" : i - . , i - . - . ? - - : .-,:'.,. v i' - ' ' , - j , - - ' ' r - - r - . " , . 1 - , - j r i - . - " -t '' - -v-, ri m A T TO TTTHTX id r ttm',--. I - ...... : "it 9 ! I i f ! I 1 I TELEGRAPH 10 SUMMARY. The Justices of the Supreme court file opinions in a number of cases j-iree prominent busint S3 men of Chicago are arrested on char&e of conspjrcjyj, to steal from the ' Columbian Intra-Jlural railroad of the World's fair Ioj Wake county Hherili-elect Adams is Riven un til to day to make up his bond, are doubts as to Knieht's bond There jEx- dead i . . Governor Bowie, of Maryland, The court j sustains -some of j Capt. Howeate's demurrers and overrules others The Georgetown college au thorities prohibit foot ball playin. the rules are Jchanertd -The k' Lambert's Point, the first of No; new trans-Atlantic line, arrives port and takes on a cargo for Liverpool -Mr. Hartman, of Montana, intro duces in the House a free coins j :e bill The friends of the Nicaragua Canal bill are makiDg an effort to get it before the Ilou-.e of Representatives -A bilj is introduced in the South Carolii a' Sen ate to exempt from taxation new manu factories of various kind- rPeace has been restored in Venezuela44-Gold withdrawn from the treasury on account of the last bond issue was $7, OO.CCOj against $20,000,(03 for 'the February1 . 1894 issue- The amount of money in circulation in this country Decepiber li 1S94, was $89,768,010 less than jp'n De cember 1, 1S93 Five persqns are .killed by ah explosion of dynamite in 'Hull, Ont. The demand for te new Government bonds continues and there is likely to be another advance in price 'Japan says she. will considersrio fher peaca proposals except from 1 a 1 regularly accredited Ambassador young man is arrested . in u)ubliri, charged with the murder of the lewed woman in Kensington November 25th :- -Federal J Marshal Chewnirjf and John Bowles'arrested a noted blockade distiller near Roanoke, Va THd Phila- delnhia. authoriti s have local ed the noted burglar Thomas Dow4 alias Clark The Democratic Senators hold; a caucus to discuss the order of of the session, but came to no tmsmess t conclu- sion. Cloture and quorum coufitin 13 discussed. Difficulties in the way of the House raw material bills are oue The American Bottlers' tion in session in Richmond, Va pointed aesocia- . . adopt j a bill to be introduced in CoDglress for protection of trade marks on bpttles, etc- A British steamer from Hamburg i3 unloading 153,000 worth of War ma terials at Shanghai Mr. Detring, the ' Chinese peaca commissioner, says ne gotiations have passed into the iands of American ministefs to China ani Japan ! Behan, injured at foot ball Thanks giving day is slightly improved 4 Ives' nlavinz last niht wae wonderful. He made GQ0, tdj Shaefer's 2& Sugar trust is making efforts Louisiafta refine4 sugar out -The 0 arive of the markets of the country Sou Carl- i Una's new Governor . was inaugurated yesterday The Independents defeat the - Democratic municipal ticket in Birmingham, Ala: R. F. Kolto issues a proclamation to the people of Alabama good is dangerously lit Mr$. Jonn Ti nr tVior.pr. or At anta. cues iromi swallowing carbolic acid The Jack sonville city j council repeals jthe prize fighting license ordinance -Japan is. cnxious to sign the treaty of ceace in Pekiii If there is to be a division of China territory France will demand a big slice Twenty Armenian jrefugees. reacii h Athpna RepublicaESt I makej gain? in elections, the Massachusetts municipal C-usea Decided by the Supr me Court special to the esseLRej ! ; i .Raleigh, Dtc. 4. The Supreme court this evening filed the following opinions: TniAtt va. Riilroad. from Person county new trial granted upon the j third arid fourth issues, leaving the verqict upon the other issties undisturbed; Bttgin ys Railroad, ifroni McDowell, affirmed I -Riapk vs. TJailroad. from Moore, affirmed tate vs. Pafsonsfrom Wilkes, rf.nv-jt.pr va. Farrtll. from Chatham, new trial; McMillan vs. Cambill, frcm Ashe new trial; Black! vs. Ore Knob; Copper company, from Ashe, appeal dismissed Oravson vs. English, from McDoweilli 'Affirmed:' Triulttt vs. Foste fronk Wilkes, affirmed; Braddy.& Gay lord vs I Insurance company, from Forfyth, new trial I- Diuleulry in ecnrine Bonda. ! fgpecial to tne Messenger.; Raleigh,! Dec. 4. Sheriff-elejct Adams was given ; until to-morrow to get his bond in satisfactory thapej. Gravj) doubts are entertained as to jthe accept ance of the bond of Knight also jYoung'i and Rogers' bend are all right Governor Evans InangufatejJ Columbia, S. C, Dec. 4.-jTo-day in the hall of the' House of Reprefeentatiyes John Gary Evans was inaugurated Gov jernor of the State of South Carolina in the presence of the members .jof the G0n orftl AFf mblv. and at the samfe time, !? It Tiiimahi the man who baa Ibeen the M ruler of his State (mir vials nraaed to have .or.;iir iriiflipupr and beeamks ah ordi- jnary citizen, which he will remain till Warch 4th next, when it is more than ' likelv he will succeed Senatot Putler in the United; States Senate. Hje bnnnv fram of mind todayt was m a His last official acts were to sign four pardons Ileavy Demand For the New Bondf, New York. Dec. 4. HarveM Fiskl Sons savs: The pales of (overnment bonds by the syndicate hare been 2 bout fl4.000.0t0.and another advance in price is imminent. The balance is) likely j to be absorbed in the. early ( future, as, aside from the investment inquiry, there is an active demand for tha j- bonds fo id ior mar tax, as weU ... I escape the income tax as local and other taxes. fTeaod Restored In Venezuela. ; Washington, Dec. 4. The Vene zuelan Minister baa received the follow ing despatch from Caracas,! signed by the Minister of the Interior; Ap. amnesty fcatOieen enacted by the Gorernment. Political prisoners are at liberty. The peace is firm and solid. " Gen. ICrespo la strongest. ! Confidence is . complete. Business is active and the cpffee crop excellent. ;(! .- 1 Johnson's Tasteless Compound Cod Liver Oil with hypo-phosphites gives tone to the nerves; strengthening;! stimulat ing and producing healthy 'flesh . like magic. J. Hijks Bunting and J. H. fjardin, Wilmington, N. C, druggists, i d until earner tfolk's I at that DEMOGRATIG SENATORS HOLD A jOAUCUS UPON THE ORDER OP BUSINESS. ! Great ; Differences of Opinion Mani- ieet4 Cloture, and Qaornm Counting Discussed Difficult ies In jibe Way of the House Free Raw Material -Bills No Conclusion ; Arrived At. Washixc ton, Dec. 4. For two hours and a half the Democratic members of the Senate caucus discussed the order of j business 11 lis afternoon behind closed doors and ut the expiration of that timej were unable to agree, and adjourned to meet sgain Thursday. TJ Sre was not ati any time a full representation of the ma4 ority present, and when the hour of 4 b'clock caiae the number had dwindled jto twenty- ;hree, hardly sufficient to take positive" action on any proposition, j The caujcus was called ostensibly tc consider ai order of business and to de cide what measures should be giyen preference in the work of the session. There w as a great difference of opin ion and almost before the caucus knew it, it was plunged into a discussion as t0 the advisability of attempting to change the rules Jbo as to provide for cloture anjl the counting of a quorum. The men who advefcated this are those who desire to tee thej so-called pop-gun bills of the House passed by the Senate. . j Senator Harris admonished his asso ciates tbt this was the short sessiop; that a vast amount of work was befo(e the Senate and it behooved their party to get together at the earliest possible moment nnd.sgree upon some plan jf action;. This suggestion met with favor but, upon the details, no agreement could be reached. , Senator Daniel, brought things to a climax by offering a resolution declaririg it to be the will of the party that an effort rules. should be made to change the ; He was in favor of cloture and fMniiriinff nf ft nitnrnm I Senato: Daniel was reinforced by the arguments of Senators Vtst, Pugh and George, while others spoke earnestly against t ie proposedchangem the rules, say ing th at it would xpen the way to a debate, tb e Republicans would be glad i ;o meet, an i end only in thexonsumptic n of time that would ultimately imperil the passage of the Appropriation" bills. senator r aulkner called the attention of the caucus to the importance of pass ing the statehood bills for the lernto- rie3 of New Mexico and Arizona during the short session. X ! There & as seme very plain talk in re gard to the pop-gun Tariff bills and the sentiment wa3x pretty evenly divided. Senators ones and Harris agreed with SDme 6t tlieir colleagues that these meas ures ouglpt to be passed, but they very frankly told their colleagues of 'the dif ficulties that l9y in the pathway of. suc cess and asserted that the Republicans had informed them in the Finance com mittee that nothing touching the tariff should be enacted into law at this ses sion. ( Both gentlemen acknowledged the ability of the Republicans, lowing to the short session, by dilatory tactics, to keep the. threat they made, and advised the caucii3 that it would be time lost to attempt the passage of the Bill, j 1. The Armenian Atrocities. London. Dec. 5. The Armenian sp- ciety. ;cf London, has sent circulars to clergymen; of all sects, asking them attend the meeting called for December 17th to; protest against the atrocities in Aifmpnia and r.alline' iinnn the Govern- mentlto force. Turkey to lcstitute re forms: , . A de-natch from Athens savs that the twentyrmeman refugees who have ar- J rived there in a destitute condition a-e being! loaged at the expense of locjsl Armenians, who are themselves very poor, j i,ne reiugees sunerea greatiy during their long wanderings. Thjy embarked at Trebizonde in !a Grefk coaster, which had to call at Constanti- rropla and Smyrna on the voyage. While in tbo.-e ports the captain concealed the refugees in the hold and bunKers, lear- ing that the Turkish police would search the vesseil. Convicted, of Wife Murcler. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec.; 4. Wm Haves arvouns white man,! was eon' victed id the circuit court to-day of tne murder of his giri wife and her mother, Mrs. i Nison. The jury recqmmendjed Hyes tp mercy which saves him frqm thie gallows. The recommendation to mercy ctusps much indignation in Jaqk sonvillelas Hayes' crime was mp3t brutal. The muider was committed last summer. Hayes' wife refused to live with him be cause of his cruelty and she had returned to her n .other's home. One night, about ISho'clpck", Hayes forced his way iito the1 htvse occupied by the women ajnd Kitted mem. Massachusetts Municipal Elections. BoSTOf Dec. 4. Municipal electitprs were held in twenty-one of the .thirty nin Mtixi in th Goiiimanwealtu audi in most instances a full vote was FQiif- The Eebublicai s have made large jaa ni', due iri several instances to tne enuofse meut of its candidates by the : American Hrntpctive association, in a aumue ui ri tips the American Protective assoiia tioni have succeeaea in electing ufd candidates to the school committee and individual members of the city govern ment, wo Prize Fisbt License. . Jacksonville, Fia., Dec. 4. The cjity council to-day repealed the ordinance jct nsirig prize fight, which was passed last i winfer just before the Corbett- Mitchell miii. Circular" Jo venqig, who is pere, was asked what effect this action f the council would have on .the proposed Corbett Fitzsimmons -fight, which it is proposed to pull off. in this city,! He Eava the Conncil's action amounted to nothing and that Corbefct on Fit.?immons',would Burelv Bgut m Jacksonville. 1 ." i i; - ' i She Sur allowetl Carbolic Acid. LAtt.A'ta. Ga.. Dec. 4, Mrs. -John Tilor CooDer. wife of one of Atlanta s j ex-mayiors, swallowed carbolic acid fhtf afternoon and died tomg&c in great spny. j The family physician says it was BfiicUi?, Another of the seven! at tending physician pronounces it i an accident, mere is a gooa uea w- tery about the death. Bishop Haygood HI. Atlanta. Ga.. Dec.4 Bishop Atticus Haygodd, of the M. B. Church South is dangerously ill at his home at Oxford, Ga. He attended the annual conference of the Church at Rome last wtek but jwas too ill rhuch of the time to preside. The symptoms of his . case indicate pneu- monia. Behan's Condition Better. Washington. Dec. 4. The surgeon ia charge) of the Emergency hospital fate to night 6aid that the condition of yotmg Bahenj who tr83 injured in the Thanks giving day foot ball game, i was soine wha . better. , No operation has yet been peifP-mei - ! I PROCEEDINGS IN CONGRESS A Queer Pension Bill The Sugar Bounty To Establish a National Park at Sbilob Battle Field. SENATE. j Washington, Dec, 4 The Senate spent only thirty-five minutes in session to-day. : It passed one rather queer pen sion bill, pensioning a woman who hus band left home twenty years ago and who may be still living; but the bill con tains the unique provision that th pen sion is to cease "if 'the soldier returns." Senator Peffer contributed some half dozen projects of legislation. I A resolution was offered by Senator Blanchard and went over till to-mbrrow, lookiDg to the payment of the boujbty on the sugar crop of 1894 under thej terms of the McKihley act. - J A cloture resolution was offered by Senator Vest, who gave notice that he would ask action on it to-morrow, and two resolutions were offered by Senator Lodge, calling for information las to affairs at Bluefields in Nicaragua and for Rear Admiral Walker's report in relation to the Ss&d wich Islands.! ' - The early adjournment was out of re spect to the memory of the latejRepre sentative Wright, of Pennsylvania. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Representative S:orer, of Ohio, Secured the passage of a resolution extending until the next term of Congress the time in which the engineer officers, surveying proposed routes for a canal to unite Lake Erie with the Ohio river, may make their report to Congress. j Bills were passed appropriating 20, 000 for the dedication of theChicamagua and Chattanooga Military park on the 19th and 20th of Noyember, 1893, and appropriating $75,000 with wlrich to purchase 3.000 acres of land or which the battle of Shiloh was foughtji and to begin the construction of a National park thereon- The greater part of the day wds spent in consideration of the conference report on the bill passed at the last (session, providing new regulations for the print ing and distribution of public documents. Without action oh the reprt, the House, at 3:55 o'clock, ad journid until tomorrow. i LOUISIANA SUGARS. Effects of the Sugar Trust to cflose the Market8ofthe Country to jThem. New Orleans, Dec. 4 There has been a great deal cf excitement on the floor of the Sugar Exchanged several days past over the report that the Sugar trust had been using its influenqle to the detriment of Louisiana sugar and was yirtually excluding it from the jmarkets inwhich it came into competition with the product manufactured by the trust. Thei cause of the excitemenl among the membersofthe Sugar Exchange in this city i3 found in the receipt f a let ter a day or two since by a prominent firm of sugar brokers of this city from abroker in Omaha j Neb., in which the fact became prom inent that the Sugar trust waslsvorking to the! detriment of xthe Louisianasugar by cohtracting with the associations tC wholesale grocers of that district to handlo only standard, or "trusf sugar. It appears that the wholesale grpcers of Omaha-have been "approached! bytbe agents of the trust, and overtures have been iniade whereby tb.8 .grocfers con tracted to list theLouisiana granulated s'ugarj which is lower than the trust sugar, at the same figures aske for the standard. This, accordingto the state ment of the sugar people ofthis city, virtually means the shutting oujjof the market of the5 , Louisiana product, as, owing to the fact that tb'se sugars are not widely known, the former product will bb exclusively handled. x The: trust in making xthe proposition above, requires of the wholesale dealers that they shall sell the standard granu lated at a certain figure. When; the pur- cbased etock is exhausted, sold at the figures named by the trust, the latter allows the dealer a rebate cn thej product sold and insures him a fair profit on his deal, j The proposition was favorably considered by the dealers, fol it gives them a profit on the transaction! no mat ter at what figures the sugar is sold. In addition to this the trust further! requires that the dealers refuse jto list Louisiana" yellow clarified sugars. The assent to this on the part of the dealers Excludes this grade of sugar from the markets oi the country. j ' j B. Kolb's Proclamation. Birmingham. Ala. Dec. 42 R. F. Kolb, who calls himself Governjpr deju're of Alabama, has issued a message "To the General Assembly and People of Alabama." He starts out in a grandiloquent strain. referring to "the revolutionary condi tion of your State Government;!' stigma tizes the Democrats as "usurpers," and declares that the constitutional! guaran tee of a fair ejeption has bepn oyer thrown. He says he has taken jjthe oath of Governor and intends to prosecute, m their name, his right to that high office solely upon the claim that by their bal lots cast in the way prescribe by the forms of law, he was" appointed to jt on August 6th, 1894. - , . He closes as follows : 'I advise mv suDoorters and all lovers of liberty to organize clubs to issist the general obiect or my appeal ;ior tneir rights. Let these clubs meet as often as once in two weeks at least, by regular appointment; let there be readers who will come before each meeting ivith such Uterat:ure bearing upon the general ques tion at issue a3 may be arailabW "If the General Assembly will bring reason to treat with the facts, the justice demanded t ill be accorded Well and sneedilv. ' Upon its own head Irests the question pf peace or of discord in Ala- Dama. ;. . Ives' Splendid Plajtnjr, Chicago. Dec. 4. Frank! C. Ives played the game of his life to night in the second installment of the big billiard tourney, putting Schaefer so far behind (hat it is doubtful if the Wzard wilj ever come anywhere near him in the present contest. Be was in the pin of form, making the most difficult shots with the greatest cf ease andj wheeling the hall into nosition DersistentTy and as there! Schaefer was rattled, to start with, ani he neves Mt over it. Even his nursing, which has hitherto been his strQng poit, wa? execrable. At the coclu3in of the nitrht'a nlav the score stooodi Ive3, 1,00: Schaefer 619. Ives' total tohigUt was 60: average 42 12-Hth; highest run 167: L'rZ Zl?L su 10.82. Shaefer's total lEiiaiii' hitrhpst rnn. 47 aTBraet), u ii ia, grand average, 17 To Exempt Factories From Taxation, - Columbia," S. C, Dec 4r Senator Ma j field introduced io the Senate to-day a bill that will, if passed, exempt from taxation, State, county and municipal, for ten years, all new cotton, woolen, paper, iron from , ircn ore, jand agri cultural implement factories" and the capital invested therein. jj Philadklphia, Dec. 4. Wm. B. Pet tingill was held by United States Com missioner Ball to-day in $t.50Q bail for a f urther r hearing oifc Friday, -to answer the charge of smuggling and attempting to bribe three customs officials. 1 WILMINGTON N. C WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1894. -1 ' : . . A FREE SILVER BILL . i INTRODUOEX) IN THE HOUSE BY MR. HARTMAN. Efforts to Get Jthe Kecaragua Canal Bill Before the House Its Advof .cates Consulting; Speaker Crisp A Courtj-Martial Sentence Reduced Decrease of Money in Circulation This Year. i Washington J Dec. 4. The first Free Coinage bill ol the session was intro duced in the I use to-day by Mr. Hart man, Republican, of Montana. The bill provides for a silver dollar of 412 grains of standard silver and authorizes the holders of silver bullion to the amount of $100 or more td have the same coined at any United States mint. The dollars coined are to be a legal tender for all debts public an d private. j This fripnn'n nf ti NipBrnonmn f,arta biU are making an effort to get it before the House. MrL Mallory, of Florida, who was ,the chairman of the special com mittee which framed the bill now on the calender, had a conference this morning with Speaker Crisp regarding the meas ure. The Speaker has been regarded in the past as being hostile to the proposi tion, but the impression is based upon his objection Ijo giving it consideration at the last session. In his talk with Mr. Mallory Speaker Crisp manifested no op position to tho measure, but on the con trary promise i to bring it . to the atten tion of the Co enmittee on Rules at their next meeting, The bill, under any! cir cumstances, rill meet with fierce antag onism from certain, democrats, who will oppose it on c jnstitutionaljgrounds. j Mr. Mallory says if the measure can be brought to a ifote it will pass. Secretary lerbert has decided to re duce by .one-half ,the sentence imposed by court-martial upon Lieut C. F. Norton, the executive officer cf the cruiser Adams, who vas recently tried at Mare Island for pei mitting that vessel to run on the Pribyloff islands. The sentence suspended hiijn from duty for one 'year and to loss of numbers during the time, secretary He: bert will reduce the time of suspension to six months. Since the Stewart syndicate was awarded the entire bond issue of $50, 000,000 only 2,100,000 in gold have been withdrawn from the treasury in ex change for legal tender notes. In the ten days preceding the acceptance of that bid and when it was under con sideration the withdrawals of gold in ex change for treasury notes amounted to only $5,000,000. The aggregate of gold withdrawals from the treasury in con nection with the last bond j issue has been 17,100,000. The go'.d I with drawal in connection with the previous $50,0C 0,000 bond issue was in the neigh borhood of $ao,000.000. Ihe circulation, according to the official treasury state ment issued to day, decreased during the month bf November $34,866,971, making the circulation of all kinds of money in thejUnited States on December 1st stand at f l,o37iasb,4ol, or fd.755 per Capita, based (on 69,010,000 of population. As Compered j witn .December 1st, lbi'd, the amount cjf money in circulation is by,708,uuo less tnan tnen. j H "Norfolk's Npwrran, v Atlantic Line. Norfolk, ya. , Dec.Vi. The steamed Lambert's Point, the first ship of the new line, the Norf olk and .North Ameri can Steamship company, to run direct from Lambert's Puinito Liverpool, ar rived thi3 morning. During the! next twelve months seven other vessels! will be built for this company, to corre?pond generally with the Lambert's Point, which is 2,15 net tonnage, 3 3i gross. She was buillj by Joseph L. Thompson, of Sunderland, England and can cany more freight than any vessel now rloat with the same net t- nnage. Her grain capacity is 16,000 bushels. This line has already secured for shipment this month 60,(XiQbale3 of cotton and 500,000 bushels of corn. Her firot trip across was made f rem Hamburg to New York with a cargo of sugar, From New York she came to Newport News, where the took on 61,Cp3 bushels of grain. I Tins morning she was taking on about 9,0 0 bushels at the Norfolk and Western ele vator in this City, and this afternoon she went to Lambert's Point pier to take, on about ?,500 bales of cotton and complete her cargo with staves, when she will sail for Liverpool. j j Indicted For Conspiracy to Steal Chicago, Dec. 4 iMark Schwartz and Seymour Schwartz, respectively presi dent and secretary of the Schwarizi Iron and Metal company, and Barnett Graff, head of the Graff Contracting company, were arrested this afternoon, charged with conspiring to steal. The men are charged with robbing x the Columbian IntrarMural railroad, a feature of the World's fairi through collusion with W. S. Maloney, who was in charga of the plant at Jackson park. The Schwartz company an4 Graff, who were purchasers pf large quantities of structural iron and otcer matter) tnai enterea into tne; con struction of that road, were allowed to take away thousands of tons of iron that was never charged up against them by Maloney. The defendants are said to have secured several thousand dollars worth of material that they never paid for. Charged with the Kensington Slur- Loxdon, Dec. 4. A young man named Kegmald baunderson, son of a well to-do land owner, was arrested in Dublin this morning charged with being the murderer of the fallen worn an whose body was found m a street in Kensington at midnight November 25th. Young Saun derson's actions led to the belief that he has become demented through brooding oyer the murder at South Lnd in June last of Miss Florence Denni3, for which crime James Canham Bead was hanged ttrday. The Officer Got the Drop on Him. RoAsop:, Va., Pec. 4. Deputy United States Marshal J. B. Cfcewmng arrested J assisted by John Bowles, Mark Wimimer to-night in Franklin county and j brought him to this citv where he was released on 5C0 bail f or his appearance before United ; States Commissionier Rhodes te-morrow mora- infe. Wimijper is' an extensive distiller of illicit whiskey and a desperate wan. tie had tworn to kill toe omcerwho at- temptea to arres5 nim, nut unewning caught himunaware in, his stxll and got i 1 - Highest of all in Leavening COMMERCIAL NEWS. Stocks and Bonds In New York The , Grain and. Provision Markets of Chicago. I Chicago, Dec. 4. The course of prices t the StocK Exchange to-day was very irregular, but an undertone of strength as noted. , At the opening there were moderately heavy sales of the Grangers, the result of the poor statements of the St. Paul and Rock Island for November. London was a seller of the former, the foreigners evidently fearing a suspen sion of dividends next spring. St. Paul Ml If percent, to 57$, Burlington to 91, Rock Island i to 6!jf, and North western li to 98. The decline led to purchases to cover short sales and the early loss was more than recovered, ex cept in the case of St Paul and North western, which rallied to 58 and 99J re spectively. After the Grangers, the In dustrials were most prominent in the dealings. Sugar dropped to 821 and, later, advanced gradually to 85. The dividend matter is much dis cussed in speculative circles. Usuallv teifwfv,16 8tlU to. I fininiOTl thftt thA 1 1 Q VCmOTOr intorecf mill opinion that the Havemeyer interest will succeed in bringing about a reduction in the rate. While the dividend meeting is scheduled for to-morrow, it is likely that action will be postponed until the effect of President Cleveland's message to Con gress is known. Chicago Gas gave every evidence of covering by an important short interest. - New firms were em ployed to buy in the stock.which rallied from 69 to 72. The general list, after the opening weakness, improved and closed strong. Sterling exchange was not as strong as on yesterday and money was decidedly easier, a broker having off ered $2,000,000 at 1 per cent, on call. The report of Secretary Carlisle had no influence what ever - on speculation, which closed strong, which prices anywhere from i to 2i per cent, higher than on yesterday. American Tobacco fell 1, St. Paul H and Bay State Gas i per cent. Total sales were 182,000 shares, of which 66,500 were Sugar, 36,500 St. Paul, and 27,500 Chicago Gas. The bond market was dull and higher. Chicago. Dec. 4. The opening of the grain markets to-day was a promising one. Wheat was up from to a 4c from the closing quotations of yesterday, the other cereals exhibiting equal strength. In wheat the advance was not substan tial, short sellers and holders alike taking advantage of the situation and selling freely. Among the noted local professional who disposed of wheat in liberal quantities were Ream & Linn and they naturally had a- good fol'owiog. Pardridge was also an active seller. BradstreeVs report of the world's visible supply brought about a spurt at noon, but it was evident that the rally it caused was being waited for, the offer ings multiplying at every slight fractional advance, until the market finally yielded, prices dropping back to the lowest point of the season, the decline being checked by buying against "puts." Cash wheat trading was at an advance of ic over yesterday, but the nominal close was weak with the futures. After previously resisting all efforts at depression, the corn market gave way to selling, in sympathy with wheat during the latter part of the session. Uash corn was firm and higher prices ruled in that branch of trade. The average advance was tc. ; Oats absorbed some of the weaknet s of wheat, but did no decline much, owing to the extremely light volume bf trade. Cash oats were firm. Trading was at an advance of I to ic, the close being nominally easier. j The product market was without fea-? ture, prices drifting downward from ack of support. The live hog market was weak and lower, which furnished the excuse for weakness early. Later, the direction taken by wheat was imi tated by provisions and the close was at the lowest point of tho day. The world's stocks of lard were said to have in creased 36,000 tierces during the past month, which was an item in favor of weakness. Closing prices were 224c low than yesterday for January pork. 10 to 121c lower for January lard and l5c lower fqr January ribs. Five Persons Killed by Dynamite Ex- phisioi. , , Ottawa, Ont , uec. . rive persons were killed and a score of people injured by an explosion of dynamite in Hull this morning. Two boxes containing forty pounds of dynamite each did the 'dam ace. The dynamite was used for blast ing purposes and was stored in a lo-ioot framecabin. erected in the street. Tel- esphore Seguine, the, foreman; Norbert Martm, P. Martin, and another man guarded the cabin. Within was a email tin stove with a tire"ln it for the purpose of thawing out the explosive, Ihe four men were standing within a short dis tance of the cabin when Norbert Martin discovered the cabin to be on fire. He im mediately rushed towardsitto extinguish the flames and was about to open the door when the explosion tops places. Ha was thrown fifty fV tit into the air and fell dead. Foreman Seguine was within ten feet of the cabin when the dynamite ex ploded and he, too, was thrown, high into the air and killed, Henry Larache, who, was passing at the time was in stantly killed, his body being horribly mutilated Two boys, pasting by, were struck bv flying rocks and killed. The Sun's Cotton He view. New York, Dec 4. The Sun's cotton review says: Cotton declined 6 pointSj then recovered most of the loss, then reacted and closed S to 11 points lower for the day and steady. Sales were 178, 700bale8. Liverpool declined l-aia on the spot, with sales of 8,000 bales, and advanced 1 point for future delivery, closing steady- New Orleans declined 8 points. Silver declined oaoi in Lon don. In Manchaster yarns were dull do -Jha quiet. Pait receips were 60,978 bales, against 63,933 this day last week and 51,618 last year; thus far this week 182,563.aeainst 191,9.31 thus far list week New Orleans expects to-morrow 14.000 to 16,000 bales, against 13,107 last Wed nesdav and 14,875. last year. The Liver pool news was disappointing; the re ceipta were large outsiders showed les3 interest in the speculations and New Orleans sold, as did New York and Liverpool. Japan's Eiact long, ' Tokio, Dec. 4,l,apan has rotified China that no further peace x proposals will be considered unless made by a reg ularly accredited Ambassador from the Chinese Court. At the same time, Japan reminds China that it is not Japan, but China that is suing for peace. Japan is dissatisfied with China's - temporizing policy. i Power - r Latest LI. S. Qu'" Report, n 1" f7 I img 11 v I I 1 ...... A STATE REFORMATORY. THE INCREASING NEED. FOR SUCH AN INSTITUTION. lae Blatter Beinxr Aeitatert Street Waifs Taken to one in! Baltimore Wake County Officials Re Electtd The Howell-Taylor Controversy Addi tional Reasons! for Mj. Winder's Resignation!. Messenger Bureau, . Raleiqh. Dec. 4. f At the regular annual mjeeting of the board of coHnty commissioners "yester day, Messrs.- W. C. Stronach, W. G. Allen, Armistead Jones J Booker and Jones were all re-elected io the follow ing pesitions respectively-j-chairman of the board, superintendent'of the county home, county attorney, (janitor of the court house,; and court crier. This is the eighth time Mr. Allen i has been , elected to this placa and in all j those sixteen years has never had a vote cast against him by any :member of the board, nor any complaint or adverse criticism in any grand jury report orj report of the board of charities. ! The next meeting of the board of pub- he charities will be an mportant one, and will be held December 14th at the Capitol. ; Mrs F. Hayes, city missionarv. will in a few days leave for Baltimore to take some unfortunate waifs I off our streets. This shows but another instance of the great need of a State I reformatorv. W have to go to a sister State for refuge for Bucn nomeiess creatures. ! The Womf n s Christian Temperance union will agitate, this reform throughout the State. Cant. C. B. Denson, chairman jof the commit tee on State reform schools, appointed by the North Carolina Teacher's assembly, say 8 he is in correspondence withmany leading men in the State who show a great interest in the subjects It has be come one pt the living issues of the day. The new; market was I i opened vestpr. day and the interior is a ! great improve ment in the former badly arranged stalls, etc. ! ' i : l - While Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lewis at church on Sunday night some one entered their house ; and stole npvpral articles of value. Mrs. Lewis' puree was taken j but they are I very glad that their callers were discriminatinfr encuch not to appropriate some very valuable silverware. M i The State board of agriculture will meet at the agricultural building this afternoon at 4:3) o'clock , I Judge Seymour is at the Yarboro and will preside over the jsession of the Circuit court which meets to day. S Carly8le, Garner and! Burston, the three men who were arrested here for burglary, were sent to Garysburg tc be tried for robbing the postoffie. The first two haye been sent! back here for trial, but in Burston's case there was not enough evidence, so he was turned loose. .eigne convicts were brcuzht to the penitentiary yesterday from Wilson. . air. togau iioweli, superintendent of the Goldsboro graded schools has had a controversy with Dr. Taylor, who so bit- ieny opposes state aid toj the university. He claimed that Dr. Tavlor had freeeducationattheUhiversityof Virginia. xma was ueniea py tne moiical Recorder and Dr. Taylor, j But Mrj Howell wrote and proved by the authorities at the university that he was correct. Ihe Pollock-Devereux claimants in thA French spoliation claims now see a little ngnt ahead. j i It now Comes I OUt that Mai. Winder had other reasons, besides the wish to retire to private life, foi-; resigning his position on the Seaboard Air Line system. He says his resignation was voluntary, but that since; his first resigna tion was refused last August things have not been exactly pleasant and he regrets that he did not retire in the summer. Restrictions Against American Meats. BERLIN, Dec. 4. The Jlp.yhzamstineT to-day announces that the importation into Germany of canned bepf and pork and corned beef from the United States win be prohibited unless! such meats are accompanied by certificates from United btate3 inspectors that the animals from . t .i . ... - wmcn tne meats were obtaired were free from disease when jslaughteied. died! I : COHBBTT,-f-In this city p. Wallace Corbett.sged Funeral at 10 o'clock Ihiai morning from resi dence f Wl M Hanfcins, S05 Wnlberry street, thence to OaMale cemeterVJ Friends and ac quaintances cf tUa faini'i invited to attend. r Special SotUs. YOU WANT EMPLOYMENT t IP SO write or BDdIt Tne Hinirer MTfn.. UK .maiii.ei oireet, wuiiungtra. n. wen oi gooa mke ap wlH do well to BPcare employment, with thu company, 1 r if successful will be promoted o r unions ot greater trusta and responsibilitr. J. H HAttLKY, Manager. ! : aag 26 till tan l PHOT0GBAPH8 FOK BRIGHT, OLBAK and durabl Ph itographu, and a prices accord ing to tbe times, go to UUHJNBrT, North fide, Martet street, ! . i; novsTSw A L ASCIIS CONSIGNMENT OF FLOKIDA oranges jostrpceived-i We will lead tne marset ia prices, either retail or by the lot. Those wishing to bay will ad well toeee us, and wr luviie correspondence irom tne enrroanding csnarry before placing orders. BKovVN a WHrrucu. nov 25 ZIM MERMAN WILL SELL YOTJ WALL rI. Window: Mia.de and Caipet LlniBg, Jstc., cheaper than sdj other house. Third ttreet, opposite Ciiy Hall. ii -iTrANTaa a POSITION IN A FIHST 3 i'mz Store, have had about two ye ra experience; can give good reference. Ap ply to fcdiior Metaenger; Wiimington, . C. noy 2? lm M )j - . I BBAUIiyCLPEOTOGBAPHHI HIVR Jnst received ue floes t line of photographic ac ee3go. ies sndB'-eoery ever brought to wilming Wn. 'J o tut odnee H. cat this oat and brk g n to me. I will give you S3o for it. prorided yon take twelve of my best cabinet s. U. C. JSLL18, 114 Martet street, Wiimingt ju, Jf. C. octSl FRXSH MOUNTAIN BTJCKWHBAT, Chest nuts. Batter. Apples, l Oranges, Bananas, Egvi, Daeks, Geese, .Turkeys lor Welcome Weefe. i-emember my B": Hausage la best, re ceived every day. B. a. WAKD. nov 18 OTC t i: TORJtg, OFFICES AND DWELLINGS TO D, o'COSNOK, Seal Saute Ageat. noy a W rK. w. o. GALLOWAY, PBRMANKSTLY tctice limited to re. Car. Nose U located, practice limited and Throat. Herfdenr e. and offlca Hmlta Build ing, on Postofflce Green, i between Front and seoona 8tieeis, uoura lasLtou nu, and rroai ltotp.m j - ij sb 1 JOH3 C 8 TOUT, ARCHITECT AND BTJILD er . Plans, specifications and ror niaiied promptly. Office in room No. s, third floor Allen building, Princess street. ; sep l A POSTAL CARD TO OTJR ADDRESS WILL secure a prompt call from oar solicitor, and our.Laundr j win be finished in the beet possible manner. Yoor patronage solicited. Empire Bteaa Laundry, W. a. dunlaP. Proprietor, sep ts MCSIC : TEACHERS. I P WILL BS TO yonr advantage to pnrehaae yonr inhale for tbe coming- season from as as we offer the same inducements as Northern houses, thereby sarin ft on trouble and delay. Bend vour orders tn GEO HAAK'S Muslo House, us Market street. T KSSONS GIVEN ON MANDOLIN AND XJ gaitar. Pianos tuned,) f 2.00. voicuiff and regulating, $1.00 extra. PRO. JOHN UAKBR, sio oouva tuiu sixeeb i OZI x A b loop PILO P TACHT, n feet over ill br 2 MX feet beam, elesanuy fitted up for ladles, 1 t . QUO. W LORD, , ' ' lis TJnioa street, hot 10 lm 5 1.- ffeoadeinbia, pa. Great Drv AT Davis & Beginnino; With ToDay An unusual opportunity to buy Sample ! Prices for Illustration. 0. 1. A Lot of Cloaks and Capes, special worth $7.00 at $3.98. NO. 2. Gray and White Blankets, special worth $2 00 at 9Sc. - -j ! '- .... .NO. 3. Gents' Red Flannel, special, Underwear $1 brand at 59c. NO. 4.,-Our Gents' Shirts, special, 75c brand, at 59c. Cashmeres in Stripes and Changeable 36 inch Cashmere 25c at 19c. 1 ' Our 40c Cashmeres and Whipcords at 25c. r Our 40 inch 'Henrietta, all wool 50c,-at 43c. -The 85c Henrietta at 69c. A 54 inch Flannel, all wool at 45c Novelty Suits, (no two alike) the yery latest, at astonishing prices fo week's sale New designs of Silkaline, as displayed, at only at 12a Silkaline with Crepon Effect at only 10c. Reduction in Underwear. Ladies' Flannel Underwear from 60c to 49c. . Swiss Ribbed Vests that you paid 60c Gents' 60c Undershirt reduced to 49c. Hosiery at prices for this Week Only. at 10c. Gents' and Ladies' 75c Hose Ladies' Extra Quality 40c Hose at 25c. "We positively decline to sell at these prices after this week. The Tireless Toilers Corner Front and A. DAVID & COMPANY. SPECIAL SALE CLOTHING -WE HAVE 500 ODD ODD COATS. COATS. 200 ODD PANTS WHICH WE 5C Cents On , tlie , These are entirely New Goods, just overstocked. We propose to give the PUBLIC the benefit of them. 1 200 BOYS' KNEE PANTS 200 -ANOTHER i Extra Long, COME AND A. DAVID & CO. - Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. A THING OF THE PAST Io the Welcome But not so with our LABQE OB WE HAVE THIS WEEK MANY ENTIRELY DEPAETMENTS. DAMASK PORTIERES in all all colors. 6-4 Damask 6-4 Chenille Table Covers worth $1.50, - beautiful assortment of TIESSORE CURTAINS! and LAMBREQUINS to match, something sold exclusively by us CURTAIN MUSLINS. A full assortment just leceired and will be on sale to morrow morning, in "Horn Spots" and Embroidered. j j LADIES' AND MISSES' CLOAKS. A very Choice and Beautiful lot of Cloaks arrived by last steamer. Ladies' Astrican Capes, Ladies' Black Cloth Capes, Ladies Heal jf lush Capes. A lot ot Ladies' Long Successor to BEOWII & EODDICK. Goods Sale - Zoeller's at almost manufacturer's cost. Effect, regular price 18c at 10c for reduced to 49c. The 40c Shirt (extra long) at 25c Gents' and Ladies' 15c Hosiery at 124-c. . K ia the Dry oods Line, Princess Streets. WEEK. r JUST RECEIVED 300 ODD VESTS. nnn vpts ! lOO1 ODD SUITS. WILL SELL h received from the; Manufacturer who was at 50c 75c worth $1.00. $1.50.- LOT OF THOSE- Fine Overcoats, t SEE THE5J, 4- Week of 1 894. AND VARIED assortment of . !ne W THINGS IN Af.Tl Table Covers all colors, . to-morrow will be sold for $1.00. and just the newest Curtains out. - I uapes in Jersey; at a sacrmoe price. I-- t i

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