluck and enterprise, and now lets see if they have got the right sort of Btuff in them. Messrs. Armstrong and Jenkins have giyen us the third chance to accept their proposition, and to-day will be the last opportunity we will have to secure them and their capital for Wilmington. They will leave this afternoon, and will make no further elfort here if tliev do not suc ceed to-day. Will our people let them go? with its execution, had the" same authority and effect as the construction made bv a court of competent jurisdiction and became a part of that law until it was repealed modihed. or dec rod th that has the right to overrule the construc- 1'ollard, Sister Asnes an "M' V" To one of the jurors, MrT Crhs e said he' was not sure, hut it .,u.!...11" he diano T." "i? 'pression mat Mr TiTi.T....." "ler fie returned. hlT ta'i "l1" Perfectly flat .. " aiuiu me book and tho He thought theX;U"ia ?.a' ! "O.W. wXJ- He of the book-cas vr:irL.oFeiivaK, done while he wa, T'i" '"aA D?en the next room. 6 UF tue recora m Wm G. Johnson - Atr f!ori;.U'. i -...i ner. who w t thJ " la.w P"1: was. fo "t:--"lli "en me card The sun's Cotton Review. -kw York, April 5.-The Sun, cotton review says: Cotton declined 4 a recovered this and then reacted and Vnded steady at 1 point decline for the day Sales were 92,000 bales. . Livernool f point and closed barely steady. Spot sales we in nnn ki .4. , J. slle3 Manch " "ncna?S.1 Pes. In Atlantic National Bank ' i WILMINGTON, N. C. upiidj, . .... $125,000.00. o , . 1 I ouipiub, ... . . 20,000.00 wS FaDCy Price thi8 throt,, price mtfJJ f inches, . r joru. PreciUa Suitings. 50 .Hri, r uiia wees zoc per yard. JiUgllSn XlaOltl'loths am.,'n.l.Jj. i . 1 "f""ssuiues, wortn f 1.00, our price 75c per yard. 0 inch all WOOl SnrnV, q,m leaogc.lors.ourprice 40 inch all wool Storm Serge naVy and Black, sale price 25c toer vard il.25 Surah Senre. brok fhia T""' w"Tgs, Price v-cn. oac pgj yar(j donhl-ar?-Wi DaV7 blQe Storm Serge double chain, also same in color, value. 95c 56 inch navy blue waterproof Storm" Seree warranted, value fl.50, at 98c. ' Serpentine Crepes, in all the latest evening JB"""B ues, lavender, pink, &c, &c., at . . cream, Manchester yarns uurns ami. New Orl;o h"",: M?u nninta.. " .""7 """W O 10 i 111 n 1 nr j Riki v, 1 . ldlllf 25?a1t y'ea'r7 bales, StaS VoS last weekandTsolf ? s,hiPents'were SVa9' yc, 49c and 69c STORM SERGES. 40 inch all wool navy blue Stlrm Serge vain a fVl of 9ort I ucrKi w wvv, CU J7s, GENERAL BANK- the In- 33.931 last ot j oo-o'" Vales- 211,949 bales aeainst 9 SlTri i T i V8tocks 315 191 W'tlf'.week, and bales fcvrt.V .V -v.e.ui'". received 201 wivTaVr,"? "Pi St ..w uaiea ana sninnoH KJ oamc oir w . " V ucjium wnen rne fiarrt rew uM l n u.7 r-t- yesieruay. The bears mart "a3 louna, corroborated th tamnn. i uaies ana a drive against r,af,in a . .7 Mr. Carlisle. He also Mid.rh reeipts i ccuiuk I I'Ollarrt wont in th r I r. chair said. declaratory books, and ruled. hi ills ODiniOIl wna or a statute already on the the point of order was over- Mr. Henderson sent trt tha Amy- oi i j read a statement from the postorhce depart- o.m ,ug mm, last year tnere were ...umuiucu inrougn tne mails puunas or second-class tne department. 265,634,213 matter, at a loss to as compared with tho ceipts from transmission of other classes of publications, of S17 x:u dn? of u lute cost of over 16,000,000. un motion of Mr. Everett the amendment was further amended by including the pub lications of literary and historical societies and the bulletins of State boards of health As amended, the amendment was adopted .i7iS,!p2rted' the bil1 contained an item of ".00u for printing postage stamps. Un der the bid of the bureau of engraving and printing to do the work. Mr Henderson moved to reduce the amount to $163,000. V ltliout disposing: of this amendmpnt lh committee rose and the House took a recess until 8 o'clock, the evening session to be for the consideration of pension bills i. . . -jiiug, ua me strength of the de velopments in regard to the quo warranto proceedings, and the stock declined li per cent, to 245. The attack was undoubtedly intended to influence but the buying power waa such as to more than counterbalance the-sales for the short account and a recovery set in which gradu ally extended to the entire line of railway and industrial shares. The strenrth of the London market and the receipts of fore gn DUVinET Ordpra ch'ml..j ilF 1 lureigll t- r "'""uia me movement. ?i u " , lue asyiuin nbrary she said that she thought. sh ho.i 80111 ,r,i ot "cv. ran a jurist mas cira at the aavlnm wlion t j.. . ior it. liie card, she sniH woo m.. J15- xnitiaonThecard v m. ald k the stand again when r-otn80nad concluded. She slid she had never known and had never seen the Wo man named Mollie Shinglebauer or Milled nor JJrant. nr k"anfrr,. r: r -ner, .were Week, 18,687 and to-dav asrainst 7 77 last vearT Snnt , Lw!ej and vanrT," x"cesX . Charleston ad- bales. GalW oS.w'f?D8 W 2-500 st. Louis, hours was: .52 of an inch at kJSA0-" on j .... db ACW 1 Irlaoti t. u,o . . ujuer, i -xs at ADUene Tt i.u. ' r".:-??? "1.aux.ma.n. tae two men who North (tan; c,;? "T eiaewnere. TRANSACTS A INQ BUSINESS. DEALS IN FOREIGN AND DOMES TIC EXCHANGES. PROMPT AND ESPECIAL ATTEN- Louis I TION GIVEN TO a nnnmcrmc shipped 2,917. POSITORS RESIDING OTTT op rr, CITY. t SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES TO RENT AT FROM $4 TO $8 PER ANNUm! J. W. NORWOOD, President. An j , . fi0, . . . i"wi ororm 6C) worruntea last mh ; omy value 75c, at 49c. ELO Q DE T PRICES irv B navy blue 14c, 18c and 29c. IMPORTED PATTERN SUITS.-Don't miss seeing the Easter display. 8.00 to f 12.00 Suits 13.98 10 Pattern Suits f 8.00 " 10.00 " 12.50 Imported Challies 17.50 Suits onlfU 50 3-inch dark ground wool Challies this week only 29c per yard. nnWChaUie8 iQ new "Pring colorings only 19Jc per yard. . Best quality Wool Challies, latest designs 19c per yard. 6 10 5 acK and colored sis. Cashie Black Ground -India Silks 50c week 39c per yard. , Black Satin only 43c, worth 60c ,1JWWMI &at -Unchesse this1 week 98c.' iiiact and navy ground India! wees only 69c per yard. .' Our f 1.25 Figured India Silks uesigns, this week 98c per yard. for OTe. aggressive than storV, 7, c,". ,oou?nt all classes of :K1", "-j, uuuuus3 Decause thev are able to secure n th " ? r merely nominal ratpi nf tr0AV?sn?ton that the Wilson biilnav anough the advices as yet are testined that they had known th u,-J? fnnThte 0f.a hoilse of iH-fame in Lex ington She also denied knowing Lena Singleton, the keenpr of o t j t.118 of bad repute in which MolHSebauel Kautman and Brant swore they saw he? r3?.. y0Q ever 8 with John u, assureaiy not, Air. Carlisle; I Carolina sal, f t- ?""J c"'lw"CT- jailer than last year7 SomrcountiesT Kad in acreage. Stocks in ten ' a,le,' against i,675 a year cton&1 ? London! General trading ismproving. CanW' did. never Lay the Dust, TBT THS GRASS, SPRINKLE THB GAli- den, .wash The Windows! Fifty Feet of fiose complete and ready ior ns tor $5.70 ad opward according to quality, at j CHAS. M. WHITLtir.irs 305 North Front St., WUmingtoD.N. C Eloquent Prices grade, this Silks this exclusive 3 has Our $2 black Moire fl.50 this week. Swivel shaded Silks in Surah and Taffetas iUC uiiug ior smrt Waists, 75c and nuiLu ana r.25. been reduced to 84c, 32 inch black and colored pv.?t, ssiv. 48c per yard. uijr . w!1;00tBCkI?diaSilka to be opened this week at 59c per yard. in Mourning Dress Goods ap 1 real sentiment of the Senate. The ad vance lenffllhVrr Per CCIV- SugLa Dfstif- transactions was MlZiK 'Did you ever know Hiram Kaufman?" hi X w dT an never heard f nim un sition " Ut brUght in his lyg depo- fnHa0,' IiS3A Polard. did you tell this de fendant in Wesleyan college the day he caned that you had been i It Was not Peach Brandy. pru b.-A special to the Jl NU T U II I I n i OSsmw-Czremd'e from Winston, says: John At I fl8 Un UCKV Comfir Stone, AV lUiam and James Suits, emnlnv wmuuiJf UJfllCI in the tobacco factory of W. H. Eeeyes & cons, at.noanng River, Wilkes county, u..usaa opuie or peach flavor (oil of , ran late nfh, :, ",u iur "goring tne man- i Tft he difference between the companv mate with Air PvIao --""v.o. i -. ' iiaiuiiuEtiieiTian. i i never did. There could nevr ha o ""ciurea goods. The men thought it Nice1- cumstance which could warrant tolliJ,." i.id peach brandy. and they? therefore BKKF. or, old deaSyfarmerT" 1 Eac1' 0Qe took a large CHA "gXTRA FANCY LBMONS 15c per Doen. NICB TABLB BUTTER 25c per pound, j , JOJMUSN8ED MILK in Glass. xvxa HAMS AND DRIBD 36 inch black Whipcord, 40c quality, this 60c black Surah Serge, 40 inch all wool, this week 42c. . ' 1 Leynn's Silk Finished Henrietta, this wees, wc per yard. Black Silk Mournin er Veils ti i mie u: i . " ' r will insist nrJ,- iomuu management dZ tt!?!ffiei,t J the Indeb-- Iuis,dolla;fordoUa proposition from the latter will be "elected alClof 8t-ng at or neaSltesi -0 . uay. ine aav s cinuaaj cu ewfvtord vr, irf?o ever improperly intiinath Ao, Mr. business in i. aub iow priced issues wore sfocksetobdl'eqUeSt; ,The TtoW HsfoH 5,3 snares: un- Carlisle." Yd-nn nn i. negative as distinct .r,ii k ; '.-j.. f phisis. 7 M w m'Beffl- 'Did you tell the defendant that you had u t0 the. Kateiof Sarah Gess' house with Rodes. as stated bv the Hrfonao" nYl!? 2 L1?61 Sarah Gess, Lodge Matters. Mr. Horace II. Munson, of this city, grand recorder, sends out notice that the Errand tommanrleiy of Knights Temp lar, of North Carolina, will hold its' four teenth annual conclave in the city of Charlotte, on Tuesday, May 8th, com menig at 8 o'clock p. m. Mr. Munson as grand secretary, also sends out notice that. the Grand Rival Arch Chapter, of -ori,fi Carolina, wm nold its forty -sixth annual convocation in Charlotte on Thursday, May lOtli, commencing at 8 o'clock p. mi The Odd Fellow lodges of this city liav elected the following representa tives to the Grand Lodge of North Caro lina, which meets at Goldsboro May 8th: Cape Fear lodge, No. 2 Walker Tav- lor, representative; M. W. Jacobi, alter nate. Orion lodge., No. 67 Fred B. Rice, representative; W. J. Reaves, alternate. Wilmington lodge, No. 139 Washing ton Catlett, representative; J. M. Mc ( iowan, alternate. ' Hanover Lodge A. J. Howell, Jr., roprentative; Dr. J. E. Matthews, alter nate. . The several lodges of Odd Fellows of this city will appropriately celebrate the anniversary of the introduction of Odd Fellowship into America, on the night of Thursday. April 26th. The Rev. V. B. Oliver, th gifted pastor of the First Baptist church, has accepted the invita tion to deliver the address on the occasion. . Tarboro Notes. TCorrespondeuce of the Messenger. Tarboro, X. C, April 6.41894. f: Dorsey Battle. Esq., has opened a law of fice here and at Rocky Mount. He will practice fn both places. We welcome him back to the profession. A great many of the tobacco beds', in" this county have been damage, and it is thought the acreage will be decreased. The farmers are planting more corn than they have eyer planted, and are raisins rrovisioni in t ereatpst. nlpntAr Tho t -n i I and nndortnna r .l - . . it is tnought that a special term will be Mayfuture exceeds bv furthZn? t if& i ine irutn nr this nij . . 't, i a . . . v"- Knn i7 vr Froui m tne noticed hTT nth-, . i"""?. " was ' y-" cmuiuvH mac ine men were yery black in the face and looked deathly slck. The men declined to tell rfZff, Jamea Suits man- rX k wuere ne related to his peo ple what he had drunk. At the sug gestion of some one a quantity of grease wns . j.J? ,v throafand he warepoted to be stil? livmg this afternoon. thnnrh PIT ASH A-KTTt oiwnn. NOWNED JAVA AND MOfcHA. inches 65c aU wool black Henrietta, .40 wide, this week 44c per yard. 90c aU wool 46 inch double China Surah Serge, this week 63c per yard. fl.25 Superior Silk Finished Henrietta 47 yard nly 89 centa P51 And jou know we are Better than otto. ueauuuartera. .'lBN FLOUR! QUBBN FLOTjR ! Thi 1. maVeT cake anT?ne slto s. w. Eloquent Prices and Lale listed, 45,313 Cuicaoo, April 6 Wheat had ' ranee to-dnv ti il "ea1, flaa a great gain over yesterdav. "u.. wide nor went to her house, nor saw "her gate JldTT ough his condition was until I went with my arm in his tnrnh "P8" . His brother and Stone had to hi carrieu 10 their respective horn continued to grow worse until 2-; about which hour both men died SANDERS! that gate let me aav'thr ci earned to their respective hnm ,r ina- Wr v,,i .rl? .Tl "!, V,cu. I continued tn om ' .r." .r . t" nt M aj' Daely tried to inter- about wh,Vh k" ""ui- ziw o clock, ''The defendant savs vnnr imni.. macy with him commenced on August is " trip dav ho ro ri frt A . to , . . ' 7. J I 1. j o-v uu August XSL, itiment tn,eay ne came to see you at the college " clearly . itdid not and it was not until Saturday necessary to clear the docket, Judge Graves "in picaiuc. Our county roads are worked by taxation, but it has been a hard'thing to get them forked even this way. So many plans have been offered, that it has resulted in nothing being done The county commissioners have now adopted their original plans, and Mr. Cnerrywiigfemnience work at once. Ihe roads certainly need it. Do Not Want Re- question of negro Dem- Another Colored corder. Washington-, April 6 The confirming C. H. J. Taylor, the1 uciaioi rvansas, wno, after being rejected as Minister to Bolivia, had been nominated to the important office of recorder of deeds of the District of Columbia, to succed the present colored occupant of that offl-e. ex . If. i: 7 l 1 1 .t 1 1 1 ' T . ... . ..ci jj. xj.. i,ruce, oi Mississippi, was brought before the Senate Gommittee on the District of Columbia this morning A strong right is being made by! Washington City Democrats against the caiifirmntirvn nf Taylor on th, ground that hisT nomina t on irade was at 3Ssf is a violation of the "hnma -,Ju" -i w due . at 6c- 1 . Kiuiia a mi .... ine oats market was assisted to a strone undertone hv ha m;0c.; . 7 ."f'& -- . j ..njouuii tiup report. The infii,.. .7" .? t"""1 1U "-"e ac- u . l7. "Prions, tne spread between them at one time narrowing to ic, mIy ad th ?nd Jvremaininl stationary At SthediSerence was fully 2c, and at the close but gc separated them. The ex citement though high, was at no time excessive to-day, the market imbibing new strength as it advanced. Who is buying Ihle off a "estion that is unanswer able. Offerings are, absorbed, and yet the and T'tW thi he"ts!de world is in buv fn7 ThI trade is broad goes withoutsay" (Mr .Tnseof May was between fc6i to tbThf1S!beli1S c ver yesterdav at nT(iv. tu T t Jury was between Ofljc a"65i?' g ?C ander yesterday 0e invest that otherwise would have centered in t be corn market was diverted Sea? Ther6 maifice POSsibiUtS Ja 1 There was some good buying and hkewise some good selling, the net re? suit being a fractional gain over yesterday ihe ranee of nricps wBa o litti. ' of late. Mav SPll K;" " "o .n "e"n oot : . -'""tj birccu otiu ana on to ".b -j jctc. i esterdav s at PQIjnnA ln . i, twit you on nis lapr' juuccu-iic-um-ijui was the emphatic i ron?e0a'f says you mentioned the name of George Lliot as your ideal the night of that carnage ride is that so?" , JtHer namf not mentioned, I did thTf Ta.k of- Geor?e EUoC til I was hps? , n Ka miserabIe room over a mat ti ess store before ni v hohit.. u I thnkMmT of r?e Ehot's Vorks. SSSSn?K benet bowevef, hif f!nnt "..h.e Put -a 10 into ride?" - conclusion or tne carriage "That's as false a statement as ever he Eff Mss Pollard with emphasies on ; 1 P. n-u- At P tlme could any man put a 10 bill m my hands." Once Miss Pollard was interrupted bv the .court, who told her to stick tolirect Ltp? r or JiMge Lynch's Court Raleigh, X. C, AprU 6.-A special to the Mws-Obterver-Chroniele from Winston. X. C says: About sun down last evening a negro named John Horace; 19 years old, attempted to outrage the 6-year-old daughter of W T. c?S SW18 worH!nBr Bruce and LSlT a wneelbarrow to the - ' , . . iw yaras iroru the hodse where the hendish attempt was made The wentSnherKCl0theaw?re badly torn She 1 ZZiS and related to her r-"-i "au Deen done. The negro panT ay,: bu ws caught last night by sev eral omcers. (Jonsiderable Spring Suitings! gPBINQ HAS OPENED WITH A VIM. THB dull times hive passed and we are now ready to receive your orders. We have the latest styles in Pants and Suitings. Be sure randflcall Mohair Insertion 15c quality, lot. 20c " 15c. Silk Crochet Insertion, 30c grad 20c. 25a Point Venesse Insertion J5c. I "v 1 . . . . ! vuriotoi lorcnon Edges wnrth IftfnOTk. ior bc per yard. one lot of Val Insertion worth hntn x ior oc per yaxd. The vailed last night and there was a talk of umuman Drute. Everything was auiet trwlnv tt.7. 5Sf5te2Jf? a iice Tr r , oouna over to the criminal court. The negroes there are very much incensed at the action of the brute as well as th rHf t " lvnchino.is7" pcopie, ana n iLaj cu. best attention sriven. and examine for yourself. ' Respectfully, F. H. Krahnke in Trimming, Braid Departments. 2,000 yards Embroideries worth I2ic to 20c for 8c per yard. Bead Trimmings worth 15c for 10c. Bead Insertion worth 11.35 for 95c per yard. Point Venesse Edges worth 75c, this week 4y cents. Do not fail to Laces this week. look through our line of m in wash Fabrics, & Co. Truckers, Gardeners j AD -.. -.. Country Merchants. 10c Ginghams, dress styles: 7c pef yard. 15c Manchester Chsmhrmra nonr . . . iaoi, wiors, saie price 10c per yard. 15c Figured Dimities this week only 10c. lou Tencn Percale everv coloring 101 j T ' -r per y aru. , 12ic Percales 10c. ' ' ments. w., vuniu Miauurui. k?n meanbers of the committee this morning decided by a vote ? i 2 so ,far 88 tDey werle concerned, that they would make an unfavorable re- ("uu uuiumauon. xms action will nowever o neid in abeyanc in order to lermii me oiner nve. members, of the com uiitiee to vote St. Vhen Baby waa lck, we gave her Castorla. WThen she wu a Child, she cried for Castorla. "When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, (he gave them Castoria, A Household Treasure. D. W.. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y., t-ays that he always keeps Dr. King's uiscoverv in tne nouse ana ms New family has always found the very best results follow its use; that he would not be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dykeman, druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King's New Discovery is ur doubtedly the best Cough remedy; that ne has used it in his family for eight year, and it has nvor f iJioi n oil ti;at is claimed for it. Wrhy not try a remedy so long tried and tested? Trial bottles free at It. R. Bellamy's drug store. Regular size 50c and $1. . x. lijncnmg in lieofeia. Locis, ApriFB. A special to the Chrrm. Me from Greensboro, Ga., says that Mrs. Cham bliss, a white woman, was criminally assaulted by a negro last night. The negro was captured early this morning and, after hainn i . 1 .....:. .. J 1 V . . - 1 i ""k lucuuucu uy nis vicum.i was piacea in jail. An hour afterwards a mob attacked the ail. In response to a telegram from tne sheriff Governor Xorthen ordered out "oopu, but before they reached the jail the mob battered down the doors, Thev dragged me negro froni his 'cell and lynched him at ll:J"aAn wneat Helped also, but shortlv uciure me ena tnere was a aft; pri.es so that Jr,too -""-"B tossof ToinMaItlclole:""6", WM aal0Zisl0na wuere not as active nor as firm offo J8 ben recently. The element of to-day's weakness lay in the sellins of pork and ribs by packers. There was a'dS iNeiiner tne noe mrte n . i , 24c for Mav Ji a. PrK. Strikes and Failures. , New York, April G.-BradtrteV s to-morrow will say: The industrial feature of the week is found in thirty-one strikes through out the country, involving 40,000 exployes principally among building trades at Xew Eloquent White! 30c colored Organdies this week 19c per yard. . Navy and Black open work figure d Or gandies, worth 30c, sale price 18c per yard French Pattern Satines, a foot away yon would mistake for a silk, sale price 121c Best quality Indigo Prints only 6c per yard. . Ta Investigate Governor Tillman's Conduct, Washington. T n House Committee on" Inter . State and York an Chicago, textile industries at Pat- oreign Gommittee to-dav took nn th mrZ I "on and JSew York, coal miners nn.l mto Lu " h- Genor (Republican pf Wste.rn Pennsylvania and far- ? 0'1Tect?s the committee to inqure fr Wlst- Noticeably large increases in Whe aiCtl of. governor Tillman of if 8?a11 strikes weekly have SIS ?n le?A the railroad and ,,!M?? of 'esumptions of industrial ""ra in ma oiace ana Bnnnrs t, I -'"""uh. LoTr Pahes- "ethe resolution was read Mr. Storrer. (Republican, of Ohio ) moved to postpone its consideration until ednesday in order to allow Mr. Grosvenor to appeal before the commiitee on the sub ject, ihe motion was agreed to. 7"E AKS BBTTER PREPARED THAN EVER BHPORB TO 8TJPPLT TOTJK WANTS IN uarden and Crop 1893. BEST VARIETIES. SXZaSL of cloths have LARGEST fi-.? "7. M""wwuua. The Klre at Burgaw. fCJorrespondence of the Messenger. I Buegaw. X. C, April 6th. The gin house, gin and contents owned by Mr. R. M. Croom and operated by V M, Hand of this place, were consumed by fire this morning at 9 o'clock, together - with gome lint cotton, cotton seed and three bales of cotton, owned by Mr. R. T. Williams. The cotton that had been baled was only partially destroyed. The lire originated from a spark from the saw mill just north of the gin house. Mr. Croom's lost is Specimen Casea t S-H-clif?ord. New CasseL Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia aAd Rheuma tism, his Stomach was disordered, his hleZZ??lC to analankingdegree, reduced in SesH and t JF? "bout $400, W. M. Hand, $35 or f ibT Mr . SS5 streiigth. Three Williams about $50 with no insnrence , uvmra ui xjicvm; jituers cured uim Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg. 'm had a running sore on hid leg of eio-h't years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Buck ien's Arnica Salve, and his jleg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five large fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bot tle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold bv R. R. Bellamy's Dru store. Injunction A gainst Strikers Iodifled Mhwackee, Wis., April 6. Judge Jen kins has modified his injunction order against the striking of employes of the Jjorthern Pacific railroad by striking out the clause which reads: "And from order ing, recommending, approving or advising others to quit the service of the receivers of the Aorthern Pacific on January 1, 1894 or at any other time. ' In aU other respects the judge denies the motion of the men. There were 199 business failures reported to Bradstreet't this .i. o.POVe(? wpb- ixi: ; VI "eaiiicjL 0 last vears'a ZlamtZ year 165 two years ago, and 18 three years ago. . Shot by an Injured Husband .h .aP"i 6,-LenneI Davis T-rr",""?-.".- ames.nere this wif . Bo JiwJr l "pacy with Davis' '"" waa siioi inree times in - tho YOTJ WILL UNDOUBTUDLIT SAVE MONET BY BUYING FROM ' R0BL R. BELLAMY & 60., Wholesale Drnggtets and Seedsmen, .t . WILMINGTON. N. O. -. . , ' I iuuia juiiicu wonn juc mis rield Seeds, week 6c Per yard. ) . itemnents worth 15c for 10c. ' " 20c for 12ic. White Plaid Nainsook worth per yard. White Checked Nainsooks worth 15c for 10c per yard. White Hopsacking worth 50c foi Wide Welt Figures worth 50c for 39c, 25c India Dimities for 15c. 60c French Nainsook only 39c per yard. Beautiful line of colored figured dotted owisses, sale price 12c. STOCK lit THE STATE. LOWEST PRICES. Goods and Embroidery Department. Hosiery' Department. 2ic for 8c 371c. wife.- n . . t. . I - . TIr T. eroin. uom men are white. u a uepuew or xwiuies, oi ueorgia ex-Congressman Highest of all inleavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report tment GENUINE ?tt EYE Testlno. Several other houses caught and but for the prompt action of the citizens, both white and colored, a considerable portion of nnr town would have been in ashes. I - Suicide of a Stranger. "'.AP.ri1 6. A well dressed man morrdnT 1 ue at ths Hotel Emery this morning by taken poison He remsfpred Ga mhfrr Howard VTJS era. lis laundry is mark erf- "T tw. ' Beyond this thre isothinganSngThe ded man's effar.ia i :.i ,e. .'"uu(? lae . w uioviuse nis identity. DO YOU 8TJPPBB WITH YOUR ETR 8 Tlien WllV not cnnonlt mm. it ia mn than probable that I can afford you relief such as Bye strain. Headache. Orannlar CioiMa wv irWL. and sore Byes. Being a practical Oculist Optician i eighteen years' exoerience. Ton ran expense by having your eyes examined In tne roost ferious cage of ImDRtred evealirtit mil mo.- nred for glaasea free of charge. 7 That veryrfew persons have nerfawt must be evident that it reantrea hntu and skill to know what the eyes -seed I ami them properly with g.aes TtoeehoJ? Corset ana Glove Dm Gloves fitted at our Glove Counter 0 anteed. Our Vigilant Corset only 45c -worth 65c. W. B. Corset highest reward at the World's Fair, f 1. White, Tan and Black Kids only 39c ner pan. I ' tl.50 white Chemois Duttons and tnmmines to mt.t, oc. t ifi9?5 8"bQtton 8uede Glove T tiy work to nninstructed dealer ar 1 'nu less of the most valuable of all tta TseiSel. St sight UR. M SCHWAB'S GUeg iS??t.ta n vianal imDerfertinn th.t Correct all . war rxnn Nnata.u KAT2 Gents' Fast Black Half Hose 15c per pair 75c half dozen. Children's Fast Black Hose 15c per pair 7oc half dozen. 40c Ladies' Hose sale price 25c. Children's Tan Hose 15c, 75c half dozen. Ladies' 60c Lisle Hose 42c. Ladies Ribbed Vests 5c each. 40c Ladles' Ribbed Vests onr t.h w Ladies' tl.25 French Lisl Vt ' fifj r,t - '""l'riCB Specials, in Ladies' Muslin Underwear This Week. 100 pair Drawers, nicely TrimmedTonTy 89cente. - . 100 8hirts worth $1.50, this week tl. Don't Miss the Great Sale of Mattings this Week. POLVOGT, MARCTJS, Bye Specialist andradnaSS7w " S20 Market streetTnear HnmS Sli?.0?1!010. S20 Market street near South ffird r?ii?fl2S n6 Market St.1 : Wilmington: N. G. repaired. Thi Onticai iiuiuiiuw is permanent. mas?

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